H&ssnEi ?r " jrt" i 8 OLD MINES EEVIYED. Honey Made in Working the Claims Long Since Abandoned WITH THE IMPROVED METHODS. Other Talnalle Ore Beside Silver and Gold Kow Discovered. PROJECTS OF ENGLISH SINDICATES rerKCIAL TELEOBAM TO TH DISrATCIM Hew York, June 1. The following re ports hare been received from the leading mining centers of the TiVest : San Fbaucisco Many of the aban doned quartz lodes in Sierra and Kevada counties are being reopened and prospected below the old workings, and with modern , method and improved systems of mining and milling, some of them are again beoom ing paying properties. In Nevada county are a half dozen lodes that produced from $250,000 to $500,000 from near the surface, but as soon as a poor streak was encountered work was stopped and the mines have been idle for years. Beep mining was not considered necessary or profitable in carry days, and with one or two exceptions, none of the gold quartz mines was sunk more than 500 feet. The Gold Tunnel mine, for example, has been idle for ten years, but is now being re opened and worked on tribute. Thirty-siz tons of ore recently taken out from below the old levels yielded 51,515, or over $42 per ion. The Alaska mine in Sierra county ought to have paid, but it was badly managed, got into debt and was sold by the Sheriff two years ago to satisfy liens for labor. One hundred of the employes bought it in for $50,000, but having no working capital tbey could not operate the mine. The heavy snows of last winter crushed the buildings, the mine is full of water, three-fourths of the miners have left the camp and a mine that could be made to pay with good man agement is now a wreck. A large body of $50 ore has been struck in the Pacific mine at Plymouth, Amador county, and other xnines'in the vicinity are showing improve ment that promises prosperity in the dis trict NOT GETTING BICE. The development work is completed on the Mayflower mine. Placer county pay grave has been struck again, and the mill will start up in a few weeks. During the last 13 years the Mayflower Company has expended $1,256,000 and produced $600,000 worth of bullion. The sale to a syndicate of London capitalists of mining claims cov ering nearly two miles on Feather river, near Oroville, is to be followed at once by the establishment there of the largest mining operations in California. The bed of the river at this point was proved to be fabu lously rich in gold over20 years ago, and un told wealth is believed to have been depos ited there during the ages in which the waters which make up this stream have been sluicing the mountain sides. The loca tion is right in the midst of the richest of gravel deposits in this State. The entire river is to be diverted about a mile and a half by means of a dam and canal. The remaining water will be pumped out, and the bed of the river sluiced. Connected with these mining op erations are to be large irrigating works ex tending over several hundred thousand ncres. The purchase includes the Old Cape, Union Cape and Creek mining claims, which end about a quarter of a mile above Oroville. In 1857 extensive works were erected on these claims, and in 40 days $1,000,000 were taken out of Old Cape, and $250,000 ont of Union Cape. Then a flood destroyed these works, and active operations have sever been resumed. DISCOVEUT OF ANTIMONY; VlKGINIA Citt A valuable antimony mine has been located in the Toiyabe Moun tains, Lander county, 15 miles from the Jfpvada Central Eailroad. The vein is of great width and carries 60 per cent of metal. The owner found the mine 27 years ago, and thonght he had strnck silver, bnt when he learned that the metal was not silver he dropped the location in disgust. Autimony being in great demand now, the ore is worth about $60 a ton, loaded upon cars, and the owner is glad to take up his locat on again. Some beautiful specimens oi ore, snowing gold plainly, are daily selected from rock taken from the Eceser tunnel at Eocky Bar, which is pushing into the mountain energetically by Iiichan & Cronin. At Itockv Bar, Pearson, Alexon & Adams have been pushing devel opment work all winter in the Queen of the "West. They have, in their lower tunnel, followed the ledge a little over 300 feet into the hill, and the lace of the tunnel, which is 110 feet below the surface, is now in a body of ore six feet in wtdth, that prospects re markably well in gold. From 18 to 24 inches is very rich and has yielded by work ing process over $40 per