Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 18, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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hotel he ever knew was kept by a woman.
He would liKe to have a statement from
some reliable man as to her ability. Attor
ney Eobb promised to procure it This
ended the Pint ward.
A Hint to Botel Keepors A Cellar Not a
Good Place for frnloon and Rcatnnrnnt
Gunrdlns Ajtalnit a Gnuibllnc Annex
Clone of flip Dny'i Proceeding!.
"When the Second ward list was taken up
Anderson & Rowan, of the Central Hotel,
were told by Judge Ewinp: "Von have
made your bar a big affair. You hare not
been as carelul as you should have been. I
hare heard complaints abont it. Yon should
give it your personal attention more closely.
I mention this for the sake of the future."
Thomas J. Blackmore applied for a
license for the basement at the corner of
Water and Smithfield streets under the
room which is. now occupied by a cigarstore.
He said he intended to put in a restaurant
as well as a barroom. The Judges shook
their heads rather dubiously. "This," said
Judge Ewing, "is an old-fashioned house
with a cellar good for storing molasses and
sugar, i. never wouia mine 01 putting a res
taurant and a saloon in that cellar. It is en
tirely below the surface of the street. The
trouble is that he has only one part ot the
building. AVe hate found that where a
saloon occupies a part of a building and the
proprietor has nothing to do with tne rest ot
the premises, gambling rooms aud the like
may drift into it."
John K. Durr was recalled and asked if
he had any interest in the application of E.
K. Porter. He said that he had none what
ever. He had merely signed the bond as an
Johu IT Brown applied for the premises
at 2no. 195 Second avenue, where there is
now a lioarding house called the Bull's
Head. He said that t ot a drop of liquor
had been sold on the premises within the
last two years. Judje Eving said: "Two
years ago this had become a common sort of
boarding 1-onse. and beer and whisky were
sold on a 100 license."
Seville Bavley applied for a renewal of
the license at the Ca!e Bayley, No. 407
Smithfield street. Mr. Bavley was the
handsomest man so far before the court.
Judge Ewing asked:
"Mr. Baylev do you control the entire
building now?"
"Yes, sir."
"That's all."
This was the shortest examination.
Daniel Brady, at the corner of Boss street
and Second avenue, was next. He was
granted license for 1889 by Judge White
and was not detained long.
John Drew put in a plea fir the rather
notorious place on the northeast corner of
"Water and Grant streets. In 1888 he ap
plied for a wholesale license. The former
lessee of the place, Fiester, was licensed in
188S, but reinsed last year. Drew said that
the barroom hid since been vacant. He
cms the building, and had fixed it up lor
an eating and lodging house. Judge Ewing
said: "This place has a very bad name. AVe
hae olten heard of it in the Criminal
Court" City Solicitor Elphinstone, of Al
legheny, made a brave attempt to present
his client's case in a favorable light. Judge
Etring finally said to Drew: "If you can
keep a decent hotel there you are entitled to
a great deal of credit."
John F. Dignaui and son applied for a
license for So. 10 Smithfield street, the La
belle Hotel, opposite the entrance to the
Monongahela House. Mr. Dignam said
that he kept a botel, with 14 rooms, and had
a room lor a bar 30 feet long. He had never
had a liquo. license, although he applied
last year. Judge White could not see it.
Judge Ewing said: "Your house is on the
speak-easy list." Mr. Dignam explained
that some of his roomera had beer delivered
to Ibem, hut they hough' it and drank it
themsehes. In 18S8 Diebold asked for a
license at this place, was refused and bought
out another fellow's license on the South
side. Dignam had been keeping a restau
rant on Carson street, near South Twelfth.
Judge Ewing said: "It is unfortunate that
a man's roomers should get him into
Philip Eckert, who runs a barber shop at
No. 52 Diamond street, half a dozen doors
below the Central Police station, thinks he
can make more money with a saloon and
restaurant. The place is an old restaurant
site, and had formerly a good patronage.
Sir. Eckert said that he had never kept
either a saloon or a speak-easy. He has the
lease of both stories of the building. Until
two j ears ago he kept a lodging and eating
house at No. 32 Diamond square. He quit
that because he thought he could do better
at barbering. "Can't you do better by stay
ing in the barber business?" asked Judge
Ewing. "No, I don't think so," said Mr.
Eckert, "if lean get a license." He said
that he had the capital to fix up a decent
Michael M. Frcy, No. CO and 62 Diamond
street, opposite the rear of the Opera House,
wants to add a bar to his restaurant His
dining room is 30x80 feet, aud his family
lives upstairs. He feeds 50 or CO people
dailv. He lormerly kept a restaurant on
Fiftlh avenue near Marion street He has
applied also for a wholesale license.
John A. and George L. Filson, have
leased, they slid, No. 318 Grant street, at
the corner of Fourth avenue, and promise
to ran a restaurant it they tret a license.
They have the lower floor of No. 318 and
the upper floors of both Nos. 31G and 318.
Judge Ewing said: "It would be pretty
bard for the best man in the county to keep
a respectable plare in those buildings."
George Filson said that he had been lour
years in the restaurant business. He was
incapable of doing hard labor. The brothers
are both unmarried.
