r i?W CUTTING PRICES. A UoticeaMe Weakness Developing in the Pig Iron Market. STEEL BAILS QUIET BUT STEADY. A Little InTestigation of the Belgian Beam - Question. THE SITUATION ACROSS THE WATER rsrxciju. telzorax to tbs disfatch.i 2Tew Yoek, Jane 26. The Iron Age in its issue to-day gives the following: American pic "While the volume of bus iness continues moderate, there are indica tions of weakness both at this point and at others. Thus we hear of offers to sell forge iron on the part of Southern producers on the basis of S10 50 at Birmingham, where 511 is the usual quotation. Northern fur naces, too, are making concessions, notably on So. 2, which has sold at 16 and has been offered for less, delivering lt t0 thls P01- We quote No. 1 Northern iron, $17 501S SO; No. 2, S1617. and Southern iron No. 1. $1717 SO: No. 1 sort. S16 5016 75. and No. 2. S16S16 25. Spicgelisen and ferro-mangauese There hate been no transactions. It is urged by Im porters that the English production is light, only 1 works on the east coast, 2 on the west coast and 1 in Wales being producers for the open market. It Is claimed that they are hold ing Arm at 95100; still other importers quote the market 530 S031 for 20 per cent Spiegel; f erro is $72 50ffl75, the former for extended de livery. Billets The market is doll, the leading buy ers holding off. We quote S31 50E32 at seller's mill. Bods Outside of a lot of 500 tons of soft rods no business is reported. We quote, nomi nally, S4243 at seller's mill Steel Bails The market has been very quiet, the onlv sales of anv conseauence reported be ing 5.000 tons to a bontbern road by an Eastern mill, for Alexandria delivery, at private terms, and a lot of 3,000 tons by a Western mill, Louisville delivery. Inquiries are mod erate in amount. They have included only a few for all delivery ana in one case, at least, called for delivery into next year, on which the mills show no disposition to quote. The market is steady at (31 IK31 SO for mod erate sized lots, summer delivery, and lower prices could only be obtained from Eastern mills under specially advantageous circum stances. It is reported that the Snarks order of upward ot 200 tons, long pending, has oeen closed, the Eastern mill referred to in connec tion with it taking the business btructural material Beferring again to the question of foreign beams, we find in the last price list of E. Van Hoegaerden $. Co, of Ant werp, 8 to 10-inch broad Sause beams quoted 6 5s per ton of 2.240 pounds. f.o.b. Ant erp, with 6s extra for special export quality (22 tons ten sile strain). Placing the freight it U the cost, exclusive of insurance charges, profits, etc, but inclusive of duty, could be 2.2c LX-sbip New York. We reDeat that this refers to Belgian beams, the sections of which have found no favor with American builders, architects and engineers. Among the larger transactions closed by Eastern mills it the Burlington bridge, calling lor about 4,000 tons. One or two largo buildings have also have been taken, in one case, at least, partially. We quote: 215 20c for plates. 2. 15ffi2.25c tor angles, 2.5-i.6c for tees and 3.1c for beams and channels. Fastenings The Ene order for 40,000 fish plates was taken by a Pennsylvania mill at 1.73c delivered Jersey City. We qn-ite angles. LS0 1.90c, delivered; spikes, 2 0532 10. and bolts and nuts. 2.8533c. Old rails The market has been quite active. Sales are reported of 3,000 tons American, 2,000 ton foreign, in three block, on the ba-is of $24 50, ex-ship, and 500 tons double headB at 25, ex ship. We note also a sale of 600 tons of old steel rails to a Western mill at the reported price of $22. on the line of the road. THE SILVER TJKCEETAIHTY Bai Hnd an Effect Upon the Iron Market In Great Britain. ISrZCIAI. TELIOEAM TO THX DISrATCn.l Nrw Yoek. June 26. The Jron Age in Its Issue to-day prints the following from London : Operations in pi; iron warrants have been rather freer, and o:ices have averaged rather higher, althongh i -ng to-day to 44s 9d for Scotch, 41s 7d lv CI eland and 51s 9d for Hematite. Speculation appears to be regu lated at present by the exigencies of outstand ing accounts In a great measure. Out siders hold aloof, although the sta tistical position steadily improves. Ship ments are good and stocks steadily decreasing. This, together with the fact that several fnrnaces are about to stop in Midlands, should favorably affect prices. Prices for ma ker's iron have undergone little change. A feeling ot uncertainty as to the passage of the American silver bill has tended to depress the block tin market. Purchases for America, along with heavier shipments and reduction in spot supplies, gave a measure of support, however, and led to a partial lecovery. Business was done to-day at 115d advance over the lowest prices of the week. Business in copper has continued large at about 5S IDs for merchant bars, and the posi tion Is steadily growing stronger. Stocks con tinue to be rapidly reduced, and it the present rate of decrease continues the supply will be down to a dangerous level by December. Vben recent sales of American were completed the visible supply in England and France was only 60.000 tons, and the total now is bnt about 50. 000 tons. 1 he market for tin plates has re mained quite Srm and fairly active. Orders have been placed with creator freedom, and a large business done during the fortnight. American Manufacturer's Cable Quotations. Scotch Pigs Warrant speculation has been slow, but prices have averaged rather higher, deriving support from tbe fact of increased shipment and reductions in stocks. For maker.' iron the demand has been fair and prices are steadier. No. IColtness 61s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Suinmerlee 61s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 GarUherne 60s. Od. L o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Lansloan ....61s. 6d. .0. b. Glasgow No. 1 Cambroe... -47s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Shotts -62s. 6d .t o. b. Glasgow No. lGlengarnock.....60s 00. atArdrossan. No. 1 Dalmellmcton .. ,52s. Od. at Ardrossan. No. 1 Eglinton ...47s. 6L atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Warrants are rather firmer at 61s. 6d.52s.; but the demand for makers' iron does not improve and West Coast brands Nos 1, 2, 3, are still quoted at 54s. f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Fig There is little change In the position, tbe demand from consumers being unimportant. Warrants sold up to 42s. 7d but afterward reacted to 41s. 7KL Makers quote 42s. 6d. for No. 3, free on board. I Bpiegeleisen There has been no further change in prices, but aemand is rather more active. Enclish 20 per cent quoted at 82a. Od. f. o. b. at works. Steel Wire Bods The demand shows no im provement, althongh makers have offered at a further 2s. Ga. decline. Mild steel. No. 6, quo ted at 8 2s. 64. L o. b. shipping port. STEEL RAILS TOCHAXGEd. Steel Balls Makers are getting moderate orders only, and make no further change in prices. Heavy sections quoted at 4 10s. t o. b. shipping point. Steel Blooms The market continues slow and prices are wholly nominal. Bessemer 7x7 quoted at 4 15s. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets 1 he market very quiet and makers' prices without change. Bessemer (sixe 2x2) quoted at 5 L o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs There Is very little demand and former prices are asked. Ordinary sizes quoted at 5 f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends Small sales are making at about former prices. Kun of the mill quoted at 2 17s. 6d.63 lab, shipping point. Old Iron Bails 1 here is only a moderate business, and prices are without change. Tees 2 noted at3g32s 60. and double heads at 3 s.37s 6d. Lo. b. bcran Iron Holders quote as before and tbe demand continues light. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 15s.2 17s. f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron There is quiet a fair business but prices are stiU rather In buyers' favor. Stafford ord. marked bars, (to. b. L'pool) 0 OsPd fllOsOd common bars 0 Os OdfJ 7 5sOd . , black RDeet singles 0 0s Od 7 10s Od Welsh bars. Lob. Wales... J 0 Os Od0 6 2s 6d Steamer Freights-Glasgow to New York, 2s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. TKf, COPPEE AND LEAD. Pig Tin The market has been irregular un der realizations, but the statistical position re mains in holders' favor. Straits quoted at 95 10s. for spot; futures (3 months), 93 7s. 6U. Copper Speculation has been rather quieter, but the trade demand continues good and prices are firm throughout. Chili bars quoted 59 for spot, 59 IS, for future delivm. Best selected English, 65. "euvirj. jjest Leau-iuere is a lair business and prices are steady. Soft Spanish quoted at 13 5s. Spelter Prices steady ana the demand is fair. Ordinarv Slleslan quoted at 23 7-. 6u. Tin Plate There ban been a very good trade during the week and the market remains firm, i C rharcoal Allaway grade, f. o. b. Liverpool 15s. 9d.00s Od. flwsist w, uu iuuui 1U, VU.KSUU8. Od. I fUemens steel, coke finish lis. 8d.Q00s Od. I " ... r y r - B. V. grade coke, 11x20 13s. 8d.00s Od. Dean grade ternes. 14s. 0d.00s Od. TRADE CONTINUES GOOD. Coke Active nt Former Prices Ordere Large and Shipment Fair Few Idle Ovens Leading Operators Restricting Production Slightly. rSriCIAI. TELIObAK TO THE PISFATCH.l Scottdale, June 26. Everybody i seem ingly convinced of the improvements in the coke trade. The Cleveland strike is mentioned In connection with the reduction of shipments last week, and its settlement will materially as sist the coke trade. The restriction policy is halnir neatl fn tin artnt nf nnfl daV PCr Week by the leading coke operators, the Wednesday shut-down beinc observed. Such companies as the Southwest Coal and Coke Company, Cam bria Iron Company, and several others are not Interrupting operations, and are making the six-day run right along. This, In itself. IS substantial evidence of the admirable condition of trade. No boom Is looked for or wanted, and efforts will be made to have the coke trade move along steadily. Ovens, wbich have been out of blast for three and five months, are being lired now. and labor Is in demand. The ovens alluded to are the Trotter plant of 500, and 170 ovens of which were blown out at Standard several months ago, because of the burning of the slope. The in crease in Western shipments is noticeable since the Cleveland strike has been settled. Almost every coke consumer in the Western districts is taking coke now, and consequently there is a decided increase in shipments last week ovor the week before. There is no dUturning ele ment to trade. , . There are about 2,800 ovens idle in the coke region. Last week the list numbered 3,300 ovens. W. J. Eainey will build some new ovens in the region during the summer. Shipments last week averaged 1,074 cars per day. as against 1.091 cars of the previous week. There was a decrease in Eastern and Pittsburg shipments, with an Increase in Western ship ments, not enough to overcome the decrease to the other two points. The shipments were consigned to tbe various points of con sumption as follows: To points west of Pitts burc. 3.600 cars; to Pittsburg and river points, 1,640 cars: to points east of Pittsburg. 1.200 cars: total. 6,410 cars. For the previous week the record i as follows: To points west of Pitts burg. 3,350 cars; to Pittsburg and river points. 1.875 cars; to points east of Pittsburg, 1,325 cars; total, 6.550 cars. Prices remain the same. There is no shading. They are as follows: Furnace coke; 12 15; foundry. S2 45; crushed. J2 65. Freight rates from the region are as follows: Tonttsburjr t?70 To Mahoning and bbenango Valleya To Cleveland. O J 70 ToHuflalo, . T z5 To Detroit, Mich J Jf lo Cincinnati, O jfj To Louisville. Ivr J JJ lo Chicago, 111 - J To Milwaukee, Wis J f Tobt. Lonls. Mo 35 'lo Ess.fet. I.ouls J a) To Baltimore - S 17 To Boston 4 00 This will make prices at these points of con sumption as follows: Point. Furnace Foundry. Crushed. PlttsbnrR S285 f3 15 ft 35 l. and S. Valleya 3 60 3 SO 4 00 Cleveland 3 S5 4 15 4 35 Buffalo 4 40 4 70 40 Detroit 4 50 4 80 5 00 Cincinnati 4 80 i 10 5 30 Louisville 5 35 5 8) 5 85 Chicago 4 CO 5 20 5 40 Milwaukee btu 530 5 50 fcU Louis 5 50 5 80 SCO Eatbt- Louis 5 3 5 5 5 85 Baltimore 4 32 4 62 4 82 Boston Eli 6 45 6 85 Bletnl Dlarket. New Yobk, June 26. Pig iron quiet; Ameri can. S1618. Copper, nominal: Lake, July, 16 50. Lead quiet and firmer; domestic, H 60. Tin dull; Straits. $21 50; plates, quiet and steady. LIVE STOCK MARKETa The Condition of Business ax the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, i Thursday. June 26. 189a ( CATTLE Receipts. 67 head; shipment. 604 head; market nothing doine, all through consignments; 4 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoas Receipts. 2,250 head: shipments. 2,000 head; market slow; uest selected. S3 wyn uu; common to best Yorkers. S3 753 83: pics, 3 503 65; 3 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-dai. SHEEP Receipts, 300 head; shipments, 600 head; market dull at yesterday's prices. Following is the report of transactions at the East Liberty Btock Yards for the week past: JUtCEIITS. CATTLE. HOGS. SHEEP Thro. Local. Thnraday SO 60 3.800 LKO Friday LWO 100 5,100 1.210 Saturday. SCTl 320 3.825 1,210 feunday.... J30 1.140 S.750 4,510 Monday..! 120 2TO 1,575 3,300 Tuesday SS0 SO 1.275 3,960 Wednesday a. 520 20 2,625 2,090 Total 4.630 1,900 24,750 17.600 Lastweek 5,320 1,580 17.225 S.240 Previous week.... 4,350 1.34U 19,500 11,280 SALES. Thursday 19 1,570 .... Friday 5 L9W 1,191 t-aturday S3 600 344 Monday L4S8 5,200 4,97V Tuesday 262 679 2.871. MednesdaT 55 1,019 "121 Total 1,832 11,032 11,510 Lastweek 1,563 8,181 7,302 Prerlonsweek 1,812 10.712 10.063 By Telesmph. CHICAGO The Drovers' Journal reports: Cattle Receipts, 14,000 bead: shipments, 4.&G0 head: market steady; beeres, H 404 85: steers, $3 504 35; stockers and feeders. 52 403 85; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 503 35; Texas cattle, $1 503 "a Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head; thip ments, 6,000 head: market slow and lower; mixed and heary, $3 553 85; light, $3 55Q3 85: skips, $3 103 4a Sheep Receipts, 8,000 bead; shipments, LOOO head; market lower: natives, J3 605 35; western. $3 905 00; Texans, 3 50 4 30: lambs, 0066 75. - NEW YORK Beeves Receints. S93 head, all for exporters and slaughterers; no trade; feeling weak: dressed beef steady at (7c per ft: shipments to-day. 1.021 beeres; to-morrow, 685 beeves. CalTes Receipts, 1,251 head; market steadv; veals, J5 008 00: buttermilk calves. G 253 (XL Sheep Rerelpts. 5,953 head; sheep steady: lambs c per ft. hisher; sheep, J4 25 5 75 per 100 As.: lambs. JGS: dressed mutton firm at 710Kc per ft: dressed lambs steady at 9Q12c- Hoes Receipts, 1,064 head; nominally dull at S3 904 25. MINNEAPOLIS Receipts of wheat for the day were 51 cars; shipments. SO cars. There was a very fair demand for good wheat, boih from local millers and for outside account. Tbe of f erincs were small and the better grades were pretty well plcke 3 np. Low grades were hard to sell. Closing quotations: No. 1 hard, July 85Jfc; on track, 87c; No. 1 Northern, June and July. 83c; (September. 83c; on track. 85c; Nn. 2 Northern, June and July, 79c; on track 79S0c ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts, 3,200 head: shipments, 4,800 bead; market lower: good to fancy native steers. H 35i 75; fair to good. 3 904 40; stockers and feeders. J2 70S 3 SO: Indians and Texans. $2 75g3 50. Hogs Receipts. 3,200 bead; shipments, 2,700 head; market steady; fair to choice heavy, S3 65 3 75: packinc grades. S3 603 70: light, fair to best. 53 60370. Sheep Receipts. 1.600head; shipments. 2.500 head: market strong: fair to choice, U 00fi5 35. 6' CINCINNATI Hogs stronger; common and light, S2 753 80; packing and butchers, S3 60S 3 80; receipts, 900 head: shipments, 980 head. A CUT IS FL0TJB. A Lending Dealer Reduces the rrlce 23 Cents Per Barrel. The flour situation for a week or two past has been very difficult to define. Markets have been weak, and holders have shown a disposi tion to concede. There is little doubt that oar quotations have been shaded to the cash buyer. One of our leading jobbers announces to-day a drop of 25c per barrel all along the line. Others claim that this is premature. Said a leading jobber of flour yesterday: "I cannot lay down fancy patent flour here and sell at a profit below The Dispatch quotations. The holder who makes concessions on these figures isplav ing a losing game." Bv reference to the domestic market column It will be seen that bottom is ont of hay mar ket. The season so far has been abundantly favorable to a good crop of grass. The effect is seen in heavy supplies and drooping price of hay. Prospects have not been as good these many years for a bountiful crop of hay, audit has been a long time since prices wereaslovf at this season of the year as they are right now. Clover ha and low grades of timothy are more depressed than they have been for many years. Drveoods. iiAn av&j. fuu i. iuB siais oi trauo in drygoods and the condition of the market wcic wwiuwm. .. . 