to :V 8 'A WAR UPON WOMEN Attempt to Prevent the Admission of Wyoming Territory as a State Becauso BOTH SEXES HATE THE BALLOT. Idmnnda Firmly Insists That General Delate Shall he Absolutely Unlim ited in the Senate. AH IHTEENATIOKAL BAKE MEASUEE Fannllr Exported to the House, With Some Slrtagent EernlatUns. "WASHnrOTOir, June 26. In the Senate to-day tbe House bill for the admission of "Wyoming as a State was taken up and Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, addressed the Senate. He declared himself in favor of the admis sion of "Wyoming and of all the other Terri tories except Utah, when they had sufficient population and sufficient wealth to justify their assumption of State government. But he was unwilling to see Wyoming admitted in the way now proposed and he proceeded to state the reasons why, in his opinion, the passage ot the pending bill wonld be ex ceedingly unwise. There was no authority for holding a Constitutional Convention. The movement originated with and was sustained by a small minority. Another ground on which he based his opposition to the pending bill was the participation of women in the vote on the Constitution, The other grounds of his opposition were tbe constitutional pro visions for woman suffrage, for the holding of real estate by aliens and for compulsory education. ALL ON EQUAL GEOtTND. In conclusion Mr. Jones declared himself in favor of passing an enabling act for all the Territories, except Utah, and admitting them as States after they had complied with the provisions of the act, and he moved as a substitute for tbe pending bill one for such an enabline act. In tbe tnrtber course of his argument Mr. Jones referred to the wives of Mormons in "Wyoming and Idaho voting, and said, in answer to Mr. Morgan, that he did not know how many wives each Mormon had to vote with him. "That di-pends," said Mr. Vance, "on Jhe constitution of tbe individual, rather than that of the State." Mr. Stewart replied to Mr. Jones and said that it would be time enough to act on the cases of other Territories when they were be!ore,the Senate. Tbey were not before it sow. Wyoming and Idaho had formed constitutions and had applied tor admission. 2Tew Mexico and Arizona had not done so. There was a disposition on all sides to ad mit those Territories as soon as possible. The bill 'or Wyoming was now before the Senate and should be acted upon. AQATNST "WOMAN SUFFBA.OE. Mr. Beagan opposed the bill. He argned against tbe provision for woman suffrage contained in the Wyoming Constitution. Tbe effect of that provision was, he said, to make men of women, and correlatively, to make women of men. He supposed that they were to have women in public offices, women to do military duty, women to work on tbe roads, and men to wash tbe dishes, nurse the babies, and stay at home, while the women were making stump speeches. It was only latterly that people had become wiser than their Creator, and wiser than all the generatians that had preceded them. .The Constitution of Wyoming should go back to the people for tbeir more careful and deliberate consideration. At the close of Mr. Beagan's speech an understanding was reached that the vote on the bill and amendments wonld begin at 4 o'clock to-morrow. In reference to that agreement Mr. Edmunds wanted it under stood that it did not amount to an order of tbe Senate. There ought to be one body in the country, he said, where there was free dom of debate. HUSTLERS HADE HAPPY. President Harrison Irannmlti u Number of Komionilons lo the Senate. Washington, June 26. The President made the following nominations: Bockey P. Earhart. Collector of Customs, district of Willamette, Ore. Lieutenant Colonel Richard K. Batcbelor, Deputy Quartermaster General, to be Quarter master General with the rank ot Brigadier General. Postmasters Alabama, W. White Jones, Greensborough: Colorado, Charles I Reed, Ijongmont; Georgia. Jabez T. Denning, Au gusta: Kansas. Jnnn J. Havs, Osborne: Michi gan. Harvey Barker, Pnrtsmontn; Minnesota, Bilas '. Harrington. Marshall; Montana, Lew Coleman, Deer Lodge City; North Dakota, Cbauncer P. Smith, Janiestoh; Ohio, Mrs. Minnie B. Tajlor. Hicksville; Pennsylvania, George Griffith, Kane: Benjan in F. Wagen seller, SeliDb Grove; South Dakota, John A., Chamberlain. THE INTERNATIONAL BASE. A BUI Providing for On Formally Reported In the Home. Washington-, June 26. Representa tive Dorter, of Nebraska, Irom the Com mittee on Bankidg and Currency, to-day reported a substitute for the bill for the in corporation of an International American Bank. Tbe substitute, while preserving all the essential features pf the original bill, has been drawn, the committee states, with the object especially in view of maintaining the largest and most thorough control of the corporation without in any manner mak ing the Government a party to, or respon sible for, the business it may do. The committee has incorporated in the bill many provisions of the National bank ing act. INDIANS GIVE IIP THEIR LANDS, The