MMMsMsiMsWsslttiktssWI"fMssMrTsil II II mjuumi sj i m msmasmMBJsjsBSBafag" pyimjui mggmFxggBgamemmmatjaaaggammmam ' SL. .. TE PITTSBURG-' CENTER OF THE RACE. Three-Fourths of Pittsburg's Popu lation Are Scotch-Irish. WHAT THEY DID FOR CIVILIZATION Thej Dignify All Professions and Add Sajjacity to Industry. A PATBI0T1C AMERICAS PEOPLE "The Scotch-Irish ot Western Pennsylvania: In peace and In war possessing tbo highest elements of manhood, virtue, courage, patriot- Ism and intelligence."--.Hon. XKznfel Agnew. It it particularly appropriate that a great Catherine of that portion or the people known as the Scotch-Irish, snch as the one proposed for this week, should come together in this city. Pittsburg is the very center of the Scotch-Irish population in America. At one time seven-eighths of the business men of the city were Scotch-Irish, and even now, it is said, three-fourths of the entire population are of that blood. "What this stalwart, hard-visaj;ed, but strong-minded element has done to advance civilization in Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania is bard to estimate. Tbey felled the forests, cleared the lands and filled them with broad farms, large towns, great factories and many railroads. Western Pennsylvania was partly settled by the Scotch-Irish along about 1722. Daniel Agnew, the grandfather of Hon. Alexander Xing, a Millionaire Manufacturer. Daniel Agnew, now of Beaver, emigrated from the North of Ireland in 1764, and settled in New Jersey. Judge Agnew's father was drought west with the great wave or popula tion which crossed the Allegheny river in 1796, alter the ratification of the treaty of General Wayne with the Indians. Hon. Daniel Agnew came here in 1805, with his father, James Acnew, A. M., M. D., who was then on his way to Mississippi to practice his profession. He graduated here and was admitted to the bar in 1829. Speaking of these early times, Judge Ag new in a recent letter, says: "In 1820 Pittsburg's population was under 8,000, and the foreign element was wholly Irish. In the early settlement of the northwestern counties tbe whisky still was often found at springs of good water. Whisky was then tbe only article ot cash sale. In the main, farm products were the subjects of barter only." TLAYED IMPORTANT FABTS. The Clarke family played important parts in the progress of Pittsburg. Thomas G. Clarke, lather of Charles J. Clarke, was born in Cannonsburg in 1601. He gradu ated from tbe Jeffenou College and became one of the foremost men of this city. He and the late William Thaw owned no less than 100 bouts on tbe river beside operating a great system of wagen transportation over the mouLtaini, years before the railroads came into use. They owned the largest line of packets between this city and Cin cinnati that was ever run on the Ohio river. William B. Clarke, a brother, was born in 1803 and is still living. He also graduated at the Jeflerson College and settled in Beaver, at a time when it was a question as to whether Pittsburg or Beaver was to be the larger town, He is now one ot the old est and best known attorneys or the city and is tbe of father Mrs. John Arthurs, of Oak land. Reuben Miller, of Miller, Metcalf & Parkin, is another Scotch-Irish descendant, llis father came from tbe dividing line be tween Scotland and England, and it is said 27e Late Thomas G. Clarke. he never knew whether be was Scotch or English. He came here in 1802. The ancestors of Colonel William A. Herron were among the oldest and most prominent Scotch-Irish emigrants. They came to America in 173S and located at Car lisle. Both his grandfathers, James Herron and William Anderson were Majors in the Eevolutionary War. ColoneLHerron, who has been styled the "American Gladstone," is one of the proudest of his race, among Pittsburg Scotch-Irish. In speaking of his people to a Dispatch reporter, be said: SHOULD IySPIKE SOME TBIDE. "I tell you this nation ought to be proud of the Scotch-Irish. If it had not been for them the Eevolutionary War wouldj have been lost. It is they who have maintained civil freedom in America. It was the Scotch-Irish people that made the Declara tion of Independence. Without them it could never have been thought ot except as a passing fancy." Alexander King, of the East End, came to Pittsburg in 1836. His brother, R. H. King.oi tbe Cash Insurance Company, came four years before him, but Mr. Alexander King is probably the best posted op inter esting reminiscences connected with the progress of the city, and has done more for the advancement of the manufacture of ulass than any other citizen of Western Pennsylvania. When he came here there were no houses above Smithfield street. Mr. King made a profitable inves ment at the time the city wag compelled, by an act of the legislature, to redeem its scrip issued in 1844. The municipality was obliged to sell some of its property in order to redeem the scrip, and Mr. King pur chased several lots on Fifth avenue, between Smithfield and Grant streets, one or two of which lip still owns, and the others he sold a few years ago. Mr. King was tbe first to introduce soda ash for the manufacture of glass in America. Glass was for a long time made from "scorchings," which were used as an alkali; but the supply was very limited and hard to get. Mr. King, who was then in the glass business, had two cousins in Liverpool, England, who sent him 100 casks of soda ash. He tried It and .found it a success. AFRAID TO USE IT. William McCnlly & Co.. who then owned the largest factory in the United States, re fused, use tbe d a ash. They were afraid oftpoiIiiiR their "mix." Finally, Mr. iKioir induced him to try a few casks and JftlfjMcCuliy "aid it had a demoralizing refleegoiPhis men. They all got intoxicated W wdained the glass. However, the uie of 1'k 7 soda ash was kept up and to-day thousands of tons are consumed annually. Tbe Scotch-Irish are a temperance peo ple. Outside of three large cities in Penn sylvania all tKc Scotch-Irish counties but one, Armstrong, gave majorities for the temperance amendment, and Armstrong's opposition majority was less than 200 out ot spoil of over 7.000. A study ot the Scotch-Irish proves the contributions which that element has made to the intelligence and to the varied and and world-famed industries of the city. They dignify every profession. There are Scotch-Irish here, too, who, for their convic tions and for the maintenance of liberty for which they were forced to America, have int fnrtli nAmlA tft. anil YiaVA ftlfifl m&- jestic sacrifices. And they stand to-day as Vi- I. .