Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 16, 1890, FIRST PART, Page 7, Image 7

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California the Only Section of the
United States That
Canned Goods and Freserres Bound to be
nigh Kexl Fall
Office or Pittsburq Dispatch, i
TUESDAY. July 16. 1S90. t
From almost every quarter of the land
comes the report ol a short frnit crop.
Michigan and New York were depended on
lor an average apple crop, but late advices
from those States indicate that there will
not be more than one-fourth the average
crop this season. This proves that the great
npple sections of the country will have very
little, it any, to spare for the outside world.
In this section the fruit crop has been in the
main a failure. The small fruits, such as
berries and cherries, bare In this section been
far below the avcrago In yield. Fruit preservers
have discovered this fact by dear experience,
and have not been ablo to socuro their usual
Latost advices from Maryland and Dolawaro
tiro that tho peach crop In that territory Is a
practical failure. Krult packers In Maryland
ndvlso their customers here that their occupa
tlun Is cone tor this year, and that only a jrry
small quantity of plo peaches, which are of in
ferior quality, will bo packed this caon. Call
fornla Is the only soctlon of the country where
the fruit crop will romo up to the average.
Hupplies rnii that noun o will fall far short of
tneellnc demands. A laiRwmuiibrr of Califor
nia fruit shippers hao withdrawn prices lor
futuro dellvory In the past few week, and
those that liirmsh price am 'M to 3., per
dosen higher In tbclr otters In tho past SO da).
Pencil Crop n I'ullurr.
It Is about as certain as anything In the
future can bo that cauned fruits will bo 60 per
cent higher next tall than theywero last sea
Bon. A leading wholesale grocer said to-day:
"In my opinion the price of canned fruits the
coming fall will bo at the very Uast 60 per cent
higher than they have been In tho past ten
In the same connection this representative of
one ot our leading firms said: ''Our midsum
mer trade It fully up to what It was a jear ago.
About tho only marked difference between
now and then Is the lower price or
luear. Dnrinc the first half of last
year we made nice profits on sugar.
Ilut in the last half there were heavy
losses to those who carried large stocks, so that
the gains were offset by ibe loi.-es. And. of
late, the dnlt of markets has been In a down
ward direction, so that Jobbers have realized
little or no profit in the long run. The more
we sold the worse It was fur us. llie sugar sales
for the past half year or more only maut
heavy losses as wo operated on a declining
market. The handsome profits of a year ago
have been about obliterated by recent losses.
Ordinarily at this season ot the year
tucar reaches its highest prices.
While there has been an upward movement
the past weelc.it has been so slight that job
bers find very few crumts of comfort in the
situation. The great scarcity of fruit this sea
son has very much lessened the demand for
sugar, and, as a proof, volume of sales are be
low the average for this time of the j ear. Wo
are not sorry over diminished volume of sale?,
as there is little in the sugar trade but work at
this time."
Dsmsad For Dressed Menu.
A representative of tho Chicago dressed
1eef industry. In an Interview to-day, said:
The total sales of dressed beeves in this city
will not be far f ram 1,000 head per week. I am
confident that SU0 Chicago dressed beeves are
handled here every week, and the Herr's Isl
and abattoir slaughters from 150 to 200 head of
cattle every week. Expensive Ice this season
baa forced many of the butchers who hereto
fore slaughtered tlieir own cattle, to depend on
dressed beef. Our own establishment has been
handling about 125 bead of Chicago dressed
beeves, and 100 head of sheep and lambs
weekly, of late, and we have little difficulty
disposing of this amount of stock. Less grade
beeves, or what are know n in the trade as
grassers, have declined fully SO per cent in the
past few weeks, but choice grain fed stock are
firm at old prices."
Our ice expenses have trebled as compared
with last season. Last summer at this time
nur expenses for ice were about 200 weekly.
'o the expense, la fully $600 per week. Our
f ncreased trade lvhowever, a fair offset to this
increased expense. Butchers who do a omall
business are depending on dressed beef more
than they ever did before. Hence there are
more who handle dressed meat this season than
at any time in the past." For the same rea
sons whicn help the dressed beef industry
canned meats are unusually active.
The picnic season is now at its height, and
canned meats aro in extraordinary demand.
The Increased expense of preserving fresh
meats, owing to the high priced ice, has very
much stimulated demand for all canned meats.
Sealers in this line report trade was never bet
ter, and that volume of business this season
will show an Increase of at least 25 per cent
over last.
The Condition of Business nt the East Liberty
Stock Tarda.
Tuesday. July 15. 1830. (
CATTX.B Receipts. 4S'I head; smpments,
560 head; market slow and a shade off lrom y cs-
terday's prices; no cattle shipped to New York
Hoas Receipts. 500 head: shipments. 500
head; market active;common to best, S3 7564 09;
1 car of hogs shipped to New York to-dai.
SHEEP Receipts. 2,000 head; shipments, 1,400
head; market fair at yesterday's prices.
By Telecrnpb.
CHICAGO The -Droter Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts, 8.000 head; shipments 2.000
head; market strong; beeves, SI 55&4 T5. steers,
$3 5o4 50; stockers and feeders, S2 2523 CO;
cows, bulls and mixed, SI 253 10: Texa cattle,
82 4033 60. Mogs Receipts, 15,000 head: ship
ments, S.500 head; maiket steady and lower;
mixed, S3 70S3 92i: heavy and light. $3 70
3 83; skips, S3 25J CO. Sheep Receipts. 3,000
head; shipments, 1 000 bead; market tteadr; na
tives, S3 5005 23; Western cornfed, S3 90g4 85:
Texans, J37ol 85; lambs, 55 1036 35.
NEW YORK Beeves Receipts. 1,714 bead,
all for exporters and slauch'crers; no trading:
dressed beef firm at &A.3&c per lb for sides;
shipments to-day, 1,621 quarters of beef; to-morrow,
2,000 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts.
271 head; market weak; veals. So OOgC 25 per
100 lbs; Western calves, SI 00JJ5 00. bbeep
Receipts, 3,110 head; sheep stead: lambs io
per ft lower; sheep. H 5G4i5 25 per 100 fts: l.uubs,
$5 757 50; dressed mutton firm at S&lOJic per
Si; dressed lambs steady at 10012c. lloga Re
ceipts. 3.251 head, all consigned direct; market
nominally steady at $4 101 40.
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts. 6,000 head;
shipments, none; market strong; good to
fancy native steers. S4 251 80; fair to good
do S4 O04 30; stockers and feeders. S2 10fc
3 40: Texans and Indians. J2 25Q3 40. Hogs
Receipts. 6,100 head; shipments, 1,200 head;
market stronger; fair to choice heavy, S3 05
3 75; packing grade. S3 003 72j: light fair f u
best. $3 203 SO. Sheep Rcceipis. 4.CU0 head;
shipments. L200 head: market steady; fair to
choice, S3 60&4 60.
BUFFALO Cattle Quiet: receipts, 38 loads
through; no sales. Sheen Receipts, no loads
through;2nalcs. Hogs Doll and unchanged;
receipts, 110 loads through; 9 sales.
CINCINNATI Hogs strom:; common and
light, 82 75&3 80; packing and butchers. S3 C0
8 80: receipts, 1,600 head: snipuientti 1,000 bead.
Wool Itlnikela.
Philadelphia Wool qnlet and un
changed. Uostox There has been a steady trade in a
small way in wool, and prices are about tho
same as last reported. Ohio X has been selling
at31&32candXXundXX and above at &"
31c. Micliican X has been selling at 20(J30a
Uo. 1 combing firm at SOiJlOc; Ohio fine delaine.
35c: Michigan fine delaine. 34c; Territory wools
quiet at COc, scoured, for lint; 5C33Se for line
medium. anuKQMc for medium, Spring Texas
wools in fair demand at 2023c, and spring Cal
ifornia sells mostly at 17620c, with home choice
nt22a24c. Orecon wool dull, at 20fJ21o f or best
Eatern and lBJfQISc for acr.ice. Fulled
wool, SOgiOc for superfine and 2223 for extra.
Australian wools firm. Carpet wools quiet
Mrml Mnrkrt.
UkwYobk Fig iron strong and more active;
American, J10S1S. Copper strong: Lako. July.
I6 65. Lead steady; domestic, SI 50.
Ill Excellent Qunllllrs
Commend to public approval tho California
llnnld fruit remedy Syrup of Flg. It is pleas
ing to the eye and to the taste, and bv gently
acting on the kidnes. liver and lrawcls, it
cleanses the system eUectualU, thereby pro
moting the health Mid comfort of all who
uso It-
Celebrated beer ou draught Also Tann
bauser bottled beer of the famous Bergner
& Engel brew, at Hotel Hamilton bar, Fcnn
avenue, sear Sixth street, nrsu
Wheat Acilvo bat Lower, Dne to n Com-
Mention of Bearish Newa Corn Also
Lcis Go A Shortage In
Oats Fork Weak.
