Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 24, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Iloport of Sup,, Luolcoy for
llio Lust Two Yours,
KonMrknlilo (Irowlh of Nllibiinj
Schools Slnco 1850.
' A DALANCB OF 9130,000 l.l!l'T OYT.J.
A neat, (Ail little volume, Issued' frnm
On Central Hoard room yesterday, eniitalue
(he miiiual lepoil of the Huperlntenrtent nf
Public Hchool, for the 11 twn year, end.
lug wllh August .11. InBl), which Includes
many fact and figure that are Interesting
to tbe public, beside suggestion and Idea
relative to tbs further advancement of lb a
publle icbopl ayeleiu of Pittsburg.
These schools have beoomo noted through
out tin United Hletet, under tba direction
of Superintendent (Joorgo J. Iuckey,
for the high standard attaluud by
the pupil' and Iho efllelent work
done by the teachers. They have from lliolr
opening, In 1B33, hud a tin I form and healthy
Browth. In IBM, when the eiitlru
system ii placed under the auparvlilon
or the Central Hoard, the teacher em
ployed numbered inn, whllo at tho preient
time 613 are employed. The total number
ol pupil enrolled In HiBd was 0,721; the
present enrollment i'tf.MU. The amount
paid for teaching In IMlt, Including the
Buperlntendeiil' aalary. wan J3!I,31H 70 for
the year ending JHHU, 181,1011 IB was ex
pended for teacher' salaries.
noun or mh, Lucxnv'n views.
In hfi report Superintendent I.uekey ayi
In detail:
"Mueh has been aald of lata yean by
educator! throughout the United State
against the too frequent examination,
of pupil In tho (traded aebooli.
Most person who have given the
matter proper consideration ugrce that
the examination, a they liave gener
ally been conducted, have resulted in evil;
but there 1 a very general disagreement
among teacher a to what i a proper ub
Btitute. To abandon examination alto
gether would be tantamount to civ
log up the graded icbool sy
tem and returning to individual, in
ttead of clai initruction. My deiiro at
preient i to adopt a plan that will rob the
examination ol jJs rigor by taking away tho
mental atrain wlilch accompanies it when
ever promotion is baaed upon tho result.
Let the examination remain in tho band of
the judicious principal ncd teacher, but or
dain that the general fitness of tbo pupil, a
determined by hi class standing, shall bo
tbe bail of promotion. It is not tho exami
nation that is nn evil, but tbo abuso of it;
it camo with the gradod school system and
it has grown in Ircqucney and importauco
until it 1 considered by many teacher a
the tvmmum boiium of all method.
"The cure, glow-ploddlntr, faithful
worker In tbo schoolroom mall fall to reach
the goal by tho examination route, but he
is more likely to bo a winner in lire's great
battles thnn tho prrcoclou lad with n
memory for retaining tho dry fact of tbo
text bonk. Tho boy who reasons out hi
conclusions may not and will not make o
high a percentage in answering it given lot
ol questions as tho one who f Imply Flore
lit memory with tha rule in grammar and
' "the feat In history, but lie will ttand higher
. in class aim command (Le respect oi uu
, classmates and teachers."
Of the work done In tha ehool kllohen
the tiuiirrlnlendeiit say) "On tha l.'llh of
December. 1887, Mr. Henry 1'hlpim, h
ofleredtofuriiish aleacherfor a school klloh
en on condition that the school authorlUe
would provide suitable rooiti and imr loci
dental espouses, On J'ebruery 10, follow
Ins, Ihi Heard of Jldmiallnii acceiilml the
offtrof Mr. 1'hlpps, ami una iinuilli later
acr-eiiled Ilia offer uf Ihadiaut Hehool Hoard
to give tha free use. nf a mom, and Ilia soliool
wa opened J'ebruary U7 under the charge
ol 11 U K, 1C. Turiey.
A (10(111 OIIUANIKI'll.
"Ml Torray proved not only an oflloleiil
teacher, but a good nrgaiilror. and a n ooli
equslioe Ilia soliool lini'iinm lit niiee vfllnlmil
and tmpiiUr. '1 he pupils am inker) from
tha IlilllfPlilh r-lnp it f thegtaliimar school
and receive una lesson a week fur ten weeks.
The fllakte enntlsl of 10 pupil each (fivo
elatse n wirkji Hit lilun ylvm iiiitruullnli
to 70 pllplU pPI I "I III ill lull Week, II r III 31111
pupils a ypftr, TliU skpiii lilia a shiitt Hum
in wlilch lo miiily the ait of (mnliiiig,
hut tperleti6 lia uliimn that an
elementary knottloilge nf llm ouhjcot
errata mwIi it lnv and enthusiasm
fur Ilia work, mi the part at llm pupil, that
good and lasting results are nopoiiinilthml,
alls 'J'orray resigned In July, lhli, ami
Mls GhurliittH jIhIIoii whs tncm to sun
coecl br. Under Mis Hullnii's maiiagih
luent the fcuhuul ooiitluues to meet the up,
proval of our people, We sincerely hope
that tha advanlHgu in till line, which are
now In the reach nf only a few of nur girl,
nisy be so extended a to be in resell of all.'
In concluding lireiort Mr, l.uckaysaysl
voi;i,ii nit a iiaiii;i
"It would ba hard to rculitu tho condition
In which our people would be to-day if tho
public school had never existed. Hundreds
of thousands of people aniititill) (thrown upon
our shore Irmn every clime und of every
tongue, organising themselves Into d If It-rent
comraunltlc Iwscd on language und na
tionalities, would make n very llaboi in
deed. Without the puhllo schools these
communities would exist and each would
propagate it own language and custom
und keep alive the love of the fatherland
and tbe tradition of It ancestor. The ex
istence of the public school ha made this
impossible: the children of the Knellth, tho
Irish, tbe German, tbe Swede, the Ilun, the
Italian and the Jtusalan learn to speak the
tame language, adopt the same custom and
love the same flag. No tystcm of private
instruction can do this.
"The immigrant cannot be expected to
give up at once the habits, customs and
language oi bis youth and manhood, but his
children should be taught to ignore class
distinctions based on language or nation
ality, and they should have tbe privilege of
Bitting, studying and playing with those
who are to be tbeir busines's companions in
manhood. Tbe American idea, that parents
mutt look after tbe bodily needs ol their
children, the church tbeir spiritual welfare
und tbe State their intellectual and patriotic
training, must be maintained."