-,. .... mtnA rtrriMnimlniT the irC dom of the Dress, freedom of religion and the freedom'oi the citizen. Colonel Echols.who has been prominently connected with the arrangements for the forthcoming congress, said: PEO0D or TIIEIR RACE. "The Scotch-Irish are a truly patriotic race. They are intensely American. They are, of course, proud of their race, but race pride is a characteristic of man, and so Is pride of ancestry; and a man who would not take pride in bis ancestors and their achieve ments, will not do much worthy of remem brance and is not worthy of a place on the earth. But the Scotch-Irish have proven themselves ready at all times to stand up in defense of America and American institu tions, while yet retaining a modest pride in their ancestry." The objects or the local Scotch-Irish So ciety are the preservation of Scotch-Irish history, the keeping alive race pride, and the promotion of social intercourse and fra ternal feeling among the members. The following are some of the members, all of whom are direct descendants ofjberace: Hon. J. D. Cameron. ex-Governor A. G. Curtin, Hon. John Dalzell, Eon. Thomas Ewing, Colonel J. W. Echols, Mayor Fit ler, of Philadelphia; J. M. Gufly, Hon. D. H. Hastings, Colonel Wm. A. Herron, Eev. I. N. Hays, D. D., Superinteadent Robert Pitcairn, Eev. Thomas H. Robin son, D. D., Justice James P. Sterrett and Justice H. W. Williams, of the State Su preme Court. DRANK HEALTHS TO TEE QUEEN. Bow Tletorln's Keventj-Flrt Birthday Wi Celebrated In Pittsburg. The septuagenarian sovereign, of Great Britain and Ireland celebrated on Saturday her seventy-first birthday. Queen Victoria was born in 1819, and succeeded to the throne on the death or her uncle, William IV., in 1837. Thus, with the seventy-first anniver sary of her nativity. Madam Victoria Guelph celebrates the fifty-third anniversary of ber sovereignty over the British empire. Dur ing that period 16 different men have been Presidents of the United States. William IV. died when Van Buren was in tbe first year of his term. The heir apparent to the throne of Great Britain, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, J is in his 50th rear, and II he were to Decome King to-day, he would be the oldest indi vidual who ever succeeded to the English throne. A number of English residents of Pitts burg celebrated the Queen's birthday with all due honors. In a certain Diamond street saloon, noted as a resort ot the Saxon, there was champagne galore, and plenty oi good old Burton ale. in which those with a yearn ing for the chalk cliffs of old England pledged their former sovereign. If the number ot healths drank in her honor, benefit the royal Victoria in any degree, she ought to be very glad that ber birthday chanced to be on a Saturday. At least half of Pittsburg's mill men come from the North of England, and these brawn v chil dren ot Albion drank success to Victoria and confusion to her enemies in a manner that must have filled the coffers oi loyal saloons to a surprising degree. llrmorrfanse. Dr. Flint's Remedy will control hemorrhage from the stomach and bowels, which is often dependent on too great a supply sent thither by a heart that has some form of disease. De scriptive treatise with each bottle. At all druggists, or address Mack Drug Co., N. 1'. New Building and Lean Association. The citizens ot the Hill district are taking steps toward organizing a new loan society to have all the more recent improvements of sucb associations. The name adopted is the Dwelling House Building and Loan Asso ciation. At a meeting held on Wednesday evening, the 21st inst,, over 800 shares of stock were subscribed and many more agreed for. The society will commence busi ness about June 1, prox.; the stock will be issued in series of about six months apart. The minimum premium is 10 cents per share of $200 each, and stockholders withdrawing at any time after the first six months re ceive a portion ot the profits. The constitution and by-laws, embracing the best features of successful societies of this character, will be adopted at the ad journed meeting on Wednesday evening next, at No. 86 Center avenue, corner Rob erts street. Stock may be subscribed for at the following places: L. Weaver, 10 Cen ter avenue; Fitzpatrick Bros., corner of Wylie avenue and Arthur street; S. H. Gilson, 559 Wylie avenue; McKnight & Victory, 416 Smithfield streot; H. B. Kra mer & Son, 962 Liberty avenue; John Coll 1727 Penn avenue. ' Briet inquiry will satisfy anyone that tbe men at the head of the scheme will make it a success. Printed Cusbm-rea Barcnlni. Jnst placed on sale, one lot of printed cashmeres, extra qnality, full 46 inches wide, handsome designs, in cream, white, bine, Nile green, chocolate, etc., at 60e yard regular value $1 25. Another lot, 38 inches wide, 50c yard. These are great bar gains; lose no time in seeing them. Bag JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Pcnn Avenue Stores. Baby Carriages Sell so easy at Harrison's. Why? Because so cheap. 123 Federal st., Allegheny. Krmtmnts or Dress Goods May now be found at their old place, at the same prices as offered during last Friday's and Saturday's great sale. Jos. Hokite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, SOO New bilk Umbrellas At half price and less this week, at Rosen baum & Co.'s. invau 30e and 60e Ycrd. The greatest bargains ever seen in printed cashmere, elegant designs, jnst the lashion- M n1nr fnrmerlr nA fit ...J t nr yard, now offered at 60c and 60c yard re- nrrtivelr. JOS. HOKXK&fW'a Penn Avenue Stores. f Protect Baby's Health By purchasing one of those handsome car riages offered so cheap at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal t., Allegheny. V&ZZK "ffl "Y Col JTm. A. ITerron, the American Gladstone. A PASTOR'S PEGASUS That Flew With the Wind at the Kate of II Miles an Hour. THE GAIT OF A PREACHER ABROAD. Some Interesting Belies Brought Home for His Congregation. WARM WELCOME FOR THREE T0DRIBTS After more than three months' pilgrimage in the Holy Land, Rev. W. H. Pearce, D. D., pastor of tbe Butler Street M. E. Church; Rev. T. J. Leak, D. D., of the North Avenue M. E. Church, Allegheny, and Rev. J. A. Ballanlyne, of the Haxle wood M. E. Church, arrived home Saterday. They were members of a large party of min isters from all over the United States who left New York in February last. All three of the Pittsburg tourists look sunburned and healthy. They traveled over 14,000 miles, riding considerable of the distance in the remoter lands on camels, donkeys and horseback. Although they lived a good many weeks in tents, and were frequently soaked through and thronch in Syrian storms, none of the gentlemen took even a serious cold. RELICS FROM SACRED rLACES". Rev. Dr. Pearce brought home 65 canes from all the sacred places, reaching from Jaffa all through the Holy Land, He either cut or had them cnt from trees around cele brated spots on tbe Mount of Olives, the range of Calvary, in Italy and at various points in Egypt. Each member of the Offi cial Board ofthe Butler Street Church and each male teacher ofthe Sunday school will receive one of these canes as a gift. Mr. Pearce also brought about 50 paper knives and napkin rings made of the tame olives about Jerusalem for the lady teachers of his Sabbath school. Even the puoils of the school were remembered by the Doctor. He had made for tbem, by hand, 600 flower cards in the convents around Jerusalem. The nuns made them from flowers, some of which came 'from the" Garden of Geth semena. Beside all these things, Rev. Mr. Pearce brought relics of all sorts for many of his friends; a choice collection of alabaster and other curious stones; and probably 200 or 300 very fine, large photographic views. SELECTING THE HOUSES. Dr. Pearce says the most difficult part of the whole tour, trying alike on health and patience, was tbe Syrian trip. "Yet, with all its hardships," he adds, "I would not have missed It. It was most eajnyable, the life quite adventuresome. From those mountains you get some or the grandest views imaginable," The doctor continued: At Jaffa, on the Mediterranean, where we commenced our Palestine tour, we selected the horses that wero to bear us from place to place. We were confronted by 150 horses, from which to select 50. We could select them ourselves, or have onr guide, or dragoman, select them for us. Most of the party had the dragoman to mako tbe selections, but some ot us who thought we knew something abont horses made the choice ourselves, and In every caso