nlfi ViaaillBiMMBBgBrMI aTTMfriWFTMTTTMTliMwi i I f k7 r . 1 fe'8' Vri ?t" SaxSESi "J-? - T".tV THE t PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, 'J JLO" 4, , 189CX iflE M'COMAS IDEA. pis Anti-Gerrjmandering Bill Final ly Ueported to Congress. A WARM AKGUMEKT IN ITS FAVOR. The Democratic Minority Bitterlj Attacks the Measure. OXE REPUBLICAN EMERS A PEOTEST - washixgtok. May 3. Jtepresentative McCoruas, of Maryland, to-day reported to tbe House from tbe Committee on Election tpf President and Vfce President and Eepre- , sentatires in Congress, his bill to prevent gerrymandering The report is long, and Includes an elaborate review and discussion of the constitutional questions involved. It Bays: "The country grows more anxious to se cure fair elections. Congress is justly urged to pass national election laws to guarantee 3ft a fair voting, counting and return ot the j election ot Congressmen In States hostile L, to the exercise of the suffrage by colored .' citizens, enforcement of such laws is dim- cnlt indeed. The subject of a national J? election law is involved in the negro. This j, anti-gerrymandering bill may be ef- fective in the white States where pow , erful minorities of white voters are to-day S suppressed by shameful gerrymandering. E JUST OSE 1NSTAKCE. K "At the last election for Congressman in fl; Indiana, lor instance, the majority vote for p. Congressmen elected three Representatives, , , but the minority vote lor Congressmen gf elected ten Representatives. Such gerry- nandcring is a crime against the general gf Government and tbe people of the whole K nation. This bill will at least compel rep W resentation of the suppressed white minority f in the white States. It will check reckless t gerrymandering in the States ot the black t ' belt and make it easier for Representatives jl- elected therein to obtain certification of election. It will respect equally States rights and the rights of the United States. "It permits States to continue to make regulations for the election of Congressmen, '.' but warns the States that a national Consti- tution has been adopted establishing a real e- and cot a shadowy government, a sover- eignty of the people reposed in an Execu- ? tive and Congress, and that the Congress fc will exercise its power to make or alter the J State regulations of time, place and manner of holding elections for Representatives in Congress, to secure districts more compact as to territory, moreVstable in duration, and i to secure greater equality of population behind the Representatives in Congress. These things the States have failed to do." THE MH.OBITT KETOET. Hr. Tucker, of Virginia, submitted the report of tbe minority. After a bitter criti cism ot the bill, it says: "In this day the spirit of reform is restive. It cannot wait. It wonld break down precedents because they are old, and sanction suggestions of radicalism becanse they are new. It wonld take from States the privilege ol arranging their own Congressional districts as each night think best for its own people, and assigns that right to Congress, against rea son, precedent and the Constitution itself. It wonld uproot the laws of sovereign States without cause, and supplant them with the unconstitutional enactments of a partisan Congress. "It would break down the representative principle in our government by placing power in the hands of the representative for the proper exercise of which he is not re sponsible to the people whom it affects. It would strengthen and enlarge the powers of a partisan officer of the House of Represen tatives, aDd in one breath it would have Congress command the sovereign States of the Union to do its bidding and in the next breath prohibit their action. This spirit ot reform must be arrested or consolidation, despotic and hopeless, will be our destiny. GEEAT PLOW OF 1A3TGTTAGE. "It must be checked, or upon the mourn ful ruins of State preponderance will arise a mammoth empire stretching its broad arms from the Atlantic to the Pacific shores an empire whose sway will dwarf imperial Rome, boundless in its domain and limitless in its authority; with no guide but its restraint but its own discretion; with no constitution but its fiat, no law but its own power; an empire dected with all the gorgeous splendors of a centralized domain and proudly wielding the scepter of its ab solute sway over the broteen and crouching victims of its ruthless usurpations." Mr. Frank, of Missouri, signed neither the majority nor the minority report. He hasJramcd a dissenting report in which he says that the most cogent reason for his refusal to give assent to the views of the majority is that the measure will be very unpopular and distasteful to the minds of tne people wno are