James H. Filson asked for a license for
No. 209 Grant street, a three-story brick
building. He had a 30-foot room.for a bar
room and a room IS by 15 for a. dining room.
Judge Ewing did not like the size of the
proposed dining room and he said the place
had a tough reputation. A man named
Gibson kept saloon there a fevr years ago.
Charles G. Goodwin appeared for him
self ana his brother, Thomas J., iter the
restaurant and saloon on Fourth avenue
under the Petroleum Exchange. He spoke
of the meals they serve and was dismissed
without questioning.
AVhen Charles S. Gill, the well-known
proprietor of the St Charles Hotel, smiled
up to the bench. Judge Ewing, with ta
mischievous twinkle, asked:
"AVhere is vour barroom?"
"In the St Charles Hotel."
"How many doors to it have you?"
"I never saw but one. That is all."
Captain Bardcle Gallisaith, of No.
JJiamoua street, was urienv Questioned.
is a well-known old soldier, and was licensed
by Judge Ewing in 1888. Last year Judge
white cut him off. Judge Ewing simply
"Have you, since your license expired,
nTitttrofi 4na 1it9
"I have."
"3Tou have been in the
"In the restaurant business since 18G5."
Holmes & Arnold were called. They are
the new proprietors of the Monongahela
Honse. On the published official lists their
names follow those of Alex. Hutchinson
and Owen Hughes, and therefore they did
not consider themselves summoned to ap
pear until this morning. The judges' list
differed, it appears, following accuratelv
the alphabetical order. As they did not an
swer, court was adjourned at 5 o'clock until
930 this morning.
To-day the remainder of the Second ward
list and all of the Third ward, C3 in all,
will be heard.
Beecsam's Pills curesick headache.
Peaks' Soap, the purest and best ever made.
D. D. Spencer Return to CUicnco After an
Absence of Thirteen Ycnri.
Chicago, March 17. D. D. Spencer, to
whose bad management was attributed the
ruin and misery which followed the collapse
of the Cook County National Bank and the
State Savings Institution in 1877, arrived in
Chicago after an absence of over 13 years.
As a banker Spencer's career is without a
parallel in the history of Chicago, and al
most of the entire country. In tie ruin of
the institutions which collapsed under his
management, the savings of many hundreds
of people were swallowed up, and wide
spread misery were entailed. As President
of the State Sayings Institution he loaned
Immense sums to himself on promissory
notes and worthless paper, with the result
that the institntion soon went down. The
Cook County National Bank had failed in
the panic o' 1872. Just before the crash of
the State Savings Institution Spencer ab
sconded and located in Stuttgart, Germany,
where he has lived since that time until re
cently, when he returned to this country.
The indictments which were found against
him at the time of the failure have long
been stricken from the docket
Texan Pursue nnd Kill Two Mexlcnni After
n Ilnrd Bnttlc.
San Angelo, Tex., March 17. Jerome
Shields and C. M. Broome, of Banger
county, left here Friday night with war
rants from El Paso to arrest a Mexican
horse thief named Alervisio Balenece. who
was living with his brother, about 25 miles
west of here.
On reaching their house a fight ensued,
which resulted in both Mexicans being
killed and Broome receiving a serious
wound in the shoulder. Shields was also
slightly shot in the left hand.
The First illnn to Get a License,
Not for a saloon or restaurant, but an estab
lishment where the ceneral public have
their old clothes cleaned, repaired, renovated
ard made to look like new. Dickson is his
name, nnd his place of business is corner
Fi'th ave. and Wood st, upstairs. On his
petition can be found almost all of Pitts
burg's most prominent business men. Tel'
ephone 1558.
Few persons have experienced more suffer
ing from a diseased condition of the kidneys
than has Mr. Andrew Hauser. During tlio
day he had a constant
tired feeling, and at
night he was so rack
ed with pain, with a
burn in g fever he
could scarcely get any
qaiel sleep, for his
sleep was sodisturbed
with frightful hideous
dreams. Tlie w eak
ness and pain across
the small of his back,
high colored urine.
and umen contained
i sediment, tbo fre
quent decire to void
it, accompanied with
creat pain, told him
but too nlalnlv tbat
Bit. shafeh. Ills disease was fast
advancing. The inflammation tbat followed
produced a stricture. As he grew weaker bis
food failed to digest, he hid belching of gas
after eating, bad tane in bis mouth, and coated
tongue. He felt a severe pain in bis right side,
ana sharp pains would seize him in his arms
and legs. Day bv day our patient sufferer con
tinued to grow worse, until bis blood became
so poisoned, tbat an eruption of pimples and
red blotches covered bis hole body. Having
been unable to find any relief, he had about
given up in despair, when reading in the paper
a testimonial of a patient who bad been cured
of conditions similar to bis by the pbjsicians of
the Polypathic Institute, 420 Penn avenue, he
called upon them, and after using their medi
cine which was made to snit bis case for one
month he became cured. Ho sajs: "I desire
to state for the benefit of the public tbat the
aboe statement of my case is correct in every
particular. 1 bad oeen suffering for over two
jears, and had given up all hope of ever heing
cured, bnt Dr. Shafer, of the I'olypathic Medi
cal Institute, has cured me. 1 have not felt as
well as I now do for ears.
"Andrew Hauser."