Snrplos Territory of the Pottowatomles Ceded to tbe Government. Washington, June 26. The Secretary ot the Interior has received a telegram stat ing that tbe Pottowatomie Indians in the Indian Territory to-day, in council, signed tbe agreement with tbe Cherokee Commis sion ceding to the Government the surplus lands of their reservation. Ita Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It Is Bleat ing to the eye and to tbe taste, and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. It cleanses tbe system effectuallv, thereby pro moting tbe health and comfort of all who use it. Fireworks I Fireworks! All the novelties in this line, consisting in part of a choice selection of salute rockets, cascade rockets, meteor rockets, bomb rockets, screamer rockets, phantom rockets, calliope rockets, electric shower rockets, Jewell jet rockets, royal salute rockets, verticle wheels, floral shells, devil among the tailors, drcjon nests, whistling jacks, roman candles, balloons, crackers, torpedoes, mines, floral bomb shells, saucis sions, triangles, red fire, torches, etc, etc, ate. Positively no advance in prices with us. James W. Gbove. WFS 66. 68, 70 Fifth ate. Cheap Wash Goad. If yon want to cm tbe largest and best line of wash goods, come to tbe People's Store. All ladies interested in buying close and to tbe greatest advantage come to the People's Store Campbell & Dick. Hard to Beat. Gents' fine sewed dress shoes all styles at - only 11 50 per pair, t. D- Bimen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, awir 4' LATK NEWS IN BRIEF. Fire dtstrsyed 70 houses at Oldenburg, Ger many. Turkey cannot pay her Busso-Tnrkish war indemnity. The cruiser Philadelphia mads her trial trip yesterday. It was a success. ChaunceyM.Depew declines the presidency of tbe World's Fair Commission. The Lake Front, in Chicago, as the site for the World's Fair, has been abandoned. Twelve bnndred ooal miners are out on strike at the Spring Hill collieries, X oTa Scotia. London financial circles are wrought up up over tbe condition of affairs in the Argen tine Republic Backet shop speculation caused the ruin of Harry Mansfield, manager of the TopekaCoal Company. Short 5,000. Alex. Ferguson, lumber operator at Sussex f or a St. John, N. &, firm, has disappeared with $50,000 belonging to the latter. The Government Is negotiating with the Shawnee Indians to throw open 88,000 acres or land. They offer $260,000 for the reservation. -Mrs. Lydla Waljorlng, a patient in the Jefferson Medical College Hospital, at Phila delphia, eloped with the physician who was treating ber. -By the accidental discharge of a revolver in the pocket of an Indianapolis street-car driver. Timothy LIddy, a passenger, was In stantly killed. -Bishop Spalding, of the Notre Dame tXnl versitT. at Notre Dame, Ind.. has created a furore In CathoUo circles by deelaring for woman's rights. Two Americans were sentenced in Mexico tor the murder of a woman. One goes to prison, the other to be shot The murder oc curred in May. 18S9. A naBsencer train on the Detroit, Grand HlvVand Milwaukee Railroad was wrecked by a Urge tie being placed on the track near Grand Rapids, Mich. A Kentucky feud that as reigned for iht v.ara between the Turner-Sowers xe-aSni-wM ended yesterday by the killing of ttMeadVrtSoMci the factions by a 17-year-old boy. , -Lucien W. Bperry. one of New Haven s most prominent citizens, shot and killed 1 hlm Sif Vesterday He was 70 years old and bad served the city as Mayor anrepresented it in tbe Legislature. WurYou SbouldlBnya Columbia Bicycle? You will get your money's worth. It is the best and the best is the cheapest It is np to the times. It is fully guaranteed by a company ol undoubted responsibility. It is durable and simple. It is honest in construction and handsome in finish. In equipment it is unsurpassed. It is up to catalogue specifications. It will run the easiest and last the longest. A Columbia has never yet been worn out in service. 'Yet it is put to harder tests and longer use. than any other, by trick riders, tourists and everv-dav, all-around riders. It needs tbe least repairs, and is the easiest to repair, as all parts are perfectly inter changeable. We use tbe finest materials that are to he had, without regard to cost. We are the only makers who subject their steel to Government tests. Tbe steel is of the best grades, and of tempers best adapted to the various parts. The Columbia is tbe result of the longest experience, is carefully designed and scien tifically constructed. At every step we test and prove our wort, and we make a machine right before we put it out. In buying it you do not have to try an es perimen,; we have tried it for you. The Columbia holds tbe the best world records on the track, and its record on the road is second to none. It stands without a rival for long tours. Many riders have crossed this continent on Columbia", It is the only machine that has been ridden around the world. A majority of the most intelligent and ex- Eerienced riders in the country ride Culum ias to-day, and you will fiud yourself in tbe best of company. You can see them at the rooms of our agent, James W. Gbote, W-f-S . 