. . i ! utiH tMBifff iiTftTlfrinTlii liilrrrfnnrrminwTiMi n n i i n ! ! n ! mi-wTiw-BTT-rrM-i"T'iTiiTrirTiTiTffl f ' THE FCTTSBUR DISPATCH, MONDAY. JULY 14, 180Q, 3 I' , : : 1 - -. H 7-T ' f LOCKE ON LOTTERIES. Tho Pastor or the Bmilhflcld Street M. E, Church I'reachcs Abont LOUISIANA'S GRKAT DEVILFISH. He Bays It in a National Issue, and the Falpit Mast Denounce It, DE. SUTHERLAND ON ODE NEW BODIES. Notwithstanding the warm weather, the Smithfleld Street M. E. Church was crowd ed, last evening, by people to hear Kev. Charles Edward Locke, the pastor, preach on "The Louisiana Devil Fish." He made an eloquent attack against the lottery and showed why the people should take up the matter and do everything possible in their power to abolish the business. He took for his text: "The fires shall consume the tabernacle of bribery," eta. In his sermon he said: "This nation is victimized and outraged by the Louisiana State Lottery. It was organ ized in I8G8, and chartered by the State for a period of 25 years. During the early days of its existence the lottery came into competition with the lotteries of other States. To-day it is the only one In exist ence, and Louisiana is the only State in the Union that would permit this nefarious business to go on. The reason for this is because of the seeming liberality. In 18C8, when the yellow fever was raging in the South, it contributed $100. 000 to the fund for the relief of f the sufferers. It built two churches and en dowed the Howard Memorial, a city library. "When the floods inundated the country, a few weeks ago, it donated $300,000, and sent out three or 'our boats to rescue the people living along the river banks. It bas in gratiated itself into the hearts of the people and has put the State under obligations to itself. SOMETHING OF THE FTJTTJBE. "The charter of the concern expires at the end of the year 1893, and the ministers of the country are organizing against it. They have been stirred up to the enormity of the crime being carried on under the protection of the law and are organizing a crusade against it The present session of the Legislature has been considering the matter o renewing the charter for 25 years more. For this privi lege the lottery company will pay the State in cash $1,500,000. The bill passed the lower house, and to the honor or the Gov ernor, it may be stated, he vetoed it. So strong is tbe grip of this hydra-headed, blood-sucking, entrail-eating "monster that it went from the lower house to the Senate with a recommendation lor passage. "While on its way to the Senate, a member died, therebv making one short of a two-third vote to pass the bill over the Governor's veto. It will eventually come betre the judiciary, and afterward may be put to a vote of the people. If it is, there is no question but the people will vote overwhelmiuglv for the lottery. "The robbery is a national blotch and a disgrace. If it only affected the people of Louisiana it would not be our fight. Only three per cent of the tickets sold are taken by the people of the State. Xinety-bevcn per cent ot the receipts ot the concern are sold in other States aud foreign countries. For this reason I claim it is a national issue. Tbe grand old State of Pennsylvania makes it criminal, and yet the Louisiana Lottery reaches into the State rt-gardless of our wishes. One-third of the mail sent into the city of New Orleans is for the lottery company, and two-thirds of the letters sent out of the citv come from the concern. A few years ago they had offices in tbe principal cities of the country. In one office on Broadway, New York, the daily receipts for a month were (5,17G, and tbe number ol letters received was 1,760. ITS GUir ON riTTSBCBO. "Our own city has felt the grip of the monster, and many boys in the Western Penitentiary can attribute tbeir downfall to the lottery. Many citizens who have been poor are made poorer. Many wealthy men have been fascinated and ruined. I "would like to show you how much of the hard earned earnings of the poor people of this city have gone to swell the purses of the leeches who control this smothering octopus. It is also a moral issue, and it is the duty of the pulpit to speak oat against it. It is not honest It is a high-handed, unscrupulous, unmitigated swindle. The earnings of the concern have been $10,000,000 per year, the proceeds $52,000,000, and what does it pay for all this? It contributes $40,000 per year to a city hospital, and the other thousands I have referred to are a mere pittance to the millions of dollars gone to the avaricious owners of the vulture. It leads to lying, lasciviousness, corruption,profligacy, drunk enness and murder. It creeps in until il fastens its long arms on the vitals of the pnblic, and then fattens on them. Generals Beauregard and Earlv are piling up tbe tinder that will, after while, topple and consume the tabernacle ot bribery. These men fought like tigers against the desecrating tread of Yankees from the North dnring the war. They won laurels bv their efforts on the field of battle. They have since then been utterly sold out to the devil for $10,000,000 per year. "You have read of the devil-fish. It pos sesses the power of discharging a black, inky fluid that surrounds the fish and en ables it to make its escape in the water. This savage devil-fish of Louisiana, with its long arms, reaches out, clutches, feeds and fattens on ruined souls. It throws out a fluid of seeming charitv and blinds the citi zenship of the State." OITH EESUSSECTION BODIES The Subject of Dr. Xttfat-rland'a Interesting Sermon Lnst Evening. But a sparse congregation, owing without doubt to the oppressiveness ol the evening, was present at the 8 o'clock services in the Second Presbyterian Church to hear the Eev. Dr. Sutherland's interesting address on "Our 2Tew or Resurrection Bodies." Having alluded to Paul's desire to impress on the Philippians the necessity of paying fealty to the Heavenlv Ruler rather than to him of Imperial Rome, for the heavenly citizenship was the more important of the two, the reverend gentleman quoted Paul as saying "That all would not sleep," "that is, that all would not die." That is, that there would come a time when all things would cease, and when those who were then living should assume another form. "Wo may be passing through changes now," continued the speaker, "which may be preparatory for the next life. All of us lead double "lives, tbe temporal and the spiritual; as tbe apostle says, '.ill wonld not sleep, and when the time comes we shall discard the temporal to assume the spiritual life. We are citizens oi the kingdom of Heaven, through loyalty to Jesus-Christ. "We believe He will change our vile bodies, perhaps like unto His own. If sin had not entered into the world paradise would not have any limit God inteuded originally to have a world peopled with sin less beings. What God intended, He will have. "When tbe time comes He will change our corrupt bodies and make them fit for the new world. We are inclined to limit God according to our pres ent idea of Him. But think of Him who made the world, ot the duration of time, and doubt, if you can, that he will change our bodies into spiritual beings. "Death has nothing terrible that life has rot made it bo. Let us, my friends, prepare ourselves for that day, and be readv to sav, Ob, death, where is thy sting, oh, grave, wbeie is thy victory?' Let us be thankful for all our liberties, above all, the privi lege and glory of this heavenly citizenship." SERMONS IN THE WOODS, Cnmpmeeilnas Hear riilsbnrc Draw Thou, andi From the Clur-Sninnnd Frajlnc -Reulnr Weellnga Kverr NIllU-Th Wllklnsburc Cnmp n rtpecr". In the shadowy stillness of the Marshall Grove last night over 1,000 spectators con gregated in groups around large plattorm to hear the devotional exercises of the camp meeting