we were well suited. Ihe animal I took proved to be very fleet and trustworthy. These Ara bian horses are all trained for tbo work, and while wild and speedy, are generally safe. LEABNIXO TO RIDE. The bit used upon these horses Is entirely dif ferent from that used In this count ry and It took us some time to learn how to control the brutes with tbe reins. After that we got accustomed to riding the horses easy enough, all except Dr. Leak, and he says his horse was not a good fit for htm. The last day out. having flnisbrd tbe Palestine tour, we camped within SO miles of Beyrout, on tbe old Roman road. Not having heard from borne for 80 days, and .knowing that letters awaited uie at Bey-rout. I determined to get there ahead or tbe balance of the party. I knew my "horse's speed well by this time, so at o o'ciocx tne next morning i started, ine road crossed the ante-Lebanon mountain range, and from tbe point at which we started there is a gradual ascant until you attain tbe height or about 4,000 foet. Up there I gathered snow in my hands. This Roman road Is a magnificent highway. It is wide and as smooth as a marble pavement. In tbe dangerous places it is fenced wltb stone. You may go to tbo edge and look over the precipice, but there is no risk, sn well protected Is it. This is a macadamized road, and being so many centuries old, bas been worked over and over again until it Is as absolutely porfect as a road can be. It Is tho same highway that was traveled by the Roman conquerors. HIS HORSE FAIRLY FLEW. Well, that morning my horse soemed to fairly fly over tbat road. Turkish troops are stationed at various points, and I know thoy must have wondered what was the matter be cause I dasbed past them so fast. I never urged my steed. He was so fleet, tbe morning was so fresh, and itho road was so solid, that he sped along with the wind of bis own accord. I reached Beyrout In two hours and three-quarters, covering about 30 miles in that time, without leaving awet hair on my horse. Our conductor had told us that it would take tho party five and three-quarter hours to make the 30 miles. Only a few got there as soon as Itiid, and most of the party did cot arrive until from 2.30 to 4 in the after noon. Mine was said to be the fastest ride ever made across the ante-Lebanon. In honor of Rev. Dr. Pearce's return, the Butler Street Church yesterday was beauti fully decorated with flowers and hothouse plants. Above the pulpit was an immense floral design,' on which were worked letters reading "Welcome Home." The pastor preached an able sermon in the morning, and at night there was a special service of song. Tbe Remarkable rinccess of Ilnrconrt Finer. This Seminary for young ladies and girls at Gambier, Ohio, has enrolled in this, its third year, pupils from 16 States. Its growth has been remarkable. Send for their catalogue. Bicycles. See the bargain of the season in our S25 Boy's Safety. Harbison's Toy Store, 123 Federal St., Allegheny. Summer Vcntllatlnc Corsets. Seven different qualities of tbe approved and popular makes for this season, from 75 cents up. Our French "Fasso" corset, in all sizes, we recommend very highly as being tbe best French corset in every respect to those who require a fine, expensive corset We have the exclnsive sale of the Fasso for this city and vicinity, and the prices ex actly the same as you pay in New York. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Store. Silk Mitts and Gloves. Full'lines, 25c to $1, at Rosenbanm & Co.'s. MWSU Remnants nt Lower Trices Than Errr. We still have left hundreds of remnants of choice dress goods in plain colors, fancy weaves and novelty effects, notwithstanding the enormous quantities sold at the special sales on Friday and Saturday last. Rem nants removed to their old place, but the prices are the same low prices as last week. Jos. Horkk & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. 8UMMEB corsets 50e, 75c, $1, $1 25, best makes. Rosenbadm & Co. MWSU For Ladles. Gauze vests, in short sleeves and low neck; long sleeves and low neck; short sleeves and high neck; long sleeves and high neek; ladies' fine plain silk Tests in summer weights; ribbed silk Tests in different quali ties; lisle thread ribbed vests in various grades; gossamer merino vests; cotton ribbed Tests from 10 cents to 25 cents, and our usual complete line of inlants', child ren's and misses' gauze and gosamer vests; all at the ladies' underwear counter. Jos. Hokne & Co.'B Penn Avenue Stores. DISPATCH, JCS'IHtplap adrertttemtntt one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted. For Bale, To Let, ete ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty rents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTH 811'E HAS BEEN REMOVED TO 0. 11 CAKSOK STREET. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEWS AND SUBSCRIP TIONS CAN BE LEFT THERE BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR' THE SFECIAL 80UTHS1DE ISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATUEDAY. BRANCH OFFICES ARE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT IHE FOLLOWING FLACES, AT ALL OF WHICH WANT. FOR SALE. TO LKT. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISE MENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO i M. FOR INSERTION NEXT MORNING! Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already bare accounts with Tux D1S- FITT8BURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SSoO Bntler street. KMIL G. STUCKEY. Mtb street and Fenn are. E. G. &TUCKEY 4 CO., Wylie are. and Fultonsb N. 8TU&ELY. Fifth Avenue Market Hoass. XAST XND. I. W. WALLACE, 6121 l'enn arenas. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER ft SUEIBLElt,sthST. AAlwoodsb SOUTIISIDK. JACOB SFOHN. No. SCarson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 89 Federal street. H. J. MCBRIDE. Market Home, Allegheny. FREDH. EGGERS. m Ohio street. F. II. EGGERS BON, Ohio and Chestnntsts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwlnaves. O. W. HUGHES, I'cnnsTlTanla and Hearer aref. FERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allerhenr ares. T. R. MORRIS, 686 l'reble arc. M1LLVALE 110KUUG1I. W. W. FLOCK.KR. Stationer, No. i Grant are.. 8HARPSBURG. C. BELLMAN, Stationer, 818 Main st. ADVERTISERS, PLEASE NOTICE! THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH HAS BEEN REMOVED to corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. aialo Ilcln. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BARBER-GOOD wsKCspald. Apply at 2S08 Fenn avenue. my28-10 WANTED-BOY TO TEND HORSE AND drive delivery wagon. Apply Immediately 1 REED ST myI0-a WANTED - A FIRST-CLASS MACHINE hand on custom coats. 