P' PW9 SmKmSSKa' 'l,T'vFfKWJ VffKm irapp "- 8 THEa PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, MAT 28, 1890. " s & - --" - j -,- 4 4. t' I -. PAN-AMERICAN PLANS President Harrison Sends a Message to Congress Proposing to START AN IMTEKKATIONAL BANE. Ihe Majority of tlie Directors to lie United States Citizens. KO FINA5CIAL GUARANTEE IS GIYEN "Washington-, May 27. The followinj; Jaessage was transmitted to Congress to-day by the President: I transmit herewith a letter from the Secre tary ot State, luclosinj; a report adopted by the International American Conference recently In session at this Capital, recommending the establishment of an International American Bank, with its principal offices in the city of 2iew York, and branches in th commercial centers of the several other American repub lics. The advantages of such an institution to the merchants of the United States engaged in trade with Central and South America and the purposes Intended to be accomplished are fully set forth in the letter of the Secretary of State and tbe accompany ing report. It i not proposed to involve tbe United States in any financial responsibility, but onlv to Hire to tbe proposed bank a cor porate franchise, and to promote public confi dence by requiring that its condition and transactions stiall be submitted to a scrutiny similar to that which is now exercised over our domestic banking S3 stem. The subject is sub mitted for tbe consideration of Congress in tbe Delief that it will be found possible to promote the end desired bv legislation so guarded as to avoid all just criticism. Benjaiiln- Hakmson. bulixe's letter. In Iiis letter to the President, Secretary Blaine sets forth tbe advantages to be derived from such a project and says: "Tbe merchants of this country are as de pendent upon tbe bankers of Europe in their financial transactions with tbeir American neighbors as they are upon tbe ship owners of Great Britain for transportation facilities, and will continue to labor under these em barrassments nntil direct banking systems are established. The report of the Committee (of tbe Pan-American Coherence), presents a simple and easy method of relief, and the enactment of tbe measure recommended will, in the judgment of tbe conference, result in tbe establishment of proper facilities, for mter Amencan banking." A bill has been prepared at the State De partment to carry into effect the recommend ations of the committee. The bill designates the United SUtes delegates to the Pan American Conference to receive subscrip tions to tbe Capital stock of "The Interna tional American Bank," books for which purpose may be opened in Washington, iTew York and such other principal cities in the American Republic as the commission ers may think proper. bui.es and begulations. As soon as 50,000 shares are subscribed tbe subscribers shall have tbe usual powers to organize the corporation, which shall have the same priviieges now enjoyed by banks generally, its acquisition of real estate, however, to he limited to 15 per cent of tbe capital stock paid in. The corporation may be designated by tbe Secretary of the Treasury as a depository of public money, and may be employed as a financial agent of the Government. The principaoffiee shall be in 'Washing ton or New York City, with power to open branch offices in the United States, Mexico, South and Central America. The capital Etoct is fixed at 510,000,000 in 5100 shares, which may be increae'i by a two-thirds vote to not exceeding 525,000,000. Business may be begun as soon as 25 per cent of the subscriptions shall have been paid in in t cash, but at least 55,000,000 must be paid m within two years. USDEK AMERICAS' COKTBOI,. Theboardof directors shall consist of 25 persons, not less than 15 to be citizens of the United States. Xo person shall be a di rector who does not qwn.SyO.shares of stock, pursuant to a call issned by the Commis sioners, after which the Commissioners duty shall cease. Stockholders are liable to tbe amount of their subscriptions, but no more. The cor poration shall file seml-aunuallv with the Secretary of the Treasury a report of its financial condition, and its affairs shall at nil times be open to examination of officers of the Treasury Department. Provision is made for the appointment of a receiver for the corporation and tbe winding up of its afiairs in c.ise its capital stock is impaired more