Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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i "; Injected Into the Woman Suffrage
V Movement by Able Leaders.
"With Men in Ihe Wage Earning Line Also
an Important Step.
"Washington, February 23. The ses
"" sions of the "Woman's Suffrage Conyention
held here last week were not so well at
tended as the debates noon the site of the
World's Fair. This is proof that the minds
of the masses turn more naturally to cir
cuses than the questions of human justice.
So long as the Soman slaves had bread they
preferred circuses to liberty, and I suppose
it is very ranch the same with the uncon
scious slaves of this day. A bit of fun,
some extraordinary novlty, compensated
for days of misery.
Very few people of the capital appeared
to take any interest in the "Woman's Con
gress, and the women themselves as little as
the men. "Women, who have actually no
liberty and equality under the law, took far
"less interest in the Movement ol those would
be emancipators of their sex than the de
based negro slaves of 30 or 40 years ago
took in the acts of the Abolitionists who
were struggling to secure their freedom.
This is the history of human evolution from
the beginning. A few enthusiasts do the
.thinking, the inventing, the agitating and
finally the mass come to their way ot look
ing at things and a forward movement is
taken which" is the climax of a revolution.
It is a long and weary road for the early re
formers. The prime actors die and others
take their places, who, being in at the death,
)erhaps take the better Dart of the credit.
"William Lloyd Garrison, "Wendell Phillips,
and their co-workers, are far less in the
minds of the people than Grant and Lin
coln, and yet it was snch as Garrison and
Phillips who made Grant and Lincoln
Hiss Susan B. Anthony celebrated her
70th birthday early in the week. For half
a century she has labored with her might to
make woman something more tban the mere
slave and plaything of man. It was indeed
pathetic to see the gray-haired veteran sur-
rounded by fellow workers as old or older
than she, holding a council of war,
upon tbe eve ot death, as it were,
to infuse into the yonnger captains
and generals something of their own high
born and never flagging, enthusiasm.
To those interested in the movement it
must have been gratifying in the extreme to
see that the ranks of the advance guard will
sot be depleted by the death or retirement
of the veterans. The seats of the delegates
were crowded by yonng and middle-aged
women not yet known to fame,
but full of fire and ability, giving
.the best evidence of the strides
the movement is making. There appears to
be no danger of a lack of leaders. "What
they lack is followers. These they are get
ting, too, by the thousand. The reports
from all parts ol the country were full of
encouragement. Tbe veterans expressed
a beliet they would lire to see the fran
chise granted to women in many of the
Most important, however, is the new
spirit that is creeping into tbe movement.
It has always had a great deal of the re
ligious spirit in it, as though it were ex
creted that the church. snDnorted as it is
principally by women, would espouse their
cause and demand the franchise in the name
of God and humanity. But it is a growing
belief, with many of the leaders at least,
that too close an association with church
influences retards rather than has
tens the movement. Several of tbe
foremost sneakers and writers of the con
vention have assured me that it is their con
viction that the mass of clergymen are op
posed to woman suffrage because they fear
St will lead to an independence of reasoning
that would lessen their subservience to
preacher and priest
"Whether it be founded on a correct as
sumption or not the conviction has grown
amazingly, and out of it will probably
shortly grow a new organization wholly
Becular, not opposed to the church, but di
vorcing the movement from it and making
those joining it independent of the influ
ence of clergymen as such. Mrs. Matilda
Joslyn Gage is probably the leader of the
schism, but it has enlisted many of the ablest
advocates of woman suffrage, among them
the brilliant Caroline Everhard McCul
lough, one of the most fearless, radical and
able of the orators and writers.
Yet more important, perhaps, as marking
the evolution of thought in the movement,
is the growing recognition of the fact that
the radical and far-reaching movement for
the industrial liberty of all wage workers
means the complete enfranchisement and
equality of women with men. Every plat
form of a labor organization, every enuncia
tion of principles by Socialists, contains a
declaration tor perfect equality in law and
practice for women with men.
This has naturally led possibly a ma
jority of the strongest thinkers of the move
ment to espouse tbe more radical theories
of the mass of modern industrial
. economists, who advocated ownership
and operation of the means of
prodnction and distribution by
ine peopie at large, an to ne operated upon
a scientific system, which shall insure work
and a comfortable subsistence for all and
render each individual wholly independent
of the domination and hates and whims of
any other individual.
Rotable among these most advanced rea
soners of the sufiragist leaders here this
week was Mrs. Blatch, of London, a daugh
ter ol Mrs. Elizabeth Cody Stanton. Mrs.
Blatch was probably listened to with deeper
attention than any other speaker when she
outlined the progress of the movements for
liberty and equality in England, which she
truly declared to be a quarter of a century
behind tbe United States. "What states
man in America," she exclaimed, "would
dare to say, with Sir William Har
court, 'we are all Socialists in En
gland to-davl' Beferring to a recent
incident at the Biggs House, when a South
ern member or Congress jumped up from the
dinner table and rnshed lrom the dintnt
room when he found a colored man seated
at his table, Mrs. Blatch said that such an
occurrence would be impossible among En-
flishmen, and she blushed with shame for
er country when she heard Bobeit Purvis
say he was tiring of the irrepressible conflict
between the blacks and whites, the constant
contempt and oppression of his race, and
had almost determined to go to England to
end his days.
