Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 15, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Trico of Beeves Higher at Sources
of Supply and Lower Here.
A Hearj Enn at East Liberty and Conces
sions Accessary.
OrnoB or riTTKmtiio niKrATon,
Mommy. July Riswa (
Tho oflcrloRi of cattle At llerr'i Island
wcro below average In volume. There win
ft fair demand nt about the en mo range of
prices n lust Monday, Drovers report that
cost wai 10c. per hundred higher than tlioc
on the market last week. There were no
prlnio heavy hcpyei on tale. Untidy light
butcher entile wero scarce, supply not lit I tig
op to demand for thl grade. J'rlnie heavy
Chicago beevei,of which there were scarcely
nny on the market, wore quoted at f51!0to
f3 10; good to prime medium weights, (4 (15
to N; common to fair do., f 1 IS to $1 :0;
prime light weight! icarce and higher at
W 40 to ft 75; fair to good light weights,
?1 15 to H 33; low grade stock, roughs,
(.'rasters, stockers and feeders, f 2 50 to f3 50.
Fres.li cows were dull and slow at 20 to $10
r head.
CalvM were in good demand at 6c. to
GHc per lb, for good to choice vealers and
3J$c. to 4Jc. for heavy grassers.
There was a large supply of bulls, and
sales wero reported at a range of 2ia toSJic
per lb.
ltecelpts from Chicago: I. Zelgler. 100 head:
It Gerron, 91: L. Ilolh-child. 31; A. Froram. E7;
J. II. Kennedy, 40. From Ohio: Williams &
Co., 10; Bnisi, Rolan i Co.. 2S. the latter from
the Cincinnati vards. Frnm Pennsylvania: J.
Iteiber,5;T. Bincham.fi; J. Behler. 4. Total,
SOS; last week, 3S1; previous week. 433.
tbrrp, Lmnbannd SwIdc.
The supply of sheep and Iambs was some
what above the late average, and at the open
ing of markets buyers lnsistel on concessions
from last week's prices. While prices were
quoted the same as last Monday, drovers re
ported markets weak and a shade lower.
Good to choice sheep sold at 4 25 to -5.
with an occasional sale at (5 25 fur
something very choice. Common to fair were
sold at S3 SO to $4 00: yearlings, J4 75 to $5 50;
spring lambs, 4c to fijjjc per ft. Receipt from
Ohio C. Valbrecht, 73 head; J. F. Cruffcshank,
105. From Fcnnsylvania-J. Wright, 130 head;
J. Reiber. 34: T. Bingham, 170; I. O. Pisor,
1S4; William damn, 62: J. Bebler, Cu: William
JlcCreary, 134; Sanford & Lancdon. Stt Total,
H7S; last week, 11; previous week, S25.
Needy A Smith were the owners of nearly
all the bogs on sale. They report a fair to good
market at J4 10 to $4 25. Receipts from Ohio
Needy fc Binltb, 242 head: C. Valbrecht, 4.
From Pennslvanla E. Wolf, 11 head; Sanford
A langdon. 7. Total, 292; last week, 333; previ
ous week, 331.
East Liberty Murker.
There were 100 loads of cattle on the market
at East Liberty yards this morning, against 72
loads last Monday. About one-half of the
offerings were from Chicago and Indiana. The
balance were country cattle from the near
Western States. General quality was a fair
average. There were no prime heavy steers
offered, and the run of light, tidy butcher cat-
, tie was very short. The latter grade are what
drovers term handy beeves, and of this grade
' there has been a scarcity for some weeks past.
I There were more than enough L200-& beeves of
a fair to good quality on the market to-day, but
I not enough primes of this weight to meet de-
' There were I9G head of cattle on the market
at Wood's Hun yards this morning, of which
ISO were Chicago, the balance from Ohio.
There were two loads in the offerings weighing
1,600 Its and over which were called prime.
Markets were dull, but all were sold at a range
of 4' to 6c per ft. There wero 395 sheep and
lambs on the market. Sheep sold from 4c to
6c; yearlings from 5c to tic. ana spring lambs
from ojc to 7c per ft. There wero no hogs
offered. Until cooler weather swine will not
be brought to Wood's Hun arils, as there is no
demand at this season of the year.
unvers were present la larger force than
usual, but were slow to take hold. Markets
opened slow at a decline of J5c from prices
ot last Monday, and there wa a fair prospect
that even greater concessions would be neces
sary in order to 'unload low grade stock. Only
prime light butcher stock hold up close to
prices ot a week ago. The markets demon
strated the truth of what was said In last Mon
daj's report, namcly.tbatthe advance then was
altogether due to light run ana not to any In
herent improvement In values. Prices to-day
aro about where they were two weeks ago.
Tlicro were about a dozen loads of sheep and
lambs on the market this morning, and price
ere from 15 to 25 cents better than last eek.
A lew bunches of sheep weighing over 100 ftt,
according to report, brought S3 CO. These
were, however, very lancy, and outside the gen
eral range of markets. The number of hogs on
sale was 1(1 loads, and markets were dull, with
13 00 to 4 per cwt as the range.
Tup prices at Chicago this morning were J3 83
to S3 90, according to advices received by one
ot our packing nrms from thoir agent there.
Tho Condition of fluatnraant ibo East Liberty
hlnck Ynrila.
Ophcb or rrrrsnmio DwrATrn, 1
Monday. July H. ISO. (
CATTMi Reoelpta. 3.300 head; shipments.
2,920 head; market, steady at alwut last week's
price; 20 cars ot cattle shipped to New York
llouB Receipts. 6,100 head: shipments, 4,700
bead; market slow; all grades. 13 9004 00; 17
cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipt. 4.20Uhnad; shipment. 8,000
bead; market active; 10 to 15c higher than last
week's closing prices.
Ily Telegraph.
NEW YORK-Beeves-Rccelnts. 4.912 bead.
Including (II carload to be hold; market steady;
natti o steers, 3 85g5 per 100 ft: Texan s, 12 90
&3: bulls and dry cows, t- 30g3 00; dressed
Iwef firm at V47ic per ft; shipments to-day
400 tieeves and l.tKXJ quartern of beef; to-morrow,
2.I0U quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 3.SG7
head; matfcrt c per ft lower; veals, $5 UOJB
C fii'K pr 1 W fts; buttoi milk calves, $3 25&3 75.
Hlir?I Receipts, l(i,b57 head: sheep dull snd
lambs steady; sheep. SI 5064 00; lambs, 5 75
7 75; dressed mutton dull at lOgllc per ft;
dretscd lambs steady at l)12c- Hogs Re
ceipts, including three cars for sale "14,751 bead;
market dull at 1 101 40.
CHICAGO The Dmvcr't Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts, 21,000 head: shipments 4.500
head: market and steady to lower: beeves, H 60
64 To: steers, S3 50(g4 40; stockers and feeders,
(2 40S3 60; cows, hulls and mixed, SI 25S 10:
Texas cattle, SI 75&3. Hogs Receipts. 22,
000 boad; shipments, 0.600 head; market strong
and higher; mixed. S3 70G3 90; light, S3 70
3 95; heavy, S3 70H3 95: skips. $3 003 40.
Sheep Receipts, 6,500 head; shipments, 1.500
head;inaikct slow ami weal:; natives, 3 25
6 10; Texan. S325l 50; lambs, J5fi6 15.
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts. 3,700 head;
shipments. 600 head; market strong; good to
fancy native steers. SI 25Q4 CO; fair to good
do. S3 75J4 30; stockers and f eedern. S2 15W
3 30: Texans and Indians. S2 25J13 50. Hogs
Receipts, 3,600 bead; shipments, 2,500 head;
market hiuher; fair to choice heavy, S3 60
3 70; packing grades. S3 6003 70: light fair to
best. $3 70g3 77K- Sheen Receipts, 1,700 head;
shipments. 500 head: market strong; lair to
choice, S3 70S1 60.
BUFFALO Cattle Fairly active, strong on
good butchers' grades; receipts, 163 loads
through; 225 sales. Export steers good to extra
204 a); choice heavy butchers. 54 004 33.
Sheep and lambs fairly active, notauotably
higher; receipts. 34 loads through: 27 sales.