'c (irinis, areas cottons and woolen gained somewhat in vol ume uf business, while the toue of both cotton and woolens remained firm, although some competitive goods of the latter clas. as tbe Bed fords and the Wood Rivers, for the spring season, have opened at slightly lower prices than last year . Always nse Piatt's Chlorides to disinfect the house drains, "water closets, sinks, etc THE. WILL BE A SUCCESS. FaYorable Outlook for Homestead Bailroad and River Bridge, THE E0UTE AKD PROBABLE COST. A Famine in Building Lots in Two of the Central Wards of the City. LUCKI OWNERS OP MANY FIKE ACRES Sir. Ira, IT. Burch field made some state ments yesterday which are of genuine in terest from their bearing upon the develop ment of an extensive district in the eastern part of the city, and especially the Twenty second and Twenty-third wards. He said: "The proposed ihort line electric route to Homestead will undoubtedly be built. Its promoters are confident that it will be a good investment. Besides, It is needed to open up a territory that has remained in comparative obscurity for years for want of transportation facilities. The route of the road, as at present mapped out. begins at Boquet street, where connection will be made with the Pittsburg Traction, thence through the property of W. H. Brown fc Sons to the Monongahela river, where a bridge will be built at a cost of $15,000, and so on to Homestead, shortening the distance nearly four miles as compared with any other route. The right of way is now assured, and there will be no lack of money to carry the project to completion." Some nf the Notable Wards. The supply of small lots in the Seventh and Ktghth wards is practically exhausted. The demand for them during the past two or three years has been such that about all the acreage has been subdivided and disposed of. This was mainly owing to the excellent location and proximity to the business portion of tbe city. Buyers In nearly every case have been people of moderate means, and most of them have built on their purchases. There has been less speculation in these wards than in any others. They are full of homes, with business enough to supply nearly every want. The Eleventh ward promises to be equally destitute of marketable vacant property within two or three years. It is filling up very fast, and there is omly a limited amount of acreage to keen up the supply. The character of tbe improve ments compares favorably with that of any other part of the city, many of the honses being high class. Charles Lockhart, the East End millionaire, owns 50 dwellings in this ward. The wards in which there is the most unim proved land are tbe Twenty-second and. the Twenty-third. The largest tracts are those of Mrs, Scbcnley, the Blair and the Brown heirs and tbe William Thaw estate. Mrs. Schenley also owns 40 or 60 acres in the Fourteenth ward. Trading in all the last mentioned wards has been lively for some time partly for specu lation but largely for settlement, and a great deal has been done In the way of Improvement. The introduction of rapid transit into this dis trict will not only prevent a halt In development but give it fresh impulse. . Bnslness Nevrs and Gossip. Mr. M. Hemming;, owing to ill health, has been obliged to resign bis position as cashier of tbe Central Bank, and Mr. C C. Davis, the former assistant cashier, will fill tbe vacancy. Several deals in realty have been hastened recently by owners making slight concessions. This is better than holding out and doing nothing. Q,uite a number of cases could be pointed out in which values would bear a hand some t-have. E. P. Long A number of persons have told me lately that it tbe natural gas companies make another advance in prices they will go back to coaL Should this determination be general, the revenues of these corporations must suffer. This is one of the influences that is depressing this class of stocks. Seventeen of 35 mortgages on file for record yesterday were for purchase money. Tbe largest was for SILOOO, and the smallest for 1125. A piece of bnslness property on Smlthfleld street, below Fourth, is about to be sold for 55,000. The prospective buyer was negotiating a S30.000 mortgage yesterday, to enable him to make needed Improvements. Mr. T. H. Adams, a well-known oil operator and a member of tbe Exchange, is back from a trip to several oil wells, near Toledo, in which he has an interest. Messrs. Holman and Pink erton, also members of the Exchange, will leave the city to-day on their summer vacation. Norman Robinson is home from a trip to Min nesota, where he bagged many fish. Tbe old board of directors of the Pine Run Gas Company has been re-elected. Gas was reported in sufficient supply for the demand. Railroad earnings: Pennsylvania Railroad, May, decrease, S12.7U. Norfolk and Western, increase third week of June, 513,916; from Jan nary 1 increase, $520,700. Reading, net earnings for six months, ended May 81, were 3,011,065 an Increase of S404.S80 over 1889. Milwaukee and Northern, third week in June, increase S9.615. Iowa Central, third week in June, in crease $3,015." On Tnesday. July 1, directors of the Iron and Glass Dollar Savings Bank will be chosen, and on the 7th the annual meeting of stockholders of the Birmingham and Pittsburg Bridge Com pany will occur. movements in Real Estate. Edward F. Hays and Thomas A. Noble have purchased from William C. Noble 55 acres of land one mile from a tbe city limits, adjoining the tract recently purchased by the Birming ham Land Improvement Company, along the line of the rapid transit suburban electric street railway. It is understood that the price is about the same as that paid by tbe Birmingham Land Improvement Company. The land will be laid out in a plan of building lots. Charles Somers & Co. sold three lots in Ben ton; place. Eleventh ward, Allegheny, each fronting 24 feet on Benton avenue and In depth 110 feet to an alley, being Nos. 5, 6 and 7, for 8L20a . W. A. Herron fc Sons sold lots Nos. 127, 128 and 129 in tbe Bissell plan, Eighteenth ward, for S250 each. Black & Baird sold to Henry C. Burns, for G. C. Schupp. a vacant lot on the southwest corner of Montezuma street and Rowan avenue, size 2ixll7H feet t0 an alIev- f nr 850' Reed B. Coyle & Co. sold to Miss Annie Ryan lot No. 183, in Marion Place plan, situated on Home Rule street, being 25x161 feet, for $200. E. T. Schaffner sold for Edward Schultzlot No. 170 in John Brown's plan. Twenty-seventh ward, for S400 cash. Samuel W. Black & Co. sold for tbe Blair es tate lot No. 5, situate on the west side of Sec ond avenue, Glenwood, Twenty-third ward, having a frontage of 24 feet by 120 feet deep to a 23-foot alley, for a price approximating $1,000. ttat.-p A YEAE'S FAILTJEES, An Enconrnslng Exhibit, Considering (he Un favorable Winter nnd Backtvard Spring. Mr. A. B. Wigley, manager of tbe Pittsburg branch of R. G. D nn fc Co.'s Mercantile Agency, furnishes The Dispatch the following statistics of failures during the past six months in the district of which he has super vision, with comparisons with 1SS9. In a note accompanyine the report, Mr. Wigley says: "Considering the very unfavorable winter, the exhibit seems to me to be very encouraglnc." pailuhxs ron the first bix months or J890. Pennsylvania. No. of Estimated Estimated Quarters. failures. Liabilities. Assets. pirst Quarter 34 205,6o0 S10S,385 becona Quarter...l5 154,473 185,ScO Total.. ,...49 300,123 Ohio. $212,235 No. of Estimated Estlmitcd Onarters. Failures. Liabilities. Assets. Second Quarter... 6 llC-kV".1" "- 1 rVtrnn V",' 81,700 12,800 Total, ....23 $253,705 "West Virginia. No. of Estimated $432,207 Estimated Assets. $12,983 15,800 73,783 Quarters. first Quarter. failures. ....15 Secon Quarter... 