CHICAGO Wheat A moderate business
was transacted to-day at weak and lower Pce?
The opening was Jlc lower than yesterdays
close, rallied c, again became weak, selling
off KKc. or Inside prices of the day. ana
closed about lc lower f or Augnst, lMe lower xor
September and lc lower for December than
closing figures yesterday. The decline was at
tributed to the change in weather in &f ''j10
advices noting rising barometer and nne
weather for the growing crops.lower cables ana
the receipt of some selling orders. ,,
Corn There was another good dav5 "3Q,B1J
and, though fluctuations did not cover a very
wide range, the volume of business was im
mense. The feeling developed was weaker
and lower prices were the rule in all futures.
There were large selling orders on the market
from the west, the effect or which was quite
pronounced. The weaker tone was due to re
ports of rain in the corn belt. The market
opened Xa under yesterday. wa easy, and
sold off KJie. rallied, selling up JJc ruled
steady and closed $?e lower than yesterday.
Oats were moderately active and steaay
within a ranee of J,c. Crop reports are not as
favorable as farmers would like, and the- Indi
cations now point to a shortage of 10U,uoo,uw
bushels from last year's crop. ... , ,
Mess Pork A dull, weak, and unsettled feel
ing prevailed. Prices declined 2032oo on the
near and &Q10o on the more defcrrod deliv
eries, and the market closed quiet.
Lard Less interest was manifested. Prices
declined about 2Kc, and tho market closed
rather qnlet. ... . .
Short MbBldes-An easier fcollng prevailed.
Prices declined bQ'Xc, and the market closed
o loading ruturcs rangeo as follows:
HitAT-No. u. juiv. o5BewewKa3iH
ust.8;rasnn:eb7ja87)c: Boptember; MX
August, XTftiiTftewiKWic; Heplcmber, BiA
Oats-Si., $ July. a0Kie!Kci Ay.
cu.t 2litt2Kai2'W; Hrptcmbcr, !o)i,
"SSmskS. per bbl.-Jnly. fit WIWJI
11 ooan 70: Aucust. iiinKenoattiiuJWUMi
riejitouibor. JI0 70010 7S10 7001(1 70. ....
LAim. per 100 ft.-JiiH. M 5?
05 KW Augiisr, 5K7tfftiWHSffi6OTK:
Heptetniier, tfrMW Kl OWO W.
kiioiit Hum. per loo ;-" J ffl
8 (&Ob OS&o US; Aucust, ti I23 JH .?
ft 15; Krmombor. i 27K05 27K622H ;&.
Cash quotations were as lollows: J'lour steady
and unchanged. No. 2sprlng wheat, hOCi . S
spring wheat, KOOHJc; ft 2 red. 87c No.
2 oorn. S7KC. No, 2 oats. No. 2 rye.
tfXc. No. i barley nominal. No. 1 tUx seed,
t h Prime timothy seed, fl S2l 31.
pnrk. per bhl, 811 85. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 5 MX.
Hhort ribs sides (loose), $6 0508 10. Dry silted
shoulders (boxed), to 208 28. Short clear
sides (boxed), M ft 80. H cigars unrhanged.
No. 2 white oats. 3JK032)ic; No. 8 do. S2032c.
On the Produce Kxchaugn to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs,
NEW YORK-Flour dull and steady. Wheat
tSpot Jifilc down, closing eai; options de
clined JaSlKc. closing barely steady on better
reports; me loreign nouses were seiung irccij,
and there was generAl local realizing. Hje,
firm; Western, S7ffi58c Barley malt quiet.
Corn Spot unsettled and lower, closing firm;
options lalrly active and K0K down, closing
firm. Oats Spot stronger and moderately
active; options quiet and stronger. Hay Quiet
and weak. Hops Steadier and quiet. Collee
Options steady, unchanged to 5 points up;
salos, 22.500 bags, mcludlntr Julv. 12.15c;
August, 17.00c; September. 10.4518.5Oc; Novem
ber. 15.55c; December, 15.50S16 5ic; January,
15 40c; February. 15.25c; March, 15.25; spot ltio
q uiet and stead); fair cargoes, 20c; No. 7, flat
bean, lSJiQlSJlc Bugar Raw, fairly active;
fair renmng, 4 S-lOc; centrifugals, 96c;
test, 67-lOc, A cargo, do, for Boston,
at 8 l-32e; C, retined fairly activo and
firm. Jlolasscs Foreign, nominal; new
Orleans quiet: common to fancy, 2845c. Rico
hrm and iairly active. Cottonseed oil dull,
crude, 30c; yellow, 35c Tallow firm and quiet.
Hosln firm. Turpentine steady and quiet at
XBc .tggs rancy, urin; otners quhj
Western prime, 16X17c: do, fair to good, 14K
15c; do, per case, (12 SO: receipts, 5,596
packaires. Fork fairly activo and steady; mess,
IS 25Q13 75; extra prime, S10Q10 5a Cutmeats
dull and steady: middles weak; shoit clear,
15 80. Lard easier and dull; Western steam,
to 12; options, sales, 750 tierces; July. 8 11;
August, 56 14, clo.ing at S6 12U 14; Septem
ber. $6 27fjG 29, closing at 6 26ftti 27; October.
S6 376 39, closing at 6 37; November, 6 36
bid: December, 3 35g6 40. Butter quiet: ex
tra steadj; Elgin. 17Jfc; Western dairy, 6llc;
do creamery, 817e; do fartory, 4S10c Cheese
rather easy and quiet; part skims, 4S5c; Ohio
flat. 5K7c
PHILADELPHIA Flour dull, but firm.
Wheat KJjC lower nnder bearish specula;
tion in the West; high grades scarce and firm;
No. 2 red. afloat and Inexpert elevator, 92c;
new No. 2 red. July, S2g92Xe: August, 92Xc
Scptember. 92692XC; October, 82X93c Corn
July strong and advanced Xc. but futures be-
yona tnis montn declined c; car lots very
scarce and advanced nnder good demand; No.
3 mixed, in grain depot and Twentieth street
elevator, 19c; No. 3 yellow, in depot, 60Xc; No.
2 mixed, in grain depot, 48Xc; No. 2
yellow, in do, 49c; No. 2 mixed, track,
50c; do, in grain depot. 50c; No. 2
high mixed, in Twentieth stree'e elevator,
51c; No. 2 mixed on export elevator, 4Sc; No.
2 mixed. July, 41K45Xc: August, ilH&Hlic;
September, 4344Xc; October, 44J.4oc
Oats Spot and July very strong; former ad
vanced 2 cents under good local trade demand,
and latter about X cent. Futures beyond this
month quiet and firm, but not quotablv
higher; No. 3 white, 40c: No. 2 white, 40
41c: do choice, in special bin 41Xc: do clipped,
45X fancy ungraded, 43Xc; No. 2 white July,
39J439Xc; August,S4KSS5c; spot. Stc;
October, 3435Xc Butter dull and unset
tled: Pcnnsilvama creamery, 17c: do prints
extra, 2125c Eggs steady; Pennsylvania
firsts, lbc Lbeese easier: part skims, S6c
ST. LOUIS Flour quiet, weaker and un
changed. Wheat received little attention, the
majority of traders being attracted by the
excitement in corn; the feeling was decidedly
weaker, and Julv and December closed Vc and
August llXc lower than j estorday;No.2 cash,
8SX bid; August closed at S7u asked; Septem
ber. SSXc bid: December. 90Xc Corn opened
at a decline of JiQlJic subsequently declined
?4Uc further, but rallied JfeXc, eased off,
but -tiffened later and closed firm, though
ViQlff below esterday; No. 2 cash, 36c; Au
cust closed S5jgC bid; December, 3Gc Oats
6Xc under yesterday; No. 2 cash. 3203.1X0
b d; August closed at 29Xc; September.' 29c
Rye No. 2, 50c Flaxseed steady; August.
SI 49: September. $1 28. Provisions firm and
quiet. Fork, til 25&12 SO. lrd nominal;
butchers' grades, $5 50.
