12 CHE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1890. m k I u ft- PEIDE IN THE STUDY. Characteristics Demanded of Pastors Who Would be Successful. FROM EXYY, HATRED AND MALICE Good Lord, Deliver Us, is a Frajer Essen tial for Ministers. DoLNGS OF CHURCHES AND PEE AC HERS A very high standard was that held up by the Key. S. L. Palmer as the one for the true pastor to attain, in his paper read be fore the Presbyterian ministers' meeting on Monday morning on "The Bible Ideal of a Christian Minister." Among many other attainments essential he said: The first important work to be performed in the construction of any building is to lay a good foundation. "A bishop should be the husband of one wife," the general idea of which is he should havo but one at a time. But there existed among the Jews and heathen a strong prejndice against a second marriace. The question, however, is one that need not call forth much discussion now. The fact that it is commonly prac ticed without harm being wrought as to its influence upon the public is sufficient to giro each one llbertj to act according to the dictates of bit own conscience. But if Panl were here to-day we would be hard pressed, no doubt. to Bud any reason for thinking that be rould not apply the rule to us as closely u be did to tbe Gentilo bishops of bis day ana Bay as be am to ximotny, let -a uisnop ue tue husband of one wife." He must eTer be on the natch, keenly alive to see what ought to be done. He must be able to exercise cool, dis passionate reason, self-controlled, sell-pos-Mssed, capable of restraining himself, and avoid showing undue excitement. His tcne, look and general appearance must be in keep ing with his profession, as outward appearance has more to do with a minister's influence than we think. Ho should not spend all his time and means in entertaining tbe members of bis church, bis neighbors or bis friends, but he should have a noble, generous heart that wonld respond to tbe call of strangers or friends. To turn away in coldness when op portunity was offered to exteud tbe bopitalitv of a home to a brother in need was not in tbe mind of this great lover of mankind when he expressed this thought. He must have not only a fitness to teach, but also a dis- Eosition, a readiness that will make im prompt to improve opportunities when offered. A minister might have all the education and culture possible to secure, ana be lacking in tbe earnest desire ana readi ness, and all other preparations would go for naught No one of experience w,ll deny tbe asertion that it requires not a little executive ability to govern well a household. To draw the line between love and duty is not a trifle. If tbe minister then fails to govern well bis own bouse, bow can be be expected to possess in greater measure the same qualifications which are required to influence the church? Tbe minister who is given to the use of wine in any form, cot onlv falls to come up to the Bible standard, but falls far below that of common people and common morality, and that is say ing much. He mut not strike either with hand or tongue. Mr. Moody did once set an example by threshing a jnung man in the Sunday school, but it would not be well, perhaps, to try to imi tate Mr. Moody in nerything. Ministers are sometimes very severe crmrs on each other's gifts, and bv their remarks bring themselves in to contempt with people who would otherwise be benefited. The surroundings I of ministers expose them to manv tcmntatinns. ! "Young men," said a wise bishop to a gradua ting class, "you may be both ugly and dull, but there will be at least some silly woman ready to tell you that you are so f mart and fo band some." Once tainted by this spirit the next Step is jealousy. . young and generous mind revolts from such things and suspectslbe sys tem that produces them. Verily In despising each other's gifts in speaking lightly of each other preachers do the devil service. "From envy, hatred and malice, good Lord, deliver us." He must not be a novice. Pride noes with ministers to their studies, it chooses their subjects, their words and ornaments. God bids us be as plain as w e can, but pride stands by and contradicts all, it dishonors our sermons with childish conceits. Thus it makes mean sermons, and what pride makes, tbe devil makes. When pride makes the sermon It goes also into the pulpit and forms the tone.bets them in pursuit of vain applause, it makes them seek themselves and deny God. When tbe sermon is over pride goes home w ith them and makes them more eager to know whether they were applauded, than whether they prevailed with any to tbe saving of their souls. Ministers are to ask wisdom of God that they be kept from falling, to be made prudent, careful of every word andact and thus fill up the measure of Paul's last injunction and "secure a good re port of them which are without." O the power oriioly living! Who can estimate its w orth? Life and beaut el er gh lng To the desert lands or earth: True impressions of oursailor 31aklnpon the minds of men; Throagh 6uch noble, pure behavior Thousands shall be born again. Saintly lives, like fragrant flowers, bhed sweet odors all around, r fill with Joy life's fleeting hours. Make the world with love resound, lilphteousness and goodness flourish here the lives of men are pure: Bolv deeds shall never oerlsli. But through endless ears endure. Sterling coin the world is needing, btums are blighting Age aud youth; T lcked scoffers arc misleading umbers from the louut of truth. GodorHeacn. letlhy blessing riest on all w ho bear Thy name. That, while Thee their Lord professing. They may mirror forth the same. E. O. Church Notes. The Bloomfleld U. P. Church was organized on the 10th Inst. De; nt M. E. Cnuncn had a largely attended social on Thursday evening. Fotjb Presbyteries on Thursday voted against revision and two in favor. The Central Presbyterian Church. Pittsburg, is planning to erect a much larger edifice. The Methodist ministers will bold their reg ular meeting in tho rooms on Monday morning. Rev. W. R. Wilsov is called to the pastorate of tbe new U. P. church, Allentown. this city. Rev. A. J. Rich, of tbe Pittsburg Confer ence, is very sick at his home in Allegheny City. THE new M. E. church at Hopewell was Ded icated on Sunday. It cost 3,300, all of which is secured. Rev. De. L N. Hays will be formally in Stalled as pastor of Calvary Church on 'Wednes day evening. The Sixth Presbyterian Church received 19 Into its fellowship on Sunday, tho Central 11, the Seventh 12. The Eighth Church (TJ. P.) was formerly organized recently. Mr. W. L Wishart is called to be the pastor. Rev. J. S. Glass was installed as pastor of the McClure Avenue Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening. The U. P. ministers will listen to a paper by Rev. Dr. Robinson on "The Scripture Doctrine of the Atonement." James McCaxdless, Esq., of Philadelphia. Elves to the Allegheny Theological Seminary Stocks valued at $1,500. Rev. A. E. Collman, of Wilkesbarre. has accepted a call to the Kittanning circuit of the German Lutheran Church. The Monongahela Presbyterial Missionary Association (U. P ) met on Thursday in tbe