Principal C 1$. Wood, of -the High
School, under tbe head of general remarks,
makes the following interesting statement
about the study of the sciences:
"The method of teaching science which
we are endeavoring to carry out, and which
was described nt leneth in my report for
1887, viz., by individual investigation and
work, has proved not only practical, but
efficient and popular. It requires more
time and work on the part ot the teachers,
and more room and more apparatus for the
pupils than the old-time method of hearing
recitations. Our classes nre so large that it
seemed doubtful whether the plan was at all
practicable. For instance, it Is no small
undertaking to arrange material for ICO
pupils in botany so that each pupil shall be
able to examine leaf, bud, stem, root, ami
tbe dally development ot the eame, and
that, too, under the eye and questioning of
tie teacher, and yet not get burled under
the hints of innlerliil. This Was done by
ur l'roiff.of of lllology. He had 160 gar
aemlu ueeetiul operation within lie tow
imtaol hi nuell lecltntiuii loom, none of
ihem in the way, And All arranged tint
during the reeiiHtien the punlli eon Id ei
. Amine the tiiei'liitem will la the leather
1 questioned, The pupili constructed deflnl'
Mom from their own observations, The
habit of observation tliui formed, snd the
menial stimulus thui obtained, are InvnlUft.
hie. The wime plan Is pursued, o fares
possible, In all dopnrtmenu ol solenoe, A9
set forth in my former report,
"The I'loli'tsornfriiyilci Iia. suroeiilullr'
lulro'liipod Individual Investigation liitn
llieilAlly work of blsiilesscs, to thedeoldea
nitvaiilau nf (he pupils, ltut it takei mure
loom for t'O pupil In handle apparatus and
iiinUeii'mlinmils, (hail It doe whan the
eipurlnieiil arn in ml e by the tsAqlter Blnnr.
The ipIIIUm Mr thin iiraelloal work In
physle liiiv been fiiaiarlAlly tinprovetl by
ihusubstliiilloiiof table for dftki Inoiia
loom, bin a regular work room fnrthl de
pmtiunil I iiigeutlv noadeil also a working
laliiiratory for Iho olaisei In oliiinlslry, No
ailfiiunla provision wa ttin.lt for lhte da
parimaiil when tha building wa aii
sliueled and the full equipment of them
should ha nn lonyr delayed,
"A loeal eleetrloMiiiiHWiyhAi donated to
Hie tiihnnl a eoiiipletealeolrlolluhl ptAiit,oon
kitting nf aOUOIncHiidetcent light dynamo
with necessary lamps, converter, measuring
Instruments, ete. Tha whole I valued at
',1,000, Other firm havo offered dlspounls
nn tha engine, holler, ete., neaettary In con
iieetloti with It. Tlie llonril of UducKtlon ha
accepted the gift, anil hni assumed the ex
panse ol establishing' tile plant. Wo there
lulu hope soon to see our school supplied
with n complete electrical outfit. In order
In get tho full benefit of the apparatus tliu
provided, wa should have mora room in
which to use It. This cannot be done by
crowding smno other department of the
soliool, for all are orowded.
"As evidence of tho efllolenoy of nur
classical drpnrtmoht, I will steto that those
of our graduates who enter college are ad
milted without condition, to mo of them
with special credit, and to many of tlio'best
Kastorn college they are admitted without
any examination whatever. They alto
make good record wherever they go. The
commercial department I doing a good
work, annually graduating a large number
of boy ami girl well grounded In ordinary
business methods. This department I now
so crowded that it can no Jonptr be accom
motlated in the present building. There
should be separate quarters provided end
fitted up specially lor thle department."
The Klnuncu Co mm I Ilea of the Education
Hoard lie submitted a highly favorable re
port nf the receipt, expenditure and in
debtedness for the fiscal year ending Jan
uary J, 1889. Tho total amount in hand on
Ifebruary 1, 1888. wa fl73,273 01. The
amount rald by tax wa. f570,l24 27. By
State appropriations, interest and other
causes the amount nf receipts was swelled
to a grots total of ? 828,311 40.
Of this sum, 353,771 01 were expended
in teachers' salaries; $8,000 in the purchase
of ground; 538,382 29inbuildlnE;Wl,H0 8Q
in permanent improvement mid repairs;
?70,800 in paymentofbondeddebt; ?40,000 10
on interest; 57.700 41 for lurl: f7.730 8J for
books, stationery, and printing; other ex
penses are for gas, water, insurance, paving,
rent, furniture, secretaries' and treasurers
salaries, janitors' salarler, housrcleanlnir,
etc., innkine a grots total of 5088,774 07.
This, as will bo seen, left a balance of
$139,010 43, on February 1, 1889.
The total bonded Indebtcdncst was (720,
1100. Of this 529,200 have been paid oQ sine
the end of tho fiscal year. Tho amount of
floating indebtedness was 519,414 G5,
Tho board la well pleased with tho show
ing made. The bslanoe loft over wai smaller
than that of the preceding year, but tbe
causes lor expenditure have been muoh
moro numerous nod pressing than at any
time within the board's fluanclal history,
Tbe WetUKitntrn Cnminli.ltiti eferchaat
Htireumlm In n I, one Illnfs Close of the
ntieeesslul (Jnreer of it HelfOlade Alan
Atinilitr Henri Man Unite,
N. J. Hraden, (he well-known commit
nlou merchant of Liberty street, died at his
residence Yesterday afternoon after a pro
I rite led Illness. When the new of Mr,
Hraden' death became generally known, It
caused widespread feeling of regret Among
hi business Associate, nnd the expression
nf snriow were iimny, a all who knew hi in
ineallrd some good (rait, of which they
spnkn In a very High manner.
Mr. Hraden eaiim to this oily about 1000,
frnm Trumbull munly, O., nnd engaged In
tho cherto Imparling business, In wliloli he
wa sfuoiid lo none In thl cum in unity. Jiy
dint of olus application to hi business he
oon won for himself the esteem and patron
ago of (ha people wllh whom he ofline III
roiilnrl, Jtn lins emiHulted (he cheese III
diitliy In (hi loeallly for a nunibefof yean,
hi sale In ihl line having averaged 2,000
bines in it week. The iiiagiiltude of this
business en ii be seen when It it sild that, he
lepretenleil four-flfthi of the trade In 1'ltti
Ill Integrity wa tieyond question, And
no merohant stood higher In the community
than ha. Kor honesty he had no peer among
Iho busines men nf (hie ally. In speaking
nl Mr, Hraden, a Liberty street onmniliilon
merchant said yesterdayi "I don't beliefs
a mora honest man than Mr. Hraden ever
lived, and nothing oould be said toe good
lor him,"
Mr. Hraden was a nun nf highly moral
charaoter, He wa a leader In religious
nlrole. and for a score of year he had neon
vestryman and Treaaurer oi the Uplscopel
church, Ktst Und. and the congregation
considered hi 111 Indispensable. Within
n year he had collected and disbursed fill.