311 FIFTH AVE NUE: eood pay. mv2S-12 WANTED-AT ONCE AN EXFEHIENCED clothlne salesman. Apply at 15 FEDEKAL ST., Allegheny. nir26-20 w ANTED A GOOD BARBER. NO. S53 Firth are., city myZ6-5 WANTED-K1KST-CLASS COAT MAKERS to work on fine coats. Apply J AS. DICK SON, 69 Finn are., cor. Wood St., second floor. my2-D ANTED-A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK with Assistant's certificate: glTe references. Address LEITZELL & CO., Derry station. I'.i. my 25-90 ANTKD-WAITERS FOR DINING ROOM at Arnold's Hotel, Seventh ave. and Grant St.: best or wages given. GEO. ARNOLD. Pro prietor. mya-ij ANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILORS To work on altering and repairing. Apply JAS. DICKSON, 64 Firth ave., cor. Wood St., second floor. my2-D ANTED MACHINISTS FOR LATHES and planers: none but flrt-class men need apply: highest wages paid. UUQUESNE FOltOE CO., Rankin sta. mx"4-67 ANTED-A YOUNG MAN FROM 14 TO 17 years or age to work In grocery and milk depot; Uerman preferred: must give good refer ence. Address J., Dispatch office. my26-lS WANTED-THRF.E GOOD DRAFTSMEN AT once, on seneral machlnerv; irivn refer ences and salary expected. BUCYRUS bTEAM SHOVEL AND DREDGE CO., Bucvrus. O. inySl-100 ' WANTED - REU1STTRKD DRUGCLERK; permanent position: must he reliable and sober: state age and how registered. Address with reference, SALOL, Lock Box SO, Derry Sta., Fa. raySJ-tt w AN I'ED-WAITEttS. WHITE AND COL- lltFITIl. m. ...... W .... .1 t . col. man to assist about house, col boy to attend to a horse, 80 larm bands. MEE1I AN'S, UJGrant st. . mT26-19 TITANTED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT TV and experienced accountant to keep small et of books; services required two days per week. Address at once with reference, PENNSYL VANIA, Dispatch office. my25-76 WONTED-SALESMEN AT STS PER MONTH salarvand expenses, to sell a line orsllver plated ware, watcbes, etc: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once ror mil Particulars and sample case or goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass? SC24-90-D WANTKD-1MMEDIATELY-AN EXPERI ENCED male teacher for a public Institu tion 2J miles from the city; must be a thorough disciplinarian; single man, about 35 years or age; salary S300, with board and washing: constant em ployment. Address TEACHER, Dispatch office. my23-100 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to handle real estate; must oe competent to take chirgcofa branch ofBce and be able to fur nish satisfactory reference: the position pays a saury, no commissions; applicant will please siye full name and address, which will be regarded as confidential. Address REAL ESTATE, care Letter Carrier No. 6. my21-ll WANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN FOR EACH section, salary S75 to 1100, to locally repre sent a successful N. Y. company Incorporated to supply drygoods, clothing, shoes. Jewelry, etc.. to consumers at cost: alsoaladyor tact, salary f40, to enroll members (E0,CC0 now enrolled. 1100,000 Said In): references exchanged. EMPIRE CO PERATIVE ASSOC1A1ION (credit well rated). Lock Box 7(17, N. Y. fe7-76-M WANTED SALESMEN ON SALARY OR commission to handle tho new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion or paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sties amounted to (620 In six days; another 132 in two hours. We want one energetic general agent for each State and 'terri tory; sample by mail 35 cts. For terms and full particulars address THE MONROE ERASKU M'F'G. CO.. La Crosse, Wis. iny25-26 Female Belp- w ANTED-8HORT ORDER COOK. APPLY .U.CEL.DIU11 LUNCH ROOM, 11"9 Liberty myZ5-m street, WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK, U-Ti also girl for cook. Apply at 64 TENTH ST.. city. my28-24 WANTED -GIRL .FOR DISHWASHER, GIRAKD IIOTEI4 M and 22 FoderalsL, Allegheny. my24-I8-D TT ANTED-A GOOD GIRL IN SMALL FAM YT ILY, to go 50 miles from here. Apply at 205 Locust st., All'y. my26-4 WANTKD-FIRST-CLASS SK1BT MAKERS; references; call between 9 and 10 morning: Ssrsons speaking French preferred. CRAN ALL, Verner Block, Fifth ave. and Market st. iujrAdii WANTED -TA1LOKESS - MIDDLE-AGED single lady to work, on boys' clothing and Instruct boys in the t-adc; wages 20 per month with board and washing. Address TEACHER, Dispatch office. my24-3I WAN TED -TWO LAUNDRESSES AT "Hose for Incurable," Firty-slxth and Butler sts., Lawrencevllle. Application made between 9 and 11 a. m., Saturdty. 24, and Monday, -a. None but Protestants need apply. , my25-33 WANTED TWO GOOD PROTESTANT girls, one for a cook, one for waitress and chambermaid: none but those having experience needapplvat C19 ROUP b'f. until Tuesday. 27th; the regular family consists or three grown per sons. my25-29 "TTTAN TED-SEAMSTRESS, .HOUSEKEEPER, TT woman cook, (8 to l0per week, 10 dining room girls, four dishwashers, hotel chamber maids, nurse girl, 200 house girls, cooks and chambermaids rr private famUles, !3 60 to S4 per week: waitress 14 per week. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. my-2s-D Male and Female Help. WANTED-ONE SEAMSTRESS. 1 LADY'S maid, 200 house girls, cooks, chamber maids, dining room girls, nurses. German and colored girls, waiters, farm bands, gardeners. MRS. E. THOMPbON, 60S Grant St. ap2-MTh8 Sltunilon. WANTED-anUATION BY YOUNG MAN as assistant bookkeeper: has had several years' experience In bookkeeping and banking; flrst-class reference and bond, if required. Ad dress L, Dispatch office. my24-27 Boarder nnd Lodgers. w ANTED OCCUPAT.. FOBTHIRD STOKY dsck room; aiso nsu room. 92 ARCH ST. my24-3-D WANTED-HEFINED COUPLE FOR HAND bOMELY furnished flat or three rooms, with use of bath: all modern conveniences: almost racing tbe cast parks and electric car lines: refer ences exchanged. Address PRIVATE FAMILY, Dispatch office. my23-lts MONDAY, WANTED. Flnnnclnt. "WT-ANTED-MORTOAGES ON CITY OB oVbuvt's'H ??unr property at lowest rates. HENRY A. V EAVER i CO.; KFourth avenue. mn2-D WANTED -TO LOAN MONEY AT THE least market rates on mortgages In large or "llainounts. See W. A. HERRON A SONS. N o. so Fourth avenue. myl-24-MTii TTANTKD-IO LOAN SSPO TO tTOCOO ON ., mortgages, on city or country property, fK.SandS per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Telephone No. 973. my24-44-r XJTANTED MORTGAGES WE HAVE money to loan In large or small amounts on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate. LEE. iTarNETT A CHAPLIN, 313 Wood st my24-25-MWS WANTED-TO LOAN 6500,000. IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4K per cent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK. A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-LS-D T1TANTED MORTOAOES-fl, 000, OOOTO LOAN I T .J city and suburban properties at 4S. Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and ays cent counties at 11 per cent. 1. it. PENNOCK A SON. 147 rourth avenue, ap7-ni w ANTED-TO I.OAN 1200,000 ON MORT- uatcj); siuu ana npwara as o per cens; i at 4 per cent on residences ot business ty; also In adlolnlug counties. S. H. Oil. 125 Fourth avenue. oe2l-4-D Honrdlng. WANTED-A CHEERY ROOM AND GOOD, plain board with middle-aged couple, near ears, half hour out; unexceptionable references. Address "BABY JANE," Dispatch office. my23-26 nnscellnneons. WANTEU-STOCK Til PASTURE. INQUIRE WILLIAM R. QUA1LL, Ross township. ncarBcllcvue. . my26-23 WANTED-PARTIES WISHING TO HAVE signs painted. In large or small quantities, to call on oraddrcssl'ASrORlUS' SIGN WORKS, 119 Filth ave., cvr. Smithfield st. m0-Mwr WANTED'-EVERYONE TO MAKE HOME happy with a light running New Home sewing machine: lor speed and easy running none better: pleased to have you call and see for your selfatll. CARTER'S,No. IV Sixth st. my26-itwr -TTANTED-ALL TO USE JONES' MAGIC TT Roach Powder; contains no potjon: roaches banished by contract; satisfaction given or no pay. Prepared by GEO. W. JONES, 222 Federal st., Allegheny. Pa. Sold by all flrst-class drug glsts. Telephone No. 3332. my.MI-Mwr FOB. WALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East r:nd Residences. FOR SALE-S5.600-NEAT BRICK HOUE seven rooms, bath, and all conveniences: lot 15x120; nrar Highland ave.. Nineteenth ward. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station st., E. E. my25-l27-MWP FOR SALE NICE HOME: GOOD FRAME house rour rooms, lot 36x100 ft.: near Larimer ave., five minutes of P. R. R. or cable: only 12.200. MELLON BROTHERS. 