Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 13, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Down the Fort Wayne Eailroad In
volving Many Broad Acres.
The Xorthside Syndicate Likelr to Arouse
Ohio Street Van Winkles.
A deal in suburban property of considerable
Importance, as making a reliable quotation on
acreage values, was about closed up by C Ber
incer i son yesterday afternoon. The tract is
a laree one. and is situated on the Fort Wayne
Railroad in the vicinity of Emsworth. The
price paid for it approximates M0,000. It will
be subdivided and put on the market.
The formation of a, syndicate to buy up busi
ness property on East Ohio street, Allegheny
City, as announced yesterday, bids fair to lift
that thoroughfare out of the groove in which it
has been running for years. It is one of the
handsomest streets on the Northside, and
should be one of the busiest from end
to end. Singularly enough, it has been
almost overlooked by investors, and is there
fore a virgin field for the new combine to oper
ate in. What the result will be remains to be
seen; but it is safe to say that property owners
will meet the overtures of the eyndidate with a
demand for a considerable advance on present
prices, which, as one gentleman said, "are away
While this will be perfectly justifiable, in
view of the fact that values there for the most
part are below the market, care should be
taken to avoid the other extreme. Owners
should bear in mind that fair prices make busi
ness, but that extravagant demands retard it.
The gentleman quoted edded: "I hope the
prospect of a little flurry over there will not
swell the heads of the people. If they get wild
their property will be left on their hands."
Among the questions which will be consid
ered at the labor conference at Berne. Switzer
land, special promise will be given to condi
tions and regulations affecting the labor of
women and minors. The conference, for ex
ample, will attempt to determine whether the
maximum length of a day's work for minora
should vary according to tbe ages, and during
what hours should the working time be fixed;
whether tho State should permit the employ
ment of women and children in occupations
carried on in the night time, and what restric
tions are necessary in the employment of
women and children in nnhealthy and dancer
ous occupations. Tittsburg has a vital interest
in the permanent settlement of these questions.
She will be ably represented at the conference.
The cry about serious damage to wheat by
the recent cold snap seems to be of a kind with
the annual lamentations over the loss of the
Delaware peach crop. A Liberty street gram
dealer said yesterday that he bad late advices
Irom the winter w heat belt, which showed that
no damage worth speaking of had been sus
tained, and that the outlook for a large yield
was exceedingly good. The report of serious
loss by freezing was orieinated by the Chicago
bulls, but the contradiction followed so quickly,
and was so conclusive, that they profited very
little by the canard.
If the mining stocks represented on thePit,s
bnrc Exchange are worth anything at all they
are dirt cheap at present figures. A gentle
man familiar with the condition of LaXoria
said yesterday that he still had faith in it. All
that is needed, in his opinion, is to sink the
shaft as deep as those of other mines in the
vicinity. Luster, Yankee Girl and even Silver
ton, came in for friendly mention.
He concluded: "Improved methods of work
ing these mines should be tried, before they
are given up as hopeless. It might be well to
change the management all round. They are
all Fittsb irg enterprises, and Pittsburg pluck
and skill should bo able to make them pay If
such a thing is in the wood."
Only One Goose Eee nt tho Stock Ezchnnce
Galas nnd Losesw
Stock trading yesterday comprised two small
sales on call both in the forenoon. This was
an improvement on tho previous day, which
was an encouraging feature. In such cases
small favors are thankfully received.
Airbrake continued its upward movement,
selling at 114. but breaking in the afternoon
and closing a point lower. Allegheny Heating
Company was marketed at 103. The last previ
ous sale was at 109. There was a demand for
Philadelphia Gas, bnt there seemed to be none
fur sale. Chartiers Gas advanced sharply on
prospects of a dividend. It closed strong at
44 bid ana 47 asked.
Bank stocks received considerable attention,
but buyers and sellers were too wide apart to
make business.
Switch and Signal rallied a little from the
lowest point of Tuesday, but the undertone was
weak. The annual repoit was not considered
altogether satisfactory, though no one seemed
able to point out the weak spots.
ma. ASKen. ma. Ailed.
Pitts. P. S. 4 M. Ex 4S0
Oimmerclal Na.llauk. 97 9S
Cent.-al llank
lllamond at. Hank..
Freehold at. Bank. .
Keystone Bank or l"g
Marine Nat. Bank....
Mon'frahcla Nat Bk ...
People's National BL.
Third Jat. Bann
Ileal Lstate L. iT.l'o.
Second National Bank
Boatman's lnsurauce.
Citv Insurance
;itizens' Insurance....
Allesrhenvlleatlng Co.
Brldcewater tias
Chartlers V. Gas Co....
People's Nat Gas.....
People's-. G. & P. Co
Pennsylvania Gas Co..
PliiUdelphla Co
Wheeltnc basCo
Central Traction
Citizens' 1 Taction
Pitts. Traction
Pleasant Vallev
Pitts.. A. 4 Man
PlttB.i West. lC.lt.....
P. 4 W. prcf
fcusiwn'n B'de.(6th st)
La Norla Mlnlnir Co...
Luster Mlntne Co
East End Electric ....
t estlnphouse Electric
MononKa'la Water Co.
177 ....
"" "ioi
27 ....
3S 40
'4i,f 47
O. b. 4 blfr. Co 15S 13K
.. vsiiiiKHUUSCAirD'Ke. IliX .... J13
urjeers . and &. Co J04 ....
Sales were: 50 shares Allegheny Heating
Company at 105, and 10 Airbrake at 114.
Henry M. Long soid 20 Airbrake at 114.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 218,213 shares. Including Atchison,
2S.775: Delaware, Lackawanua and Western,
6.190; Lake Shore. 4.900; Louisville and Nash
ville, 7.110: Missouri Pacific, 11,435; Northwest
ern. 15.015; Reading.20,700; St PauL3LlS7: Union
A tiWlUV -w.-jw.
Bloney Easy nnd Trade Flourishing; Ex
pansion Soulhnnd West.
So far as bank clearings are a guide to the
business sitnation, the volume of trade con
tinues of very large proportions. The ex
changes yesterdav were $2,555,150 50 and the
balances S3S5.2M 21. Money was easy nnd in
fair demand. Loans were made at 6 per cent
on choice collateral.
In accounting for tha recent squeese in Wall
street, the Financial Chronicle remarks: "The
great expansion of trade and industry has
drawn money from tho East In large sums to
the South and Far West, here it finds more
profitable employment than in securities yield
ing only 5 per cent and less on their market
value. Immense amounts are locked np In en
terprises which have not j et begun to yield an
ticipated profits; and in some sections of the
country funds are slow in returning eastward,
because of backward trade and consequent
slow collections.
"As soon as these temporary conditions are
pissed we may look for easier money and also
better prices for stocks; lint until then the
difficulties of a bull campaign are almost, if not
quite, insuperable."
Monev on call at New York yesteraay was
eay. ranging from SK to Hi per cent; last loan,
8J;cloed offered at 3. Prime mercantile
paper,5J;7. Sterling exchange dull and steady
at $4 Sl for 60-day bi'ls and H S.J for de
mand. Cloalne Bond Quotations.
tJ. S. 4s.rer 121V1M. K. 4T. Oen.&s , C4
U. b-4. coup 122V Mutual Union (W....1M)
U. S. 4s, res: 103S N. J. C. Int. Cert...Tllf
U. S. 4Hs. coup 1M.S Nortnern Pac lsts..H5!4
Paclflctsor'95 lie Northern Pac.2ds..lI2
Loulslanasumped t 96)j North w't'n consols. H!1
Mlssonrl 4s ioo INorthw'n deben's..li(Ht
Tenn. newrrt. c... 109 Ornron 4 Trans. cs.loc
Tenn. new set. SS....1K!
St. 1 4I.M. Gen.Sa 91
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73J4
Canada So. 2Is.. . 97
Cen. Pacificists 112
Men. 1K., lsts...lis
len. 4 K. G. V84
Erie, Ui. 101
H. K. T. Geo. ti..7lX
St. U4S.F. Gen.il. I09H
bl. t'anl consols ...AX'A
St. PI. ChI4Pe.lsu.ll6
Tx., PcL. U.Tr.Ks. J1S
Tx..PcK.O.'lr.KctI 39
Union Pae. lsts.....lu
West Bhore 10i,
New Tork Clearings, f UL599.G55; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,377,493: balances.
s-usiMuu. jioney. s oer cent.
