M 1 i : i i 1I0RE CARE NEEDED. The Coroner's Jury Makes a Mild Recommendation to Mr. Malone, TO PROTECT LIVES OP CITIZENS. Xo Blame Attached to Anyone for the Death of Thomas Carej. MANSLAUGHTER IN THE COEKEN CASE The verdict of the Coroner's jury in the case of Thomas Carey, who was killed by the breaking ot a defective derrick mast at the Government building Saturday afternoon last, was rendered yesterday afternoon. It was to the effect that the mast was rotten, and the accident was unavoidable. The ac cident was not blamed upon Superintendent JIalone, but that gentleman came in for con siderable censure at the hands of Coroner McDowell. The following is a copy of the verdict: "We, the jury, find that Thomas A. Carev, aged 37 years, came to his death on Saturday aliernoon, May 3, about 2.30 o'clock, bv being thrown from a platform of a derrick on the new Government building. The accident was due to the breaking of the masthead in said derrick, and was unfore seen. We recommend that more care and caution be taken by the persons in charge, so as to not only protect the workmen em ployed on the building, but the public gen erally." A LONG-USED MAST. In the testimony it was developed that the mast had been used in the construction of the Earrisburg postofBce and was brought to this city in 1883, when Mr. Malone was Superintendent, under President Arthur. It had been tested by boring auger hoi es through the wood to ascertain if it was sound. Each test showed the wood to be in good condition, and it was thought the mast was perfectly safe for all heavy work. The mast broke at a point 11 inches from where the auger holes had been made. Patrick Flannigan, an employe on the building, testified to the strength of the der rick. He said it had luted two statues early in the day, as heavy as that which caused it to break down. He said the system ot derricks on the building was as good as any in the city. Joseph uhn also testified that he thought the derrick was saie. He never heard ot any one reusing xo go to work on account of the derrick being an old one. It was considered perfectly safe by everyone employed about the buil ding. Henry Maloy testified to seeing the der rick i all and Carey jump to the chimney from the platform. Ue was sure the man had jumped and tried to hold on to one of the guy wires for safety. THE -WEIGHT ON THE BOOM. James Flaherty, a rigger, whose business it is to attend to the derricks, said he had been working on the building evtr since derricks were first used on the job. "When tbe derrick in question was brought to this city he painted it be. ore it was put up, aud thought it was all right. The old boom was taken out and a new one substituted. When the statue was being raised, the whole weight was on the boom. Tbree-tourths of.the center of the boom was defective from the top. A good derrick should last 12 to 15 yea.is. The one in question had lifted stones 17 to 19 tons in weight. He thought the timber rotted by water running into the mast on the bolts. The witness said he had been employed in tbe Government navy yards, and knew sumeihing about derricks. Tbe system in Pittsburg was as good as any in the country. J. C. Wilson, the well-known builder, who has erected some of the highest build ings in the city, testified to the quality of the wood in the derrick. He put a damp ener on the testimony of the previous wit ness by saying that he saw no signs of paint on tbe mast which broke, nor did he, see signs of any puttv having been used. The rot, he said, could not have occurred in one day or two. He thought if the derrick had been examined six months before toe acci dent, the de.ect would have been discovered and the mishap would not have occurred. Jacob Friday, another contractor, testified to the same effect. The case then went to the jury, who ren dered the above verdict. A VEEDICT OF MANSLAUGHTER. Sdrvard Tfaompaon In Jnll for Killing George Corken Coroner McDowell on tbe Ver- I diet A Lone String of Inquest! Con cluded Yesterday. (The Coroner's jury in the case of George lorken, who was accidentally shot last week yy Edward Thompson, resulted in a verdict m manslaughter. Thompson was com- nit ted to tbe jail last night for trial on that charge. Coroner McDowell was asked if this was not an unusual verdict in such a case. He replied in the negative, and said it was tbe only verdict tbatcould be returned in accordance with the law. The latter is laid down plainly and in substance says, to illustrate a case, if a man is walking along the street and is shot and killed by another, even though it can clearly be proven it was an accident, tbe shooter is guiltv of man slaughter anefmust be so adjuiged. The Coroner referred to the case in Skees res taurant about a year and,a half ago when a waiter shot the cook with an air gun. He pointed it at her and tbe gun went off. It was an accident, but the man was found guilty of manslaughter. He served four months in jail and six months in the work house. Deputy Coroner Berry went to Demmler yesterday to hold an inquest on the body of Giles Collins, who was found lying dead alongside the railroad tracks Saturday night. He had an uj.ly wound in his head", which was supposed to have been caused by being struck by a train. The man never regained consciousness, aud died yesterday. In the case of Michael Silch, who was killed by falling roct at Brinton statiou Tuesday evening, and Thomas J. Kelly, the letter carrier who was killed in the Penn sylvania Railroad yards Wednesday, ver dicts of accidental death were rendered. The same verdict was rendered in the case of Bocco Pitts, the Italian who was struck by a Ft. Wayne train at Dixmont Monday night. A verdict of accidental death was also rendered in the case of the bov Charles F. GroskotT, who was struck and "killed by a Pleasant Valley car Saturday. The same verdict was rendered in the cases o Patrick Burke, who was killed on the Allegheny "Valley road, and John Kusznak, who met his death on the Lake Erie. Death from heart trouble was the verdict in the case of James Byrnes, who dropped dead at Forty fifth street yesterday. A HISSING CONDUCTOR, He Iin't Maimed Xor in a Hospital, So Far am Known. There was considerable discussion and in terrogatory along the line of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bail way yesterday, among employes, regarding the disappearance of an ex-conductor, George Churchill. He lived at Chartiers station, where he has a wife and a house and lot. It was reported that he was in the West Penn Hospital, minus an arm and a leg, but a visit to the institution showed tb.it the man thus maimed had tbe name ol Hemphill. It seems that Churchill resigned, and, it was said, bore gone to work on tbe Penn sylvania Railroad braking. Some hints are thrown out regarding domestic infelicity as the cause of Churchill's departure. Wot It on tbe New Thenlrr. Thomas W. Prior, of the Chicago Opera House, spent a greater part of the day yesterday with Edward Jackman, discussing plans tor the new theater on Penn avenue. David Henderson is expected here next Monday, when the plans for the theater will be unfolded. crawr" , . 