Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 30, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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' A Baise in Bessemer Figures at Pitts
burg Greatly Helps the
Pi? Iron, However, Remains in About the
Same Condition.
New Toek, May 29. The Iron Age in
Its issue to-day prints the following :
The sudden change for the better in Pitts
burgh in Bessemer pig billets and wire
rods has not been without its effect upon
the Eastern markets. It has relieved them
of a strain under which they had been suf
fering. The low prices made were dictated
by Pittsburg and Wheeling, adding freight.
The Eaftern markets maintained a level
higher by the cost of delivering from Fitts
burjr to common point. The rise there allow
the Eastern works to control their own market
once more. The scare Is over and a more con
fident feelin.c prevails.
American Pig The market In this vicinity
remains quiet, the volumo of business being
moderate. The supnly of foundry Irons which
this market 19 almost exclusively Interested in
continues ample, except Jf o. 1, ot which grade
the Alabama furnaces have relatively Hitle to
offer. We continue to quote JlSglO for Xo. 1
and f 171S for No. 2 Northern, and 116 7o17 25
for No. land J1616 50 for No. 2 Southern
foundry iron.
Splegeleisen and Ferro-Manganese The
chance in the feeling In the West is illustrated
in a recent occurence. A steel works, through
an importer, offered for resale a lot of 1,000 tons
of Spiegeleiscn to arrive aslowas $33,Pittsburg.
A counter offer of S32 was made, and declined.
Now the seller has withdrawn even at the fig
ure first named. There has been more active in
quiry for Ferro. some of the Western steel
mills being in the market for tbe third quarter
of tbe year. Sellers quote from J75 to S&O for 80
per cent. For immediate delivery S3 has been
Billets Transactions of some magnitude
have been made, but details are withheld.
Some sellers ask SSOatmilL Nail slabs were,
until a few days since, offered as low as t23 at
Duvers' mill.
Wlro Rods No business is reported. One
Pittsburg mill, which sold as low as $3S about
two weeks since, is now asking HL
Steel Ralls The market is very qniet and
dell, with comparatively few orders in sight for
ilio Eastern mills. Pittsburg makers are re
ported to be suffer. Up to May 1 the sales re
ported were 1,020,023 gross tons, but wbatis more
important, the deliveries to tbe date aggregated
461,211 tons by the reporting mills. It is
not estimating too high to place tbe total rail
deliveries, including light rails, at close upon
550,000 tons. This is at the rate of 825,000 tons
for the first h Jf of the year, whilo last year the
output of the first six months was only 612.653
tons, while it as 827.792 tons during tbe second
half. In other vords in spite of the feeling so
prevalent that the rail trade has been relatively
slow, the tonnage is equal to that of the second
half of last j car. and l ar in advance of that of
tho first half of 1889. Wo continue to quote the
market nominally at nil 00S1 50.
Structural Material There is a little better
feeling. We quote 2.15ll)c for plate. 2.15
2.25c for angles. 2.5S2.6C lor tees and 3.1c for
beams and channels.
Fastenincs We quote spikes, $1 902: angle
tars SI TSgl 80, and bolts and nuts. $2 S03.
Old Rails Western inquiries continue to he
the feature. There is also some demand from
Southern mills. Wo note a sale of 600 tons at
Jeihey City at J23. We quote K323 50.
Prices Over There Are About the Same,
With Very Little Business.
New York, May 29. Tbe Iron Age in its
issue of to-day printed tbe following from Lon
don: There have been no important developments
in the speculative branch of tho iron trades,
and practically no market in Scotland since
Wednesday. There is further talk
ot furnaces going out, but those
reports iiavo little effect except to
rause" buyers of Cleveland to hoiu back.
Scotch warrants eacd off Tuesday to 41r 7a
ana Cleveland to 40s bd. Hematites sold at
3s SdgSSs 6d. Makers' prices for most brands
of Scotch pig are rather steadier, as arc also
those lor hematite pic. but Cleveland is selling
at a further Might decline. Speigcleisen prices
have firmed un in response to rather better
demand. Steel, except in the form of rails, is
in 119 better demand, and prices are still un
settled. A further decline of 2s 6d is quoted
on wire rod.
Tin plate has had rather better demand and
prices are stiffen Bujcrssceiu more inclined
to take hold at sellers' late Scores, and in
quiries havo been made for largo lots. On
actual sales there is one-third advance over last
week's prices all along tho line. Block tin is
taken Tor consumption in fair quantities, but
speculation is moderate at present. Prices
weakened somewhat o wine to lack of outside
intercsr, but have since recovered.
In copper there has been a large business
and pi Ices are again higher all along the line,
with 15-i advance on bars. French holders
have realized, but in a careful manner and
without detrimental bearing upon the market.
American Manufacturer's Cable Quotations.
Scotch Pig There has been little fluctuation
In warrants or in makers' iron. Speculation
quiet and the consumptive demand without
No. lColtncss....
No. 1 Sumnicrlee.
...65s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow
...64s. 6d. f. 0. b. Glasgow
...62s. Oik Co. b. Glasgow
...65s. Od. f. 0. b. Glascow
....46s. Gd. f. o. b. Glasgow
,.65s. Od .f. o. b. Glasgow
jo. 1 Oartsheme ....
No. 1 Lancloan
No. 1 Cambroe
No. IShotts
No. 1 Glcugamock...
No. 1 Dalinclllngton .
No. 1 Eglmton. .......
04s. Go. atArdrossan.
.53. Od. atArdrossan.
.47s. Od. atArdrossan.
Bessemer Pig Hematite warrants have kept
at about 53s. 3d.53. 6d. Makers' prices show
ing little chance and demand still moderate.
"West Coast brands Nos. 1, 2, 3 at 57s. f. o. b.
shipping point.
Middlesbrough Pig Less pressure this week
to sell, and only Might movement iu prices for
makers' Iron or warrants. .Makers' quote 4K
8d. for No. 3, free on board.
Sniegclciscn Prices are rather higher and
the market is somen hat more active. English
20 per cent quoted at 97s. 6d. f. o. b. at works.
Steel Wire Hods There has been a further
shading of prices without improvement in
sales. .MUd steel. No. 6, quoted at 8 10s. f.
o. b. shipping port.
Steel Kail--The demand has continued fairly
active and prices are steay. Heavy sections
quoted at 15 f. a. b. shipping point.
Steel Blooms Market remains dell and
still unsettled. Bessemer 7x7 quoted at 4 17s.
6d. f. n. b. shipping point.
Steel Billets There is little business and
prices are nominal. Bessemer (size 2Jx2K)
quoted 5 2s. 6J. I. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Slabs Demand very slow and the mar
ket still ratbor weak. Oidinary sizes quoted
at 5 7s. Od. f. 0.I1. shipping point
Crop Enrt There is no improvement in the
demand. Kun of the mill quoted at 2 17s (3d.
g3 f. o. Iv, ehipcinir point.
Old Iron Rails Prices unchanged ?nd the
demand still light. Tecs quoted at 3ii32s
6d. and double heads at 3 53 7s. 6d. f. o. b.'
Scrap Iron Prices remain unchanged, de
mand moderate. Heavy wrought quoted at
2 15s. f. o. b. shipping points.
Manufactured Iron Trade shows no Im
provement in sales and prices are still rather
Stafford ord. marked bars.
(f. o. b. L'pool) 0 OsPdG) DIOsOd
common bars 0 0s Oil 71ds(d
black sheet singles 0 0s 0d? 9 OsOd
Welsh bars. f. o. t. Wares. . . 0 Os Odfei 6 15s Od
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York,
2s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od.
Pig Tin Prices weakened, owing to falling
off in tbe demand, but have since reacted and
tho market is now very firm. Straits quoted
at 95 for spot; futures (3 months), 95 12. Od.
Copper There are still heavy purchases for
consumption and the maker is stronir at a
further advance. Chili bars quoted54 15s. for
spot; 55 5s. for Tuture deliverv. Best selected
English, 00 10s.66L
Lcau The market is firm with a very fair
demand. Sort Spanish quoted at 13.
Spelter Prices are again higher and the
lnaj,ilTrJrfirm- Ordinary Silcslan quoted
Tin 1'iatc Demand has been fairly active
wiih some inquiries for large lots; prices a
shade higher and very firm.
I. C eharooal. Alia way grado
f. o. b. Liverpool IlSs. 9d.16s. Od.
Bessemer steel, coke flnisl . 0d.34s. 3d.
Siemens steel, coke finish . 3d.nl4s. 6d.
It. V. grade coke, 14x20 13s. 9d.(?u0s. Od.
Dean grado tcrnes 14s. Od.00s. Od.
Slctnl Slarnou
NsWYokk Copper nominal; lake, June.
JI5 23. Lead quiet and steady: domestic, June.
