i; THE PITTSBUBG DISPATCH. Iff.RIDA'g; FEBBTJAIVg 14 18901 BIG PORK SHEINKAGE It'is 25 Per Cent Greater This Season Than is Customary. A LICK OF OIL IN ALL THE CORN Is What Hakes the Hojs So Terr Lean and Unprofitable. TEE EDK OF STOCK AT BAST LIBERTY. OFFICE OF PlTTSBUEO DISPATCH,! THUBSDAT. February IS. 189a J A Liberty stockman reports that the shrinkage in hog this season is 23 per cent greater than the average season by reason of the inferior quality of corn. Said he: "The corn crop was large in Ohio and Indiana last season, bnt it lacked the oil which goes to pnt fat on to the ribs of porkers. A shrinkage of eight or nine pounds on the weight of a hog has been considered a fair average in former seasons. This year the shrinkage is 10 to 12 pounds, and in some cases has reached 14 pounds. Tbe hogs which come from the farthest West show the least shrink ace, as the corn In that section did cot suffer so much from wet, soft weather as in Ohio and In diana. It is not only true ot the corn crop that quality is below tbe aTerage this season, bat bar is in the same boat. Both corn and bay are much below average in the elements of nutri tion." Entirely Confirmatory. In confirmation of the views given by tbe stockmen quoted above, dealers in grain and hay report that it is next to impossible to se cure ohblce stock. One of our largest retailers in this line said, within a few days, at the Grain Exchange: I doubt if in tbe 26 carloads of bay received in this market to-day there was a single carload of really choice stock. It is next to impossible to procure first-class corn or hay this season, bomehow the bulk of the stuff on tbe market of late is tar below par. Anything strictly choice goes off like hot cakes. In my view the depression of grain and hay markets of late is doe as much to the low quality of the offerings as to the large volume." Jnat Scarce In Ohio. A, Liberty stockman, who has spent the past week in Northwestern Ohio, said to-day: 'T have seldom known that section of tbe country as well cleaned np in the lines of grain and live stock as it is at this time. From Crestline to the Indiana lme farmers have sold up their stuff very close. The corn and hay through that re gion is unusually poor, owing to continuous rains in the latter part of last snmmer and throcgh the fall. Raiers of live stock have for the most part disposed of everything. North western Ohio has not been as bare in this line for many a year as it is now. Tbe drover will find very poor pickings in that section for months to come." East Liberty' Review. The liberty live stock markets for the week show an advance on hogs and good butchering cattle, and no change on sheep and lambs. Tbe advance on cattle was due to light re ceipts, tbe run being little more than one-half tbe average for a few week's past. Hogs hav commanded relatively better prices here than at Chicago this week. Tbe top price at Chicago this morning was H 05 per cwt. At East Liberty $4 15 was the best price our packers conld find, and the hogs offered for H 45 were scarcely up in quality to those at Chicago for $4 05. A number ot the regular East Liberty buyers have this week gone to the Western metropolis for their supplies, in the faith that they can do better there than here. Following is the report of the week's trans actions at the East Liberty Stock Yards: KECXIFTS. CATTLE. IIOOS SHEET Thro'. Local. Thursday 1,600 .. 3,600 770 Friday 13) 20 3,000 660 batnrday 30 COO 1.550 i,53u Sunday 1,000 740 5.026 4,730 Monday too 13) 2,700 1,320 Tuesday , 20 110 2.250 1,760 Wednesday 720 70 3,150 660 Total 4.850 1,360 22,175 14,410 Lastweet 4.150 1,400 19,675 14.630 PrevlonsweIl.... 4,600 2,000 33,125 15.M0 " SAXJtS. Thursday 2,823 135 Fridar 1 1400 463 Saturday. .... 1; 1,417 gu Monday LIES 4,758 2,699 Tuesday 144 1,035 1,725 Wednesday 42 810 661 Total .... 1,384 12,363 6,696 Last week 1,391 12,533 7,029 Frevlonswcet.. 1,444 19,128 9,161 Br Telegraph. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 15,000 head: ship xnents.4,000 head; market slsw.closing 10c lower; choice to extra beeves, H 805 20: steers, 3 000 4 7S; stockers and feeders, S2 403 50: Texas corn led steers, $2 803 5(1. Hogs Receipts, 29,000 head; shipments, 14,000 heaa: market strong to a shade higher; mixed, J3 Su4 00; heavy. $3 80 4 05; light. 83S0410; skips, $3 003 7a febeep Receipts, 9,000 head: shipments, 2,000 bead: market steady: natives, 3 50-35 80; west ern cornfed. 84 8065 70: Texans. $3 505 00: lambs. $5 006 75. ' Kansas Cmr Cattle Receipts 3,600 head; shipments, 3,700 head: market weak and 10c lower; steers, $3 20ffi4 90: cows. 11 802 85; Blockers and feeders, 2 403 5a Hogs Re ceipts, 6,800 head; shipments, LlOO head; market steady to 5c higher; all grades. S3 72X 03 80; bulfc, S3 753 8a Sheep Receipts 700 bead; shipments, 1,000 head; market steady; good to choice lambs and muttons, $3 50S5 40; stockers and feeders, Jo 005 25. ST. Lours Cattle Receipts. 1,200 head; ship ments, 300 head; market steady: good to fancv steers, S4 305 00; fair to good do. 13 404 40: stockers and feeders. SI 90 J3 35: ranee steers. $2 003 5a Hogs Re ceipts, 3,500 head; shipments, 3,200 head; market strong: fair to choice heavy. S3 803 95; packing grades, $3 804 00: light, fair to best, $3 854 Oa. Sheep Receipts, 60U head; ship ments. 900; market stronc; fair to choice. 84 405 40; lambs, 85 006 40. Buffalo Cattle steady; receipts 70 loads tbroueh. 4 sale. Sheep and lambs steady and unchanged for top grades, others quiet; re ceipts, 7 loads through, 20 sale. Hogs, 510c lower; receipts, 30 loads through, 30 sale; me diums and heavy. 84 254 30; heaw ends. 84 25 04 30: mixed, 81 3004 35; Yorkers, 84 254 35; pigs. 84 004 10: roughs, S3 253 60. Indianapolis Cattle Receipts 2C0 head; market unchanged; shipper". 82 704 75; butch ers, 81 003 50; bulls. 81503 0a Hogs Re ceipts, 4,000 head; market steady: choice heavy and medinm, 83 9004 05: mixed, 83 853 97; lights. 83 8504 0a bheep Receiptslight; val ues steady; lambs, 83 5006 00; sheep, 82 6005 oa Floor Production. Minneapolis, February IS. The Ifbrir weitern Miller says: There was a gain in the flour output last week, the figures being 115,880 barrels average, 19,313 barrels daily against 103,130 barrels the week before and 90,480 for the corresponding time in 1889. The mills are running even stronger this week though in the face of the prevailing markets this will probably not last lone. There were 16 in motion yesterday, producing at tbe rate of 22,000 barrels per 24 hours. Some of these, how ever, will not get in a full week's work, and the average will doubtless fall below the figures named. Metal niartteu Nkw York Pic iron quiet. Copper dull and nominal; lake, February, 14. Lead quiet and easier; domestic, S3 SO. Tin quiet and steadier: Straits, 820 4a Whisky Market. Chicago There Is no change in quotations. Finished goods are In demand and readily bring81Ctt DiBABTEOCS PI RE IN CHICAGO. The Farwell Block Partially Gutted The Damage Will Amonnt to $475,000. Chicago, February 13. The large brick and stone building at the corner of Adams and Market streets, owned by the great dry goods house of J. V. Farwell & Co., caught fire at 6:30 this morning, and before the flames conld be subdued the southern part of it was gutted. A carerul estimate of the loss made after the fire was under control places the total damage at 5476,000, ot which Mr. "Work loses $325,000, Taylor Bros. $50,000 and Farwell & Co. on building $100,000. The use of the Iron City Brewing Co.i ale and beer is conducive to health and gives the highest satisfaction. Unrivaled for family use. Telephone 1186. 8PECUX sale of challies to-day. JST KlfABLE&BHtTSIEE. 