held by the Merrill M. E. Church, colored. The services began at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and crowds filled the electric cars that traveled the Perrysvilie road. . After an earnest prayer meeting, beauti ful hymns were sung by a skilled choir. Itev. Dr. Hinton followed with an interest ing sermon. In the evening Itev. G. W. "W. Jenkins, pastor of the Merrill Church, preached on the "Return ot the Prodigal." The meetings will be continued during the week at 7:45 P. M. in Hon. T. M. Marshall's woods. Fine preparations will be made for next Sunday's meeting. The camp meetings of colored people now being held in Wilkinsburg every Sunday are drawing large crowds of people, both white and colored, to the camp grounds. There was a larger assemblage yesterday than at any time last summer, and the ex ercises were of a very interesting character. Tnere is a strong feeling that the Penn svlvania Railroad si.ould put an extra car on its accommodation trains for the benefit of those who attend the meetings. Most of the visitors come from Pittsburg or East Liberty, and the cars, especially at night, arc so crowded that there is necessarily more or less disorder. A FEW HOTEL KTJISANCES. Tbe Kinds of People Who SInke the Clerk Weary ol Living. "The man who comes up to the desk six times in as many minutes, and wants to know if there isn't a letter for him is a great nuisance," remarked a hotel clerk yester day. "Such people are hard up, and ex pect money from home. They watch every mail closely, and their anxiety keeps the clerks busy answering their questions. "Then there is tbe chronic kicker who kicks on general principles. I was para ,lyzed the other day when one of these fel lows came to me and said be was going to quit tbe house. I was secretlv glad of it, lor he had already made my li'e miserable with his petty complaint;, but I asked him if he had anv fault to find with the house. 'Oh no. he replied, 'that is the trouble, I can't find anvthint? m the hotel to con- scientiouslv kick about, and I must seek new pastures.' "Another nuisance is the man who waits until the last minute to catch a train, and then insists on having several heavy trunks sent to the depot He is mad because we didn't hold the bns for him, forgetting that there are other people whose interests must be cared for as well as his own, and because he is late he must delay everybody else. I think this individual is the most tiresome we have to csntend with, and he is gener ally the most unreasonable." P0E TEE TEMPERANCE C037EHTI0N. The Laiit Meetlte of the General Committee) on Arrnnffeinentn Wednesday- A meeting of the general committee hav ing in charge the arrangements for the an nual convention of the Katioual Diocesan Union' of the Catholic Total Abstinence societies of America, will be held in Du quesne Hall,' Wednisday evening. The meeting will be the last one held, and all arrangements for the convention will be completed. Request from the chairmen of the different sub-committee will be re ceived. A meeting of the ladies having in charge the entertainmMt of the lady dele gates was held yesterday. The convention will be the largest temper ance gathering ever held in this city. Rcr. Father Sheedy received a letter several davs ago from Scranton, to the effect that 100 delegates will be present from that city alone. The field day of the local diocesaa union will be held at Silver Lake Grove, Saturday, August 2. The entertainment will consist oi outdoor snorts, interspersed with plenty of good music' HARROW ESCAPE FROM DE0WN1NO. Exciting Experience of Two Boys on the Allegheny River Ycaterdny. Harry Boone and James Carroll, aged 8 and 10 years respectively, had a narrow es cape irom drowning yesterday. About 6 o'clock in the afternoon both put out in the river from the foot of Fifty-first street to row in a little boat They had been rowing around for some time, and then oommenced playing. The boat capsized and both were precipitated into the river. Neither could swim, but had presence of mind sufficient to cling to the bottom of the boat. They drifted in this manner without being ob served until Forty-eichth street was reached. At that point a couple of mill men who were sitting on the river bank saw them, and securing a boat went out and rescued' them. Both of the boys were greatly exhausted, and would have been unable to retain their hold on the boat much longer bad not as sistance reached them. 'They were taken to their homes, near Fifty-fifth street, and last night wero apparently none the worse for their adventure. STODAJT IN THE WOODS. Peoplo Rushing to Get Out of Town to Enjoy tbe Country Air. Yesterday was one of those not-too-warm and not-too-cool Schenley Park Sundays, when the people in the city like to get out into the suburbs and take a breath of fresh air. The air was balmy, with a good breeze blowing from the north all alternoon, and thonsands took advantage of the oppor tunity to get out. Hundreds visited the park in Oakland and eujoyed the privilege of paving 10 cents to get into Mrs. Schenley's former pos sessions, via the Pittsburg Traction road and its electric feeder, and being dumped by the latter a quarter of a mile from the park. Despite the many objections to paying the extra :are the people managed to enjoy themselves in the park. The Pennsylvania Railroad trains and the excursion boats on river also did a rushing business. IMPROVEMENTS IN WILEINSBUBG. New street Favlnc and SIdcwnlks Seen on Every Ilnncl. There is no suburb of Pittsburg in which more public improvements are being car ried on than in tbe borough of Wilkinsburg. There is hardly a street in which either grading, paving or sewer, gas or water-pipe laying is not going on. South street, one of the main thoroughfares of Wilkinsburg, was until this summer impassable, on account of the big hollow. This has been completely filled up, and for the first time in the history of the borough vehicles can be driven from one end of the street to the other. The sidewalks on South Franklin and Re becca streets have been thoroughly recon structed, and how badly they needed it every Wilkinsburger knows. For a week petitions have been circulated for the grading of Ross street. Wilkins burg expects, in the course of a year or two. to be indeed a town of beautiful highways' Congregational Presbyterian Meeting. The congregations of the First and Third Presbyterian Churches held a union meet ing last evening in the Third Church, Sixth avenue. Rev. E. P. Cowan, D. D., preached tne neruiu" " ""j;c uumoer.oi people. Extra Wide and Fine Printed India Silk Sale To-Day CO cents a yard, and other special low-price lots on sale. Jos. Homte & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Great reductions in ladies' vests to go at just half price on Monday. Ejtable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. GRIME AND ITS CUBE. Large-Sized Doses Prescribed for Saturday Night SicknoBS. CHANQE OP SCENE SUGGESTED For Patlwts Who Allow Their Feelings to Control Them. rfllSIOIAKS WHO MOST be obeyed The sufferers from the dread disease of crime, which in most cases reaches a cri sis on Saturday night, were on hand yester day morning to take their medicine. Some of the patients required change of air, and were ordered to Claremont Springs, others received light doses, for which they paid fees ranging from H 40 upward, while a few needed nothing but a little advice. The physicians in attendance diagnosed the cases rapidly, and all the prescriptions were taken. Dr. John Gripp hung out his shingle at the Central station yesterday morning, and in a few moments 30 patients filed in. Thomas Kirk was suffering from emotional insanity Saturday night, caused by the jux taposition of the Yellow Row and a iragon load of watermelons. During his fit of abstraction he abstracted a