Choice to extra shcep.S4 505 65; good to choice,
15 105 35. Lambs, choice to extra. SO 8007 15:
good to choice, JO 506 75. Hogs 5010c higher;
receipts, 75 loaJs through; 30 sale; mediums,
heavy and mixed, Yorkers, S4 00.
.tt,N9I1T' Hogs stronger; common and
light, $2 .504 80; packing and butchers. S3 600
8 80: receipts, 2,300 head: shipments, BOO head.
irntn In Wclit.
CniOAao. July 14. The Board of Trade
reporton the visible aUpPiy of grain Is as fol
lViY.Y1"?'; 18-.589-000 labels: decrease,
1.019.000 bushels. Corn, 14.271.W0 bushels; d?
exce, 192.000 bushels. Oats, 4.039.000 bushels;
decrease. CO WOO bushels. Rye. 551.000 bushels;
decrease, .8,000 bushels. Barley, 412,000 bush
els; decre&Be. 21,000 bushels.
Metal Marker.
J? s-k'Vfi , Jad dal1- arm domestic
$1 62J4- Tin firm, more active; Straits 521 45.
NEV YORK. Jnly It-There was rather m ore
doing in drygoods to-day, though demand was
yet irregular, specialties receiving more at
tention. SLEEPLESSNESS, nervous prostration,
nervous dyspepsia, dullness, blues, cured by
Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Jos.
Fleming & Son's Market st. Ia
Wbent In Fntr Boecnlntlve Btqaest, bt
Prices Regulated by Weather Condi-
tloni-Corn and Oats Bnlllsh
Pork Tome nnd Weak.
CHICAGO Wheat There was a fair specu
lative business to-day, and transactions were
based mostly upon the westher condition and
crop roports. The bulk of tho trading centered
In September. The opening was Ho higher
than the closing Qguros of Saturday, but eased
off and decllnod under rather free offerings
JCelc, rallied Kc fluctuated and closed abont
y,a lower for August, whllo other futures
closed tho tamo as Saturday.
Corn was active, n large volume of business
bolng transacted within it HQKo range. The
feollng developed was strong early, but later
became weaker, recovered and closed near the
top prices of the day. Dullish crop report;
were tho leading tacton. The market doled
10!e higher than Saturday. .....
Oats wero higher at tho opening, duo to tho
advance In corn, and first lc wero ot ;o afl.
vaneoofWo. A further appreciation of K(S
Kowas recorded on August and Mepteinlirr,
but prices receded KOjJe, and tho emu was
nuleiat aliout Union tlgiitesanda alight ad.
vanes over Hatutrtay's close fur August and
Neptember. A gsln of Ko for July and io for
May was reoonled.
Me Pork-Trartlng was limited, 1'rlces for
near deliveries were weak and lufiSOe lower,
but January delivery ruled tmWe higher.
Lard Only a moderate business was trans
acted. Pi Ices ruled 2!G5a higher, snd tho
market closed steady at nutklde ngurei,
Hhort Rib Hlrtes-1riinc was fair oud prices
ruled about 2K higher, and the market doted
steady at medium figures.
The leading rutures rangea as follows:
Wheat -No. 2. Julv. b888aS7'i87Ke!
AuKut,89!rK9'eblJ'it288Mc; September, 00
Ooiw-No. i Jnly. 37;ia37Ji37KQ87cj
August. 37Je3bQ37Ji37c; September. S8K
Oats-No. 2. July. 2SK02fe29Hci Sep
tember, 2SJe28KS2SU2c.
Mess Pouk. per bbl.-July. Sll 85811 85
11 S51I 85; Aucust, Sll 2511 2511 1011 10;
Semember. (11 00311 0010 80(810 80.
I.AKD. per 100 fts.-July. $5 82KG5 82WR5 82
5 82U: Augusr. S5 9005 U05 0g5 90;
September, S6 OlMQd 02K6 006 02.
SnoRT Ribs, per 100 fts. July. S5 100
5 10i?5 1065 10; August. 15 1505 17WR5 15
05 18K: Seotember, So 27H5 30Q527K5 3a
Cash quotations were as follows: Mourflrni
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 87Kc; No. 8
spring wheat, 810S4c; No. 2 red, SbUc No.
2 com. STJic. No. 2 oaM, 29Jc. No. 2 rye,
49a No. 2 harlev nominal. No. 1 flax seed.
SI 31 . Prime timothy seed. SI 8201 St Mess
pork, per bbl. Sll 85. Lard, per 100 lbs.. IS 72K
Short ribs sides (loose). S5 la Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). 85 20S5 25. Short clear
sides (boxed). S5 4005 45. Sugars unchanged.
Vn.2 white oats. 3I'X031Kc: No. 8 do. 31032c.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs,
NEW YORK Flour quiet. Corn meal
steaJy. Wheat Spot unsettled and moderately
active, closing steady; options fairly active
and Vie down. Rye quiet and firm; Western,
57658&C. Barley dull; Canada. 77&C. Corn
Spot unsettled, closing easy; moderate trade;
options active and stronger. Oat Spot
stronger and active; options firmer ami active.
Coffee Options opened dull, 5 points down
to 5 points up, closing steadv and unchanged
to 20 points up; sales, 19.500 bags, including
Julv, 16.90c; August, 16.90c; September. 16.50c;
October, 15.90c; December, 15.5015.55; May,
15.25; spot Rio firmer, and more active; fair
cargoes, 20c; No. 7, flat bean. 180
ISJjSc. Sugar Raw held higher and auiet;
lehned moderately active and firm: C. 65c,
extra C. 5 9-16S5 ll-16c: white extra C, 55c: j cl
low, 4J05Ja Rice lairlv active and firm; do
mestic 5Ji7Jc; Japan, 66c. Rosin steady.
Tallow steady; (S2 for package), 4 7-16c Tur
pentine quiet, steady at 4243c. Eggs quiet;
fancystrong; Western prlnie,1517c:recelpts,
3,740 packages. Pork steady. Cutmeats steady
and quiet. Lard stronger and quiet; sales,
1,355 tierces; Western steam. S612: options,
sales, L5U) tierces; July. S8 10; August, S6 16;
September, S6 2906 30, closing at S6 30: Octo
ber, S6 38; December, SO 4L closing at S6 42.
Butter Fancy firm; others weak; Western
dairy, 6011c: do creamerv. 8017c Cheese
steady and quiet; Ohio flat, 6X7c.
PHILADELPHIA Flour quiet, but firm;
Weitern winter, clear. $3 9004 35: do straight,
S4 4004 75; winter patent, H 7505 25, Minne
apolis clear. S3 75 4 25; do straight, SI 350
4 76: do patent, 4 9005 2 Wheat steadv; new
No. 2 red. July. 92X093c: August. 925S&93c:
September. 9254093c: October. 93093!c Corn
strong and advanced J5c; No. 3, In export
elevator, 4Zftc: steamer, in ao. -i3sc " , A in
do, 45c; No. 2 mixed, in grain depot, 4747c;
jso. 3 yellow, in ao, c; ixn. iuiixea, juiv,
4)K044c: August. 44K04c; September,
UKSllJic: October. 4504c Oats Car lots
amanced lK154e:N'o.3 white.SSic:No.2 white.
39c: do choice, S9K04Oc: opti'.ns quiet, but K
ic mener; ro. z wnite juiy.safinxiac; Angusi,
34Jf35c: September, ajJiOSlJic; October,
33434Jic Provisions in goou jobbing de
mand at former rates. Butter Fancy goods
wanted; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 17018c:
Pennsylvania print. 21025c. Lggs scarce and
firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 16c. Cheese steady;
part skims, 607c.
MINNEAPOLIS Receipts ot wheat over Sun
day, 95 cars; shipments, 102 cars. Cash wheat
was quiet and rather dull most of the day.
Thero was a fair Inquiry early for No. 2 wheat,
principally for outsido account, but during the
greater part of the session the demand was
pretty light for all grades. Price averaged
rather stronger than Saturday notwithstand
ing the weaknoss existing In tho futures market
duo to the large demand for shipment. Low
August. 86c; September. SW;c; on track,
roSBitc; -n. -j. normero, uuiy ana August,
80c; on track, 84085c.
