. SB-Display advertisements one dollar per squareor one imertion. Classified advertise ments on this page, such as Wanted, Tor Sale. Jo Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH ejRjLitch offices. FOE THE BOUTHS1DE, 0. 1412 CAKSON 8TRFPP BRANCH OFFICES ALSO AS BELOW, WHERE WANT. FOB SALE, TO LET, AND OTHEX TKA2JbIENTADVEKTISEMKNTS"VVTLL BE KE CKIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOB INSERTION. Advertisements are to be prepaid except -where advertisers already have accounts -with Thk 1)18 IM.TCH. rrrrsBUKQ. THOMAS STCCAFFBEY. 3K8 Bntler street t-mit. n, STUCKEY. J4th street and renn are. r. G. STDCKEY .4 CO., Wylle ave. and Fultonit M. bTUKELY. Fifth ATenne Market House. XA.ST XXD. 3. TV. WALLACE. OHFenn avenaa. OAKLAXD. MCALLISTER & EHElBLEK,Sth av. Atwood 3t SOCTTISIDE. JACOB SPOHN, Ho. ICarson street. ALLEGHEJir. A. 3. KAEECHEK. 59 rederal street. H. 3. McBRIDE. Market House. Allefheny. FEKDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEBS 4 SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets, THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bearer ares. PEKBYM. GLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. T. K. MOBBIS, 6S6 Preble are. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W . W. FLOCKEB, SUtloner. No. 4 Grant are, SUAKFSBURG. C. BELLMAN, 6tatloncr, SlSMalnst. THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH is NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Male DelD. AGESTS-TO SELL THE PINLESS CLOTHES line; the only line ever Invented that holds the clothes without pins: a perfect success; patent recently issued: sold only bv agents, to whom the exclusive right Is riven; on receiptor SO cents we will send a tarn pie line by mail; also circulars, price list and terms to acents: secure your terrl torv at once. Address 1HE PINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Heraon street, 1orcester. Mass. Jell-74-ws GENTS-f75 TO PO A MONTH CAN BE made working for us: persons preferred who can furnish a horse and Rive whole time to busi ness: spare moments can be prontablv emplojed also: a few vacancies In towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1000 Mais St., Richmond, Va. feS-95-S GEJ-TS-TObELLTEA. BAKING POWDER and pure spices; plfts with foods: coke workers, miners or millmen can make money In their spare time: special Inducements to persons liavlnc an established trade. YAMASHIKOTEA CO.. lock bok SP1. Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-70-TTB A GEN TS-150 OUTFIT ON 30 DAYS' TIME; 150 profit In four weeks or no pay. Address with sump, JaBYIS & CO., Racine, Wis. myS-33 BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S BUSINESS College. 12 Federal street, Allegheny; open dally through summer. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.: system or shorthand changed from Graham's to Eclectic the briefest and simplest; Instructions private for both sexes. Jel9-95-ssu BOILER MAKERS FOUR FIBST-CLASS men, accustomed to fitting up locomotive boilers, by either darsor contract work. Applv KICHMOND LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS, Blchmond. Va. Jy23-46-D T?OY A GOOD STOUT ONE TO LEABN THE YJ plumbing trade. T. a KOHNE & CO., HI Fourth are. Jy2S-53 OOK-COLOKED MAN, TO GO TO BURT Lake, Michigan. August 5, for three weeks with Argonaut Fishing Club. Address, with reference, ABPONAUT, Dispatch office. JySS-43 CUPOLA MAN APPLY TO THOS. CABLIN A 2ON, cor. Sandnsky and Lacock sts.. Alle- gneny. jyao DRIVERS-AT STABLE OF J OHN STEW ABT, Rebecca street Allegheny City. Jyl5-ll DRUG CLERK - COMPETENT. SPEAKS oerman preferred; fair salary. Address OP1L DIspaich offlcc. 3y26-Sl HAMJIEItSMEN TWO GOOO MEN ON locomotive work. Apply toSCJIEN EVTAD Y LOCOMOIIVE WORKS. Schenectady, N. Y. JJ-3-52 " TAN-AS AGEaTOFOUE PATENT SAFES; jjJL sire MxlSxlS Inches: $35 retail; all sizes as low: new styles, new patterns, new lock, new fac torv; not governed by safe pool: every safe war ranted: rare chance: permanent business: our terms and catalogue will convince Ton: agents clear 5300 to $3W per month: write for exclusive territory. ALP1N E SAFE CO., Cincinnati, o. Jy5-3S-s MAN-TO TAKE CHABGE OF A bMALL place a few miles from the city; one who understands the care of cows and chickens, and some knowledge or gardening. Apply at S3 and 5S VIRGIN ALLEV. Jy26-K MAN TO TAKE AN OFFICE AND BEPBE SENT a manufacturer: $50 per week: small capital required. Address, with stamp. MAN U FACTUREE. ISoxVC, West Acton, Mass. fel5-93-S MAN-TO TAKE AN OFFICE AND REPRE SENT a mannfactnrer: JS0 per week; small ranlt&l required. Address, witn stimp, MANU FACTURER, Box 70, West Acton, Mass. JyC6-73 MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN-A GOOD and experienced man. Address P. O. BOX 473. Jy25-80 MEN-fcEVEN RELIABLE MEN TO SELLA new and very valuable specialty In school apparatus: termsllbera.1: no canvassing for books; none but pushers" need applv. Address O. W. CLOSE, 315 Wabasn avenue. Chicago. 1U. y20-47 -rjLUMBEBS-lN DENVER, COL.. 54 A DAY, JL eight hours, year's engagement to first-class men: wire for particulars with references THE HUGHES & KEATH SANITARY bUPPLY CO. Iy4-1E PLUMBERS FIRST-CLASS PLUMBERS, laborers; stead v work: reference required. C H. JENKS, Atwood and Louise sts., Oakland, City. JyM-57 KOLLER-TO BOLL TATERS ON ELLIPTIC springs: workman In elliptic spring factorr. not steel mill, wanted. Address CHICAGO TIKE AND bPRING CUM PAS a", Chicago, Ul. Jy!4-27 SALESMEN AT J75 PER MONTH BALAHx and expenses, to sell a line of sllverplated ware, watcl.es. etc: by sample only: horse and Xr am furnished free; write at once for full partlc ulirs and sample case ot goods free. STANDARD SILVZEWAP.E CO., Boston. Mass. seI4-90-D TJELLIABLE AGENT WANTED-AVHO IS XX acquainted with contractors and builders, to sell 1 reoton front brick on commission; refer ences required. Address P. O. BOX 115. Tren ton, N. J. jyl2-36-8 UFHOI.STEREB&-S GOOD MEN. INQUIBE at 235 N Olfl H AVE., Allegheny. J j 25-76 YOUNG MAN-TO KEEP BOOKS. COLLECT and do general office business: must come well recommended. Address T. S., Dispatch of fice Jy2S 15 'Frmalft Help. CHRISTIAN WOMAV-FROM 45 TO 60 YEARS old, who can content herself In a pleasant old home In company with a cheerful and kind old lidT 0182, living in Robinson township, two miles trom R. It station, and half a mile from forest Grove Church, can find such a situation; tnire Is no stock" to take care or, and the work required will be very light: the ramlly consists or two. IBc old mother and her son; congenial com pany for the old lady the chler qualification rtqulrc:; liberal wages will be paid. Inquire or J. C. YOUNG. Attorney, Boom 74, No. 110 Diamond St.. I'g. ly2S-10 COOK-AN XXPEKIENCED COOK FOB A girl's school 15 miles out from the city: middle-aged, single woman: wages 250 per year, with board and washing. Address Q, Dispatch ofilce, Jy24-4I -1IKL-KOK GENERAL HOUSE WORK TO XX go to suburbs of West End: small family and lUlit work. AnplJ to 400 &M1THFIELD sr. jr.-27 Mnlr nnd Femnle Help. -TTXLP-LAUSDBE3S. COOK AND DINING JZL room eirls for lammcr resorts, cooks, wait resses, chambermaids, hocsc giris, German and colored girls. c-rrWcc drivers, waiters, farm bands. MEiE. THOMPSON, 60S Grant st. JyT-JtThB rJO LABOKERS - FAKM AND HARVE8T OV b.nd managing hontskceper. Catholic pre:crrad. to cooks and chambermaids, house malJi, chl'd's nurse, ultrlit cook, woman cook for livtal, I ptr week. MEEUAN'S, S4S Grant St. Telephone 90. Iy25-D 200 YOUNG LADIES, SO CHILDREN APPLY Friday and Saturday, at 10 A. M., BIJOU tHEATEKBTAGK EXlEBAN CE. yIS-6S MlunIlon. POSITION-AFTER AUGUST 1, POSITION OF trust, manufacturing or mercantile pre icrreC: married man, 34 years of age: temperate steady. Industrious and not afraid to work; good hccountanu gooi penman: best orrelereuce and bona In any amount required. Address FAITH- r ULh unpw""ai:c Jy24-V7 OSIIIOK AS CLEBK OB ASSISTANT bookkeeper, by a young man with 6 years' a vw-ft"--. "j "...wmi.,, iu,u vim o yean odce experience: best or reference. Addrei jXPBBT. Dispatch olcc Jy2S-M Idress SCTUATION BY A GARDENER. 