Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 19, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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Has Slrnck the Markets of the Coun
try and Advanced Prices, but
Southern Products Still Depress Pittsburg's
New Xork, April 18. Special reports
to Bradsircet's show only a moderate move
ment of general merchandise at Philadel
phia, New York, Boston and New Orleans.
At St Louis cold, stormy weather, with re
sulting heavy roadways in the tributary re
gion, have retarded general trade, and even
at Chicago adverse weather influences have
had their effect on several lines, notably
milinery and clothinc There have been
slight gains at Memphis, St. Paul, Omaha
and San Francisco, but at Cincinnati and
Kansas City the situation remains practi
cally unchanged.
Snotr blockades on the Pacific roads in
February decreased net earnings in that
group, so that the gain in net on 10G roads
during that month was only 5 per cent, as
against 15 percent in January over January
last year. For the first time in some months
the coal-road group showed a gain in net
over the preceding year.
There is no change in the generally un
favorable position of the iron and steel mar
kets, judged from the point of view of the
makers. Several large transactions are re
ported in Southern pi? iron at very low
figures, and several contracts recently placed
have been canceled. Production continues
to increase in the face of the situation.
Steel rails are SO cents lower per ton and
nails very unsettled as to prices.
Speculation in wheat within a week has
reached unexampled proportions, transac
tions at New York alone aggregating 133,
000,000 bushels. This was caused primarily
by the Government report that winter wheat
in the ground was far below the average in
condition on April 1, backed by continued
bad weather and a report that India's new
crop will fall far below expectations.
Secondarily, the stimulus came from the
larger bull operators at New York and
Cnicago, who put their shoulders under the
market with good effect. Prices "West ad
vanced 10c Jand leave off C7c up; at New
York the gain is 34c Corn was affected
as was oats, the former gaining )Jc and
the latter Jb-c per bashel.
The corner in pork at Chicago April 12
advanced prices S4 per barrel, ot which one
half has been lost, liard is Jc higher per
pound, and cut meats Jc up. Demand is
tairly active. Drygoods are in better dis
tribution at retail, and there is some slight
gain in reorder demand. Price concessions
are still a feature.
E. G. Dun & Co. say that a season of ex
traordinary speculation has set in. Graiu,
pork products, cotton oil and sugar have
advanced, the latter in spite of the proposal
to remove the entire duty, and spruce
lumber also, in spite of the rapidly increas
ing interrurjtion ot building by our strikes.
The general average of prices for commodi
ties has advanced one-eighth of 1 per cent
in a week, and 1.7 per cent in three weeks.
Stocks have also been stronger, and reports
ol trade, which are influenced rather by
prices at which goods are sold than by the
volume of business transacted, are uni
iortnly cheerful. At the same time there is
continued evidence of an actual increase
over last year in the volume of business
"Wool has been firmer at Boston, without
change in price, and very dull and inactive
ot New York and Philadelphia. In the
drygoods market no improvement is seen.
Cotton manufacture does not thrive the bet
ter for the advance in the material, with
goods unchanged in price, and print cloths
only 33 cents for 61s. The boot and shoe in
dustry is clearly thriving, and leather and
hides are both firmer and in more active de
mand. The eight honr strikes in many cities
have already arrested all building opera
tions, and arc expected to extend, so that
the market lor glass is already affected un
favorably, and also the demand for struct
ural iron. The iron busines shows no im
provement. In steel rails large orders are
pending, and it is thought they can be
placed at $33. Bar iron is dull and de
pressed. Substantially all trie reports from
other cities give an encouraging rec
ord of the state of business.
At Boston improvement continues; retail
drycoods trade is large and causes better
jobbing trade, and domestic hides are high
er. At Philadelphia there is especial ac
tivity in drugs and chemicals, and the past
week was the best iii a long time in gro
ceries. Chicago reports the usual great in
crease in the movement of grain and dressed
beet, lake shipments of grain being double
last year's, and drygoods sales folly equal
to last year's, while clothing falls behind,
but is fairly satisfactory. Collections there
are generally good. St. Louis also notes
improvement, fairly prompt collections and
expectations of a good spring trade. At
nearly all other "Western points similar
favorable reports are made.
It is especially noteworthy that there is
no serious monetary pressure anywhere.
Money is quiet and easy at Boston, easier at
Philadelphia, and steadv with plentiful
supplies at Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee
and Omaha, Cleveland and Detroit only re
porting some closeness.
Tlip business failures throughout the
country during the past seven days number
214, as compared with 209 last week.
The Body of n Beamiful and Accomplished
Young Iad7 Found In ihe I.nkr.
((Chicago, April 18. Miss Mattie Bacon,
the beautiful and accomplished daughter of
Colonel Bacon, of Niles, Mich., who was
studying elocution in this city, disappeared
from her boarding house on the night of
March 27. It was supposed that, in a tem
porary Jfit of mental aberration, she had
thrown herself into the lake.
Intelligence was received to-day that the
bodv of a young woman had been found on
the lake shore near Tollerton, Ind. The dc
bcrlction of the body and of the clothing
corresponds exactly with that of Miss
Bacon. Her relatives have been notified
and will go to Tollerton to identify the re
mains. ateens. Sateens.
200 pes of fine sateens, were sold at 18
and 20 cts., will be opened on Saturday at
lli cts. a yd.
Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.
See our special drives in underwear at
tl, $1 50, $2 per suit. You will find them
better values than ever at Chas. Pfeifer's,
443 Smithfield and 100 Federal sL, Alle
gheny. "We will offer on Friday and Saturday of
this week 300 doz. pure linen Huck towels,
worth regularly 15c, at 10c a piece.