St SIX- Tin opened weak and closed steady:
Straits, ta 31
Last Week's Shipment" the Largest fop
Sorao months The Works Banning Five
and Six Doyii Prr Week-Dally Average
Shipments 1,033 Cars.
Scottdalk, May 29. There are signs of an
improvement in tho coke trade as shipments
last week increased several hundred cars over
the week before. A prominent coke operator
expressed himself thus to your correspondent
"1 am inclined to think that the depression in
the coke trade, which has been a noticeable
characteristic for the last two months, is about
over. I base my statement on the established
fact that the stock houses of manyot our
customers which were tilled to overflowing
during tho month of January and lehrnary,
are cettlng low and need stocking up. A slight
improvement in tbe iron trade would, however,
materially aid us."
The works are still making five and six days
per week.
Shipments last week averaged about 1,035
cars per day, against 8S1 of the week before.
The shipments were consigned to the various
points of consumption as follows: To points
west of Pittsburg, 3,430 cars: to Pittsburg and
river points. 1,540 cars; to points east of Pitts
burg. 1.180 cars; total. 6,200. Shipments for the
week previous were distributed as follows: To
points west of Pittsburg, 3,325 cars; to Pitts
burg and river points. 1.500 cars: to points cast
of Pittsburg. 1,075 cars; total, 5.9C0
The idle ovens are estimated at over 3,000.
The Atlas and Mahoning plants of 180 ovens
aro still idle on account of flooded pits.
The Whitney and Stewart works continue to
make six days per week. Oliver Brothers &
Phillips will build several hundred ovons south
of Uniontown this summer.
A strike is again threatened at Ralney's
works. The operator, however, is notalarmed,
and anticipates a victory over the Knights of
Labor once more.
Prices remain firm, and aro as follows: Fur
nace coke, S2 15: foundry, 2 45: crashed, 12 65.
Freight rites from the Connellsville region,
which includes any suction of it, to places ot
consumption are as follows:
Tonttsbura- 0 70
To Mahoning and Sbenango Valleys 1 Si
To Cleveland. 0 1 70
Toliunslo. S. Y 125
To Detroit, Mich 2 35
To Cincinnati, 0 2 65
To Louisville. Kr X 20
To Chicago, 111 2 75
Toalllnxukec Wis 2 85
ToSt. Louis. Mo ". 3 Si
'i'oEas.bl. l.ouls 3 20
To Baltimore 2 17
To Boston 4 00
This will make prices at theso points of con
sumption as follows:
Point, Furnace. Found!
unary. Crushed.
S3 iS S3 33
Pittsbnrc K 85 3
.M. and b. Valleys 3 53 3 SO
Cleveland 3 85 4 15
Buffalo 4 40 4 70
Detroit 4 50 4 80
Cincinnati 4 80 5 10
Loslsrllle 5 35 5 65
Chicago 4 SO 5 20
Milwaukee &0U 5 30
fct. Louis 5 50 5 80
Kast St. Louis 5 35 5 65
5 40
5 60
5 S3
4 82
Baltimore 4 32 4 62
Boston 6 15
6 45
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Cattle Receipts, 420 head; shipments, 300
head: market nothing doing: all through con
signments; 12 carloads cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hoas Receipts. 2,500 bead: shipments, 1.750
head; market firm; medium and select, $4 05
4 10: common to best Yorkers. S3 95884 05:
purs, S3 5063 75: 8 carloads hogs Bhlpped to
New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 1,350 head: shipments, L600
head: market firm on rood and slow on com
mon and medium at yesterdav's prices.
Following is the report of transactions at the
East Liberty Stock Yards for the week past:
Thro'. Local.
Thnrsday. 570 .... 3.325 110
Friday 860 100 s,jjo lkj
Saturday 1,020 1,100 2.250 J.STO
bunilay 280 2S0 6,526 2,750
Monday 660 250 1 mo 550
Tuesday. J50 2.1:5 3,190
rdncsday 440 20 2,400 1,540
Total S.SW 1,900 21,175 11.110
Last week 4,090 1,400 22.875 13,200
Previous week.... 3.170 1,850 19.475 13,750
Tlinrsdsy 30 1,520
Friday S8 L084
baturday 6S LSS
Monday 1,566 4.M5 3.443
Tuesday- 253 74i 4,o7
Wednesday 50 2,420 1.400
Total .... 1.005 11, S 11,128
Last week 1,430 10,006 13,155
I'revlonsweek 1,314 8.140 13,563
Bv Telegraph.
NEW YORK Beeves Rcceiots, 96 head, all
for slaughterers: no trading; feeling firm;
dressed beef sfady at 6Kc: shipments to.
day. 2S2 oecves and 80 sheep. Calves Receipt
901 head; market c. hiehcr: veals. $4 506 15
buttermilk calves S3 00gJ3 75. Sheep Receipts
6,789 bead: sheep Jc per ft higher: lambs firm
sheep, S3 00g6 6C; lambs, JS 7539 50; dressed
mutton firm at 10XllKc per tt; dressed lambs
steady at 12Kl.-c Hcs Receipts. 2,302 head:
all consigned direct; nominally steady at 34 00
CHICAGO-Tho Uroter' Journal reports-Cattle-Recsipts,
15,000 head; shipments; 4.000
head:market steady; beeves, J4 9005 20: steers
$3 754 SO; stockers and feeders. 12 803 SO:
cows, hulls ana mixed, II 50j3 25: Texas steers
S2 504 15. Hogs Receipts. 21.0C0 head; shlpl
menu; 7.000 head; market strong; mixed S3 85
4 05; light and heavy, S3 854 10; skips. $3 30
m 80. Sheep-Receipts, 8,000 head: shipments
2000 head; market strong; natives. S3 7566 20
Westerns. 54 006 10; Texans, S3 755 30; Iambs,"
ST. LOUIS - Cattlo-Recclpts, 3,000 head
shipments. 2.100 head; market firm: stockers
and feeders, S2 903 80; Texans and Indians.
S2 S04 00, HOBS-Heceipts. 3,400 head; int
irents, Z600 head: market a shade liicher
fair to choice heavy, S3 S53 95: packme
.....ut-o, u wu,u w, !,.., tan t uesr, m lovv
387 Sheep-Receipts, 1.S00 head; shipments.
700 head: market strong; fair to rood
choice, St 10i 5a cooa
a boom nr plowees.
Florists Report Onn of the Best Days In the
History of the Trade.
Wednesday was probably tbe liveliest day for
PittsbHrg florists in the entire history of tbe
trade. There are between 15 and 20 firmer stalls
in the Diamond market, and it is safe to say
that f nlly 75 wagon loads of flowers in pots were
sold at these stalls on that day. One dealer re
ports sales of 7 wagon loads, averaging close to
500 pots to a load. Others report sales of 5 and
6 loads. Said one of the florists: "I have been
in the trade for five years, and have never seen
such a rush for our goods. I brought in four
loads on Wednesday morning, and felt sure this
would be sufficient to meet all demands
But the morning was not half rone
when all my flowers wero gone, and I had to
send for more. The nrcatest demand was for
geraniums, which sold at SO a hundred but on
Wednesday they were advanced to $7." To-day
there has not been so creat a rush hnt
dinary times nc would consider this day's
trade immense. The trade or the Diamond
market florists tor tbe two days prccedlntr
Decoration will, in my opinion, equal 6 000
plants at the lowest estimate. The garden I
represent has raised 35,000 geranium plants
this season, and it now looks as it we would
find a market for all'
The extraordinary demand for flowers is not
confined to the Diamond inarketsialls. Florists
in all parts of the city were never so busy as
they have been during the past few da vs. An
extra force of men and boys has been pressed
into service to meat the demand. Said one of
our old-time florists this afternoon: "I havo
never seen trade so lively as it was yesterday
and to-day. In fact, we have not been able to
accept all the orders that have come to us. We
laid in large supplies in the faith or a bie de
mand, but demand has gone beyond our most
sanguine expectations."
New York. May 29. Business was moderato
to-day in drygoods, a holiday feeling prevail
ing, but the market tone was strong, especially
cotton goods, in which the following changes
wero made by agents: Wamsutta and New Bed
ford wide sheetings advanced, narrow widths,
1 cent and tho wider goods VK cents avard;
Allandalo wide sheetings advanced U cent a
yard; V arasutta cambrics advanced to 10 cents:
Cabot 4-4 bleached cotton advanced to 73i
cents: Clifton world-wide 4-4 brown sheetings
and full yard-wide advancd J cent each.
Tho print cloth market was also again nrm.