35 Fifth ave. MAEKETS BY WIRE. Cereals Paralyzed br Weaker Cables and Liberal Offering !! Pork the Only Thing Showing n De cided Gain. Chicago Fluctuations in wheat were somewhat larger than yesterday, and prices were lower. The opening was rather dull and prices eased off Jc, Influenced some by fine weather and weaker cables, then ruled stronger, prices advancing c bnt tbe firmness was only temporary, for the feeling again be came easier and market closed about c lower than yesterday. Operators had some hopes of realising better prices to-day on the strength of the reports yes terday of larger export statement, bnt tne clearances did not show up, and this influenced some selling. The market the last 15 minutes of the session ruled very weak, due to pressure to sell, and it was claimed, tbe closing ont of a line of long wheat. Corn was traded in to a moderate extent within a e range, and the f eellnc early was a little firmer, but later became weaker. The market opened a shade under the closing prices of yesterday, was firm, and advanced KJJc npon covering by local aborts, who were a little nervous owing to the limited offerings, Somo outside bnving orders were on tbe market for May and July, which also had a stimulating influence. At outside prices, however, offer ings became longer, a prominent local trader selling moderately and local operators did like wise. At the close of the session prices were He lower than yesterday's close. Oats were active, bnt unsettled, and prices ranged lower. Tbe market opened steady, and advanced . Ior May. The increased offerings produced a weak feeling and prices declined K6Jc. The other deli venes were also affected and prices receded Kc, closing at that lower than yesterday. The general tone of the mess pork market was firmer, and a moderate business was trans acted, though nothing of consequence was done in deliveries this side ot May. Seller June closed about tbe tame as yesterday, but tbe other futures made a slight gain. Tbe lard market Dresented no new features. Trade was of small volume and fluctuations very narrow. A moderate trade was reported in ribs, and tbe market was without distinctive features. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2, February. 'i7&&!l4& 74Ve; May. 77J787777Jtfc; July, 7&Ji 7o5075&75c. Oobn No. 2, February. 2S&2S282Sc; May, 30V3K3rJ30Wc; July. SlgSlc. OATS No. 2, February, 2OX2OH:0We2OVc; May. 21X213i21i21c: June, 2121Ja &iic. Mess Poee, per bbL February. 89 70 9 7009 7009 70; March. 89 7509 7509 7509 76; May. 89 95010 0009 92K01O 00. Lard, per 100 Bs. February, 85 75K5 800 5 77K05 80; March, 85 8005 82U05 8005 82K; May. J5 9505 975 9505 Sa Short Ribs, per 100 fas. February. 84 72i 4 75a 4 7204 75; May, 84 8504 87K04 &90 4 85. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 74k 74fc; No. 3 spring wheat, 00c: No. 2 red, 75c: No.2corn.2Sc No. 2 oats, 20J20Kc. No. 2 rye, 42c. No. 2 barley, 6557c: No. 1 flax seed, 81 38. Prime timothy seed, 81 20. Mess pork, per bbl. 89 7009 75. Lard, per 100 lbs. SS 8005 82. Short ribs sides (loose), 84 720 ?. i-rry saiiea snouiaers looxeaj, un changed; short clear sides (boxed), 85 0505 la Sugars, cut loaf, 707c; granulated 6Xc; Btandard A, 6Vc Receipts Flour, 12,000 bar rels: wheat, 13,000 bushels: com. 18,000 bushels; oats, 117,000 bushels; rye, 8,000 bushels: barley. GO.OOObushels. Shipments Flour. 9,000 barrels; wheat, 16,000 bushels: corn, 178,000 bushels; oats, 163,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels; barley, 42,000 bushel:. On the Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter market was firm and unchanged. Eggs, 13c. New York Flour weak and moderately ac tive. Cornmeal easier; yellow western, 82 250 2 55. Wheat Spot cull, KXc off and heavy; options fairly active and gt?c lower. Rye steady;Western, 56059c; Canada, 67060c. Barley steady: western, 48063c; Canada, 57075c. Bar ley malt quiet; Canada, 7290c. Corn Spot active and regular, closing easy; options less active, He down and weak. Oats Spot easier and less active; options fairly acti "e and weaker. Hay quiet and weak; snipping, 40c; good to choice, 65085c Hops steady and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady, 6010 points down, closed barely steady and un changed to 10 points down; sales, 25.750 naps, including eoruary, ib.uo016.Ooc: March. 15.95016.00c: April. 15.95c: Mav. 15.9oai5.95o: June, 15.90c: Jnlv, 15.85c; August, 15.7515.S0c; September, 15.700015.75c; October. 15.70c; No vember, 15.65; December, 15.60015.65c; spot Rio firm and dull; fair cargoes, 19Jc; No. 7, 17J17Jc. Sugar Raw firm and in fair de mand; fair refining, 5 1-160; centrifugals. 96 test. 5c; sales. 50,000 bags: Cuba centrifu gals, 86 test, at 3c cut.; 2.563 bags St. Domingo do, 96 test, at 5c; 590 ceroons do Muscavado, 87 test, at ijic: cargo of English Islands 87 test, at 4c; refined firm and good demand; C. oU5Jc: extra Q, fi&5 13-16c; white extra C. 5bc: jellow,6c:olr A, 5V05 15-16c: mold A, 6c; standard A, 6c; confectioners' A, 6c: cutloaf, 7c; crushed, 7Jc: powdered, 6jc:, granulated, 6jc; cubes, 6?gcVMolasses Foreign firm; 50 test, !lc bid, 22c asked; New Orleans firm. Rice in fair demand and firm. Cotton seed oil firm. Tallow quier. Rosin firm. Tur pentine firm and quiet at 43043KC. Eggs quiet and easy; Western, 14K14Jic; receipts, 2,705 package. Pork qmet and firm; mess, old, 810 2o10 75; do, new, 815; extra prime, 89 250 9 75. Uutmeats slow; middles dull; short clear, 85 25. Lard about steady; Western steam, 83 20; sales, 250 tierces; option sales. 3,750 tierces; February, 86 16 bid; March, 8i 1706 19, closing at 86 17 bid; April, tS 24, closing at $6 22; May, 88 2708 28, closing at SB 27; June, $6 S3; JuIt, 86 4a closing at 86 39 asked; October, 86 55. Butter Choice fairly active and steady; Elgin, 2S028Kc: western dairy, 817c; do creamery, 12027jc; do held, 8015c Cheese firm and in fair demand; western, 8010c Minneapolis Receipts ot wheat were 132 cars, and shipments 13 cars. The demand was inactive from all sources. A few cars of bard were taken for shipment on original way bill at 78c but tbe bulk ot bard sold considerably under that for delivery. Millers said flour was dull, and there was no money in wheat at the J trices. Receipts in the country were rather arger. though not active. Closing quotations: No. 1 hard. February and March, 7Blc; May, TSVic: on track, 77Jc; No. I Northern, February, 74Mc: March, 75c: May 76Jc; on track. 760 764c; No. "2 Northern, February, 72c; March. 72Kc; May, 74c; on track. 72074c St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat still lower; No. 2 red, cash, 75Jc; May closed at 76c asked; June, 76ic asked; July. 73kc; An gust, 73ic nominal. Corn better; No. 2 mixed, cash, 2atc; February closed at 25c asked; May. 26J4C bid; August, 27c asked. Oats nothing done; cash, 21c bid; May closed at 21c bid. Rye No. 2. bard. 41c bid. Barley Demand fair; Nebraska, 28c; Iowa, S4c Flax seed, 81 3a Provisions very quiet, demand light and prises nominally unchanged. Milwaukee Flour unchanced. Wheat easy; No. 2 sprinc, on track, cash, 71073c; May. 72fc; No. 1 N orthern, 80c Com quiet; No. 3, on track, 28c Oate steady; No. 2 white, on track, 23c Rye quiet; No. 1. in store. 43c Barley easier; No. 2, in store. 41c Provisions easy. Pork, 89 7a Lard, 85 80. Cheese steady; Cheddars, 909c Philadelphia Flour Demand very slow and prices weak. Wheat Fancy grades scarce and firm; options dnll and nominal: rejected. 60070c: fair to good, milling wheat, 78085c; prime to fancy Western, 8792c; very choice ungraded (Train, at depot, 91c; No. 2 red, Feb ruary, 78J80Vc: March, S0KS81c; April, 81K 082c: May, 82&85c Baltimore Provisions steady and quiet. Butter scarce and firmer; western packed, 160 2lc; best roll, 16018c; creamery, 26028c Eggs steady at S014c Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes falratlOXc Toledo Clorerseed active and steady: cash, 83 37; February and March83 25. BUSINESS U0TUS. The majority of moneyed men in Wall street are bulls on the stock market. A NEW plan of 100 lots will soon be laid out fire miles below the city. Details will be fur- nisnea in a lew oays. The Kimberly Iron Company, of New Cas tle, owns 1,700 acres of ore land in Michigan, which it is proposed to improve. The annual meeting of tbe Tuna Oil Com pany will be held next Monday from 11 to 12, at the company's office on Fourth avenue. These was an underground rumor yester day that a Ridge avenue, Allegheny, residence had been sold for 840,000, but nothing further could be learned. CaptaiS Vakdebqbift will begin tearing down the houses on bis Fourth avenue purchase soon after April 1 to make way for his projected eight-story building. Renters are bustling for choice of houses. Owing to the scarcity of small tenements many of tbe occupants who intended to move have changed their minds. A petition to the governors of tbe New York Stock Exchange has been prepared, with a view to extending tbe commission laws of the uoaru hi we unlisted department. It was stated yesterday that If the oil pro ducers and the Standard fail to reach an un derstanding in regard to prices, the former would probably erect a large refinery in this city. The Americus Club, baring abandoned tbe idea of buying the Hamilton Hotel property. Is said to be negotiating for a site on Sixth street, Nos. 20 and 22, occupied by J. Diamond, and a fur store. Tbe price asked approximates 860. 