BALTIMORE Wheat Western weak: win
ter, spot. 3c: July, 92Xc: August, 9091c:
September. 9091c Corn Western, mixed
spot, Xe: July, 41e asked: August, 43Xc
asked: September, 44c asked: steamer, 40c
Oats Western, white, 37(538Xc; do do
mixed, 3536Xc: graded. No. 2 white, SSXc;
do do mixed. 2oXc Rye steady: choice, 5&
5Gc: prune 5254c: good to fair, 4850c Hay
firm: S11012 50. Provisions steady. Butterac
tive, fiim best good scarce: best creamery
fancy, 16I7c; do fair to choice, 1215c; do im
itation, llI3c:ladle fancy, 10llc; do good to
choice, Ogllc Eggs firm; 15c. Coffee 6teady:
Rio cargoes fair. lOJic No. 7, 18lSXc
MILWAUKEE Flour quiet. Wheat easy;
No: 2 sprinz. u track, cash, 86S7c; Aneust,
85c; No. 1 Northern, 89c Corn quiet; No. 3.
on track, COXc OaU firm; No. 2 white
on track, 32c Rye easy; N o. 1. in store, 4D
49c Barley quiet; No. 2, in store. 64c
Provisions easy. Pork cish. $11 90; August,
ill 00. Lard, cash, $5 MX: August, 85 90.
I Clirese qnict; Cheddars, 7X&7XO.
TOLEDO Wheat lower and weak; rash and
July.toc: August, bSJc; September. SSJic: De
cember, ttijic Corn active: cash and July.
SOXc; August, 38:; September, SOXc. Oats
quiet: cash, 32c: September. 29c. Cloversecd
nominal: cash, S3S0: October, C3 tHX
MINNEAPOLIS Closingquotations on wheat:
No. 1 hard. July, bflc: August, 69c; on track, 92c;
No. 1 Northern, AUL-ust, 85Xc; September.
8lJc; on track, KSc; No. 2 Northern, July Sic;
August. 81c; on track, 82S4c
DULUTH Wheat was ralrlv activo to-day but
lower: closing prices are: July, OOJJc: August,
91c: September. Sc: No. 1 hard, fcOXc; No. 1
Northern, 89c; No. 2 Northern, 6SXc-
A Great ("access,
I do not know of a case tlint was lost dur
ing our epidemic of bloody flux in this
county where Clmmberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhea Remedy was used. One of
my Iriends, about six miles from here.har a
child that was given up by the two doctors
who attended It He then used Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhea Iteinedy
aud the child recovered. All who have
used it speak of it in the highest terms. P.
E. LAVnsDBB, F. M., Chestnut. Amherst
countv, Vu.
For sale by E. G. Stucky, 1701nnd2i01
Tenn avc; E. G. Stucky & Co.. cor. "Wylie
nvc. and Fulton st.; JInrkell Urns. cor.
Penn and Frankstown aves.; Theo. E. Ihrig,
3610 Fifth avc; Carl Hartwig, 4016 Butler
su; John C. Smith, cor. Penn ave. and'
Main st.; James L. McConnel & Co., 4C5
Filth ave., Pittsburg; and in Allegheny by
E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal sts.; Thos.
K. Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.;
V. H. Eggcrs, 172 Ohio St., and F. H.
Eggers&Son, 299 Ohio st. aud 11 Smith
field sL WThSu
81 Until (September 1, 1800-S3 30.
12 cabinet photos, $1, or a life-size crayon
TKirtrait. $3 60. Aufreeht's Elite Gallery,
j C16 Market it, Pittsburg. Bring children.
A Business Man Advises Everybody
to Invest in Eeal Estate.
Speculation Slow ana Strictly in Line
With the Perspiring Weather.
Almost the last advice that John Jacob
Astor gave to bis boys was to buy land. He
considered it the basis of all wealth, and
therefore perfectly safe as an investment
A business man on Fourth avenue who
owns considerable real estate, and is on the
lookout for more, said yesterday that it had
been his experience through life that judi
cious investments in realty always paid in
the long run. This observation has special
force in this part of the country where new
towns are constantly springing up, new
manufacturing plants located, and oil and
gas wells put down. Land (or which there
teems to be no use to-day may be in demand
to-morrow. Tho country is filling upo rap
Idly that land cannot be kept out of tho mar
ket Indefinitely. There U, or soon will be, use
for ovtry acre.
Ho addedt "Every foreigner, wbother Polo,
Hungarian or Italian, who settles In 1'lttsburg
adds something to tho value of real estato. Ho
docs not consume as costly food nor woar as
good clothes as Mr. Carneglo, but ho occupies,
,is much room wlirru ho oats onleopi, This
enlarge the demand for liouioi. which, In
turn, Increases the isles of land. Then, again,
tho addition or about 170,000,000 a year to tho
circulating medium of the country, as provided
In the silver bill which Is now a law, will reduce
Interest to S or 4 per eont. I think this cheap
ening of money will bo a groat benefit to poor
people, as It will give thorn a hotter clmnoo to
acqulro homes and otherwise Improvo their
"Theso considerations," be conoluded, "In
duce me to believe that the landed Interest will
continue to grow in Importance and strengthen
as it grows, but not so much In the way of en
hancement of values at In universality ot de
mand. The fever Is ou and rising, and It looks
to me as If It will not abate until practically
every man bocomes the owner of the ground
upon which he lives. How can real estate
falter under such conditions? My advice to all
la to buy land, and as much of it as possible,"
Of Denefll lo Thousands.
'sick benefit, funeral aid, death benefit and
other kindred societies have multiplied with
great rapidity the past 10 years. As they are
confined to those who are in the humbler walks
ot life, the good tboy have done is Incalculable
carrjlng substantial aid to thousands of strick
en families and inspiring thoso who are fortun
ate enough in being members with a courage
which might not exist in their hearts without
them. Tho members of these organizations
will be glad to learn that Hon. Robert P. Por
ter. Superintendent of the Eloventb Census,
will endeavor to secure the statistics of the no
ble work these associations aro doing, and It is
safe to say that no other branch of the census
will be moro interesting.
The business of gathering the data has been
placed in charge of Mr. Charles A, Jonney,
special agent of the insurance division, 53 Will
iam street. New York city, and all associations
tbrongbout the United States, whether incor
porated or private, should assist by sending to
him the address of their principal officers.
Composition With Creditors.
Among recent decisions of the Supreme
Court affecting real estate and commercial in
terests was one wherein it was beld that a de
fendant who seeks to defeat a clear legal liabil
ity on the ground that plaintiff has signed a
general composition of creditors, must prove
performance of every condition on which the
effect of said composition is limited. The fact
that a party enters up a mechanics' lien for
materials furnished does not release the pur
chaser from personal liability for such materi
als, and hence the failure of a holder of such
a lien to sign an agreement of creditors, which
provides thai it shall not be binding unless all
creditors sign, is fatal, and a party who signs
the same is not bonnd thereby.
TlnBlneaa Nesvs and Gossip.
Local architects are in clover. One of them
said yesterday that he had never known so
busy a season since he came to Pittsburg, ten
years ago.
Afire insurance solicitor, with a smile all
over his face, was encountered yesterday after
noon, and in reply to the question, "How is
business?" said he had done more so far this
month than during the entire month of June.
He has written policies for a great many new
Among the reminiscences on Fonrth avenue
yesterday was one to this effect: A few years ago
a man came here from Boston and started a shoe
store on Wood street. Nothing suited him.
He said Pittsburg was no place for business,
and wonld soon go to the dogs. Finally the
Sheriff shut him up and he went back to
Boston. A year or two later be returned and
accepted a clerkship on the same street where
ho formerly done business. He lived long
enough to realize that Pittsburg was not going
to the dogs.
Ot 28 mortgages on file for record yesterday
the largest was for $15,000. Nine were for
purchase money.
Twenty-four brokers and others surrounded
Captain Barbour at the afternoon stock call
yesterday, and seven of them were bald-headed.
Pittsburg broEers have a wide reputation for
ability in their calling.
E. P. Long sold 50 shares Philadelphia Gas
at 30. John D. Bailey sold at auction 65
shares Volksblatt Publishing Company stock
at 40, transfer guaranteed. W. I. Mustln was
the purchaser. Andrew Caster sold 50 shares
Electric at 3
The national banks have on deposit in the
Treasury 555.102,828 in lawful money for the re
demption of circulation. Movement ot
standard dollars last week, $400,715; correspond
ing week last year. 8123,218.
About (2,000,000 have baen disbursed in this
city and vicinity as a result of the July settle
ments. It Is thought this will have a good
effect upon the fall trade.
A number of local stock and oil brokers are
dissatisfied with the silver bill. They think
70,000,000 a year Is not inflation enough. Un
limited coinage was what they wanted and
hoped for.
Movements! In Ileal Estnte.
The Howley syndicate has secured altogether
about COO feet of frontage on Schcnley Park at
a cost of $5,000 to 10.000 an acre. Mr. Howley
said yesterday: "We bought for speculation.
In four or five years I think our land will bring
(400 a foot front. That is a big advance, but
not asmuch as has been re.ilizod on park prop
erty in other cities. Property facing the Alle
gheny Parks is bold at about $700 a foot."
