' nx' " THE -PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, FBIDAY, PEBRTTABT 14, 189a Communicated. -INCOMPETENT ASSIGNEE BAILEY WHAT JAMES I. BENNETT SAYS OF BISI. Hs Affirms That the Property of Gruff, Bennett fc Co. Wai Worth 82,000,000, Bad In the Hands of a Competent Man Would Bats Paid the Entire Indebted sea and Bad SS00.000 Left. Below is given a clear and concise state ment from James J. Bennett, tbe active member or tbe firm of Graff, Bennett & Co., which plainly shows that Candidate Bailej is totally unfit to transact business of any kind, whether it be publio or private: "Mr. Bennett,have you read in the papers the exceptions filed by the Cherry Valley Iron Co., as to the administration of the af fairs of Graff; Bennett & Co., by John H. Bailey, Assignee?" "Yes; and I believe them correct, and also that the parties making them will es tablish the truth of the same in court at the proper time." "Do you know J. H. King?" !I do; he is President of the Cherry Val ley Iron Company, a man of large means, and a member of other manufacturing firms; he Is a man of high standing, well and fa vorably known in Cleveland and through out Ohio in business circles, and would not, in my judgment, make any allegations that he was not confident he could establish." "Was there sufficient, in your judgment, of the properties of Graff, Bennett & Co. to have paid the debts of Graff, Bennett & Co., if carefully looked after and administered?" "I have no donbt of it; had none at the time of tbe assignment, and am of the same opinion now." "Do you believe that had H. P. Miller continued as assignee of Graff, Bennett & Co. the estate would have yielded the cred itors better results than has been obtained by John H. Bailey?" "I have no doubt but they would; P. H. Miller is a careful, painstaking, conserva tive man, and would have obtained all he could from the assigned estate. Mr. Miller is well known ana competent, ana one whose integrity I have never heard im peached; and in the selection of him for our assignee we believed no better man could be obtained, and that he would be acceptable to all of our creditors, having been engaged in business largely and in the settlement ot a number of estates." "Were the Clinton and Millvale mill properties valued by parties totally disin terested at the time ot giving what is termed the Hew Tork mortgage?" "Yes, about or shortly previous to the ob taining of this loan, the value and costs of these mills was made by disinterested per sons, who estimated the value of both mill properties at $1,800,000 to near $2,000,000." ''Who were the men who valned these properties at this time?" "VT. W. Patrick and "W. E. Schmertz, agents of the company through whom we procured the loan, made a personal examin ation of them." "Did they, do you believe, fully acquaint themselves with the values of tbe properties by obtaining the views and estimates of others acquainted with the value and cost of such or like properties ? "I certainly think they did; they were and are the agents of the New York institution which loaned the money, and being as they are, men of high standing and character, would not pais anything through their hands without careful investigation, ob taining from others their values of the prop erties." "Mr. Bailey states in his card published February 7, 1890, in the newspapers of this city, that the matter of the sale of the re maining assets of Graff, Bennett & Co. for $50,000, was discussed in his, John H. Bailey's office, with Messrs. Graff and Ben nett, and the two clerks of the old firm." "Yes, it was mentioned by Judge Bailey in the old office of Graff, Bennett & Co., when be was distinctly told the properties to which the appraisers had not fixed any price was large and valuable. Mr. Graff and mysell both told him that one piece in Payette county could be sold lor $50,000, if not more; the values ol the other properties his attention was called to, and we said to him it was a shame that these properties be sold in bulk and sacrificed under a private agreement without seekitig to obtain their values through the ordinary channels; the unimproved properties composed, as I be lieve, only a portion of that sold to the syndicate or to the committee for the syndi cate." "Did Bailey ever say to yon that he pro posed to make sale of these effects or prop erties for which the sum of $50,000 was the price sold at to the syndicate?" "Yes; in the office about one hour or so before the time he said he was going to ap ply to the Court for an order or privilege to do so, he showed me no list of properties, neither have I one now, detailing all he said were to be sold, and I am told it is not on the records against this. I protested, his re ply was that