000. The club will hold a meeting on Saturday to further considerthe matter. BEECHAirs Pins cure sick headache. Pxabs' boap, the purest and best ever aade. A FEW GOOD WORDS From a Visitor for fittsburg and Natural Gas in Particular. A HEW TOWN CALLED CARNEGIE To be Formed bj the Consolidation Chartiers and Mansfield. of WHY THE SUBURBS AEE FILLING UP Pittsburg has a visitor who stands High among Western real estate dealers and con tractors. His name is David D. Seerie, and his home Is in Denver. He is returning home from a visit to Scotland, and stopped off here to see old friends. Mr. Seerie has the contract for the new State Capitol at Denver, which is to cost about $3,000,000, and also for a new ten-story hotel at the same place, which will absorb $1,000,000. He says Denver is improving so fast that he will hardly know the city when he reaches home. Lots five miles oat are selling at from $1,500 to $2,000. Mr. Seerie is much pleased with Pitts burg. He thinks natural gas affords manu facturers an advantage which will ultimately place them ahead of all others in the world. V Consolidation and a popular name for the off spring seem to have been determined upon by citizens of Mansfield and Chartiers boroughs. A citizen of the former place writes The Dis patch as follows: "The citizens of Mansfield and Chartiers boroughs have abont resolved to consolidate and give the unified community a new name. It has been suggested, and seems to meet with very general approval, that we should honor and perpetuate the name of our good friend Mr. Andrew Carnegie by naming the combined towns 'Carnegie,' after him. This move is in the rizht direction, and the citizens are anxious to have consolidation completed before the census is taken, so that we may go before tbe country in proper form. The new town of Carnegie, If I may so call it, has a great future before it. It has great advantages as a manufacturing center, being in the midst of natural gas, coal, limestone, oil, etc, with two railroads which connect with tbe Vanderbilt system, tbe Baltimore and Ohio, as well as the Pennsylvania, giving competing rates to all pans of the country. Tbe new name of "Car negie' alone would help to bring it into promi nence. The number of inhabitants in tbe pro posed new town would be 6,500 to 7,000." The Heal Estate Record and Builder? Guide is doing a good work by furnishing designs by local architects for artistic, low-priced, sub stantial bouses. Homes are of tbe first consid eration, and any information, hint or help in the way of plans and methods of construction, so as to derive tbe greatest benefit from the least possible outlay. Is a boon to the public, and especially to people who are not burdened with cash. It is education in the right direction. Pittsburg is fast becoming a city of homes, and designs, such as those in question, will do much to speed the good work by simplifying and cheapening the operation of building, and, therefore, making it easier. Strancers to form a proper conception of tbe size and beauty of Pittsburg should not confine themselves exclusively to the business part of the city, but walk or driv4 through tbe charm ing suburbs which cluster like jewels on every side. There they will see long stretches of scenery unmatched in any other part of the world, and miles upon miles of well paved streets, lined by beautiful residences, resting in lovely valleys or dotting the gentle acclivities. Numerous churches and schoolbonses lift their modest spires toward the sky. showing that ro llgion and education have not been neelected. Traction, electric and steam railroads afford quick and cheap transit in all directions. Com fort and thrift are visible everywhere. There is nothing remarkable in the fact that tbe sub urbs are being built up and settled at a rate that makes the "oldest inhabitant" open his eyes in amazement. The contrary would be good cause Tor surprise. Reports from the anthracite coal regions con cur In saying that trade looks blue, and that prices are weaker than at any other time since last May. Shading from ths circular figures is being done openly, even by the large mining and carrying companies. The Reading Com pany is selling at 10 cents a ton below the regu lar price. A meeting was held in New York yesterday to discuss the condition of the trade. It is thought more of tbe collieries will be shut down until the demand improves. Another ear famine is reported from the tbe West. Chicago east-bound roads are said to be short, and the Grand Trunk has been re fusing cattle shipments at tbe Chicago stock yards. As cattle are a profitable class of freight, it is accepted as a good sign that the roads are crowded when retnslng it. Corn shipments to Baltimore are refused by the Pennsylvania Company. It is the general opinion of railroad men that this season's traf fic will be very large. Rates are well main tained. LOCAL SECURITIES. Business Moderate and Gains and Losses Abont Erenlv Distributed. There was a fairly good stock market yester day, but business for the most part was of tbe retail order. Investors are still chary about placing orders, the market being so evenly poised as to be readily moved. Anything like a good buying movement would pat up prices. Sales were 214 shares. There were a number of changes in quota tions, but they were all for tractions. Phila delphia Gas was a notch higher, and in good demand. Pleasant Valley also scored another advance. It is doing a paying business, and there should be na trouble abont dividends. Switch and Signal and Allegheny Heating Company were alio stronger. Stocks showing declines or particular weakness were Central and Pittsburg Tractions, Electric, Airbrake and Chartiers Gas, but in all cases concessions were slight. MOBNnto. AVTaawoojr. Did. Asked. Did. Asked. Dnquesnc Mat. Bank.. tilth Ave. Bank Fidelity T. A T. Co .. Keystone Bank of P'g Marine Nat Bank.... Masonic Bank Mon'gahela Nat. Bk.. 165 165 48 1S0Y 71 em 115 lOOtf intra ntx. isana Birmingham Int 44K Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill 41 tsonthside Oas Co.. III. . . 177 'AlleghenyBeatlng Co Brldgewater Uas Chartiers V. Gas Co ... Nat. Gas Co. orW. Va. People's Nat. Gas..... People's a. U. A I'.Co 'Pennsylvania bat Co. Philadelphia Co Wheeling Uas Co Hazelwood Oil Co Washington Oil Co Central Traction.. 88K SJf S9K 39 S)H 75 42 15 14 32 18 50 UH 32M H2K sm 60 80 23X 51 85 SIX 31V 40 2J Pitts. Traction. 3944 SI Pleasant Valley 23X Allegheny Valley 3 Chartiers Hallway 48 P'g. Vou'g't'n A Ash. 30 P'g. Y. A Ash. pref. . 55 33 "s "i5 14 2314 i 48 "X 49 110 I'lttsonrg A uonneiu-e .... Pitta Junction It.lt. Co .... P., V. AC.KK.Co.... 41X 1'ltts A West, lt.lt pref .. La Norla Mining Co .. X Loiter Mining Co 21k SilTerton Mining Co Yankee Girl Mln. ia. Westlnghouie Electric 47 U. 8. 4 big. Co 17)4 V. 8. ASlg. Co. pfd WestlnghonseAlrb'ke. .... 3 3M 46j- 48 49 110X 10BM Ex dly. At the first call 75 shares of Pleasant Valley were picked up at23f, 10 at 2 10 Switch at 17J& 10 at 17. and 64 Chartiers Gas at 89. At the last call 35 shares of Philadelphia Gas broucht 323andl03W- M. U. Jenkins & Co. sold 1.100 shares of La Nona at 12Kc Andrew Caster sold 25 shares of Luster at 23V, and 81,000 Pittsburg and West ern 4s at SOif. John T. Patterson sold 100 shares of Philadelphia Gas at 3 Edward F.Long sold 150 shares of Pleasant Valley at 23H The total Sales Of Stocks at N aw Vnrlr vMtur. day were 306,467 shares, including Delaware. Lackawanna and Western. 17.230: Louisville and Nashville. 