, m V'" KY jr."- 'Ti'Tq , ' 'TaBwtiWjtwjre its"sii,,i r-n.3-.mn ?, p'- ' '-'. 5 if.'j :' f ' jtWiW THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, TUESDAY, MAY SO, 1800. rs PWER OF THE CITY, Us Hights in Relation to Granlinc; Traction Franchises. N.UDQE WHITE'S OPINION IIKKDK1.ED (bo flic Salt Will bo Taken at Once to tbe b'apremo Court. CODJjEOX TUUDS GDIIiTY OF 1IDKDEK .Judge White, yestesday, banded down mi Inlon refusing tliu injunction risked for In case of tbo l'ltlklmrc Traction Company 1 othen against tlio llunuo.no Traction Company. In it bo stated Unit when lie hnd concluded to refuso tbo injunction bo so in jffornicd counsel, and suggested that If tbey vwlshcd they could linvr a renrgument hofore (rthe whole bench. The idnintlflV coutisil (replied tlmt ns tlio cases would go tn the ''Bupicmo Court iinihow, that would only f ilelny it liuiil hearing, nud thev wished tlm (motion disposed ol nt once. Continuing, lie MsUntcs that tliu argument were routined tn 'question of law nriRlncr from tbo fnee ot the charters, tlio net of Assembly, nmt tlio ordl v'naoccs of tlm tit). Piirthor lie said: "Tlio plalntlhV have tho older charters. -Iliey appealed In tlio city for Its cimi'iil In their en lctltic mid constructing their rallwnis, hut vern refused. Hin defendant roiiipiiiles, hunlii.t their proloal, iilitnliiril poiiwnl liy special ordinance Allhougli Hie planum coin )nnlipi (wntiiil nitrr tlio city without Its con lit. mill Hut coii.ent 1m lio-ii tetii.eil, vol I think thpyhavp. hy viHtipnf then ulur linn llilp, a.lMiilliut 111 rout I tndiiiieM mi) lllrjjnl 'itt ot tho city or other companies whieh would ultirl) de.lmy their rrfliichl.u rights. Till. iji timing NTATI'.II. "Tlio ijni'Hioii, 1 tit'li. I think l thl'i Una tlio City been gtliliy ot (lleisal lli'l", 111 letll.lllg con- h.nt to tlm ptaliillll. nnd glnlillug It In defend tints; In uther words, has llioelty ik dl'ii' thin In Hip mallei T Mtwt It admit tlio flr.t Clurleioil "oinpHiiy nr lotumt nil r "These oninpsnle derive nil tin Ir pnwnm - from tlio MIhih Hut under tlio (,'ou.lliulion and tlio Rett nt Aa.iiuhly riKntlnir tlixni, thnl oatinnt enler tlio oily nr mot 11 a atop Iikhim tlio pity limit., In the 1 neroim uf then triiiiehl.it rlgliL.VtilliiMil tlio iMiiiiHiit of tlio lui'ul niillmil lies, that Is, the rilyl'iiiiuolls. 11m tight to roHtont or rnfuan In gltim tn tho tty by tlio Unll.tltlllioll. III. Mil itlHioliite, unlimited, tin qualified light, which mat b nseiilied uilil tinrlty, Willi or wltlniiit reason, unit whleh tlio legltlnturn rminut time iitvat, iiimI ii court Iiiih OM)r In (Hii'iio Wticnmmt, thnti'foie. com pel thonlty. oIlliPMlllonlly uHinllloollr, IiieIvo um.iilit to tlio pluintlir 1 iiiiimiiiIi, nliif hIIImiiiI that ooiiteiit lliojr ruiiiint Pit 11 lull In tlio cltv "l'lio lll(lllili I lu'li I. Iminmi'il iluwli In llil Ate lilSllilllT. vlilltti il lit liijimntiiiii to to.ttHlu tlm ilrlohilmu. Iimiii pioocrillnu lo Inv lliolr t inch H wllh Ihn iHinapiil Hlnl 11111I01 Ihn incli lisiiPBOf Hip tny 'In Oil. 11 inijilit I hi mini J'IpiiIIii ipiily ilml. irihM ilniPhiiitMlK lotto 1111 litwfiil nulli'iilty in litytlipir luiliB, thpy will otipiiro tiioipiiy no ipuni until lor thou pniiiin 0tll(tp, Mill lllipiPtillcr Hip plHiimir. t'l4ll(P 1411'Ki'UhKHiil I hoy eii iwihiim HiHieiimtHl or tllHIIIllltWtUl HtlllullllP, "TIipIp sib 1111 iillpgntloiiu In tlia Mil. tlmt tho cmi.Piil of Dm piiv i4 kiiotvpil liy mlnulto. Imuiloi 001 1 n niton, lint tli Hulimf iiio-ily tntilVBOoii.unt Id lh il.ifoii.lJiil. riiiiMMiilc. I. tlllp(l, NIMtlllB llllllloilf KlVlllg II, hy MIBOlllI oidlimniw, Uiliwlitiuil lllrcil. VIMINTII'I'S PIIOI'OHITION. 'Tlio Pmiio.ii, inl on wlilcli tliu pliiiniiir. rely Inay ho Hi ilk kl4ti'd That tho noun nl of tho pttyoan only lii) plven hy (.'cnoial nrillliaiico, Hurt thun tlm ooinjiuiiy Inirlng tliu pilnr clmrtir iiai tlio jirlor rliilit. "Il U ktroncly ureeil tlmt to t'lvo tlio city A cliolco liclwunn tHoiionipanlos In 11 ilancorom yinttcr, whlrh may loail to favoritUin and ror rilptlon. 'Iron, It may. Imt It I. noi tn liu pro rniiooil, Tliuro may lio 11 croit pi II. fiinn ilrnjlim till, clmlcu. lr Ilia t'iiiiiuny lliat ucta tliu tlr.t cliartor for n bhort tici.t canprovvnt any otlior company froni cvillne tliu clt' cnu hent, it may .top u tliroucli or couipotinc lino of more rapltl transit, and lar muro ailvanlaceoiu 'toilio inilillc, or may Uuiuaml an oxornltatit jirlce for Its charter. There mlchi lie a aozen Midi compsnlei, each pic-cmpilnc a certain strLct, important link. innloiiKthioucli route, uiul carli would have Ita prico to cct out of the way. In tlm city mid Hie public potteries. In such a case? When twoormoro companion iIiMro to occupy cer tain itrrctK, but tlitTcrliigiii route, tcnoloi, 1110 tive potter, etc, tliu city oucht 10 liato a dis cretion to accept tho 0110 which would he uf tho greatest publlo advantau. Thu Injunction la rofuacd." Tho attorney lor the ilaintiffs at oncotook mi ajipeal to the huprcmo Court, and tho record Xor that purpose, was mado out yestcrdav after poon. WASHIKG LIKEN Iff COUET. Tho DIcNell Dlvorco Cn.o Ilolnc Tried Uc foro Judco Colllrr. Tho divorce case or James McNeil acainstliis vlfc, Margaret McNeil, was taken up before Judge Collier yesterday. Tlio prosecution Is represented by J.Scott Ferguson and J. K. WcKcIvey, and tho defenso by Thomas Mar shall and W. W. Thomson. Tho bill of com plaint was read by Mr. Mclvclvey. The ground of complaint Is crucland barbarous treatment. The couple w eve married on July i. lfeRt, and lor almost 20 years lived happily together. About this time, however, dissensions arcc. and In lSS2and U&1 they became worse. In IhSO llewa.lorcodtolr.no her by reason of ahu.o nnd threats which tended to bilnghiiu into ridicule with his Irictuls ana neighbor.. Hie llbcllant was put on tho stand and speci fied some of tho alleged actt in the bill. Jlo said his wiro had never sliotm hiiuthe affection lie thought sho should have, but had insulted hint and humiliated him at various times. Mrs. McNeil, on tho -taiul, denied tho claims ot her husband, and aid sho was the aggrieved party, nnd that sho t-et ln-r holi.inil un in buslnes's. There Is 11 cro.s-.ult in this ca.p, entered by JUrs. McNeil on March in last. In which she nsks for divorce on tho ground of ilosrrtlmi (iluco Novembi r. 1W.1, alnce which I Imp, she nl lege., lie has been gnlltvat times of Imptoppr conduct with onn l.oul.it Klliienillliger. Win nsks alimony nnd hall of tho moiioy and prop erly he reieived fmm her. CAUED IT MANBLAUOHTEK. lpore L'uiil. en I'IpihU (Jttltir of Uliinlpr 11 ml la lli'iiiNhilpili In the Orliiiiintt Conn yp.tonitty (lootga Ollll'illl, H ltlllienrimi, Wna lilollUIlt lip fnf liUlforihoiiiniiiPf nt AiiIpIIii Iiunipiiiio, un Jlnllftll, llolli iiipii MBio liilmiii. fliiplnypil Hi Jlntdilofk, llllllnt! A ill.pillo, ta.Ullly, (."uill. ion striiflt limnpiiii on iiiu ,a with n aimip, lUenro wont In ft loi.pHitl ami waa ill.. 