BALTIMQRE-Wheat-Wcstem easy; No. 2
winter red. spot, 914091Kc; July. 93W93Kcj
August, 92Kl'2Ji;c!Hl"eiuber.92ie92c Corn
Western easy; mixed spot, 45c: Julv, 44lc:
August, 44014c: Heptembor. 44i044Hc
steamer, 423 bid. Oats Kc higher; Western
white. 37038c; do do mixed, 35U03OKo;
graded. No. 2 white. .18c; do do mixed, SOc
Rye dull: choice, 6i6Uc: prime. 62054c: good
to fair. 48050c Hay nominal: prlmo to choice
timothy. (11 60012 60. Provisions firm. But
ter active and firm. Eggs firm at 15c. Coffee
firm; Rio cargoes fair at ligjc; No. 7, 16018J-JC
MILWAUKEE-Flour qnlcL Wheat quiet;
No. 2 spring, on track, cash, K70S9c; August,
S0?c; No. 1 Northern, 91c Corn quiet: No. 8,
on track. .'iX37c. Oats firm; No. 2 white,
on track,32Jic Ryo easier; No. 1. In store, 40Jic
Barley firm; No. 2, in store, 61c Provisions
firm. Pork, cash. (1200; August. SU 40. Lard,
cash, 15 87)$. Cheese Cheddars. 7070.
TO LED O Wheat steady; cash and J uly. 89kc;
August, 8!c: September. DOJfc; December,
9Jic Corn dull, firm; September, S9'c. Oats
quiet: cash, 32c: September. 28JJc Cloverseed
quiet; cash, (330; October, S3 70.
Business nt n Sinnd-Stlll Abont the Wharfs
on Acconnt of Law Water.
Everything qolet about the wharf. Tho
river is still at low ebb, with Utile prospect for
a rise in tho immediate future. Ouly one boat
left tho port yosterdav. The dam Is being
raised gradually, and by Thursday it is hoped
they will have enough water In the port to
make it navigable. The mark registered 1 foot
5, tailing slowly. At tho dam the Ohio was up
to 3 feet 4, stationary.
The Elaine cannot navigate In these waters.
The James O. lllalne left for Morgantown yes
terday afternoon.
The Uoitona will take the run of the Fleet
wood on the Cincinnati and Louisville line.
1 he boat being built to take the place of the
Bherlcy Is well under way toward completion.
THE Hudson and LoalsA. Sherley were the
only towboats tied up at Cincinnati j esterday.
THE New South and Fleetwood laid over at
Cincinnati yesterday to prepare for to-day's trip.
The excursion barge City of Pittsburg was at
the wharf yesterday for the first time In a couple
of weeks.
The Scotia passed Point Pleasant on the way
down Sunday. The Andes passed Point Pleasant
also on the way up.
The II. V. Ucdford departed for Wheeling yes
terday at noon, with a light load of freight on
account of low water.
The James O. lllalne and Adam Jacobs were
the packets billed for points on the Monongahela
yesterday. They left here with good-sized loads.
J. A. Hekdereox, superintendent of the Cin
cinnati packet line, left for Cincinnati Sunday to
make arrangements to put on light boats between
I'lttBburg and Cincinnati. "WKO
These was no boat scheduled to leave Cincin
nati this afternoon. The O. W. Batchelor was to
have left there, but It was nnable to leave this
port last week on account of low water.
The Keystone State arrived at Wheeling Bun
day and left yesterday afternoon for Cincinnati
In charge of Thomas S. Calhoon and Charles W.
Knox In the office. It tied ud there to wait for
TDK Llwle Bay arrived at Wheeling Sunday
from Charleston. It will lay over until this after
noon when St will depart for Cincinnati Instead of
Charleston. The Bay will handle the Keystone
bute traffic
No Time .-hniild li- Lost
By those troubled with constipation In seeking
relief from Hpstetter's Srnmarh Bitter. The
di-ease is easilv rellev.-rt in its earlier stage,
and. ax it is utterly subversive of tie geuerai
health, postponement ..f the remedy is unwise.
The same holds good of delay in cases of fever
and ague, kidney complaints, nervousness, de
bility and rheumatism, ailments to which the
Bitters is particularly adapted.
In tho Matter of Bnildinss Between
Pittsbnrg and Philadelphia.
Horns Securities Make a Sport of ActiTltj,
lot 011 Sticks In tho Rat.
In no rripeci, perhaps, ii 'tho dlfferencs
between l'lttsburg nnd Philadelphia more
clearly defined than In reipeol of building,
George f, Hancock, 1'rcjldcnt of tho
Cltlrcni' Trunt and Tax Indemnity Com
jmny of tho latter city, ! of the opinion
that the building boom there hat arrived nt
a singe where n halt should be called, tho
supply of hotinci being greater than the
demand, and any great Indreaso would be dead
stock, This means that Philadelphia Is over,
It Is dlfforent In Pittsburg. Although build.
Ing la going forward at the rate of 6,000 or 6,000
houses a year, the demand Is far beyond the
supply. K broker remarked yesterday, that Uo
could rent 100 moderate-priced houses in a
week, If be had them. Heveral other brokers
said they had orders on their booUs'for bouses
which they were unable to till. A good deal ot
tho demand is from outsiders, showing that
population is Increasing. This In turn, reflects
activity id builnes, as it is the loadstone wbieb
The prospect of a surfeit of houses in Pitts
burg is so remote as to be scarcely worth con
sidering. The difficulty Is to build fast enough
to accommodate the demand. This Is so ur
cent that capitalists should accept It as n guar
antee that no matter how extensively they
build, they will rnn no risk of having anything
left unlet or unsold.
Improvement on the Pontbslde.
In no part of the city has the march ot Im
provement made greater progress within the
past few years than on the Soutbslde. This is
more noticeable in the hill districts than in the
settlements along the river; for, while it has
been making baste slowly, the former have
pressed onward with prodigious bounds.
Hundreds of acres unimproved a few years
ago have been subdivided, sold, paid tor and
built on. A view from Mount Washington
presents the aspect or a continuity of houses,
covering hill, valley and slope, denoting a con
dition of thrift scarcely equaled on this side
of the river. Mount Washington. Knoxvllle
and Beltzhoover are emphatically "In the
swim," Land values are stiffening, but it will
be a long time before they will reach what are
called fancy prices. This is an inducement to
The future is full of promise and oven greater
things in the way of Improvement than have
been accomplished in the past. Rapid transit
will soon reach the hilltop districts and bring
them into easy communication with the busi
ness centers. This will stimulate the demand
for residence sites and augment building opera
tions. A good feature of the activity is the
fact that it has the earnest support of the busi
ness element of the population, showing that it
Is not of the mushroom species, but practical
and permanent. It is not a speculative move
ment, but has the laudable object of making it
as easy as possible for people of limited means
to acquire homes where tbey will be surrounded
with modern conveniences and refining in
fluences. w
Bnalnesa News nnd Gossip.
A broker in real estate re marked yesterday
thatabout one sale in eight was reported. One
firm of brokers bas been kept busy for somo
time filling orders for the Duquesne Traction
If the Casino Museum building is for sale the
owner, airs. Sawyer, has changed her mind
within a short time Mr. D. P. Black tried to
buy not long ago and was informed it was not
on the market.
A Pittsburg 'gentloman, who returned from
Chicago yesterday, said that one of the real
estate firms In that city sold SL 600,000 worth of
acreage there last week.
John D. Bailey sold 60 shares of Phlladelpbl a
Company stock at 80 and 60 Monongahela
Navigation Company at 70 both dividend off.
A now counterfeit SI silver certificate is In
clrculat'nn. It is said to have a close re
semblance to the gennine.
The effect ot the passage ot the silver bill
upon the stock market yesterday morning was
little more than to stimulate trading In silver
Tho Catholics of Canonsburg. Washington
county, havo bought tho Methodist church
proporty there, and will fit It up for their own
The contract has been let for the erection of
German Utptlst church at Jeannelto. It will
cost (30,000.
In bank clearings last week Pittsburg was
only (56,000 behind San Francisco, whllo she
led Baltimore by over (1,000,000.
Oround will bo broken on Locust street,
Edgewood, this week, for two more dwollliigr.
The election at Edgewood noxt Saturday will
decide whether tho borough will have n school
bouse next fall or not. Bo far as known senti
ment is lu favor of the proposition to be voted
Movements la Kent Kstnte.