28,922; Missouri Pacific, 8.425; Bead ing, 15,700; St. Paul. 5,820; Onion Pacific, 3,925. BANES AND BASEEES. No News In Financial Circles Equivalent to Good News. Leading bankers reported yesterday that they had enough money to go round and to keep the wheels of business moving. Hates were un changed at 607 the bulk of loans at the inside figure. Checking and depositing vera good for j tbe season. Exchanges were 82,876,109 64 and Daiances o8,Bol 20. Financial experts are still trying to find ont the cause of the bad bank statement of Satur day. One of them saysi 'Tt may be there was a good deal of money withdrawn from the banks and locked up by the bears in stocks, who knew that a large amonnt bad been with drawn to re-establish the three broken banks, none of which appear in the Clearing House statement. Then, too, the New Jersey Central Railway Company paid off 85.000,000 of matur ing bonds last week, tbe money for which par pose had been previously on deposit in the First National Bank. This alone accounts for much of the loss. Last year at this time there was a similarly large loss of surplus and in crease of loans. Money on call at New York: yesterday was easy, ranging at 804 per cent, last loan 3, closed offered at 2 per cent. Primemercantilepaper, .6)$. Sterling exchange quiet and firm at 84 82 for 60-day bills and 84 87 for demand. Closing Bond Quotation. p. 8. 4a, re in U. 8.4a, coup 123 M.JC. T. Gen. 8s Mutual Union Ss.., N. J. C. Int. Cert. Nnrthiirn Pit lAta . U ..101X ..111)4 U. B. 4a, reit. 10JH u. a. ui, coup.... iwi Pacific it or 'ss. us .iisU Northern rae.Zds..U4H LoslilanasUmped4s V7H Normw-s-n consols." Mortbw'n deben's..ll0J Urecon A Tram. s.I05) Mt. 1.. ATM. linn. Si 91 niwmn Ol..... .lou Tenn. new set. tt... 107 Tenn. new set. Ss....l02)i lean, newset.as.... 74 Canada Bo. Ida 100K Cen. Fci0cUU.....lll Den. AK. G UW...118 Den. A B. tt. 4 77W l.AB.Q.West,lns. - Krle, ziu. 10144 U.K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 76M Bt.IJ.S.K.Gen..M.IC Mi. Paul consols ....K&H St.Pl, Chi A Fclta,ll Tx., Pe.L. tt.Tr.Bs. KJ4 TX.,Pe.K.Q.lT.KcM MX union irae. isu. .," WeitjShore 1UJ New To bk Clearings, 8114,245,830; balances, 85.013.812. Boston Clearings, 818,081.357; balances, II, 474,009. Money, 5Qj per cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,292,792; balances, 8310.908. Philadelphia Clearings, 810,080,517; bal ances. 81.435,047. London The amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance to-day is 79,000. The bullion in tbe Bank of England increased 957,000 during the past week. The proportion of tbe Bank of England's reserve to 1 lability is now 46.87 per cent. Bar silver, 43d per ounce Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 90o for the account. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows an increase of 1,125.000 francs gold and a decrease of 750,000 francs silver. CHJCAQO-Clearings, 810,800,000. New York exchange, 25640c discount. Money in fair re quest at 66 per cent on call, and 67K per cent on time; VARIATIONS IN OIL So Small as to Need n Olnsnlfler to Detect Them. The oil market presented tbe same charac teristics yesterday as for some time past, being steady at both ends and weak in the middle. Oil City sold it down in the forenoon, and the scalpers ran it up at the close. It was a room traders' market throughout, no outside inter est being visible Trading was very light at all points. Tbe range was: Opening and hlehest 81 0 lowest 81 05, closing 81 06. Wednes day's clearances were 192,000 barrels. The latest gusher reported Is the Fisher Oil Company's No I on the Ferguson farm, Shano- Sin. It is said to be producing 20 barrels an onr. Arbuckle No. 3 came in as a dnster. The Davis well, near by. is holding up at 100 barrels a day. The Lockwood and Company well on the Eicboltz farm, in Butler county, is flowing at the rate of 75 barrels an hour. Features of the Starker. Corrected dally by John M. Oasiey t Co., 45 Sixth street, members ot the Pittsburg Petro leum Exohange. Opened 1C6VI Lowest lOW Highest 1081 Closed 106H Barrels. Average charters 27,954 Average shipments 74,59 Average runs (6,293 Renned, New York. 7.SOc Refined, London. Slf a. Refined, Antwerp, i7r. Refined. LirerpooL M. Beflned, Bremen. 6.S5m. A. B. McQrew quotes: Puts. 81 05V; calls, 8106107. -."- Otber Oil Markets. On. Crrr, February IS. Petroleum opened at 81 06 highest, 81 00: lowest, 81 06; closed at Si 06. Sales, 255.0U0 bbls; no clear ances reported; charters not reported; ship ments, 66,104 bbls; runs. 04,841 bbls. Bradford. February 13. Petroleum opened atjl 08; closed, 81 06; hlehest, 8106; lowest Si 05 Clearances, 268,000 bbls. New York, February 13. Petroleum ODened strong at 81 06 but after the first sales be came weak and declined to 81 05. closing steady at 81 05. Stock Exchange- Opening! 81 0t; highest. 81 06 lowest, 81 05; closing! 81 05K. Consolidated Exchange: Opening. 81 06; highest, 81 07: lowest, 81 06; closing 8106. Total sales, 273,000 barrels. LIKE TBE KIMBLE SHILLING. More People Hade Happy by Becoming Owners of Real Estate. Samuel W. Black & Co., 96 Fonrtb avenue, sold for T. M. Schwartz a fine building lot on McCullougb street, 75x195, for 83,000 cash. The purchaser intends to improve the same this spring. Straub & Morris, corner Wood street and Third avenue, sold bouse and lot No. 61 River avenue, Allegheny, for W. C. McCausland, for 86,500 cash. Black A. Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for Si mon Beymer to Relnbold Wolfram lot No. 23 in tbe Linden Land Company's plan, at Oak land, fronting abont 78 feet on the sonth side of Joncair street and extending back 205 feet, for 81.000. W.A.Herron 4 Sons sold for 82,5008200 cash, remainder $2a per month a brick house of six rooms on Fifth avenue, near Oakland, Fourteenth ward, lot 16x100 feet; also Jot 22x140 feet on Fisk street, near Penn avenue. Seven teenth ward, for 81.430865 per foot front. L. O. Frazler, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for the Irwin estate lot No. 22S In the Anna H. Irwin plan of lots, having a front of 20 feet on the north side of Butler, between Home and Forty-sixth streets. Seventeenth ward, by 100 feet, to a 20-font alley, to William A. Schilling for 83,000. or 8150 per foot front. Alles & Bailey. 164 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of 81,600, at 6 per cent, 3 yean, on property in the Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg. J. E. Glass, 133 Fifth avenue, placed a mort gage of 8850, for three years, at 6 per cent, on two vacant lots in tbe Thirteenth ward, Pitts burg. DULL AND STAGNANT. Specialties Absorb Attention In Wall Street A Drlro at the Coalers Reading Drops Out ot blight Bonds Lifeless How Bluster Counts. New Yoke, February 13. The stock market to-day. except in the first half hour and tbe last 45 ipinutes, was intensely dull and stag nant, without feature or movement of import ance outside ot a few specialties, which, con trary to the usual rule, were more active for tbe time being than the leaders of speculation. It was a subject of remark that the dealings in Reading had sunk to the lowest ebb seen in months. There was considerable disappointment this morning that the Bank of England, which is in a very strong position, did not reduce its rate of discount; bnt the activity and strength of Louisville and Nashville, which was largely for foreign account, proved that there was a better feeling upon American stocks in Lon don, and tbe strength of the market was re markable, considering the general apathy which prevailed. Louisville and Nashville was tbe only stock in tbe regular list, showing any animation or movement at all, and, seconded by the Trusts, all of which were strong, though only Sugar was active, gave the market what little charac ter it possessed. Ibe impression that the Havemeyers were buying sngar sent that stock ud over 2 per cent farther, and it reached 665g before the upward movement was checked. Louisville and Nashville touched 90. Among the specialties Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and 8t. Louis and Wisconsin Central displayed more animation than usual of late, the bears hammering Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis because they thought Lua. mej uvkvw- iuoiuu Beuing. Alter noon tbe dullness again began, and the stron" stocks of the forenoon went hack slightly, but it was not until the action of the sale agents of the coal roads, restricting the output- for the two months of February and March to 2,000,000 tons per month, was known that any movement was