ton. It is asserted that the vein that fed the noted Alder Gulch, in Montana, has been discovered. Over $60,000,000 has been taken from the placers of that gulch. AN IMPOBTANT STBTKE. Silveb City A strike has been made in the Emporia mine at Crafton, in the northern part ot Sierra county, which may make it an important gold camp. The vein is about 20 feet wide, but the pay streaks, of which there are several, are narrow. The ore found in these narrow streaks is very rich, and not unlike that found last summer on the Cuchillo, in Sierra county, which for a time caused a great deal of excitement These ore streaks, however, proved to be too narrow to work profitably, but in the Em poria, where several are found in the same rein, they will undoubtedly prove remuner ative. The northern part of Sierra county has been steadily coming to the front as a mining region tor three or four years, but Tery rapid strides have been made there within the past six months. DENVER. Workmen in the Early Bird nt "White Pine, on last Saturday struck a body of low grade manganese ore. The old find near Bed Cliff seems to be similar to the Farnsenet Hill find. Placer yields show that the gold released from the local veins has not traveled, nor has it been much wash worn. There is more activity in San Juan county and Bed Mountain than for a num ber of years, and the output of ore is the largest ever known at this season of the year. The output for the year promises to be double that of former years. The daily output is nearly 100 tons. Nearly all the big pro ducers in Ute Creek, near Idaho Springs, have been compelled to curtail their output owing to the prevalence of a large quantity of water caused by melting snow. A similar State of things exists in a number of other prominent camps, and it will require sev eral weeks belore the annoyance can be done away with. A telegram receired here from Granite announces the discovery of a foot vein of silver ore in the Creole. The new mining develop ments going on in the heart. of Lead ville are proving a great success. The New Discovery is now down 115 feet and is in fine ore. The management of the Elk met lime on Monday after sinking a distance of 235 feet A fine body of ore has been encountered in the Big Six which will prove most remunerative for the lessees. The Excelsior, Myrtle and Jnno claims, which are known under the title of the Ex celsior group, it is expected, will shortly be purchased by A LONDON SYNDICATE for a half million. Negotiations are now pending. Over 200 tons of argentiferous iron ore has been shipped out of the Big Pittsburg so far this month. Tucson Mr. H. D. Jenkins has just re turned from England and comes back ss the manager lor a wealthy syndicate. His company-Intend investing large amounts of capital in American industries and will at once establish an office in 6in Francisto. This company have in view as their first venture a valuable piece of mineral land in Mexico. The Barranco Company's mines of Santa Clara, Sonora, have beeu'bonded for six months for $200,000. The men who have the bond will construct a railroad from Guarmas to Coal fields. They expect to begin work on the road within six months. The road will pass through a country rich in gold and silver and capable of being opened np on a large scale. The work on the Mam moth mine is goinc ahead smoothly, and the greatest depth was reached last week when they reached the 500-foot level. On making a cross cut at the 300-foot level they met a vein 33 feet wide and of remarkable rich ness. Every new point demonstrates the tact that the mine is a mass of veins of the richest of ore. FOR NERVOUS DISEASES Uan nonford'a Add Phosphate. Dr. F. G. Kelly. Alderton, W. T says: "I have prescribed it In a large number of cases ot restlessness at night, and nervous diseases gen erally and alsn in cases of indigestion cansed by lack of sufficient gastric juice ot the stom ach, with marked success, and consider it one ot the best remedies known to the professional world." Gingham Reduced. 15c ginghams, best goods, to go at lljc a yd; 20c sateens to go at llc Sale begins Monday morning. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Worth Seelns. 50c dress goods, double width, reduced to 29c Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Pittsburg BeeiCo., wholesale agents for Swift's Chicago dressed beef, sold for week ending May 31. 