Mr. Hauser is eiigagedin the manufacture of
glue at tf ites Station, on ;he West Penn. It R.,
where be will be glad to further describe bis
All forms of kidney and urinary diseases,
chronic diseases and surgery successfully
Office hours. 10 A. K. to 4 P.M., and flto 8 P.
21. Sundays, 1 to 4 P. M. Consultation free
and strictly confidential. Patients at a distance
treated with success bv letter. Send two
2-cent stamps for a question blank. The Polyp
athic Medical institute, 420 Penn ave.. Pitts
burg. Pa. mhl"-TTS
EXPRESS SEKVJCmeteen New York,
Southampton and Hamburg b the magnificent
new twin screw steamers t 10,000 tons and 12,500
to 16.000 horse-poner. This Line holds the
record for fastest trips to and from South
ampton and the Continent. Actual ocean voy
age only Six Days. Steamers unexcelled for
safety, speed ann comfort. Through tickets to
London and Paris. Apply to
Hamburg-American I General Passenqer Ao'ts,
Packet Cn.,37 Broad- C. B. R1CHARD& CO.,
wa, N. Y- I 61 Broadway, New York.
. J. J. Mccormick, 659 suaithneia st.
"TylllTE bl AK LIM-
Itoyalacd United bt&te Mull bteamers.
Majestic, Apt. 10, 3pmiltiijestlc Jlay 14.2pm
Germanic, AplZ3.S 30pm'(,crinanic, May:i.7.Juain
leutonla A pi. JO. sij n.jTeutontc Ma2s i::Upm
Britannic, May 7,7:30 a in IIrilaliniclnue4.bU0ani
From hlte btar dock, loot or est TeLth st.
"second cabin on these steamers Saloon rates,
S50 and upward, becond ciblc. S35 and upward,
according to steamer and location ot berth. Ex
cursion tickets on lavorahle terms, steerage. fiO.
hlte btar dralts payable on demand In all Hie
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap
ply to JCI1N J JlcCOUiUCK, C39 and 401 bmltii
fleld St.. l'lttsbur, or J llltliCB lSJlAit, Gen
eral Agent. 4lliroadway, cwYorL. Iel2-D
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norwaj, Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General agents, 305 Walnut st Philadelphia,
Full information can be bad of J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street.
LOUIS MOESER, bib Smithfield street
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin cassase 53) to SaO. according to location
ol staicoom. Excurslou $Ga to fX.
Meerage to and Jrom i-urope at Lowest Bates.
state or California" building.
AbsllN 11AL.UU1M i. tx.. general AKents,
Hroadwny, Is cw York.
j.j. Mccormick. Aoent.
639 and 401 Smithfield St., Pittsburo. Pa.
i iie oniy airect line
Pas-enger accommodations unexcelled.
Prepaid Intermediate. S30. Steerage, $19.
Passengers by thi route are saved the ex-
ense and inconvenience attending transfer to
ivernool or irom New York. J. J. MCCOR
MICK. 401 and 639 binlthtield st.. A. D. SCORER
tSON. 415 Smithfield st. Pittsburg.
J Established 1857. Fast Line of Express
Steamers from NEW YORK for SOUTHAMP
TON, LONDON nnd BREMEN. The tlno
6.5O0 tons and 6,000 tn 8,50) horsepower, leaves
TON, -Y dajs- From SOUTHAMPTON to
BREMEN. 24 or .TO hours. From SOUTHAMP
TON to LONDON, by Southwestern Railway
Co., 2j hours. Trains every hour of the sum
mer season. Railway carriages for London
await passengers Southampton Docks on ai ri
val Express steamers from New York. These
steamers are well-kuown for their speed, com
fort and excellent cuisine.
OELRICHS & CO.. 2 Bowling Green, New
27 Smithfield street,
JaI6-72-D - Agents for Pittsburg.
IS a blood disease. Until tno poison Is
expelled from the systemrthsre can
bo no cure for this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough course
of Averts Sarsaparilla the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous.
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi
cians, but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
tnis troublesome complaint, and com
pletely restored my health." Jesse M.
Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. C.
"When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec
ommended to me for catarrh, I was in
clined to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies, with little ben
efit, I had no faith that anything would
cure me. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost the sense of smell, and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Aj er's Sarsaparilla, and re
ferred me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bcttles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease is through the blood."
Charles H. Maloney, 113 River st,
Lowell, Mass.
yer's Saisaparilia,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Price $1; six bottles, (S. "Worth $5 a bottle.
No. 269
grading, paving and curbing of Fifty
fourth street, from Butler street to Keystone
street, in the Eighteenth ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on hie in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of the owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street, have petitioned the Councils of said
city to enact an ordinance for tho grading, pav-
uieana curuingoi tue same; tnereiore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pitt'burg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of the same. That
tho Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assemblv
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the said citv of Pittsburg relating
thereto and regulating the same, for proposals
for the grading, paving and curbing of Fifty
fourth street, from Butler street to Key
stone street, the contract therefor
to be let in the manner direct
ed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with the
provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of the
second class" approved the 16th day of May,
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and tho same is hereby repelled
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 24th dav of February, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Counci'. G. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's offlce, February 27, 1890. Approved,
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. page 300,
13th day of March, A. D. 1890.