000 for the church, and hi lose to them will
unquestionably be a aavere one.
Another gentlemen connected with the
rhtirch, in commenting upon the good Mr,
Hraden had done the church, soldi "Hie
death will ho a great calamity to our church,
lie has rendered ui valuable services In
putting the church on the sound financial
basis It now Is."
Mr. Hraden had reached the fifty-fourth
milestone In life'e Journey at the time of
tils demise, but hit name will coutlnue on
down for ages to come a h grand type of
the self-made man who had won fortune and
merit by the way he started at his taikVitb
no capital other than hie brains.
! . I IS)
General Manaser Ecltert Exprrnea Halls
taction Willi the Local Offlcr. x
General Manager Eckert, Colonel dowry,
Western General Superintendent; M. 0.
Bristol, Western Superintendent of Con
struction, and A. S. Brow, Electrio En
gineer of tho Western Union Telegraph
Company, were in Pittsburg yesterday. Tbe
gentlemen inspected the local office, and
General Manager Eckert expressed great
satisfaction with all tbe arrangement!. Tbe
Pittsburg office was really the first one in
the United States to luccesjfully operate the
dynamo system.
General Eckert had been on an inspect
ing tour in the West between Chicago and
St. Louis. A new office in tbe latter city
was opened last week. The General said
thev were constantly extending their lines
and rebuilding them. He returned to New
York last evening.
How nn Oil Man of riit.bnrsc le Bald to
Have Obtained n Bride.
According to a telegram received from
Louisville yesterday, Miss Minnie Kalllnff,
the daughter of a Wealthy farmer living
near Columbus, Ind., escaped from her room
by means of n ladder on Thursday evening
and went to Indianapolis, where tbe ll said
to have met ltlehard Duncan, ah oil man oi
this city, and they were married.
Tbe couple, It wee stated, had Marled for
Pittsburg, but will not arrive here before
thl morning. The parents sf the girl are
On, H, M, II anka, Eye, ear, noe end
Diroaidl'imses exclusively. Qffiee, Tiwrena
itreet, i'lttsburg., iV I - Stall
Colored Wnltors Holding Out Tliolr
Ilandfl to Tliolr Knuiloyors,
Tlit Tluneri Have I'roip?cl of .HlajJnjf
Out Awlillo lot.
Tho colored hotel wnllere want an ad
vanoo In wagoi, A meell ng hat been flailed
for noit week, at wliloli deummU will he
formulated to nreienl to the proprietor.
The wallere will atk for t'iti per month,
They now roorlvo from ISO to (23 In all the
hotels, eioept the Duquemo, where they nre
paid (20, There ere About .100 colored
waiter In the olty, employed In the various
hotel and restaurant, All aro expected to
stand together, although they Aro unor
ganised, The present move I only a revival of nn
effort made eeveral month Ago to teouro an
One of tho waiter employed At tho lloyer
aid last nlghtl "Wo made a demand last
Heptember for 523 por month, through our
head waiter, but wo did not got It. Mr.
Hoyor offered us 523 nnd when tho pro
prietors of tbo Anderson heard about it,
they tried to get Mr. Hover to withdraw nl
oiler. Mr. Hoyor told them ho would pay
as muoh a any other hotol and paid hi
men, 32 In number, 523, Tho waiter nt the
Bt. Charles and Central oontlnued to work
for 520 and those at the Monongahela Haute,
the Anderson, Seventh Avenue, Boblotter
and other hotel get 522 "
The men have long hour. Ono of tbo
Anderson waiter ald they go to work At fl
o'clook and continue on duty until 10 and II
At night, with two Intermission! of from ono
to two hour eaoh during the day.
The waiter complain of the long hour,
bard work and eloto confinement. At tha
meeting next week thore will be a plan
adapted for presenting the demand, and it
Is probable that organisation will be talked
ofiome. There ha never been muoh diffi
culty among the waiter and they havo not
felt tbe need of organlaation until now.
One of tbe Seventh Avenue men aald he did
not think there would ba any trouble in
getting tbe men to stick together in case- de
mands are made.
The Tinners' Strike Continues lo bo a Groat
The tinners held a meeting last night,
but, contrary to expeotations, nothing was
done that changes tbo nspeot of tbo strike.
One or two moro partnership schemes,
similar to the ono of Schaefler Bros., was re
ported, hut a they showed satisfactory
papers, the men interested were granted
their cards. It was reported that 5800 will
be at the headquarters, C37 Smlthflcld street,
this mornlne ready for division among tho
strikers. Prosldent MoMastera said last
nlgbtthit tho Schaefler Hro.' partnership
plan wa perfectly legal, a ho had eon tho
paper which inako It so.
Thcro nro about C4 men now ot work.
Those inoludo the men who were given tho
advance provloua to May 1. Tliero nro still
shout 200 Idle, with plenty of work on hand.
Mr. Irwin, of Allegheny, seems to bo in tho
worst shape) aside from tho big Wllmordlng
Job he has the roof of the new I'lttsburg In
cline station, nnd ha tome work to do on
the new Uovtrmuout building, The tin
nera laid kit night tuU An Ohio contractor
U being watched, It la laid he has the
copper work to do ou the Government
building, and that he will put non-union
tutu on the Job.
National Tube Uork nirikere Iteliirn lo
Tbeir Old i'laeet,
The National Tubs Work BtMoKeesporl
were put In full operation again yesterday,
and most of the fl,ooo men who asked for the
advance have leitimailwofkt Home of them
eotioluiled to coinplnlo tlm two week Of
holiday, aim) will not resume again until
Monday. The employe of the Ian and the
hud weld department held a meeting yes
terday, and dealded to ask (Jetieral Manager
Convene to give lliem tbo advance of 10 per
eent, and appointed a ooiiiumtey ol tight to
negotiate wllh Mr. Converse.
