Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 17, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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Bessemer Has Been QuitActire the
Past Few Days, With a
Ket Enough Eailxoad Can to More tie
Southern Product.
The tone of the iron market is stronger
than it has been for some weeks past, and
in some lines prices are a shade better.
Bessemer iron has been quite active for a
few days past and markets are strong at
S18 00 per ton, while they were weak last
Saturday at $17 SO per ton. A gentleman
who is a partner in one of the large manu
facturing plants and also buys a good deal,
said yesterday: "There is undoubtedly a
much improTed tone to Bessemer iron with
in a day or two. and the company in which I am
interested has no desire to enter into large con
tracts eren at SIS 00. as we belters that prices
Yrfll soon advance beyond this ficure."
"While there is little change, us yet, in mill
iron, there is a more confident feeling than
there was a week ago among manufacturers
and dealers. The volume of business shows
lniproTement this week over last. Tbe demand
for finished products is actire and strong, and
manufacturers are in general carrying light
stocks, so that the time cannot bo far away
when there must be some heary buying. One
of tne strongest firms in the city paid 518 per
ton fora largelot of Besemeriron within a day
or two, showing their faith that the tide bas
turned toward netter prices. Holders of
standard brands of mill irons are no longer
disposed to grant concessions as tbey bare
been for a few weeks past. There is no change
In markets tor nails or rails since our last
week's report. Orders for tbe latter bare
slackened up for the past week or two, and
markets are a shade weaker. At present price
of nails margins are nearly, if not altogether,
Following are the latest quotations:
Structural Iron-Ancles, 12.15: tees, 2.80c; beams
andchanncls. 3.10c; sheared bridge plates, steel.
2.00c; universal mill plates, iron, 2.35c; refined
bars, 1.K.C card.
Barbed wire fencing, gatvanlied, p CO; plain
Neutral mill
IIS cordis 25-cash
All-ore mill
.No. 1 foundry, native ore
No. 1 foundry, lake ore ,
Charcoal foundry Iron .No. 1..
Charcoal foundry iron No. 2. .
.. 15 TV31S so casn
.. 17 00217 25-caah
. 17 25(917 SO-cash
., 18 WW IS 25-cash
.. ti 7ra:z ts
.. 20 7.V32I 75
vnsrcoai com Diasi.
25 TSMflS 75
Bplesrl 3S snftss oo
.nines oar
. 27 7Mtf 25
, 27 M,m no
, 27 KnflS 00
. 27 6aM 00
. 21 u$2 60
fieri blooms. ...........
Pteel slabs
IMeel billets
Meet K.U. end
Heel bloom ends
Heel milt, new
Hr Iron,...
Heel nails, per Sep, usual dli..
v Ire nsll, per sea-
21 HI
it ttmn so
l m.al l M
1 HI
i ava 2
87 lURS! (10
Acnvnr w the south.
The tlnllrnnd l'ernpnlilt Art. Nol Able In
furnish iho rrntispttrlHtlttii.
HlltMlftMIIAM, AI,A May lOilier) till
tiofit iiniisiinl nciivli) in the inm trade during
Hid rtK, and railroad retnpnlea hare had
dlrtteully tit supplying tlirniigli cart ts meet the
nikti df iiusiDDsa, There la ft good demand for
ie, and, fueling that belter prices will soon
prrrall, manufacturers du not rare tose ei.
rt)jil for liiiinmltata deveiy, Moetof Ilia fur
naciu the district refuse to quota prices lor
delivery later than July I,
'1 hern bat been enough demand recently for
Iron fur tmiuedUlu tliipraent to wipe out the
Hunk on hand at neatly all the furnaces in the
district. The Hints Company wllb four
futnaces In blast are without a pound of un
told Iron and It will take them until about June
I tocnmnleteordeia on haiul. Other furnaces
l.ae cold down very close and have orders for
most of their output fur this month.
home iron has been eold for delivery In July
and August, but no contracts extend beiond
tbe latter montn and very few beyond July.
1 ho output in this district last week was be
tween 16,000 and 17.0U0 tons. All the lurnaces
in tbe district are in blast, except three, which
are abut down for rclwing and other repair.
II the present activity In trade continues all tbe
furnaces will remain in blast throughout the
Tbe inllowing are the quotations this week,
prices being cash f. o. b. at tho furnace:
No. 1 foundry- 512 S0Q12 75
No. 2 foundry. 12 00
No. 3 foundry. 11 60
Grayforge 11 00
These quotations are for delivery within 83
dajs. An advanco of 50Q75 cents per ton is
asked for later delivery and roost furnaces will
cut quote for delivery later than July 1.
btcel making from tbe phosphorus ores of
this district by the Henderson basic process
has at last been pronounced a complcto success.
Thorough tests wero made with tbe
steel at the Bessemer Hulling Mill last
week. The result of tbo tests was that tho
, Dcstemcr Hilling Mill Company closed a con
tract with tbo Henderson bteel Company for SO
tons of steel per day for 12 months The iron
used by the Henderson Company In making
steel is No. 3 foundry, containing .00 of phos-
rhorus. Tho Iron is inado at one of tho local
urnaccs from tho ores of this district The
fuel used isgas roailoof a mixture of tho two
coals of this district. Tho dead loss from the
pig to the Ingot was 0 per cent. Nine hundred
Iioundt of coal Is used to tho ton of steol.
Hicmlcal analysis of tno steel shows an average
of ,07 to. 11 or carbon and .03 to .00 of phos
Xo f la-c of Any further Drop In Trices la
tbo C'lnclnnnll Mntkrl.
rsrecub TsxranAM to the pierATCtt.i
Cimcinkati May 10. Kogcrs, Drown A Co.
ay: Hiibstantlally tho samo features prevail
lu the pig iron market as liaro liocn described
tho past throo weeks. There la nn active bull.
bpm current at low prices. Comparing with the
corresponding time or last year It Is found that
In Koutlinrn Irons at least tho voluino of new
orders and of shipments Is largely In nxcoss.
The Increase will probably average M per cent.
This results partlr from the practical suspen
sion of business for two or three months, at
the beginning or the yrnr, whon sellers and
bu) era worn so far apart, as to prices. At Iho
close of the week unusually heavy Inquiries
are before leading sellers amounting In the ag.
gregate f over 12.000 tons or gray forge, and
perhaps 6,000 tons each of No. 3 foundry mid
While the market Kast and North presents
no featuies or encouragement and the picvail.
Ingfeaturo Is bearish, tho situation West and
Mouth Is as Duo as at any time during the past
month, and tbo heavy volume or Inquiries from
legitimate consumers Is thought to give iisstn
ance that there will be no further decline for
some time at least. There Is a fair business In
charooul Irons North and Month and in Ohio
aolteners, bnt the heavy tonuago still runs to
Houthern ooko Irons. We make nu chaugo In
our quotations.
A rTatnbrr ef Hmsll Orilrrs, bnt Ma Great
Clung In llio Hlinniloa,
rtraciAL tloham to tub DisrATCn.i
HT. IjOUIR, Alay 10. Ilogers, llrown A
Meaclian eayi Our market bas been quiet
during tbo past week, with a regular run of
small and medium orders at unchanged figures.
tVmig consumers aro holding back In tho hope
of lower prices, but Hnuthorn ftirnaoes main
tain a film attitude and refute concessions. In
rharcoal linns and Ohio snttenors thero Is no
change. We quote fur cash, f. o, li.
HI. l.niil, hot i.iatt f6ko and charcosll
huuthern Cuke No. I f 15 7SSIS 25
pouuivrn i'ih mi. 3 ,,
houthern Coke No. I
Boil I hern ((ray r"ure
Moullivrn ciiarcnsl No. 1, .,
hoittlifin Chairiisl No. 2 ,
ll"uurl CUrioM .Nn, ...
Missouri Clisreosl No. 2
cr wliwi ami mallralile Ironsi
boutliein (
Coniieimniaiouuclry cokei
rt Ht. Uiula
tU Louis .......
,rx omsi to
. it a4a to
6 60
Heme Uurers Ara niHli.ns; Inqnlrlei ns to
Prices on Ills; Quimllilea.
isrecUL txlequak to tub msrATcn.l
CniCAOO, May H-Hogers, Crown AOe
ssy; There is still a lively retail buslnrrsln
car lots, 60 ton lots and 100 ton lots, and two or
tbreo buyers have been negotiating tor large
sited contracts, Prloea remain very firm at tbe
jow.Jevel previously reported. Business Is dis
tributed between local furnaces, Koutbern
IroM'sVBstOhio brands. A monger stock mar-
If 7l a
14 S.VU 74
II Vnhli 2i
uiiH (m
17 uflu on
isutftis Ml
17 vrtis M)
ket and tbe prospect for a illrcr inflation bl
Lara Intro suced a little more o( tbe speculative,
spirit into trading.
1 hero is evidence tbat should prices declins
lower a creat deal of iron will be taken and
stored for speculative account. Lake Superior
charcoal iron hold up well, but tbe heavy buy
ing by malleable ami car wheel works bas not
begun. The largo Northwestern Agricultural
Works bare not entered the market yet. Their
requirement will be beary this season. Indi
cations Generally seem beat thy and hopeful.
The Becent Boom Was Necessarily Followed
by a Slron Benctlon.
PuiLADELrniA, May Id. Looking back upon
tbe boom which the iron market experienced
late in 1SSB and early in the present year, it ap
pears that It was largely due to speculation.
The purchases by speculators were not confined
to pig metal, bnt included mill products as well.