210 carcasses of beef; average weight, 625 lbs; average price, 7.10 cents. Important lo Bayers. All remnants of dress goods, wash goods, sateens, silks and ribbons to go at half price on Monday, June 2. Enable & Shusteb. Read This. Surah silks, all colors, including blacks, 34c; 25-inch India silks, 69c. Sale begins Monday, June, 2. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. EIGITEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. No Let Up More Crowded Than Ever Come As Early in the Day n You Can to Avoid the Knh Odo of tho Gi-entcmt Bankrupt Anslcnen's Clothing: bale That Hoi Ever Taken Plnce In Pitts bars Now Going on at 546 Wood Street. Salesroom crowded all day. Don't fail to come at once. Come as early in the day as you can. Packed to the doors and hun dreds had to be turned away besides. Noth ing like it ever before in the history of the clothing trade. A chance of a lifetime. Don't miss this great bankrupt assignee's sale. It has taken the people of Pittsburg and surroundings by surprise. Everybody delighted and overjoyed at the marvelous bargains they are getting. And well they might be. This immense stock of magnifi cent clothing for men, youths, boys and children all bright, new and tasty clothing is selling at 35 per cent on the dollar of manufacturing cost An actual saving of 65 cents on each and every dollar spent. Since the sale began tiie salesroom has been filled with eager peo ple from all parts. The cry all over the salesrooms all day long was "Cash," "I'll take this suit," "Please wrap up these trousers," and so on, until late at night The clothing buyers find out in a very short time where their dollars "go farthest," and where tbey get more for the money than they expect So don't fail to attend this great bankrupt assignee sale. If you value your money you will not miss this chance. We mention a few of the many bargains you can obtain, and remember this great sale will last for a short time only. Asplent did snit of men's clothes for $3 99; this sui is well made, all to match, latest style and really worth $13. Men's tweed cassimere spring suits that are sold in any regular clothing store in Pittsburg for $15 and $16 are sold here at $4 60. English diagonal dres suits worth $25, sold here at $6 50. Elegant Prince Alberts, worth $45, sold here at $11 50. Meu's trousers, worth $5, sold here at $1 60. Men's fancy stripe dress pants, worth $7 50, sold here-it$2 50. Foreign wide wale worsted dress suits, worth $38, sold here at $12 50. A f nil line of hats, including Fedora styles, in the latest shades, at 99 cents, and many other bargains that cannot be mentioned here. A chance for such wonderful bargains occurs ouly once in a lifetime. Remember the ad dress, 546 Wood street, one door from Sixth avenue, opposite new Bank of Commerce building, Pittsburg, Pa. During the great sale of clothing the sales room will remain open until 9 at night and Saturday until 11 P. ST. Bichabd Maxtby, Esq., Assignee. Grent Cot In Prices Of coats, wraps and jackets; also, summer dresses, Monday morning. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Sfooday ItTorntnc Best qualities of India silks, $1 and $1 25 grades, 25 inches wide, to go at 69c a yd. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Filth ave. Sacrifice Sale To begin on Monday morning, June 2, at Enable & Shuster's, 35 Fifth ave. Sacrifice of India Silks. 19-inch goods, regular 45e quality, to go at 29c a yd. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. TJ&C0BS OH. CURES PERMANENTLY RHEUMATISM. Suffered for Nearly 30 Tears. 187 N. Chester bt, Baltimore, Md. For nearly 80 years I suffered with rheum, torn In arm and shoulder; could not lift my arm. Less than two bottles of Et Jacobs Oil enred me. W. H. HEESON. Of Many Tears' Standing. Gadsden, Crockett Co., Tenn. My case was rheumatism uf many years' standing, contracted during the war; tried most everything without relief. St Jacobs Oil finally cured me. FEED. BOGGE. AT DkUOOISTS AMD TJEiXXRS. THE CHABLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltimore. Ha, THi8 is an Age of Apollinaris Water." Walter BtscuU. Apollinaris ."THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.1? AHEEI0AH PDBLI0 HEALTH ASS00IATI0H. Extract from tht Report at tht PoOUttn ef Wattr Suffha. "Typhoid fever in oar dries Is So a great part 3ne to the sewage in the water supply. I "We cannot shut cor eyes to the relation which exists between sewage in cor streams and typhoid fever in the cities that are supplied by them." "Thirty thousand people die of typhoid fever annually m the United States of America." " 77it purity of Apollinaris Wattr off art tht best security cgainst the dangers which art common to most of tht ordinary drinhng waters." MlDICAL RECORD. APOLLINARIS. "The annual con. tumptitm of this favorite beverage affords a striMngproofofthe -widespread demand which exists for table water of absolute purity.' 