W. A. Herron & Sons say: "The need of
tenement bonses is very great, and such Invest
ment could not fall to pay. The bouses should
be of five, six and seven rooms, neatly and com.
pactly built. Our capitalists should look into
this matter."
Ewing & Byers sold for James Fearceto
John Loop tho property No. 16 Aon street.
First ward, Allegheny, consisting of a frame
house of eight rooms and hall, with lot 25x65,
for 2.100 cash. ,
Samuel W. Black 4 Co. sold four lots, each
24x120 feet, on Aloicda street. Twenty-third
ward city, for tho Blair estate, for a price ap.
proxl'matlnc S2.500 cash.
Charles Somers k Co. sold for Dean 4
Wbltty to Jas. A. Oower, lots Nos. 24 and 25 in
the Fleming Park plan, Tlttsburg and Lake
Erie Railroad, each fronting 25 feet on Ohio
avenue, and In depth 123 feet to an alley, for
Reed B. Coylo A Co. sold to William An
drews lots Nos. 22 and 23 in their plan at Marion
station, Twenty-third ward, fronjlng on Sylvan
avenue, for fSOO, on easv payments.
W. A. Herron 4 Sons sold three lots on Rob
inson street, Thirteenth ward, each 30x195 feet,
for 81,950; Also for the BIssoll estate on Butler
street, Eighteenth ward, a lot 20x100 feet, for
Black A Balrd sold to John C. Wallace, lot
76, fronting tbo circle on tbo corner of Thomas
X5Xeet1Xoyt5.50,OT fSi per foot front, mo
street and Linoen avenne, nouievara iiace,7ux
... , ..r:-.-,- i i' II i i - iiifaitfui iiiiSwIfllW 'lilfisMliM
purchaser will at once Improve by building ft
handsome stone residence.
Orders Held Back In Hopes of Gettlne
Cheaper Stuff.
Stock trading was on a strictly summer basis
yesterday, there being only four transactions,
aggregating 92 shares. The only active proper
ties were Electric Switch and Signal and Cen
tral Traction. It was said that there were a good
many buying orders, but they were being held
back in expectation of lower figures.
There were a number of price changes, but
they were for insignificant fractions. Closing
prices, as compared with those of the previous
day, showed concessions in Central Traction,
Pleasant Valley,' and Electrlo, and gains in
Citizens' Traction and Luster. The rest of the
list was about steady at Monday's quotations.
Bids, offers and sales were:
nnsT sxcojfD
.. .. 85
100 1U7
105 "lOS
W 59 M 60
14 lfl'i 14 KM
"sii s"si $
28K ! 2S UK
eoH 70 mH 70
so tn m ......
29 M MM
20 W
I8M 1M m UH
...?. :::::: ...? "a"
(10 00 ,
m ......
40 40 41
nn.V no
Coratr.erclM fcallonsl Ilk.
First Mat. Hack of Pitts..
Fidelity Title and T. Co..
iron City Motional llank.
Marine National Hank....
Safety Deposit Company..
Manufacturers' (las Co....
Ohio Valley
Peoples' Mat. O. & P. Co.
Pennsylvania Uas Co ,..
1'hllKifelplila Do
WheellnKUssUo ,
Columbia oil Company...
Central '1 notion
Cltltens' Traction
I'M liburg Traction
i'lcisant Vallsy ,
1'ltts., All'y Man
Pittsburg & Western
La .Norla Mining Co.
Luster Mining Co
Yankee Ulrl Mlnlnx .....
Allrslienr County Kleo ..
KailKnd Klectrlii
Westlughoitto Klaotrle....
Mononsshcta Water Co,,,
Union Switch and Signal.
tlnlon Switch pref.
Wllnihuue Air II, Co..
ustlniihoute Drake, Lira
PlttiUurg Plate Ulsu Co :
Hales at first call wero 80 Kleotrln at 38, and 2
Switch and Signal at 14. At second call, 10
Central Traction brought 28;.
Tho total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 110,760 shares, Including Atchison,
3,!t00 Delaware, Lackawanna and Wcitern,
4,760; Ht. Paul, llJU-'l Heading, 3,600.
Local Hankers Doles; n Good Hteady Busl.
nei for Midsummer.
Cheeking and depositing at tbo city banks
were active for raids mmer, yesterday, supplo
rnonted by a fair demand for funds at the usual
rates. Kxchanges wero I2,67L231 24 and bal
ances f 476,008 76.
Money ou call at New York yesteraay was
easy, ranging from 44) pur cent, list loan 4,
closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper.
5417. Sterling exrhauge dull and steady at
ti 6K for 00-day blUs and U til) for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
8. 4s, reg HI HIM. K. AT. Uen. M.
U. H. 4s, coup,
Mutual Union es..,.10l
u . o. shs, rcg.
. 103
M.J. u. int. cert.. .in
Northern Pac. nit.. USH
Northern Pac. lds..lH!l
V. 8. 4s, conp 101
FaeiOcfisof 'OS. 11:14
Loulslanastampedis 02M
Missouri Bs 101
lenn. new set &!.... 100
Tenn, nswstt. 5s...,10i!4
Tenn.newset. 3s.... 73
Canada Bo. 2ds 100
Central Pacific lsts.lCSX
Den. A K. O. Ists...ll7
Den. it, O. 4s UM
II.1K.O. Westlsts.
Erie 2d 102(4
M.K.ST. Uen. Cs.. 87
Northw't'n conioli.m
Morthw'n deben's bsitoh
Ures-on & Trans. M. 100)4
bt.L&LM. Uen. s. to
Bt.L. JtH.F. Ucn.M.lll
tit. Paul consols KtH
st. P. cal&l'e. liti.115
lx., l'c L.O.Tr.lU. 83
Tx.. Pc. K U.Tr.Ks. 4IK
Union raclflolsts...l09)i
West Shore 1CUM
New York Clearings, 123,620,002; bal
ances. 16,766,187.
Boston Clearings. $10,011,681: balances,
11,50,1619. Money 6 per cent.
Philadelphia. Clearings, U,OS6,630; bal
ances, 8L669.S70.
Baltimore Clearings, 2,198,888; balances,
Paris Three per cent rentes, BIT 62o for
the account.
Chicago Clearings, $12,877,000. New York
exchange 25c discount. Money 67 per cent
on time loans.
Petroleum ns Unreliable as tbe Proverbial
Flea Listing Lima Output.
OU was a featureless commodity yesterday.
Tbe market opened at 89, moved up to 89,
and then dropped to 88 aud bung around that
figure all day, with scarcely anything doing.
Bales were about 15,000 barrels, against 18,000
the previous day. Outside exchanges were
quiet also. The range of fluctuations c
was: Opening, BSii; highest, S9J; lowest and
closing, 88.
It was learned yesterday that a majority of
Pittsburg oil brokers are in favor of listing
Lima oil. providing the Standard will issue cer
tificates therefor. They think that, inasmuch
as it would increase the trading stock, it would
be a help to business. At all events it would
n urk no harm, while it might develop a crop of
Several wells in the Bellevue field will he due
in a week, and the other wells are making
rapid progress. The Harvey well will be the
first in, being down over 1,200 feet. The Heine
well has passed down to tbe telrd sand, and a
strong flow of gas dries up what little oil there
is in the well. The Straw well has been tubed
and is now being pumped.
Features of Yesterday's Oil Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oakley & Co., 43
Sixth street, members of tbe Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange:
Opened E9H I Lowest. 6SK
Highest 89!4 I Closed 83,Tt
Average charters 16.613
Average shipments 68.02;
Average runs 66,184
Refinea. NewYorr. 7.20c
Kenned, London, SHd,
Kennea, Antwerp, I7f.
Keflned, Liverpool. 5 1I-1M.
Iteaned. Bremen. 6.60m.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 88; calls, &9Q
Other Oil Markets.
On. City, July 15. Petroleum opened at
88Kc; highest, 89c: lowest, 88c; closed. 88c
Sales, 47,000 barrels; clearances not reported;
charters, 14,842 barrels; shipments, 110,382 bar
rels; rnns, 88,433 barrels.
Bradford. July 15. Petroleum opened at
88c; closed, 88c; highest, 89c; lowest, tSJie.
Clearances, 70,000 barrels.
New York. July 15. Petroleum opened
dull atSSc. for spot, and 88o for August. The
fluctuations were narrow and the volume of
business light. Market remained dull all day
and closed practic-illy unchanged from the
opening. Slock Exchange Opening, 88Jie;
highest, SSJic: lowest, 88Jgc: closlne.8c Con
solidated Exchange Opening, SSXic; highest,
89c; lowest, 88Kc; closing, 88c. Total sales,
08,000 barrels.