The liquidation of speculative holdings is caus
ing a reaction from the unnatural advance. The
buying now is for legitimate purposes, and,
while prices are low, it is still encouraging to
find tbe mills busy. Borne furnace men talk of
shutting down toward tbe end of this month or
in June, and it is quite probable that the end of
the second quarter ftf tbe year will find a re-
ainciea output or. pig iron, btausucs snow ino
total number of furnaces in blast to be 341, the
same as reported on April 1, with a slight in
crease in capacity.
There are a number of Inquiries for steel
rails floating about, coming from tbe far West,
indicating that the Western mills are busy and
adhering closely to established prices. While
there is no marked improvement in tbe situa
tion tbe general market is no woaker. A fair
range of quotations is as follows: No. 1 foundry
Iron, at tide, 18 5019 00 per ton;No.2 foundry,
117 00318 00. and gray forge, !1S 0016 50.
Plates, 2.102.15c per ft; angles, at the mill. 2.10
62.20c; tees, 2.C02.7Sc; beams and channels,
8.10c; muck bars, at tbe mills. 23 0028 60 per
ton; steel rails, at tbe mill, $32 00S33 00 per ton;
old rails. 23 5021 50; merchant bars, at the
mill, L90c per fi; skelp, grooved, Lo51.85c;
skelp, sheared, 2Z10c
New York Figures.
New Yobs Pig Iron quiet. Copper dull and
steady: Lake. May, f 14 DO. Lead firm and
moderately actlre; ddmestic, l 10. Tin quiet
and firm; Straits, 21 2a
Supplies of Fralt and Tegetubles Denlers
Well Satisfied Scarcity of Straw.
berries Dntter n Little Cbeoper
Garden Stuff Alao Lower.
Retailers of fruit and vegetables are satisfied
with tbe week's trade. In spite of wind and
weather, demand has been active. There is
little new on tbe stalls since last Saturday.
Egg plant and squash from tbe South bave put
In their first appearance for the season within
a few days. Asparagus grows plentler and
cheaper. The same Is true of string beans and
peas, which are not more than half the ruling
prices of a week ago. Heavy ralm all over the
country have delayed shipments of strawberries
for a few days past, and our market has been
unusually bare in this line. There will, bow
ever, be plenty to-morrow, though tew large
berries bave been received.
liutter supply is in excess ot demand, and li
likely to be fur a month or two to come. In a
jobbing way there has been a sharp decline In
creamery and country roll butter the past
week, but not sufficient to produce any great
change in retail ptlces. Hupply ot ocean
product" libstely up to III demand, A lend
ing jobber and retailer lu thli line, said to.ititri
"llmre nut bean able ts Kl all the Western
fish 1 required for the jobbing trade tlilnwo
week past, Of l"lefM (lsli titers ll a fair
Miptily, nut demand u fully equal ts lutinly, 1
eotilil flare sold 16 ts itU liarreli of fish. In
original mekAgt within ft day or two thai 1 did
nut have on hand,"
WsrMn rport a good week and good pros,
necis. The niup of weddings has been gpod.snd
iHim fii'iiiie sum ihikpi leiuui in mis hup.
pa that dealers fn flowers are Jubilant, aa well
as prospective brides and grooms,
ulluwlng art, the latest relsll qnotatlpnu
hlnple Stems,
The best cuts of tenderloin steak range
from 20 to J6o, with last figure for very
fancy) sirloin, best cuts, from 15 to 18c
standing rib roast, from 15 to 20oi chuck roast,
10 to 12c; best round steaks, 12H to 15c; bulling
beef, 6 to 8c; sweet brearis.20 to 60o per pair; beet
kidne)s, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5o a pound; calf
llver8,2otoS5a apiece; corned beef from lOto J2a
per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c;
roast, 12H to 15c; cutlets, 20c per pound! spring
laraus, foio quarter, 10 to 12c; hind quarters,
15c A leg ot mutton, hind quarter, of prime
quality, brings 12r; fore quarter, 8c; loin of
mutton, 15c; giblets, So per pound.
dnrden Stuff.
Potatoes, 15c per half peck; cabbage, 10 to 25c;
new Itermuda potatoes, 20c per quarter peck;
choice Florida tomatoes, 60c a quart; bananas,
15 to 20c a dozen; carrots, 10c a bunch, S for
25c; lemons, 20 to 80c per dozen; oranges, 85
to 50c; cauliflower, SO to 40c a head: lettuce,
5 to loc per bunch; beets, new, 10c: green
onions. So a buncb; rhubarb, So a bunch, 0
for 25c; cucumbers, 5 to 20c apiece; mush
rooms, $1 a pound; asparagus, 7c a buncb;
new peas. S5c a half peck; new bean",
25c a half peck; strawberries. 15 to 25c a quart;
pineapples. 15 to 25c Hpieco; Porto Ilico pines,
Sc to (1; eggplant, 25 to 35c apiece; squash, 10
to 20c apiece.
Choice creamery butter, 25c Good country
butter. 15 to 18c Fancy pound rolls, 20 to 25c
The retail price for fresh country eggs Is 18c
Tho range for dressed chickens is SI to 1 25
per pair. Spring chicken, tl 25 to ti 74 per pair.
Turke), 2oc per pound. Sucks, tl 25 to tl SO
per pair.
CJeenn rrouncl.
Following are tbo articles In this lino on
tho stalls, with prices: Lako salmon, 10 to 12ci
California salmon, 85c per pound; whlto fish,
12Uc; herring, 4 pounds for 25c: Hpanlsh mack
erel, 23 to 80c a pound; bluo tlsh, 15c: halibut,
20c: rock bass, 2jc; black bass, 15c; lako trout,
12Hc; lobstors, 20c: green sea turtle, 20"ro 25c
O)stors: ti. Y. counts, tl 74 per gallnn; clams,
tl 25 per gallon: frog legs, "So a pound; soft
shell crabs, (1 SO por dozen.
Jacks, 13 00 por dozont I France, Jl 60 per
dozen; Merniots, II 26 por dozeni llrldts, II 25
per dozen yellow and white, 11 00 per dozen)
Dennetts, tl 25 per dozen; lloautles, hocaplocet
llrunner. 60o apiece; Harrison lilies, 2.5c ftilero
pausles, 25o per durum Illy or tho valley, 75o
perdnzeni heliotrope, nOaprrdozoni llirnncss,
76o oacti) carnations, 60o per dornni mignonette,
extra fine, II 60 per dozeni spirrn.MOo perduzon.
The Condition of llualnpaaat lb East Liberty
ftloek Yards,
OrviOK oir PiTTKiiuno DiapATnn. I
FltlUAV. May ifi. lSOft
CATTt.K-Ilecelpts,l,60S hoadnliipuients, 1,401
bead) market, nothing doing) all through con
signments no cattle shipped to Now York to.
Ilooo Ileeelpts. 8.000 head; ahliunents, 2,500
head) market dull) medium and select, 14 253
4 35: common to best Yorkers, 4 1504 25: pigs
(3 Hitfl 00; 7 cars ot bogs thlppod to New Yoi k
HllKrr Keeelpts, 700 head: shipments, 400
bead) market very dull and a shado oir from
yostvraay's prices,
Itv Telearauh.
NEW YORK lleeves Itrcclnts, Including 30
cars to be sold, 8,772 ho.idi market dull and 10o
nor 100 Bis lower: strors, II 20CCU 00 per 100 Usi
CKtt'Jio per Hi. Hhlinicnistolay, 1.411) lien vest
tersntbeet. Calves Ileeelpts, 820 bead) mar
ket U'c low en calves, 14 OOtfJU 00 per 100 lbs: but.
,... iii. ti ?r.ffli it ui,. i. li. MK,..,. '.!.
wiuiiinr,, w luits1 " mhivi ontunim, U.OIV
bnadi uiurknt slow and strong, and Vo por ft
lowert sheep sold at U Stlfltl CO per 100 list
I.-..I.. cr. rjxi.m on. .,..&.. ,i ...... . ,.. . ...
llllllwn. u .Aisu "V, lllt.lvil lllll,,ul nil'lltlj1 Hil'm
K lr Bit ilrossvd lambs dull nt 1 TO 1 2c lings
ilmeipts, 8,021 headi nominally steady at li 80
CHICAGO-Tbn Drovtr'i Journal reports:
Cuttle i cos I pts, 10.600 head) shipment, 6.000
head: iiinrkot slow and steady) beeves.
II 80W1 lt siners, 13 (VW 75: stockeis ami
rrieiluta. K Wt(i 10) cows, bulla and mixed.
.; -7 -"I -i" ikii,-, , iu!tt nil, I1UUS
Iteteljiu. 17,000 head) slilpmenls, 6,000 headi
iWHl'V J0.MTe ncl I'lBlteri mixed and light,
5'J.",1?4 l'y- W?1 a Mheep-ltecelpts,
4.6MI headi shlpnients. 8.1X10 headi murket slow,
lVitt;.re,,,1 '""'". iafl 03) Western, 1 (id
CO 60iTexans, 14 0004 00) lambs, 14 60O7 76.
5T. LOUIS-Cattlc-Uecelpts, 1,000 head
slilpiuouts, l.UiO himdi market steady) good to
l5,JU5?J"nr,V.")tt.a" I'"''" nd Indians,
13 S504 0(1 llngs-ltecelpts, 6,700 headi ship.
mniilrt. 6,600 hoadi market stronger) fair to
oljnl" lieavy. U OoCCi 10) packing grades, 13 850
4 U'l light, la r to best, h U0O4 Olii. rihoep-Iti-celpts.
700 bead) shipments, 100 head) mar.
kut steadyi fair to chuice ctlppvd, II 00Q4 4a
PUFFALO-Cattlesteadyt receipts. 110 loads
thrniigh) 1 sale Hhecn and Iambs-Dull and
lower) receipts, 8 loads throuuh) 20 on sale)
sheep, ch'ilrn to extra. 15 lftfti 85: good to
choice, 14 0003 10. Lsmbs-Cliolro to extra,
0 &5tt 60: good to choice, (a Uif.0 80. flogs
dull and lower.