66, 68, 70 Fifth avenue. ATLANTIC CITY. The First Popular Excursion of tbe Beaton to Atlantic City. View the picturesque B. & O. B. B, via Washington, D. C, Baltimore and Phila delphia, on Thursday, July 3, 1890. Tickets good for ten days, and good to stop off at Washington, D. C., returning. Bate for the round trip 110. Soecial trains, with Pullman parlor and sleeping cars, will leave B. & O. B. E, depot at 8 a.m. and 920 P. M. For detailed information address or apply to E. D. Smith, Division Passen ger Agent, Pittsburg, Pa. When Onr Gnrata of tbe International San- dar School Convention Mention souvenirs of the city to you do not forget that we are the headquarters, and have loyely little odd bits In silver from BOe upward. So bring them in they can take a seat in our art rooms and quietly enjoy a little rest iu onr snug room. Everything is Iresb, dainty and new at Hardy & Hayes', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Sealers, 529 Smitnfield street. New building. Store three doors below headquarters at City HalL 100 Children and Babies Wanted At Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Cabinets,(?l per dozen to-day. Baby Can lagea and Bicycles. This has been the best season's business in the history of onr house on above named articles. We still have a complete line that most be closed ont daring the next few weeks if low prices will do it. Look the line over at James W. Grove's before yon bay. We'll save yon money. "wrs Bo! for Tbo.e 88 90 Sails. Oar sale of men's fine salts at (8 90 is a pronounced success. 1,200 suits still left, comprising cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds and diagonals. Come and take vour choice at $8 90. P.'C C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the Court House. Tbe Delea-nlea 10 the S. School Convention. Attention is called to tbe fact that we have a beautiful collection of stick pins in silver, dainty enamels and rich gold effects. Just the thing for souvenirs of your visit to Pittsburg, at Hardy & Hayes', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 29 Smith field street. New building. Store three doors below City Hall head quarters. At iba People' Store. Several hundred pieces, in fine designs, of best American satines, at 10c, 12c and 20c a yard. Campbell & Dick. Rent Lnxnrv In Warm Weather Is nearest approached by leisurely drinking a glass of the pure, palatable beer brewed by Z. Wainwrigbt & Co. Its refreshing qualities are delightful. All dealers keep it. To order direct call telephone 6S25. wtsu 100 Children nnd Babies Wanted At Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Cabinets, JTper dozen to-day. A Special Bargain! In misses' find dongola kid button shoes at onlv L, and patent tips at (1 SO per pair at G. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny. On Short Notice. Ladies going to the seashore can find just what they need at ladies' suit parlor. Paecels & Jones, 29 Filth ave. 100 Children and Babies Wanted ' At Anfrecht's Elite Gallery. W6 Market St., Pittsburg. Cabinets, $1 per dozen to-day. llpl IMP The Kovellst of the day, con" llrLlliU tributes n cbnrmlng; story for Tomorrow's Issue of THE DISPATCH, oUU I HolUtHo new in Uhtnorroufs Bouimae eaaton ej jJiarAivtu THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from tbe danger! of suffocation while lying down; to breathe freely1, sleep soundly and undisturbed: to rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and free from pain Or ache: to know that no poisonous, putrid matter denies tbe breath and rots away the delicate machinery of smell, taste and heanng; to feel that the system does not, through its veins and arteries, sack up the poison that is sure to un dermine and destroy, is Indeed a blessingbeyond all other human enjoyments. To parchase im munity from such a fate should be the object of all afflicted. But those who have tried many remedies and physicians despair of re lief or cure. Banford's Radical Cubs meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and destructive stages. It Is local and constitutional. Instant in relieving, permanent In curing, safe econonomlcal and never-falling. Sanfob.d'8 Radical Cubs consists of one bottle of the RADICAL CURE, one box of CA tabbhal Solvent and one Improved In haler, all wrapped in one package, with treatise and directions, and sold by all drug gists for tl 00, POTTER DRTJO AND CHEMICAL CORPORA TION, Boston. MOW MV RACK ACHES! Back Acbe, Kidney and Uterine Pains and Weaknesses, Soreness. Lameness, Strains and rains reiievea in one minute by the Callcarn AntUPnln Pinamr. The first and only pain-kill ing Plaster. New, original, instantaneous and Infallible. The most perfect antidote to Pain, Inflammation, Weakness, ever compounded. At atl druggists. 