'liMK""!. hilt wits in i Ini.piial a pimple of linpaniturward. llo riiiully illml, Huooniliur Tilsrtl, Ifoin ilmlnjiiiy in hi. I11141I, (iiMil.oii lo.lorilay at nnno pbotiluii gullly of luiiriloi. ha Court, oi'OoiiIiukIo law. Itieil Ilia in(ripp, linil iiuiiIh l volunliiiy niaiitlHliglilur. tJuiil.011 Vs. ramaiuleil to Jail for kunleuno. Auali.t hlioiiU was Hnpiilluil of n.k.ult mid hulleiv 1111 John 'Itl.liHlf, l''iui IjtuiT Wita imiivlcted ol ih.ruIi and haltury and lined iA nndonata, TI1nj11ryla11utll1ll1ura.il ol John Ijrl.ttoll, triod lor Ktiitiilt nnd hattory, 1 Jl ward Iluliithl waaki'iiluliced two liiiiuttia tn thu workhouso lor..aiilu Jolin I ounull ttus .on tuiioed two liioulha In thu tvoililiou.u for u. kault and batinry. M. 1 'louxkoakuy was taut III) tlsys to tlio ttorklioo.u tor larccii). To. Day'. Trial I.I.I. Common l'leas No. 1 Phillips vi City of Allegheny) Jamlton vs Kchola ot all McCorklo St Mbaffey et al borough of Varona vi Hlroud) McKay v. McKay; Itnenlitk Ilros, Vs lloltrman; llutler tt 1 11 I'ltutmrg and Jllrtningbam I'assenger Uailway Company; HolTel, administrator, vs Iron mid Ulaaa Dollar Having Hank; Miller vs I'itttburg and We.iern Hallway Company; Harnett v .M unlock, ct al; j)ul!ol ex v. Jlustnnet al; mioo ts ToweUon ttux; same va Koyot ux; Halght A Co. s Jvaun a uo. , Common l'leas No.2 Haj s tkNohle vs Stone : Co.; Hay va Singer; Lally vs I'itttburg, Cln- Hnnatl and Kl Louia lUllroad; MojervaMC' jCeesport and Uellvcrnon Hailroad Company; (Jroctnnger vs Kteen et ux; Miller et ux vs liooth & Fllnn; I'rank vs Charticrs Valley Gas potnpiuy. J Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Robert A Jllcuruond. John Uauch, Jr.: Margaret -Meters, John Sterling (2), V. M. Hildorfer. Richard Coleman. Marv Miller, Jacob Jacobs, l'cter HbaSer.John Turner, Margaret Turner, Al bert Schwelnhart, Francis Mankedrick, Ed Courtney. Qeorge Fisher, Alex Marosky, William Wilkinson, Karah Wilkinson, James Greenwood, Joseph Hanfroy, btnmi V. Han froy. Lonlia E. Cowgill, John King, George Smith. To-Dnj'a Andlt I.lar. Estate of Accountant. Mary J.Spence Charlotte B. Spenee. B. TrusJck. H. a Kankin et al. Geo. P. Beilsteln, Jr....C. Ueilstein et al James B. BeweU ..FldeUty T. and T. Co. i . ,a.thfHnA Rpltn r .1nonraji RftlBt. . .-"J LOOKS LUCK AN ELDER. tVhnt lVraonal Appnitriinco BIny Ho In !! onrd 10 I.lquor l.lcen.ea A Iteruaed Ap. pllcnnt'a Unlqiin Appeal lo ihn Hpprrmo Couil. It would appear tlmt tbo Supreme Court will tigaln be 0 tiled on to enforce tbe law ro Inline I" wlinlcsulo llqu'or llcouso aocordlnff In the net of 1872, nnd rulo n it did In tbo I'ollnrd case, tlmt where an applicant ibowi ho la a citizen of the United Htatcs, and of good moral character and temperate habits, ho must lo granted a license to sell hy whole, salo without trgard to tlio discretion of tho l.leiiii.n Court. Petition, for mandamus have been applied for from this city In a number of oases. Vra. tenlay John F. Cox, A. II. Mercer anil N. W. Kliafer, Ko,i.. fnrwnnlcd petitions on behalf of lejeotid npiillcuuls. One ioiltion presented at least ono unique feature, that in relation to personal aipcar aneo, aomo lawyers having taken the ground that tho luilzc. lolclit luili:o of tho eharaeier of an aiipficant by hi. pcraonat nppearance.and that If his nnss showed a brandy bln.som it might be evidence; against him that could not be rovloncd In tho Huprcmo Court, as the Court could not be prosumod to havo n photograph of tho applicant beforo II, and If It hnd, tlio bottle nose might not .how In tho photograph. Further, tho petition sets forth that the opponents of thn petition admitted that his appearanva was eminently re.iieetable. Tho pclltl'in In question Is that of Peter (locddel. who want, to mil liquor by wholesnlo nt tho comer of I'enii and liiushton avenue.. 1 1 0 represent, tlmt 111s niipncntiou was regular In overy ic pet, ns rpqulred liy tlm act ot 1K72 that It wns dulv inlvertf.ed and oamo up beforo tho Court regularly, n also did tho petitioner, nnd faltl), irnnkl) and truly answered all iiticstliiiisiiskpd liy Mini that I10l.11 eitlirn of thn United Htatr., nf good moral diameter, sober and leiiiponttii hi tils l.ithlls, mid as such known in Hip Coin t and tu tho romnii. rant.) that hi. pMllliin coiiforiiis with the leiioltemenl. nl Ihn Kct of HT2, ami itt.11 tilih tlmt of May SI, 1M7 that tlAdn hud Ir.iyel Inito titkeli lip i'enii nvnlilia nliuo.t i'elti.lvply lor Ihelr own, and It la mi this noeniiMt, vnitr alter ear, proprly has Iippii glpi tip fiv te.lilpiila tor I'hj price., and that trnile Riot Ihn Indo.lili't of I'ltlshiirg citn not ho kpptotr hprptinetpiil thoionglifaies, .11 lung as uimliictni wllhln mid under t tits lW Hint His irinoii.triiiit., In tin. rit.it, IN7 In num. her, nm idilerly loWeut. uf Hi 11 iiplglihnrliig lioroiiijli nt Ilkln.lMiig, itiol tlmt limy reuro. .nut thai on I wo liiriuM trill, pelltlonor, I'uter (loeddnl, ha. been ipfu.ed hy tho Oolirt It 111 onaa In kell nl lelall In I ho asmo plaeit and In tint a nun buililinif. and they hellryo tlio mnill. o.itlon 1. aliiiiiyuii leilllfttllilf aellllor .... ... - ....... ...... ? . ntiiuiipi in iiynuoino inw legulntliig kpliliii; nt leuul. 