30 YEABS of age. married: 16 years' experience; 6 years jnanagsr ol extensive greenhouses In Mexico; best rcftrscoes. Address W. ., Ulspatch office. Jy-D OITUATI0N-A3 OUTSIDE MAN OR SHIP O PING clerk where services as draughtsman would be of nse. M. B.. Dispatch ogee. Jy26-55 Partner. -OUBTNESS MAN-WHO HAS HOOO TO TAKE t an Interest In a specialty manufacturing business; to a man that manage oneor toe depart vnanu a good salary will be paid. Particulars JtoSTjaI, W. DtdXK W.;i Fourth ave!, mtUMfC. .JjSMO-B Bonrdlnc "OOOM AND BOABD-FOR MAN AND -WIFE Jti In private family or first-class boarding house In East End, on oruear cable line. Address WILLIAMS, Dispatch office. JTi-8 UUniUUB U.UU ww IEBSONS WANTING BOABDING IN THE Mnn. mA hlthv nlare 24 mL south Of Tt . . . ". --...rL ..,1 rvt rt mAAr unioi'vie: terms reasuuauie. v v.-.--i. H. SCHAEFEK, OhloPjle, I'a.; box 23 rinanclnl. MONEY BORROWEBS ON REAL ESTATE In both cities and vicinity can get money without delay and at reasonable chargesby call ing on THOS. MCCAFFREY, broker. 8509 Butler st.;S50.000 to loan; office open evenings: tele phoneB514. jeZ5-37-S ONKY TO LOAN-IF WOASTMOJiH In any amount on good city mortgages qulcklv, weliave It on hand and will be glad to lend It at 5 and 6 per cent. MOBBIS 4 FLEllIN G, 108 Fourth ave. J'-4" MONEY-TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES: rate AH, Sand 6 per cent as to location and amount: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK&CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Jy24-3-TT8 MOElGAGES-tl,00a000 TO LOAN ON CITY and suburban propertle- at 4K. 5 '!' P cent, and on farms In Allegheny and adjacent counties at 6 per cent. L tl. FENNOCKASON, 147 Fourth avenue ap7-f41 MOKTGAGES-IN LARGE OR SMALL amounts on Improved city or Allegheny county property. MCCUNE coulxch, Agenu and Auctioneers. 93 Fourth ave. MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY countv propertv at lowest rates. HENRI A. WEAVER CO., 92 Fourth avennc mh2-D MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS to suit at 44. 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES A iSAlLEY, 164 Fourth ave Tel. 167. apl4-19-TT6SU MORTGAGES WANTED IN LARGE OB small amounts. HOLMES A CO., 4M Smith field st. Jy251 OWNERS OF ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE In both cities and connty that want to sell and have their propertv advertised free or charge to call at once on THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st.; purchasers calling dally; office open evenings telephone 5514. Je2M7-8 TO LOAN-5500,000, IN AMOUNTS OF J3.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4U percent free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK A B AIBD, 95 Fourth avenue se21-d26-D TO LOAN 52O0.O00 ON MORTGAGES-flOO and upward at 6 per ccnt:J500, 300 at X percent on residences or business property; aUo in ad joining counties. 8. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue oc24-4-D CffTOOTO 5500, O0O-1O LOAN on mort Ot) GACES,cltyor country proper.y. H.S and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. Telephone No. 975. Jy24-23 OT 000.000 TO LOAN-UN MOBTGAGES-O-L? large and small amounts at 4K. 5 and 6 per cent free of State tax; no delay. ItEED B. COTLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave my21-60-TTS Horses. Vehicles. Live Slock, Etc H' IIRSE TO PURCHASE FAST PACING horse for road purpose. H. H., Dispaush office Mlacellancons. ALL SOLDIERS-'WHO ARE DISABLED from anv cause and drawing less than 56 per month to call at B. F. BROWN'S OFFICE. 96 Fourth ave, or send their address. le25-9 DEPENDENT BELATTVES 'WHO ABE NOT drawing pensions to call or send their ad dress to B. F. BROWN, 96 Fourth ave., second Boor. Je25-69 SOLDIERS NOW DISABLED AND ALu soldiers' widows, who labor for .support, to send lor blanks under the new pension law to J. L. MCFARLAND, Washington. D. C Jyl5-90-TTS SOLDIERS' W1DOWS-TO CALL AT B. F. BROWN'S OFFICE, 96 Fourth ave, second floor. je25-69 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cirv Residences. CONGREbS BT. SEVERAL NICE MODERN Improved dwellings, ranging In price from 53.500 to (5.500; each lot 20x90. J, C. KCILLY'. 77 Diamond st. jy20-30-TT8Su HOUSE AND LOT-AT A BARGAIN; NEW lrame, 6 rooms and finished attic, hall, ves tibule, bath, wasbstands. slate mantels, cor. lot, 28x125 ft., on nice street near cables, 54.200. MOR RISON A BANKS, 106 Third ave, cor. Wood St. Telephone J557. JylS-TTS' TONNEL STREET TWO LARGE BRICK dwellings, lots 40x80; rented lor 51,260 per year; will be sold at a bargain: desirable Investment; enhancement sure BAXTER, THOMPSON A CO.. 162 Fourth ave Jy20-99' Qt) GOO -t 1.O30 DOWN, BALANCE LONG OJJ time Colwell street, near Dinwiddle two story brick dwelling 6 rooms and fin. attic; house well built and only a fewvears old; both gases, hall and vestlbnle; lot 20x100 to alley. J. C. BEILLY, 77DIamond street. Jy20-3O-TTSSu Of 800-OVEBHILL ST., NEAR REED, 2 KpjLI story brick dwelling 6 rooms, lot 20x100; also adjoining the above a neat little frame dwell ing Tor 51.200; lot 20x60. J. C. RE1LLY. 77 Dia mond St. Jy20-30-TTsau Ql 200 GEACE ST.. MT. 'WASHINGTON, 0"3W new two-story frame dwelling, eight rooms, with all modern Improvements: lot 200 leet front on Grace st. J. C BULLY, 77 Diamond st. JyaVO-TTSSu" j ave. three-sterv brick dwelllne.sIxroomB. in good condition; lot 24x104. J. C. RK1LLY, 77 Diamond St. jyiw-ou-xxhbU' Inst End Residences. BRICK HOUSE-OF NINE BOOMS. BATH and laundry; lot 120x150 feet: only three minutes' walk from East Liberty station or either cable lines: this is a very desirable property nnd win be sold at a bargain to prompt purchaser. W. W. ELDEBKIN, 6343 Station St., EistEnd. Jy25S3-jrw6 COLLINS AVENUE NEAR PENN AVE WeU built and nicely finished brick dwelling or ten rooms with nil modern Improvements; large lot with good stable and carriage bouse: street paved and sewered: within two minutes' walk or three street car lines and P. R. B. ; now rented at 5900 per annum; can be subdivided and retailed at an increase of 60 per rent over the Brice we ask; terms very easy. SAMUEL W. LACK A CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Jy22-69 HIGHLAND AVE. 2-STORY AND MAN SARD brick residence, 11 rooms, bath and laundry, all modern improvements, excellent pump at kitchen door; 2-story brick stable as phalt drive trees and shrubbery: one mln. walk trom Highland avenue division of Duquesne Elec tric rpad. GEO. C. SLEETH, Penn and Shady aves., E. E. Jy24-13 HOUSE-A CHOICE NEW 6-ROOM FRAME and finished attic, strictly modern house In first-class neighborhood, within tbree minutes of cable line; has all the latest Improvements, and Is a very desirable property: lot 32x131 to an alley; If yon are looking for a comfortable home at a mod erate price this will Interest you. H. A. DICKIE A CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. 243. Jy24-43-ThS HOUSE ERIE ST.. CLOSE TO PARK; 2-story brick dwelling, 6 rooms: nice loca tion and low price; lot 20x60. J. c. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. Jy2O-30-TT8Su' MODERN blX-ROOM FRAME HOUSE WITH two finished attic rooms; slate mantels and tile hearths bath. Inside closets, nat. gas, electric lights, stationary tubs, etc: within five minutes ot P. R. B.: a bargain at 53,600. 8. A. DICKIE A CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. 624. Jy24-43-Ths NLY 52.300-FOR A FIRST-BATE 4-RuOM frame house in an excellent neighborhood: onlv five mlnntes to two cable lines; nat. gas. cltv water and other conveniences. S, A. DICKIE A CO., X'enn and Shady aves., E. , 617. jy24-43-ThB ESIDENCE PROPERTY-EAST END-COB-NEK lot over 100x180 feet; dense and vigor ous growth of shade and fruit trees, all blooming profusely, making the whole place fragrant and rerreshlng; residence supplied with all modern requirements: rooms large airy and cheerruL a flood orilghtpermeatlngevery corner, bee JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. ly26-si ESIDENCE PROPERTY-OR WOULD EX CHANGE for property in Rochester. New Brighton or Beaver Falls; one or the most com plete in the East End; located near Wilklnsburg station. MCCUNE A COULTER, 98 Fourth ave v Jy2S-5l rT-ROOM DV ELL1NG IN THEJEAST END. ments; bath, laundry, natural gas: etc.; large corner lot, etc, etc; will be sold at a bargain, on moderate payments: 5500 down; immediate pos session. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. jy2C4-D Allegheny Residence. ALLEGHENYPARKS-A LARGE AND COM MODIOUS residence or 14 rooms, replete with perrect modern appliances; fine lot; side en trance; alley In rear: excellent location, full and unobstructed view of the parks. Particulars iruiu oAa. n . iAAijn a. v., i? f ourtn ave , Pittsburg. Jy26-54-D CTAYETTE ST.-TWO NEW BB1CK HOUSES' JJ nine rooms each; all late Improvements Im mediate possession, bee A. D. u ILSON, 55 Fed eral st., Allegheny. Jv26-2-ws TJABEMONT ST.. ALLEGHENY CHOICE JC residence property: 8 rooms, vestibule halL bath, laundry; everytiilug complete and In first class condition; large lot, fronting on two paved streets; we can oiler this property at a sharp dis count on surrounding valuations. CHARLES SOMEBS A CO., 313 Wood St., 6019 Penn ave. JT22-4S-Tur8' MCCLINTOCK AVENUE ORSKRVATOBY Hill. Allegheny, lot 40x135; superior house six rooms, bath, Attic, pantry, laundry, heater, range etc, etc: a choice home: must be sold: an Immediate bargain. A. LEUUATE A SON. 31 Federal St., AUegneny. Jy2&-9 SHEFFIELD ST.-NEAR B1DWELL ST.. AL LEGHENY, three-story brick dwelling, con taining I! rooms, tath. Inside w. c, etc., in good order: lot 22X124 feet. For terms and price see SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. JJO-D-WAfi- 500-A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE XJtJI IOT two new UUU.O ." , wt. wuiiu, mie liDDrovemenis; cw ru..-.., .vn.., , Alle gheny; lot 35X100 ft. : now paylnga .good rent. Se6 W. a' HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jy23-62-WS Suburban Residences. JMALL HOUSE-LOT MxlOO. CBAFTON.J MIN- C U UTES from station: gooo Doaruwaigi price jLeahalf cash, balance In frsari. J.B.MUB. PiTY..Cranon, offict cpp. sUtlon, JrX-TV COUNTRY HOME-W1TH BTONE HOUSE, two-story outbuilding, new ham. orchard, large garden, six acres of ground, fenced and In good order, at Emswortb; will exchange for Alle gheny property. Call at S15 MARKET ST. , city. Jyl9-8-TT6Su ORAFTON HOUSE SEVEN ROOMS, LARGE lot, stable, etc Address JAMES HENRY. Box 238, city. Jj22-ai-TTS EDUEWOOD-P. R. E.: NEW MODERN house of 11 rooms: slate mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, bells, speaking tubes, art stained windows, inside shutters, city water, plate glass, large porches, bath, etc. ; fine lawn with lot 150x 120 to alley. H. C. CLARKE, 135 Fourth ave and Edgewood. Jyl7-TTS EMSWORTH-HOITSEAND LOT THE LATE Dr. Courtney's dwelling, on Beaver road, near Emsworth station: only 12,000 to close A. LEGQATE A SON, 31 Federal it.. Allegheny. Jy25-9 FIVE ACRES-ON FT. "WAYNE ROAD: plenty of shrubbery and fruit; frame house 10 rooms, slate roof; good stable, wash and Ice bonses; natural gas. spring and cistern water; terms to snlt: hard to equal for a country resi dence. ED. WITT1SH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. Jy25-D FOUR SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSES WITH large lots, near Wilklnsburg station, P. R. R.: an excellent Investment: natuial gas electrlo lights and water in bouses. MCCONE A COUL TER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave Jy26-51 BESIDENCE ON PENNSYLVANIA BAIL BOAD. with an acre of ground, with shade and fruit trees In abundance: 12 large rooms In residence with natural gas, bath, lavotory. etc., etc; carriage house and other outbuildings: plenty or water, etc.; only two minutes' walk from railroad station. See JAS. W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. ly26-o4-P FOR SALE LOTS. City Lota. LOT 110X133 FT., 'WITH SEVEN HOUSES wlth room to build others: price hut little above what the racant lot Is worth: truly a bar gain: the property must besold: Forty-first St.. Lawrencevllle bee W. A. HEBRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jyl9-20-WB OOrk AND 114 PER FOOT FRONT AT MT. OU WASHINGTON, on Merldan and Hal lock streets, lots nice and level. 25x125 feet each; easy payments. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Je26-37-S East End Iots. HEALTHY, CONVENIENT AND DESIR ABLE Badm Grove and Negley ave lots Asphaltum paved streets, cnt stone sidewalks, good sewerage and close to rapid transit: go with ns to the property, that vou may appreciate its Talue BROWN A SAINT, Agents, 612 Smitlifleld St. Jy23-60-Ths FVESTMENT-flO. 000 FORALL-I25X120 FEET: nice level ground on best paved and sewered street In Oakland: electric cars on street; will cut np nicely. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave Jy24-96-MThS' LOTS-IN CHAS. E. CORNELIUS' PLAN AT Mornlngslde Eighteenth ward, can be bought In blocks of 5, 10 or 15 at reduced prices, and on the most liberal and accommodating terms. Small cash payments; longtime. See NT P. SAWYER. Agent, on the grounds, or CUAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st. Je26-32 LOTS-IF YOU WANT TO INVEST A LITTLE money In something that will bring quick returns put 5550 Into a building lot; we have some choice ground In a good location, convenient to cars, sure to grow In value. S. A. DICKIE A CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. 302. Jy24-43-Ths LOT-THE CHEAPEST PIECE OF GROUND In Oakland, 425x130, on Darragh st. : 130 per foot. Address C. P., Dispatch office. Jy23-38-VfS SHADYSIDE-TWO SQUARES FROM FIFTH avenue on a good street which will be paved this season, a neat and modern brick house 8 rooms. In flr6t-class order; lot 72x100 ft., with fruit, shade and ornamental trees: a lovely 1-ome at a very reasonable price See W. A. HtRBON A SON B, 80 Fonrtu avenue. Jyl9-42-w6 C-Mj-VAND 535 PER FOOT FRONT FOB 3"3cvJ beautiful building lots on Herron ave nue aud Adelaide street, Ihlrteenth ward. 20x100 each, right at Herron Hill Park, 3 minutes from "Wylle avenue cable road: easy terms. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. JeM.37-8 OET OOO-NO. 509 MELLON, NEAR NEULEY O0 ave. and Margaretta Bt. ; lot 60x110: new lrame dwelling: hall, six rooms, balhand finished attic porches, shade trees; terms to suit. 1HOS. MCCAFFREY. 3309 Butler st. Jy20-41-TVBsn COI PER FOOT FOURTEENTH WARD, SOU within two squares Fifth ave cable cars, 4.3x130: can be retailed at a handsome profit. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jy24-99-MThS Ot OOO-LOT ON PAVED AND SEWERED OJL.5 avenue In East End. handy to traction lines and P. K. R.; size 30x110 t alley. GEO. C. SLEETH, Penn and Shady aves., E. E. Jy24-13 Allegheny Lots. T ARSE LOT-37X177 FEET. ON PEKRYSVILLF. JU ave, Allegheny, on line or electric cars; splendid bulUIng site. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. Jy25-90-D LOT 24x133 FEET ON PENNSYLVANIA avenue, Allegheny. A. D. WILSON. 65 Federal st.. Allegheny. ij!S-V bnburbnn Lots. BELLEVUE-FOURNICELOTS. 60X200, NEAR Neville station; a choice position In Belle vue with magnificent view or river, at fOOO.each, or 53,500 for the four, best bargain in Beilevne to day. A. LEOQATE A SON. 31 Federal street, Allegheny. Jy23-&i LOTS-THE FINEST FOR THE MONEY IN Allegheny countv, are those in Cbas. E. Cornelius' plan, Mornlngslde, Eighteenth ward, Pittsburg. Beautiful building lots at from 5100 to 8500, weekly or monthly payments no interest; convenient to street cars and railroad. Call upon N.P.SAWYER at his borne Mornlngslde ave nue or CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant St. Je26-32 MOST DESIRABLE LOTS IN ALLEGHENY county. 60x200, for 5200, on ten years' time; 55 down; 1 per week; plan No. 2 now ready; rail road fare 4 cents; over 275 lots sold: houses &lng np. J. B. ZIMMERMAN, 141 Fourth avenuet my31-2-MThs SUBUBBAN FBOPERTY-THK BESr IN THE market for the money. In the handsome vil lage of Sheraden. 