Mr. John Steele who, a few months ago,
bought the Iloey property, tiro acres, facing
Scbenley Park, for which he paid (25,000, has
been offered (50,000 for it and refused to sell
at that figure
The Catholic Cemetory people have refused
(100,000 for their 100 acres on Hazolwood av
enue. This is (1,000 an acre. It cost them (500
an acre three yoars ago.
A deal of which a hint was given a few days
back, was closed yesterday by Samuel W.
Black iSc Co. The property consisted of a
vacant lot on the sonth side of Fifth avenue,
near Old avenue. It brought (17.000. It is un
derstood that ono of tho soft-drink concerns
was the purchaser and that a large bottling
house will be erected on the lot
WA. Berron & Sons sold a new and modern
brick house of eight rooms, lot 32x100 feet, on
O'llara street, near Fifth avenue, for a price
approximating (0,600: also a lot on Butler street,
Eighteenth ward, in tho Blssell plan, 20x100
feet, for SLS50 cash.
tilaok & Balrd sold for Mrs. Cathenno Bauer
to Mrs. Elizabeth Miller five lots in the Bauor
plan, at West Bellevne, fronting 120 feet on the
Beaver road by i'JO In deptb, for $2,050 cash.
They also sold to Thomas Gardiner lots Nos. 70
and 85 in the J. Water Hay plan of Valley View
place for (275 each; also sold to William C.
Wentx for Charles Lanz lot No. 42Lanz plan,
on Carson street, Southslde, 20x55 foet, for (500.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a piece of ground
on Penn avenue at the rate of (18,000 per acre.
Fair Trading In Home Securities and a
Good Temper Developed.
The local stock market displayed a good tone
yesterday, and trading was lively, as things
n Rales were better distributed than usual
and aggregated 1,036 shares.
Considerable ousmess was aone in .ciecirio
rights at 60. It was a small fraction weaker n
-w. ..!., V.nVnnirl.nlillt4. Phil.
aoelphla Gas was stronger at SOJjJ, dividend
off. pipeage soia up w 10. jhiukcilki
dropped back to 66. Bank or Pittsburg ad-...-.
, ki lilri Knthlnir was done in the
tractions, which were about steady.
A gooa many oi w. ihujjoiuw .w. nw,
j . .. ,.,.,& nlnnlAH Thorn two a
no bids for railroad and insurance shares, and
only three of the banks received attention.
Bids, offers and sales follow:
HSDKOl cinauuifc... .......
Marine National Bank....
Safety Deposit Company..
Peoples' Hat. G. P. Co
Pennsylvania U Co ....
M" ..'.".'.'.'
M 60
'h "an
& "six
105 103
66 ...,
M ....
, u
rnilaoeipnia iu.
2 3
Central Traction
.,,,.. rTrs,rtlDll
,,.,t,. "-- ------
PPtsburg Traction
OS 69$
W'A 29
, 210
3 4!
i'llls., Aii'y wiiii,......
La .Norls alining Co
Luster Minimi i'o
ixni.ee Ulil Mlnlnx
Allegheny County'fclec ..
East End .Electric
Westlnghoase Electric...
18 20
17 20
S7H 23
-jLX-uiviueuu. -
, bales at first call, 350 Electrio rights at 60,and
150 Yankee Girl at 4. After call 6 Electrio
brought 38K. At second call sales were 175
Philadelphia Gas at 80, dividend off, 81
Yankee Girl at 4, ISO Electric rights at 60, and
20 Plpeage at 16. Before call 100 Philadelphia
Gas sold at 3 and 60 at 80. ex-dlvldend.
SThe total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 150.293 shares, including Delaware,
Laekawanna and Western, 11.810: Louisville
and Nashville, 6,480: Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 4.850; Pacific Mail. 4,630; Reading, 6,700;
St. Paul, 10.850.
The Local Money Market In Good Bhnpe
Demand nnd Hupplr.
Tho week at tho banks started out In good
shape, there being a liberal demand for dis
counts and fair checking and depositing.
Hates woro teady and unchanged, Tho sup
ply of fundi It considerably In execfit of cur
rent necdi, but they will bo absorbed by the
fall trade If It sball prove to be as large i ex
pected. Currency and exchange were about
von, Exchange wero K,o03,479 02 and bal
anoet 1403,303 97.
Money on call at New York yoiteraay was
easy, ranging from 335 per cent, Ust loan n,
olnsodi offered at 8. Prime moroantlle paper,
ear. Hterling exchange nutet and stead at
UMK (or 00-day bills and 81) for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
H, 4s, res,,,,
K. AT. Uen. M...7JX
jtunl Union (X.,,,lfJ
' E' 7.7 vl'i......iil
l.H, 4)s, re-,.., ioj
I. H. 4M, noun,,.ll
'AClHeAsof W.,..liH
.oulilnaiUmped4 UJ
rllikourl as, ,;, ,,101
'I enn. new set. ns,,oe
lenn, new stt, U,,m
'lelin. newst. in,,,, 73
Canada Bo, 2ds,.,, WH
Central I'seltlo Hts.jONH
Den, A It, U. lata. ..117
Usn. &U, U. 4i 82H
li.fi.tt. U, Weausts,
Krietds 10M
M. K. AT. Uen.es,, M
H.i. U. mi, ceri..,in
Northern l'o,lU,, my
Northern Pan, Sil.,,lH,
Nortliw't'n oonioli.no
Orejron A 'Irani, tu.Wii
Ht,J7AI.. Hen. m, os
Ht.L, AH.". llen.M.lll
Ht, l'aui eonioli !M
Mt. P. C'litAPo. Uts.jn
HPcL.O,'rT.Hs. 93
Tx..Pc.UO.'1'r.Ks. 41)4
Union I'sclUe law,. ,1001?
West Wlior .1MM
New York Clearings, (78,766,614;
ancps, (4,290,079.
Boston Clearings. (16,616,674; balances,
(1.491.609. Money 6 per cent.
Pu:i,ADEl.FniA Clearings, (9,808,732; bal
ances (1.670.623.
Baltimore Clearings, (2,745,616; balances,
CuiOAQO Clearings. 818,621,000. Now" York
exchange was par. Rates for money were stiff
at CQ7 per cent on call, and 6Q7 per cent on
time loans.
A Check In the Advances Cnuses
a Terr
Dnll Market.
Oil developed very little strength yesterday,
and trading was light at all of the exchanges.
It was about steady at tho opening, but Boon
sagged off, with nothing to support it, and
closed c under the Initial figure, and the same
above the lowest point. The fluctuation was
lie. Opening and highest, 89c; lowest, 88c;
closing, 8Sc. Saturday's clearances were
100,000. There was no well news of importance.
Features of Yesterday's Oil Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oakley & Co.. 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange:
Opened 89 I Lowest. S8H
Highest 89 1 Closed 88$
Average charters 18, 2M
Average shipments 71,094
Average runs : . 68,013
Retlnea, New Yoric. 7.20c
Keflned. London. Sftid,
KeHned, Antwerp, 17f.
Keflned, Liverpool. 5 11-Ud.
Beflned. Bremen. 6.60m.
Other Oil Markets.
Oil Cttt, July 14. Petroleum opened at
SSXc; highest, S3c: lowest, 88c; closed. 8SJc
Sales, 66,000 barrels; clearances not reported;
charters, 38.095 barrels: shipments, 89,010 bar
rels; rnns, 78,211 barrels.
Bradford. July 14. Petroleum opened at
8Sc; highest, 89Kc: lowest, 8Sc; closed, 88Jc
Clearances. 250,000 barrels.
New York. July 11 Petroleum opened
strong, S9a August optldn moved up c, but
after the few buying orders were filled it fell
off and closed dull. Stock Exchange Opening,
89c: highest. 89c: lowest. 88c: closing. SSJc
Consolidated Exchange Opening, 89c; highest,
89c- lowest, 88c; closing, 89c. Total sales.
112,000 barrels.
Tbo Young Geyser Again Spooling News
From Cliartlers Anchor Petering Oar.
While there aro not quite so many rigs going;
up on the Bouthslde as there were in the wild
days after the strike of the Young at Forest
Grove and O'Brien No. 2 at Cbartlers, yet new
ones are not scarce, and the "belt" is but Uttlo
better defined than it was last year.