No. 259.J
construction of a seller on Berlin alley,
from Fifty-fourth street to McCandless street
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same, 'I bat the
Chief of tbe Department of Pnblic Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise in accordance with tbe acts of Assembly of
tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tbe or
dinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating
thereto and regulating the same, for proposals
for tbe construction of a pipe sewer on Berlin
alley, from Fifty-fourth street to a connection
with sewer on McCandless street, sener to be 15
inches in diameter, tbe contract therefor to
be let in the manner directed by the said acts
of Assembly ana ordinances. The cost and ex
pense of tbe same to be assessed and collected
in accordance with the provisions of an act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An act relating to streets and
sewers in cities ot the second class," approved
the 16th day of May, A. D 1SS9.
Section 2 That any ordlnanceor part of ordi
nance conflicting with tho provisions ot this
ordinance be and the same is uereby repealed,
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this !Mth day of February. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Conned.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
CounciL G. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, February 23, 1890. Approved,
WM. McCALLDT, Ma) or. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Cleric
Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 292,
12th day of March. A. D. 1S90.
No. 279
paving of Clark alley, from Roberts street
to Overhlll street
Whereas, It appears by the petition and
affidavit on file in the office of the Clerk of
Councils that one-third in interest of tbe own
ers of property fronting and abutting upon the
said street have petitioned the Councils of said
city to onact an ordinance for the paving of the
same, therefore.
Section I Beit ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburs, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of tbe same. That the
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts tif Assem
bly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsvlvaiii i and
tLe ordinances of tne said cit of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same, fur pro
posals for the paving of Clark alley fioiu
Roberts street to Overhill street, tbe contract
therefor to be let in the manner directed by
the said acts of Assembly and ordinance.
Tbe cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with tbe
provisions of an act of As-einbly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers iu ci'ies of tho
second class," approved tbe 16th day of May.
A. D. 1SS9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with tbe provisions of this
ordinance be and tbe sauio is hereby repealed
o tar as me same anects tins oruiuancc.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th il iv ot Februir), A. D. 1890.
H. P. OR D, President f Seltct Council.
Attest: GEO MIEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Maor's offlcp, February 2S. 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Major. Attest: W, H. Mc
CLEARY, Major's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 307,
14th day of March. A. D. 1S90.
No. 268
grading, paving and cuibing of Vine
street, from Rose street to Reed street.
Whereas, It appears by tho petition and affi
davit on lilo in tbe office of tbe Clerk of Coun
cils tbat one-third in interest of the owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said city
to eiidztan oruinance ior iub Krauing, paving
and curbing of the same; therefore
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho
citv of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of tbe same. Tbat tho
Chief of the Department of Public Works be.
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
tbe ordinances of tbe said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same for pro
posals for the grading, paling and curbing of
Vine street. frou Rose street to
Reed street, the contract therctor to
bo let in the manner directeu by the
said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with tho
proisionsof an act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of the
second class," approved tbe 16th daj ofMav.A.
D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ord.nance be and tho same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted-into a law in Councils
this 24th dav ot February. A. D. 1890.
II. P. FORD. President of Select CounciL
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY, President ot
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, February 27, 1890. Approved:
WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc
CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, 70L 7, page 299,
13th day of March, A. D. 189a
No. 205.
grading, pavmg and curbing of Enter
prise street from Frankstown avenne to P. R.
R. in tne Twenty-first ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas. It appears by the petition and af
fidavit on file in the office of the Clerk of
Councils tbat one-third in interest of the own
ers of property fronting and abutting upon the
said street have petitioned tbe Councils of said
citv to onact an ordinant-o for the grading,
paving and curbing of the same, therefore.
Section 1 Ba It ordained aud enacted by tho
city of Pittsburg In Select and Common Coun
cils assembled and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bytheanthority of the same, that tho
C'ncf of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with tho Acts of Assembly
of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
tbe ordinances of tbe said city of Pittsburg
relating thereto and regulating the same, for
proposals for the grading, paving and curbing
ot Enterprise street from Frankstown avenno
to tbe Pennsylvania railroad, the contract
therefor to be let in the manner directed by
tbo said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
Ibe cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected In accordance witb tho
provisions of an Act of Assemblv of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of the
second class," approved the 16th day of May,
A. D. 1SS9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance, bo and tbe same is hereby repealed
so far as tho same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 2ith day of February, A. D. 1890.
II. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Com
mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of
Common Council.
Mayor's office February 27, 1893. Approved:
WM. .McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc
CLEARY, .Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 297,
13th day of Marcn, A. D. 1830.
No. 266 1
grading, paving and curbing of Bertha
stieet, from Graadview avenuo to Virginia
Whereas, It appears by tbo petition and affi
davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third iu interest of the owners of
properly fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving
anu curumgui lae same, tiiereioro
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by tbe authority of tho same.
That the Chief ot the Department of Public
Woiksbeand is hereby authorized and di
rected to adertiso in accordarco with the acts
of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pcnn-yl-vania
and the ordinances of the said city of
Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the
same, for proposals for tho grading, paving and
curbing of Bertha street, from Grandview ave
nue to Virginia avenue. The contract there
for to be let in tho manner directed
by the said acts of Assembly and .ordinances.