watermelon from the wagon, and when Officer Roach arrested him he was seized with a paroxysm which led him to assault the officer. He was sent to the sanitarium at Claremont for 30 days. CUBE Or A QTJABTET. Annie Sullivan, LonisaMorgan, "Wallace Curry and John Crosby were enjoying them selves in a shanty boat near the Baltimore and Ohio depot, when the women became hysterical and screamed so loudly that the whole party were taken in for treatment. Crosby will be discharged from Claremont as cured in 30 days, Curry will try the mind enre at tbe jail for ten days, Louisa Morgan bad already recovered and was released, while Annie Sullivan was sent to the Poor Farm for country air, John Johnston, of Ross street, is a victim of biliousness, which led him to beat his wife and a lady boarder. His presciption cost him $13 40. Hugh McGarvey's blood was overheated yesterday when he went to his brother-in-law's house, on Washington street in search ot his wile, and started a row. His temper ature fell when given tbe choice between paying $13 40 or going to the workhouse for 30 days. ' OTHERS SICK AND WEAKY. Thirty-four sick and weary patients were treated by Dr. McKenna at the Twelfth ward station. Charles Kosmer, a Pole, living on Mulberry alley,' paid $28 40 for keeping a disorderly house, and eight friend1;, who were captured at the same time, paid $13 40 each. William Dorsey paid $28 40 for a similar offense. The Seventeenth ward station clinic was dull and uninteresting, there being but three subjects for demonstration. The Thirty-sixth ward dispensary healed five cases, Dr. Succop being the physician in charge. James Watson paid $28 40 for pointing a big revolver at some children, and Rudolf Heylman wax held over lor ex. amination on a charge of robbing a fellow boarder. Sudden sickness and police officers over took 32 Allegbeniaus on Saturday night. Joseph Stovie and Andrew Zersm'k fought on McClura avenue, and Stovie threw a stone that went through a window and nar rowly missed a man in bed. It cost them $28 40 each. FOR MJNsTUOKE Use Horforil' Atlil Phosphate. Br. A. L. Zurker, MUrose, Minn., says: "It prodnced a gratifying and remarkable regen erating effect In a case of sunstroke." Silks- Silks MIUs. $1 25 striped silks to go at 69c. $1 25 India silks to go at 69c. $1 00 India silts to go at 49c. 60c surah silks to go at 29c. Monday morning. Enable & Shusteh, 35 Fifth ave. Excursion to Atlantic City. Next Thursday, July 17, via the B. & O. R. R. Rate $10 the round trip; tickets good for ten days and good to stop at Wash ington, D. C, returning. Special trains at 8 a. ai. and 9:20 p. M.; Pullman parlor cars on day train and Pullman sleeping cars on night train. 2 Scotch Ginghams, Extra wide, 30c-35c goods, all to go, at 15o a yd. Sale begins Monday morning. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Extra Wide nnd Fine Printed India Silk Sale To-Day 50 cents a yard, and other special low-price lots on sale. Jos. Houne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. 9XO Toil Dtj Nord ginghams. Best goods, last colors. Sold all over at 12Je. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Bpeclnl 50-Cent India fill Sals To-Day. Come early for first choice, store closes at 5 P. M. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Peon Avenue Stores. LEGAL. NOTICES. CHAS. B. FANE. Attorney at Law, M o. 173 Fourth avenue. ESTATE OF D. H, WALKEIt, DECEASED Notice Is hereby Riven that letters of admin istration on the estate of D. H. Walker have been granted tothe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. A.NNAK. WALKER, Administratrix. Je8-31-M AMUSEMENTS. pRAND OPERA HOUSE THE OR1G VX INALandrenowned Oriental Opera Com. pany, of New York, will appear on MONDAY, July, 14, In "Esther," from Elngede; or. "The False Priest." Reserved seats. SL 75c. 60c and 25c jyS-91 DIVIDENDS). PITTSBURG. July 10, 1S90. DIVIDEND NOTICETHE BOARD OF Managers of tbe Monongahela Naviga tion Comnanv have, this day, declared a divi dend of FIVE PER CENT on the capital stock, payable to the stockholders or tbelr legal representative, at the office of the com pany. No. 110 Diamond street, Pittsburg, on and after the 15th inst. jylO-M-D W. BAKEWELL, Treasurer. THE ClIABTIERS VALLEY GAS CO.. i Pittsburg. Pa.. July 7, isso. DIVIDEND NOriCE THE BOARD OF Directors of this company has this dav declared a dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT upon tbe capital stock of the com pany, payable on the 19th Inst, by mailed check. Transfer books will be closed on tbe 12th Inst,' J38-73-D F. J. TENER, Treasurer. German American Ins. Co. of Pa., ) Office No. ill Fourth avenue. V Pittsburg. July 7. 1890. DrVfDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company have this dav declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR,PER CENT (82 00 per share), payable on demand. JV8-93-D W. J. PATTERSON. Secretary. Office Westekn Insurance co 1 PITT8BUBG. JalyfJ, 189a S DIVIDEND NO. 76-THE BOARD OF directors have this day declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT, or SI 60 upon each share of the capital stock, payable on and after the 11th Inst. , WM. P. HERBERT, jy 9-43-D Secretary. Office Abmenia Insurance Compant, i PlTTSBURO. July 10, 1S9Q. f DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have 'declared a semiannual dividend of THREE DOLLARS per share, payable on demand. W. D. JlcGILL. j12-lo Secretary. PIANOS, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instruments HAMILTON'S, p28-79-D Fifth avenue. JWDtiplav adverttimenli ont dollar per iquartorone intertlon, Claulflti advtrtii mentt on tMt fagt, tueh at Wanted, or Bale, 3b Lei, tie,, ten cent per line or each inter lion, and none taken for leu than thirty eenlt, Top line being dltplayed counts at two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. YtiTI. THE BOUTHBIDE, NO. K12 CAIMON BTKKET. 1IUANCH OFFICES ALSO AB BELOW, WRKBE WANT, FOIt BALE, TO LET, AND OTHKH TRANSIENT ADVEKTISEMKNTS WILL BE 11E CE1VKD UP TO 9 P. M. FOB INSERTION. Advertisements are 10 De prepaid except where advertisers already bare accounts wluiTusDls rATCU. PlTTSBURO. T7TOMA8 MCCAFFREY. SuD Bntler street. EM1L O. STUCKEY. 24th street and i'enn ave. E.G.BTUCKEY4C0Wylleave. andFuItoniU N. BTOliELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. XAST EXP. 3. TV. WALLACE. 12t Penn avenue. OAKXANTJ. MCALLISTER & 8BE1BLEK, 8th av. Atwood lb COCTnSIDE. JACOB BFOHN, No. SCarson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. McliRIDE. Market Home, Allegheny. FRED H. EOGEltH. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EOOEKS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnntsts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwlnaves. O. W. HUGHES. Feinsrlvanlaand Beaver ayes. FERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. T. R. MORRIS, C6S Freble ave. millvale Borough. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. SHARrSBURG. C BELLMAN. Stationer, 818 Main at. THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH IS NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Mule Help. AGENTS-1HEGREATESTSELLING WORK or modern times has at last appeared. Stan ley's own book. 'ln Darkest Africa:1 this lsthe only book for which Stanley has written a line; Chas. Scrlbners bons, publishers: apply at once for territory. 