6349 bUtlon St., E. E. my25-127-MWF FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT S2,4C0 IN thcEistEnd, near Liberty station: six nice rooms, porches, cellar, etc.. all In good order; flue lot 25x118 feet to an allev; side entrance: etsv pay ments: possession at once. JAS. W. DRAPE CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. my24-43-D FOR bALE-A SHADYsIDE RESIDENCE and large lot, eight rooms, reception hall, bath natural gas, Dlazia, porches, etc.: replete throughout with modern conveniences; fine lawn side and front; prlco 67.000: early possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., LS Fourth ac.. Pitts burg. my24-43-D Allegheny Residences. T7lORSALE-5.&00-BOYLEST., ALLEGHENY, J? two-story brick dwelling seven looms, bath, both gases, b. and c. water; lot 20x92: fine loca tion: good terms. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourtb ave. my2j72-HWF8a EOR SALE-I1.450-IN SIXTH WARD. NEAR . Beaver ave.. will bny a new frame bouse of 4 rooms and attic, water in kitchen, side entrance, paved street: rents for S192 per annum, bee EWING A BYERS. 93 Federal st. and 166 Fourth ave. mT25-136 FOR SALE-t2,6S0THE PROPERTY NO. 38 Nixon st.. Sixth ward. Allegheny: frame house or seven rooms and hall; rents for 1250 per annum: price reduced from S3.0O0: a positive oar gain. See EWING & BYERS, 93 Federal St., and 160 Fourth ave. m 5-25-1 38 FOR SALE-BLOCK OF 4 FINE BRICK dwellings on Irwin ave. for t25.0U0i block of 6 fine brick dwellings on Page for (33. 000: block of 3 brick dwellings 011 Sedgwick st. lor S7.000: block ors brick iiwelllngs 011 Allegheny ave. Tor 115.000; Mock of 4 frame dwellings ou Market st. for 114, 500. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. Siy24-3S-D FOR SAI.E-A FINE BRICK DWELLING and large lot, with side entrance. In Alle gheny, near the parks, on line of electric cars. ten spacious rooms together with library, bath and lavatory and all other or the more rtcent Im provements, and In prime order throughout: very superior property in every particular JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myM-43-D Suburban Residences. FOR BALE-INVESTMENT BLOCK OF 5 brick dwellings on Allegheny are.: rents 11,224: price 613,000. A. D. WILSON. 63 Federal st,, Allegheny. mj-2l-30-D FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD-ONE OFTHE most desirable suburbs on tbo P. H. It., a fine residence, 12 rooms and 8 In mansard; well Improved; one acre of beautiful laying ground; rrult and ornamental trees. See W. A. HERRON SONS, 89 Fourth ave. my25-47-MTh FOR SALE VERY ATTRACTIVESUBUHBAN home at Ingram: choice situation: near station; sehool and churches; new house; substan tially built for home of owner; seven rooms. vesti bule, ball, porches, natural gas, fine plumbing, water, dry cellar, large, level lot 50x225, trees and shrubbery. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood St., 6019 l'enn ave., E. E. niy25-62 FOR SALE-f25,0O0-BEAUTllTUL COUNTRY home Just outside ot city limits: good driv ing road, board walks to street and steam cars; 16 acres ground looking to the southeast, elevated, commanding extended views, great profusion of choice fruits, shrubbery, forest trees; modern dwelling of nine rooms, finished attic, basement and storage rooms, stable and carriage house; the pronerty Is In perfect order, and possession will lie given purchaser at once. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood street. my25-5 FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE-S900-HAND&OME LARGE LOTS, 25x112 feet: co-ft. St.; Twenty-first ward: 3 minutes of P. R. R. MELLON BROTHFRS, 6349 Station St.. E. E. my25-127-MWF F IOESALK WALNUT ST., CORNER BELLE FONTE. fine level lot. 36x137 to 20-toot alley: line of Duauesne traction; 11,700. BA.X 1ER. THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave. my2o-74-TThs Suburban Lots. FOR SALE-NORTH HOMESTEAD LOTS, COX 120 feet, fronting on a 60-font street, near Swlssvalc station, P.R.R., and City Farm station, B. O. It. K. : price 6400 to S500 each: terms to suit. IRA M. BUUCHFIELD, 158 Fourth avenue. aplO-36-D FOR SALE FOUR ACRES OF LAND SITUA TED In Union township, Allegheny Co., Pa., being a part of the Lowcn estate; the same planted with fruit trees In bearing condition: price S1.CO0 cash. For Information inquire or JOHN LO WKN, adjoining tbe premises. my22-I7 OR SALE-SUITABLE FOR SUB-DIVISION Into building lots, VoH acres or ground con venient to McKeesport; good roads water, etc.: the lay of the land Is such as will Insure perfect drainage, and Us proximity to this live manu facturing town assure quick sale of lots at good prices; Investigate this; prices low and verv easy terms. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO.. 162 Fourth ave. my25-69-MWBn T7IOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY TH E O.' oest in tne market ror the money. In the hand some village of Sheraden, 15 minutes rrom Union station, on the Panhandle railroad: 34 dally trains: monthly fare a cents a trip: large lots, 50 and 100 feet front, from S250 to 600 each: easy terms; houses built fir purchasers: home-seekers and investors for profit should see Sheraden be fore they buy elsewhere. For lull particulars apply to SHERADEN LAND AND IMPROVE MENT COMPANY, Limited, 127 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, , my20-45-HThssu FOR SALE CLIFTON LOTSI CLUTON lots at auction 1 Grand unreserved sale of big lots at tho rising Tillage ot Clifton: euht miles down the Fort Wayne road: Monday, May 26, at 3 o'clock will witness stirring times at the now famous suburb named Clifton; all the unsold lots eist of Allegheny avenue will be brought under the hammer and bo sold lor whatevcrprlcc Is oflered. The owner Is a man of libcrnl idoiq who Is not afraid to give a bargain, and lie kium s how to lay off lots to suit the people. hen one goes to ithe country he wants a coun try lot, not a hen coop. Fifty feet wide and 150 feet deep Is about the size for a village lot. This gives the children room to play as welt as the liena,to scratch; also room for. a few trees, shrubs and garden pitch. This Is what we go to the country for. Now on the2th of Mav we will sell six lots 46x140. seven lots 46x180, four lots 50x140. one lot 175x130 and one lot 100x130. Wide streets. The alleys are 40 feetwldu. These are lots worth talking about. Take train at Federal st. 2:15 city time. Terms ten per cent, down, balance In tec yearlypayments uh Inter est. Payments received monthly if preferred. If you don't wish to he tempted to buy a lot stay away from this sale. 