11. thu idneo is a uiiiiilier nf iiillo.frniu Hoi loi.loe.. portion of llio elty, mill itdjoliilug the lioinoiih uf Wllklna I'UIK. It liioillliltuiy fll.wn 1, nun nmt inn v.titM llsliiuuninf Ills lnm.11 would practically repna the law muling VYIIkliithuigu prohibitory dls tllet, 'I ho protest Is quoted nllmiplti In Mr, ((nod. dsl'a petition, nud ho loiunika Hint Hi" pi'tl' lloiior.iiroioo.il)' l'lolilblliiiul.t., and helur. ther mills Hist ho never applied lot license to sell nt this plate, in ntiyjiiey loin jour, 1 laying giittPii this far nhiiig. Mt. CIoihIiIpII, huttipsied liy liia iillornoy, loiii'lie. Ida ellmiii ns follow. I "I'ulltluiier a)a that ihn iPliioii.tinuen r 11 I.e. no ..uo as lu liia eltlelililp, hi. !ood loofal I'hHIni'lpr, of his lalilillhliip, linr tils II ilullo hy riinii.el at Ihn ht'tlii(j, win) hnd In riiiippdn llmllho applii'atll lonltud llkil H 'I'lrslivlntliili elder,' it I'liiiililliupiil In yum Velieiahlo imtl lliiiinr, wliiuli liPls Imppy 10 uy ilesaivedly is of Hip lilholtyps," Nine. I'liiin llm (Jniirl'i Tim oontp't nf llm ttlll of Mitry Mel, llnr-lett la .till 1111 tihtl hpforfl Jnilgs hlagln, IN tho suit of Jotepll Ilaiiilm Hfuln.t (lenrg )nliu(t, an aolioii nn miiitrnft, ft nn Mill win lukeii yo.lorilny Dy tlio plitlnHlf, UHAltTriM wern grniilvd yeatnrday lor tlm Hoard uf 1 rsda of MolCpoaport hniiiugliauil the tlhrl.tyl'urkM. K Churoli, of ChilMy Park, 1 a, In Hie equity suit of Mary Young and others agalii.t thn Hchonl Hoard of ltoblusoii town. Hilp and U II. Hale, tn restrain lialu from boring an oil well on aehnnl jiroporty laa.tul tn him by Ihuholinol Hoard, thu Court Jtuurday loftued the injunction s.ked fur. In tho matter of thu petition of William T. Ainus, a atockbolilerof the defendant 1 0111 puny, for leavu In luterveno In tho case of tho Central Traction Company, of Now York, against tho Cameron lion and Coal Company, Judgu Ache.nii, nf tho United Htntos Court, jostenlay denied tlio application for tho present, with leavo to tho petitioner to renew It later. $1,000,000 FAILURE. CUT THIS OUT ONE OF THE GREAT EST jlAMdtUl'T AhMGNEE'S CLOTHING rJAI.En Thnt Has Ever Taken l'loco In This Country save This and Wult Until tho Day and Date, Thursday, May 22, nt 9 A. M. Great failure of a large wholesale clothing bouse, stock to he sold ut retail by order ot the Court. In consequence of this great failure, the im mense building, MO Wood sU, one door from Sixth arc, opposite new Bunk of Commerce building, Pittsburg, Pa., lias been rented exprcsslv for the great bankrupt clothing sale. Tlic building lias been closed lor thu last week to tike an inventory of the stock and arraugc ior a great bankrupt sale. The entire building will be opened again, and this great bankrupt sale will commence on Thursday, May 'J'J, at 1) A. m., and last for a short tiuic Everything will be sold at re tail, without reserve, at 35c on tbo dollar of nctunl manufacturer's cost, as ordered by the Court. Tho stock consists 01 part of 51,000,000 worth of high grade clothing, fur nishing goods, lints and umbrellas, for men's, youths', boys' and" children's wear. This is the first time a sale of this kind has ever taken place at Pittsburg, and a chance for such bargains will never occur again. This tremendous bankrupt snle will com mence Thursday, May 22, ut U A. M. Cut this out un J bring it tilth you, nnd nsk for the lollowlng mentioned articles, nnd re member this great snle will last lor a short time nulv: A splendid suit ol men's clothes for M UDi this suit is well mude, all In match, latest style, and really worth fl3, Men's tweed cittslinerc spring stilts, that are sold in nny tegular clothing store1 in Pitts burg for fid mid fid, nro sold here nt (4 (10, Kngllfli illHUiilini ilrpss suits, wot III f"o, sold hern nt 111 60, Klegnnl l'rliidd Allien, wuilli lfi, whl hero at $11 M. Men's tioiitei., worth ffl, sold befe lit $1 (16, Men's lilliuy MtlpP llreM inlll. vH'Hll t? oil, mild here nt t'i Ml, Hoy.' suits, wotlli ft"), sold lipid nt f I Til. Vniillii' iinhbr suit, tfiirlli fid, ptilil licff nl M fid. Men's spfIiiu nvfr. vunls, worth jld, anlil here nt M 'IS. Snhhy l'ii pimla, win ill tf), "did liere ttt 17 M. (lellllillV Honleli uliavlnt mi I In, worlli t.'H, mid lipm nl til 70, Jfnrnlmi wltla l wiirbieil dress milk, worth ?.'", sold lir ut f I'J M, mo ilimeus of shirt nt ,'ifi osnls, A lull lino nrlinls) liinluillng Jfiil(iiiialysi, ill tho lulokt eliudes, nt (HI oents, 0,000 ilmiily unilirollu" at fifl ounts, worth tbreu iliurs thu pionoy, and iiiimy nlher Imrgiilns tlmt eaiiiiul be iiieutiuiiud hern, A pliauon fnr such wonderful bargains occurs only mire in a life time, Itumeinher thu nddiess, mil Wood ttri'id, ouu iliuir frnm Hlxlh aye,, oppo.lio new Hunk of Couiuiurce building, I'ittshiirg, l'H, Cut ibis out and bring It with you. Positively no goods sold, and no nno al lotted In thu building until the snlu com mences on Thursday, May 22, ut tl x, M. During tlio great stle of clothing, tho sales room will remain open until 0 at night, and Saturday till 11 r. M. UiciiAiiD Mai.tjiv, Ksq., Assignee. It U Urnllr Wonderful How many men's 10 suits wu are tolling. Light colors havo the call just now, they seem tbe choice of the ynuug men, mid the dark colors also have a big sale. It is nn trick to sell $10 suits, anyone can do it, but tho point is to give the publio high quality garments, Buch as wo offer, forflO. Cheviots, cassimeres, silk mixtures and plain blacks are included at this price. P. C. C, C, Cor. Grant and Diamond ttt., opposite the Court House. Srr.ciAL bargains in table linens, napkins and towels for Friday, May 23. ttssu Huous & Hacke. Cut Gin., ribotv At E. P. Eobcrts & Sons, cor. Fifth are. and Market st. New art room opens Thurs day, May 22. tx Bead our suit "ad." Jos. Hoiwe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. . B.&B. Bee onr, display ad. tbis paper, B0GO3&;Brjnx, LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. A man and two children drowned at Omaba while boat riding. A 200,000 tironin utatuo of Ooncral Grant U to bn eroded at Ualcnn, ill, Germany says It does not propoio to aban don Its steamship service to Hamoa. Peto Devitt. ft Chicago tough, lorlouilr SlAUS lliron men 111 n atrout tiuurru . ... .i.. .' 