The Young well at Forest Grove, which made
all the furor there by coming last April at a 60
barrel an hour gait, surprised the natives again
yesterday morning by putting out at tbo rate of
60 barrels an boar. She was shot and very ef
fectively. A short distance north of thoYonng
Is the John Thompson woll. which was com
pleted on Saturday. It Is said to be as dry as a
Tho Anchor well on the llalov property at
Cbartlers, which started at a 700-barrel gait,
was said to hayo dropped down to three barrels
an hour yesterday. , An operator remarkod
that he believed she had "shot her wad."
Fred Laulngcr's No. 1 Is flowing 20 barrols a
day, and It is said will pump 40 to 60 barrels a
day. Ills No. 2 will soon bo comploted. They
found some oil In tho 100 foot.
Wall Street Apparently UnntToeted by the
rMase or Ibo Silver Bill-Slight Ad
vanco In Paclflo Mull Rail
road Bond Quiet.
New York, July 14. The hopes of many
sangulno bulls on the stock market wero rather
disappointed this morning when tho stock
market failed to respond to tbo final passage of
the silver bill by more than a fractional rise at
the opening, which gave way to boavlness later
In the day. Tbo oponlng of tho market, aided
by higher figures from London, showed ad
vances over Saturday's final prices of from ii
to per cent generally, while the passage of
tbo shipping bill opened Pacific Mall up Iji ptr
cent. Outside of Sugar Iteflnarles, silver cer
tificates and some specialties, however, the
further gains were entirely Insignificant, and
the temper of the .speculation from that time
was heavy, though the prevailing dnllneti
and stagnation precluded anything like ma
terial losses, and the changes in the gen
eral list wero confined to a slow and
almost Imperceptible shading off In val
ues. Sugar Keiitiorles showed mo t
animation, and wero advanced about
2 per cent, but later Inst all of the improve
ment. Hock Island was shown the most atten
tion among tbo stocks of tbo regular list, and
the bears attacked It on the reports of the
failure of tbo crops along tbo line, but It closed
only a slight fraction lower than Saturday.
Tbo passage of tho shipping bill boomed Pacific
Mall at the opening, and it rose per cent, but
shaded off with the rest ot the list for a time,
but recovered again, and is tho only stock
showing a material advance for tho day. Its
f;aln being li per cent. The traders sold early
u the day, but became Inactive and the close,
while dull, was rather heavy at insigultlcant
changes for the day.
Railroad bonds wero qnlet, the trading ex
tending to $958,000, but there was no active
specialtyand the marked changes were In the
inactive bonds. The temper of the market
closely followed that in shares, and a heaviness
prevailed with little change in quotations.
Government bonds havo been dull and
State bonds havo been without feature.
Une following tame snows tne prices or active
stocks on ti.e New ork stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for UHE Dispatch by
Whitmkt A STEruiKsON. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New Ttork stock Exchange, 47 1'ourtn ave-
Open- High- Low- lnir
Inc. est. est. Bid.
Am. Cotton Oil 24
Am. cotton Oil Drer. 64
Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 2SV av ;8v jgu
Atch., Top. A a. " 4UH 4CH 46 46'4
Canadian Pacific KH 8:H 81! 82H
Canada Southern 6W Hi t& 6fi
Central of Newjerser. 2J,
Central Paclnc 33
Chesapeake A Ohio.... 24 24 21 23V
C.i Bur. A Qulncy ,...1063f 106V 10654 106
C, Mil. A St. Paul 73K 73! 73 73i
O., Mil. & St, P.. pr.. 118 118 Hi 118
C. Kock I. A P. ltf SIX 89X BOH
CBtL.trnti .... js
C. St. L. A Pitts., pf 45
0.. St. P.. M. A O SZH
C. at. P.. M. A O. pt W
C.-A Northwestern Ul) 111K ill 111
CAN. W-. pi ..... 144
C C. C. A 1 75K 75tf 75M !
C C..0AI.. pf. i. .. .... 99
Col. Coal A Iron 51 H
Col. AHocklnr Val... 29ti SOft 29K 29V
Del.. Lack A West..... 14874 149 147U 147
Del. A Hudson. 169,S 163!4 1C9H 169M
Den. A Klo Grande.... IS 18K 18 18X
Den. A Rio oraude. pt M 5lK MS MH
K.T.. Va. ACJa H
Illinois Central 117 117 117 116
Lake Erie A West 18
Lake Erie A West pf.. 65K 66 K5V 66
Lake Shore A M. 3 UOk 110K JOS'i 110
Louisville A Nashville, ill tm 88V M
Mlcntzan Central SOU
MoDileAUhlo 22H Wi 2114 21M
MlSouri I'acinc 74 T4M 3t 3
New York Centrtl 108 108 1M
N. Y.. L.. E. A W 26 26if 26 Zti
N.Y..L.E.AW.nrer. M
N. r.. C. St.L 16 16 16JS Mi
K.f.tH.E. 60H M 49 M
N.Y.. O.AW. 19K 1M ' HH "X
Norfolk A Western u
Norfolk & Western pr. ....
Nortbern Paciae 88
Jf1r,ltfrn.Pae,flenr' K5
Ohio & Mississippi 2Mf
Oregon improvement
Oregon Transcon K
I'aclnoMall 458
Peo.. Dec. 4 Evans
Phlladel. & Heading... H
Pullman Palace Oar...2l7X
Kehmond v. p. T.. 22V
Richmond sW.P.T.-pl ...?
St. Paul Uuluth
St. Paul Dnluth pf.
St. P., Minn, ft Man
8t. I.. AHanKran
St. L. A Ban Kran of.." ....
St. ii.ft Han r. 1st pi
'iexas Pacific , Hjfc
un.onp.clI,c ::::: S3
wsbasn, ..,,,. ,,
Wabmn preferred 20i
Wsstern tJnlon 8(5
S ntlliie a L. JC 77
8nrTrus ," 77V
Wstlonal LesdTrtist.,. oj
Vblgs.oUas'lrusl...,, td
82H &H
24 25
.?. 48
47M 47H
45 43tt
43 4H
JSf "tltt
.... 81
:::: W
.... in. ,
.... MH
20V Z0H
2etf 8
Hit MU
nil 77?
7s M 6H
2()iJ 204
' Phllndelphln Dfocki. l
Closing qootmlons of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nlilitii hv WlillnsT AHtenhtnioa, brokers. No. 07
rourtli arinas, ilsmbers New York Meox t.
chsnssi Jim,
li.i'lnU!;'t i.j.' "S
" ,"'i".riiisuurs: wsiisrn vn
ii!!!!1 l"tr "M
i'hllsdtfnhU and Kris 13
Nnpf hstfn i.Ih.
Allki... .a kit- ---........-.---..
-.!" "HOfiii t !( lit !
orthwrn fAcltto prfflrre1..M..,..
Iloslon Nlecks.
Atch. A Ton.,, 4H
Boston A Mont.MM.eiH
lliilumet A Heels,, .,0
Untalna,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M
Krantlln , 31
Ilnmn , ,. 9
Kearsarge,,,,, Mm
Osceola 4IH
1'ewable (new) 10
nostonZ Maine, "M
" II. 4Q ,..;.., 107
cinnTi, AClev,. W
eastern It, H 168
K ntAPereM 3314
FllnlAPsrsM. pre.101
Mass, Central, .,, u
Max,CtntraIeom, 27K
a. y. a w.Kng..... m
Oldllolnny...... 173
Itutland prafsrred.. 70
Wis. Central com... 28
Wis. Central pi 60
AIloneiMg, Co 8V
Atlantl U
Unlnoy HI
Hants re copper,.... 70
Tamarack. i, ..,.207 H
Annlston Land CO., ii
Boston Land Co tnH
San Diego Land Co. 28M
lieu Teieenone. ,.
Lamson Stores MH
Water Power........ 5
Monday. July 11. 189tt
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Potatoes are In better supply than they have
been for a week past. While they sold readily
on Saturday at (4 50 per barrel for choice
stock, there were no sales reported this morn
ing at this figure. There is an improved de
mand for cbolce creamery butter, and prices
are a shade higher at sources of supply. Eggs
are scarce and on the advance. The supply of
raspberries is not up to demand, and markets
aro very firm. Blackberries are slow and dull.
Said one of the Liberty commission merchants
to-day: "Monday's trade has been quiet, but
chiefly for the reason that receipts of stuff are
light. Though receipts are larger to-day than
for some timo past, all that comes in the line
of fruits and vegetables is. promptly taken.