'They are bound to go. and we will make them go. A. LEGGATE ibllN, Auctioneers, 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. my21-12 Farms. FOR SALE FARM-15K ACRES. NEW ground; new bouse, six rooms: tin roof; new stable: corn crib; washhouse; near school and churches: two miles from Farnassus; price low; M.600; half cash. ED. W1TT18M, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. , ray23-D FOB SALE A FARM -127 ACRES AT A verr reasonable price to settle an estate at Walkers Mills, 12 miles from the city; farm Is In a good state of cultivation; good farm bnlldlngs of all kinds; underlaid with coal: mine open ready to ship, with side tracks, tipple, etc: also a good stone quarry on the property. See W. A. HERRON SONS, .No. 80 Fourth ave. myU-95-H F OR 8ALE-20O ACRES OF THE FINEST I&tld In Aiiprhanv innntwi tfiln lanrl la nn both sldej or railroad, 15 miles from city, and can pe laid otr in One country residence sues, and a fortune made for the man who will do It; wUlbe SOla On lOnS time. With lnw Mt. nflnl.raBt Vtlll IVJUSSiVy.8 be ot'ned from 1UOS. M. MARSHALL, Jr.,'U7 Diamond ft., Pittsburg-, Fa. tuy24- MAY 26, 1890. . .a , M FOR. SALE LOTS. Allegheny Loia. FOR SALE-10O ALLEGHENY LOTS ON Lombard St., Linden and Maple aves.. Tenth and Twelfth wards: payments easy. Inquire 01 J. A S. MCNAUGHElt, 43 North Diamond St.. or 43 Federal t. mhl2-56-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Clinnces. I70R SALE-GROCERY STORE-DOING OUl) ' business: good stand; reason ror selling sick ness. Call or address 2S01 LlBfcRTY ST., city. my 5-116 F OR8ALE-COMMIS8ION BUSINESS. DOING an flpimnt triirip nrnrtts last Year will satisfy anyone: good reasons for selling. Aadress J. It. HATCH, 26 Balkan St.. Allegheny. my24-86 FOR SALE-DRUG STORE-A FIRST-CLASS business stand: reasons lor selling, proprie tor For full particulars apply at 2335)$ CARSON ST., Pittsburg, Southslde, Pa. my25-41 FOR SALE-ONE OR TWO TJENTRALLI located barber shops In this city: also, several In surrounding towns. Call on ROSS W. BLACK, the Barbers' Supply Dealer, 133 Third ave.. Pitts burg. my23-99-MK F OR S ALE-DOCTORS AND DRUGGISTS drugstore In a growing town on leaning rail road: no opposition; cheaprent: good chance: also Buck's Handbook. 8vol.. cloth, and Pepper's System Medicine. 5 vol.. cloth; both new. nun- inrunv ... .-u -m GUN DY, Dispatch office. raj25-22 F OR SALE-HARDWARE STORE. GROCERY stores, country stores: finest book and sta tionery store In best town In Western Pennsyl vania; excellent city music store, good office busi ness; bakeries, drugstores, cigar stores, butcher shops. SHEPARD A CO.. 151 Fourth ave. my22 FOR SALE DRUGSIOHE-I WILL OFFFR at public sale. In bulk, on the premises In Meyersdale, Pa., at 1 o'clock?. .,June7, 1800. a first-class, new drugstore: this Is t good business opportunity, for pnrtlculars nddrcss" MRS. SADIE DAUNN, Admrx., Meyersdale. fa. my25-jel-4i FOR SALE-A LIGHT MANUFACTURING builnets; a specially producing large profits; this Is a good thing, and worth looking Into at once: favorable terms will be made with a prompt purchaser: capital required about ts,oou: one or the best openings In the market. J AS. W. UK A I'E A CO., 129 Fourth aveunc, Pittsburg. my24-43-D FOR SALE-A GOOD BUS1NESS-A CLOTH ING store, established over nine years. In a handsomctown (county seat). Is olfered on favor able terms; business pays 12,500 a year after store ana personal expenses deducted, and proofs to show for It: good nasons for selling. Address K. care Carrier 33. Cleveland. O. myI8-70 Ttnalnc Stand. FOR SALE-VALUABLE SIANUFACTtJRINQ plant, supplied with a full line of fine ma chinery and tools adapted Tor manufacturing a specialty, in which a considerable business bas already been established, and which presents am ple opportunity ror a large Increase without the usualoutlay necessary to build up a trade: eligi bly sltuatid on railroads and river; liulldings, large, well lighted and icntllat'd and using nat ural gas as fuil and light, it presents an excep tional opportunity for an investment. We Invito the attention or caplttllsts and shall be glad to give full particulars, upon application. The UNION TRANSFER 4 TKUbT CO.. 121 and 123 Fourth avenue. mr23-12 Mnnnfticinrtnn Sites. FOB SALE MANUFACTURING 8ITES over loo acres In ten-acre plots, more or less, on line of railroad and river: natural gas, coil, etc.; excellent point for manufacturing purposes. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., I2U Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. my24-43-D FORSALE-MANUFACTUH1NQ SITE, WITH buildings. In tho city: large corner lot on two side streets, contiguous to railroad station; excellent point for manufacturing purposes ou account of shipping facilities and proximity to important business tborougbfares. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. mT3J-7-D FOR SALE nllHCELLANEOCn. Horses. Vehicles. Live Mrock. fcc FOR SALE-ONE SET DOUBLE WAGON harness; used only a Tew times and good as new: a bargain. Apply at ARCHIBALD'S STABLE, 119 Third ave. my22-U7 FOR SALE-THE STUDEBAKEB WAGON used by The Dispatch Country Road Expedi tion; price moderate: condition good. Can be seen at ARCHIBALD'S STABLE, UTIilrd ave., Tor three days. my22-117 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted; repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. ap3-73 FOR SALE DRILLING ENGINES AND boilers Tor oil or gas wells, engines and boil ers in every site and style, saw mills and wood working machinery. IIARMES MACHINE DEPOT. No. 97 First ave., Pittsburg, Pa. mh9-D F OR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and stvles In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, s to 25 h. p.; boilers ad sizes ana styles. J .B.YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny. Pa. OC25-BO-D I71UE SALE -HOISTING ENGINES. DER " RICKS and derrick forglngs. steel hoisting and guy rones in stock: stationary engines and boilers, shears, clay and ore pans, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacuck and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny. Pa. ao29-MWF FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS SMALL MA CHINKsbop, located In a town or 10,000 In Ohio. botwen Pittsburg and Cleveland: docs a yearly business of from 89, 000 to 112,000: will sell cheap: satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address E. ., South OU City, Pa. my24-6l Miscellaneous. FOR BALE-CHEAP-FOUR SECOND-HAND IUzletnn tripod boilers of 300 h. p. each. Ad dress SWIFT & CO., Station A, Kansas City. Mo. my25-48 FOR SALE-AM RECEIVING DAILY FINE bananas In carlots, and dealers will do well to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, will fill all country orders 25 per cent cheaper than any other house In the trade: keep no drummers on the road and give my patrons the benefit when sending their orders to me direct: will receive this week one car choice Louisiana new potatoes and one car Louisiana onions in three-bushel barrels, and will be able to fill all orders after tnls weex wltb choice white and Early Rose potatoes and Southern onions: have several hundred boxes fine lemons In stock which can offer to the trade cheaper than the cheapest house In the city; have several cars of fine old potatoes In storage which can sell to pirtlcs In need or same at verv low prices. All pirties who are In need of produce, bananas and foreign fruits or all kinds bad better call upon tbe old reliable wholesale commission house or THOMAS H. MC UOWAN. 607 Liberty st. iny21-29 IN EXCHANGE. FOR SALE-GAS STOCK IN LEADING CITY company In exchange Tor other good stocks, as owner wishes to divide his holdings Intosmaller blocks. Address. P. B. G., care Tbe Dispatch. my 25-117 IPOB SALE-IN EXCHANGE. SIOCK IN A ? steel specialty works now operating. Tor East End. or Allegheny real estate. Address STEEL COMPANY. Dlspttch office. mfZ-1 PERSONAL PERSONAL ROOKS WANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell, let ns know, LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mil 7 PERSONAL CHAMBERS', ZELL'S. PEO PLE'S, Appleton's and Encyclopaedia Hrltannlca at hair price. FRANK BACON A CO., 301 smithfield St. my28 AUCTION SALES. THIRTY SECOND-HAND HOTEL CAR PETS, closing Out of an Allegheny furni ture store. Fine billiard table, handsome par lor 1" at auction TUESDAY MORNING, May 27, at 10 o'clock. Fine chamber suits, chiffoniers, dressers, washstands, bedsteads, lounges, folding beds wardrobes, bookcases, deskK. cupboards, tables, chairs, stands, rockers, sideboards, hall rack, pictures, mirrors, shades, brussels and in era in carpets, plush, rug and tapestry parlor furni ture, billiard table, brnssels and ingrain car pets, linoleum, conkinc utensils, dishes, etc HENRY AUCTION CO..