The National Jtnlllng Mill oau he oner
Aled now that the tube worke le in operation,
Workmen mi Iba MonengalielA Mouse Km
played IrregHlarlr
There wa a illffloulty At tlm MonongilielA
House, yesterday, wliloli Interrupted (lie
work for several hour. A man named
Hamilton bad five painter at work, nt 53
eaeh per day, Hamilton I not a bos
painter, and the toale require that when
men are hired by uon-bos painter, they
shall receive 53 BO,
Agent Jewell ordered the men out, Tho
wort? wa then plaoed in tho hand of
Contractor W. It, (Houghton, aud tho men
wero relnttated.
Miner Dlutl lOeelvo Ihu Cnlumbu Wagee
or Jtefeso lo Work.
Helatlve to the report from Scott Haven
that W. L. Seott had settled with his men,
President McLaughlin, of the inlnere,lsaued
the following yesterday!
To Miners and l.etoorersi
You are hereby lequettod to ttay away from
Bcotf intne on the Vouch river until he
aereestopay tho Columbu waco scale, Tbe
settlement of a price there by tbo sma 1 minor
ity ol 80 men out of 1,000, on the fad Inst., bat
not been sanctioned by the United Mine work
er or union njen anywhere.
Air nrakei far Freight Cars,
An order wa received in thl olty yester
day, from tbo New York Central Hallway
Company, for 1,000 seta of air brakes for
freight oars. Arrangements are about
concluded for tbe furnishing of air brakes
to all tbe new cars turned out by tbe Queen
and Crescent system.
Will Look Up Candidates.
Thf ex-board of D. A. 3, K. of L., met
last night and received a letter from the
Central Trades Council, asking for the ap
pointment of committees to visit legislative
candidates to ascertain their position on tbo
reform labor laws. The request was com
plied with.
Declined the Appolntmonr.
David Jfioholl, Chief Clerk at the Edgar
Thomson furnaces,recelvcd tbe appointment
to tbe position on the Labor Bureau, made
vacant by the death of Harry Teeters, lie
discovered the position was not permanent
and declined the appointment.
Ther Wnnt tbe Percentage,
Braddock la In danger of another strike.
The trouble lies between the drillers and
ehlpners, who are demanding the 1 per cent
of the profits promised tbetn by Captain
Jones prior to his death,
- i
Will Hear Ifae Case To. Day,
President Welhe will hear tlitrgrlevanoe
ofthemeltereat the Linden Bteel Wotks
te-day. It li believed the dlllloulty will be
arranged aialesbly.
Per Hie ilanmiend Mill.
The negotiation relative to the pureheie
of hud ft Mansfield for a mill ilte, aii
sewuue 'fi which wai pblliliod. Ih Th
.pi1$pHfWJ lJiiliIJliJlpippiIJ,JIJJI,JJipjlJJlip Jl JUiiPIJipi lfl
dispatch five month, RB( ftr8ilut
completed. )Y, 3, lluuiuiuud & Hon will
move their Beooad Avenue plant Id the
YAlley where It will be greatly P9oi"g0d,
on mold ornoE or anv kino under
The flnod Could Not Aire In This laierfer
enee Willi Individual KIhl-Oemmli
lee Aiipelnied nl Yesienlnr'a Meeda-
The Taken Mailer I'nsineneilt
The llefonnod I'reibyteilau Hynoil'i olot
lug Mttlnii yesterday wn of A lively character,
A (mutlderrthle portion or the tlmawB taken
up by the appointment nf (landing com.
mlttees, ami uplrlted ilUoumlon on a mo
(Ion Introduced by Mr. Joseph W. Hutton,
It pertained fo the ue(of the "token," tho
cnntliiunnoo of wliloli would he left to the
Judgment of the several union. The token
lean old time Insignia that dlitlnguUhod
the follower! of tho Presbyterian Ohuroli lit
Bootlaud in tho reign of Henry VIII, Tho
Scotch rrenbyierian held their oommunlon
torvloei In those day under a dltudysntege,
They had to conduct their meeting in cave
and other collided plaoei. Government
epic were employed to wateh the entrance
to those places, mid the denomination labored
under great difficulties, at It wa punlth
able by Imprisonment ill those dave to prac
tice or pronoh religion that nonllloted with
the view prescribed by thn'Uoyornmoiit,
Tho tokon oontlstod of it chip of wood dis
played In A very promliiont place on tho per
ion, a rare leaf or lomethlng tlmltar that
oould bo carried nbout without oxolttng tho
luaplelon of tho Qoverumont spies,
ThadlscuMlon on the matter wai rather
heated, Moit oi tho l'lttiburgen wore in
favor of keeping up tho old tlino ouitom,
Itav. John Graham, of l'hlladulpbla,
favored the adoption of the measure In
troduced by Mr. Hutton, while Mr.
Kphrmm Graham ttrongly oimoiad It. Tho
controversy on the matter did not thow any
perianal animosity, however, and a
friendly spirit prevailed throughout tho
dlsonsilon. On n motion of William Mo
Kenney, of 1'hlladolnhlA, the matter wai
indefinitely postponed.
ltev. John Graham offered a reiolutlon to
the effect that the b'lnanco Committee be
rcquetted to prepare a table of tho several
collection ordered by the Synod for tha
year, assigning a day for each colleotlon.and
that the utme table bo forwarded to tho
congregation. The reiolutlon wa adopted.
A letter wa read from ltev. Dr. Daniel
Steele, of Philadelphia, deolarlng against
secret looietlei. The standing committees
appointed at thomornlng session yesterday
are as follows:
On I'resbvterlan Record Northern, ltev. D.
Btoole and llugliOraliami l'lttsbura;, ltev. J, F,
Morton anil Joseph Loiiri 1'btlaileipbla, Hov,
John Alford and K. 3. llouiphlllj Ohio, Ilov. 3.
.11. nicnnens anu Jonn aicjjowoiii western,
li. w. urownoii anu uooert uooper; Eastern,
ilov. D. J. White and Thomas Uhzirerstair. On
Discipline Ilov. 8. It. Hamsoy, J. F, Morton
and James McKlnney. On Fnrolfn Corre-
nonilence Rev. J. O. Dolce. Rer. D. Hteele
and William McKlbenny. On Signs of tbo
Times Itov. J. II, Leeper, Ilov. M. uarley and
Matthew McElvoy. On Theological Bemlnary
Hot. Mr. Alford, Hov. B. R. Kerr and l'rof.
AtilolT. On Presbyterian Roports Rev J.
Urnham, Rov. It. w. Cbostnutt and William
MoKlnuoy. On Nominations Rev. it. II.