1 01. Striking miners nt Livingston, Mont., brutally attacked 1A laborers who took tholr place Striking quarrymen andgranlto cutters In Qnlncy. Ma.., havo ended their strike and re turned to work. An order has boon liied by tho Court for tbe commitment of ex-Senator Jones,of Florida, toanlnsanoas)lum. An oxhlbltlon of silk Industries of Oroat Hrltatn and Ireland Is being held In London un der ill.tlngulshod patronage, llxnnrta from Inn It and Illinois SllOW the wheat cron to bo ant thing but oueouraglng, caused by drought and frosts, An association organized in Nebraska to defeat thn Prohibition amendment. Prominent bankers and hnslncssmen identified. Tho Ixtndon County Council has deter mined tn orrot a model lodging bouso for working people, after tho stylo of tho modol lodging linuses 111 Glasgow. Captain Melvrrn Onndlo and his brother Frodcrlck wnro drowned liy thn cipslzing nf 11 boat olf Handy Point, Mo., while going from tho Pcpobicotlo tbulr ves-el. A protest ha. beon presented to tho lllshop of London ngalu.t thn rerciloi in St. Paul's Cathedral, as "encouraging Ideas nnd devo tions of nn unlawful, Idolatrous and super stitious kind." Tho Irl.h membors of Parliament havo raised a sub.ertptlnii ninong themselves for a wftilillne tiri'.ent for Mr. William O'llrlen on his apprntt'liliig itutrrlfign with Mile. IlnlTnlo vlich, 'J ho wedding will tftko plnco next iiiiiiith, llonlhlo .cenes nnt reported tohnvona. miirod iliuliig Ihn htirnliii' nf Tomsk, tlio onpl. lalor We.torn Hllierht. '1 tin plnco wns vl.lted ulniiiltniipoinlv by n eiiiillnurailiin , and ft iiyoliiiie. de.iruyliig tlnee.iiiurtyis of tho build ings and hundred, of lives, A Tieiil fnr llin Notr.le., Thrntigli the courtesy nf Mr. 0. A, Dnvls, tho onergelln ngciit nf Cooiler'n I'lireimugh show, 4i)ntnt.lio)fl fiinn tho Newahnys' Ilumn will sro thn elephant nt the nlroua on tint Imposition (round, till" nftpriinnu, Tlmywill irniehllift body to tho show, mill will un ilniiht toini nue f the sight nf llm day, When tlio llnlofel. luws weni told nf llimr lliclt last ululilthoy could icnrculy sleep nr wall for tu day's treat, Ilernln. Hpeolnl Irusscs innila for bntl chips nf riiiiturn ami n perfect fit gunrnnteeil, Aril flolnl Limb Mfg, Co., No, lioi) Pen 11 ave nue, nenr Ninth tircot, Pittsburg, l'a. Lnitlrs, Hso This (1 111 ml lllnphiy of Dross fitm its. Cantor Utile:, llepre.aiils llio finest nnd most onuitilela life., guuds .look aver shown 111 thoio ollloi, Jon, lloitfOici Co.'h I'oiiii AvoitUB tiloivt, 3fti!N0il Jersey., nlnln nud hfliind, reyti Inr prfitps Vn nuil fil, leiluueil tefi! toolose. Hires, i'IJ nnd III Inched only, riftSU JIUOUN &IIA0KH. Rihlbillnn ef Itnie I'ollery And brlO'itbrito nt 33. V, Ilnbert A Hons, New mt parlor ipii Thursday, Mity i'i. "Our Amsrlpsn Homss and How to Furnlih Them," FURNITURE. Visitors to Now York Aro oordlnlly Invited to vialt our ostabliahmont, whoroln is dis played tho larffost and most Inter esting Btock of Roliablo Furnlturo to bo soon in Amorioa. English Brass Bedsteads In ull sizes, from $2 to $400. Iron lied steads, with brass (trimmings, $10 up. Being direct imnort j ers of these goods, we guarantee best VRlues. (Catalogue sent on application. R. J. HORNER & CO., Furniture Makers and Importers, C1,G3 and 65 West 23d Street, NEW YORK. myl-100-TTSu The Soft Glow of Tho Is Acquired by Ladies Who Uso mj3 &f&sJigi t E rIEDIOATED TRY IT. oin inviairvwrnqnB. ELY'S gjJfAM DALMj CATARRH. Prion M cniits, Apply JUlm lulu each no. ELY BROS,, 56 Warron St N. Y, de 2fl-!lVrrM J. DIAMOND, Opllelsn 22 SIXTH HTUKKT. nttiburg. Pa. Hpnctnclcs adapted to every delect of sight Optical, ftit Mathematical, Kloctrlcnl instrdinonts. r. Xliorniometcr. llaromcters, etc. Arunciai (.yes inserted. a2a-TTflU JAS. MNEIL & BKO., BOILEUa, rLATE AND BHEET-IRON WORK. PATENT BHEET ntON ANNEALmQ BOXEa With an increased capacity and hydraulls rnachincry wo aro prepared to furnish all work in our lino cheaper and batter than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth sti eet and Allegheny Val ev Hailroad. ieO-18-TTS Optical, Mathematical and Elec trical Instruments. Catalogues on 'application. TELEPHONE NO. 1CSS. H. ft STFERM, Optician, 5441 SM1THFIEL0 ST., PITTSBURG,, PA. wwfegy ' rliSsliffll TEA ROSE Qf p y 4J? fill 1 tkmi 1 iMW iv'''2vl BsVr i - jaTTf). C fc - A ..!-. ' .jj r.l NEW ADVnflTIHTSaiKNTrS. jopfRqj Presents In the moit decant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOQ or THE FIQ8 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming au agreeable nnd effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, nud the many ills de pending on n weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It l the mod excellent remedy known to CLBUISE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Whan one li llillom or Couctipatcd til THAT PURK BLOOD. RSPUBSHIKO DLKBP, HEALTH nnd 8TREM0TH IIATUIIALLV rOtLOW. Every one Ih using it and all aro delighted with It. abk vouit DfiuaateT ran MAMUPAOTUnCDOHLY DV CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN MANCISC0, QAl, lowamic, xr new rom tt, v. JrU-TT.TTB G. A. R. SUITS. Wc may an well tell you at the start wo haven't any unre liable tjoodri or- Hhodtly quali tieH that are no qualities at startling prices. You want llannel.don't you? You want color as true as wool knows, don't you ? You don't want it to scare nnd turn at the rain, do you? We'll give you an indigo blue that will wear as long as there's wool to carry it; a quality that you'll be proud of; and the lowest price it's possible to sell a flannel G. A. R. Suit at anywhere. Isnt that the sort going to have? You'll at Wanamaker's. you re get it -- Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Pcnn avenue. For $7 50 you'll get such a good pair of Trousers made-to-measure that you'll hesitate to buy ready-made. my20-D LIQUOR SAT3XV. IN AM, TDK no,. LII lllhlll, l i lii 0h LUKK. DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can he glvi n In a cup ol eolleo or tea. or In article, of lood, without the knowledge ofthe pa tient. It necc.sary. It is absolutely harmless and wilt tllcctn permanent and .peed) cure, whether tlio pttlent I. n moderate drlnkur or nn tileohollc wreck. II' NhVI'.U KAILS. It operates bo quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no Inconvenience, and ero ho Is aware. M complete reformation Is effected. M oaKebook free. To lie had or A.J. HANK1N. Slith mid I'enii at., l'ltt.hufsi i:. 1IUI.IIKN A Cii "3 Ktdernl at.. Alleitlieiiy. J rade supplied liy OKU. A. KfcljljY CO.. I.. 11. iiAititis biiud'co, myl-l-TTB TpXTlPUAfE MALAItlA AND UILIOUSNEBS. 1 lio system this time uf tlio y n n r Is very , likely tn get very much tie ranged. T h e Cfttisduf till. I. during tho tall and w i n t o r inotiilis no eat tuu inueh meat nud f ti 1 1 y suliPlaiiflB tlmt it oo it in it I it IP. iiiiii w.Iipii Blllll(?NIHltllll' mor I'liiupa nn Wll IIPPlI UllllMlll llllfllllT, JMii you over nolo hi tl III o II f yaar linw tnrnld tlm liver hepoinos, tho Ithlnoys (nil tmln tfialr iluiy, iul In llm (uiiirstt nf it short tliiiawHliaya itoanour hilhiu.naasr .'I'lin roHtiist iiieilioinn ovr iIIsouvdimiI Hi ornillpnto this hum I I III il r ay.in I. JiANNllH'rt jSrtrtliiNf'M ok inuii'ir, A. a lilooil iiiirillnr It liaa nn initial. 