23 cents: Ave for II 00; or. post age tree, of Potter Dbuo ass Chemical Corporation, Boston, Mass. MP Better than Tea and Coffse far the Nenrts. Houten'sGocoj iThe Original-Most Soluble. J Ask your ir tor it, take noother. THE LATEST DESIGNS AND NEWEST COMBINATIONS -IN- MEN'S AND LADI& SHOES CAN BE FOUND AT Mi THE FAMOUS" SHOE HOUSE, 52 SIXTH ST. The lowest prices for the' best goods is the standard rule of the house, and when you wear a "Famous Shoe" you wear the best to be had m the market. Worthy of mention' are our "SURPRISE," 81- 90 "REMARKABLE," 82 50 I SHOES. "FAMOUS," 83 OO ) je27--wrsa Z?il DOUGLAS MACKIE, Bnbmlt for yonr Inspection the Merest Wasb Goods Bargains ever beard of here or anywhere else. DON'T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Hundreds of pieces exceptionally pretty Challies at 8c, c, 6c, 6c, 8c, 10c, 13K. d on up to BOo a yard. 1 670 pieces handsome Batlnes at 10c and 12Mc Most ot these are the regular 30c eoods. And tbe remainder of Freres Koechlln French Satines (which caused snch a furore last week) to be sold at 15c, 19c and 24c a yard, regular prices 35c, 37c and 40c 160 pieces handsome figured, yard-wide lawns that sold at 12c All to he cleared at the astomsning price oi oc j(u. Come Early and Avoid DOTTG-LJLS 151, 153 and 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. 'tis lain ftaMriSffi' rddedo Things cleacoedHigp iil$in&3L iFT?v oHd cake orscourinfJTfoBirr y-jJJWoyoutnexWti KsmnHix Even the little pig in the picture is a more agreeable companion than a man with a dirty collar or a woman who presides over a tawdry house. But nobody wants the reputation of being a pig under any circumstances. KEECH'S BUILDING AND EXTENSION SALE THE MECCA Of All Shrewd Housekeepers. Now is the time to invest in Furniture and Carpets, while the prices are away below s the actual value of the goods. CASH OR K.EECH' 923 and 925 Penn , PITTSBTJKG- "DISPATCH, MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GAEPETS, . WALL ' PAPER! IN ALL STYLES, QUALITIES AND COLORS. It will pay you toBee our stook. We can save you money, so don't put It oft One hundred pair handsome Chenille Portieres at 85 a pair. Oome and see them. Don't miss this great bargain. Geo.W.Snaman, 136 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. JeMlS-siwy caution sseass bottom. If the dealer cannot supply ron. end direct to factory, enclosing aavertued pnoo. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN.1 Pine CalC Heavy Laoed Grain and Creed moor Waterproof. ... Best in the world. liarnlrie his S8.00 GENUINE HANn-SEWEIJ i 8HOK. 84.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. S3.50 POLICE AND FABMEKS' SHOE. 2.BO EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. S3.85 & 88 WOBKINGMEN'S I SHOES. a.00 and 81.78 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made In Congress, Button ana Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES lafdiII8. 81.70 SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Best Style. Best FUttnft W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Sola by FOR BALE BT H. J. t G. ii. Lanit. Forty-Ann and Bntler sts. J. N. Frohine, 389 Fifth ave. D. Carter, 73 Fifth ave. E. a bperber, 1326 Carson st. In Allegheny City, by Henry Rosser, 108 Federal St., and K. Q. HoJman, 72 Rebecca st. jal4-66-itvrr the Afternoon Bustle. &c i&joiz: IE, hhad echeirmas CREDIT. Ave,, Near Ninth St jsaMnrj1 i ,t;j, i HjT. MP K sJwEMri wSs ISP j ' FRIDAY, -TLTfrET27, HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CURED' OFCATARRH And a Lung Trouble by the Csfarrh Speelsllsfs at 323 Penn Avtnue Aftsr All Other Doctors Had Fatlsd. Of the hundreds of patients who have testi fied In this paper to cures mado by the Catarrh Specialists, perhaps noue have been more re markable than that of -Mrs. Josephine Myers, of Glenfield, Allegheny county, She bad an al most endless number of conditions, among which were a dropping of catarrhal mucus into ber throat, where Ft became very tenacious and hard to raise, and in the night on awaking It wonld so snflooate her that she could scarcely eet her breath. She had much soreness in the side of her neck and throat. She had pain Mrt. Jotephine Myers. over her eyes, and ber eyes became very weak. She often felt dlwy andhad noises In her ears that sounded to her as if she bad a steamboat In ber head. As the disease finally extended to her lanps, she coughed, her breath became short and she felt a tightness In her chest and aching pain between her shoulders. Her ap petite failed, and her stomach became so weak that food or even water wonld cause a heaviness and burning In ber stomach followed by nausea. She baa pains across tbe small of ber back and kidneys. She became bloated and took on a dropsical appearance. Nlghtsweata weakened ber very fast. Sbeconld not sleep and would arise In the morning more tired than on going to bed. THE FOLLOWING ARE HER OWN WORDS: "Although I bad doctored a good deal I got no better. Some doctors said tbey conlddo nothing for me. I became discouraged and thought I never could be cured and that I would not live over a year. One day I hap pened to see In the paper an account of the sufierlng of Mrs. Bratt, of Verner station, which seemed something similar to my suffer ing, and how she became cured by tbe physi cians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. This gave me some hope, and I therefore took a course of treatment from tbese doctors and have been entirely enred of all my ailments. "Signed with my own hann. "SIRS. JOSEPHINE MYERS." Please hear in mind that THESE SPECIAL ISTS HAVE BUT ONE OFFICE, and which is PERMANENTLY LOCATED at S23 Penn avenue. Office hours, 10 a. k. to ir. iL, and 8 to8 P. M. Sundays. 