1 , LAST OF THE SEASON, Interestinc Meeting of the Historical So clrtj Some Entertnlnlnc Pnpera Rend An Oner of tbe Thaw Residence for n Fnmre Place of Sleeting. The last regular meeting of the Western Pennsylvania Historical Society for the present season was held yesterday afternoon in the Court House. Hon. C. F. Fetterman presided and stated that Bev. Edward Will iams, of ML OliTer, was willing to become the agent of the society for the purpose of awakening interest and soliciting contribu tions. Mr. Williams himself was unfortu nately absent, but will attend a special meeting to be held later on. Mr. J. C. Porter said that the Academy ot Arts and Sciences, which had the privil ege of using Mrs. William Tbaw'a honse on Fifth street, was willing to share its quar ters with the Historical Society, Judge Fetterman objected to the acceptance of this invitation, on tbe ground that it would not do to crowd the other societies, and that the Thaw rooms were not big enongh lor the Historical Society's meetings. The matter was finally referred to the Board of Di rectors. Bev. Morgan M. Sheedy read a carefully prepared paper entitled "History." Father Sheedy defined history to be "a prose nar rative of cast events, as probably trne as the fallibility of human testimony will allow." Some of the members combatted the definition; remarking that all the old Saxon, French and Celtic historians, not to mention the compilers of the Bible, wrote in meter and not in prose. Father Sheedy quoted Cicero in the assertion that history sbonld be "tbe witness of the ages, the torch of truth, the life of memory, the oracle of life, and the interpreter ot the past." This model, however, the speaker declared, had been greatly departed irom. Prejudice and controversy in the Middle Ages, especially among the ecclesiastical, historians, had made the his tory of those days unreliable. In conclu sion Father Sheedy said: "The aim of this association is to hand down the fruit of labors which is untainted bv prejudice and as free from error as possible." A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Father Sheedy for his paper. Two other papers were read, one by J. C. Porter, enti tled "Baseball," and a short sketch of the Ninth street bridge, by L. D. Mc Candless. Nervous Disorders. Br. Flint's Remedy must be taken when ex cessive or continuous muscular exertion, ex citing passions, or over-indulgence, stimulating food or drink, or nervous disorders have long continued. Descriptive treatise with each bot tle. At all druggists, or address Mack Drug Co., N. r. Ice. The Bruce Crystal Ice Co. have secured supply of tbe finest heavy ice ofiered in this market. This is for use of select private trade, which, as their specialty, will receive early and reliable delivery at the most reasonable rates we have seen. Their order cards will soon be distributed on all intended routes. 20c sateens Saturday. to go at 110 Friday and Kir able & Shtjster. 35 Fifth ave. Boys' Velocipedes. We offer the largest and best made for the price, Irom $3 CO up. at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal St., Allegheny. Free To-Morrow Free. A $3 8x10 photograph of yourself or chil dren given away with every dozen of cabinet photographs at Hendricks & Co.'s, 68 Fed eral St., Allegheny. Don't fail to get one. Good cabinets SI a dozen. Full life-size crayon only $3. A Remarkable Offer. Just for to-day we shall offer a very great bargain at ?7 90. We place on sale 360 men's black cheviot sack suits, guaranteed all wool, assabet cheviot serge lined, and first cKss in every particular. We have all sizes, aud they are worth $15 a suit Our price to-day is $7 90. These suits are the greatest bargains ever offered. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the Court House. Special prices for Friday and Saturday on coats, wraps and jackets. Esable & Shuster, 35 Filth ave. Sir. Smiley, of Pitubure, Shows the latest colors and shapes in gen tlemen's hats. C. A. Smilev & Co., 28 Fifth avenue. Agents for Dunlap's hats. Do Yon Use Sonp? Walker's Wax Soap has no equal for laundrv or cleaning purposes. To use it is to value it. It will do your washing with out boiling, clean your paints, take out grease and stains and give everything a new appearance. Ask your grocer for Walker's Wax Soap and insist on getting it. tuwfs Becanse We Have Everything; Wanted And the greatest varietv the principal reasons of our amazing trade in lace cur tain department. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Axotheb big remnant sale, Friday and Saturday, 9th and 10th; one-third off" wool remnants. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. Oub aim is to please. We can always please you in dress trimmings. Seining & Wild's, 710 Penn ave. FBIDAT and Saturday, May 9 and 10; all silk surahs, all colors, including blacks, only 39 cts. a yard. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. Boys' Velocipedes. Bargains never before heard of, and none but the best, at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. BARGAINS for Friday and Saturday in hosiery and underwear; also men's flannel shirts. Enable & Shdsteb, 35 Fifth ave. French All-Wool Cosbmeres and Henrietta Cloths, The largest assortment of new shades, finest finish and perfect dve, 46 inches, full meas ure, at 75c, 85c, $1, H 25 a yard. Also a fnll line of Lupin's celebrated French all wool cashmeres at 50 cents and 75 cents undoubtedly tbe best values in cashmeres ever sold over any counter. 'Make it your business to examine these goods when in the store. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Remnants of Gingham. Remnants of dress goods. Remnants of white goods. Remnants of ribbon. ' Friday and Saturday. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. Girls' Tricycles From $6 up at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. People remain poor because they waste their money. Everv tamily can save $30 every year b'y using Walker's Wax Soap. TUWFS Don't miss the great remnant sale Fri day and Saturday. Enable & Shuster. 35 Fifth ave. See tbe Linen Bargains To-Day In damasks by the yard; cloths and napkins in matched patterns and in cream bleach ta ble linens. You get tbe best guodrf made at the lowest prices in our linen department. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Special prices for Friday and Saturday on coats, wraps and jackets. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth sre. TEACHING THE BLIND. Pointers Picked Up by the Asylum Committee on Its Travels, AID FROM STATE AND NATION, Showing What the Local Institution May Seasonably Expect. THK LITEEaTUEE OF THK AFFLICTED In the row over the failure to re-elect cer tain members of the Board of Directors o! the Western Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind, an interesting matter has been lost sight of, namely: The reporfof the commit tee sent to Columbus and Indianapolis to in vestigate the method of conducting those in stitutions. The report will be brought up at the meeting ol the Board of Directors Monday aiternoon next and is full of inter esting data as to how a blind institute should be conducted. Some of the features of the report are as follows: "In Indianapolis we visited the Indiana Institute for the Education of the Blind. We found that the institution is a part ot the State educational Institutions. It is a charitable institute, in the same sense that a public school is, with the addition of a larger provision for the pupils, as they are compelled to be away from home. The Legislature appropriates $250 per year for each pupil. There are about 125 boys and girls enrolled there now. The acquire a good knowledge of such branches as are usually tanght in our common schools, and great proficiency in music, if they have any ability in this direction. THEY MAKE GOOD PUPILS. "In theschoolrooms the children are taught everything, and notwithstanding the fact that they cannot see they make good prog ress with their bonks. It is not generally known, bnt the United States Government appropriated in 1879 $250,000 lor literature to be supplied to blind schools. This liter ature is printed by a house