1'rloal! pur huitlo, n huttlMS for (3, l''or salPhy nl di ugultls mid iiANNKU MKIIIOINH OOMl'ANV, "W Ifmluritl st,, Alluglmiiy Olty, npVM imj-tus GRATEFUL, OOMPORTINQ. EPPS'S COOOA. BREAKFAST. "Hy a thorough knowledge of tlio natural laws which govern thu operation, nf dlgostlnn and nutrition, nnd by acaraful application nf tho lino proportlesof wull-selentcd Cocoa, Mr. ICpns has prnvldod our breakfast tabloa with a deli cately flavored hnvarago which may savu us many heavy doctors' bills. His by tho Judicious uso nt sttefi arllulos of diet tint a constitution mar no gradually built up until strong enough to reilstaivery tondency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floating around us ready to attack wherever thero is a weak point. Wo may escapo many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished framo." Civil Nervice Oattttr, Mauosimpiy witu Doning water or wiik, nom only in half-pound tins, by Orocers, labeled thus; JAMES EPPS A CO., Hommopathio Chemists, London, Englana. fe22-32-rus ESTABLISHED 1S7U BLACK GIN FOK TtTE KLDNEYS Is a relief and sure cure for tho Urinary Organs, Gravel and Ccronic Catarrh of the Bladder. The Swiss Slomaeh Bitiers are a sure euro for Dyspepsia, Liver Comnlalnt and evnrv S nmiEMiss JkvflW'fl'J' TBADK MARKspecles of Indigestion. Wild Cherry Tonic, tho most popular prepar ation for cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Lung Trouble,?. I Either of the above, II per bottle, or to for $5. If your druggist doesnot handle theso goods write to WM-F.ZQELLER.BoleMfi ocS-71-TTB - 7 ,PIttBuurE,Pa. A DESPERATE CASE Added to the Long List of Re markable Results. ANOTHER NOTABLE .RECOVERY, Knfragod In tbo milk business with his fatbor.Jobnl'ylo.wboowiis tho Hiilton dairy, and for yoari a rosldont of JIulton station, 12 miles north of Pittsburg, on the Alle gheny Valloy road, Mr. Jacob J'ylo is woll known to all tho suburban dwellers lu that section, ns well as to most ot the older resi dents ol Pittsburff nnd Allogheny. In an Interview with tbo writor bo told tbo fol lowing story: "I had got into a condition In which llfo lecmed to bo a burden to mo. I would fcol tired nnd worn out all tho time. In tbo morning I would wake up feeling moro tired and mtsorablo than when, I went to bad tho night bofore. Tho least oxcrtlon loomoil tn uso mo all up, and I felt unlit to do anything. "Tlio (rouble scorned to data hack eight or nine years, and to havo commenced with my bend. My nostrils would ho stopped up, first nno, thon tlio other. At times tharo would ha a prof uo watery discharge. At other times X would blow dry secretions from my nn.n, "Constant hnadaahos inailo mo tnlsernbto. Mr. Jiirult J'yle, Million Million, Moiimtiiiiiia Ihern wonlilliuii dull aching tmln In my furolii'iul Just nrnr tho uye., And soinu. times tho piiln wiillhl ho sharp, llko hournlghi, "1 wits continually notighliig mid inlaliig. Tint iiiumis wiuilil drop baolt Into my throat, Muohtif Ihn tliun 1 hsd tu ho hawking ami humming wot rnl.lng luoltmr it, liutntuihur llmti Hipio would ha n dry, pittdhnd iiiiituiii. fiiitiihlo feelhitf tliuro tlmt i onn hardly do. stirlliH. "My ImaruiB hecnuio Impaired. Tho stuitoil up feeling in iiiyhpitil hnd euiitluiipit until I hud atrnngo snuiid. lu my intra, hint IiukIiii; nr lllliiing up nmriiiif. 'I he. it .iiiiiiiI. leant un uigjit and ilftr, nuil soiiihiIiiirs, tngpthsr Willi tliHlitnt Hist 1 wan growing deaf, they would iiliiiu.t drives mo ffaullo, "Tim eainrrh enloiiilprt to my ohest and klninitnli, I would Imvu tlmrp shonttng pains running through my lungs, I lost, rapidly in lleali ami strength. At hist night swsaU oamo mi mid ftltnr that i anuneil tu grow wealtor very fast, I could eat llulu or nntjiing, When I would sltilowii to tint tnblo I would feel hungry, hut it few mouthful would taku my wjiliellto away, "I would hnvo spells nf riliihtess nnd yortlgo, Dark splits would swim hefom my eyes. Home, times lliuro would boa creeping, chilly saiisit. linn extending till nvurma. My 1 1 in In bscamo swollen and would fuel heavy Ilka load, "I hnd tried nearly oyorytlilngaiid everybody when 1 wnnc to Drs, Copland A lllalr, but without gutting any help, I found tlio charge ot theso physicians en much mora reasonable than 1 uxpeeted that I placed myself under thelrcare, 1 improved rapidly fiom tho start. My hearing was restored. My head nnd throat became clear, 'llio pains In mychost dl.ap poaied. I gained lu flesh and strength. I feel strong and well now, aide to work day In and day out ami nnt becoma oxbausted. I am moro than grateful to Drs. Copoland & lllalr, for tho amount of money 1 paid thorn was tri fling compared with tho groat good they havo dono mo," DOCTORS CIPIUI4E1 Are located permanently at 66 SIXTH AVENUE, Vliero they troat with success all curable cases. Olllco hours 1) to 11 A. M.; 2 to Or. St.; 7 to 0 r. jr. (Sundays included). ' (Specialties OATaKKH, and ALL DIS EASES of tho EYE, EAR, TIIHOAT and LUNGS. Consultation SI. Addros all mall to DKS. COPELAND & 11LAIII, mjl5 CO Slith ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Tho latest Imnrovod Baddlo-Urldgcd Spec tacles nnd Eyo Glasses with our intent uoso pieces aro the ncntc.t, most still.li nnd coin fortiihl". Fitting gunriiiiteod. fOX OPTICAL CO.. (31 Pcnn Ave., Pittsburg! 4(11 Main street, lluirulo, corner Seventeenth and Chestnut stleets, Philadelphia. myl'17-TTH I Cure Cancer Withont Knifo or Plaster. NO OultU, KOl'AYI I HAVE TAKEN 91 TAPE WORMS IN THE LAST 17 MONTHS, And will plvii f5,(i00 luuiiyitmiKirsotur IIIPII Willi Will IllPril nud , iiiiiiipnin whii mo In puhllii Ami aiinw as iumiysouiiii well ourus nf llio illlfprunl so,rain MiirttniH iiiiuinnta I IIIIII. 