'Medical Journal. NOTICE. TheweU-hurmn Yellow Labels of the Apollinaris Company, Limited, are protected by Perpetual Injunctions cf the 'Supreme Court. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS THE THE "WORLD'S PAIS AHD EEL1GI0H. 4n Immense Tabernacle Spggested for Con certs and Religions Exercises. Chicago, June 1. The Eev. David Utter has a proposition for the World's Fair. He says: "There should be on the fair grounds a great tabernacle, wherein say 20,000 people might assemble, which could be used week days as a concert hall, but Sunday it should be used as a great temple for the religiously-inclined ot all faiths. "The services might go on all day, say, at 9 o'clock Sunday morning a representative Scandinavian minister might preach and the hymns, prayers and all be in that language. Then at 11 o'clock might be an English preacher of a particular denomina tion At 2 o'clock there could be a French service: at 4 o'clock a German service and so on all through the day, the different de nominations haying "their turn and the different langnages a regular honr. I doubt if the Boman Catholics would b willing to enter into such a com pact, but it would undoubtedly be a great treat to hear some of their famous pulpit orators if it could be arranged so that they conld assist at a celebration of the mass ac cording to the Chaldaic rite or theMozarbic rite or any of the rarely seen rites of the Eastern Catholics in the Boman obedi ence." HHITAET C0HPETITIVE DBILL Over 2,000 Soldiers Expected at the Kansas later-State Contest. Eansas City, June 1. The inter-State military and competitive drill begins here to-morrow. The numerous prizes have at tracted many of the crack companies all over the country, and preparations have been made for an attendance of 2,000 men. The camp was established to-day on the grounds of the Kansas City Trotting Asso ciation, and was named Camp Holmes. The viutors will, be housed in 600 tents loaned by the State of Eansas, and Adjutant General Bobbins, of Eansas, will be the en campment commander. A. parade ground has been prepared directly in front of the grand stand. Electric Storm In Ohio. Sandusky, June 1. A thunder storm passed over this place yesterday morning and the telegraph switch-board in the Western TTnion was destroyed and the building damaged. James Truesdale's barn at East Monroeville was also struck and burned by lightning. femokcr'a Hrnrt. Dr. Flint's Remedy wards off death from those who have developed a "smoker's heart" through the use of tobacco, rendering that organ liable to rupture at any time. Descriptive treatise with each bottle. At all druggists, or address Alack Drug Co.. N. Y. mot Underwear Ucdnctlons. 37c ribbed vests to go at 23c: 17c ribbed vests to go at 12c; gloria silk umbrellas, (1 50; men's 50c ties to go at 29c. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth are. Ono More Week. Hendricks & Co., photographers, No. 68 Federal st., Allegheny, will give an 8x10 photograph of yourselt or children with every dozen of cabinets. Be sure and get one. Good cabinets, ?L naif Price! Half Price!! All remnants of dress goods, ginghams, challies, silks, sateens and ribbons to go at half price on Monday. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. 213 People Photographed On Decoration Day at Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Monday will be the day; dont miss it. A perfect slaughter. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. In the Spring Nearly everybody needs a good medicine. The impurities which nave accumulated in the blood during the cold months must be ex pelled, or when the mild days come, and the effect of bracing air is lost, the body is liable to be overcome by debility or some serious dis ease. The remarkable success achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the many words of praise It has received, make it worthy your confidence. It is the "ideal Spring Medicine." "Last spring I was completely fagged out. My strength left me and I felt sick and miser able all the time, so that I could hardly attend to my business. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me. There is nothing like it." R. C. Beqole, Ed itor Enterprise, Belleville, Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla - Sold by all druggists, SI; six for 5. Prepared only by C. L HOOD fc CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar DOUGLAS MACKIE Have purchased an Importer's entire stock of Ladles' Beaded Wraps. They range in size from 82 to O. The lobber's price for these goods was 2 SO. Our price Is only SI 13 each. There's only 323 of them. So come soon, if you wish to participate. And along with these will be shown another Importer's stock of Rich Irish Point Lace Cur tains. Theneed no word of praise from ns, suffice it to say that all season these goods have sold at $15, 20 and $25 a pair. The price we paid for them will enable ns to offer them to you at 18 GO. S10 SO and $12 60 a pair. Just 178 pairs of them, and they're beauties. And all over our extensive stores new and seasonable goods, 'all at money-saving prices to our customers. DOUGLAS &c ZMZ-A-CZKIIE!, 151, 153 and 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. je2-XWT JABPERW0CKY (For Further Information see "Alice in the Looking-Glass.") JABBERWOCKY is th title of one of the most nonsensical rhymes ever written. We have here used the whimsical word to catch your eye and direct yonr attention to some practical good sense. WHERE TO BUY SHOES. ' Never has Pittsburg been better supplied with Shoe houses. Ever since we started in our enterprising way to benefit the public, they have sprung up like mushrooms. It is one thing to lead and another to imitate. If the imitation is palpable the bright sense of the public will see through it very quickly. Take a look into our Retail Stores and tell us what is your impression of our style of doing business. Do you see anything lacking, either in stock or means for doing a big trade? Or do you find any prices more satisfactory? As we bring the most Shoes into Pittsburg and dispose of them, too, it Btands to reason that we have ascertained the public wants. As we sell closer than others, we have ganged the public purse. As we cater to them in good style, we hold the public pulse. Such a summer stock as we carry never entered the realms of leather, and we hare the confidence to know that the prices are popular judging from the patron age increasing at all points. Before making all your preparations for the summer jaunt come and be shod in a proper manner and at propervprices. It won't cost yon anything to make a tour of observation at our stores. "W. J&- New Eetail Store, 433 Wood street. Wholesale House, 515 Wood street. "Kr PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TEE CENSUS-TAKEK. Are Ton Prepared to Intelligently and Cor r.ectly Answer Him About Yourself When He Calls? The census-taker will make his calls to-day. He will ask you many questions, among others. If you have property that is mortgaeed, and whether you are suffering from any acute or chronic disease. Do you intend to answer him, and if so. what will you say T Few people know their own condition and whether they are sick or well. Of course, they know whether they suffer from headaches, loss of appetite, sleep lessness, etc.: whether they are iu pain or free from pain, but whether this means disease or the coming on of disease tbey cannot answer. To all such let us say right here that these things do mean the coming on of disease. They are the indications of malaria In the system, which, unless driven out, will shorten the life and make it miserable. Tbey are nature's pro test and cannot be neglected with safety. But the trouble with many people is that when these" symptoms appear tbey do not understand what they .mean, and so neglect them. They dp not need any powerful medi cine, bnt they do require prompt assistance. How then can they best be assisted? By gentle stimulation. All the leading physicians of the day agree in this. A pure stimulant whiskey nrAfprartlvta1rfn in moderation. Will tone nn . the system so that it can throw off the virus of coming disease, nut just nere is a most lm- fiortant point. The good effects of the stlmu ant employed depend absolutely on its purity. If it is not pure it poisons the system instead of assisting it, ana nere is wnere too many people make their great mistake; they do not discrim inate. If you would know what to do under these circumstances, take the word of the highest authorities in the land. Prof. Henry A. Mott, Prof. William T. Cutter. Dr. Hutchinson and