Wall Street Bulls bill! Confident of a Ko-
vlvnl of Speculation, Now That
the Silver Question Is Oat
of tho Way.
New York, July 15. Thofalth of tho bulls In
the power of tho sliver bill to revive the almost
moribund speculation was shown again in the
firm to strong front presented by tho stock
market this morning, but tbe conservative
spirit cropped out In tho dullness which con
tinued without break throughout the day, as
tbe effect of tbe fear of further gold shipments
this week. Theso factors at present seem to
control tbe course of the market both as to
prices and activity.
The raid upon llock Island is without expla
nation. Tbe feeling upon tho Grangers is im
proving and is based upon tbe expectation of
increased earnings from tbo larger crops soon
to come to market pver those lines. Thoso
stocks show all tho feature there Is in the mar
ket at present, and continuo to show tho most
firmness, though subjected to some pressure.
The general list throughout tbe day failed to
movo, but the opening gains wero sufficient to
cause most stocks to close slightly higher than
last evening. Tbo pressure upon Sugar was on
tbo circulation ot rumors pointing to tbe
further litigation and possible disruption of tbe
truit. It is tbe only stock which shows a ma
terial decline, its loss being 1 per cent. Rail
road bnuds showed a little animation, and tbo
sales ot all Issues reached 81,021,000, which was
distributed among a greater uumber of Issues
than usual of lato while thoro was no feature
of iuterest. Tho tone remained firm, tbo, final
changes wero generally for insignificant frac
tions. St. Louis and New Orleans 6's rose 2 to
120. Government bonds bare been dull and
steidy. State bonds have been, dull, but firm.
The Pott says: According to tbe monthly
statement of the Treasury ot the United States
for Juno SO the amount of tho fund held In tbe
treasury for the redemption of the notes of
national banks which had either "failed" or
were in liquidation, or were reducing circula
tion, was i55,ui9,SC0 in United States legal tend
ers. It Is this fund which Is covered into the
treasury by the silver bill signed by tbe Presi
dent yesterday, and thereby becomes a part of
tbe general treasury balance available for the
purchase of bonds, instead of a special fund
nem exclusively ior me purpose bdovo ..
Th. I, aw tnw Hnjia nnt tnni-h thA "fi ner C6nt re
flompUon Xuad," beld tot tho redemption I
of mutilated and soiled bank notes.
This latter fund amounted on June
? l S5.819.49S. But at the same
date there were S4,203,261 of mutilated and
soiled national bank notes in the hands of the
Treasury officials, "in process of redemption."
so that under this 6 per cent redemption
process there were $9,822,759 of legal tenders
and national bank notes beld out of circula
tion, besides the $55,61,360 in the first men
tioned redemption fund. So far as the $55,619,
860 may have any offect on the money market
It is. of course, no more available than any of
the other surplus of the Treasury, about which
there has been so mueh talk, and which can
only be got out of the Treasury In tbe way of
its regular disbursements or for tho purchase
of bonds.
The following table snows tne prices or active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for 111 UlsrATCH by
Whitket & STxrniKsON. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of flew Xork tttock Exchange, 67 Fourtn ave
naei Clos
ing Bid.
In. Am. Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil Dref.
Am. Cotton Oil Trust
Alton, Tint Haute
Atch. Top. A 8. " Wi
Canadian Paciae 82
Canada Southern 67
Central facinc 33K
Ontsapeake & Ohio.... 24
C. A Alton i...
C.. Bur. 4 Qniacy ....loGJf
Clev. A Col 75)4
Col. Ailocklnr Val... 80
Central of Mew Jersey ....
lc,, Lack & West 148
Del. Hudson
t)en. a ltio Grande, pi U'4
. wayn;..:::::.;:::: ..?.
Houston ATexas....
Lake krle A West
Lake fcne ft West pf OS
Laka Shore A M.S.... .110
Louisville ft Maihrllle. ISM
Mlctilsnn Central
Mobile ft Ohio 21 U
Mlaioun i'aciae "iH
Jjewxork Central
N. Y.. L. It. ft W UH
N. X., O. AMI. L ,.
fl. J. Ari.K 60W
M.y., o. aw m
Norfolk A Western pf, ....
Northern I'nclflc. Wji
Northern Paclftopr.... Mi
Ohio A Mississippi VH
Oregon Improvement. ....
OrexntiTransoon 4SU
1'nolHeMall 4SjJ
Peo., Dso.ACvnns ,.
Hi litdoi, A Heading... 4SH
Pullman Palace Car.,. Jis
at. P., Minn. A Man., 112
HI, L. A Han Krsn
HI. I A Kan Krau pf
Ht, L.A Hun If. 1st pi
Texas I'sclno lOM
Wnlon I'acli'c oils
Wabash , ,.
Wabash nrsrerrcd Mk
Western Union,.,, ..,, MS
Husarltust,., 7UI(
National Lead Trait... II
Chicago Oai Trait UK
High- Low
est, est.
40S ii
82 81 H
67M 6?
24 21
1C6H l6V
7X 7J)
80M 29t
i) 147X
26H MJi
ihli is"
20 Uli
ii'u tin
50 10)1
m mi
fl 43H
iH ih'i
Jis ll
HI 112
28 Hi
TJoaton HtoeUa,
Ateh. A Ton UH
lloston A Albany. ...226)1
lloitonA Maine 207)t
0., II. A Q 107
Eastern 1?.K 172
Eastern It. It. At 123
flint APereM 9314
rilnlAPereM. pro.llxiH
Slass. Csntral zoh
Mex. Csntraleom... 27!4
!i. V. A N. Kng 61
N.Y.iX.KoK. 7s.i:iX
Old Colony. 174
Wis. Central com... 28)4
Wis. Central pi CO
AlloursMg. Co 8
Atlantic I4H
lloston Mont 63j
Calomel A Hcla
'. 25
. !
. 10
. 70
rerraoio (new)...,
Qulnoy .
Mania Ye copper.,
Annlston Land Co.. 67 H
lloston Land Co HH
West End Land Co.. 23 H
laioarac .....
Han Dlrgo Land Co. 23
liell Telephone 220
Lamson Stores SOX
Wator Power 6)
Centennial Mining. SO
Philadelphia fltooks.
Cloilnc quotations of Philadelphia stocks, far
nlshed bv Wbltne;
wnitney ABtennenson, oroxcrs. no. n
A Htephenson, brokers. No. 87
Konrtli avenue,
Members Ht xork btocx Li
Bid. Asked.
. KH 63V
. 11 1-18 23 3-18
. UH llh
. 62H !,ZH
. 62 62H
. i SS
. 3SK ZS7,
. S3H 83),
Pennsylvania Railroad,
Buffalo, PlttsburK ft Western,..,
I.ehUh Vallsv
Lehigh Navlfatlon
Philadelphia and Erie
ftorthsrn I'aclOc ,
northern PaclSc preferred
New York Mining Stocks.
New Yore. July 15. Mlnlne qnotatlons:
Belle Isle, 140; Best &. Belcher. 390; Con. Gala.,
430; Deadwood, 150; Hale and Noicross, SOO;
Hnmestake, 10: Horn Sliver. 340; Iron Silver,
175; N. Commonwealth, 225; Ontario, 41; Occi
dental, 140; Plymouth, 400; Phmnlx, Ariz., 135.
Parliament will probably meet again about
November 25.
Tbe American riflemen arrived yesterday
at Cologne from Berlin.
Tbe English press regard the contemplated
peace congress as a humbug.
Tbe new Board of the National Bank sat
isfies the commercial community of Monte
video. Nihilist Mendelssohn doesn't like French
prisons, although the officials are kind and
At tbe county asylum at Galena, 111.. John
Roth, after living without food for 60 days,
died Monday of paralysis.
Two hundred Chicago and Northwestern
employes are to be laid off at Chicago in the in
terest of economy, it is said.
The Madrid Gazette says that within tbe
last two months there have bsen 415 cases of
cholera in Spain, 251 of which proved fatal.
Mr. Gladstone has so far recovered from
his recent illness as to be able to attend a
garden party at which Her Majesty, tbe Queen,
was also present.
Mr. Stanley continues unwell. Dr. Parke
says he is very weak. The Queen has sent
message by telegraph making Inquiries as to
Mr. Stanley's condition.
Fire broke out yesterday in a large rag
house in Cincinnati and caused a loss of 810.
000. Almost a panie resulted before the girls in
the building could be rescued.
The Fifth Louisiana Levee Board refuse to
recognize tbe action of Governor Nicholls In
removing four members of tbe board. They
claim he had no legal right to do so.