Tbe cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with tbe
provisions of an act of Assembly of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of tho
second class," approved tho 16th day of May,
A.D. 18S9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting witb tbe provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law m Councils
this 24th day of February. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
ClerK of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, Febrarv 27, 1890. Approved.
WM. McCALLIN, .Major. Attest: W. H.
MCCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded m Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 297,
3 th day of March, A. D. 1890.
No. 270 1
grading, paving and curbing of Cabinet
allej-, from Thirty-eighth street to Thirty-ninth
street, in the Sixteenth ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils tbat one-third in interest of tbe owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street bave petitioned the Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for tbe grading, paving
and curbing of the same; therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of tbe same, Tbat the
Chief ot the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise, in accordance witb the acts of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennslvania and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating
thereto and regulating the same, for proposals
for tho grading, paving and curbing of Cabi
net alley, from Thirty-eighth street to
Thirty-ninth street, the contract therefor
to be let in the manner directed by the
said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected In accordance with the pro
visions of an act of 'Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relat
ing to streets and sewers in cities of the second
class," approved tbe 16th day of May, A. D.
Section 2 Tbat any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance bo and tbe same is hereby
repealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24tb dav nf February A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY'. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, February 23, 1S90. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Major. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Major's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 300,
13th day of March, A. D. 1899.
No. 2b0.1
construction of a sower on Harcum's
alley, from South Twenty-second street to
South Twenty third street
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, aud it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of tbo same. That the
Chief of tbe Department of Pub'lc Works be
and is heieby authorized and directed to adver
tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordirancesof thesaul city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto and regulating the s ime, lor pro
posals for tin- construction of a pipe sewer 15
inches in d'ame'erou Harcum's alley between
and to connect with sewers on South Iwentj
second street and South Tiventj-thlrd
stieet. tho contract therefor to be let
in the manner dnccted by the
said acts of Assembly and oidinances. The
cost and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provis
ion of an art of Assembly nf the Common
wealth of Pen.isjlvann, entitled "An act re
lating to s reels and seeis in cities of the
second class," approved the 16th day of May.
A. D 1SS9.
Section 2lhatanj'orainanco or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects tin-, ordinance.
Ord lined and en icted into a law in Councils
tin 21th dav of Februan. A. D. Ib90.
H. P. FORD, President ot Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPA.RD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President ot
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's ofllce, February 27, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mavor. Attest: W. II.
McCLEARY. Ma.or's Clerk.
Rei orded in Ordinance Bonk, vol. 7, page 293,
12th day of Marcb, A. D. 1890.
(No. 207.
J. grading, paving and curbing of Calvin
street, between Forty-second and Fortj-fourtli
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils tbat one third in interest of the owneis of
properly fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving
and curbing nt tbe same; therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained ard enacted bj- tbe
citj ot Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv tho authority of tbe samo. That the
Chict of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized aud directed to advor
tise. in accordance with the acts of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg, relat
ing thereto and regulating tho same, for pro
posals for the grading, paving and curbing of
Calvin street from 1 oi tj -second street to Forty
fourth street Said street shall have a roadway
of twentv (20) feet, and tho sidewalks shall be
ten (10) feet in width; tbe contract therefor
to be let in tho manner directed by
the said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of tho same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with the
provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers in the cities of
tho second class" approved the 16th day of
May. A. D. 18S9.
Section 2 That any ordinanco or part of
ordinance conflicting with tho provisions of
this ordinance be and the same is hereby re
pealed so tar as the same affects this oi dinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th day of February, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common CounciL
Maj or's Office. February 27, 1890. Approved.
WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
MCCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Bonk, voL 7. page
298. 13th day of March, A. D. 189a
No. 257 .1
construction of a sewer on ICirkpatrick
street, from Webster avenue to Wylie avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tho authority of the same. That the
Chief of the Department ot Public Works be,
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
the ordinances of tbe said city of Prttsbur" re
lating thereto ana regulating the same, for
proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer 15
inches in diameter on Kirkpatnck street,
from Webster avenuo to a connection with a
sewer on Kirkpatnck street, at the south snlo
ot wjne avenue, tne contract tneiefor to be
let in the manner directed by tbe
said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with tbe provisions
of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers' in cities of the second
class," approved tho 16th day of May. A. D.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinanco conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinanco be and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as tho same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th rtav of Febrnarv. A. D. 1850.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY, Pre-ident of Com
mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of
Common Council.
Major's office. February 23. 1690. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mavir. Attest: W.ll. Mc
CLEARY, Major's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinanco Hook, vol. 7, page 291.
12tb day of March, A. D. 1800.
XX construction ot a sewer on Wright's allej,
trora a point 40 feet cast of Snnth Twenty
fifth street to South Twenty-sixth street sewer.
Section 1 Beit ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained ana
enacted by the authority of tho same. That tho
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly
or tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tbo
ordinances of tho said city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto and regulating the same for pro
posals tor tbe construction of a pipe sewer 15
inches in diameter on Wright's alley,
from a point 40 feet east of South
Twenty-fifth street to South Twenty
sixth street sewer, the contract there
for to be let in the manner directed by the
said acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of the same
to be assessed and collected in accordance with
the provisions of an act of Assembly of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An
act relating to streets and sewer3 in cities of
the second class," approved tho lGth day of
May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 lhat any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions ot this
ordinance be and the samo is hereby repealed
so far as the sam? affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th day of February. A. D, 1890.