1 J. FLEMING & CO.,77 Diamond street. Je5-33-Mwrsu AGENTS-MALE OR FEMALK-IN CITY and country districts to sell The Pittsburg Washing Machine: the newest and best: sells easily; call and see machine at onlce. J. H, STEVENSON, NO. 100 Fifth ave. Jv9-44-HWF AGENTS-ISO OUTFIT ON SO DAYS' TIME; 150 profit In four weeks or no pay. Address with stamp, JaRVIS & CO., Racine, Wis. myS-33 BAKER-MUST BE A FIRST-CLASS BREAD and cake baker, clean and steidy: to board in family. ROBT. MORROW, Woodland sve.. Eleventh ward, Allegheny, Jylt-8 BRASS FIN1SHERS-A FEW GOOD MEN ON valves, cocks, etc. Address, (statins? wa?es required), MANUFACTURER, Box- Dispatch onice. jyio-17 BOILER MAKERS AND TANK BUILDERS at ATLANTIC REFINERY, Point Brceie, Philadelphia; steady employment to No. 1 work men. J y 10-23 TDAKER- FIRST HAND BREAD BAKER, J also second hand. ADDlV COR. IRWIN AND BEECH tT., Allegheny. JyH-:9 BARBKR-ATW. A. MUEHLSTEIN'S. COR. SIXTH AND rjcNN.; none but good men need apply. Jyl4-37 BARBER-JOURNEYMAN IIARBEII IMME DIATELY. Apply at 183 CARSON ST., Bouthside. Jyl3-I3S TJARBKKS TWO GOOD MEN APPLY II. JL STUHSUfKLS, 715 Fifth ave. or 101 Tustln st. Jyl2-31 BARBER GOOD MAN STEADY Call at 610 GRANT ST. WORK. Jyll-24 BARBER-GOOD MAN-GOOD WAGES AND steady work. Apply 2618 CARSON sr.. s. S. Jyn-n BARHER-MUST HE A FIRST-CLASS HAND. Apply at ey REBECCA ST., Allegheny. tylt-e FARM HANDS-TWO GOOD FARM HANDS; good najres and steady work all year round. ('Jill early Monday morning. BOWMAN'S SALES STAB!.; 00 and (to Forbes aye. Jyl4-I2 FOREMAN-A GOOD FOREMAN ON BREAD and cakes: also a second hand: Immediately. Inquire at 2SS4 PENN AVE. jyli-Zl TJIOREMAN-AMAN CAPABLE OF TAKING I. entire charco of a machine shop. Address X Dispatch office. JvliU21 GEN ERA I. STATE AOENT-TO OPEN HEAD QUARTERS In some principal city, assume exclusive control of our business and appoint local and inb-agents In every city In this State; tWWII BUM uu- mwi,.a U .ILI) .? U ,11.0 J,,.. goods well known, staple as flour. In universal oemano, ana pay a net prom oi ou to iw per cent, Aaarcts int. ufiius luaii'An 'ANY. 741 Broadway, New York. jyjM HUNGARIAN OR ITALIAN LABORF.KS Tea to IS and 6 to 10 bo js from 13 to 17 years' vcars of aire to work In a Are brick works. In quire at S3 LIBERTY bT., Tuesday, 15th, from 10 to 12 a.m. Jyl2-17 MAN-STIRRING AND WELL EDUCATED, SS to 85 years of age, for six months' work. Balarv75 per month to rlbt man; speedy pro motion in sonn as fitted. Rooms 45, 48 and 4f, EISNER t PHILLIPS Building. JylS-fll MEN-TO WORK FOR THE LEADING Endowment Order of the world; pays Its members SI00 In one year, flun at death and (10 per week when sick. Address 11. E. MARK, Supreme Organizer, Lowell, Mass Jyl4-1 MEN-TWO STEADY MEN TO WORK about ft small place lire miles Irom town. 1801 BIRD AVE. Jy-I7 PLUMBERS-1N DENVER, COL.. SI A DAY. eight hours, year's engagement to first-class men: wire tor partlculirs with references THE HUGHES 4 KEATH SANITARY SUPPLY CO. 1J4-102 "DEAL ESTATE SALESMAN-AN EXPERI EV ENCEDnianfnr Allegheny City; reference required. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave nue. Telephone 187. JylJ-30 SALESMEN-ON SALARY OR COMMISSION to handle the new Patent Chemical Ink Eras ing Pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever pro duced: erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds-no abrasion of paper; 2U0 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to S320 In six days: an other 32 In two hours; we want one general agent for each State and Territory; sample hy mall SSc. For terms and full particulars, address THE MONROE ERASER MFG. CO., La Crose. Wis. JyI3-2) SALESMEN-AT 75 PER MONTH SALARY and expenses, to sell a line or silverplated ware, watches, etc.: by sample only: horse and team furnished free; write at once for full partic ulars and sample case ot goods free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. sc24-90-D STRONG SOLICITORS AND GENERAL agents at good salary for our own book. "Mary, the Queen of the House of David;" agents for home territory: extra inducement to go South or West: book handled by us through out the United states; call andlnvestlgatelfyou mean business. A. S. GRAY ft CO., Eisner building. , , jy!3-61 SUPEKINTENDENT FOR ROLLING MILL IN merchant bar trade near Chicago; must be well recommended: state salary, reference by let teronly. 3. B. BOO'lHftCO., Hamilton bulld lng. City. Jy 13-4 TRAVELING MEN-SELLING TO HARD WARE Dlumhcrs, steam and gasfitters, can secure a jrood side line by add esslng MANU FACTURER, 1 418 Niagara St., Buffalo. N. Y. JytS-72-MWTSu TINNERS TWO GOOD MEN APPLY IM MEDIATELY, 52G0 BUTLER ST. Jyl4-22 WATCH3IAKER-A PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER: also a young man who under stands clock repair thoroughly and can mate himself useful In cleanlug, packing, etc. Address CITY JEWELER, Dispatch office. Jyl3-lS WAGON BLACKSMITH AND ONE HELPER who can shoe hor.es. Inquire G. D1LL1G, cor. Lincoln are. and Butler Plank Road. Mill vale borough. Bennett station on West Penn. R.R. Jyl2-75 D YOUNG MAN-UNMARRIED, WHO UNDER STANDS something or general business aud bookkeeping. Address 3., Dispatch office, giving lull name and good city reference; correspond ence will be strictly confidential. Jyl3-7 Mnle nnd Ftmale Help. FIRST-CLASS COACHMAN. FARM AND harvest hands, 4 dining-room girls, laundress, 2 girls for lunch counter, 200 house girls, 4 colored cooks, chambermaids. MEEUAN'S, 515 Grant st, telephone 90. Jyll-D 100D WATCH FREE-TO THE BOY Ott VX girl selling the largest number of our famous 15c robber stamps before September 1 next, we will give a fine cold watch, bunting case, Elgin movement: and a fine gold watch, open lice, El- f;tn movement, to the one selling the second argest number; watches can be seen at our office, 23 and 25 Fifth ave., Pittsburg: open to all. Alc MAHON BROS, ft ADAMS. jy9-45 alRLS-TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS. GI RARD HOUSE. 20 and 22 Federal St., Alle gheny. JyH-15 HELP-LAUNDRESS. COOK AND DINING room girls for summer resorts, cooks, wait resses, chambermaids, house girls, German and colored girls, carriage drivers, waiters, farm- hands. JtA.1 IBS. E. THOMPSON. 608 Grant st. Jy7-inhs Boarders and Lodeer. BOARDERS -FOB TWO LARGE, AIRY rooms; rent single or donble; withstand, hot, cold and fine spring water; large grounds, fruit ami shade trees; most desirable location In East ?J??.!. ,on.."e renn aTe- cable cars. Address IN GLLS1DE, cor. Penn ave. and Rebecca Bt. Jyl3-I3l l,y.FT.BY, BOARDERS-DELIGHTFUL LO- Jr ,ATioii' SpehourlromPlttsburg. Address JM., aolUday'iCove, Vi.Ya, JyH-100 WANTED, Hltwnilnns. 8lTUATIONrBY A YOUNG MAN TO WtARN mechanical or architectural draughting, Ad- Flnnuclnl, MOItlaAGEB-ll.OOO.OOO TO LOAN ON CITY , hd suburban properties at AH, and 8 per .i on ttrm Id Allegheny and adjacent "unties at 8 per cent. mnnuun. a nun, cuurtu avenue. ap7m MUNsT TO LOAN-IF YOU WANT MONEY In any amount on lood city mortgages P"1' weliave It on hand and will be glad to ISI'i" "'.? ind 8 Percent. MORRIS ft FLEMING, 108 Fourth ave. Je2l-40 M' ORTOAGES-ON CITY OR COUNTRY property; sjoo to U0U.0QO: 4K. 5 and 6 per cent: money ready. JAB. W. r - 1 . . .1 ... r..n I'.'.m - -.-. UUAIM, S. UU juutmave., I'lltaourg. Jyl2-42-D MONEY TO LOAN AT THE LOWEST market rates on mortgages in large orsmall amounts. W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave Pne. )y3-33-UTh MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY . ..countv property at lowest rates. HENRI A. WEAVER ft CO.. (to Fourth avenue. mb2-D TO LOAN500,000, IN AMOUNTS OF 83,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, n v Pr cent, frceoftax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 8 per cent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2I.d26-D rpo LOAN 8200.000 ON MORTGAGE3-II00 -I- and upward at 6 per cent:500,000 at 4X percent on residences or business property; also In ad joining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. OC24-4-D Miscellaneous. ALLTO USE JONES' BEDBUG PABALYZER Jones' Magic Roach Powder: contains no poison; roaches banished oy contract; satisfac tion alven or no pay. Prepared by GEO. W. JONES, 222 Federals!., Allegheny, Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists, 'telephone No. 8332. Jyll-42-MWT ALL SOLDIERS-WHO ABE DISABLED from any cause and drawing less than 6 per month to call at B. F. BROW N'S OFFICE. 