CINCINNATI-IIngs wrakeri common and
light, J3 0004 10: jincUlngai.il bulchera, 14 10a
4 80. Ileeelpts, 4,800 headi snlpmonU. 8,800 heal
IlLAClt Silkii A superior quality or
black groi grain and faille francalse at f 1
and 1 25 a yard. Hcqub & Hxckb,
Fabrication ARalnst Pitlsbnrg
Worked for All It Is Worth.
Manufacturing- Bites Obtainallo in Good
Localities at Low Bates.
The advantages of Pittsburg as a manu
facturing center are no longer disputed. In
deed, they are so manifest and important as
to attract attention in Europe as well as
throughout tbe United States. Her railway
system is so complete as to render the dis
tribution of her products to any part of the
country easy and cheap, and her waterways
three magnificent rivers complete her
lines of communication with the South and
"West. Inexhaustible stores of coal and
abundance of natural gas afford a constant
supply of fuel for all ot her varied industries
at rates rendering competition next to impos
sible. To offset these advantages an attempthasbeen
made to show that all the good manufacturing
sites have been taken up. This story was
started abont a year ago, and is still going the
rounds. It appeared in a Baltimore trade pub
lication this week. It was promptly contra
dicted at the time, for a bolder falsehood was
never perpetrated. There Is a large extent of
ground in and about tho city admirably adapted
to all kinds of manufacturing purposes, with
coal and gas in abundance, and having tbe ad
vantages of both rail and river transportation.
These sites vary in size so as to suit all require
ments, and range in price from $500 to 11,000 an
acre surely not an extravagant figure, when
tbe superiority of the location is considered.
Those who are contemplating removal to
Fittsbnrg to engage in any legitimate industry
should not bo deterred by fear of inability to
secure land in any quantity desired and at
a reasonable price. Correspondence with any
of our real estate brokers will secure full and
favorable information on this point.
Dnalness News and Gossip.
Wall street is trembling over the prospect of
tight money. Banks are manipulating.
Twenty-eight mortgages were recorded yes
terday. Tbe largest was for 120,000.
An East End genius claims to have discov
ered a process for coloring glass by Immersing
It in a solution of various ingredients. lie says
tbe color thus Oxed Is permanent.
The scalpers continue to be the principal
buyers ot oil. Outside demand is scarcely
worth mentioning.
The prospect for an improvement In local
stocks grows worse Instead ot bettor. Many
local Investors are risking their money In Now
York and Chicago,
A mortgage expert says there Is considerable
money seeking investment in gilt-edged city
property at a big fraction less than 0 per cent.
A hfttleiml bank list bien authorised At
(ilrardville. l's.
"Mqulffcl Hill CJItiteh" will Litre Ml request
attended ts In ft short time, lie ii net the
only one who Is Interested lu the matter he re
fen to.
Mud on suburban inadi li si bad ai em. Ii
li hub deep In many pluees,
There li a quiet inovemen! In water street
property which may cause eoniiderable tails
before the month li out,
Leading reel eitale brokers say that while
business s quiet they see nothing discouraging
In the situation, Occasional lulls give both
sellers and bnyeie time to think and plan,
According to Hie figures of tbe Controller of
the Currency, the national bank depositories
bold 124,705,095 Government deposits.
There are more big deals In real esta on tbe
string than at any previous time In the history
of Pittsburg. Borne of them will rise to tbe
surface very soon.
Two rows of 100 bouses each, erected by one
man, would be a novelty in in Pittsburg.
Stranger things have happened.
Movements In Renl Estate.
Tbe features of the real estate market yes
terday were a brisk inquiry for suburban
building lots and talk about dickers In tbe
Squirrel Hill district. Tne following transac
tions were reported:
Kelly & Rogers sold for J. C. Meanor to Isaac
Reese . brick bouso and lot 25x145. on Fenn
avonuo, near B eatty, for $3,600. Thoy also sold
for Samuel Kelly toT. O. Vangordera bouse
and lot 80x110, on Station street, for 16,000.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a lot 44x180, situ
ated In the Twentieth ward, noar Nevillo
street, for 12,900 cash.
Black 4 Balrd sold to John J. Baumann a
property on 'Washington avonue, in the Maple
plan, with lot 25x147 feet, for 82,800. John
Qulnn was tho purchaser.
W. M. Hager 4 Co. and a J. Fleming A Co.
report the sale of lot No. 2 In the Asplnwall
plan, corner Froeport and Western avenues,
slza 78x120, lor $1,600. a. W. Betterldgo was
tbe purchaser.
Hamnett A Meredith sold lot Ho. 168, plau
No. 2, Wllklns ostate, Wilkinsburg, to John a
Todd for t95a
llccd U.Coylo dt Co. sold to Dan W. Williams
lots Nos. 188 and 180 Jn tho Marlon l'iaco plan
of lots, being 65x165 feet, more or less, for 1160.
Alles t Bailey sold for Mrs. Annlo 8. Carlton
a framo dwelling of six rooms, lot 20x95 foot,
on Commeroo street, noar Canton stroot, to tbe
Pennsylvania Tube Works for 12,000 cash,
Uallensporger A Williams sold for John l'rlra
rose, of Uoono county, Neb., to II, Kirk, Itsq.,
a building lot 20x50, on Alpine avonue, Alls
gliony, for 1000 c.itb.
Hatnuel W. lllaokAUo. sold Xwo more lots,
site 25x120, nu 1'ftul avonue, In the Hoggs plan,
West Liberty borough, for 1276 each.
U. Dorlngor A Hon sold for John A, Kckert at
Wood's Hun. Allegheny, a triangular lot to
John Hlmpson at 1000.
J, K. Glass sold for Thomas iNoely to Charles
A. Hadler, a lot on Albert street, near Uuggs
avonue, size 20x78, for 1400.
EwlngA Uyers sold for William I'recott to
II. Clark the property 75 Carroll stroot'rlecnnd
ward, Allegheny, consisting of a two-story
frame house of six rooms and ball, with lot 20x
100 to Kast Jefferson street) consideration,
12,700 cash.
Charles Homers A Co., 313 Wood street, sold
for T, Tqxlar to a Wood street business man a
property on Grazier street, Ilrusbton station,
consisting of a four-room f rarao house, with lot
fronting 40 feet on Orailer stroet, and In
dopth 137 feet to a 20-foot alley, for 11,050 cash.
Jatuo W. Drape 4 Co, sold a liouso and lot in
Allogheny, contiguous to tho parks, for 110,000
cash) also, three small housoa in tho East Knd
for 15,600, and throo for 14,610) also placod a
mortgage tor 128,000 on an Knit Knd suburban
property for resldonco purposes at S per root)
also a mortgage of M.000 at 4K per cont on a
rosldonce property in Allegheny,
rinnnelnlnltiiiillnn Unchanged but In Good
Condition fur the Monsoii,
Checking nt tho local banks picked up a little
yesterday, and depositing was fair, but dli.
eouutlng was slow, due principally to tho
weather, which was an Impediment to nearly
all kinds of business. Money, however, was
said to be well loaned up fur the loaion, tho
surplus being no more than It Is necessary to
carry to meet unexpected cj1Ii. Kxchangos
wero 123,860,058 85, and balances I372,U9 82.
Correnoy and exchange wero equal to roqulre.
JohnM. Oakley Co.'e Wall street special
aaysi Money tuled very snug all day yesterday,
and during the last half hour all sorts of rates
were paid, In some Instanori ns high 0s 20 per
cent. To-day being Friday, when borrowings
bave to be made in advancoiforHatiirdBy, even
more stringency is Ipnkea for. There Is no
doubt that rnuoh of tills doartli of funds Is duo
to manipulation, ami its a strong paity of spec
ulators have sold out and want their stooks
back at lower prices, wo rathor look tor some
lightness of money and with it a reaction.
Money on call at New Vork yesterday was
tight, ranging from 6010 per cent, last iaano.
closed offered at B, l'rnue mercantile paper, 4Jj
t7. Bterllng exnbango quiet and steady at
It 84 for 00-day bills and (I BO for demand.
Closing Ilnnd (jnnmilons,
U. H. 4s, rex....
V. H, 4s, coup,.
U.K. 44i, reg...
V. B. 4s, coup
I'aelrtn As of '95.,
M. K. AT. Uen. to.. 71H
Mutual Union 6s,,100
li.J. V. Int. Cert... lis
Northern 1'sc.liU.. 11714
Northern 1'ae. Ids. ,1114
Northw't'n consols. 141
l.oulslanastampedts 05)
iiiiOBrirrn iw
Oregon A Trans. f-'MK
St,Ll.M.Uen.s. M
Bt.L. AU.F. Uen.M.llSX
-tenn. now set. s,,,,
Canada Bo, Sds.. WJ
Central 1'aclfle Uti.llMs
Den. A It. u, lsU...II8W
Den. Alt. U. 4s K,S
St. 1'anl consols J-J
St. 1". CHI Al'e. lsts.ue
lx.. Pc. L..G.Tr.its.
Tx.. fc.lt G.Tr.Ks.
u.&jf. u. weswsts,
ErleSds W
M. K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 67
Union l'acinc Hts...i,,
West Bhor K
NEWYOKK-Clearlngs, 1168,980,024; balances,
Boston Clearings, $22.S77.M5: balances,
11,931,058. Money 34 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, 115,280,124; bal
ances, 12,418,471.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,310,012; balances,
London Bar silver. 47Jd per ounce.
