5?HB PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 189'Q. B&'IHiplav advertisement one dollar per square Jar one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such at Warded. For Bale, To Let, eta, ten cents per line Jor each truer turn, and none taken for less than fUty xnit. 1HE PITTSBURG TSsPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCII OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHsIDE AT NO. m CAKSON STKEET. WIIEKE ADVERTISE MENTS. SEWS AMJSURi-CKIITlONSCN BE LEFT. BOTH FOK UE-NEKAL EDITIONS, AND FOK THE SPECIAL SOUTHSIDE ISSUE PUB LISHED EACH SATUHDAT. BKANCH OFFICES AliE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES. WHERE WANT. FOK SALE. TO LET, AND OTHEK TKANblENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO V. M. FOK IN SERTION NEXT JIOKNING: Advertisements re lo be prepaid except where advertisers lreay have accounts with ITU DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY; JX9 Bntler street. F-MIL G. STUCKEY. Hth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY JtCO., Wylle ave. and Fultosit. 2t.sruX.LLY. ITfth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W, WALLACE, emPennavenut. OAKXAXD. 1ICALLISTEK & SHEIBLEK. Em av. A Alwood St. BOUTHSIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. ICarson atreet. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEUCHEK. 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Market Honse, Allecbeny. rRKDH. EGGERS. ITS Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS ft SON. Ohio and Chestnnt sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Westernand Irwin aves. G. "W. HUGHES. PeinsrlTanla and Bearer ares. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ares. T. B. MORRIS, 6SS Preble are. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCE.ER. Stationer. No. 4 Grant are. SHARPgBURG. C BELLMAN. Stationer, S18 Main it. ADVERTISERS, PLEASE NOTICE! THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH HAS BEEN REMOVED tO CORNER SMITHFIELD AND Diamond Streets. WANTED. Blnle Hcln. WASTED-THREE GOOD COAT MAKERS. Apply or address A. B. CALDWELL, Washington. Fa. aplS-89 WANTED-FOUR FIRST-CLASS FIREMEN for stationary boilers. Apply at once. 13 TAGGAKT ST., Allegheny apl8-95 TT-ANTEO-KXFEKIENCED PLUMBER AND gas Alter. Apply at JOS. JONES ft CO.'S, feonhtMaln street, est End, city. aplS-10 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST. Apply at PITTSBURG FORGE AND IRON CO.'S MILb, Ninth ward Allegheny. apl9-13 ANTED-A STRONGrCTIVE YOUNG man of soberhablts to work In a wholesale liquor store. Address WORK, Dispatch office. apl9-98 WANTED-SALESMAN FOR CITY TRADE, who has experience in tobacco business. Apply between S and 12 a. m. at 70S LIBERTY ST. apl9-S3 WAN TED -DRIVER-A MARRIED MAN; mnt have a good recommendation In quire at MILLER BROS.1 STABLE, 1217 Carson St., S. S. ap!6-13 -TTTANTED-AGENTS FOR A NEW PAYING vV business: 1 an hour easilv made: sample, etc.; 'ent free. Address C K. MARSHALL, Lockport, N. Y. mbS-37-s fT7"ANTED TWO" 'FIRST-CLASS COAT fV MAKERS. Inquire at P. J. LOUGHNEY. t4 Liberty st . or address J AS. A. MURPHY ft CO., Clarion. Pa. apl9-33 TTT ANTED- PLASTERERS-SIX A NO. 1 ' hands: none other need apply. BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, corner Sixth avenue and n ood street. apis-65 "YTTANTED-EXPER1ENCED REAL ESTATE V salebtnan: good opportunity for the right juan. Apply to AlJlKSUJt a D.iUilAl AJY. LIM., SO Fourth ave ap!9-7 TTJANTEO-AGENTS TO SELL SEVERAL OF it ine most nsnui articles nsed in everv household. Apply to CAVANAGH BROS.. 22 Seventh 6t-. nttsburg, ra. apl9-97 -TTT -ANTED-A GOOD SALESMAN TO SELL our line of fall casslmeres. Jeans, cotton ades and drills to the retailers. Address THOMAS SCHRAMM & CO., 31anuPs, Phllada. ,apl2-46-B WANTED-A TRAVELING MAN WHO HAS experience In wholesale confectionery busi ness, and can command trade. Address J. K. Mc KLE A CO.. Limited, 1029 Liberty st. aplS-13-D -rrjANTED-AGENTS-flO PER WEEK, IN every town, to sell our teas, coffees, spice and baking powder. Address GREAT KSTLRN TEA CO., 563 Pearl St., Cleveland, Ohio. ap9-98 w ANTED-A NUMBER OF GOOD ROCK at Chrlstiansburg, Va.t liberal wages. Apply on work to E. J. GAY-NOR& SONS, Contractors. apl7-SS YTTANTEL A MAN TO TAKE AN OFFICE V and represent a manufacturer; ?o0 perweek; small capital required. Aadress. with stamp, MANUFACTURER, Box 70, West Acton, Mass. fe!5-99-E W ANTED-A RESPONSIBLE MAN TO SO LICIT advertisements for the Dubuque Dlscountand Telegraph Code book. rite with references to C N. HOOPER, Dubuque, Iowa. apl7-39 "TTT AN TED-SALESMEN ON THE ROAD WHO V wish to handle a light and profitable side line, would do well to try our Petit Ledger and Bill Holder. H. McALLASlEK ft CO.. Chicago, HI. apl9-3l WANTED-A GOOD SINGLE COLORED man, to take care of two horses, drive carriage and make himself nseful about bouse. Apply ALEX. BEGGS, 63 Anderson at., Alle gheny; apl9-41 WANTEH-GENLRAL AGENT FOR PITTS BURG and vlclnltv by the United Life and Accident insurance Association. 44 Broadway. hevr York. Address J. JAY PARDEE. Secre tary. apl9-33-TUS YTTANTED-AGENTS TO SELL OUR TEAS, V coffees, baking powders, spices and ex tracts, tor terms and full particulars address GRAND UNION TEA CO., 307 Market St.. Pitts burg, Pa. apl9-45 WANTED-LIVE AGENT'S IN EVER1 TOWN to sell our goods: special inducements to right parties: also ladles to form tea clubs. Ad dress lor lull particulars METROPOLITAN TEA CO.. Shllohsi.. Pittsburg, Pa. ja25-27-TTS WANTED-AGENTS FOR MOST WONDER 1UL advertising machine the world has ever known; Just patented: sells quick to-every merchant and manufacturer; particulars 2c ARC MFG. CO.. Racine. Wis. api-47-S -TTTANTED-BOOKKEEPER-A YOUNG MAN T capable of taking charge or a set of books; one who has had experience In the Iron business preferred; must give reference and time of ex perience. Address A. B. C., Dispatch office. pl9-l "WATE.U"7A..UETS,!5HOt:LU WRITE FOK ,1,n8fra,t??. circu,' and terms for two weeks' trial or Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam llhoutrubblnr- easilv sold: profltable. J. WORTH, 54 Beekman st. New York City. noio-94-wssn ANTED- BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COL LEGE, removed to 12 Federal street. Allegheny near bridge: open 9 A. J!, to 9 P. M. ; a good handl writing guaranteed In a few lessons; instruction private for ladles and gentlemen. mhl6-ls-TT86n -TTTANTED-AGENTS TOSELL TEA. BAKING Y powder and pure spices: gins with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmLn can makemoney In their spare time: special Inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASHIRO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson St., Allegheny. Pa. au20-79-S -TTTANTED-SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH V salarvand expenses, to sell a line orsllver- plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only: horse and team furnished free: write at once for full artlculars and sample case or goods free. BTAN AKD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-t75 TO 250 A MONTH CAN BE made working for us: persons prelerred who can furnish a horse and give whole time to busi ness; spare moments can be profitably employed also: a few vacancies In towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON ft CO., 1009 Main St.. Richmond. Va. feS-B5-S WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade: we are the largest manufacturers In our line: liberal salary paid; permanent position: money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For terms address CENTEN NIAL MFG. CO., Chicago, 111. felB-HO-wssu ANTED-AGKNTS FOB THE AUTHOE IZED edition of the Lire. Writings and Speeches of Henry W. Grady, edited by Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus); easiest celling book In the market. Good territory can be se cured by writing at once to CASSEI.L PUBLISH ING CO.. 104 Fourth ave.. New iork. ap!3-12U-TTSSu TTTANTED-AGENTS TOSELL THE PINLESS V Clothes Line: patent recently Issued; It holds the clothes without plus: they do not freeze to ltand cannot blow off; sample line sent by mall 60c:S0-footllnebymalltl 25. Tor circulars. jjrlce list and terns addressTHE PINLESS CLOTHES LINECO.. wuennonst., Worcester, Mass. WANTED. Mule Help. -A GOOD BARBER IMMEDIATE- "TTT-ANTED. t V L.Y, THOS. II. JOHNSON. 56 Ninth ft. apl9-3S "TU'-ANTED- A FIRST-CLASS JOURVfcYMAN apl9-5l TTT ANTED A GOOD SECOND HAND V baker. Apply at 166 REBECCA ST.. Alle rheny. pl-5i WANTED-FIRST-CLASS CARPET LAYER. Write or apply at C. M. P.EEDft CO.'S, W ashlngton. Pa. apl6-71 WANTED-A GOOD WAGON BLACKSMITH at once. Apply at C. OKUBBb'. 