96 Fourth ave., or send their address. Je25-69 DEPENDENT RELAT1VES-WHO ARE NOT drawing pensions to call or send their ad dress to floor. F. BROWN, 86 Fourth ave., second Je25-69 EVERY ONE TO KNOW-YOU CAN GET the best style dress pattern cnt to order, the latest style dress forms, genuine needles, at the lowest prices, at ti-e LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME SEWING 81ACHINE OFFICE, No. 19 Sixth St., 2 doors below Bijou. Jy4-MWF EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT WE ARE able to turn ont large orders of muslin, glass, oilcloth or real estate signs on short notice at lowest prices. PASTOR1US' SIGN WORKS, 119 Flth ave., cor. Smithfleld St., third floor. Iel6-Mwr SOLDIERS' WIDOWS TO CALL AT B. If. . BROWN'S OFFICE. 98 Fourth ave., second floor. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. CITY BLOCK-OF 12 HOUSES IN GOOD locality: splendid Investment: all in first class order; rental over 82,000 per annum; houses never idle: price fCO.O'ju: terms to suit; this In vestment would be bard to duplicate, inquire MORRIS ft FLEMING, 108 Fourtli ave. Jyl2-33 fJ2" 400 HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS: LOT 24x60 JL It., on Kirkpatrlck, near Center ave. ; terms made to suit purchaser. W. A. HERRuN SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jy6-76-8,10,14' East End Residence. B KICK KESIDEN CE ONE OF THE NEATEST and most desirable nouses at snadvslde: new brick, modern stvle. niue rooms, well finished and all the very latest improvements, on Westminster St., two squares from Filth ave. cable line: price made verv reasonable on acconnt of tbe owners' removal from the city. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS. 60 Fourth ave. Jy3-34-3.7.11,H HOUSE AND LOT HANDSOME EAST END residence with beautiful corner lot over lOOx 160 feet, having ample shade, 12Iarge and lux urious rooms, equipped tnroughout with all of the more recent Improvements and In elegant order throughout: most desirable location, with in easy access of the cable cars and R. R. station; a bargain to a prompt purchaser. Terms, etc., JAS. U. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. JyI2-42-D HOUSE AN ELEGANT NEW FRAME OF six rooms, bath, attic, hot and cold water, both gases, electric lights and bells, speaking tubes, etc: lot28xl25: three minutes from elec tric line; very desirable location; 83.800: It. KA esh, baL three years. W. V. ELDERKIN, 6348 Station St., E. E. Tel., 5327. jyll-95-MF HOUSE-NEW DWELLING OF SIX ROOMS, on Cypress street; large finished attic: bath, range, hall, front and back porches: IntSOx 100; Immediate possession, easy terms. GEORGE bCliMIUr, 157 Fourth aye. JyI2-21 ttfT3 FOOT FRONT HANDSOME CORNER O 1 lots on Ripley st. (paved). Nineteenth ward, 60x120 feet: beautirul location for residence. MELLON 1IIIOTHERS, C319 Station St. Jyi3-I02-Mwr Ilnzelrrood Residences. VTEAT BRICK HOUSE-ON SECOND AVE.. 1N near Flowers'ave.. Hazeiwood. house of seven rooms: lot 30x125 reef, at a greatly reduced rice In order to sell quickly. See W. A. IIKR ON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. JyI3-4MWS' AUrxhenT Residence. T7IINK RESIDENCE -"WASHINGTON ST.. J Allegheny, near the parks; large lot: trees and shrubbery: a bargain. W. W. MCNEILL ft BRO 152 Fourth ave. Jyl2-40' FREMONT STREET - FINE RESIDENCE property: low price. CHARLES SOMEItS ft CO., 813 Wood it. 6019 Penn ave. Jyl2- Snburbnn Reidencea. RESIDENCE AND 12 ACRES OF GROUND with great quantity of fruit and shide trees, shrubbery, water, natural gas, outbuildings; close to city: a beautiful place In prime order. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. Jyl2-42-D' MODERN RESIDENCE LARGE AND VERY desirable; in order to sell quickly we will offer at auction on Tuesday, July 22, at 11 o'clock a.m., on tbe premises, on Maple st.. Edgewood station, P. R. it., one acre of ground: ornamentil and shade trees: location good, near station. See W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. J V 10-50-10. H.1 8" FOR SALE-LOT. CUT l.ot rnHREE LOTS-60XII0, FORTY-FIFTH X near Butler st. : price low. W.W.McNEILL ft buu., ia. ourtn ave. JyI2-40" 550-FOR VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING OO lots 24x100 feet, on Madison ave.. very near Thirty-third st. and Wylle ave. cable line: the best lots on Uerron Hill for the money. See AV. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fomth ave. Jy6-74-7,10.14,16,19' 25 CHEAP LOTS IN THE WEST END-S75 to 8125 each on monthly payments of 85. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenie. Pittsburg. JyU-C-D" East End Lota. ABOUT2H ACRES OFTBEaUTIFUL LAYING ground, fronting 3 streets, in the center of the bet improvements and most desirable part of Herron 11111: ;only 20 minutes' ride br cable-from center of city; well situated for sub-dlvlslon. See W. A. HEEltON SONS, So Fourth ave. Jy6-T3-8.10.14,1T LOTS-THE finest for the money in Allegheny county, are those In Chas. E. Cornelius' plan, Mornlngslde, Eighteenth ward, Pittsburg. Beautiful building lots at from tlooto 8500, wetkly or monthly payments; no interest; convenient to street cars and railroad. Call upon N.P.SAWYER at his home, Mornlngslde ave nue, or CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st. Je26-32' LOTS-IN CHAS. E. CORNELIUS' PLAN AT Mornlngslde. Eighteenth ward, can be bought in blocks of 6, 10 or 15 at reduced prices, and on the most liberal and accommodating terms. Small cash payments; long time. See NT P. SAWYER, Agent, on the grounds, or CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st. O' NEGLEY AVENUE PLAN-GOOD LOTS FOR investment: a new plan in the heart or the E. E. streets are now graded: buy one of these lots at original price. BEOWN ft SAINT, Agents. 513 Smithfleld street. yl3-o-MWF' Allegheny Lot. MOST DESIRABLE LOTS IN ALLEGHENY county. 50x200, for fXO. on ten yeats' time; SSdowu; $1 per week: plan No. 2 now ready; rail road fare 4 rents; over 275 lots sold: houses going up. J. B. ZIMMERMAN,.141 Fourth avenue. my31-2-MThS OEV w. w EVEN LOTS-22X110. KIRKPATR1CK AVE., Allegheny, at a low flgjre, near electric cars. jre, near eiectri 152 Fourth ave. aicJMJiLij uau. Jyl2-40" Snbnrbitn Lota. EMSWORTH-LOT 104x101, NEAR COURT NEY'S mill, Emsworth. on Fort Wayne Rail way; only 8300. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. Jyl3-10J- Pnrm. FARM-FOR SALE. ORLEASE FOP. TERM of years, a farm of 145 acres on the banks of Lake Erie: has a large bearing vineyard, all kinds of fruit, a good sandy beach and a three-storr brick building with all modern Improvements': this place must be seen to be appreciated. All communications addressed to W. P. HAYES & SON, Erie, Pa., will receive prompt attention. Ie27-1-Mwr FAEM-87i ACRES, GOOD FRAME HOUSE eight rooms, new barn, limestone soli, extra good springs and fruit: no better farm on 31onon gahela river: Ave minutes' walk to railroad sta tion: finest view In Allegheny county. ED WIT T1SH, 410 Grant st. Jyl2-B' Miscellaneous. 