than 20 per cent of the amount or the capital stock actually paid in, and the di rectors fail to make 'such impairment good. AFTER .AITTLE BALANCE. The Lat Payment on the Allecbcnr Court Holm Wanted br the Contractors They Bring Snlt for It How It Cams to bo Withheld Till Tbli Time. Norcross Brothers, 'of Massachusetts, the contractors who erected the new Court House, have entered suit in the United States Cir cuit Court against Allegheny county, to re cover 56,845 36, a balance due for work on the Court House and jail. They state that the County Commissioners had issued to them a warrant for this amount, but after ward notified tbe Connty Controller not to countersign it. and tbe Treasurer not to nay it. The reason given for this was that Norcross .Brothers owed money to a subcontractor, and the Commissioners withheld this payment, the final one, under a clause in the agreement authorizing them to witbhold money until all work and material on the county buildings should be paid for. I Tbe plaintiffs, however, state that they owe no money for work or materials on the build ings everything having been paid. The alleged claim against them Is that Otis Brothers, to whom, though, tbey owe nothing. Norcross Brothers sub-let certain work to Frederick Tudor, who, without consulting them, sab-let to Otis Brothers. Tudor failed, owing Otis Brothers money for the work, and they now w ish to collect from Norcross Brothers. Charles H. McKee, attorney for Otis Brothers, and a son of County Commissioner MeKee, notified the Count) Commissioners of bis client's claim, and ask'ed them not to settle with Norcross Brothers until it was paid. Commissioners .Mercer and Stokeley at that time refused to ac cede to the request, but subsequently tbe pay ment of the warrant was stopped. Norcross Brothers now sue for the amount. id,sia se, an mat is owing on tne county Duna inc. asserting that the county has no right to withhold tbe money from them. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A 1'ropertT Di.pute Sptilerf. In a brief Court item in ) esterday's papers It was stated that a bill in equity had been filed by O. W. Allen to restrain the Dixon-Woods Company from selling theirproperty. It should have read '"to restrain O. W. Allen's partners from selling certainproperty to the JJnon Wooas Company." The latter had an option on tbe property, and In closing the bargain a dispute resulted. However, the bill was with drawn yesterday, and a deed executed-to tbe Dixon-woeds Company. Grind of the Divorce Mill. Mrs. Franziska Busan yesterday entered suit against Pbilip Husan for a divorce, alleg ing cruel treatment and desertion. She stated that in 1SS7 be tried to kill her by shooting at her. He as tent to the workhouse for a jear tor it, and upon his release disappeared, and she bas not heard of him since. Mrs Annie L. Byers sued for a divorce from Alexander Bjers. She stated tbat his cruel treatment forced her to leave him December 18, 1SS3. Awful Blood Humor Terrible Blood Poison. Suffered all a mm eould suffer and live. Ftes and body covered wlih awful Sores. Used the Cuticura Remedies ten weeks, ,atfU is practically cured. A remarkable ease. Cured by Cuticura ; I contracted a terrible blood-poisoning a year sro. I doctored with two gooa physicians, neither of whom did me any (rood. I suffered all a man can suffer and live. Hearing ot your COTICUBA JtEMEDIKS, I concluded to try them, knowing If imcj uiu uie no jcooa uiey couia mase me no worse. 1 hare been utlng them about ten weeks, and am most happy to say that I am almost rid or the awful sores that covered my face and body. Jlv lace was as bad. If not ivonut limn that of iifs Boynton, spoken of In your book, and I would say to any one In the same condition to use Cuticub , and they will surely be cured. on may use this letter In the latereits or suffering humanity. . V. BNUL1. Ashland, Ohio. Knee to Foot Running Sores I have been afflicted with a sore limb, which the doctors called eciema. My limb from tbe knee to the root was one mass of running sores. The doc tors bandaged it every day for a week, and every time tbe bandage was removed a laree scab would Come oil, and the blood pour down. 1 got one bottle or Cuticcra Kisolves-t. one box LUT1- Lcura. and ona cak cuTicim Soxr. jind they nurcu me. i luiu a may who was similarly nuiicicu to use it. and it cured her also. 1 gratefully ac knowledge that It