many other eminent men agree that for the qualities of purity and worth, nothing has ever equaled Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. These qualities are what render it so far superior to any and all other so-called whiskey. Tbey are the secret of its power. Under its influence the system can be toned up and strengthened without Inju rious reaction or the formation of any habit. It tends to renew life in the aged and restore it to those In middle life. For women, especially, who are weak, languid or suffering, as most women are, it is almost invaluable. Such are the beneficial qualities of this article, which years of popular favor have proven ana con firmed. The question of what answer shall be given the census enumerator is of less Importance to men and women than the question they should ask themselves, namely: "In wbat condition am I to-dayT Am I perfectly soond and well in body and in mind? Am I strong and vigorous, and is life a constant pleasure to met If so, I am Indeed happy, but if not, and I feel weary, despondent, unhappy, I need must have assistance." That the assistance required should be pure, gentle and health-giving there can be no doubt, and that the remedy abovo named posesses these qualities has been proven beyond a doubt. Color) rated Grand DENVER RANGE. Sold by all stove dealers. Manu factured by GRAFF, HUGUS & CO., 632 and 634 Liberty street mhWt-MWP ick Stop THE ONLY SAFE MEDICINE THAT WILL- CURE ANY HEADACHE IN 15 MINUTES. Warranted to Cure. mhl9-50-MWF THOMSON'S IMPROVED GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS Possess the highest degree of merit. Fifteen grades and three lengths (snort, medium and extra long) to choose from. Con- tAnt imnrovementi in Shanes. jrtxj uua NEW SMOOTH FLAT SEAM. HAVE MADE THOMSON'S GLOVE -FITTING The Most Popular of Any. A Perfect Fit and Absolute Comfort Guaranteed. LANGD0N, BATCHELLER & CO., Successors to Thomson, Langdon fc Co., New York, Sole Manufacturers. For sale by first-class dealers throughout the United States. mh21-53-MWJ- LAIRD. Mammoth Bargain Shoe StoreB, Noa 406, 408 and 410 Market street ' ui-kmun I Jill ifli Sa MONDAY, JUNE 2, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 150 CASES OF CATARRH Successfully Treated by the Catarrh Specialists at 323 Penn Avenue During the Fast Week. That the publlo have come to f nlly realize that the Catarrh ana Dyspepsia Institute is the only Institution in Pittsburg where Catarrh is permanently cured Is proven by the rapidly in creasing patronage which it Is receiving. From early in the day until late at night the parlors are filled with patients. The hundreds of testi monials that have been published in tho daily pacers are from patients who havo suffered From Catarrh In Its most aggravated chronic form, and which, In some cases, had developed into consumption. A very satisfactory coinci dence is, that a large proportion of patients who apply for treatment were recommended by their friends who had been permanently enred at this medical Institution. , Mr. Fred iiann, a resiueni m ouarpouurK, and well known throughout Allegheny county and Western Pennsylvania, has for years been a victim of catarrh and dyspepsia. His stomach gave bim an endless amount of trouble. He bad belching f gas from bis stomach after eating, sour taste, and often felt like vomiting his food. His appetite was poor? and as bis liver was much enlarged it gave him great pain. In fact, he would often be taken with such sharp cramps and pain across his stomach and bowels it seemed as If he could not live. He bad palpitation of the heart, dizziness, weakness and pain across the small of his. back, and a nnmb, lifeless feeling in his limbs. He could get but little sleep, and as every change of weather gave him a cold, he took on a lineering cough. His breath became short and be felt pain and soreness in his lungs and under his shoulder blades. Night sweats weakened bim very fast, and he gradually grew worse until he lost 30 pnnnds of flesh. Mr. Fred Mahn; Having a wife and two small chil dren whom be dearly loved, depend ing on him for a living, and hav ing spent all bis money in doctoring to no avail, not being able to work, he became discouraged and disheartened, and often became so melan choly that he would feel tempted to jump into the river and thus end bis suffer ing. One day he noticed in the paper an account of a patient who had been cured by the catarrh specialists at 323 Penn avenue of conditions that