15 minutes frm Union station, on the Panhandle Railroad: 34 dally trains; monthly fare o cents a trip; large lots 50 and loo feet front, Irom 5250 to 57OO each: easy terms: houses built for purchasers: home-seekers and In vestors for profit should see bheraden before thev bay elsewhere. For full particulars apply to SHERADEN LAND AND IMPBOVEMENT COMPANY, Limited, 127FUthave., Pittsburg. Jyl8-7S Farm. -TTtARM-NEARTHECITY-ABOUTlOO ACRESi X1 One or the most pleasant plates in tne county: large dwelling, barn, shed, orchard. etc.: not quite a mile rrom railroad station; would ex change In part Tor small city property. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. J-M-B T71ARM OF 235 ACRES-NEAR PARNASSUS, 1? on A. V. R. ICwltb dwelling, outbnlldlngs, orchard, water, a quantity .of coal, etc., etc. Terms, etc- rrom JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. Jy26-54-p s: MALL FARM CHEAP-ONLY ONE Mll,E from P. R. R. station: level road: house . ., hnllritniMi fil nnroa nnhilf .l...u1 In good condition; will sell cheap or exchange for city propertv. Address OWNER, Lock Box 471, Pittburg. Pa. Jyl5-56-TTS SMALL FABM OF 11 ACRES-NEW FRAME boose or 4 rooms. IK miles from railroad sta tion: price 51C0per acre LEE A CHAPLIN. 313 Woodst. 1y26-29-D STOCK FAKM OF 200 ACRES-'WITH A LARGE brick dwelling, fine large barn, well fenced and watered: land in good condition; admirably adapted to grain orsrock raising: only IX miles from railroad station: will be sold at a bargain. L EE A CHAPLIN, 313 Wood st. 1y26-29-D rrtZ ACRES OF GROUND A FINE 1NVEST i O MENT: on line of P. R. R., between city limits and Braddock: nicely located for town site; within a rew hundred feet or station: we can offer at a price away below surrounding valuations. CHARLES bOMERS A CO., 313 Wood St., 6019 Penn ave Jy24-30-Thssn' 80 ACRES-NEW HOUSE, FRUIT, ETC.. FOR 52.800; easy payment; send ror "biggest" iarm and exchange list ir you wantto buy or trade. N. F. HURST, real estate, Rochester. Pa. Also 11 acres house barn, etc., adjoining Rochester 2urc,uu. ,,-.-..- rrn acres-neartarentumjandinthe QJ oil and gas region; can be had at a great bargain to settle up an account. JAS. w. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth ave. Pittsburg. Iy25-9Q-D miscellaneous. O-WN A HOME-WE WILL BUY OR BUILD for yon anywhere and let your rent bay for the property: no security required. GUANINE state provident Association, branch offl-es Standard building, 631-533 Woods-, Pltts burgTand 127 Fifth ave, McKeesport. -Tit BECKFELD A BRACKEN-1 OHIO BT.j S3oo-Malson ave, Allegheny, two-story frame, five rooms and attle well finished. 84.600 Klrkpatrlck ave. two-story pressed brick, six rooms and attic, modern Improve ments .. . 17 500 Federal St., above North ave, two-story brick, seven rooms and attle; lot, 21x100. 518.000 Third ward, near North avenue four brick and four frame bouses: rent for 51.750 per annum. Jy26-56-TnThs FOR SALE BUSINESS. TCnalnrtsl PrODerlT. B iUSINESS PKOPEBTY-ON FEDERAL ST., l-f ir.-.il tnw loei thftti TAlnP. n H IJlVP Xo. 93 Fourth are. . Jy25-S9 TTiEAME DWELLING AND STORE ROOM Jj Monterey st, near Parks; nice business lo cation: present teuani uuiuk uig iraue; lot 20x100 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. IvSlVaO-TTSSU HOTEL-FOE SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Pittsburg real estate a very fertile farm, high state of cultivation, with large hotel and roadhouse stabling ror 16 horses Deslde other Improvements; property has license good store and post office; all underlaid with coal and natural gas; owner has made a fortune on the property; can be had for the value of improvements, as owner 13 old and wants to move to Pittsburg; property lies close to one of the largest cities of the Union. THOS. LIU GETT, 71 Diamond St. v25-94 Of A OOO ONLY 5L600 DOWN: BALANCE TO Otfc suit: Center ave, near Arthur it., 2-story brick dweUlng, 4 rooms, fin. attic and storeroom; also smaU brick dwelling In rear; a bargain; lot 38x74. J. 1 .REILLY, 37 Diamond st. IvSQ-aOJrrftjiiA. 90 Fourth ave. VRUG STORE-AN OLD ESTABLWHED 9 Stand. In on, nf Oin nldpfft. crrnwlncf manU- aCtUrlnP tnwna In Wa.mm P.nnB.lvillU! M. TATO offering; 111 health the only reason for selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 1 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Jy25-90-p DRUG STORE-CHEAP- A WELL ESTAB LISHED and paying stand on line of cable cars; centrally located: a good store room, long lease low rent; only about 51,000 required. See W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jy24-29-TTS EXPRESS BUSINESS IN CITY-GOOD PAY ING Investment besides a living; teams busy every day; reason for selling owner going out ot business Address EXPRESS, Dispatch office Jy25-99 FINE BETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS-ONE of the oldest and best stands In either city: trade good, profitable and growing; a first-class opening; satisfactory reasons for selling; stock can be reduced to (5, 000 or less Particulars from JAS, W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pitts burg. Jy24-28 LICENSED HOTEL-112.00O-LARGERESTAU-EANTand lunchroom. 53,000 (no better loca tion In the city); wholesale liquor business 51.600: boarding house, 55U): cigar stores etc, from 5300 to 510,000. T. O. BBO WH A CO., 90 Fonrth ave. JyS5-86 LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUS1NES3-IN this city making money and large amount of orders on hand: a'controlllng interest with salary attached for 57,600; If closed at once. T. O. BRO WN A CO., 90 Fourth ave. U256 TWO OOOD CIGAR STORES-5250, 5450: GRO CERY stores all prices fine millinery 51.600, new laundry $1,800. hardware store milk depot, finest book and stationery store In best town in Western Pennsylvania: bakeries drug stores, cigar stores. SHEPARD A CO., 191 Fourth ave. Jj23 Manufacturing Sites. MANUFACTURING SITE ONEOF THE best in the Twelfth ward, fronting three 'streets to alley (comprising a square) 100x264 feet; partly Improved; at a greatly reduced price: easv payments. See W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth: ave. Jy4-98-s MANUFACTURING SITE -VERY DESIR ABLE on the Allegheny Valley Eallroad, between Thirty-third and Forty-third sts., hav ing a largo rrontage on the railroad, and price very reasonable. DAVID SHAW A CO.. 152 Fonrth ave Jy24-24-TTS" FOR SALE M1SCELLANEOCS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc. DELIVERY WAGONS-DELIVERY WAGONS all styles: ourown make. WM. BECKERT, 340 to 344 Ohio street, Allegheny. Telephone. 3420. Jell-76-irws HIGH-SEAT CAKRIAGE-AT 53)0. WORTH 5400 to anv parly having use for same: per fectly sound and in good repair: trimming al most new. H. HERB A SONS, 816 Filth ave Jy23-23 HOBSES-THE BALANCE OF A CARLOAD of horses will be sold cheap at North ave., near Allegheny ave.. Allegheny City. FLOWER AHAWLEY. Jy24-62 H ORSE A VERY FINE SORREL MARE, harness buggy and cart cueap, 11. 11., uis- patch office jjj-r STUDEBAKER WAGON X. BED BUT A short time: price low. Call at ARCHIBALD'S STABLE, 96 anf 98 Third avenue. Ie21-U7 TEAM VERY FINE MATCHED TEAM blood bays Kentucky horses; both good sad dlers both been ridden by wire of owner, both trot In harness and drive single or double, are well used to cable steam or electric cars are In prime condition, and for all above enumerated points cannot be surpassed If equaled by any team In the city; owner will also sell complete outfit all in first-class condition, consisting or very fine four-seater, paneled, beveled plate glass C. West A Co. carriage built specially to order; fine three-seater wagonette, 0. West top: new Jump-seat barouche; gentleman's and lady's sad dles, single and double harness, bridles, etc. Ad dress 0 WNEB, Dispatch office. Jy24-8-ThS Machinery nnd Metals. BATTERY OF 3 TWO-FLUE BOILEBSAV1TH all fixtures complete and in first-class condi tion; tho price has been made low In order to sell quick. Address CHAS. MILLER, Beaver Falls Pa. Jy26-71 CALL TO SEE THE AUTOMATIC TYPE WRITER; writes without a ribbon: self-Inker, self-sptcer, light and substantial; call to see the household engine: runs the sewing machine ven tilates the house rocks the cradle fans the baby, doestbe churning, etc.; coming, the compressed air fruit preserver; keeps fruit, milk and meats without the use of Ice; call or send for circular; I can now take 50 horses to board on preserved fod der, etc. G. K. FLOWER, 639 Smithfield street, Pittsburg. Je22-81-M6Su DRILLING ENGINES AND BOILERS-FOR oil or gas wells engines and boilers In every size and style sawmills and wood-working ma chinery. HAKMES MACHINE DEPOT, No. 97 First ave , Pittsburg. Pa. mh9-D ENGINES-ONE FAIR SLIDE VALVE EN GINES. 