Pams Three per cent rentes, 89f 60c for
the account. The weekly statement of the
Bank of Franco shows an increase of 6,7o0,000
francs gold and 1,025,000 francs silver.
Chicago Clearings, $15,961,000. New York
exchange, 60o premium. Money remains un
A Tumblo In Wostlogbonse Electric Pleas
nnt Valley Knllvray Stronger.
The only features of the local security mar
ket yesterday were declines in Westinghouse
Electric, Switch and Signal and Luster Min
ing, and in Pleasant Valley Railway. The nat
ural gases and the tractions were weak, but
practically unchanged. Bales were S14 sharos.
The weakness In Electric was due to the con
templated increase of the stock, making larger
earnings necessary to maintain dividends, if it
docs not sweep them away altogether. The
large and increasing traffic on tho Pleasant
Valley and the assurance of better facilities
for handling bnsiness in the near future, suffi
ciently account for its greater strength.
Tenn. new set. ei,,,,i0J4
Tcnn. new set. Bs..Ii)2)j
B A Jl A li A
Com. Nat.lik 93
Uun'eNat. Ilk 171
iler.&M lik , 70'
Man.UasCo 20
Phlladel. Co.. 31,', 31 31. 31 31f 3l
West.A Cam S5
Whg. UasUo. 25 20,S'
Columbia OH. 1 2)4
Central Trac 27.4 Mtf 27i 28)4 13
Citizens Trac, (I It 17 67 M
l'lttsb'g Trac 33 M S3 S7f, XS
Pleasant Val. itM 1HH 23K 29 23s 29
Tltts. A. AM. 293 SOS
ritts.A C. 8 2
Pitts. A Ii. E. GO
I'.Jc. K.1I.CO 21tf 29
r..McK.4 Y. Sl4
Pitts. A West. 14 15 1SH 15
P. A. V.,pref 19 20
N.S.lI'due Co Ma
I.& Noris Mln 20 U Z3 19
Luster MIMng 15 16,H 13 16J4 Ui 15,4
b.H.MlnlngUo 2)4
Alleg'yC. EI 100 100
K. E. Electric 60 00 60
Wcst'ghonse. 40 19 S9U 384 39,4
JJ. . AW... uh is 14J4 iy, UH is
U. SAHpPd 40 45 40 45
W. A. U. llm. 115 115 118,4 1
8ales at first call were 60 shares Bwltch and
Signal at 14.
Bales at second call, 150 Pleasant Valley at
28K. 10 at 26 and 76 Westinghouse Electric at
Bales at third call, 10 Philadelphia Gas at
81, 14 Luster at 16, and 6 Commercial Na
tional Dank at U8.
The total sales of stooks at Now York yester
day were 670,851 shares. Including Atchison,
68,760) Delaware, Lncknwahna and Western,
9.8351 Lake Hhore, 10,7401 Missouri l'aclfie. 7,600i
Northern Pacihc, urofatrod. 8,050. Uregnn
Transcontinental, 4l,460i lUatiing. 7S.610 itlab
tnntiil and West l'niut, 32.8101 Texas I'aeino,
,10, 100 1 Union Tactile, 4,860 Western Ualoo,
The Oil Ilueilere Mnhleg Hie Meet of Their
The ell market wri eirong and Retire yester
day, as things go, but the trading wee In email
lots, nothing Important being handled, The lo
pe I erowd were in good spirit", end eung and
daiieeil eg if they didn't pare a fig whether
eelionl kept or not. It li a good thing to be able
to extract pomrort from misfortune,
The market opened better than Thursday's
closing, and edvanoed gradually on moderate
buying here and in 01 City, This demand at
tfied, and no other support coming forward,
the price weakened, but rallied In tin last few
minutes, and tbe market closed at the opening
quotation, X better ttun the lowest, Pittsburg
was the strongest point, Thursday's clearances
were 813,000 barrel. Tbe range was: Opening,
B61c highest, 87C! lowest, 860 closing,
The McLaughlin well, In the Bellevue field,
was shot, and flowed 16 barrels of salt water
and two barrels of nil in 80 minutes. Tbe
hole Is being cased. It will probably prove a
small well,
Down nt Duff City, six miles back of Bewick
ley, operations are becoming quite lively,
though all drilling Is of the wildcat order. Tbe
McCalmont Company is preparing thoroughly
to test tho Held, having located two rigs on the
Swift farm and one on the Hamilton.
Reports from Lima indicate that tbere is
more activity in that field at present than ever
before, Rigs are being located all over the
field, and are so close together that the drillers
can converse with each other while at their
work and use only an ordinary tone.
Fenlnrca of Yesterday's Oil Market.
Corrected dally by John 31. Oakfoy A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange:
Opened will I Lowbst.
... 38.432
.S7,4 Closed..
Average charters
Average shipments
Average runs
Rellned, New York. 7.20c,
ltenncd, London, stn.
Kenned, Antwerp. I.Hf.
Kenned, Liverpool, A Il-lSd.
Kenned, llrcmen, O.Win.
A. II. McClrow quotes: Puts, 60; calls, 67j
Other Oil Markets.
Draspoiid. May 10. Petroleum opened at
ftOKci closed at 87ci highest, 87VsC lowest, StHc
Clearances. 720,000 bbls. n
Oil, Citt. May lo. retrolottm opened at
fiflkci highest, o7Kci lowest, Hli(c closed at
nOJic. Bales, 265,000 bbls; clearances, not re
ported) charters, 3,968 bblei shipmontl, 09,998
bbls) runs, 73,014 bbls.
New Yohk, May 10. Petroleum oponod
liregular, pot bolngsmady nt87c, while Juno
option was strong at B7c Knot moved up to
orif,i nnu oiosmi uuu r" mni iigurni juno option
advanced to n7c, tht fell to 80o, and closed
weak at K(Wfc. Htock ICxohnnge Opening.
8Wo h
H7Jo. U
h ehesr. tnteat lowest. HIKim closlnir.
unnsoiiuatou Jiixouango upi
.it"i.i'..'p-i :.'.'- ny . .:--
Exchange dnenlntr. H7ei
. N
K Inwesi, Wlkui closing, oOJic
Total sales
i, 281,000 barrels.
Progress of Work on the Cnrson Lease
New Wells Neon Due,
ISriOUL TBLSOnAM to tub DisrATcn.i
ClathviIiLC, May 10. The Vlotor Oil Com
pany's Carson No, 8, Milch lost a bit last woek,
moved tho rig on Wednesday and began a new
hole. This well has to bo completed against
tho 10th of July or tbe company forfeits all
right to all of the Carson lease, which consists
of oyer 200 acres and has one produolng well
on It.
Tho lumber for a rig on the Drookman farm,
rerontly leased by J. P. Oates and James Mo
(111), or Washington, Is being taken out, .This
faun lies about two miles southeast of tho
fJnurley farm, and Is just south of the National
Tho Claysvlllo Oil Company's Qourley No. 7
will bo duo In about fivo days.
Tho Atlantic Oil Company's Wnrrel woll Is
through tho "big Injun," and will bo duo In
about ten days.
Iho wildcat well on tho Hoott farm. near
Went Atuxnndor, Is about 1,000 feet and pro
gressing finely.
Tbo Mnee Well Trenloil lo a Ilenvy 8hol
Without itrsull.
isrxrut, Titi.xuiuM to tiii dispatch, 1
lltm.icit, May 10. The Hnoe well at Murrlni.
vllle, which Is situated noar a SOO-barrol woll, Is
almost through tho send with a small showing
of all, It was toipodoed with a M-quart iliot,
but tho result was a icvero disappointment,
Aoccm to the derrlok Is denied to onislders,but
from tho bust Information obtainable it seems
that the well' production will never affect the
market. .....
Tho Honth Penn No. 3. on tho Humphrey
farm, Is drilling in the tana and showing for a
good well. The same company brought in a
good-sited wall to-day on tho Amberson farm,
on the lllg creek,
Joslioydrloks ACo.'sNo. 1, on the Bamuol
Marshall farm, at Mare station, li 75 feet In tbe
sand and doing 50 barrels a day.
The BoHlhslilo Oil Field.
Up to the middle of yesterday afternoon tbe
Boutbilda nil field did not turn up any sensa
tion. At Cbartiers station people were await
ing tbe poring In of the parsonage well, near
tbe English Lntbern Churoh on the Backbone
road, a fow rods from the O'Brien .Nn. 2. A
big well Is expected, F. Laenlngerlbsd tbe tim
ber oa tbe ground near by for bis rig. It re
quired much horsepower to get it tbere. ,
The veil ca tbe Latbcir lot, Uoraopolle,
drilled by Galley Bros., Is said to be good for
60 barrels. It was shot.
A Promising Oil Territory Causes Consider'
able Interest.
Belmont, W. Va., May 16. Three wells
bavo declared themselves this week; one for,
and the others against tbe operators. On
Wednesday afternoon Johnston Sc Brockunier's
Locke No. a struck tbe sand, and it looked
llko a winner. Expectation ran high.
Ten thousand dollars cash was offered for tho
well and refused unhesitatingly. A dozen tele
grams were sent, estimating her at from 1 to
600 barrels. But when the morning of Friday
came, and Prof. Drill took the floor, he made
some very discouraging remarks, and by 9
o'clock the bit was through tbo sand, with only
a half dozen callers of oil to show for its work.
About noon George W. Boss Triangle well
reached the sand, and showed up somewhat
similarly to the Locke No. 2. Expressions re
garding her probable outcome were very con
servative, as result of the morning's disap
pointment. But shortly she began to gas and
made a rich flow, starting off at about a 300
barrel gait, and bas kept it np since.