was CtmcrmA that cured me. lilts. KATE UEAKD, Orange Valley, X. J. t Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Tnrlfler and greatest or Humor Kemodlts Internally, and CuncnnA, tbe treat Skla Cure, and CCTICURA bOAF. an exquisite bkln Heantlfler, externally, speedily cure every humor and disease of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of ualr, whether simple, scrofulous, hereditary, or contagious, when Dhvsiclans and all other remedies tail. This Is strong language, but true. Thousands of hope less sufferers have found It so. Sold everywhere. Trice, CrmctntA, 50c: Soap, 2Sc: Resoi vivt, II. Prepared by the ronis 11RCO AND CHEMICAL UOKI'ORATIOJT. Boston. .SB-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 84 pages. 50 Illustrations and 100 testimonials. n I aarLEb, black-heads, chipped and oily skin I I III prevented by Coticuba Medicated bOAr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CARPETS WALL PAPER. BIG STOCK. 2TEW GOODS. LOW F BICES In all new choice styles for spring. Also Fortiers, Cur tains, LinoleumB, Window Shades, Etc. Come and see us. It will be to your inter est We show 50 styles of Linoleum in all qualities, and all grades of Carpets and Wall Paper. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. Nobby, Stylish and Becoming That's the unanimous opinion of all who have examined RUBEN'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S?$!li vair ACHING SIDES AND BACK, Hip, kidney, aim uterine pains anu weaknesses RELIEVED IV ONE MINUTE by theCLTiconA anti-1'aiv Flasteb. the nrstana oniy instantaneous pun killing, strengthening plaster. ws An Old Soldier's Story. During three years of the late war, I was a member oi Company 1, 149th Kogiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers or Second Buck . tails. In the second year of service I con tracted chronic durrhrca which has cinng to me ever since, and in addition to this I was shot through the body near the small of wy oacK (.in tne battle oi the Wilderness). One ol the lasting effects of this wound is such that during attacks of diarrhoea I have no retaining powers over the movements of my bowels. I have used many remedies, but tip to Auenst, 18S9, I had supposed that there was no remedy that would quite reach luy case, but since then myself and my lamily have thoroughly tested Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlicea Remedy and have found it to be by far the best rem edy we have ever used io'r bowel complaint, and without any hesitation whatever, I cheerfully recommend it to my friends and old army comrades. I value "it more than its weight in gold. J. E. McIntibe. Cora, Huntington Co., Pa. For sale by E. G. Stncky, 1701 and 2401 Penn ave.: E. G. Stucky & Co., cor. "Wylie ave. and Pulton St.; Markell Bros., cor. Penn and Faulkston ayes.; Theo. E. Ihrig, S610 Fifth ave.; Carl Hartwig, 4016 Butler st.; John C. Smith, cor. Penn ave. and JIain st; Jas. L. McConnel & Co., 450 Fifth ave., Pittsburg; and in Allegheny by E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal st,; Ihos. U. Jlorris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves; F. H. Eggers, 172 Ohio st, ana F. H. Eg Kers & Son, 199 Ohio st. and 11 Smithneld Btreet Tysu A WOXSTEO. A Great Attraction U Tlint S9 75 Snlt Sale nt ibe P. C C C. Do you wear a dark suit, or would you prefer a light suit lor summer wear? You can have own your choice for $975 at tbe P. O. C. C. The suits are made from cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds and simonis, the best value in tbe world. We offer them at this price for two days only. P. C. C. 0., cor. Grant and Diamond st&, opposite the Court House. DECORATION DAT SUITS For Ladies and Misses. Sateen, fine ginghams, foulards, India Bilk, surah silk and other light fabrics; all prices from $5 up; these suits are well and neatly made. Campbell & Dick, Fifth avenue. AjfSTTAl. excursion to Ohio Pyle, on Decoration Day, May 30. Rate, $1 50 round trip. Special train will leave B. & O. E. E, depot at 8 a. M. B.