The news from Germany of the vast in
crease of the vote of the "State Socialists
fare great gratification to most of the
eiders, and to me this new and growing in
terest in what most of the modern students
of economy have agreed is the only solution
of the social question, and the only salva
tion of society, is one of the most significant
and important features pti the struggle for
woman suffrage. E. "W. L.
A Compliment to BIr. Connelly.
"W. C. Connelly, Jr., manager of the
Associated Press, will leave next Sunday
fofMbville, Tcnn,, to report the proceed
ings of the National Bepnblican Leagues
Convention at that place.
Special to-day New English style
suitings, best spring styles, CO inches wide,
sold everywhere at f 1 20 and Jl 25 a yard,
on sale to-day at CI a yard. Come early for
choice. Jos. Hobse & Co.'s
Peon Avenue Stores.
D Vo Want a New Sprta Wrnpf
Ton can find the best at The People's
Store. Xmrgeit stock, lowest prices.
Campbell & Dice.
The Title to Over 1,000,000 Acres In Vir
ginia In Dlipnte The LeeUlntnre
Asked to Anna) Pnfents Ob
tained in 1700.
Eichsiond, February 2a A bill is pend
ing in the Virginia Legislature which, if it
could be successfully carried through, would
be worth a big fortune to those interested.
This measure involves the title to over a
million acres of land in Southwestern Vir
ginia, in what are now the richest mineral
and grain lands of the State. The story of
this claim is substantially this:
Some time prior to theyear 1700 a gentle
man of the name of Walcott obtained
patents from the colony for immense tracts
of lands in what are now Wise, Buchanan,
Bussell, Lee and other counties on the
border of Tennessee and Kentucky. At
that period, and for many years subsequent
ly, these lands were a wild waste and hard
ly worth the taxes for which they were as
sessed. In time Walcott and bis heirs de
faulted in payment of the taxes, and tbe
lands reverted to the Commonwealth.
From time to time they were taken
up by others, who passed the title
as it was disposed of in
course of trade during the past century or
more. Now Mr. C. N. Boyce, claiming to
represent the Walcott heirs, asks the Legis
lature to allow the State Auditor to compro
mise with them for the delinquent taxes for
which these lands were disposed of. That
action would place the claimants in a
position where they aright institute pro
ceedings for the restoration of these lands.
The Senate Finance Committee unani
mously reported against the bill. Some of
the lands which the Walcotts owned are
now occupied by iron furnaces and other
prosperous manufacturing enterprises, and
are worth many millions of dollars.
Their Scheme to Prevent the Captnre of
Tbelr Keslllnct.
New York. Times. J
"About 20 years ago," said an old rail
road builder, "I was engaged in building a
big Western road, and one spring day we
pitched our camp on the banks of one of the
turbulent rivers of the region and settled
down for a three months' job on a ravine
bridge. A few days later we noticed an
eagle's nest perched up the bluff across the
river, and the following Sunday two of our
men swam the stream during the absence of
the old birds and brought back two vigorous
eaglets with them.
"We hurriedly patched up a pen of pine
slabs for the captives, making it about seven
feet square and leaving lots of space be
tween the slabs on the top and sides, so that
we could have a good look at thesauallintr
bunches of feathers. The parent birds came
back about noon, and when they found
their little ones gone they kicked up a
frightful row and flew about in search of
them as if they were distracted. When they
finally discovered where the eaglets were
they circled around in the air over the pen,
keeping out of reach of our rifles, and
shrieked advice to their chicks about keep
ing up their spunk and making themselves
comfortable as plainlv as human beings
"Then the old birds flew away and came
back after a little with two big fish in their
talons. They circled and circled around
over the pen, and finally let the fish drop
straight as a die right between the slabs in
the roof. They kept up this performance
every day for a fortnight, and never in all
that time did they miss hitting the pen with
the fish they dropped. Their parental affec
tion and intelligence so worked on us that
we put the eagles back on the other side of
tbe river again, and I tell you it was really
affecting to see tbe way those two old birds
hung around and caressed their offspring.
They seemed to understand after that that
we were friendly to them, and during the
rest of the time we were there they flew all
abont the camp, and had no hesitation in
coming down to pick up the scraps of meat
and flesh we would throw to them."
A Move to Abolish tbe Return Bequest
Falls of Success.
"Washington, February 23. Efforts
have been made at various times by inter
ested parties to prohibit all printing by the
Government upon stamped envelopes, and
also to put a stop to the manufacture and
sale of such envelopes. The motive is
obvious enough. Some printer takes a
notion that he might get more printing to
do if the Government did not
print for stamped envelope pur
chasers the special request card.
He finds a maker of envelopes who thinks
he might sell more envelopes if stamped
envelopes could not be obtained at any
postoffice. 'Jhe two, acting together or in
dependently, get up petitions tbe easiest
task in the world and some obliging mem.
oer 01 uongress puts in a bill to accomplish
their desires. Snch efforts to do away with
the Government printing on stamped envel
opes and the envelopes themselves as hav
been made heretofore have failed, and the
older the system grows the less likely is
anv fnture attempt to meet with success.