At 5 o'clock Boss, Storey dc Hart's Shingle
ton No. 1 got down to business, and with much
stronger gas, commenced a flow of oil equal in
amount with the Triangle Neither of these
wells are more than six feet in tbo sand, and a
considerable increase is looked for when tbey
are drilled further in, which will be within the
next day or two.
Hervey No. 1, on the other side of the river,
is just being drilled in. Her sand is looking
first class, and she will be likelv to add some
thing to the production of tho Held. Some
other wells on that side will be in soon, and
will thoroughly test the Ohio territory.
C. B. Hart's barnvard well is cased, and will
be in by or before 1'uesday ot next week. She
is only a hundred yards from Bhingleton No. 1.,
and is looked on as almost a sure thing. It Is
reported that a good show of oil was struck in
the Strosueider well, five miles southwest of
Belmont, This veil Is about a thousand feet
deep, and will soon bo in tbe Eureka sand.
Her companion wells are drilling, but are not
so deep by several hundred feet.
The Market Characterized by Continued
Realization Tbe Foreigners Buy
Liberally Active sVluctnatlona
With Bmnll Gains.
New York, May 16. The stock market pre
sented about the sams amount of business to
day as yesterday, but the reactionary temper
was replaced by a more confident feeling, not
withstanding the fact that1 the professionals
and traders were still working for a further re-,
action. There was great irregularity in the
market, however, and a portion of the Hat was
strong, while another portion was decidedly
weak, and the course ot prices was subjected to
sudden and sharp changes throughout To-day
ttiaA ,. aim ..n,.! ,..,1 intln,ln..a -villi!.
iubiu nm Biau v.iiimiiiii-u i..ii,.iiuii., tt,,,uu,
with tbo aid of tho hammering of the bears
and tho lack of support in a few of tho most
prominent stocks, were sufficient to koep the
market In an unsettled and variable condition
throughout the day. The high rates exacted
for money also caused mnnv selling orders In
the afternoon, although tbey did not go as high
as yesterday and loans made to-day run till
Monday, The great buying power to-day was
the foreigners whn sent liberal orders in all ot
their favorites, wllh tbo exception of Louts,
ville and Nashville, and, though the presiuro
to sell at the opening was severe higher prices
resulted from the excellent demand,
Union l'aciria was the feature ef the early
dealings and it edvanoed nearly Ik per dam,
the Improvement being Aeenitipanleil by rniuore
in new development which affect both the
Untnn And (lentral I'aultle, end the general
uululnn wks that a new liiiiie nt bend, to take
tliepleeeof tiieMovenunent loan at a lower
rrte of Intereii, would he the scheme, Oriuon
TrAiiieontinentfll enntlnued In upward move
ment, And buying In New Knglsim wad At.
trlbuted to rumnre ef ehengee In MAnagement
end new AlllAneei. Atelimon was esneehllv
weak in the early dealing', end Uhleega Oas
oontlnued tn decline, being Apparently without
support. The UiiaI etouks were quiet, with the
exception of Heading, end All were firm with
the exception of Delaware and Hud
eon, which lost soma ot Its recent
advance, and Is the only stock nn the list show.
Ing any mateilal loss to-night. The buying de.
roand fell away after the opening, and the
traders again got prioes down in soma cases be
lowtboBe of the opening, but a rlrmertone
afterward prevailed, and the best prices were
reached toward noon. The money rates then
encouraged the bears and again prices receded,
but money was offered at 6 per cent in the last
Hour ana some improvement was maoe, ma
market finally closing active and firm, gener
ally at small fractional gams over last night's
figures. Union Pacific is np IK. Oregon Trans
continental XA and Reading i, while Dela
ware and Hudson is IK lower.
Railroad bonds were still active, but there
was less strength in tho market than for many
days, and while tbe Important changes in
5 rice are very few, a portion of tbom are losses,
'be same issues continue to dominate the deal
ings, while tbo trading extends to a lame num
ber of issues. Government bonds have been
dull and steady. Btate bonds bavo been dull
and steady.
Tbo Port says: Tho unsettled condition of
tho market during tbe day was duo principally
to realization of profits, against which tbo buy
ing for foreign account was not sufficiently
heavy to prevent a decline In prlcos, although
London took quite an amouut of stocks, and
also a largo amount of bonds. Tho efforts of
those favorable to a decline were assisted by
the further demoralization of passenger rates
among the Western roads, but well Informed
railroad men claim to bellevo that the end Is
annroncblmr. and that an agreement will
shortly bo reached, to be followed by a restora
tion of rates. Tho higher rates for monoy as
sisted the decline In the price for stocks.
'tne followinjr table snows tno prices or active
slocks on the Now Vork Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for 'lux Uisi-atch by
WniTHKY ft HTKr jikhson, oldest rittsburg mem
bers othtv York Btocx Kxchange, S7 Fourth ave
nue: Clos-Open-
llifth- Low- ins;
I nl. est. est. Jllrf.
Am. Cotton Oil so,. 31,4 'H 31
Am. Cotton Oil nref... 08.4 C04 084 t,ti
Am, Cotton 0111 rust., u
Atch., Ton. A 8. V 404
Canadian 1'aclflc
Canada Houthern onH
Central or flowJersey.U7
Central l'aelflo XA4
Chtsapeako A Ohio,... 247
C. Ilur. A Uulnoy .. .IN)
C, Mil. A St Paul 7H4
U MII.Ht. I' pr,..l21U
()., Hock 1. A 1'......... V2
).. Ht, jAI'llt
., nt. i.. a run., pr
a, nt. m. ao.... m
a, at. i',, ji. ao. pi
(). A NorIhwctorn....lllM
U. A N. IV., pi
o o.i a a i 7u
.. O..CAI., pr mi
Col, Coal A Iron,.,,,,., sift
Col, A llocklni Val ., VS
Del,, UckA West H7K
Ksi. A lliKlsnn. ..,.., .174
lien. A llio (Irauila.,,, 20
Hen, A IlioOraiiac, pi M4
k.t y. ,
K, T.. Va. ,
ua ,, iu;4
r. ... vn, AiiHif ah ii n)
Illinois l,piiirl,., ., ...,
l.aso hrlo A West lOK
l.nkn KrloA West pr,, K
j.iikohliorn AM, H.....IIIU
Louisville A MashTlllc. IJ,
Michigan Central 100
Mobile A Ohio
Missouri I'aeino.,, 74
New York Central 1M
N, V l K. A W is'i
N, V U. AMI. I, 177s
ft. .. (J. A Ht. L. nf.. . T
N. yc. At. i sdnf 40V
... .u nt tut
tern.,.. 23 vj
n . r , a n , n. . ,
N. i. O. A W. .
Norfolk A Western.,
Norfolk A Western pr, vt
Northern l'acinc 31K
Northern 1'acine nr, 13)2
(irsKon liiiironiiienl
Oregon Transoon .,.,,. 414
1'aclHnMall UH
Ten,, Deo. A Evans
l'lillailel. A Heading,.. UH
i'ullman 1'alsra Car. .,101
ItlehnionilA W. 1', T., MM
lllchmonit AW.r-T.pt 5U
M. l' Minn. A Man
Ml. t A nan fron 31V
Ht. I., A Cnn Kran nr.. 01
Ht. L. Atlitn K, 1st pi
'loxiis l-ncinr mi
llnlnn l'acinc (17
Wahash , H4
Walmsh prererred 80't
Western Union,.. mi
WlieellngAI., 1C. 77 W
humir l'nut., ,,.,.,,,.,, MII4
National l,oairrruit, Mh
Chicago Uas 'trust MV
an 4
I'hllndelpliln Mlooka.
Cloilnir nnolatlons of 1'hlladelnlila stneks. fur.
nlilinj by WliUnoyftHteiilieiiiou, brokers, No, 17
Fnurlli avenue.
Members New Vorie Htock Kx
Hid. Asked.
Pennsylvania llallroad... , tlM MU
Meailliig .,,,.' 21 i-lo jail
illffM n I Mi hiiri, S tV..l..n lift. ,1,7
LelilK 1 Vnllcy , , m
IiCIiIkIi Navigation , B3M
Nortlmrn 1'uclilo,,,,., , uft
lSortliarn I'aeino prerurred s
Ilosion HineUs.
Atch. A Too 4H
ilosion A Albany, ...llirti
Ilosion ft Maine,, ,..'.'.1
(!, II. AO.,..,.. 10414
(Mnn., HsTi, AClev,, nj
(iHitern It. II ISO
utern It. It, 8'...,.1MX
..It. A VI. .,,,.. n
Mass. Central l4
Mex. Central com.,. 24
M, Y. N.Kng..; IK
M.Y.AM. Kng, 7.IM4
Old Colony.. ..." 17
Itutland common,. . &H
Ilutland prererred,. 74
Wis. Central eom... tl
AllonesMg.Co t
Atlantic. MM
HoitonA Mont,,,,,, tl
Calumet! lleela,,3ni
Catnips ao
, au
Huron ...
(lieeola 17
l'ewablo (new) s
(jiilncr , .... 07
HitniarecoDprr..... tlH
Tamarack ,..,,., .....HI
Anniston i.auaco,, oi
Iloston Land Co 7K
Han Ulefo J, nnd Co, 14U
west isnn i.ann co.. :sh
Hell Telselione tsiH
l.smion Btorei 114
Wslsr Fovsr c
Centennial Mining, H
Tho Tone of Butter Trade Weak, and
Trices Drifting Down.
Cereal Becelpts Light Prices Steady All
Alone the Line.