12 to 4 r.K. Consultation free to alL Patients treated suc cessfully at home by correspondence. Send two S-cent stamps tor question blank and ad. dress all letters to the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. S23 Finn avenue. Pittsburg. Je20-lWTSSu Reliable Quality. Isn't itsingular how Wana maker & Brown talk about quality day after day ? Isn't there anything else to be thought of? Yes. Reliable quality and low price. But it isn't needful for us to make a big splurge over prices. Wanamaker and Low Price are tied: if you know the one you're sure of the other. Most clothing advertises nothing about itself but the extravagantly low prices. What sort of low prices ? For inferior goods, dear even at such prices, or solid and good clothing, that is being sold at a loss ? You get Wanamaker cloth ing at a low price any time of the year. Needn't raise a shout over it now. Lower prices on many of our goods: to clear out odd lots. You'll get a full choice in Thin Goods: prices you'll like. Tailoring to order with best skill: 2,000 styles of goods. Wanamaker 8c Brown, Cor. Sixth St. ana Penu Ave. je26-D WHOLESALE -:- HOUSE, Embroidery and White Goods Department direct importation from the best manufac turers of St. Gall, In Swiss and Cambric Edg ings, Flouncings, Skirt Widths and Allovers, Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncings. Buyers will find these goods attractive both in price and novelties of design. Fnll lines of New Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Cur tains, Portieres, Chenille Cnrtalns, Poles and Brass Trimmings; Floor, Table and Stair Oil Cloths la besfmakes, lowest prices for quality. WASH DRESS FABRICS. The largest variety from which to select Toll Du Nords, Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersnok era. Imperial Snitlngs. Heather 4 Renfrew Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams. Wholesale Exclusively. Jal3-D THE LATEST, Reading and Distance Lenses combined. Tbe most satisfactory lenses ever worn. All kinds of complicated lenses ground and spectacles made In our factory within 24 boars. FOXOP Tl CAL CO. , Manufacturing Opticians, C21 Penn Ave., Pittsburg! Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia.; 481 Main street, Buffalo. my24-D Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Q lasses; Will nt any nose with ease and comfort. Tbe largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOBNBLT7M, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No 0 Fifth avenue, near Wood street. J Telephone No, 1688. de38-8 rfSSi jfe'- sv? GWS) 1890.' : 'I! HEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE PBODIGIOTJS BUSH -FOR- RUBEN'S STRAW HATS At flood-tide no-. Biixetr. Bine and Brown. SEASIDE YACHTS Are "ALL THE GO." Prices, 60c, C5c, 98o, Jl 20, SI KX , The old adage that "straws show which way the wind blows" baa never been more aptly il lustrated than In onr tremendous straw hat trade this season. It seems as if tbe two cities and all the surrounding towns have been flock ing to our establishment to make selecclon of a straw hat. We are justly proud of this merited recoznition it goes to show that our tre mendous stock, rock-bottom prices and sterling principles-are being fully appreciated by that just judge, the public SPECIAL DRIVES FOR THIS WEEK. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 AND 423 SMITHFIELD ST. Je22-WTSn RESORTS. BEFORE LEAVING TOWN, Send your silverware and valuables of all kinds to FIDELITY TITLE & TRUST JCO.'S SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS, 121 and 123 Fourth ave. jelO-81 STATIONERY CALLING OARDS. PORT p FOLIOS, fountain pens, lap tablets, chate laine bags, fine drinking cups and flasks: all requisites for comfort or traveling: a nice as sortment of new goods at JOS. EICHBAUM & CO.'S, 48 Fifth ave, Pittsburg. JeZ543 ?1HE ARQYLE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Ocean end of Connecticut ave. Now open, nil view of ocean. S. W. FERGUSON. apl2-49-Hwrsu THE CHA.LFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY. On tbe beach. North Carolina ave.; unob structed ocean view; salt water baths in the bouse; elevator; now open. feS-114-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. rpHE WINDSOR. CAPE MAY, N. J. Open'June 14. Directly on the beach. Location unsurpassed. W. W. GREEN. je3-63-S Proprietor. irTiHE'ARLINGTON. . . JL (JURAT