he was going clear out and wind up the assigneeship. "Were you at home when he was ap pointed assignee?" "If o, I was away from the city an invalid, and too feeble to assume the active duties of business, as I bad before my sickness, on my return." SUMMARY Of tbe assignment of Graff. Bennett & Co.. as appears by tbe record and the statement of James I. Bennett, herewith published. EXAMINE FOKTOUBSELF AND SEE IF CORRECT .Appraisement of Graff, Bennett & Co. property by W. W. .Patrick and W. E. Schmertz 12,000,000 indebtedness of Graff, Bennett & Co. Encumbrances (secured). .. .565.000 Debts unsecured 613,112 L208.112 x.xcesa 01 assets otct u&dui tles Assgnee Bailey disposed of S 79L8S8 property vaiuea at For cash, doe bills, etc $199,5X13 Subject to encumbrances 605,000 Subject to pledge 80.000 2,000,000 844.503 Loss to Graff. Bennett t Co. n.155,487 Auditor's report shows that creditors only re ceived a dividend of less than 15 per cent. - Does not this summary prove John H. Bailey's fitter incapability to transact even an ordinary business affair? Is he fit for Mayor? He is challenged to deny the correctness of the foregoing. t Communicated. A Third Challenge. The following letter has been sent to P. Foley, Chairman of the Democratic Com mittee: Headquarters ") Republican Crrr Executive Coil, v x Pittsbuko, February 13, 1891 J Patrick Foley, Esq., Chairman Democratic Cltr Committee: ' Mr Deab Sib As you have seen fit to decline our first challenge, and have not even honored us with a reply to onr second challenge, I will submit a third challenge for your consideration. Tbe Democratic candidate for Mayor is advertised to make a political speech in Iiawrenceville on the evening of Saturday next. Will you permit your candidate, John H. Bailev, on that occasion to debate with the Republican candidate.Henry LGourlev, upon any subject concerning our city andits government? Respectfully. Clabexce Bcbleigh, Chairman. Spbdxo jackets, spring wraps, to-day, at Enable & Shuster's. 35 Fifth ave. Mr 25c 25c. 25c Ladies' ribbed vests great bargain. JiF Kir able & Sbtjsteb, 35 Fifth ave. A Large 8x10 Photo for 81 Of yourself. Come early if you want one, to Autrecht'a Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Bring baby. 1 Hosiery Bargain. Fast black stockings only 15c all sizes. JiP Knable & Shusiee, 35 Fifth ave. Beware of Paramenia. Use at once Baker's Pure Cod Liver Oil or Baker! Emulsion. The genuine only. Of druggists. Baboaxvs in linens. Bargains in towel. KTr Knable & Bhtjsxeb, 35 Fifth are. Communicated. AN IRISHMAN SPEAKS. BE CONDEMNS CANDIDATE BAILEY, Baying; No True Irishman Can Yote for the Mnu Who Said It Waa Beneath BU D le nity to Attend a Land Lcacno Sleeting. The Irish- American voters seem to be a unit against John H. Bailey. Mr. Corne lius Horgan, one of the most prominent Irishmen in Pittsburg, when asked if he was going to vote for Bailey, said: "No, sir; I am not." "What are your reasons?" "I have written them, and you can pub lish this letter, written and signed by me." The following is the letter: "I am an Irishman and a Democrat. I have been a citizen of this country for many years, but I think I am no worse an Amer ican because my heart is still warm toward the Green Isle. The man who forgets the land where the bones of his forefathers are laid will not be true to any other. So I am proud to call myself an Irishman, and my vote has always shown me to be a Democrat. "I voted for John H. Bailey for Judge. Next Tuesday I am going to vote for H. I. Gourley for Mayor. Why? For reasons which ought to be enough for any loyal Irishman. 'In the spring of 1887, when Parnell was in the heat of his grand struggle for Irish rights, his appeal for help went out to every land were the name of Ireland was known, and where have her sons not carried it hon orably? The response was as general as the appeal. We did not stop to ask what church Parnell belonged to. Priests of the Boman Catholic Church spoke from the same plat form with preachers of every Protestant communion. They noblyforgot their differ ences for the time, and locked arms around the man who was the leader of all in a great battle for humanity. A Eepublican Gov ernor of Pennsylvania did not think it too much to travel from Harrisburg to Phila delphia to preside at a Parnell meeting. A Democratic Governor ot New York went from Albany to New York City for the same purpose. A Judce of the Supreme Court ot the United States thought himself hon ored in being invited to preside over the meeting in 'Washington. "On the evening of April 20, 1887, we had a great Parnell meeting here in the Central Bink. Of all those who were invited to take part in its proceedings, one man in all this community refused, and, I am in