These efforts began as far back -as the
Forty-first Congress, and were continued in
the Forty-second and Forty-sixth Con
gresses. The latest is in the shape of a bill
introduced by Senator Cullom last month,
which proposes to repeal the law permitting
the Postmaster General to have return re
quests printed on envelopes. -Ithasmetthe
same fate as all former measures of the same
sort, tor the Committee on Postoffices and
Post Boads has reported against it, and on
the committee's recommendation the bill
has been indefinitely postponed.
An Ex-Connctlmnn of tbe Soulbilde Fnsiei
A war Unexpectedly.
Ex-ConncilmanTerrence Murphy, of 1407
Carson street, Southside, died last night at
11 o'clock. On "Wednesday last Mr.
Murphy had been sick less than a week.
On last "Wednesday he had a severe attack
of la grippe which developed into pneu
monia. Dr. Jos. Dickson and Dr. J. M.
Duff were his physicians, but their skill
could not cope with the dread disease, and
death overtook him.
Mr. Murphy was one of the blst known
citizens of the Southside. He served the
Twenty-eighth ward for two terms in Com
mon Council. He distinguished himself on
the free bridge question and the safety-gate
agitation,and although he never succeeded" in
securing either he made himself universally
popular for advancing principles he be
lieved to be right. He was a saloon keeper,
and was always regarded as an honest and
successful business man. Arrangements
have not yet been made for the funeral.
SUm Pixley ! Not III, and Will Appear at
the Grand To-Nljtbt.
Annie Pixley arrived in the city at mid
night, and will appear at the Grand Opera
House to-night Though feeling tired after
the ride from Philadelphia, she said she
was all right and able to do her work. The
newsies will be delighted to know that their
friend and favorite is not ill. It was ru
mored in the city yesterday that the charm
ing actress was beginning to break down,
hut this is sheer nonsense.
She was accompanied by her husband and
manager, Mr. Tulford. He explained that
his wife had been temporarily indisposed,
but she is all right now. She contracted a
slight cold while sleighing in Montreal.
To Enforce tbe Columbui Scale.
Bbockwatville, Pehruarr 23. There
is a movement oa foot among the miners of
this district to enforce the Columbus scale
at all the mines after the 1st of May next
The present rate Is 15 cents for mining coal
In veins of lour feet in thickness and qver,
and 55 cents for veins leas than that figure.
Editor Kauffman, of Cleveland,
courses on tbe Subject.,
Germany Driftlns Towards Parliamentary
Cleveland, February 23. Major Wil
helm Kauffman, editor of the Anzelger, has
been a life-long student of German politics,
and when in Europe lost year he spent con
siderable time in looking into the political
situatipn of his native country. Major
Kauffman was found at his home this after
noon and asked what significance the vic
tory of the Socialists had upon tbe future of
"The "great victory of the Socialists,"
said he, "is due to Prince Bismarck and tbe
anti-socialistic law, which was first made
in 1876 and which has been renewed every
two years since. Its law expired by limita
tion at the end of two years and has been re
enacted by the Eeichstsg from time to
time at tbe request of the Government. The
German Beichstag cannot make laws as
does our Congress by agreement of the two
houses and the signature of the President.
In Germany tbe Bnndesratb, which is
formed bv the renresentatives of the govern
ments of the different municipalities of the
empire, submits a law to the Reichstag, and
the latter can only accept or reject it. If it
says 'No,' the law will not stand, but the
Beichetag cannot create laws if the Bnndes
ratb. does not agree to them. This anti
socialistic law gives the police authority
to suppress meetings of Socialists and their
press, under it ine ponce may expei aa
libitum any Socialist from the city in which
he resides. Singer, who has just been
elected to the Beichstag from a Berlin dis
trict, had to leave Berlin when the sessions
of the last Beichstag, of which he was a
member, were ended.
"The natural consequences of such a law
followed its enforcement. Men expelled
from their homes went from place to place
agitating, and this expnlsion clause ot the
law helped spread the socialistic ideas.
Every two years since 1876 this law came
up before the Beichstag, and on each occa
sion Bismarck managed to get a majority
for it by concessions made to different
parties. At last the Government demanded
that the law be made perpetual. Then
several of the great German parties which
had always voted witn iJismarcK wanted to
strikeout the expulsion clause. The Chan
cellor would not do this and at the last ses
sion of the Beichstag there was a long fight
over it The old law will expire by limita
tion on October 1.
"In Germany the common lot of a common
man is to pay taxes, serve as a soldier and
keep the mouth shut. The Socialists want
to do away with armies, and they claim that
if they get in power there will be no more
war, but an international brotherhood of
peaceful men. It's easy to imagine how
such an argument will work upon the class
who furnish men for war and who always
live under threatening rumors of war. By
this argument the Socialists have won
thousands and thousands of votes. In Ger
many they hfcve a new gun that will kill at
halt a mile and will send a bullet through 15
men placed in a line.
afraid op was.