PniLAbKLPitiA Clearlnzs.
-Clearings. ai,769.ZG; ual-
ances. Sl.36s.957.
Baltimore Clearings,
Lonuon The amount of bullion gone into
tho Bank of England on balance to-day is
CHICAGO-Clearings. Sll.S03.00a New York
exchange sold at par to 25c per J1.000. Money
steady at 6)I per cent on time.
They Do All the Bntlness In OlI-Lnteit
Field New.
The oil market was dull and steady yester
day except for about an hour In the middle of
the day, when it got very low in the nineties.
The opening was a2JjJ. where the market hung
very closely until shortly before the close,when
Oil City shorts bid it up"to 9 the top of the
day. It then weakened and closed below the
best price.
Tho extremes were: Opening, 92; highest,
93: lowest, W.: closing, 93J5-sbowing a
fluctuation of 1 cent. Tuesday's clearances
were 422,000 barrel'. Trading was ot the retail
sort and entirely professional.
1 he Irory well is doing about 150 barrels a
day. It is said a large number of wells will be
sunk In that vicinity, and that they will be too
close to eacn otner to ue prouiaoie.
In the Washington field Wesley Webber's
Desmond No. 1 is completed in the Gorden
with but a slight increase. The Salem Flach
farm well of the South Penn Oil Company
failed to obtain an Increase in the fifth sand, to
which it has been drilled, and is making 40 bar
rels a day.
Operators in the Sheffield district expect to
bring in a few more pood wells there. Two in
that field are doing CO and SO barrels an hour
Fort Mangier No. 2, Chartlers Valley, turned
out better than expected. It is producing at
the rate of 20 barrels a day.
The Hundred-foot Oil Co's well on the Jacob
Dnmbach farm in the Hundred-foot district is
holding up the 1100 barrels a day, and the other
two of the trio of gushers are producing 4S0
and 360 barrels a day respectively.
There is great activity in the Hundred-foot
district, and larce quantities of supplies, such
as boilers, engines and lumber, are being
hauled out into the field from Butler,
Features of Yesierdm'a Oil Mnrkrt.
Corrected dally by John M. Oasiey fc Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened W,l.owest K
Highest j;8Closed 93
Average charters E,"S7
Average shipment! 65.563
Average run - 65,117
Keflned. Jscw York. J.)c
Keflneti, London. S,Sd.
Jleflnt-d, Antwerp, i7.r.
Refined. Liverpool, M.
Kenned, Bremen. 8. Sim.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 92c; calls,
Other Oil Markets.
Oil Crnr. March 12. Petroleum opened at
91c; highest, 93Jc: lowest, Kc; closed at
93c Sales, 33,111 bbls.; no clearances re-
Eiirted; charters. 8,511 bbls.; shipments, 67,672
bis.; runs, 79,469 bbls.
Bradford. March 12. Petroleum opened at
S3c; closed at 93Kc: highest, 83c; lowest,
93c; clearances, 308,003.
2sew York, March 12. Petrolenra opened
Arm at 9Jc, and advanced to 93c on light
trading; the market then became dull, but re
tained the advances and closed firm at 93c
8tock Exchange: Opening, 93c; highest. 93Jie;
Iowest,93c; closing. 93c Consolidated Ex
change: Opening, 93Vic; highest. 93: lowest,
S2Jic; closing, 93?ic lotal sales. 274.0U0 barrels.
Continued Activity In Land and Houses A
Few More Dicker.
Samuel W. Black A Co.. 99 Fourth avenue,
sold lot No. 177, in the Wm. Kobinson plan, 20x.
110, to an alley, on the east side of Bnena Vista
street. Allegheny, for 3,150.
Ewing A Byers, 93 Federal street, sold for
Mrs.C.Oberlin, of McKeesport, to John C. Feick,
of the firm of Feick Bros., the property No. 242
Arch street. Second ward, Allegheny City, be
ing a two-story frame house of six rooms and
batb, with lot 20 feet front on Arch street and
extending 50 feet through to a ten-foot paved
alley, at a price approximating 3,500.
W. E. Hamnett, 404 Smithheld street, Pitts
burg, and Wilkinsburg, sold a lot on Hemlock
street. Allegheny City, 21x113, for Mary A. Hen
ner, for tl.SOO cash.
Cnaifes homers 4 Co., 313 Wood street, sold
for Mrs. Mary McDonnell a lot on tho south
west corner of Soraers and Bloomer streets.
Thirteenth ward, about 20x100. to John O'Neil
for $410. They also sold for Mrs. J. McLangh-lin-to
11. J. Stamford a residence property on
Chatham street, being N o. 32, a two-story brick
of six rooms, with lot about 18x106 feet, for
$4,500 cash.
Alles fc Bailey, 161 Fourth avenue, sold for
George J. Herman a brick dwelling of seven
rooms, etc.. lot 31x27 feet, on Wine street,
near Reed street, for 3.000.
Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold the
two-story brick dwelling known as Ko. 312
Western avenue, Allegheny, containing seven
rooms, and lot 20x121 feet, to G. W. Marsh for
W. A. Herron fc Sons sold lot No. 8 In the
Pittsburg Bank for Savings plan, Hatfield
street. Seventeenth ward, 20x180 feet, for $650.
Wall Street Lenrm nl the Eloventh nour of
-n Big Kallrond Gobble It Cnusea
A Kuah to Buy Grnucera.
sew York, March 12. The stock market
during the greater portion of to-day was dull
and stagnant for most of the list, and the few
movements which took place had little or no
significance. The opening this morning was
attended by a stronger tone than usual of late,
and especially in the Grangers there was more
life and positive strength. It was reserved
until the last hour to spring upon the street the
intelligence that the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy had at last secured the controlling
interest in the Chicago, Burlington and North
ern, and there was t. rush to buy the Grangers,
and the stocks of all the roads which will be
benefited by a cessation of the rate cutting in
tne west ana .norm west. iurnngton and
Quincy led the upward movement, but Rock
Island. St, Paul, Union Pacific and Louisville
and Nashville were close behind. The pros
pect of a discontinuance of the rate troubles in
the West alreaay has caused a better feeling in
the street and an easier money market.
There were other items favorable to the im
provement of values, chief among which was
the declaration of the dividend upon the pre
ferred stock ot the St. Paul, and a complete
change in the management of the Louisville,
New Albany and Chicago Railway, owing to
the fact that a controlling interest had boen
bought quietly by some large corporation. The
general market to-day was devoid of interest.
The close wa active, excited and strong at the
best prices of the day. Burlington and Quincy
is np 2. Denver. Texas an d Fort Worth, lji
Rock Island, 1J& Oregon Improvement, ij
Atchison and St. Paul, 1, Northwestern 1 per
cent, and others fractional amounts.
The railroad bond market was again more
active to-day, the sales of all issues reaching
$1,665,000, out of which Atchison incomes con
tributed $331,000 and were the strong point iu
the list, while the Louisville, New Albany and
uiucago consols were conspicuously weax. The
rest ol the list, however, displayed tho same
steady tone without tendency in either direc
tion. Louisville, New Albany and Chicago
consols lost 2, at 102.
The Tost says: There are reports, which seem
to have some foundation, of a new pool having
been formed in Hock island, and aside from
this it is noticed that there bas been pretty
steady bnylng in the last two days of the other
grangers, especially Northwestern and St.
Paul, for Chicago account. While the volume
of trading in the more active stocks has
fallen off because there bad been a cessation
of the eflorts to depress them, a good many of
the usually less active stocks have had a larger
business in the last week and have advanced
Although the same individuals who are
largely interested In Burlington and Quincy
were the builders and operators of the Bur
lington and Northern, the former bas never
been able to dictate the policy of the Burling
ton and Northern, and as the latter has been
the greatest disturber of rates, the matter has
always had the aspect of "a house divided
against itself." The announcement that the
Burlington and Quincy had bought the Bur
lington and Northern was therefore accepted
as a pledge that the rate cutting would be
stopped, and on this, supposition all the
Granger stocks began at once to advance.
Tne rouowinr taole snows tne prices 01 active
stocks on the New York stock xcnani;e yester
day. Corrected dally for TKS DISPATCH by
Whitney 4 STKriiENEOir. oldestPlttsburg mem
bers of New orx atocx iLxcnange. 7 Fourth ave-nne:
Hln- Low. lnr
est. est. Did.