made. The bears made a dash at Lackawanna and Reading, and those two stocks suddenly assumed the lead in the market, the trading in each in the last hour being abont three or four times what it had been during the remaluder of the dav. Each added a small fraction and the at tack was sufficient to give a heavy tone to tbe market for tbe time being, but no impression of moment was made upon prices. The opin ion on toe street is much mixed this evening, and no one seems Inclined to offer any decided views. The close wa fairly active and beavy, but generally at about first figures. The only important changes for the day were advances of percent on Sngar and Louisville and Nashville and-a decline of 1 per cent In Chi cago Gas. Tbe dullness and stagnation extended to tbe railroad bonds, ana the dealings reached only 81.152,000, while the changes In values were on even a more limited scale. A firm tone pre vailed throughout. Tbe -Port says: The Bank of England has now maintained its rate of discount at 6 per cent for over six weeks. The rate had not bees as high as 6 per cent since 1362, when it TM oalyaaia l talned foe 21 days, from January 80 to Febru ary 23. It will be seen, therefore, that this has been no such continued and stubborn stand taken by the Bank of England for ten years, and it Is believed that this lias bad an effect to tide over the dangers that were feared from tbe South American and otber financial troubles, so that the financial prospect Is clearer now than for a good many months past. As lor tbe Western railroad situation, it is apparent that there has been a good deal of bluster that was never intended to be anything but bluster There is, ot course, no certainty that the Chicago roads will not go to cutting rates in order to prevent freight between tbe West and Northwest and tbe Atlantic seaboard from taking any otber route than through Chi cago, nevertheless the Chicago roads are all doing well now, and the stocks of some of them are low in view of their earnings. Rock Island, for instance, is believed to be earning overSper cent and Is worth as much as Burlington.notwltbstandlngtbat it is selling 11 points lower. Some otber stocks which are selling extremely low, considering the earnings ot the properties, are Wabash preferred and East Tennessee second preferred. If there was any speculation in the market at all such stocks as these would be active. The following tame snows tne prices oi active Stockton the Mew fork Stock Excnansre yester day. Corrected daily for Thx dibfatch by WHiTNET4 8TxrniNG0N. oldest Pittsburg mem bers or .New York Stock Kxcnanxe. 47 Fourth ave nue: Clos ing Bid. 75 z 107H 68tf 1HX 92b IS 43 331( 91 10954 ma 9S 50 4SM 3 72H 2234 US 18 65)4 M5K 90H 17 im 108)4 2S( 1614 691 17)4 4SX 1SH 20 43 31V 2l 45 Kh 38J 1S,S 40 188 213 78 ma 17 38K Open- IDS'. Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. Z33 Atctt.. Top.JtB. r..... 23)4 Canadian Pacific 7J Canada Southern 54 Central of .New Jersey. .... Central Pacini. Cbesaoeake Ohio.... 23!4 0.. Bur. Oulaev.....lQ7H C Mil. at. f aul.... eSH C., illl.t 8t. !.. pf U.. KockL 41" mt c. Be u ruts 0..31.L. A Pitts. pC. 47 C St. P..M.AO C. SI.P..M. O..0f.. .. . C. ft .Mortbwestern 10954 CAMortnweitera, ir.n; a, C C. A X 70 CO.. C&I.. VI 96V OoU Coal A Iron 43H Col. Hocking vai .. S1H Dei.. L. A W 13SH Del. Hudson 151 Denrer&KloO Denver Kio U., or K. T.. Va. AOa .... . T Va, A Qa. 1st pf. 72 K. T.. Va. AUa. 2d pf. 23 Illinois Central'...., Lake Erin A Western.. 13H Lake krle A West. or.. 6514 LakeUhore AM. s 103ft LonlsTUleAMas&TlUe. 88 K MobneA Ohio ISM Mo.. Kan. ATexas Missouri Paolfle 71H Mew Kork Central K. V.. L. JC A W ..... 2S X. X.. U A St. Li N. X.. UtSt. L. or. N.X.. U. ASt.L,. 2d,nr .... B.llfl. K 46H K. I., O. A W MX Norfolk a Western Norfolk Western, or. .... Northern Pacinc 31 Nortnern Pacific pret. 74g Ohio A Mississippi...- .... Oregon improvement. ... Oregon Transcon Ul4 Pacinc Mall S844 Peo. Dec AKrans 1S High- Low. est est. S9H 28tt M S3 7SH 74 54 53tf 24 107M 2354 107)4 6SK S3 KH 109)4 1421? 09 49)4 203 135 I50X 72 23 18 65 i 10514 S9K 16K ) mi is 4S54 3tH SIX 74 744 sik KH 38 8! J8H 181 40H 39H 22H M 78 78)4 113H 112)4 17)4 17 383 8J4 90 88 21 X 20 64 654 ruuaaei. s neaaing.. w) .Pullman Palace Car Richmond ft W. P. T.. im Klenmona A W.P.l-.pf 78 St. P.. Minn, a Man.. lis 84. L. A8n Fran 17M St. L. A San rran of.. &H St.i4. A San JT. 1st xU . 80 Texas Paolfio... 21 UnlonPaclflo SS ftabasa Wabash preferred 28 Western Union. 84 Wheeling A L. 69 Sugar Trust. 64 National Lead Trust. 19H Chicago Uas Trait.... 47H 23 84K eoi, em 19 48) 81 69 63V 1SH 43)4 Boston Btoeks. Atctu ATOP.B.B. .. n Boston A Al-any...220 Boston &. Mams. ....212 c.u. ta 107M CInn. Han. A Otero. 24 Eastern K. it 139.H Flints Fere SI 24 Flint a Fere M. nrd. 92 Mexican Oen. com.. 18K Mex.Clstmtg.bds. 70 N. V. &.NewKng... 46U N. Y. &N.E.7S....126U Ogd..r..Cham.com. 6)2 Old Oolony 176 Holland preferred.. 73 Wis. Central, com... 30H Wis. Central pC... 60 AUonezMgCo 144 Calumet t Hecla....255 tranun. 13 Uaron 8J. Usoeola. 27 Pewable 8 Qoincy 70). Bell Telepnone 222). Boston Iiand 6M ft awr Power ta Tamarisk 183 San Diego 19 Santa Fe copper,.... Hi Philadelphia Htooks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, tar nished by Whitney & Stenhenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New -Tors Stock x- enange. DM. ..MX .. 20 .. S .. E-H .. ilii .. 3lK .. 74H Asked. 6IS. 20 1-16 9 52g SB 74X Pennsylvania Hauroad, Beading , Buffalo, Pittsburg & Western., Lehigh Valley Leblgh Navigation Nortnern Pact-c, Nortnern Pacific preierred...., BRITISH IB0N MARKETS. Latest Qnotnlloni on All Grades of Interest to Home Manufacturers. The American Manufacturer in its special cable report gives the following quotations: Scotch Pig Tbe warrant market has con tinued irregular and unsettled. Prices went to as low as 51s. 4d. during tbe week. Makers' brands have bad slow sale and the market is still unsettled, with prices for the most brands lower No. IColtness 75s. Od. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 75s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsherrie 76s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lLangloan 75s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Cambroe 56s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Shotts 75s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lGlengarnock 753. Od. atArdrossan. No. 1 Dalmelllngton ...64s. Od. atArdrossan. No. lEglinton 57s. 6d. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Warrants continue irregular and weak. Tbe demand for makers' iron is slow, but makers will not vield on prices. Tbey still bold West Coast brands at 82s. Od. for Nns. 1, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig Sales of warrants have been made as low as 61s. 6d. and makers' prices are still very unsettled. Only a moderate busi ness passing. Makers quote No. 3 at 60s. Od. f. o. b., but merchants offer at less. Spiegeleisen The demand continues good, and prices are kept high, although showing some irregularity. English 20 per cent quoted at 130s. f. o. b. at works. Steel Wire Rods For these the demand is moderate. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at 9 12a. 6d. f. o. b. shipping port. Steel Rails A good demand prevails, and makers hold firmly for previous prices. Heavy sections quoted at 7 Ss. Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Blooms Transactions very fair; prices firmly held. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 7 f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets There Is still a fairly active demand; prices remain firm. Bessemer (size 2ii2U) quoted at 7f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs Sales are fair and tbe market remains firm. Ordinary sizes quoted at 7 f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends A moderate business doing and prices nominal. Run of the mill quoted at 3 12i. 6d3 15s. f. o. b. shipping point. Old Ralls Very little doing and prices wholly nominal. Tees held at 4 2s 6d, and double heads at 4 5s4 10s f. o. b. scrap iron Demand moderate ana prices without change. Heavy wrought quoted at 3 10s.3 15s. t o. b. shipping points. - Manufactured Iron Staffordshire iron about 5s. lower but Welsh unchanged. Business has been slow. Stafford ord. marked bars. (f. o. b. L'pool) 9 15sPd 0 0s0d common Dars susudtsuosod " black sheet singles 11 0s 0d 0 0s Od Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales. . . 