10x22 Inches; two steel cylinder boilers, 40 Inches by 22 feet: wire rope .and drum for same; also screens, scale, and large and small T Iron; all In good order: would suit a coal mine: can be seen at Camp mil mlnesnear Mans field, Pa. Inquire or DAVID STEEN, Fourth and Try St., city. Jy20-57-rTSSu ENGINES AND BOILEBS-NEW AND BE FITTED; repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRi AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegbenv, Pa. jy2-63 ENGINE AND BOILER-.ONE SECOND HAND 40-horse power engine and boiler in good condition. Inquire GRAFF A CO.. 632 and 634 Liberty st. Jy24-96 ORIZONTAL ENG1NE-20X42, 25,000 FEET second-hand wire rope: also hoisting and portable engines and Sleinen valves castings, etc. VELTE A MCDONALD. 3200 Penn avenue, Jel6-6-TTS SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILEBS all slies and styles in stock, rrom 4 to 100 h. p. ; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices: porta ble engines, 8 to 25 b. p.; boilers all sizes and styles. J. S. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. oca-SO-ir Mlscellnneons. CHUBCH PEW CUSHIONS AND SEAT3-75 cushions and 25 wooden seats at church corner Lincoln and Grant avenues Allegheny. Proposals ror Immediate purchase received by A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. jva-a DIAMONDS bEVEN-STONE DIAMOND rings at 515 each, the greatest bargains on earth; friendship rings. 00c, 51 and 51 50 each; dia mond watches fine Jewelrv, clocks silverware and spectacles etc., at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Fine watch repairing a specialty. je26-49-rrs VIOLIN-DOUBLE BASS.X SIZE,f4 STBINGS, swelled back, ebony fins er board, fine brass machine: will sell cheap: worth 585; new. Address V. V. DIXON. Sharon, Pa. Jy26-12 PERSONAL. PERSON AL BOOKS, 50,000; ALL BARGAINS: midsummer sacrifice sale now on. FRANK BACON A CO., 301 bmlthfleld st. JyH-80 PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell, let us know. LEVI'S BOOK bTORE, Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mh7 PERSONAL DR. GRIFFITH'S TA-VA-ZON specials cures the worst cases of kidney troubles 301 GRANT ST., Pittsburg. Pa.: es tablished 35 years; see testimonials. Jy26-63 PERSONAL PENSIONS OBTAINED FOR any cause for all disabled soldiers, widows dependent parents, etc., by J. H. STEVENSON A CO. (Cant. J. K. Barbour and Lt. J. H. Steven son), loq Fifth avenue. No advance fee demanded. tCut this out.'' Jy5-r PERSONAL WE ARE STILL GIVING OUR services free of charge; remember sight Is priceless and carelessness sometimes leads to its loss. CHESSMAN-MANNION. Expert Opti cians, 42 Federal st., Allegheny. Best 51 specta cle on earth. Jy2S-30-WESu PERSONAL-LANDLADIES. ATTENTION A gentleman who engaged a room on U ednes day afternoon and had nls trunk sent to lt has lost the address and would be obliged ir any one who remembers the circumstance wonld address 512amlthncldst. Jy26-I3 PERSONAL-PENSIONS ALL SOLDIEBS1N any way disabled, no matter when, where or how contracted, provided lt Is nof rrom their own evil habits, soldiers' widows, children or deceased soldiers under 16 and dependent parents are en titled to pensions: a long experience will-insure a speedy settlement of your claim If you call on or address me at-33 Fourth ave, Pittsburg, Pa.: no lee In advance. E. W. WHITE, Pension Agent. Jy26-25 PERSONAL GENTLEMEN CONTEMPLAT ING a trip to the seasbore and mountain re sorts or returning therefrom, should bring their clothing to DICKSON, the tailor, 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood St., second floor, and have the same cleaned, repaired and pressed, so as to look like new, and at a reasonable cost, and at the same time 6houId you desire a new suit, his stock or Imported and domestic goods is of the newest and most fashionable patterns: bv giving him a call A on will not regret lt. lele. 1558. Je2S-P FOUND. FOUND-BUT 9 OUT OF 202 PERSONS EXAM . 1NED last week whose sight was beyond the help of spectacles while we surprised and grati fied scores or others by the improved condition of their eyes on being properly fitted by us: exami nation free or charge. CHESSMAN-MANNION, Expert Opticians 42 Federal St., Allegheny. Best 51 spectacles on earth. Jy20-aMrBsn STRAYED. QTKAYED JULY 23. A LARGE. LIGHT j3 cream-colored, long-horned cow. with brass knob on rl;,b.t horn; fresh about two months ago; was traced along Washington pike as far as Sodom; any persoa that can send Information to the owner of her whereabouts wBl be rewarded. Address J. J. LOWE, 1401 Sycamore street, Dn qnesne Heights Pittsburg. y26-59 LOST. T OST OH STRAYED A BLACK COW, SMALL I I sized, drop hip. Return to or address DAN IEL BOTlE, 6305 Shakespeare St., East End. Pg. Jy26-69 Tyl ' AIaY, SONS 4 CO., Vina DYEING AND CLEANING, 1 if S sixth ATenne, jailS-SO-TTS Pittsbnrj;, Fa, Allegheny ResldencesA DEICKHOUSEOFNINE BOOMS IN ALLE X GHENYClty. on Franklin st.; bath and laundry: everything in first-class order: will rent cheap. Inquire GEO. R. BOTHWELL, No. 104 Franklin St., Allegheny, Jy20-42-TThSSnt FURNISHED HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS situate on Buena Vista street nearparks and electric cars: will rent cneap until next -April. Inquire GEO. R. BOTHWELL, No. 104 Franklin St., Allegheny, Jy20-42-TThS8nt SHEFFIELD ST., ALLEGHENY-GOOD LO CATION: at 525 per month: a great reduction In price; brick house of 8 rooms, newly painted uq papered: modern improvements, n. a HEBil nun & : SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jy2o-53-TUt ATASHINGTON AVE., ALLEGHENY CITY VV Fine brier residence; 10 rooms: bath, range nat. and art. gas: all handsomely papered throughout: rent cmly 530; call at once. BLACK A BAIBD, 95 Fonrth ave. 1y25-85t Rooms. A LARGE FBONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE; lurnlshed; near Allegheny parks: near line or electric cars: to two gentlemen. Address A. B., Dispatch office: references required. Jy2-14t FURNISHED BOOMS WPIH KITCHEN, tableware, folding beds, etc. 41 LOGAN, near Wylle j-lt THREE-ROOM FLAT-NO: 2 MARSHALL st., nearparks Allegheny: w. e, stationary wash stand, plate glass, etc. Inquire at N O. 21 MaBION AVE., Allegheny. Jy2S-60t Business Properties. STORE ROOMS-VERY DESIRABLE, NEW and complete In new building, cor. Ohio st. and West Diamond, Allegheny. See W. A. HEB RON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jy23-52-wst Offices, Desk Room, Etc fJIEW NICE OFFICES IN GERMANIA SAV JD 1NUSBANK BUILDING, Wood and Dia mond sts. aol0-49t OFFICES-TWO VEBY DESIRABLE ROOMS InFldelltvbulldlng; tenant has no further nse for them: "win sell very cheap the office fur niture, desks, railing, etc., and three first-class safes: a bargain. Inquire FOREST OIL CO.. m Fourth ave. lvl6-60-wT8Ut Miscellaneous. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF RENTING Allegheny property. A. D. WILSON, Real Estate Agency, 65 Federal St.. Allegheny. " Jy26-3-TT8t PROPOSALS. Ptttsburo. Pa., July 22, 189a "VTOTICE TO PRINTERS AND BINDERS J Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M., SATURDAY, July 26,1890. For printing and f urnishing blanks for connty offices for the ensuing year. ' Also, for furnishing stationery for the use of county offices for the ensuing year. All information relating to the same can be obtained at the office of the Connty Commis sioners. JOSIAH SPEER, JJ23-90 County Controller. VTOT1CB TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED JM proposals will be received by the under derslgned. up to 12 o'clock, noon, of THURS DAY; July 31. 