DRAWING THE LINE. A Conference Between City Officials to Decide as to Some Duties. CALLED TOGETHER BY THE MATOB. The Police Given the Task of Preventing Street Obstructions. WHI CHIEF ELLIOT WASN'T PKESEST Yesterday was a day of conferences the library question, the park question and a private conference to be held by the Mayor, the heads of the various departments ex cepting that of Charities and the Controller, occupying the attention of the officials. On Monday afternoon the Mayor's messenger bore a note to Chiefs Brown and Bigelow, City Attorney Moreland and Controller Morrow, to the following effect: Dear Sir: The Mayor would like to nave a consultation with you to-morrow, Tuesday, April 13, 1890, at 3 o'clock r. X. Very respectfully. W. H. MCCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. The meeting took place, and although Chief Bigelow had an aDpointment for a consultation on the location of the Blind Asylum.he hurried hack to see what was the cause ol the gathering. For three hours the Mayor's office was held by the invited sur prise party. Chief Elliot, who was avail able because on the outside, said the mati nee, he supposed, was that of "Hamlet," with the Prince of Denmark left out He was not good at conundrum, and therefore would not attempt to guess the cause or effects of the meeting; or why be had been excluded from the list of invitations. CAUSE OF THE MEETING. The meeting was evidently a pleasant one, and although the voice of the City Attorney drifted occasionally over the transom, the waves of sound did not by any means drown the significance of the meeting. At Its con clusion, the Mayor said the consultation was called to decide the dividing line between the .Departments of Public Works and of Public Safety, as to the authority in suppressing pub lic nuisances. The Ma or thought that Chief Brown, with 300 police, "could keep the streets clear and pre vent wagons, signs and other Impedimenta from obstructing the thoroughfares easier than Chief Bigelow could with one ordinance officer. This view was shared in by all present, and hereafter the police will have an additional job on hand. To the question whether the -addition of a fifth member to the Department of Awards was considered, the Mayor returned a decided neg ative. Nevertheless, the subject was lartely discussed by officials yesterday, and the only question seemed to he, not so much the ne cessity of a fifth member, hut who it should be. The Controller, it was argued, could not be placed in that position, as he would have to - . .... .... hUh Tin t.fl.1 ...v. ' pus upon cuuua(;u uu wmm o aaiA iiir viouslv voted. The general Impression ap peared to favor the addition of the City Treas urer to the Department of Awards, as he is perfectly disinterested in all matters, being onlv the paymaster of the city, under orders from the Mayor and Controller. AXOTHKR THING DISCUSSED. Among the other subjects discussed yester day, at the consultation, was the regulation of the hack and cab business, and the placing of signs, which were also decided to belong ex clusively to Chief Brown's jurisdiction. Whether this action will or will not result in the dismissal of Ordinance Officer Schultz, is not known, but if it does, the Liberty street commission men will chant a Te Deum as fresh as their eggs and as sweet as their bananas. They have several times petitioned for a chance in the administration of the ordinance officer's duties. Chief Broun was seen after the conference, and was asked what was done. Heeaid: "The object of the conference was simply to settle whether the Department of Public Works or the Public Safety Department should assume the responsibility of keeping the streets cleared of obstructions. 1 have held, ever since I ac cepted my present position, that the matter of licensing theaters, circuses, balls, entertain ments, xnerry-iro-rounds, fate shows, and all affairs of that kind, as well as the responsibility of keeping the streets and sidewalks cleared of obstructions, should be placed with the Public bafety Department, for various good reasons hile Mr. McCalhn was Mayor he continued to hold control of the amusement licenses, but on the day after Mayor Gourley was installed, he turned that part of the work over to me. The sidewalk obstruction matter was under the care of the Public Works Department, but It has not men enough to attend to it properly, and a great deal of it was necessarily left un done. We had the Controller and the City Attorney with us this afternoon, and they furnished us with the law on the subject. Before we adjourned it was unanimously agreed that street obstructions hereafter will be attended to by the police. IX EFFECT AT ONCE. "The new rules will go into effect to-day, and under them everything that impedes or en dangers the public on the public streets must go. Overhead signs, barrels, boxes or display cases on the sidewalks, wagons, lumber piles, bricks, refuse of any kind, castings, or anything that occupies what the public has a right to, must be remo ed. The rule will be imperative, and will apply to all streets, in all parts of the city, alike. Each officer will be held respon sible, and is expected to report any such ob structions on his beat. The right of business men to occupy a reasonable part of the pave ments, during certain hours of the day. while loading or unloading goods, will not be inter fered with, but they will be held down to the rules provided for them in an ordinance passed several 5 ears ago. The piling of bricks or lum ber on the streets by contractors or builders, when it is necessary in making improvements, will only be allowed when it is absolutely neces sary, and all such cases will be reported by us to the Public Works Department. They will order the obstructions removed within a reas onable time and if the order is not complied with that department will remove the ob struction at the owner's or contractor's expense. "Under this addition to our authority we will get after the cabs and cabmen. There is an ordinance requiring all cabs to have a printed list of tariffs for hauling passengers hung up inside the vehicles, where it will be plainly visible. Under this ordinance we will compel all cabs to be pioperlv supplied with these lists, and will arrest the drivers not having them. We will also direct the cabmen what locations they shall occupy on the streets, and will exer cise a supervision over the cabs such as the ordinance authorizes. There are other things that we can do now that we could not before, and we expect to make the public safer than it has been when on the streets." Mr. Brown taid there was nothing else of im portance discussed at the conference. The reason Chief Elliot was not present was. Mr. Brown said, because his department had nothing whatever to do with streets, and he had no special interest in the matter. ESSENCE OF THE MEETING. The meeting had, it is claimed, more signifi cance than the regulation of wagons, street 'signs and other obstructions. The Mayor, it is said, called the attention of the chiefs to the twenty-first section of the city charter, showing that be bad supervisory power over the various departments. He gave au instance or two in which the City Controller had-transcended his power within the last year or two, and lie cau tioned the heads of the departments against a similar fault. The appointment and control of the park police was another subject taken under consid eration, and were, under the opinion of the City Attorney, vested in the Chief of the De partment of Public Safety. This with manv other changes in the programme of the city government occupied the three hour- session, and was satisfactorily accounted for bvtlie statement of some of those present that Mr. Bigelow had power to order all signs, wagons and other obstructions from the streets, but that the police autnorities must be invoked to enforce the order. In other words, the action or the meeting seemed to be to subordinate the Department of Public Works to that of Public bafety. Grutifrlne to All. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Sjrupof Figs, as the most excel lent laxative known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its success is bacd and are abundantly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Coin pan j. Bicycle. Our Boys' Safety is the finest finished and best made lor the price. Only $35 at Har rison's Toy Store, 123 Federal St., Alle gheny. Men's medium-weight underwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Filth are. SILK warp mohair and all other grades of mohair and brilliantine, now in stock, onr own importation. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. . Coxveniekt to the "L" roads, and located in the center of the most attractive part of the city, the Sturtevant House offers superior art vantages to persons visiting New York. Broad way, corner Twenty-ninth street. A. handsome line fine India silk suits, just as fashionable and as well made as if made to vour order, ranging in price from ?20 to 575. JOS. HOKNE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. If your house needs papering don't put it off any longer, but go and see the largest line of all classes of wall paper ever shown in Pittsburg or Allegheny at John S. Rob erts', 414 "Wood st. -mhFSu Ladies' suits, a special line of stylish English checks, imported goods, velvet trimmed, $15. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Lnriles' T-shaped Ribbed Lisle Tests 10c. Fine Swiss balbriegans at 20e and 29c; also extra fine lisle 48c, formerly 75c. This is the place to save dollars; none but re liable goods. A. G. Campbeli, & Sons, 27 Fifth ave. The People More. 1,000 aprons at 25c each; embroidered, hem-stitched, tucked, full size. Get your supply at once. Campbell & Dick. Coloeed cashmere dresses, trimmed in velvet, $15. Two English suits stylish checks, handsomely trimmed, at $18 50 and 528. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Cabinet photos Si per dozen. Life-size crayons cheaper than anvwhere else. SON- NENBEBG'S SOCIETY GALLEBT.-35 Filth ave., Pitts.; Branch Gallery, 52 Federal st, Allegheny. Bicycles. Our Boys' Safety is the finest finished and best made for the price. Onlv $35 at Har rison's Toy Store, 123 Federal St., Alle gheny. Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves! Largest stock of reliable goods; own im portation. BOSENBAUM & CO. TVF Men's medium-weight underwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. RELIGIOU- THERE TS7ILL BE SERVICES AT BETH-, ANY Home, 113 Center ave.. fittsburg. on "WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of this week, at 230 and 7:30 P. M. There will also be services on THURSDAY, at 730 P. M., in the W. C. T. U. rooms, cor. of Frankstown ave. and Station St., East End. Miss Scovel or Miss Gordon will be present at all these meet ings apl6-22 LEGAL. NOTICES. ESTATE OF WILLIAM N. MARSHALL, deceased, late of Allegheny City, Pa. Let ters of administration upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the under signed, all debts and claims roust be presented and settled with him. ROBERT MARSHALL No. 135 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. (Office of A. M. Brown. Esq.) apl6-40-w ACCTIOM BALES. N. W. SHAFER, Attorney at Law, 93 Diamond street. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE ESTATE of Maria Anna Wolff: By virtue of an or der of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county at 133 February term, 1590, I will expose at public sale on the premises on Thursday. April 24, 1890. at 230 P. M., all that certain tract of land sitnate in the Eleventh ward, el'y of Allegheny, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Fronting on the easterly side of the Alle gheny and New Brighton turnpike road, and bounded on the northeast and also on the south by lands of William Hoffman, and con taining three acres, on which is erected a large frame hotel building heretofore used and known as Frank Wolff's Hotel; also a five roomed bouse partly brick and partly frame, two stables, large icehouse and other buildings and fencing. The land is Improved with the choicest frmt trees and grape vines in great variety The title is perfect, being derived from Jacob Seiffert and wife by deeds dated juiyja, IBM, recoraea in ueea book, vol. JSI, page 221. and voL 115, page 576, and vol. IBS, page 517. Terms One-fourth cash and the balance in one and two years, with semi-annual interest, to be secured by a tight bond and mortgage with sci. fa clause to date from final consum mation of sale. Five hundred dollars of the first payment at the sale. JOSEPHINE MUEND. ap2-32-w Administratrix. J. M. STONER, Bakewell Law Building. Estate of Thorais McCoubrey, deceased. ORPHANS' COURT SALE-PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court, made at No. Term, 1S90. the undersigned ex ecutor of the late Thomas McCoubrev will ex pose to public sale, on the premises, WEDNES DAY, April 16, 1890, at 10 o'clock A. M., that val uable farm ljing on the Butler Plank Road, in Richland township, about one mile from Bakerstown. containing 70 acres and SO perches, of which all but about three acres is cleared land in a high state of cultivation, described as follows: Beginning at a pin on the east side of the Butler Plank Road, where John Shepherd's line intersects said road: thence by said line south SSi" east; 34.1b perches to a pin; thence by William Shepherd's lands south 82 east, C6 28 perches, south ia east, 23 perches, east 34.38 perches: thence by H. Cunningham's lands south Ji east, 6U.6 perches; thence bv L. L. Morrow's lands south 84 west, 127.12 perches: thence by Albert Allsip's lauds north 22JJ east. 52.20 perches, north 72Jf west, 40 64 perches; thence by the said Allsips lands and the said plank road north 15J east, 24.12 perches, north 11 east, 22.20 perches, north 4J west, 3.92 perches to the place of beginning, oo which is a dwelling of four rooms and bank barn. Terms SJ0O to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance upon the execution and delivery of a deed for thepremises to the nnrchaser. mh26M-w- JOHN FRANCIES. Executor. Furnishing Goods, Drygoods. clothing, eta, at auction, THURS DAY MORNING, April 17. at 10 o'clock.at No. 311 Market street. Fine underwear, millinery goods, wraps, jackets, clothing, drvgoods rib bons, notions, etc Sale positive. Everj thing must go. Ladies specially invited. HENKY AUCTION CO.. apl3-119-WTSu Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE Of business and dwelling property, corner of Robinsou and Hope streets, Allegheny. SAT URDAY, APRIL 19, at 2 o'clock P. M. Two story frame building, used as storeroom and dwelling, and the second lot a frame building, used as a blacksmith shop. Will be sold very reasouaple, and on terms to suit purchaser, and made known on day of sale. Call on or address, O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, S. S Pittsburg. Pa. BLACK & BAIRD, Auctioneers. apl3-137-WSSu ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF LIVE stock and farm implemets, etc The undersigned will, on THURbDAY, April 17, 1S90, at 10 o'clock A. 21., on the premises Known as tho "Habcrman Farm." near Hell Tavern or Bell station, Pittsburg and Castle Shannon ft. R., expose at public sale six horses, 26 cons, poultry, wagons, tools, farm produtcs. etc, of the late Louts Cotter ahn. Terms Six months credit on approved security. For inforinatioc apply to CHAS. COLTERYAHN. Aministra tor, 2118 Sarah st, Pittsburg, S. S. ap9 25-TuwrhFSu AMUSEMENT'S. GKAND OPERA HOUSE THIS WEEK Presented by Daniel Frohman's Special "THE WIFE." Company. Excellent cast. The original scenery and effects. Next Week Thos. W. Kcene in Repertoire. apl3-12 BIJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT. TWO OLD CRONIES. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. April 21, Mantell in "Tho Corsican Brothers" and "Monbars." apl6 D R. HANS VON BULOW. PIANO RECITAL OLD CITY H ALU Friday Evening, April 25. Tickets at Hamilton's music store Plan now open. apl6-87 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEM1 To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE NIGHT OWLS BURLESQUE AND NOVELTY CO. WITH NEW FEATURES. apl4-l WORLD'S MUSEUM-ALLEGHF.MY. I J Greatest collection of wonderful amus ing and entertaining wonders ever placed on exhibition in Pittsburg or Allegheny. World's Great Specialty Company No. 3, consisting of 20 of the most refined specialties. AdmiSMon, 10c; children 5c. 3D14-21 S.DUplav advertisements one dollar per iquare for one truer ton. Classified advertise ment on this page such as Wanted. For Bale, To Let, etc ten cents per fine or cacn inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty rents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRA.NC& OFFICES. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHblDE AT 0. 12S CAKSON STREET, WHERE ADVEKTISE-MEM-S. SEWS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, B01II FOR GENERAL EDITIONS. AND FOR THE SPECIAL, feOUTHSlDK ISSUE PUB L1SHED EACH SATUKDAY. BRANCH OFFICES ARE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES. WHERE WANT, FOR SALE. TO LEI'. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR IN SERTION NEXT MORNING: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tux IMS patcu. , PITTSBURG. THOMAS McrAFFREY, 35i,9 Better street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., ylle ave. and Fultoust. N. iTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. XAST END. i. W. WALLACE, 61S1 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHElllLEK,tthav. Alwood lb SOUTH SIDE. JACOB SJ'OHN. No. ICarson street, H. A. DO ALDSON, IT07 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIUF- Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGEKS. 1T2 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERSASON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Weeteroand Irwin ayes. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver avei. PERKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. T. K. MORRIS, 638 Preble ave. J11LLVALE KUROUGH. W. W. FLOCK.ER. Stationer. No. 4 Grant aye. SHAKPSBURG. a BELLMAN, Stationer, 818 Main st. ADVERTISERS, PLEASE NOTICE! THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH HAS BEEN REMOVED to CORWt Smithfield AND Diamond Streets. WANTED. ainle Hcln. TITANTED-ONE GOOD TINNER. APPLY W to HOWELL BROWN. Grcenshurg. Pa. aplS-15 WANTED EXPERIENCED OPEN HEARTH steel mclter. Address "STEEL" Dis patch office. ap!3-179 W ANTED-A G OOD FIRST-CL ASS B A RB ER. Apply at once to J. J. HEIL. 902,'s Main St., Sharp5bun. aplG-33 w ANTCD-PLUMBER. bAM'L. L. SCOTT, isr. weDster. apio-s; WANTED-FIRST-CLASS CARPET LAYER. Write or apply at C. M. BEED& CO.'S, Washington. Pa. ap!6-71 T7" ANTED THREE GOOD HAKNLhS W makers. Inquire at McWHINNEY & CO. 'S, 927 Liberty street. apl6-62 ANTED-ONE FIRST-CLASS JOUR EY MAN plumber. Apply A. McFADDEN & CO., 75 Fourth ave. ap!6-47 WANTED-DRIVER FOR BEER WAGON. Inquire of A. A. M1LLIGAN, Brldee and Carson, Soutbslde. ap!5-16 WANTED-PANTALOON MAKERS; ONLY first-class workmen acceptable. Inquire at93 WYLIE AVE. apl6-l W ANTED-A PRACTICAL STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, malo or female. Address H. L., Dispatch office. ap!6-90 W ANTED-A MILK SHIPPER ON P. F. W. K. K. ; 25 gallon of good Alderney or Jersey milk dally. Address C. B. A., Dispatch. ap!5-91 -rT7"ANTEb (JJJE FIRST-CLASS BLACK yy SMITH and helper: also one machinist. Address P. O. DRAWER 1054, Pittsburg, Pa. apl5-93 WANTED BOY OF EXPERIENCE AT THE barber trade. Call at corner WASHIN G TON AVE., AM) FULTON Sr., Allegheny. apIG-26 WAN TED -DRIVER-A MARRIED MAN; must have a cood recommendation. In quire at MILLER BROS.' STABLE, 1217 Carson st., S. b. aplB-13 -TTTANTED - AN EXPERIENCED BOOK V KEEPER: must be a sober and Intelligent mau. Inquire with reference, BOX 26, Dispatth office. apl6-61 TTANTED-AGOOD, SOBERMAMTO WOKK y on a small place a few miles from town: good wages paid to the right man. Call at 130 THIRD AVE. apI6-95 W ANTED-A GERMAN DRUG CLERK must be registered: no other need apply. J.P.URBE.N. corner Franklin and Fulton streets, Allegheny City." ap!6-69 WAN TED AGENTS TO SELL THE LAT EST improved cash register. Inquire lor H. J. BERGMAN, at the Brunswick, Batke, Collender Co., 117 Fifth ave., second story. apl&-50 -TT7"ANTED-AGENTS-?i0 PER WEEK, IN t V every town, to 6ell our teas, coffees, spice and baking powder. Address GREAT WESTERN TEA CO., 563 Pearl St., Cleveland, Ohio. ap9-98 W ANTED-A GOOD. STOUT, BRIGHT BOY to drive delivery wagon from 3 to 7 A.M. Call at DISPATCH MAILING BOOMS, No. 75 Diamond st., after 9 o'clock this evening. apI6-H7 -VTTANTED-DR1VER- COLORED PREFER T BED for horse and barouche and to take careof lot: good reference required. Inquire at No. 83 FOURIH AVENUE, of INSURANCE. apl6-)0 -VTTANTED-COLLECTORFORSEHIALBOOK VV publishing house: must be Intelligent, re liable and furnish first-class recommendation and security. E. W. WALKER A CO., 97 Fourth ave. apl6-I5 TTTANTED BY BALTIMORE HOUSE, FIKsT y CLASS salesman for tailor's trimmings: one having trade In Pennsylvania and Ohio; good pay to right party. Apply at DISPATCH OFFICE apl2-27 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HAT salesman for retail store lu city near Pitts burg: a young man preferred. Address, stating sge, experience, salary expected and references, HATS, Dispatch office. ap!5-41 WA NTKD-A COACHMAN FAMILIAR WITH theclt): aslngle man, and one -nho under stands thoroughly taking care of fine horses and carriages: none other need apply. Call this week at NO. 132 FIRST AVENUE. ' apl6-43 W ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER one capably of taking charge or composing room: best of references as to sobriety and compe tency required. Call at ROOM 32, Dispatch build ing, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. apl6-55 W ANTED-A 1IKIGH T YOUNG MAN FULLY competent of taking charge of a D. E. set of books and to make himself useful behind men's furnishing goods counter. Address L. M. WOOLF & SON . Johnstown, Pa. apl5-4 WAM'ED-AGENTS-DROP ALL TRASH the "Solid Mucilage Pencil" outshows, out sells, outstlcks. outlasts everything else: general and local agents wanted; sample and terms 25c. E. D. BARIGHX'. 2913 Indiana aye., Chicago. 111. apl6-27 WANTED AGENTS SHOULD WRITE FOR Illustrated circular and terms for two weeks' trial of Missouri washer; washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam withoutrubblng: easily Bum, muuuuic. v. l,s..AJ, M JKThiniia bU, JCIT lOrh. l.llf. nolo-94-wssu TrTAMEU-SALlbMES AT J75 ,1'ER MONTH salary and expenses, to sell a line ofsllver- plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only: horse and team tnriilshcd free: write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholerale and retail trade: we are the largest manufacturers In our line: liberal salary paid; permanent position: money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For terras address CENTEN NIAL MFG. CO., Chicago, 111. fel6-110-wssu WAM K.D-A G ENTS TO SELL THE PIN L LSS Clothes Line: patent recently issued; it holds the clothes without plus: they do not freeze to It and cannot blow off. sample line sent by mall 50c: 50-foot line by mall (1 25. For circulars, price list and terms address THE PINLESS CLOTHES LIN ECO.. 171Iermon St., Worcester, Mass. ap5-91-ws WANTED-MAN AGERS EVERYWHERE TO take charge of our business; advertise, distribute circulars and employ help: wages J-jO to (IJ5 per month: expenses advanced: state ex perience wages expected, alsj your preference lor home work or traveling. SLOAN & CO., manufacturers, 294 George St., Cincinnati. O. apI4-i5 WANTED AGENTS RELIABLE MEN, experienced or not, may find a rare opening for permanent and lucrative employment: suc cessful Industrial men, hustlers, will find this a S olden opportunity; policies issusd for (100 to (10, 10: Immediate full benefit: no lapses. Apply forenoons to VERMONTLIFEINSURANCK CO., Filth ave. and Wood st. (Eisner building). Pitts burg, Pa. WM. H. GILL, General Agent for Western Pennsylvania. fe2-71-wsu Bonrders and Lodgers. WANTED -BOARDERS AND LODGERS occu pants for nicely furnished front rooms facing parks. 190 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. aplS-n I Feninle Help. WANTED-A GIRL TO DO GEBERAL housework: at 45 Ohio St., Allegheny, MRS. M. KNKELAND. Q ' apI6-57 XTTANTED-COOK AND CHAMBERMAID TO VV gotoSewlckley. Apply to GILBERT A. HAYS. 58 Fourth a e. ap!6-74 WANTED-FIRST-CLASS HAT AND BON NET maker Apply In person to M. DON N ELL Y & CO., 808 Penn & e., city; reference. apl6-7S ANTED-A WOMAN OR GIRL FOR GEN KltAL housework, to go west: fair paid; also good wages. Address BOX M, Dlsnutch office. apl6-3A ANTED IMMEDIATELY -AN EXPEBI ENCEL) milliner: one who can make and trim; none other need apply. AddressMlLLINER. Dispatch office. aplK-72 ANTED-A GIRL FOR SMALL FAMILY: must know how to wasn, iron and cook: a Sweed girl p efcrred. Apply at PEARSON'S PHOTO ROOMS, 90 Fifth ae., any time after 11 o'clock, api0-S0 ANTED-AN EXPERT ON CHILDREN'S costumes: a permanent position offered to good party with satlsnetofv relerence. Address with salary expected EXPERT, Dispatch office. aplS-81 Dlnle and Frmnle II rip. W ANTED-A BUTLElt, WAITER, FARM hands, woman cook. S3 per wcek:4dlulng room girls, pastry cook, dishwasher, 20 chamber maids 60 cooks, laum'rcss, ?4 per week. MEE HAN'S. 545 Grant St. apl4-D Itnntlon. WANTED-POSITION BY A FRENCH COOK in hotel or restiurant. Address A. LEFEVRE, 224Manattau St., Allegheny. apl6-29 WAMED-POsniON FOR A FIRST-CLASS phirmacist: graduite in pharmacy. Ad dress COMMERCIAL ACCOUN11NU AGENCY, 510 Smithlield