6 Total 21 $34,600 TAU.rjitES'Ton tkb rntsT six 'Mo-rrHs or 1889. Pennsylvania. No. of Estimated "Estimated Onarters. Failures. Liabilities. Assets. First Quarter 27 $391,614 $333,800 Second Quarter.. ..22 128,000 75.200 Total., .jf a $519,514 V O $414,000j PITTSBIIRG' DISPATCH; onto. No. Of Estimated Quarters. Failures. Liabilities. First Quarter 2S f3M.D.M Second Quarter.... 6- 21,700 Total .83 $376,653 West Virginia. Mo. of Estimated Quarters. Failures. Liabilities. First Quarter 21 1S5,300 Second Quarter.... 1VJ0O Total .27 1160,503 Estimated Assets. i,750 9.600 I21250 Estlmateu Assets. 6i.40O 15,600 (31.000 STILL BULL. No Improvement in Home Securities. Bat They Have Good Backing. It is an old saying that a short horse is soon curried. On the same principle the news of yes terday's stock calls can be given in few words. There were two sales In the forenoon and none in the afternoon. Sixty Shares of Allegheny Heating Company brought 107X and ten Elec tric 8sJi the first a slight concession from the last previous sale and the latter an advance, but It drooped back at the close. . As compared with the previous close, Phila delphia Gas and Central Traction were np V, each, with no material change In the rest or the list. There were bids for several hundred shares of the first named stock at SO, and 20U shares. It was reported, sold on the street at SOii. Manufacturers' Uas was bid down to 14, and offered at 16. There is no danger of a break in any of the specialties. They are in strong hands and will not De sacrificed. Snpport is always at hand whenever any of them show symptoms of spe cial weakness. This can be seen any day on 'Change, and it is no doubt discouraging to those who are hanging around for cheap stuff. FIRST SECOND CALL. CALL. B A B A Pitts Petro. S. & M. Kx . 400 Filth Nat. Bank 140 Marine National Bank.... 104 ... ., Monongahela Nat Bank ' 123,S Boatman'slnsnrance "-H City Insurance 35 German American Ins & People's Insurance..' SO Brldgewater. W S ...... Manufacturers' Gas Co 14 IS People's Nat. Gas & Pipe 15 16 Pennsylvania Uas Co .... 14 14 KX Philadelphia Co. 29 3u 30 SOS Wheeling Gas Co 19 19 Washington OH Co... 0 102i Central Traction...... 28 28,S 28H 2S Utliens' Traction MM 68X Pittsburg Traction 33 36 Pleasant Valley 29 29 9 2?K Pitts., AU'yiMan SoO 320 Pittsburg & Western "M Pitts. & Western, pref 19H N.Y.&CIev. GasCoalCo 31J ...... La Norla Mining Co 18 18 20 Luster Mining Co XTA 16 V East End Electric 60 60 ne.tlngbouse Electric.... 38 38 33i 3$H Union Switch & Slg. Co IS U West'gliouse A'brate to. 116 116 WestlnKliouse Brake, Lim 64 The total sales of stocks at New Yore yester- dav were 172,488 shares, including: Atchison, 16.550; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 4,100; Hocking Valley, 5.050; Louisville and Nashville, 4,070: Oregon Transcontinental, 3.050; Reading, 31,500; Richmond and West Point, 4,070; St. Paul, 5,900. OK THE EIGHT SIDE. Exchanges Show Large Gains In Favor of the Present Season. Business men continue to find nse for money, and had considerable paper discounted at the banks yesterday. The ruling rate was 6 per cent. The few loans switched recently were merely to ease np the July settlements, and not indicative of scarcity. Checking was off a little, as compared with that of the previous day, but it was large enough to show a brisk summer business. Depositing was almost up to tbe best pitch of tbe season. Exchanges were S2.499.3S9 90, and balances $499,968 44; same time lSbS, exchanges, $1,709,348 83; balances. $390,475 02; 1889, exchanges, $1,803,251 11 show ing large gains in favor of the present year. Money on call at New YorK yesteruay was easv at 48 per cent, last loan 5. closed offered at& Prune mercantile paper. 607. Sterling exchange quiet and barely steady at $1 84 for 60-day bills and $4 87Ji for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. C S. 4s. reg 121K TJ. t). 4s, ooup 122H U.S. 44s, re 103 U. S. 4,Hs, coop 103 Pacific 6s of '95 113 Louls!anastamped4s S3X Missouri 66 101 lenn. newseL6s,...109 lenn. newst.5s. 103 M. K. AT. Gen. Ss.. 74 Mutual Union 6s... .102 N.J. C. Int. Cert...lM Northern Pac. Ists..ll7ij Northern Pac. 2ds..l)3 Nortliw't'n consol.141,'i Northw'ndeben'sfisllO Oregon & Trans. 6s. 10554 Ht.l. At. M. Cen. ss. 95 Tenn. newset. s.... 75H St.L. JtS.F. Uen.H.lH'4 St. Paul consols VX'A St. P. CI)ll'c.lsts.ll7 Canada so. -as ra Central Pacific lsts.llOtf Den. & K.G. Jets.. .118 Den. tlt. G. 4s S3 Il FC. L.G.Tr.Ks. S3 Tx.. PC K G.Tr.Ks. 2H D.Atf. u. wesusts. Erie2ds 103H M-K.4T.Gen. s.. K'A union racincisis..,nzH West Shore 10M New Yoke Clearings, $113,411,107; balances, $5,493,536. Boston Clearings. 116,551,733; balances, $2,264,275. Money 56 per cent Philadelphia Clearings, $11,347,919; bal ances, S2.1U3.527. Baltimore Clearings, $2,019,861; balances, $349,707. Loudon Toe amonnt of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 8S,0Oa The bullion in the Bark of England increased 113 000 during the past week. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability is now 38.83 per cent. Pabis Three per cent rentes. 91f 82ie for the account Tbe weekly statement or the Bank of France shows an increase of 1,975,000 francs gold and a decrease of 1,625,000 francs silver. Berlin The statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows a decrease in specie of 1,220,000 marks. Chicago Clearings, S12,884.00a New York exchange was 60c premium. The demand for money was excellent, and few call loans were made at less than 6 per cent A LITTLE BETTES. DIore Doing In Oil, bnt Trading- Far Below iho Market. Although there was more doing in oil yester day than on any previous day of the week, which is not saying very much for it, business was far from what it ought to have been to en courage brokers and enthuse the lambs. Con siderable oil was wanted, but the longs were not ready to realize. Tbe opening was tame, bat the market soon moved up He on light local buying, sagged off lc and held there until just before the close, when it rallied c. The . finish was c below tho highest point reached, and c lower than tbe opening. The course of fluctuations were as follows: Opening, 8Sc; highest 89c: lowest 88c: clos ing. 88Jc bid. Wednesday's clearances were 40,000 barrels; yesterday's were about 60,000. Other Oil Markets. New York. June 26. Petroleum opened steady at (8c for spot and 89c for July. There was an advance of ic in July and then both contracts fell off on forced sales, and tbe mar ket closed weak at 87c for spot and-87 for July. Stock Exchange Opening, 88c; high est, S8c: lowest, 87c: closing, 87gc. Con solidated Exchange Openine, 89c; highest 89c; lowest 87Jc; closing, 87Jc Total sales, 314,000 barrels. Oil City, June 26. Petroleum opened at 87Kc; highest 89J-.C; lowest cTJc; closed, 87c Sales. 4tj,000 barrels; clearances, not tenoned; charters, 10 647 barrels; shipments, 87,076 bar rels; runs, 83,811 barrels. Bradford. June 26. Petroleum opened at 88Kc; closed. 87Jc: highest 83c; lowest 87. Clearances, lo0,0U0 barrels. Features of Yesterday's Oil Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oakley Co.. 45 Bixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange: Opened 89 I Lowest 88 Highest 89 Closed 68H Barrels. Average charters 26.805 Average shipments 78,409 Average runs .,....., 64,6.14 Reflnea, New Yors. 7..0c Kenned, London, 5Hd, KeHneii. Antwerp, 17XT. Kenned, Liverpool. 