Oar Horsford'a Acid Pliosplime,
Dr. F. G. Kelly. Alderton, W. T., says: "I
have prescribed it in a large number of cases of
restlessness at night, and nervous diseases gen
erally, and also in cases of indigestion caused
by lack of sufficient gastric juice of the atom,
ach. with marked success, and consider it one
of tbe best remedies known to the professional
Trne Inwardness of Iho Failure of
the Real Estate Exchange.
Second Avenue Propertj Fails Under the
Hammer for Lack of Bids.
The attempt to sell the Collins & "Wright
property on Second avenue, just below
Smitliueld street, yesterday afternoon was a
flush in the pan. The auctioneer staled at
the outset that he had n standing bid of
$50,000 for it, and that unless be could get
an advance on this he would withdraw the
property for private sale. As there were no
other bids this was accordingly done.
The lot is C7i80 feet, with three old build
ings thereon. Several capitalists in the
crowd were heard to express the opinion that
50,000 was all the property was worth, and they
showed they were in earnest by refusing to
bid more.
The Renl Estntr Exchnnce.
The project for establishing a Real Estate
Exchange in Pittsburg, to judge lrom surface
indications, is about as lifeless as a doornail,
but tbero is a qmet movement behind the cur
tains, and confined to a few leading brokers,
which may result In something favorable be
fore the end ot tbe year. A prominent real
estate operator said on this subject yesterday:
"While tho scheme has a discouraging out
look at present, I have good reason for saying
that there Is considerable quiet discussion
going on about it. very firm on Fourth ave
nue above Smithfleld street is in favor of an
exchange, but they are suspicious of the lower
end of the avenue, for the reason that nearly
all the firms down there are
old-timers and think they have a mortgage on
the business: they would, it is feared, want to
run the Exchange according to their ideas, and
thus freeze the yonnger members out. To this
the latter decidedly object. I have no doubt
an exchange would be a great help to business,
and bo beneficial to both sellers and buyers,
but it must be conducted on a line of perfect
equality betwoen members to make it to. All
must have an equal voice and an equal chance,
and I think, from what I have heard, that this
point has boon practically conceded which is
a sign of progress an d ultimate success."
It was learned from another source that it is
proposed to call the brokers together at an
early day for tho purpose of adjusting all
differences and adopting measures to forward
the enterprise.
Business Mews and Gossip.
The Philadelphia Company Ii laying pipe on
Edgewood road, about 200 Italians being em
ployed. At the meeting of stockholders of tbe Sixth
Street Suspension Bridge Company to-day, tbe
question of a new structure will probably be
settled one way or tbe other. This opinion was
expressed by a director of the company yester
day, who added: "I think tho bridge will be
Kigbteen mortgages were reported yesterday.
The largest was for S19o00. Six were for pur
chase money.
The first paved street In Pittsburg was Fort,
Coblestones were used. '
There is no city in the country where wealth
Is more generally distributed than in Pitts
burg a result of frugality and industry and of
the large opportunities for tbe accumulation of
The city is full of visitors. Some of them
complain the streets are so crowded with
vehicles as to render pedestrianlsm uncomfort
able. That is business, gentlemen, jnst what
Pittsburg is here for. It is a wideawake town,
as you see.
There is talk of the XCnterpriso Savlncs Bank
of Allegheny increasing its capital stock next
The Motolina Mining Company, which Is now
in control of La Norla mines, will begin at once
the work of developing tho property.
Canton, O., proposes to issue S23,900 bonds for
improvements and water. Cirthagp, O., otters
S20,600 water works bonds bearing 5 per cent
Interest. Clifton. O.. offers S25,)00 general im
provement 30-ycar 4 per cent bonds.
Movements In Kent Catnie.
Thore was considerable dickering between
sellers and buyers of real estate yesterday,
and as a general thing they were not hope
lessly far apart. The outlook is promising for
a good, strong market all season. Sales re
ported follow:
W. A. Horron t Sons sold lots Nos. 3, 4 and
5 in the Busey plan, Bntler street. Eighteenth
ward. 20x100 feet, for 84,000 cash.
EwingAByers offered at auction two new
frame houses of five rooms and attic eacb, on
Willis street. Tweirth ward, Allegheny. They
sold one to J. Nesblt for 51,725 rash, and with
drew tho other until further notice.
Roed B. Coyle fc Co. placed a mortgage for
11,200, for two 'years at 6 percent, on Eighth
ward property.
Black Balrd sold for Helen M. Jeffries two
lots on Finance street, Homewood, 50x100 feet,
with a small frame bouse thereon, for SS25.
The purchaser was J. E. Carpenter.
E. T.SchaffersoId to Mrs. Margaret Blum a
business property on Washington avenue, Thir-ty-first
ward, lot 25x150 feet, for 54,200 cash; also
sold to Mathew M. Gilchrist house and lot No.
110 Maple avenue, for SLS50; also sold to Charles
Eberling lot 28x120, In the new plan ot lots in
West Liberty boroucb. for S275.
Samuel W. Black & Co. sold one aero and one
lot 30 feet front on Darrah street. Fourteenth
ward, city, for S3,20a
Charles E. Cornelius sold six lots in tbe
plan at Mornlngside this week, as follows: To
William Monson two lots, 20x100, $500; to Mary
Sharp two lots. 20x100, $.500; to Henry Will two
lots, 20x100, f30a
Moncv Working a Trifle Easier, Bat the
Supply Not Excessive.
Checking at the local banks was heavy yes
terday, as shown in tbe increased volume of
exchanges as compared with the previous days
of the week. They were $2,843,472 Oo. The
balances were S237.782 18. There was a good
demand for money, which was met at rates
ranging from 6 to 7 per cent, according to the
collateral. Funds are working easier If any
thing, due to the gradual subsidence of the
spring flurrv, but they are not overlv plethoric,
as business 'is active and absorbslarge amounts.
Tbe principal iactor in sustaining discount
rates is tbe fact that a great deal of capital
sent South ana West last fall to help movo the
crops failed to return, having found permanent
employment thore. Those who are holding out
for cheap money, will, therefore, probably be
disappointed. This se"ms all tbe more certain
from the fact that business expansion has been
on such a scale as to prevent the accumulation
of a largo surplus at any of tho financial cen
ters, thus maintaining a healthy equilibrium
between supply and demand.
Money 011 e-ill at New York yesterday was
close, ranging OtfPlO per cent, last loan 0, closed
offered at 5. Prima mercantile paper. 5S7.
Sterling exchange was more nctlve and firm at
$4 84S for 60-day bills and $4 86 for demand.
Closing Dond Quotations.
tj. S. 4s, reg....
U. 8. 4s. conp..
a. S. 4s, reg..,
U. 8. 4)is, coup
. io:?,
M. X. AT. Ocn. 5s.. 73
Mutual Union ns....10iiU
. J. C Int. Cert... 11:3,
Northern i'ac. I6ts..17u
Northern I'ac. 2ds..12
Nortlin't'n consols. 145
Northw'n deuen's 5sl0S
1 acincos 01 o-j.
r.ntilclanastamncd4S 91
Missouri 6s 100
lenn. new set fa.... I0S)4UregqnA Trans. 6S.105M
Tenn. newttt. 5s....I025iS5i.L si. ii. i,cn. as. 93
Tenn. newset. as.... 7
Canada So2ds......l00
Central Pacific Hla.J10
Den. A P.. G. lsts...l!8
Den. AK. Ii. 4s J4
11.AR.U. Westists. -
Erie 2ds -lOOM
M. K. A T. Gen. 6.. 86
St.L. AS.F. Ucn.M.II4V
St. Paul consols 130
St. 1. ClilAPc. lsts.HBU
Tx.. Pc L.O.Tr.Hs. mu
Tx Be. K t..Tr.Ks. mi
union racinci6ts...2
West Snore ioo$
Boston Clearings. S10.353.6i9; balances,
SI. 459 695. Money, 4 per cent, -
PHILADKLPHIA Clearings, $11,633,050; bal
ances. $1.71itiS3
Baltimore Clearings, S2,14t2b'; balances,
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day is
30,000. Tbo bullion in the Bank of England
decreased 365.000 during the past week. The
firoportion of the Bank of England's reserve to
lability is now 41.94 per cent. Bar silver. 46d
per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 90f 72Ue for
tbe account. Tbe weekly statement of the
Bank of France shows an increase of 4,450,000
francs gold and 1,675,000 francs silver.
CmcA-Fio Clearings, J13,S30,000. Now York
exchange firm at 60c premium. Money was of.
f ered at fi per cent on call by several of the
bauks, but a majority of them were still asking
6 per cent. Call loans, 67.
Tbe Liveliest Day In. the Stock Market for
Mnny Moons.
Stock trading in fact all speculative busi
nessis usually of a perfunctory character just
preceding a holiday. Investors being averse to
carrying responsibilities which might become
white elephants on their bands. Yesterday,
however, was an exception on the local ex
change. Tradlne was not only lively, sales foot
ing up 1,259 shares, but the feelingwas buoyant
and prices, with a few exceptions, stronger.
