3v5?Frj?r3Wjpp twn:sjT' 3"t" " - frSfr"--- "i. F WWm TWO OF THEM GUILTY. A Terdict Reached in the Kichol son Postoffice Kobberj Case. LAKE EEIE LIBEL CASE BEGUN. An Attempt to Escheat the Dazlett tate to the Commonwealth. Es- BUilESODS ITEMS FROM THE CODETS The Nicholson Postoffice robbery case was concluded in the United States District Court, yesterday. Cornelius Smith, Esq., nttorney for the defense, finished his argu ment, and then Assistant District Attorney "Alcorn closed for the Government, in a com prehensive speech. Judge Acheson, in his charge to the jury, stated that the plea of guilty, entered by Thomas, should not be accepted as evidence of the guilt of Titman and Casterline; that Thomas being a confessed thief, his testi mony should be scrutinized closely, and it should be corroborated before weight could be attached to it. Iu the charge some of the testimony was quoted, showing that Casterline was in Nicholson the night of the robbery. ' The jury was then sent out, and returned at 2 o'clock. The Terdict found Casterline and Titman guilty. Attorney Smith immediately drew np a mo tion for a new trial, on the gronnds that the defendants are informed and believe that Charles Nichols and Aaron Bond, two material witnesses for the defense, were present in court during part of the trial, but were forced to return to their homes in Scranton by reason of threats made by the Government officers, of arresting them if they did not go. Several other reasons with reference to the nature of the testimony, and that the court erred, were embodied in "the motion. Judge Acheson granted the rule for the argu ment on the motion. The date has not jet been fixed. T.AVE TTBTT? CASE OH TBIAL. The First Day Fnt In In Wrangling, and Terr Little Done. The libel suit for $25,000 damages of John C. Henry against the Fittsbnrg and Lake Erie Railroad and Superintendent Holbrook of that road was began before Judge White yesterday morning. The plaintiff was formerly in the employ of the road as traveling passenger agent, but was discharged in February, 1SSS, it is claimed, by Superintendent Holbrook. Mr. Henry was represented by Sol. Schoyer. Br.. Sol. Schoyer, Jr. and W. B. Rodgers. Knox Reed and ColoDel W. A. Stone represented the defendants. A D. Smith testified that both he and. Mr. Henry were relieved from datv bv a letter from President John NewelL llr. Henry, the plaintiff, testified to his dnties until relieved on December 19, 1887, and finally dismissed in r eoruary, isss. H. C. Green, a New York newspaper man, formerly of The Dispatch, tenined to get ting matter for publication from Mr. Holbrook. George I. Reed, another New York reporter, was asked if he remembered the exact words of an interview written 2K years ago. Judge White made the startling statement that if teea could not do this his memory was very poor. , Mr. Henry testified to being put to many In dignities by reason of his discharge, and that he was pointed out on the street as one of the men Discharged "lor that Lake Erie affair." AS" IMPORTANT TEST CASE. The Right of Using n Car Conpler to be Set tled, tf Possible. The case of Ezra W. Miller as execntor of Ezra Miller, against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, operating the Erie and Pittsburg road, was taken up yesterday iu the United States Circuit Court. The suit is an action to recover damages for an alleged infringement of an Invention of car couplings, of which the deceased Ezra Miller was the inventor. The bill was filed in 1SSS. and alleges that the de fendants have been using the invention with out giving an equivalent for it. The case will be a test one. About $50 is claimed for the use of the invention on each of nine cars on the Erie road, and if the plaintiff wins, suit will be brought against all lines using the invention. The railroad company claims the couplings they use are those invented by Eli H.Janney,and thai the same coupling mas in use at the time the plaintiff hied his declaration. W. D. Pot ter and D. F. Patterson represent the plaintiff, and Wetmore and Jenner, of New York, the defendants. In opening the case it was stated that the Janney patent was invented In 1807, and that of the plaintiff at a later date, btepben Whipple and Michael Carstone were placed on the stand to explain to the jury the action of the coupling and the use of the Mil ler conpler. Court then adjourned until this morning. TEIALS OF TRANSGBESSOBS. Considerable Work Done Yesterday In the Criminal Conrr. In the Criminal Court yesterday Alex. John Smith, tried for an offense against morality, on oath of Mary Gall, a deaf and dumb girl, was fonnd not guilty and the costs divided! George Holmes was convicted of the larceny of some window glass. John Guntner pleaded guilty to the larceny of a lot of brasses from Paul Zimmerman. John Goldstein, to whom the brasses were sold, was convicted of receiv ing stolen property. Peter Diebold was found guilty of assault and battery on Mary McCable. George Bruckner was acquitted of the larceny of some horseradishes from Michael Scbrau. John McCann and John Devine were acquitted of larceny. Nolle prosses were allowed in the cases of George Jeremy and John Welsh, charged with assault and battery. Edward Mellon was acquitted of assault and battery. The jury is oat in the case of E. A. Woods, C J. Grab and P. McTighe, charged with en tering the building of A. Appel and stealing 12 cases of eggs. James Ross is on trial on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. TO ESCHEAT HAZLETTS ESTATE. Air Issue Awarded in the Alleged Lunatic Will Case. The snit of J. S. Robb, Jr., executor of Mary Mc. D. Hazlett and James E., John K. and G. W. Hazlett, ana Joseph and Burt Bush, against the Commonwealth is on trial before Jndge Slagle. The case is an issue contesting the will of Mrs. Hazlett, the object being to escheat the estate to the Commonwealth. Mrs. Hazlett was a lunatic and died without chil dren or collateral heirs. She had made two wills, the last or which left her property to the commissioners who had charge of her. Regis ter Conner refused to admit this will to pro bate. His ruling was sustained by the Or phans' Court and the Supreme Court. The first will made was then filed. It left the es tate to the relatives of Mrs. Hazlett's deceased husband. The Register admitted it to probate on the grounds that it had been made during a lucid interval. C. F. McKenna, Esq., appealed from the de cision of the Register. An issue to the Com mon Fleas Court for jury trial was awarded and was commenced yesterday. BELL WANTS HIS MOKES'. An Insano Soldier Objects to Ilia Sister Taking Everything. A B. Hay, Esq., yesterday filed a petition on behalf of Robert W. Bell, an old soldier, asking that the proceedings in lunacy against Bell be quashed and the committee discharged, and that a rule be issned on bis sister, Mrs. Susan . M. Rowe, to compel her to file an account. Bell ' Vas committed to Dixmont in 1SS3, and he re mained there six years U months. Mrs. Rowe was appointed his guardian, but, it Is said, never filed a bond. It is alleged that she has roceived over $1,200 pension monev and his monthy pension of $30 per month for seven years. Of this, Mr. Bell says, all he rcceined was S17 per month for his keeping in Dixmont. To-Day', Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Biggert vs Reed; same vs same; Mclntire vs McCandless; Kuhn ts Russell Manufacturing Company; Phillips vs City or Allegheny; Jamison vs Echols et al; Mc Corkle vs Mehaffey et al; borough of Verona ts Stroud; McKay vs McKay; Roenigk Bros, vs Holtzman; Butler et al ts Pittsburg and Birmingham Railway Company; Boffel. admin istrator, ts Iron and Glass Dollar Savings Bask Miller vs Pittsburg and Western RaUwaV Com pany. '.?mmon.