27 2J! 27
73H ',i 73),
54 MJ4 MX
1 HS)s 120
4K 2454 24"4
w ; sax
117 1I6- 117
94 Mft SI
S35i 52" S2
3254 . 31JS X2H
n n
IU X10X 111
Inr. Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 27J4
Atch.. Top. 4 s. r MS
Canadian Pacific 73H
Canada Southern .... bi
Central orNew Jrrier.UStf
Central faelllL
Chesapeake a Ohio. ZIH
C Bur. 4 Ualiier 10.".
C Mil. 4 Ot. faul... 6SH
C. Mil. St. 1'- PI.. ..116,1,
C, KockL &P. SVi
C, SU L. 4 Pitts
C st. l. 4 Pitts, pr.. n
C St. P., M. JtO SIX
C. 31. P.M. 0 pi.. S3
C. 4 Nortljwesiern. .;.. IK
13 S
19 v.
76 i
BoBinn Stocks.
Atch. AToo 33
Boston 4 Mont 4S4
Calumet 4 Uecia....2S6
Frantun 15
Huron ... &4
Kearsarge 4
Osceola. 29H
I'ewablc 8
(Julncy 70
Santa Ke copper..... I
KoEton.t Albany.. .216
jjoston a. .name jj
Eastern K. K 157M
Kastern K. K. 6s ....124H
Flint A Fere 31 26"4
Flint 4 Fere M. prd. 94U
Mass. Central lev
Alex. Central com... 13
-N. Y. ANeirKnc... 46
N. V.ANewJina; 7s.l3S
Old Colonv 177
ltutlandcommon.... 7
Kiuiand prererred.. 70
Wls.Centrai.com... 29
AllouelMKCo 2V
Atlantic 135
mniaracs: .10
Annlston Land Co.. 5
Boston Land 6
Sin Metro 17
West End Land Co. 244
Uell 'lelcpnone -is
Lamson Stores S5V
Water Power SH
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closlnir quotations of Philadelphia stocks, rar
nlshed by Whitney 4 Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members new 1'ork Stock Ex
change. Pennsylvania llallroad M4
Keaainr 39 5-16
Huffalo, Pittsburg 4 Western 8'4
LehUh Valler 51 4
LenUlt .Navigation 51 Jg
Allechenv Valley Bonds Ill
11. Co's Nen Jersey 231V
Northern Pacific WH
Isortnern Pacific preferred 74
Mining Stocks.
New York. March 12. Mining quotations:
Alice, 100; Caledonia B. II., 190; Consolidated
Californlaand Virginia. 410: ComstockT.. scrip,
30 00; Deadwood T., 150: Kl Cristo, 140; Free
land, 100; Homestake, 750: Horn 8ilver. 240:
Iron Silver, 175; Mexican, 275; Ontario, 39 00;
Savage, 140; Sierra Nevada, 200; Sutter Creek,
Business Notes.
TrtE interior finish of the new German Na
tional Bank will be the finest in the city.
Renters are still besieging the agents for
small houses. The supply is almost exhausted.
A 6 per cent scrip dividend has been de
' dared by the rittsburg, Virginia and Charles
ton Railroad.
The earnings of the Pittsburg and Western
Railrcad for the first week in March were 834,
565, a decrease of $7,367.
The Pittsburg Clearing House antedates
those of Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis. It
was the filth to organize.
The Pittsburg, Youngstown and Ashtabula
Railroad bas declared a dividend of 3 per
cent on the preferred stock.
Forty-seven mortgages were filed for rec
ord yesterday. The largest was for $17,000 and
the next largest for $13,000. The smallest was
for $200.
.The total fire loss in the United States for
January and February. 1890, was $16,566,325,
against $49,693,700 for the same time in 1SS9, and
$27,253,500 in 1883.
The boom in Westinghouse Airbrake stock
is due to the excellent business prospects of
the company. Contracts already closed insure
steady work for at least a year.
The Roumanian Parliament has expressed
confidence in the Ministry.
Michigan peach groweis join in the chorus
that the fruit crop Is ruined.
The Lamed. Ka&, State Bank has failed.
Liabilities. 33,000: assets, 11,000.
The King of Dahomey, with his Amazons,
is retreating, being afraid to attack the French
Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton, the heroine of
the famous New York baby case, has petitioned
for a pardon.
"Buch" Murray, the burglar who shot and
killed a Detroit policeman last week, bas been
arrested in Cisveland.
It is now known that S3 persons lost their
lives by the explosion in the Morsa colliery, in
Glamorganshire, Wales.
Ashmead Bartlett denies Mr. Sexton's
statement that he bargained with Pigott for
contributions to the Englishman, a newspaper
edited by Bartlett. '
Congressman Butterworth spoke for and
Congressman Mason against the bill taxing and
branding compound lard, before the House
Committee yesterday.
The German Government will shortly
notify the other powers that she has taken the
islands ot Manda and Patta off the east coast
of Africa under her protection.
While returning from a prayer meeting at
Armstrong, Mo., Rev. Darid McGrew, Mrs.
Andrew Beyman and Will Jackson, all colored,
were run over by a train and killed.
The new Brazilian Government has au
thorized the National Bank and the Bank of
Brazil to issued 50,000,000 milreis in paper each,
to be redeemable in gold as soon as exchange
The Secretary of the Treasurv has ap
pointed Mr. John Scanlon, of Chicago, to be a
special agent of the Treasury. Mr. Scanlan is
regarded as an authority on tariff questions
and passed a very good examination.
A large vote was polled at the Sacramento
city election yesterday. W. D. Comstock, Dem
ocrat, defeated 15. J. Gregory, Republican can
didate for re-election as Mayor, by 41 votes.
The remainder of the Republican ticket was
elected by a large majority.
At Roanoke, Va., Miss Nora Wooten went
to the residence ot Dr. H. A. Sims, a physician,
and placed a pistol to his face and fired. The
bullet struck the doctor's cheek bone and
glanced off, without inflicting serious injury.
About two weeks ago Miss Wooten was ad
judged insane by a commission of lunacy, but
was not deprived of her liberty.
The great Dorrie iron mine, the largest
producer in th world, is Idle. Its 1,000 em
ployes have struck. The tramway men struck
Tuesday for higher wages. And yesterday the
miners refused to send an ounce of ore to any
tramway men except to those on strike. Both
sides are determined and the fight seems
destined to be a long one. Most of the strikers
are foreigners.
Last Sunday the 2-year-old child of John
Blunt, a farmer near Stockton, Kas., found a
bottle of laudanum and drank a quantity of It.
The child died in a short time. The next day
Mrs. Blunt, crazed by tho death of her child,
drank the rest of tho poison remaining in the
bottle. She cannot recover. Mr. Blunt is
prostrated and his friends are watching him
lest he, too, may commit suicide.
John Charles Rykert. member of the
Canadian Parliament, bas been impeached for
corruptly using bis position as a member of
Parliament and a supporter of tho Government
tolunuence tne uovernment in securing for a
friend of his. named Adams, a valuable tract
of timber land in the Northwest Territories for
a nominal sum, out of which transaction
Rykert received, as his share, (90,000.
New York. March 12. There was more
doing in drygoods at both first and second
bands, but demand still lacks snap. There was
a wider request for cotton goods with agents,
in moderate-sized orders, though the better
grades of bleached goods were taken with
some freedom. The cotton goods market con
tinued firm for all desirable goods.
Metal Market.
New York Pig iron dull. Copper dull
and steady; Lake, March. $14 25. Lead quiet;
domestic, S3 97. Tin quiet and easier; Straits.
S20 40.
Shake off the effects of a bad cold
promptly by the use of Dr. Jayne's Ex
pectorant and escape the danger of irritating
.the lungs into a fatal disease.
Local Stock.
And investment brokers. McKee & Hagau,
111 Fourth aTe." After April 1, 108 Fourth
ave. ' ttsu
C. C C. JL 1 71 71
C.. C. U 41.. nl S9V W
Col. Coal a iron 44H 45;
Col. 4 Hooting val .. aH I"H
Del.. L. JfcW 1367. 137
Bel. & liudion
DenverftKloO HH 15H
lienver 4 Hio G. nf.... 465,' 4iH
E.T.. V.4Ua S.S
fc.T..Va. AOa.lst nf.