H.P.FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. February 27, 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page
293. 12th day of March, A. D. 1890.
No. 255.
construction of a sewer on Evaline street,
Irom Harriet street to a connection with a
sewer on Liberty avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same, Tbat the
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance witb tho acts of Assem
bly of tbe Commonw ealtb of Pennsylvania, and
tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same, lor pro
posals for the construction ot a pipe sewer 20
inches in diameter on Evaline street, from Har
riet street to a connection with a sew er on Lib
erty avenue, the contract therefor to bo
let in tbe manner directed by the said acts
of Assembly and ordinances. Tho cost and
expense of tbe same to be assessed and collect
ed in accordance witb the provisions of an act
of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania entitled "An act relating to streets and
sewers In cities of tbe ccoud class," approved
the 16th dav of May, A. D., 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinanco conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as the samo affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th dav of February, A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common CounciL
Mayor's Office. February 23, 1890. Approved.
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinanco Book, vol. 7, page 2S9,
12th day of March, A. D. 189a
No. 258
construction of a sewer on Tustin street,
from the first crown west of Jumouville street
to Seneca street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils Assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That tbe
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to Ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly
of the Commonwealth oi Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same, tor pro
posals for the construction of a nipe sewer 15
inches in diameter on Tustin street, from the
crown between Gist and Jnmonvilie streets to
a connection with sewer at east enrb line of
Seneca street, the contract therefor to
bo let in the manner directed by tbe
said acts of Assembly and ordinance.
The cost and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provisions
of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approvedtbe 16th day of Maj-. A. D. 18S9.
nection2 "1 hat any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a lav In Councils
this 24th day ot February. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common ConnciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk
or Common Council-
Mayor's Oflice, February 23, 1890. Approved,
WM. McCALLIN, Mavor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, .Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Bonk, vol. 7, page
291, 12th day of March. A. D. 1890.
No. 178.
grading and paving of Mitre allej', from
Gross street to Fitch street, in the Twentieth
ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears bv tho petition and affi
davit on tile in the office of the Clerk nl Councils
tbat one-third in interest of the owners of prop
erty fronting and abutting upon the said street
have petitioned the Councils of said city to en
act an ordinanco for tbe grading and paving of
the same; therefore.
Section 1 Beit ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is herebv ordained and
enacted by tho authority of the same, lhat the
Chief of the Department or Public Works bo
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise in accordance with the Acts ot Assoinblj
of the Commonwealth of Pennsjlvanlaandthe
ordinances of the said city of Pittsuurg relating
thereto and regulating the same for proposals
lor tho grading and paving ot Mitro allcv from
Gross street to bitch street, tho contract
tbcrefor to bo let In the manner directed by
tbe said acts or Assemblv and ordinances.
Tho cost and expense or the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with the
provisions or an act of Asseiubl) of tl e Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled, "An Act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of tho
second class," approved the 16th day of May,
A. D. 1SS9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and tlio same is hereby repealed,
so lai as tbe samo effects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th dav of Februarv. A. D. Ii90.
If. P. l'OKl), President of Si lect Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Cleric of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mavor's office. Februarv 28, 1S90. Approved:
WM.' McCALLIN. .MajoV. Attest: W. H
McCLEARY, Mavoi's Clerk.
Recorded Iti Ordinance Book, vol. 7. page SCO,
11th dav of March. A. D. 1S30.
No. 2CG
construction of a sewer Jli Wharton
street, from South Nineteenth street to South
Twentieth street.
Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, nnd it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbo authority or the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
bu and is hereby authorized and directed to
advertise in accordance with tbe acts of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg
relating thereto and regulating tho same, for
proposals for tho construction of a nipe sewer
15 inches in diameter on Wbarton street, from
South Nineteenth street to South Twentieth
street, connecting with sewers ou South Nine
teenth and South Twentieth streets, tbe
contract therefor to be let in the man
ner directed by the said acts of Assein-
bly 3nd ordinances. The cost and ex
pense of the same to be assessed and col
lected in accordance with tbe provisions of an
act of Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania entitled "An act relating to streets
and sewers in cities of the second class." ap
proved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1839.
Section 2 Ibat any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinanco be, and tho same is hereby repealed,
so far as the samo affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th day of February. A. D. 1890.
H. P. FoRD. President of Select CounciL
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, February 28, 1890. Approved:
V1. McCALLIN, Major. Attest: W. II. Mc
CLEARY. Mavor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 290,
12th day of Marcb, A. I). 1890.
No. 204.
grading, paving and curbing ot Madison
streer, from Thirty-third street to Jefferson
Whereas. It appears by the petition and afli
davit on lllo in tbe office of the Clerk of Conn
cils tbat one-third in interest of the owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street bave petitioned the Councils of said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving
and curbing of the same: therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv the
citv of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
uls assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That the
Chief of the Department or Public Works be,
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad-
ertiso in accordance witb tho acts of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances ot the said city of Pittsburg relating
thereto and regulating the same for proposals
for tho gradlrg. paving and curbing of Madison
street from Tbirtj-third street to Jefferson
street, said street shall have a roadway of 21
teet in width between curbs, the sidewalks
shall be paved with flagstone five feet in
width, placed at a distance of two feet from
tho building line. The contract therefor to
be let in the manner directed by tho
sild acts of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and exnense of the same to bo as
sessed and collected in accordance with the
provisions ot an act or Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers tn cities of tbe
second class," approved the 16ih day of May, A.