-1,leaVNo-,.2-Sclmlz Pittsburg, 'McKeesport and Yonghiogheny Railroad Corn panv; Seavey ts Feilbach; Cain vs Taylor: Robb VS. Pittsbnnr. Allephenv and fn-h .., t- k senger Rail ay Company; Bigger vs Varneret .Criminal Court Commonwealth vs W. Bllle- W) ZV' """! llulIBHirai .Ear. Mnnarr iinaais ihmi vuBiit t t if. Zimmerman, Adam Geier, Thomas Francis, Maggie Neale, E. S. Newlin, 8. R. Hite, Ange lina Harris. Samuel Clemcloski, H. K. Logan, P. J. McVelia, Mary Miller. Mary Hawkins. B. Voelker, W. Gant, Henry Kunx, ThomasWil son, 5; Ann Wilson, 7; George Fedor, Y. U. White, Mary Hermann. Peter Dahr. Notes From the Courts. John Ackuls yesterday received a verdict for $30 67 In his suit against the executors of W. S. Jackson, an action on an account. Ik the suit of A Stehle against M. L. Malone. an action on a contract for masonry work, a verdict was given yesterday for $175 for the plaintiff. A non-stjit was taken by the plaintiff yes terday in the case of Thomas Stack against the Edith Furnace Company, a suit for damages for injuries received in the mill. Thk suit of the Allegheny National Bank against the Keystone Coal Company, an action on notes given in payment for bonus issned by the defendants, is still on trial before Judge Collier. A Bomehold Remedy. There is no medicine so often needed in every home, and so admirably adapted to tbe purposes for which it is required, as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Hardly a week passes but some member of the family has need for it for some injury or ailment for which it is nnequaled. A toothache or headache may be cured by it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. The se vere pain of a burn or scaid promptly re- lieved and the sore fleaiea in imucn less time than when medicine has to be sent for. sore healed in much less A sprain may be promptly treated before inflammation sets in, wnica insures a cure in about one-third of the time otherwise re quired. Cuts and bruises should receive immediate treatment before the parts be come swollen, which can only be done when Pain Balm is kept at hand. A sore throat may be cured beiore it becomes serious. A frost bite or chilblain cured and their unpleas antness avoided. A troublesome corn may be removed by applying it twice a day for a week or two. Quinsey and gland ular swellings may be suppressed before matter has begun to form in them. Boils are oiten the result of an injury and may be prevented by timely treatment. A lame back may be cured and several days of val uable time saved. A pain in the side or chest relieved without paying a doctor bill. When so much pain and suffering. may be saved by the trivial outlay ol 0 cents, it is certainly surprising that any family would do without such a remedy. The fact is, few ot those who have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm are willing to be without it. For sale by E. G. Stuckv, 1701 and 2401 Penn ave.; IS. G. Stucky & Co., cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton st,; Markell Bros., cor. Penu and Faulkston aves.; Theo. E. Ihrig, 3610 Filth ave.; Carl Hartwig, 4016 Butler st; John C. Smith, cor. Penn ave. and Main St.; Jas. L. McConnel & Co., 455 Fifth ave., Pittsburg: and in Allegheny by E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal St.; Thos. R. Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; F. H. Eggers, 172 Ohio St., and F. H. Eggers & Son, 199 Ohio st. and 11 Smith field st. TVSU ETERETT PIANO CLUB ANNOUNCEMENT CertiScnte No. 323, Held by C. Lu Woods, of Sewickley,'is en titled to the piano this week on payments of SI per week. Do you want a fine piano? If you do, the Everett Club or Co-operative System offers the following inducements, if you wish to pay cash. By becoming a member you will save $75 in the price of the piano and get it at once. If you cannot spare the cash, you can get your piano any time on payment of $25 cash and 2 CO per week, no interest,and still save $75 in the price. If you cannot pay so fast, by waiting until your number is drawn you will get your piano on pay ments of $1 per week, no interest, and save $75 in the regular price to our retail trade. Think of this! Our club is composed of 350 members, each paying $1 per week. Thus you see tbe members are buying for cash, and one piano is delivered to the member whose number is drawn each week until all are supplied; or, if one half of the members take their pianos and pay $2 50 per week, we deliver twice the number, and get double the amount of cash each week,aud it leaves only one-half the number to be drawn on tbe $1 weekly payments. It is a simple business problem. We are saving our members the difference in price by contracting for 350 pianos at one time, and on a cash basis. We have now enough members to guarantee the success of this plan, and are delivering pianos as fast as our wagons can haul them. Do not wait, but apply for membership be fore it is too late. Call and see the piano, or send for circular. Alex. Boss, Manager, ,; sntr 137 Federal street, Allegheny.Pa. Resolutions of Respect. At a regnlar meeting of Wilkinsburg Lodge No. 384, Knights of Pythias, of Pennsylvania, held May 1, the following resolutions were adopted: "Wheeeas, It has pleased the Creator and Buler of the universe to remove from our midst our beloved friend and brother, Wayne J. Wingenroth, we offer this as a tribute to his memory. Resolved, That while bowing in submis sion to the will of the Divine Master we feel the loss to our lodge of a member true and faithful. Although he is called from us, his example of fidelity will remain with us. Besolved, That we perpetuate his mem ory by following in his footsteps; that we emulate his examnle of truth honest n- briety and industry so that when we are called to lay aside the cares of this life we will stand with those to whom it will be said, well done, thou good and faithful ser vant. Besolved, That we extend to his bereaved family our heartfelt sympathies in their af flictions, and trust that He who guides and controls the actions of every heart will re member them in His mercy and remove all obstacles from their pathway through life. Besolved, That we greatly mourn the loss of our brother, but are consoled by the con sciousness that our loss is his enternal gain. Besolved, That the Keeper of Becord and Seal place these resolutions upon the rec ords otour lodge and a copy of the same be sent to the family of our deceased brother and be published in the Pittsburg Dispatch, Pittsburg Press and the Wilkinsburg Call and Herald. ( W. F. Youngk. Committee W. S. Bookwaiteb, LChas. J. Winder. A Glorious Success Yesterday. Our summer millinery displav. All who came were delighted. Don't fail to see the handsomest millinery ever seen in this city to-day and to-morrow. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Gentlemen' Hosiery. French lisle C. G. split feet in black, tans, modes and French bines. Silk in new tans at 50c A. G. Campbell & Sons, 27 Fifth ave. Importers Say Linens Will Advance If the McKinley tariff bill passes. People who buy our linen bargains won't care much, provided they buy largelv enough. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avuenue Stores. Bargains In Cloth Capes. 800 fine cloth capes at nearly half of last week s prices. Examine 'those at $1 25. $195, $3 45, $3 65, $3 95, $4 45. B.OSENBATJM & CO. High Tariff Yet Low Prices on Linens. "Washington advices say the linen tariff will probably be advanced. Take time by tne forelock and lay in a good supply from our great bargains in the largest linen de partment. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Peun Avenue Stores. A S3 00 8x10 Photograph Free Of yourself or children with every dozen of cabinets at Hendricks & Co.'s, No. 68 Fed eral st, Allegheny, every day this week. Good cabinets $1 a dozen. Life-size cravon only3. , , Being your photos to be copied to Elec tric Portrait Company, 10 and 12 Sixth St.: crayons, water colors, etc.'; -best iwork; .?