E.T.. Va. AOa.Id pr. 23 a
Illinois Central
Lace Erie 4 Western.. KH 17(4
Lake trie A West. pr.. 634 6H
Late Snore AM. S 10C 10CH
Louisville &MsHTllle. S4i sr-
Mlclilean central 95 V5H
Mobile Ohio IVA 15!4
Mo.. Kan. a Texas
Missouri faclnc UH 'H
Jew for Central lG7tf 107
J. V.. L. Jc 4 W .... 25 IS
N. .. C ASU L. 16, KH
n. x.. c. a at. L. or.. ;o ;o'j
N. V.. U. A St. L. 2d pt 3Si 3$i
H. XA.N. B iM S!
. .. O. 4 W 17 17M
Sortott 4 Western
Norfolk Western.pl.
Northern Paeitic 30S SDH
-Nortnern I'aclnc prer. 7.1 it
Ohio 4 Mississippi...- a 20
Oregon improrement. 43 4."iJ
flrosron Transoon 363 27
Pacific Mall Sv 33V
Peo. lJec. 4 Kvans 19 iiv
Pnlladel. 4 Kcadlnc 39 39
lnllman Palace Car
Klenmona 4 W. r". T.. 3JV 21'
Klchmona 4 W.l'.T.nr 7S)i 78
SL p.. Minn, a Man.. 112 112
St. L. A an Fran
St. L. A San rran pf.
St.L. 4 San IT. 1st pt.
Texas I'acifio 20Si 20
Union I'ael&o MS
Wabasn 1JS ui
Wabash preferred 26 27'(
Western Union oH K
Whrelinjr 4 L. . 70 701,
SnrarTrnsi CbH 69H
National Lead Trust. Wi 18H
Chicago lias Trust.... 4IJi 41,'i
The Run of Cattle at East Liberty
Yards Falls Below Last "Week.
Quality of Sheep and Lambs Offered, Below
the Standard.
Office of FiTTSBtmo Dispatch, J
Wednesday. March 12. 1S90.
Receipts of cattle for the week at the East
Liberty yards numbered 75 loads, against 90
loads last week and EO for the week previous.
While there w i- e few If any strictly prime cat
tle in this week's offerings, there was a fair
average of good bu'eher stock. On Monday
morning markets opened strong and active at
an advance of 10 to 15c per cwt, on the previous
Monday. Some dealers report an advance of
25c per cwt. on handy grades of butcher stock.
Since Monday markets have weakened a shade,
but altogether prices have been better than
last week. Drovers report that cost of cattle
In Chicago is higher this week than laSt, but
are better satisfied with their dealings this
week, as the advance here was greater than
there. This morning all the offerings had
changed hands though there were a few still
in the hands of retailers.
The highest price obtained this week so far
as could be learned was f4 75. and ouly a few
touched this figure. Primes would have easily
brought 25c per cwt above this figure in car-"
load lots. There were no choice fresh cows iu
this week's offerings. Such wonld have com
manded $45 per head. The best offered sold at
$30 per head. The supply of calves was fully
equal to demand at a rango of 56c peril,
according to quality. Rough, heavy calves, or
wnat are Known to the trade as grassers, sold
at 23Kc per ft.
Sheep nnd Lnmbv.
The quality of offerings this week has hardly
been up to the standard. Few natives have been
on the market for a week or two past. AtHerr's
Island there were only 23 sheep and lambs on
sale this week, when 300 to 400 head is the usual
quantity. This morning there were three loads
on the market at East Liberty all Western
sheep. One of these loads, which averaged 102
lbs to the head, sold at $5 35 per cwt, acd an
other, averaging 112 lbs, brought 55 60. The re
maining load was offered at S3 63, but np to the
time of our leaving tho yards had found no
Western wcthers.lt seems, do not como to
our markets in as good condition as the home
grown. Where corn is in greatest abundance
it is most sparingly fed; and as our markets
have been largely dependent on tho West for
sheep and lambs of late, consumers have been
getting a larger share of dry, tough mutton
than usual.
The hog markets have been fairly steady this
week as compared with last. At Chicago
prices are a shade higher. Top prices there
this morning, according to advices received by
one of our leading pork packers, was $4 15, and
at East Liberty $4 304 35. At the latter yards
SI 40 was asked for a load this morning, but
buyers were not disposed to catch on. On the
12th of March, 1889, the top price of hogs at
East Liberty was $5 15, a difference of 75c per
cwt from rates to-day.
OlcCnll & Co.'a Weekly Review.
Good cold weather last week made a good
meat market, and butchers sold out, and the
auuiuy 01 came mai was on tne mansei mis
week sold rapidly at an advance of 10 to 25c
per cwt. Prine;i,S00 to 1,600 Its, Jl 604 85;
good. 1,200 to 1.400 tts, U 254 60; good
butcher grades. 1.000 to 1,300 fis, S3 604 10;
butcher grades, 900 to L100 fts, $3 604 00;
mixed lots, cows and heifers, S2 503 50; bulls
and fat cows, $2 253 50; fresh cows and
springers, very dull, general sales $25 0030 00.
Few extra cows higher.
The receipts ot hogs have been very light since
Monday, and the market has been active on
good and slow on common and light pigs.
We quote the market to-day as follows: Phila
delphia !4 3-5S4 40: best Yorkers, 4 25
4 35; common to fair Yorkers, H 10614 20; pigs,
J3 754 00; roughs. S3 254 00.
The receipts of sheep this week were fair,
and the market active at unchanged prices.
We quote sales as follows: Prime Ohio and
Indiana wethers, weighing 110 to 120 fbs,$5 65
6 00: good. 90 to 100 tts. S5 355 60; fair to
good mixed. 75 to 80 tts, S4 905 20: good
yearlings. 75 to 80 Its, ?5 255 50; fair to good,
50 to 60 Its, $4 254 75; good Iambs, 0 006 75;
common to fair, 55 005 50; veal calves, 110 to
.120 lbs, S5 506 00; heavy calves. 82 60(23 00;
spring lambs selling from 9 to 12c per tt.
By Telegraph.
New York! Beeves Receipts. 1,825 head;
firm and steady for all grades; poor to good
steers, $3 904 90; bills and dry cows, SI 75
3 12. Exports to-day 627 beeves and 2.760
quarters of beef. Dressed beef firm, S$i7i.o
tor sides. Calves Receipts, 864 head; dull and
weak tor all sorts; veals So 008 00 $ 100 Ss.;
grassers and Western calves at S2 253 75.
Sheen Receipts, 2,491 head; firm and steady
for good sheep; steadv for lambsjheep. $5 62K
456 25; lambs, S6 507 5a Hogs Receipts,
10,546 head; all direct to slaughterers; nomi
nally steady $4 254 65.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 13,500 head: ship
ments, 5.0C0 head; market weak and 10c lower;
beeves, 4 8005 10: steers, 3 4034 70: stockers
and feeders, $2 403 65; cows, bulls and mixed;
SI 403 50; Texas corn fed steers. $3 103 65; cuws,
S23 40. Hog! Receipts.24.000 head; shipments,
1,000 bead; market strong and a shade higher;
mixed, S3 904 15; heavy 3 95(gl 15: light. S4 Ou
4 2a Sheep Receipts, 6,000 bead; shipments,
1.000 bead; market steaav; natives, S3 755 90;
Western cornfed. 84 805 65; Texans, S3 75
5 15; lambs, S5 006 5a ,
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,300 head; ship
ments, 300 head; market strong; good to
fancy native steers, S4 305 00; fair to good do,
S3 304 40; stockers and feeders. J2 303 60:
range steers, $2 403 75. Hogs Receipts, 4,300
head; shipments, 1,500 head; market stronger;
fair to choice heavy, S3 954 05; packing grades,
53 M)34 00: light, fair to best, S3 854 00. Sheep
Receipts, 200 bead; market strong; fair to
choice. S4 005 SO: lambs, $5 00g6 20.
Kansas Citt Cattle Receipts. 5,626 head;
shipments, 3,300 head: market 1015c low
er; steers, S3 254 75: cows. SI 80(33 00;
stockers and feeders. S2 803 50. Hogs Re
ceipts. 6.700 head: shipments, 1,400 bead: mar
ket 510c higher; all grades. S3 774 05.
Sheep Receipts, 700 head; shipments, 200
head: market steady and unchanged.
Indianapolis Cattle Receipts. light; mar
ket steady and demand good; shippers. S2 50
4 60; butchers. $1 253 SO; bulls. SI 503 2o.