The ten days' fete at Brussels, in honor of
tbe sixtieth anniversary of Belgian inde
Dendence and the twenty-fifth year of King
Leopold's reign, commences on the 20th inst.
The sawmill operators at Ashland, Wis.,
have been notified by their L500 employes that
unless tbey reduce the hours from 11 to 10 per
day at the same wages tbey will strike July 18.
Tbe London Standard says: "The death of
General Fremont deprives America of a ro
mantic personality which It can ill afford to
lose in these prosaio times. His name will live
in history."
Tbe Senate Committee on Finance yester
day ordered a favorable report npon the nomi
nations of the five appraisers of merchandise,
nominated two weeks ago under the customs
administrative bill.
A 18-year-old lad of Green Bay, Wis.,
flourished like a green bay tree by the rivers of
waters pilfering from railroad cars nntil de
tected ana arrested. He had about a drayload
ot goods at his homo.
In the suit of John E. Cornell against Mrs.
Hetty Green, to redeem property from fore
closure mortgaged to her by Uoorge W. Gage
for 3150.000, and wblch is now wortb f 1,000,000,
Judge Blodgett decided in favor of defendant,
A special stock train ran into a freight
standing on the track at Chillicothe, O., de
molishing both trains and killing Mrs. Green
B Roberts, of Wheeling, also injuring two or
three train men. The conductor and engineer
of theapecial are under arrest.
In 1888 Jasper Douglas Pyne, formerly a
member of Parliament from West Waterford,
Ireland, mysterlouslv disappeared from homo
and has not since been heard of. His wife
asks permission to administer on his estato, but
tho application has been refused by the court
as there is no evidence Pyne Is dead. It is sup
posed ho was lost at sea.
At Leland, Iowa, the citizens held an indig
nation meeting to protest against the Invasion
or the quiet precincts by the original packago
man. They closed tbe business of tbo evening
by unanimously passing tho following resolution-That
It bo unlawlul to sell intoxicating
liquors of any kind In Loland, and that any
person violating this ordiuanco shall be tarred,
feathered and cowhided out of the village.
The Cession of Heligoland Onlr Whetted
' ibe Roynl Appoilios for More.
London, July 15. Tho cesBlon of Heligo
land to Germany has, It seems, sharpened tbe
appetites of othor powers for tho acquisition
of outlying Islands. Very few people have over
board of Worms Island In tho Baltic, which
has belonged for many gonoratlons to the bar
ons ot Btackclbcrg.
Russia has longed to form a coaling station
there, but its then owner once refused
an offer of L0O0,0Oa Its present
proprietor has just parted with it to tho Lzar
ior little over 1,000,000 francs.
When baby was sick, we gave bcr Castorla,
When sho was a Child, sbeciledfor Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Chlldren.she gave them Castorla
Egj8 'Are Advancing and Choice
Batter Continues Firm.
Flour Looking Dp, 'While. Oats Ara Weak
on Large Eecelpts.
OrricE ox'PirrsBuno dispatch, l
Tubs day. July 15. 189a I
Conntry Produce Jobbing Prices.
At the meeting of the Elgin Butter Board
Monday attornoon last week's prices nere re
affirmed, but markets were active and very
firm. Ohio creamery butter ot very high
grade is firm at outside quotations. Prospects
are good for an advance in cheese at an early
day. Ohio shippers are ordorlng tbelr stock to
be withheld from market until better prices
can be obtained. It Is evident that the lowest
cheese price of the season has rbeen reached,
and that future changes will be toward a
higher level. Fresh nearby eggs are very
scarce and prices are steadily moving upward.
Cold storage eggs are firm at 18c, and chuloo
nearby stock at 20o per dozon. Potatoes are
now to fain apply and niarko i are stoady. Tbe
quality ot melons coming to market of late has
Improved very much over early receipts. Ilut
prlcosaro unohaoged. supply of berries Is
not up to demand, and good stook finds ready
sale at quotations. Lemons are moving freely
and nrlcss are firm. Oranges and bananas aro
A1TLK8-JI 004 00 a barrol. . , M
UUTTKii-Uroainery, Elgin, 18$10ci Oblo do,
17fiil7ko; fresh dairy packed, luifil2ci country
UiciiuiKH Gooseberries.
to OW W a stand)
quart) red ratpber
3)Ho a quart, 41 25
a bushel) huckle-
black raspberries, 120140
ries. ISci blaokbernei, It
abueketi currants, (100
berries, 14u a quart
WSANH-Navv hand-nleked boan. (2 00ffl2 10,
IIkkhwax-SUWo V lb lor cholceilow grade,
(TAWTAi.nnritfi-MfiOfiS 00 W cratct water
melons. liO WKfflM 00 a hundred,
CiDKit Hand refined. 17 60( eommon, 3 00
4 OOi crab elder, V 6008 00 V barrel) elder vin
egar, 10ffll2o V gallon, ,
CIIKKSK-New Ohio cbeese,7HB8ct New York
cheese. Uc: Llmherger, lOKQUHc: domes
tlo Hweltzer. 1318io( Wisconsin brick
Hwollrer, lliiUci imported Bweitier, 24H&
Eoas 1802 o V dozon for strictly fresh.
Fkatmeiui Extra live geese. oOQOOc) No. J,
do, 404TS4&O: mixed lots. 30085c V & .
MAl-wcBYKUl' 76QU60 a cau) maple sugar,
10llc V &
IIONKY 15c ! ft.
Poulthy Live chickens. OOfflOOc a pair)
dressed, ll12o a pound: ducks, 66076c a pair.
Tallow Country, 8J$ct city rendered. 4c.
TnorioAL Fjiuits Lemons, choice, U 75
05 25; fancy, 85 5030 SO; Rodl oranges, to 60S)
0 75: Sorrento oranges, 85 005 60; bananas,
82 002 60 firsts. 81 75 good seconds Tft bunch;
pineapples, 7Q9abundrod;CatiIornlapeacbes,
82 002 60 box) California apricots, 82 250
2 60.
Veqetaiiles Now Southern potatoes, J4 00
04 60 V barrol; cabbage, 52 0002 25 M large
crate; home-grown cabbage, 81 1501 25 y bushel
basket; Florida onions, JJ 754 00 a barrel;
green onions, 20Q25c ip dozen; green beans,
home-grown, 81 001 15 ft basket; wax beans,
home-crown,6570o fl basket: cucumbers, $1 25
1 60 V box; tomatoes, $1 001 60 a basket.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 24K23c;
cboloe Rio, 2223Kc; prime Rio, 23c: low
grade Rio, 20K21Kc; old Government Java,
2930c; Maracalbo, 2627Kc; Mocba, SO0
32c; Santos2226c; Caracas, 25827c; La Gnayra,
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 25c:
high grades, 330Xc; old Government Java,
bulk, 3334c; Maracalbo, 282c; Santos, 26
30c; peaberry, 30c; choice Rio, 20c; prime Rio,
25c; good Rio. 24c: ordinary. 21Ma22Kc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 174518c: allspice,
10c; cassia, 8c: pepper, 15c; nutmeir. 7580c
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Mc: headlight, 150. 8Vc: water
white, 10c; globe, 1414)c; elatne, llKc; car
nadlne, llKc, royaline, lie; red oil, llllKc;
purity, 14c
Miners' Oil H o. 1 winter strained. 4S46c
fl gallon; summer, 3S40c; lard oil, 5558c
Syrup Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar
syrup, 383Sc: prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 4748c;
choice, 46c; medium, 3843c: mixed, 4042c.
SODA Bi-carb in keg-, 3K3c; bi-carb in
K9, 5-c; bi-carb assorted packages. 66c;
sal-soda in kegs, ljc: do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 8jc: stearine,
fl set, 8Kc: parafflne, ll12c
Rick Head Carolina, 77ic: choice, i
6Jc; prime. 66c; Louisiana, 53i8J4c
STABOH Pearl, 3Jic; cornstarch, 5Ji6c;
gloss starch, 57c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers,2 75: Muscatels,g250: California M ns
catels,2 40; Valencia,8Kc;Ondara Valencia. 10Ji
llc; suItan.lOSlOc; currants. 5K6c;Turkey
prunes, 6K6u: trench prunes. U12c; Salon
ica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 9c: cocoanuts f)
100, 80; almonds. Lan., fl ft. 20c; do Ivica. 17c;
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 13I4c; Slcllv
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1213c: new dates, 64J
6c; Brazil nuts, lie; pecans, 910c; citron, ft
ft, 18 18c; lemon peel, 16c V m orange peel,
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft., 6c;
apples, evaporated, 1010Kc: peaches, evapor
ated, pared, 2428c: peaches. California, evap
orated, unpared, 1718c; cherries, pitted, 121
18c; cherries, unpitted, 5ffi8c; raspberries,
evaporated. 3233c; blackberries. !Q7ic;
huckleberries, 10io12c
SUGARS Cubes, 7c: powdered, 7c; granu
lated, 6c; confectioners' A, Cc: standard'A.