FBIDAY, May 18, 1S80. I
Conntrr Produce Jobbing Prices.
The tone of butter markets is weak, and
prices are on theMecline, This and nextmonth
are the months of plenty in this department of
trade, and supply Is likely to exceed demand.
Advices from Elgin and Chicago show that
markets are off at those Important butter
points. Country rolls are very slow. As butter
declines eggs advance, and for choice nearby
stock outside quotations are readily obtained.
Markets are better supplied with fresh vegeta
bles and strawberries than for some days past.
Stuff from the South has been delayed all the
week on account of rains. Now there is plenty
for all demands, but prices of good goods are
well maintained. The berries on the market
are generally small. In tropical fruit lines
oranges are firm and higher, bananas steady,
and lemons weak.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do,
1718c: country rolls, 1214c.
Beaks Navv hand-picked beans, SI 802 00.
Beeswax 2523c $) E for choice: low grade,
Cider-Sand refined. 87 60; common, J3 00
4 00; crab rider, 77 5008 00 ft barrel; cider vin
egar, 10012c tt gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cheese. 9Kf?10c:
York cheese, lie; Llmberger. 14KSJ loc: domestic
Sweltzer. 18c; imported Hweltzer, 23c.
Eogs 1313c ? dozen for strictly fresh;
dnck eggs. 18c; goose eggs, 3540c
Fkuits Apples, fancy, H 6005 00 $1 barrel;
strawberries, 1215c a box.
Feathebs Extra live geese, E0G0c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 303oc
Maple hyktjp New, V093c a can. Maple
sugar, 11012c $1 ft.
Honey 15c V &
Poultry Live chickens, 75cQSl 00 a pair;
dressed, 14lSc a pound; ducks, 7ScSl 00 a pair;
dressed turkeys. 1820a V B-
Seeds Clover, choice, 02 Sis to busbel, 11 00
fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 fis, M 850
4 60; clover, Alslke, $8 00; clover, white, 59 00;
timothy, choice, 45 lis. 81 60 1 TO; blue grass,
extra clean, 14 &s tl 2.58)1 30; blue grass, fancy,
14 Us, tl 30; orchard grass, 14 Iks. tl 40; red top,
14 His, tl 00; millet, 60 fts. tl 00; Hungarian
grass, 60 Bn, tl 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine
grasses, t2 60 fl bushel of 14 K.
Tallow country, c; city rendered, 4c
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, 2 75
03 00; fancy, ?3 2o03 76; California oranges,
4 00r4 60) fancy Messina, ti 00Q4 60; bananas,
2 mill 60 firsts, tl 75 guod seconds, fl bunch;
cocuanuts, tl O0IJ4 60 V hundredl dates, 0kf?7o
f lb) lay figs. 12KQloic pineapples, t3f a
VkoetAiiLkh l'otatoes, from store, OfO
75onn track, 45QC0CI new Houthern potatoes.
ti 6000 CO per tarreli Uermuda potatoes, t7 60
abarrel new cabbage,l3 76Q4 00 fursmall cratel,
(5 WSO H) tor largei Jersey sweet potntne.
to 2))3 76 a barrel! iletmuda oitlntit, I'J Wii
a 70 per bushel oratei green onions, 16O20 a
dosehi imrsnlpi, 11 W V barrel) nnlnn sen,
M Wtril W bu4liel aipurAgtn, a'cMs 71 large
liUiicliiilHiliiirli, S030d ft deneni ereiii lieaii,
tl Hm 0 1 tiojfi wax Ileum, IJ &0a 00 V box)
istmi pai, 13 60Q1 W) ft box.
The trade li native In 'pile of adverse weAther
And volume shows again over last week, wlileli
was large, Uoffse Is a very uncertain quantity,
And wliAt a dAy may bring forth In tills line Is a
problem too Intricate for the wisest head, Teas
liAve been looking up of late, especially low
grades, which have advanced S to no per pourfd
within a few days, A leading Jobber reports
that the Advaneq In tea is mainly due to the
prospects of the passage of the silver bill in
Congress, which will have tbe effect of ad van t.
Ing exchanges.
Queen Coffee Fancy nio, 21825c;
choice Rio, 22323c; prime Rio, 22c; low
grade Rio, 2021c; old Government Java,
28Q29Hc; Maracalbo. 25027c; Mocba, 803
82c; Santos. 22020c; Caracas, 24K26Kc; La
Quayra, 2U27c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
74fc; high grades, 2580c; old Government
Java, bulk, 82K34c; Maracalbo, 2728Kc:
Santos, 25XQ2Bc; neaberry, 29Kci choice Rio,
25Ko: prime Riv, 24c; good
, 23ic; ordl-
nary, zitsizc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 17018c; allspice,
10c: cassia, 8c; popper, 17c; nutmeg, 70S 80c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 tost, 1ie,
Ohio, 120, 8Kc: headlight, 150. 8Jic; water
white. lOKc; globe, 1414Kc; elalno, 14Kc; car
nadlne. ll)c; royallne, 14c; globe, red oil, 11
HKc; purity, 14c.
.uiners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4345o
fl gallon; summer, 8810c: Lard oil, 0066c
SYRUP Corr. syrup, 2729c; choloo sugar
syrup, nGj38e: prlmo sugar syrup, 3033c;
strlctlr prime, 8335c: new maple syrup, 00c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 47018c;
choice, 40c; medium, 38Q43c; mixed, 40ffll2c.
Soda Bl-carb In kegs, 8K3c; bl-carb In
H". 6"Xci bl-carb assorted pacaages, 66c;
sal-soda In kgs, iac;do granulated, lie.
Cakdles star, full weight, 8c; stearlne,
f) set. 8Kc: parafllnc. 11012c.
itiuE iieau, Carolina. tw'Ap. cnoice, 0545
6c; prime, 6K0c: Louisiana, tiBSUc.
Starch l'earl,2c; cornstarcti,6ii6cj gloss
Starch. 6Q7c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, 12 75; California, London layors,
$2 75; Muscatels, 12 60; California Muscatels,
52 40; Valencia. Hc; Ondara Valencia. 10k
lie; sultana, 104llc: currants, 6Sc Turkey
firunes, 0KQ04ci French prunes, 0ifll2cs Salon
ca prunes, In 2-B packages, Oct cocoanuts fl
10O, (Oi almond, Lan,, fl lb, 20c; do Ivlca, 17c;
dn sholled, 40o; walnuts, nap., 189I4c; Hlcllv
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12Qll3ct now dates, lid
(lUc: Ilrazll nuts, llo; pecans, OUQlOoi citron, '
ft, lSQIOc; lemon peel, 18c f( tt; orange peel,
Uititst) Fnurm-Applos sliced, por Si, O01 ap
ples, evaporated, lOMWUHOi npprlcots, Cali
fornia, evaporated, lOtelHci peaches, evaporated,
narod. 24(I2Moi tieaclies. California, ovanoratod.
unparod, 18f26ui cherries, pitted, lilJ13Kci
cherries, iinpltind, CCCOct raspberries, crapo.
rated, ill0.1ni blaokbortloi, 707Kci bucket,
berries, VizWle.
SUOAim Uubos, OJici pownnroii, o;ici granu,
Intod, (lfci confcotlniiers' A, 0J,;c standard :A.
1101 sou wi no. in.
tdci yellow, choice, KM
yellow, good, ty
Ai'P2)0l yeuow, inir, owa
6Kc yellow, ilark, A
IOKLi:. Medium, btils (1.200). tli OOl me.
umm, uau iiuis (uuiii, i ou.
halt-No. 1, f) bbl, V5ci No. 1 ex, ft bbl,
f 1 00; dairy, V) bbl, tl 20 coarso crystal, fl bbl,
II 20: Hlgglim ICureka, 4-bu saoks, 8J 80 Hlg
gins' Kiirnkn, 10-14 ft paokcts, 13 00,
Oannkd (looiw Htnndard poaches, 12 00
2 Mr-(1, tl 011 80; extra peaches. 12 4002 Out
plu poaches, tl 05i ilnest com. tl 00(C1 60; Hid
Co. corn, 05000c; red cherries, 60t85ci Lima
beans, (1 20 soaked do, HO01 string do, Clto'Oci
marrowfat poas, II 1001 18; loiikeil peas, 700
80ci pineapples, II 8001 40; liahama'do, t2 76;
damson plums, 93o; greengages, tl 25; egg
plums, tl 00; California poars, JJ 40; do green
gagos, tl 85; do egg plums, tl HI; extra while
cherries, $2 -IOj rasiibcrrlvs, U5c0ll 10 straw
berries, rVlc; goosoberrios, tl 8u01 40; tomn-
tons, H.;flBKo salmon. 1-ft. fl 4001 85) black
bernos, 00ci suncoiash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c;
do green, 2-ft, II 2501 60; corn boor. 2-lb cans,
12 05 H-ft cans. II I W) baked beans. Jl 4U01 60
lobster, I-ft, 11 8001 IW; muckorol, 1-ft cans,
broiled, tl 60 sardines, domestic. 'A; U 260
4 60; sardllios, doinostfc, U, JO 7607 00; sar.
dlnos, linportod, it. 111 60012 60) sardines. Im
ported, Ks, 118 OOi sardlnos, mustard, 13 S3; sar
dines, splned, 13 Rl, "
FtNH-Kxtrn No. 1 bloator maokcrcl, ISO fl
bbli oxtra Nn. 1 do, moss, 1 10 extra No. 1 mack
orel, shore, ,12i extra No. 1 do, mess, t3fli No. 2
shorn inarucrol, 121. Codfish Wholu pollock,
4)(o fl ft 1 do medium, (loorgu's con, Oc; do
huge, 7(i bimotoss linlto, In strips, 4Kci dn
(innrgn's cod In blocks, flU07Uo. Herring
Hound shore, Vt 00 fl bbli siil
nu. to !
fl IW) ft bbl. Whlto llsh, ill 60 fl 100-n hall bbl,
Luke trout. 13 60 fl half bbl. Finnan hnddnok,
lOn V ft. Iceland halibut. l,1o W ft. Pickerel.
half bill, tl not Miuirier bbl, ll itAi I'otomao her
ring, ti 00 fl I1I1I1 12 M V) half bbl.