Ilrownell, Rov. D. J. Wblto and Ephrlsm
Younir. On Auditorium Rov. Thomas Wat
tors, Rov. H. W. Urownoii and John McDowell.
On BAbbath Hehool Hot. J. N, Htephonson,
Hov. H. W. Ohestnutt and Robert Cnopor. On
Flnanco 1). McKlnney, Hov. T, II, Kendall
and Thomas Gibson.
At the opening of tho aftornoon teuton
Ilevs. J. II. Loopor and John Graham, of
Philadelphia, dlsoussod the home mis
sion, ltev. Mr. Graham, of the Qenoral
Synod Committee on Conierence. presented
tho report of the meeting held with the com
tdltteo of tho It. 1'. Synod last January. Tho
conference wa held to establish bettor rela
tion between the two different bedle and
to settle alt exlitlug differences. The ootn
inlttee did not agree upon the third arti
cle, Till respected tho rights: of members
of the Ohuroh to Incorporate with the polltl
eal organisation! of the country. The
Synod iorblde He member! to vote nr hold an
offiua uuder tho UulUd fJtatei Couilltu
Kev. Mr. Graham moved that a (telega
Hon be lent to tha It. V, Uynod In New
York on Juno 1 to stale that the General
llynod did not approve of thli article end
would not nooept the substitute, wliloli !
slnilliir to the general Hem. After the
Hynoil lied finished up oilier routine busl
lies It adjourned,
Adam MHre lia Voted Wllh
llrmliers for Hie Tariff Hill.
Congressman George Adams, of Chicago,
wai a iiiifeiiger on the limited Isit evening,
going home, He la represented In the press
dispatches from Washington it voting
egnluat the tariff hill. He said (lilt wai a
great mlitAbe, ai he had votetl for It, and
he couldn't see how the blunder couldlmve
been niAde,
Commentlna further on the hill Mr,
Adami laldi ''The Henale, I think, will
modify It somewlmt before It jmne that
house, Home of the Heiiulillean leaden
favor a reduction of sneolllo dutlei, I he
lluye the cotton and linen seliednle will be
changed by tha Henate emnmlttee, far one
thing, My constituent have furnished me
with a supply ol statistic, and Senator
Allison Inld ma that I oould appear before
the nommlttea to present their claim.
"A to the selection of Oiirllslg for tha lfl
nanoa Committee, the general feeling iu
Washington li that tha Democratic Bona
tor, owing to III recognucd ability and hli
standing oi a loader, will consent to hll Im
mediate promotion. No law ol the Sanate
aro broken, but traditionary preoedonti are
Mr. Adam laid oontlderable boitlllty
had been manifested In the House againit
the tin plato schedule, Iloth Sherman nnd
Allison nre opposed to It in Iti present
form. The ohanoei aro that tho icbedule
will bo modified, and a commlttoe from the
lower Home will content to it,
A 13-YearOld Hoy Hay He Was Assaulted
nnd Hintep.
Tim Sullivan, was committed to Jail by
Alderman Donovan yesterday to await a
a bearing to-day, on a charge of asstault
and battery. Tho Information wai made
by Richard Jones, aged 13 yean, who
alleged that Sulllvau is a bootblack 19
yeata of ago and has frequently abused
On Monday hit it ii said that tho
defendant made an unprovoked assault
upon the prosecutor and beat him very
severely. Both live in tho Ninth ward.
The List of Backward Tnxpayera Being Pre
pared for Advertisement,
The Delinquent Tax Collector is prepar
ing tbe list of unpaid taxes of 1889, water,
property, and business taxes, for advertise
ment. FJnal notices have already been sent
out, and if the party fails to respond to it,
his property will be posted in the list of de
linquents, adding from 58 to 51C0 to the
amount, according to tbe amount of space
n description of tbe property will require.
Within a month after the advertisement
appears, if the tax Is still unpaid, Hens will
bellied agalntt the property.
. four Rivals Arm la Arm.
Major Montooth had returned home from
Harrlsburg, where he went on business with
the Hoard of Pardons. A gentleman who
wai at the State capital eayi that be saw
tour Republican eandldatei for Governor
welkins down itreet itrui la arm, They
were Messrs, Montooth, liaitluga. Bioue
and Davlei. and were laughlug and oliattlus
ai pleasantly as four brothers,
"Why I am a Communist," In thli week's
TWHK 1IKTH QHHTlHV, lted if. rlY8 Of nil,
All news naBdi, or i Warren lb, Now York,
To Starltho AlloBhony County Butob
ors Dolcffatlon. To-Nlfilit.
AJellOroifd, Wllh OliMnon a JJand of
Muilo, Iioavlntf Homo
On Tueiday next the Jlutoheri' National
Aiioeiniiuii wn uhth
nt Olnolnnntl, end the
occasion promise to he
one of Bal interest.
The Freildeni of the
AuooUtlon li Mr,
Oharlei James, of Bt,
Louli, and the Vice
President, WlllUm
Peters, of Allegheny,
whose etull I Iu tbo
Diamond market.
Last year the amiooIa
tin., tun I In riotrnll. and
J. ffVwSfifn. the rUltor. from thl. city
had auoh n good time thore that all are mora
than nnxlou to take In tho mooting At CIu.
olnnatl noxt week, ,
The Pretldont of tho Allegheny Hutoher
Aitoolatlon 1 J. If, Uelltteln, whoe famli
iar face will be reeog
nlied by a host of Difl
l'ATOii reader. Lett
week Mr, llellatoln
went to tho Queen City
and engaged r,oomi nt
,1.a i"! nn.l ITa.aI r 1
Allegheny county dole- '
gatlon, Though there
are but five delegate
appointed from tho
local aitoolatlon, tho
number to which they
ero entitled, it ie ex- Jaeob lieMert
pected that not leu than 70 butoher. with
their wive will bo present at tbe Cincin
nati Convention. Tho Ave delegate are J.
P, Hollsteln. Jacob Illohter. William Ffell,
Gottlelb Deilenbaoh aud John Herbiter.
The stoamer Bt. Lawrence, which leave
thl evening at 0 o'oloot, hn been leeured
for the Allegheny oounty delegates and vis
itors by the eommlttee appointed for this
purpose, namely: Jacob Blchter, Louie
Rothschild and M. Marx, whoso counte
nances are herewith presented to The Dis
rATOH readers.