6Jc; sott white. ebiQbc; yellow, choice. 60
6kc; yellow, good, 5B6c; yellow, fair, 5K
5c; yellow, dark, 5K5Mc
Pickles Medium, bbls. (1.200). 89 00; me
dium, half bbls. (000). 85 00.
Salt No. 1, fl bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex. fl bbl. 81 00!
dairy, fl bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, fl bhl. $1 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80: Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft packets. 83 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, 82 00
2 25; 2ds, SI 651 80; extra peaches. 82 402 00;
pie peaches. SI 25; finest corn, 81 251 40; Hfd
Co. corn, 05090c; red cherries, 90agSl; Lima
beans. Si 20; soaked do, 80c; string do, 65070c:
marrowfat peas. 81 I0&1 25; soaked peas. 70M
80c; pineapples, 81 301 40: Bahama do, 82 75;
damson plums. 95c; greengages. $1 60: egg
plums, 81 75; California pears, J2 40; do green
gages, 81 75; do egg plums, Jl 73; extra white
cherries. 82 40;raspberrle, 9oc81 10: strawber
ries, 95c!l 10; gooseberries. 8590c: tomatoes,
S5i)0c; salmon, 1-ft, Jl 301 80; blackberries,
00c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green,
2-ft, 81 251 50; corn beef. 2-ft cans. 8210; 14 ft
cans, 814; baked beans, 81401 50; lobster. 1-ft,
81 801 90; mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, 8 1 50;
sardines, domestic, Ks, 84 254 35: sardines, do
mestic, Ks, 80 75; sardines, imported, s.
$116012iO; sardines, imported. K. "S: sar
dines, mustard. S3 35; sardines, spiced. S3 50.
Fish Extra No, 1 bloater mackerel, 830 fl
bbl; extra No. 1 do, mes, S40: extra No. 1 mack
erel, shore, 823: extra No. 1 do, mess, 832; No. 2
shore mackerel, 823. Codfish Whole pollock,
4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do
largo, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 4c; do
George's cod in blocks. 6)$7Kc Uerrlne
Round shore, 83 60 ft bbl; split, 6 60: lake, 83 25
?R 100-ft bbl. White fish, 88 50 ft 100-ft half bbl.
iake trout, 85 60 ft bait bbl. Finnan haddock,
10c ft ft. Iceland halibut. I3c ft ft. Pickerel,
half bbl, 83 00; quarter bbl. 81 35: Potomac her
ring, $3 50fl bid; 82 00 ft half bbl.
Oatmeal 85 003 23 ft bbU
Grain, Flour and Feed.
c.u. ,n rill nt tna Grain Exchinee: 1 car
high mixed shell corn, 44c. 5 days: I car No. 2
white oats, sojic, spot; & cars no. z wuuo oats,
86c, 5 davs. P., Ft. V. A C; 2 cars No. 2 white
oats. 36Mc," 10 da s regular. Receipts as bulle
tined, 23 cws. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago Railway, 5 cars of oats, 1 of malt, 4 of
flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Ht. Louis,
3 cars of corn, 1 of oats. By. Pittsburg and
Lake Erie, 2 cars ot flonr. Oats are in very
liberal supply and markets are not so firm as
they have been for a few days past. Other
ceroals are steady. Flour Is ill m at quotation
and an advance 1 prohablo before miuy days.
Prices aro for carload lots on track:
WHEAT-NewNo. 2 red. BlQ92c; No. 3, 88
CORN-No. 2 yellow ear. 47$48c; high mixed
ear. 40Kl"c: No. 2 yellow, shelled, 41K5c;
high mixed shelled corn. 43U044C
Oats-No. 2 white. 36MS37c; extra. No. 8
35fi'30c; mixed 34035c roi-n.
Ryk No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. SSdoOc;
No. 1 Western, 6556c
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy, winter and
spring patonte. jS 5005 75: winter straight,
V, 0115 26: clear winter, 84 755 00; straight
XXXX bakers', 84 204 60. Rye flour, 83 600
3 7i
MlLEFED Middlings, fine white. 815 600
16 00 ft ton: brown middlings, 813 60014 00;
winter wheat bran, 12 00012 60.
HAY Haled timothy. No. 1, 810 00010 60: No.
2 do, J7 5008 00; loose, from wagon, 812 000
15 00, according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay.
80 5037 00; packing do, 80 0006 60; clover hay,
85 60ftfl 00. .'..,
Straw Oat, 80 7507 00; wheat and rye, 86 00
00 25.
"Sugar-cured hams, large, lie; sagar-cured
hams, roodlnm, HXcs sugar-hams, small, 12c;
sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8K sugar-cured
hnnlitar, 7L?n- snp&r-cnred boneless' shoal
Idera, bjic; skinned shoulders, Set skinned
hams, HJJes sugar-cured California hams, Bie:
sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar-cured
dried beet sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12c; bacon, shoulders, 6c; bacon, clear
sides, 7Kc; bacon, clear bellies, 7K dry salt
shoulders, 5Kc: dry salt clear sides, Vyip. .Mess
pork, heavy, $13 50: mess pork, family. J13 50.
Lard Refined, in tierces, 6c; half-barrels, 6c;
60-ft tubs, ac; 20-ft palls, elgo; 50- tin cans.
6Kc; 8-ft tin palls, 6c; 6-ft.tln palls. 6c; 10-ft
tin palls, 6Vc Smoked sausage, long, 5c;
large, 5c. Fresh pork, links, tfc. Boneless
hams, 10Kc Pigs' feet, half-barrels, (4 00;
quarter-barrels. $2 15.
The WIckelsj Raised nt Last Tbreo Feet
Six Inches Here With Ten Feet at Davis
'Island Business Lookins; 'Op Notes
About Boats and Bom men.
Matters about the wharf were livelier yester
day than for some time past. Business was as
brisk about tbe Monongahela wharf boat as of
yore, In consequence of the wickets being
raised. The rivermen hailed tho news with
Joy, as it will enable them to bring down the
loaded coal barges within a short time now.
There Is an equal setback to the lower river
trade, however, no boats can come np above
Wheeling, and all of the Cincinnati line
packets have tied up to wait on hleber water.
The rising of the dam put about IK feet moro
In this pool. The new mark on tbo Smltbfield
street bridge pier ihoncd 8 feet and 8 Inehos at
6 o'clock yesterday. It Is expected that It wll
go hlgber. At Davis Island the mark regisl
tered ten feet and rising rapidly.
Tits Scotia wilt hare a now hall.
TilX Hudson tied up at Cincinnati.
Hie I.Uile Bay will work In the Cincinnati
packet trade.
Til Andes will tie up at Farkersburg until
btghsr water conies.
Tins John y. Walton was taken off the docket
Manchester yesterday.
Tub Mcot! nint Louis A. Hlierloy will go on the
ways at Cincinnati for repairs.
Tiikiik Is no boats hiring between hers and Cin
cinnati on account or loir watir.
Tiih Kialue will run betwten Wheeling and
Parkersburg while the Ohio Is loir.
Tim II. K. Iledford hat made her last trip until
higher wattr. It will tie up nt Wheeling.
Tltc Courier Is running between Marlttta and
Parkersburjf In the absence of high water here.
This Keystone state eonld not get away from
Wheeling and tied up there to wait for high water.
TUB Adam Jacobs left for Morgantown at 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon with a heavy load of
The Nentane. a small pleasure boat with a stern
wheel, took the Light Hill Kilning club up to Lock
No. 8 yesterday.
Tux Ilstchellor Club of Erie will go np the
Monon to the mouth of Cheat rivsr to-morrow on
a flailing expedition.
CarTAlH Jam IB A. Hkndxrsox. of tbe Cincin
nati parket line arrived In Cincinnati. He will
superintend the repairing of the ecotla.
Hilly Carroll, second mate of the Mary Mor
ton, was shot by a roustabout at 8t. Louis Mon
day. It la thought that tbe shot will prove fatal.
Tiixdrodare boat Western was taken to Lock
No. 8 to do some work for the Oovernment. The
Monongahela dredire boat No. 3, was taken to
Lock No. 4 to removo snags.
The Morgantown wharfboat was towed down
from Lock No. 1 and Is now doing business at the
old stand, near the Bmlthfleld street bridge, where
freight will now be received.
The C. W. llatcbellor was taken to Heed
Krepps' dock below tho Point bridge. It will
unrlergo extensive repairs, being painted and
refitted for the Cincinnati packet trade.