Eighth Church, Van Braam street. At Immanuel Church, Allegheny, on Sunday evening BisboD Whitehead administered the rite oi confirmation to ' candidates. The Scwickley Valley Sabbath School Asso ciation held a very interesting union service in the M. E. Church on Sunday evening. The General Assembly of the U. P. Church 'win meet in tho First Church, Buffalo, May 28. The tobacco question will then be discussed. The Northern Convocation of the diocese of Pittsburg will be beld In Christ Church, Ueadville, on Tuesday and Wednesday next. Rev. R. S. Holmes began bis duties as pas tor of the Snadyslde Presbyterian Church on Sunday by preaching two interesting sermons. Eisnor Tiioburn will leave India in June on his return to this country, to seek rest and to increase interest here In the great mission fields. Rev. H. a AppLEOAnTH gave satisfaction to the Fourth Avenue Baptist Church people Jn his sermons on Sunday in beginning his pas torate. A Y. M. C A. memorial budding, to cost 150,000, will be erected in Newburyport, Mass., by the family of tbe late noted engineer, G. H. Corliss. Part of the tower of the Evangelical Prot estant Church, corner Smithfield street and B xtb avenue, is to be taken down, being con sidered unsafe. THEWjlie Avenue Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church, of which Rev. J. B. Koehne Is pastor, has been holding extra services each evening during tho week. Rev. R. A. Hill, of Pittsburg.wlth Rev. J. F. Hill, of Canonsburg, and Mr. J. B. Hill, of the "Western Theological Seminary, have gone on atrip to the Pacific coast. Rev. W. Codville will read a paper at the Baptist Miniters' Conterence, on Monday morning, on "Tenement House Moralityin Our Large Manufacturing Cities." Tbe next move in the Evangelical Church will be in the civil courts. Surely there ought to be enongh Christianity left iu that body to devise better things than these. Unc third lecture in tbe series before the Young Men's Hebrew Association will be by Dr. Tobias Scbanfarber, rabbi of Baltimore, at the Eighth Street Synagogue, this city. TitE Woman's General Missionary Society of the U. P. Cb urcn will be invited to meet in Pittsburg in 1891 It was so decided at the meeting iu Van Braam street on Thursday. Allegheny Presbytery (U. P.) voted against licensing students who use tobacco, and in favor of granting licenses to preach at the end of the second year of ttlelr theological course. At a recent communion held In the Knox, villo Presbyterian Church, 27 were received into Its membership, making SO that have been added under tbe present pastor's labors, of less than a year. The Presbyterian Union met on Thursday evening. Rev. Dr. J. P. E. Kumler delivered the address, taking for his subject, "Presby teriantsm. Its Meeds and Possibilities in These Two Cities." A series of special services were begun in tbe Centenary M. . Church last evening. The pastor will be assisted by Evangelist G. W. Willis. Eleven were added to this church on Easter Sunday. Rev. C. E. Locke returned after a three weeks' vacation so as to occupy his pulpit on bunday Jast He, with his wife, had been to Washington and to East Liverpool, O., where his father is pastor. Dr. Felix Adlee, who lectures every Sun day in New York on morals, bnt not from a Christian standpoint, lately said: "When Chris tians lire up more nearly to the gospel they nrnfal, vrtv mttamn vrill lA fnlflllori I' profess my mission will be fulfilled.' These gathered a happy bevy of King's Daughters at the old Sboenberger mansion on Thursdav to hold their annual fete In aid of St. John's Episcopal Church. A musical enter tainment was given iu tbe evening. Rev. Db. citarles F. thwino, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church, Minne apolis, is mentioned as President for Oberlin College. This looks like a very wise choice, if he can be spared from the work of a pastor. Rev. W. H. Bennkt, of Columbus, O., figures that there are 11,000 young men in that city, only 3.000 of whom attend any of the churches; 7,000 patronize the saloons, and 3,000 were arrested in lbsv. is wis city much better on 7 Four of the bishops of the Protestant Epis copal Church took part in the consecration on Thursday of tbe beautifnl Memorial Church at Wayne. Fa., erected to the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad by their son. Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Conrad. "Forgiveness and love," as depicted in Luke vn, 36-50, being the Sunday school lesson for to-morrow, will be explained at noon to-day by Rev. Dr. Reid in the Y. M. C. A, rooms, bunday school teachers should not fail to be present. It is less than a year since theTJpworth League was organized in tbe M. E. churches. Now it has 2,373 chapters, with more than 100. 000 members. Its one purpose is "to enlist the young people in earnest Christian work and to train them for the same." A popular meeting in the interest of mis sions will be held in tbe Third Presbyterian Church, .Sixth avenue, to-morrow evening. A special musical programme will be rendered bv the choir. Messrs. H. B. McCormick aud A. if. Ewing will be the speakers. It is said that Rev. John Wcntwortb, pastor of the First M. E. Church, Lockport, N. Y.. publicly stated on Sunday last that because his salary was not being paid be and bis family were often hungry. Tbe cause of this is that be was reappointed against the wishes of some of tho members. "The Pastor and the Sabbath School," is the topic upon which Rev. J. F. Patterson will ad dress the Presbyterian Ministerial Association on Monday morning. Those connected with this association will confer a favor on them selves by remembering that this meeting begins at 10 45. not 11.30. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States will convene in tho First Church, Saratoga Springs, May 15, when the Rev. W. C. Roberts. D. D L.L. D , will preach the opening sermon. Tbe question of revision will be tbe all absorbing theme at that time. The decision of the Blairsville Prosbjtery being adverse to the ideas of the Rev. Dr. Beale, of tbe Johnstown Presbyterian Church, he has appealed bis case to the Synod of Penn sylvania. After that it may go to tbe General Assembly of 1891. What is to become of tbe interest of tbe Johnstown church during this ttme of over a year? 