"In France they have just as horrible an
invention. Military men figure that a war
now between Germany and France with im
proved horrible machines ot murder would
kill five times and wound ten times tbe
number killed and injured in the war of
1870. The men who see these instruments
of butchery and praotiia with them are
afraid of war. A Socialist comes along and
says: 'Join our party and there will be no
more war. All will be peace and you will
have none of the hardships of war.' The
workingmen are told that when tbe Social
ists are in power they will not have to worK
so hard nor so long. A very cunning de
vice to catch votes. In addition to this is
added their wonderful organization.
"What will be the results of their vic
tory? inquired the interviewer.
'The result will be important to socialism.
The result will bt that, instead of 11 mem
bers of tbe Beichstag. they will have 35.
The Beichstag has 397 members. The gain
they make entitles them to representation on
all the committees of the Beichstag. The
anti-Socialist law will fall. They will not
be so oppressed. They will have liberty in
organizing openly, and opportunity will be
given them to develop the programme of the
future. It is a different thing to agitate in
secret than to walk up and say: 'Here is
our principle.'
"The country population ot Germany is
very conservative. They have very limited
political education and generally vote as
tbe Burgomaster or clergyman tells them.
Bismarck or the Emperor will try to get a
majority by making concessions to the
Boman Catholics, and it depends upon what
they will concede, for the Bomanists want
everything they can get It is a very dan
gerouB predicament The Emperor can dis
solve the Beichstag if he desires, but he
must figure on a new election, and I think
that result will be that Germany will drift
more and more into a parliamentary
government and the rights of the
Crown will be lessened. It is truly a strong
indication ot a great anti-monarchial move
ment in Europe. The Government must
rely upon tbe middle classes more and not so
much upon the bureaucracy and aristocracy.
There is no danger that the Socialistic party
will be the ruling one. These elections do
not mean the fall of the Empire or the di
vision of property, but mean that Germany
will be a moie liberally governed country.
In solar it is a victory for the people. It
promises to benefit the workine classes. The
rescripts provide for a pension for aged
men, insurance tor workingmen injured by
accident, the abolishment of night work, the
proscription of child labor, the restriction
of woman's work and toe shortening of
hours of labor. The Socialistic party of
Germany has expelled all Anarchists. They
are as bitterly opposed to anarchy as are
other people. Tbe Anarchists are separate.
There is not an anti-monarchial party in
Germany, the co-called People's partv.
They are democratic in principle and want
a republican Germany.
I.Ittlo Elsie lienlle Relmes Her Experience
Behind tbe Footllsbts.
Some audiences that I play to have a very
queer effect on me. I can't see the people
in the audience across the footlights, hut
they look like a lot of little white spots.
Something like the top of my Japanese
doll's head. The doll isn't pretty, but I do
like most of the people I play to, evro if I
can't see them. 1 can feel thn audience, too.
Sometimes they don't applaud, and then I
try to play better, so as to make them like
me. But I do like to have the people feel
what I am saying and acting. Then every
thing seems nice, and I like everybody.
New Xork people follow the words closer
than any other place I've been in, and I
like them. I've never been nervous on the
stage yet hut Dora (she's my sister) is very
nervous. I can make her forget her words,
but she can't make me do it They say it is
ungirl-like for me to do it, but then its lots
of inn. 1 like to play for children best, be
cause I think they understand and feel for
the ragged prince quicker than erown-up
I don't think about the play when I am
off the stage, because my doll Aladdin and
my dpg Todkins have to be looked aficr all
the time. Aladdin does wear his clothes
out m fast and Todkins always wants to go
on the stage. Mr. Frohman says he will be
fined if he does. "When I think about my
audiences. I believe I like them all and
everybody elie.
Bhe Stands In Sixth Flnce In the Clearing
Ilonse Exchangee.
Boston, February 23. The following
table, compiled from dispatches from the
Clearing House in the cities named, shows
the gross exchanges for last week with
rates per cent of increase or decrease, as
compared with the similar amounts for the
corresponding week in 1889.
New York 1500,640.153
Jioitotl.. 76,728, 4M
Philadelphia C0,763,3S4
Chicago W. 790, 000
Bt. Louis 17,520,239
Baltimore 1:,!10,9
rittSbm-2 11,338,033
San Francisco 11,932,803
Mew Orleans. 8,821,059
Cincinnati 11,140.150
Louisville. 8.979,(118
KansasUtv. 7,340,943
Milwaukee 4,432,009
froviaence 4,753,400
Detroit 4.1W.220
Denver 3.552.070
16 9
Oraam 8,3x;7"5
Cleveland S.SC3.57S
bt. 1'anl 3,111,170
MlnneaDolls a 4,214,026
Memphl 1,823,23)
Inalanaoolls 1,877,006
Columbus 2,117,000
Hartford , 2.0M.S31
Duluth 1,075,000
Galveston 1,092,116
HIcliiDOiid 2,0.53,479
Fort Worth I.M0.4S6
1'eorla 1,332.757
bt. Joseph 1,111,332
Washington 1,213,708
Springfield 1,061.728
Portland. Me. 1,130,697
New Haven 837,981
Worcester 906,773
Wilmington 852.221
Norfolk 714.774
Wichita , 708.619
loux C'lt7 846,780
Syracuse 689,163
Lowell 743.336
Hrandltaplds 664,027
Los An celts , 559,720
Des Moines. 447,969
New Bedford....: 300,083
Lexlmton, Ky 432,183
Topeka 273,937
Tacoma 728.623
Montreal, Canada 8.434,951
Buffalo 6,460,797
Birmingham 752,422
Seattle 704,946
Halifax 1,166,777
Totals a 059,505,969
Outside Kev rorK 3o9,865,616
Not Included In totals,
this time last year.