OatmkaL-U OOUu 25 fl bbl.
Grnln, I'loiir nnd Vrcif.
Hal 04 on call at tho CI rain ICxchangci Ono
oar samplo oats, 320, S days, 1. U. lt, 1 car
mixed car corn, 4c 6 days, 1', R. IL; 2 cars No,
2 whlto oats, 83o, July delivery. Receipts as
bullotincd were uriusuatly light, tho total being
19 carloads. By I'ltWburg, Ft. Wayne and Cli.
cago, 2 cars ot cot n, 1 nf oats, 1 of sacks or bran,
lot straw, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and Ht. Louis, 2 can of corn, 1 of hay. By Hal.
tliuoro and Ohio, 1 car of oati, 1 of hay. By
Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of oats. By Pitts
burg and Lako Krlc, 3 oars of bay, 1 of bran.
The cereal situation is unchanged since onr
last report. Ear corn continue to be tho strong
factor of markets. 'Oats are steady at quota
tions. Rye nnd rye flour are firm. Wheat and
flour nre steady.
Prices below are for carload lots on tracki
WHBAT NewNo. 2 red, 07ffiOSo No, 8, 1)60
Corn-No. 1 yellow, ear, 6OK061ci No. 2
yellow, ear, 48049ci high mixed, ear, 470
4801 No. 2 yellow,shelled, SsUQSe high mixed
shelled corn, 87037)c
J(ie33c mixed, S0H931C.
RyeNo. I Pennsylvania and Ohio, eoeeic;
No. 1 Western, 60Q60c
FLOUR Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, t5 606 00: winter straight,
to 0005 25; clear winter, i 755 00: straleht
XXXX bakers', M 254 fia Bye Dour, 83 60
3 75.
Milveed Middlings, fine while. tlS 00
18 60 ft ton; brown middlings, tl5 25015 60;
winter wheat bran, 114 0014 60; chop feed,
J13 0015 00.
HAY-Baled timothy. No. 1. til 60813 00;
No. 3 do, tlO 6010 60; loose, from wagon.tW 00
16 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay,
J7 0008 00; packing do, f8 6006 75; clover hay,
t7 60if 8 00.
Straw Oat, M 75Q7 00; wheat and rye, J8 00
436 25. '
Sugar-cnred hams, large, 10c; sugarnred
bams, medium, 10c; sugar-bams, small, llc;
sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 8KCS sugar-cured
shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoul
ders, 8c; sugar-cured California hams, Sc;
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c: sngar-enred
dried beef sets, 10c: sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12c; bacon, shoulders, 6c; bacon, clear
sides. 7Jc; bacon, clear bellies, 7Mc: dry salt
shoulders, 5c; drv salt clear sides, Tjic Mesa
pork, heavy, J13 50; mess pork, family. S13 50.
Lard Refined, in tierces, 5Kc; half-barrels,
6K 60-ft tubs, 6Vc; 20-B palls. 6Hc; 60-ft tin
cans, 6c; 3-Btin pails, 6c; 6-tttin pails, 6Kc;
10-11 tin pails. 6c. Smoked sausage, long. 6c;
large, 5c. Fresh pork, links, 9c. Boneless
hams. lOKc Piesf feet, half-barrels, ti 00;
quarter-barrels. $2 15. k
Bnd Crop News Cnnsee Another Bulge in
Wheat Shorts Cover Freely Oat
Excited nnd Higher Fork
Dull nod Weak.
CHICAOO-Bad crop news was again re
ceived plentifully from various quarters to
day and Infused life and animation into the
wheat market. Speculative trading large and
more or less excitement existed at times, with
prices averaging higher all around. Even de
ferred futures were more stroncly affected, and
the difference between these and the nearer de
liveries was lessened somewhat. The opening
for July was about the same as yesterday's clos
ing, held steady for awhile, and then started up
with prices advancing 2c, eased off slightly and
closed about lo higher than yesterday.
August closed lc and September 2Vo higher
than yesterday. The feeling throughout the
session was very nervous and the short Interest
covered freely. Crop news of an unfavorable
tenor were received from pretty nearly all
directions. There were, however, many doubt
ers of tbo news which came to band, and re
ports were somewhat conflicting.
There was good trading in corn, prices fluctu
ating frequently within Ko range. The feeling
was a little nnsettled, the market opening weak,
with rrea selllnir tar a nromlnent local trader.
which had a very depressing elfect. but prices
reacted later, advancing c The market
opened a shade under tbe closing prices of yes
terday, was easy for a time, became stronger,
selling up Kc. reacted some, ruled steady and
closed MBo better than yesterday.
There was an excited market In oats'early in
the day, tbe Interest for the time being cen
tered in May. Prices were advanced 2o from
yesterday's. They then receded a and the
market closed steady at a net gain of lo over
yesterday's olose.
Trading In pork was only moderate and tho
feeling was weak, Prices declined 300350, and
the market closed quiet at medium llgiirei.
A light trade reported In lard. Prices with
out material clmnge,
Trading in short ribs was quite active. A
IocaI operator was credited with purchase ef
jargd quantities:, l'rleea- Averaced About 3ka
tiiglier, Tii9iiiareifllusBd steady at medium
The leAdlng future! rangeu as rnllnwn
June, mHQU-MWiti'h'Am July, nwma)
(JoilN-Nn, 2, May. MmmUttMUM
UATa-No, May, iiQmQiH',O?0Ufil
June, 21&ea;7Xoi July, WWmMiXi
Mgss PobK, per bbt,-June. J13 o7W02 70
12ROU40i July. 113 HSQll (tiirJU 60612 60;
August. VI 00312 0Odl3 tori 13 70,
LAUD, per loo fts.May, fl 2508 27K08 25
8 25iJiine, (6 S0S 80; July, 8 10430 4tl S5
HllOiiT Ribs, per 1W m.r-May, t5 4003 40
June, 15 405 12H05 405 42Ht July, 15 600
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm
and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 949lc;
Nn. 3 spring wheat, B2388Ke; No. 2 red, 010
Uc; No. 2 com, Slc; No. 2 oats,2O029KcNo.
1 rye, 62c; No, 2 barley, nominal; Nn. 1 rlax seed,
tl 45; prime timothy seed, tl 2801 29. Mess
Eork, per bbl. $12 S7. Lard, per 100 lbs, 80 23.
bort ribbed sides (loose), 15 40; dry salted
shoulders (boxed), to 1005 15; short clear sides
(boxed), to 755 85. Sugars unchanged.
On the Produce Exchange to-day tho bnttcr
market was easier: fancy separator, 1601Sc;
unesc creameries, iotsiokc; nne, is'ioc; nnesc
dairies, 11018c; fine, f 011c. Eggs, 12c
NEW YORK-Flour dull and firm.
Wheat Spot dull, and nominally hlghor;
options more active: early unchanged to 'Ac
down, advanced llifi!2!-Jc and closed y,c
oyer yesteraar. rtyo quiet; western, uustoo-j
Barley dull; Westorn nominal: Canada.6O072Kc
Barley malt dull; Canada, 7590c. Corn Spot
moderately activo and stronger; options mod
erately active, 0Ke up and Arm. Oats Spot
active and higher; options activo and stronger.
Hay firm and in fair demand. Hops quiot
and firm. Coffee Options opened barely
steady and uncharted to 10 points down,
closed weak and 6015 points down; sales,
88,600 bags. Including May, 16.85018.40c; J une.
18.25c: July. iai0f210.16c: Aucust. 10.06jiai0c:
Beptember, 10.00c; October, 15 70016.76c: No
vember. Ia45c; Decomber, 15.85018. 40c: Janu
ary. 15.25c; February, 15.10015.15c; March,
15.10c; snot Rio lower and quiet; fair car-
foes, 19Kc: No. 7 flat bean, 17Jgc Sugar
taw quiet and easy; sales two cargoes
centrlfgals, 00 test, 303)0 c I. f.;
1,000 bags d. 80 c T. f.; 182 hbds
Muscovados, 89 test. 20 c. I. f.s 700 bags
Molasses sugar, 89 test, 2Kc c. I. f.i refined
dull and unchanged. Molasses Foreign quiot;
Now Orleans qulet,lllce, fair demand andsteady.
Cottnnsoed oil firm. Tallow quiot. Roiln firm.
Turpentine dnll at 40c asked. Eggs quiet and
easlor; Western, 13X01:: recolpts. 8,107
rackagos. Pork quiot. Mess, old, 114 009
1 60; extra prime, 811 00. Cutments quiet and
easy. Middles easv. Lard quiet and oasy;
Western steam, 16 4509 47t lies, 400 tierces;
options, 'sales, 760 tlsrres; Junr, 10 6100 63;
July. tO 0100 (III August. 10 7I0U 73; Henteuibor,
IS 8200 HI. Butter quiot ana weak; Western
dairy. 0011c; docroamery, O017ci do hold, 608c;
do factory, 4T0o; lClgin, 17018c. Cheese
quiot and oasji Western nominal.