5 H-I6d. Kenned. Bremen, 6.S5m. A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 67; calls, 88K. SOKE OF TEE OIL HEWS. Whitney Sc Stephenson Go Into Develop ment for Variation. The bus line from Groreton to Forest Grove continnes to be well patronized, and carries passengers to and from all trains that stop in daylight Tbe territory maintains its reputation for uniformity, but few dusters having yet been struck. The McElheron No. 1 is making 75 barrels. The Childs & Knap, on the west end of the Schuler farm, wbich was reported dry, was doing fairly good work yesterday. Tbe D. K. Ewlng No. 2 is dry. Tbe Magnus is in tbe sand ana the boiler was moved yesterday. At Chartiers things are quiet, but some new wells are coming in. The boring of the sixth hole on the Arbockle farm was commenced yesterday. This ell nil! be bored on the ex treme eastern limit of the farm. Heretofore tbe western part only has been tried. As the eastern part is between the original gusher and those on Chartiers creek, a big well is thought to be tbe very probable outcome. George L Whitney has let the contract for drilling a well on his farm on thoWeitPenn , FRIDAT, JUNE 27,- Railroad, and work will likely begin next week. Mr. Whitney has been offered more bonns on tbe property than he would have been willing to take lor the fee simple two years ago. Many operators regard developments there as almost certain to be profitable. t Important Oil Salt Decided. The case of Jennings and others vs. HukiU and others .at Morgantown, W. Va., has Just been given in favor of the former. The land in controversy is probably one of the most val uable tracts in the State, and the case was fought hard on both sides with "the points strongly In favor ol the plaintiffs. This de cision gives Jennlnes t Co. 450 acres of the most valuable land in West Virginia. Big Weil at Belmont. rsrxcTAi. TXLxoRAir to tux dispatch.! Paekehsbubo. June 26. The largest oil well In the State was struck at Belmont to-day, flowing 200 barrels per day. The well was drilled deeper in tbe sand this evening, and is now gushing 800 barrels per day. 300 barrels bet ter than tbe best well in the State. Trains have been filled all dav with spectators going to the scone. ' A DROOPING TENDENCY. Action on the Senate Amendments Is the Oliver Bill a Bluer Dose far Wall Street Dallness nnd Wenk- nrss tbe Features. New Yoek, June 26. The expressions of opinion on the street alter the rejection of tbe Senate amendments to the silver bill bad be come known were generally favorable, bnt as indicated by the quotations to-day tbe feeling did not extend to the buying ot atocas. The dullness of the market to-day was again ex treme, with a general drooping tendency in prices. That the dullness in tbe street is not based upon the business of railroads is suffi ciently emphasized by the reports of earnings received of late lor the third week In June. St Paul alone of all tbe important roads In the country shows a loss, while the percentages of gain In many roads, principally those in the West, are from 17 to 45 per cent The railroad situation is. in tbe opinion nf most habitues of the street immensely improved. The market when let alone now, always be comes dull and firm, and the activity and weak ness is only caused by., the hammering opera tions of tbe professionals. To-day there was some pressure In tbe Trusts and St Paul, the latter on the poor showing for the third week in June, but tbe fluctuations were on a strict parity with the amonnt of business done, and in many of the leading shares did not extend to K per cent for the entire session, Chicago Gas was sold for no apparent reason, and forced off from 56 to 63 but recovered most of the loss late in tbe day. Sugar, on the other hand, was advanced sharply in the early trading lo 72, but fell away again to 70, with many and sharp fluc tuations in the meantime. The advance in the minimum rate of discount of the Bank of En gland this morning reflects the indisposition of the coventors to allow any further decline of gold from London, and the scarcity of money in London made that center a seller to a very lim ited extent at the opening, which may acconnt for the declines at that time. Later tbe effect of the preparation for the July disbursements was shown in the selling of do mestic operators, and while there was no press ure In any one spot the feeling that there will be an unfavorable bank statement on Satur day aided in the selling movement Tbe heavi ness lasted throughout the day, and the close was dull but heavy at about the lowest prices of tbe day. The final changes show a uniform line of declines, and while most are for small fractions, St Paul lost 1, Chicago Gas IK. Louisville and Nashville 1. Lake Shore , Reading 1 and Atchison . The railroad bond market was a little more active and without special feature, other than the special activity and strength in the Louis ville, New Albanv and Chicago consols, wblcb, on a business of $125,000, sold up to 103 a gain of 2J per cent The sales of all issues were $1,015,000. Louisiana and Missouri River firsts rose 3, to 121. Govcrnmentbonds have been dnll and steady. State bonds have been quiet but firm. The Post says: Chicago Gas declined on sell ing from that city concurrent with a rumor from there that somebody was preparing to en joy the payment of the dividend, though it re covered 1 per cent in the next half hour on the absence of any information as to who would undertake to do so. Reading declined, not withstanding the endeavor to bolster it up by tbe report that somebody had said there was a cause for the recent advance in Reading Rail road stock in tbe fact that the net earnings of tbe Reading Railroad and the Reading Coal and Iron Company together, for tbe six months to May 31, "were very close to $4,000,000, which would indloate net earnings for the year of at least $10,500,000, or enongh to' pay Interest on the first and second preferences In fall. Even assum ing that the unauthorized statement of $1,000, 000 of net earnings in the six months to May SI is approximately correct this is not sufficient warrant for the presumption that tbe net earn ings of tbe next six months will be 62 per cent greater, anil so amount to $6,500,000. The an nual interest and rentals of tbe Reading Rail road, exclusive of any interest on tbe incomes, is $6,927,458. and tbe annual interest of tbe Reading Coal and Iron Company is $826,623. a total of $7,753,931. of which tbe half is $3,876, 990, and one-half of tbe annual payments re quired on Car trusts is $211,000 more, making $4,087,990, so that even if the net earnings of both companies had been $4,000,000, there would be a deficit of $87,996 on the half yearly interest and rentals. Ihe following table snows the prices or active stocks on tue Mew orfc Mock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for Ilia DisrATCH by WHITNEY & STxrHENBON. oldest Pittsburg mem bers or .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos- , Open- High- Low- me inc. est est Bid. Am. Cotton Oil'. 28 28 26 27 Am. Cotton Oil oref. 66 Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 30 30 30 SOM Atch., lOD. &S. P 47 47), 4S)J 48 Canadian Pacific 8IK 81 80S 80 Canada bouthern 58 58 S1K 57H Central of New Jersey.121 124 124 124 Central Paclttc 33tf Chesapeake & Ohio 23 C. Uur. A Qulncy .. .105K 105H 1059 105 C, Mil. & St. Paul 75M 75J 74X 74 C. Mil. iSt. P.. pf.. 119 119 1187, am C, llockl.AP 2X 92 91. 9I C. St L. & Pitts 17 C, St. L. & Pitts., pf 45 C, St. P.. M. JtO 32JJ C. St. P.. M. ft O. pt 82 C.ft .Northwestern Ill lit 110U 110- C, C. C. AL 74M UK 73J? 731, C. O-.O&L. pf. 99 Col. Coal & Iron 52 52 52 51 W Col. AHocklnir Val... 255 2X 254 25$, Del.. Lack West Ho US', 1443? 146 Del. & Hudson 169 169 16!h4 16S K.T., Va. JfcGa a Illinois Central 118 Lake Shore & M. 8 Ill 111 110H 110S Loulsvllle&ftlashvllle. S8! S& 87K 87S Mlcniean Central loo 100 loo 99 Mobile ft Ohio 17f 18 17V 1"5 Missouri Pacific 1ZH U 73'4 73V jiew xorx iwnirai mat ivjh 1099, 109 IS. Y.. L. E. i W 2H 26)i 28 25 N. y.. C. 8t L 16H 1654 16 18 JK. f. 4M. E. JSH 48S 47 47ft N.Y.. O. W 19", hh n 19 Norfolk ft Western 22 Norfolk A Western pr. 62 Northern Pacific 6M ioH Mi 36 Northern Pacific nf. 8l7i Ohio A Mississippi 24 Oregon Transcou t'H 'H 46H 46X Pacific Mail 43 43 43 427, Peo.. Deo. ft Evans 20H Phlladel. ft Heading... 46K 47 H 4 Pullman Palace Car. 203 Ulehmond 4 W. P. T.. 23 23)$ 22H 22 Richmond ft W.P.T.pl 84 84 81 84 St. Paul ft Dnlnth ., Z'U St. Paul ft Duluth pt 94 St P., Minn, ft Han.. Ill 111 111 111 St. L. ft San lrran 33 St L. ft San Fran pf. 63 Texas Pacific 21)6 21H K 20If UnlonPaclPc 64 64 em G4K Wabash 13 13 13 12V Wabash Drelerrcd 27)1 27X 27K S6H Western Union 84K 8IH MM 84 Wneellntr ft L. E, "H 71K 77 76K Sugar lTnst 70 72 70 - 7CJ, national i.eau'irust... zu, zu if Chicago Gas Trust..... C6!4 S6K 53 19 S Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished br Whitney 4 Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New YorK stock Ex change! EM. Asked. Pennsylvania Bailroad 53 S3X Keadlnc 22 15-18 23 Buffalo, Pittsburg 4 Western 11 llf Lehigh Valley 52H 52 Lehigh Navigation 52!4 Philadelphia and Erie 35 35), Northern Pacific ., & Northern Pacific preferred 1 82 Boston Stocks. Atch. 4 Ton 4GJ4 HostonA Mont 66 Catalpa 474 Iranklln 23 Huron .. ZH Kearsarge 22S Osceola 47 Pewaulc (new) 10 Qulncy 125 Santa Fe copper SO Tamarack 220 Stn Diego Land Co. 68 lloiton Land Co 22S4 est End Land Co.. 29 Bell Telephone 2394 Lamson Stores 30K Water Power S'4 Centennial Mining. 