Nothing choice in either line goes long without
Apples (4 005 00 a barrel.
Butter Creamery. Elgin. 1819c: Ohio do,
1617c: fresh dairy packed, 1012c; country
Berries Gooseberries. S6 006 60 a stand;
black raspberries, 1415c 1 quart; red raspber
ries. 15c; blackberries, 1314c a quart: cur
rants, (4 00 a bushel: huckleberries, 14c a
Beans Navv hand-picked beans, (2 0002 10.
Beeswax 2830c fl ft for cholceilow grade,
CANTALOUPES 2 50Q3 00 V crate; water
melons. S20 0026 00 l)i
Cider Sand refined, 87 60; common, (3 00
4 00; crab cider, (7 508 00 V barrel; elder vin
egar. 1012c W gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cheese,7K8c: New York
cheese. 9c: Llmberger, 10J12Kc: domes
tic SWvltzcr. 1313c: Wisconsin brick
Sweitzer, ll14c: imported Sweltzcr, 24c.
EOOS 17&o f dozen for strictly fresh.
Feathers Extra live geese, o060c; No. L
do. 4045c; mixed InK 3035c ft.
Maple Syrup 75l)5c a can; maple sugar,
10llc fl ft.
Honey 15c fl ft.
Poultry Live chickens, 6090o a pair;
dressed, ll12c a pound: ducks, boQ75c a pair.
Tallow Country. 3JJc: city rendered. 4c
Tropical Fruits Lemons, choice. (4 75
Co 25; fancy. (5 606 50; Rod! oranges, 8 50
6 75; Sorrento oranges, S5 005 60; bananas,
E2 002 50 firsts, (1 75 good seconds fl bunch;
pineapples, STJJOa hundred; Calilornla peaches,
$2 002 60 fl box; California apricots, (2 25
2 60.
Veoetables Now Southern potatoes, (4 00
4 25 ft barrel; cabbage. (2 002 25 fl large
crate; home-grown cabbage. $1 151 25 ft bushel
basket; Florida onions, S3 754 00 a barrel;
green onions, 2025c fl dozen; green beans,
hpmc-growix$l 0001 15 fl basket; wax beans,
home-grown, (1 25 fl basket; cucumbers, (1 26
Kill Ov V oox; tomatoes, si ws oasaeh
Sugars are advanced c, as quotations below
will disclose. Coffees aro steady at prices
quoted. Options wero a shade higher In New
York on Saturday. Canned fruits continue
very Arm.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 24K($26Kcs
cbolce Rio, 22d23Kc; prime Rio, 23ct low
grado HIo, 2021jc; old Government Java.
2930c; Maracalbo, 25KQ27Kc; Mocba, 800
32c; Santos'2220c; Caracas, 25i27ctLa Guayra,
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 25c;
high grades. 28309'c; old Government Java,
bulk, 8334,c; Maracalbo, 229c: Santos, 26
30o; peaberry, 80c; choice Rio, 26c; prime Rio,
26c; good Rio, 24c: ordinary, 21KQ22XC.
Spices (whole) Cloves, nylac: allspice,
JOc: cassia, oc: pepper, ioc; nutmeg, .oia'ouc.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, Tic
Ohio, 120,
8Kc; headlight,
ignt, IV
lZt. nln
00". SKc: water
white, ioc:
globe, HUH)
elaine, HKc; car-
nadlne, UKc; royallne. He; red oil, llHKc
nurltv. 14c
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4SQ13o
f) gallon; summer. 3S10c: lard oil. 65S8c.
Hyrup Corn syrup, 28030c; choice sugar
syrup, S0S3Sc; pnme sugar syrnp, 80033c;
strictly prime, S3035n: new maplo syrup, 00c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 4748o;
choice, 46c; medium, 8843e; mixed, 4042c.
Soda Bt-oarb In kcg, SKQ3iic; bl-carb In
s, fiac; bl-carb assnrtod packages, 6-6c;
sal-soda In kegs, a: do granulated, 2o.
Candles Star, full weight, 8c; stearine,
fl set, 8Kc; parafllne, 11012c.
RiCE-Hoad Carolina, 7c: choice, 6X&
CJic; prime, WJOX0! Louisiana, 60H&
Starch Pearl, 8Kci cornstarch, 6K6c;
gloss starch, 67&
Fobeion Fruits Layer raisins, (2 63; Lon
don layers,S275;Muscaters,S2S0: California Mus-
catels,(2 40; Valenola,8Kc;Onuara Valencia. 10K
Qllc; sultan,10Q10c; currants, 5Kfi0c;Turkey
prunes, Ogiyic: French prunes. 912c; Salon
lea prunes, In 2-la packages, 9c: cocoanuts fl
100. SB; almonds, Lan., fl lb, 20c; do Ivlca, 17c:
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1314c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1213c; new dates, 64?
6c; Brazil nuts, lie; pecans, 9k10c; citron, fl
ft, 1819c; lemon peel, 16c ft ft; orange peel,
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft., 8c;
apples, evaporated, lOSlOc: peaches, evapor
ated, pared, 2420c: peaches, California, evap
orated, unpared, 17018c; cherries, pitted, 12V
13c; cherries, unpltted, 6Uc; raspberries,
evaporated, 3233c; blackberries, 7Q7Kc;
huckleberries, lOtflllc.
SUOARS Cubes. 7c; powdered, 7c; granu
lated, tilic: confectioners' A. 6Uc: standard A.
6Kc; son white. 6K0Xc; yellow, choice. 6a
yc; yellow, good, 6K06c; yellow, fair, 6iQ
blic: yellow, dark. 5
bbls. (1,200), (9 00; me-
riCKLES aieuium.
dlnm. half bbls. tllOO). to 00.
SALT No. 1, fl bhl, 95c; No. 1 ex. fl bbl. 81 00!
dairy, fl bbl, (1 20; coarse crystal, f) bbl, (1 20:
Klggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Hlgglns'
Eureka, 16-14 lb packetv(3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. (2 000
2 25; 2ds, 81 651 80; extra pcachei. S2 40(32 0U;
pie peaches. 81 25; finest corn. (1 251 40: Hfd
Co. corn. 654290c; red cherries. 90c81; Lima
beans, $1 20; soaked do, 80c; string do, 65070c;
marrowfat peas. 81 101 25; soaked peas. 7ua
SOc; pineapples, (1 8001 40: Bahama do, 82 75;
damson plums, 95c; greengages. (1 60; egg
plums, (1 75; California pears, 82 40; do green
gages, (1 75; do egg plums, 81 75; extra white
cnerries. sz vi; raspDcrries. vociasi iu; strawuer
ries. 95cJl 10; gooseberries. 8590c: tomatoes,
85090c; salmon, 1-ft, (1 3001 80; blackberries,
COc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; dn green,
2-ft, (1 251 60; corn boof, 2-ft cans, 82 10; 14 ft
cans, 814; baked beans, 814001 60; lobster. I-ft,
81 8001 90; mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, 81 60;
sardines, domestic, Ws, (4 2504 35: sardines, do
mestic. Ks. (8 7507; sardines, imported, Js,
81160012 60; sardines, imported. K. BIS; sar
dines, mnstard. 8335; sardines, spiced. (3 50.
Fish Extra No, 1 bloater mackerel, 830 fl
bbl; extra No. loo. mess, 840: extra No. 1 mack
erel, shore, 828: extra No. 1 do, mess, 832; No. 2
shore mackerel, 823. Codfish Whole pollock,
4c fl ft; do medium, George's cod. 6c; do
large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 4c; do
George's cod in blocks, 607e. Herring
Round shore, 83 50 f) bbl; split. 80 50: lake. (3 25
fllOO-fibbL White flsb, S3 50 ft 100-fi half bbl.