formed, wrote a letter saying that it was be neath the dignity of the place he filled to figure as a Vice President of a Parnell meeting. The place that uplifted him so high that the moan of suffering Ireland could not reach his ears nor touch his heart he got by the votes of the Irish Democrats of Allegheny county. The one man in all this country 'who was too exalted to help us then was John H. Bailey, now running for mayor 01 mis city, x neipea exau mm to his former place, and if my lile is spared until next Tuesday I will help bring him down to a more sympathetic level. I will, at least, help to show him that he who has no sympathy for Irish suffering can have no hope of Irish support "I can do so with a heartier satisfaction, be cause the man who presided at that Parnell meeting which John H. Bailey disdained, who, although called upon at the last mo ment, after another had failed, showed no resentment, bnt took the chair and made a speech of such sympathetic eloquence as would have done credit to any Irishman born, was H. L Gourley, the man whom the Irishmen, who never forget a friend, and have not forgotten that night, will make the next Mayor of Pittsburg. "CoBNELrrs Hoboax. "Fifth ward, Pittsburg." Communicated. How la ThUT Chief Brown claims that the government of this city is the best in the country. The people do not believe it and as a proof of their lack of faith in Chief Brown's asser tions they point to the fact that the sub committee of Councils have added to the present millage six additional mills besides a deficiency of $300, 000 in last year's budget, and unless Judge Bailey can be elected Mayor the millage next year will be six mills more. Cashmere Ombre Will Wash and Will Not Fade. 175 pieces and nearly as many styles. Beautiful as silk. Jos. Hobite & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Babgaixs in ginghams. Bargains in sateens. Enable & Shusteb, mf 35 Fifth ave. Bnrgnlni In New French Bensalloea, 51 pieces all different, either in style or coloring, beautiful shades, and tints, and at 50o a yard, worth $1 50c to-day. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Nine Dollar Bay One. To-day we place on sale a splendid assort ment of early spring styles of men's over coats and suits at $9 for choice. The over coats consist of very fine meltons, kersey and worsteds; are silk-faced or plain, with satin sleeve lining. The suits include cheviots, cassimeres, diagonals and worsteds. To-day $9 gives you a selection of the entire lot P. C. C. C. Cor. Grant and Diamond lis., opp. the new Court House. Special Sale of Persian Shonlder Capes To Day. All $45 and $50 capes now $30. Jos. Horne & Co. Is Penn Avenue Stores. BABGATNS in muslins Friday and Satur day. Enable & Shusteb, sip 35 Fifth ave. The use of the Iron City Brewing Co.'s ale and beer is conducive to health and gives the highest satisfaction. Unrivaled for family use. Telephone 1166. Sale of surah silks away down in price. Don't fail to come to-day. up Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Coughs and colds are dangerous intruders. Expel them with Parker's Ginger Tonic. Parker's Hate Balsam aids tbe hair growth. LEGAL NOTICES. HAYS A. NOBLE. Attorneys at Law, 118 Diamond street. ESTATE OF CHARLES A. SNYDER, DE CEASED Notice is hereby, given that letters testamentary on tbe estate of Cbas. A. Snyder hare been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims aeainst the same should make tbem known without delay. LENA SNYDER, Upper St Clair P. O.. Allegheny co., or HAYS NOBLE, US Diamond St.. Pittsburg, Pa. janB-T 8. H. GEYER, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Diamond street. THSTATE OF JAMES B. SWINDELL, DE VI CEASED Notice is hereby, given that letters of administration on the estate of James B. Swindell have been granted to the under aimed, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same should make tbem known without delay. ISABEL SWINDELL, 37 Roberts st, Pittsburg, Pa. S. H. GEYER, Attorney-at-Law. ja24-83-T 118 Diamond St ELECTIONS. PlTTSBUBG AJID CASTLE SHANHOK 1 fi.All.BOAD tOMPAST, I XU of the stockholders of this company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 18. 1890, between tbe hours of 2 and iP.JL, for tbe purpose of electing a President and 10 Di rectors to serve durinc tbe ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tbem. . . , E- 3- REAMER, fcj-go-p Becretary and Treasurer. JIANOh. ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instrument! AT HAMILTON'S, delO-o Fifth avenue. 