111 Mln street, Sharpsburg, Pa. apl9-73 Female Help. WANTED-COOK AND CHAMBERMAID TO gotoSenlckley. Apply to GILBERT A. HAYS. S Fourth e. pI&-74 T7-ANTED-A LADY BOOKKEEPER-ONE V that has experience preferred. Address C 1L, Dispatch office. aplS-54 "TTJANTED-AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN V to cook for a girl school outside the city: roust come veil recommended: f-50 a year with board and Trashing. Address Q, Dispatch office. ftlnlc nnd Femnle Help, TTJANTED-1 GERMAN NURSE, 100 HOUSE v elrls, cooks, chambermaids, dining room plrls, waiters, drivers. cardeners. larm nanus. .alio, a- iitujirau EOS Grant st. ap!7-UThs WANTED-A BUTLElt, WAITER. FARM hands, woman cook. $3 per week: 4 dining room girls, pastry cook, dishwasher, 20 chamber maids, 60 cooks, laundress, l per week. MKE HAN'S, MS Grant st. apl4-D Kirnattons- WANTED-POSITION BY A BOOKKEEPER of several vears experience: can rive best of references. Address RELIABLE, Dispatch office. aplg-93 WAN 1 ED-A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by a widow for a widower or bachelor: no objections to leaving the city. Address MRS. A. v., uispaicn omce. apl9-46 WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED LADY stenographer, a position as shorthand and typewriter: can furnish reference. Address TYFEW RITER, Dispatch office. apl9-99 WANTED-S1TUATION-BYAYOUNG HAN of food character: has good knowledge of bookkeeping and fair penmanship as bookkeeper or bill clerk. Address JAMEb FA1KFOX. Post office Box 236, city. apl7-44-ThS Partners. WANTED-PARTNERIN THE BRICK BUSI NESS with tsoo to f80O capital: good Invest ment. Address C MCLEAN, East Liverpool, Ohio. apl$-44 Rooms, Houses. Stc WANTED TO TRADE ALLEGHEN YSMALL residence for small suburban home: we have a new bouse In Allegheny which we desire to exchange for 3 or 4-room house and good lot in the suburbs. BLACK ft BAIRD, 96 1 ourth ave. apl6-S2 Boarders nnd Lodffers. WANTED YOUNG MEN BOARDERS: nicely furnished rooms; modern con veniences; both gases, bath, use piano: three minutes from Shadyside station, and 10 minutes from Penn or Fifth avenue cable cars: terms (20 per month. Address J, D. F., Dispatch office. ap 18-33 FlnnnelnU YTTANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES. C. V H. LOVE, No. 93 fourth avenue. ap!9-12 YTTANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON W EKTY: it to 6 per cent; no delay. NKTT ft MEREDITH, 102 Fourth ave. aplS-9J-ws PROP-HAM- -TTTA'NTED MORTGAGES MON EY TO LOAN V In sums to suit at , i and 6 per cent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave, Tel. 167. apl9-14-TT6SU -TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OB T V Allegheny county property at lowest rates. HENRY A. WEAVER i CO 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-D WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE AND smatl amounts at lowest rates. MA CRUM A CUBBAGE, Room 34 Fidelity Building, 121 fourth ave. Iel9-61 WANTED-MORTGAGES-fl.C00,000TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4H, 5and6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. COYLE A CO.. 131 Fourth ave. mv210-TTB WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY OR SUB URBAN Improved real estate In large or small amounts at lowest rates. LEE, BARNETT ft CHAt'LlN. 311 ood St. apl9-Il-TTS WANTED-MORTGAGES WE ARE PRE PARED to loan sums from fWOto foOO.OOO on city and country propertr; 4. 5 and 6 per cent. J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ap!9-6-MWS -YTTANTED-TO LOAN 1500,0001 IN AMOUNTS V V of $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4,H percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at S and t per cent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 1 ourth avenue. se21-d-D ANTED MOKTGAGES-l,00a,000TO LOAN . J city and suburban properties at 4S, Sand t (wr ccnu ihu oa lariuv lu AUCKUrnj luu Kbja- cent counties at 6 per cent. x, ju. jrxArtjua. a ou. ii rourin avenue. ap7-Hl YTTANTED-TO ,OAN K00.000 ON MORT- TT GAGES: flOO and upward at 6 per cent; tsoo, 000 at 4H per cent on residences oc business property; also in aaioinmg counties. S. H. FRENCH. 11) Fourth avenue. OC2I-4-D WANTED-C1TYMOR1GAGESON REAL ES TATE in large or small amounts: money ready when title Is all right: no delay; reason able charges. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. Ja4-71--w8 Mlacellaneonsw -YTT-ANTED-TO BUY GOOD GROCERY STORE. V Address GROCERY, Dispatch office. apl9-43 -TTJAN TED-TO BUY SECOND-HAND NO. 1 Y Remington Typewriter. Address for one week, IKE, Dispatch office. ap!8-100 WANTED -500 FAMILIES TO EXAMINE our home orchestra. (50 for six Instru ments. S. HAMILTON, 91 Filth ave. acl-71 WANTED PEOPLE TO CALL AND BE convinced that the "Hamilton" Is the best 5ultar tor the money on the market. S. HAMIL ON, 91-93 Fifth ave. apl9-71 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT at HAMILTON'S you can buy everything musical and be assured of moderate prices and courteous attention. apl9-71 WANTED TO SELL A:DRUG:'STORE: doing a large bnslness; centrally locited and terms reasonable: good reasons for selling. Address TOB. Dispatch office. apl9-39 WANTED-TO RENT OR LEASlC A LOT corner Braddock ave. and Sixth st.. at Braddock; well situated for retail drrg business: Improvements made 11 desired. Inquire NO. 210 SMI1HF1ELD ST., or BOX 220, Braddock, Fa. apl9-34-MSSU WANTED-CI1 Y AND ALLEGHENY COUN '1Y real estate of all kinds to sell: reason able charges: property advertised free of charge; no saie, no cnarges; nave pientv oi purchasers. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler. Office open la4-71-ws evenings. Telephone 5514. WANTED BUYERS FOR BANANAS, lemons, oranges, cocoanuts and a general line of foreign fruits: largest stock banana6 In the city: am handling from six to eight cars Mediterranean frultweckly: call and seemebefore Fiurchasmg elsewuere; sena your oroers by mall or bananas and fruits. THOMAS H. McGO WAN. 607 Liberty st. mli 14-97 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. FOR SALE-A FIFTH AVENUE PROPERTY: a good investment. C H. LOVE. No. 93 Fourth avenue apl9-9 OR SALE-A DOWN-TOWN PROPERTY AT less than value: sure of enhancement, C H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenne. apl9-9 FOR BALE-ON CARVER STREKT. BRICK house. 6 rooms and mansard, hall, vestibule, porch: sewered; lot 24x100: only (3,800. MAGAW ft GOFF, LIM., 145 Fourth ave. apI2-20-Tussu TJIOR SALE ON BEDFORD AVE. BRICK X.' house, nve rooms, citywater.etc.nicelv fin ished: lot 23 6x121 It.: price. (2.500. LEE, BAK- NLrrCHAl-lil, 313 WOOd St. ap9-10 FOK SALE-VERY CHEAP IF SOLD QUICK Corner Bedford and Maon St., Mt. 'Uashlng ton: lot 140x127 feet: large honse 10 rooms, out buildings, fruits. See W. A. HEBRON ft SONS' 80 Fourth are. aplS-21-UTbs FOKSALE-t25 CASH AND (25 EACH MO. until paid for: a rare chance to buy a neat brick house, eight rooms, 1325 Sycamore St.. Thlr-tv-flfth ward: location good. See W. A. HERRON ft SON'S, 80 Fourth avenue ap6-61-7, 10, 14. 17. 19 FOR SALE-FINE PENN AVE. PROPERTY, lot 24x160 to an alley: good stable In the rear; rents for (1,500; price fi8,00O, (ilOOO down; bal ance can stand at 5 per cent, free of State tax. AppIyatNO. 40 FOURTH ST. apl8-60 I7WKSALE-ON FORTY-THIRD AND A HALF : street, below Willow, good sized lot and a brick house of four rooms, hall and finished attic: price (1.750; very esv payments: monthly It desired. THOS. MCCAFFKKY, 3509 Butler st. mb29-58-WBSa T7ORSALE-H800-CARSON STKEET PROP JJ ERTY: eood location, near Tenth street; brlct dwelling or seven rooms, hall, both gases, cellar, water in kitchen, outside shutters; lot 22x 120 feet to allev. MORRISON ft BANKS, 1113 Carson ttreet, s. S., Pittsburg. ap!9-TTS FS.bAJ'E-7-75l'-COST OVER (9,fi00: PROP ERTY No. 254 Slain street: lot 35x110 feet; large brick house or 9 rooms, bath, finished attic Irisldew.c etc.. etc.; both gases: this is one or the finest residences on Main st. ; terms to suit. THOS. MCUAF REY, &509 Butler St. fe26-73-WS8u FOR SALE-45.80O. REDUCED FROM (6,500 blggest bargain In the city: three hooses, one or six and two of four rooms, renting for (636 per year; buildings are new and In first-class order: forced Falc owner leaving city. BALT ENbPEKGEK ft WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. aplS-32 FOK SALE-(S.200-NO. 275 FORTY-FIFTH, splendid new two-story and mansard brick dwelling, pressed brick front, with hall, vesti bule, eight large rooms, bath, hot and cold water, range, both gases, china closet, slate mantels, cemented lanndry, etc.. etc: lot 20x110 ft.; this Is one of the finest houses on Forty-fifth it. ; see It possession April 1; one-half cash, bal, to suit, THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butier si e mb9-172-WBSU FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Coat End RrmacDcpo. FOKSALE-N EAST END RESIDENCE FOR (3,500 and a No. 1 location; much below value If sold soon, c II. L'lVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. apl9-9 FOR SALE-AN EAST END PROPERTY TO , a quick buyer for cash at (20 a front foot away below market price. C. H. LOVE, No. 9i Fourth avenue. ap!9-9 JTORSALE-rOO WILL BUY A NEAT FRAME dwelling atRonp station: good neighborhood; lot 24x100. See BAXTER, THOMPSON ft CO , 162 Fourth avenue. apl3-93-TTSSu FOR SALE-(i4u0-FRAME