'Will peace float her ban ner till then? At tbe all-day meeting of the Allegheny Presbyterial Association (U. P.), recently held in tbe Second Church, Stockton avenue, about 200 delegates were present, representing 45 so cieties. The reports presented showed that a good work bad been accomplished during tbe past year. Mrs. Dr. W.J. Robinson was elected to serve as President during tbe coinlnir vear. with Mrs. Dr. J. W. Witnerspoon and Mrs. Julia F. Blair as Vice Presidents, Miss Eula Shaw Corresponding Secretary, Miss Jennie Wallace Recording Secretary, and Mrs. G. W. Paden Treasurer. Ok Easter Sunday Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, who for 30 years had been tbe faithful pastor of the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Churcb, Brooklyn, retired from tbe active work of the ministry. He is CS years of age, witb his ver satile Intellectual powers unimpaired, although he is partially deaf. Ho has been one of the most wiacly known pastors of this country. Not being exceptionally a pulpit orator, still he was a faithful and interesting preacher of tbe living trntbs of the gospel. He has been "a model Christian minister and pastor." His heart was most tender aud sympathetic; his sympathy for those in any kind of trial or dis tress was never known to be appealed to in vain. Very many besme tbe editor of this col umn have rejoiced to call him a trne friend, and can say: 'None know him nut to love. None name him but to praise." He graduated at Princeton in 1811, and at the theological seminary in ISIS; was ordained in 1S4S while serving the Burlington, N.J..Cburcn; nastor of tbe Market Street Reformed Dutch Churcb, New York, from 1853 to 18MI; then be came pastor of the church from which he now resigns. It then bad 250 members, now nearlv 2,500; and five other churches have been formed out of it. The good doctor has made happy or sid 682 couples, baptized 962 children, preached nearly 3.00U cermons. His church bas given $605,000 for benevolent objects and used $700, 000 for its home expenses. Beside his many fiastoral duties, which have bever been neg ectcd, be has been a prolific writer of books, tracts and newspaper articles. Surely if any s'lall receive as their reward the "well done" of their Maker wben life's duties shall have been ended none will bo more worthy than Rev. Theodore Lidyard Cujler, D. D., whose days w e trust may j et be many. Ajf opportune friend will be found in Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant when racked by a severe cold and the many lnng or throat affections which sometimes follow. This old remedy has met the approval of two generations, and is to-day as popular, safe and effective as ever. Tbe People's Store. Misses and children's India silk and sum mer check silk suits Zi to $15. Campbell &s Dick, French and Scotch Ginghams An im mense assortment newest designs and color ings, regular 40c and 50c roods, at 30c a yard. Hugus & Hacke. TTSSU Special sale of best sateens, 11 J cts. Knablk & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. We have the best unlaundried 50c shirt at Chas. Pfeiter's, 443 Smithfield and 100 Federal St., Allegheny. Unbv Cnrrlnox. They are to be seen in all styles and at all price, at Harrison's Toy Store, 123 Federal street, Allegheny. Hosiery Bargains. Underwear Bargains. Saturday the great day. Knable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave. Ladies' Jackets A choice assortment made especially for our trade colored and black all latest styles aud fabrics, from 58 to $25. " Hoods & Hacke. TTSSU 20 ct. Sateens to go at 11 cts. a yd.; 200 pes to be opened on Saturday morning. Ksable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave. HUNTING THK SCHEDULE. The Water Department Asked to Answer a Census Circular it Kever Received. Superintendent Browne, of the Water Bnreau, yesterday received a letter from John S. Billings, Surgeon of tbe United States Army, and one of the managers of the Census Bureau, asking when he would be ready to submit schedule N, which had been sent to the Mayor for transmission to Mr. Browne. The schedule referred to is the Census Bureau's statistics on water works, and had evidently been forwarded to this city sonae time ago, but had not reached Mr. Browne, and he could not find it anywhere in City Hall. He wrote a letter to Dr. Billing to that effect, and promised to fill ont the schedule it another one was sent here. TOO MUCH RURAL TIIIEYING. Hungry, Bnt Dlaboneit People RnmmasInK Robinson Township. Notwithstanding the glut of food products in the country, it seems there are some hungry people in the rural regions. Per haps, as some political economists hold, it is owing to faulty distribution. Thieves have been ransacking cellars In Robinson township. They got away with a lot of eat ables in Jonathan Phillips' cellar on Thurs day night. As it is almost impossible to hire a man to do any work iu that section at present, it would seem that no excuse can be allowed for stealing. A BAEBEE SHOP SHATED. The Central Hotel Tonaorlal Artist Robbed of Ilia Earnings- George Hall's barber shop in the Central Hotel was entered and robbed some time during Thursday night of between 550 and 60 in cash. The night watchman saw a man in the place at 4 o'clock yesterday morning, and his description answered very closely that of Charles Miller, a colored barber employed in the shop. Miller was arrested yesterday by Detective McTighe. The night watchman is sure the man he saw in the shop was Miller, bnt the latter denies haying been there at the time men tioned. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable . qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insip- upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. noS-101-irwa My NEW Shoe Brush I Get a Bottls c WOLFPS ACM BLACKING And clean your Shoes WITH A SPONGE in place of a Brush. EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Room. EVERY Carriage Own,er EVERY "TCiriftu. Mechanic EVERY Body, able to hold a bruih SHOULD USB V. will Stain old a new furniture Yarnttli will Stain Glass and Ohinawarc 9 will Stain Tinware same wtu. Stain your old Baskets time will Stain Baby Coach and WOLFF it RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Jjk in rug, Faxni and Haute Fumithing StortK mh2ATSSU FULL VALUEF0RTHE HONEY ii lbs. $100. Klb. Be. c Choicest, Purest, Best. Iistantaieois with Boiling Water orMilfc U. S. DEroT, 35 Mercer St., New Yobe. At retnl by all leading grocers and drucri'ts. GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., IMPORTERS OC23-50-WS TJLOOKER'S COCOA For sale wholesale and retail by JAMES LOCKHART, 103 Federal Street no6-66-ws Allegheny, Pa. lW&m&&DO HsHMHTOt as fV?Ki? I I bJHHS I mr ff COPT2I0R ifj ilCUCT j IK-lON a A PAINT THAT Oftt T5tV T ffEro dutch iso CA S jra B:3 3iL2jiS& TBE GREAT WaSIIIXG POWDEB, Cleans BfemUlM A copy of MUNKACSrs great (100,000 00 painting, "CHRIST BEFORE PILATE," for 10 Coupons BELL'S S0AP0NA and 40 Wrappers BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP, n mm PRIZED .MEDAL .1-YKI5. SJ883; aVtw7 HRkkkkv NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rtprffiQ$ Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTRITIOUS JUICE OP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is themost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEEP, HEALTH and 8TRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DRUQQtST FOR S-E"H.TXE OOP FZG-S MANUFACTURED ONLY BY .CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW Y0HK. K. Y. jtM7-TTS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On the Female Face. Superfluous hair Is an excessive growth of hair on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, throat, fore head, between the eyebrows, on the nose and ears; also on men's cheeks abore the beard line and from moles and birthmarks. It is surpris ingly prevalent, we see it In tho church, theater, on the street and wherever ladies congregate. This is one of the most distressing and annoy tag b'emisbes that any lady can be