&B. 40c The greatest bargain in India silks (seen this or any other season. Bogqs & Buhl. Trial LUls. Common Pleas No. 1 Bishop vs. Munhall et aL. Jluruon vs. same, Thornburg vs. same, Stranick vs. same, McCain et a', vs. Robinson, DaUs et ux. vs. Skidmore, Haddock vs. Abbott et aU Livingstone et aL vs. Jefferson Gas Com pany. Hall vs. Putsburc, Phillips vs. Allegheny, Adams vs. Pittsburg Female College, flalick vs. RvndetaL, Kubn vs. Russell Manufactur ing Company, Haight vs. Kann et aL Common Pleas No. 2 Groetzinger vs. Steen et ux.. Miller et ux. vs. Booth & Flinn, Doll myer vs. Hunt 4 Clapp. ivans vs. Carotbers et aL, Coursin vs. Shroeder. Lines From Lrgnl Quartern. The suit of L. W. Smith against J. K. Lana han, an action on a contract, is on trial before Judge blagle. A motion was made yesterday for a new trial in the case of the contested will case of Mary ilcD. Hazlett Johnston Childress and wife yesterday entered suit against Payton Toliver for dam ages for slandering Mrs. Childress. A capias was issued for the arrest of Toln er. Tub suit of G. A. Meyer against the McKees port and Bellcvernon Railroad Company, for damages for a right of way taken through his piopcrty, is on trial before Judge White. The jury is out in the suit of John Lally against tbe Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis Railway Company, an acuon to recover dam ages for injury to propertv caused by water running over from a ditch dug by tbe company. Anna C Adams yesterday filed a petition for an inqnest in lunacy on Tbomas R. Adams. She states that be bas been insane for a ear, and is unable to take care of hiuclf. Monday. June 2, was fixed for a hearing before the Court . jijtas kejteih ....,. j . .. . for a writ of habeas corpus to obtaii profession oi niso-ear-oiuson ueorge. wno, ne claims. Is Illegally detained by Mar Cole, of the Second nard. Allegheny. The writ was issued and to day fixed for a bearing. Commission ee Gamble yesterday took tbe testimony in tbe suit of tbe Edison. Electric Light Company against Westinghouse. Church, Kerr & Co., an action on an alleged infringe ment ot a patent Tbe suit is brought in the United States Court of New Jersey. In tho suit of Caroline Gold against Alle gheny City, for damages for injury to proporty caused by tbe opening of California avenue, a erdict of S400 for the plaintiff was given yes terday. In the similar snit or Leonard Boston against the city a verdict of 6 cents was given for tho plaintiff. John Keako yesterday entered suit against Frank Jackson and wife for 10.000 damacea. He stated that tbe defendants, in excavating on the lot adjoining his bouse on bouth Twenty-sixth street, took the support away from the cellar walls of the bouse, causing it to sink and crack and seriously injuring it. TEEMEND0US SLAUGHTER. THAT IS WHY THE CROWDS ARE RUSHING TO THE GREATEST BANKRUPT ASSIGNEE SALE That Has Ever Taken Place In Plltsburc Now Going; on nt 546 Wood Street. The greatest bankrupt assignee sale of fine clothing that has ever taken place in this county is now going on at 546 Wood street, Pittsburg. The crowds are wonder ful. Tbe building at times is not large enough to hold the throngs of people. The like of it was never known be fore in Pittsburg, where clothing is sold so cheap. It bag tacen the people of.Pittsburg and surroundings by surprise. Just think, an actual saving of 65 cents on every dollar spent People coming for miles to attend this great sale which is now going on at 546 Wood street If you value money you will not miss this chance. We mention a few of the many bargains yon can obtain, and remember this great sale will last for a short time onlv: A splendid suit of men's clothes for S3 99; this suit is well made, all to match, latest style and really worth 513. Men's tweed cassimere spring snits that are sold in any regular clothing store in Pittsburg for $15 or f 16, are sold here at $4 60. English diagonal dress snits worth 25, sold here at 56 50. Elegant Prince Albert worth 545, cold here at $11 50. Hen's trousers, worth $5, sold here at SI 60. Hen's fancy stripe dress pants, worth $7 50. sold here at $2 50. Foreign wide wale worsted dress suits,worth 538, sold here at 512 50. A full line of hats, including Fedora styles, in the latest shades, at 99 cents, and many other bargains that cannot be mentioned here. A chance for sucb wonderful bargains occurs onlv once in a lifetime. Remember tbe address, 546 Wood street, one door from Sixth a venae, opposite new Bank of Commerce building, Pittsburg, Pa. During the great sale of clothing the salesroom will remain open until 9 at night, and Saturday until 11 P. M. The store will remain open all day on Decoration Day for the benefit of those seek ing bargains. RICHABD Maxtby, Esq., Assignee. 