UiiUVt, n.J. Accommodations and appointments first class. Services the best Accommodates 350. Will open May L 1890. mhMO-D WM. P. DOLBEY, Prop. STOCKTON HOTEL CAPE MAY. N. J. REMODELED AND REFURNISHED. Cuisine and appointment)) of tbe bighest order. OPENS JUNE SO. Je28-31 F. THEO. WALTON, Prop. rpHE SHELBURNE, I Atlantic City, N. J., Remains open throughout tbe year. Every convenience, including passenger elevator and hot sea water baths. niyl6-15-D A. B. ROBERTS. TirETROPOLITAN HOTEL Asbury Park, N. J., will open June 11 THEO. OVES. Proprietor. . jel-94-D HOTEL LAFAYETfE, CAPE MAY, N. J. Near tbe President's summer borne. The finest beach in the world. Immediately op posite the new Iron Pier; owned br same man agement. Accommodations for 800 guests jel9-D JAMES &. STEFFNEK. TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS CAN double their pleasure by taking an ama teur photographic camera with them during their vacation; compact, portable, easily oper ated; ail leading makes of cameras, including Kodaks, Hawkeye, Diamond, etc., etc. W. 8. BELL A CO. 431 wood St., Pittsburg. jel6-70 BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS, BEDFORD. PA. In the Allegheny Mountains. Scenery unsur passed. High altitude, cool nights. No malaria nor mosquitoes. As a curative agent tbe water has no equal. All amusements. Toeree's fa mous orchestra. Hotel enlarged. Improved and newly furnished. Open June 12. Circulars on application. ' L. B. DOTY, el-98 Manager. IDLEWOOD. HOTEL AND COTTAGES. The onlv summer resort where the Pittsburg business man can. with bis family, enjoy all tbe advantages of the country while attending bus iness with same facility as if living in tbe city. Six miles from Union station.on the Panhandle R. R. Now open. Particulars at 68 Sixth ave., city. M. STANFORD JACKSON.Manager. Je4-;n MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Oresson Springs. On the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. Will open JUNE 25. For circulars and Infor mation address WM. R. DUNHAM, Superintendent, mjl-63 Cresson. Cambria Co., Pa. CAMBRIDGE, Atlantic Citv. N. J. Ocean front, modern con veniences, 100 bedrooms, broad piazzas. Cui sine and service special feature. Elegant buf fet, best bathing ground. SAM'L H. LtiWIH, Prop. WM.E. COCHRAN. Mang"r. Former ly the Brighton and Windsor Hotels. my23-9-Mwy OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. BLOCK ISLAND, R, L. 15 miles at sea, opens June 28, 1890. Steamboats dally to and from NEW LONDON, NEWPORT and PROVIDENCE. Telegraphic communication. For circulars, Ac. address , . F. A. BUDLONG, Windsor HoteI,New York. CUNDALL&BALL. mvl-lll-MWP Managers. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open June 28; location unsurpassed, fac ing inlet and ocean; superior table; accom modates 500 guests. For circulars and terms address. R HAMILiu, je54 Proprietor. THE MANSION, ATLANTICTCITY, N, J. Enlarged. Remodeled. Refurnished, Brophy's Orchestra from Juno to October. Finely ap pointed Cafe and Billiard Room. Coaches to and from depots and to beach during bathing hours. Open All the Year. je22S CHARLES McQLADE. ttAII.UOADS. fAlTlMOBE AND OHIO KAILKOAJD. BCacauie iu cucct jubj ai, ov. For Washington, D. C Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, !( a. m. and 8:20 p. m. for Cumberland, "8.-03 1. m tlilX 9 p. ra. For ConnellSTille, tSiM, 8:00 and $8:35 a. m., tlilO, 4 00 and :2 p. m. For Unlontown, 18: $8:00, 58:3i a. in., (DID and H-w d. m, Vnr lit PI.&nt. fi:40a raandt8:00a.m. ana tiiio and 4 00 p.m. Wasnlngton. Pa.. 1 Wand 53:30, -35 a. m., JiSo, :3) and 7: p.m. For Wheeling, 7:05,53:30, $:J3 a. m., "ZiSi, 7i p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis, "7105 a. m., f:B 0' Colutnbns, 7:0S a. m.. 7:45 p. m.' For Newark, 7.-os, a.m., W:p. m. For Chicago, 7j06 a m. and Ii4S p. m. Trains arme from. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, : a. m., VsH p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicaro, 8:S a. m.. :oo p. m. From Wheeling; S:A jO-50a. m., $5:00, "s.oo. I10H5D. m. Through parlor and sleeping ears to Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati and Chicago. 'Dally. $lal!y except Sunday. inndayonly. Tbe Pittsburg Transfer Company will call lor and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. A O. tteket onlce, corner Firth are. and Wood st., or 401 and 6 Bmlthdeld street. J.T. O'DKLU CHA8. O. SCtrt-U General Manager. Utn. fas. Agent, t: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARE YOU GETTING READY ITOR YOTJR TRIP? Mi A TRUNK OR SATCHEL Take our advice and buy nothing trashy. If you do it'll be "pie" in the hands of the inevitable baggage smasher. And, since a good article can be bought at KAUFMANNS' for as low pf not lower) price as you pay for something trashy elsewhere, WHY NOT BUY THE GOOD? READ THESE SPECIMEN PRICES : California duck covered trunks, sheet iron bottoms, malleable iron corners, Eugenie tray, with hat or bonnet box, at only 3 98 The same trunk, zinc covered, at $2 75. Ladies' dress trunks, canvas covered, oil painted, leather bound, strong brass Yale lock, sheet iron bottom, muslin lining all through, at only $6 75. Genuine soleleather trans Atlantic trunks, riveted edge, steel springs all around the inside, heavy straps and buckles, best modern locks, at only 13. Genuine grain leather club bags, leather lined, covered frame, English nickel patent lock and catches, from $2 up. Genuine grain leather Gladstone satchels, extra heavy stock, stitched English handle, nickel bolts and corner protectors, from 2 75 up. Imitation alligator Gladstone satchels, strong lining, patent lock, from only $2 up. Now comes a dandy bargain: Imitation alligator club bags, all sizes, 10 to 20 at the phenomenally low price of 98c NOW FOR A SWING ! A IUI HII iO iO ls O f 0f course, you'll buy one, and fl A If I If I J Vs l W l KAUFMANNS' is the place to get it Children's good quality hammocks at only 34c. Very substantial hammocks, 12 feet long, at only 65c. Genuine Mexican hammocks, full length, at only 98c A complete line of patent pillow hammocks up to $3 98. MISCELLANEOUS TOURISTS' REQUISITES. Summer Coats, Tennis Blazers, Fanoy Vests, Dusters, Crush Hats, Skull Caps. Flannel Shirts, Silk Shirts, Tennis Sashes, Tennis Belts, Windsor Ties, Umbrellas. All of these goods in the greatest variety and at bottom prices. Come and see 1 K AUFMANNR Fifth Avenue and RAILROADS. From PIHsburg Union Station. ennsylvania Lines., Trains Ran br Ceitrsl Tim. BOtmTWIST BTSTKM-i'AXi UANUUUU UTB. Leare for Cincinnati and at. Lonls, d isisa. p., d 7110 a. m.,d I5J and d 11:15 p. m. Uennlson, 2:ti p. m. Cnicago, d lsl a. m. and 12.08 p. m. Wueellnr. ;;i8 a. m.. 12.0S, :10 p. m Steuben Tllle, s:sia. m. Washington, 6118, SdSa. m.. 1:51, l:80l:, 4:55 p. m. BuUer. 10:10 a. m. Barretts town, IT 11:13 a. m., S.SS p. m. Mansfleld, 7115, J0 11.00 a.m.. laTi, too, da-S5. Brlditerllle. 10:1 p. m. McDonalds, d 4:U, 13:43 p. m., S 10:00 p m. Tbaius Annmfrom tbe West, d 1:10. d 8:00 a, m.. 3.-05, d 6:M p. m. Dennlson, 9.30 a.m. Steu benTllle, 8-0S p. m. Wheeling, 2:10, : a. m S.0S, 8:34 p. mT Burgettstown. 7:13 a. m., a .-ol a. m. Washington. : 7:50. S:l 103 a. m.. 2:35, 8:S3p. m. Mansfleld, 5:30. 8 A 8.30. II HO a. m., 12:43; 3:55. 10KIO and 8 8:20 p. m. Bulntr, 1:0 p. m. McDonalds, d 8:35 a. m., d 9.00 p. m. HOKTHWEST SYSTEM-IT. WATNE KOUTE.--Leare lot Chicago, d 7n0 a. m., dttiSl d 1:00, d t: except Batnrdar 11:20 p.m.; Toledo. 7:10 a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00, and except Saturday UiZOp.nM CrestUneV5:45,m.,CleTland.:10am.:I2:45dlliOS p. m.. and 7:10 a. m.. Tla ! FUW.&C.KT.: New Castle and ionngstown. 7:20 a. m.. 12:28, S Sop. m.tYosngstown and ilUes. dI2:20 p. m.:Mead Ylile, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:.-0 a. m., 12:3) p. m.-. Mies and Jamestown. 3:35 p. m.: Alliance. 4:10 p.m.; Wheeling i.nd Bellalre, 8:10 a. m.. 12.4a, 3.43 P.m.; BeaVer Kails, 4:00 p nutKock .Point, S8:20a.m.: Leetsdale. 3.30a.m. DXPABT FROM ALLXOHIXT Koebester, 8:10 a. m.; Bearer Falls, 8:15.11:00a. m.,5:lS p.m.; Enon, 3.00 p, m.; Leetsdale, 6:00, 9:00. 10.00, 11:45 a. m.; 1:15. 2.30. 4.30, 4:45, 8:30, 8:15. 7:30. Kp. m.; Con war, 10:30 p7m.; Fair Oaks S 11:40 a. m.; Bearer Falls. 3 4J5o p.m.: Leetsdale. a S.J0 p.m. 'raanrs xkbiti linion station from Chicago, ex. eept Monday, 1:50. d 6-O0, d8:33 a. m., d 5:55 and dS'SOp.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 10, d 6:35 a. m., S:55 and 8:50 p. m.; Crestline, 12:30 p. m.; Yonngstown and Kew Castle, 9:10 a. m 1:2, 6:30, 10il5p. m.; Mies and Youngstown, ae-Hp. m.; Clereland, dB:50 a. in., 2.20, 7-00 p. m.t Wheeling and Bellalre. 9.00 a. m.. 2.20, 7.-00 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabnla, 1:23, 10:13 p. m.; Alliance. 10aa.m.: Mle anif Jamestown, 9:10 a. m.; Bearer Falls, 7:30 a. m.; Kocfc folnt, S tCS p. m.: Ketsdale, 10:40 p. m. . . . Aeeitb ALLIohittt, from Enon. 8.00 a. m.; Conway 6. 40a. m :Kochester, . 40a.m. ; Bearer Falls, 7.10a.m.. 1:00, 5.30 p. m.: Leetsdale, 4.30, 3.50. 6.15. 6.50, 7.45 a. m.. 12.00, 12.45. 1.45, 3.3? 4.30. 6. 9.00 p. m.; Fair Oaks, 9 8.55 a. m.; BearerFall, 3 12 30 p. m.; Leetsdale. 8 6.03 p. xa.i Kock Folnt, ''dVda'il's, Sunday only, otter trains, except Sunday. At-LHOHENY VALLEY BA1LKOAD "fins rellnlonsutlon (Eastern .Stand ard time): Klttennlng Ac.. 6:55 a. in.: Klsgara KlttannlnrAc 400 p. m.: Braebnrn x., 5S; DAVID MCCAKUO, Uen. supt. PITTSBIIBO AND CASTLE SHANNOWB.B. BummerTlmeTable. On n1,?""J0euows 1890, unUl further notice, trains will rnn u Allows onereryday, except Sunday. Eastern sunoara Ume: iearing FltUburg-a a.m., T J-r 8-00 a.m.. :. m., liaoa. m-. 1P- ffa ,1SJf m- 5U0 p. m., S&p.m., I'P'?M1t'?n?: 1Mb p-TnS- ay'ua Vng&l fciup. m., 2:30 p. m.,5:10 p m, 7:15 p m.. JO p.m. nwBOEOAH?wKmTBAamT ATainM' ow1 " l Mall. Butler. Clarion. Kane. Day Ex.. Akron, Toledo Butler Accommodation.. Chicago Express IdaUf) Zellenoole Acconx... - 6:50 a m 4: p m 7i30 a m 7:25 p m 9.00 a m 11:10 a m 2:30 p mj!0: a m '? 