afflicted with. Tbe use of depilatories, tweezers, scissors or razors all make these balrs crow harsher, coarser and more numerous, as hundreds of ladles know to their sorrow. Dr. J. Van Dyck. 502 Penn ave., Pittsburg, permanently and forever destroys superfluous ELECTRIC MtiEDLE OPERATION, This is a purely scientific operation and is indorsed by all physicians and surgeons of eminence as being the only method in the world by which the hair can be destroyed so that it can never grow again. Dr. Van Dyck bas operated for years, has treated hundreds of cases and bas acquired a national reputation in electro surgery. Stop the use of depilatories.tweezers, Bcissors or razors and consult Dr. Van Dyck at once and have the hairs destroyed forever; office 502 Penn ave. Acne In this disease white or red inflamed iimples appear on forehead, cheeks and nose, s often associated witb an oily condition of tbe skin, affects both sexes between tbe ages of 10 and 30, is a very unsightly facial blemish. Comedones In this affection black specks fill the pores of the skin, seen mostly on tbe cheeks, nose, forehead and ears, is often as sociated with acne, affects both sexes. ljlver spots Are dark, brownish, dirty, muddy looking spots in the cheeks, forehead, neck and around tbe mouth; the neck and mouth often looking as if skin were soiled; affecting ladies mostly. If you have tbe above, any rash humor erup tion, any blemish, discoloration or disease of the skin, complexion, bair or scalp, consult Dr. Van Dyck at once. Remember this is his life study; no matter how serious your case may be or how long it has lasted, tbe doctor can effect a thorough cure in your case. Terms very reasonable: within the means of every one; none turned away. Patients at a distance can be treated by letter by writing a careful description of their cases. Don't neglectyour case another dav. Advice free. Cfll or ad dressDR. J. Van Dtck.502 Penn avenue. Pitts burg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to C; Sundays, 10 to i: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m. apb-70-ssu 90LD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878. TV". BAKER & CO.'S Hast Cocoa Is absolutely pure and it is soluble. No Cliemicals tra used la its preptrttion. It hat mare t&an three tiret tht strength of Cocoa mixed frith Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and ii therefore far more economical, eofing Uti than one cent a cup It is delicious, nourishing. strenjrthcmng. Easily Digested, and admirably adapted for inraUdf a well as for pcrsoni in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W.BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Do You Know It? To perfect a enre, you must remove tba cause. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIM E AND SODA supplies the system with Oxi dlzable Phosphorus, tbe deficiency of which Is tbe proximate cause of Consumption. For Coughs, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Night Sweats, and all Throat Diseases, It is an uu equalcd remedy, bold by -DrnjrKists. SI per bottle. Recommended by nhsicians. Send for circular. WINCHESTER A CO., Chemists, 162 William Street New Yorfc. my31 21-TTSiwk mm PRIZE1 .MEDAL, PARIS. UHtl-3 iln'i-O.TT3 JOHNFLOCKER & CO., MANUFACTURERS Or Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and Americin Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Ecll Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Rale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun-Yarn, etc. WORKS Bast street. Allegheny City, Pa. OFFICE AND SALESROOM-) Water st Pittsburg. Telephone No. 1370. fett-Jtws dSj1iiwrr II II ftffs IT! i ' ti lllfaL M OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. -TTIEWERS' REPORT On tho irradlcjr. paving and curbing of Allen street, from Washington street to Lillian street. To the Select and Common Councils ot tbe city of PittsburE: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed bv the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 25th day of March, A. D. 18S9, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of grading, pav ing and curbing of Allen street, from Washing ton to Lillian, in said city, upon tbe property benefited tberebyunder thermovisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act anthorlzing and directing Councils of cities of the second claps to nrovide for tbe Improvement of streets, lanes, alleys ana public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plan of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their dutios, granting appeals to Councils and court, providing for the assess ment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the uso of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets, without authority of Council'." approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1837, respectfully report: 1 hat, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act to discharge the duties of their appoint ment; that having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon tbe property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as reouiredbv said act, and. having given to tbe owner of each lot 10 days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, tney met on the luth day oi Aorll, A. I). 1890, at the office of the Board of Viewers, In the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifi cations and corrections which they deem propdr. assessed tbe cost and expense of said grading, paving and curbing upon the follow ing property, upon each for the amount set opposite tho name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works' state ment of cost: 2,476 cubic yards grading, 37Kc 8 928,'SO 3,185 square yards paving. SI 63 fi.350 80 2,242 lineal feet curbing. 74c 1.659 08 937 square feet crossings, 87c 957 39 88 lineal feet 21-inch pipe, $2 85 250 80 18 lineal feet 18-inch pipe, 45 28 10 2 square sewer drops, 105 130 00 3,110 pounds castings (Fisher F. & Jl. Co.), $101 bS 52 03 Engineering, advertising, etc 300 00 Printing ordinances and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 2175 Making plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewersf time 63 00 $9,792 50 ASSESSES. Allen street, from Washington ave nue to Lillian street, east side A Stuckenbcrg, 83, 117.5 feet. 473 IS Allentown Turner Ass, 74 feet 421 80 KBebr. 2L50feet 139 67 JII4P W Algeo. 49 feet 279 35 Kate Quinn, 125 feet 712 62 German Cath. Church, 125 feet 712 62 W P Perry. SO feet 171 01 WmMcCollough.aifeet. Ill 02 Thos Maple, 2o feet. 112 53 Rev R J Coster, 50 leet 235 05 Ii Bhuhart, 75 f eet 427 58 Albert Gerhouski, 25 leet 112 53 M J Duff. 25 feet 112 53 Jos Goldsmith, 2-3 feet 112 53 Jacob Schmidt, 25 feet. 112 53 John Chanuing. 25 feet. 112 53 Wm Payne. 50 feet. 285 05 West side Wm Yeckel. 19 97.5 feet 279 35 H J Smith. 32.50, 50 feet 185 33 John Leindecker. 19 50 feet 2S2 19 Jacon Hockncr, 21.50 feet 139 G7 AIoo Kim, 21 50 feet 139 67 J Schaffner, 49 feet 279 35 O AHeinricb. 2581 feet. 117 14 John Binder. 61 Blfeet 291 10 Fred Ott. 51.64 feet 291 40 W Winkle, 51.61 foet. 234 40 Lonlsa Kuckert. 