- v ', ,.t.fiiWtt; THE SUMMER STYLES IN MILLINERY. Jos. Home & Co.' First Summer Opening or Ilnli, Bonnets, Etc Messrs. Jos. Home & Co.'s first opening of summer millinery is, as usual, a triumph in the way of unique and beautiful dis plays. A mere glahce at the lovely creations scattered about the little bower is sufficient to foreshadow the entire scope of coloring and design for summer headwear. You see that flower hats are by no means shelved; that birds and butterflies will once more flutter on the crowns, and that new and strange materials as well as designs are ont. The snake bonnet, for instance, the latest Eastern craze. It consistsof a black beaded serpent wound twice about the head, its crest, garnet-eyed, rearing over the brow, and thejet tail tossed up from the center of a black beaded net crown. A black velvet butterfly is set in front. A twisted leghorn brim is covered with Chantilly lace, form ing a shade in front, the crown opening overlaid bv a branch of blush roses. An entirely new idea is a Spanish bat of Tuscan straw trimmed with hummingbirds and cowslips, and with a lace mantilla attached at the back, to be worn draped over face and shoulders. A pretty round-rimmed Gains borough trimmed with white plumes and tight bows of corn-colored gros grain ribbon, and a bunch of daisies nestling under the brim in front, has a lovely adjunct in a boa, composed ot a couple of yards of daisy a vn;tll the neckp,ece formed of white T ..,:!,' 1nm, a !,:. mt rihhon. ostrich illumes and white velvet ribbon Dotted net and crepe de chene is the ma terial of many. A pretty traveling hat of the latter, white with big black velvet dots, is crowned with black asters and upright bows. Anbergne, the new violet tint, is the shade of the roses that cover a big sun hat of Irish point lace over a pink tulle frame; and a toque with capote front, and lace butterflies at the back. Among quaint ideas, one leghorn has a crown ot ten ostrich plumes and an immense Alsatian bow of white striped gauze ribbon; a black lace hat has a crown of 14 tips and a tall ostrich pompon at back; a black Point d'Esprit net toane has a torsade of jet studded with turquoises; one toque is entirely of white horse hair net, with two small crush yellow roses in front, another almost en tirely of roots and twigs. Madame Tossee is represented by a long toque with pointed back, top of mechlin lace, sides of filigree, and Aubergne roses lor a brim; Madame Ettie, by a lovely creation in French gray, with crepe de chene crown covered by Per sian passementerie and a flat bow pointing lorward. A hat that certainly deserves mention is of Gobelin blue Tuscan, made in whorls, and crowned with black Chantilly lace, and with a wreath of Gobelin blue birds. This is only a few of the beauties of the opening, but lack of space omits many de serving enthusiastic mention. 50 doz. fine suede SI 50 mosquetaires, black or tans, this week at $1 15, at Bosen baum & Co.'s. 100 Pieces More Of those fine French satines (35c quality), selling here by thousands of yards at 15c a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Infants' Handmade Caps. Two special values in Frenoh made goods at 25c and 40c Very attractive line of children's corded hats, white and colors at low prices. A. G. Campbell & Sons. 27 Fifth ave. Fine cloth capes at half price and less, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. wrs MEETINGS. OFFICK of The Bridgewater Gas Company. Rochester, Pa.. April 16, 1890. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of this company will be held at the office. Rochester, Pa., on THURSDAY, June 19, 1890, at 3 o'clock p. Jr., to vote for or against a proposition to reduce the capital stock. The amount of the proposed rednction is 7,084 shares, having a valne at par of $708,400. F. L. STEPHENSON. Secretary. apl83-srws NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT a meeting of the stockholders of tbe Keystone Construction Co., held at tbe com pany's office in Pittsburg, Dec 2T. lSS9,it was resolved to dissolve tbe corporation and the President and Board of Directors were directed to take all legal steps necessary and proper to dissolve this corporation and wind np Its busi ness. GEO. H. CLAPP, President. Attest: H. C. McJILTON, Secretary. PrrrSBOBO. Pa.. April 15. 1891 ap23-S4-w LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF WILLIAM N. MARSHALL, deceased, late ot Allesheny City, Pa. Let ters of administration upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the under signed, all debts and claims must be presented and settled with him. ROBERT MARSHALL No. 135 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. (Office of A. M. Brown, Esq.) aplG-40-w Office of SAMUEL A AMMON. Attorney at Law, 117 Diamond street. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J( letters testamentary on the estate of John Germrotb. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. CHARLES BRUBACH. Executor, 138 South Fifteenth street, Pittsburg. ap2354-W AUCTION SALES. GEO. M. GUTHRIE. Attorney, 100 Diamond st, Pittsburg. EXECUTOR'S SALE-DESIRABLE MAN UFACTURING site situated on the west side of the Monongahela river, at Jones station, on the P. V. & G. R. R., containing 20 acres, more or less, having a frontage of 1,500 feet on the river, and extending back an average depth of 650 feet to tbe P. V. fc C. R. R.. on which it fronts abont 1,400 feet. This propertv is about K mile above W. Elizabeth. It has a good land ing. The new gas line of the Philadelphia Co. to Belle Vernon passes within J milo from it. and there are several large coal works in the immediate vicinity, to be sold at public sale on the premises, on WEDNESDAY. May 23, 1890, at 1 P. M. Trains for Jones station leave Union depot at 10:40 A. H. J. W.SNEE. Executor of Samson StUley, Broughton. Alle gheny county. Pa. my843-wa PAWNBROKERS' AUCTION SALE OF UHREDEEMED PLEDGES, Commeniiins SATURDAY, May 17, at 10 A. it., consisting in part of clothing, jewelry, gold and silver watches, diamonds, etc; all goods warranted as represented, and will be sold with out reserve. UNCLE SAM'S PAWN OFFICE, 202 Market street. J. A ROBINSON, AUct myl4-3o KE'sOUTS. 31HE ARGYLE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Ocean end of Connecticut ave. Now open, ull view of ocean. S. W. FERGUSON. aDl2-49-MWFSU THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC" C1TY. On the beach. North Carolina ave.; uuob structed ocean view; salt water baths In the house; elevator; now open. fe9-114-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. SOTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY. N. J. Accommodates 300 gnests; open all the year, omnibus and -ea water baths freo to guests; the finest summer and winter resort on the coast: house within 60 feet of the surf. mh4-80-D " JAMES & 8TEFFNEK. mHE ARLINGTON, J. OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Accommodations and appointments first class. Services the best. Accommodates 350. Will open May L 189a mhS30-P WM. P. DOLBEY. Prop. T)EDFORD SPRINGS, BEDFORD, PENNA Unsurpassed for health or pleasure. Opens June 12. L. B. DOTY, Manager. myl-69 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Cresson Springs. On the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. WD1 open JUNE 25. For circulars and infor mation address WM. R. DUNHAM. Superintendent, myl-63 Cresson. Cambria Co.. Pa. DK. W.ii.DALY Has removed bis office to MAEDER BUILDING, 135 FTFTH AVENUE, (Fourth floor elevator.) Hours 10:301. M. to 1 P. 1L, except Sundays. apz-wrrsn' PITTSBURG - DISPATCH, Xf Display advertisements one dollar per tguare. or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTH SIDE HAS BEEN REMOVED TO NO. 1411 CAKSON STREET. ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUBSCRIP TIONS CAN BE LEFT THERE BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAL SOUTHSDJE ISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATUEDAY. BRANCH OFFICES ARE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, AT ALL OF WHICH WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISE MENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. if. FOR INSERTION NEXT MORNING: Advertisement) are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tax DIS- PAICU. rrrTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Bntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave, E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and KnltonsU N. STOK.KLY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EABT END. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKULXD. MCALLISTER ft SHElBLER,SthaT. ft AtTTOOdBfc somnsiDX. f JACOB SPOHN, No.SCarson street. ' ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 89 Federal street. H. J. McBRlDE. Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. P. H. EGGERS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut stJ. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and Inrtn aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania snd Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves, T. B. MORRIS, 636 treble ave. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCK.ER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. SHARPSBURG. C BELLMAN, Stationer, 818 Main st. ADVERTISERS, PLEASE NOTICE! THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH HAS BEEN REMOVED tO CORNER SMITHFIELD AND Diamond Streets. WANTED. Male Heln. VITANTED DRIVER FOR FURNITURE V -waon: must be experience!. MCEUVEEN, 434 Smlthfleld st. my 1 4-73 "TTAN TED-FIRST - CLASS BARBER AT W once. H. P. DERRITT, 89 Franklin St.. Johnstown, Pa. myl4-j7 WANTED-TWO ELEVATOR BOYS. APPLY at HOTEL DUQUESNE, between 8 and 9 A. M. to-morrow. myl4-83 WANTED-WAGON WOODWORKER. AP PLY 67 to 69 Ridge avenue, Allegheny, PETER BLATT. myl4-80 WANTED-AMAN FORGENERALHOUSK WORK; also bell boy. Inquire at ST. CHARLES HOTEL. myl4-5 -TTTANTED PHOTOGRAPHER: MUST BE VV first-class printer. Apply at once at 82 OHIO ST.. Allegheny. myl4-87 TTTANTED A FIRST-CLASS HARNKSS- V MAKER. Apply to ADOLPH RICHTER. 45 Main St.. West End myl4-45 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BOOK TRESS MAN. THE WERNER PRINTING AND LITHO. CO., Akron, O. mylS-Sl WANTED-SINGLE MAN TO GARDEN AND care for live stock: must have experience. Apply at 907 LIBERTY ST. myl4-58 ANTED-2 OB MORE COATMAKEKS AT once! first-class workman only. Address J. L. LOCKHART. Washington, Pa. myI4-l WANTED-F1RST-CLASS COAT MAKERS to work on fine coats. Apply JAS. DICK SON. 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st., second floor, my2-D - ' WANTED A BARBER OR A BOY WITH some experience. Apply at LOUIS BAL STER'S, 66 Lowrle St., Troy Hill, Allegheny. myl4-100 WANTED-PHOTOGKAPH PRINTEK. AP PLY at J. H. TRUXELL'S, 125 Firth ave. my 14-63 WANTED A GOOD WHITE BARBER (single man): wages f7 CO a week and board. Apply M. F. RAYBURN, Homestead, Pa. mjH-35 WANTED-TWO CLERKS FOR GROCERY; must be able to speak German and have ex perience in the buslneis. Inquire at 3354 PENN AVIUIUE. myi9-&i WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILORS TO work on altering and repairing. Apply JAS. DICKSON, 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood St., ecouu noor. my2-D VT7-ANTED-CITY AND COUNTRY AGENTS: VV cash register: lust out. AMERICAN CASH REGISTER CO.. 627 Smlthfleld St., upstairs. Ap ply for territory. myl4-63 WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL OUR goods to manufacturers; no competition: experience unnecessary; big wages certain. RAU MFG. CO., Chicago, Hi. ap28-30-Mwr WANTED-DRUG CLERK COMPETENT TO take charge; give reference and state sal ary expected. Address STEPHENSON'S MODEL PHARMACY, Greensburg, Pa. inyl3-17-wsu TTTANTED-COOPERS AND TANK BU1LD- V ERS; steady work for good barrel coopers and tank builders. Apply to H. J. HEINZ CO.. No. as Main St., Allegheny City, Pa. mylO-K WANTED-STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE WRITER: a young man with experience, to attend to correspondence, etc.. In office or Iron works. Address C. D., Dispatch office. myl4-64 WANTED A GOOD BLACKSMITH THAT can work at tbe are, and one helper that can also shoe horses. Call at GKOKGEDILLIG'S, No. 1 Lincoln ave., Bennett station. Pa. my3-10 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED NIGHT clerk for first class hotel: none need apply but can come well recommended and understands the business. Address K. Dispatch office. myl4-6 WANTED-ATONCE, AN AMERICAN GEN TLEMAN for a permanent position; need not be experienced, but must have a good record. Apply to H. A. SCHROEDER, No. 5 Seventh ave. my!4-59 WANTED-THREEORFOUR FIRST-CLASS machinists U6ed to fine, light work: none but competent men need apply, to R. D. NUTTALL Jfc CO, Grant ave. and uoquei ., Liiegncny City. mylS-53 WANTED-TWO GOOD DIE SETTERS FOB cutting room; good wages and steady work with chance for advancement to proper parties. THE HOTCHKISS BOLT NUT CO., Greens burg. myl4-48 WANTED-AGENTS-SEND ME YOUR AD DRESS: I have something new to offer you where fl an honr can easllr be made; write at once: sample free. Address J. C. CRAM, Wells burg, W. Va. Box 283. myl4-91 WANTED-SALESMAN TO SELL LINE OF established goods to manufacturers in city and neighborhood; one having' experience as salesman preferred; integrity and ability appre ciated. Address SALESMAN, Dispatch office. myl4-08 WANTED-AGENTS SHOULD WRITE FOR Illustrated circular and terms for two weeks' trial of Missouri washer; washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam wlthoutrnbblng: easily sold; profitable. J. WORTH, 64 Beekman st, New York City. nolO-94-wssu TTJ-ANTED-SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH T salarv and expenses, to sell a line of sllTer- platedware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Smlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD blLVERWAKE CO.. Boston, Mass. ,se24-90-D WANTED-AMBITIOUS. RELIABLE MAN, one each with headquarters Pittsburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Philadelphia. Pa., andsteuben ville, O.. to personallv work life Insurance; highest security; lowest cost; best terms; Investi gate. Address A. D. ENSIGN, 312 Opera House, Chicago, I1L myl4-93-WS TTTANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTHEPINLESS YV Clothes Line: patent recently Issued; it holds the clothes without pins: they do not freeze to it and cannot blow off: sample line sent by mall 60c; 60-foot line by mall 1 25. For circulars, price list and terms address THE PINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., UUermonst., Worcester, Mass. ap5-tl-W8 TTTANTED-MAN-'AS AGENT OF OUR VV patent safes; size 23x18x18 inches. (35 re tail: all sires as low: new styles; new patterns; new lock: new factory: not governed by safe pool; every saf warranted; rare chance: permanent business; our terms and catalogue will convince you agents clear (300 to (500 per month; write for exclusive territory. ALPINE SAFE CO.. Cincin nati, O ap23-63-ws Female HMD. WANTED-GOOD COOK FOR SMALL FAM ILY in East End: will pay (4 per week to competent person. Apply 6218 PENN AVENUE. myl3-63 WANTED-A GOOD TIDY HOUSEKEEPER ror small family. No children. Call on or address MR. CAHILL MILLINER, No. 21 Slxtn st. , myl4-2 WANTED-F1VE GOOD TRIMMERS. APPLY at whoIesale.ml)llnery house or REN WICK. ELLIS it CO., 628 and 630 Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. ' myl3-99 WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: 40 minutes' ride -from West Penn denote Coma -to iff k'Piir.HAL ST.". Aire. i-uKn.'Dtiweeaiana&oa.weaceiaay.fcnijit-ia "WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, WANTED. Female Help. "TrrANTED-FEMALE COOK. INQUIRE NO. .15 ANIl -a VIIANKSTOWN AVE., E. E. myl3-67 WANTED-EXFERIENCED WAIST MAKER and also apprentice: Apply at SOI THIRD AVE., city. myl4-7 TTJANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HO US E V V WORK: must be able to wait on tbe table. Call at 64 WATER STREET. myl4-79 WANTED-12 GIRLS TO SEW CARPETS; only those wllh experience ueed anpiy. E. GllOETZINGER, 617 and 629 Penn ave. myl4-70 WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL work: no small children Inthehonse; honse cleanlng done. Apply 117 CARSON ST., S. S. myI4-8S TTTANTED - GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL W housework: three In family. Apply to MRS. WOODWARD, 24 Sedgwick St., Allegheny City. myI3-50 Blale and Female Ilelp. ' WANTED-CARRIAGE DRIVER. BUTLER, man for hotel, farm hands, gardeners, cooks, chambermaids, house girls, 20 girls for hotels and summer resorts: woman cook 810 perweek. MEG HAN'S. 545 Grant st. ' myi:-D Situations. WANTED-POSITION BY A COMPETENT stenographer; can also act as confidential clerk or collector: unquestionable references. Address CAPABLE, Dispatch ofllce. my!4-83 TTANTED-EMFLOYMENT BY INTELLI W GENT, strictly temperate man, at time keeping, car, ore or metal-weighing, or anv work suiting a war cripple. Address B. R. P.. il Fifth ave., McKeesport, Pa. myl4-62-W66u Boarding:. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN. FUR NISHED room and board in a private family: Harelwood or Oakland preferred: refer ences exchanged. Address, with terms. H. N., Dispatch office. myl4-46 Flnnnclrt. TTTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON VV ERTY; 4K to 6 per cent; no delay. NETT & MEREDITH, 102 Fourth ave. apIS-99-ws FROP-HAM- T7-ANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OR V V Allegheny county property at lowest rates. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., KFourth avenue. mhJ-D WANTF.D-MORTUAGES IN LARGE AND small amounts at lowest rates. MA CRUM CUBBAGE, Room 34 Fidelity Bnllding, 121 Fourth ave. fel9-61 WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4fc per cent, free oftax: also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent, BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-r TTTANTED MORTGAGES WE HAVE YV money to loan in large or small amounts on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. LEE, BARNETT & CHAPLIN, 313 Wood st. mylO-25-MWS WANTED MORTGAGES-S1, 000, 000TO LOAN . 2 city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, ana on larms in Auegnenyana acja- cent counties at 6 per cent. A. JU. fAJIJIUUA A suit, if r onrin avenue. ap7-fll WANTED-TO LOAN 13)0.000 ON MORT GAGES; tlOO and npward at 6 per cent; (500, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also in adiolning counties. S. H. FRENCH. 13 Fourth avenue. oc2-4-D WANTED-C1T YMORTGAGES ON REAL ES TATE in large or small amonnts; money ready when title Is all right: no delay; reason able charges. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Ofllce open evenings. Telephone 6514. Ja4-71-ws WANTED-CITY AND ALLEGHENY COUN TY Teal estate of all kinds to sell; reason able charges; property advertised free of charge; no sale, no charges: have plentv of purchasers. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler. Tjfflce open evenings. Telephone S514. a4-7I-WS TTTANTED-TO SELL 15 SHARES OF AR YV MEN I A Insurance Co.'s stock: since IS74 have received cash., dividends on said stock amounting to (1,800: necessity compels the owner to sell, but will not take less than par (1,500). Ad dress J. S., Dispatch office. myl3-66 WANTED-TO SUPPLY CAPITAL-MANUFACTURING establishments desirous of increasing facilities can secure requisite capital by applying to W. H. BARCLAY-, U. S. Pension Agent, this citv. Examination must be satisfac tory; communications confidential. my4-12-wssa Miscellaneous. TTTANTED-TO BUY A SECOND-HAND TV cylinder printing press: state size and lowest price. Address CYLINDER PRINTING PRESS, Dispatch office. myl4-8 WANTED -PARTIES WISHING TO HAVE signs painted, in large or small quantities, to call on or address PA STOR1US SIGN WORKS, 119 Fifth ave., cor. Smlthfleld st. myG-Mwr WANTED-BILLIARD AND POOL TABLE a good, second-hand combination table with balls, cues, etc. Address, stating quality, condition and price asked, E. C., Dispatch office, my!4-95 WANTED-EVERY LADY TO CALL AND get a perfect fitting pattern cut to order by P. C. Perkins1 system and taught: "see the best dress form in the city. At the light running NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE OFFICE; 19 sixth street. myiwiwr WANTED-ALL TO USE JONES' MAGIC Boach Powder; contains no poison: roaches banished by contract: satisfaction given or no pay. Prepared by GEO. W. JONES. 222 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. Sold by all first-class drug glBts. Telephone No. 3332. my2-42-Mwr FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Citv Residences. FOR SALE-ONLY 11,350, ON SPRING ALLEY, near Seventeenth St., two brick houses ana lot 24x30; terms to suit purchaser. See '1HOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butlerjst. mylo-85-wsen TJIOR SALE-PRICE S3.300-OVERH1LL ST., J? bet. Kobe and Reed:nearlv new 2-storr brick uweuing; 4 rooms; moaern improvements; terms easy. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. myll-80 FOR SALE-FORBES AVE., NEARMILTEN BERGER, a very neat 2-story brick dwelling. 5 rooms, fin. attic, batb. etc. ; complete In every detail: lot 20x60. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st. myll-80 FOR BALE-FINE WASHINGTON STREET property; new two-story mansard, pressed brick: elxht rooms; all modern conveniences; three new three-story bricks in rear: good big lot; decided bargain. BAXTER, THOMPSON &, CO., 162 Fourth ave. myH-99-Mwi? FOR SALE-6,100-COR. FORTY-SEVENTH and Plummer sts.. Seventeenth ward, lot 47x100, with frame dwelling and business house of seven rooms and attic; No. 1 location tor any kind of business; terms, one-half cash, bal. to suit: will sell vacant lot 22x100 for SL80O, at terms tos-it. Particulars of THOS. W. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. mylO-85-wssu FOR SALE-H500-ON WYLIE AVE. CABLE line, 8 minutes' ride from the Court House; elegant new brick dwelling. 8 rooms. halL vesti bule, double parlors, batb, Inside w.c., laundry with stationary tubs. Inside shutters, both gases, slate mantels, all conveniences; lot 24x100; first-class neighborhood; possession given at once; a great bargain. COOPER & PErTY, 107 Fourth ave. my7-93-WT F building. Main street, close to Penn ave. cable line: a perfect borne in every particular and will bear close Inspection; 3-story brick. 9 rooms, bath and laundry. Inside w.c. and other modern improvements; beautiful lawn and garden; lot 35 X110 to alley. Further particulars from J. C. BEILLY. 77 Diamond St. myll-80 Ertsr nd Renldences. FOR 8ALE-H500-FBAME HOUSE SEVEN rooms; bays, porches ana lot 43x135, on a 60 loot street In Twenty-first ward; terms to suit. MELLON BROTHERS.'6349 Station St., E. E. myll-172-nwr FOR SALE-S5.0OO MEYRAN AVE.. OAK LAND, 2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 7 rooms, halL vestibule, bath, range, laundry, porches, etc. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. P32- myll-155 FOR SALE-S3.500-A NEW FRAME HOUSE in Oakland on line of new electric road; seven rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range, slate man tels, etc ; a big bargain. D 61 BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-157 F iOR SALE ON RURAL. NEAR EUCLID ave.. E. E.. a handsome Uueen Anne frame nouse oi six rooms, attic uaii. oam auu uiuueru conveniences; lot&xtso ft.: price only (4,600. 1. rM.PENNOCKiSON, 147 Fourth ave. mylO-69-HWS FOR SALE (8.000, OAKLAND HOUSE close Jo traction line on paved itreet, 2-story and mansard, new brick dwelling. 9 rooms, hall and vestibule, batb, range, laundry, etc. house beauti fully papered, elegant chande lers and gas fixtures, handsome French plate mirrors In parlor and library, wood walks, nice lot. BLACK BAIRD, 5 Fourth ave.Dll iuyll-156 Allesheny ReMdenrcs. FOR BALE-FOK (5,600 HOUSE . EIGHT rooms, hall, both gases, batb. range, etc., on Boyle St.. lot 20x80 ft. A. D. WILSON. 5J Federal, All'y. mylo-3-MWT' OR SLE-PARK RESIDENCE, ON SHER MAN ave.: house 10 rooms; possession in 90 days. For particulars see 13. WILSON, 55 t eaerai st., Aiiegneny. myi-au-Tn FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY, SECOND WARD, lot 40x110, with two 2-story dwellings: our price on this for quick sale below market value, BAXTER, THOMPSON 4 CO., 162 Fourth ave. myll-99-MWP FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND attic; lot 25x130 feet; located on BnenaVis:a st. to Perrysvllle avenue, on Electric line: price only (3,500. BECKFELD & BRACKEN, 61 Ohio St., Allegheny. myl4-66 FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE. 8 BOOMS AND attic, bath-room and w. c, on Monterey St., Allegheny; lot 21xl08 feet, on line of P. v. Elec tric roan, near to park. BECKFELD & BRACKEN, 61 Ohio St., Allegheny. myl4-66 FOR SALE ALLEGHENY L ACOCK ST. and Isabella court, two two-story brick stores with dwellings, one or seven and the other four rooms, water, gas, etc.; lot 45x64 ft.: price low: a good Investment. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, So. 147 Fourth ave. mylO-59-MWB T7KJR A? maj SALE-ONE Z-STOSY BRICK AND mansard. Keaaea at.. AlIevhpnT. near narks: 9 rooms, bath and wash room, hot and cold water; also frame house In rear, 6-rooms and finished attic; lot 20x110 to a wide alley. Particulars from J. B. LARK1N & CO., 152 Flftn ave. myl4-I7 FORSALE ALLEGHENY. LOCUST STREET, a good two-story brick house of eight rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, both kinds gas, range and modern conveniences:' lot 24X130 ft. : pleasant loca tion: price reasonable: terms easv. 1: u. ir.N. KOCK, & son," N a. 147 Fourth ave. ayiiMB-Mws ' I 1890.' FOR SALE IMPROVED KEAL ESTATE- Suburban Residences. POB SALE-AT BRADDOCK SIX TWO STORY frame houses or six rooms each, nat ural gas, etc.; lot 120X1J0 feet: a corner property; nice location: will sell at a bargain. I. M. 1 EN- NOCK & SON, No. 147 Fourth ave. my9-59-MWS 7' OR SALE A CHOICE HOME: SHORT J.' a drive from Wllklnsbnrir or Turtle CreekrP. B. K. ; 40 acres; new house and barn; rich soil; land all tillable: voung orchard; fine springs. ED. W1TT13H, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. my!4-D FOR SALE-$5,200-NO. GRAST AVENUE. Mlllvale borough: lot 22x125: new two-story and mansard frame business bouse and dwelling; finished in best of style: containing ball, store, bath and 8 rooms; good stable on rear of lot; best location in the borough for any kind of business; terms H cash, bal. to suit See THOS. MCCAFF REY, 3509 Butler st. mylP-85-WBsa TTOR SALE ON MAIN ST.. CHAKTIERS. JJ 1 hemtllul location, lot 50x100. with new doable tueen Anne aweumg or nan, six rooms anaun lshed attic In each; porches front and rear: houses finished In latest modern style; beautiful lawn, etc. : price for both. $6,250; will sell one house and lot, 25x100. for S3.200; very easy payments. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Telephone 5314. Office open evenings. mvlO-85-WSSu TTIOR SALE-SW1SSVALE. V. R. R., FINE SJ 1 residence, ten large rooms and reception hall. hath. nat. eras, eltv watpr. plpp.trlp. llcrhts. norches. slate roof, laundry; also, stable and carriage house; VA acres of level ground covered with choice young rrult trees; present owner has spent about S1.200 la the past year in improvements making this a first-class property. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mylO-40-MWS FOR SALE-12 ACRES. GARDEN LAND, with fine large residence on Washington Turnpike, near the city; 12 rooms in residence, bath, natural gas and all other modern require ments and In prime order: large orchard; dense growth of giape vines, shrubbery, small fruits, etc.; copious Sow of water; a beautiful place thoroughly country, and quite close to tne city; ifc rare Dargain. jas. w. uxuLifi u Fourth ave.; Pittsburg. mylO-57-MWS FOR SALE-QUAKER VALLEY, OR SEWICK LEY A handsome residence of 12 rooms, fin ished in hard wood, bathrooms, laundry, good water in abundance, natural and artificial gas, complete sewerage, asphaltum driveways and sidewalks; 4K acres of beautlml grounds with fine sloping lawns In perfect condition, fruit and shade trees: high ground, with sdendla view or surrounding country; choicest neighborhood. On account of owner Uvlnjr. In California the property will be sold tl0,o00 below what It cost. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. myl-83 FOR SALE L.OTS. CUT tiO FOBSALE-ON VERA ST.. THIRTEENTH ward -Lot 20x91 feet; price S500. LM. PEN NOCK ft SON. No. 147 Fourth ave. mylO-59-MWS East End Lots. FORSALE-LOT 24x120 ON A 60 FOOT STREET In Twenty-first ward: handy to R. B.; price IjOO. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station it..Ti. myll-172-MWP FOR SALE - ON MADISON AVE.. THIR TEENTH ward, a nice lot, 30x121 ft.; price 750. I. if. PENNOOKJt SON .No.147 Fourth ave. mylO-59-uws FOR SALE-LOTS 41x110 ON 50-FOOT STREET, Nineteenth ward: handy tolP. R. K. and cable lines. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. myll-172-MWF TfOR SALE-CORNER LOT IN BAUM GROVE X plan for 12,300: street sewered, curbed and nag stone sidewalks: can you duplicate this.' BAXTER THOMPSON CO., 163 Fourth ave. mvll-99-JIWT . FOR SALE-OAKLAND AVE.-A BEAUTI FUL building lot. 50x110 feet: street paved and flagstone sidewalk; also, sewer privilege to Atwood St. BLACK & 'BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-15S FOB SALE-FOUR AND ONE-HALF ACRES of well-lying ground on Saline avenue.. Twenty-second ward, with brick honse of S rooms; only 13,500; terms easy. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. my2-l -2, 6. 10. It FOR SALE-A CHANCE FOHSPECULATORS land for sale in blocks of 5, 10 or 15 acres in tbe Eighteenth ward, Pittsburg, already divided into lots: beautiful situation. Inquire of CHAS. E. CORNELIUS. 406 Grant St., orN. P. SAW YER, Mornlngslde ave. . my8-84 FOR SALE 2 EAST END LOTS, NEAR PENN ave. and Fifth ave.: only 3 minutes' walk front station! streets navp.d: atone sidewalks: sewers, nat. gas and water all In the street: will sell Deiow tne marxec A. u. nihsun. oa Federal St., Allegheny. myI4-31-ws TTIOR SALE LOTS IN CHAS. E. CORNELIUS' JJ plan at Morntngslde. Eighteenth ward. Pittsburg; fine lots at from S10O to S400 each; easy Sayments: no Interest. Call upon CHAS. E. COR KLIUS. Attorney-at-Law, 406 Grant St., or N. P. SAWYER, Mornlngslde ave., Eighteenth ward. my8-84 FOR SALE-SIX ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL laving land at main entrance to Schenley Park at SO per cent less than Is being asked for the adjoining land that aoes not lay any better; tbe grounds are covered with fine frnlt, shade and shrubbery: to anyone wanting really the finest location adjoining the Park grounds this property has no equal now on the market: will sell on terms to snlt. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth ave nue. my!4-57-Tbssu Allegheny Iots. T7IOR SALE 43x63 FEET ON JUNIATA ST.: will sell for 12. 800 If bought soon. A. D. wilsuk. oa xeaeraisi., Aiiegueny. mylo-3-MWT TTiOK SALE 100 ALLEGHENY LOTS ON X? Lombard St.. Linden and Maple aves.. Tenth and Twelfth wards: payments easy, lnaulre ot J. & 3. MCNAUGHER, 43 North Diamond St.. or 43 Federal st. mhl2-66-D FOR SALE-ONE LOT ON ROBINSON ST., east or Anderson, 36x100 to Carlysle alley, with two small frame houses; paved and sewered; will be sold at a bargain. J. B. LARK1N & CO., 152 Fifth ave. myl4-37 Suburban Lota. FOR 8ALE EIGHT ACRES OF CHOICE ground, the most desirable at Crafton, Fan handle R. B.; will subdivide to a great profit; everv foot of the ground can be used. See W. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. myl-22-ws FOR SALE NORTH HOMESTEAD LOTS, 601 123 feet, fronting on a 60-font street, near Swlssvale station, P.R.R., and City Farm station, B.& O. B. R. : price S400 to 1500 each; terms to suit. IRAM. BUECHF1ELD, 153 Fourth avenue. aplO-36-D F OR S ALE-ABOUT 9 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL laving land, some of II level and the remainder gently roiling, lor souu peracre:covereawitn natu ral forest trees: the land adjoining and not laving any better on the average cannot be purchased for less than from SL200 to (1.600 per acre; this prop erty is being offered at this low price to sell It quick to settle up the business of a partnership, and is far below Its market value and most be sold for cash: if a purchaser should not have enough money to pay all cash we could get a mortgage on it cashed, so as to settle In cash with tbe present owners; to a quick buyer this Is a bargain of a lifetime. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. myl4-50-wrsa FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnsinpsa Chances. FORSALE A GOOD BARBERSHOP-OWNER intends to ouit the business. Apply at NO. 4433 PENN AVENUE. myl4-34 TTIOR SALE PATENTS OF VALUE TO RAlL- T ROADS and rolling mills. Address MAU- RICE CASHMAN, Homestead, Pa. myl4-33 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE FIXTURES, consisting or show cases, scales, tea canis ters, spice canisters, etc., at CHAS. S. ROGERS, 6203 Penn ave... East End. myl3-6 FOR SALE A POOL ROOM 40120: TWO tables and a combination table; Duduesne, at Oliver station. P., V. & C. R. R. W. LEEZER & BRO., Duquesne, Pa. Address J, myl3-4Z FOR SALE BARBER SHOP IN ALLEGHENY doing a good business. Bath rooms. Price (550, half cash, balance In payments to suit pur chaser. Particulars from A. EDL1S CO., 602 Liberty St., Pittsburg. my!4-99 FOR SALE GEM'S' FURNISHING STORE, No. 4751 Butler street, doing a nice business; new stock; owing to the death of owner will be sold to good party on easy terms. For particu lars Inquire or A. C. FOSTER, 148 Forty-fourth st, myl4-32 FOR SALE FISH AND FRUIT DEPOT; finest book and stationery store in best town In Western Pennsylvania; excellent city music store, good office business; grocery stores, bak eries, drugstores, cigar stores, butcher shops, SHEPARD & CO., 151 Fonrth ave. myl4 FOR SALE LIQUOR STORE-CENTRALLY located in the citv of Cleveland: a flourishing retail liquor store, with stock, corking and cap ping machine; horse and wagon, barn and house, or either. If desired: established 30 years: has paid lor last five years (1,500 per year, after pay ing all expenses and license; sold on account of sickness. For particulars address N. T. HORR, 37 Blackstone building, Cleveland, o. niy9-23-MWT Business Stands. FORSALE-TANNEH1LLST., NEAR WYLIE ave.; good business location; 3-story brick. 