Tissn Hogus & Hacke.
The People's Store.
Misses' suits in bine flannel, with white
braidings, cream flannel, tennis and outing
suits. Great variety.
Campbell & Dice.
Sateens. Sateens.
200 pes of fine sateens, were sold at 18
and 20 cU., will be opened on Saturday at
11 H cU. a yd.
Kxable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth are.
Additional Evidence of the Wonderful
Success Being Achieved by
"It was about three years ago that expo
sure brought on a severe cold," said Mr.
"Walsh, "I paid no attention to it at first,
and it began to grow worse, and I soon
found myself in a serious condition."
The speaker was Mr. Martin Walsh, who
resides in Walsh's Row, Thirty-third ward,
"My head and nose would stop up," con
tinued Mr. Walsh. "My nostrils would
clog first on one side and then on the other.
There were roaring and buzzing noises in
my ears. My eyes were weak and watery.
I could feel the mucus dropping into my
throat. I was constantly hawking and rais
ing. Jfr. Martin Walsh, Walsh's How, Thirty-third
"I tried various remedies, and was under the
care of different physicians, bnt could obtain
no relief. Instead I grew worse I could not
walk downstairs bareheaded without catching
a lresh cold. A dry, backing cough set In,
which at times was so violent that my throat
wonld become so raw s.nd sore that 1 could
hardly swallow.
"Sharp pains would shoot through my chest,
extending as far as the shoulder-blades. 1 had
no appetite. The very sight of food caused a
nausea in my stomach. Night Bweats were
added to my other troubles and weaked me ter
ribly. I would sleep soundly, but on arising
felt tired and languid. I grew weaker every
day, and was greatly reduced in weicht. In
fact I was hardly able to do my work.
"It was vt bile in this condition that I read of
tho wonderful success Drs. Copeland and Blair
were having with cases similar to my own; so
determined to Bee them. I did so, and. finding
their charges even lower than patent medi
cines, placed myself under their care.
"Their treatment certainly performed won
ders for me. I am now feeling as well as I ever
did. My head and throat no longer choke np.
The pains in mv chest have disappeared, and
the night sweats have ceased. In fact, to state
it briefly, all the symptoms I mentioned have
left me, and I one ray recovery to Drs. Cope
land and Blair."
Mr. Walsh lives, as stated, in the Thirtv
third ward, in Walsh's Row, a block named
after him; is well known throughout that sec
tion, ana this interview can be readily verinod.
Mrs. Robert Ramsey, of Washington, Pa.,
speaking of her successful treatment with Drs.
Copeland & Blair, says: Every fall for the past
five years 1 have been troubled with chronic
dyspepsia. Hive tried countless remedies and
various physicians without any relief. I could
not get ease from pain in any position I would
assume. Every breatb I drew was like a knife
cutting me. I became weak and pale, losing
greatlv in n eight.
Since I have been with Drs. Copeland &
Blair all these symptoms have disappeared, and
I now feel as well as I ever did.
Jacob Altmeyer. of Risber, opposite McKees
port, P., states: "1 commenced treatment for
my catarrhal trouble with Drs. Copeland A
Blair on Jnne 29, 1SS9. I now feel like a differ
ent man. and shall be pleased to state my case
and recommend their treatment to anyone ad
dressing me."
Mr. William Barnes, of Hickman. Pa., was
afflicted with catarrh, and had lost all sense of
taste and smell. He was under the care of
Drs. Copeland & Blair, and now states: "lam
perfectly well, and owe my recovery to their
Mr. Harry Phillips, of Hulton, Pa, has this
to say of his successful treatment for catarrh
with Dm. Copeland fc Blair: "I was in very bad
shape, but now feel like a different being, and
as well as I ever did in my life."
Are located permanently at
Whero they treat with success all curable cases.
Office hours 9 to 11 A. 3L; 2 to 5 p. it; 7 to 9
F. M. (Sundays included).
Specialties CATARRH, and ALIj DIS
Consultation. 1. Address all mall to
aplO-Tussu 68 Sixth ave.. Fittsburz, Pa.
Are agents for Ducber-Hampden
Watches, and carry a complete line
in stock.
An Eradicator of
If this valua
ble medicine is
taken accord
ing to direc
tions we will
guarantee a
sure cure for
rhe u m a t i s m,
torpid :: liver,
gout affection,
bladder :-: and
g biliousness and
a oi cosuyeness.
We have hun
dreds of testi
monials from
the best-known
people of Pitts
burg and Alle
gheny City in regard to cures and the value of
this wonderful compound. As
It ha no equal. Price 1 per bottle, 6 bottles
for $5. For sale by all druggists and
leU-66-Tus 212 Federal st, Allegheny City.
smzvitmesc: :ziieu
- '"-'' jA
Cured by the Catarrh Special
ists at 323 Penn Avenue.
The above is a portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth
Bratt, who lives at Verner Station. The
catarrhal secretion that formed In her head and
dropped down into her throat, cansed a severe
ulceration to set in. Her mouth, throat and
tongue became so sore, that she could not chew
her food, and was compelled to eat only soft
foods. She would often have sharp pains in her
face, and a drink of cold water would cause the
most intense pain. As soma of the catarrhal
poison extended to her lungs, she coughed
badly, her breatb became short and she felt
much pain and soreness in her lungs. She bad
a constant weak, tired feeling, and she often
felt so nervous that her whole body would be
in a tremble. The food she ate would sour on
her stomach, and she felt a full, distressed feel
ing after eating. Her heart would often palpi
tate as if it would jump out of her body. She
had much pain across the small of her back
and lower part ot her body. Exposure to cold
air would cause her to take cold, and often for
a month at a time she would not dare to step
outside the door. Although doctoring all of
the time she gradually grew worse. She lost
much flesh, until she onlv weighed 9S pounds.