83 SO. Come Soon. 81. If you want a life-size crayon for 53 50, or 12 cabinets for 51, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, C16 Market st, Pittsburg. !33 T3DDT7TTAT.'P. t EMPLOYMENT. We want to engage the iWf services ot an energetic man or woman to represent the Ladies' Home Jour nal, to distribute sample copies, secure the names of women to whom we can mail sample copies, display posters and 'other adver tising matter and secure subscriptions. "We offer employment that will pay far better than clerkships. Send for circulars, illus trated premium list, sample copies and private terms to agents. Coras Ptmusirmo Ca, Philadelphia, Pa. , t, LADIES' Hand-Sewed Turn, Leinad Kid OXFORDTIES Made on new Grecian and Com mon Sense Lasts, with ex treme long vamps. PRICE $3,00 This is a very handsome and stylish lqw shoe, far superior to what is usually sold at above price. q. THE FAMOUS . SHOE HOUSE, 52 SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG, my21-'wpau WE GRABOWSKT, Fashionable Hat and Bonnet Bleacher and Ostrich Feather Dyer. Stjmiieb corsets 50c, 75c, 51, 51 25, best makes. Eosknbaum & Co. MWSU . At 79 Cents. Ladies lastinc gaiter, all sizes, for com fort, at O. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio st, Alle gheny. TO The largest and cheapest line of wall .paper in the two citiei at John S. Roberts'. iWoodit.city. PainsrM U3LXX.Z1 PROMPTLY CURED BY Haywood, Kant, Aue. 10.. IBS. I suffered two years doctors failed to help with pain In my side; doctors railed to help me; St Jacobs Oil cured me; no return of pain. r. i.iuuuu.n,r..u. .rrll.IRR i . :t. ' . : j r7T i waa nun in ice ieit nip ana tried seT Brslphysicli than a half- Carlisle, Pa., Februar ; in tne len hid ani ans without obtaining relief Lest bottle of St Jacobs Oil cured ma. UUSi U. BfcLEAFXB. We bare introdnced our new Bummer Plate containing all the leading New York styles: we will namo a few: Beauty, Yokes, Plymouth, Figaro, Chateau, Chic, Promenade, Patti, Hastings, Oxford, Francois. Aida, Ribbon. Any of your old-fashioned Hats can be reno vated into tbe most fashionable and becoming style by our new electric process, rendering the Hats as good as new at a saving from $3 to S3 a Hat For correct styles and good work always go to WM. GRABOWSK.Y, IUSH HATTER, 707 Penn ave., opposite Penn building. my4-wsu Latert improved Bpectacles and Eye-Glasses: Will fit any nose with ease and comfort The largest and best 6tock of Optical Instrument! and Artificial Byes. is.uiWMUiiUM, Theoretical and J rTacucai upncian. NoO Fifth avenue, near Wood itreet Telerhf no No. 1680. deJM Geo.W.Snaman, 136 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. fel7-113-MW7 Celebrated Grand DENVER RANGE. k k k k & NEW "YACHT" HAT. Prices, 48c, 74e, 98c, up to $2 40. Six New Braids. 10 Novel Shades. Do not put off too long buying your Bummer Btraw Hat Come while tbo assortment is full, styles com plete and selection unequaled. As to prices, you know we undersell all, creation. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 AND 423 SMITHIEIjD ST. Bole agent for Miller Derby Silk Hat. my25-wrsa Sold by all stove dealers. Manu factured by GRAFF, HUGUS & CO., 632 and 634 Liberty street mh3-6-MWK THE DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE Has been removed to corner Bmlthfield and Diamond sts. mh9-117 THOMSON'S IMPROVED GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS Possess the highest degree of merit Fifteen grades and three lengths (snort medium and extra long) to cboote from. Con stant imnrovements in shapes. AMU uun HEW SMOOTH FLAT SEAM HAVE MADE THOMSON'S GLOVE -FITTING The Most Popular of Any. A Perfect Fit and Absolute Comfort Guaranteed. LANGD0N, BATGHELLER & CO., Successors to Thomson, Langdon & Co., New York, Sole Manufacturers. For sale by first-class dealers throughout the United States. mh21-53-uwr s5gs5jjSarSWW llitiil GOLDEN OPPOnTUHITIESFORECONOMOL BUYERS DOUCLAS & 1VIACKIE Have purchased for SPOT CABH 150 pieces Silk finish Mobair Bnliiantlnes, In all the new shades; they're 36 incnes wide, dyed in the yarn, and just the cloth you're in the habit of paying 50c for. Our price is but 23c a yard this week. Also 50 Ladies' Fine Cashmere Suits: they're very stylish, and come in all tbe pretty shades. Hell all over for S10 50 our price is only S7 50. Then we've secured an extremely elegant lot of Ladies' Super Henrietta Suits, Richly Trimmed in Wide