10 rooms and storeroom; lot 24x90. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st. myll-80 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. cVc FOR SALE-FINE DRIVING MARE, HAR NESS and rig. ADAMS 4 WATTERSON. rear or Hamilton Hotel, Penn ave. myl4-92 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO.. LIM below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. apa-74' FOR SALE DRILLING ENGINES AND boilers for oil or gas wells, engines and boil ers In every size and style, saw mills and wood working machinery. HARMES MACHINE DEPOT. No. 07 First ave., Pittsburg. Pa. mh9-D FOB SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, f to 23b. p.: boilers, all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG.23Prk way, Allegheny. Pa. OC2S-80-D FOR rSALE HOISTING ENGINES, DEE RICKS and derrick forging, steel hoisting and guy Topes In stock: stationary engines and boilers, shears, clay and ore pans, etc. THOMAS -Allegheny.' Pa.- uABLifl's suNa.iLacocx.anajBandussyjsti.r pv-jtwrj FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. anicellancons. F OR BALE THREE POOL AND ONE B1LL- i a ku table, size 4XX9, very eneap. appij 2544 PENN AVE. myl TO LET. East End Residences. TO LET-FORBES. COR. HALKETST.. OAK LAND, a very desirable house 12 rooms, well Improved, stable, large lawn. See W. A. HEB RON & SON S, 80 Fourth ave. my 14-H-WB TO LET-F6RBES ST., OAKLAND. COM PLETE new house. Just finished, eight rooms, latest Improvements, near Boqnet st. See W. A. HEKRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. myI3-77-14,17,22 TO LET-ANICE NEW HOUSE OF EIGHT rooms, bath, natural gas. electric lights, etc., etc. in tbe East End: large lot: grass plot etc.; Immediate possession. JAS. W . DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. my'3-78 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-(30 PER MO. IN FIRST-CLASS OR DER (newlvnnlnted. nanered and repaired). house A rooms, late improvements, Sheffield, near Franklin st., Alleeheny. SONS, 80 Fourth ave. b.nf.,n .. a , w (IT . Mb'I W. ilEIU'.ON & myl4-44-wa Snbnrban Residences. TO LET-AT CRAFTON-HOUSE OF SIX rooms; hair acre lot: (20: house of ten rooms; halt acre lot; (25: natural gas. J. B. MURPHY, Crafton, ofllce op. station. myll-18 Apartments. TO LET-FRONT ROOSL NICELY FUR NISHED, suitable for two gentlemen. Ho. 18TANNEHILLST.. near Wylleave. cable; ten minutes' walk rrom postoffice. my!4-55 Offices. Delt Room. &c TO LET A FEW NICK OFFICES IN GEK MANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamond streets. aplO-49 TO LET-THE FRONT HALF OF A VERY desirable office on Fourth ave.. with nse of office furniture: low rent. J. C. BEILLY. 77 Dia mond st. myll-80 TO LET-TWO ELEGANT AND COMMODI OUS offices centrally located and Immediately available; have been used as physicians' offices ror a number of years: furnished or unfurnished, as desired. Address M. L. C., Dispatch office. myll-23 TO LET-FOURTH STORY OF NO. 99 FIFTH avenue, part of what has been heretofore known as The Dispatch Building; room suitable for lodge room-or for light manufacturing. Key to be bad from W. M. Crlbbs. Real Estate Agt., No. 99 Fifth ave. For particulars see BUS. ill) R. DISPATCH, corner Smlthfleld and Diamond sts. 117 Business Stands. TO LET-STORE ROOM CORNER BEAVER avenue and Sheffield street: an old estab lished grocery stand. A. V. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. myl4-29-wrs miscellaneous. TO LET OR FOR SALE-HOTELS, COTTAGES and bath houses, Atlantic City, N. J.: lots for sale in all parts of the city: also So. Atlantic City. Chelsea and for Atlantic Land Co. ISRAEL Q. ADAMS & CO.. Real Estate Agts., Real Es tate and Law Building. ap!6-53 PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell. let us know. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mn7 PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-ENCYCLO-tDIA Brltannlcs.25vols., one-hair morocco or calf. FRANK BACON CO., 301 Smlthfleld st. my9 LOST. LOST-SUNDAY. MAY lL NEAR GRANT and Webster streets, chain bracelet clasp, with ruby setting. Reward paid for return of lame to ROOM 54. Hussey building. myl4-77 T OST-IN MAIL LETTER CONTAINING JU note No. 59 payable to order of Anderson, DuPuy&Co., for (2.648 46. MYERS & SMTH. drawers. Payment of this note has been stopped. myl4-27-MWT OFF! CI AL PITTSn URG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the Citv Con troller until MONDAY, May 19. 1890. at 2Tp. M., for furnishing ice to the various offices, police stations, engine houses, etc, in the Department of Pnbiic Safety. Specifications may be seen at the general office of tbe department. Bonds in double tbe bid, with two suroties, must ac company each proposal; said bonds to be ex ecuted before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Department of Public Safety. myll-91 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until MONDAY, the 19th day of May, A. D. 1890 at 2 P. if., for painting rooms in Municipal Hall, second floor, lately occupied by tbe City Attorney and Chief of the Department of Pub lic Safety. Specifications can be seen and all informa tion obtained at the General Office, Depart ment of Public Works. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in double the amount of bid, with two sureties, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department ot Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. 31. BIQELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. myl4-C9-D SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until SATURDAY, May 21, 1890, for fitting up offices in Municipal Hall for nse of Department of Public Safety; also for altering and repairing Nos. 2, 3 and 5 police patrol stables. Plans and specifications for said work can be seen at the ofllce ot Bickel & Brennan, Architects, Hamilton building. Bonds in doable the amount of bid. with two sureties, must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be execnted before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief Department of Public Safety. my 13-1 8 PrrrsBtrRQ. May 10, 18Sa SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1890. at 2 P. M., for the erection of an engine house at the corner of Shiloh and Virginia streets, in the Thirty-second ward. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of F. J. Osterlinsr, Esq.. architect. No. 12 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Bond in double the amount of bid must ac company each proposal, said bond to be ex ecuted before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BRO WN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. myI2-So SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until Saturday, May 21. 1890, at 2 o'clock P. it., for furnishing thsjfollowing supplies: FERRULES. 600. more or less. K-inch terrnles. 600. more or less, 4-inch ferrules. 200, more or less, -inch ferrules. 200, more or less, 1-inch ferrules. MISCELLANEOUS CASTINGa 250, more or less, gate boxes. 25 reels, more or less, best American hemp packing. 6 reels, more or less, navy packing. 10 bales, more or less, white cotton waste. 500 pounds, more or less, pure sheet gum packing. 200 pounds, more or less, square gum packing. 200 pounds, more or less, 2 and 3-pIy canvas For further Information apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribu tion. No bid will be conldered unless accompanied by bonds in double tbe amount of the estimated cost, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department ot Public Works. Pittsburg. May 14. IS90. myll-1 FAIRMOUNT PLAN! A 8ITUATION OF PICTURESQUE BEAUTY, But a few minutes' ride from heart of city by Penu ave. cable. Elegant surroundings of the present preserved and perpetuated by building restrictions. 