Westingbouse Electric was the leader in
activity, as It had been all week, but its course
was erratic, showing that friends and enemies
alike were at sea, and didn't know exactly what
to make of it. The non-declaration of a divi
dend, and the absence of all information on
that point, afforded a handle for the bears,
and they worked it thoroughly, though the
stock rallied toward the close, which was nearly
a point better than tho lowest quotation. Tbe
improvement was duo to a report that a divi-
urnu was assured.
Central Traction was another stronsifcaturc.
lor which thero seemed to be a large influx of
buying orders, prompted, no doubt, by the
rc0i. increasing earnings of the company.
Jrrcdlctions were made by some that it would
soon be the leader of the market. Pittsburg
i raction was also stronger, while Citizens lost
KrOUnd. Inmrnvpmnnta u-nn mnTn Vt T!j.4-
ant Valley and Airbrake. The natural gasserv
, ., 1 , . . Blcaay, witn a good demand lor
Philadelphia. Switch and Signal fell off. Bids,
offers and sales at tho three calls aro appended.
l'.lS.M.Ex 400 40O
Bank ofl'ltt 76
Lx. Nat. Bfc, 85 85
fourth N.Bk 113
I'idcl.T.&T.C '. loo
Marine .N.Iik. 102 103
M011 on. Nt. 13k lMHf
Kll.Sav.All'y. 55 55
lloat'n's Ins 30 39
Monnn. Ins 60
Allegheny U. 83
CVal. U 44 44
l'c's N G 4 1. liii 16 l$H 16 15! 16
Penn. OasC'o. 14 16 14 IS 14 ......
l'lllladel. Co.. 2V,4 SIX 31X 3'X 3JK 31H
1'lne Knn.i 57
Central Irac. 27 27V 27 27J( 28
Clllrens'Trac 63 69 67 63
I'lttsb'tr Trac 3d 37X 36 37X
Pleasant Val. 23W 29W 29 23Jf 29!i 2a
Pitts. A. AM. 209 29S 320
Pr.Jnnc. It.lt 29
Pitts. & West HH 14H UH
I. &. W.,pref 19 18 19 1S5( 20
X.Y.ftC.O.Co 30.H 30 30),
Bus. B'djre Co 06 97 ....
La Norla Mln. 19tf 2u 19), -J5 Wi 20
Luster Mt'lng 13 17 153, 16 16 16
K. E. Eleetrlr 60 so .... 60 ......
West. Klectrlc S9 40 395rf 40 40),
Monon.W. Co 33 ,
vi .?'.;.: tt " I45 15 UH ,5
U. S & S pfd 40
W. A. B llm H6X 116X
Sales at first call uero 10 Hultrh .-vnri Kir-nal at
14, 3 at 15. 125 Electric at 40, 30 Allegheny
Heating at 108. 2i Central Traction at 27. and 1
membership at 425. At second call 50 Pleasant
Valley brought 29J. and 257 Electric 40. Third
call, 230 electric went at 39, 230 at 40, 15 Switch
at 14, 3.) at 15, 6 Allegheny Heating at 103, 100
Central Traction at 27, 50 at2S, and 10 Lus
ter at 16.
The total sales of stocks at N ew York yester
day were 590,654 shares, including Atchison,
40,220; Canada Southern, 4.900: Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western, 10.100; Lake Shore,
10,110; Louisville and Nashville, 3.8S8; Michigan
Central. 3.205; Missouri Pacific, 26.515: North
western, 6,000: New York Central. 3,040: North
ern Paclhc, 8,700; preferred. ,8,700; Oregon
Transcontinental, 51,539; Reading, 81,700; Rich
mond and West Point. 18,664; St. Paul, 52.5C6;
Texas Pacific 9,795; Union Pacific. 9,010; West
ern Union, 3,308.
Considerable Trading, but nt tbe Expense of
Values Bearish Features.
Tbe oil market was active, but weak, yester
day. The general situation was the same as It
had been for some time Oil City and Bradford
doing the Belling and Pittsburg trying, in a
small way, to maintain prices. A good many
small bundles were handled, but the aggregate
was unimportant. The range was: Opening
and hishest. 90JJ; lowest, 89; closing, 9a
Tbe bearish features were a lack of orders, a
drop of 10 points in refined at New York, and
the holiday to-day and half holiday to-morrow,
virtually shutting out business for the rest of
the week. Nothing was said about field nows.
Several wells are about due, and they may
change the situation. The monthly report, it
Is thought, will be bullish. It will appear to
morrow. Wednesday's clearances were 170,000
Features of tbe Oil Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oakley & Co.. 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange:
Average charters..
Average shipments
Average runs ,
.80K I Lowest. 89),
.9CH j Closed 90
.'..,. 64,007
Refined, Hew YorK. 7.30c
Keflned, London. 5Hd.
Itcflncn, Antwerp, i;jf.
Kenned, Liverpool. 5 11-lSd.
Keflned. Bremen, 6.90m.
-- 11. McGiew quotes: Puts, S8KS88K; calls.
Otbor Oil Markets.
OIL Citt. May 29. Petroleum opened at
90c: hlIiest,903c: lowest, 89c; closed atS9JJc
Sales, S30.000 bbls; clearances, not reported;
shipments, 70,235 bbls; charters. 83,174 bbls;runs.
88.714 bbls. '
Bradford. Mav 29. Petroleum onened at
92jc; closed at 90c; highest, 92c; lowest,
90J4c Clearances. 470,000 bbls.
New York, May 29. Petroleum opened
Irregular, spot being weak at 90c and June
steady at 91c Prices fell sharply in the early
trading, spot declining to 89c and Juno to 89c.
June then rallied Jfc and closed firm, and spot
closed at 90c. Stock Exchange Opening. 90c;
highest, 90Jc; lowest, M)c: closlnr, 89Xc
Consolidated Exchange Opening, 91Mc; high
est, mc lowest, 9c; closing, SfKc. Total
sales, 238,000 barrels.
Tho Market Again Demoralized by tbe
Trusts Tbe Commission Business on
tho Wane Confidence In tho
Grangers Again Restored.
New York, May 29. The stock market to
day was active and feverish with a strong tone
In the forenoon, which gave way to decided
weakness in tho afternoon, though a smart
rally toward the close brought most of the list
up to within small fractions of last evening's
final figures. The trusts were again the de
moralizing influence in the market, the bears
using tbe declines In those stocks to hammer
the regular list, and in some instancos with
marked success. Oregon Transcontinental, the
Northern Pacifies, Missouri Pacific, Rock
Island, Delaware and Lackawanna and New
England all yielded readily to rapid selling.
Missouri Pacific was one of the weakest stocks
and thero was evldnn ts of a disposition on the
part of the insiders t-i lot the price off, a fact
which led to tho impression that Its controllers
were.not opposed to a decline.
Atchison, Die Vandorbllts, Wheelln" and
Lake Erie and St. Paul wore tho strongest
stocks of the day, the declines in them being
small in comparison to those in most of tho list.
The effect of tho restoration in rates was felt
in me list tins morning, and the Londoners
were on hand with large buving orders in their
specialties which opened tho list from V. to V.
per cent liiglier than last evening's figure" but
the buoyancy in the railroad list was mot by re
newed demoralization in tho trustsand Chicago
Gas in particular. The last named stork inado
a quick drop of 5-X per cent to 4 hut the
news that the appointment of tho receiver had
been put oil for a week, and that the trust
would fight tbe appointment in the higher
courts caused a rally which, however, was not
fully maintained. To this infiuencu was added
further liquidation in Suzar refineries, nnd
while that stock was stronger at the opening
than Chicago Qas, it failed to rally, and reached
materially lower figures than belorc. The buy
ing in the general list was checked and the
bears turned their attention to the regnlar list.
meeting with some aid, ft Is believed, from tbe
bull leaders, who were desirous of shaking out
some of a ton numerous following.
Tho pressure was most severe upon the Vil
lard stocks, and Oregon Transcontinental led
the drop with a decline from 49 to 45, with the
Northern Pacifies and Missoiiu Pacific follow
ing. Missouri Pacific, New England, Rock Isl
and, Lackawanna, St, Paul, Reading and Rich
mond and West Point all made marked de
clines, and weak holders were shaken out all
over the list, the existence of numerous stop
orders aiding the decline when it was once
started. A number of unsettling rumors were
set afloat to aid in tbe decline, and one of tho
most influential was that tho Villards had de
manded a differentia). Money also became
dearer, and rates on call were run up to 10 per
cent, which helped the liquidation. The general
belief that stocks were passing into tbe hands
of strong men, however, soon induced a sharp
rally, and everything made material progress
toward higher figures In the remainder of the
afternoon, while tbo business done was largo
throughout. The close was active and stroDg
at tbe recovery. The list is generally fraction
ally loner this evening, but Chicago Gas la
down Z, Sugar 3. Cotton Oil' receipts and
Transcontinental 1 eacb. New England 1,
Northern Pacific preferred , and Lacka-
wanna 1J. Railroad bonds were comparative
ly quiet, and did not partake of the activity or
excitement which marked the dealings in
stocks, while a steady to firm tone prevailed
with few important movoments.