3 Display advertisement one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified adverttst. ments on this page xuch as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ett, ten cent -per line for each imer tion, and none taken for leti than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CAKSON STREET. WHEKE ADVERTISE MENTS, NEWS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, BOTH FOB QENEKAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAL BOUTHSIDK ISSUE PUB LISHED EACH SATUEDAY. BRANCH OFFICES ABE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, WHERE WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO S P. M. FOR IN SERTION NEXT MORNING 1 Advertisement are 10 be prepaid except where advertisers already hare account with This Dis- fATCU. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SSuS Bntler street EMIT, o. BTUCKEY. 24th street and Penn are. E. G. bTUCKEYACO.,Wylleave. andFultoast N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market House. EAST EJTD. J.W. WALLACE. 6121 Penn avanus. OAKX.A1TD. MCALLISTER A SHE1BLER, 5th av. AAlwOOdst EounieiDx. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Canon street H. A.DONALDSON. 1707 Carson atrest ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street H. J. McBRIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street F. H. EGGERS & BON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aTe. G. W. HUGHES, PeinsTlTs.nl and Beaver are. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny are. MILLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER. Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Mala HelD. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED PACKAGE wrapper; none other need apply. A. G. CAMPBKlJLASONS. fe!4-9J WANTED-AGOOD BOl ONE THAT HAS had some experience at tbe barber trade. FRED ECKEKT. S549 Bntler street feH-3 WANTED-PRESS BOY-ONE WHO HAS had experience in feeding Job printing press. Address H. K., Dispatch office. fel4-97 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER: one having some knowledge of real estate business preferred. Address J., Dis patch office. fel3-43 WANTED-AGENTS, FOR A NEW PAYING business; tl an boar easily made; simples, etc.. sent (Tee. Address C. E. MARSHALL, Lockport N. Y. Ja31-18-r WANTED A GOOD LIVE AGENT FOR Pittsburg to handle the SncdUer ACarr ventilating and cooling fan for hotels, restaurants, saloons, etc Address SNEDDXEB & CARR. 92S Filbert it, Phlla., Pa. fel4-l WANTED-DETECT1VES A MAN NEEDED in every locality to act as private detective under our instructions: experience not necessary; Sirtlculars free. CENTRAL DETECTIVE BO EAU. Box 195, Topeka, Kan. fe6-13 WANTED TWO MACHINE BLACK SMITHS: must be good, sober. Industrious men and must hare recommendations from for mer employers: to commence work at once. JAMES P. WITHEBOW. New Castle. Pa. fe!4-75 XTJANTED-SALESMEN AT ITS PER MONTH VV salarrand expenses, to sell a line ordlver- platedware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for full articular and sample case of good free. STAN ARD bILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-P WANTED-COAL MINERS-THE CRESSON and Clearfield Coal and Coke Co. will give steady employment to 300 coal miners at their mines. Frugality. Cambria Co., Pa.: healthy lo calltr. good dwelling houses, no trouble with em ployes, full district prices pala; owing to making new openings we require more men. For particu lars address P. H.WALLS. General Manager, Frugality, Cambria Co., Pa. fel4-77-F8u Female Help. WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. J. KAISER. 10 and 12 Carson st, Soutbslde. fel4-64 TITANTED AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE VV KELPER for a public Institution cutstdi the city ; wages 8200 per annum with, board an! washing: must come weU recommended. Address PENN, Dispatch office. fe!2-41 WANTED-IN OUR DEPARTMENT OF modern art a lady of superior Intelligence and line address, capable of dealing with onr best people; best references required. For part.culars as to ealarr. etc. annlr after 10 A. K. to H. A. bCHRODER, Manager, No. 6 Seventh ave. fel4-7S WANT! D-AN EXPERIENCED SEAM STRESS and dressmaker for a public insti tution outside tbe city: one competent to instruct: middle-aged single woman: must come well recommended: wages flW per annum, "with board and washing. Address PENN. Dispatch office. fei2-4l -T7"ANTED A MIDDLE-AGED SINGLE YV woman who has had experience in making boys1 clothing and competent to instruct boys In the work for a public Institution outside the city; wages 1250 per annum with board and washing; must come well recommended. Address PENN, Dlspatcb office. fel2-41 Male and Female Heln -TTJANTED-A GOOD COOK. MALE OR FE- V MALE, for hotel short distance from city. Inquire 832 LIB ERT Y ST. fel8-9? WANTED-FARM HANDS, DAIRYMEN, drivers, 60 cooks. 