HOUSE, NO. 10S Ward St.: 7 rooms size 18Mx65: double porches: natural gas and water. J. B. LARKIN t v-v., inim ave. apl9-29 FOR SALE (2,500 WILL BUY A FRAME honse of seven rooms In the East End; lot 25x 140 ft. ; stable etc. : a cheap property. LEE. B AR NETT ft CHAPLIN, 313 Woodst. apl9-l0 FOR SALE A HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS and good lot, near East Liberty station and cable cars; price onlv (1,800. For terms, etc, call on KELLY ft ROGERS. No. 631S btatlon street, East End. apl6-43-TVTSSn FOR SALE -IN THE EAST END-ON A paed street, one square from Fifth ave. cable cars, modern brick dwelling, 12 rooms, sta ble and cnrriige bouse; lot 64vi20 ft.: a barcaln. LEE, BARNETT ft CHAPLIN, 313 Wood St. apl9-10 FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLEPROPEKTY cheap, near Fifth, on Aiken ave; lot 16JX163 ft,, with a double house, 8 rooms, late Improve ments, out buildings, rrults: will subdivide to good advantage, bee W. A. HERRON ft SON'S, 80 Fourth ave. apl9-96-iurs FOK SALE (2,200-AT A BARGAIN, NEW two-storv lrame residence, five rooms, hall and vestibule An. attic city water, botn ga-eN oak finish throughout; five mln. walk from Ben Venue sta.; terms, (300 cash: balance In three or five years. GEO. C. SLEEXH, Penn and Shady aves.. East End. apl7-77 FOK SALE-A NEAT DWELLING ALMOST new, near shadyside, 8 beautiful rooms, re ception hall, natural gas and all other modern conveniences: fine lot 50x120 feet to an alley; im mediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 ourth avenue, Pittsburg. aplS-5-D FORJALE-A GOOD SIX-ROOM FRAME house and two lots, each 24x110 to an allev: situated on Mavflower street. East End, only four lnlnntes walk from the East Liberty station and cable cars: this property will be sold at a bargain, it sold soon. See KELLY ft ROGERS, East End Real Estate Agents, No. 6315 Station street. apl6-49-WT6Su FOR SALE-NEW BRICK DWELLING OF ten rooms, laundry, front and side porches, bay windows, electric lights, speaking tubes and all modern conveniences: lot 35x100 feet; only one minute's walk rrom North Highland ave.: price (7,500. and sure of quick enhancement In value. C. BEU1NGER ft SON, removed to 156 Fourth ave. apl7-32-ths T7I0R SALE-ON' CRAIG STREET, BELLE JD FIELD, convenient to the Fifth avenue cable cars, an elegant new &tone front residence of nine rooms, hall, vestibule, range, bath, statlonarv w. s., inside w. c, inside shutters, hardwood mantels, tile hearths, both gases, pantries, china closet, laundrv, stationary tubs, complete electric work, slate roof, porches, honse very finely finished; lot 30x140 to 20-foot alley; only (3.500: termsreasonable; possession at once. See REED B. COYLE ft CO.. 131 Fourth ave. apl6-31-ws Ilnzclvrood Realdences. FOR SAL E-HAZEL WOOD (3, 500-2-STORY brick dwelling, 6 rpoms, bath, hall, city water, nat. gas, front and rear porches: lot 24x100 feet: terms reasonable. IRA M. BURCHF1ELD, 153 Fourth ave. apl7-19-TTS FOR SALE HAZELWOOD (5.000 TWO story brick dwelling: ten rooms, hall, laun dry, front and side porches; lot 60x110 feet; only two minutes' walk from Hazelwood station, B. ft O. R. R., and Second avenne electric railway; terms reasonable. IRA M. BUKCHF1E1.D. 153 Fourth ave. ap8-47-TTS FOR SALE-HAZEL WOOD-2-STOKI BRICK dwelling 8 rooms, hill, bath, laundrv, hot and cold water, good range, nat. gas, front and rear porches; lot 41x270 reet; only 2 minutes' walk from Hazelwood station, B. & O. R. It., and Second Ave. Electric Kallwav: price (7,000: terms easy. 1BAM. BURCHF1ELD, 158 b'ourth ave. ap 10-36-D Allrchenr Residences. T7I0R SALE-S5,S00, BOYLE ST. ALLEGHENY: A. Drick aneiung: s rooms: gooa oraer; natural and artificial gas; water, etc. lotI0l. BLACK apl6-52 ft haiku, so t ourth ave. TpOR SALE (4.000 - SPLENDID 2-STORY A1 brick house and attic No. 140 River ave. rooms, hall and both gases: size 1100. J. B. LARKIN ft CO., 152 Filth ave. apl9-29 T7IOR SALE (2. 100 TWO-STORY FRAME J? honse No. 166 James st. 6 rooms, size 20x110; rents rju per mom B. LARKIN ft CO, er month; 12 per cent Investment. J. is riitn ave. apitK.?' POKSALE-FORJS. 000, BRICKHOUSE. EIGHT rooms, bath, laundrv, range, nat, gas: every thing In good order: lot 20x160 ft.: on Page St., Allegheny. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st apJ7-24-Th8 FOK SALE-VALUABLE PROPERTY AND large building on Ridge avenue, Allegheny, fronting on the parks: lot 72x110 feet: excellent location. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. apl9-5-D TTIOR SALE -(12,000 TWO-STORY BRICK C house No. 120 Sandnskv St., near Ohio: 10 large rooms, hall and vestibule, soth gases: size 3) ft. 6 In by 115 feet to 20-foot alley: rare bargain. J. B. LARKIN ft CO., 152 Fifth ave. apl9-29 F OR SALE ON FRANKLIN ST. BRICK brick houses 4 rooms and attic each: lot 21x129 ft. ; bouses are all new. For price and terms sec A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st., Allegheny. apl9-92 FOK SALE BUENA VISTA ST., ALLE GHENY, 2-story brick dwelling. 4 roorss, hall, vestibule, water, nat. gas, good cellar, Sorch, etc.; lot 20x100 ft.: a bargain: only (2,900. EED B. COYLE A CO., 131 Fourth ave. apI9-15 FOR SALE-(12.000-&PLENDID TWO-STORY and mansard brick house No. 334 Beaver ave.; 13 rooms, vestibnle, hall and bath, hot and cold water, w. c, porcelain tubs, both gases, lot 40x120. J. B. LARKIN ft CO., 152 Filth ave. ap!9-29 FOR SALE LOCUST ST., N EAR ALLEGHENY ave.. Sixth ward, a good brick dwelling, containing six rooms, water, natural and artifi cial gas. etc.; fine large lot. 21x134 reet, fronting on to streets: price (6,250. SAMUEL W.BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. apl9-14 FOR SALE ARCH ST., NEAR NORTH AVE., two brick and lrame dwellings rrontlng on Arch st., nearly new; have pressed brick front, contain eight rooms, bath, laundry. Inside w. c, etc.: a very complete house and an excellent in vestment. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. apl9-14 ORSALE-AN ELEGANT8-ROOM DWELlI 1NG In Allegheny, on Arch st.; most desira ble and best locatl u on the entire st.: adjacent to the parks, electric cars, etc.; spacious double fiarlors, fine vestibule and hall, 1 irge bath, wltii avatory and hot and cold water, furnace, natural gas, lanndry: everything m prime order through out; arrangements could be made to give Immedi ate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg, apiy-o-D J? iOR SALE-SMALL HOUSE AND LOT IN Third ward. Allegheny, at auction: No. 235 Sandusky St.. near North ave. will be sold at auction on the premises. Tuesdav. April 22, at 2 o'clock: lot It leet 7 iuches wide and 81 feet 4 inches long: brick house, four rooms and kitchen: a very good and convenient location: positive sale for cash, by order or executor. Key for examina tion at office of A. LEGGATEftSON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. apl9-52 Huburbnn Residences. FOR SALE-A MODERN' FRAME DWELL ING, new, of 7 rooms, large lot, nicely situ ated at Crafton, P., C. ft St. L. R. R.; price only Si.800. c. BER1NGER ft SON, removed to 156 Fourth ave. apl7-32-Tbs F OR SALE FRAME DWELLING OF 4 rooms, with 2 acres of land plintcd In fruit trees, grape vines, etc.. at Glenncld, P., Ft. W. &C. R. R., for (1, 100: also a 3-roomed house, with lacr-or land, at (750. C. BERING EK ft SON, removed to 156 fourth ave. apI7-32-Ths FOUSALE (L400-HANDSOMENEWHOUSE, 4 nice rooms, hall, railed stairway, large closets, large pantry, drv, well lighted cellar, with inside and outside stairway, porches, large lot. 50X125: oeautuui loc lion in Fleming Park, CHARLES SOSlERS ft CO, 313 Wood st. Tele- phone 1773. apl9-5i FOR SALE A DESIRABLE SUBURBAN residence property on P. R. K, ; ten large rooms, library, bath, lavatory, furnace natural gas and all other modern requirements, and in prime order: over an acre or ground, irultand shade trees, copious flow of pure witer; stable, carriage bouse ara all other outbuildings; would exchange in part for city property. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. apl9-5-D FOK SALE FINE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, with all conveniences, brick house 12 rooms, bath, lavatory, pantries, hot and cold water, nat ural gas. etc, carriage house and stable hot beds, etc., with 12 acres of garden land, line orch ard, abundance of grapes and all other small fruits, shrubbery, etc, and laid out In walks, drives and shady nooks in an artistic manner; this Is one of the finest properties on the market. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft Co.. 123 Fourth ave. Pittsburg. asl9-4-MWS F IJiOR SALE-EMSWOKTH PROPERTY AT auction: building lots and small houses and lots: on Saturday. April 19, 3:30o'clock, on premi ses, will be sold property of the late Dr. Courtney, on and near the Beaver road, Einsworth sitlon, on h ort Wayne Railway : there are ten lots of va rious sizes, from 50x125 to 150x200, and two small houses ot three and six rooms: this Is an excel lent opportunity to secure good lots at a bargain, as executor wishes to close estate; take 3 o'clock train (city time) at Federal street. A. LEGGATE ft SON. Auctioneers. ap!7-75 FOR SALE LOT:?. Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON Observatory Hill and In Pleasant Valley: prices from $350 up. BALTENSPERGER ft WILLIAMS, 14 Fourth ave. apl8-32 FOR SALE-10O ALLEGHENY LOTS ON Lombard St., Linden and Maple aves.. Tenth and Twelfth wards: payments easy. Inquire of J. ft S. MCNAUGHER, 43 North Diamond st., or 43 Federal st. mh 12-56-D JIUcellnncous FOK SALE-OWN A HOME WE WILL BUY or build for you anywhere ami let your rent par for the property; no security required. GRANITE SPATE PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. Branch office Standard building, 531-533 V ood st. apl6-76-WFS FOR SALE-1,000 ACRES OAK AND POPLAK timber land: timber large and sound; 75 miles east of Pittsburg; water and R. R. facilities through the lands: coal and oil also on property; price low If quick sale. F. B. OARSEI), 108 So. Third St., PmiaaelptUa. apl7-S3-Iha FOR SALE LOTS. City Lois. FOK SALE A FINGLE LOT NEAR THE Court House for (750; a bargain. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 1 ourth avenue. , ap!9-9 TTIOR SALE-A GOOD BUILDING LOT ON L' ycnicrave near HlrkpatrlcK st.; price low, V. BEKINGEK ft SON. removed to 156 Fourth are apl7-32-Tns T7qR SALE ON BEDFORD AVE.. NEAR j.' niricpairicKst.: 11 valuable building lots: a whole at a bargain. LEE, BARN ETT ft CH AP- ljii, ou tvooast. apis-iu FOR SALE-PART IN A WELL-ADVERTISED and fast selling plan or lots: will be sold at reasonable price If sold within a month; several new dwellings alreadv built: money In vested can be doubled In a vear or two: good rea son for selling. Address L'LAN OF LOfS, Dis patch office. apl7-35-Tlissn FOB SALE-SEVERAL ACRES OF GROUND that will subdivide to a good advantage; but a few minutes' walk from the Wylle avenue cable line on Hcrron avenue: location very desirable; with large and comrortable house, outbnIIdlug8, fruits, etc. See W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth aenue, Pittsburg, Pa. anl9-95-W8 East EndXiots. FOR SALE-SIX VERY DESIRABLE LOTS Bankorrommerce addition, plan Brushton. BAXTER, THOMPSON ft CO., 162 Fourth ave. apl3-93-TT6SU ITiOK SALE-150 FEET ON BA YARD STREET. Oakland: number one location. See BAX TER. THOMPSON ft CO., 162 Fourth avenue apl3-93-TT8Su FOR SALE ABOUT 1S4 ACRES GROUND ON Roup st , near Fifth avenue. Twenty-second, ward, bee W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. apl5-61-TTS TTOR SALE-ONLY (1,200: NICE LEVEL LOfS 1. in can End, near Point Breez Breeze and railroad: 57x120. to 20 ft. alley. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 rounn aye. apr!6-o3 FOR SALE-TWO FINE BUILDING LOTS IN Boulevard plan. East End, 50 feet tront for u per iu Federal st, per foot If sold soon. A. D. WILSON, P5 Allegheny. apH-ai-Tns FOR BALE-NEARLY SEVEN ACRES OF land on the line of the new electric road In the East End; Just the propcrtv to divide In lots, as It is built op all around: price only (30,ono; verr easy payments, and lots released as sold. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. anl2-17 Suburban Lots. FOK SALE-AT EUGEWOOD-LOT 150x128: 7 minutes from station; price (1,650: easy terms: a bargain. HAMNETT ft MEREDITH, 102 Fourth avenue and Wllklnsbnrg. apl9-93 FOR SALK-3 ACHES AND 12 ACRES OF level land on line or railroad, eminently suitable for laying ont In building lots. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. ap!9-5-D FOR SALE-AT SWISSVALE-5 LOTS, 40x120 each: price (650; easy terms; two minutes from station; a bargain HAMNETT&MEKK DITII, 102 Fourth avenue and Wllklnstrarg. ap!9-93 ITIOR SALE AT SW1SSVALE FIVE LOTS, ? 40x120; 2 minutes from station: price (650: easy terms: a bargain. HAMN'EIT ft MERE DITH, 102 Fourth avenne and Wilklnsbarg. ap!9-93 FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, LOT 150X123, 7 minutes from station; price, (1.650; easy terms: a good Investment. HAMNETT ft MER EDITH, 102 Fourth ave. and Wllkinsburg. apl9-93 FOR SALE-A LARGE NUMBER OF FINE building lots at Emsworth and Glenfield, P.. Ft. W. ft C. K. K.; prices low and terms to suit; C. BERINGER ft SON, removed to 156 Fourth ave. apl7-J.'-Tus FOR SALE-AT W1LKINSBURG-A FEW choice lots In plan No. 2. Wilklns estate: Srlce (750: all lots In plan No, 1 are sold. HAM ETT ft MEREDITH, 102 Fourth ave., and Wll kinsburg. apl9-93 FOR SALE AT WILKINSBURG A FEW choice lots In plan No. 2, Wilklns estate: price (750; easy payments: all lots In plan No. 1 are sold: call soon. HAMNETT 4 MEREDITH. 102 Fourth ave. ap!9-93 FOK SALE NORTH HOMESTEAD LOTS, 60X 120 feet, rrontlng on a 60-foot street, near Swlssvale station. P. K.R., and City Farm station, B.ftO. R. R.: price (400 to (500 each: terms to suit. 1KAM. BURCHFI&LD, 153 Fourth avenue aplO-36-D FOK SALE 3 ACRES OF GROUND ON LINE or railroad, near the city: Is well suited to lay out in building lots: all quite level and In splendid location; would sell rapidly. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue J aue l'lttsDurg. apl9-4-MWS T710K SALE-AT SHEKADEN. ON P.. C. & ST. X L. RY. the best and cheapest suburban prop erty In the county: ten lots tor the price or one at the "East End" that Is no better and no more accessible to the business parts or the city: buy when yon can get value Tor yonr money and where your property can Increase la value; the easiest terms In market: houses built for bnycrs. THE SHEKADEN LAND AND IMPT. CO.. LIM., 127 Firth ave. fel5-72-FSSu Farms. FOR SALE-A FARM OF 140 ACRES. (500; A farm of 280 acres, price only (1,600: a farm or 500 acres, price only (5.000: a fine dairy farm '530 acres, (9,010. J. H. BEIsrOR, Martinsburg, W. Va. aplS-58 FOK SALE FARMS ON YEARLY PAY MENTS or to trade for other property: send stamp for "biggest" farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST. Real Estate and Notary Public Rochester, Pa. , ap 17-80 FOR SALE-FARM 135 ACRES. SPLENDID house and barn: no farm In Mercer co. has a better name than this; adjoins town, schools. cnurcnec railroads less than one mile ED. wir- T1SH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. apl7-D FOR SALE-OK EXCHAN'GE-A FARM OF 175 acres In Virginia In good section of coun try contlsruous to market town, railroad, post office schools, etc.: the adjoining farmlsoccu fiied and owned bv a successful farmer from But er county; full particulars from a personal visit can be learned at onr office. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fonrth avenne Pittsburg. apl9-4-vrg FOR SALE-A FARM OF 127 ACRES AT Walker's Mills, Panhandle R. R., 11 miles from the city, with good farm buildings or all kinds: abundance or fruits; has also on the place a developed btone quarry and other paying Inter ests, with sidings all complete for shipping; de sire to sell the same quick to settle an estate. See W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. SO Fourth ave. ap3-92-3,7,11.15.19 Fl OR SALE 20 ACRES OF LAND. SITUATE at Lock No. 4. on the Alononzaheia river. and adjacent to Charlerol: this land Is elevated, overlooking the beautiful Monongahela river and vallevs, the scenery of which Is not excelled on the lamous Hudson: this Is an excellent chance as an Investment, but lrnot sold within ten davs. It will be withdrawn rrom market and sub divided. For particulars call on L.J.JEFFRIES, Bellevernon. Fayette county. Pa. ap!6-99 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cbnnces. FOR SALE-A PROMINENTLY' LOCATED, well-stocked and good paying drugstore: ex Senses light: parties meaning business address . J. P., Dispatch office. apl7-S3 FOK SALE A FURNITURE SiORE DOING a good business: stock new: satisfactory reasons given for selling. For interview, ad dress Box S. M., Dispatch office. aplO-93 FOR SALE CIGAR S TORE-BEST LOCATION In citj grocery, confectlonerv and drugstores, grocery'and drjgoods store, restaurant, lunch room and other business openings. PERClVAL ft CHAPMAN, 67 FUth ave. apl9-43 FOR SALE A SHOESTOREON ONE OF THE best business streets ofPlttsburg: clean. well kept, nearly new stock: good reason for selling; invoice about (5,0iO or (6,0iO. GEO. C. SLEETH, Penn and Shady aves.. Last End. ap!7-77 FORSALE LEADING BOOK AND STATION ERY store In best town in Western Penna.: extensive coal works, hardware store in good town, grocerv stores, bakeries, 5 and lOcent store drugstores, cigar stores, milk depot. SHEPARD ft CO., 151 Fourth ave. apl6 FOK SALE A PARTNERSHIP INTEREST; IN an old-established lumber business In the city, having a splendid plant and In excellent location: an experienced building contractor would find this a splendid openlnc JAS, W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenne, Pittsburg. ap!9-5-D FOR SALE-A WELL ESTABLISHED AND money making groceyand tea house: store room well equipped and rent moderate: stock all fresh; the best of reasons can be given for selling; to a live man this Is the