The sales reached only (1,351.000, out of
woicJJ T"Fa Pacific seconds, Atchison incomes
and Reading first incomes furnished a large
proportion. Outlde of tho prominence of
these Issues the dealings presented no feature
of Interest; and while Cleveland and Canton
firsts, Scioto Valley firsts and Western New
York and Pennsylvania firsts showed material
fains at the close. Lake Shore seconds, coupon,
lilwankee and Northern 6s of 1913, Richmond
and West Point trust 5s, Alton and Terre
Haute dividends and Laclede Gas Es were
materially lower.
Government bonds have been dull and
steady. State bonds have been dull and feature
less. The Jot says: The fact that (27,000,000 of
New Atchison stock was soon to como out in
exchange for the 8an Francisco stocks caused
selling of Atchison, notwithstanding that the
acquisition of the San Francisco will ultimately
be of Immense advantage to tbe Atchison. It
was thought also that as the San Francisco
stocks had for a long time been very inactive,
and with very little chance for the holders to
realize, they had -now taken tbe opportunity of
selling some of the Atchison they expected to
receive, because tho Atchison is active and
more marketable. It was noticed that the
regular commission business from up town and
out Of town had diminished verv much, and
that the trading had concentrated in Sugar
Trust. Gas Trust and a few others, which tho
majority of stock speculators were afraid to
touch. Tbe restoration of the passenger rates
west of Chicago came just in time to restore
confidence in the Grangers, and, as London
usually gots Information of such events quite
as soon as New York, there was considerable
buying of stocks for London account this
morning, which started the markot off in a
much more sanguine temperthis forenoon than
has been manifested for tbe past week. Tbe
probability of any serious reaction now seems
to be over. The trust stocks will, of courto.
fluctuate wildly yet, but they will havo less
effect to demoralize tbe rest of the stock
market, and the prevailing belief that there
will yet be some legislation in regard to silver,
Mliicli will stimulate speculation generally,
will sustain prices for railway stocks and prob
ably advance them. Almost every commission
iiouso uavinir. a xosion connection was a seller 1
of Oregon Transcontinental this afternoon.
'!, 4Vi1lAmrt rt is fstitd eTtrfisrvei rilA tilAAi .s AjttlwM I
stocks on t'ueework Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for Tnis UISi'ATCH by
Whitney & BTEFHENbOX. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers or .New York Stocx Kxcnange, 57 Fourth ave
nue: Clos
ing Hid.
ing. Am. Cotton Oil 28
Am. Cotton Oil pref... MPi
Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 31
Atch., Tod. &b. K 47H
Canadian Faclttc SX
Canada Southern 60
Central of New Jersey.124
Central l'aclflc
Chesapeake & Ohio.... 24f
C. Mur. & Qulacy .. .107?,
C, Mil. A St. l'anl 79!
c, mil st. r pr... i:2)
C, Koclr. I. & f S
C St. L. A I'itts
est. 28
est. 26M
C, St. L. Pitts., pf.
C St. P.. M. tO
10O '$
C. & Northwestern.
C.&X. W-, p
C, C. C. 4 1
C., C..UAL, pf....,
','. 78)4
.. six
.. 24)4
. 170
sui. i;oai a iron
Col. AHocklnir Val
Del., Lack A West...
Del. A Hudson
Jcu. A Kin Urande. .
. 19
Den. & Klo Grande, nt 55Vt
K.T., Va. AUa 10)$
t. x..va. AGa.. Istpr ....
Jri.T". Va- -. 2d f 285
Illinois Central
Late trie A West
Late Erie A West pf.. 63
Lake Shore AM. S 112
Louisville A Nashville. 9l
Michigan Central 102
Mooile AOhlo 13X
Misiourl t'acinc 761.
New Xork Central 109
N. Y.. L. E. A W 28
N. r.. C. A St. L J7K
N. X., C A St. L. pf.. ..
N.Y. AN.K. &0K
N. Y.. O. A VT. 21X
Norfolk A Western.... 24
Norfolk A Western pf, ....
Northern Pacific 175,
Northern l'aclflc pr... 85
Oregon Improvement. 49
Oregon Transcoa 10'A
l'aclflc Mall 4ssj
Feo., Dec. A Evans
fhlladel. A Heading... 43s
Pullman 1'alace Car.. .197k
Ulehmond A W. l T.. u
Richmond A W.V.T.pi S4K
St. V.. Minn. A Man..ll3Ji
St. L. ASan Fran
St. L. A Sail Fran pr.. 65
St. L. s San . 1st Pt
26X 26U 26
..... .... 18),
tS Silt 65
113), 112 U2H
9IH 90ii 91
lo: 101 102
I8) 18 I7,V
77)4 TO 75
109 1094 1CUX
29 2SH iH
VH 17M J7X
61 47V 43)4
2H 20K ii
24 23 V, 23K
S7K Hi) Sfl4
a 8:m mi
49H 4SX 43
60)4 45 47!
45M 44), 4S
43 46H 46
198S 197 197X
Wi 23V 23
84 H 83 82)4
113)4 118 113
65" 64H 64
Texas Pacific nv 77K viu v
Union Paclfc a4 67W cex 66V
tVabaih urx isv is 131,
Wabash prererred 2914 29 23U 29M
Western Union fo S5 85 85H
Wneellng L. K. 76X 78X T1H 77
bugar l'rust.. 81, 82 75)4 77
National j.ead Trust... 21 2IW 20)4 20
Chicago Gas Trust 53 54 49fc 52
Boston S3cks.
Atch, A Too 43ft
Hoston A Albany. ...221
Boston A Maine.. ...225
C, B. AQ.. 103
Clnn., San.'A Clev.. TO
Eastern K. H ISO
Kastern K. It. 6. 125)4
Mass. Central 20
Mex. Central com... 23
N. Y. AN. Ellg..... Ai
N. Y. A N. Kng. 7.124)
Old Colony...... 175
Kutland prererred.. 70
Wis. Central com... ZH
Allouez 31g. Co 7
Atlantic 23
Boston A Mont 60
Calumet A Hecla...
Huron ,
Kearsarge ,
, 40
, 22
Hants Fe cooper.,
Tamarack 196
Boston Land Co 7
San Diego Land Co. 23
West End Land Co.. 315
Bell Telephone 236
l.nmson Stores 34
Water Foncr 6X
Centennial Mining. 35
rhllndelpliln Stocks,
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks,
nisneu uv wnitney sicpnenson, Drtiicers,
No. 57
rourin avenue,
Members New York Stock x-
Pennsylvania Kallroad XA
Beading 23H
Buffalo, Pittsburg A Western 11),
Lehigh Valliy 53
Lehigh Navigation 53K
Northern Pacific 26),
Northern Pacific preforred 83X
The Dnblln tenants' defense fund now
amounts to 00.000.
The Russian journals discredit tbe rnmor
of a rapprochement between Russia and Ger
many. Isabella, ex-Queen of Spain, who has boen
spondlng some days in London, left yesterday
for Paris.
Expected that the Senate will strike out
the Hennepin canal clause ot tho river and
harbor bill.
Count Tolstoi, the distinguished Russian
novelist, is reported to be lying serlouslv ill
with peritonitis.
Benjamin Hawkins, colored, was hanged at
Washington yesterday for the murder of his
wife March 14, 1889.
At New York Jacob Epstein, a Russian,
yesterday shot his wife aud himself. Both
wounus supposes to ne iatai.
Another plot was frustrated to assassinate
the Russian Czar at Paris. Six Nihilists and
five students havo been arrested.
Frank M. Ostrander. of Mercer, Cal quar
reled with his wife and then committed suicide
by poisoning over his child's grave.
A prominent Denver society man named
Hughes yesterday shut and fatally wojinded
ex-Pugilist John P. Clow. Uughcs is in jail.
Tbe Lacedel flour mills, at St. Louis, were
entirely destroyed by fire at an early hour
yesterday morning. Tho loss Is estimated at
5125,000; fully insnred.