'i'llkii ilr. Jliiriinon's hykteiii I'lioviitiir, it num. illlidlif lUdliriiruut finls mid hurha, toiuniinmitlv pro. i.,.i ., ,.,,-f . ... s: i'i . num. hi i lariiiunv wild tli.. ill av.toin, It i ncrfnrmuil tliou.anil. nf wiiii. tierful mtre, and whorovor used, I Will tfllarntilf,.. ' ... raditca tho death rato. It is for sain at all drug. stores, and at my brunoh utiles, U4J Smlthtlnld street, Pittsburg, Pa,, and at my main ollluo. (let circulars, describing symptoms, at urtig- atures, or sond stamp tn 'l)lt.J A. IIUHOOON, 47 Ohio St., Alloglieny, Pa, Offlco hours from li A. W. to 0 v. H. Hundayi 2 to 0 r, (. Consultation free. KNOW MB HY MY WOItKR mySO-TTS COLD MEPAIi, PABI8, 187B. W. BAIOSR & CO.'S MM Kill It abioluteUl pure and it is eoluble. No Cliemicals aro tued in Iti preparation. It hu more tian thres timet fJt tlrength of Cocoa mixed villi Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and la therefore far more economical, eotting U than n cent a evp. It it delicious!, nourishing. trengthenlng, Easily Diqestzd, and admlrmblj adapted for inralldf m well m forperiom In health Sold liy Grocers everywhere W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass. DEAF ly. Snccewfal when al NFSSnad HEAP NOISES ixjjle.1' oy recic'a rat. in visible Tubular Ear (Jiish. Inn.. Whi.nnr. liaar,! latinn. IV. Hnccessiaiwoenaiirameaieauu. wnteorcaUfor ilinrtrated book FREE. Sold only by P. HISOOX. $S3Broadsr, oor. UthSt.. Hew fork. Noagvnta. . , nolS-61-TTSSUWk . , . ---" ' ..-----.---;:" -".y-- S3 liE 'wm Cy U H m I ill K15YV AIiVKRTINESIENTrt. SALLER & CO. Still Given Away ! ATWODOLtARHAT FREE! Como To-Day! Coma To-Morrow I Como any day this week and get a 62 bat froo of charge with overy JIB man's suit or over. Komombcr our tin Suits can't be bought elsowhoro Tor loss than ?20. VISIT OUR ) nunin'i minim Kueo Pant Sullsl I-ong Pit n t Hulls! Jtir.oy Bultil Htillor Hulls, cio,, do. Hen our window inr stylos nmt price. trihtmball Outfit l'JtKi: with ovorr Cblld'sHult. a-, a.. K. HBOULATION BUITS at 95, $7 CO, 810 una Qia, Uxtrn, buttonu G. A. R. OAPS nnd GLOVES Prloou a5 por oont loworthan olno whoro. SALLER & CO., FAMOUS LOW-PItiaH Clothiers, Hattors and Furnlshoro, Cor. Dlamotut and Smlthflald St 3. Jlrlnir this ml, with you. iiiyUuvrtiM Mte.t Improved Hnsetneles and Kye-ausssn Will IH miy now with oasb mid comfort. Tlio lurgest mid he.t stool; of Opti0l iiistruwonU and Artltlnlal JCjun, KORNBLUM, Thooratloal nnd Prnotlofil Optlolan. No 6u I'lftli avenue, near Wood street, Telunhnno No. UWI. do2M hTliAMIiltW AND KXCUItHIOMn. vxrmi'BurA"!! linl- fOlt QUEICNHTOWN AND LIVElll'OOU Iloyal and United Hiiites Mall Hteameri. leuloiilc.jiinei, nam llrltaiiolc.Jiiiiu l,o;3ouin iiriiaunic, juiy -. 4 tun Jtuju.tlc, Juno II, 1 pin (Jeriusulc, ,li, 18,0:30 am Mnje.llc, Julyl), ll:30um Ucriuaiiie, July 10,4 pm Krom White Utar dock, toot or Went 'i emu st. Hinn,l mltln .tn tliitA il.nni.r, N.lfum p.r.L ((10 and upward. Uecoud cabin. Ill) and upward, arcordliiK to steauieraml location or berth. Ki cur.lon ticket, on favorable terini. titeerajre. fJO, White Utar drafts payable on demand In all the prluclpul banks throughout CI rent llrltalu. Ap ply to JOHN J. llcCuftMICK, eiOnnd'Wt timltti ileld st I'lttibiirir, or J. ItltliCK 1SJ1A1, Gen eral Agent, 41 Itroudway, New York. apl-D AMERICAN LINE, Balling every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor aU classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETEIt WRIGHT & BONH, General agents. 30j Walnut st- Philadelphia, Full Information can ho had of J. J. McCOll MICK, Fourth avenue and Smlthfleld BtrooC LOUIS MOESEK, tliu Smitbfleld street ml'S-11-TTS HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET CO, EXI'JIKSS SJlJlVJOJi between New Vork, Southampton and Hamburg bv tho magnificent new ttvln-scrow steamers nt 10,000 tons and 12,500 to I0.U0U horso-potver. This Line holds the record for fastest trips (o and from South ampton and the Continent. Equal to Six Days 2 Hours to Queenstown. Steamers unexcelled lor lafety, speed and comfort. Through tickets to London and Paris. Apply to Hamburg-American I General Passenger Packet Co., 37 Broad-1 Agents, way. N. Y. C. B. RICHAHD & Co , CI Broad tt ay, New York. MAX SCirAMBERG tt CO..ft!7Smlthllidst. LOUIS MOESKIt, lilt! Hmlthlleld St. J. J. McCOUMlUK, 03'J Smithrield St. mylS-T'M E ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. i no only ulrect 11110 From GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA. Panpngor oecomiuodatloni uneiceltcd. Prepaid Intermedlntc. $30. Steerage, $19. Passengers hy till, routo aro saved tho ex Pen.u and inconvenience attending transfer tu Liverpool or from New York, J.J. MtiHOll. MlUhT. 401 mid (TO Hlnltlilleld st A, V. HCUltElt A HON, 415 Hnilllilleld st Pittsburg. IllhO-W-ltH nUNAIll) IdNII-WKW YOItlt AND LI J Kltl'OdU VIA (iUKKMMtOWK-l'fii rinr 40 North t Ivon lriiaf impress inttil snrvli IV rum .Imp. Hitrvltt, Mttv 17.811. in, iiiii(irinltiiiB7,niiij am ilttlllit, Mityai.tiiW 11,111. prft,,iuiiti II, Up, 111, Kltiltla, Mity ill, H nm, (litlllft.iluiut Jr. HiAohih llotliiilii,,iunn i1ili,'liiiiiii,,litruiin,,ltiiiulll,ijinii Will not parry .tPOfiim1. . (Jnhutiiiia.iigtM'idmiil iiiwbii1, iii'oorillitt? In Inimiiiiiii iiitariiiiiilhttH, tm mid flu, Ntpaingo tlekeis in mill ffiuu oil paitsnf l.umiwm vtiry low rates, rnr frt)Rlii mid piiasagu apnly to llio iiiiiupmiy nlllee, 4 llimlliiK (irdtui, Now York, Vernon It, llrnwii iV Un, .I..I, MiiliiillMIOIf, itlU mid Hh rhnllhtleld trant, I'ltishurg HiillMjl.it TtiHUlKrmUlKihWyit H, h, t'll il ICtiilill.lieil ly. P'HSll.llin nr leipriia rtiiinriima irmn n nvf yunii nirrtuii 1 11 arii H(l(i niiliii '' I AM I1 TON, LONIHIN ami liiMljN Tbo lino lOaillOI. MAAIil'l, 'I llrt VJU, 1 1(1,1,11, ,l,IUt, IMH, KIJLUA, WMItitA, KLIlhimiiiLAllNot ...'..'. .v.i v I'llAVW, v.... '.,....... h.AHU tuna and o,(ju tu n,un lioraniinwor, leaves NliWYOHlC mi WMiNKHIIAVH Olid HAT IHIDaVh fnrHOUTMAMPTON and Jlroiiien. Kroin NICW YORK to HOUTHAMP TON, 7U ilats. h'roiu HOUTIIAMI'TON to IHtKMllN, Kl nrlW hours. Krnni HOUTHAMP TON in LONDON, hyHniithwastern Uailway CiiSU hour. Trains every hour of the sum mer suaeon. Railway carriage for Imilon await ims.ungor Houtliamptoii (lock on arri val J5xpreteitmor from Now Vork. Treso steamers nro wall-known for their speed, com fort, and excellent cuisine. OKLRIUIIH A CO., a imwiingureon, new York. MAXHUHAMJIKRUACO.. fiffttmlthltelil street, JalB.72.r Agents for Pittsburg; STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin, London derry, Liverpool and London, PROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin nasiaxo 133 0 a.10, according to locatloa 01 state-oom. Excurslou J5 to M3. bUeraitB to and from Europe ut Lowest nates. "State of Callforulit' building. AUollN 11AI.DWIN & CO.. iicncral Aitenm M Itroadway. How Yori j.j. Mccormick. A,ent. 639 and 401 Smithfi.ld St., Pllllburq. Ps. mhl2-8Q-n UAII.llQAD.N. PITTSI5UKO AND CAHT1.E8HANNON K. It. HummcrTlmcTable. Un and after March 30, 1590, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6i3 a. tn., 7:10 a.m., fc.oo a.m.. 9:30 a. nt., 11:30 a. m.. lilOp. m.. 