37)4 jtoston 4 AiDany....-i Ilotonft Maine 193 C B. ftJ 105 Clnn., San. ft CleT.. 29!j Eastern It K. 159 1 Un 1 4 Pere M. pre. 101 X Mass. Central 17Ji Mex. Central com... 27W N. Y. ft N. Kng..... 48 N. Y. ft N. Eng. 7S.1243, Old Colony. 173 Kutland preferred.. 70 Wis. Central com... 284 Wls.CentralpI 60U Allonez ilg. Co & Atlantic 26 Occasional Fnlntnen-. Dr. Flint's Remedy taken when vertigo, occasional faintness, nausea, los of appetite, and inability to sleep appear, will prevent the development of inflammation of tbe brain, of which these are the first symptoms. Descrip tive treatise with each bottle. At all druggists, or address Mack Drug Co., N.Y. BWI 1890. DOMESTIC 'MAKKETS. Supply of Potatoes Short of Demand and Prices Higher. STRAWBERRIES ARE ON THE WANE Cereals Weakening and Prices of Hay Are . - Only Nominal. GENERAL GROCERIES ABB UNCHANGED 07FICE or PITTSBURG DISPATCH,! Thursday. June 26, 1890, j Country Produce Jobbing Prices. The feature of markets is tbe sharp advance in potatoes. Demand exceeds snpply. Chicago Jobbing prices of Southern "potatoes are J4 per barrel. Watermelons are coming in freely and prices are loner. Strawberries are on tbe wane. The home-grown crop has been very light, and quality of the few offered is below standard. Blackberries and raspberries are in fair supply at old prices. New Ohio cheese is plenty and prices are a shade lower, with markets active at the decline. Elgin creamery butter is steady at an adranCo of lc per pound over last week's prices. Country rolls are dull at inside quota tions. Eggs are firm and guaranteed stock is in demand at outside quotations. Apples J4 005 00 a barrel. Butteb Creamery, Elgin. 1718c; ' Ohio do, 16c: fresh dairy packed, 1012c; country rolls, BEsnrES Strawberries. 609c a box: goose berries. SI 251 75 a bushel box: black raspber ries, I214c ft quart; red raspberries, 15I7c; blackberries, 1214c a quart. Beams Navv hand-picked beans $3 C02 10. Beeswax 28d0c fl S for cholce;low grade, 20022c. Cantaloupes !3 004 00 crate; water melons. $25 0030 00 100. Ctdeb Sand refined. $7 60; common. S3 00 i 00; crab cider, $7 50S 00 $ barrel; cider vin egar, 1012c f gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese,7K8c: New York cheese, 9c: Llmberger, 1012c: domes tie Swettzer. 15c; imported Sweitzer, 1ic EOGS 1515c fl dozen for strictly fresh. Feathebs Extra live geese. o060cj No. 1, do, 4045c; mixed lott. 3035c $ S. Maple Sybup 7695c a can; maple sugar, 10llc V Honey 15c fl ft. Poultry Live chickens, 50S5c a pair; dressed, 12I4c a pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Its to bushel, $4 00 fl bushel; clover, larce English, 62 tts, $4 35 4 60; clover, Alsike, $8 00; clover, white, J6 50; timothy, choice. 45 Its. SI 65ffll 70; blue grass, extra clean, 14 ftf, 1 251 30: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 30: orchard grass. 14 9s. 11 40; red top, 11 fts, SI 00; millet, 0 Sis 75c; Hungarian gras, 50 lbs. 75c: lawn grass, mixture' of fine grasses 82 60 fl bushel of 14 lbs. Tallow Country, 3JJc: city rendered. 4c Tropical Fruits Lemons common. 84 00 Q4 25; fancy. $5 005 50; Rod! oranges, 86 00 b 50: Sorrento oranges, 85 C05 50; bananas, SI 752 00 firsts, 51 50 good seconds fl bunch; pineapples,912a hundred; Caiilornia peaches, 82 002 50 fl box; California apricots, $2 25 2 60. Vegetables New Southern potatoes, 83 50 3 75 fl barrel; cabbage, 81 752 SO fl large crate; Bermuda onions, $2 25 fl bushel crate; green onions, 3035c f) dozen; green beans.81 50 1 75 f) half-barrel basket; wax beans, $1 60 1 75; green peas. 81 752 00 fl basket: cucum bers, 81 502 00 fl box; tomatoes, SI 752 25 ft box. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21H2oKc; cbolce Rio, 22K23Kc; prime Rio, 23c: low grade Rio, 2021c; old Government Java.. 2930c; Maracaibo, 2527Kc; Mocba, S0 32c; Santos2226c; Caracas, 2527c;La Goayra, 26827c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 25c: high grades. 2830c; old Government Java, bulk, 3334c; Maracaibo, 2S29c; Santos, 26 30c; peaberry, SOo; choice Rio, 26c; prime Rio, 25c; good Rio. 24c: ordinary, 21MQ22XC. Spices (whole) Cloves, 1718c: allplce, 10c; cassia, 8c: pepper, 15c; nutmee. 7580c Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7tc; Ohio. 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c: water white, 10c; globe, 1414Kc; elaine, 14c; car nadlne, llc; royaline, 14c; red oil, llllc; purity, 14c Minebs' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 4345c fl gallon; summer, SS40c: lard oil, 556Sc Sybup Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar syrup, 3638c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 4748c; choice, 46c; medium, S843c; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs 3K3c; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb assorted packages, 66c; sal-soda in kegs, ljic: do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 8c; stearine, fl set, bc; parafflne, 11012c. Ricx Head Carolina, 77r: choice, fiK 9ic; prime. 66c; Louisiana, 5J8$c Stabch Pearl, S&c; cornstarch, 6(jc; gloss starch, 67c FOREIGN Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon don layers,82 75; Muscatels,82 50: California Mns catels,S2 40; VaIencia,8c;Ondara Valencia. 10K lie; sultan,1010c; currants, 5K6c:Turkey prunes, 66?:c: Drench prunes. 912c; Salon lea prunes, in 2-lb packages, Sc: cocoannts ft 100. 18; almonds, Lan., fl lb, 20c; do Irlca. 17c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap , 1314c; Sicilv filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1213c; new dates, CJ 6c; Brazil nuts, lie; pecans, 9K10c; citron. t lb, 1819c; lemon peel, 16c fl lb; orange peel, 17c Dried Fauns Apples sliced, per ft., 6c; apples, evaporated, 1010c: peaches, evapor ated, pared, 2426c: peaches, California, evap orated, unpared, 1718c: cherries, pitted, 12i 13c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries evaporated. 3233c; blackberries. 77c: huckleberries, 10J12c Suoabs Cubes, 65&c; powdered, 7c; granu lated, 6c; confectioners' A, 6c; standard A, 6Kc; sott white, 66J4e; yellow, choice. 6 6c; yellow, good, 5f&oJc; yellow, fair, 6 6c; yellow, dark, 55xc Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), 89 00; me dium, half bbls. (600). 85 CO. SALT No. 1, fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. ft by. 81 00! dairy, fl bbl. 81 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20; Higglm Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80; HigginS' Eureka, 16-14 ft packets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. 82 000 2 25; 2ds, 81 651 HO; extra peaches. 82 402 60; pie peaches. 81 05; finest corn, SI 251 40; Hid Co. corn, 6590c; red cherries, 90c81; Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 80c; string do, 6570c; marrowfat peas, SI 1081 25; soaked peas, 70 80c; pineapples, SI 301 40: Bahama do, S2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. SI GO: egg plnms, SI 75; California pears. 82 40; do green gages. 81 75; do egg plums. 81 75; extra frbite cherries, 52 40; raspberries, 95c81 10; strawber ries, 80c; gooseberries 85&90C: tomatoes, 85390c; salmon, 1-ft. 51 301 80; blackberries, COc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2-lb, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, S210; 14-ft cans, $14; baked beans, SI 401 50; lobster. 1-ft, SI 801 90; mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, 81 50: sardines, domestic, Js, S4 254 35: sardines, do mestic, lis, 86 757; sardines, imported, i Sll 5012"60; sardines, imported. Ks. SIS; sar dines, mustard. S3 35: sardines, spiced. S3 50. FISH Extra No, 1 bloater mackerel, 836 ft bbl; extra No. 1 do. mess, 840: extra No. 1 mack erel, shore, 828: extra No. 1 do, mess 832; No. 2 shore mackerel, 823. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c fl ft; do medium, George's cod. 6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 4Kc; do George's cod in blocks 6$7Kc Herring Ronnd shore, 83 60 fl bbl; split. 5ti 50: lake, S3 25 fl 100-ft bbL White fish, 88 50 ft 100-ft half ubl. Lake trout, 85 50 f) half bbl. Finnln haddock; 10c fl ft. Iceland halibnt, 13c ft ft. Pickerel, half bbl, S3 00; quarter bbl. 81 35; Potomac her ring, S3 50 ft bbl; 82 00 ft half bbl. Oatmeal ;5 005 23 fl bbL Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. Sales on call at tbe Grain exchange, 1 car sample oats, 34c, spot; 1 car No. 2 white oats, S4c, 10 days; 4 cars No. 2 white oats. 85c last half of Joly. Receipts as bulletined. 