The GermanLuthcrans, in session at Chi
cago Wednesday night, strongly protested
against the compulsory education law of
Advices from Shanghai state that tbo
steamer Poo Ching. trading between Chinese
ports, has been destroyed by fire. Twenty-two
persons who were on board the steamer aro
i)r. Andrew Watson, Superintendent of the
United Presbyterian Missions in Egypt, was"
elected Moderator of tho General Assembly at
Buffalo. His opponents wero Dr. J. II. Wil
son. oC Wooster, O., and Dr. T. H. Hanna, of
Monmouth. III.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, sheet led for Castorla,
"When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children.she gave them Castoria
Transact a General Bantli Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available la all paits of the world. Alio Issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
s ap80ntnf
A Glut of Strawberries and Batter,
and Prices Are Lower.
Choice flay is Firm, and Cereals Shoir s
Downward Tendency.
THURSDAY, May 29, lbSO. J
Conntrr Frodnce Jobblne Prices.
Bluff, was plenty and trade active to-day.
The supply of strawberries was heavy and
quality good. Tbe outside price was 13c in job
lots. New potatoes are coming In freely from
tbe South and prices are lower. Cabbage is
also in better supply, but quality Is not np to
standard. Our quotations on creamery butter
are reduced, in accordance with stubborn facts.
At tbe reduction butter trade is slow. Tbe
supply of new cheese is now close up to de
mand, but prices are well sustained. Strictly
fresh eES are in limited supply and markets
ara firm. In tropical fruit lines, oranges are
very firm, and lemons and bananas steady.
Buttkb Creamery. Elgin, 17c: Ohio do.
16c: fresh dairy packed, 1012c; country rolls,
HEARS TSarr hand-picked beans, 51 80J 00.
Beeswax 252Sc f? for choice: low grade,
UIDER-Sand refined. 87 60: common, 3 000
4 00; crab cider. 7 S0S 00 jfl barrel; cider vin
egar, 1012c gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9K10c: New
York cheese, 10c; Llmberger. 14ai5c: do
mestic 3weitzer. 18c; imported tjweltzer,23Kc
Eggs 15H16o dozen for strictly fresh;
duck etrcs. ISc: rroose ecus. 35340c.
Fbuits Apnles. fancy. S4 60Q5 00 j9 barrel;
strawberries, l016c a box.
Feathers ijctra live geese. 60G0c: No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 30S5c B.
Maple Syrup New, 909Js a can. Maple
sugar, llgjlic ft S.
Honky 15c B.
Poultry Live chickens. 75090c a pair;
dressed, 1415c a pound; dressed spring chick
ens. 30c a pound; ducks, 75c31 00 a pair: live
turkeys. 14c a pound.
Seeds Clover, choice. 62 Bs to bushel, $4 00
71 bushel; clover, large English. 02 Bs. fi 350
4 t30; clover. Alslke, S3 00; clover, white, 59 00;
timothy, choice, 45 Bs, 71 601 70; blue grass,
extra clean, 14 Bs 1 2501 30; blue grass, fancy,
14 Bs, SI 30; orchard grass. 14 Bs. SI 40; red top,
14 Bs, II 00; millet. 50 Bs. SI 00; Hungarian
grass, 50 Bs, SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine
grasses, S2 50 ty bushel of 14 Bs.
Tallow Country, 3Jc; city rendered, 4c
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, $2 75
3 00; fancy, S3 504 50; Messina oranges, S4 50
05 00; Rodi oranges. J5 75; bananas, S2 O0ST1 05
firsts, $1 75 good seconds, ft bunch; cocoa
nuts. S4 004 50 9 hundred: dates, 6k7c
V lb; layer tigs, 12K15Kc; pineapples. J9ffil2a
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 75
80c: on track, 6565c; new Southern potatoes.
S3 7o4 00 per tarrel; Bermuda potatoes, S5 00
5 50 a barrel; cabbage, S3 7533 00 forsuiall crates,
$5 005 50 for large; Bermuda onions, $2 50
2 75 per bushel crate: green onions, 1520 a
dozen; parsnips. $2 00 barrel: onion sets,
S3 504 00 V bushel; asparagus, 2550c f? large
bunch; rhubarb, 2030c f dozen; green beans,
51 2j1 50 $ box; wax beans, S3 6003 00 fl box;
green peas, $2 7o3 00 V basket; cucumbers,
52 0002 50 a box. -
The firmness of sugars for the past few days
has culminated in an advance of c per pound
all along the line, as our quotations below will
disclose. At tbe advance markets aro stronr.
Coffee is steady but unchanged. Tbe move
ment ef general groceries continues very ac
tive, but prices remain the same as at our last
Qreen Coffee Fancy Rio, 2425c;
choice Rio, 2223c; prime Rio, 22c; low
grade Rio, 2021c; old Government Java,
2829)c; Maracaibo. 2527c; Mocha, 30
32c; Santos, 2226c; Caracas, 2428;c; La
Guayra, 2o27c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
24Xc; high grades, 25S0c; old Government
Java. bulk. 82S4c: Maracaibo, 27i2Sc;
Santos, 25X29c: peaberry, 29c; choice Rio,
25Kc: prime Rio, 24c; good Kio, 23Kc; ordi
nary, 2122c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 17018c; allspice,
10c: cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, TVc,
unio, jzu. oc: ueaanent, iou", sc: waier
hi xvyje; grbio, iiomv, eisiue, ftsc; carv"
nadine, Jic; royanne, 14c; red oil, ll&'llc;
purity, 14c.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 43iiJ45o
$) gallon; summer, 3840c; Lard oil, 6065c.
SYRUP Corn syrup, 2729c; choice sugar
syrup, S6n538c: prime sugar syrup, S0ffi33c:
strictly prime, 3335c: now maple syrup, OOc.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 4748c;
choice. 46c; medium. 381213c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, SKQSJic; bi-carb In
K. 5c; bi-carb assorted pacuage, 6?6c;
sal-soda In kegs, lc;do granulated, 1c.
Candles star, full weight. 8Kc; stearine.
V set. 8Kc: parafflne, ll12c
Rice HeadCarolina. 77Wc; choice, 6K
(c; prime, 56c:Louisiana,8Kc
Starch Pearl,2Jc; cornstaicn,5eec; eIobs
starch. 57c
Foreign Fruits Laver raisins. S2 hr- T.nn.
donlayers, $2 75; California, London layers.
4 iw. luusuiibeis. s& ou; liamornia aiuscaieis.
U 40; Valencia. 854c; Ondara Valencia. 10K
lie; snltana. 9?illc: currants. 5K6c; Turkey
prunes, 6064ic; French prunes. 3ai2c;SaIon
ica prunes, in 2-B packages, 9c: cocoanuts 3)
100, 58; almonds, Lan.. fJ fi, 20c; do Ivlca, 17c;
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 13014c; SIcllv
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1213c: now dates, 6&
6c: Brazil nuts, lie; pecans. 10c: citron,
B, lS19c; lemon peel, 18c B; orange peel,
Dried Fruits Apples sliced, per B, 6c: ap
ples, evaporated, 1OU011&C; appricuts. Cali
fornia, evaporated, 1820c; peaches, evaporated,
pared. 2428c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, I820c; cherries, pitted, 1313Ku:
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapo
rated, 3132c; blackberries, 77Kc; huckel
berries, 1012c
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 6Kc: granu
lated, 6c; confectioners' A, GJc; standard A.
6c: soft white. 5J4f3Kc: yellow, choice, 5i3l
5Jfc; yellow, good, oK5c; yellow, fair, 6
5K"-- yellow, dark, 6J5c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 59 00; me
dium, half bbls (800), S5 00.
Salt No. 1, ty bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, H bbl,
SI 00: dairy, fl bbl, Jl 20; coarse crystal. bbl,
51 20: Hlggins' Eureka. 4-bti" sacks, 82 80; Hig
gins' Eureka. 16-14 B packets. S3 00.
Canned Goo'ds Standard peaches. S2 00
2 25;2ds, 51 651 80: extra peaches. 52 40Q2 Ou;
pie peaches, SI 05: finest corn. SI 0081 50; Hid
Co. corn, 6590c; red cherries. 80S5e: Lima
beans, SI 20; soaked do, 80c; string do, 6570c:
marrowfat peas. SI 1001 15; soaked peas. 70
80c: pineapples. SI 30(31 40: Bahama do. S2 75:
damsun plums. 93c; greengages. SI 52: egg
plums, 52 00; California pears, 52 40; do green
gages, SI 85; do egg plums, $1 85; extra white
cherries, $2 40; raspberries, 85c6Sl 10; straw
berries, 80c; gooseberries, 51 2ul 40: toma
toes, 8J88c; salmon, 1-B. 51 306J1 85; black
berries, 60c; surcorash, 2-B cans, soaked, 90c;
do green, 2-B, SI 25l 50; corn beef. 2-B cans.