No Clearing House at
Tbo Poet Laureate One of the Glited Ac
tress' Warmest Friends.
New Evening Tork Sun,
Lord Tennyson's present illness has
brought to mind the following pretty story,
told by a visitor on the Isle of "Wight last
summer. He was wandering about in a bit
ot wood near the poet's home, hoping to
catch a glimpse of him, when he came upon
a delightful little woodland scene. Under
a big tree sat an old man in a rough gray
frieze coat and a soft felt hat pulled down
over his shaggy gray hair. Beside him sat
a charming young girl. She was just filling
his pipe from a leather tobacco ponch that
lay in her lap. It seemed like nothing so
mucn as a good gray lorester resting lrom
his labor and ministered to by a dutiful
daughter. But it was Tennyson and Mary
If there are any persons more fond of
Mary Anderson than Lord Tennyson is,
they are AlmaTadema and "William Black,
whose affection for the actress is, happily,
quite matched by that of Mrs. BlacK for the
same person. It was with the Blacks in
Scotland that Mary Anderson spent a large
share of her time during her illness last
As for Alma Tadema, he is said to be in a
constant state of painting Mary Anderson
in every possible pose of each of her im
personations, as well as in her own proper
person, ana is never so nappy as wnen de
signing a new gown or planning a new stage
setting at the request of the fair actress.
A Traveler Who Might I7nve Acquired
Fame Neglects tbe Cbnncc.
New York Bun.)
He had returned to his village home from
atrip to wasnicgton, ana tnat same even .
ing he appeared at the drug store to enter
tain an admiring audience with his adven
tures. "Saw our Congressman, I suppose?" quer
ied the blacksmith.
"Of course, and took dinner with him."
"You did, eh? By George, but that shows
we are no one-horse folks here I See the
''I did, by special appointment."
"Shake hands with him?"
"I did." '
"Ask you to sit down?"
"Yes, sir."
"Seemed to be glad to see you?"
"He did." l
"Stay long?"
"Abont 15 minntes."
"Ask yon to call again?"
"He did."
"Did you call him Ben?"
"Why, no."
"You didn't dare call him Ben."
"Certainly not"
""Well, that's all I want to know, sur!
You own the grist mill, the woolen factory,
three Btores and the tavern, and have been
to the Legislature, and given us to under
stand that yon were a heap of a feller, but
you hain't. You went down to "Washington
and sat on the edge of a cheer and talked to
the President, and dasn't call him Ben, and
I don't foller you any farther! Come on,
boys, let's go np to Church's grocery and
see that feller who fit seven rounds of a
prizefight in Buffalo last week."
The Metbodi Home Women Take to Figaro
In the Newspapers.
New York Sun,
The anxiety of society women to achieve
notoriety was aptly illustrated last week
when Mr. P. JF. Collier received a letter
from a lady in St Louis inclosing her por
trait and requesting the 'editor of Once a
Week to publish it with a biographical
sketch of the lady's career in society. In a
postcript she offered to pay any price that
was asked for the service. The photograph
w?s returned with a polite letter saying that
money could not influence the selection of
portraits or social leaders in any way. Tbe
following week bronght another letter with
an offer to pay $300 if the portrait was
placed on tbe first page of the paper.
No reply was made to this letter, but the
applicant's face did not figure in the gal
lery of St Louis society women which was
subsequently published. "Women are pe
culiarly subject to the flattery of a pub
lished portrait .
The Place for Spring Wraps.
The People's Store is opening a big line
of jackets and wraps, and the prices are
right. Campbell & Dick.
After Pneumonia
And attacks of la grippe, typhus fever, scarlet
fever or diphtheria, the patient recovers
strength slowly, as tbe system Is weak and de
bilitated, and the blood poisoned by the ravages
of tbe disease. What is needed la a. o-nnrf .
liable tonic and blood partner like Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which has Jnst the elements of
strength for tbe body, and vitality and richness
for the blooa which brine back robust health.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the weak strong.
"After recovering frpm a.prolonged sicicness
with diphtheria, and needing something to
build me up, I took two bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. 1 felt good results from tbe first
dose. It seemed no go from tbe top of my bead
to tbe ends of mv toes. I know Hood's Sarsa
parilla Is a good thing." O. H. Bibattoit,
Srncglst, WeitQeld, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. tlisixforSS. Prepared
only by O. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
BLUUKtK'S UUTCH COCOA. NEW fb$$e$?r p .A. 07 IE 1ST LT 3 -
Je2A-XTT - - nofl-MW wATa. - U10CJ.7 Duneda0jtWfc I T'TiJw'SCt.
ivaviuiMi. x-uurur MimiT tut rr a ai-at, r . . .-.. rr.TT. - --t
Cut Before by Coming Events Frobnble
Cbnng-es In a Few' City OfflclnrFo.ltlons
New Magistrates nnd ainjor's Clerks,
and Wbo They May Be.