Lake trout, $5 60 fl bait bbl. Finnan baddock,
10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel,
half bbl. (3 00; quarter bbl, 81 35; Potomac her
ring, 83 50 fl bbl; 82 00 fl half bbb
Oatmeal 85 0005 25 fl bbl.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Sales on call at tho Grain Exchange: Two
cars of No. 2 white oats, 6 days, S7c; 11 cars
No. 2 white oats, 83e, August delivery: 1 car
No. 2 y. e. corn. 47c, 10 days. Receipts as bulle
tined, 46 crs, of which 30 cars were lecelved
by the Pittsbnrg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Rail
Way, as follows: 16 cars of oats, 3 of corn, 1 of
wheat, 2 of malt, 2 of flour, 6 ofhay. By Pitts
burg, wncinnauana Ht, Louis, 3 cars ot corn,
1 of whent, l of middlings, 6 of pats. By Balti
more and Ohio, 1 car of oats, 1 of bay, 1 of rye.
By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of oats. By
Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car ot malt. All
cereals are firm with an unward tendency to
markets. Corn and oats are particularly
strong. Flour is firmly held by Jobbers, and an
advance In prices may come at any time.
Prices are for carload lots on track:
Wheat New No. 2 red, 9192c; No. 3, 830
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 47K4Sc;high mixed
ear, 40X047" No. Z yellow, shelled, 45046Xc;
high mixed shelled corn. 44044Xc
'Oats No. 2 white, 86X037CI extra, No. 3
85H036C! mixed 31036c. . ..
Ryr No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 66059c
No. 1 Western. 65066c.
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, to 6009 70s winter straight,
16 mm 26t clear winter, (-1 7606 00; straight
XXXX bakers', (4 2604 60. Ryo flour, (3 600
8 78.
Mtf.KFKB Middling!, tine white, (15 0fl
IS 00 torn brown middlings, (13 60014 OOj
winter wheat bran, (12 00012 60.
ItAY llaloil timothy, NaT, (10 OOtfJIO 60; No.
3 do. (7 6008 00; looso. from wagon. 112 UOft
IS 00, ar cording to qualltyt No, 3 prairie bay,
Id Kttn 00i packing do, W 0000 CO; clover bay,
to wao oo.
rlTitAW-Oat, 16 7SQ7 00 wheat and rye, 19 00
0 24
Sugar-cured bams, large, Hoi sugar-cured
bams, medium, 110 eugar-bams, small, I2ci
sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8)Jo( sugar-cured
shoulders, 7X"I sugar-cured boneless shoul
ders, SiQ skinned shoulders, 801 skinned
hams, ll&oi sugar-cured California bams, BJjoj
sugar-cured dried beuf flats, Dei sugar-cured
dried beef sets, lOci sugar-cured dried beet
rounds. 12c bacon, shoulders, flci bacon, clear
Ides, 7Ko bacon, clear belllcB. 7XCJ dry silt
shoulders, 6o; dry salt clear sides, 7Ko. Mess
pork, heavy, (13 60; mess pork, family, (13 60.
Lord Refined, In tierces, 6mc; halt-barrels, 0c;
60-a tubs, 6Kc; 20-lb pails, O&c; 60-tt tin cans.
6c; 8-ft tin pails, 6Xc; 6-ft tin palls, 0c; 10-Bi
tin pails, 6mc, Smoked Bausage, long, 6c;
large, 6c. Fresh pork, links. 9c Boneless
bams, 10Xc Pigs' feet, half-barrels, (4 00;
quarter-barrels. (2 15.
New York Mining Storks.
New York. July 14. Mining quotations:
Belle Isle, 140; Deadwood, 125: Demonte, 100;
Hale and No7cross, 300; Homestake. 10;
Horn Silver. 325: Iron Silver, 175; Mt. Dlabm,
180; MPTican, 300; Ontario, 41; Occidental, 135;
Phoenix. Ariz.. 120.
SICK HKADACHl!ClrUr,f Lmie Lvlef Pills.
SICK HEADACHKCarter,, Llttle L)Ter VMu
SICK HEADACHECarte, Lmle LlJttim,.
SICK HEADACHECartr,I Lutle j,iver Pills.
lit Lady. Hare you new Rnbbera?
2n Lady.VThj, not These jtre the old ones
crocsea mia
It makes them look like new; and my shoes also
dressed with it, hold their polish UNDER, the
rubber, even should the snow creep In.
Change a Pine Table to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Presa to Antique Oak.
A Cane Rocker to Mahogany.
Bee what eaa be done with 2 S C. worth of
J5 K-lpp ON
urTOriM T"jrv t
WOLPP & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
4& a Dns. "" Bem, rumUhing Stor.
mh21-TTSS 0
Catarrh Reached His Luiis.
Mr. Frank J. Mason, living on Dearborn
street, Nlneteentb ward, and near the Alle
gheny Cemetery, and who Is employed at the
La Belle Steel Works, In Atlcghony, has been
permanently cured by the catarrh
specialists at 823 Ponn avenue, Hn
had an olfonsivo discharge from his nose
and a dropping of catarrhal mucus Into his
throat, which bevnmo vory tonaclotts and hard
to raise out. His throat became Irritated and
sore and hurt him to swallow. He bad pain In
his foreboad and frequent nose bleed. As his
Mr. Frank J. Jlaion.
disease became deeper seated It attacked his
Inngs causing mucn pain In his chest and a vio
lent cough. In fact he coughed night and day,
and in tho nlgbt his cough was simply terrible.
He could got but little sleep, and would often
waken with such a smothered feeling ho
could scarcely get his breath. He bad
no appetite, and what little food he did cat ho
would feel llko vomiting up. Tho gas that
formed In his stomach after eating gavo bim
great distress. He lost flesh, and bis lungs be
came so weak bo could not lie on either side
Every change of weather would cause blm to
take cold. Night sweats further weakened
him until at times he was unable to do anv
work. It was while In this condition that he
began treatment with the pliyticlans of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. He says:
"My disease was of six or seven years' stand
ing, and the above history of my case Is true.
At first I noticed that my nose and throat
would clog up In tbo evenlilj-, and I thought I
was taking cold. As I treated with several
doctors, and got no better, I became dhgusted
with doctoring, for it seemed as if I never
could bo cured. Finally a friend advlseu me
to try the physicians of the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia Institute, at 323 Penn avenne, as his
with had been cured by these doctors. This
gave mo some hope, and 1 decided to take a
course of their treatment. I improved from
tbo first. I now feel well and strong, and shall
De glad to further describe my case and perma
nent cure by these specialists
Ploase bear in mind tbat THESE SPECIAL
Office hours. 10 A. M. to 4 P. K.,and 6 to 8 p.
M. Sundays, 12 to4r.M.
Consultation free to all. Patients treated
successfully at home by correspondence. Bend
two 2-cent stamps for question blank and ad
dress all letters to the Catarrh and Dyspepsia
Institute, 323 Penn avenue, Pittsburg.
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition, and by a careful application of .tbo
fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious
use of such articles or diet that a constitution
may be gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point. We
may escape manv a fatal shart by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Hervicf Gazett'.
Made Simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labeled
thus: JAMES EPPS A CO., Homoeopathic
Chemists, London, Englana. fe22-32-Tus
Cwi4Q&&'Z rO'
rroienli In the most elegant farm
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to bo
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the molt excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
"srn-xrap o? as3:&s
iyB-77-Tra r:
Embroidery and White Goods Department
direct Importation from the best manufac
turers of St. Gall, in Bnlas and Cambric Edg
ings, Flouncings, Skirt Widths and AUovers,
Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncings. Buyers
will find these goods attractive both in price
and novelties of design. Full lines of. New
Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE
PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in
dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Cur
tains, Portieres, Chenille Curtains, Poles and
Brass Trimmings: Floor, Table and Stair Oil
Cloths la best makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest varioty from which to select.
ToilDuNords, Cbalon Cloths, Bath Seersuck
ers, Imperial Suiting-, Heather & Renfrew
Dress Umghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams.
Wholesale Exclusively.
Koyal acd United States Mall Steamers.
Teutonic June 25, 11 am, Teutonic, July 23.9;30am
Britannic, July 'A 4 o m Britannic, July 30, 4pm
-Majestic Julys, ll:30ami"jlaicstlc, Aug. 6. 10 am
Germanic Jnly IS. 4pinlUcrmanic Aug. 13,4pm
From White Star duck, loot or West Tenth su
'Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates,
teo and upward. Second cabin. SW and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on lavorable terms. Steerage, p.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all the
principal banks throughout Oreat Britain. Ap
ply to JCH.N J. MCCOitMlCK, C39and401 Smith
held st., Pittsburg, or J. BltliCK ISHAI, Gen
era! Agent, 41 Broadway, Mew Korfc. JeZJ-D
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin, London
derry, Liverpool and London,
Cabin tiassazo fj to too, according to locatloi
oi state-oom. Excursion SG5 to f95.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
"State of California" building.