St. apl6-19 WANTED-S1TUATION J1Y A SINGLE MAN as gardener; can take care of horses and cow and make hlmscli generally useful. Address J. W.. Dispatch office. apI6-35 WANTED-SITUATION-DKUG CLERK DE SIRES engagement; has manager's certifi cate of registration: best references. Address DRUGG1SP. Dispatch office. an!6-2 T7"ANTED-POSITION BY A FIRST-CLASS 1 V D. E. bookkeeper of six years experience in wholesale liquor business; reference, present einplo) er. Address O. V. T.. Dispatch office. apl4-8-MWF Partners. W ANTED-A PARTNER WITH A CAPITAL ortiOOO or SlO.ouO to go with an experienced loreman in a well paving manufacturing business. Address M., Dispatch office. ap!6-23 -TTANTKD-FAKTNEK IN THE COAL HUSI V NESS in a neighboring county, on line of R. R. supplying lake trade: mines now in success ful operation and doing a profitable business; ac ceptable partj- can secure the office of Secretary and Treasurer: particulars confidentially to prin cipals only: capital required fi.0u0 to tflO.000. J AS. W. DKAl'E CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. apl6-51-MWS Boarding, WANTED-AT EAST END-SHADYSIDE preferred; two rooms with board, in house with all modern conveniences; private family much preferred; family of two; no children. Ad dress P. V., Dispatch office. apl6-I7 Rooms. Houses, dbc. WANTED-AT EAST END-SHADYSIDE preferred: modern house of 6 or 8 rooms; all modern convenience lor family of two; no children. Address P. W., Dispatch office. ap!6-I8 WANTED-IX) TRADE ALLEGHENYSMALL residence for small suburban home: we have a new house in Allegheny which we desire to exchange for 3 or 4-room house and good lot In the suburbs. BLACK & BA1KD, 95 Fourth ave. aplG-52 Financial. -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY OR V V Allegheny county property at lowest rates. HENRY A. WAVLK&1'0 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-D WANTED-MOKIGAGES IN LARGE AND small amounts at lowest rates. MA CRUM & CUBBAGE, Boom 24 Fidelity Building, 121 Fourth ave. fel9-61 w ANTED-MOKTGAGES ON PITTsBUKG, Al eghenv or suburban Improved real es tate, at lowest rates. LEE, BAKNETT & CHAP LIN, 313 Wood st. aplz-93-MWS WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4,4 percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD; 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-o WANTED MORTGAGES 81, 000, 000TO LOAN - J city and snburban properties at 4)4, Sand C per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and acja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. 11. PENNOCK 4 SON. 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 -TT7"ANTED-TO 1.0 AN 1200.000 ON MORT- y v uaitH; siw ana upwara at e per cent: (500,000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business properly; ano in aaiomiug FRENCH, in Fourth avenue. so In adlolnlug counties. S. H. OCZ1-4-D ATrANTED-tTTYMORTUAHES ON REAL ES VV 1ATE in large or. small amounts: money ready when title is all light: no d elay: reason able charges. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. Ja4-71-ws AN'l ED-CITY AND ALLEGHENY COUN '1Y real estate of all kinds to sell: reason able charges: nroperty advertised free of charge: no sale, no charges: have plenty of purchasers. THOS. McCAFFREt, 3509 Butler. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. ja4-7i-ws 3Ilsccllnneoua. WANTED-TO FURNISH ITALIAN LABOR ERS at short notice. Address JAS. BELENO, 180 Worth street. New York, N. Y. apl6-14 WANTED-EVEKYONE TO CALL AND SEE the light running New Home Sewing Ma chines: for speed and easy running none better. H. CARTER, No. 19 Sixth St. aplG-MWF WANTED BUYERS FOR BANANAS, lemons, oranges, cocoanuts and a general line or foreign fruits; largest stock bananas In the city: am handling from six to eight cars Mediterranean fruit weekly; call and see me before Fiurcha5ing elEewnere; sena your oraers by mall or bananas and fruits. THOMAS H. McGO AN. 607 Liberty st. mhl4-97 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL LSTATE J - .. . City Residences. FOR SALE BARGAIN SEEKERS LOOK AT this, only (&0 cash for frame house of 5 rooms and lot 20x100. on Keystone ave., near ilfty-fourth st.; hurry up before too late: title per.ect. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3309 Butler St. apl3-162 FOKSALE-ONFORTY-1HIBDAND AHALF street, below Willow, good sized lot and a brick house of four rooms, ball and finished attic: price (1,750; very easy payments: monthly 11 desired. THOS. 5ICCAFFRLY, 3509 Butler St. mh29-53-W8Su FOR SALE-(7.750-COST OVER (9,000: PROP ERTY No. 254 Main street: lot 35x110 feet; large brick house of 9 rooms, bath, finished attic, inside w. c. etc., etc.; both gases: this is one of the finest residences on Main st, : terms to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St. fe26-73-wS8u FOR SALE (6.2C0-NO. 275 FORTY-FIF1H. splendid new two-story and mansard brick dwelling, pressed brick front, with hall, vesti bule, eight large rooms, bath, hot and cold water, range, both gases, china closet, slate mantels, cemented laundry, etc.. etc: lot 20x110 ft.: this Is one of the finest houses on Fortv-flrth st.tsee it; possession April 1; one-half cash, bal. to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St. mli9-V72-WS8U Cast End Rrstaencn. -T710R SALK-LOT 150x150 WITH NEW TWO 1? STORY rrame Queen Anne. S rooms, bath, h. and c. water, electric bells: very complete. BAXTER. THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave. apl3-94-stwr FOR SALE PENN AVE. NEAR NEGLEY, handsome eight-room brick house, replete with modern conveniences: lot 25x100 ft.: price only (7.000. l.M. PEN NOCK & SON, 147 Fourth aye. . apl2-23-MW8 I7OR SALE-(3,000-BEAUriFDL COR. LOT. 50xlW: all planted to producing fruit: lawn; substantial brick house. 6 rooms, East End; prom ising locality for investment. CHARLES SOM ERS & CO., 313 Wood St., East End office 6019 Penn ave, ap5-3 FOR SALE-(6.00O-A BARGAIN TO QUICK purchaser of Oakland property; handsome nine-room brick; all conveniences; street paved: senered: line of rapid transit: examine and give us an offer. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., .413 Y'.,l , T..I t7T ,r OR SALE SHADSIDE-ELEGANT NEW house of Tooms, range, bath, laundry, fine hill. sllUingdoors, wide porches, bay window: lot 40x160 It. : clobe to cable road. P. ILK.', and between two electric mads now building; price only (6.300; small amount cash, balance easy payments. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. ap!2-18 170 KISALE -A GOOD SIX-KOOM FRAME 1 house and two lots, each 24x110 to an alio : situated on Mayflower streeL East End. only lour minutes' walk from the East Liberty station and cable cars: this property will be sold at a bargain, II sold soon. See KELLY & ROGERS. East End Real Estate Agents, No. 6315 Station street. ap!6-49-WTSSu FORSALE-ON ROUP ST., E. E., NEAR STA TION, handsome modern frame house of nine rooms, large halls, bath, cood cellar, (ce mented), laundry, both ga-es, electric bells, and all other modern conveniences in excellent re pair; stable, etc.; lot 42.x170 ft.: desirable loca tion, and price low. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 147 Fourtu ave. , apl2-2S-HW8 TTiOR SALE-ON CRAIG STREET, BELLE jl FIELD.convenient to the'lfth avenue cable cars, an elegant new stone front residence of nine rooms, hall, vestibule, range, hath, sta'lonarv w. s.. inside w. c, inside shutter h irdwood mantels, tile hearths, both gases, pantries, china closet, laundry, stationary tubs, complete electric work, slate roof, porches. houe very finely finished; lot 30x140 to 20-root alley; only (8.500; terms reasonable: possession at once. See KEED B. COYLE & CO.. 131 Fourth ave. aplS-31-ws FOK SALE-?S,5C0, OAKLAND SQUARE, small cash payment down, balance (590 per year, corner property, only house on the square now offered, elegant new 2-story brick, 8 rooms, hall, bath. 2 w. c. Inside shutters, slate mantels, tile hearths, automatlo electric lighting, large light laundry, etc.; this entire dwelling Is hand somely and expensively papered and decorated throughout; only 200 feet from street car line; good sewerage; fine view of Schenlcy Park, etc.; a bargain. BAMUEL.W. BLACK A Co., 99 Fourth ave. I apl5-59 Hnzelyrood Residence!. FOR SALE-HAZEHVOOD-J-STORY BRICK dwelling 8 rooms, hill, bath, laundry, hot and cold nater, good range, nat. gas, front and rear porches; lot 44x270 feet: only 2 minute' walk from Hazelwood station, II. AO. R.R.. and Second Ave. Electric Railway: price 17,000: terms easy. IK AM. BURCHFIELD, 1M Fourth ave. aplO-K-P Alleshcnr Residence. FOR SALE-J3, 500, BOYLE ST. ALLEGHENY: brick dwelling: 8 rooms; good order; natural and artificial gas; water, etc.; lot 20x96. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. apl6-52 F ORSALE-S3, 500- HANDSOME QUEEN ANNE house: nli e lot. 5.1 feet from: low to effect quick sale: Allegheny, line of liellevue Electric road. CHARLES SOMEKs & CO., 313 Wood St. uei. i3. am3 FOR SALE-(1100-NO.75CAKKt)LLSlREET, Allegheny: lotaixlOO: splendid frame dwell ing In No. 1 condition, half and 6 rooms, water and nat. gas: 2 cCOcash; balance to snit; nmtbe sold quick; worth f3.500. '1HOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St. apl3-163-W6U OR SALE VALUABLE PROPERTY AND large building on Ridge avenue. Allegheny, fronting on the parks; lit 72x110 feet: excellent location. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. p!2-14-MWS FOIl SALE-HEMLOCK STREKT, NEAR Poplar, Allegheny; a tnree-story frame house of nine rooms and attic; both gases and water: lot 25vlM; price W.0O0: terms very easy. AN DERSON & BEEKMAN, LIM., 90 Fourth ave. Pitts. apIC-21 Subnrbnn Residences. FOR SALE-QUAKEK VALLEY. OR SEWICK LEY A bandome residence of 12 rooms, finished in hardwood, with bath rooms, laundry, goodivatcr In abundance, natural and artificial gas. complete sewerage, asphaltum driveways and sidewalks: 4H acres of beautllul grounds with fine sloping lawns in perfect condition, many fruits and shade trees; hlgn ground, with splendid view orsnrroundlng country: choicest neighbor hood. On account of the owner living In California the property will be" sold SIO.CO0 below what it cost. SAMUEL W. BLACKS CO., 09 Fourthaye. ap!5-7l-Tuwr FOR hALE LOT.-s East End Lor. FOR SALE-1 ACHE LOT AT SWISSVALE; 2 minutes from station. BAX1ER, '1HOMP SON .$ CO., 16.! Fourth a e. apl3-94-M F OK SALE ONLY (1.200; MCE LEVEL LOrS In Kat End, near Point Breeze and railroad; 57x13). to 20 ft. alley. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth aye. aprl6-o3 OK SALE- ELLSWORTH AVE.. NEAR Barton street; choice building lot: low price to prompt buyer. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO.. 162 Fourth ave. apl3-94-MWF OR SALE A HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS and good lot. near Eist Liberty station and cable cars: price only (1,800. For terms, etc., oall on KLLLY & ROGERS. No. 6315 Station street, East End. aptB-49-WTSSu FOR SALE-SHADY LANE. 5 ACRES FRONT ING on Shady lane near Forbes st., a beauti ful building site or very desirable for sub division: none better in market. l.M. PENNOCK i SON, 147 Fourth ave. ap!2-28-MWS -T710R SALE-14 ACRES OF LAND ON HER J1 RON Hill: Just the property todlvlde In lots; close to the new cable road: 5c fare; this is a bar gain: easy terms, and lots released as sold. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ap 12-16 FOR SALK-NEAKLY SEVEN ACRES OF land on the line of the new electric road In the East End; just the property to divide in lots, as It Is built up all around: price only (30,000; very easy payments, and lots released as sold. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ap!2-17 Hnzelwoori Lots. FORSALE-HAZELWOOD,(1, 500 EACH-LOTS 44x105 feet, only one square from Hazetwood station, B. O. R.R., and Second Avenue Electric Railway; terms easy. IRA M. BURCHFIELD. 158 Fourth avenue. aplO-36-D TPOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! HAZEL T WOOD; Flowers' plan: S6nice building lots on Hazelwood ave., Lmahlla and. other good streets; only eight minutes' waif from B. SO. Railroad station (22 dally trains each way), and on line, of Second Avenue Electric road: choice lo cation elevated position, picturesque view; prices reasonable, on small or monthly payments, such as will give everyone an opportunity to se cure a pleasant Ihome. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 147 Fourth ave. apll-28-MWS Atlesheny Lots. FOR SALE 100 ALLEGHENY LOTS ON Lombard St., Linden and Maple aves.. Tenth and Twelfth wards: payments easy. Inquire of J. AS. MCNAUGHER, 43 North Diamond st., or 43 Federal st. mhl2-56-o Snburban Lots. FOR SALE NORTH HOMESTEAD LOTS, 601 120 feet, fronting on a 60-font street, near Swissvale station, r.K.R.. and City Farm station, B.&O. R. R.: price (400 to (300 each: terms to suit. IRA M. BURCHFIELD, 138 Fourth avenue. aplO-36-D Farms. FOR SALE-FARM 250 ACRES WITH BEST OF improvements: no richer or better farm lor every purpose can be found in W estmoreland co. : 1M miles from railroad station. ED. WlTTlSIi. 410 Grant st. apI2-D FORSALE-20 ACRES OF LAND. SITUATE at Lock No. 4. on the Monongaheia river, and adjacent to Charleroi: this land Is elevated, overlooking the beautiful Monongaheia river and valleys, the scenery of which Is not excelled on the famous Hudson: this Is an excellent chance as an Investment, but if not sold within ten davs, it will be withdrawn from market and sub divided. For particulars call on L. J. JEFFRIES, Bellevernon, Fayette county. Pa. apl6-99 nilscellnneons. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE IN BOTH CITIES 1,000 honses and lots: call or send for new list Just out. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler st. Telephone 5514. Office open evenings. de31-52-WF OK SALE-OWN A HOME-WE WILL BUY or build for you anywhere and let your rent pav for the property: no security required. GRANITE SI' ATE PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. Branch office Standard building, 531-533 W ood St. nplG-76-WFS FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cbnnces. F OR SALE A PS.PF.R ROUTE. INQUIRE a. x.. v.. oouuisiuc ui5pa;cii uiuce. apiDiM FOR SALE-OK FOK UEVT-GOOD SALOON in a good location. 519 MAIN ST.. Wheeling. Good reasons for quitting business. apl5-57 FOR SALE A FURNITURE SIORE DOIM a good business: stock new; satisfactory reasons given for selling. For interview, ad dress Box S. M., Dispatch office, aplO-93 1,'OR SALE-A DRUGSTORE DOING . LARGE business: one of the very best stands in the citv: parties taking a wholesalo license can make i 820, COO) twenty thousand per year. Address J. .., Dispatch office. apl5-97 FORS ALE-LEADING BOOK AND STATION ERY store In best town in Western Penna.: extensive coal works, hardware store in good town, grocery stores, bakeries. 5 and lOeent store, drugstores, cigar stores, milk depot. SHEl'ARD & CO., 151 Fourth ave. , apl6 Business ."tnnds. F iOK SALE SMITHFIELD ST. BUSINESS property, the cheapest nronertv on the street: siu.uuu orsu. wvc.isn, Daiance !$ per cent. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. apl5-71-Tnwr FOK SALE-OB TO LET-LEASEnOLD, IN CLUDING two-story ironclad building with engine, boiler, shafting, etc.: terms verv low. or will rent to snltable party. Inquire 2600 SMALL MAN ST., city. apll-29 FOK SALE-OR RENT-ATLANTIC CITY. V. J.: hotel property, Kentucky ave., between Atlantic ave. and beach; very central: 33 rooms with btr: good business stand: lot 50x150. Ad dress 2215 and 2217 ATLANTIC AVE. aplO-65 FOK SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY ON CEN TER avenue: brick dwelling four rooms, fl n lshed attic and storeroom: also brick dwelling of two rooms In rear; side allev: lot 20x74 ft; at a bargain. ALLES i. BAILEY, 164. Fourth ave. lei. 137. apl3-45-WSSU FOR SALE-PLANING MILL. I.UMKER yard and grist mill. In amauufacturlugltowii near city; owners have other business requiring all their time: this is a first-class opening for one or two good men. Particulars from JAS. Wr. DRAPE SCO., 129 Fourth are., Pittsburg. apis 51-mws FOR SAI.E-A GOOD INVESTMENT-TWO fine bbsincss lots on Pcun avenue. East End; 22x200 feet each, with building now paving good interest on the price askLd lor them: tills proper ty Is bound to enhance In alue. For price, terms, etc., call on KELLY & ROGERS, No. 6J15 btation street. East End. ap1fi-49-WTsu FOK SALE-NO. 3705 IUI-LFKST.. ONE OF the best business stands In Lawrenccvlllc: lot 21x100. with large building, now uen as a shoe store, and a two-storv frame building in rear: will be sold very reasonable .md on suitable terms. Particulars of THOS. McCA FFKfcY. 