80 ACRES-NEW HOUSE. FRUIT, ETC.. FOR 2,800; easy payment: send for "biggest" larm and exchange list If you wan t to buy or trade, W. W lYIfTmi' rftl ffttftte. IttwhpofpT. P Al.A. 11 acres. houBe, barn, etc.. aajoining itocheste? Jyl2-2-MWS iorz,aiu. FOR BALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. QtA 50 RESTAURANT. SMALL BUT HONEY Urk MAKING: choice location; must be sold Monday. T. O. BROWN & CO., 90 Fourth ave. jyl3-65 CQOO-BEST GROCERY IN TWO C1TIES-ON 3)0 corner; others at moon, il W0 'to 15,000. T." I Lo, BBOWN & CO., 90 Fourth ave. jO-GST I POn BALE-IIUBINKtB. Ilnslneas (Ippnrinnllles, BOOT AND HIIOE BTOUE-J,W TO fl,CnO one at 18,000; hat and rap store at Invoice, about 17,5001 If you are looking for business It it to your interest to call on us, T. O, BROWN k CO,, 90 Fourth aye, JylS-M BEST RESTAURANT AND BAKERY ESTAB LISHMENT In the clty-Elegantly titled; central location; A No. I In every respect; 85.000. T. O. BROWNACO00Fourthaye. Jyl3-M TJAHBEB SHOP-HAVING A GOOD TRADE! Xj will be sold at a bargain, as owner has other business that needs his attention. Address A. L., Dispatch office. Iy8-I7 COMMISSION BUSINESS OLD-ESTABLISHED house; has made a lortune; two active men can do the same: about 810,000 re quired. T. O. BROWN ft CO., 90 Fourth ave. Jyl8-M COUNTRY STORE OLD ESTABLISHED KJ stand: good trade, with nice cottage and 20 acres land; cheap. ROOM2, Excelsior Building. JCi3---JlW CIGAR SIORES, GROCERY STORES AND other light business opportunities, from 8250 to 85,000. T. O. BBOW N ft CO., 00 Fourth ave. y!3-8 FINE MILLINERY 81.800 NEW LAUNDRY ll.bOO, Wllmerdlng grocery 81,000, East End grocery 11,300, hardware store, milk depot, finest 00k and stationery store In best town In Western Pennsylvania: bakeries, drug stores, cigar stores. BUEPARD ft CO.. 1S1 Fourth ave. - y!0 LEASE - STOCK AND FIXTURES OF bakery, confectionery and dining rooms: established 25 years. In a prosperous condition on Smithfleld street: the owner having other Interest demanding his personal attention, offers his business for sale: capital required, tl.500. Address W. W. BOX, 104 P. O. Box. Jyli-65 PROSPEROUS PHOTOGRAPH BUSINESS ON one of the principal streets of Allegheny: owner going West on account of falling health Is the reason for selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avennc, Plltsbnrg. Jyl2-42-D' Ol K 000 A NO. 1 FIRE BRICK WORKS EJLO? others fromt&OCOto 820,000: manufact nrlng business from 860U to 850,000. X O. BROWN ft CO.. 90 Fourth ave. Jyl3-60- !tllineia Properly. -QUSINESS PROPERTY-PARK WAY. NEAR XJ Federal St.: sexcu. with DricK warenouse; to close estate. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. jyi-ii FEDERAL ST-BUS1NESS PROPERTY. 20x60 on Federal st.. between Park way and Stock ton ave. A-. LEGGATE ft SON, 81 Federal st., Allegheny. Jyl3-103 LOURING MILL-BEST IN STATE: PROD UCT In demand: good house and nine es. ROOM 2, Excelsior Building. Je3-24-MW BEBECCA STREET CHURCH LOT 90X110 feet, Allegheny; a large substantial building adaptable to many nses. See A. P. NORTON, Real Estate Broker, 419 smithfleld st. Jyl3-76-HWSn" Mnnnfnctaring; Mte. MANUFACTURING SITE-ON LINE OF railroad. In the city: over 300x300 feet, cor ner of three streets. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth av&, Pittsburg lyl2-42-D" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc. DELIVERY WAGONS-DELIVERY WAGONS all styles: our own make. WM. BECKERT, 340 to 344 Ohio street, Allegheny. Telephone. 3420. Jell-'tt-MWE ORSES-45HEAD DRIVING AND SADDLE horsctf. trom 3 to 5 veara old. at auction, at 1 1; IZENS' CAR STABLE. Forty-seventh street. Wednesday morning, 16th Inst. J. McKelvy, Auctioneer. lyll-28 STUDEBAKER WAGON USED BUT A short time: price low. Call at ARCHIBALD'S STABLE, 8 and 981 hltd avenue. 1e21-117 TWO HOUSES.BARilUCHE.BUGGt, SINGLE and double set of harness. Inquire at TOLL KEEPER. Pittsburg end orNlnth st. bridge. Jyl3-25 Mnchlnery nnd Metals. AUTOMATIC TYPEWRITER THE BEST suited for telegraph and railroad work of anymahlne made: easiest to learn, most exact, most compact, most durable, least liable to error. least liable to get out ot order, most distinct wrltlnir, not noisy: most pracllcal machine for business purposes and letter writing. Call or send forclrcul.tr. G. K. FLOWER, 110 Fourth avj.. Pittsburg. Tel. 716. Read this ad. Je22-81-ssa DRILLING ENGINES AND IIOILERS-FOR oil or iras wells, engines and boilers In every size and style, siwinllls and wood-working ma chinery. 1IARMES MACHINE DEPOT. No. 87 First arc., Pittsburg, Pa. inh9-D T7INGINES AND BOlLEKS-NEtV AND RE- All FITTED: rem FITTED: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRi AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny. Pi. JyZ-63 HOISTING ENGINES. DERRICKS AND derrick forglngs, steel hoisting and guy ropes In stock: stationary engine and hollers, shears, clay and oru pans, etc. '1HOMAS CAR LIN'S SUNS. Lacock and Sandusky ti.. Alle gheny, Pa. apia-Mwr SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 1C0 h. p. ; relltted; good as new, at lowest prices: porta ble engines, 8 to 25 h. p.; boilers all sizes and alyles. J. S. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. ocis-ao-D Irllaeellnneona. ENCYCLOPEDIA URITANXICA-SCRinNER ed., cheap: also 60,000 other good books. FRANK BACUN ACQ.. 301 Smithfleld at. y2 BUSINESS CHANGES. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JN firm of Merrltnan & Burt, doing a show business, bas been dissolved by mutual consent arter this date. WM. B. MERIIIMAN, EDWARD BURT. July 12. 1800. Jvl3-31 NOTICES. NOTICE STEAMBOATMEN OBSTRUC TIONS will be plared in Ohio river at Cincinnati on or about JUNE 25. 1890. for piers of Central Railway bridge, between Cincinnati and Newport, Ky. T. F. MITCHELL fc CO., Contractors. je24-78-D Headquarters chief Marshal, j Semi-Centennial Parade, j pENERAL ORDERS NO. L L Having been elected Chief Marshal of tho Semi-Centennlal parade of the city of Alle gheny. I hereby assume command. II. Tbe following appointments are hereby made, viz: Lee S. Smith. Adjutant General; w. S. Uuselion, M. D., Chief of Staff. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. 1IL The following aids have been appointed and will serve on the staff of tho Chief Mar sliaL nnd will report mounted at headquarters, Citv Hall, at 0;30 A. M., sharp. V. Division commanaera will establish their headquarters at the points designated in special order, us early as possible on Thursday morn ing, July 17, reporting: immediately to Chief Marshal's headquarters. City Half, either in person or by aid. VI. Division marshals will pay particular at tention toward moving their commands promptly, keeping the colnmn well closed up and permitting no breaks to occur. Chie Marshal's headquarters will be established at 9 A. M., at City Hall. Allegheny; in the saddlo 11 A. If. sharp. VII. Bands and escorts The following as signments of bandi are hereby made, viz.: To tbe Chief Marshal, the Grand Army Band; to the Marshal of the First division, the Cathe dral Band; to the Marshal of the Second divi sion, tbe Great Western Band: to the Marshal of the Third division. Post 162 Band. These bands will report to Professor Zitterbart at Chief Marshal's headquarters not later than 10 tA. M. The Grand Army Band and the Great Western Band are hereby assigned for duty in tbe parks daring the afternoon and evenirrg, under the direction of tbe musical director, who will be obeyed in all things pertaining to tun musical portion of the demonstration. VHL Carriages containing orators. Invited guests. Councils, Committee on Semi-Centcn-nial, etc., will move hy way of Ohio street and Sherman avenue to park entrance, opposite High School, unloading at that place. IX. The command will move promptly at II A. M., by way of Federal street, to Church, to Cedar, to Washington, to Chestnut, to Ohio, to James, to North, to Allegheny, to Locust, to Charters, to Ridge, to Marion, to Ohio and re view at City Hall in the following order: Platoon of mounted police; escort to Chief Marshal: Grand Army. Baud; Chief Marshal and staff: first division, commanded by H. K. Beatty, M. D.; second division, commanded by David Hitnter, Jr.; third division, commanded by George J. Lacock. Citizens along the ronte are requested to decorate their places of bnsi ne.s and re-idence, and at night illuminate the same by means of lanterns and colored fires. J. F. BEILSTEIN. LEE S. SXITH, Chief Marshal. Adjutant General. W. S. HUSELTON, jy!4-33 Chief of Staff. BANK STATEMENTS. TATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CIl'I BAVlJNUa BAJMiK, of PittS- mrg. Pi., at tne close oi business Monday. June SO, 1890. ASSETS. Loans and discounts 5501,519 31 Banking bouse and other real.estato. 