5:.Si m Bntler Aeeom ' : '.",Xir..T B!SU D OB ". . " First elan far to cnicago, i" 7ST miea $9(0. fuiimaa Buttst sleeping ear to cnicago dally. mil . If you are, yon had better write a list of all you need, then come to KAUFMANNS' Tourists' Outfitting Department and buy the necessary articles. You will find here everything a tourist needs but a railroad ticket, and this you can easily purchase with the money you will save by patronizing KAUFMANNS'. First of all, you need Traveling Sets, Blacking Sets, Drinking Cups, Whisky Flasks, Shawl Straps, Tan Shoes. H44 Vss Smithfleld Street RAILROADS. PESNSYLVAMA KAILKOAD-OX ASD after June 9. 1S90. trains leara Union, Station, tfttanurg, as roUows. Eastern, standard Timet MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited of fullman Ytt tlbuledallyat7:15a. m. . Atlantic Express dally tot tbe East. JO a. m. Mall train, dally, except Sunday, 5:30 a.m. Bas dar, mall, 8.40 a. m. Day express dally at Srf a. m. tlall express dally at 10 p. m. .Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. a. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dally at 8 1 10 p. m. Ureensburg express 5:10 p. m. weekdays. Derry express IlrfD a. m. week days. All throngh trains connect at Jersey City wlta boaU or "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Tj, aroldlng double ferriage and journey through it. lTalns arrlrt at Union Station as follows: BL Louis. Chicago and Cincinnati Express. dally - 3.-00 a.m Mall Train, dally SMS"-1 Western Express, dally .I1?" Paclfle Express, dally !P- " Chicago Limited Express, dally .v a Fast Line, dally liAJp. m, SOUTHWEST fENN MAIL WAX. For Unlontown, s:30 and 8:35 a. m. and 4:23 p. m.. wltnont change of ears: 12.50 p. m., connect lng at Ureensburg. Week days, trains arrlr from Unlontown at 9:45 a m 12.20. 5J5 and 8:19 WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIViaiON. From FEDEKAU ST. STAllON, Allegneny City. Mall train, connecting for Blalrsrllle... 6:55 a. m. Exnress. lor Blalrsrllle. connecting for Butler ." fiup. Bntler Accom 6:20 a.m.. 2:25 and 5:45 p. m. SprlngdaleAccomS.OO. 11:50 a.m.3:30 and 60p. m. Freeport Accom 4:15, 70 and 11 :40 p. m. On Sunday 12.35 and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Aeeom 11:00 a. m. and S.-Wp -a. Allegheny Junction Accommodation. .. 8:20 a m. Ri&lrsrille Accommodation 100 o. m. BTVilnsrrlreC,?FEDEKALSTltEETSTAT10Nt Express, connecting from Butler 10'.32a. m. Mall Tram connecting from Butler. 1:35 p.m. Butler Express '"P- " Butler Accom 9:10 a. B.,4:4pp. m. Blalrsrllle Accommodation. .;............9p. m. Freeport Aceom.7: a. m., 15.7:25 and 11:10p.m. Onunday 10:16 a. m. and 6.35 p. m. Sortngdale Accom. 8:37, 10:58 a. m., 3:45. 6:43 p.m. North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p.m. MONONOAHELA DIVISION. Trains leare Union station, rittsonrz. as fo- For Monongahela City, West Brownrrllle and Unlontown. lu:40a.m. For MonongaholaCltyana West Brown.rllle, 7:33 and 10:a. m. and4-S0p. m. On Sunday 85 a m and lJl ;... Monongahela City, Irtl and 6tfpp. m.. week days. Drarbsburg Ac., week days.6 a m and 3a p. m. West Kllxabeth Accommodation. 85 a. m.. s:l 8:30 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40p.j m. Ticket offlces-517 smithfleld st. U0 Finb are., and Union station. . CHAH E. FUOU. OOD( uSiSalManiger. Oen'l PrrTSBUHO AND LAKE KB1E RA1LKOAD WMFANY. Sehedal. in effect Mar IS, 1S90. Central time. DarABT-For Clerelano. 4TjT .00 a. m.. ! JS. 4ilu, "9:43 p. m. For Cln CMaU,oTlcago.nd St, Louis. !:, t-M p.m. For Buffalo, 8.00 a. m., 43ff, : p. m. For SaUmanca, 8:00 a. m., '4.-29, tus p. m. For Youngstown and New CasUe 4 as, OO. 10:18 . m 'lM. M:2tt, -9:45 p. m. For Bearer Falls, JUS. 7:30. 8:00, 10:lSa.m., 1:36, 3 JO, '40, 5.-20, 9 p. ml For rbartters,4ii i5a.m., 3:33, SS 70, 7:40. 8rf. 9:C0, 10:15. llat, a. m 13:20, lllS TOM, l:4a 3:20.10, 14&7l4:Kl:06,J,,8J, 10113 p. m. ABRirx From Clereland, "8:35 a. m 12i39, S:45,T:45p.m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Lools,6'Ciini.'12:30, "7:45 p.m. From Buffalo. 6-2 a. m "11:30,9:50 p. m. From Salamanca, 12:30, 7:45 p.m. From Youngstown and New Castle, 6:25. 9:S5 a. m., 12:30, 5:43. "7i45,9:50 p. m. From Bearer Falls. 3:25. 8:2S, 7:20, 9:35 a. su 13 JO. 1:2a 5:4 7:43. a .50 p. m. p.. C. A Y. trains for Mansfleld. 4:55, 7:40 a. su. 3.2a, SS p. m. For Essen and Eaecnmonv 4 7:40 a. a. 80 p. m. P., C. Y. trains from Mansfleld. .6:17, 7:12. 11:30 a.m 5:45 p. m. From Beectunont, 7:12, 11:39 a. m 8:4) p.m. P., MeK. Y. K. B. DJABt-For New Ha ren, 5:3aT7:30a. m., 3np. m. For WertNsw ton. 6130, 17:30. 9:i" a. m.. SffiO, t-JS p. nu ABZIYX From New Haren, 3:50 a. m., 14JI 5:13 p. m. From West Newton. 6:15, 3:50a. m., 15. V:1S. :15p. ra. .. w , For MeKeesport, Zllsabetb. Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, 6:35. Vio, UiSO a. m., 13.-00, Sdop. m. From Bene Vernon. Monongahela, CKy. EUs beth and MeKetaport, 7:30, 130 a. su, X-X. 4-0-. T.!."P.-. Dally. Sundays only. City Ticket Office, 6B saUtnfleld Street. mt c ..-.