opportunity of a life time. Inquire of JAS. W. HOUSTON ft CO., N o. 21 Sev enth ave. apl5-58-TTS FORSALE AN OLD ESTABLISHED RETAIL family grocery and tea firm In Allegheny: one ortbe oldest and best stands In either city: business highly prosperous: making mouey and Increasing: a rare opening In every sense Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., IS Fourth avenue Pittsburg. apl9-4-MWS OR SALE OWING TO THE DEATH OF Edward C. Ledger (sole partner), the entire stock of the old established firm or Bell ft Ledger, wholesale and retail crockerv dealers, Albany, N. Y.. Is offered ror sale. Inquireof the undersigned, GEORGE HENRY BALL, WILLIAM CARD WELL. Executors, 57 State street, Albany. N. Y. mh22-78-s FOR SALEPARTNER IN THE COAL BUSI NESS in a neighboring county, on line or K, R. supplying lake trade; mines now In success ful operation and doing a profltable business: ac ceptable party can secure the office of Secretary and Treasurer: particulars confidentially to prin cipals only: capital required (J. 000 to (10.000. J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ap!6-51-MWS FOR SALE-A THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED specialty manufacturing business, m a flour ishing town on line of K. K.. close to the city: bnslness Is well established and profitable and susceptible of being largely Increased; ample facilities for Conducting the business upon a con servative basis; raw material in abundance close at band; goods largely In demand by wholesale drag trade: full particulars to principals only: JAS. W. DEAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. apI9-4-siws FOR SALE-A PARTNERSHIP INTEREST IN a well established and highly snecessful manufacturing firm In the cltr, having sev eral lines of specialties, with Iarz3 proflls; this Is a fine opening; the Arm Is sound and strong and the business Is on a solid basis: we at r personally acquainted with the gentlemen composing tne firm and hive pie isure In recommending them as belug thoroughly reliable In every particular: a good man Is wanted to undertake one ofthede paitments or to take charge of the office; c pltal required, (20,000; no one need apply who Is not possessed of good business qualifications and of undoubted Integrity; references given and re quired: all communications wilt be regarded as confidential. JAS. W. DKAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, npl9-4-jtws FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnslness Cbnnces. FOK SALE A WELL ESTABLISHED REST AURANT In the center or the city doings good business; price only (2,000 and a low rent. C. BERiNGER SON, 156 Fourth are. apl5-7J-TT8 Tj'OR SALE-A DRUGSTORE DOING A LAKG E V business! nnf nfthp verv hest stands In the city; parties taking a wholesale license can make 51: rju,rou) twenty thousand per year. Address u. Aiauaicn omce. npi-vi F OK SALE THE LARGEST EVENING paper route In the city. Including a large Sunday route also; central location: profits and system of collecting second to none In the city. For further Information address BUSINESS. 59 Congress st., city. ap!7-18 Bnslness Stands. FOR SALE-ON WOOD ST., NEAR FOURTH ave., 50 ft. front by 90 deep; one of the most desirable bnslness locations In the city for sale. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. apll-39-11, 15,19,23,28 FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY ON SEC OND and Third aves.. city: 43 leet front: ex cellent point for Investment; must be sold to set tle an estate. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. ap!9-5-D FOB SALE (7,000 TWO-STORY BRICK house. No. 67 Tavlor ave; 6 rooms, with storeroom: also stable 3 stalls and carrlareroom: size 20x90. to 20-foot alley. J. B. LARK IN ft CO., 152 Fifth ave. ap!9-29 FOK SALE-COAL WORKS IN FOURTH pool, Monongahela river; 250 acres coal. 25 acres surface; new tipple; 35 houses, stable and all necessirv bnlldings: terms easv. Apply to JOS. TUKNBULL, East Liverpool, O. apl7-I0 FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY ON CEN TER avenue: brick dwelling four rooms, fin ished attic and storeroom: also brick dwelling of two rooms in rear; side allev; lot 20x74 rt; at a bargain. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 157. apl3-45-WSSU FOK SALE A LARGE WAREHOUSE PROP ERTi with Iron front, on Penn avenue: cor ner lot, 5 floors, elevator and complete warehouse facilities throughout: Immediate possession. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPEft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. lap!9-5-D FOK SALE-(i.500-375 FEET FRONT, WITH double two-story dwelling and storeroom, stable garden, fruit trees, etc.; at the terminus of Perrysvll e electric road: irnotsotdbythe22d property will be lor rent. Apply to JOHN WIL SON ft BROS., Diamond, Allegheny City. ap!7-20 FOR SALE PLANING MILL, LUMBER yard and grist mill. In a manufacturlngltowu near city; owners havo other business requiring all their time: this is a flrst-claEs opening for one or two good men. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. ap!6-Sl-MWS FOR SALE A GOOD INVESTMENT-TWO fine business lots on Penn avenue. East End; 2x200 feet each, with buildings now paving good Interest on the price asked for them; this proper ty Is bound to enhance In value. For price terms, etc., call on KELLY ft ROGERS, No. W15 btatlon street. East End. apl6-49-WTSSu FOK sale-manufa':turers-we would earnestly Impress on you the Import ance of examining a niece of property we have on River ave.. Ally, between P. ft W. and W. P. R. R, : for convenient location and price It cannot be duplicated In the two cities. See M. P.HO WLEY ft SON, N o. 127 Fourth ave. ap!9-91 FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN OAKDALE Academy; a two-story bulldln?, about 45x75, with some two or three acres of land; the building cost over (4,000; there Is a fine spring of water near the building; can easily be changed into a dwelling, boarding house or hotel; will sell the whole to a quick purchaser for (2,500, C H.LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenne. ap!9-9 FOK 8ALE-THE ELEGANT BUMMER RE SORT with hotel property and seven cot tages, etc., at IdIewood;overnIne acres of ground with dense growth jf fruit and shade trees and shrubbery; most excellent opening; for anvone who understands the business there Is a fortune In It. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., Agents, 12) Fourth ave., Pittsburg. apI9-5-D F OR SALE-(6,000-N1CE BUSINESS PROP ERTY on Carson street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth sts.: also business property near market house (7,000: suitable for general store: good Investment: also business property, eight rooms, bathroom and storeroom, with stable, on Brownsville ave., (3,200; lot&'xlie. JoH KEL LER, Real Estate and Insurance Broker, 1704 Carson st., S. S. ap!9-30 FOK SALE-(5.O0O BUSINESS PROPERTY, Oakland, cor. paved street, substantial two story frame storeroom and dwelling, hall, gas, water, etc.: lot 22x100 to alley, with good, large barn on rear; this Is an old established grocery stand, doing good business; will sell stock on hand at a liberal discount on Invoice; good reasons for selling: very easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 98 Fourth ave. apl5-60-TWTS OR SALE THAT VALUABLE PLANT known as the Atlas Bronze and Tuyere Co., Smallman, near Twenty-ninth street: buildings: furnaces: foundry: metal: coke and pattern rooms: eight coke furnaces; natural gas connec tions, etc.: patterns and tuyere rigging complete and In first-class order; the finest and best equipped brass and bronze Joundryin the city. Full particulars from LEE, BAUNETT ft CHAP LIN, 313 Wood st. apl9-ll-TTS RInnnfactnrlns Sites. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE FOR sale or to lease for a term of years; good har bor on Monongahela river; railroad switch: cen tral location: 285x200 feet: good situation for coke ovens, lime kilns, or lumber yard. GEORGE C. BlIRGWIN. 150 Fourth ave. ap6-34-TTSBu TTIOR SALE MAN UFACTURINGSlTES:OVER JP 200 acres of nice level land above water mark on line of railroad, river, natural gas, etc, only 19 miles from the city, adjoining a growing town, wheiethereare churches, schools, stores, etc, most eligible tract of land for manufacturing pur poses In the market: liberal terms are offered to any substantial Industry. Descriptive circular and other particulars from JAMES W. DKAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. ap!9-4-MWS FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles, Livo Stock, fcc FOR SALE CHEAP-ONE SORREL bucsrv and harness: can be driven MARE. bucsrv and harness: can be driven bvaladv without fear: reasons for selling owner has no further use for same. JNO. E. BAUERS, Shady ave.. Eleventh ward, Allegheny. apl7-25 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. POKl'ER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. ap3-76 FOR SALE ONE 2KX24 HORIZONTAL EN GINE, 25. 