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 3:50 p. m., 6:30 p.m., 9:30 p. nt.. 11:30 p. m. Arlington 5: a, nt., 6:20 a. m., 7HC a. m 8:00 a. m., 100 a. tn., liOO p. m., 2:40 p. m.. 4:20 p. ro., 5:10 p. m., 5:W p. ui ., 7:10 p. m.. 1U:M 112:50 . m., S ton 9 110 a. 1 6:30 p. m. & m. cunaay trains, weaving rttUDnrg lit. m.. AIOU p. U1...911U p. UJ. Vll p,m. AC11BK- m., 12:10 p', is.. l:W p. m.. 40 p. m., .VUit IAOAi Bap KRW AIlVr.ItTIKE.irEXT. KAUFMANNS1 DAILY CARD OP REASON, May 20,18i)0. HAV YOU MAPPED OUT YOUR TRIP YET? The exodus from the city has already commenced, and will increase daily as the weather will get warmer. Where will you go this summer? It makes no difference whether you will seek the desired recreation across the ocean or in this country the seashore, the lake, the mountains or the country one thing is certain, viz.: You will need STOUT, STRONG TRUNKS, Trunks that will stand nny amount of rough linndllng, Trunks tlmt will wear out tlio moat pcmlstcnt "Jiaggngo Smasher," Instead vice-vena, being worn out by him; Trunks thnt are Hpaclom and commodious; Trunks that are high In quality and low In price. For such Trunks, KAUl'MANNS ARE HKADQUARTBRSj nnd, furthermore, they will commence this morning, and continue throughout the month of May, A SPECIAL TRUNK SALE. $2.49 for California tp 2c - a O gBG.oo 39.25 worth 913. JUS-SARATOGA TRUNKS In Zinc at $j, In leather-covered at ty SATCHELS, CLUB BAGS, Etc. Good Gladstone Dags, imitation alligator, brown and black, at 49c. Regular imitation alligator Club Bags, 89c. Genuine Grain Leather Gladstone Hags, with strong frame and patent lock, $2 75. Grain Lea ther Club Hags, leather lined, $1 75. Genuine Alligator Club Bags, hav ing all the latest improvements, at $3 98. Fine leather, bound telescopes, at 65c; better ones at $1 and up to 5. All kinds of shawl straps, 19c up to 1 50. Good Hammocks, 50c upward. These and many more Bargains will be found at our Special May Sale of Trunks. Be sure and call. KAUFMAN NS Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAIT.HOAU ON AN11 after November 10, 1889, trains leave Union btatlon, Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard '1 line I MAIN LINE EASTWAHO. New York and Chicago Limited or 1'utlman Ves tibule dally at 7il3 a. m. Atlantic Jxnresft dallv ror the ait. 3:3) a. m. Mall train, , dally, except Sunday, 8:39 a, m. Hun- day, mail, 8:10 a. m Day exnressdally at:0Oa. ra. Stall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia expre.a dallv at 4:30 p. m. jMurn vxnn-si uaiir ,: p. uu Fast Line dally at 8 UdllTItlOIlU p. m. Grccnsburg express 6 nrcss6:10D. l lo p. m. week days. Dcrry express Iixo a. m. weekday.. All turoueh trains connect nt Jersey City wits oat. of Urooklrn Annex' for llronklru. N. Y.. avoiding duublo ferriage and Journey ttiroult 2t. Y. Cltv. 'trains arrive at Union "nation a. rollo.t St. Louis, Chicago and Cincinnati Kxurcss. dally. 2:00a ra Mall'irain, dally Sililp. in. Western Expre.s. dally 7:41a. m. 1'uclUc Fxpre... dally , 12i4ip. nt. Clilcaxo Limited Express, dally Snup. in. FastLlne, dally. , l.t.np. in. HUUlllWUl'PKNN ItAII.WAi. For Unlontown, tin nnd Siata. in. and 4:21 p. tn.. without cli.ntte ol cars) IJt.vjp. m,, connect lilK at Ureeiitliurtf. Week days, train, nrrlre ftum uiiioittunnalOiita m,, 1129. Oil) and Silo n. in. .... WHIT I'KNJinTI.VAWIA UIVI8IIIN From FCIIKIIAI. l, HI'A'l ION, Allenneiiy Cllr. Mali train, conned 1 train, eotnieclinif for lllaimille. . Uiwa, tn. ftsures., lor lllairstrlllr, cuiinecllii fur llutler. .. .... Silin. in. llutler Aeeom. .ni'Wa.m., iuiaiol snip. '" ciirliiailileAet'oinuiwJIiOoa.oi.ai.iiaiol ni'joo. in. Ii'm..hi..,v, Art.,..,., ...4llt TlJlHii.l lllllll, 1,1. mi 'noils' Norlli Aio IllslV.Hlle r 1 n-iui . n vvii,,. ....... .1,1..,, , ,. ,,.,,,,," ,'t ' Norlli Atioflo Aeeom,,, .IliUia. lit, and 5ei .111, IPIVrfl PI Mil APPOIII lOllltlllllla .1 "' .VlllH A.IH.llllllltlilMllllll 1M1 HI II 01 III. ra n.arr pAl rmir. IA (Hi ibk.ibi ,1 iiom r.,,1. ..vv'."0'.'..'.'ll('l'l' I .1-. .' .'..-. .1.. ... (r1'ii'tfi toiiiiiptilliikt ifoiii llutler ivi4. nn 11 ram iniiitinii ,,,,.. ,, imp, in. 111 , 1 1 Co, in. I HUT ftl'POIII lUlt.H p Aiieiiiiiuioiialliiii . . .. .mi" p. M. "I"' ntUnii Hiliiit, HIP FtPPpofl APi'olll.tlWa, in., Iisn,7l(.lliliillll'lp. il .. ' ffite""i.n"M"; "" ' ,1, aitililiS'tp. cl,rinaoip.rp?"iiiiii'!, i7ei Kiirl I Apiilln Aaeoiii,,,,,,!!, aiii, mi) P. m. 11 a, 111. uiul OH' P. Hi. 11, I'ltl'liurir, fl Irani isavii union .ntiuiii. 7 fnf Alniiniigsliala (Illy, W tliiiiiiitiiuiii. lllilila.in. lr,,. At Wsl Urnw wn.Vllla anil (t'...l llriiuii.lil ViiiAbiiiI iiliJOM. 111. ulul 44 IllllilllUlllll UHllllHUltol i (.ItVrtll't ... u ... .111,1 itjll ., ,, r.- ,,,,.., .,,,,r, , ,,. i.MM.-.r- -.. '''..I' , ' j,'u hp, fiwanii i" r'.i i" ". -:.e' pi, llll BUnU'ir lll l, III JTMf jUMUIHl.O.O.lri III P. "Iti WHIis, . . . iirHviuiiiir; Ae,, wsek dsy, ip, ;. . M Wt.l I'.llialntli Aoeo,iiioiMllf.n, saia, in,, 1,0', SiS'iaml Ii.IAi, III, iiiliul'iv, 1111 p, in- . 'lliikel iiijiula-l'iiriiar tVuurih armiuaand Try ttliplnud (Juloii la oil, ,,,, Oil An, K, J'llllll, J, II. WOOI. , jieiicrsl Managsr. 0n'l (''' Anent 1JALTI4IOUB AMI OIllll IIAII.KOAM- Jj bcliedtlla ill agal .May II, IWDl Fur Washington, II. !,, Ilalllinore, riillmlHpliU and New York, siou a, lu, and li lp. ui. . For (.'iimlierland, -siQOa, m,, Iliin. "1 "1 l. m. for Connfll.Vlllo, MHO, -siiu and siiia a. m tula, Niuiand tiiCOp. in. For Unluntown, i, tSlOU, Jtli a. in., illluaiid I eM I), ra, For Mt. I'tea.ant. SHilOa mandM:Ma.tn. and tliin and llitmp. 111. For Wasnlnifton. l'a.. -7 OS and Ji:30, J9.J.1S. m '3i33.tat.tu and -7i43p. m. Fur Wheeling, -7103, J0, JViSJ a. m -3:33, -7i lo'rClnolnnatland St. Louis, -7i03 a. m., 7:13 p. m. For Columbus, tOJ a. m., "7i4ip. m. ForNowark, 7i05, a, jnM 7:43p. m. For Chicago, 7i03n in. and -7:45 p. m. Train, arrive from Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. '6:20 a. m., -7:33 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, :25a. ui.. 9:iio p.m. From Wheellnir, "a:A J0:W a. in., tt:0u, M.uo, JIO115 p. m. Through pjrloraudslteplngeara to llaltlmorc, Wa.lituictun. Cincinnati and Chicago. 