25.81 teet 147 11 H Miller, 51 61 feet. 291 40 E J Schaffner, 50 feet 285 05 George bmurck, 25 feet 112 53 ThomisCarrick.25feet 142 53 FredE Klein, 25 feet U2 53 M L Sanders. 25 feet .... 142 53 Anna C Wolf. 25 feet. 142 53 Robert Och, 50 feet 285 05 T J Keinig, 25 leet 112 53 J Martin bchaffer, 125 feet 712 62 8 9,792 60 Respectfully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. J Viewers. TIMOTHX" O'LEARY, JR., J Pittsburg, April 10, 189a TTIEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer on Cen ter avenue, from Graham street to College street. To tbe Select and Common Councils of tbe city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsbnrp, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 30th day of July, A. D. 1883. a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assessment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewtr on Center avenue, from Graham to Collece streets, in the Said city, upon the property ben flted thereby, under the provisions of and In accordance with an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the seeond class to provide for the ituDrovement of streets, lanes, altera md nnh. lie highways, sewers and sidewalks, requirinc plans of streets providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvement, prescribing their duties, grantine apneals to Councils and Court, providing for the assess ment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing forming liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets, without the authority of Coun cils," approved tho 14th day of June, A. D. 1887; respectfully report: That having been tlrst duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded in tbe manner and according to tbe directions of said act to dischargo the duties of their appoint ments; that having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by 6ald act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the timo and place of meet ing, they met on tbe 5th day of April, A. D. 1890 at tbe office of tho Hoard of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed tbe costs and expense of constructing said sewer upon the following property, upon each for the amount set opposite tbe name of tbe owner thereof, viz.: Chief Department of Public WorEs, state ment of cost 1,940 lineal feet 15-inch pipe sewer. SI 01 S 2,017 60 1.468 lineal feet 9 Inch pipe sewer JO 65 951 20 4 drops 00 2W 00 9 manholes, S2S 252 00 Extra work changing line of sower at College street, as pervouebnr 4100 13,625 pounds castings (Fisher F. fc M. Co.)?16S 227 22 Superintending, engineering, adver tising. 175 00 Printing ordinances ana notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 23 75 Making nlans and serving notices 10 00 Viewers' time C3 00 8 4,013 77 ASSESSED. Center avenue, north side, from Graham to College Kittle Roupost, 560. 733.81 feet 70S 78 J M Guffy. 131, 217.51 feet 165 34 J R Mellon. 87, 100 feet 109 80 W H Stevenson. 44, 50 faet 55 53 J B Stevenson, 44, W feet 55 63 W U Lvnn, 87. 100 feet 109 80 JohnW Black, 87, 100 feet 100 80 JohnFCluly,44.50f6et 65 63 Geo W Fisherlng, 41. 60 feet 65 63 John P McCrea, 44. 50 feet , 53 53 Ameas Wells, 87, 1UU leet 109 80 Mary E Stewart, 44, 50 feet 65 53 R O Duncan, 44, 50 feet 55 53 S H Lloyd, 44, 50 feet 65 53 Jos S Adams. 44. 50 feet 5553 Jas RMellon, 87, 100 feet m go Lucluda Clause, 44, oOfeet 55 5) faouth side David Garrett 44 feet 55 53 8 8 Shields, 94 feet Rg 61 11 Shields, 10 feet 12 62 MrsAPUinker,53feet 68 89 Joseph Graham, 6J feet 79 51 CZug, 314, 414 feet 896 30 Mary A Lanaban, 294, 404.72feet 371 08 Jacob Lang. 100 feat 126 21 Annie M Gilmore,100 feet 126 21 Annie M Gil more, 29.79 feet 36 W) Mary J McClelland, 107.80 feet 135 07 JaraesMulholIand,50feet 03 11 LS Cuunlnghim, 63 feet 69 4.3 W R&EG Moonev, 140 feet 176 60 J 8 Rodgers. 2Jb feet n 55 J S Cook's heirs, SO feet 100 97 George L. Peabody, 80 feet 100 97 $1043 77 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, DANIEL WENKE. J Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb., X-ITTBBUBU, April O, 18U. T7-1EWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer on Hanard street from Negley street to Euclid street To the Select and Common Councils of the cltvof Pittsburir: The Undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments In tbfl cltv of Plttahnror. Anrtnlntad hv the Court of Common Pleas of lAlleghenyJ OFFICIAsV-PITTSBUUG. county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on tbe 8th day of October. A D. 1883, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost of constructing a public sewer on Harvard street, from Negley to Euclid in said city, upon the property benefited thereby under tho provisions of and in accord ance with an act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Conncils of cities of the second class to provide for tbe improve ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, proviaing lor the appointment or a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for tbe assess ment and collection of damages and benefit?, authorizing the uso of private property, and providing for filing liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day ot June, A. D. 18S7. re spectfully report: That, having been first duly sworn and qual ified according to law, they proceeded in tbe manner and according to the directions of said act, to discharge the duties of their appoiut ments; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten dajs' nolice of the time and place of meet ing, they met on the 10th day of April. A. D. 1890. at the office of tbe Board of Viewers, in the city ol PittsDurg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifica tions and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of constructing said sewer upon the following property, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief Department Public Works, statement of cost 786 lineal feet 15-mch pipe sewer, tl 15. $903 90 4 manholes, f30 120 00 3,100 pounds castings (Fischer F. & M. uo.j i ta. 62 08 superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc Printing ordinance and notices Printing viewers' report.. ,. Making plan and serving notices Viewers' time , 65 00 40 00 23 50 10 00 63 00 $1,277 43 ASSESSED. Harvard street, from Negley avenue to Broad street, north side JP Ober. 85, 115 feet 89 38 Mary J C JIcGhee. 30 foet, and M C McGhee, 57, 30 feet 59 93 W P Hansell, 57. 60 feet 59 93 Thompson t Abersole. 28, 30 f eet 29 11 S C Thomas. 28, 29 C6 feet 29 11 John Ground, 57. CO feet 69 93 Sarah J Dugan, 28, 30 feet 29 44 T Weiss, 23. 25 feet 24 18 John Mills, 23, 25 feet 24 18 R Stevenson, 23. 25 feet 21 18 Geo Van Pool. 23, 25 feet 21 18 John B Schneider, 23, 25 feet 21 18 Michael Donabv, 2S, 30 feet 29 14 ji uan, -a, -i 34 reet 21 18 W B Bennett, 21. 22.33 feet 22 08 Jennie Ralston, 22. 23.33 feet 23 13 MaryJSpenre.57. 60feet 59 33 Wl Dunn, 28, 30 feet 29 41 south side W M Graham. 40, 85 feet 42 06 1'? F S" Ieet' 29 44 HUetz.28,30feet ss 44 C G Klinefelter. 28. 30 feet 29 41 M Welsh. 67, 60 leet 59 93 Joseph Panella, 86, 91.66 feet. 90 43 J C McClintock, 23, 30 feet. 29 44 Fred G. Hague, 28, 30 feet, 29 44 A M Bailey. 