The results of the recent election inthe
disposition of the various gifts in the way ot
positions has been a very absorbing topic of
discussion for the last week among the
politicians and slace-hunters. A very re
liable authority last night said that the
places had already been decided on, and
although some changes would be made no
one would ba maoh inconvenienced.
W. H. McCleary, he said, would resign
from the Mayor's clerkship to give full at
tention to his Shrievalty contest He would
probably be succeeded by Eobert Oster
maier, and Hugh Flinn, of the Eighth
ward, at present bookkeeper for a lightning
rod house, would be Ostermaier's probable
"With regard to the police magistrates, it
is asserted that John Gripp, J. B. Hynd
man and B. McKenna will remain un
disturbed. Judge Brush, it was thought,
would not be so fortunate, as Alder
man A. H. Leslie's friend?- are gun
ning for the position for him, and are confi
dent of his success. The Southside police
magistracy is said to be in doubt, not so
much as tb the removal of Judge Brokaw.
as to the question whether he will be suc
ceeded by David McGarey or 0. E. Succop.
The Alleged British Subject Obliged to Be
nign Bis Southern Pastorate.
Ealeigh, N. C, February 23. The
Bev. I. M. Joiner, the alleged Englishman
who was run out of Randolph county just
before tbe holidays, made his appearance
here yesterday. He had been assigned to a
Northern Methodist Church at Oberlin, a
settlement of intelligent colored people near
here. He preached there last Sunday,
and took up his abode in tbe village. He
was not called to the pastorate of the
church, but was sent to it, and from the very
first the congregation objected to his pres
ence. Their objections took a practical turn
yesterday, and at a church meeting it was
decided Joiner was not wanted. Accordingly
he left last night
He will be remembered as the man, who,
claiming that he was a British subject, al
leged that he and his wife had been brutally
treated in .Randolph county. He was run
away by the people there, mainly Quakers,
because he preached and practiced social
equality, and gave advice to negroes which
was about to cause grave race troubles.
WEAKstomacn,Beecnam'sPiIls actlike magle
1'kars' Soap secures a beautiful complexion.
BECK On Sabbath evening; February 23.
1680, at 6:30, WASHINGTON BECK, in tbe 51st
year of his age.
Funeral at tbe residence of his father, 118
Eijhteentb street, Southside, Tuesday at 2 p.
x. Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend. 2
BEATCHLOUS-On Sunday, at 8.30 A. jr.,
Mattie, daughter of David and Maggie
Keatchlons, aged 16 months.
Funeral Monday. February 24, 1890, at 2
o'clock, from the residence of her parents, 2219
Carey alley, Southside. Friends of the family
are respectfully Invited to attend.
PERSON At the residence of his parents,
No. lS9WylIe avenue, at 11:30 A. H., Sunday,
February 23, 1690, JOHN A., son ot Dr. Jobn L.
and Elizabeth Stevenson Person, aced 2
Funeral services at 8 o'clock this (Monday)
evening, February 21
FLOWERS On Sunday, February 23. 1890,
at 6:15 A. jr., Leo. son of Joseph and Mary
Flowers, aged 2 days.
Fnneralfrom the residence of its parents.
No. 4S29 Butler street, TO-DAY (Monday), at 2
P.M. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend.
GRAHAM At Money, Pa., February 21,
183(1, Jaiies H. Grahak, formerly of Alle
gheny City, In the 66th year ot his age.
Funeral services at 2.30 r. x. Monday. Feb
ruary 21, from the residence of his soo-in-law,
Robert B. Miller, Jack's Run, P., F. "W. AC,
R.R. -Interment private at a later hour. 2
MEHUER At residence, Bellevne, on Satur
day, February 22, 1890, iXZ A. jr., Mrs. JANE L.,
wife of David Mercer.
Funeral Monday MORirrwo at 10 o'clock.
Canton papers please copy.
MURPHY On Sunday. February 23. 1880.
at 11 P.M., at bis residence. No. 1407 Carson
street, a 8., Tebbasce Mubpht, aged 38
Notice of fnneral hereafter..
McCALL Suddenly, at Ms home, 158 Luna
street East End, on Sunday, February 23,
1890. at 3.30-P. it, John & McCalu, in the
71st year of his age.
Notice of fnneral hereafter. 2
McCALL On Snnday, Febrtrary 23, at 2.30
F. 11., Feank McCall, aged IS years.
Fnneral from his late residence. Indepen
dence street. Thirty-fifth ward. "West End, on
Tuesday jiornino at 9 o'clock.
MoKENNA On Saturday, Febmary 22, 1890.
at her residence, 320 Penn avenue, at 2:15
o'clock p. jl, Mrs. B. McKenna, sister-in-law
of L. Glesenkanip.