The Pleasant Valley Band will ac
company tho happy
crowd and furnish toe
sounds whloh go to
the heels when butch
er and their wive
aro on dcek. There
aro rumor that a few
quarters of Cincin
nati liquid will com
prise part of tho bag
sage, but thl is prob
ably a slander.
Tho National Con
vention la to be held
nt the II ic bland
LouU JMhiehUii. Houso, Cincinnati,
beginning Tuesday raonna, May 27, and
thoro all tho sessions will bolield.
Wednesday thero li to be a grand barbe
cue, whon 10 beeves, 40 iheop and 10 aalyoi
are to he roaitou ior
the entertainment
ol the convention.
It Is safe to say
that there will be
no Chicago dressed
beef furnished for
the occasion,
This evening, be
tween 0 Aim 0
o'clock, the prooes
elon will atart from
tho I) I n in o n d
market, led by tliolr
band, and if Any
desire to ieo a
weighty procession
t he roniioriunity i m ,.
At hand.
The recent diolslon of the flupreme Court
In regard to Chicago dressed beef will, oolite
up for discussion nl the Glnoliiuatl
convention, The fight made by
tbe Allegheny oounty buloheri agaliui
the Chicago meat ha hmonm
A aliApter In history, nnd li loo well-known
for repetition, When the liuprcme Court
ltaiidtl down Id decision to the elleet that
no Utate had the right to make law requir
ing the Inspection of beef, loeal butcher
said they would llkti to see the "boot nn the
other foot." The Allegheny county bssocIa
tlon msde a good flgiil. and, although the
meat Is still sold here, the loeal men have
not suil'ered lo any extent. As the decision
Is a national matter, the convention will
take It tip.
A Weallliy PllUliilltf Od4 lellaw Olfer a
010,000 Nile far n Widow' and Or
plums' IIhiii-OIa of llie I, 0,0, V,
"No I will not tell you who (he donor
li," laid ex.I'ostmnstir Myler, yetterday,
when aikod ai to what member of the Giand
Lodoe. I. O. 0. If., had offered a tlto to
found on asylum fur wldowi and orphans pf
Odd ITolIowi. "He I a well-Known,
wealthy man, hut one who ha not become
prominent in tho order."
Several member wero approaohed last
night In regard to the matter, but nothing
could bo learned outtldo of a rumor floating
around to tho effect that Mr. Bcutmeycr,
formorly a well-known merchant, but now
retired from business, wa at tho bottom of
tbe scheme. Mr. Boutmeyer ba for a long
time harbored the Ideaoffoundingn wldowi'
and orphans' home, and yean ago luggeitrd
the plan to the Odd Fellowi, but did not
ucceed in carrying it through, owing to lack
of support.
The site for tho proposed home will be
about four or fire aorei in extent, and be
located somewhere in Allegheny. Condi
tion of the offer and detail of the proposed
gift would not bo divulged, but the amount
expended for the property will reach 510,
000. Tbe Grand Lodge concluded its session
yesterday noon, leaving some business un
finished, which is postponed till next year.
Tbe Grand Masters report was approved
and adopted. The proposition to admit
youths of 18 to membership in tbe order was
rejected by a unanimous vote.
On motion it was decided to instruct rep
resentatives to tbe Sovereign Grand Lodee
to vote for tbe proposed change of law by
which a majority vote will not be required
to keep a member out of the body. The
newly eleoted Grand Lodge officers were in
stalled. President John White's report of tbe
Home for Orphans of Odd Fellows at Tioga
showed that the lodgeiiolds a 510,000 mort
gage against it. Tbe members are disposed
to cancel the mortgage if there is no legal
A ftmllbdeld Street Pohef Room Closed and
Bevea Meit Arrested.
Shortly after midnight Captain tnter
baum aud Lieutenant Deu'iilsou raided a
poker room at No, 41U Smlthfleld itreet.
The game wee In full blast in a room on the
third floor of the building, over the Viae
hold Hank, when the police walked In.
William Smith and L, 13, Laugbeln, the
Brourietors, and Ave others were arrested
end taken to Central station, The other
names given i were i. uenneit. Vrank Me
Laugniln. I5d ward Walker, Harry Johns
ton and lion Mdisll,
ff J'sWsM I iff I lW
1 er
has. V
T4LU')U. .
C M!)
tfisl """'' M
IVli BU ! a ,, J AlftOU OT WOi'l AVV ifHW AYOHOIf ' I ' lWi
MAY 24, 1360. ' ;
ArraigeMiele Made lo sjend n Guineas'
Ileleiaden le lUrrltbiirgi
This evenlug at So'olooka eoininlttee ou
organisation to nominate Major Montooth.
for fJovemor will meet In the Common
Council obamber. The object of this meet
Ing Is to organise for effective work, to ar
range, for a oltliens' delegation to go down
to Harrlsburg, and to Arrange for the proper
committee to lake ore of the detail eon
nected with the proposed trip, The name
of CapUlu 0, Wi Hatehelnr I okn of as
tlm man beat fitted to place at ihu head of
this delegation! Ho I nn entliuslatlln
friend of (lie Major, and li heart and soul Iu
thl movement, lie was an active parilol
punt iu the proceeding! of the mass meeting
last Haturday.
The prnpoted delegation will probably be
made tip of oltleeiit, Irreepeetlye nf any
olub or organisation, And will he expanded
to meet All demand, They will secure the
lowest possible rete ol transportation, and
engage quarter! lb Herr sburg.
Knur yean ago Major Montooth made
seven-eighths of hi vote In the Htnte oapl
tal, after the oonventlnn had Assembled, and
his friend confidently expect that if they
get every delegate to meet tne major, wnna
ho may not have their vote on the first bal
lot, lie will get them when the break come.
The Committee on Organisation, of which
Mayor Gourley I Chairman, state that the
meeting to-night I a busines meeting of
tbe Major' frlrnd), and suggestions from
oltliene will he In order.
It Will lie ftn InlereallnsT Italia Ml tbo
HootclMrWb Congress.
The celebrated harp of Ireland' unlaur
eled laureate, Thomae Moore, hai been lent
by George It, Child, of Philadelphia, to
tho Bcotch-lrlsh Oongren. It arrived lu
I'lttsburg last Monday, and ii at preient
tinder the caro of Prof, Wllllami, ol tho
Curry Institute. Tho harp is oi the kind
oallod In Irish clarieaoh.and used anciently
in battle. It wa lent by Mr. Child to tbo
first Scoteh-Irlih Congress in Columbia,
Tenn,, last year, upon which occasion Mr,
Wallaco Draco wrote upon It a charming
Metiri. William and Peter Dick nro
hunting for Burn relict Juit now; and they
expeattodlseoverafew interesting memorial
about genial "Bab o' Oarrlck" wbieh will
look well side by lido with the harp of
At Hamilton's, At Hamilton's.