in Louisville, Ey., which is the only concern of tbe kind in this country. It prints all kinds of books with raised letters, which can be read by touch almost as rapidly as other people could read good print by sight. The children recite their reading lessons by passing their hands over the letters on the book. There are two systems ot raised characters, one being called 'line' that is. raised letters the. other called '.Mew York point,' in which raised dots in the paper take the place of letters. The line system is considered thebest. especially for young persons. The point system is mostly used by persons whose touch is by age or occupa tion less sensitive than younger pupils'. "The reading is done by the lorefinger of the right hand. Those who use the fore finger of the right baud are better readers than those who use the left forefinger. The reason for this is that when the right hand is used the forefinger is dragged across the page; when the let hand is used the lore finger is pushed. Those who use the leit lorefinger sometimes hesitate and stammer, as it were, while this is not the case when the other hand is used. CAPACITY OP THE PUPILS. "Many of the pupils can read from 90 120 words per minute. Amnug the books tbe children read are the Bible, the Catholic catechism, the book or Acts, the gospels, 'Robinson Crusoe,' 'Fables for Children,' the 'Wonder Books ot Hawthorne,' 'Boys ot Other Countries,' 'Swiss Family Robinson,' 'Rob and His Friends,' 'Rills From the Town Pump,' 'Jack the Giant Eiller, "Tales From Arabian Nights,' VEop' Fables,' 'Grimms' Fairy Tales, and many others, for the children. For the older pupils they have the Constitution of the United States, 'Politics for Young Americans,' and all the English and American classical works. Among the former are the traditions from Virgil's 'iEneid' and Ctcsar's 'Commen taries.' "They also have works on algebra, geome try, physiology, Shakespeare, and every other imaginable work one could find in a well regulated college. Many of the pupils who leave the institution, immediately take up some pursuit at which they can make a good living." When the Pittsburg institution is com pleted and open for busiuess, it is expected it will incorporate many of the features picked up by the committee. FOR MICK HEADACHE TJso Horsfoid's Acid Phosphate. Dr. M. w. uray. cave Spring, Ga., says: I have used It with nerfect success habitual sick headache." Don't miss the great remnant sale, Fri day and Saturday. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. A Remarkable Oiler. Just for to-day we shall offer a very great bargain at $7 90. We place on sale 360 men's black cbevioc sack suits, guaranteed all wool, assabet cheviot serge lined, and first class in every particular. We have all sizes, and tbey are1 worth $15 a suit. Our price to-day is $7 90. These suits are tbe greatest bargains eer offered. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the Court House. New lace wraps, capes, fichus; also blaz ers, reefers and ladies London shirts and waists; large variety, all prices, at Rosen baum & Co.'s. - -wrs All. Wool French Cbnllies at 25 Cents n Yard And other special bargains in summer dress goods to be had here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Remnants of Gingham. Remnants of dress gqods. Remnants of white goods. Remnants of ribbon. Friday and Saturday. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Mr. Smiley, of Piusbnrc. Shows the latest colors and shapes in gen tlemen's hats. C. A. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue. Agents for Dunlap's hats. 30 Cents. 39 Cents. Surah silks, all colors, including blacks, just marked down. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Dress trimmingi, notions, linings, but tons and all small wares, at Reining & Wild's, 710Penu ave., and agents lor the Imperial pin pattern, giving you two pat terns lor the price of one. May number now in stock. Only About Onr Hundred Unsold Of these elegant French dress patterns; they can't be equaled at $25 our prices $12 and $15 for them. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Bargains for Friday and Saturday in hosiery and underwear; also men's flannel shirts. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Kir. Mnliry, of Pittsburg, Shows the latest colors and shapes in gen tlemen's hats. C. A. Smiley & Co., . , - , . . 28 Fi'ta avenue. Agents for Dunlap s hats. 4 Men's Medium VaIE,t Underwrar In white, nat'l, tans and fawn. Special values at 90e, 95 , $1, $1 15. A. G. Campbell & Sons. 27 Fifth ave. Another big remnant sale, Friday and Saturday, 9th and 10th; one-third ofl wool remnants. Enable & Shusteb, - 35 Filth aye. 83-DUplay adrertttemenu one dollar per tquare for one insertion. Clauifled advertUe menu on thix page rueh ax Wanted. J'orSale, To Let, &. ten cento per line for each truer Hon, and none taken for lest than fifty -xntx. y THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTH BIDE HAS BEEN KEMOVED TO NO. 1U2 CARSON STREET. ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUBSCRIP TIONS CN BE LEFT THERE BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAL SOUTHSIDE ISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATUEDAY. BRANCH OFFICES AKE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, AT ALL OF WHICH WANT. FOB SALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISE MENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO P. M. FOR INSERTION NEXT MOIINING: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already bare accounts with The Dls exTCU. PITTSBURO. ttroMAS MCCAFFREY. Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. S4tb street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wjlleave. and FultoaiL N. STOK.ELY, Fifth Avenue Market Houu. XAST ISO. . W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER BHElllLElt, 5th av. Alwood St. SOOTU8IDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. SCanon street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 89 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FKEDH. EGGERS. IT: Ohio street. F. H. EGG ERS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut ?M. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin ave. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEltltY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. T. R. MOBEIS, 6S8 Preble ave. M1LLVALE BOKOUGH. W. W. FLOCKER. Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. SHAKPSBURG. C. BELLMAN. Stationer. 818 Main st. ADVERTISERS, 4 PLEASE NOTICE! THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH HAS BEEN REMOVED to CORNER SMITHFIELD AND Diamond Streets. WANTED. ainle Heln. TTJ-ANTKD-A GOOD MAN FOR PORTER. IN VV CjUIKE at ST. CHARLES HOTEL. mv9-77 TTTA.NTED-MAN TO GO TO 8EWICKLEY V to take care of horses. Apply at 110 WOOD my9-33 8r. WANTED A GOOD COATUAKER AT once. CHAS. F. STElSS. JR.. 243 Beaver ave., Allegheny. my9-42 WANT ED-TWO BUTCHERS AT G. CKAMEK'S. 616 Main St.. Braddock. Sin gle men preferred. my7-19 WANTED-A GOOD. STEADY BARBFR. Apply at 107 SPRING GARDEN AVE., Allegheny City. Pa. my 9-38 WANTED -A YOUNG MAN OF ABOUT 18 AS shipping clerk; nnst write a good hand. FLEISHMAN & CO. mys-33 -VTT-ANTED-A COMPETENT MAN ASFORE VV MAN of a white lead works. Inquire at BOOM 314, Lewis Block. tnyS-78 T7ANTED-8S COAL MINERS AT CLIFF VV MINE. Shire Oaks station, P..V. AC. Ry.; steady work at district prices. my9-33-D ANTED A FIRST-CLASS BARBER: BEST wage In the city: short hours aud steady work. W. P., Dispatch offl ce. my9-40 WANTED -A DRUG CLERK. APPLY AT once to JOHN R. MCCLELLAND. 