Funeral services at St Mary's ok Mercy
Church, Third avenue and Ferry street, on
Monday JionNiNO, at 8.30 o'clock. Interment
private. 2
PETTICOBP At his residence, S2f Wash
in,gtnn avenue, Allegheny, on Saturday, .Febru
ary 22. 1890. at 7.W p. h.. Jonsp. Petticobd.
Notice ot fnneral hereafter.
RI8HER Sunday, Febmary 23, at 1:40ft
years, at io weDsier avenue, city.
Funeral' will take place at Wellsvllle, O,
February 25, 1890.
Wellsvllle papers please copy.
SMITH On Sunday, February 23. 1880, at
A. M., BBINTON J1CULEI.IAND, youngest 81
of Georire B. and Lydia Smith, aced 8 montl
Funeral services at the family resldence73
Reed street, Eleventh, ward, Monday, at
2 p. sr.
STEPHENSON At Hazelwood, on Satur
day, February 22, 1S90, at 7:50 p. M,, Prof. ISAAC
N. Stephenson, agea 52 years. )
Services at his late residence, Hazelwood,
Tuesday, 25th Inst., at 1A0 p. m. Interment
private. 2
TOTEN On Sunday, February 23, 1890, at
650 p. m., Mrs. Ejulkt Totes, in tbe 45th
year of her age.
Fnneral from her lata residence, 43 Clay alley,
Pittstmrir, on Tuesday, at 10 a. m. FJriends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
WELSH Saturday, at i-30 A. M., CABBIE
Slack, youngest daughter of James Welsh, in
the 18th year of her age.
Fnneral services at tbe residence of her
father. No. 18 Sampson street Alleaheny, this
afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment private.
"WEISSERT On Snnday evenlnk February
23, 1890, at 7 o'clock. Willie H., eldest son of
John a. and Matilda Weissert nee Braun, aged
7 years 11 months and 7 days. 1
Funeral will take place from thA residence ot
his parents, old Butler pike, Shxler township,
on Tuesday aptebkooit atf 1:30 o'clock.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. 2
(Successor to Meyer, Arnold Ji Co., TJro-,)
Office and residence. 1134 Penn vahhc Tain.
phone connection. diilQ-69-MWFSa
Telepbono 429.
Onr new Illustrated C.
liable VesretaMe Seel
Heeds, iiardy Roses. Fruit Trees, Gnperlnts.
Ornamentals, etc., is now ready. felt uwr
Atalozne for 1S90 of Be
as. Be&mifnl TTlnwAv
ASSXTS ( . J3jB71,60asS.
Insurance Co.bf North America.
Losses adjusted indpaldbr WILLIAM L
J OA EH. 84 Fourth fcvenua. 1am2.n
We bare Just received a very nice assortment
of Cut Glass Punch Bowls, Berry Bowls, Water
Pitchers. Water Bottles. Tumblers, Finger
Bowls. Toilet Bottles, Olive Dishes. Celery
Boats, etc., wbieh are very nandsora. Tbe
maker of onr cut glass took tbe highest prize at
the Pari Exposition, Come and see It; we
know you will be pleased with the goods and
As we annex the. building 140
on April 1, we shall sell our entire
stock of best makes of this spring's
amounting to 120,000 worth,, at
prices that will make room for
bricklayers, carpenters and painters,
as our business is on the increase
and needs more room.
138 FederaJ and 46 South Diamond
Streets, Allegheny, Pa.
We havji jnst purchased a large lot the end
of aa importer's line of Narrow and Medium
Width Embroideries at away below their real
value, 'Via hare arranged to sell them in the
original sfrip lengths of 4 yards at 75c for the
piece, an It will pay yon much- better to buy
tbem In fie 4 yard lengths than to have them
cut and Bur profit on them Is so small that we
could noi sell them In less quantities than 4
yards, s you want Narrow or Medium Width
EmbroidEries,we know it will pay you to secure
some of Wese. When you are at tba Embroid
ery Department yon will have an opportunity
to see onslfcovelties In extra fine Baby Edgings
and Inseifbgs, "Wide Flonnclngs and Insert
ing, PlaHd Embroidery Skirtings, All-Over
ErobroidoBcs, together with our extensive
line of
In plain emterials, also in Plaids and Stripes.
An extnuabolce assortment of Fine Torchon
Edctaca,&isemngs and Wide Laces, Medici
Laces anObuertlug, Patent VaL and Oriental
.Daces, nasrest x-atterns.
tins in Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs,
nfr 4f. a TT.KIr.Mlil.f f.A...a ,. &
Tell the news
to your neigh
bors and
friends, Wan-
aker & Brown are selling
leir entire stock of Winter
lothinp-. both Readv-Made
and Made-to-Measure. at a
IDiscount of 20 per cent.
KeeD in mind this unusual
opportunity, Our prices have
always been the lowest for
strictly reliable goods, and
now, to make a clear, clean,
quick closing-out sale of our
entire Winter stock, we take
20 per cent off the price. Re
member, not only the goods
ready-made the same 20 per
cent discount extends to our
made-to-measure department.
There is no limit as to how
Ion? the sale will continue.
We reserve the right to close
it any day.
& Brown
Sixth street and Penii avenue.
- t
SS, 40 and 41 Watvr st, cor. West.