Hogs Receipts, 2,780 head; market a shade
lower; choice heavy and medium. S4 004 12K;
mixed, S3 9504 10; light, S4 004 12K- Sheep
Receipts light; market active; lambs, S3 50
6 00; sbeCD, S2 755 65.
Scnrclty of Car and Other Canies Reduce
Shipments Ovens That May be Idle
Ramon of a Coming Deal
A Week'. Statistic!.
SCOTTDAI.E, March 12. Shipments of coke
are still on the decline and tho coke trade can
not be said to be running in the same groove it
was the preceding fortnight, Thero has been
a radical change in the general situation,
which is attributed to cars being scarce and
consumers taking only immediate requirements.
The Indications are that shipments will be
greatly hindered this week on account of
scarcity of cars, which for two months past has
been unknown. The scarcity of cars and num
erous blockades are having their effect on
Eastern and Western shipments. There are
enough individual cars for the Mahoning and
Sbenango Valley trade.
The Puhxsutawney region resuming has had
no bad effect on Eastern trade, for tho coke
region, and it is almost safe to say that no or
ders have left the coke region on account of
tne auvance in price. iue car scnrclty may he
remedied in two weeks or oven less time, and
the situation which now seems greatly changed
and to the detriment of operators may be
made favorable again. The coke operators, ex
cept those who have their own cars, are com
plaining, and it may culminate in many of tho
plants laying off two days next week,
Noifn About the Woiki.
The H. C. Frick, McClnre and other large
coke companies will lay their work's idle one
dav each week until there is revival in trade.
The Parrisb. Palrchance. Stewart. Fountain
and other furnace plants may make six days a
week tor some time yet.
Rumor has it that the HC Frick Coke Com
pany are negotiating for the purchase of the
Fairchance furnace and ovens. An operator
stated to your correspondent to-day bo looked
for the deal to be consummated soon, as the
Frick Company was quite anxious for that
plant. It consists of 90 ovens, of which 84 are
at present in operation. It is located in the
southern end of the region.
The Mahoning plant of 100 ovens is idle again
on account of water accumulating in the mine,
and as a result tbe Camhrla iron Company,
owners, of which Isaac Taylor Is lessee, are
compelled to buy coke lor their individual use.
They operate ironworks lnjohastown. The
Hecla Company operated their works but lour
days last week.
Shipments last week averaged over 964 cars
per day, while tbe shipments ot the week be
fore averaged over 1.030 cars -ner day. The
shipments, with a total of 6,785 can. were du-
trlhuted ns follows: To points west of Pitts
burg. 3.425 cars: to Pittsburg and river, 1,260
cars; to points east of Pittsburg, 1.100 cars.
Shipment! nnd Price.
The shipments for the preceding week gave a
total of 6,180 cars, and were distributed as fol
lows: To points west of Pittsburg. 3,475 cars;
to Pittsburg and river points, 1,380 cars; to
points cast of Pittsburg. 1,325 ca.-s. Prices are
without change. Furnace, $3 15; foundry. $2 45;
crushed coke. $2 65.
Freight rates arc:
To Pittsburg fl 70
To Mahoning and bbenango Valleys 1 3o
To Cleveland. 0 1 70
To Buffalo, N. Y I
To Detroit, lllch...,, 2 35
To Cincinnati, 0... 2 65
To Louisville. Kt 3 20
To Chicago, 111 2 75
To Milwaukee. Wis .- 2 85
Tost. Louis, Mo 3 35
ToEasiSt. Louis 3 20
This will make prices at these points of con
sumption, as follows:
Point. Furnace. Foundry,
4 00
4 35
4 90
5 85
5 10
5 50
Flttsliur S2 85 S3 15
M. and s. Valleys 3 5-1 3 80
Cleveland 3 S5 4 15
Buffalo 4 40 4 70
Detroit 4 50 4 80
Cincinnati 4 80 5 10
Louisville 5 35 5 G
Chicago 4 90 5 20
Milwaukee &00 5 .IU
St. Louis 5 50 5 80
E. St. Louis 5 45 5 65
Wheat Slow nnd Uninteresting, but Frac
tionally Higher Hoc Products Gnln-
log In Acilvlty nnd Strength
Corn nnd Oata Qater.
Chicago Trade in wheat was rather slow to
day. Early in the morning there was a fair
business, but after that the market ruled
uninteresting. The market opened at yester
day's closing, advanced c, eased off some
and ruled quiet and steady and closed about He
higher than yesterday. There were no features.
Some crop damage reports wereaeain received.
Kansas reported colder weather after several
days' rain and some damage to the crop, though
from some other sources reports of damago
were denied. The Michigan State Agricultural
Department reported that, out of 851 corre
spondents, some 565 report more or less dam
age to wheat in February.
Corn was quiet and in the greater part of the
session very little interest being manifested.
The feeling was steady, a rather firmer under
tone being apparent. Operations were large'ly
local, a prominent trader selling largely of May.
The market opened a shade under the closing
yesterday, changed little, closing nearly the
same as yesterdav.
Oats were quiet and steady. May was the
only month traded in, and prices fluctuated
only i4c
Quite an active business was transacted in
pork, but the feeling was somewhat unsettled.
Shorts were anxious to purchase, while the
offers were moderate, and the competition be
tween buyers resulted in forcing prices up 15
20c. At the improvement offerings were en
larged, and prices gradually settled back again
K10c, and closed steady.
Lard A fairly active trade was reported.
Prices were advanced 25c in the middle of
the session, but sold back again, and closed
comparatively steady at about medium figures.
Short Rib Sides A moderately active trade
was reported, and the feeling was steadier,
though the improvement in prices was slight.
ne leaning imures rangea as rouows:
WHEAT No. 2, March, 7777277Q
77Kc: Mav. 78J478K7878,&c; July, 76
29K2929K29c; July. 30&a305a
tfATS-1fa 2 Ufarr.h mxam-XWi Mav ?W
21&21'421ic: June. 2020c.
Mess Pork, ner bbL M.ireh. S10 000)10 05
10 0010 02K:Mav,810 17K10 3510 1710 27K;
June, 510 22010 3010 22X010 SO.
Lard, per 100 lbs. March. 6 07K6 07&
6 0506 05; May. S6 108 156 106 10; June,
S6 12K6 15S6 12K66 I2K-
Short Ribs, per 100 Sis. March, SI 95
4 95; Mav. S5 005 004 97l5 00; June.
So 055 0o5 02X5 02.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm
to steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat.
77K77c: No. 3 spring wheat. 6773c: No. 2
red. 77Vi77c. No. 2 corn. 2856. No. 2 oats.
2020$a No. 2 rye, 42c No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 48. Prime timothy
seed. SI 18. Mess pork, per bbl, S10 1012 OU
Lard, per 100 lbs. 6 057 5a Short ribs sides
(Iooie), S4 9505 00; dry salted shoulders
(boxed). Si 304 40; short clear sides (boxed),
to 255 3a Sugars Cut loaf unchanged; gran
ulated unchanged: Standard "A" unchanged.
Receipts Flour. 13,000 barrels: wheat, 23,000
bushels: corn, 437.000 bushels: oats, 137,000
bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley. 66.000 bush
els. Shipments Flour. 7.000 barrels; wheat,
15,000 bushels: corn, 237,000 bnshels: oats, 124,
000 bushels; rye, 13,000 bushels; barley, 39,000
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was lower; fancy Elgin creameries,
2525c: finest Western, 23021c; fine, 2123c:
finest dairies, 2023c; fine, 1418c. Eggs. 12&
New York Flour dull and heavy; free
sellers. Cornmeal steady. Wheat Spot dull;
options dull; c up. and weak. Rye
strong. Barley quiet. Barley malt quiet. Corn
Spot steady and less active; options dull;
!4c down, and steady. Oats Spot steady and
quiet; options dull and easier. Coffee Options
opened barely steady 1025 points down; closed
firm, 10 points down to 10 points up; sales,
60,750 bags, including March, 17.S018.0Oc: April,
17.7017.90c; May, 17.5517.75c; Junp, 17.50
17.65c; July, 17.S517.45c: August. 17.2S17.45c;
September. 17.2517.30c; Octiber, 17.35c; No
vember, 16.9017.00c; December, 16.8517.05c:
January, 10.8016.S5c; spot Rio firm ana active;
fair cargoes, 20c; No. 7 flat bean, 19c
Sugar Raw firm; fair refining, 5 S-16c; centri
fugals, 96 test. 611-16c; refined fairly
active and firm. Molasses Foreign firm; New
urieans strong, nice nrm ana in lair demand.