AUS11N BALDWIN A CO., Ueneral Agents,
S3 llroadway. New Yoric
j. j. Mccormick. Agent.
638 and 401 Smithfleld St., Pltlsbttrg. Ps.
Pier 4U n ortu river: r ast express man service.
Gallia. July 10. 6 a m
Etrurla, July IV. 7 a m
Servla, August 0, noon
Etrurla. Aug. IS, 0a m
Auranla.Aug. 23. 10 am
Bothnia, Aug. 27, 2p m
Aiirama, juiy m. noon
TTmH.I., A i,- O H.3ft i m
Cabin passage iOO and upward, according to
location : Intermediate, (35 and 540. Steerage
tlcketsrto and from all parts of Europo at very
low rates. For freight and passage apply to the
company's offlco. 4 Bowling Green, New York.
Vermin 11. Brown A Co.
J. J. MCCORMICK, 639 and 40l Smithfleld
street. Pittsburg. Je30-o
Sailing evory Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor
all classes unsurpassed, Tlckots sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General agents, 305 Waluut sL. Philadelphia.
Full Information can be bad ot J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street;
LOUIS MOESER, 61U Umithfield street.
The only direct lino
From QLA8Q0W,
Passenger accommodations unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate. $30. Steerage, $19.
Passengers by thl route are saved the ex-
Sense and inconvenience attending transfer to
ivcrpool or from New York. J. J. MCCOR
MICK. 401 and tCUSmlthfleld St.. A. D. SCORER
r SON. 115 Smithfleld st, Pittsburg.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
Leading English Investment
Syndicates have money to in
vest in American manufac
tories in large amounts only.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST, PItteburs. 1
" "T" , ".JlostvIjor.andhealthrullT
restored. Vriew.ts rarrd. parts enlarged.strenfrtliened.
K.wiioMsTrsaiu sent free and sealed. isrriieudal.a
lijreu mT.UdlK PalTl'l'l'J 148 148 WUIIm gt J.T.
Cured my rjprpin
when Physicians
Failed. .
Bosomx Ltoxnais,
Marlboro, Mass.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronlo diseases.
MFRnilQan(1 mental diseases, physical
1 1 L. II V U U O decay.norvous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfnlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, failing powers, organlo weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fit ting tho person for busluess, society atidmar
riage. permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bonis, palm, glandular,
swellings, ulcerations of tongtio. month, throat,
ulcers, old lore, aro cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange.
U 111 I inn I s meiits, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, Inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Wlilttler's llfn-lonqr, extenilvo experience
Insures scientllb; and reliable treatment on
common.sens principles. Consultation free.
Patients at it distance as carefully treated as It
here. Olttco hours, 0 A, if. to b p. m. Hunday,
10 A. M. to I r. . only. DU. WHITTIER, ell
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
How Lost! How Regained,
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
tho Errorsof Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous
anu r uysicai ieoiuiy, impunuea 01 the Blood,
Resulting from Folly, Vice. Ignorznce, Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vcl
eautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, If you,
apoly now. The distinguished author. Wm. H.
Parker. M. D., received the GOLD ANO JEW.
ELED MEDAL from tho National Medical As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERV0U3
snd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may be con
sulted, confidentially, by mail or In person, as
SriTUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston. Mass., to
whom all orders for books or letters for advico
should be directed as above. aulS-67-TUFSUWlc
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K' Lake,
M. R. C. P. S.. is the olacst and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Office)
hours U to land 7 to 8 P. 31.: Sundays, 2 to 4 P.
M. Consult them personally, or write. Doctob
Lake. cor. Penn ave. and 1th St., Pittsburg, Pa.
oolsi'S Cotton. Hoota
iComposed of Cotton Root. Tansv and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
T c. T-cv...., 1M.M CI K.. -nail
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's
CoKon Root Compound and take no substitute,
or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mich.
" Sold In Pitt'burg. Pa by Joseph Flem
ing fc Son. Diamond and Market sts.
InMKN debilitated
through disease or
otherwise. WB
OU Alt A NTEE to CUKE by this New IMI'ltOVED
S,UA,,,. lit, ni IlktllNll .MONEY, llarto
for this pcctflc'purpoc. cure oi Physical .Weak
ness, giving Freely: Mild. Soothing. Continuous
Currents of Electricity through 1 "'?., Witifi
restoring them to HEALTH and VHIOKOOU
STUENC.Tll. Electric current felt Instantly, or
wu forfeit l000 In cash. KELT Complete Hand
up. Worst eases Permanently Cured In three
months. Sealed pamphlets free. Call onorad
dres HAND E.N ELKCTKIO CO.. 8 111 llroadway.
New York. rayZMl-Tissu
flfe 0'1 tlwtj rtv.khis. iouiik. J
uk Drutl for JJUmond BramtA
iio reu niuiii9 r wii iw
DiotnoDon. louanooinrr, a v
IplIItt ID psutuwrnri DOItM who pin wraps
I-rti ftr dangeroum rounterllta Hend
1(7, BtiUDay icr oer huibis, MiMuwyiwi
nJ lttllrn.r ldlrm" mixtir, by
return mall. i,im liip.
CaltawUr Uw'l Cs Bsllua Bh rillfc, ra.
Save Yourselves. Nerve Beans,
th erett reitorcr. will cure weak bick, tib wiy that
Clooniv, tired fee I in if, tbat nertoua cihauiflon, put roses la
your cneeks, brighten your eyes, ffiro you new life, imtttton
appetite, make you tenfold more attractive- AbMotutttyhmrm
itit, aiftuttly turt. i a boi, postpaid. SU boxes, f.
Pamphlet (leafedl free. Adtlress Ncrire Cem Co.. Buffalo
N. V. M Joseph Fleming k Son's, 41a Market St.
sfe, Crtaln and EffectnaL
Bofe. 1
At Drufrtt everywhere or by mall. Bend 4 et.f4
Book, "WOMAN'S 8AKE-OUAUU" (sealed.!
Absolutely reliable, perfectly safe, most powerful f emalo
regulator kno wn i never fail ; ii a box, ooittpald i one box
sufficient. Aililre 1.1(1 V DltUO CO . Bufflilo. N. Y.
Sold by JOS. i LUU.N'li SON, 413 Haricot St.
Bpedflc for nTrtcrIa,Dl22incs,FIU.KctinIff!a.Wak
fulnei. Mental Dcpnfflslon.Sortenlnfrof tho Urnln.re
BtUtinpr la launltvnnd JeadLn? to misery derar and
death. Prematura Old Ace. E-wrennew, Loss of Power
in either box. Involuntary Loaves, and Sperm at orrhec
catued br orer-exertlon ot the brain, self-abnsa or
orer-lndulgence. Koch box contains one month's treat
ment. Slabox. or six for S3, rent by mall prepaid.
With each order for six boxes, will tend purchaser
sruarantee to refund money If tho treatment falls to
cure. Uunrantees Issued and genuine sold only by
1701 and 2101 Penn ave.. and Corner Wylie and
sPTTT? f Weakness ofBody and Mind; Effect
v J JOtJU ofErrorsorEicessesmOIdorTounj.
Bobost. !Iobl. 3I15HOOD roily RnUtrd. How to Ealsrr ant
ibMiui.ir ..r.nini noait TRKaTaiaT-nrssi la Jr-
Sea Inl Ifr rraai 4 1 Slstn aad Fanlts laaatrin. T eaa writ
ta.au Bok, fall aiplaaattoa, a4 proria aullrd (waltdl trea.
NERVOUS DISEASES in both sexes.
Bbt bo R.lt till too read tsla book, addresa
Buffertna from the effects of youthful errors, early
decay, wa&tinjr weakness, lest manhood, etc 1 will
tend a valuable treatise sleil containing; full
particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A
splendid medical work: should be read by every
man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,
Prol. F. C. FO WtKB, SIoodn,CoBB
0ClS-l3-E3UWk '
W1i 3 fkl a i&liS si II sissi'iaiSs!
Hit a. mm mlk Tf', iw "
ii "ETSI
. &
De.E.G. West's