Facilities for storing all kinds of merchandise
in large or small qnan title s.
Separate and priTata a.vi.rtmcnts for boused
bold coods.
Telephone 182a fefwS-Jiwr
INS. CO.. 417 Wood at.. Pittsburg. Pa.
Capital.. ,. T550,O0O 00
Assets, January i, law..... ..... ctum u
Directors Cbsrles W. Batch elor, President;
Jobn W. Chaifant, Vice Pre.iliient; A. B. W.
Painter, Robert Lea, M. W. Witvsos, Jobn Wil
son, Joseph Walton, Wm G. Pa,rlc, A. M. By
era, James J. Donoel, George E. fainter, John
Thompson. Wm. T. Adair,. Secretary; James
Little, Assistant Secretary: Aucxft Amnion,
Genera) Agent t 22-32-ityfl
I .
T, ,
We are now
vance styles in
showing aa-
SPRING capes:
Ckildrens Jersey Dresses,.
Children's White Dresses
Infants Long Cloaks,
Infants' Short1 Coats,
Seeournew Ladies' Shirt Waist,
a decided novelty. We show
exclusive designs, latest styles
and at lowest prices. The
largest and most complete line
in the city.
Sixth Street and Penn Ave.
about politicians, once said: "You
can fool all tbe people some of tbe
time, you can fool some of the peo
ple all tbe time, but you can't fool
all the people all the time." The
same witty remark applies to busi
ness advertisements. So many "mark
down sales," (half price sales,"
"clearance sales," etc., announced
that thS public naturally become a
little skeptical. ' We want to make
a Clearance Sale of Books, and
to remove even the shadow of a
doubt, we will print in "the deadly
parallel columns" the publishers'
prices and our.
Prices quoted are for this week
only. Quantities are Limited, so
come Promptly. All the Books are
Bound in Cloth.
Fleishman & Co.
The above cut represents our new
Hat named in honor of the Pitts
burg globe-trotter. Aside from its
nameit is one of the most sensi
ble, stylish and comfortable Hats
we have ever introduced. Can be
worn either for dress or traveling.
will be on sale Saturday, February
.Established im
Broom Manufacturers Supplies
Dress Goods
This Week.
We imported 2,000 pieces dress
goods, suitings and cashmeres, for
sj'ring more than we should have.
Our shelves, counters and top of
the shelves, and in our wholesale
rooms upstairs we are likewise
overcrowded with this immense'
stock. To promptly extricate our
selves from this dilemma and to fur
ther popularize our stores, we shall
commence this morning a Dress
Goods Sales ot elegant new goods
at prices unqualified. In place of
marking some large lots'of
French and German
$x, we mark them 75c; these are 38
to 40 inches, and we assert without
fear of contradiction, you have
never seen such desirable goods
sold at 75c.
Large lots of 50-inch new import
ed tailor suitings we mark $1, S1.15
and $1.2.5, instead of S1.25 and
$1.50, which is the usual and gen
eral everyday store-keeping way of
marking like goods.
Another lot of 50-inch Scotch
stripes and plaids; prevailing price
i in well regulated stores is 51.25.
i We mark these $1.
It is your patronage we want,and
we propose that the best quality
and our advantageous prices shall
merit the preference of that pa
Why, 50-inch American fancy
striped all-wool goods, adapted for
ladies' long garments, children's
wraps, desirable and new, we mark
85c, and not $1 as they are worth,
but 80c will pay us a fair small
profit and move the quantity, and
in the end we will make more
money, and we have furnished
them less than they are elsewhere
50-inch English suitings in in
dividual dress patterns, 7j yards
each, at $2 a yard, that are simple,
quiet, dignified in design and col
orings the value thereof speak for
Finest imported
in choice colorings for tailor
gowns in latest Paris colors.
High class
or dress patterns at moderate prices;
distinctive styles.
New 36-inch double-width Amer
ican cloth suitings in checks and
stripes, 33, 45 and 50c; these are at
rear of stores, adjoining the broad
100 pieces pure all-wool ladies'
cloth suitings at 25c only.
27 inches wide,but the best quali
ty ever retailed at 25c, in 'solid
plain colors and best shades.
This extraordinary dress
goods offering com
mences this morning;
additional salesmen
will be in the depart
ments. As we are determined these ex
tensive importations shall be so in
teresting that this early season's
dress goods business shall be a
phenomenal one.
French Challis.
These we imported largely, and
we believe so firmly ia a large de
mand this season that we have es
tablished a special challis depart
ment at center counter in dress
goods and silk room. The price of
these best challis is 50c
We don't claim this is any less
than regular prices. We do claim
superiority of styles, and ask your
approval of said claim, which we
believe you'll indorse if you inspect
this exquisite challis collection; we
have some of last season's 50c chal
lis patterns that we bought at a
bargain and will sell at 25 and 35c.
Cloak rooms are receiving new
jackets, long garments and shoul
der capes every day. t
New lace curtains.
New portieres.
New draperies.
New upholstery goods.
115, 117, IK), 121
Federal Street, Allegheny
The new silks, wash goods, em
broideries, dress, trimmings deservd
special mention pac prevents.