28, 30 feet. 2) 44 M W Blair, 57, 60 50 feet. 50 93 Catharine J Ganey, 24, 25 feet. 25 23 Tim Barrett, 65, 70 feet 68 33 John Nugent 28. 30 feet 29 44 J R HauDt 28, 30 feet 29 44 Anchor Savings Bank, 28, 30 leet 29 44 S 1,277 18 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb., J PlTTSBUKO. April 10. 1890. TTIEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer on Kirk wood street from Collins street to Highland street To the Select and Common Councils of tho city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Imnrovc. ments la tho city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 9tb day or September. A. D. 1859, a copy of wbicb is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and exnense of conitrnetlnc- a. public sewer on Kirkwood street, from Collins street to Highland street, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby under tbe provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti tled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class, approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9, respectfully report. That having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act, to discharge the duties of their appoint ment; that having viewed the premises, they made au assessment of said cost and expense upon tbe property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and, having given to the owner of each lot 10 days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, they met on tbe third dav of April, A. D. 1S90, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in tbe city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and, having all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of constructing said sewer upon the following property, upon each for the amount set opposito the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works' state ment of cost: 66S lineal feet 15-inch sewer pipe, 1 43. 8 383 64 2drops,fG5...... 130 00 Fisher F M'fc Co""""""""""" Engineering, advertising, etc Printing ordinances and notices..... Printing viewers' report Making plans and serving notices... Viewers' time 105 00 83 16 60 00 40 00 21 00 10 00 63 00 81,500 80 ASSESSED. Kirkwood street, from Collins to TTlirViInnrl nnrf Vi Cirla Ja-nes M Denbolm. 21, 18 feet 41 34 J w Wallace, 21, ia.00 leet.... John Hamilton. 31, 26.50 feet., Emma SICnhn. 31. 26 50 leet.. Kate R Hill, 38, 22 feet Edith M Minor, 30. 26 feet 43 34 04 12 6112 78 00 62 05 74 m Dr A J Davis, 36. 30 25 feet., airs a uaviu'on, ra, 07.70 leet 140 61 ximotny uarrett, sh. u ieet GR&C1I West, 24, 20 feet Vincont d. Scott. 25. 2L05 feet Geo Reimer, 26, 22 feet Mary Ewing. 26, 22 feet C B Seel v. 29, 25 foet James Caldwell. 30 25.83 feet Patrick O'Conner. 2a, 21.12 feet , Otto E Hinemin. 29, 25 feet Chas Eble. 25, 21 87 feet , Anton Woir,29, 25feet , B Verstine, 29, 25 feet , B Verstine, 34. 62 feet A C Lohr, 25, 28 feet Kate R Hill. S2 feet , Edith M Miner. 26 feet , Dr A J Davis 30 25 feet Mathilda G Davison, 23.87 feet , Catharine A Davison, 28 87 feet George Reimer. 19 05 feet , Andrew Reimer, 20.05 feet , A Reimer, 4J feet , , Mary Ewing. 22 feet, Charles F Willharm; 21.87 feet J CKelly. 25 feet Mrs E French, 25 feet George G Ranhauser, 35.94 feet Jessie Sharp, 64 94 feet B Verstine, IB, 66.50 feet 49 65 49 65 61 71 63 78 53 78 59 99 62 05 5171 59 99 53 78 6 99 59 93 70 34 6171 800 650 750 7 00 700 4 75 SCO 1100 550 525 6 25 625 8 75 16 00 37 26 $1,500 80 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, DANIEL WENKE. Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY. JR., I Prrrsntrito. April 3. 1890. yiEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer on Con rad street from Penn street to Liberty street. To tbe Select and Common Councils of tbe city or Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city or Pittsburg, appointed by the tonn oi lynroraon fleas or Aliefcoeuy county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 9th day of September. A. D. 18S9, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of tbe cost and exnens of con structing a public sewer on Conrad street, from Penu street to Liberty street, in said citv, upon tho property benefited thereby, under tbe provisions of and in accordance witb an act ol Assembly or the Common-' wealth of Pennsvlvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improve ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public higb as, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of street-., providing lor the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and Conrt providing for tbe assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils,'' ap proved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887, respect fully report: Thar, having been first duly sworn and qual fled according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions o' sild act, to illschirgn the duties of their appoint ment: that I arlng ieied fie proinli.es rhey nude an assessment of said cust and expense upon the property 'beneBtcd, and caused a plot and Statement to be made, as rennired bv RAlri act and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice or tbe time and place of meet- (ng, they met oa the. 7th day ol April, A. D. OFFICIAL-PITThDURG. 1890, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in tbe city of Pittsburg, beard all complaints and evidence offered, and hiving made all modifi cations and corrections which they deemed proper, assessed tbe cost and expense of con structing said sewer upon tbe following prop erty, upon each for the amount set opposite tho name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost: 207 lineal feet 15-Inch sewerplpe, ?1 20.S 24S 10 2,417 lineal feet 20 Inch sewer pipe, Jl 58 3,818 80 4drops.SG0 210 00 9 manholes, 830 270 00 13.100 pounds castings (Fisher F. . M. Co.) Jl 68 225 12 Superintjnding, engineering, adver tising, etc 225 00 Printing ordinances ana notices 10 00 Prlntingviewers'report 25 00 Making plan and serving notices 81 00 Viewers' time 15 00 J5.191 38 ASSESSED. Conrad, east side, from Penn to Liberty-Murray A Verner. 185.C5 feet 201 90 Peter Winters, 163. 403.25 feet 479 38 Wm Duckham, 115, 100 21 feet 119 07 George McKee. 104.75 feet 107 80 Geo VV Schmidt. 115. 100 feet 119 07 J J Torley, SO, 84 feet SO 10 Mrs Evaline Gross. 402, 350 92 feet 416 22 WmOberIine.57.50feet 59 01 iMrs Evaline Gross. 189, 105 feet 19-5 68 F Slataper. 67. 75 feet 90 08 Hannah P Smith, 57. 60 feet 59 01 F Slataper. 115. 100 feet 119 07 Mrs Marg Wilkinson. 59, 52 feet 61 OS Jno B. Allison. 57. 50 feet 9 01 WK Given. 57, 50 feet o9 01 Mrs Margt Wilkinson. 115, 100 feet... 119 07 A M Brown, 227. 358 feet 235 02 Fidelity Title and Trust Co., 32, 100 feet 33 13 Conrad street, west side Citizens Traction Co.. 11.21 feet 197 75 H J Lynch, 128. 112.62 feet 132 52 J G Thurston. 27. 24 feet 27 95 II J Lynch, 3S9, 295 feet SuO 99 M A Miller. 57, 60 feet 50 01 II J Lynch. 34, 30 feet 35 20 Charles M Gnrmly. 120. 104 96 feet 124 24 F slataper, 235, 204.96 feet 213 31 Mrs M G McConnelI.598.62092feet. 619 15 OeoeL Peabodr, 74, 65 feet 76 62 Henry Daut, 87, 75 feet 90 08 E. Bartberger, 71, 62.50 feet 73 61 CharlesM Tavlor. 57, 50 feet 69 01 William R Christian. 