81 Fed eral street, Allegheny City, t"a. my9-53 WANTEO-AN EXPERIENCED BAKER TO take charge of bakery: ref rence required. J AS. B. YOUNGSON. 413 smlthfleld st. my9-64 WANTED-FlRST-CLASb COAT MAKERS to work on fine coats. Apply JAS. DICK SON. 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood Bt., second floor. my2-D WANT ED-ONE FIRST-CLASS PATTERN maker. Call at works Of THE UNION. SWITCH AND SIGNAL COMPANY, Swlssvale, Pa- my-5S WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter: steady work; good wages. CAR LISLE 4 LA WHENCE, Venice, Pa., McDonald station. . my9-35 WANTED-CARPENTEKS AND GASF1T TERbat Terra Cotta Works, Bedford ave nue. Apply at works. BOOTH & FLINN, Oon- tractors. my9-37 WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILORS TO work on altering and repairing. Apply JAS. DICKSON, 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st., second floor. my2-D WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL OUR roods to manufacturers; no competition, experience unnecessary; big wages certain. KAU MFG. CO., Chicago, 111. ap28-30-MWr WANTED-20 FIKST-CLASS UNION CAR PENTERS. Apply Immediately at corner AMBERbON AVE. and WESTMINSTER ST., Shadyslde, city; car fare will be paid. my9-65 WANTED-FIRST-CLASS BUTLER, LAUN DRESS and coachman; none need apply without the best of recommendations. Apply arter 7:30 at 221 RIDGE AVE., Allegheny. mv9-32 WANTED-A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF a house, two cows and a garden. Apply to J. L. LEWIS. Craig street. Fourteenth ward, between Fifth avenue and Center avenue. A German pretence", my9-68 -TTT-ANTED FIRST-CLASS CORE MAKERS VV and chlppers: also young man for general office worlt: one that can use typewriter. THE STONE & WE1SKOFFCO. FOUNDRY, Thirty eighth St. and A. V. K. R., Pittsburg. iu9- WANTED-AGENTS TO KNOW THAT THE greatest selling work or modern times has at last appeared. Stanley's own book, In Dark est Africa:" Chas. Scribner's Sons, publishers: apply at once for territory. P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond st- ap30-84 WANTED-SALESMEN AT P5 PER MONTH salarvand expenses, to sell a line orsllver plated ware watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for full Particulars and sample case of goods free, STAN AUD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-AGENTS TRAVELING IN THE wholesale grocery, drug and confectionery line to handle a quick selling novelty as a side line: liberal commissions: samples free: state robteand references, tor full particulars address 11? MANUFACTURING CO., Milwaukee Wis. my4-35 Femnle IlelD- W ANTED GIRL MUST BE GOOD COOK. Apply at 110 WOOD ST. my9-36 WANTED LADIES TO DO WRITING AT home. Send self-addressed stamped en velope to HAGER & CO.. South Bend, Ind. my9-39 WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In a family or three: good wages. 244 ALLEGHENY AVE., Allegheny. myS-83 WAN'TED-A COMPETENT MILLINER AND two experienced salesladies formilllnery and arygoodsdepartment;lnexnerlenced persons need not apply. Address W. P. BERNARDL Thir teenth and Carson streets, Soutbslde. myO-K WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework by family of two: age from 25 to 30; must understand plain conking, washing and lronincr, and come well rec mmeuded. Ap ply 424 LIBERTY STREET, below Ferry. m9-0S WANTED-LADY BODKKEI PE I OF EX PERIENCE: must be able . take char e set double entry books: good worker, accurate and quick: good place to right party. Address LADY, giving experience and age, Dispatch of flce. my9-67 Male nnd Female Help. WANTED-DINNEIt AND SUPPER WAIT ERS and dining room glrL at ECONOMY DINING ROOMS 32 Sixth 6treet. ray9-43 WANTED-BUTLER. FARM HANDS. VEG ETABLE gardener, dairy men, 200 house girls, cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, womin cook for hotel, f3 per week, second cook, dish washer and laundress. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. my8-D Sltuntlonv. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN with teu years' experience in office of large manuf.i turing establishment or this citv, compe tent to Uke charge of books, correspondence purchasing, shipping, orflllany nosltlon of trust; very best or references furnished; only moderate salary expected. Address S. P. V., Dispatch ofllce. my6-76 Financial. w ANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY OR Allegheny county property at lowest rates. HENRY A., WEAVER a 11.. lurouno avenue. mDv Trr ANTED MORTGAGES IN LARGE AND V small amounts at lowest rates. MA CRUM A CUBBAGE. Room 34 Fidelity Building, 121 Fonrth a e. felS-61 W ANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts: nte of Interest 4U to fi ncr ceut prompt. nAjLLr.ii, aiiuaii'suiM . ... .,,..... ......... ......i -- ..r. CO.. 162 Fourth avenue. my4-83-4.5,7.9, U.1J, 15, 17 w ANTED TO LOAN o00,C00. IN AMOUNTS -of S3. COO and upward, on citv and snbnrban property, on 4X per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at sands per cent, BLAOK c BAIRiA 85 Fourth avenne. se2l-d2S-o WANTED. Financial. WANTED-MORTGAGES-ll, 000, OXTO LOAN . J City and inhnrhan innrtlft st 4W Ssnrf (per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and acja- ie.?LC0.V.e,L,Pr cent- l. u. rjtnnuu.iv. wvm. .-,. rwurm avenue. ap7-Hl WASTSyrTO nOAN t20O,00O ON MOBT- UAfaES: 100 and nnwird st 6 ner cents iao,ocoat 4)4 pjj cent on residences or business &n?C' Tif0ln adlolning counties. 8. H. """ -j i ourtn avenue. 0C2I-4-0 WANTED-CAPITAL - A MANUFACTUR 1NG industry with established and In ereajjug demand fonts patented product, desires additional capital to erect a new plant in this vicinity: to patties Interested, evidence will be Rlvrnshowlngaguaranteeddlrldendorzo per cent. Address SAFE INVESTMENT, Dispatch ofllce. mj4-U Mlscellaneons. "rrrANTED-DOCTOB'S BUGGY MUST BE VV or reliable make and In first-class condi tion. Apply to 6218 PENN AVENUE, East End. mvS-57 WANTED -PARTIES WISHING TO HAVE signs painted. In laree or small quantities, to call on or address FASTOR1US1 SIGN WOKKS, "9 Filth ave., cur. Smlthfleldst. mys-Mwr "VOANTED-ALL TO USE JONES' MAGIC it Roach Powder; contains nopolsoniroaches banished by contract: satisfaction given or no pay. Prepared by GKO. W. JONES, 222 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. bold by all first-class drug glsts. Telephone No. 3332. my2-42-Mwr WANTED-THE ATTENTION OF BOTTLERS Will you need bottles this summer? 200 f;roej pints green glass bottles same size as Apol onarls pints for sale: will sell In quantities to suit. Address PONCE DE LEON MINERAL SPRINGS CO.. Meadvllle, Pa. mys-67 WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THEY can get their Singer. Wheeler & Wilson, White. Domestic Np.tr Home Sewing Machines repaired In first-class order: all work warranted at the lowest prices: genuine needles and attneh- ments t at H. CARTER'S. 19 Sixth st. api3-Mwr FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Citv Residences. FORSALE CONGRESS ST. 2-STORY BRICK dwelling, 6 rooms, pressed brick front: price low and terms veryeasy. J. v. niauui, it uHi " mj6-l utouu HI. FOR SALE-I1,430-ON WYLIE AVE. CABLE line, new irame house four rooms and attic, all well finished: rity water; lot 25x85; a birgaln. COOPER PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. my7-9-WV TTOR SALE-II.500 . CORNER PROPERTY. with siore room: attractive location and growing -neighborhood: lot, 25x100. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St.. 6019 Penn ave. my9-76 "T7IOR SALE-QUITE CHEAP. ON ONEIDA 1- BI,, near Gr.indv(ew are.. Thirty-fifth ward. 2 I lots each 26x130 feet., with good Improvements, cuiiftisuug oi store ana aweiling oi fix rooms. suoie; one lot vacant, see w. A, llfclutu.N & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. my9-54-r FOR SALE-S4.W0-ON WYLIE AVE. CABLE line. 8 minutes' ride from the Court House, elegant new brick dwelling. 