79.4S1 28 Corporate stocks and bonds 101,607 91 Overdrafts 405 01 Cash on band and in solvent banks... 102,316 (3 (785,372 16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock tl 00,000 CO Surplus ". 31,000 00 Undivided profits 4,000 00 Unpaid dividends 4,871 30 Deposits 645,500 86 1785,372 16 Tbe above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of July, 1890. W- J. WHITE, Attest: Notary Pnblic CO'DONNELL, 1 P.KANE, V Directors. JOHNO.KEILLY,) Jyll-22-KWT TO LET, Suburban Residences. HULTON. PA.-8MINUTEBFROMBTATIONI good 10-room house, with 14 aeres of ground, resj UEO, V. MARSHALL, 69 Diamond st., Pittsburg, Pi jyl-68t Summer Residences. THE HANDSOMELY FURNISHED .COr TAGE of the late Mrs. Louise Jones. atCres sonBprlnga, Pa., for the season of 1800: reason able terms; Immediate possession. HOWARD JONES. 135 Fourth ave., city. JylO-t Rooma. TJOOM NEWLY FURNISHED. FOR ONE XX gentleman, and elegant parlor and bedroom for club of three or foor; nil conveniences: shade trees, lawn; charming location facing park: new management; terms moderate. 10 CEDAR AVE., Allegheny. Jy-W KOOM-ELEOANTLY FURNISHED SECOND story front; every convenience: near parks, lnquro 1-2 Jt., 0 to 7:30 P. M., 70 ARCH S T.. Alle gheny. jy-13t 5 CHOICE ROOMS-AT 9 NINTH ST.. NEAR Penn ave., on each flat of a new brick struc ture; nat. and art. gas, water, bath, etc.: rent low. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Jyl2-8t Miscellaneous. BOOMS AND SMALL HOUSES ALL prices; call for list, free. DIXON ft CO.. 112 Fonrllfr-ave. ' Jyl3-83t Offices, Dealt Room. Etc. TTIEWNICE OFFICES h S GERMANIA SAV- X' lr 1NGSBANK BUILDING. Wood and Dla- mond sts. aplo-CT PERSONAL. PEESONAL BOOKS. 50,000; A LL B ABO AINS : midsummer sacrifice salo now on. FRANK BACON ft CO.. 301 Smithfleld St. lylt-30 ERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell, let ns know. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mh7 PERSONAL-PENSIONS OBTAINED FOR any cause for all disabled soldiers, widows, dependent parents, etc., by J. H. STEVENSON ft CO. (Cant. J. K. Barbourand Lt. J. II. Steven son), 100 Fifth avenue. Noadvancefeedemanded. Cut this out.! Jy3-D PEESONAL GENTLEMEN CONTEMPLAT ING a trip to the seashore and mountain re sorts or returning therefrom, should bring their clothing to DICKSON, tbe tailor, 65 Fifth ave.. cor. Wood. St., second floor, and have the same cleaned, repaired and pressed, so as to look like new. and at a reasonable cost, and at the same time should you desire a new suit, his stock or imported and domestic goods Is of tbe newest and most fashionable patterns: bv giving him a call von will not regret It. Tele. J5S8. Je23-D LOST. LOST-A GOLD MEDAL. PRESENTED BY St. Xavler's Academy to Miss Mary Ramsey, between Sixth street. Pittsburg, and Jackson street, Allegheny. A suitable reward will be given lflelt at DISPATCH OFFICE. JyH-35 EDUCATIONAL. Pittsburg, Eighth ttreet, near Penn avenue, Piil.burKKrm.lt- Colleee and CONSERVA TORY OF Mrsia 23 teachers. Superior home comforts and care. Year begins September 9. Address, yi SS-D President A. H. NORCROS3. D. D. KENYON MILITARY ACADEMY. THIS old and remarkably successful school pro vides thorough preparation for college or busi ness, and careful supervision of health, habits and manners. For catalogue address LAW RENCE RUST, LL. D., Rector. Gambler, O. Jyl2-S7-D HARCOURT PLACE SEMINARY. A school of the highest grade for young la dies and girls. Established npon original lines, its growth has been remarkable. For catalogue address tho Principal, MISS ADA I. A YER. B. A., Gambler, O. jel2-37-r CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, PA. Near Philadelphia. Bound Brook route to New York. Unexcelled location and surround ings. Perfect school equipment. Library, gym nasium, mllltarysystcm. 'Ihorough preparation for college or scientific tchool. Nnmher limited to 60. fjOO per year. No extras. Illustrated cir cular. JOHN CALVIN BICE, A. M., Prln. Jcl-K-D EAVER COLLEGE and Musical Institute, for young girls and young ladies, Beaver, Pa. Boarding depart ment limited to SO. Popular rates. Send for catalogue. jyll-2I-MWF R. T. TAYLOR. HOLUDAYSBURG, PA.. SESIINARY Home school for young ladies. Limited number. Method of teaching ar.d training adapted to the individual peculiarities of each pupil. 1 borough course in English. Ancient and Modern Languages, Music and Art. Situ ation exceptionally healthy in tho midst of tbe beauty and grandenr of the Alleghenles. Je27-25-MWF PROPOSALS VfOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED IS proposal will bo received for calclmln lng Wickersbam school. Twenty-fourth ward, Pittsburg; alo a separate proposal for painting of iron roof with best of Iron paint, two coats. For particulars inquire at building. Thirtieth and Carson streets. Sonthslde. All bids must be in on or before TUESDAY. July 22. 1S90. The board reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. HENRY BERGER, President, 2801 Carson street, S. S. S. DALY. Secretary. 2323 Carson street. S. S. jyls-10 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OFTHE ComDtrollerof the Currency. Washington. June 9. ltOO. Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear the Liberty National Bank of Pittsburg, in the city or Pittsburg. In the county or Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania, bas complied with all the provisions or the Statutes of tbe United States required to be compiled with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of hanking, now, therefore, L Ed ward S. Lacy, Comptrollerof the Currency, do hereby certiry that The Liberty National Hank or Pittsburg," In the city or Pittsburg, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, Is authorized to commence the business of bank ing as provided In Section Arty-one hundred and sixty-nine oftbeBevlsed Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of this offlce this fith day or June, 1390. E. 8. LACY, Comptroller of tne Currency. No. 4'E9. JeU-l-D Mice to Contractors. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED UP to and including JULY 23 for furnishing all the materials and labor necessary for the erection of a sewer pipe factory at Hunting don, Pa., in accordance with plans and specifi cations, which may be seen at the offlce of Jacob Snyder, Architect, Akron. O.; Hill SewerPlpe Co., Akron, O., or Hill, Bperry Co., Huntingdon, Pa. Bids may be made for the brick and stone work and carpenter work separate or for tbe whole, but tbe contractor for the brick and stone work must also construct the foundations for engine and clay grading machinery, and a separate bid must be submitted for this por tion of the work. Proposals should be adr dressed to PENNSYLVANIA SEWER PIPE CO., Huntingdon, Pa. jyl3-16-irWF PROPOSALS-NOTICE TO CONTRACT ORS Sealed proposals for building a stona bridge over Wheeling creek at Main streer. Wheeling, W. Va., will be received at tho offlce of the City Clerk, Wheeling, W. Va., until 12 M. MONDAY, JULY 28. 1890. Forms of proposals, specifications and plans on file at tbe office of the City Engineer. GENERAL DIMENSIONS. Segmental arch, 15S feet; span, 28 feet rise; deptn of key. 4K feet; of springers, 6 feet: width of bridge. 47 feet. The brldgo will contain about S.tOO cubic yards of masonrv. Resnoitalhln sennrltv In th amnnnt nf 50-000 (twenty thousand dollars) will be required for tbe faithful performance of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids not deemed adv-intatreous to the city. Pro posals to be addressed to Thomas F. Thoner, City Clerk, Wheeliug. W. Va., and marked "Proposals for Stone Bridge." Bids will also be received for a bridge 41 feet wide. All other dimensions the same. F. L. HOGE. jvIO-68 City Engineer. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, July 7, 1S90. VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ll Sealed proposals will ho received at the office of City Controller until Thursday, the 17th day of July, A. D. 1890, at 2 o'clock P. Jt, for tho following, viz: SEWERS. ' Harvard street, from Sheildan street to a point 100 feet east of North Highland avenue. 15-inch pipe. Berlin allev. from Fifty-fourth street to Mc. Candless street sewer, 15-Inch pipe. Colwell street, from Miller street to Pride street, 15-inch pipe. Comrie alley, Edmond street and Torley street, from Winebiddle avenue to Pearl street, 15, 18 and 24-inch pipe. Carson street, from South Sixth street to Souin Eighth street, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Snnwden alley, from Willow street to Valley street, 15-inch pipe. Howe street, from Denniston avenne to a connection with a sewer on Howe street at Shady avenne, 15-inch pipe. Arabella street, from Festival street to Den niston avenue, 15-loch pipe. Flans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at the Gen eral Office, Department of Pnblic Works. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond, with two sureties, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Ibe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. , , . ... - . E M- BIGELOW. jv7-48 Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. pORRY'S GINGER ALE Tbe most refreshing summer beverage. GEO. K. STEVENSON 4 CO, JelSonvT Importers, sixth, avenne. AUCTION BALES. AUCTION SALE BUILDIHGLOTS IN PLAN OP TIIE Birmingham Land Improvement Company, Thursday, July 17, at 10 A. M. This property is on, the line of ths Suburban Rapid Transit Electric Rail way, one mile from city limits, three miles from Court House. Eighty-two acres of the most beautiful land in the suburbs of Pittsburg, laid out in lots 50x150, 50x200 and larger. Main streets 50 feet wide. Boulevard 65 feet wide. Beautiful scenery. Healthful sur roundings. Perfect drainage. Two nat ural gas lines along the front of the prop erty. Fine four-foot board walk from city line to farthest end of the plan. Electric cars pass along the entire front of the property, a distance of 1,600 feet, and thence to city. Sale positive without reserve. No postponement on account of weather. Terms reasonable. Long time on de ferred payments. Twenty dollars de posit on day of sale on account of each lot purchased. Eg-See handbills and posters. Don't be afraid of rain. You can ride on street cars all the way to the plan, and shelter will be afforded in office and buildings of company on the property. iv7 ASSIGNEE'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF AS order of the Court of Common Pleas No. 2, of Allegheny county. I will sell at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY. THE 2D DAY OF AUGUST, 1S99, .it 11 o'clock A. M.. the farm of John McCallen, situate in Aleppo township, Allegheny county. Pa., contanins; about 8o acres of ground, on which Is erected a good frame dwelling house and barn and neces sary outbuildings, including windmill for pumping water, etc. There is also a flno orchard and vineyard on the premises. This farm is convenient to railrnad. being about one-balf mile from Haysvillo station and about one miln from Seniukley, on the P.. Ft. AV. & C. R. R., and is a fine grain or dairy farm. The purchase of this farm carries with It tho right to the royalty in an oil lease on the farm. A well is now being drilled upon tho oremises. Several producing oil wells are located near this farm. For further particulars inquire of A. S. MILLER. jyl3-12-M 77 Diamond street. Room 41 AUCTIOiN SALE OF FINE HOUSEHOLD GOODS fc CARPETS, At the reidence. No. 82 Marion St., WEDNES DAY MORNING. July 16. at 10 o'clock. Fine hall, room and stair carpets, handsome hall rack, parlor suit and mirrors, center tables, fine extension table, dining chairs, China closet, china dinner service, glass aim silverware, nat ural cherry and walnut chamber suits, flno bric-a-brac, curtains, clocks, shades, picture?, refrigerator, conking utens.ls, step-ladder, laundry tnrnishments, etc. House open alter S o'clock mnrnlng nf the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., jJ'13-83 Auctioneers. -TUNE FURNITURE. I E FURNITURE. CARPEfS, ETC., AT AUCTION TUESDAY MORNINO, JULY 15, At 10 o'clock. Removed from a residence and for sale at the rooms, No. 311 Markoi stiect, line walnut cham ber furnitue. handsome parlor suit, sideboard, leather chairs, extension table, mcker ham mock chair, chiffonier, bookcase, library table, cupboad, (lishrs and glassware, stcpladder. solid cherry dresser and bedstead, mattresses, springs, bedding, cedar chest, wardrobe, pic tures, curtains, laundrvand kitchen goods, etc.. etc.. etc. HEJfP.Y AUCTION CO., jyl3-82 Auctioneers. BY JAMES W. DRAPE & CO. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF FURNITURE, CARPETS. BOOK CASES, FINE PIANO. ETC. At the residence of tbe late Mr. Gor don, 183 North avenue, Allegheny. TUESDAY ' MORNING. July 15. at 10 o'clock. There is Parlor Furniture, Pier Glases. .Marble Top Tables. Bedstrarlt and Bedding, Book Cases, Wardroties. Sideboard, Extension Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Lace Curtains and Poles, China and Plated Ware, wiih Hall and Stair Carpets. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. Flna Stelnway Piano, etc. etc. Positive sale. S. Collins, Executor. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Auctioneers. jyll-25-D 120 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. HE PITTSBURG VOLKSBLATT PUB LiSHING CO., of Pittsburg, will be sold by auction, at CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROOM. TUESDAY, JULY 15, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. 45 SHARES PITTSBURG VOLKSBLATT PUBLISHXSGr CO., OF PITTSBURG. Jyl3-29 JOHN D. BAILEY. Auctioneer. CHOICE PROPERTIED LOTS I LOTS7 Nice building lots affording attractive 1 or money making to the purchasers ac p prlces. MORN1NGSIDE PLAN. Eighteenth ward, extending from th. gbeny river and A. V. R. R. to Highland in the East End. Large lots at $75. Sit $300, up to $600 for magnificent situations. ALLEGHENY LOTS. Benton ave. plan. Eleventh ward, beau situation. !200, S300, $100. New surer - -transit lines now building will soc quadruple values in tbis section. FLEMING PARK. Level lots, handsome and convri sites right on line of P. & L. E. R. posed electric road.in sight o' h of the river. No " " ing these choice lou We have nice homes. . all locations. Our represeu. accompany purchasers at all times our offices. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St 6019 Penn Ave., E. E. Telephone 1773. Telephone 5323- je3 PENSION! Claimants, nnder tbe new law, should go to B. F. BROWN'S OFFICE, 96 FOURTH AVE., Second Floor, Pittsburg, Pa., With discharges and two witnesses, and have claims properly presented. There will be no delay in filing claims and no preliminary ex pense. Remember, Mr. Brown bas had 25 years' experience and understands the pension business most thoroughly. Go to him at once; be has a good force of clerics and will rush your claims. jyl3-107 PENSIONS For ALL SOLDIERS who are now disabled, whether disability is due to the service or not. For ALL WIDO WS of soldiers who are not on pension rolls. For minor children and depend ent parents. Increase of pension for soldiers pensioned at less than 16 per month. Pensions for all or no pay. All who believe themselves to be entiled should, without delay, write me. JAS. BKYAK, JR, Pittsbarr. Pa. P.O. Box 724. JC29-11S . PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patent 131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld. next! office. (No delay.) Established 20 jean, se25-60 Mdar WL 6 4 if -"a KKSSKESUSijJaBKBiB&KtMlltev!&E&faxfcE&&&zi&&r vk8tfHHB9BQlB