D. 1SS9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of
this ordinance, bo and the same is hereby re
pealed so tar as the samo affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 21th dav of February. A. D. 1890.
II. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G.'L. HOLLIDAY, President of Com
mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of
Common Council.
Mavor's offlce. February 28. 1890. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc
CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded m Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 296,
13th day of Marcb, A. D. 1890.
rNo. 263.
construction of a sewer on Madison and
'1 lnrty-third streets, from Jefferson street to a
connection with sewer on Herron avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and itisherehr ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same. That
tbeCbiefof the Department ot Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to
advertise in accordance with the acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsj Ivania and
the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same, for pro
uosals for the construction of a pipe sewer on
Madison and Thirty-third strocts. commencing
at Jefferson street; thenccto Adelaide street.
15 inches in diameter; tbenco to Madison
street and along Thirty-third street to a
connection with sewer on Herron avenue.
said sewer between last mentioned
points to be 13 inches in diameter,
tbe contract therefor to be let in the manner di
rected by tho said acts of Assembly and ordi
nances. Tbe cost and expense of the same to
bo assessed and collected in accordance with
the provisions of an act of Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An
act relating to streets and sewers in cities of
the second class," approved the lbth day of
May, A. D. 1889.
Suction 2 rhat any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of
this ordinance bo and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 24th d iv of Febrnary, A. D. 1890.
i H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's oflice, February 27, 189a Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
McCLEARY, Mavor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 295,
12th day of Marcb. A. D. 1890.
No. 271
grading, paving and curbing of Kirkpat
rick street, Irom Wylie avenue to Webster
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of tbe owners
of property fronting and abutting upo the
said street bave petitioned tbe Councils oftaid
city to enact an ordinance for the grading,
paving and curbing of tbe same; therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe autbority of tbe same. That
tbe Chief or the Department of Public Works
he and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem
bly or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg
relating thereto aud regulating the same, for
proposals for the grading, paving and curbing
ot Kirkpatnck street, from Wylie avenue to
Webster avenue, the roadway to be paved with
asphaltum pavement and tbe sidewalks to be
paved with 11 igstones -to a vridth of five
(5) feet. The contract therefor to be
lee in the manner directed by the
said act3 of Assembly and ordinances.
The cost and expense of'tbe same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with tbe
provisions of an act ot Assembly of tbe Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled, "An act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of the
second class," approved tho 16th day of May,
A. D. 18i9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance confiding with tho provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects tLis ordinance.
Ordained ami en icted into a law in Councils
this 21th day or February, A. D. 1890. '
H.P.FORD, President or Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk or Select
Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY, President or
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mavor's llice, February 23, 1390. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Major. Attest: W. H. Mc
CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, pago 301,
13th day of March, A. D. 1S3UL
No, 274.
paving and curbing nt Holmes street
Irom Stanton avenuo t McCandless street, in
tho Eighteenth ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third in interest of tbe owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned tho Councils of said city
to enact an ortlln nice for tbe paving and curb
ing of the same; therefore
Section 1 Be it untuned and enacted by tho
citv of Pittsburg, in Select aud Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the- authority of the same. That tbo
Cbier of the Department of Public Works bu
auil is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts or Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . nl
the oidinances of tbo said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same for pro
posals for tbe paving aud curbing of
Holmes street, from Stanton avenue
to McCandless street, the contract thcr
for to be let in the manner directed
bv tho said acts of As cmbly and ordinances.
'Ihe cost and expense of the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with the
pi ovisions of an act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth or Fennsjlvaiiia entitled. "An act
relating to streets aud sewers in cues of the
second class," a proved the lGth day of May,
A. D. 188J.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with tbo provisions of this
ord.nance be and tho samo is hereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects this ordinauce.
On! lined and enacted into a law in Councils
this 21th dav of February. A. D. 1S90.
IL P. FORD, President ot Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk ot Select
ConnciL G. Ij. HOLLIDAY, President or
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH.
Clerk or Common Council.
Mavor's olliee. Fetintary 28, 1S90. Approved:
WM.'McCALLIN, Mavor. Attest: W. H. Mc
CLERAY. Mavor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 303
14 h daj of March, A. D. 1S90
Depaktmfxt or Public Works, i
riTT.-sBCItO, March 10. 183U (
CEIVED at the oflice of Citv Controller
until FRIDAY, the 21st dav of March. A. D.
1S90. at 2 p. "r.. for f tirnlshin and delivering
f. o. b. cari, Pittsburg.
water Weicht per
Pipe. Lcnsrtb.
" " 4.l5I!u
" " 1.87U2.S
" " 3,C00fts
" " 3.2W&S
" ' 4,S0Utts
Tons. Class. Size,
223 B U
47 C 1G
93(1 B 21
4 !2 C 24
bl7 B 30
CO tons special castings.