16 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, 3 cars of hay, 2 of malt, 3 of flour. By Pitts burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, J car of oats, 1 of corn, 1 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of wheat. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of hay. By Pittsburc and Lake Erie, 1 car of oats 2 of rye. The general drift of cereals is downward. Oats alone manage to hold their own. Futures are dull. Flour jobbers are ready to make concessions. A leading jobber reports that prices are reduced 25c per barrel this week. Hay is the weak factor of markets, prices steadily declining, and low grades have only a nominal value. No. 1 timothy was of fered at the Grain Exchange to-dayat 89 50. Clover hay is a drag and would hardly brine So a ton. Prices are for carload lots on track: Wheat New No. 2 red. 9091ci No. 3, 87 8Sc Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4041c; high mixed ear, 39K40No.2 yellow, shelled, 3838JScj high mixed shelled corn. 3737c Oats No. 2 white, 3435c; extra. No. 3, 33KS31c; mixed, 313-.'c Rte Wo. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 604261c; No. 1 Western, 6960c Floue Jobbiug prices Fancy winter and spring patents So 605 75: winter straight, 85 005 25: clear winter, U 75S5 CO; stnicht XXXX bakers', 84 251 50. Rye flour, S3 50 3 75. Milfeed Middlings, fine white. 815 50 16 00 fl ton; brown middlings, S13 SO 11 10; winter wheat bran, Sll 5012 00. HAY Baled timothy. No. I. S9 C09 50; No. 2 dn. $7 G0S 00; loose, from wagon, Sll U0 13 CO. according to quilirj: No. 2pr.iirio hay, SB 507 00; packing do, 56 006 0; olover hay, S4O05 00. hTRATT Oat, S3 757 00; wheat and rye, 16 00 6 25. Provisions. Bugar-curea hams, large, lOcj sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; angar-hams, small, UKc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c: sugar-cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoul ders EXci skinned shoulders, 7Mc; skinned bams, llK'; sngarcured California bams, 8c; sugar-cured-dried beef flats 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c; bacoD. shoulders. 6c; bacon, clear sides 7Kc; bacon, clear bellies. 7K dry salt shoulders, 5Kc: dry salt clear sides 7Kc Mess pork, heavy, 813 60-. mess pork, family, 813 50. Lard Refined, in tierces, 6Mc; half-barrels 6c; 60-ft tubs &Kc; 20-ft pails. 6c; 50-ft tin cans 5c; 3-ft tin pails 6c; 5-ft tin pails, 6c; 10-ft tin palls 6Vc Smoked sausaee, long, 6c: large, 5c Fresh pork, links 9c Boneless hams, 10&c Pies' feet, half-barrels 84 00: quarter-barrels. S3 15. MAEKETSBY WIEK Speculation Shows Slams of si Revival More Doing In lbs Windy City and Vnlnr Assnmo n Higher Level. CHICAGO Wheat There was a good specu lative demand to-day and a stronger feeling; with prices ruling somewhat higher all round. The market opened H lower than closing figures of yesterday, and then started up, ad vancing sharply and with scarcely any fluctua tions lJ4l?c, eased off somewhat with the de ferred futures declining more than July under heavier offerings, a.id closed lc higher for July. a for August and September and only c higher for December. The firmness was attributed to tbe large export clearances and the unfavorable crop reports coming from the Northwest. The decline later was owing to free selling orders from outside points Corn was fairly active most o( the session though there were times when there was little doing. The feeling prevailing was stronger and trading was at higher prices The advance was due almost exclusively to the heavy pur chases of a prominent local trader who bought July and September estimated as much as 2,000,000 bushels. The market opened a shade under the closing prices of yesterday, was easy for a time, then ruled stronger and closed hiirher than yesterday. Oats were stronger. Prices advanced K'sc from inside figures and closed with a net gam of !Kc over yesterday's close for Angust and September, but steady for other months PorK Only a moderate trade was reported. Prices declined 610c on thu near andl020c on tbe more deferred deliveries. Lard Trading was moderately active. At the opening sales were made at a slight reduc tion in prices At outside figures sales were more liberal at an advance of 57c and the market closed comparatively steady. Kibs More was doing. Prices were advanced 57cand the market closed comparatively steadv at medium figures. me leaoinc in turps ran sea as rouows: WHEAT No.'Z. Jnne. &42S6J01 JOIV, 80SB2itStXeBb4C; August, 85087c. Corn No. Jnlv. 3331Ji 1CLAi?$U'eC. OATS NO. Z. JnlJ.. '. 27V; 27K27K275ic: Auenst. 2fcU26Ji826iX20c: September. 26 20-K2526Kc Mess Pork, per bbl. Juiv. S12 65Q12 659 12 6O12 60; Auenst, 81260l2 601240I245; September. 812 S512 3513-3012 30. Card, per 100 fts-JuIv. 85 72K5 77K 5 705 75; Auensr. . $5 855 915"855 871 September. 85 976 02V5 956 00. SHORT RIBS, per 100 tts. July. Si 005 07Jf 5 0085 Oo; Antrust, 85 105 15o 105 lo. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull. No. 2 spring wheat, 86c; No. 3 spring wheat, 7479c; No. 2 red, 86Jic No. 2 corn, SVic No. 2 oats 27Kc No. i rye.lbc No. 2 barlev nominal: No. 1 flaxseed. SI 39. Prime timothy seeil. SI 3L Mw iiort-. pr 1M. $12 60. Lard, per 100 lbs., 85 72. Short ribs sides (loose). 85 005 05. Dry silted shoulders (boxed). 85 OOSo 10. Short clear sides (boxed), $5-35545. Sugars unchanged. On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter mirket was steady and unchanged. Eggs, 10llc NEW YORK Flour steady and more active. Cornraeal steady; yellow western. 2 152 45. Wheat Sppt Market dnll and unsettled, dosiDgeaiy: options moderately active: near months e lower; late months. jc up. clnsine steaay. Rye qnlet; Western, 5456c Barley dull; Western nominal; Canada, 60 72c Barley malt quiet; Canada, 75690c, Corn Spot stronger and fairly active; options dull and unchanged to He up and steady. Oats Spot firmer and dull; Options quiet and firmer. Hay about steady and quiet; shipping, 83 35: good choice, S90. Hops quiet and firm. Coffee Options opened steady and 5 points np to 10 points down and closed steadv and un changed to 5 point down; sales, 44,250 bags in cluding June, 17.2517.30c; July, 16.80S16.90c; August. IB. 4 fl)l.60t: September. 16.2516.30c; April, 153515.40c-spnt Rio du I and taJer; fair cargoes 20c; No. 7 flat bean, 18c b.igar Ran. dull i . rn lt- : refined quiet and steadv. Molasees F-Tiign nominal; 50 test, 19c; New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow steady. Rosin firm. Tnrpentine easier at 41T42c Ezgs qnlet and easy; Western, 14Ji"ic; re ceipts, 6,671 packages. Pork Moderately in demand and steady; mess, 813 2513 75; extra prime. 810 00910 60. Cutmeats firm. Pickled .bellies, 5Q5e: do shoulders 5c:do bams, 910c -Middles easy; short clear, 86 05. Lard opened weak and closed firm: Western steam, SS 00; sales L.250 tierces at Si 97K6 00; options sales 3.500 tierces; July. 85 90, closing at $599; Angust. S6 15. closing at 86 14; September. 86 24, closing, at 6 266 34. closing 86 26; October, 86 34.:cIoslng at Eo 36 bid; November. S6 23; De cember, 86 246 27, closing at 86 27. Bntter quiet; choice about steady; Elgin, 1616c: western dairy, 6llc: do creamery, 816c: do factory, 410c cheese easyaudin moderate demand: Western, 78c PHILADELPHIA Flour weak; Western win ter straight. S4 85g4 40; winter patents 84 90 6 00; Minnesota straight, fl 65; do patents, $5 00. Wheat Options strong and advanced c; choice milling grades scarce and firm, but de mand light; rejected. 7278c; fair to good mill ing, 8S933; prime to choice, 9598c; ungraded, in grain depot, 94c; No. 2 red. June, 90891c; Julv. 8990c; August, 88ts9Kc; September. 8889K?. Cora firm: ungraded mixed, in Twentieth street elevator, 41c: No. 3 mixed, in grain depot. 40c; No. 3 high mixed, in do, 41c; No. 3 yellow. In do, 41c: No. 3, in export elevator. 39c; steamer, in do. 40c: No. 2 high mixed, in Twentieth Street elevator. 42c; No. 2 mixed, in do, 41c; Ho. 2 mixed, in export ele vator. 41c; No. 2 mixed. June. 4141c; July, 4O04Uc; Augusr, 41K41c; September, 41Ji42c Oats Car lots sfeidy. but quiet; ungraded white, 34k34; No. 3 nhlte. 3i 34c; No. 2 white. 