8 7s 6d 8 12s 6d Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 2s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. Pig Tin The market has been depressed un der the influence of bear manjnnlations and forced sales. Straits quoted to-day at 91 5. for spot; futures (3 months), 92. Copper Prices have dropped abont 2 and the market is weak and unsettled. Chili bars 3 noted 47 for spot, 47 10s. forfutnre do very. Best selected English, 55. Lead Business has been fair but prices are a shade lower and the market rather weak. Spanish quoted at 12 12s. 60. Spelter The market continues weak -and prices are again lower. Ordinary Silesian quoted at 21 10s. nn riate Business very siow ana prices nom inal. Some works are to be put on short hours owing to beavy stocks. Shere are now over 500,000 boxes atxhipping ports. L C. charcoal, Allaway grade, f. o. b. Liverpool 17s. 6d.00s. Od. Bessemer steel, coke finish 16s. 8d.00s. Od. Siemens steel, coke finish 16a. 6d.fa.00s. Od. B. V. grade coke. 14x20. 15s. 6d.t200s. Od. Sean grade temes 14s. 6d.15s. Od. BESSEMEU STEEL BAILS. The Production In 1SS9 Shows n Gain ot 102,145 Tons Over 18S8. Philadelphia, February 13. The Ameri can Iron and Steel Association has ascertained thatthe total quantity of Bessemer steel rails made In the United States in 1S89, by works producing their own ineots, was 1,611,234 net tons, or 1.408,063 gross tons, a gain of only 102. 115 gross tons over the production of 1,565,921 gross tons In 1S88. To the total net production Pennsylvania contributed in 18S9. 1,102,617 tons, against 911,206 in 1888; Illinois, 620,051, against 158,639. and other States, 21,663, against 129,937.. Although the Bessemer steel rail production of 18S9 Is shown to be but little larger than that of the year 1888, yet the production ot Besse mer steel ineots last year was about 400.000 gross tons larger than in 1888, and closely an- pruacnea tne quantity produced in uaai, me year ot the largest production In tbe United States of Bessemer steel, when there were made 2,938,033 gross tons of ingots, thus indicating how rapidly the demand continues to Increase for Reel for miscellaneous product wMch were formerly ma4 of Itm, DOMESTIC 'MARKETS. Choice EgS Very Firm Dairy Prod ucts Are Unchanged. TB0PICAL FEDITS STILL QUIET. Too Much. Low Grade Corn and Hay on the Market, hat Choice STOCK IN DEMAND AT QUOTATIONS Office of prrrsBtjEO dispatch, J Thuksday; February 13, 1S90. i Coontry Prodnce Jobbing Prices. Stnctly fresh eggs are scarce and the drift of markets Is upward. Eggs that are perfectly reliable bring 16c to-day, and In single case lots even higher prices are reported. Potatoes of good quality are scarce and outside quotations are easily obtained for this grade. Dairy prod ucts aro unchanged. Choice grades of cheese are very firm. Prices of creamery butter es tablished at Elgin are the same this week as last. In tropical fruit lines oranges and bananas have been in over-supply for a few days back, and markets are .weak. Lemons ot the bigb grade have been scarce for a week past, and markets are very firm. A drop in tbe East, within a day or two, amounting to nearly 81 per box; already begins to be felt here in weaker markets. The time tor the new lemon crop Is close at hand, and tbe present outlook is for lower prices. Sweet potatoes and onions are in fair demand at quotations. Choice cabbage readily brings outside rates. Buttke Creamery, Elgin, 3031c; Ohio do, 2627c; fresh dairy packed, 22323c; country rolls, 1920o. Beaks Navy band picked beans, 82 002 25: medium! SI 752 00. Beeswax' 2o2Sc V & tor choice; low grade, 1820cj (JIDEB Sand refined. 87 50; common, 84 50 5 00; 6rab cider, 88 00S 50 ? barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ft gallon. Chestnuts 85 005 60 $ bushel; walnuts, 6070c $ bushel. ?tTv'irav Oht. llllln. Vaw VV llXi. Llmbdrger, 9KHc; domestic Sweitzer, .u-uau wu.v, UHMJ,., ,iu v. , U.3. ; wa ponea oweiizer, ayp. 1516c straight $ dozen for strictly fresh. FidTTS Apples, fancy, S3 00Q3 75 ? barrel; cranberries, 84 004 25 a crate; strawberries, 35&4QC a box. fEATHEBS Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1, do, 40045c; mixed lots, 3035c 9 ft. PotrLTET Live chickens, 7580c a pair; dressed. ll14c a pound; ducks, 75c81 V pair: live turkeys, 134914c V S: dressed turkeys, 17 18c ptt. 8eJds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel, 81 20 4 40 M bnshel; clover. Urge English, 62 Its, 81 354 60; clover, Alslke, 88 00: clover, white. 89 OOftimothy. choice. 45 Bs. 81 601 70; blue extra clean. 14 B". 81 251 30: blue grass. fancy, 14 Bs, 81 SO; orchard grass, 14 & SI 40; rea top, 14 ns. si uu; miiiet, ou ids, 91 w; .Hun garian grass, 60 Bs. 31 00: lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 82 50 $ bushel of 14 Bs. Tallow Country. 4c; city rendered, 5c , TROPICAL FBTTITS Lemons, common, S3 00 S3 50; fancy, 84 00(35 00: Florida oranges, 82 60 3 50: bananas. 81 752 00 firsts, 81 001 25 good seconds, ft bunch: cocoanuts, 84 0064 50 W jmnd:d; figs, 8K9c V B; dates. fyiQT&c W B; new layer figs, L15Kc; new dates, 7ic $1 B:plne apples. 82 50 $1 dozen. Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 5563c; on track, 4550c; cabbages, 82 002 50 a barrel: Dutch cabbage, 816 00 f) hundred; celery 40c $ dozen; Jersey sweet potatoes, 81 254 50 a bar rel; turnips, 81 001 25 a barrel; onions, 84 50 6 00 a barrel, 81 601 75 V bushel. Buckwheat Floue 22Kc V pound. Groceries. The general situation is unchanged. Coffees and sugars are firm enough to go up higher be fore many days. There is much better Inquiry for coffee in the past few days, and jobbers are strong in the faith and hope of an upward movement in the near f utnre. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio. 23Zlc; choice Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio, 18$19c: old Government Java, 2723c; Mar aoaibo, 2324c: Mocha, 28X29c; Hantos, 2024r; Caracas, 22021c; pbaberry. Rio, 23 24c; La Guayra. 2324c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24a high grades. 2529c; old Government Java, bulk. 3133c; Maracaibo, 272Sc; Santos, 24H 28Kc: peauerrv, 2SKc; choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23Kc: good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c; cassia, 8ci pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70S0c Petboleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test,7Jic; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150". 8&C: water white, lOKc; globe. 1414c; elaine, l4Wc; car. nadine, IlHc: royallne, 14c; globe red oil, 11 llKc, purity, 14c Minees' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4546o fl gallon; summer, 4043c Lard oil, 606oc Stbttps Corn syrup, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3638c; prime sugar syrup, suassc; strictly prime, smsax; new mapie syrnp, uc N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 4850c; choice, 47c; medinm. 3S43c; mixed. 4042c Soda Bl-carb In kegs, 3H3c; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb. assorted packages, 56c; sal-soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c;stearlne, fl set, 8c; paraffine, 114312c Rice Head. Carolina, 67c; choice, 6 6c; prime, 5k6c; Louisiana, 56Vc BTAKCH Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, 56c; gloss starch, 4&7c Foeeiqn Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65: Lon don layers, 82 90: California London layers, 82 75: Muscatels, 82 40; California Muscatels. 82 25; Valencia. c: Ondara Valencia, 8 ec; sultana, lie; currants, 55c: Turkey prunes. 45c: French prunes, 610c:Saloni ca prunes, in 2-B packages, 8:; cocoanuts, $) 100, 80; almonds, Lan, $f B, 20c; do Ivica. 17c; do, shelled. 40c; walnuts, nap, 1415c: Sicily, filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 1213c: new dates, 60 0c: Brazil nuts, lie; pecans, ll15c; citron, fl B, 1819c;Iemon peel, 18c fl B; orange peel. 17c. Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per B, 6c; ap ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap orated, 1516o: peaches, evaporated, pared, 2628c; peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 18Q19c; cherries, pitted. 