Biddjrs must fix a date limiting tbe time of
delivery and completion of contract.
Tbe Chief ot Department of Public Works
reserves the right to increase or decrease tba
above quantity (20) per cent, all pipes to ba
cast vertically and to be made of soft gray
iron, and to be tested to a pressure ot three
Hundred (300) pounds to the square inch,
underthe supervision of some person designat
ed by the Superintendent of WaterSnppiyan(i
Distribution, probated bonds of fifty thousand
(50,000) must accompany each bid.
No bid will be considered unless accompani
ed by bonds in tbe above amount probated be
fore tbe Mayor or City Clerk.
ror specincauons. oianKS on wntch bias
must be made, and all other information.
at the office of Superintendent of Water Sun
ply and Distribution. r
The Department of Awards reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
Chief or Department of Public Works.
Continued on Twelfth Page.
As old residents know and back files or Pitts
burg papere prove, is tho oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
lIPRnilQona mental diseases, physical
ltL.ll UUO decay, nervousdeDillty, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashtulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular,
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 D M A RV kidney and bladder derange-
UfllMnn I j inents, weak back. graveL
catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
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' Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
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10 A. jr. to 1 p. 3t only. DR. WH1TTIER, 811
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SV-Z tTZXm f?4. jT4 VX Ml STS
How Lost! How Regained,
mm thyself;
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on
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cesses or Overtaxation. Enervating and unfit
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Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
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eautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
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Parker. M. D., received the GOLD AND JEW
ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As.
sociation. for this PRIZE ESSAYon NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL. DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physlciins may be cin
suUed. confidentially, by mail or in person, at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston. Mass., to
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should be directed as above. aul8-67-TuFSuwk
Nerve and Brain Treatment
Specific for hysteria, dizziness, tits, neuralgia,
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Each box contains one- month's treat
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purchaser guarantee to refund money if the
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genuine sold only by
No. 1701 Penn ave., cor. Seventeenth street.
No. 2401 Penn ave., cor. Twenty-fourth street,
Cor. Wylie ave. and Fnlton street.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
st. ictlv conbdentlaL Office
boors 9 to 4 'and 7 to 8 P. ST.; Sundajs. 2 to 4 P.
M.Consult them personally, or write. DOCTOE3
LAKE. 32S Penn ave., Pittsburg; Pa.
OOls'S 00-trt033. EOOtJ
iComposed of Cotton Root, Tansy and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery Dy mi
'old physician. Is successfully usett
monthly Safe, EffectuaL Price 51. by mall,
eaaloil Toritoa aV vnTtr drU-??iSt for COOK S
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,
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dress FOND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Usher
Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich,
WSold InPittshura Pi. by Joseph Fleta
tag & Son. Diamond and Marketsts. . se2fr23
Safe and lwT reUable. Ladle, i
aak Drtutfiit for Diamond BranL
In red, metallic boxes, esJed w th
LiseriDDon. isKenoomer. au
L nills la Duteboard boxes wttn Dink wraiv
ners are dance rotts counterfeit. Seal
Ax. fatamnii for ovtlcular. testimonial
fyf aoi i:ellef fur Ladle," to tef(r,br
Chitbetr tbcn'l Col, Sadboa Sq., PUT-, Ffc
Rkxedt Frie. A victim
of. youthful IniDrudence.
raaslnf? Premature Decay. Nerrou Detihty, Lost
Manhood, Ac., having tried In Tain erery known reme
dy, baa discovered a simple mean of self cure, which
no win Kfma (seaiem riosE to nis leuow annererg.
Address, J. H. REEVES, P.O. Box 32U0, 2. ew Yorit CUT-ocl3-o3-TTSSa
Bufrcnn? from tbe cilects ot youthful errors, earlr
decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc I will
send a valuable treatise (scaled) containing fall
particulars for homo cure. FREE of charge. A
splendid medical work: should be read by every
man who is nervou and debilitated. Address,
I'rof. F. C. FOWLER, irioodus,Conn.
CnnlA T1sarn.-rM fwnlllnlllff ITlV
i new and perfect ilnm t-'bBE.
, for Lost or Falling Manhood. Ner-
t vnna TViMHUr T nMr nf VllOr OUtl
Development, iTomature Decline. Functional Dl
iiixa S3. HAL3ICH CO., 13 PuiPteJ. IfcvTsi
Strengthen Nerves, Brain and
other organs. Clear Cloudy
Urine. Cure aTersion to soc err,
unpleasant dreams, loss of mem
4orr, ana ail nerroi-s aiscsc.
hm . . -- - Alt f1l. 4TlsJ
.rosiiiTe cure iui .-.- --
ri-ila 9frnrCt. mce. si.
postpaid. AddressNerveBean Co ,uuna.o.. r. At josepa
Fleminc & Son's, 41a Market St., and all leading drugjliu.
For men! Checks tho worst cases In thre,
days, and cures in five days. Price SI CO. at
Ja5-2D-TTSsa 412 Market street.
Safe Certain and Effectual
At urac-
l,lr bl mill. sna sic
for tViiniiin'a Safe
wiled BFicvic co, rmd.ipki.
ff &W
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iir I -nl" iriiiiifci