Ciptaiu William Dillox was apoointed In
spector of Hulls by John Fehrenbatch, Supervis
ing inspector, and J. A. Faris, of the United
Htites Hoard of Designation. Captain Dillon Is
well known in river circles and understands the
business to which he wasappolnted to.
HieH, K. Bedford ran on a bar below Davis
Island Dam, In the Horse Tall Bend, about noon.
Monday, which put It behind ten honrs. It dldnot
succeed getting off until yesterdsymornlngabout
idivlnpt Tim wlfkrs had ta h dronnea some
! to let down enough water to get It afloat.
The statement that John M. Klsher's property
was appraised by Uamnel Wood and James Gor
aon is Incorrect. He has been appointed assignee
for the property of J. 1). Kisher, of which an In
ventory and appraisement was taken by tbe above
named gentlemen. The property was appialsed
at S30S, 329 29, wblch will more than meet all claims.
Letters for the following are at Mauck & Mc
Gulre's. Cincinnati: H. H. Hornbrook, Cephes
smith, John Morton and Will Keller. At the
Consolidated Boat Store: James gtrausburgh,
Chas. Kilmer, Ella Kobson. Joseph 11. Marl In jr.
Scott Pierce, airs. Marzaret Wrlsrht, N. T. Dedew,
Louis Crone. IT. B. Martin. William K. Cooper,
Alva McUulxe, Wilson De Hart.
The James O. Blaine met with an accident
which will prevent it from running In the Monon
trade for some time, Monday afternoon while
landing at Morgantowd. It struck a rock, which
sprnng the bull so badly that It began to leak. A
report reached the city to tbe effect that the
Blaine had sunl' with a large load of merchandise.
This proved to U false when Inquiry was made at
the wharf. T.ie ull was patehed aplmmedlately,
before much damage was done, and It un
loaded Its freight at Morzantonn and came
down to Brownsville, where It was docked.
It will be put In condition for resuming In the
trade as soon as possible. This will leave the
Morgantown line with only two boats out dally.
For Sale.
Two barges, two flats, and lumber in flat,
two French creeks; all in John A. Wood &
Son's landing at Cbartiers creek; also the
steamboat Jos. B. Williams. Inquire for
particulars. John M. Eishee,
Assignee of I. D. Eisher, No. 8 Wood st,
Embroidery and White Goods Department
direct importation from the best manufac
turers of St. Gall, In Swiss and Cambric Edg
ings, Flouncings, 8kirt Widths and Allovers,
Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncing. Buyers
will find these goods attractive both In price
and novelties of design. Full lines of New
Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE
PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in
dado and plain or spring fixtures. Lace Cur
tains, Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and
Brass Trimmings; Floor, Table and Stair Oil
Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest variety from which to select
Toll Du Nords, Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersuck
ers, Imperial Suitings. Heather A Renfrew
Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams..
Wholesale Exclusively.
CAUTION warranted, and every pair
has bis name and price stamped on bottom.
Flno Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain.
Tho excellence and wearing qualities of this shoo
cannot be better shown than by the strbnir endorse
ments of Its thousands of constant wearers.
IcOO Gennlno Ilnnd-sesved, an elegant and
O stylish dress bhoo which commends itself.
Syi.00 Ilniid-Hewcd Welt. A fine calf Shoo
unequalled for stylo and durability., ,
SO. BO loodyear Welt la the standard dress
O Shoe, ot a popular price.
SO .SO Pollccmnn'n Sshoo Is especially adapted
O for railroad men, farmers, etc.
All mado In Congress, Button and Lace.
have been most favorably received since introduced
and tho recent improrementa make them superior
tn nn ahneS Sold S
thpHn nrlces.
ASK yuur icci, i4i. .
. . t.. ..., ,
ind if fie cannot sunol v too
ou send
direct to factory enclosing advertised price.
or a
postal for order blanks.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
II. J. & G. M. Laiitr. Forty-fifth and Butler sts.
J. N. Frohing. Filth ave. D." Carter, 73
Filth ave. E. C. Sperber, 1826 Carson St.
Allrghenv CItv, Honrv Rosser, 108 Federal
St.. and E. G. Hollman, 72 Rebecca st.
1-IJ 11LIU superior
to pennyroyal or
tansy; particoisrs, sc Giarxe a co-. ijoxjis.
Kttlla.i Jtcua,'-
YZ AMmi.m?- 'iir
iff . IsKri'i r'j 'i, U lb
i f m-'TTHorr t i
T' I I III Hi Hi Inlr
Catarrh and Parasites a Specialty 2
And ul, i.ijf t..uu..Mcr hcaiuu v.iiii auueess.
I cure cancer without knife or plaster. I have
taken 103 tape worms In the last 18 months.
Thousands are afflicted that do not know it.
Send stamp for circular and see symptoms. I
have secured the services of a first-class phy
sician and will answer all calls, day or night,
for them that cannot come to my office. Calls
and medicines must be paid for at tbe time or
security given. Get Dr. Ilurgoon's System
Renovator at all druggists. It is working won.
ders. It la recommended by the best physicians
in tbe United States. Ofllco hours from 8 A, X.
to 10 v. a. Know mo by ray works.
7 OHIO STREET, Alleghooy City, Pa.
i uijuuijvm w v
zxrX"i,eiisUiia. ia.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Arconnts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for uso of travelers, and Commer
clal Credits,
Available In all pans of the world. Alio Issue
For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, Weil
Indies, South and Central America.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
Leading English Investment
Syndicates have money to in
vest in American manufac
tories in large amounts only.
Is increasing Its capital to SI, 000,000. making it ',
Shares, 1105 00 each, the (5 00 premium gojng
to profit account, for benefit of new and old
Bank officers of long and successful financial
experience. A limited number of shares will
be sold. Address GUARANTEE LOAN AND
TRUST CO.. Kansas City, Mn., or DENVER
Denver, Col. jy-87-wrsu
Etocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
5 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
mv29 61
As old residents know and back files of Pitts,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in tbn city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDni IO and mental diseases, physical
IN Lit V UUO decay.nervous debility. lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, basbfulness.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tbe person for business society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
BLOOD AND SKIN sdtagere"ptfoSs!
blotches, falline hair, bones, pains, glandular,
awelllngs, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 Dl M A D V kidney and bladder derange
U HI INnR I j ments, weak back, graveL ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier'sllfe-lonc, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it
here. Office hours, 9 A. sr. to 8 p. Jt. Sunday,
10 A. M. to 1 r. ST. only. DR. WUITTIER, 81
Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa.
Fall particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine O ray's
bpecitlc sold by druazlsts only In
yellow wrapper. Prlc-, St per
package, or six for (S. or by malt
on nir.lnt nt nrlce. hv address
ing TUB OKAY MEIMC1NE CO, lloffaio, N. 1
Hom in riiisoBrr uja. o. uui.uA.i. w
Emlthlleld and Liberty su. mhl7-M-DWk
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring sclentidc aud confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K' Lake.
M. R. C. P. S.. is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Offica
hours to i and 7 to 8 P. M.: Sundays, 2 to 4 P.
M. Consult them personally, or write. Doctors
Lake. cor. Penn ave. and 4th st, Pittsburg, Pa.
"Wood's Ila.osil3.ocli2a.o.
tiif. nnr.AT KNni.Irtll REMEDY.
Vied for Si years
and tneexresseS
of later year.
antttd to cure all
forms of Nervous
(iters mvuaaia
or. Ask druirfrtsts
for Wood's Fhos-
Weakness. Emis
sions, fcpermator-
rnea, imDOtncr.
pnodine; tare no
SUDSlllOUk wns
package, sli six. sa. Dy man, wnie 'ar.y.""y""J:
Address Yhe.v ood Chemical Co.. 131 WoodVardl
ave, Detroit, Mich.
aT-Sulrt In l'lttsbnrs-. Pa., by Joseph Fleming
Son, Dl.imomkand Market sts. apS-MwrswktowK
MUU HI. ' ' ' W1.
Suffennn from the effects of youthful errors, early
decay, wasUwr weakness, lost manhood, etc, 1 will
send a valuable treatise ae'g wntahrull
particulars for home cure. FREE of eharge. A
splendid medical work : should bo read or every
man who Is nerrons anil debilitated. Address,
Vtof. F. C. FO WXER, OToodus,Coniu
WE A Kjsss?
rrtoril. ThsmkI ni4. Parts enlrged.trtnsnlind.
X.nTmllM sent (ree and sealed. IsrrlMaUi.q
to every man, young, middle-aged,
.n,t ol.l noitaze paid. Address
ont,331ColumbusAve.,Boston,Maa, .
Phntn frnm T.lfA.
nTTswfl,i$wii pis1-