seemed similar to bis own. He resolved to call on these special ists. He did so, and was told he could yet be cured. Although be had but little faith, he re solved to try once more, and after taking a course of treatment became cured. He says: "The above history of my disease and enre is true in every respect. I had received treat ment from 20 physicians, yet gradually grew worse, and for one year before beginning treat ment with these physicians I was scarcely able to do any work. I have now worked hard for the past two months, feel well and strong, and -words do not express the joy I feel that my life has been spared and health restored. I hereby sign my name, FRED HAHN." Please bear in mind that THESE SPECIAL ISTS HAVE BUT ONE OFFICE, and which is PERMANENTLY LOCATED at 323 Penn avenue. Also please remember that this is the only institution in Putsburg where only Catarrh, Dvspepsia and Diseases of 'Women are re ceived for treatment, preferring to treat these diseases successfully rather than attempt to core all diseases. Office hours, 10 A. it. to 4 P. Jr., and 8 to 8 T. K. Sundays. 12 to i p. u. Consultation free to all. Patients treated suc cessfully at home by corresnondence. Send two 2-cent stamps for question blank and ad dress all letters to the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue. Fittsbnrg. my26-MWTSSu Protect You Horse. Horseshoe ing helnjr a most Import ant operation it is necessary that all shoers should under stand the con struction and diseases of the foot. Thewant of knowledge and skill of shoeing often enerate many diseas es, such as corns, quarter and c enter crack, which are very annoying. Attention given road, track and Interfering horses, lean supply the public in general with the celebrated "Good Enough" horseshoe. I also manulactnre a HOOF OINTMENT guar anteed to keep horses1 feet in good condition niy9-58-MWT ANUKEW PAFKNBACH. Latest improved Spectacles and Eye Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eves. KOBNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No 0 Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. lb8fiL de2&8 THE DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE Has been removed to corner Smithfield and Diamond sts. mh-117 THE PITTSBURG BRIDGE CO, ROOF TRUSSES, BUILDINGS, GIRDERS, IJST IRON AND STEEL. TladLorty--EgL-tl3L St;z?ee-b. my27-78-P y TRADE IS FLOURISHING -AT- IKI IE IE Why should it not? Why should the people not buy their Carpets and Furniture there, where they can get the best goods for the least money, and the most liberal terms of squaring up accounts? Verily, Keech's big trade runs on as naturally as does the Ohio River. To buy here once means to buy always. KBBOH'S CASH AND CREDIT HOUSE, 923r92S IFiEI&rasr AYE. 1 . 1890. NEW APTEH.TISEMENTS. GAEPETS, WALL v PAPER. BIG STOCK. y NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES In all new choice styles. Also Portieres, Cur tains, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc. Oome and see us. It will be to your inter est We show 50 styles of Linoleum In all qualities, and all grades of Carpets and Wall Paper. Geo.W.Snaman, 136 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. fel7-113-MTVJ PHOTOGRAPHER. 18 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait ts SO; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, ft and 12 60 per dozen. PBOilPT DELIVERY. apB-3-MWFSa STEAMERS AND EXCURSIOfin. -m"mrji: ai ak ual- KOK QUJCENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Koyal and United States Mall Steamers. Teutonic May2a,l2s30pmrTentonlc, June 2S, 11am Britannlc,Juue4,6.30 am Britannic, July 2. 4 nm 'Majestic Juno 11. 1 pm MajetlcJuly9,ll:30am Germanic Je. 18.8.30 aralOcrinanlc July 16,4 pm JTrom White Star dock, loot of West Tenth it. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon ratei, tea and upward. Second cabin. S40 and upward, according to steamer and location orbertn. Ex cursion tickets on favorable pezmu Steerage, t20. White Star drafts payable on demand in all the principal banks throughout Ureat Britain. Ap ply WJCHNJ. MCCOKMICK, C39 and 401 Smith field St., mttsburg, or J. BKtiCE 1SUA1, Gen eral Agent, 41 Broadway, New Yore apl-D ANCHOR LINE. Atlantio Express Service. LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship CI1 Y OF KOMKfrom New Tork, SAT URDAY, May 31, June 28. July 26. August 23. Saloon passage tCO to tlOO; second class, S30. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Stturday from New York to GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry or Liv erpool, (50 and (60. Second clas, (30. Steerage passage, either service t-"0. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers1 circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount issued at lowest current rates. For booksor tours, tickets or further Information apply to HENDERSON BKOMIEKS. N. Y., or J. j; MCCORMICK, S39 and 401Smltbfleidst.:A. D. SCORER & SON. 415Smlthfleld st , Pittsburg; W. SKMFLE, Jr., 165 federal St., Allegheny. ap29-54-MWT CUNARD LINE-NEW YORK AND LIV ERPOOL. VIA QUEENSTOWN-From Pier 40 North river: Fast express mail service. Bothnia.June 4.6.20am Etruria, J une 21. 8 a m Umbna, June 7.8.30 am Servia,June 14, 2 pm. Gallia, Jnne 18, 6.30 am Aurama, June a. ipm Bothnia, July 2. 6 am Umbrla, July 5,7.30 am Will not carry sreerace. Cabin passage $60 and upward, according to location: intermediate, $35 and HO. Steerage tickets to and from all parts o Europe at very low rates. For freight and passage apply to the company's office, i Bowlin; Qreen, New Yorfe. Vernon H. Brown & Co. . J. J. MCCORMICK, 639 and 40l Smithfield street. Pittsburg. ap21-41-D -VfORDllETJTSCHER LLOYD 8. B (JO IN Established 1857. Fast Line of Express Steamers from N E W YORK for SOUTHAMP TON, LONDON and BREMEN. The fine steamers SAALE, TRAVE, ALLER, EIDER, EMS, FOLD A WERRA ELBE and LAHN of 5,500 tons and 6,000 ti 8,500 horsepower, leaves NEW YORK on WEDNESDAYS and SAT URDAYS for SOUTHAMPTON and Bremen. TIME From NEW YORK to SOUTHAMP TON. 7J days. From SOUTHAMPTON to BREMEN, 2f orSO hours. From SOUTHAMP TON to LONDON, by Southwestern Railway Co., 2 hours. Trains every honr of the sum mer season. Railway carnages fur London await passengers Southampton Docks on arri val Express steamers from New Yorfc. These steamers are well-known for their speed, com fort, and excellent cuisine. OELRICHB A CO., 2 Bowling Green, New York. MAX SCHAMBERG & CO., 527 Bmithfleld street, Jal6-72-D i Agents for Pittsburg. STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin, London derry, Liverpool and London. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 133 to 150. according to locatloa 01 state-oom. Excursion S65 to S95. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates, "State of California" building. AUallN BALDWIN & CO.. oeneral Agents, 53 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, 639 and 401 Smithfield St.. Pittsburg. Ps. mhl2-S0-D C IE3 I mufmrMkwtw i - mrmL s 5JSVV ADYERT1SK3IEXTR. MANNS' DAILY June mm feme i ii THIS LETTER EXPLAINS ITSELF. . j9;&7Ci0t7j6v& h 1. ffeuffiti ' t lW ' yr-r fc-s-'" -f-v" r- . XVr s -.. y,rr stSM,. IKunZ fa frcs C&V&c. ' C4-S 'rUcCco , -v t-&retK?irA- . Kr-T - I OTM HOUSE Iff IS CITT Would have had the grit and courage to buy thus late in the season 4,215 Suits at one time, and, what is more, no other house would have had the necessary cash and outlet to even think of engaging in such a gigantic transaction. Well.theGoods Are Now Here But, if Messrs. S. & J. Werner think that we intend to make a profitable disposition of these goods, they greatly mistake our method of doing business. The fact is, we have marked the goods at an advance on the price we paid for them that will barely cover our expenses of this tran saction. But, then, our only object in making this big purchase was to create a big excitement, and thus give our Men's Clothing Department the most thorough and effective advertisement it could possibly get With this end in view, we will Commence This Morn ing to Give Choice w For :: From this entire line of 4,215 Men's Fine All wool Sack and Frocli Business and Dress Suits. Without the slightest fear of successful contradiction, we here state that the other Pittsburg Clothiers who bought these at the start of the season at regular prices paid from $2 "to $4 more per Suit than what we now offer them. This fact, then, makes competition impos sible comparison useless. As for the cut patterns and materials of these Suits.they are the very best and latest. Again, EVERY SUIT IS WARRANTED TAILOR-MADE , This, as a rule, means first-class make, good trimmings and a per fect fit Taken in all, this certainly is the greatest Suit Sale of aodern times. Another opportunity of this nature will probably not again present itself in a lifetime. KaTimanns Fifth Avenue and CARD OF REASON, 2, 1890, j-c . . - - Mytkjs ')fi&w&2 Snrythd Street Uf. cJpp&mm . T - .? a. wrttptszfs AW m4 J mi "T 1ZK r '' bS'isM;. few