8 rooms. halL vesti bule, dnubleparlors, bath. Inside w.c, laundry with stationary tubs, inside shutters, both gases, slate mantels, all conveniences; lot 24x100; first-class neighborhood; possession given at once; a great bargain. CUOPLR & PETTY, 107 Fourth nve. my7-93-WP , FOR SALE-A POSITIVE BARGAIN AND A most delightful home on Main st.. close to Penn ave., 3-ttory brick dwelling, 9 rooms, finished attic bath and laundry. Inside w. c, both gases, marble mantel In every room, beau tiful lawn and garden; complete In every detail; price Irss than cost of building; possession at once: lot 35xlU to alley. J. C. KE1LLY, 77 Dia mond st. myU-1 East End-feeniaetJces. FOB SALE BAUM GROVE. TWO-STORY brick dwelling eight rooms, complete In every detail: lot 40x110: street sewered, curbed and wide flagstone sidewalks; Immediate posses sion. BAXTER, THOMPSON CO., 162 Fourth ave. my-S2-MWT FORSALE AT A BARGAIN, MARGARE1TA st., near Negley ave., a fine brick dwelling of six large roonu. hall vestibule, range, hot and cold water, bath, inside w.c. both gases. porches, good cellar, etc: lot 50x100: only ILOiO; very cheap. See REED B. COYLE CO., 131 fourth ave. my9-60 FOR SALE-i200 AT A BARGAIN, NEW two-story frame residence, five rooms, hall and vestibule, tin. attic city water, both gases, oak finish throughout: lire mln. walk from Ben Venue sta.; terms. $300 cash; balance in three or five years. GEO. C. SLEETH. Penn and Shady aves.. East tnd. ap22-87 FOR SALE-BOND ST.. E. E.. NEW NINE room frame house bathroom and china closet, electric lights, hot and cold water, front and back porches, slate mantels and Mate roof, range In kitchen, one squr from Highland ave.; price fj. 700i JJO down and balauce same as rent; call soon. HAMN ETT & MEREDITH. 102 Foil rth ave. my8-32 FOR S LE-ON MARGAKETTA BT.. E.E.. AN elegant two-story mansard, pressed brick dwelling ol sevtn rooms, ball, vestibule. Elite mantels, tile hearths, range bith. hot and cold water. Inside w. c, both gases, well sewered, ln- su'e shutters, pantry, plenty ot large closets, porches, laundrv, st. paved with asphaltum block; lot 57x108: only jr, 000. See KEED B. COYLK& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. my9-G0 FOR SALE-A NICE RESIDENCE, ALMOST new. on MarlDoe avenue. Ben venue, ne.tr I Jjhadyslde and the Center avenue cable line: elgnt rooms, witn recentton nan. bath and lavatory, 'natural aqd artificial gas, laundry and all other moueru appliances; piazza in ironi ana porcn in rear: fine lor, 50x120 feet; will De sold at public sale on Monday afternoon. May 12, at 3:30 o'clock, on the premises: as the owner Is going South a bargain will be secured; possession at once. Terms, etc. rrom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. my8-60-D Hazolvrood Residences. FOR SALE-HAZELWOOD-2-STORY BRICK dwelling 8 rooms, hall, batn, laundry, hot and cold water, good range, nat. gas, front and rear porches; lot 44x270 feet; only 2 minutes' walk from Hazelwood station, B.iU. K.K.. and Second Ave. Electric Railway: price 17,000: terms easy. 1BA M. BURCHF1ELD, 158 Fourth ave. aplO-SS-p Alleshenr Residences. FORSALE-ON WASHINGTON AVE., LOT 48x129 feet, with frame house. 5 rooms; price a,000. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. my9-47 p OR SALE-LOT 24X138 FT., WITH TWO frame bouses In rear, on Pennsylvania avp.. near Manhattans..: oulv 5.500. A. I). WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. my9-i7 FOB SALE-LOT 21X133 FT., WITH TWO frame houses in rear, on Pennsylvania ave., near Manhattan st.; only 15,500. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. A.L). W1L5UN, my9-47 T710R SALE-SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY, two two-6turr frame dwellings five rooms each; both gases: lot 25xt30 to a 40-ft street In rear, for tO00. BAXT.HH, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave. mv4-S2-MWF FOR SALE-A RARE INVESTMENT-2SMALL bouses in Allegheny, close to Ohio st. ; now renting at "30 per month; will be soldtopay 10 jjci icub; a opieiiuiu uurgaiu. JAS. ,T. lil&Arr, & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. my8-59 FOR SALE-ON SANDUSKY ST.. ABOVE North avenue, new frame house six rooms and mansard, in prime order; water and gas In house; lot 20x90 to an alley; price only H.00O. BECKFELD fc BRACKEN, 81 Ohio st.,lle gheny. my6-47 FOR SALE-WASHINGTON AVE.. ALLE GHENY, six-room brick dwelling contain ing bail, vestibule, finished attic, water on first and second floors, natural gas. well sewered: frontson two paved streets: a very cheap bouse at S4.M0. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 Co.. 99 Fourth ave. my9-45 FOR SALE-PARTIES LOOKING FOR IN VESTMENT look at this, on a good street in Second ward, Allegheny: double brick house: pressed brick front, containing each, storeroom and six dwelling rooms: rents "998 per year: price 18,000. SAMUEL W. BLACK 3t CO.. 99 Fourth ave. mv9-45 FOR SALE-AKCH ST., NEAR PARKS-AN elegant pressed brick dwelling or nine rooms, with all modern conveniences, and on rear of lot, fronting on Veto St., a orick house of six rooms aud attic, with natural gas. water, etc.: will par 8 per cent net on price asked;musi he sold atonce. bee REED B. CO i'LE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. my9-61 IJ-OR SALE-J6.500-BRICK RESIDENCE AND three lots of ground on McCluro avenue, Allegheny: house contains eight rooms, bath room, both kinds of gas, bay window, porches, etc; offered below cost to close an estate and present vner removing to California. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenne. my9-24 Snburbnn Rmldencp. TTWR SALE-A SIX-BOOMED FRAME HOUSE, X? with finished attic: two nice lots planted in fruit with a store on corner. Apply to J. W. PATl'ON, West Chartiers, McKee's Bocks, Pa. m j 9-34 FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, SEVEN-ROOM frame house, attic nat. gas. recep. hall, electric wire", city water: lot 50x130: heven min utes from sta. HAMNhTT i. MEREDITH, 113 Fourth ave, Pg., and Wllklnsbure, Pa. mj9-28 FOR SALE-ON EOF THE MOST DESIRABLE houses at Shadyslde; neat, new, good style of architecture: nine rooms, well fin shed, hand somely papered; lot 48x103 reet, on Westminster street, bee W. A. HERRON Sc SONS, 80 Fourth ve. iny9-27-TnF FOR r-ALU LOTrv J City Lot- TTiOR SALE-ONLY 50 FOR A LOT 24x100 X ieei, on y e psier ave. ; street paved: this Is a special bargain. BAXTER, THOMPSON CO., va f our in ave. my4-82-MWF FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS-UN WYLIE avenue cable line, from t2outofl,500; streets traded and Daved location first-class and prices r. COOPER & FKT-l Y, 107 int?-D?.nrn I certain to advance, rou rlli ave. in) 7-93- wr I7OR SALE-S4C0 TO (730-LOTS ON ROSE. 1 Addison and Reed sts.; 50C0 foot lots; but one square from Center ave: close to cable; nice convenient building sites and good investments. CHARLES bOMERS & CO.. 313 U'ood St. my9-76 East End Lots. FOR SALE-35- ACRES OF LAND ON THE edge orthe city: well adapted ror laying out lnbulldlnglots: rapid sales ror every lot. Particu lars rrom JAS. W. BRAPE & CO., 123 Fourth ave nne, Pittsburg. mvS-59 FOR SALE LOTS. East' End Lata. FOB SALE-A CH AN CE FORSPECULATORS land for sale In blocks of 5, lp or 15 acres In the Eighteenth ward, Pittsburg, already divided Into lots: beautiful, sltustlon, Inquire of CHAS. E. CORNELIUS. 