1890, for grading and paving 20, 000 square yards of streets of the borough, of Washington, Penn'a.. to be completed on or before the 1st day of November next. All bids must be written with ink, and each item shall bo written out in full as well as in figures. Each bid must contain the full name of every person interested in the same Bids for grading to be by the en bio yard, and for the paving by the square yard. "Work to De paid for within thirty (30) days after completion of the same and acceptance thereof by the borough. Copies of specifications and blank bids will be furnished on application to the undersigned. Proposals must be indorsed on the outside of the envelope with the name of the bidder and what the bid is for. Each bid must be accompanied with a cer tified check in the sum of 5500, and in case of the acceptance of any bid and the refusal of the party whose bid is accepted to enter into a contract, the amount deposited to be forfeited to tho borough. The borough reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. By order of Council, A M. LINN, jy!9-15 Secretary. VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED JN proposals will be received at the office of the Borough Clerk until TUESDAY, Jnly 29, A. D. 1890. at 4 p. M., for the following, viz: 8TREET IMPROVEMENTS. Grading, curbing and paving Ninth avenue with fire brick from Walnut street to Jenny Lind street. Grading and paving Tube Works alley with fire brick from Whlgham street to Twelfth avenue Grading, curbing and paving Third avenue with block stone from Youghiogheny bridge to Market street. Grading, curbing and paving Cliff street with fire brick from Fifth avenue to Elm street. Grading, curbing and paving of Twelfth avenue with fire brick, from Walnut street to Water street. Grading and paving Tube Works alley with fire brick from Ninth avenue to Tenth avenue. Grading aud paving Dumm alley with fire brick from Tenth avenue to Berlin street. Grading and paving Blackberry alley with fire brick from Sixth avenue to Beventh avenue SEWERS. One of 20 inches in diameter in Jenny Lind street from Sixteenth avenue to Beech street. One of 15 inches in diameter in Shaw avenue, from Coursln street to First alley east of Cour sin street. One of 12 inches in diameter In Blackberry alley, from Eighth aveDUe to School alley. One 12 inches in diameter in Gannon alley, from Eleventh to Twelfth avenues. Flans and specifications of the above work can be seen, and blanks forbidding and all in formation can be had at the Engineer's office on and after July 24. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in double the amount of the proposal, and probated before a notary public and said pro posals must be handed In on or before the above specified time. Unless said requirements are carried out the bid will not be considered. Tbe Committees on Streets and Sewers reserve the right to reject any or ail proposals G. B. HER WICK. Boro Clerk. McKeespokt, Pa., July 22, 189a jy23-91-TW8 NOTICES. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OFTHE Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, June 9, 1S90. Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to appear tbe Liberty National Bank of Pittsburg, In the city or Pittsburg, in the county or Alle gheny and State or Pennsylvania, has complied with all tbe provisions or the Statutes of the United States required to be compiled with berore an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking, now, therefore L Ed ward S. Lacy, Comptroller of tbe Currency, do hereby certify that "The Liberty National Bank of Pittsburg,' In the city or Pittsburg, in the county of Allegheny and State ot Pennsylvania, Is authorized to commence the business of bank ing as provided In Section fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of tbe Bevlsed Statutes or the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of this ofilce this 9th day of one, 1890. E. S. LACY, Comptroller of tbe Currency. No. 4339. Jel5-1-D AMUSEMENTS. T)ASEBALIi playersFTeague. At EXPOSITION PARK v Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Julv24.25.26. PITTSBURG VS. BOSTON. Game called at 4. Admission, 25c jy2t56 laeentBififi. SATURDAY, JULY 26, Don't fail to see the Great Harry Wilkes beat' his record for a purse of $2,500. 2:25 and Free-for-AU Trot. 2:20 Pace. Fast Track and good Races. jy26-60' EJKNIGHT & VICTORY. MBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, -... -,2ea'ers in Gas Fixtures, LAMPS, PUMPS, t,wat pjpj JJOSE, ETC. B??S,SlaJJfStin given to Natural Gas Fitting 110 SMITHFIELD ST PITTSBURG. PA. iuiag.: .xeiopnone im, mh-ob-txs U, 1.1. I.OV r . JU., " - avenue. Pi tuburg. XL. KHJXUUUrjUUt , Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters testamentary on the estates of Win. F. Kummer, late ot the Sonthside. Pitts burg, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should present them duly probated. H. H. MEYER, Executor, No. 1915 Carson St., Pittsburg. S. S., or No. 161 Ohio st,"Allegheny. Pa. e28-73-s OFFI CI AL PPTTSB CKG. FlTTSBUBG. July 16, 1890. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until SATURDAY, the 26th day of July, A. D., 1890, at 2 o'clock P. ar., for the following, viz: SEWERS. Emily street, from 270 ft. east of Craft ave nue to CunlilTe Run sewer; 15-inch pipe. Summerlea street, from Walnut street to Holden street; 15-inch pipe. Sbipton street, from Bedford avenue to Webster aVennc; lSlnch pipe. REPAVING. Wylle avenue, from Fifth avenue to Fulton street. GRADING. PAVING AND CURBING. Aiken avenue, from Ellsworth avenue to Center avenue. Lilac: street, from Ellsworth, avenue to West minster street. Westminster street, from Aiken avenue to Amberson avenue. Margaretta street, from Highland avenue to Negley avenue. FJfty-fonrth street, from Butler street to Keystone street. Calvin street, from Forty-second street to Forty-fourth street. Colwell street, from Dinwiddle street to Jumonville street. PAVING AND CURBING. Boquet street, from Atwood street to Bates street. The paving of the above named streets to be either of block stone, vulcanite asphalt, irreg ular Mock stone, or cobble stone, and bids will be received for each kind of pavement. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at tbe general office, Department of Public Works. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond, withx two sureties, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any orallbids. E. M. B1GELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. JylS-93 i rNo.63J AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING UNTO the Arlington Avenue Railway Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, to enter upon, use and occupy certain streets and high ways. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Fittsbnrg. in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That the Arlington Avenue Railway Company, its lessees, successors and assigns shall have tbe right and is hereby authorized to enter upon the streets and highways included within its route, to wit: Beginning on Arlingtrn avenue at Its intersection with Amanda street; ;n;nce along Arlington avenue easterly to Elenor street, to construct, maintain, operate and use during tbe term named In its charter, its railway as aforementioned, with double tracks or with single tracks, with the necessary sidings, turnouts and switches, and to use electricity as a mo tive power, and also to erect, maintain, oper ate and use an overhead or other electric system for the supply of motive power and to erect, maintain and use in the streets or highways before mentioned such posts, poles or other supports as said company may deem convenient for the support or maintenance of such overhead system, under and subject, how ever, to the provisions of a general ordinance entitled "A general ordinance relating to the entry upon, over or under, or the use or occu pation of any street, lane or alley, or any part thereof, for any purpose by passenger or street railway companies, or by companies operating passenger or street railways, and providing reasonable regulations pertaining thereto for the public convenience and safety," approved the 25th day of February, A. D. 1890. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordin ance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this nth. day of July. A D. 189a , , H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Select Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: E. J. MARTIN, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, July 18, 1890. Approved: H. I. GOURLEY. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMA1EK, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 47S, 22d day of July, A. D. 1890. , No. 52.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of South Twenty-ninth street, from East Carson street to Sarah street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That tbe Chief of the Department of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within CO days from the date of the passage of thi3 ordinance. South Twenty-ninth street, from East Carson street to Sarah street, at a width of 22 feet, in accordance with OrmsJy Boro. Plan, approved by the Boro. Councils May 23, 1871. The damages caused there by and the benefits to cay the same to be as sessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class;" approved the 16th day of May, A D. 1889. Section 2 That any oramanco or pan ot or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and tho same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 30th day of June. A. D- 1890. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common CounciL Attest: E. J. MARTIN, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. July 5, 1890. Approved: H. I. GOURLEY, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 462, 14th day of July. A D. 189a AlNo. 66. 1 . N ORDINANCEQrantine unto the Br ad ford and Sonth Ninth Streets Railway Company, its successors, lessees and assigns the right to enter upon, use and occupy certain streets and hiebwavs. Section 1 Be lt ordained and enacted by the city 'of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained That and enacted by tbe antboritv of the same, the Bradford and South Ninth Streets Railway Company, its lessees, successors and assigns shall have the right, and is hereby authorized to enter upon tho streets and highways in cluded within its route, to-wit: First Begin ning on Bradford street at its intersection with South Twelfth street; thence along Bradford street to South Ninth street; thence along Sonth Ninth street to Bingham street; thence along Bingham street to South Eighth street; thence along South Eighth street to Wan en or Sarah street; thence along Warren or Sarah street to South Ninth street; tbenco along South Ninth street to Bradford street, and thence along Bradford street to South Twelfth street, the place of beginning. Second, beginning at South Eleventh street at its Intersection" with Bradford street; thence along South Eleventh street to Bingham street; thence along South Eleventh street to Bingham street to Diamond Square; thence on Diamond Square to South Twelfth street; thence along bonth Twelfth street to Bradford street, to construct, main tain, operate and use during tbe term named in its charter its railway as aforementioned, with double tracks or with single tracks, with neces sary sidings, turnouts and switches, and to use electricity as a motive power, and also to erect, maintain, operate and use an overhead or other other electric system for tho sup ply of motive power, and to erect, maintain and u$ in tbe streets or highways' be fore mentioned, such posts, poles or othor sup ports as said company may deem convenient fortbesupportor maintenance of such over head system and subject, however, to the pro visions of a general ordinance entitled. "A 'general ordinance relating to the entry apon, over or under, or the use or occupation of any street, lane or alley or any part thereof for any purpose by passenger or street railway com panies or by companies operating passenger or street railways, and providing reasonable regu lations pertaining thereto for the public con venience and safety," approved the 25th day of February, A. D. 189a Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained 2nd enacted into a law In Councils this 11th day of July, A. D. 189a H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Select Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: E. J. MARTIN, Clerk ot Common Council. Mayor's office. July IS, 189a Approved: H. L GOURLEY, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Mayor's Cleric Recorded In Ordinance Book vol. 7, page 179, 224 day of July. A. D. 188a h Continued on j(fW Jftjje, J BIRMINGHAM LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY On line of the Suburban Rapid Transit Elec tric Road, three miles south of Court House, one mile from city limits. Two natnralgas lines, fine boardwalk from city line toprop erty. Main streets 60 feet wide. This is the best chance you will have this year to buy a site for a comfortable home where the air is pure and cool and tbe surroundings healthful and picturesque, within easy reach of the cen ter of the city. Taxes low, prices reasonable and terms easy; one-fourth cash, balance in three or five equal annual Installments with interest. "Title to Whole Plan Insured by the Fidelity Title and ' Trust Company of Pittsburg." For plans and further particulars and agent to show you the lots, call at Office of the Company, No. 1403 CARSON ST. PITTSBURG. PA jy2S BETTER BE IN TIME And Secure One of Those BEAUTIFUL LOTS -OS- ADELAIDE STREET (Paved), Facing HERRON PARK In KENILWORTH PLACE or in HEYWOOD PLACE, right at tbe terminus of the Central Traction Line, only 15 mlnntes from Wood street. The prices are low and the terms easy. E. S. FLEISHER, 138 FIFTH AVENUE, First Floor. Rear. jy24-31-TT8 LOTS I LOTS I Nice building lots affording attractive homes or money making to the purchasers at present prices. MORN1NGSIDE PLAN. Eighteenth ward, extending from the Alle gheny river and A. V. R. R. to Highland Park, in the East End. Large lots at 575. $100, COO, $300, up to f600 for magnificent situations. ALLEGHENY LOTa Benton ave. plan, Eleventh ward, beautiful situation. $200, S300, $400. New streets and rapid transit lines now building will soon double and quadruple values in this section. ELEMING PARK. Level lots, bandsome and convenient home sites right on line of P. & L. E. R. R. and pro posed electric road,in sight of tbe city and view of the river. No mistake can be made in buy ing these choice lots at 200 to 300. We have nice homes, choice Investments in all locations. Our representatives ready to accompany purchasers at all times direct from our offices. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St 6019 Penn Ave., E. E. Telephone 1773. Telephone 5323. je23 SOUTH PLACE iPLAN'OF LOTS, WILMERDING, FOR SALE BY BROWN & 'SAINT, Agents, 612 SMITHFIELD STREET, MELLON BROS., EAST LIBERTY. ' NOTICE Will be on the ground to show lots aud explain terms EVERY AFTER NOON, from 3 to 5 o'clock. iy283 IOE SALE. SQUIRREL HILL. Tracts of Land. Containing from 5 to 100 acres, with good build ings and improvements. Price very low and terms to suit purchaser. Ira M. Burchfield, jy3-S9-TTS '158 Fourth ave. FOR SALE CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. 20 LOTS. ARABELLA ST. OO KT. INQUIRE OF MORRIS & FLEMING, . 108 Fourth Ave. iy22-8l ULSINEftS CHANGES. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JM the firm of Gill &. McKee, plumbers, was this day dissolved, Harry G. Gill selling his interest in said firm to Frank K. Cnllen. HARRY G.GILU' GEORGE B. McKEE. PlTTSBUBO. PA., July 24, 189a jy28-62--wS AHEOHENT. Pa., Febrtjabt 1. 1890. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has this day ceased to be a member of the firm of "Jacob Schoenfeld" doing business In Allegheny, Pa., Pittsburg, i'a., Aieaavuie, tra ana usctenia, unio. HUGO ROSENBERG. v26-20-D ICE, PER TON, $5 25. Ff O. B. CARS AT BUFFALO, ' Allendale weight; Ice pure and hard, 16 to 22 inches thick, well packed in cars and small shrinkage in transit. Mall or telegraph orders promptly shipped. Address with reference, A. F. NEYLON. jy25i-d Orilha. Ontario, Canada. PENSIONS For ALL 80LDIER3 who are now disabled, whether disability is due to the service or not. For ALL WIDO W8 of soldiers who are not on pension rolls. For minor children and depend ent parents. Increase of pension for soldiers pensioned at less than $6 per month. Pensions for all or no pay. All who believe themselves to be entiled should, without delay, write me. JAS, BRYAR, JB, Pittsburg. Pa. P.O. Box 7H. Je3M13 ' " II I f ' TT FIFTH ' AVE. r.