noi lawyers, and who are unable to draw a distinction between an ex post facto and a retroactive law. Under the Constitution of the United States no ex post facto law can be passed. Under the Constitution of all tbe States no ex post facto law can be passed, and under some of tbem no retroactive law can be passed. A retroactive law is al ways regarded with great disfavor, and the people will not I us tain Congressional action in the way the bill proposes. HOUSFOUDN ACID PIIOSPHATE Makes nn Invlgoratinc Drink With water and sugar only. Delicious. The people's suburb. See page 14, to day's Dispatch. Electric Portrait Copying Company, 10 and 12 Sixth st, copy and enlarge photos in crayon, water colors, etc; best work; lowest prices. wsu See our 25c half hose modes and tans. Pfeifer. The basis of all security. See page 14, to-day's Dispatch. fc PURE P?PRIC CREAM 4KlNf POWDER Its superior excellence proven In millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It Is nsed by the United State Governmen. Indorsed by tbe beads of the great universities as the (strongest. Purest and most Healthful Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Lime of Alum. Sold only in pna pump. Riiriwn pnwnpp rn HEW YORK. myWi2-TTSeosu ST. LOUIS. NEW ADnRTISEMENTs. "Our American Homes and How (o Furnish Them." FURNITURE. Visitors to New York Are cordially invited to visit our establishment, wherein is dis played the largest and most inter esting stock of Sellable Furniture to be seen in America. English Brass Bedsteads NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DESKS A SPECIALTY. Great reduction in price. Immense Stock AIL KINDS. Large roll top desk only 51 Work Guaranteed. STEVENS CHAIR I CO., NO. 3. SIXTH STREET, mh9-6u PITTSBURG. PA' i nil 5Llu USulM Ifflll L II C H lllf l ItsiroziU In all sizes, from $25 to $400. Iron Bed. steads, with brass trimmings, $10 up. Being direct import ers of these goods, we guarantee bestvalues. Catalogue sent on application. R. J. HORNER & CO., Furniture Makers and Importers, 61,63 and 65 West 23d Street, NEW YORK. Wgss-J s --.r-zr Latest improred Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit anv nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock ot Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KORNBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optioian. No 50 Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. 1630. de2&4 NEW ADVERTISEMENT". mrrril. myHOO-TTSu THE DISPATCH, BUSINESS OFFICE HAS BEEN REMOVED TO CORNER SMITHFIELD AND DIAMOND STS. mh9.117 PHOTOGRAPHER. 16 SIXTH STREET A fine, large crayon portrait S3 60; see them before ordering el ne where. Cabinets. SI and 2 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. apt-83-MwTSu J. DIAMOND. Optician, 22 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburg. Pa. Spectacles adapted to every detect of sight. Optical, Mathematical, Electrical instruments. Thermometers, Barometers, etc Artificial eyes inserted. ja25-TTSn BUT DON'T BELIEVE IT. Some Household Furniture Dealers will tell you their goods are as good and ttheir prices are as low as those of PICIOERINGFS. BUT DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT. Come and see for yourself. You will then be convinced that, beyond all question of donbt.our Prices are the Lowest, our Stock the Largest and our Terms the Easiest of any house in our line in the city. "We are headquarters for everything in the line of FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, AND All Tilings Necessary to Make a Home Comfortable. Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Carpets and Oil Cloths, Folding Beds, "Wardrobes, Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Lace Curtains and Portieres, Kitchen Furniture, iseasteaas and Cribs, bideboarda and Chinoniers, Stoves and Household Goods. No trouble to show goods. Polite attention to all. Everybody invited to inspect goods. Anything and everything in our store obtainable either for cash or on easy pay ments. Special inducements to parties starting housekeeping. This week's attractions as great as those we had last week. All at prices which, for lowness, seem almost incredible. BY ALL MEANS COME AND SEE TT& PICKERING'S myi OLD POPULAR HOUSE, COR. TENTH AND FEW. THE NEW SHADES XNTEODUCED BY RUBEN Have achieved a signal success. SPUING STYLE No. 6, THE "chappie;' In all the new colors. ?1 90, 52 20, 2 40, $2 90, ?3 40. Many were the expressions ot admiration and praise upon tbe varied and beantlful assort ment of shades which we opened last Saturday. The most fastidions and exacting customer went away a pleased purchaser. It w ould be to the interest of every gentleman contemplating the purchase of a summer Derby to inspect our magnificent stock before making a selection. The new colors are as follows: Fawn, Cedar Russet, Chocolato, Cuba. Walnutj Oak, Cinnal mon, Coffee, Calf, Havana and Tan. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 AND 423 SMITHFIELD ST. my4-wsu NEW ADVERTISEMENT. WM grabowskyT Fashionable Hat and Bonnet Bleacher and Ostrich Feather Dyer. We have Introduced our new Summer Plate containing all the leadmz New York styles: we will name a few: Beauty, Vokes, Plymouth, Hgaro, Chateau, Chic. Promenade. Pattl, Hastings, Oxford, Francois. Alda, Ribbon. Any of yonr old-fashioned Hats can be reno vated into tbe most fashionable and becoming style by our new electric process, rendering the Hats as good as new at a saving from $2 to 13 a Hat. For correct styles and good work always go to "WM. GBABOWSKY, THE HATTER, 707 Penn ave., opposite Fenn building. my4-wsu HERBERT WA LKEtt ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, K NINTH ST. Tbe only manufacturer of artificial human eyes in the city. mn21-su S HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON QUICKLY DISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITH THE NEW SOLUTION ? AOP6H6.? AXD THS GROWTH TOKIVSK DISTSOIID WITHOUT THS BLIOHTIST INJUR! Ol CltrOtORATIOM Of TITE MOT PELICAT SKIN PHCOTEK1D BT ACC1PINT. Ik Comfotodimo, p Incomplete mixture was accidentally ipilled on th back of the hand, and on waihing af terirard it ira discoyered that the hair ry-fSEP.''T "rnjTed. We purchased the new discovery and named It J10DENE. It is perfectly pure, free from all injnrious ubtnces . and so simple any one can use it. It acts mildly bnt sorely, and yon will be sur prised and delighted with the results. Apply for a few minutes and the uair disappears as if by magic. It bu no resemblance whatever to any other preparation ever need for a like purpoee, and no scientific discorery ever attained such wonderful results. IT CANNOT FAIL. If the crowth be light, one application will remove it permanently; the heavy growth such as the beard or hair on moles may require two or more appli cations before all the roots are destroyed, although all hair will be removed at each application, and without the slightest Injury or unpleasant feeling when applied or ever afterward. hodxne sufesczdzs zlxctboltsis. RtC6Bimendtd ba all laha haam tatrl Itm nv7 Jim nnn fit rmKnmmmitr. ! Gentlemen wlin Hn nnt unnrnriAtn rntnni'i frtffc et it hpftrci. will find & priceless boon In Hodene, which does away with shaving. It dissolves and destroys the life principle of the hair, thereby rendering Its future growth an utter impossibility, and is guaranteed to be as harmless as water to the skin. Young persons who find an embarrassing growth of hair coming, ehonld use Hodene to destroy its growth. Hodene sent by mail, in safety r psice, 81.00 per '30 ttle. 8end money bv letter, with your full address written plainly. Correspondence Mcredlyprivate. Fob! age stamps received thesameascash. always miction TOUBCOuaTIANDTHiSFAriK. n7-&r &&..') WODENE MANUFACTURING CO., CINCINNATI, O,, U.S.A.' CUTTHISOUT GEN?.?AVENTSC HAIDFABTMHS OF THE HIGHEST uRAOE HAIR PREPARATIONS. IS IT MAT NOT WANTED. 1 lou can rwqlrttr four latter at artw Pott-opct and litsurt lt taft dclltrcry ( APPEAR AOAIK WeWffcr S1.000 FI8 FAILURE OR THE SUQHTEST IM10RT. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. R MTOSRflRY fflflRVEIi $2.50 PER 0IfU5DE, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We publish tbe Popular Reprint of tbe ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA from latest Enjrllsh edition, at $2 50 per volume, being one-third the price ot the original and one-balf tbe price of the Scribner edition of the same work. We have reorodnced all illustrations. maDS and texts. page for page and vol time for vnlome. Complete sets of 24 vols, now ready fordehverv on EASY I Ti!ivTTiint rh ir rpa lpt work nf th Vinrl In th Rntrliah laTimif- A RnhrrlliAr twrifi- "Th ' best is now the cbeariest." All high-priced editions of this work in our office for comparison. Circulars and sample pages mailed. Acerm wanted. THE HENRY G. .AJOOOEN COMPANY, 17 SEVENTH STREET, PITTSBURG. PA. Address all comrr nnications to Pittsburg office. ap29S0-su COMPETITION FOILED! IN TRYING TO FIND OUT HOW WE DO IT, BUT WE DO IT NEVERTHELESS, AND LIVE. To-morrow we place on sale one hundred and fifty of the following 7-Piece Antique Chamber Suits, consisting of Bed, Dresser, Washstand, Two Chairs, Rocker and Stand, which go for the remarkable low price of $28 Twenty - Eight Dollars. 