Cottonseed oil strong. Tallow strong: city (S2
for packages). 4c Rosin quiet. Turpentine
easier and quiet at 42Jc. Eggs easier; Western,
14c; receipts 10.718 packages. Pork firm; mess,
old, S10 2510 75: do, new. Sll 00U 50; extra
prime, S9 259 75. Cutmeats quiet; pickled
bellies, $5 005 37; pickled shoulders. ?4 37X
4 50; pickled hams, S3 62K8 87: middles quiet;
Biiori. ciear, 90 00. jjaru stronger; casn wanted
for export; Western steam, JO 45 bid: sales. 350
tierces at S6 45; options, sales, 5,000 tierces;
Marcb, S6 43; April, S6 43 bid; May. S6 48. clos
ing at $6 44 but: June, 56 47; July. S6 506 53,
closing at S6 50; August, S6 55; September, S6 60;
October, S6 64. Butter steady and in fair de
mand; Western dairv. 518c: do creamery, 13
26c: do held at 815c; do factory, eiilUc; El
gin, 27c Cheese strong; fair trade; Western.
PuiLADELrniA Flour steady but quiet.
Wheat firm, and prices of options advanced
Ha under light offerings and stronger reports
trom the West; bigh grades scarce and firm,
but demand from millers very m derate; re
jected, 6070c: fair to good milling wheat. 75
82c; prime to fancy. 8591c: ungraded on track.
85c; No. 1 red, in export elevator, 82c No. 2
red. March. 82K82?fc: April, 83K84c: Mav,
ol85c; June, S4K84Jc Corn quiet: No.
4 mixed, and yellow, track and grain depot, 31c;
steamer No. 2 high mixed in grain depot, 36c;
No. 2 mixed in grain depot. 36?$; No. 2 mixed,
March, 353.c; April, 3535c; May, 35
35c; June, 3636c. Oats Local trade de
mand light, but prices ruled steady; No. 2
mixed, 28ic; ungraded white, 29K; No. 3 white
2929Jic; No. 2 white, 30c; futures dull and
nominal; No. 2 white March, 2829c; April.
2829c: May. 2Si2Sc; Juue 282Sc.
Eggs dull and weak; Pennsylvania firsts, 14
Minneapolis Receipts of wheat for the
Sast 24 hours were 211 cars, with shipments of
Icars. The early demand for cash wheat.
from tho sample, was slow and came princi
pally from local millers. Still the day's busi
ness aggregated quite large, and was railed
fairly satisfactory by most dealers. Prices ob
tained were a little nigber than those of yester
day for similar grades, due moro to the better
tone reported from outside markets than to
any activity in the general demand, excepting
from home millers, who bought quite freely a
portion of the day. Cloed quotations: No. 1
hard, March. 76-c: April, 77c: May, 78c: on
track, 77Mc; No. 1 Northern. 75c; April. 75c;
May, T!c: on track, 76i76Kc: No. 2 North
ern, Marcb, 73Jic; Arnl, 73c; May, 75Jc; on
track, 7475c.
St. Louis FIouV quiet and unchanged
Wheat Trading extremely licht at the open,
ing. but after the Hist call was more active;
the close was firm, with May Hc, June Wc
July !4SlAo and August Jjc above yesterday
No. 2 red. cash, 76c; May closed at 76e bid;
June, 76c bid; July. 7373c bid: August.
,tJ?s,uZ2u ulu iui" uujii ... ujijeu, casu,
24Ji25c; April closed at 25K25c bid; Mav.
2Uc bid. Oats No 2 cash, 20c bid; May. WHS1
21c hid; Marcb, 20c bid. Rye No 2. 4040c
bid. Barley Demand moderate; Wisconsin, 50c.
Provisions firmer but quiet. Pork higher at
S1037. Lard a little lower.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
trifle stronger: No. 2, on track, cash, 7172c
-XI.... Tna.. XT- 1 XTn,v.A.n Oil. , . . . '
A'iaj, 'TSV, i.w. nuiniBm,ojy4U lurn steady.
it:, aukive, x.r. a. iu diuic i-7ft. .oariey
No. 2 In store. S9Vic.
Provisions higher.
10 05. Lard, 6 03.
Toledo Cloverseed dull, easier: cash, and
March $3 15; April, S3 10.
Carter's Little Liver Pills,
Carter's Little Liver Puis.
-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
'-Carter's Little Liver PUls.
A Drop in Elgin Creamery Choice
Swiss Cheese Very Firm.
Tho Looked-For Advance in Coffees and
Sugars Comes Not.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, J
WtDNESEAY, March 12, lsua
Country Prodnce Jobbing; Prices
Creamery butter is off lc at Elgin this week,
and our quotations are reduced lo correspond.
Choice grades of domestic Swiss cheese are
very firm, and prices are likely soon to advance.
The same is true of all good cheese. Poultry
supply is largely up to demand and prices are
firm. There is a scarcity of fancy apples and
outside quotations are easily obtained. The
demand for seeds is very slow for the time of
year. The condition of roads is such that farm
ers are not yet able to get through for their
purchases. Plowing, too, bas been delayed by
rains. When tbe weather and roads will per
mit, a big rush is looked for by seedsmen, in
order to make np for lost time.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 29Q30c; Ohio do,
27J8c; fresh dairy packed, 2223c; country
roll-, 1920e.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 82 002 25;
medium. SI 7S2 00.
Beeswax 252Sc 33 ft for choice; low grade.
Cideh Sand refined, J7 50; common, S4 50
5 00: crab cider. S8 008 50 ff barrel; cider
vinegar. 1012c gallon.
Cheese Ohio, llllc; New York. 11p;
Limburgcr, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, 13
14c: imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eoos 1510c straight V dozen for strictly
Fruits Apples, fancv, S3 754 25 ?) barrel;
cranberries, 54 C04 25 a crate; strawberries.
KiHUUC a Dox.
Featiiers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c: mixed lots, 3035c fl ft.
Maple Syrup New. SI 00I 25 a can.
Poultry Live chickens 80085c a pair:
dressed, 1213c a pound; ducks. 75cSI 13 pair;
live turkeys, 1314c ft; dressed turkeys, 16
17c ft ft.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fti to bushel. $4 00
53 bushel; clover, large English, 62 ft', S4 35
4 60; clover, Alsike, S8 00; clover, white. S9 00;
timothy, choice, 45 fts, SI 601 70; blue gras,
extra clean, 14 fts, SI 251 30; blue grass, tancy,
14 fts, SI 30: orchard gras , 14 fts, SI 40; red top,
14 ft?, SI 00; millet. 50 fts, SI 00; Hungarian
grass, 50 ft;. SI 00; lawn gras, mixture of fine
grasses, S2 50 V bushel of 14 fts.
Tallow Country, 35i city rendered, 4c
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, S3 00
3 50, fancy, S4 004 50; riorida oranges. S4 00
4 25, Valencia, S5 007 00 for 420 case, Jamaica.
S7 00 a barrel; bananas, 5175222 00 firsts, SI 00
I2"good seconds, $1 bunch; cocoanuts, S4 00
4 50 l hundred; dates. 67c ft; layer figs,
12K15c. m
Vegetables Potatoes, from store. 5560c:
on track, 450c; new Southern cabbage. S3 75
one barrel crate: Dutch cabbage, S17 00 hun
dred: celery. 40c dozen; Jersey sweet pota
toes, S4 254 50 a barrel; turnips, SI 251 50 a
barrel; onions, S4 254 50 a barrel, SI 50l 75 $
bushel; Bermuda onions, S3 75 bushel crate;
parsnips. S2 252 50 VI barrel.
Buckwheat Flour Si 752 00.
The expected rise in coffees and sugars has
not yet materialized, but cannot much longer
be delayed. Coffee options keep steadily mov
ing up 7ard, and packages are now ridiculously
low. U is certain that both coffee and sugar
are on .he verge of a rise.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2425c; choice
Rio, 2223c; prime Rio 22c; low grado Rio,
2021c: old Government Java, 2829c; Mara
caibo, 2527c; Mocha, 2931c; Santos 21
25c; Caracas 242tic; La Guayra. 2526c.