Gold-embroidered Gimps, which we propose selling at JS 50; these never sold anywhere fqr less than 12 SO. AND RECOLLECT, PLEASE, Every Department Laden With Novelties and Hew Fresh Goods; All at Our Ever Popular Money-Saving Prices. :uu uo-iiAis su jvd-zc;i2:xei, 151, 153 and 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. iny28-nrwr 'DECORATION ATTENTION G. DAY. A. R. You are invited to inspect the Mammoth Spring Stook of Shoes at our Stores, selected with a view to comfort and ease in marching. Five miles an hour easily accomplished without the least discom fort if you wear a pair of our Shoes made to conform to your require ments. You can put on a pajr of our Shoes, which require no breaking In, and travel along as contentedly as if they were the veriest old pair you had saved for the purpose. No matter what you buy, whether the lowest priced or the best goods, each and every one -will prove entirely satisfactory. No one in the trade can discount our prices, and the extent and variety of our stook combines everything desirable made in the Boot and Shoe line. Remember, we lead in the retail shoe trade, and our goods are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Our retail stores are stocked by the same hand, and we court examination of qualities and prices. "W. HUH.. DLIIRID. New Betail Store, 433 Wood street. Wholesale House, 515 Wood street Mammoth Bargain Shoe Stores, Nos. 406, 408 and 410 Market street. my25-arwTBtf TRADE IS FLOURISHING -AT- KEEOH'S! not Why should it not? Why should the people buy their Carpets and Furniture there, where they can get the best goods for the least money, and the most liberal terms of squaring up accounts? Verily, Keech's big'trade runs on as naturally as does the Ohio River. To buy here once means to buy always. ISO CASESJF CATARRH Successfully Treated by the Catarrh Specialists at 823 Penn Avenue During the Bast Week. That the public have come tor fully realize that the Catarrh ana Dyspepsia Institute Is tbe only institution in Pittsburg where Catarrh is permanently cured is proven by the ranidlv in creasing patronage which it is receiving. From early in the day Until late at night the parlors are filled with patients. The hundreds of testi monials that have been pnblisbed in the dally pacers are from patients who have suffered from Catarrh In Its most aggravated chronic form, and which. In some cases, had developed into consumption. A very satisfactory coinci dence is, that a large proportion of patients who apply for treatment were recommended by their friends who had been permanently cured at this medical institution. Mr. Fred Hahn, a resident of Sharpsburg, and well known throngbout Allegheny county " western rennsyirania, nas lor years been a victim of catarrh and dyspepsia. His stomach gave him an endless amount of trouble. Re had belching of gas from his stomach after eating, sonr taste, and often felt like vomiting his food. His appetite was poor, and as bis liver was much enlarged it gave him great pain. In fact, be would often be taken with such sharp cramps and pain across his stomach and bowels it seemed aB if he could not 'live. Ho had palpitation of the heart, dissiness. weakness and pain across the small of his back, and a numb, lifeless feeling in his limbs. He could get bnt little sleep, and as every change of weather gave him a cold, he took on a Iincering cougb. His breath became short and be felt pain and soreness in his lungs and under bis shoulder blades. Night Sweats weakened blm very fast, and be gradually grew worse until he lost 30 pounds of flesh. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KIWIS' DAILY CARD OF REASON, May 28, 1890. HZIItsTTS to bargain-seeking) s Xi-A-IDIEIE fjILK WAISTS, now worn more extensively ffill lili fill fffff fifiy$ s Ml III till lull l'M(frJrk 1MB J m I ill Hi V ft h jn ll I III1 $4 98 Mr. JVeoT Hahn, Having a wife and two small chil dren whom he dearly loved, depend ing on him for a living, and hav ing spent all his money in doctoring to no avail, not being able to work, be became discouraged and disheartened, and often became so melan choly that be would feel tempted to jump into tbe river and thus end bis suffer ing. One day he noticed in the paper an account of a patient who bad been cured by tbe catarrh specialists at 323 Fenn avenue of conditions that seemed similar to his own. He resolved to call on these special ists. He