003 feet second-hand wire rope: also hoisting and portable engines and Sh'men valves, castings, etc" VELTE ft MCDONALD, 3200 Penn avenue. Iy21-91-TTS FOR SALE DRILLING ENGINES AND boilers for oil or gas wells, engines and boil ers In every size and style, saw mills and wood working machinery. IIARMEs MACHINE DEP01 No. 97 First ave., Pittsburg, Pa. mh9-D FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles la stock, from 4 to 100 h, p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, b to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S. YOUNG,23Park way, Allegheny. Pa. oc25-e0-D Bllscellnneons. TTIOK SALE THE FINEST LINE OF MUSIC JD boxes In the city, at S. HAMILTON'S, l-93 iirtbave. ap!9-7I FORSALE A LARGE PLATE GLASS MIR ROR with walnut frame: Cslze 40x88 Inches); suitable for bar fixture. Apply at JOS. KIM MEL ft CO.'S drug store, cor. Penn ave. and Ninth st. ap!9-57 LEGAL NOTICEo. HUNTER. IVORY fc BEATTY. Attorneys at Law, 77 Diamond street. ESTATE OP MARTHA STEWART, DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Martha Stewart, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims aaainst the same shall matte them known with out delav. C. J. STEWART, Rural Valley, or HUNTER, IVORY 4 BEATTY, Attorneys, 77 Diamond street, Pittsburg-, Pa. mh22-7-s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made tn the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas No. 1. of Alle Cheny county, on SATURDAY, the 3d day of May, 1890, by W. J. Longinore, Frank Turner, John Shea, Edward McDonald. Chas. W. Sheaff and Isaac D. Kaiser and others, under the act of Assembly entitled, "An act to pro vide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, ls74, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Westingbouse Electric Benefi ciary Association of the City of Pittsburg, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylva nia," the character and object of which is for the purpose of promoting and amending the in terests of the members of the association who are or may have been in the employ of the Westinghonse Electric Company by caring for them in times of sickness or adversity, as well as the moral, social and financial prosperity of each other at all times within the limits of honor, prudence and justice, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and supplements thereto. ARCH H. RO WAND. JR., Solicitor. apI2-90-8 THE LARGEST DOWN TOWN STORAGE PLANT. W. A. HOEVELER. Warehouses and yards. Pike and Thirteenth, Twelfth and Etna st?. Private sidings in yards and warehouse. Low rates of insurance. Negotiable receipts issued. Separate departments for general merchandise, flour, furniture, liauors and metals. Hand some and convenient office rooms for use of customers free. Railroad address, W. A. Hoeveler, Pike and Thirteenth sts.. Pittsburg, Pa., A. V. R. R, Cars placed at Twelfth, St., via. Junction R. R. Shipping, distributing and hauling attended to. Exhibit space with power to let; also rooms with power to suit. mb27-02-TT8Su TTOTICE- VIOLINS, GUITARS; BANJOS, ACCORDIONS. DRUMS. STRINGS, ETC. PRICES LOW. ap!9-73 a HAMILTON, W-83 Fifth are, TO 1ST. Alleshenr Residences. TO LET-ON FAYETTE ST.. TWO NEW dwellings, nine rooms, bath and lanndry each; has all mod. lmn'ts. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st., Allegheny. api9-92 TO LET-6AND 8-ROOM HOUSE ON GRANT avenue near North, and Nortn, near Grant, Allegheny City: hot and cold water, bath, inside w. c. etc. a H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue, ap 18-33 TO LET-172 AND 174 BUENA VISTA ST, brick twe-storle and mansard, bath, laun dry, w. c, gas and nat. gas; good yard, warranted good order; rent (WO; no water rent. A. D. W1L ON, 55 Federal st Allegheny. apI9-92 Suburban Residences. XO. LET-SEVERAL GOOD DWELLING homes with large grounds at Glenfield, P., F. W. ft C It. W., from (12 to (25 per month rent. BERINGER ft SON, removed to 158 Fourth ave. aplS-37 Offices. Desk Room. &c rno LET A FEW NICE OFFICES IN GER L MANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamond streets. aplO-49 TO LET -ON FIFTH AVENUE, IN THE Chronicle Telegraph building, one of the most desirable second-story offices m the city. See W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg, Pa. ap!6-42-TTS TO LET-ON FIFTH AVE . IN THE CHRONICLE-TELEGRAPH building, one or the most desirable second-story offices In the city. See W.A. HERRON A SONS, No. 811 Fonrth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. apI9-94-I9.22.29 TO LET-FOURTH STORY OF NO. 99 FIFTH avenue, part or what has been heretofore knownas The Dispatch Building: room suitable for lodge room or for light manufacturing. Key to be bad from W. M. Crlbbs. Real Estate Agt., No. 99 Fifth ave. For particulars see BUS.- MG lc. DISPATCH, corner Smlthfield and Diamond sts. 117 Business Stands. TO LET-HOTEL BRUNSWICK, PACIFIC ave., Atlantic City; two minutes from depot and beach; 80 rooms furnished: steam heatann all modern Improvements. Address BRUNSWICK. ap!3-116-ssu TO LET OK FOR SALE ATLANTIC CITY Hotels, boarding houses, cottages and lots; largest list, choicest locations, honorable dealing; satisfaction guaranteed. Jt. S. PETTET'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY, 1505 Pacific ave aplS-41-Jtwa TO LET OR FOR SALE THE LARGE 5-storted lron-rront warehouse on Penn ave., near Twelfth st. ; suitable for flour and feed or other business; very superior facilities: elevator, offices, etc.. etc.: Immediate possession. JAS. W. DKAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. apI9-t-MWS Miscellaneous. TO LET OR FOR SALE-HOTELS, COTTAGES and bath houses, Atlantic City, N. J.: lots for sale in all parts of the city: also So. Atlantic City. Chelseaand for Atlantic Land Co. ISRAEL G. ADAMS ft CO.. Real Estate Agts., Real Es tate and Law Building. ap!6-58 PERSONAL PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have anybooks to sell, let us know. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mb7 PERSONAL BOOKSI BOOKSI-5C.000 VOL UMES all bargains; we will buy that small lot of books of yours or yonr library. FKANK BACON ft CO., Cor. Smlthfield st. and Third ave. apI4-ll PERSONAL A LIFE-SIZE CRAYON FOK (3 50. or one large SxlO photo for framing, or 12 beautiful cabinets for (1 until further notice, at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pitts. ; come early; bring children. ap2-35 !J.bltSONAlj JH1S L.OV.U QU.U1Jj,LI 1.1 best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the tronble they agreed to send all their work herealter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1553. an30-D LOST. LOSr-POCKETBOOK, ON 11 O'CLOCK A. M. train or the West Penn K. R. Finder will be paid a reward of (10 ir returned to HUGUS ft HACKE. Fifth ave. and Market st. apl8-5 MEETINGS. OFFICK of The Bkidgewatee Gas Company. Rochestee. Pa.. Anril 16. 1890. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of this company will be held at the office. Rochester, Pa., on THURSDAY, June 19, 1890, at 3 o'clock p. if., to vote for or against a proposition to 'reduce the capital stock. The amount of the proposed rednction is 7,084 shares, having a value at par of $703,400. F. L. STEPHENSON. Secretary. aplS-3-MWS OFFICE OF THE CHABTIEES VALLEY GAS' rYGASl LVE.. f 8, 1S90.J COMPANY. Corner Wood St. and Third Ave. Pittsburg, pa.. Febiuary28. -VTOTTCE TO STOCKHOLDERS THE Jl Board of Directors of this company has called a special meeting of its stockholders, to be held at the office of the company in Pitts burg, Pa., on SATURDAY, the 3d day of May, 1890, at 2 o'clock P. JI., for the purpose of voting for or against a reduction of the capital stock of the cour.pany. F. J. TENER, mhl-83-s Secretary. DIVIDENDS. The Chabtiers Valxet Gas Company, ; Pittsburg. Pa., April 7. 1890. ( NOTICE-THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this company has thi3 day declared a dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT upon the capital stock of the company, payable on the 19th lnst. by mailed check. Transfer books will close on the 12th Inst. ap8-73-P F. J. TENER, Treasurer. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until SATURDAY. April 26 1890, at 2 p. M.. for altering, repairing and remodeling engine houses Nos. 1, 3 and 6. Plans and specifications can be seen on appli cation to Samuel N. Evans, Superintendent Bureau of Fire. Bonds in double the amount of bids will be required, raid bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Department Public Safety. PITTSBURG. April 15, 1890. apl6-45-D SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until APRIL 24, A. D. 1890, at 2 p. JL. for print ing and binding S00 comes of the report of the Department of Public Works for the year 18&9. Specifications can be seen at the general office of the department. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in double the amount, having two bonds men, and probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. Pittsburg, April 18, 1890. ap!8-69 ,. PITTSBURG. April 16. 