3509 Butler st. ; office open evenings; telephone 5514. ap6-13i-wsu FOR SALE-SIXTH ST. BUSINESS PROP ERTY, occupied bv good tenants at a rental to make a good Investment on the price asked: as the Sixth st. bridge is to be widened to the wldtn of the street and new buildings on the Shields prop erty the enhancement of property Is a certainty; (.0.000 or (20.000 cash, balance 4H per cent. SAM UEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. ani5-7l-Tuwr ITOK SALE-(3.000 BUSINESS PROPERTY, 1 Oakland, cor. paved street, substantial two story frame storeroom and dwelling, hall, gis, water, etc.: lot 22xl0uto allcj'. with good, large barn on rear; this Is an old established grocery stand, doing good business; will sell stock on hand at i liberal discount on Invoice: good reasons for -ellIng: very easy terms, SAMUEL W, BLACK A CO.. l Fourth ave. apl3-g.VTWTS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Livo Stock. Arc FOR SALE-MIL BAUMANHAS FIVE HEAD of bis fine bred Kentucky saddle horses re maining out of the car load which he brojghtto this city last Thursday. Any one desiring to Eurchase a fine horse should come and 6ec these orses. for they will he sold at a bargain. Can be seen at J. P. GIF KIN & CO.'S old stand, 3944 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. apie-46 Miscellaneous. FOK SALE-BAR FIXTURES AND COUNTER, Inquire at ST. CUAKLE3 HOTEL Wednes day and Friday. apl6-77 FOK SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below buspenslon bridge, Allegheny, Pa. ap3-76 FOR SALE DRILLING ENGINES AND boilers for oil or gas wells, engines and holl ers In every size and style, saw mills and wood working machinery. HARMES MACHINE DEPOT. No. 97 Mrstave., Pittsburg, Pa. mhD-D F 'OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and styles in stock, lrom 4 to 100 h. p.;allrcfltted:goodasnew, at lowest prices: portable engines, s to 25 h. n. : boilers ail sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Parkwa7,Allegheny. Pa. OC25-SO-D FOR SALE-TWO OPEN" STEEL FURNACES, with or without gas producers; hydraulic crancwith pumps, 241n. 3high: billet mill with S stand of housen: rail and scrap shears, engines, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny. P.a. su.-17-mwf TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-BUTLEK"NEAR FirTY-SEVENTH St.. nice new two-story brick honses six rooms each: rent (15 per month. I. M. PEN NOCK & SON, 147Tourth ave. apl2-2S-MW8 Exist nd Residences. TO LET-QUEEN ANNE BRICK HOUSE. 12 rooms, all modern Improvements, corner Westminster and Lilac sts.. shadyslde. Inquire at KOOM 51, Safe Deposit Building. mh27-36 TO LET HANDSOME OAKLAND RESI DENCE, corner of Forbes and Halket streets, 12 rooms, all the latest Improvements, fine large lawn. See W. A. HEKKON & SONS, No.80 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ap!6-4I-MWT Miburbnn Residences. TO LET-HOWARD STATION. P..V.4C.R.IL: frame house, nine rooms: nat. gas water, etc., with one acre of ground, fruit and shrubbery: rent, (25 a rrontli. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON. 147 Fourth ave. apl2-2S-HWs Apartments. TO l.ET-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, FACING the parks, on RIdae ave., near Marion. In quire of S. DKUM,No.o30hlost.,AIleghenv,Pa. aplo-62 TO LET-FRONT AND BACK PARLOK ON first floor, furnished or unfurnished: rent moderate. Inquire at N o. 41 FEDERAL b 1 KELT, Pittsburg. aplO-39 Offices. Desk Room, ifcc TO LET A FEW NICE OFFICES IN GER MANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamond streets. aplO-49 TO LET-ON FIFTH AVENUE, IN THE Chronicle Telegraph building, one of the most desirable second-story offices in the city, bee W. A. HFKKON S SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. Pa. apl6-42-TTS TO LET-FOURril STORY OF NO. 90 FIFTH avenue, part of what has been heretofore known as The Dispatch Building: room suitable for lodge room or for light manufacturing. For particulars see BUy. MGR. DISPATCH, corner Smithfield and Diamond sts. mh7-117 miscellaneous. ' TO LET OB FOK SALE-HOTELS, COTTAGES and bath houses, Atlantic City, N. J.: lots for sale in all parts of the city: also So. Atlantic City. Chelsea and for Atlantic Land Co. ISRAEL O. ADAMS CO.. Real Estate Agts., Real Es tate and Law Building. aplG-53 PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS W'ANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell, let us know. LEVI'S BOOK bTOKE. Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mh7 PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKSI-5C.000 VOL UMES all bargains; we will buy that small lot of books of yours or your library FBANK BACON & CO., Cor. Smithfield st. and Third ave. apI4.ll PERSONAL-A LIFE-SIZE CRAYON FOK (3 50, or one large 8x10 photo for framing, or 12 beautiful cabinets for (1 until further notice, at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLEKY.516 Market St., Pitts. ; come early; bring children. ap2-35 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently tbey had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family tar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate nis wearing apparel, ana wnicn, oi course, was done in a bungling manner: in order to prevent the trouble iney agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 65 Mfth ave.. corner Wood St.. second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. au30-D LOST. 7" OST A VALUABLE .DIAMOND BREAST J PIN, with owner's name inscribed on back. The owner will be liberally rewarded by leaving at DISPATCH OFFICE. apl5-96 DIVIDENDS. The ChaktierS Valley Gas Company. Pittsburg; Pa., April 7. 1890. NOTICxC THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this company hntf this dav declared a dividend of ONE, AND ONE-HALF PER CNT upon the capital stock of the company, payable on the 19th msL by mailed check. Transfer books will close on the 12th insL an8-73-T F. J. TENER. Treasurer. NOTICES. Office of Treasurer Allegheny County, April 1, lh90. J NOTICE. In pursuance of the twenty-first section of an act relating to Allegheny county, approved the 1st day of May, 1S61, and of the amendments of the said section, approved the 30th day of March, 1856. 1 do hereby give notice that the duplicates for tho several wards, boroughs and townships will be open, and I will heprepaied to receive the county. State and poor taxes for 1S90 on and after the Istday of May, 1800. Said taxes can be paid at this office until the 1st day of August with a deduction of 5 per cent for prompt payment to all persons paying the whole amount of these taxes. There will bo.' no reduction allowed during the month of August. There will be 10 per cent added to all taxes remaiuing unpaid on the 1st day of September, 1890. WILLIAM HILL, mb29 63 d Trealmrer of Allegheny County. REMOVALS. -VTOTICE PASTORITJS. successor to MARTELL, the sign painter, has removed to corner Fifth ave. and Smithfield St., third floor; entrance on Fifth ave. ap3-MWF D R. WAUGAMAN'S DENTAL ROOMS, (Formerly 311 Smithfield st), have removed to 808 PENN AVENUE. Fine gold crown work a specialty. ap9-6U.MWF WIESE & KEVAN, Jobbers and Importers of Fine Cigars, have removed to 17 feixtb street. Retail business first floor of building. ap6-76-WFSu FOX OPTICAL CO. removed from 908 Penn ave. to 624 Penn ave. Spectacles and Eye Glasses a specialty. ap9-71-vrsu EDWARD SCHAUER, Merchant Tailor. (Successor to Schauer & Busch), Has removed to 407 Wood st. A fine assort- ment of imported suitings at reasonable prices. apC-77-WFSu The Boston Novelty Store. Thomas Kenyon proprietor, have removed to the Semple building, Allegheny. Lirgest stock in the citv. ap6-75-tVFSu J. McKAIN & SON, HATTEKS. Have Removed to 702-704 LIBERTY: STREET. ap4-Sl-WFSu D R. F. P. LANGFITT Has removed to NO. 137 FOURTH AVENUE. Office hours, 9 to 11 A. M; 2 to 4 p. jr., and 6 to 8 P. 31. ap6-78.WFSu DR. W. D. HAYS. Dentist. 311 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Teeth, best sets. So, $8 ana $10. Gold lined rub ber plates a specialty. Gold fillings SI anifnp. ainalsran). 50 cents. Nitrous oxide gas admin istered, 50 cents. ap9-70-WFSu THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY CO. JAS. H. bCOTT, General Agent, Has removed to NO. 61 FOURTH AVENUE (First Floor). A continuance of your patronage solicited. Telephone 1567. ap6-74-WFSu DR. ft. H. DALY Has removed his office to MaEDER BUILDING, 135 FIFTH AVENUE. (Fourth floor elevator.) Hours 10.30 A. M. to 1 p. v., except Sundays. ap2-43-WFSn Q UO D'OLIVA TOSCANA Finest Tuscany olive oiL Absolutely Dure: unsurpassed for salads and mayonaise. GEO. K. STEVENSON 4 CO., apl4.Jiw Sixth avenue. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of F. J. Osterling, architect, 42 Fifth ave.. until APRIL17, for the erection of the Franklin public school building, onMhe property corner Franklin. Logan and Hazel streets, Pittsburg. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at the office of the architect. Bond to the amount of the contract must ac company each bid. GEO. BOOTH. Secretary. ap7-7 (Per F. J. O.) SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Board of Inspectors of the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania up to 6 o'clock: P. M. FRIDAY. April 18, 1S90, for furnishing engines and fans for heating and ventilating new south wing; also for cast iron sewer pipe, in accordance with plans and specifications to be furnished bv E. M. Butz, architect. No. 801 Lewis block, Plttsbnrg. The board reserves the rinhr to reject any or all bidi. EDWARDS. WRIGHT, Warden. ap8-58-D The fcouTntrEST Pesna. Ry. Co , l Gkeensburg. Pa., April 16, 1S90. f -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED Ll proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned until APRIL 22. 18U0, for the graduation, masonry, bridge superstructure, ballasting and track laying for abont fire (5) miles Sewlckley branch, (3) three miles of the Hecla aid Alt. Pleasant br. and about (2) miles of the Turtle Creek Valley R. R. Contractors must examine the work In person before submitting a bid. Proposals to state price per cubic yard for ex cavation without classification including the hauling and depositing of material in embank ments. No allowance will be made for haul. The company reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Profiles and specifications of the work can be seen at the office of the undersigned. J. M. BYERS. Engineer. apl6-66-D Greensburg, Pa. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com 1 10. S pany, OFFICE 233 SOCTH FOURTH ST. Piiii.adei.phia. Anril 11. 1890. OEALED PROPOSALS -ADDRESSED TO IO the undersigned (and marked on the outsido "Proposals"), v. ill be received at this office until 9 A. M.. April 2H. 1890, for furnishing all labor, steam excavator and other appliances and tools, and performing the work necessary to complete the excavating of about 500,000 cubic yards of materials on north side of the tracks at Blair Furnace, on Middle Division, P. It. R., and depositing and distributing same on op posite side of railroad. No men or materials will be transported free, and the use of construction trains on main tracks will he prohibited. Contractors must examine the work in person before submitting a bid. Proposals must name time for completing the work, as it will be an important consideration in the awarding of the contract. Proposals to -.tate price per cubic yard for excavation without classification including the hauling and depositing of material in em bankments. No allowance will be made for overhaul. This company reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. WM. H. BROWN, apl2-41-siWF3 Chief Engineer. SEALED PROPOSALS, IN TRIPLICATE will be received at this office, until 12 M. (standard time), on SATURDAY, the 10th day nf May, 1890, for the construction and delivery of two dump scows. Specifications will be fur nished bidders on application, and detailed drawings can be examined, and all necessary information obtained at (his office. Pro posals will only be considered from those who can give satisfactory evidence of their ability to construct the dump scows and in the time specified. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The attention of bidders is invited to the acts of Congress approved February 26. 1885. and February 23. 1887. vol. 23, page 332. and vol. 24. pace 411. Stat utes at Large. D. W. LOCKWOOD, Major of Engineers, U. S. A., U. S. Engineer Office, Cu9tom House, Cincinnati. Ohio, April 10, 1890. aDl6-59-16.17,18,19,my7,8 Office of thk County contboixer. i Pittsburg, Pa.. April 15, 1890. -VfOTICE TO CEMENT DEALERS. Sealed proposals will be received at this office nntil 3 o'clock p. jr.. WEDNESDAY, April 23, 1890. for furnishing the cement neces sary for the construction and repair of county structures for the ensuing season. Any of the following brands nf cement will be considered: Norton's cement. New York and Rosendale cement and Hoffman's cement. Amount needed, about 2,000 barrels. Bids must be by the barrel, loaded In cars at any depot in the cities of Pittsburg or Alle gheny that the County Engineer may direct. Each proposal to be accompanied by a bid der's bond in the sum of 51,500, executei by the holder as principal and two responsible per sons as sureties. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double the amount of contract, for the faith ful performance df said contract. The Commissioners reserve the Tight to re ject any ur all bid. For further information Inquire at the office of the County Engineer. JOSIAH SPEER, County Controller. -apliW! PROPOSALS -FOR Bridge BuperBtructurG AND MASONRY. Office of County Contp.oli.eb, Pittsburg, Pa.. April 15, 1S90. Sealed proposals will he received until 3 o'clock P. M.. WEDNESDAY. April 23. 1890, at this office for the superstructure and mas onry of two wroueht-iron. pin-connected truss and lour plate-girder highway bridges, and for superstiucture only of one wrougbMron, pm ronnected truss bridge; also for the construc tion of two stone-arch bridges, located as fol lows: No. L Over Montour run, Shaffers. Through plate-girder bridge, 46 feet clear span. 50 feet extreme length; deptu of girder, GO inches: live load, 1.700 pounds per lineal foot: static load. 660 pounds per lineal foot. To have 3 intermediate floor beams. No. 2. Over Toms run, at Dixmont. Stnqe-arcb. bridge, 20 feet span, semi-circular arch. No. 3. Over Poketos creek. Dougherty's Mill (skew bridge); low truss bridge. 60 feet center to center of end pins; two trusses, eacn 7 feet high and divided into six panels; to hava ver ticle end posts; live load, 1.700 pounds per lineal font; static load, 650 pounds per lineal foot. No. 4. Over Big Sewickley creek, Bradford's farm (skew bridge). Low truss bridge. 77 feet center to center of end plus, 2 trusses each 8 feet high and divided into 7 panels; truss to have vertical end posts; live load, L700 pounds per lineal foot; static load. 660 pounds per lineal foot. No. 5. Over Montour run, Beaver road cross ing (skew bridge). Through plate-girder bridge, 57 .feet clear span, 60K feet extreme length; depth of girder, 60 inches: live loid, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 660 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have o intermediate floor beam. No. 6. Over Robinsons run, Willow Groreita tion. (Bridge on grade). Plate-girder bridge, 32 feet clear span, 35 feet extreme length; depth of girder, 28 inches; live load. 1,700 pounds per lineal foot: static load, 630 pounds per lineal foot. No. 7. Over Flangbertys run, E. Worth's. Through plate-girder bridge. 50 feet clear span, 53K feet extreme length: uepth of girder, CO inches; live load, 1,700 pounds per lineal foot; static load, 660 pounds per lineal foot. This bridge to have 5 intermediate floor beams. No. S. Over Burns run. Gum ben's. Stone-arch bridge, 16 feet span, semf-circular arch. No. 9. Superstructure of bridge over Back cbannpl. Ohio river, at Neville Island. High truss bridge of three spans, each 194 feet center to center of end pins; height of ttuss 28 lect, and divided into 14 panels. Clear width of roadway, 20 feet. Live load. 2,400 pound per lineal loot.; static xoau, i,ovaj pouuus pcriineai foot. (Aln for repairs to masonry of bridge No. 1 over Watson run). Clear width of all bridges, unless otherwise designated, will be 17 feet. Bridge contractors should examine the sites for themselves to ascertain tneir peculiarities, the extent of false work required and facilities for transportation, etc:, hefnre bidding. MAbONRY. The aporoximato quantity of masonry is about 2,600 cubic yards and must be of good quality and conform to specifications. Bids to be by tne cubic yard in place, price to include excavation, pumping, shoring, coffer dams, etc. Contractors must visit the sites of proposed bridges before submitting a bid. The county will furnish the cement loaded on cars at any railroad depot in the cities of Pittsburg or Allegheny, the contractor to pay tho Ireigbt. All bids must be addressed to the County Commissioners, apd indorsed. "Proposals for Bridge Superstructure." or "Bridge Masonry," as the case may be, each proposal to be accom panied by a bidder's bond, with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of not less than 50 per cent ortbe whole amount of the bid. Bidders must bid for each bridge separately, and may, in ad dition, bid for the lot as a whole. ' Bids for bridge No. 3 mnst be addressed in separate envelopes to the Commissioners of Westmoreland and Allegheny counties, and for bridge No. 4 to the Commissioners of Beaver and Allegheny counties. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double the amount of the contract, for the f aitbf nl performance of the said contract. Plans may be seen and specifications and forms of bond obtained at the office of Charles Davis, County Engineer, after Thursday. April 17, 189a JOSIAH SPEER, pl5-5-D County Controller. Office of the J " Allegheny Coukty Wobkhouse; Hobokex. Pa. J VTOTICE TO BUTCHERS-SEALED PRO LN POSALSwill be received through tho postoffice to the above address until 12 H. of Saturday, April 19, for furnishing the Work bouse for one year with good boiling beef, free from bone, in the following proportions: One-third chuck, one-third plate and one-third brisket. Total amount needed, from 400 to 600 pounds daily, except Sabbaths. Place of de. livery, on board or cars Western Penna. R. R. at Federal street station. Time for the com mencement of delivery,31ay 1. The Workhouse will furnish the necessary tubs for the meat. HENRY WARNER. apl5-7 Superintendent. VTOTICE TO COTRACTORS SEALED X proposals will be received at the office o the Borough Clerk until Tuesday. April 22, A D. 1890, at 4 P. M., for the following sewer and street improvements', viz: SEWERS. One of 15 inches in diameter on Rose street, from Eleventh avenue to Lynn's south prop erty line; approximate lenzth. 250 feet. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Grading, curbing and paving Fifth avenue with block stone, from Market street to Water street, one square. Grading, curbing and paving Jenny Lmd street with firebrick, from Hitchcock avenua to Power avenue. Grading, curbing and paving Eighth avenue with firebrick, from Market street to Water street. Grading, curbing and paving Park street with firebrick, from Ninth avenue to north, line of South Park. Grading, curbing and paving North Park street with firebrick, from Seventh avenue to Arch street. Grading and paving Wilkins alley with fire brick, from Locust street to Jenny Lind street. Grading and paving Thorn alley with fire brick, from Walnut street to Blackberry alley. Plans and specifications of the above work; can be seen and blanks for bidding and all in formation can be had at the engineer's office on and after April 15. Each proposal must be accompanied by bond in double the amount of the proposal and probated before a Notary Public, and said pro posals mnst be handed in on or before the above specified time; unless said requirements are strictly carried out the bid will not be con sidered. The Committees on Streets and Sewers re serve the right to reject anv or all proposals. G. B. HER WICK. Borough Clerk. McKeesport, Pa., April 12, 1890. ap!2-52 12.16.22 OFFICIAL PITTsBUKG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until SATURDAY. April 28 1S90, at Z P. 3L.for altering, repairing and remodeling engine honses Not. 1, 3 and 6. Plans and specifications can be seen on appli cation to Samuel N. Erans, Superintendent Bureau of Fire. Bonds in double the amount of bids wiU be required, said bonds to be probated before the" Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Department Public Sifety. Pittsburg. April 15. 1890. apl6-45-D SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tbe ofb.ee of City Controller until April 21 1890. at o'clock p. it, for fur nishing tbe following supplies for tbe Depart ment of Charities: Groceries, dry goods, cloth ing, shoes and leather, meat, fresh fish, butter and eggs, milk, flour and mill feed, tinware, hardware, qncensware, coal, undertaking and ambulance services and druzs. Blanks for bids and bonds and all other information fur nished at office of Depirtment of Charities 177 Fourth avenue. Each bid must be accom panied by a bond signed by two bondsmen for double the amount of tbe bid. and must be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. C. ELLIOT. Chief; of Department of Charities. Pittsburg. April 11, 1890. apl2-94 SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock p. u.. on APRIL 24, for printing and binding 500 copies of the re port of the Department of Public Safety for the year 1889: and 500 copies ot tbe report of the Bureau of Health for the year 18S9. Specifications for said work can be seen at the office of tbe department. Bonds in double the amount of the bid, with two bondsmen, must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of Department of Public Safety. apl4-35 CITY TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY given tbat the duplicates for March and September installments of city, special, and sub-district school taxes for the year 1890 hava been placed in my hand for collection bv the Board of Assessors authorized to assess the same. First installment of city taxes payable in March or April, second installment payable in April or September. Five per cent discount; allowed on second installment only if paid with first installment in month of March,,but no discount is allowed on first installment. Business tax and water rents payable in month of June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes) on May, on July If or business tax and water rents and on October 1 for second installment; , of city taxe. No statement furnished unless you intend paying your taxes by check. Off ce will be open on last Saturday in March and April until 8 o'clock p. M. mhll-56-D J. F. DENNISTON. City Treasurer. Office of the city Trkasurer. i Municipal hall, hjiitiificld .Street. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALIi i.' owners, (whether residents or non-residents of the city ot Pittsburg) of drays, carfct, wagons, carriaces. bnggips. etc.. to pay their li cense at this office forthwith. All license not paid on or before the first Monday in March, 1890, will be placed in the hands ot police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of 50 cents. And all persons neglecting to pay on or be fore first Monday In May. 1S90, will be subject to a penalty double the amount or the license to be recovered before the proper legal author ity of said city. The old metal plate of last year must be re turned at the time license? are taken out. or 25 cents additional will be charged on tbe license. Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle. J6 00; each two-horse vehicle, $10 00; each four horo vehicle, J12 00; each four-horse back, SIS 00; omnibnscs and timber wbeelo, drawn by two horses. $10 00; one extra dollar will ba charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON. City Treasurer. fei0-22-D t No. 316.1 A N ORDINANCE AUIHORIZING THE J construction of a sewer on Stanton ave nue, from the east line of Euclid street to a connection with a sewer on Stanton avenue at Negley avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same. That tbe Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be and is bereby authorized and directed to advertise in accordance with the acta of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania and the ordinances of tbe said city of Pittsbunr relating thereto and regu lating tbe sme. for proposals for the construc tion of a pipe sewer on Stanton avenue, from the east line of Euclid street to a connection with a sewer on Stanton avenue at Negley avenue, commencing at the east line of Euclid street; tbence along Stanton avenne to Mellon street, size of sewer to be 18 inches in diameter: thence to a connection with tbe sewer in Stan ton avenue at Negley avenue, size of sewer to be 20 inches in diameter, the contract therefor to be let in tbe manner directed by tbe said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost aud expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of Ma v. A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordli ance ur part of or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this -ordinance be and the same is bereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance Ordained and enacted into a law in Council this 31st dav of March, A. D. 1S90. H. P. FORD. President ot Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. G.L-HOLLIDAY.Presidentof Com mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. April 3, 1890. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER. Assr. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. page 359. 4th day of April. A. D. 1890. apI2 BELLEVUE. For Rent. House of eight rooms; good location: good sized lot, well filled with fruit; all in prime con dition; on line of cable road. Apply to W. JENKINSON. p5-15 919 Liberty street. PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se25-60 F ANOS, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instruments HAMILTON'S. Fifth avenue. delO-D jJJJWBMlHliTiili '