Roasted (In paper) Standard brands,
25c; high grades. 2630c; old Govern
ment Java, hulk, 3334c; Maracaibo, 2S29c:
Santos. 2630c: peaberry. 30c; choice Rio, 26c;
prime Rio, 24c; good Rio, 23c; ordinary 21
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1718c:allspice 10c;
cassia. 8c: pepper, 17c: nntmec, 708Oc
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7Jic;
Ohio. 120 8c: headlight, 150 8c: water
white, 10c; globe. 1414c: elaine, 14c; car
nadlne, llc; royallne, 14c; globe red oil, 11
Uc; purity, 14c
Miners' OIL No. 1 winter strained. 4445c
TP gallon; summer. 4043c. Lard oil. 6065c.
Syrup Corn syrup. 2629c; choice sugar
syrup. 3638c; prime sugar syrup. 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335e: new maple syrup. 9Uc
N. O. Molasses Fancv. new crop. 4850c;
choice, 47c; medium, 3S43c; mixed, 40i42c.
Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 3H3Kc: bi-carh in
s, 5jc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c;
sal-soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 8c; stearine,
$1 set, 8c; parafflne. ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina. 6J7c: choice, 6i
6c; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 56Jc.
Starch Pearl, ?c; cornstarch, o6c; gloss
starch, 4Jf7c.
Foreign Fruits Layer ralsln. $2 65: Lon
don lavers, S2 75; California London layers,
12 75; Muscatels. ?2 40: California Muscatels.
$2 25; Valencia. 7Jc: Ondara Valencia.
9c: sultana, lie: currants, 55e: Turkey
prunes, 55c; French prunes. 710c: Salon
ica prunes, in 2-ft package. SKc; cocoanuts. )
100. S6; almonds, Lan., ft, 20e; do Ivlca. 17c;
do, shelled, 40c: walnuts, nan., 1415c; Sicily
filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 1213c: new dates, 6
6e; Brazil nuts, lie; pecan. ll15c; citron,
ft, 1819c; lemon peel, 18c fj ft; orange pee),
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 6c; ap
ples, evanorated, 9c: apricots, California, evap
orated. 1516c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
21fJ2Gc; peaches. California, evaporated, un
pared, 1819c: cherries, pitted. 1313c; cher
ries, unpitted. 56c: raspberries, evaporated,
26027c; blackDerries, 77c; huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes, 74c; powdered, 7c; granu
lated. 6?c: confectioners' A. 6Jic: standard A.
6c: snt white, 6K8Ke: yellow, choice, 5
6c; yellow, good, SWac; yellow, fair, 5
6?ic; vellow, dark, 55c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200). S7 00; me
dium, half bbls (600). $4 00.
Salt No. L fl bbl. toe; No. 1 ex. l bbl. SI 00;
dairy. $ bbl. SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-ba sacks, S2 80: Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft packets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25;2ds, SI 651 80: extra peaches, S2 400260;
pie peaches. 95c: finest corn. SI 001 50: Hid Co.
corn, 6085c: red cherries, S085c: Lima beans,
51 20: soaked do, 80c; string do 60B5e; mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 708(,c,
pineapples. SI 3II1 40; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c; greengages. SI 25; egg
plums, S2 00; California pears. S2 40; do green
gages, SI 85; do egg plums. SI 85: extra white
cherries. $2 40; raspberries, 95cl 10: straw
berries. SI 10; gooseberries. $1 301 40; toma
toes, 8085c; salmon, 1-ft. $1 05I 90; black
berries, 65c: succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c;
do green. 2 ft, SI 2301 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans,
52 05; 14 ft cans. $14 00: baked beans, SI 451 50;
lobster, 1-ft. SI 80I 90; mackerel. 1-ft cans,
broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestic. (-, S4 25
4 50; sardines, domestic. s, S6 757 00: sar
dines, imported. Us, Sll S0I2 50: sardines, im
ported. s. 118 00: sardines, mustard, S3 50; sar
dines, spiced, S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 136 fl
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. S40: extra No. 1 mack
erel, shore. S32; extra No. 1 do, mess, 38: No. 2
shore mackerel, $24. Codflsh Whole pollock.
4c $1 ft: do medium. George's cod. 6c: do
large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 4c; do
George's cod in blocks. 67c Herring
Round shore, S5 OOP bbl: split. So 50; lake, $2 90
WlOO-ftbbl. Whireflsh. S6 50 13 100-ft half bbL
Lake trout. So 60 y ball bbl. Finnan haddock,
10c fl ft. Iceland halibut. 13c W ft. Pickerel,
half bbl. 13 00; quarter bbl. $1 35; Potomac her
ring. S5 00 W bbl; $2 50 fl half bbl.
Oatmeal 6 006 25 fl bbl.
Grnlo, Flour nnd Feed.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange, 5 cars
of choice No. 2 white oats.28Jc, April delivery.
Receipts as bulletined, 40 cars. By Pittsburg.
Ft. Wayne and Chicago, Gears of com, 9 of hay,
1 of middlings, 4 of oats, 1 of barley, 1 of straw,
3 of (flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St.
Louis. 4 cars of corn, 2 of hay, 2 of bran, 3 of
oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars ot bay.
By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of hay, 1 of
feed. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of ear
corn. While there are no changes in the cereal
situation, there is a strong nndertone of confi
dence in the future of markets. Prices are
steady all along thellne.
Prices below are for csrload'Iots on track:
WllEAT New No. 2 red, 83Sfci No. 3, 780
Corn No. z vellow, ear, new, 373Sc; high
mixed, now, 3433c: No. 2 yellow, shelled, old,
3837c; new, 3S36c. Rejected shelled corn,
Oats No. 2 white. 27K28c; extra, No. 3. 27
27JSC: mixed. 24t1233c.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5354c;
No. 1 Western, 5152&
FloUr Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, ti 755 25; winter straight.
S-J50l5: clear winter. $4 0(hffi4 25: straight
XXXX bakers', 754 00. Rj e flour. $3 25
3 50.
Mtllfeed Middlings, fine white, $15 500
17 00 W ton: brown middlings. 14 00014 50;
v. inter wheat bran. 13 00013 25: chon feed.
15 5016 00.
Hay Bailed timothy. No. 1, $11 5012 00:N o. '
2 do, 9 00Q9 50: loose from wagon, Sll 00014 00,
accordlng to quality: No. 2 prairie hay, 17 000
8 W; packingdo 757 00. "
Btraw Oat, S3 757 00; wheat and rye.
$5 006 25.
8ugar-cnred hams, large, 9c; sugar
cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, small, 10c: sugar-curCd break
fast bacon, 7Jc; sngar-cnred shoulders.
5c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders. TJc;
sugar-cured California hams, lc; sugar-cured
dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef
sets. 10c: sngar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c:
bacon, shoulders. 5c: bacon, clear side. 7c:
bacon clear bellies, 7c: dry salthouIders.54c;
dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy, $11 UO:
mess pork, family, S12 00. Lard Refined, in
tierces, 5c: half-barrels, 5c: 60-ft tubs, 5Jfc;
20-ft pails, 6c; 50-ft tin cans. 5c: 3-ft tin paiK
6Kc; 5ft tin pails. 6Kc; 10-ft tin pail, 5c: 5-ft
tin pails, 6c Smoked Sausage, long. 5c; large,
5c Fresh pork links. 9c Bonelets hams.
10c Pigs' feet, half-barrels, $4 00; quarter
barrels, 2 15.
There is still a shortage of hemlock lumber,
but Supplies are crming in more freely than a
week age and any danger of a famine in this
line is past. There is a good demand for all
building materials, and prospects are good for
a prosperous year to our lumbermen.
Clear boards, per 31 fS10Ug.1i 00
Xelert common boards, per M 30 00
Common boards per M 20 00
Mieathlng 18 00
Pine irame lumber per M 22 00S27OO
Shingles, So. L 18 in. per II 500
Shingles, So. 2, 181n. per M 37S
Lath tOU
Ash, Ito 4 in $40 00355 00
Klack walnut, green, log run JOtta.V)00
III ck walnut, dry, log run WOOr&TSOO
Cherry 40 OOraso 00
Ureen -white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 OOJ&S 00
lfry wniteoaK plane, zio a in. .......... vtxmt uu
Dry white oak boards, I In
West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch
West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch
West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In
Hickory, lKto3fn..