13Q13Jc; cher ries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evaporated, 25t926c; blackberries, 77c; huckleberries, 10812c Huoars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7c; granu lated, 6c; eonfectloners' A, 6c; standard A, 6c: soit white. 66Vc: yellow, choice. SAf0 5c: yellow, good, 55c; yellow, fair, c: yellow, dark, 5c Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 83 00; medi um, half bbls (600), S3 5a SALT No. L W bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex, M bbl. 81 00; dairy, fl bbl, 31 2o; coarse crystal, ft bbl, 31 20: Higgles' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Hlggins' Eureka, 16-14 B packets, 83 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, 82 00 3 25; 2ds, 31 651 80; extra peaches. 82 402 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, 81 00i 50; Hid Co. corn, 6585c: red cherries, OOcQSl: Lima beans, 31 20; soaked do. 80c; string do, 6065c: mar rofatpeas,8l 101 15: soaked peas, 7080c; pineapples. 31 301 40: Bahama do, 82 75; damson plums, 95c; Greengages, 31 25; egg Dlums. 82 00: California pears. 82 40: do green gages, 31 85; do egg plums, 31 85: extra white cherries. 32 40: raspberries. 85c6tl 10: straw berries. 81 10; gooseberries, 81 3ul 40; toma toes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft. 81 65I 90; black berries. 65c; succotash. 2-B cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2 B, 81 251 50; com beef, 2-B cans, 82 05; 14-Bcans, 814 00; baked beans, 31 45Q160; lobster, 1-B, 81 751 80; mackerel, 1-B cans, broiled, 31 50; sardines, domestic K- 34 25 i 50: sardines, domestic Ks. 36 75(27 00: aar- 1 dines, imported. K. 311 5012 50: sardines, lm- nnrtnA Lfa CIS 1M. ftflrrifn mnttqvri Q in. ,w. -w.., 2", W ww, uw..w....Mw, u. m .... u, W V. sardines, spiced, 83 60. FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 836 fl bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1 mack erel, shore. 832: extra No. 1 do, mess, 838; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824, Codfish Whole pollock, 4c fl B; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod In blocks, 67Xc Herring Round shore. 84 60 fl bbl.: split. 8650: lake. 82 90 fl 100-B bbl. Wblteflsb. 86 00 fl 100-B half bbL Lake trout, 85 50 fl half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c fl B. Iceland hallput. 13c fl B. Pickerel, ku.i,uuv; ddi ti iu; .rotomao cernn; So 00 53 bbL: 52 60 per K bbl. Oatmeal J6 008 25 fl bbl. Grain, Flonr and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain Exchange were 1 car extra 3 white oats, 27c, 10 days P. R. R.: 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 28c, 10 days, P. R. R.; 1 car No. 2 white oats, 28c, March delivery, P. R. R. Receipts as bulletined, 32 cars. By Pitts burg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of corn, 12 of nay, 4 of rye, 3 ot oats. 8 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati ana St. Louis, 3 cars of corn, 1 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of hay, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of bay. Oats show weakening tendencies. Other cereals are unchanged since our last re ports. Flour is quiet, but Northwestern mil lers are firm in their views of values. There Is an abundance of Inferior corn and bay on the market, and for these low grades markets are very weak. Choice stock is scarce and readily commands outside quotations. Prices below are for carload lots on track. Wheat NewNo.2red,W85c; No. 3, 81 82c. Coen No. 2 yellow, ear. new, SS3$Kc; high mixed, new, 81035c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, old, S637c: new. 33034c;. old, high mixed, shelled, 85S8c Rejected shelled corn, 2S30c OATS-No.2whlte,2828Kc:extra,No. 8, 27 27Kc; mixed. 24K2oc Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 63054c: No. 1 Western, 6152c Fioxra Jobbing prices Fancy winter and sprinc patents. &5 G05 60: winter straight, H 2604 j; clear winter, i 084 23; straight XpX taken', M 098 70, ByVflour, 6&9 am MuxritED-MlddUngt, fine white. 115 60411 18 00 fl ton; brown middlings. 313 00014 CO; winter wheat bran, 812 50Q12 75: chop feed, 315 50Q16 00. Hat Baled timothy. No. 1. 311 0011 50; No. 2 do, 89 006950: loose from wagon, 811 C012 CO. according to quality; Na 2 prairie hay, 87 O0 8 CO: packing do, 8S"757 00. Stbaw Oat. 86 757 00: wheat and rye straw, 86 006 25. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, -c sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small, lOJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c; sugar, cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured, boneless shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured California hams, 6Kc; sugar-cored dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c; bacon, shoulders, 5c; bacon, clear sides, c; bacon, clear bellies, 7c: dry salt shoulders, 6Vc; dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork. heavy.JU 00; mess pork, family, 812 00. Lard Refined, in tierces, c; half barrels. 6c; 60-B tubs, 6c; 20-B pails, 6c; 50-B tin cans, 6c; 3-B tin palls, 6c; 5-B tiu pails, 6c;10-Btin pails. 6ic; 5-B tin palls. 6c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Bone less bams, 10Kc Pigs' feet, half-barrels, 84-00; quarter-barrel, 82 15. PHILADELPHIA IMPORTEES Pass Resolutions ProtesilogAa-alnstlrlcBUn-ley's Administrative Bill A Claim That the Pending Bill Revo lutionized the Present , TarlCT. Philadelphia, February 13. A fully attended meeting of the" in porters of Phila delphia was called together in the Board of Trade rooms to-day, to protest against the provisions of the Mckinley "administra tive Customs bill." now pending in Con gress. All of the largest importing firms in the city were represented. J. Henry Magee, of the firm of Conway Brothers, presided. On taking the chair, Mr. Magee said the pending bill was intended by its authors to simplify the tariff laws, whereas, in one sense, it almost completely revolu tionized the present tariff. It cut into the faces of all those engaged in the importing business a flagrant and distinctly implied insult. It deprives them of tbe right of trial by jury and relegates the power of thet jury into tbe hands of. men appointed by partisan influences to represent the Govern ment. In a general discussion of the meas ure which followed, it was argued that the features of the bill were extraordinary in regard to the forfeiture of goods and the punishment of importers, and in laying upon the importer the harden of proving himself innocent. Resolutions were adopted protesting against the bill, and requesting the Senators fromPennsylvanla to oppose its passing.and providing tor the appointment ot a commit tee of three to obtain signatures to a memorial against the bill, and to take such measures as they may deem best to bring the effects of the bill to attention of Congress. A motion was adopted providing for the appointment of a committee to communicate with importers' associations, and importers and merchants generally in the cities of New York, Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco and New Orleans in reference to securing united action in oppo sition to the McKiniey bill. A committee was appointed to go to Washington and pre sent the resolutions to the Finance Commit tee of the Senate, and to obtain an interview with tbe committee oa the subject. Tbe committee was also empowered to confer and act with committees from other bodies on the same mission. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children,she gave them Castorla ap9-77-jrwT3u E: M M E N THE NEW E M M E XIIFXiOSI-V ALIMrrED AMOUNT OF STOCK IN THJT EMMENSITE EXPLOSIVES, GJJN3, AND AMMUNITION CO. For Sale LYMAN & HARRIS, 96 FOUBTH AVE. N Si I T E S I T E feli-87 12 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURG, IA- Transact a General BanHni Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available In all paits of the world. Also Issue Credits IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ao7-81-invy- STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. -VTORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD a S. CO.. IN Established 1857. Fast Line of Express Steamers from NEWYORKforSOUTHAMP TON, LONDON and BREMEN. The fine steamers SAALE. TRAVE. ALLER. EIDER. EMS, FULD A WERR A ELBE and LAHN of 5,500 tons and 6,000 to 8,500 horsepower, leaves NEW YORK on WEDNESDAYS and SAT URDAYS for SOUTHAMPTON and Bremen. TIME From NEW YORK to BOUTHAMP TON. 7K days. From SOUTHAMPTON to BREMEN. 