- my2599 Auctioneer. ELECTIONS. Office Allegheny suspension Bridge Co . PlTTSmmo. March 29. 1800. J ELECTION NOTICE IN PURSUANCE J of a resolution of tho Board of Managers juisert this day. a meeting of the stockholders of "The President, Managers and Company Tor erectine a bridge over tho Allegheny river, op posite Fittsbnrg, in the county nr Allegheny," will be held at the offlco of the com pany, at the Pittsburg end of th6 bndjre, on FRIDAY. May 30 next, at 10 o'clock a. m., to consider and pass uoon the question of Increas ing tbe capital stock to enable tho company to renew and extend the structure of their bridge. WM. ROSEBUIIG, Treasurer and Clerk. mh31-20.M EDUCATIONAL. Princeton College Entrance Examination. (Conducted by Prof. Wm. M. Sloan; continu ing' two days.) " ' For admission to all departments in tbo Fresh man, Sophomore and Junior Classes, and ror the New School of Electrical Engineering. Will begin 11 O'CLOCK, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, '90, at McCllntock B'ltVc, SH Market St, Pittsburg. This will also include preliminary examina tions for those Intending to enter tbe College a year later, (hrni a prize Is offered by the 'Princeton U) JU Alumni Association of Western Penn sylvania for the best examination passed here for the Freshman Class. Applicants should send their names early to WM. BCOTT.i'rea't Alumni Ass'n, 100 Diamond St, Pittsburg, Pa, mj23-ll-inrT TO lOTT. MKfclinUO. jSBTj Offices. Deik Room. &c TO LET A FEW NICE OFFICES IN GER MANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamond streets. aplO-O TO LET FOURTH bTORY Of NO. 80 FIFTH avenue, part or what has been heretofore known as The Dispatch Bnildmg: room suitable for lodge room or for light manufacturing. Key to be had from tt. 31. Crlbbs. Real Estate Agt., No. 99 Fifth are. For particulars see BVJ. MO R. DISPATCH, corner Smithfield and Diamond sts. 117 Miscellaneous. TO LETOR FORSALE-nOTELS, COTTAGES and bath houses, Atlantic City, N. J.: lots for sale In all parts of the city: also So. Atlantic City. Chelsea and Tor Atlantic Land Co. 1SIIAEL G. ADAMS & CO.. Real Estate Agts.. Real Es tate and Law Building. apl6-68 BUSINESS CHANGES. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE The Arm of FRY fc LAMBERT was dissolved bymutual consent on Thursday, May 26. HMO. my28-U LEGAL NOTICES. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. J. i .MORRIS Is no longer In our employ; all contracts, collections, etc.. will be made by his successor. E. B. MOWER. myZ5-10 Manager Occidental Oil Co. HOTICE-I HAVE IN MY POSSESSION 1 bay mare at the stable of Mr. Mathews, oc-i Fenn ave. which will be sold according to law on WEDNESDAY, May 28. at 2 P. M., if owner does not come and claim tbe same and pay all expenses. RICHARD BROPHY. Captain of Police, my21-4 Seventeenth Ward Pollf e Station. PROPOSAL.-!. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE1 RE CEIVED at the oIIIcm of tbe Socretary of the mwn Council of Butler borough until TUES DAY, June 8, 1800, at 7:30 P.M. for the paving of Main street of Butler borough (about 25.000 square yds. to be paved with tlrn or vltriUed brick.) Plans and specifications can be seen at the oflice of the Secretary of Council. Council reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. W.T.MECHLING, President of Town Council. LEVI M. WIRE. Sec. Butler. Pa.. May 21, 1890. my22-13 PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by tbeBorough of Brail dock until 130 P. St., MONDAY, Juno 2, 1890, for the grading and paving of Fourtb, Parker, Ninth, Allaquippa and Washington streets, twenty thousand (20,000) square yards, more or les. Separate bids will be received .for each of the f ollowiugmaterials: Vitrified flro brick, asphalt block, and regular and Irregular Ligouier block. A suitable bond must accompany each bid. The right is reserved by the Borough Council to reject any or all bids. Plans and speciflcitions can be seen at the oflice of the Borough Engineer, No. 730 Brad- dock avenue, Braddock. Pa. II. C. SHALLENBERGER, Burgess. my2J-87-D TREASURY DEPARTMENT. MAY 17. 1S0O. Sealed proposal will be received at the oflice. of the Supervising Architect. Treasury Department. Washington, D. C. until 2 o'clock P. M. on the Oih day of JUNE, 1890, for all the labor and materials required for the iron furring, lathing and plaster ing for the United States Court House and Postofflce building at Pittsburg, Pa.. In accord ance with the drawings and specifications, copies of whicb mav be had on application at this office or the office of tbe. superintendent. Each bid must be accompinied by a certified check for S28U. The department will reject all bids received after tbe timo fixed for opening the same: also, bids which do not comply Btrictly with all the requirements of this in vitation. Proposals must bo scaled and in dorsed, "Proposals foriron furring, lathing and plastering for the United States Court Honse and Postoffice boltding at Pittsburg. Pa.." and addressed to JAMES H. W INDIUM. Super vising Architect. my21-36-MWF -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS i. 1 Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Borough IHerk until SATURDAY. May 31, A. D. 1800, at 4 P. M.. for the following sower and sewer and street Improvements, viz.: SEWERS. One brick sewer of 6 and 7 feet in diameter in Wblto street, from Fifth avenue to Eighth avenue. One terra cotta pine sewer 12x15 inches In diameter in Verner alloy and Falrvlew avenue, from Sbaw avenue to the summit- on Falrvlew avenue. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Grading, curbing and paving Fifth avenue with block stone from tbo Iron Bridge to the borough line. Grading, curbing and pavlne Shtw avenue with block stono and firebrick, from Conrsln streot to Ridge street. Flans and specifications of the above work can be seen, and blanks for bidding atld all in formation can be had, at the Engineer's office on and after May 23. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond In doublo the amount of the proposal and probated before a notary public, and said pro posals must be handed in on or before the above specified time: unless said requirements are strictly earned out the bid will not be con sidered. Tho Committees on Streets and Sewers re serro tbe right to reject anv or all proposals. O. B. HER WICK. Borough Clerk. McKr.naroRT. Pa., May 21, 1890. mi22-CS-22.20,3l AIUUSEIUENTs. pONCERT-CARNEGIE HALL. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 27. Allegheny Musical Association Cantata, "Dorr Munio." Soloists: Mr. and Mrs. Theo. J. Toedt, Miss Gertrude Edmands. MYRON W. WHITNEY. Tickets, 8L For sale at Alex. Ross, 137 Federal st. Allegheny. my20-7 GRAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. HANLON'S NEW FANTASMA. Week June 9, Bartholomew's Equine Parodox. my26-15-l B IJOU THEATER, TO-NIGHT. ONE OF THE FINEST. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Special Matinee Decoration Day. June 2 Tbo Paymaster, with John L. Sulli van. mySO-l H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY- To-night nnd at the Matinees, BIG SPECIALTY COMPANY. MATINEE DECORATION DAY. Last week of the seaon. my25-13-D WORLD'S MUSEUM. ALLEGHENY CITY Week of May 26. Continued success. Hypnotism. Many Interesting curios. In thea ter the beautiful melodrama, "Held in Slavery," bvVartin H-ryden and company. Wonderful mechanical effects. roy2i88-D EXPOSITION AU.DITORIUM ! Seats for fivo thousand people. Monday and Tuesday nights. May 26 and 27. Matlnco Tuesday at 2. STRAUSS And his Vienna Orchestra. SPECIAL PROGRAMME FOR MATINEE. ED. C. GARBER. Manager Salo of scat at Kleber Bros.' Music Store. Price SI 50 Reserved; Admissions, 50c and SL iny20-100 FAIRMDUNT PLAN. Bnt a few of these elegants lots now to offer. Everyone of them affords a beautiful building .site FLEMINB PARK. SOU Is all we ask for your choice m thisdoslrable property. Large level lots v right on railroad line of proposed elec tric road. Boautiful river view; 15 min utes only from heart of city. Small payments monthly. Charles Somers k Co., 313 WOOD ST., 6019 PENN AVE.. E. E. ' my21-77 P IAN 08, A ORGANS. Ana an manner ot Small Instruments mm HAMIXTON'8. ap29-7 Fifth avenue.-D PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patent. 131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield, nextteadtx office. (No delay.) Established 20 jean, ieB-ou "VTOTICE' TO STOCKHOLDERS-THB i annua meeting for nomination of offi cers and directors of tbe Woods' Kan Building and Loan Association will lie held at Hart man's Hall on MONDAY EVENING, May 28, at 8 P. M. All stockholders are requested to be present. By order of the Board. A. H. ECKERT. my21-26-M3 Secretary. office of 1 The Bp.idgewater gas Coxpant. Rochester. Pa April 16. 189a j A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK. HOLDERS of this company will be held at the office. Rochester, Pa., on THURSDAY, " June 19. 1890, at 3 o'clock P. 11., to vote lor or against a proposition to reduce the capital stock. Tbe amount of tbe proposed redaction is 7,084 shares, having a value at par ol $708,400. F. L. STEPHENSON. Secretary. apl8-3orws Pennsylvania Company, ( Pittsburg. May 23. 1SS0. C THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THB . stockholders of the Pennsylvania Company will be held at the general offlco of said com- any, in tho rityot Pittsburg, Pa., on TUE3 AY. June 3, I8S0. at 11 o'clock A. M. for the pnrpose of receiving the annual report for 18E9, the election of 13 directors to serve for tba ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. S. B. LIGGETT, Secretary. my2M4-D 1 1 - OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. ONTRACTORS-SEALED PROPOSALS will be received up until FRIDAY. May 30. 1S90. at 2 o'clock P. It. for fitting up the Con troller's safe with document files and book racks. luformitlon furnished on application. The right reserved to accept or reject any bid. my 20-14 E. S. MORROW. Controller. AINTER8 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received op until FRIDAY, May 80, 1890. at 2 o'clock, p. 31. for painting the Con troller's safe. Information furnished on ap plication. The right reserved to accept or re, ject. E. & MORROW, Controller. my20-14 EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE- CEIVEDat tho oflice ot Citv Controller! until SATURDAY, the 21th day of May. A. D. 1 1890, at 2 P. It., for the furnishing of ice for tho, varions office In Municipal Hall. Specifications can bn seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at the general offlco of the Department of Public Works. , Each proposal must be accompanied by a 1 bond in doublo the amount probated before) the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tba. right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Work-. PlTTSBtmo, May 20, 1890. my21 91 Continued on Fifth J'age.) -1 ltEOKTa. ?1HE ARGYLE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.., Ocean end of Connectlcnt ave. Now opeiut ull view of ocean. S. W. FERGUSON. aol2-49-Mwrsu IHE CHA.LFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY. . On the beach. North Carolina ave.; unob structed ocean view; salt water baths- in tha houe: elevator; now open. fcO-HI-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. THE ARLINGTON. , 1 OCEAN GRO VE. N. J. Accommodations and appointments first clas. Services tbe best. Accommodates 330. " Will open May L 1890. mhSSO-D WM. P. DOLBEY, Prop. HOTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY. N. J. 4-ccommodates 300 guests; open all the year,, omnibus and sea water baths free to guests; tbe finest summer and winter resort on tha coast: bouse within 50 feet of the surf. n.h40-D JAMES & STEFFNER. rpHE SHELBURNE. 1 I Atlantic City, N. J, Remains open throughout the year. Every convenience, including passenger elevator and hot sea water baths. mylO-15-D A. B. ROBERTS. TEDFORD SPRINGS. BEDFORD. PENNA. Unsurpassed for health or pleasure. Opens, June 12, L. B. DOTY. Manager. myl-69' ' THE MINNEQUA. PACIFIC AVE, NEAR Arkansas. Atlantis Citv; one square from the P. & R. depot; 100 rooms: thoroughly reno vated, refurnished; full ocean view: culinary department under an experienced chef; perfect sanitation: terms 8 to !U per week, J2 per day. my2i SO-Tta C.H.BROWN. Fort Griswold House AND COTTAOES, On the Sound. Opposite New London, ConaJ OPENS JUNE 19. Fifth season under the simo management, A cool, healthy and delightful summer resortj bathing, boating, fishing, etc. Rooms and cou tages may bo engaged at Sturtevant House Now York City. JlAnilfiWo K iMiUU.N, myl7-61-TT3 Proprietors, ij THE MANSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N.-J. Elegantly remodeled, greatly enlarged, band someiy furnished. OPEN ALL IHE YEAR. raylS-103 CHARLES McGLADE. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Cresson Springs. On the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. Will open JUNE 23. For circulars and infor mation address WM. R. DUNHAM, Superintendent, myl-63 Cresson. Cambria Co., Px HOTEL ALBION,- ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. WILL OPEN JUNE 7, 1890. Under new management. C. B. HAMM, (late of Merchants Hotel, Johns-, town. Pa.) . CHARLES KROPP, (now of American Houso, J Trenton.) mj23-89 CAMBRIDGE, Atlantic Citv. N. J. Ocean front, modern conV venlences. 100 bedrooms, broad piazzas. Cul-i sine and service special feature. Elegant buff let, best bathing ground. WM. E. COCHRANi Mang'r. Formerly tho Brighton and Windsor Hotels. my23-9-3tWT , OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. BLOCK ISLAND, R.L. IS miles at sea. opens June 26. 1890. Steamboats dally to and from NEW LONDON! NEWPORT and PROVIDENCE. Telegraphic communication. For circulars &c, address F. A. BUDLONG, Windsor Hotel, New Yorh CUNDALL&BALL. mylS-lll-Mwr Managers. FOR SALE. TtiB Scntt HnmEBtBBit. LARIMER AVENUE, "J EASTEND. - J About 5 Acres of Ground, Beautifully adorned with gbado trees, asphat.. turn walks, carriage drive and extensive lawn, with fountain. With brick carriage house and stable for 3 cows and 8 horses. Tbe grounds have a frontage of 410 feet Lari mer avenue (a paved street) and about 600 feet on Mayflower street, all completely sewered. With large collections of fruit trees. The resldenco is brick.with mansard roof: ele gantly finished with 2 bathrooms, inside w. a, double parlors, laundry and every modern con. venience. Is within tour minutes' walk ot steam cars or either cable road. This choice property will be offered as a. whole for 10 days, and If not sold it will then boh sub-divided into lots and offered to the publics' INQUIRE OF J. C. JAMISON, . ' 88 FOURTH AVENUE, " -V t Or. 133 FRANKSTOWN AVENUE,"" 1 . EA8T END, my23-9S T3EADQUARTERS-FOR iHNERAL,ANlT.nLn WATERS,.' 'S GEO. ir. STEVENSON no -' 1 ' . srjU-irwT Sixth aventtifv,- "jMj m 1 M i sL:J A