408 Grant St. orN. P. SAW YER. Mornlngslde ave. P8-84 If Pfth IOB SALE-LOTS IN CHAS. E. CORNELIUS' n.n . MnntlnCtM ftlunteenlD Wa.ro. Pittsburg; fine lots at from SIM) to two each; easy payments: no Interest. Call upon CHAS. J- COR NELIUS. Attorney-at-Law, 4P6 Grant St., or N. P. SAW YEK, Mornlngslde ave., Eighteenth ward. tuy8-84: Allegheny Lota. FOR SALE FINE BUILDING LOTS ON Franklin St., Allegheny. A. D.W1LSON. 6i Federal St.. Allegheny. my9-47 FOR SALE 100 ALLEGHENY LOTS ON Lombard St., Linden and Maple aves.. Tenth and Twelfth wards: payments easy. Inquire ot J. A S. UCNAUGHER, 43 &orth Diamond St.. or 43 Federal st. mhl2-56-D Snbnrban Lota. FOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE lots at Ingram and Cralton. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third avenue. my9-21 TJX1R SALE WILKINSBURG. EDGEWOOD A1 and swlssvale lots at bargain prices and on easy terms. HAMNETT & MEREDITH. 102 Fourth ave. and Wllklnsburg. my8-32 F lOR SALE NORTH HOMESTEAD LOTS, 60T 120 feet, fronting on a 60-foot street, near Swlssvale station. P.R.R., and City Farm station, H.&O. R. R.: price SJOO to 300 each: terms to suit. IRA M. BURCIIFlbLD. 158 Fourth avenue aplO-36-P FOR SA LE-LOTS AT EMSWOISTH STATION, on Fort Wayne road, seven miles from town, at auction sale, on Friday, Hay 3. at 3 o'clock, on premises, will be sold In lots 50x150 to 150x30 the entire estate of the late Dr. Courtner. near the station at Emswortb, some of the nl est lots on the line or the Fort Wayne road: this will be a grand chance to get good lots at very low prices, our instructions being to close the estate; take train at Federal st. station at 2:15 citv time; easy terms. A. LEGGATE&SON. Auctioneers. my7-17 Fnrma. FOR BALE-FARM. f5 ACRES, GOOD TWO STORY frame honse six rooms, bank barn, -water, coal, limestone fruit: choice place for every purpose; near Char tiers, A. V. R.R. ED. WHIT Tiall. 410 Grant st my9-D FOR hALE BUHINESS. ITiislnns sPsmnnna F OR SALE-STEAM LAUNDRY, SCOURING and dvelng establishment: fully equipped 'ith iipvr snH firat.e.l is.s maehtnerv: dolniracash hnlnes or 8300 weekly: will be sold cheap. Ad dress iaM!h!Dispatchofilceiny9-71 OR SALE ONE OF THE BEST PAYING b irhersliops in Allegheny Citv: mitt be sold : until Mav 19: good reason: all particulars will be given at the Leading Barber Supply House. A. KDLIS&CO., 602 to 510 Liberty st., Pittsburg, Pa. niy6-62 OR SALE-COMPLETE RED BRICK WOR KS; holler, engine clay hoisting clutch and car, 150 bbl. water tank, large new drybonse new, kilns; everything new; great bargain: splendid market for brick: write at once. Address M. K. T., Dispatch office. my 8-82 FOR SALE- FINEST BOOK AND STATION ERY store Jn best town in Western Pennsyl vania: excellent city music store, good ofllce bus iness; extensive coal works, grocery-stores, bak eries, drugstores, cigar stores, butcher shops. SHEPARD & CO., 151 Fourth ave. my7 FORSALE -DOWN TOWN GROCERY STORE; one of the best stands In the city, doing a splendid cash business; selected stock or fresh goods: show cases, large refrigerator, and every thing complete: very low rent: a quick buyer can have It at a bargain. COOPER & PETTY. 103 Fourth avenue. my8-62 FOR SALE-MERCHANT TAILORING AND gents furnishing establishment; 20 miles from the city: town with population or 5,000 or 6.000: capital about S4.U00 with a business about ? 10,000 per year: no better stand and oppor nnlty outside or the city. For further Inform ation Inquire of Mr. M. OPPENHEIMLR. No. 713 Liberty street and 712 Penn ave., Pittsburg. mrs-24 FOR SALE-LIQUOR STORE-CENT RALLY located in the citv of Cleveland: a flourishing retail liquor store with stock, corking and cap ping machine; horse and wagon, barn and house, or either. If desired; established 3u years: has fiaid lor last fire years 81,500 per year, after pay ng all expenses nnd license; cold on account of sickness. For particulars address N. T. HORR. 37 Blackstone building. Cleveland, O. mv9-25-MwT Business Mauds. FOR SALE-OR RENT BAKERY AND dwelllngcombined, ground on 10 years' lease: good trade: sickness reason ror selling. For terms call on or address R. M. CROSSLAND, Taylors town, Fa. my5-2 FOR SALE-LEASEHOLD -A VERY DESIRA BLE business property on East Ohio St., above the park, a three-story brick aud frame ad dition, consisting or storeroom and eight rooms, bathroom and w. c, buth gases, and all in first ciass condition: length or front building 70 reet; also, a frame building on rear end of lot on First alley of two rooms and attic In good order: this Is No. 1 Investment. BECKFELD & BRACKEN. No. 61 Ohio St., Allegheny. my6-47 Mnnnfactnrinsr Sites. FOB SALE MANUFACTURING SITE ON Liberty st, . lot 264xlOQ,feet. comprising tbe square between Twenty-second and Twenty-third sts., with large and substantial building 50x100 feet, four stories, on the corner or Twenty-third street; this Is offered at a low price. SeeW.A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. myl-21-r FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Elorscs. Vehicles. Live ritock. ctre. FOR SALE CHEAP A COUPE. FAMILY carriage for one or two horses; a one horse close carriage a doctor's buggy, an open buggy and a spring wagon: also a set of double harness: all of wblcn have been In use bat a short time See AV. A. HERRON, 80 Fourth ave my9-16-9,13,17 FOR SALE-HORSES AND BUGGIES-MR. I. W. Bowman, of Kentucky, will offer at auc tion sale at Corbln & Hill's livery stable on Sat urday, May 10, In Oakland, No. 3944 Filth ave., Plttsbnag, the lollowlng articles, viz.: Five side bar buggies, 4 doctor phaetons, 5 carts, 1 bob sled. S sets double barouche harness, 10 sets single har ness, 5head of single and driving ramily horses, 8 head or drart horses, 10 head of saddle horses, 6 head or barouche horses, 2 trotting horses (will show better than ;40) and 3 very fast pacing horses: all the above articles will he sold to the highest bidder without reserve. I. W. BOWMAN, Proprietor. J. A. McKELVEY, Auctioneer. my8-17 Machinery and Metals. FOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge Allegheny, Pa. ap3-76 FOR SALE DRILLING ENGINES AND boilers for oil or gas wells, engines and boil ers In every size and style saw mills and wood working machinery. HARMES MACHINE DEI'iri No. 87 First ave., Pittsburg, Pa. mu9-D FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes ana styles. J.S.YOUNG.23 Park way, Allegheny. X'a. m:2ohSO-d FOR SAliE HOISTING ENGINES, DER RICKS and derrick forglngs, steel hoisting and guy ropes In stock: stationary engines and boilers, shears, clay and ore pans, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacuck and bandnskv sts., Allegheny. Pa. ap29-MWi TO LET. C'rtv Residences. TO LET-A NEW HOUSE ON CENTER AVE NUE, near Klrkpatrlck street, one square from cable cars; eight rooms, bath, range tile hearths, marble mantels: possession Immediately. PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM., No. 140 Fifth avenue. my6-65 East End Residpucc. TO LET ROUP ST.. NEAR WALNUT ST:, Shadyslde, new two-stnry mansard brick dwelling, ten rooms, reception hall, gas, water, bath, inside w. c. etc; lront porch, good lot. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fonrth ave. mv6-2 Allechenv Residences. TO LET-ONLY 830 PER MONTH; CHEAP for 98 Sheffield street, Alleghenv,elghtrooms, all newlv painted, papered and Improved. See W. A. HEBRON &SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. my7-63-wT &nbnrbnn Residences. TO LET DWELLING HOUSE OF SIX rooms in Etna: onlr three minutes' walk from Etna station. P. W. R. It.: terms very reasonable. Inquire or JOS. INGHAM, Etna. m6-63 .pnriment. TO LET-TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS close to park. NO. 95 ARCH bt., Allegheny. mi7-4!