PHILADELPHIA -Flour dull, but prices
steadily hold. Wheat Options firm, and closed
Kiimo higher, In sympathy with the advance
In tho West; inoculation quiet, nxnort demand
Hull 1 1 fair to good milling, 88093m prune to
choice, 9A0O8ci itcamor No. 2 red, In Port
11 onmonii n levator. 0101 nn . zren. aiav. vmm
H.'ln; Juno, 02C03oi July. 93&94ci August, OlJJto
Ullc. Corn linn, undor light olferlngs and
Strung reports from the West, but local trade
very quiot nnd foreign orders limited tno low
for liuslnesii No, 2 mixed, In Twentieth street
elevator, 4l01IXei No, 2 mixed. In grain dopot,
4.I01 No. 3 mixed. May, 41H04loi June, 410
41KCI July. 4ll40llHoi August, 4.V. Oats
atrung and higher. In sympathy with West: fair
local trado demand, but very llttln speculation
No. 3wlilte,3IKc No. 3 white, 850i5Koi No. 2
clipped white, Utioi No. 2 white, May. 35085afo;
June, 3iKt3IHoi Jnly. ZlWltlHci August, 810
81K". Eggs steady; Pennsylvania nrsts, 14jc.
DALTIMOne Wheat-Western drmenNo.
2 winter red. snot. VMct Mav. 92Kci July.
V2)j093c August, l)0c! lleceinbor, Wic. Corn
Westorn flrmeri mixed, spot and May, 42a Md;
Juno and July, 41Mi04lWot August, 4IK4Ioi
steamor, 40c. Oats steadyi Western white, ,Wt
81)01 do mixed, 8U0 18c; graded Mo, 2 white, 119c.
Ryo nulet; prime to choice, OlftOJct good to
fair, 680600. Hay dull and easier; prlmo to
choice timothy. 112 60013 00. Mess pork, old,
112 75; new, 113 60. Bulk moats Lnoso shuul
dors, ijci long clear, cloar rib sides and sugar
pickled shouldors, OVici sugar cured sinokod
shoulders, 701 hams, small, 1I0I2Kci targe,
W0I1O. Lnnl Rollnod, 7Wct crmln, tlK0Oi'.
liuttnr weak) croamory, fnney, 17018oi fair 10
choice, 601On linitniinn lusiUcf Indie, fancy,
lOctgood to choice, 800c; stnrn packnil, C08o;
Srass, 10c. Kggsllriuat MJifOUo. Coifeorery
ulll Kin cargoes, fair. 10?ict No. 7. 1718e.
ST, LOUI0 Flour strong but unchanged.
Wheat opened easier, but jnder unfavorable
crop news, advanced and whlto tor. prices wore
not maintained! tho close was lili'ln above
yesterday! No. 2 red, cash. UIKci Juno
nloscd U.IK0 bldi July. 88(09lc, closed at
UOc, askedi Uflceinbar.VOHuiirjin, clnsed lHc
asked. Corn opened higher and stronger; than
advanced, butomednlf later and closed H'io
nhovo yesterdnyi No. 2 cash, 3HMn0ci May,
33kci July ttMiVOo, dosed 32c, sellers;
August, 32tJii;ic, closed 33e. U.its 'hlghor
nnifflrui. but very alowi No. 2 cash, 80o nikedi
July. itoXOaiHei August, 4IHo. , Kyiuliiweri
No. Jcash.flJe. llnrlnv entirely nsRlocted. Flax
seed nominal, tl 45. liagglng unchanged,
(lUSSko. Provisions dull. 1'nrk, 112 6C013 00.
Larii, initcher gradss, 16 9000 00.
MINNEAPOLIS-Recelpts nf whoat wero 182
cars; sbipmonts, 20 cars. The demand for No.
1 Northern was fairly good, coming principally
from local elevator companies, tn go to store,
Tho millers were picking np some wheat for
grinding but were generally not Inclined to do
BIOK UEAUACHEcUr,, ,, LTrnill.
BICK HEAUAOlIE.rj,,,,,,, Little Liver Pills.
BICK nEAUAOII;Cllrt,r,, Llttu Llrsr Pills.
BICK UBAUAOUBClrHr,i tltUi Uysr Pills.
much at the advance. No. 1 hard, as well ad
No. 3 Northern and grades below that, were
dull and moving oil slowlv. Closing quotations:
No. 1 hard. May, BlKc; Juno. 92Hc; July. 94c;
on track. 93c; No. 1 Northern, May. 91c; June.
92Wc: July, 93e bid: on track. 92Ke: No. 3
Northern, -May, 8c; Juno, 88c; July 90c; oa
track, 8389e.
CINCINNATI-FIour easier. Wheat quiet:
No. 2 red. 95c Corn easier; No. 2 mixed, 30
38c Oats steady; No. 2 mixed, 31Kc. Ryo
firm: No. 2.00c. PorkUll at 111 ilard qules
at Jo 95. Bulkmeats dull; short rib, J5 37K.
Bacon barely steady; short clear, 16 6o6 70.
Butter lower; One creamery, 18c; fine dairy. 8
10c Sugar quiet and easy. Eggs firm at 119
11K- Cheese firm.
MILWAUKEE-FIouraull. Wheat more act
ive and higher; No. 2 spnnjr. on track, cash, 90
093c; July, 9lc; No. I Northern, 9c Cora
quiet; No. 3. on track. 3535c Oats un
changed; No. 2 white, on track 2930c Rya
firm; No. 1, jn store, &3Vc Barley again higher;
No. 2, In store. 49c Provisions weak. Pork,
$12 50. Lard, 1630. Cheese steady; Cheddars,
TOLEDO Wheat dull and easier; cash. May
and June, 95c; July, 93Jc: August, 91J$c
Corn dull and easy; cash and May, 35c;
July, 30c. Oats quiet; cash. 30c Cloverseed.
steady and firm: cash, S3 60; October, H 10.
Wool Markets.
Philadelphia Wool stocks quiet: price"
steady; Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia
XX and above, 33034c; X 31033c; medium, 370;
3Sc; coarse, 34kg35Kc: New York. Michigan,
Indiana and Western fine, or X and XX, 28
31c; medium 37037Kc; coarse. 3435c; flno
washed delaine X and XX, 35037c; medium
washed combing and delaine, 40042c; coarse do,
3536c; Canada washed combing, 33035c; tub
washed, choice, 39040c: fair. 3703Sc:coarse, 32
3oc; medium unwashed combing and delaine, 28
30c; coarse do. 26028c; Montana, 17025c:
Territorial, 15022c .
Eostos Thera has been a fair demand for
wools dnring the past week and sales have)
amounted to 2L5fl7,000 pounds. Large sales of.
Australian woobi are reported, but domestiov
grades are quiet. Michigan X fleeces ara
quoted at 23330c, and sales at 2903Oc are re
ported. No. 2 combing wools firm &nd in small
stock, being held at 3940c; white Obio detains
sells at 35036c. and Michigan delaine at 34035c
Territory wools are quiet at 58060c for fine: 65
56c for fine medium, and 60052c for medium.
Texas and Oregon wools have been quiet. New
spring California has been selling at 17020c
Pulled wools active, with sales of choice super
at 40047c; common to good supers at 80038c,
and extra at 2530c In Australian wool there
bave been large sales at 37040c Carpet woohr
quiet and steady.
The Barden nn Italian Woman Carried 0
Her Head la Phllndclpbln.
Philadelphia Times.
On Chestnut street yesterday afternoon,
four Italian women crossed from the post-'
office corner toward "Walnut street, each.'
carrying on her head a pile of lumber that
an ordinary man could hardly lift, and soma
time after witnessed the way it was piled on
One woman was persuaded to stand on a pair
of platform scales, and It was found that
her weight with the load was 23S pound,
Blie weighed alone 120, so there remained for
her to carry through tho streets nearly her
owa weight.
Presents in the most elegant form
or THB
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it,
I k V ?F W 1 1 .V TL IVH,
Embroidery and Whlto Onods Department-
direct Importation from the best manufac
turers or nt. (lull. In Hwlss and Cambric Edg
ings, Klounclngs, Hkirt Widths and Allorers,
Jlsmstltcliad Kdglngs nnd Klounclngs, lluyerc
will find those goodsattractiYH both In ;nco
and noroltles of design. Full lines nf New
Liens and White floods. Ul'ilOIiTKUY DIC
PAUTMKNT llest makes Wlnduw Hhadesln
dado and plain or spring fixtures, I.aco Cur
tains, Portieres, Chenlllo Curtains, Poles and
llrass Trimmings; Klonr, Table and Hlalr Oil
Cloths In best makos, lowest prices for quality,
The largest rarletr from which to select.
Toll Ilu Is ordi, Chalon Cloths, Hath fleersuck
ers, Imperial Huttings. Heather A Ilenfrcw
Dress Ulnghams, Kino Zephyr Ginghams.
Wtaolosalo Exoluslvoly;
Hlmplrapnlr "Mwaynk's OlNTHrNT." No In-
irnal nipillolne rrnuirsu. curvi
f.'urvs tsttur. vezatnK-
irjrsipoias, all uusianiir 1
hsmis, nose, etc., Isarlnc
uuslahtlr eruntlons on tha
fsrr, hsnds, nose, etc., Isarlng tho skin clear,
white and healthr. Us great hrallngand curative
powers are uoiseseii ny no oilier remedy. Ask
Your nrugKisi lor swsissi uin rsissiT.
illlUKlSltia- VlFIANOfAI.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
Member Now York Htock Exchange, Stand
ard Oil Trust, Natural Uai Trust. Htock
bougbt and sold.
Btoeks, flondi, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
WBJXTii ST., PltUburg.