There are still a number of great bargains
in pianos and organs at Hamilton's, 01 and
03 Fifth avenue. You have heard tbe name
before. You know tbe place, Hamilton
building, Fifth avenue, opposite tho Opera
House. You havo heard of the pianos and
organs he sells. Such names as Decker Bros.,
Knabe, Fischer, Kstey, etc., aro not new. In
every city and hamlet in the country you
will find them, Thero is no reason why you
hould not have one of those matchless In
struments. You can make a small payment
down and then monthly or quarterly as it
suits you, and you will have It paid for
before you know it and hardly mill tbo
money, or if you proforat any time to pay
tbo cash you will get a liberal discount. Sco
Hamilton' pianos aud organs and get
prloes and terms before you purohase. 01
and 93 Fifth avenue.
An Advertisement Thnt Wis KulfllleJ lathe
Letter A Ulg tlrorf d nt tbe P. C, C. 0.
As published yesterday, the V, 0. 0. 0.
have placed on sale the oomblnod'atookaof
three large clothing firms, which they
bought for mot easb, at about 33rf cents on
the dollar, The first day of tbo tale ha met
with tremendous success, end everyone who
calls realises at once that men's fine suits,
the most stylish to be seen, Are sold at about
one-third tbeir reil worth. You'll find
men's all-wool oasslmere suits at 58 CO.
Flue diagonal suits at flO. l'rlnoe Albert
coats ami veils at f 10, and many more bar
gains we have not the since to mention,
Heller call ot once end get n choice et the
cream of our lucky purohase.
1. C. 0. 0,. cor. Grant And Diamond iti.,
opposite the Court Home.
American (fullers mid Mandolins,
II. Kleber A lire,, No. 00 Wood alnet,
have raolvd a new lot of tbo elegant
Lakeside antique nak, the Arlon mahog
any and tho Conservatory rosewood
guitars. These beautiful Instrument arn
sold at 57 60, 10 60 and 518 respectively,
Also concert else rosewood guitar nt the
low price of lilt, They are certainly Ilia
best guitars ever olleri-d for the money,
Mandolins at $0, t, flO, (lfl) the eele
brated Washburn mandolin from Wi
upward, warranted not to split end warp.
Call aud examine these ertlstls instru
meuti. ' ,li
New Hosiery fer Ladle aad Ohlldrie.
We open to-day our second Importations
thli season ol ladles' nnd children's hosiery
In cotton, lisle thread and silk, In niche
lieu ribbed And plain weaves) our assort
inent is now larger than ever before)
children's stockings our great specialty,
Jon. HoifNW fit Co.'h
l'euii Avenue Stores,
IHt ns-l"1
Junou Jmwiirnoh, of the Supreme
Court of Now York, hat ltut dealded that
Dr. H, G. H, Biegert & Bona have the ex
elusive right to the trademark and name of
Angostura Hitter, And grantud them an in
junction against 0, W. Abbott Si Co. of
Baltimore, reitralnlug them from using
that namo or puttlnR up goodi In imitation
of tho Ancostura Bitten.
Blevaior Aecldeni
Avoided by uting the Morihall ielf-oloilng
hatchway gate. Inexpensive, successful
and durable. MAimiiALL Bitot).,
09 Diamond street, Pittiburg, Pa,
A Jar forever.
Marvin's "Big 4" It the newest, tho big
gest nnd belt ginger cake on tbo market.
Little onei cry for it, nnd It li a lource of
oonitant delight to tho old. All grooers
sell H. ' its
Men's HoaHae Shlru.
A very handsome line in silk, flannel,
cheviot and madrat. Open until 9 P. M.
A. G. Campbell & Sons, 27 Fifth Ave.
EleTator Accidents:
Avoided by using tbe Marshall self-closing
hatchway gate. Inexpensive, successful
aud durable. Masshall Bbos.,
69 Diamond street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Excursion to Wheeling; To- Morrow, Bandar,
Rate 51 BO round trip via the B. & 0. B,
B. Train leaves Pittsburg at 8:30 a. m.
B. dsB.
Pure silk mitts and gloves, beat at lowest
prices, 25c to $1. Dooos & Buhl.
Men's underwear, medium nnd light
weight, at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100
Filth avenue.
Trimmed Uatn and Bonnets.
Largest and best stock: in the city. Bee
for yourself, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. xha
Special bargalniln table linens, napkins
and towel for Friday, May 23.
MS9U Hvdts & Haokil
NpVKWifis in men'i neckwear et Jamei
it. Aiken & Go.'i, loo Flitk avenue.
Hart' Veloelpedes.
Uargalni never before beard of, and none
but the best, at Harrison's Toy fltere, 123
Federal it., Allegheny,
NfiW blaser Jackets And reeferi at bargain
Aiken ell Co.'i, 100 Vlith avihoi,
(Jofsrnor lUnver' J'rlvnia Meereiary Ke
turns Ireui llie Pacini) (Is as l.
aeorgo renrsou, Private Beoretary lo
Governor Heaver, 'arrived In the olty late
last evening, and registered at the Ander
son, Mr. Pearson's health has not been
good, nnd he has Jusl returned from aii ex
tensive trip on the A'aoIIIo ooait,
He said he .was not potlsd on Htate
politic, and ho hadn't any opinions to
preMi III health has been Improved by
his travels,
i ....... ., . T "J
llie busy trade of the present season ha bosn
maklnit remnant In all grade or aarnets.
During tlie week benlunlng May ID wo will
ofTarspeclal Iniluoamenta Iu these short loncths.
They're not all short, either 00 yard la a rem
nant with us, Wu havoi
WO rnmnnnts inurittti, 13 to 00-vard InnRths, at
80 to Mo a yard-goods that retail at 40 to 73o.
tm remnsnt' Tapestry ilrusseli, 0 to 80 yard
Inngtha, at SO to 00a n yard good that rotall at
suo remnant llody llrusteli, 0 to tO-ytnl
length, at Onto Hoc a yard good that rotall
tram f 1 to II 60,
1,000 Tapestry Bugs, at CO to 7flo ach, worth
II oo.
fiOO llody Druiscl ltugt, at 80 to (Wo each,
worth IX
SCO Ingrain Art Hquarot, all wool, at M and
tO AO-the regular price for these Is flu.