It was while in this condition that she began
treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh
and Dyspepsia Institute, at 32S Penn avenue,
and became cured. She says: "My disease
was of 12 j ears' standing, and my condition was
runch worse than has teen described. I now
feel veil and strong, as I did when I was a girl.
I have retrained inr flesh and am very triad to
testify to my cure, as above stated bytbese
specialists. Signed with mv own hand,
Please bear in mind that THESE SPECIAL
Office hours, 10 a. u. to 4 p. m and G to 8 p. si.
Sundays, 12 to 4 p.m.
Consultation free to alL Patients treated suc
cessfully at home by correspondence. Send
two Z-cent stamps for question blank and ad.
dress all letters to the Catarrh and Dyspepsia
Institute, 323 Penn avenue. Pittsburg.
No. 377.1
the Pittsburg Union Pasengcr Railway
Company, its lessees, successors and assigns,
the right to enter upon and to uso and occupy
certain streets and highways, and to uso elec
tricity as a motive power, and to lease its fran
chises and property, or either.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
City of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tho authority of the same. That the
Pittsburg Union Passenger Railway Company,
its lessees, successors and assigns shall have the
right, and is hereby authorized to enter upon
the following named streets and highways, to
wit: Beginning at a point on its main line at the
intersection of Penn avenue and Fifth street;
thence along Fifth street to Duquesne way, and
thence along Duquesne way to the intersection
thereof with Sixth street, and upon the said
streets and highways to construct and maintain
an extension or branch of its railway with
double tracks or with single tracks, with the
necessary sidings, turn-outs and switches, and
to operate cars over and along the same.
And said company, its lessees, success
ors and assiens shall also have the right,
and is hereby authorized to uso elec
tricity as a motive power.-and to erect, main
tain, operate and use an overhead electric sys
tem, for the supply of motive power, and to
erect, maintain and use in the streets and high
ways included nithin its present route, to witr
rroma point onrutn avenue, near juarKei
street; thence along Fifth avenue to Liberty
avenue: thence alone Liberty avenue to Fifth
street; thence alone Fifth street to Penn ave
nue; thence along Penn avenue to Vuter street,
and thence along Water street to the Union
bridge, and also in and along the streets and
highwajs included in the extension or branch
of its railway aforementioned, such posts, poles
or other supports as said company may deem
convenient for the support or maintenance of
such overhead system, and all of the rights and
privileges granted by this ordinance shall be
under and subject to the provisions of the gen
eral ordinance of the Councils of the city ot
Pittsburg, entitled "A general ordinance re
lating to the entry upon, over or under, or the
use or occupation of any street, lane or alley or
any part thereof, for any purpose, by passenger
or street railway companies, or by companies
operating passenger or street railways, and
providing reasonable rcgnlations pertaining
thereto for the public convenience and safety,"
approved the 25th day or February, A. D. 1890.
Section 2 The said Pittsburg Union Passen
ger Railway Company shall have the right and
consent is hereby given to said company to
lease its property and franchises or any part
thereof to any incorporated traction or motor
power company which may desire to operate
the railway of said company, and it shall have
the right to connect its track with the tracks of
other passenger railway companies which it
shall cross or join.
Section 3 The said Pittsburg Union Passen
ger Railway Company shall pave with block
stone the space between its tracks and one foot
outside thereof along such portions of its route
as are not now paved.
Section 4 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance bo and the same is hereby
repealed, so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st rlav of March. A. D. 1W.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Conceit.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY, President, of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 5, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 389.
11th day of April. A. D. 1K2U, '
JNo. 399.)
the grade of Madison street, from Thirty
third street to Jefferson street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of the same. That the
grade of tho south curb of Madison street, from
Thirty-third street to Jefferson street, be and
the same is hereby re-established as follows,
viz.: Beginninz at the cast enrb lino Of Thirty
third street at an elevation of 3G9.2G feet; thence
rising at the rate of 6 feet per 100 feet for a
distance of 3S8.71 feet 10 a P. C. at an elevation
of 394.39 feet: thence by a concave parabolic
curve for a distance of 150 feet to a P.T.at an ele
vation of 4l)(i.76 feet; thence rising at the rate of
10 feet per 100 feet torn distance of 1S0.C6 feet
to the west curb line of Clarissa street at an
elevation of 451.83 feet; thence rising at the rate
of 6 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 30
feet to the east curb line of Clarissa
street at an elevation of 4JC.33 fee';
thence rising at the rate of 10 teet per 100
feet for a distance of 240 feet to the west curb
line of Adelaide street at an elevation of 4b0.33
feet; thence rising at the rate of 3 feet per 100
feet for a distance of SO feet to the cast curb
line of Adelaide street at an elevation of 43L33
feet; thence rising at the rate of 10 feet per 100
feet for a distance of 05.85 feet to a P. C. at an
elevation of 507.91 feet: thence bv a convex
parabolic curve for a distance of 300 feet to a
P. T. at an elevation of 61S.4I feet; tbeuce fall
ing at the rate of 3 feet per 100 feet for a dis
tance of 174.53 feet to the west curb line of
Jefferson street at an elevation ot 513.18 feet.
Sections 1 hat any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with tho provisions of this
ordinance bo and the same is- hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. 8HEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mator's office, April 3, 189a Approved: WM.
McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTER
MAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 407,
14th day of April. A. P. 1890.
grade of Kirkpatnck street, from Reed
street to Center avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city ot Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the game, -That the
grade of the west curb of Kirkpatrick street,
from Center avenue to Reed street, be and the
same is hereby established as follows, viz : Be-
ginning at the south curb of Center avenue at
an elevation of 294.29 feet; thence rising at the
rate of 1 foot per 100 feet for a distance of 27
feet to a point at an elevation of 291.50 feet;
thence rising at the rate of 6.41 feet per 100 feet
for a distance of 425.72 feet to a P. C. at eleva
tion of S21.9S feet; thence by convex parabolic
curve for a distance of 100 feet to a P. T. at an
elevation or 319.86 feet: thence falling at the
rate of 10.68 feet per 100 feet for distance ot
95.25 feet to the north curb line of Reed street
at an elevation of 309.69 feet; the east curb of
said Kirkpatrick street to be K loot lower than
the west curb.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same is hereby
repealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 31st day of February. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Conncil.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. I HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 3, 1S90. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERXIAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7,page 393,
12th day of April, A. D. 1890.
No. 357.
grading, paving aud curbing of Marga
retta street, from Highland avenue to Neg
ley avenue.
Whereas. It appears by tho petition and
affidavit on file in tho office of the Clerk of
Councils that one-third in interest of tbe owners
of property fronting aud abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving
and curbing of tho same; therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the
Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise In accordance with the acts of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto and regulating tho same, for pro
posals for the grading, paving and curbing
of Margaretta street, from Highland avenue to
Negley avenue, the contract therefor to be let
in the mannner directed by tbe said acts of
Assembly and ordinances. Tbe cost and ex
pense of the same to be assessed and collected
in accordance with the provisions of an act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled, "An act relating to streets
and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with tho provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY, Prosident of Com
mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of
Common Council.
Mavor's office. April 3. 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Asst. ifayor's ClerK.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 370,
5th day of April. A. D. 1890.
fNo. 351.1
construction of a sewer on Taylor street.
Liberty avenue and Ella street, from Isabella
street to laurei street sewer.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
citv of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and
enacted bv tbe authority of the same. That tbe
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise in accordance with tbe acts of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and '.he
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto and regulating the same, for pro
posals for tho construction of a pipe sewer on
Taylor street. Liberty avenue and Ella
street, commencing on Taylor street at
the north sido of Isabella street; tbence
alone Taylor street to Liberty avenue, sewer to
be 15 inches in diameter; tbence along Liberty
avenue to Ella street and along Ella street to a
connection with the sewer on Laurel street,
sewer to be 20 inches in diameter, tbe
contract therefor to be let in the man
ner directed by the said acts of Assembly
and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense ot the
same to be assessed and collected in accordance
with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of
tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
"An act relating to streets and sewers in cities
of tbe second class," approved the 16th day of
May. A. D . 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with tbe prorisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President ot
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Conncil.
Mayor's office, April 3, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor, . Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Asst. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 362,
5th day of April. A. D. 1890. apU
No. 361.1
grading of Lowry street, from Second
avenue to Shippen street.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office of tbe Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of tbe owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned tbe Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading of the
same, therefore,
Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same.
That tbe Chief of tbe Department of Public
Works be and is hereby authorized and directed
to advertise in accordance with the acts of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and the ordinances of the said city of Pitts
burg relating thereto and regulating the
same, for proposals for the grading of Lowry
street from Second avenue to Shippen street,
the contract therefor to be let in the manner
directed by tho said acts of Assembly and ordi
nances. The cost and expense of the same to
be assessed and collected in accordance with
the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An
act relating to streets and sewers in cities of
the second class," approved the 16th day of
May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance, or part of or
dinance, conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Conncil. .
Mayor's office, April 3, 1890. Approved: WM.
McCALLIN. Mavor. Attest: ROBERT OS
TERMAIER, Assistant Mavor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 373,
7th day of April. A. D. 1S90.
No. 556.
grading, paving and curbing of Marchand
street from Festival street to Dennlston ave
nue. Whereas, It appears ny tbe petition and affi
davit on file in tbe office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of the owners of
property fronting and abntting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving
and curbing of the same; therefore,
Section 1. Bo it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That tho
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and Is hereby .authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem
bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ana
the ordinances of the said city ot Pitts
burg relating thereto aud regulating
tbe same, for proposals for the grading,
paving and curblne of Marchand street
from Festival street to Denniston
avenue, the width of roadway to be twenty
four (21) feet and tbe sidewalks to be eight (8)
feet in width, the contract therefor to be let
in tbe manner directed by the said acts of As
sembly and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense
of tbe same to be assessed and collected in ac
cordance with the provisions of an act of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers
in cities of the secsnd class," approved the ICth
day or May. A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
nlnance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law iu Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D., 1890.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk ot Common Council.
Mavor's office. April 3, 1890. Approved:
WM." McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Asst. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinanco Book vol. 7, page 369,
5th day ot April, A. D. 1890.
No. 318.
construction of a sewer on Comrie alley,
Edmond street and Torley street, from Wine
biddle avenue to Pearl street.
Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tho authority of the same. That
the Chief ofthe Department of Public Works '
be and is hereby authorized and directed to
advertise in accordance with the acts of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and the ordinance of the said citv of Pittsburg
relating thereto and regulating the same, for
proposals for the construction of a plpo sewer
on Comrie alley, Edmond street and Torley
street, commencing at Wineblddle street;
tbenco along Comrie alley to Edmond street,
15 inches In diameter; thence along Edmond
street to Torley street. 18 inches in diameter;
thence along Torley street, 21 inches In diam
eter to connect with sewer on Torley street at
Pearl street, the contract therefor to be let In
tbe manner directed by the said acts of Assem
bly and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense of
tno same to be assessed and collected in ac
cordance with tho provisions of an act of As
sembly of tbo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers
in cities of the second class," approved tho 16th
day of May, A. D.. 18S9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st dav of March, A. D. 189a
H. P. FORD, President ot Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, April 3, 1S90. Approved:
WM. McCALIJN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, pagfe S6L
4th day of April, A. D. 1890.