183a SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until TUESDAY, April 22. 1890, at 2 o'clock p. M.. for 2,500, more or less, round locust posts. Said posts to be 8 feet long and delivered on Ruch's Hill, Thirteenth ward, at such places as may be designated by the Superintendent of the Bureau of Fire. Any information concerning the same can be obtained from Samuel N. Evans, Superintend ent of tbe Bureau of Fire. Bond in doable the amount of bid must accompany each proposal, said bond to be pro bated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN, apl7-S7 Chief Department Public Safety. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tbe office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock p. ji., on APRIL 24, for printing and binding 600 copies of there port of the Department of Public Safety for tbe year 1889: and 500 copies ot the report ot tbe Bureau of Health for the year 1SS9. Specifications for said work can be seen at the office of the department. Bonds in double the amount of the bid, with two bondsmen, must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of Department of Public Safety. apll-35 CITY TAXES NOTICE fS HEREBY given that the duplicates for March and September installments of city, special, and sub-district school taxes for tbe year 1899 have been placed in my band for collection bv the Board of Assessors authorized to assess"' the same. First installment of city taxes payable in March or April, second installment Davable in April or September. Five per cent discount allowed on second installment only if paid with first installment In month of Marcb, but no discount is allowed op first installment. Business tax and water rents payable In month of June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes on May 1, on Jnly 1 for business tax and water rents and on October 1 for second installment of city taxe. No statement furnished unless you intend paying your taxes by check. Offce will bo open on lat Saturday in March and April until 8 o'clock!. M. mhU-56-D J. F.DENN1STON, City Treasurer. Continued on yineth Page. PATENTS. O. D.LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth avenue, above Smlthfield, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se25-W PROPOSALS. "VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED jLl proposals will be received by the Com mittee on Borough Property for the erection of a two (2) story bricc building for tbe borough of Wilkinsburg. Plans and specifications can be seen at the store of Brown & Hackett, Wood street. Wilkinsburg. Bids will be received until i o'clock P. Jr. Saturday, April 26, 1890. Tbe committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. JAS. WILSON. Ch'm, C.A. MITINGER, apIM6 DANIEL KRIDER. OFFICE OF THE 1 Allegheny County Workhouse, V hobokek. Pa. j VTOTICE TO BUTCHERS SEALED PRO 1N POSALSwill be received through tbe postoffice to tbe above address until 12 M. of Saturday, April 19, for furnishing the Work house for one year with good boiling beef, free from bone, in the following proportions: One-third chuck, one-third plate and one-third brisket. Total amonnt needed, from 400 to 600 pounds daily, except Sabbaths. Place of de livery, on board of cars Western Penna. R. R. at Federal street station. Time for tbe com mencement of delivery, Mayl. The Workhouse will furnish the necessary tubs for the meat. HENRY WARNER. apl5-7 Superintendent. The SouTnwEST Penna. Ry. Co . 1 Greensburg. Pa., April 16, 1890. f VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED JLi proposals will be received at tbe ofHce of the undersigned until APRIL 22, 1890, for the graduation, masonry, bridge superstructure, ballastine and track laying for abont five (5) miles Hewickley branch, (3) three miles of the Heela ai.d ML Pleasant br. and about (2) miles of tbe Turtle Creek Valley R. R. Contractors must examine the work in person before submitting a bid. Proposals to state price per cubic yard for ex cavation without classification including tbe hauling and depositing of material in embank ments. No allowance will be made for haul. The company reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Profiles anil specifications of the work can be seen at the office of the undersigned. J. M. BYERS. Engineer, aplG-66-D Greensburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS, IN TRIPLICATE will be received at this office, until 12 m. (standard time), on SATURDAY, tbe 10th day of May, 1890, for the construction and delivery of two dump scows. Specifications will be fur nished bidders on application, and detailed drawings can be examined, and all necessary information obtained at this office. Pro posals will only be considered from those who can give satisfactory evidence of their ability to construct the dump scows and in the time specified. The United States reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. Tbe attention of bidders is invited to the acts of Congress approved February 26. 1885. and February 23. 1887, vol. 23, page 332. and vol. 24. page 414. Stat utes at Large. D. W. LOCKWOOD, Major of Engineers, U. S. A., V. S. Engineer Office, Custom House, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 10, 1890. aDl6-59-16,l7,18,19.my7,8 JEFFERSON VILLE. IND., APRIL 17, 1890. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. (Central standard time), SATUR DAY, the 17th day of May, 1890, for furnishing at the Q. M. Depot here, various articles of quar termaster's stores, such 33 stationery, ranges, wagons, carts, wagon parts; blacksmiths', wheel wrights', carpenters', saddlers', painters', and miscellaneous tools; iron, hard h are, paints, oils, rubber hose, horse and mule shoes, horse shoe nails, etc. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, condi tions of quality and price (including in tbe price of foreign productions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. Government reserves the right to rpject any or all proposals, and to ac cept tbe whole or any part of the supplies bid for. All Information furnished on application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Quartermas ter's Stores," and addressed to COLONEL HENRY C. HODGES. AssisantQuartermaster General. U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. apll-35-19.20,21,22,niyl0,ll OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CONTROLLER, Pittsburg, Pa.. April 15, 1890. VTOTICE TO CEMENT DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M.. WEDNESDAY, April 23, 1890. for f urnisting the cement neces sary for the construction and repair of county btructures for the ensuing season. Any of the following brands of cement will be considered: Norton's cement. New York and Rosendale cement and Hoffman's cemen:. Amount needed, about 2,000 barrels. Bids must be by tbe barrel, loaded in cars at any depot in tbe cities of Pittsburg or Alle gheny that the Connty Engineer may direct. Each proposal to be accompanied by a bid der's bond in tbe sum of 1,500. executed by tbe holder as principal and two responsible per sons as sureties. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double tbe amount of contract, for tbe faith ful pcrformanco of said contract. Tbe Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. For further information inquire at the office of the Connty Engineer. JOSIAH SPEER, County Controller. apl5-6-D )ROPOSALS -FOR Bridge Superstructure -AND MASONRY. Office of County Controller, i Pittsburg, Pa., April 15, 1890. ( Sealed proposals will he received until 3 o'clock P. ST., WEDNESDAY. April 23. 1S90, at this office for the superstructure and mas onry of two wrought-iron, pin-connected truss and tour plate-girder highway bridges, and for superstiucture only of one wrought-iron. pin connected trnss bridge; also for the construc tion of two stone-arch bridges, located as fol lows: No. L Over Montonrrun, Shaffers. Through plate-girder bridge, Va feet clear span. 50 feet extreme length; deptu of girder, 60 inches: live load, 1.700 pounds per lineal font; static load. 660 pounds per lineal foot. To have 3 intermediate floor beams. No. 2. Over Toms run. at Dixmout. Stone-arch bridge, 20 feet span, semi-circular arch. No. 3. Over Poketos creek, Dougherty's Mill (skew bridge); low truss bridge. 60 feet center to center of end pins; tno trusses, eacn 7 feet high and divided into six panels; to have ver ticle end posts; live load, L700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 650 pounds per lineal foot No. 4. Over Big benickley creek, Bradford's farm (skew bridge). Low trnss bridge, 77 feet center to center of end pins, 2 trusses eacb 8 feet high and divided into 7 panels; truss to have vertical end posts; live loiil. 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static load. 6G0 pounds per lineal foot. No. 5. Over Montour run, Beaver road cross ing (skew bridge). Throueh plate-girder bridge. 57 feet clear span, 60 feet extreme lengtb; depth of girder. 