20 cnambermalds, nurse, dining room, kitcben. laundry and pantry girls, colored girls, woman for kitchen work, 4 general work. MEKHAN'S, 545 Grant St fel0-D Situation. TT ANTED SITUATION AS COACHMAN; TV can come well recommended. Address P. J., Dispatch office. f 614-70 WANTED TYPEWRITING TO DO AT home: use Remington machine. Address WRITER, Dispatch office. feS-39 WANTED SITUATION AS CUTTER: speak both languages: practical In all branches of tailoring. Address J. C. G., Dis patch office. fel4-60-rsu WANTED-SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN IN any kind of business; understands book keeping, also high and low German: good refer ences. Address H. W. S., 951 Penn ave. fcl4-CZ w Rooms. Douses. Etc. WANTED-ROOM3 IN ALLEGHENY-BY man and wife, no children, 3, 4 or 5 rooms for housekeeping: references given. Address S. K., Dispatch office. fel3-3 -TTTANTED-FURN1SHED ROOM, REASON TV ABLE rent In private family; no children; near postoffice; by young lady; state terms; with or without board. Address 1., Dispatch office. fel4-2 -TTTANTED-BY APRIL 1. TWO OR THREE TV pleasant rooms, furnlsbed or unfurnished, and with board for married couple: East End pre ferred: references. Address TOWNLEY, Box 1,000. city. fel2-24 Financial. TliTANTED-SMALL MOR1GAGES-L J.WIL VV SON, 149 Fourth ave. ns28-23 -TTJ A N T E D-MORTGAOES. L.ARGE AND VV small, at lowest market rates of Interest W. A. HEKRON AbONB, 80 Fourth avenne. Ja2-50-TUP TTyANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP VV ERTY, over U.OOO; Vi oer cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVLrACO., 2Fourth avenue. mhSa22-D WANTED-MORTGAGIOS SI. 000, COO TO LOAN In large and small amounts at 4H. 5nd8 er cent free of btate tax: no delay. REED B. OYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. myaO WANTED-TO LOAN 1600,000. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J per cent free or tax: also smaller amount at Sands per cent BLACK & BAIRD, S5 Fourth avenue. se21-dJS-D TW"ANTED MOKTG AGES-fl.000, 000TO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand (percent and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent coun tie at (per cent 1. M.PENNOCKA SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-fU XT7-ANTED-TO iOAN (200,000 ON MORT- V V GAGES: tlOO and upward at 6 per cent; two, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business froperty; also in adlolnlng counties. 8. H. REN CR. 125 Fourth avenue. oc24-4-D miscellaneous. WANTZn-AT TAFT'S PHLLA. DENTAL ROOMS, to get everybody to get best set teeth for S3, a good set for SJ. fe9-80 WANTED-A PARTY WITH S1.250 CASH CAN buy one of tbe best arranged tea stores In this town, doing a cash counter trade: will sell for cash only. TEAS, Dispatch office. fel4-5S WANTED-WILL GIVE FREE SITE AND free ga to manufactories at Jeannette, on main line of Pennsylvania Railroad. Address EAST JEANNETTE LAND CO.,Greensburg, Pa. jai-19 WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of S6 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st, AU'y.. 1 making a life size crayon portrait, beautifullr framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for S3; all fine work. mhIS-63 FOB SALE I0IPBOVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. i Dinwiddle street, a nice brick dwelling of nine rooms, bathroom, hall, range, hot and cold water, both gases, good cellar; lot 25x134. For full particulars call on BLACK & BAIRD. 85 Fourth aTe. reH-89 FOR 8ALE NO. 8S FORBES AVE.. NEAR MA GEE street, only S7.O00:a lot 20J$rl30 ft to Gibbon street with a good brick house of 6 rooms on Forbes ave. and a large double house on Gibbon st of 8 rooms: tbls Is a bargain. W. A. HERRON Sb SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel2-61-WT TjlOR BALE-CITY PROPERTY-10 PER CENT J investment 12 two-story brick bouses, all In splendid order: 6 houses entirely new; renting for over 2, 000, and never idle; property sure to en hance in value; price 820,000: will accept mortgage for 812,000. Inquire MORRIS A FLEMING, Uo Fourth ave, f els-3-nwTSa FOR. SALE IMPROVED SEAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. T7OB SALE-PENN AVE. CORNER, 60 FEET 1? front; cheap at S45.000? CHARLES S0MEK3 CO., 118 Wood st. Telephone 1773. feU-W FJR 8ALE-G1ST ST., 82.000, NEAT BRICK house or four rooms: nat gas, etc.; easy terms. COOPER A PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. felWI-wr FOR SALE-PENN AVE. CORNER, 60 FEET front: cheap at 815. 000. CHARLES SOMEKS A CO.. 113 Wood st lelephone 1773. felMl TJOR SALE 81 500 -STREET PAVED AND C sewered: good house Ave rooms: lot 30x70 ft, on Herron, near Wrlle ave.. also near cable line. Bee W. A. HERRON A BONS, SO Fourth ave. feS-1-6,10,14,19 FOR SALE-MARION ST., BRICK HOUSE, nine rooms, ball, vestibule, bath, range, hot and cold water, both gases: house In excellent re pair and a bargain? COOPER & PETTY. 