- 60 FT- i O '. 2345678 9'ioj ' l! in 1 3 sri I -ii 1 1 h . o la;j - 16 15 14 13 12 ;' Jl S - Z i '' r ' --9 L-E. "" Jvllttlasfasfastesrasfcl ARABELLA ST. 1 -7 52E T T BLACK DIAMOND HERD -OF- REG1STEREIUERSEY CATTLE 40 Mead Milch Cows, 30 Head Heifers and Bull Calves. ALSO THE BULLS, Alice May's Pogis No. 19869, Landseer Harry No. 23828, Boom of Black Diamond No. 22983, Together With 30 Head High Grade Milch Cows And 15 head High Grade Heifers, all in calf to Begistered Bulls. These cattle are of the ST. LAMBERT, SIGNAL, COOMASSIE, EUEOTAS and other noted strains. Also Fine Driving and Draft Horses. Seventy-three Head of HOGS AND PIGS, Spring "Wagons, Eoad "Wagons, Bnggie and all kinds of farming implements. Will be sold at public auction to tha highest bidders on Thursday, July 31, 1890, At 9 O'Clock a. m., On the farm at HOPE CHURCH STA TION, on the B. & O. E. B., or within 15 minutes' walk from HAYS STATION, on the Monongahela Division of the P. B. E. For catalogues apply to the Assignee, Boom 5, No. 8 Wood st, Pittsburg. Pa. JOHN M. RISHER, ASSIGNEE OF L D. BISHEB. Jy292-D AT PUBLIC SALE FRAME HOUSE and lot. No. 70 Southern ave.. Mt. Wash ington, Thirty-second ward, on SATURDAY, JULY 2C, 1S90. at 4 o'clock v. jr.. on the prem ises: two-story frame buildinr, with mansard roof, containing 6 dwelling rooms and fine store room; water on each floor; In good condition; property rents for $25 per month; lot has a frontage of 24 feet on Southern avenue, extend ing back 100 feet, with 46 feet in rear; will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars and terms apply to CAMPBELL & CO, Beat Estate and Insurance Brokers, 1412 Car son st, S. S. jy20-110-FSSa AUCTION SALE-WILL BE SOLD AT public auction, on THURSDAY, JULY 3L 1390. at 10 A. jr., on tbe premises, tbe livery and undertaking establishment of John u, Trexler & Co., 380 Beaver avenue, Allegheny, consisting of one fine white hearse, carriages, buegles. baronches, horses, harness and every thing necessary to carry on the business, all in good condition, together with the building. 40x 120 feet, having a lease of nearly twelve (12) years to run. Terms made known on day of sale. D. BEHEN, Receiver. jy2Ml-MWS TJUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ALTOO Jr NA. Pa., property on SATURDAY. July 55, 1890, at 2 o'clock P. ST.. lot corner Eighth av enue and Ninth street, with nine-roomed bricK house, four tenement bonses and plumbing shop; terms made known on day of sale. JOSHUA DEMPSEY. jy24-44 Altoona. Pa. EDUCATIONAL. I'lttsbur. Eighth treet, near Tenn avenue. Plttubura- Frm.ils Collece nnd CONSERVA TORY of MUSIC. 23 teachers. Superior home comforts and care. Year begins September 9. Address, jy4-8S-D President A. H. NORCROSS. D. D. KE B L E SCHOOL SYRACUSE, N. Y. Boardinc School for girls. Under the su pervision of the Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. T. D. Tbe twentieth school year begins WecU Sepr. 17,1890. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACK SON, Principal. my66-ThS -VTOTRE 1M.ME OF 31ARYLAND COL JM iiEQIATE Institute for young ladies and preparatory school for little girls, conducted by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. EMBLA P. O., near Baltimore, Md. jy20-43-3tW3 KENYON MILITARY ACADEMY. THIS old and remarkably successful school pro vides thorough preparation for college or busi ness, and careful supervision of health, habits and manners. For catalogue address LAW RENCE RUST, LL. D., Rector, Gambler, O. jyl2-37-D HARCOURT PLACE SEMINARY. A school of the highest grade for young la dies and girls. Established upon original lines, its irrowtn has been remarkable. For catalogue address the Principal, MISS ADA L AYER. B. A.. Gambler, O. je!2-37-D 122 and 124 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. EDGEWORTH BOARDING AND DAY School for Young Ladies will reopen THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 27th year. MRS. H. P. LEFEBVRE. jy20-49--W3 Principal. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY, Chester. Pa., 29th year opens Sep tember 17;a Military College; civil engineering, chemistry, architecture, arts; a preparatory course of one year: circulars of Mr. F. G. Paul son. 441 Wood st, city. CoL CHAS. E. H Y ATT, President. jy237-ws CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, FA. Near Philadelphia, Bound Brook route to Hew York. Unexcelled location and surround ings. Perfect school equipment. Library, jrvm nasinm, military system. Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. .Number limited to 60. SMOpervear. So extras. Illustrated cir cular. VIOH.N CALVI.N KICK, A. St., Frln. Jel-W-D BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE A COL., i LEGIATE school for young ladies, corner Penn ave. and Fourth street. A comprehen sive course of English studies; French and German by native teachers; vocal and instru- mental music by experienced professors; the next term will open Wednesday, September 1U. REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M.. Rector. j j8 81-TS LEHIGH UNIVERSITY IS BEYOND doubt one of the best technical and clas sical Institutions of tbe country. Through tha generosity of its founder, tbe Hon. Asa Packer, tuition Is offered free t" all able to pass the re quirements for admission- The Preparatory bebool for Leigh University is the only school recommended and indorsed as such bv Presi dent and Faculty of tbe University. For cata logues nnd particulars, apply to the Principal. W. ULRICH. Ph.D.. Bethlehem, Pa. jy341-TT8 CURRY UNIVERSITY SIXTH STREET. Fall term open September 2. 30 INSTRUCTORS. 1.606 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical: Scientific; Normal and English. Business College. School of Shorthand. Con servatory Of Music School of Elocution. Eight thoroughly equipped schools in one. Night school opens September 2. Bookkeeping, shorthand, geometry, mechanical drawing. Send for catalogue. jylO-53-rrs N. Y. MILITARY ACADEMY, CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. ' For illustrated catalome of 71 pages address COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S., A. M., Jy26-46-TTS Superintendent. PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal, academic, commercial. Students pre pared for tbe best colleges. Young Ladies Seminary Department fall term opens Sept 4, 1890. Hon. Thomas M. Marshall, President Board ot Trustees. Address J. WARRETJ LYTLE. Principal, jylo87-Tr3 No. 7 Fourth avenue. ' Pennsylyania Colleie for Women. Situated In a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau. In the suburbs of nttsburir, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed ror beauty and healthralneis. Excellent racllltlea ror study of . natural sciences, classics and mathematics la short, every department well equipped. Season opens September 10, 'so. Early application Is de sirable, for catalogues and further Information apply to MISS HKLEU E. FELLETBEAD. Presi dent, Pittsburg (East End), Pa. Jyl-76-Tng MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL-THK' Mechanic Arts Department of the Penn sylvania State College combines a graded course of shop work (in wood and iron) with & three years course of study. For those who desire to go farther it leads to college courses in Mechanical. Civil and Electrical Engineer ing. Tuition in this course and in the regular colleze courses is free. For catalogues, de scriptive circulars or other Information address , THE PRESIDENT, State College, Pa. jj28-47-TTS .17 ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instrument HAMILTON'S, ipS-79-B Fifth sts e a jxmt v V- . , BsssssssssssiitlsssssssHssHBiffMsBSB3H