$2 05; I4-B cans. $14 00; baked beans, 51 401 50;
lousier. i-iD. ;i ouji vu; macKerei. i-m cans,
broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestic. V. 54 25
4 50; sardines, domestic s, 56 7507 00; sar
dines. Imported, lis, 511 50 12 50; sardines, im
ported. K'i $18 00: sardines, mustard, S3 50; sar
dines, spiccu, 53 50.
Fran Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $38 ?!
bbl; extra No. 1 do. mess, $10; extra No. 1 mack
erel, shore, 532: extra No. 1 do, mess. $36: No. 2
shore mackerel, 524. Codfish Whole pollock,
4o tfl B: do medium. George's coo. 8c; do
large, 7c; boneless hake, in trips, 4c: do
George's cod in blocks. 67Kc. Herring
Round shore, 55 00 vl bbl; split. So 50; lake, 52 00
H I00-B bbl. Wbito fish, 16 50 100-n halt bbl.
Lake trout, S5 50 fl half bbl. Finnan haddock,
10c p ft. Iceland hallbur, 13c $ B. Pickerel,
half lib!, 53 00: quarter libl.Sl 35; Potomac her
ring, S3 00 vl bbl; S2 50 7 half buL
O ATM 17 AT fins'; OC 5f UK!
. v VV" . H.'U..
Grain, Flonr nnd Fred.
Thero was but one sale on call at the Grain
Exchange, namely, a car of sample oats, 33c, 6
days, P. R. R. Receipts as bulletined, 24 cars.
By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne aud Chicago, 2 cars of
oats, 1 of rye, 1 of feed, 2 of hay, 2 of flour. By
Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of
oats, 2 of hay. 2 of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake
Erie, 1 catof oats, 4 of flour. By Pittsburg and
Western, 1 car of middlings. 1 of oats, 1 of hay.
Cereal markets are quiet. Ear cornjjives signs
of weakness. Wheat and flour are barely
steady. Jobbers of flour stocked up heavily a
fow weeks ago. and while there is no disposi
tion on tbe part of Northwestern millers to
concede on prices, markets here are slow.
Choice ha; continue? scarce aud firm In spite of
the great abundance of grass.
Prices nelow aro for carload lots on track:
Wheat New No. 2 red. 9687c; No. 3, 95Q
CORN No. 1 Vollow. mar A7fSi!trt Nn. 2
'yellow, ear. 4340j: high .mixed, ear, 42.
3c; ao. -a yellow, shelled. 4142c; high mixed
shelled corn; 4040c
Oats No. 2 white. 3434K; extra. No. 3,
32kS33ic; mixed, 3131Hc
Kye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6061c;
No. 1 Western. 59ffi60c
FLOUR Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
sprine patents, 55 SOgS 00; winter straight,
S5 005 2a;.clear winter, f 1 755 00: straight
XXXX bakers', U .25! 0. Rye flonr, 53 60
3 75.
Mils-bed Middlings, flue white, 515 60S
10 00 $? ton: brown middlings. 514 0015 OK
winter wheat bran, $135011 00; chop feed,
SIS 00015 00.
HAY Baled timothy. No. 1. S13 0013 25;
No. 2 do. SU 0012 00; loose, from wagon.S13 00
017 00. according to qnalitv: No. 2 prairie hay,
57 0007 50; packing do, SC 508 75; clover hay,
$7 6088 00.
Straw Oat, 86 757 00; wheat and rye. SO 00
8 25.
Sugar-c,ured hams, large. 10c: sugar-cured
bams, medium. 10c: sugar-hams, small. Uc;
sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 6c; sugar-cured
shoulders, Gc: sngar-cured boneless shoul
ders, 8c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c;
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sngar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c: sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12c; bacon, shoulders, 6c: bacoo, clear
sides. 7Jc; bacon, clear bellies, 7c: dry salt
shoulders, 5c; drv salt clear sides, Jjic Mess
pork, heavy, S13 50; mess pork, family. S13 50.
Lard Refined, in tierces, 5c; half-barrels,
6c: 60-B tubs. 6c; 20-B palls. 6c: 50-B tin
cans, 5c; 3-B tin palls, 6Jc: 5-B tin palls, 6c;
10-Btln pails. 6Kc Smoked sausage, long, oc:
large, 5c. Fresh pork, links, 9c. Boneless
bams. lOXc Pigs' feet, half-baraels, S4 00;
quarter-barrels. $2 15.
Wbont Continues Its Downward Coarse
Free Offerings Excite Suspicion Corn
Lower aadOnts Steady Notb-
Ins; Dolna; In Pork.
CHICAGO The volume ot trading In wheat
to-day was rather large. There were less than
tbe usual nnmber,of outside buying orders and
quite a good many selling orders. Local oper
ators also sold freely, and thero was general
liquidation. Some of tbe parties credited with
being the strongest bulls a few davs ago were
reported as having sold nut.
The opening was JiKo lower than yester
day's closing, and under free offerings sold oil
io more and then declined c. The offer
ings becamo heavy, and it was surmised that
some one was feeling the market with all the
wheat It would take without making tbe sell
ing appear too conspicuous, and prices slid off
lc, and then rather rapidly lJJ2c more,
ruled irregular and closed about 2Jo lower for
July, 2c lower for August and ljc lower for
September than the closing figures on "Change
yesterday. There was nothing specially im
portant in the way of crop news received from
outside points, or, in fact, news of an kind.
Corn was rather dull and easier, lower prices
bsing the rule on all futures. Operations were
in the main local, with opening sales KSK
under the closing yesterday, was steady for a
time, then sold off Kc, ruled quiet, and
closed !WB lower than yesterday.
There was no active trade in oats, but there
was a decidedly unsettled feeling. Tbe opening
was steady, and the futures beyond this month
firmer. May. however, was weak, elosinz Jo
above inside Azures. Trading was mainlv in
June and July, and they beld up well despite
the depression in May. The remote deliveries
were also fairly supported, and tbe closing sales
were at the same figures as yesterday.
Only a fair trade was reported in pork. Early
sales were made at 10B2c advance, but a
weaker feeling was developed later, and a por
tion of the advance was lost.
A fair trade was reported In lard. At the
opening prices were advanced 2Jrjc. but
settled back again, and tbe market closed tame.
Trading In short ribs was moderate. Tho
market ODened rather strong and prices ruled
25c higher. Later the feelingwas easier, and
prices declined abont 2c, and closed steady.
Tue leading fntures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2. May, 93;93ra91691c;
June, 8393?39191c: July, 93Jig94910
CORN No. 2. Mav. S3K33Ji33K83c;
June. SSK33K33Ji3.'SKc; July. 31ie34jJ
OATS No. 2, May. 292927ajfli2SKe: June.
27K27K27,S27ic; July, 26-2720a
Meks Pork, per bbl. June. $13 3O0C13 SOQ
13 202J13 25; Julv, S13 45J13 47K13 3513 40;
August. S13 50013 62K13 50013 50.
Lard, per 100 Bs. Julv. $0 17K822K6 17J
66 17K: September, S887&6 42k67k8 40.
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs.Juue, 55 20S 20;
July. $5 305 355 30G5 32; September,
So 505 62KQ5 50Q5 50.
Cash quotations were as follows: Floursteady
and unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat. 91c;
No. S spring wheat, 8286c: No. 2 red. 91c:
No. 2 corn, 33K No. 2 oats.282$Kc; No. 2 rye.
54c; No. 2 barley, nominal; No. 1 flaxseed,
51 47; prime timothy seed. SI 32. Mess pork,
per bbl, S13 25. Lard, per 100 lbs. 56 05. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed 1. 55 1025 20; short clear
sides (boxed), 55 655 75. Sugars, unchanged.
No. 2 white oats, 28&28Kc; No. 3 white, 33
On the Produce Exchange to-day tho bntter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs,
NEW YORK Flour dull and heavy. Corn
meal quiet and steady: yellow Western, 52 10
2 45. wheat Spotmoderatelvactiveandlower;
options moderately active. lilKc lower and
weak. Rye dull and weak. Barley dull; West
ern, nominal; Canada, 0072c Barley malt
dull; Canada, 7500c. Corn Spot quiet and
higher; options dull and lower. Oats Spot
firmer and quiet: options moderately active
and irregular. Hay steady and in fair demand.
Hops firm but quiet. Corlee Options opened
steady: 10 points down to lu points np, and
closed barely steady at 1015 points down:
sales, 48.750 bags, including May, 17.2517.45c:
June. 17.0517.10c; July, 16.S516.95e; August,
16.70ai6.80c; September, l&6018.65c; October.
18.201H.2V: November, 15.9t15.93c: Decem
ber. 15.7515.8oc; January, 15.7015.80c: March,
15.65fi)15.60c:spot Rio dull but steady: cargoes.