107 Fourth ave. fell-81-wr -T7IOR SALK-CHEAP ONLY 33.-400-BB1CK X? of six rooms: finished attic, hall, vestibule, marble mantels, good dry cellar, sewerage: . side entrance: lot 20x98. COOPER & PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. fell-6l-WT FOR SALE-GIST STREET, CORNER PROP ERTY, lot 20x80, with two-story frame, seven rooms, and three three-story bricks; rentstSOO a fear: all for 85,000, for a few days only. BAXTER, HOMPSON ft CO., 162 Feurth ave. feU-55-WFSU FOR BALE-DWELLINGS IN FIRST AND. Second wards, and also a large lot that Is well worthy of the attention or person wanting property In that locality; price from 86.000 up ward. 0. H. LOVE. 83 Fourth avenue. fel4-68 FOR SALE-120 PER MO. (NO OTHER PAY MENTS required) to buy a neat brick house; t rooms, ball and late Improvements: no other plan so easy: price only 81.900. For full particulars see V. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. , Ja28-86-TT FOR BALE-85,160, OVER 9 PER CEtiT, LOT 23x150, Forty-first street, Seventeenth ward, 2 bricks, 1 Irame, 4 rooms and attic each, one square off cable road, two squares off prospective park. Address owner, F. K. HAFFEY, 131 Irwin ave.. AU'y. fel 1-90-11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16. 13 East End Resiaeuce. f; R SALE-8S.600; JflCO CASH. REMAINDER on verv reasonable terms. No. 211 Coltart square, corner of Forbes ave,. In the heart of tbe very best part of Oakland, a complete new brick house of 9 rooms, handsomely finished, with all xne latest improvements. Dee w. A. nxinnun a. SONS, 80 Fourth are. fe2-53-TuT FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-EAST END residence and abont 1 acres of ground, with dense growth of full grown shade and forest trees, shrubbery, grape vines, copious flow- of pure crystal water, etc. etoi; a rare bargain in this Property to a prompt "purchaser. Particulars rom JAS. WT DRAPE & CO., Agents, 123 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. fel4-83-r TTIOR BALE-ON THE COR. OF TWO GOOD r sts. In tbe E. E.. two minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars, lot 89x120 to sewered alley, new frame house, reception halt six rooms and two finished room in attic bathroom, basement laundry, cemented cellar, solid bard wood mantels and staircase, sliding doors, electric bells, tile hearths, etc : possession at once; only 83,750. THUS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. fel2-5S TWR SALB-AT A BARGAIN-IF SOLD AT X? once, on a good street (sewered) In the E.E., about 3 minutes walk from Fifth ave. ; lot 64x133; elegant frame house of 8 rooms (4 rooms to a floor), oath room, laundry and large pantry, ele gant china closet cupboards for every room, lav atory under front stairs, large front side and back porches, nicely papered throughout slate mantels, natural gas, etc. in short complete In ererr respect, ana in an elegant ueignDornoou; good reasons for selling; only 88,600, THUS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. fel2-56 Allegheny Residence. FOR SALE-ONLY f 10,000 FOR A FINE BRICK dwelling, nine rooms, on North ave.: come and see about this. A. D. WU.SON, S5 Federal st, Allegheny. fel3-17-TTFS FORSALE-ON WESTERN AVE., NEAR THE park, elegant new brick dwelling, nine rooms, with every modern convenience; fine brict stable: a splendid home. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal st, Allegheny. fel3-l7-TTF8 FOR SALE-CHEAP-2U LACOCK ST., NEAR Bandnsky st, Allegheny, a good brick house eight rooms, lot 21X103 ft,, with stable In rear, paying over 6 per cent net on too amount asked. Bee W. A. HERRON & SONf , 80 Fourth avenue. fe7-95-TuF EIOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE Allegheny City properties, some of tbem near the parks, and varying In price from 83, 000, (4,000, (5,000, 86,000 and (7,000 and upward; some of these properties are below value; are well worthy of the attention of buyers. C. H. LOVE, 83 Fourth avenue. fel4-63 TTlbR BALE-SECOND WARD, NEAR FED- I ERAL st, Allegheny, fine two-story man sard, nine rooms, all modern conveniences; loca tion; desirable and condition of tbe property In all respects Is good: owner urges sale and a bar gain fs offered. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 318 Wo4d st Tel. 1773. fel4-91 FOR SALE IN SECOND WARD. ALLE GHENY CITY, in a good location; one ot the cheapest properties on tbe H2 arket: good sized lot wltbjgooa house S rooms and finished attic In front, marble mantels, etc and good 3-room house on alley In rear; will tell to a quick cash buyer for (3,500. C H. LOVE, 83 Fourth ave. ieis-00 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE ATEDGEWOOD, P. B, R., GOOD house of six rooms and finished attic city water! bath, range and natural gas; lot 83x192 feet: price! (4,000. W. A. HERRON SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fe4-81-TUF FORI BALE-FRANKLIN STREET. W1LK1NS BuRG, new two-story frame. seTen rooms and finished attic; wired ror electric light; batb, china closets, large pantries, nat. gas. front and rear porches: lot 33x122 feet; this is a bargain. BAXTER. THOMPSON A CO., 182 Fourth ave, lel2-5S-wrsu FOR BALE-THAT LARGE DOUBLE BRICK dwelling and fine wide lot adlolnlng Sbaros- burg, between Sumner and Guyasuta stations, to be sold on Monday afternoon, February 17. at 3 o'clock, on tbe premlses;8 spacious rooms In the dwelllng.finlshed attic, batb, hot and cold water, laTatory. natural gas, dry cellar: beautirul lot 103x275 feet; full crown poplar trees, shrubbery, etc.; a most desirable property and will be sold at a great bargain. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPEI & CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. feH-83-D FOR SALE LOTS. I - Cltr Lots. TTIOR SALE (450-A BARGAIN TO PROMPT JC buyer: corner tot 25x100 feet near Central Traction cable. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 318 Wood st Telephone 1773. iell-91 East End Lota. FOR SALE-COR. EDWTN AND ELWOOD sts., lot 50x120 to 20-ft. sewered alley: only (1,000; ternSs to suit purchaser. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. fe!2-56 OR SALE-ON SOUTH HIGHLAND AVE.: lots 40and 60x120 to sewered alley, elegint neighborhood: terms easy. '11103. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. fe 12-56 FOR SALE-ON ROUP ST., NEAR HOWE st: lot 40x100 to 20-ft. alley: sewered st: lot sets well abbre grade; only (2,400. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. fe 12-56 FOR SALE-838 PER FOOT. FINE LOT 50X140 to 20-robt alley, on Craig St., Oakland, only ISOfeet from jCenter aye.; bargain: come quick. MAGAW & GOFF. L1M., 145 Fourth ave. fel4-95 FOR SALE-ON BARTON ST., BETWEEN Ellsworth and Center aves. : beautiful build ing lots. 60x150: street paved and sewered; terms easy. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. lei'-w 1710R SALE - (15 ELEGANT BUILDING ? property. Craig st. close to cables: fin build ings being constructed In vicinity: 100x140 at (45 per front foot! CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 318 Wood st I fel4-81 FOR SALE-865-ELEGANT LARGE BUILD ING lot Friendship Park plau. corner two choice street) 65x133. at (65 per front fout CHARLES BOMERS A CO., 318 Wood st. lelc phone 1773. 1 fe!4-81 FOR SALK-SlFEET FRONT BY NEARLY2C0 feet deep, on Penn avenne. East End, for (100 a front foot: the best bargain In the East End ; cannot buy anything near it for near the price. C H. LOVE, (U Fourth avenue. fel4-68 FOR SALE THREE ACRES: GRADED street, extended frontage, elegant and im proving surroundings; fine property for snbdl vldlngorbulldlngpurposes:easT terms of pay ment CHARLES bOMERS A CO., 313 Wood st Telephone 1773. fe!4-91 2J10R SALE-LOTS IN'VILLA PARK ON 60&60 JT foot street with new sidewalks 4 feet wide; streets all graded: lot 40 to 60 feet by 140 to 250 In depth; convenient to Drushton station and ad joining Wilklnsbnrg; price very low. Call or send for plan and prices to HOWARD BROWN, Agent SttSmlthfleld st fe9-91-HWTS Alleshenv Lots. Fi R 8ALE-8250. S7D0-ALLEGHKNY RRnn. LNG lots: fine healthful situation, near street cars: Improving locality; good point for Invest ment. CHARLES BOMERS A CO., 813 Wood st Telephone 1773. fe!4-81 Suburban Lota. FOR SALE-ELEGANT LOTS AT AVALON, Ft. Wayne road; big bargain if sold by Feb ruary 15; lovely home at Ems worth; a bargain ; new 5-room bouse at Reflectonrllle. three-quarters acre of ground, three miles from city, J. B, ZIM MERMAN, 101 Fourth ave. fes-47 FOR BALE-BEST AND CHEAPEST BUILD ING lots on the Allegheny side, at Etna sta tion; fare, 5Hc: easy reach of two railroads, street cars, schools and churches; natural gas; new houses going up continually; price only half s feS-78-WTSU Farms. FOB BALE-FARM OF 21 ACRES, LOCATED near Allison Park, Pittsburg and Western It R. : 4 minutes' from station. For terms, call on ALGEO BROTHERS, 204 Federal St., Alle gheny. " Ja2S-40-D FOR BALE-FARM 440 ACHES, WITH EVERY convenience; the best Improved and finest stock farm in Trumbull county. Ohio; reason for selling, old age and wealth; price low; easy terms. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant st. Pittsburg. feS-D SDacellnneona. TTIOR BALE-REAL ESTATE IN BOTH CITIES JC 1,000 houses and lots; call or send for new Git Just out THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3609 Butler st Telephone 5514. Office open (vonlngs. , i". FOR SALEBUSINESS. Bnalness Chances. FOR SALE-A SMALL, WELL EQUD7PED printing office. For particulars apply to FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth ave. tfe8-50 FOR BALE-A FEED STORE DOING A GOOD business. 