'Uallr. ll'ally excent cundiy. jsundtyonty. The l'lttshnrg Tran.fcr Company will call for and check bsgirags from hoteli and residences upon orders loit at II. A O. ticket office, corner Filth ave. aud Wood St., or 401 and (33 sinltufleld street. J.T, O'DELL. C1IA3. O. SCULL. General Manager. Uen. Pass. Asent. -PITTSIIUIIO AN1 WESTEItN KAILWAY X Trains (Ct'l Stan d time) Leave. I Arrive. Mall, llutler. Cltrion. Kane. Day Ex., Akron. Toledo lintler Accommodation Chicago Express (daUyj 8:V) a ml 4:10 p m 7i30 a ml 7:i p nt 9.-00 a m 11:10 a m 2:30 p m;10:t0 a m 4:30 p ml 1:30 a ra .enenopie Accom..., ltntlap Aerom. 5.30 p ml 6:30 a m First class ran to cnieago, siu au. eeconu ctass, 19 (0. Pullman UuEet .leeplng nr to Chicago dally. for galvanized Zinc Trunks, sheet Iron bottom intilloitblrj iron corners, largo tray, etc. Regular price for these Trunks, 4. Duck-Covered Trunks, full-finish Inside compartments, malleable Iron corners, pa tent lock, etc. The regular price of these Trunks Is $6. Fine Duck-Cevered Plat-Top Trunks, linen lined all through, Yale lock, etc., worth jtto. Sole Leather Jlound Trunks, full finish, double tray, linen lined all through, nickel Yale lock, and mv20 RAILROAD'S. From Pittsburg Union StaRoa. ennsylvania Lines, r-tty Trains Run byCantrsI Tims. SO U'Al WEST 8 YS 1 LM-PAM1 AN OLE KO UTI5. Leave tor Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 1:13a. ui., d 7: JO a. m.,d.i:Vandd 11:1 j p.m. llennl.on, 2:41 p. m. C'uirago, d 1:13 a. m. and 12:03 p. in. wliccllnif, 2jju a. m.. 1-.05. 6:10 p. m steuben vllle, S:33a. m. Waslilnitton, i.:I3. M a. m.. 1:53. 3:&'. 4:43, 4:3Sp. m. IJuUer. 10:10 a. m. liurjcetu totrn, 3 lt:J3 a. in.. b:Z p. m. Mansfleld, :13, 9:M. it.00 a. in., 1:0. 6:30, d s-33. lirlilacrllle, 10' Op m. 31r Donalds, d 4:1 d 10:43 D. m. Titties AnulVKfrom tlm Wet. d 2:10. dt.cOa. tn.. 3:tti. d t-ja p. m. Itennl.un, 9: JO a. nt. btea. lienrllle, 3-03 p. in. Whrellnjr, 2:10. 8:43 a. in.. 3:03. 3:33 p. 111. llurgcttstown, 7:13 a. ro., rJ 9.a) a. m. U'a.hlngton. 0:35, 7:'A 8.40, 10:25 3. in., 2:33, 6i23p. m. JlnnjOcld. 5:30, 5:33, 8:10. 1U40 a. in.. 12il". 3:ii. imoo and Ht-.Up. m. llulxer, 1140 p. m. McUunalds. d 6:33 a. ui., ailWp.m. MlltTinVESTMYSTEM-rr.WATNEIIOUTK.-I.earelorLlilcaici). d 7i2t a. in , d 12:2, d li". d m, except Stliinl'ty lliai p m.i Toledo, ifflu, in., d lit'-V, d 1:011, auileirtpt'iaturday IliZOp.in.t lre.tllne.:l"in.liiUerelauil. Oil'la 111. !l2:t'nl 11:03 p. 111.. nml 1 tan. in., vlt l' Ft.W.AU.Ity.i New ta.llo nud lvuiiaratnwn. 7iin a. in.. I21JU, Si3.p. m 1 Vouiiatti'wn nnd Nile., d 12:20 p. ni.iMead vllle, K.rlennd A.litahula. 7:03 a. m. IHUI p. in. I Mlei ami Jame.town, ' p. m.l Alllaiiie, tiiO ... i,t. j Ulieellng and llellalre, OHO a. in., M14J. i lip, m.l Heater Fall.. 4M p. in. I Hock I'olnt, MSiim m.i LeelsdiilP. fl'ina. 111. IIipaiit rmiM AbLsullRttv llnehesler, Hi) . in. 1 itpit.er Fall., aiuilii'in. in.,aill p,tn. 1 Fnun, iliil p, 111. 1 l.pit-ilslp, siki, linM0ii., iilll a, 111,1 llll, lufn, 4li, 4IM. IH. nils. 7mWi. Iil.l (,' war, IDiVi 11. in. 1 rrfiriMk.H llit, in,iitr Full.. 4lip, Iti.l ii.ei.oaip, B9wii. ill. 'I IIAIt AHIilVtl billon .l.llini Ifoiii Culpa", . .111 inn ,t. Iii. il niii, .1 111 n 11 in,, iiflitt lu,.. d AiA ami il ipso 11,111. 1 'liileifo. PtiPIH liilli.lay, ItSO, 1IUM1 MI,I Rlllllll,IV. I 1.1. II Mll-I, II Ml I, II III,. I 'illl.l I lileiio. P.iept ii i.1 mid a., VI II, III I I n w, USIS11, tli) p, in, I to,, 6II.1 and Oiio.Pi 1 ' rpiiiiii 1111111 a-alimniiml tpwlit.lt", diliiaj it'll". III hi a, 111,, lijo, iii-l 'umiiv. Iiiwii, 11 Kiln p. 111,1 llli)l III; I "l!"' "'' I lininv I luVblllll 11, 1, 11 lii ui it, in. Kip. MM W haul In yvii.pi 1 11 1( fla SMil (Jllll.,111,1 ami llpllairp, Hjihi n. Ml illlrP. Olisin, 11 nla, .A Moll I" P. in. I Ft a u llalinla in. 1 .tin, in tula a, 1,1, 1 ,tlll,ne, ionil.,111,1 ami ,iiii.iitii, llsavsr fI ., Tima, m.l ll" ri'lni, n IIM p, 111,1 I l,a.llsK ion"', in. AIIIIIVM lliliP'l l","ti trout Miillt, a,ui a. HI, I rouMMM, 4" 'i.in tlno'l." .lor, u, nla, 111,1 li.ater Hail i, r.inii.iii, Luhb-wji, 111, 1 l,wsdl,4.ISLl,UL ,l 11 is 7 4, in,, l.Vl l.li. J.'1. 4.l ,A '" AlilllVMMiS'l IK.NV, from Knnit, .on 11,111.1 Fair I la, li ttiji. m.l l.'ul'oJ ... d a,m a, in, I iiaatrar rail., .l4, It 6,uh p. si, I Honk t'olul, di iiafln'S, nundarunln ctli.r train., mo.pl liiiii.Ui, . 1 1 1 1 1 Dirinimmi anh lakkfiiik hvii.iioau ,1 (iMIt'ANY, ncliediilu hi eirutl May li, lui. Central time, li ki-A.lt r Fur Claralinu. 4iUI, -siOOa. ii -lai. 4I2H -Ili 11. m. For Dili. r iilinll. L 1 cavo suil HI. I.oill. 'llll. 1U43 n. in. Fur llulfitlu, ai(m a, in,, 4iJp, nut. p m. For halamaiira, 'aiuo a. in,, 4iJ), tun p. in. for louua-.tiiwn ami New Ln.llv. (I.U. -Siou. IO1I3 a. in,, i.-. .. 4:' 7:Jl. -aioo. 111 lilt, 'ii2it, 111 if. p. in, ror nearer ralla. 1. in. For I , 111., -1:33, 111 era. 4iVi, 13:J Kl, 1(013, li.-A nnii.i. 111., -iiw, iiiil -ii'ju, sua. "UWp, 111. For ( hartlsr.. 41V1, ISiJJ a. in., Sitv iiim, TMi. 7l Hirw. v.nn. ioiU, iliia, a, m.. lira? Ull", 111:4- ll4O,JllU,Jl.mi:2.1,l,llJ0,il04,B.4'no; lui IA n. in, AuitlVK-Froin flcrclanit, -8iJ3 a. nt ISiJQ, Lonls,il'3l" oi.-IIiSJ, -7:13 11.10. From lluirlo.-6:2J i: la ,1. ill. r ..'il iiiiiufi.,.. a. m -12:30, ": p. in. trora caiamanca, -i2isol 7ip. in. From Younit.town and New Ca.tle! 6:2 -VI3-1 a. in.. -Kiao, Jitt. -7 1 13, DUO p. m. Kron Heaver Fall.. 61JV 'iti 7:20, 1H35 si. m, -niSu. 1I2U.3I4.. -7:i5..50p. in. 1'., C. X Y. trains ior tlan.Oetd. 4:1 7i40 a. m.. t:2a li.D.ra. For Essen and lleechmont. j,ti T,Jii . m Irfl n. In. , rju p. m. ; Y. iratna from Mansfield. 8:17, 7iii u. 6:4.1 p. in. From Uceehmont, iil ;., Silip.m. 1'., U. X IIi.to a. m., 11:11 n. m.. 1'.. McK.AY. K. It. UEPAST Knr V.w ... ven, -3:30.17:0a. m.. -3:oop. m. For We. t New. ton. .!. ;T... 9:3. a. m.. Hi 0, 6:23p.m. fl AnuiVE-rront New Haven, -sro a. m. tl-ti From Itelle Vernon, Monon? ahela City, Eltia. bcth and McKresport, 70, 13130a, m., 12:35, s.ou, 4:15 p. m. -Dally. Sundays only. City 'ticket omce. 630 amlthdeld Street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY KAILKOAH 'lraln. leave Union Station (Eastern Standard tlmejt Klttannlng Ae 6:3 a. nut MlaaraxaEx- uauy. a. m.. Unlton Ac.. 10:14 a, m.t Valley Camp Ac, 22:03 O. m.t till fMtV.n.S 1ntt.ta HVr. press,2j00 p.m. j Halt l. Ac, 3:00p.m. 1 Klttannlng pr. Ac, 4.00D.m.2 JJraebnrn K-r. SOn m Ifm.-tn. In Ac, 5.30 p. m.j tsraebnrn Ac. 6:2) p. m.: Hat ton Ae, 7-50 p. ia. Baflalo ExI duly. f-M p. m.; Hulton Ae., 9:43 p.m.: itraeonrs Ac ili30 P. m. Chnrctt trains Braeborn. 13:40 p. m. PUUburz and BotTilo. JAS. P. ANUEBSOJI, . i,. ja . u MHdstjnuiv uw, Batfk.. a .Yra n tS i fa m