28 Ten Dollars Down and Two Dollars Per Week for Balance. ' j JESS j IB! pft s H plPj" nsr J y Chamber Suits as low as $15. Parlor Suits as low as $35. t Fringes as low as $10. Yardrobes as low as $10. ALL OH' EASY PAYMENTS. AS YOU LIKE THEM. HOUSEHOLD CREDIT CO. 723 and 725 LIBERTY STREET. Corner Eighth street, head of "Wood. Acknowledged Champions of Low Prices and Easy Terms. myt-Sa Kau fmann LIBERALITY KNOWS NO BOUNDS. V , REGULAR FIRST CLASS $1 Parquet Tickets Good for any performance of "J-n i . Vjjp xKsTzJk 1 u rftr-. " LITTLE LORD FAUHTLEROY -AT THE- Grand Opera House x ' THIS WEEK, Will be given Gratis with every Boy's Suit costing not less than $5, while a regulation Ball and Bat, or one of our famous Castonet Wheels will be given with every Boy's Suit, no matter how low its price may be. REGULAT ON BLUE UNIFOR MS OFFERED BY KAUFIVIANNSi JT AWAY BELOW ALL OOMPBTITIOITI There are thousands of people in this City whose occupation compels them to wear Blue Uniforms. Are they aware of the fact that they can save from 15 to 35 per cent by patronizing Kaufmanns ? Such is actually the case, as a perusal, of the following will easily prove: 4S KAUFMANNS' HOP HES-51 STREET CAR CONDUCTORS, Gripmen, Motor Men and Drivers, We can furnish you with regulation Blue Uniforms for less money than what you have paid heretofore. our price for A No. quality Blue Flan- el Uniforms, warrant- not to fade or shrink, 14 ounce cloth and made equal to custom work. is our price for regular 16 ounce Blue Yacht Cloth Uniforms, best in the world; will keep their col or and never shrink. Coats of above Suits can be had in any style; Single Breasted or Double Breasted, Cutaway or Straight Cut For further information please call or write. Samples submitted. t n 17 n is V U L I 1 i 1 n UUiUI ed m MEMBERS OF THE GRAND ARMY -AlfD- Sods 0 n Don't buy any Blue Uniforms un til you have seen ours. The cele brated Slater and Middlesex Flannels and Yacht Cloths, which are the best, have been used for the manu facture of our Suits exclusively. A written guarantee warranting the Suit as fast color, indigo dye and not to fade, will be given to every purchaser. PRICES ARE: $8 50, $10 and $12. We also have G. A. R. Suits at $6, but will not guarantee them as fast color. Ft 2 r ""at N IBIB I We believe you are sensible and economical. We think you will buy your Uni forms where you will get them the cheapest. Kaufmanns will supply you with Regubition Blue Uniforms, same as you now wear, AT $8 75, And Regulation Caps at 75c. EMPLOYES May have their Uniforms charged on giving us proper or ders for same from their respective EMPLOYERS. I 7 ' '' I RAILROAD CONDUCTORS, Brakemen, G-atemen and Depot Men. You all require Uniforms, and here's the place to get them at far less than the prices at which other houses can or will furnish them to you. Our Middlesex Yacht Cloth Uni forms for Railway Employes can not be beaten for durability, good fit and wear. We sell them AT ONLY $12. Cheaper grades of Uniforms at $8 and $10. Coats can be had in any style de sired double or single breasted, straight cut or cutaway. FIFTH -VZEnSTTTIE -AND- snciTsiFiEijnD street. Policemen, Walk right up to our Custom Tail oring DeDartment and leave vour measure for Regulation Blue Winter unuorms (same raase, siyic aau quality as you now wear)or ONLY $27. You know what you now pay for your Suits, and they're not made-to-order, either. So, if you're will ing to save money, come and see us. Policemen!s Yacht Cloth Suits, the regulation style for summer wear, for which you are taxed $17 50 elsewhere, we will sell you At Only $13. The $4 50 you save are as good in your pocket as in the coffers of high price clothiers. Don't you think so ? Kaufmanns SPECIAL For To-Morrow, MONDAY ONLY: 1,000 MEN'S AND BOYS' FIREMEN AND m POLICE PATROL MEN is the price at which we will duplicate the Uni forms for which the mem bers of the Fire Depart ment now pay $16. This is plain talk and we mean just what we Say. The "Boys" are welcome to call and convince themselves of the above fact. Police Patrol Men, Public Highway Men, Water Works Men, And other officials in the employ of the city or county, will find Uniforms here for tneir respective needs at away below the prices charged ehewhere. Fi Cna 1 s AT 50c, They come in the very latest large and small shapes, in six dif ferent light and dark colors, and in qualtity are equal to any $1 Hat3 ever offered before in this city. Our sDecial Si 30 sale of fine Derby Sample Hats will be con-1 tinued until o ociock lo-murrow evening. About 300 of these great Bargain Hats (they're worth $3 and and $3 50) are still left Ygur choice to-morrow for $1 39. KAUFMANNS 9 ..'3Litk i - ' ' '-Kit, i . ?JfcJMarawL.teB.g-Ha.A,...iJ. .... .t. .at &&.-. .JaaBh'ifft'MfiW i Mwammnun i mm m '"''"''gBW'WHWMBWBMWWWIMWHWWlMIBHWBMBWIMHWMMBBMBMMHMMIW I v ' .- iteM In.fiiirfelrMtli -' ..,-i.,... - ,-h.: -ri: .r;,. ... ' , . . . l 1 it ifW Mlt wwnwiwiiimiiPMWWM ifiii ni wiMiifflr