No. 351.
grading, paving and curbing of McKee
place from Fifth avenue to Frazler street.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office of tne Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of the owners of
property frontinz and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said city
to euatt an ordinance for the grading, paving
and curbing of tbe same: therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and, enacted bv tbo
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils aserobled. and it is bcreby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That tbe
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
andishoreby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of As
sembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania and the ordinances of tbe said city of
Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating
the same, for proposals for the grading,
pavinir and curbing of McKee place,
lrom Fifth avenue to Frazler street, the con
tract therefor to be let in tbo manner directed
by the said acts of Assembly and ordinancs.
The cost and expense of tbe same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provisions
of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania entitled, "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of tbe second class,"
approved tbe 16th day of May, A. D 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and thesamo is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this or
dinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 189a
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 3, 1890. Approved: WM.
MAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 367,
5t h day of April, A. D. 1890.
No. 376.
Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester
Traction Company the right to enter upon,
occupy and use certain streets, lanes, alleys
and highways, and to lease the property and
franchises of certain passenger and street rail
way companies, or eitner, and to construct and
operate or either, bymeans of electricity or oth
erwise, passenger or street railways, or either.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That the
Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Traction
Company shall have the right, and is hereby
authorized, to enter upon any and all streets,
lanes, alleys or highways or parts thereof upon
which any or all of tbe following named
passenger or street railway companies,
to-wit: The Pittsburg, Allegheny and
Manchester Passenger Railway Company
and the Pittsburg Union Passenger
Railway Company now are or may be hereafter
constrncted upon, procuring tbe consent of
said passenger or street railway companies re
spectively and make, construct, maintain and
operate thereon such motors, cables, electrical
or other appliances and necessary or conve
nient apparatus and mechanical fixtures by
means of an overhead electric system or other
wise, as said Traction Company may at any
time or times select, and as will provide for tbe
traction of cars over the railways of said com
panies or any of them, and if said Traction
Company shall determine to use electricity as a
motive power, to place, erect, maintain and use
in, on and along such streets, lanes, alleys or
highways, or parts thererof, on or over which the
railways of the said passenger or street railway
companies, or any of them now are or here
after may be constructed, su;h poles, posts,
supports or other devices as the said Traction
Company may Trom time to time select for
the support or maintenance ot any overhead or
other system, and if said Traction Com
pany shall at any tim determine to use
cable or other kind of power or any
other means or system for tbe supply or appli
cation of power, it shall have tbe richt to con
struct, maintain, operate and use, in, on, under
or along the said streets, lanes, alleys and
highways, or parts thereof, such conduits or
sub-ways, and such cables or other devices as
it may select, for the application or supply of
power, and it sball at any time or times have
tho right to change its kind of power or system
for the application or supply of power and the
said Traction Company shall also have all the
rights and privileges herein given in, on, under,
over and along such streets, lanes, alleys or
highways as it may traverse or occupy in order
to connect with the power house or bouses of
said company.
Section 2 The said Traction Company shall
have the right, and consent is hereby given to
said company to lease the property rights and
franchises of any and all of the aforementioned
passenger and street railway companies which
the said Traction Company may desire to oper
ate and the said Traction uompany snail nave
the right and is hereby authorized to construct
and maintain and operate, or either, tbe rail
way of each and every of tbe said companies
from which it shall secure a lease or enter into
a contract with for the supply of motive power.
Section 3 All the rights and privileges
hereby given or granted are under aud subject
to the terms and provisions oi a general ordi
nance of Councils of the city of Pittsburg, en
titled "A general ordinance, relating to the en
try upon, over or under, or the use or occupa
tion of any street, lane or alley, or any part
thereof, tor any purpose by passenger or street
railway companies or by companies operating
passenger or street railways and providing rea
sonable regulations pertaining thereto for the
Sublic convenience and safety," approved the
ith day of February. A. D. 1S90, and the rights
and privileges by this ordinance given or
granted shall cease or determine only upon
the expiration of the charters of the said pas
senger and street railway companies respec
tively. Section 4 Tbe said traction company, in
consideration of the privileges hereby granted,
sball, within 30 days after the passage and ap
proval of this ordinance, by a writing executed
under its corporate seal, duly attested by tbe
proper officers of said company, and to be filed
in the office of tho City Controller, bind itself
that there sball be expended in good faith
within two years from date of tbe passage and
approval of this ordinance not less than twelve
thousand five hundred dollars (512,500) per mile
in paving with block stone in manner as pro
vided in the aforesaid general ordinance, each
and every mile of single track of any of tbe
street railway companies enumerated in sec
tion one of this ordinance, and which shall be
operated by or upon wbich motive power sball
ue supplied by the said traction company, aud
which is not now paved.
Section 5 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council,
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. April 5, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W". H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page
387, 11th day of April. A. D. 1890.
No. 36a J
opening of Rebecca street, from Penn
avenue to Black street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority ot thesamo, That the
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to cause
to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from
the date of the passage of this ordinance Re
becca street, from Penn avenue to Black street,
at a width of 50 feet, in accordance with a plan
on file in the Department of Public Works,
known as Eighteenth and Nineteenth ward
5 Ian of streets, approved November 14, 1887.
'be damages caused thereby and the benefits
to pay the same to be assessed and collected In
accordance with the provisions of an act nf
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled "An act relating to streets and
sewers in oities of the second class," approved
the 16th day of May. A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinanco or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinanco be and tbe samo is hereby re
pealed so far as the samo affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils
this 31st dav of March, A. D. ISOa
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, April 3, 189a Approved: WM.
McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OS
TERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recotded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 375,
7th day of April, A. D. 1890.
No. 368
opening of Ceres alley, from Beltzhoover
avenue to Hcleda allot.
Section 1lie it ordained and enacted bv tho
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same, That tho.
Chief of tho Department of Public Works be
and is bereby authorized and directed to cause
to he surveyed and opened within 60 days from
the date of the passage of this ordinance Ceres
alley, from Beltzhoover avenue to Heleda
alley, at a width of 20 feet, in accordance with
a plan on file in the Department of Public
Works, known as McLain and Maple's sub
division of Boydstown. recorded in Plan Book,
vol. 5. page 205. Tbe damages cansed thereby
and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed
and collected m accordance with the provisions
of an -net of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approved the 16th day of May. A. D. 1SS9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1891
H. P FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk nf Select
Coanr.il. W. A. MAGEE. pro teui. President
of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mavor's office, April 3, 1890. Approved,
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 379,
10th day of April, A. D. 189a
No. S7ft
opening of Reynolds street from Dun
fermline street to Homewood avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by the anthority of the same.
That the Cbiefof the Department of Public
Works be and is hereby authorized and di
rected to cause to be surveyed and opened
within 60 days from the date of the passage of
this ordinance, Reynolds street from Dun
fermline street to Homewood avenue, at
a width of 60 feet, in accordance with a plan on
file in the Department of Pnblic Works, known
as plan of streets in the Twenty-first and
Twenty-second wards, approved November 11,
1872. The damages caused thereby and tbe
benefits to pay the same to be assessed and
collected in accordance with tbe provisions of
an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approved the 16th day of May.-A. D. 1869.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance, be and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March. A. JD.189a
H. P. FORD, President of Select Conncil.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President ot
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk
of Common Council.
Mavor's office, April 3, 1890. Approved: WM.
McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTER
MAIER, Asst. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page SS0,
lOtbdayof April, A. D. 1890.
No. 374.
tbe Central Traction Company may oc
cupy and uso certain streets and highways un
der and subject to the provisions of the gen
eral ordinance of the Councils of tbe city of
Pittsburg entitled, "A general ordinance relat
ing to the entry upon, over or under or the use
or occupation of any street, lane or alley, or
any part thereof, for any purpose by passenger
or street railway companies or by companies
operating passenger or street railways, and
providing reasonable regulations pertaining
thereto for the public convenience and safety."
approved tbe 2otbday of February, A. D. 1890.
Section 1 Beit ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun-.
ciIb assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That the
Central Traction Company shall bavethe right,
and consent is hereby given said com
pany to use and occupy under and sub
ject to tho provisions of the gen
eral ordinance of the Council of
city of Pittsburg entitled, "A general
ordinance relating to the entry upon, over or
under, or the use and occupation ot any street,
lane or alley, or any part thereof, for any pur
pose by passenger or street railway companies
or by companies operating passenger or street
railways and providing reasonable regulations
pertaining thereto for the public convenience
and safety," approved February 25, 1890, all
streets and highways which the said company
has heretofore been authorized or granted the
right to enter upon, occupy or use by the Coun
cils ot the city of Pittsburg.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as tbe same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into & law in Councils
this 31st day of Marcb, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. .BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. April 5, 1890. Approved.
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 3S5,
11th day of April. A. D. 189a
TNo. 372.)
grade of Dickson street, from Thirty-third
street to Brereton street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same, Tbat tbe
grade of the center line of Dickson street,from
Thirty-third street to Brereton street, be and
the same is hereby established as follows, viz.:
Beginning at the west curb line of Thirty-third
street at an elevation of IS0.2 feet; thence ris
ing at tbe rato of 4 feet per 100 feet for a dis
tance of 61.95 feet to a P. C. at an elevation of
1S2.2S feet: tbence by a convex parabolic curve
for a distance of 100 feet to a P. l . at an eleva
tion of 181.7S feet; tbence falling at tbe rate of
5 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 61.55 feet to
the east curb line of Harding street at an ele
vation of 178.7 feet: tbence level to the west
curb line of Harding street at an elevation of
178.7 feet; thence rising it the rate of Sfeet
per 100 feet for a distance of 253.5 feet to the
east curb line of Hancock street at an
elevation of 191.37 feet; thence level
for a distance of 30 feet to the
west curb lino of Hancock street at an eleva
tion of 191.37 feet; tbence falling at the rate of
7 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 297.74 feet
to a P. C. at an elevation of 170.53 feet; thence
by a concavp parabolic curve for a distance of
100 feet to a P. T. at an elevation of 173.03 leet;
thence rising at tbe rate of 12 feet per 100 feet
for a distance of ISiil feet to a point at an ele
vation of 191.92 feet: thence rising at tbe rate of
7.05 test per 100 feet for a distance of 27.25 feet
to the north curb line of Brereton street at an
elevation of 196.84 feet.
Section 2 That any ordinanco or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects tbi3 ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD. Pre-ldent of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 3, 1590. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 332,
10th day of April. A. D. 169a
No. 371.
J grade of Boyd street, from Forbes street
to Locust street.