60 inches live load, 1,709 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 660 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have 5 intermediate floor beams. No. 6. Over Robinsons run, Willow Grove s ta tion. (Bridge on grade). Plate-girder bridge, 32 feet clear span, 35 feet extreme lengtb; depth ot girder, 2d l.iclies; live load. 1,700 pounds per lineal foot: static load, 630 pounds per lineal foot. No. 7. OyerFlaughertys run, E. Worth's. Thronsh plate-girder bridge. 60 feet clear span, 53 feet extreme lengtb: depth ot girder, 60 inches; live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 660 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have 5 intermediate floor beams. No. 8. Over Burns run. Gnmbert's. Stone-arch bridge, 16 feet span, semi-circular arcb. No. 9. Superstructure of bridge over Back channel, Ohio river, at Neville Island. High truss bridge of three spans, each 194 feet center to center of end pins; height of tiuss 28 leet, and divided into 11 panels. Clear width of roadway, 20 feet. Live load. 2.4CO ponnds per lineal ioui; static ioaa, i,ow pounua per lineal foot. ( Al'o for repairs to masonry of bridge No. 1 over Watson ran). Clear width of all bridces. unless otherwise designated, will be 17 feet. Bridge contractors should examine the sites for themselves to ascertain their peculiarities, the extent of false work required and facilities for transportation, etc.. before bidding. MASONRY. Tbe approximate quantity of masonry is about 2,600 cubic yards and must be of good quality and conform to specifications. Bids to be by the cubic yard in place, price to include excavation, pumping, shoring, coffer dams, etc. Contractors must visit the sites of proposed bridges before submitting a bid. Tbe county will furnish the cement loaded on cars at auy railroad depot in tbe cities of Pittsburg or Allegheny, the contractor to pay tbe freight. All bids must be addressed to tbe County Commissioners, and indorsed. "Proposals for Bridge Superstructure." or "Bridge Masonry," as the case tnav be, each proposal to be accom panied by a bidder's bond, with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of nt less tban 50 per cent of the whole amount of the bid. Bidders must bid for eacb Dndge separately, and may, in ad dition, bid for the lot as a whole. Bids for bridge No. 3 must be addressed in separate envelopes tn the Commissioners of Westmoreland and Allegheny counties, and for bridge N. 4 to the Commissioners of Beaver and Allegheny countle". The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall give bopd, with two sufficient sureties, in donble the amount of the contract, for the faithful performance of tbe said contract Plans may be seen and specifications and forms of bond obtained at the office ol Charles Davis, County Engineer, after Thursday. April 17. 1890. JOSIAH SPEER, "8P15-5-D Connty Controller. AUCTION SALES. BRUCE & SHIELDS, Attorneys, cor. Fifth avenue and Grant street. TjlXECUTOR'S SALE. , Estate of JOHN McKAY, deceased. The undersigned, executor of, said estate, will sell at pnblic sale, on tbe premises. 1005 LIB ERTY 8TREET, Pittsburg. Pa on FRIDAY. APRIL 25, A. D. 1880, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., tbe entire remaining stock of WHISKIES IN STOCK AND BOND, BRANDIES, WINES. GINS. CASKS. UTENSILS. OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., ETC., Of the estate of said John McKay, deceased. Peremptory sale. Terms cash. JAS. MCKAY. Executor. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Auctioneers, 120 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. apig-S-19.21,22.24,25 - Clothing, Drygocds, IMons. Era, AT AUCTION, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, at 10 o'clock, at tbe rooms. No. 311 Market. Everything must go, as consignor is anxlona to settle up. as thev need money. HENRY AUCTION CO.. aplS-62 Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE Of business and dwelling property, corner of Robinson and Hope streets, Allegheny, SAT URDAY, APRIL 19, at 2 o'clock P. M. Two story frame building, used as storeroom and dwelling, and the second lot a frame budding, nsed as a blacksmith shop. Will be sold very reasonable, and on terms to snit purchaser, and made known on day of sale. Call on or address, O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, S. S., Pittsburg. Pa. BLACK &. BAIRD, Auctioneers. apl3.137-wssii -pUBLIC SALE. WASHINGTON, PA MAY 1, at 1 P. jr., the "Old Reliable" Carriage) Manufactory and Planing Mill: size of lot 240s 185 feet: brick boildings easy of change to sols purchaser; natural gas for fuel; plenty of water, good railroad facilities; terms mada known day of sale. ap!7-30 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOT1CE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX that the copartnership existing between R. J. Casey and C. A. Fisher, under tbe firm nama of R. J. Casey & Co., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent- All debts due by said Ann will be paid by tbe successors, tbe undersigned, and all accounts due to them will be payable to FISHER & KRAMER, successors to R. J. Casey & Co.. Cherry and Virgin alleys, Pitts, burg. ap!7-69 NOTICES. OFFICE OF TEEASUKEB ALLEGHENY ( County. April L 1890. NOTICE. In pursuance of tbe twenty-first section of an act relating to Allegheny county, approved tha 1st day of May, IS61, and of the amendments of tbe said section, approved the 30th day of March, 1S66. 1 do hereby give notice that tha duplicates for the several wards, boroughs and townships will be open, and I will be prepared to receive tbe connty. State and poor taxes for 1890 on and after the 1st day or May, 1890. Said taxes can be paid at this office until the 1st day of August with a deduction of 5 per cent for prompt payment to all persons paying tbe whole amount of these taxes. There will be no reduction allowed during the month of August. There will be 10 per cent added to all taxes remaining unpaid on the 1st day of September, 1890. WILLIAM HILL, mh20-63-p 1 rea'nrer of Allegheny Connty. AMUSEMENTS. BASE BALL! NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. RECREATION PARK. Opening Day. SATURDAY. APRIL 19. ALLEGHENY VS. CLEVELAND. Concert by Great Western Band at 2.30. Game called at 3:30. Ball train leaves Union depot at 3:10. apI9-42 PLAYERS' LEAGUE BASEBALL EXPOSITION PARK. Opening game. CHICAGO WHITE STOCKINGS v PITTSBURGS. April 19, 21. 22 and 23. Games called at 320. Admission. 50 cents. Steam ferry boat will leave Pittsbnrg end of Suspension bridge at 2:15 and 3:15 o'clock, leav ing grounds at close of games. apl7-o8 GRAND OPERA HOUbE THI3 WEEK Presented by Daniel Frohman's Sp e c 1 a 1 "THE WIFE." Company. Excellent cast. The original scenery and effects. Next Week Thos. W. Keene In Repertoire. apl3-12 BIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT. TWO OLD CRONIES. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. April 21, Mantell in "The Corsican Brothers" and "M on bars." aplg HARRIS' THEATER Everv afternoon and evening: WILBUR OPERA CO. and SUSIE KTBWIN. Matinee "Bohemian Girl." Evening "Princess of Trebizonde." Week, April 21-LOST IN NEW YORK. aol9-S5 D R. HANS VON BULOW. PIANO RECITAL. OLD CITY HALL. Friday Evening, April 23. Tickets at Hamilton's music store. Plan now open. aplS-97-D HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE NIGHT OWLS BURLEQUK AND NOVELTY CO. WITH NEW FEATURES. ap!4-l TTTORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY. IT Greatest collection of wonderful amus ing and entertaining wonders ever placed on exhibition in Pittsburg or Allegheny. World's Great Specialty Company No. 3, consisting of 20 of the most refined specialties. Admission, 10c; children 5c apl4-24 BELLEVUE. For Rent. Honse of eight rooms; good location: good sized lot, well filled with fruit; all in prime con dition; on line of cable road. Apply to W. JENKINSON, ap5-15 919 Liberty street. TO MANUFACTURERS. Why not move into the Indiana Natural Gag Belt and get yonr fuel for nothing? The Marion Real Estate Company, of Marion. Ind., with a capital ot So0,00, will give free land, free gas for fuel, lights and all other purposes, free rail road switch ana a good casta subsidy for a few substantial factories. For particulars address, W. L. LENFESTEY. Secretary, ap!7-42 Marion, Ind. FOR SALE. PARK RESIDENCE No. 21 Montgomery avenue. Ten rooms, bath, lavatories, laundry, both gases: all conveni ences; rooms all large and light and well fur nished; near the Park Conservatory; very de sirable residence. BAILEY, FAP.RELL & CO.. mh29-22-ssn 619 Smlthfield street. "jU-OTICE In the small goods department at S. HAMIL TON'S everything is new and fresh. No stale strings; no odd tyles, but everything bright and attractive. Prices low. 91 93 Fifth ave. ap!9-72 MONEY TO LOAN de7-12-s ON MORTGAGES -AT- 4 S and 6 per cent; city or country; no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK x CO, 89 Fourth ave. m