24 or 30 hours. From SOUTHAMP TON to LONDON, by Southwestern Railway Co., 2 hours. Trains every hour of the snm mer season. Railway carriages for London await passengers Southampton Docks on arri val Express steamers from New York. These steamers are well-known for their speed, com fort, and excellent cuisine. OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York. MAX SCHAMBERG & CO, 527 Smitbneld street, jal 6-72-D Agents for Pittsburg. -TfTHXTE STAB LINK yOK QUEEtf STOWU AND LIVXKPOOI Soval and United States Mall Steamers. Britannic, Feb. 10, 5 a m Adriatic Feb. X, 11:30am Teutonic Mcb. 5. 2 p m Celtic Mch. 12, 9:30 am Britannic Mch. 19. n m Germanic, Mch. 28, loam Teutonic Anl. linn 'Adriatic Apl.9,8.30am Trom wnite star doc, root or wen Teutn t. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon ratei, fSO and npward. Second cabin. S35 and upward, according to it earner and location or berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable tervs. Steerage. CO. White Star drarts payable on demand In all ths principal banks throuchout Great Britain. Ap- Sly to JCH.N J. MCCORMICK, 639 and 1 Smith eld St.. Plttibnrr, or J. BKliCE UMAX, Gen eral Aa-ent, 41 Broadway, HewYorE. fe!2-D ANCHOR LINE. United States Msil Steamer. Sail every SATUKDAT from NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Calling at MOVILLE, (Londonderry.) Cabin pauace to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, tt and S5S. Tloand trip, 90 and SUO, Second-claas. S30. Steerage, (SB MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. Best route to Algiers and coast ot Morocco. NEW YORK TO GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES: B. 8. BOLIVIA, WEDNESDAY, MAKUH 5. Cabin passage, t0 to 100. Drarts on Great Britain, Ireland or Italy, and letters or credit at favorablx rates. Apply to HENDEKSOM BBUTHEKS, H. Y., or . jTircCOKMlCE.S39and 401 Smith field at.;A.D. S00REB4S0N. 415 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg; W. BEMPLE, Jr.. US federal at., Allegheny. OC2-KWT STATE LI1YE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 133 to 160. according to locatloa f stateroom. Excursion (ffi to 190. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. "Stato of California" building. AUbXLN bAUUYflu W General Asants, S3 Broadway, Mew York. J.J. McCOHMrCK. Agsal, , mq oi xnitftnig t riraairg, rt. UILOI&WMI. KKW ADY"ERTISE3HfS'r-. Purely a vegetable compotrnd, made entirely of roots ana herbs gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It - CURES - All manner of Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your nose to the worst cases of inherited blood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and SKIH'QfliCER Treatise on Blood and Sldn Diseases maQei free. Swift Specific Co-Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE -:- HOUSE, Embroidery and White Goods Department direct importation from the best manufac turers of St. Gall, in Swiss and Cambric Edg ings, Flouncings, Skirt Widths and Allovers, Hemstitched Edgings and Floundngs. Buyers wiUUnd these goods attractive both in pries and novelties of design. Fnll lines of New Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Cur tains, Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and Brass Trimmings; Floor, Table and Stair Oil Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality. WASH DRESS FABRICa The largest variety from which to select; TollDuNords, Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersnek era. Imperial Suitings. Heather & Renfrew Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams. Wholesale Exclusively. JalS-D BROKERS FINANCIAL. -TTTHITNEY fc STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE, Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drezsl, Morgan fc Co, New York. Passports procured,. ap254 1 JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago, iS SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. niT29JQ aiEDICAL. DOCTQR WHITTIER S14 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG, PA. As old residents know and back files of Pitts-, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. s?b,empee8rnnsN0 FEE U NTI LCURED MCDMflllO and mental diseases, physical 1 1 L. It V U U O decay, nervous debility, lack ot energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sizht, self distrust, bashfulnesa, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak-; ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-' fitting the person for business, society and mar riage. permanently, safely and privately cured.' BLOOD AND SKIN j&f'&f' blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular, swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoronghly eradicated from tbe system, 1 1 Dl M A D V kidney and bladder derange UniliMn T ments, weak back, gravel., catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Wbittier's life-long, extensive experienca insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 r. M. Sunday. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. fe8-22-DSuwk lfl:8a'iiJSr'-v.i2y,M' How Lost! How Regained. KNOW THYSELF, 'a'H fl SOZEKT03 OX AScientlflc and Standard Popular Medial Trsatlseoa tnejcrrorsoi joutn, i-rematureueeiine, nervous ana raysieai iseoiwy, impurities oi me mood, Resulting from Folly, Vice, lgnorince. Ex cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit, ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar riage or Social Relations. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this Sreatwork. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. eantlful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain, wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if yoa apply now. The distinguished author. Win. H. Parker. M. D received the GOLD AND JEW, ELED MEDAL from fhe National Medical As, sociailon, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS snd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be con sulted, confidentially, by mall or In person, at v the office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL IN STITUTE, No. 4 Bulflneh St., Boston. Mm., to whom all orders for books or letters for advice) should be directed as above. aulS-67-Tursuwle GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY.' LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fell particulars In pampMst sent free. Tim erennlne GraVa Specific sold by drnairlsts only bx yellow wrapper. :. .rue?, & poc for S3, or by malt, pacaage, or six l( on reeelnt or nriee. by address ng THE OKAY MtDlClNE CO, Buffalo, M. Y som mrutsoarg Dyo. a. auLiUAJtu. corner Bmlthflelrt and Liberty iu. apl2-S3 DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases rev quirinc scientific and conflden tial treatment! Dr. B. K. Lake, M. R. C. P. 8, is the oldest and most experienced specialist la tbe city. Consultation free and strictly confldentiaL Offlca hours S to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 3 to 4 p. MJConsult them personally, or write. DOCTOSg Lake, S2S Penn avik, Pittsburg Pa, jel3-45-owk :S Oottcm. SOOtl COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Boot, Tansy tad Pennyroyal a. recent discovery cyan 'old physician. Is tutceafuUu used mnr,ihiRfiL. KffectnaL Price XL br mall. sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's -Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitute, or lnolose 8 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad. dress FOND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Flabee Block, 131 Woodward ava, Detroit. Mich. AafSold In Plttsbure, Pa bv Joseph Fleas i big A aon. Diamond and Market sta. seatvat ' TO"WEAKMEif Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I win send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing rail nartfralaja for liome enre. PREB of chane. A splendid medical work: should be. read by every man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address, JOSEPH py CO. Ba5 &Jg Til tt'J SiwirallSla3 stsssVN-V, rjr SSSSsVjEkfe jrrei, f s v, sT nr ausuas oaeBtvai oclS-sS-Muwk.