71, 62.60 feet.... 11 51 E K Irwin. o7. 50 feet 59 01 Sue L Richard, 57. 50 feet 69 01 W S Wakefield, 41. 3750 feet 42 45 Henry W Corwin, 41. 37.50 feet 42 45 W Radchff. 57. 50 feet 59 01 J S Black. 57. 60 feet 59 01 C E Lincoln, 41, 72 feet 42 4-5 Fidelity Title and Trust Co.. 32. 100 It. 33 13 Total J5.19I 33 Resperf ully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. J Viewers. TIMOTHY OLEAKY. JR., J PlTTSBtJEO. April 7. 1890L TTIEWERS' REPORT On tho construction of a public sewer on Fourth avenue, from Grant street to Cherry alley. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: Tbe undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 9th day of September. A. D. 1889, a copy ot which Is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of construct ing a public sewer on Fourth avenue, from Grant street to Cherry alley, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby, under the provisions of. and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1SS0, respectfully report: That, having been first duly sworn and qualified according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of saidacr, to discharge the duties of their ap pointments; that, having viewed tbe premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act and having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, they met on the 6th day of April. A. D. 1890, at the offico of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, beard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which tbev deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of constructing said sewer upon tbe ioiiowmg property, upon eacn ior tne amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief Department Public Works, Statement of costs 2o3 lineal feet 15-inch pipe sewer, SI 65 g 392 15 1 manhole 30 00 800 pounds castings (to Fisher F. & ii. Co.). ?1 63 ., 13 44 Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc. 40 00 Printing ordinanco and notice 40 00 Printing viewers' report 16 25 Mating plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewers' time 63 00 $60184 ASSESSED. Fourth avenue, south side, from Grant street to Cherry alley John Dalzell, 51. 60 feet Wm Ward. 37. 40 feet James M Clark. 21. 22 feet John Herman, 21. 22 feet. WmMcCrnm (trustee), 18, 19 feet.... Thomas Ewing, 18, 19 feet. flanrna Wllsn. h.f.a IS in,... 152 71 110 79 62 87 62 87 53 90 5190 53 90 Biddfe Arthurs. 18, 19 feet 5J 90 $004 84 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) D VNIEL V ENKE. J Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb., ) PrrrsDcua. April 4. 1890. irriEWERS' REPORT On tbe construction ol a public board walk on Cohas3et street, from Grandview street to Paw nee street To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Im provements In the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleis of Allegheny county and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 30tb day of September. A. D. 1SSY, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public board walk on the west side of Cobas set street from Grandview to Pawnee In said city upon tlu property benefited thereby, under me provisions 01 anu in accoruance wicn an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsvl vania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers In cities of tbe second-clis, approved the 16th day of May, 1889: respectfully report: Tbat, baving first been dulv sworn and quill fled according to law, tbey proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act to discharge the duties of their appoint ments; that having viewed the premises tbey made an assessment of said cost and expense npon tbe property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten d-iys' notice of tbe time and place of meet ing, they mot on the 10th dav of Anrll. A. T) 1890, at tbe office of the Board of Viewers, In tbe city ot Pittsburg, beard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which tbey deem proper, assessed tbe cost and expense or con structing said board walk upon tbe following propcrty,upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz.: Chief Department Public Works, Statement of cost: 497 lineal feet walk, 50c $2js 50 19 feet crossing, 50c a 50 Printing ordinance and notice 40 00 Frlntlncviewers'renort in 2s Making plan and serving notices 5 00 Viewers' time 63 00 $35 25 ASSESSED. Cobasset street from Grandview avenne to Pawnee street, west side Geo Lies. 75, 150 feet 33 45 Fred Hirt. 70. 44 10 feet 35 88 Emma J Kerr, 55. 50 feet 28 20 Bernard J Campbell. 55. 50 feet 28 20 Wm Paddcn, Bo. 50 leet 23 20 M D Roacb. 27, 25 feet 13 84 Thos Fellows. 27. 25 fe-t 13 84 A G Walters, heirs. 110, 100 feet 56 39 Henry Craven, 27, 25 feet 13 84 East side Kate E Gould. 75. 150 feet 23 66 Chas F Dean, 43. 71 67 feet 13 68 A G Walters, heir. 30. 25 feet 9 47 Wm F Hood. 30.25 feet 9 47 John G Bright 90, 75 feet 28 40 D McGary, 57. 50 feet 17 98 Jas T Steen, 82, 75 feet 25 87 i 3S5 25 Respcctrullv submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, 1 DANIEL WENKE. Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jb., PrrrsBUBO, April 10, 1890. No. 358. AN ORDINANCE-nAUTHORIZING THE grading, paving and curbing of Geneva street from Main street to Forty-fourth street Whereas It appears by the petition and affi davit on file in tbe office of the Clerk of Coun cils tbat one-third ui interest of the owners of property fronting Slid abutting upon the said street have petitioned tbe Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, pav ing and curbing of the same: therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city ol Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tha authority or tbe same. That tbe Chief or tbe Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad- OFFICIAL PITTSBTJKG. vertlse In accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for tbe grading, paving and curbin" of Geneva street from Mam street to Forty-fourth street the contract therefor to be let in tho mannerdlrecto-d by the acts ot Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tha provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9. section Z-That any ordinance or part of ordinanco conflicting with tho provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same Is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 31st day of March. A. D. 1890. H. P. ORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Conncil. GEO.L.HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, April 3, 1890. Approved: WM. McCALLlN. Mayor Attest: ROBERT OSTEKMA1ER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7. page 37L 7th day of April. A. D. 1S90. fNo. L80 1 AN ORDINANCE AUlHORIZING TUB grading and paving of Poe alley, from Jtifty-second street to McCandless street Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi davit on file in tbe office of tbe Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon tho said street have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of the same; therefore Section I Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in belect and Common Conncils assembled, and it is hereby or dained and enacted by the authority of tha samo, that tbe Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be and 13 hereby authorized and directed to advertise in accordance with the Acts of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thepeto and regulating tbe same, for proposals for the grading and paving of Poe alley, from Fifty second street to McCandless avenue, tbe con tract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances, the cost and expense of the same to be as sessed and collected in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tha second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as tbe same affect3 this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 3l3t dav of March. A. D. 1S90. H. P. FORD, President of belect Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CounciL G. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Com mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk or Common Council. Mavor"s oflice. April 3. 1S90. Approved: WM. McCALLlN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Asst. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. voL 7, pago 373, 7th day of April. A. D. 1890. No.353.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE curbing and macadamizing of Emily street, between Craft avenue and Halket street in accordance with the petition of the property holders and owners. Whereas. It appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the office of the Clerk of Councils that one-third in interest of tbe own ers of property fronting and abutting upon tho said street have petitioned tbe Councils'of said city to enact an ordinance for the curbing and macadamizing of the same, therefore Section L Be it ordained and enacted bv the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That tha Chief or the Department of Public Works bo and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with tbe acts of Assembly or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tha ordinances of the said city of Pitts burg relating thereto and regulating tha same, for proposals for tho enrbing ot said street and the paving or tbe gut ters thereof with block stone fo the width of eighteen lnches,and the macadam izingof the street Tho contract therefor to be let in the manner directed bvthe said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex pense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth or Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act relating to the streets and sewers in cities of the second class," ap proved the 16th day of May. A. D. 1SS9. Section 2 That anv ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same afiect3 this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 31st day or March, A. D. 1890. H. P. FOKD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Conncil. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk ol Common CounciL Mayor's office, April 3. 1890. Approved: WM. McCALLlN. .Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7. paga 366, 6th day or April, A. D. 1890. No. 359. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE paving and enrbing of Hazelwood avenue, from Second avenue to Shippen street Whereas.lt appears by the petition and affi davit on file in tbe office of tbe Clerk of Coun cils that one third in Interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the paving and curb ing of the same: therefore Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tha City of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That tho Chief or the Department ot Public Works Da and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts or Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania and the or dinances of the said city or Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the pavingand curbing of Hazel wood avenue from Second avenue to Shippen street tha contract therefor to be let in tbe manner di rected by tbe said acts of Assembly and or dinances. The cost and expense of the same to bo assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities ot the second class;" approved the loth day of 3Iay. A. D. 1889." Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot ordi nance conflicting with tbe provisions ol this ordinance be and tbe same is bereby repealed so far as tho sams affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 31st day of March. A. D. 1890. H.P.FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk ot Select Council. G. u. HOLLIDAY.Presldent of Com mon CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's oflice. April 3, 1S90. Approved: WM. McCALLlN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, paga 372. 7th day of April, A. D. 1390. No. 389 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE grade or Hancock street from Thirty third street to Dickson street Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by tha city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it 1 s hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same. That tha grade of the east curb or Hancock street from Thirty third street to Dickson street be and the same is hereby established as follows, viz: Beginning at tbe north curb of Thirty-third street at an elevation of 243.00 feet: level for a distance of 20 feet to a point at an elevation of 243.00 feet; thence falling at tho rata of 16 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 322.68 feet to the south curb of Dickson street At an AlAvnrfnn nf 19L37reet Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is bereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 31st day or February. A. D. 1S90. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CounciL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common CounciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common CounciL Mayor's office. April 3, 189a Approved! WM. MCCALLIN. Mayor Attest: ROBT. OS TERMAIER, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7. pago 399. 12th day of April. A. D. 1890? ' V v A No. 3S0. N ORDINANCE-VACATING MELLON afreet, from Rural street to Margaretta street in the Nineteenth ward. Section 1 Be it ontafnnrf .ml T-.tff TivtTtA city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn- w.ci AaacuAuicu, aim ib is nereoy oruainea ana enacted by the authority of the same. That Mellon street, between Rural street and Mar garetta street, as located by a plan approved November 14, 1887 be and tbe same is hereby vacated, and the said plan in so far as the abova mentioned street is concerned is declared null and void. Section 2 That any ordinanco or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed o far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law la Councils this 31si dav of March, A. D. 1890. H.F. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. G. L. HOLLID Y. President or Com uion Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common CounciL wiMyo,.cfflTCTeAC,riI 1890L Approved: WM. McCALLlN. Mayor. Attest- ROBT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Maytrt 1 Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. toL 7 n?n asa. 12UJ day or April, A. D. 1880? ' PSe Sa LtelJUltCLia&iaiwPitS4;'ik. j