did so, and was told he could yet be cured. Although he had bnt little faith, be re solved to try once more, and after taking a course of treatment became cured. He says: 'The above history ot my disease and cure is true in every respect. I bad received treat ment from 20 physicians, yet gradually grew worse, and for one year before beginning treat ment with these physicians I was scarcely able to do any work. I have now worked bard for tbe past two months, feel well and strong, and words do not express the Joy I feel that my life bas been spared ana neaitn restored, i hereby sign my name, FRED HAHN." Please bear in mind that THEE SPECIAIi I8T3 HAVE BUT ONE OFFICE, and which Is PERMANENTLY LOCATED at 323 Penn avenue. Also please remember that this is tbe only institution in Pittsburg where only Catarrh, Dvspepsla and Diseases of Women are re ceived for treatment, preferring to treat these diseases successfully rather than attempt to enre all diseases. OJHce hours, 10 a. M. to p. if., and 6 to 8 P. Jt Sundays. 12 to 4 p. H. Consultation free toalL Patients treated suc cessfully at home by correspondence. Bend two 2-cent stamps for question blank and ad. dress all letters to the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue. Pittsburg. my26.Kwrsau THE DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE Has been removed to corner Smithfleld and Diamond sts. mh9-117 than ever before, head the list of Kanf- manns' attractions to-day and the balance of this week. will take your choice from a most magnificent line of good quality plain Surah Silk and fine India and Wash bilk Waists, in new and fancy patterns. Drygoods stores call them cheap at $j. Here's another timely article: "TT1LANNEL WAISTS, made with belt in L? silk stripes and plaids, and the price only $2 25. But here's the dandy bargain: 1,000 elegant Flannel Blouses, pleated, at the reduced price of 69c. LADIES' CLOTH CAPES AND BEADED WRAPS. These garments are not going as fast as we had anticipated. A big price-cutting is the remedy we apply in such cases. The big reductions we made several days ago are now supplemented by A CASH DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT. This discount, bear in mind, is no fiction or exaggeration, but stands just for what it says. You simply look at the price mark, deduct the discount, and pay us the balance. Thus, for instance: For Cloth Capes, now marked at Si 25, you pay only 94c. For Cloth Capes, now marked at $1 50, you pay only $1 12. For Cloth Capes, now marked at $2 00, you pay only $1 50. For Cloth Cape3, now marked at $3 00, you pay only $2 25. For Cloth Capes, now marked at $5 00, you pay only 3 75. For Beaded Wraps, now marked at $1 29, you pay only 97c. For Beaded Wraps, now marked at $2 00, you pay only $1 50. For Beaded Wraps, now marked at $3 00, you pay only $2 25. For Beaded Wraps, now marked at $4 00, you pay only $3 00. For Beaded Wraps, now marked at $5 00, you pay only $3 75. SOUNDS f ROM THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. 500 Children's Nobby Reefers at 98c. 75 doz. Children's Corded, White Mull Caps, with wide strings, at 15c. 40 dozen Children's White, Corded Hats, at 29c FOR LESS MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE, Commencing this morning, and continuing throughout this week, we will offer a line of beautiful French Sateen Corsets, extra good quali ty, in all different shades, together with a lot of Summer Corsets, guar anteed value $1, at the , MPRECEDEiYTEDLY LOW PRICE OF 49 CEiYTS. This is the greatest opportunity to buy fine Corset3 ever known. BT! KAUFMANNft Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street myza C3-ILIsriD SPECIAL SALE COST THE OZROTHSriDS OP LEMINGTON SQUARE LOTS, DECORATION DAY, Friday, May 30, Commencing at 2 P. M. :$ LEMINGTON SQUARE is situated on Lemington avenue, a few steps off Lincoln avenue, Twenty-first ward, East End. Lots 25x110 feet, laid out on 50-foot avenues, $350 to $500 each; 5 to 10 per cent down, balance $1, $2 and $3 per week. DOHT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. k COME BEFORE ALL THE CHOICE LOTS ARE GONE. See the agents and arrange to be taken out ZEZ EZEOZHI'S CASH AND CREDIT HOUSE, 923-925 FEUTIsr -A.VJE3. SLOAN & CO., -A-G-ZEaSTTS, 127 itotjrth: ave First DooiAbove Smithfield Street. PLAN LAID OUT BY GEO. S. MARTIN & CO. c5i.t- i V-! - jnj7J-irwnur- JiiV -& jSSariS 'L-M&&&&,. --,V"-,