Hemlock building lumber, perM
Rank rails
Hoat studding:
Coal car plank
Clear boards, per M $ ROM
iurface boards .. 30o03r.00
Clear, K-inch beaded celling 26 00
Partition boards, perM 35 00
Flooring, Ho. 1 30 00
Flooring, Ho. 2 23 00
Yellow pine floorlug XC04O00
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1.... 30 00
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 2500
Weather-boarding, j-lnch 2000
Ash $30 ooac 00
Walnut log run, green 5 00(343 00
Walnut log run. dry M00r&50 00
White oak plank, green 17 00319 00
White oaK plank, dry 20 00(3122 00
White oak boards, dry lSOoiaaoo
West Va. yellowplne. I In 19 00(3:1 00
WestVa. yellowplne, lU In 3) 00(305 00
Yelloir poplar IS (WoCS 00
Hickory, 1 to 3 in. 20 00(325 on
Hemlock 10 00ll 00
Bunk rails 14 00
Boat studding. J4 00
Coal car plank iSOO
Local Stock,
And investment brokers. McKee & Hagan,
111 Fourth ate. After April 1, 108 Fourth
ave. " ttsu
GAGEES, executors and administrators
ot estates, savings bank, life insurance com
panies, and to all having property to insure,
and who desire companies of solid worth.
We Insure any actual loss of rents from
buildings becoming untenantable by fire In
case of total or partial loss by fire of your
building, tho rent ceases, at least for the time
it is untenantable Why not permit the insur
ance company take tbe place of tbe tenant
and pay you the rent until the building is
either repaired or rebuilt, and thus pocket
your income?
Insurance effected In the largest and strong
est Companies doing business, and at the lowest
rates consistent with safety. Apply at once to
J. W. Arrott, Insurance Offices,
Embroidery and White Goods Department
direct importation from tbe- best manufac
turers of St Gall, in Swiss and Cambrio Edg
ings, Flouncing, Skirt Widths and Allovers.
Eemstitched Edgings and Flouncings. Buyers
will find these goods attractive both in price
and novelties of design. Full lines of New
Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE
PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in
dado and plain or spring fixtures. Lace Cur
tains, Portieres, Chenille Curtains, Poles and
Brass Trimmings: Floor, Table and Stair Oil
Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest variety from which to select,
TollDuNords, Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersuck
ers, Imperial Suitings. Heather & Renfrew
Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams.
Wholesale Exclusively.
jas. im & BRO.,
With an Increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than) by tbe old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. JUB-1S-TT3
JAS. D. CALLER ..President
JOHN W. TAYLOR .....Cashier
Capital and surplus. 5130, (XXX
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
A purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Blmplyapply "Swatxe'b Ointment.
No In.
ternai medicine required
Cures tetter, eczema.
Itch, erysipelas, all
unsightly eruptions on tbe
face, hands, nose, etc.. ieavins; the skin clear.
white and healthy. ID great bcallngand curative
powers are possessea oy no otner remeay. ask
your druiotist lor svayne's ointment. sc24
lr. Snccessfnl when all
ijujie.is "j rrcii jrai. in
visible Tabular Car Cosh
inn. WnisDera hnard rit.tin-..
Ir. Snccessfnl when all remedies f&u. Write or call for
illustrated book FREE. Sold only by P. HISCOX.
Boil crooawa, cor. Iltnst., new xork. Ito agents.
York. No agents.
Nervk Bsatvs cure all nerrom weakness in either lex,
actio? on the Nerves. Brain and other organs. An oiflui
curt tux all male and female weakness. Lost memory, bad
dreams and aTersIoa to society positively cored. $x per box.
postpaid. Six boxes. Jc Address Nerve Bean Co., BaJtilo,
N.T. AtJoscpbncmifis;tkSoa'iiiaMiiketSu
30 0025 00
25 0030 00
13 00 ii 00
14 00
14 00
14 00
18 00
rrTiy nirrvjnWTcvi 1 .'i -
h$Bm -RSgSwi
Presents in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
S-5r:E?L"U2P OS1 XGS
As old residents know and back files of Pitts,
bnrg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
rromnspon-Mirrr mt P RCn
sible nersonsl
MrrRn Q and mental diseases, physical
IlLM V uUu decay. nervousdeoility. lackoC
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business society and mar-
riage. permanently, saieiy ana privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular,
swellings, ulcerations of tongne, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 Rl M A R V Sidney and bladder derange.
U nlll Mm T ments, weak back. graveL
catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience)
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If
here. Office hours 9 A. if. to 8 r. Jl. Sunday.
10 A. Jf. to IP. M. only. DR.WH1TTIER, 814
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
Nerve and Brain Treatment
Specific for hysteria, dizziness, fits, neuralgia,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of
tbe brain, resulting in insanity and leading to
misery, decay and death, prematura old age,
barrenness, loss of power in either sex, involun
tary losses, and spermatorrhea caused by over,
exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence.
Each box contains one month's treat,
xnent. $1 a box, or six for S3, sent by mail pre
paid. With each order for six boxes, will send
purchaser guarantee to refund money if tha
treatment falls to cure. Guarantees issnedan4
genuine sold only by
No. 1701 Penn ave., cor. Seventeenth street.
N 0. 2401 Penn ave., cor. Twenty-fourth street,
Cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton street.
- . . 1 1 t
SPECIALISTS in all cases ra.
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S is tbe oldest and
most experienced specialise In
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Offlca
hours 9 to i and 7 to 8 P. M,; Sundays. Zto i P.
M.Consult them personally, or write. DoctohS
LAKE. 32S Penn are., Pituburg, Pa.
oo3s's Cotton. "Root;
.Composed of Cotton Boot, Tansy and
Pennyroyal a recent oiscovery Dy aa
old cbvsician. Is succeesfuUu used
monthly Sate, EffectuaL Price $L by mail,
sealed. Ladies, ask your drnzglst for Cook's
Cotton Root ComDound and take no substitute.
or inoloso 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 FiatsX
Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich,
4c4TSold In Pittsburg. Pi. by Joseph Flens,
Ing &3on. Diamond and Market sts. se28-ZI
Safe od lwyj reliable. Ladle, frt
ask DraBijt for Diamond Brand.Wk2&
in rea, meunio doxp. semiea wiin vt
bla ribbon. Take no other. An V
pILts la pasteboard boxn with pink wrap
pen are dAtirerouarounterfVlta. Send
4e (stamps) for particulars, testimonial
ana -jieiier xor iiaaiM," m utttr, oj
return mm. iarc roper.
-W'ilflDS Sealed Treatise, Explainlnsr my
hM.Aiiewsnl perfect IIOMB CURE.
TanRjIforLo,t or Faluns Manhood, Ner
Jl rtUrSW vous Debility, Lack otVlsor and
Development, Premature Decline. Functional Dl
orders, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, etc
Alirea SI HA25T03 CO., 19 Park Pla:s, HsrTni.
snayroyal Fills!
Safe aad latsUlble. ttaaraateed SOpreaatstrasvr
tbM tb. M-.IJi Kag-Iub. article sad abaalatalr
learn. Drnrtiiu trtrywhere, r brnall. SI. bt
ioc'MdtlMtaLadlea." SpeelHeSed.O-.I'alli
Scad 4a.
SpeelUe Bed. Ca-, rkna, rs
fe27-23 TTSWk
eufferin;? from the effects ot youthful errors, early
decay, wasting weakness, lose nuuihood, eta. Iwlfl
send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full
particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A
splendid medical work : should be read by every
man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,
Prof. F. C. FOWLER, HXoodna,ConB.
Sxirxsr Fan. A, victim
eausine Premntnre Decar.
j viavuntu UUUi UUCl,w.
y. ervoti9 Debility, Lost.
Manhood, ta, btag tried in ram every known'rem
u j . mm iijsc-u.crcu wmnie means ot selt-cnre. wnlcls
he win send (sealed! FREE to his fellow.TOnren.
Address. J. H. REEVES, P.O. Box 3280, Kew York dry.
TOU Want tOKntmr -whit vn ,
-?nyf! erm for special circular relative)
a prompt and permanent enre for Nervous
?.biUt-JJfakneS8 etc- friceSl per box. WIN
CHESTER & CO., Chemists. 162 William st,
J- y- royll-24-TTSWlc
For men! Checks tha worst cases In thresj
days, and cores In five days. Price $1 00. at
, , J. FLEMdU-a DRUGSTOKi; w
17 T ls
, ---l.
- f