Section 1 Be it ordained aud enacted bv the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That tbe
grade ol tbe cast curb of Boyd street, from
Forbes street to Locust street, be and the same
Is hereby established as follows, viz.: Beginning
at tbe south curb line of Forbes street at an
elevation of 86.13 feet tbence rising at tho rate
of 8 feet per 100 feet lor a distance ot 10 feet to
point at an elevation ot 8.693 fret, tbence rising
at tbe rate ot 13.32 feet per 100 feet for a dis
tance of 293.S feet to a point at an elevation of
126.07 feet. thence rising at tbe rate of 6 feet per
100 feet for a distance of 9 feet to the north
enrb line of Locust street at an elevation of
120.52 feet
Section 2 That any ordinanco or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of tbis
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the samo affects tbis ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils
this 3lst dav ot March. A. D. 1SS0.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Llerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk
of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, April 3, 189a Approved,
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page
3S1, 10th day of April. A. D. 1890.
No. 401.1
grade of Hollers alley, from Roberts street
to Overhlll street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of tho same. That the
grade of tho center lino of Hoffers alley, from
Roberts street to Overhlll street, be and the
same is hereby established as follows, viz.: Be
ginning at the east curb of Roberts street at an
elevation of 253.6 feet: thence rising at tbe rate
of 5.81 feet per 100 feet for a distance or 198.46
feet to the west building line of Overhlll street
at an elevation of 265.2 feet; thence falling at
the rate of 4 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 9
feet to tbe west curb line of Overhlll street at
an elevation of 284.84 feet.
Section 2 That any ordinance orpart of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions ol this
ordinance be and the same is bereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st dav or Marcb. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
ttest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, April 3, lS9a Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 409,
14th day of April, A. D. 189a
construction of a sewer on Cedar, Laurel
and Cayuga streets,from the crown near Liberty
avenue to a connection with Two Mile Run
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That
tho Chief of the Department or Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise In accordance with the acts of Assembly
nf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating
thereto aud regulating the same, for proposals
for the construction of a pipe sewer on Cedar,
Laurel and Cayuga streets, commencing on
Cedar street, at the crown about 120 feet south
of Liberty avenue; thence along Cedar street to
Essex alley sewer, to be 15 inches in diameter;
tbence to Laurel street sewer, to be 18 inches
in diameter; thence along Laurel street to
Taylor street sewer, to be 20 inches in
diameter: tbence along Laurel street
to' Cayuga street sewer, to bo 24
inches in diameter, tbence along Cayuga street
to a connection with Two-Mile Run sewer, said
sewer bctween:last mentioned points to be of
brick and stoae and three (3) feet in diameter,
tbe contract therefor to be let in tbe manner
directed by tbe said acts of Assembly and or
dinances. The cost and expense of the same to
be assessed and collected in accordance with
the provisions of an act of Assembly ot the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An
act relating to streets and sewers in cities of
the second class," approved the 16th day of
May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with tho provisions of
tbis ordinance be and tbe same is bereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law lu Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 3, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant iiayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 365,
5th day of April, A. D. 1S90.
No. 375.
tho Central Passenger Railway Company
may occupy and nse certain streets and high
ways under and subject to the provisions otthe
general ordinance oE the Councils of tbe city
of Pittsburg entitled "A general ordinance re
lating to the entry upon, over or under or tbe
use or occupation of any street, lane or alley,
or any part thereof for any purpose by pas
senger or street railway companies or by com
panies operating passenger or street railways
and providing reasonable regulations pertain
ing thereto for the public convenience and
safetv," approved the 2otb day of February, A.
D. 1890. .
Section I Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the
Central Passenger Railway Company shall
have tbe right and consent is hereby given to
said company to use and occupy under
and subject to the provisions of
the general ordinance of the Coun
cils of tbe city of Pittsburg en
titled "A general ordinance relating to tbe en
try upon, over or under, or the use and occupa
tion of any street, lane or alley or any part
thereof for any purpose by passenger or street
railway companies or by companies operating
passenger or street railways and providing rea
sonable regulations pertaining thereto for the
public convenience and safety," approved
February 25, 1890, all streets and highways and
parts thereof which the said company has here
tofore been autborized or granted the right to
enter upon by the Councils of tbe city ot Pitts
burg. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting witb the provisions of tbis
ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby repealed,
so far as the same affects tbis ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 189a
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, April 5, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc
CLEARY. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 3S6,
11th day of April, A. D. 1890.
No. 365.1
opening ot Poe alley, from McCandless
street to Fifty-second street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by
the citv of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and it is bereby ordained
and enacted by tbe authority of the same. Tbat
the Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works
be and is bereby authorized and directed to
cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days
from the date of the passage of this ordinance
Poo alley, from McCandless street to Fifty
second street, at a width of 20 feet, in accord
ance with a plan on file in tho Department of
Public Works, known as John W. Duncan's
plan of lots, approved by Councils October 5,
1871. Tbe damages caused thereby and the
benefits to pay the same to be assessed and
collected in accordance wita the provisions of
an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approved tbe 16th day of May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 Tbat any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of tbi3
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March, A. D. 1S90.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Conncil. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 3, 1890. Approved:
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 377,
9th day of April, A. D. 1890.
No. 392.
grade of Lowry street, from Second ave
nue to the Monongahela river.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittshnrg,-in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is bcreby ordained and
enacted by anthority of the same, Tbat tbe
grade or tbe west curb line or Lowry street,
from Second avenue to Lafayette street, be and
tbe same is hereby established as follows, to
wit: Beginning on the south curb line of Sec
ond avenue at an elevation of 75.03 feet, tbence
rising for a distance of 12 feet to the south
building line of Second avenue at an elevation
of 75.53 feet; thence falling at tbe rate of 4.972
feet per 100 feet for.a distance of 275.72 feet to
tbe north curb line of Kansas street at an ele
vation of 6LST feet: tbence tailing at tbe rate of
1 foot per 100 feet for a distance of 922.43 feet to
the south curb line of Lafayette street at an
elevation of 62.65 feetp thence falling at the
rate of 2 feet per 10 rcct for a distance of 218.9C
feet to the south curb line of Shippen street at
an elevation of 47.C7 feet; thence falling at tbe
rate of 8.30 per 100 to the Monongahela river.