These good are all ou flnc floor.
637 and 639 Fcnn Avenue.
At 20 Cents.
Tbste aro in choice French designs and
(Bse Window Display.)
A new waah drets fabrlo in ombre effects, very
tylltb and entirely new a to cloth and print
ing. We odor them
At so Cents.
(See our Market tt. Window Display,)
OHli UAHtt
These ara In cloth, coloring: and tyleeqils.l
to good held at mueh higher figure. We ouer
them to make a ijuick turn
At 17 Contii
1 1
Ha our Window Display,)
Mdimli Twills, with silver mountings, II.
V'j I110I1 0 orja, with silver mountlmj, ll
M-lneh Qlor a, with silver mountings, li M.M
t it-ill el 1 Gloria, with very lino handle, ft M
null Milk Umbrella 011 Twitted Oak l fan.
dies, silver mounted, i 76,
issiraine uoverson
niouutedrinsllver.il 01).
uii v iiib. wurers mi Aiiinjue wta iinuuiei.
i:... .,.; :..'.' 'i-h. 1.1. tr...i..
Hinen ran Hiaeg nerg umt
mounted, natural ttlaka, ll 87,
J. inch Clloria, silver mountings,
Mlneh fill DUelc rlerga Umbrella, silver
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
Our spring! lines unbroken. Wo keep the
newest and best things constantly coming in.
A Bargain for this Month ISO Twenty-flve
Yard Lengths 150 Best All-Woot Iocraln
Carpet, at 62c per yard, worth 75c. These
won't last lone with us, bat tbey will with you.
Our lines of China and Japan Mattings can
not be surpassed.
Explain tbe rush now going on in our
Paper Department
llfl AND 118 FfiDERAii BTltEET,
. J. A. ft. A UO.'fl AM10AB.
Clear Havana 7 00 per hundred. , .
?aney Oroeera, eor.Llueriy and l,,yj!jj
vfi&WMAD. f
best elgar lor the meaey.
el o oar hum
it el
J a
John ". um
I'lTTiiiuno, riatnrday, Hay ll, IHO,
To-day ton last of tha raiananl
sale. 'I In re' II hn a total cleaning up
of short length In Woolen and
Cotton Dress Unods.
A sJpscial Halo
One lot atZfioa pair.
One lot at 33a a pair (3 for II.)
Kstra lino qualltyiseo tlism at tbo
Itoslery oouuter to-day.
Wo also open to-day our second
Importation for this auaaon ot
Ladles' and Ohlldron'i Hosiery!
Mslo Thread, Cotton and Hilki
Jtlolielleu ribbed and plain weave.
Our stock I now larger than over
before, and our price very muoh
lower than tbe prloes of any former
Good Cambrlo Drawer, bemmed
and tucked, at 60c.
(iood Cambrlo Drawer, with em
broidered ruttle, at 75c.
Cambrlo Drawer, trimmed wltb
Valenciennes Lace, at 11 S3.
Plain Cambrlo Chemise, corded
band, special values at 60c.
Finer qualities, more elaborately
trlmmod, 75c, 81, Jl 25 and upward.
Corset Covers:
Cambrlo, extra good (jnality, 13
tucks down front, only SJe.
An odd lot at S.io (a bargain).
A V-shaped Cambrlo Corset Cover
Uco or embroidery front, 60c
Oood quality Cambric Mother Hob
bard Gown, tucked yoke, finished
with (food edging, at II.
Pine Cambrlo down, bound with
four rows of Val, laco and tack and
double rufUo around neck, at 51.
Kino Cambrlo Clowns, two rows
Hamburg Inserting, atfl IS.
finer qualities up to Id eaeb.
Ladles' Bummer Knit Under
wear In nnd French lUlbrlggau,
Lisle Thread and BllK, Combination
Holt In lJalbrlggan, Milk and sum- ,
rner weight Merino,
Everything made for summer wear
we have Iu fullest assortments'.
Natural Weal,
in the summer weight.
Hpeclal line of lllaok Ilalbrlggan
Dress Ties,
Everyday 'fles
Windsor 'rift.
Light weight Hummer Coats for
house, street or oitlee wear, In
tfngllih Cloths, 1'lalns, Maids and
fioo-6ax PENN AVENUE.
Warehouses and yards, Pike ana Thirteenth,
Twelftb and Utnasta.
Private aldlugs In yard and warehouses. Low
rate of Insurance. Negotlanle receipt Issued.
Heparate department for general merchandise,
flour, furniture, llouors and metal. Hand
some and convenient office rooms for uso of
customers free.
Railroad address, W. A noeveler. Pike and
Thirteenth sts., Pittsburg, Pa,, A. V. R. It. Cara
placed at Twelftb, at,, via. Junction R. R.
Bblpplng, distributing and hauling attended
to. Exhibit space with power to let; also rooms
with power to suit. mbCT-as-TTaan
Dealers In Gas Fixture.
Bpeclal attntion given to NararalOaa Fitting.
18 smithfieLd si, rirrsuuRG. pa.
Telephone 7C& ia7-6TTa
Has removed to
Consultation hours 9 x H. till 1 p. sr.
ntmnrwn rnM'
mnTnmrj CONTTSACTnrt
11 Seventh avenue,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Telephone Ult S65-38-TT3
And all manner of Small Instruments
ap 78 Fifth avenoe.-TJ
jrii u L I3"sUHooJj sVii'A.Otjsii.'N'.'i'.-
perrlslnn of tUe Rt. ltev. K. D. Huntington, 8.
A, J .lie .ncu.,u .Vlivin .Bur Uf em W Bllit
Kept. 17,181)0. Apply loJUHHMAHy j. Jack
son, Frlhclpal. Mg.00-Th
TUTE, 'I roy. N.Y,-Eftmlhatlohj for hU
musloH to tm. the oldest schnotor efletneering
in ill uuiiei ni,j, Will 119 II8IU III i'UHUUri.
,a,.onJueijmia Camlldates will be easto
ined in the following ubeelii MpelTlnK, Kit
ttlsh grtminar, geogiafiby, arltlimeiie, afttebra.
t irouan eiiuatlona ot the teeond degree-Hf
eluding radleals-and In plane geometry. Te
ejAinlnijient will bo wholly written, and A fee
H.uK.e wiii. reimrs 11 , r, . rutin, y, ,
room !$, Hamilton bnihllnff, li a, m. to 0 f. Jf
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