-wFSu TO LET ONEFL'iOROF 4 CHOICE ROOMS, suitable ro light housekeeping, on line or street cars, convenient to Allegheny parks and market. Apply to J. G. MORROW, 288 Ohio St., Allegheny. my9-3 Office. DpmU Room. c - TO LET A FEW NICE OFFICES IN GER MANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamon J streets. aplO-49 TO LET-FOURTH STORY OF JiO.W FlFl'II avenue, part of what lias been heretofore known as The Dispatch Building: room suitable for lodge room or for light manufacturing. Ky to be had from ft. M. ( rlbbs. Real Estate Apt., No. 90 Firth ave For particulars see Bl'J. MUR. DISPATCH, corner Smlthfleld and Diamond sts. 117 Bunc.i Manil. TO LEr-rifE HlflLDING NO. 433 LIBERTY street: a good location lor grocery, produce or a Irult store. C. H. LOVE, No. 03 fourth a e nuc myO-30 Miscellaneous. TO LETORFORSALE-nOTELS, COTTAGES and bath bouses, Atlantic City, N. J.: lots for sale In all parts of the city: also So. Atlantic City. Chelsea and ror Atlantic Land Co. ISRAEL G. ADAMS & CO.. Real' Estate AgM Real Es ute and Law Building. aplS-H PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell, let us know. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. Seventh Avenue Hotel building. v mhT PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED ENCYCLO PAEDIA Britann ca. 25 vols., one-half morocco or calf. TKANK BACON A CO.,301 Smlthfleld st. my9 LOST. LOST-LOWEB PART OF DIAMOND EAB BING; roar large stones. Finder will be re warded by leaving It at 800 PENN AVE. my9-72 REWARDS. KEWARD-SS0 WILL BE PAID FOR ANY Information leading to the arrest and con-vt-tlonorthe m who tampered with the elec tric light machine oa tbe steamer Mayflower on Suiidav. May 4. iiiit, ANSHUlZ, Captain. my9-69 DIVIDENDS. Bank of PrrrsBUBG. ) May 6, 1SS0. ( DIVIDEND THE PRESIDENT AND Directors of this hank have this dav de clared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT on its capital stock ont of the proflts of tbe last six months, payable to stockholders, or their legal representatives.on and aftertbe 16th Inst., tree of all tax whatever, including; the tax on Stockholders, which is paid by the bank. W. ROSEBURG, mv7-76 Cashier. BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION OF ELECT1C PACKING and Supply Co.,L!mited Notice Is hereby given that the limited partnership association named Electric Packing and Supply Co.. lim ited, has by a vote of a majority In number and value of interest determined that said associa tion shall be, and is, dissolved. And that L.W. Dalzell, W. J. Crawford and Robert simp son have been elected liquidating trustees to wind np said association and distribute the assets thereof. L. W. DALZELL. AV. J. CRAWFORD. ROBERT SIMPSON. Liquidating trnstees of the Electric Packine and Supplv Co., limited. Ho. 68 Water street, Pittsbnrg. Pa. mv6-71.p PROPOSAL-. OFFICE OF TBI COSTEOLLEPJ. t ALLEGHENY COUNTY, PITTSBURO, PA. "VTOTfCE TO PRINTERS AND BINDEKS Xl Healed prop isal will be received at this niflce until 3 o'clock P. M. SATURDAY. May 10. 1890, for tbe bindrae and furnishing: IM ase-"Siirs" blotters. 14S office duplicates. 112 sc'iool duplicates. 118 treasurers or collectors' books containing 75.000 leaves more or lew. 3X) stenographers' books. Samples of books and all information relat ing to same can be obtained at the office of tbe Connty Commissioners. JOSIAH SPEER, mj7-8 County Controller. WXLKrNSBUrtO. PA.. 1 May 7. 1S90. f VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED JLN proposals for the craalnc paving and curbing Penn avenue, from east ide of P. R. R. tracks to the east.side of Water street, a distance of 1,000 yards, more or less. Contractors will submit prices per square yarn; flr't, for asphalt; second, resnlar Ligon ier block; third, for vitrified firebrick. Bids will be received at tbe Borongh En gineer's office. Wood andRo-s stree.s. where plans and specifications can be seen or handed to any one of the undersigned committee Bids close at 4 P. If., Slay 17, 1890. Tbe committee reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids.. THOS. W. Md'UNE, DANIEL KRIDER, N. J. H. GERW1G. my8-28 Street Committee SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Con troller until SATURDAY, May 17. 1890, at 2 p. M., for one relay and keyboard, with all neces sary electrical connections. Plans can be seen at office of Architects Bickle & Brennan, Ham ilton building, and specifications on file at office of 41. W. Mead, .superintendent Bdreau of Electricity. Bonds in double the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal, said bond to be executed before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Department of Public Safety. PITTSBURO. Mav 6. 1890. rny7-S9 D PROPOSALS FOR FUELAND WASHING Recruitine Rendezvous a!5 Penn ave nue, Pittsburp Pa., May 7, 1890. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, subject to the usual con ditions, will be received at the Recruiting Rendezvous, at 915 Penn avenne. Pittsburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, on tbe 7th day ot June. 1890, at which time and place they will be opened in the presence of bidders, for f urnish ingsupplies and renderingservices as indicated, for the Recruiting Service, United States Army, waenev.er required, within the city limits, during tbe fiscal year ending June30, 1891. viz.: Furnishing and delivering fuel and washing articles of Government equipage. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of ?uality and price (including in tbe price of urelgn productions and manufactures the duty thereon), being equal. The Government re serves the riebt to reject any orallpioposals. Blanks and full Information as to bidding, etc, will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Pro posals for" and addressed to CAPTAIN R. G. HEINER, Recruiting Officer. 915 Penn ave nue, Pittsburg, Pa. my7-C6-7. 8. 9.10. je5, 6 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Superintendent of Water Works at McKeesport. Pa., for furnishing the followlnc snnnlies for the vear ending Febru ary 28, 1891. Ssaid supplies to be subject to tbe order ot tbe Superintendent at any time, and delivered f. o. b. cars, McKeesport, Pa., within ten (10) days from receipt of order. All bids must be in by May 15, 1890: Pig lead, 12,000 lbs. (more or less) Jntecaulkingyarn, one bale " " 2&0-ineb corporation cocks " " 50 ?iinch corporation cocks " , " 250 K-fnch curb cocks " " 50 5-incb curb cocks " " 100 lbs. white cotton waste " i barrels best quality cylinder oil " 1 barrel best quality machine oil " 3 barrels refined Elaine oil " " One doz. No. 3 corn brooms " " One doz. pick handles " " One doz. sledge bandies " " One doz. boxes concentrated lye " M One box Star soap (100 lbs.) " " One box Paraphina candles (short) " " Two doz. short handle shovels (Chisholm's.) Two doz. clay picks. 100 lbs. rock powder (Dupont's.) 1,000 reet blasting fuse. Two doz. wooden pails (3 hoop.) SO lbs. 'A inch piston packing. 25 lbs. J.inch piston packing; Ice for ffice, 10 lbs. daily, during season. One gross matches. O iekeg8d. nails. Two kegs lOd. nails. Two kegs 20d. nails. 25 bushels Are clay. 2.000 furnace fire brick (Boliver.) 5.000 common red brick. 500 bushels "gas house" coke The right to reject any or all proposals is hereby reserved. Direct all prnpoMs to the undesigned. JOS. ECO 'T. mylMil-P hoper ndent. OKFICIAI-PITTSnURG. SEPARA1E AND SEALED PROPOSALS will ba received at the office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock P. 3L, MONDAY, May 12. 1890, for tbe construction of a sewer and the grading and macadamizing of a road at Garbage Furnace, on Hill streetbtxtb ward. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe gen eral office of tho Department ot Public Safety. Bonds in double tbe amonnt of the contracts. ' with two sureties, must accompany each pro- posai; said bonds to be exectrted before tbe Mayor or City Clerk, me uepartment oi Awards reserves tho rigtt to reject anv or all bids. J. O. BROWN, m6-2S Chief Department of Public Safety. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of tbe Citv Con troller until SATURDAY. May 10, 1890. at 2 p. 31., for tbe repairing and remodeling of No. 1 engine honoe. Plans', and specifications can be seen at the office of F. J. Ouerling, Eq.. Architect, No. 42 Fifth avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. Boi.d in double tbe amonnt ot bid must ac company each proposal; said bond to be exe cuted before tbe Mayor or Cit Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Department Public Safetv. PITTSBURO. April 23, 1SVX ap29-23 VJ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iM report of Viewers on the grading, paving and curbing of Allen street, from Washington avenue to Lillian street, lias been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appcil is filed in the Court nf Common Pleas within ten (10) data from date. K M. B1GELOW, Chif of Department of Public Works. PITTSBURO, Mav L 189a myl-91 -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L1 reports of viewers on the construction of sewers on Harvard street, from Negley avrnue to Euclid street; Center avenue, from College avenue to Graham street; Conrad street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue, nnd Bntler street extension and private properties, from Shakespeare street to Fifth avenue and Butler street extension, have been approved by Conn cil.. which action win be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. PITTSBURO. M.iv LloTO. Eirl-94 Q ao"i'onvAToscxN:A Finest Tuscany olive oil. Absolutely pure: unsurpassed for salads and mavnnaise GEO. K. (STEVENSON & CO.. aplMrwr Sixth avenue. AfJCTIOS SALES. AUCTION SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT BY THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. Assistant Superintendent's Office, 1 PrrrsBTJRO. Pa May 2, 1890. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that all unclaimed freight, six hundred (600) packages, more or less, consisting of trunks, valises, black bags, a large lot of miner's tools, castings of various kinds, boxes and packages, received prior to January 1, 18S9, from offices of the Pennsylvania Division west of Harrisburg and Williamsport to Erie and Pittsburg, Pa., including Allegheny City. Pa., and now irr store at Pittsburg, will be sold at nnhllc auction at the auction bouse of the HENRY AUCTION fe STORAGE COM PANY. LIM., No. 311 Market stieet. Pitts burg. MAY 15, 1890. at 10 A. if., unless tbe same sball be called ror and charge-) paid thereon. WM. H. GLENN, H. STONER, Agent. Pittsburg, Pa. Ajs't Sapt. my2-44-2.9,15 HANDSOME HOUSE FDRNISHMTS At Auction, FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 9, At 10 o'clock, for convenlei.ee of sale at the rooms. No. 311 Market st. The goods embrace in part. Modern billiard table with full equipments for same sideboard, extension table, chairs, handsome library sulta in olive leather, fine walnut chamber furniture, bair mattress, fenders. Etegere bookcase, ball rack, pictures, 3ne parlor suite, lace curtains and cornices, bedding, commodes, chiffoniers, fine cooking range, refrigerator, dishes and glassware, brnssels and Ingrain carpets". HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. mv8-8I Auctioneers. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF FRANK McCLL, DECEAS ED. N otice is hereby given tbat letters of administration on tbe estate of Frank McCalL decd. have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate ara requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same should make them known without delay. C. C. MOB ROW, Administrator, P. O. Box 413. city. an4-60-F RE3IOVALS. D R. W. H. DALY Hm removed bis office to MAEDER BUILDING, 135 FIFTH AVENUE, (Fourth floor elevator.) Hours 10:30 A. if . to 1 p. if., except Sundays. ap243--wrsn AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE To-nieht. Matinee Satutday. LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY. Next week The Old Homestead. roy8 TIJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT, MR. BARNES OF NEW YORK. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. May 12 "One of the Bravest." my4-9 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, THE 2 AMERICAN MACS 2. New departure All new features. my5-2 YALD1MIR DE PACHMAN, The Greatest Chopin Plaver Living, OLD CITY HALL. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 9. Tickets for ale at Hennck's Music Store. Chickering Piano used exclusively. my3-7t "WORLD'S MUSEUM WEEK COM V MENCING May 5. John Whitman, Champion Teeth Lifter ot tbe Universe. ADAMS SISrERS And Many Others. Coming Hop O' Aly Tiinmb. mytV52 RE-OKTs. 31HE ARGYLE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. Jn Ocean end of Cocnecticnt ave. Now open. ' 5.11 view of ocean. S. W. FERGUSON. apL! 49-M w rsa q'HE CH ALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY. On tbe beach. North Carolina ave.; unob structed ocean view; salt water baths in tho house: elevator; now open. fe9-U4-D . ROBERTS & SONS. HOTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY, N. J. Accommodates 300 guests; open all the year, omnibus and sea water baths free to guests; the finest summer and winter resort on the coast: house within 50 feet of the surf. n.h4-80-D JAMES fc STEFFNEK, riiHE ARLINGTON. JL OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Accommodations and appointments first, class. Services the best. Accommodates. 350. Will open May L 189a mh5d-D WM. P. DOLBEY, Prop. T)EDFORD SPRINGS, BEDFORD. PENNA. Unsurpassed for bealtb or pleasure. Opens Juno 12. L.B.DOrY, Manager. my 1-69 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Oresson Springs. On the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. ' Will open JUNE 23. For circulars and Infor mation address WM. R. DUNHAM, suoerlntendenr, myM3 Cressun. Cambria Co.. Pa. MARION PLACE LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! Twenty-third Ward, city, Eight minutes from the city via B. AO.B.B, and 20 minutes from the city via Second Avenue Electric Road, ONLY 200. 15 cash and 51 per week will bay yon a lot; size 25x160 in this beantlful plan. There are only a few left, -which will be sold at this ex tremely low figure to close out plan. Don't miss this chance nf securing a good and desirable lot VERY CHEAP, as they ara worth double the price asked for them. Call at our office and our agent will go with you to look at the lots. REED B. COYLE & CO., my9-13 131 FOURTH AVE. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds At Auction. Gardeners, attention. Relfabla flower seeds, specially prepared for the season of 1890, from carefully saved and newly har vested genuine seeds, with fnll instructions for Bnwlnir same, at anctinn FRIDAY AFTER-' NOON, MAY 9 at 2 o'clock. HENRY AUCTION CO., my-t-lOS-wrsu Auctioneers. TTLUE STONE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. We are prepared to furnish Belgian block stone for street paving from quarries at Dun bar, Pa. Have excellent facilities for shipping stone in large quantities. Can load on P. R. R. orB.&O.R.R. F. P. DOONAN CO, Dunbar, Fayette county. my8-63 PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth avenue, above Smlthfleld. next Leader omce. iiMoaeiay.j istaDiisneuzu years. se25-60 PIANOS, ORGANS. And all manner or Small Instruments .. HAMILTON'S. ap2a-W Fifth aven.ae.-i m I 1 y c.