15 OHLY of those very choice lots now to sell. Buyers realize they are cbeac Thev are sellinsr quick. Easy terms of payment. Plans and particulars at our offices. 313 WOOD ST., 6019 PENN AVE., E. E. Charles Somers & Co. mylO-70 PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth avenue, above Smlthfleld, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years, se2&60 TJ1ANOS, ST ORGANS, And all manner ot Small Instruments hAb..kA. jJbv. HAMILTON'S. fifiSLTttHflHl Jitta ayenui.-Dl PROPOSALS. TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PRO POSALS for the bnllding ot the new ad dition to St. Bridget's school. Eleventh ward, city, will be received by Rev. Jerome Kearney nntll 23d Inst. Plans and specifications may ba seen at the office ot BICKEL tBKENNAN, Architects, Room 713, Hamilton building, Fiftt) ave. rrjyll-o9-D TLUE STONE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. We are prepared to furnish Belgian bloclt stone for street paving from quarries at DmM bar. Pa. Have excellent facilities for shipping stone in large quantities. Can load on P. iL R. orB.&O.R.R. F. P. DOONAN CO.. Dunbar, Fayette county. mj8-63 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Con troller until SATURDAY, May 17, 1890, at 2 T. if., for one relay and keyboard, with all neces sary electrical connections. Plans can be seen at office of Architects Bickle & Brennan, Ham ilton bnilding, and specifications on file as office of M. W. Mead, Superintendent Bureau of Electricity. Bonds in double the amonnt of the bid must accompany each proposal, said bond to be executed before the Major or City Clerk. Department of Awards reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Department of Pnbiic Safety. PlTTSTiTrRO,May6. 1890. my7-S9-D JDROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF-COM-! . MISSARY'S Office. Allegheny ArsenaL lttsburg. Pa., May 12, 1890 Sealed pronosals in duplicate will be receiv d at this office untU 10 o'clock A.M., JUNE 16. ISOO.for furnishing tha fresh beef required by the Subsistence Depart ment, U.S. Army, at this station during tha fiscal year ending June 30, 1891. Contracts mada under this advertisement shall not be construed to involve tbe United States in any obligation for payment in excess of appropriation granted by Congress for the purpose. The Government reserves the right to reject any orall bids. Full information can be obtained by application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals must be marked "Proposals for fresh beef." and addressed to A. 8. M. MORGAN. Capt. and O. a K.. A. C. S. myli85-13,lf;15,16.jel445 Office or Lancaster St. R. R. Co., 1 Lancaster. O., May 9, 1890. f SALE OF BONDS PROPOSALS WILD be received for tbe sale of $10,000 of flrss mortgage bonds ot the Lancaster St. K. R. Co. up to and inclusive of May 25, 1890. The bonds to run for a period of not less than 10 nor more than 20 years, to bear 6 per cent in terest, payable semi-annually, at Lancaster Bank, Lancaster, O. The mortgage to cover one and one-quarter mile of road, already com pleted, rolling stock, live stock and terminal facilities, and the franchises of tbe company. The proceeds of the sale ot the bonds to ba used in constructing one and one-half miles more road, which would be included In said mortgage. AU communications to be addresed to FRANK BARRETT, Treasurer, myI2-lorwy Lancaster. O. ECRUITING RENDEZVOUS. 915 PENN1 avenne. Pittsburg, Pa., May 13, 1890 Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to tha usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, JUNE 13. 1890, and then opened, for furnishing cooked rations, threa substantial meals daily, of good quality, and. the allowance of soap and candles authorized, to be issued to a soldier, to tbe recruiting1 party and recruits stationed at this rendezvous during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1890, and ending June 30, 1891. Preference will bo given to articles of domestic prodnction or manufacture, conditions of quality and prica (including in the price of foreign productions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. Tbe Government reserves tbe right to reject any or all proposals. Forms of pro posals and full information will be furnished on application to this office. Proposals tor fur nisbing complete rations at a place oDjection able for recruits will not be considered. Con tracts made under this advertisement shall nos be construed to involve tbe United States In any obligation for payment in excess of appro priation granted by Congress for the purpose. Envelopes containing proposals should ba marked, "Proposals for Cooked Rations." and addressed to CAPTAIN R. G. HETNER. Re cruiting Officer, 915 Penn avenue, Pittsburg.' Pa. myl3-75.13.H.15,18.jelI,12 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Superintendent of Water Works at McKeesport, Pa-, for furnishing tha following supplies for the year ending Febru ary 28, 1891. Said supplies to be subject to the order of the Superintendent at any time, and, delivered f. o. b. cars. McKeesport, Pa., within ten (10) days from receipt of order. All bids must be in by May 15, 1890: Pig lead, 12,000 lbs. (more or less) Jute caulklngyarn, one bala " " 2D0-incb corporation cocks " " 50 ?i.inch corporation cocks 250 f-inch curb cocks " 50-inchcnrb cocks ' " 100 lbs. white cotton waste " 4 barrels best quality cylinder oil " " 1 barrel best quality machine oil " ' 3 barrels refined Elaine oil " One doz. No. 3 corn brooms " One doz. pick handles ' One doz. sledge handles " " One doz. boxes concentrated lye " " One box Star soap (100 lbs.) One box Parapbine candles (short) " Two doz. short handle shovels (Chisholm's.) Two doz. clay picks. 100 lbs. rock powder (Dnpont's.) 1,000 feet blasting fuse. Two doz. wooden pails (3 hoop.) 50 lbs. 1 inch piston packing. 25 lbs. -iach piston packing. Ice for nffice, 10 lbs. daily, during season. One gross matches. One keg 8d. nails. Two kegs lOd. nails. Two kegs 20d. nails. 25 bushels fire clay. 2.000 f nrnace fire brick (Boliver.) , 5,000 comrnjn red brick. 600 bushels "gas bouse" coke. The right to reject any or all proposals 11 hereby reserved. Direct all proposals to tha undersigned. JOS. ECOFF. my9-81-D Superintendent. AMUSEMENTS. TWO DAYS ONLY FOREPAUGH;S Great All Feature Show and the gigantic Wild West combined. Baseball Park, Alle gheny, MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 19 and 20, Admission, 50c; children under 9 years, 25c Two exhibitions daily, one at 2 and one at 8 P.Tf. Reserved seat tickets can be obtained on ex- hibition day, at a slight advance at PRATTS BASEBALL EMPORIUM, 502 Wood st, near Fifth ave. Cheap excursion rates on all railroads. myll-112 TWELFTH SEASON Fourth and Fifth Concerts, THE MOZABT OLUB, James P. McC'ollnm, Director. The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Nikisch, Director. (His first appearance h.re.) MME. MAGDALENE STEINBACH JAflNS, Solo Soprano. OLD CITY HALL, Monday and Tuesday, May 19 and 20. 1S90. Sale of seats open Tnesday. May 13, 1S9Q, at Mellor & Hoene's, 77 Fifthave. Reserved seats. 2, SI 50 and 5L General admission. $1. myH.92.H,16.17,19 t B IJOO THEATER TO-NIGHT, CHAS. MCCARTHY In ONE OF THE BRAVEST. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. May 19 Ferguson and Mack. myl2-6-D pRAND OPERA BOUSE-TO-NIGHT Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. THE OLD HOMESTEAD. Next week HERRMANN. myl2-30 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thn and Saturday, REILLY & WOODS' mylM NEW BIG SHOW. WORLD'S MUSEUM Allegheny City. Week May 12. Hop O" My Thumb, tbe tiniest man In the universe; many other cariosities, and the World's Star Specialty Co.'s unrivaled stage performance. Admission. 10c; children, 6c. myll-90 EXPOSITION AUDITORIUM ! Seats for five thoasand people. Monday and Tuesday nights. May 26 and 27. Matinee Tuesday at 2. STRAUSS And his Orchestra from Vienna. A dlrf erent programme each Concert. ED. C. GABBER Manager Sale of seats at Kleber Bros'. Music Store at ' 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 14. Prices II 60 Reserved: Admissions. 60c and S. myl4-39 ,. " EADQUARTEBS FOR MINERAL AND TABLE WATERS. SfisWiGEO.'tK.'lSTEVENRnTIfA'cnlMBssl F'W V 3QC,. 7 miHrrMmmmm&zt rwt it 5 i 4 m