Section 2 That any ordinance or partof ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions of tbis
ordinance be and tbe samo is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects tbis ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Couocils
this 31st day of Marcb, A. D. 1830.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerl of Common Council.
Mayor's office. April 3, l$9a Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: JROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded m Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 401,
14th day of April. A. D. 1890.
No. 302.
opening of Cicero alley, from Maple street
to Emerald street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assnmhleri. And 1c is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same, ThafcJ
the Chief of the Department oi x uuuc y orKS
be and is hereby authorized and directed to
cause to be surveyed and opened within 60
days from tho date of the passage of this ordi
nance Cicero alley, from Maple street to
Emerald street, at a width or 20 feet, in accord
ance with plans on file in the Department of
Public Works known as CliHs. and Chas.
Michaels' plan, H. Baldinger's plan and Boyd
and Allen's plan. The damages caused thereby
and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed
aud collected in accordance with tbe provisions
of an act of Assembly or tbe Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled. "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of tbe second class,"
approved ibo 16th day of May A. D. 1889.
Section 2 Tbat any ordinance or partof or
dinance conflicting witb the provi-ions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects tbis ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of Marcb. A. D. 1S90.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. W. A. SlAOEE. President of Com
mon Council pro tem. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. .April 3, -1890. Approved:
WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Asst. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 374,
7th day ol April, A. D.. 1890.
No. 386.
TERSECTION of Grace street and
Woodvrllo avenue, in tbe Thirty-second ward.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of the same. That the
intersection of Grace street and Woodville ave
nue, in the Thirty-second ward, be and the
same is hereby located as follows, to wit: Be
ginning on the west building line of Grace
street at a distance of 553.00 feet north from
the center line or Lowan street extended and
the line of property of John Howarth; tbenca
extending along the w est building line of Grace
street northwardly 100.00 feet to tbe intersec
tion of the said west line of Grace street with
the east line of Woodville avenne, in accord
ance with Bigbam & Leslie plan of lots, and
having a depth of about 32 feet at Us base line,
which base line is at right angles to tho west
line of Grace street and distant 93 feet south
from tbe said intersection, said location to ba
made in accordance with a plan hereto- at
tached. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinanco conflicting witc the provisions of
tbis ordinance be and the same is bereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordin
ance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of March. A. D. 189a
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPAHD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, April 3, ISSa Approved!
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. paea S98L
12th day of April. A. D. 1890.
No. 355.1
grading, paving and curbing of Black
street, from Negley avenue to Clearvlew
Whereas, it appears by tbe petition and affi
davit on file In tbe office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third In interest of the owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street bave petitioned tbe Councils of saia city
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving
and curbing of tbe same; therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tba
the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and it is bereby ordained
and enacted by tbe authority of the same.
That the Chief of the Department of Public
Works be and is bereby authorized and di
rected to advertise in accordance witb the acts
of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania and tbe ordinances of tbe said city of
Pittsburg relative thereto and regulating
the same, far proposals for tbe grading,
paving and curbing of Black street, from
.Negley aveuue to Clearview street, tho
contract therefor to be let in the manner di
rected by said acts of Assembly and ordi
nances. The cost and expense of tbe same to
be assessed and collected in accordance with
tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of tha
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An
act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tba
second class," approved the 16th day of May.
A. D. 1SS9.
Section 2 Tbat any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions ot this
ordinance be and the same is bereby repealed
so far as tbo same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 31st day of February. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Seleot
Council, G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Com
mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk
of Common Council.
Mayor's office, April 3, 189a Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinanco Book, vol. 7, page 368,
5th day of April. A. D. 1890.
Continued on Twelfth Page.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, 13 the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
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quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and
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the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Offica
hours to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 2to 4 p.
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"Wood's FltosplioaiTie. I
used for 35 years
of Youthful fofly
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or. Ask drunrlsta
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bel.re a Alter,
Photo from Life.
package, SI; six, S3, by mall. Write for pamphlet.
Address Tlie.U ood Chemical Co., 131 wooawara
sto, .ueirou, .auca.
A3-SoId in Pittsburg, Pa., by Joseph Flem
ing Son, Diamond and Market sts.
fiafo and Iwt wEMe. IJdle,
ufc Droiidn rar wnmvn 4rii,
V . - 1.1- k..-- uM with 1
flMnnrihbon. Ttmke no other. All
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CUcacvtcr Uam'lCeJUdlftOsi S,FUL-,Pw
lvlUlIIIUUU of youthful Imprudence,
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Manliooil, A(. baying tried in yaln eyery known reme
dy has discovered a simple means of self-cure, wnlcll
he will wnd fsealed FRE to his t ellow-sofferers,
iddrera, J.R. BEEVES, P.O. Box 3290, Sew York dry.
- fcJEi fiOE Sealed Treatise, Explaining rgr
fS,J" .. Anew and perfect HOME CURE.
STQfi Wi.etorl'ost or Failins Manhood. Ser
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send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full
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M Safe. Certain and Cfectual. at iwi-t-g
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"" Guard." WILCOX. SFICIHC CO., ra0s4alala.
tansy: particulars, 4c Clarke Co.. Box7llI
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