20c: No. 7. flat bean, I8Jc Sugar Raw firm
anu iairiy active; sales, 4,(jU0 bass cen
trifugals, 96 test, 34c c i. t.; 475 hhds
muscovadoes, 88 tost, 4c: 800 hhds and
2.20O bags do. 87" test, 4c: refined firmer
and fairly active: off A, 5 5-165fc;
standard A. 6 1-I6c: confectioners' A, 5 13-lBc;
powdered, 6c; cubes, cjc Molasses Foreign
firm; a cargo of Cuba sold at 19c for 50
test; New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and
steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow barely
steady. Rosin steady. Turpentine dull
at 3737Kc Eggs fairly active and firm:
receipts, 8,3S9 packages. Pork quiet; ex
tra prime, SU 00. Cutmeats quiet and weak.
Middles quiet and weak; short clear, 6c Lard
active, opened stronger, closed weak; Western
steam, 56 32; sales, 933 tierces. JO 80S 6 40: op
tions, sales. 7.000 tierces; June. 56 30B 32. closing
at $6 32 bid; July, 56 436 48, closingat 58 43 bid:
August, SO 54 bid; September, 56 0026 6. closing
at 56 45 bid: August, SO 54 bid; September,
S6 666 68. closing at S8 63: October. 56 716 75,
closing at 56 71. Butter quiet ana weak; west
ern dairy, 610c: western creamerv. 6Hc;
western factory, 410e; Elgin, 14J314c.
Cheese in better demand; part skims, 4g6c
PHILADELPHIA Flour dull and weak.
Wheat Options lower: quotations largely nom
inal; desliable milling grades qniet but steady;
rejected, 727Se; fair to good milling, 8S93c:
prime to choice, 9498e: Nc 2 red. May.
90KQ91J4c: June, 9091Jc; August, 91
92c Corn weak; options closed WdiV
inser; uuraueu uiixeu, in grain aepot,
42c; No. 3 high mixed, on track. 42c; No. 2,
in export elevator, 40c; No. 2 mixed, May,
40J4c; June. 40K July. 40Ji41c; August; 41c
uais tanou uau ana a snaue easier; Zio. 3
white. 35c: do choice, 83J35Hc; No. 2 white.
36c; options firm and futures beyond this month
lie higher; No. 2 white. May, 35)4g33c; June,
SiJ,ffiS4Jic; July, 33Kffi34K August, 3132c
Provisions in fair jobbing demand and steady.
Lard Western steam, 56 40. Butter quiet and
easy; Pennsylvania creamery, exTa. 14c; do
prints, extra. 1722c Eggs quiet bnt steady;
Pennsylvania Mists, 14c
ST. LOUIS Flour dull and lower. Wheat
was excited and demoralized; opened KSKc
lower, then advanced c later; the crowd
turned sellers and forced prices down 22c
from the top, a good deal of short wheat being
covered at the docllnc; the closing Jc from the
bottom, with July ljfe. August and December
jjic oeiow yestoruays: n o. z red, cash, sold,
and closed at 93c asked; July closed at 89Jo
bid; August. 83c bid: December, S3Jic asked.
Corn opened easy, but soon advanced Jc,
then reacted and closed at c beluw the
top; No. 2, cash, 31Kc; Joly, 32;c; August, 32ic
bill; September. S'JJj.c Oats firmer; No. 2. rafii,
2SJc; July. 2626: August closed at21c
asked. Ryo hriner: 3354c Barley neglected.
Flaxseed, SI 40. Banging and cotton tlos un
changed. Provisions dull and only a small job
trade done.
BALTIMORE Wheat Western weak; No. 2
winter red, spot and .Mar, S!IJiS9JJc: Julv.
00K9Ce; August. 0090c; September,
DOKc; December, 9393!4c Corn Western
steady; mixed spot and May. 4141Jc: June.
40Q40c: Jnly, iOlim&Xc; August, 40K
4CJic: steamer, 3SKc Oats quini; Westen:
wmte. 34Q35Kc: o mixed. S3"Ac; graded
No. 2 white, 34K35c Rye dull and un
changed. Ha v steady: prime to choice timo
thy. 512 50013 to. Provisions steady and un
changed. Butter quiet and unchanged. Eggs
firm; choice 1515)c Coffee steady; Rio car
goes, fair. 19K20c;No. 7, 1818'ic
MINNEAPOLIS Posted receipts of wheat for
the day were 111 cars; shipments. 19 cars.
There was a fair demand early for cood wheat,
a few local millers coming in and taking small
supplies at about July prices. Tbey were rather
exacting in their selections. After their wants
were supplied the market was very dull, per
haps even more so than yesterday. Closing
nuiitatinns: No. 1 hard. Mav, 88c: June, 89c:
July, 00Kc: on track. OOKQ'Jlc; So, 1 Northern,
May, 8Si4c: Jnne.8S)$c; July, 90c bid; on track,
89c;.No. 2 Nortliern,-May and June, 86c: July.
SSc; on track, 8G87c
MILWAUKEE Flour unchanged. Wheat
easy; No. 2 spring, on track, cash. SSQSSKc:
July. 8SKS9c; No. 1 Nnrtbern.KIc C.irn
dull; on track. 33c Oats steady; No. 2 while,
on track, 2929Kc Rye firmer; No. 1, in store,
65$c. Barley quiet; No. 2, on track. 48c
Provisions quiet. Pork, 513 35. Lard.C0 07Jf.
TOLEDO Wheat dull "and steadv; cash and
May. 92c: July. 92c: August, 90&c Corn
quiet; August. 40c Oats quiet: cash, 28Kc
Clorerseed dull and steadj; October, 54-00.
wrong, and that nature is endeav
oring to throw off the impurities.
Nothing Js so beneficial in assisting. -nature
as Swift's Specific (S. S. SJ
It is a simple vegetable cotnpound. Ii
harmless to the most delicate child, yet
it forces the poison to the surfau and
eliminates it from the blood.
.vIconIScd a,seIere caseof blood poise
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ine. J. C.Jones, City Marshal,
Fulton, Arkansax
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
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-' -
Embroidery and White Goods Department-,
direct importation from the beat manufao
turers of St. Gall, in Swiss and Cambric Edg.
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will nnd these goods attractive both in pnea
and novelties of design. Full lines of New
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PARTMENT Cost makes Window Shades la
dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Cur
tains, Portieres. Chenille Cnrtalns, Poles and
Brass Trimmings; Floor, Table and Stair Oil
Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest variety from which to select,
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ers. Imperial Suitings. Heather & Renfrew
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Wholesale Exclusively.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
Stocks. Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Privato wiro to New Tork and Chicago,
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
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voting special attention to all chronic diseases..
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URUM A RY.J?.6 iJSSisrjJsssfe
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Dr. Whittler's life-long; extensive experienc;
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on,
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Patients ata distance as carefully treated as It
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S-l .'
How Lost!
How Regained,
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
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Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
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STITUTE, No. 4 BulHnch SL, Boston, Msss.,to
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should be directed as above aul8-67-Tursqwk
yull particulars m namDhtet
sent free. The genuine Urays
bpeclao sold by druggists only in
yellow wrapper. Price, II pet
package, or six for 35. or by mall
r. j- u. l . " s -
on receipt of price, bv address
JHK AXITj VtrA.A JliJUlVllifi sJf DUUMU, !. &
;iHK CO, Buffalo, 3L X
boiu in rii.Darg uya.o. xxkjula.u. cornec
EajUIiiielUand Llbertrstt. mhl7-94-DWt
SPECIALIST'S in all coses re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatmentl Dr. S. K. Lake.
SM. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
the city. Consultation free and
&' strictly confidentiaL Office)
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. M.; Sundays. 2to 4 r.
K.Consult them personally, orwntc DoCToa
LAKE, 328 Penn avc Pittsburg. Pa.
j e-1 1 45-D Wk
"Wood's 3Pli.o33pl3Lod i n e.
Used for 35 years
by thousands suc
ceisfnll. Quar
anteed to cure all
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Weakness. Emis
of Youthful folly
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Givea immcdlata'
ftrtngtk and rig
or. Ask druerirlius
for Wood's Phos
phodlne; take no
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sion s. Spennator-
rnes, imDOwncy.
Ul-r !lrr,
Photo from Life.
cacknze. tl: slx5. bv mall.
Write for pamphlet.
Address Tlie.U ood Chemical Co., 131
eve, Detroit, Mich.
-933old in I'lttsburjr. Pa., by Joseph FlemlbgA
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BufTenns from tho eflects ot youthful errors, early
decay. wasUocr weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will
send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full ,
particulars for homo cure. FREE ot charge. A '
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man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,
Prof. F. C. FO VLEH,Moodn,COHa.
to every man, yousg.mlddle-aged,
and old; postage paid. Address
Dr. H. Dugout
oat, 531 Columbus Ave., Boston,
wSfi&fmfe foMi WMSm