35c; futures beyond this month advanced c;No. n white. June. 34 85c; July, S5J4c: August, 32J3i$c; September, S031c Eggs firm; Pennsyl vania firsts lo16c ST. LOUIS Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat easier, except for August, wbich was higher. The opening was at declines of ?c; later on better markets elsewhere advanced it ljic: a gradual though irregular reerssion fol lowed np to near close, with July and December 1-lOc lower, bnt Angust e above yesterday: No. 2 cash, 8484c; Jnly closed at 84S45c; August. 83l; September, 84c; December. 8787c Corn opened at an advance of J c, closing 'Ac above yesterday; No. 2 cash, c; Jnlv closed at 33c; Angust, 32c; Sep t ember :S3c Oitsfirm, closing about same as jesterday; No. 2 cash, 2Sc bid; July. 28c: August, 27&C Rye, No. 2, 44c bid. Flaxseed strong; spot, SI 35; Ausrust and September. 81 3a Provisions dull. Pork, 81 15. BALTIMORE Wheat Western strong; No. 2 winter, red. tpot and June, 8s)c: July, cSVf KSXc; August. 8888c: September. SWi 88Kc Corn Western Arm: mixed, spot, June and July. 41c; August, 414I5sc; September, 4141&c: steamer. 36c Oats steady. Rye weak: choice, 5258c; prime. 5355c: good to fair, 6052c Hay weak. Provisions steady. Bntter active. Eggs firm at 1415c. MILWAUKEE Flour quiet. Wheat firm; No. 2 sprint?, on track, cash. 8283c; July, 83Jc;No. 1 Northern, 87c Corn firm; No. 3. on track, 35c Oats dnll; No. 2 white, on track, 29J4C ile quiet; No. 1, in store, 4747Jic Barley active; No. 2. in store, 49c Provisions firmer. Pork, 812 75. Lard, 85 72J Cheese steadv; Cheddars, 7J7Jc TOLEDO Wheat active and easier: cash, 8Sc; July. S8c: August, 87c; September, 87Ic; December. iSPAc Corn dull: cash. 35kc: August, Zfyic Oats quiet; cash, 29a Clorer seod dnll; cash, 83 40. ACTIVITY IK DEYGO0DS. Trade nt Present Much Better Than In Jane, of Last Year. Tbe movement In this, line continues active, and June's record promises to be ahead of last Jnne in volnme. Prices of staple goods are practically the same as they were a year ago. Already orders are coming in freely for fall trade. Tbe situation and outlook of tbe job bing drygoods trade were never in a healthier condition than thev are at this time. Said one of onr leading wholesale dealers yes terday: "Our business for tbe first half of the vear has been entirely satisfactory, and will show up fully as well as last year, when we had an extra good trade." Said a member of another firm, whose trade runs into the millions' "Our summer trade so far is f uliv up to expectations, and better than it was a year ago. There are a few lines of goods which are a shade higher than last sum mer, but in general prices are essentially the same as a year ago. Our trade shares in tbe general prosperity of tbe city, and from the present outlook I feel sure that the volume of goods handled by Pittsburg houses this year exceeds anythipg in the pasf." Free. Samples of Dr. Jliles' restorative Nervine nt Jns. Fleming & Son's Market St.. cures headache, nervonsness, sleepless ness, neuralgia, lit, etc. IMnlA'Q mysteries nre Ibe groundwork II1LMA O ofUUDYARD KIPLISG'rt In. lerestlosT story which will appoar exclusive ly la thoSaturday Issueof THKDISPATCH, i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. When baby was sick, we gave ner Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children.ihe gave them Castoria ao9-77-Hwysn 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBHRG, FJL. Transact a General BanMn Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers and Commer cial Credits LN STEELING, Available In all puts of the world. Alsolssua Credits LN DOLLARS For nse In this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Sonth and Central America. je8-155-MWT BROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. my2 JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO, 45 SIXTH ST., AUTHORIZED AGENTS. Treading English Investment Syndicates have money to invest .in American manufactories in large amounts only. e"57 JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks Bonds Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. mv29-81 3IEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENX AVENDE. PITTsBUKG. PA. As old residents know and back flies of Pitts, bnrg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases Sb?empreXnnsNOFEEUNTILCURED ML7DDI IC and mental diseases, physical 1 1 U n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack ot energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self di-trnst, bashfulness dizziness, sleeplessness pimples eruptions im poverished blood, failing powers organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?tasAaeruspl?onil blotches falllne hair, bones pains glandular, swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange UnlMnn I J ments weak back, graveL ca tarrhal discbarges inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatmen prompt relief and real cures Dr. Wbittier's life-long, extensive experlsnco Insures scientific and reliable treatmeu' on common-sense principles Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday. 10 A. H. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 81 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jeS-15-DSuwk issnag- How Lost! How Regained, KHOW THYSELF. '.L'H n acxxarcu ox Xaxi'ju AScientlflc and Standard Popular Medical Truths oa the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, Resulting from Folly, Vies Ignorance, Ex cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit ting the victim for Work, Business the Mar riage or Social Relations Avoid unskillful pretenders Possess this great work. It contains 300 pages royal 8vo. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1 by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, If you apply now. The distinguished antbor. Win. H. Parker. M. D., recelvedtbjB GOLD AND JEW. ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As. sociition, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be on suited, confidentially, by mail or in person, at the office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL IN. STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch SL, Boston, Mass., to whom all orders for books or letters for advica should be directed as above. aulS-67-TursuWle GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILI TY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. rnU particulars in pamphlet sent (Tee. The genuine U ray's Specific sold by druggists only la yellow wrapper. Pries H Pf package, or six for S3. orbymaiL on recelnt of Drlce. bv address ISC THE GRAY MLU1C1.NE CO, Bntralo, N. X Sold in Pittsburg by 8. S. HULL AN u. corner Smlthfleld and Liberty in. mb!7-l-DWk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALIST'S In all cases re- a airing scientific and confiden al treatmentl Dr. S. IC Lake, M. R. C. P. 8, is the oldest and most experienced specialist la the city. Consultation free and strictly confidential Office . no. .nil 7 to 8 p. M Sundavs. 2to 4 F. ILConsult them personally, or writer Docroaa LAXK or. Penn are. and 4th St., Pittsburg, Pa. je5S!i-DWl: "Wood's Fla.03gl3.oc1 HI fl 3. the OHEAT KVGLISH REMEDY. Used for 33 years by thousands suc cessfully. Guar anteed to cure all forms of Nervous or x onuiiui roiF and the excesses of later years. utvrt mmcaiatt strength andvifr Weakness Emis or. ASE druggist for Wood's Phos phodlne: takeno substitute. One sions spermator rhea. Imootencr. and all the eff acts. package, SI; six, 5. by mall. Write for pamphlet. Auoress A lie tooo. tocmicaibV'tw w .-.. ave Detroit, Mich. .OS-Sold in Plttsbnrg, Pa., by Joseph Fleming Sou. Diamond and Market sts. ap5-MWTSWkE-iwk TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors fartr decay, wasting weakness lost manhood, eta, I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work: should be read by every man who la nervons and debilitated. Address, Prof". F. C. JFO WXEK. aioodn,CoBB ocKMJ-SSuwk WB A If MANHOOD vtLntvin-,sixthelt&rallr restored, Varfeeccl mtd. Farts enlarged strenjrthened. St Homo TnailM sent free and seated. lSlTlMXefeb.i IddKM lECLUCBB DSTITCTE, 110113 wmiasi SL, X.T- lea-dO-bSUWi; 1 toevervman,young,mlddle-agedt . Dr. II. Du Mont, 331 Columbus Ave., Eoston.Maia, puue-ja-wjsuwat niLi&WBM. ltl.r saw Alter. roow irum bun ijiifiiaii, giiil fig .Q.8-1 .- r- 1 , f " J ' -,. J FRFF I 1 4 v v