803 and 805 Main St., Braddock, Fa.. selling out to quit the business. Apply to JOHN ROUTH. proprietor, fee-43-D FOR BALE-ONE-HALF OWNERSHIP IN city manufacturing business; investment of (5, 000 very profitable, CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. fel2-90 FORSALK-HATANDFURNISHING STORE, Beaver Falls, Pa. For full particulars ad dress GEO. A. CUBB1SON, Beaver Falls, Pa. P. B.-Must be sold by Feb. 25, 1890." fel2-27 FOR BALE-ONE-HALF OWNERSHIP IN city manufacturing business; Investment of 85,000: very profitable. CHARLES BOMERS A CO., 313 Woodst. Telephone 1773. feH-91 FOR BALE-PLUMBING SHOP IN A GOOD town or 15,003 Inhabitants having water works, natural and illuminating ga. Inquire of J. L. MCSHANE, 19 Seventh ave., Pittsburg, Pa. fe9-12 TTIOR SALE-BUSINESS CHANCE A SMALL Ju manufacturing business in the city: to a live man with (1,000 this a good opening: Particulars from JAB. W. DRAPE A CO., 12S Fourth ave., Pittsburg. ielt-82 FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED MILLINERY and ladle and gent' furnishing store and fix tures in a thriving town in Ohio, not far from Pittsburg. Call or address J. D. BEBND A CO., 815,817 Liberty st fel2-80 FOR BALE-NICE CLEAN BUSINESS ON Fifth avenue; excellent location; small cash payment; good reasons for selling; this 1 a rare opening; stock and fixtures about (3,600. E. H. LEISURE, 115 Fifth avenue, McKeesport Pa, fel4-64-D TfWR BALE-DRYGOODS STORE, WITH A X new and clean stock: first-class location In city: owner to engage In other business; stock be tween (9.000 and (10, OOOr long lease guaranteed; a rare chance. Address N. C P., Dispatch office. felJ-98 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES, (400, (600, 8300, (1,000, 83,000,15.009,(10,000; 5 and 10-cent store, drugstores, country stores, cigar stores, boarding houses, confectioneries, bakeries, feed store, milk depot and other business chances. BHEPARD A CO., 54 Fifth ave. ,fel2 FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS RETAIL GRO CER f business, ou the best tborougbfare In Allegheny; an old established stand, and making money: stock In elegant condition; 111 health the only reason for selling. Particulars from JAB. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe!4-83-D FOR SALE A WELL - ESTABLISHED wholesale and retail grocery business in the city in a good location and excellent facilities for increasing the trade; sales at present about $15, 000 a month; stock and fixtures would Invoice about 812, 000. Term confidentially from JAMES W. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. fel4-53-D FOR SALE PARTNERSHIP INTEREST to an active and competent gen tleman, who could take cbarge of tbe office and financial department of an exten sive lumber and planing mill business in tbe city, and furnish the necessary capital for a one-third Interest to meet the rapidly growing character of tbe business; the present firm is com posed of two gentlemen of good business ability and high standing in every way, and are making money: additional assistance and capital only necessary, as trade Is increasing. Full particu lars in confidence from JAMES W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. felt-83-D Business Stands. FOR SALE-FINE THREE-STORY PRESS brick storeroom; nine dwelling rooms, all In perfect order, corner Federal st, Allegheny, 18.000. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood at. Telephone 1773. fel2-80 FOR BALE-FINE THREE-SIORY PRESS brick, storeroom, nine dwelling rooms, all In perfect order, corner Federal st, Allegheny; )I8,000. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 213 Woodst Telephone 1773. fel4-91 F ORSALE VALUABLEHOTIOjI'ROFERTY, Including real estate: large house, perfectly equippea; nneiy sitnateu in ousiness center: li censed: very profitable; (35,000. CHARLES bOMERS CO., lUWood st. Telephone 1773. fel2-80 FOR SALE VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY, including real estate; large house, perfectly equipped; finely situated in business center: licensed: very profitable: 835,000. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st Telephone 1773, fel4-91 FOR bALE PENN AVE. BUSINESS STANP, new two-storr brick, with fine plate glass front and five dwelling rooms; this property Is well locaieu. suiiauie lor oaaery, grocery orarug store; lot 24x100 to alley. BAXTER, THOMPSON A CO., 162 Fourth ave. fel2-55-WT8c FOB SALE-AN ELEGANT BUSINESS BITE on a paved and sewered st. In Kat End. near Penn ave. : lot 20x95 to 40 ft. at ; frame house of 8 rooms, which can easily bo changed Into store at very small expense, and bound to Increase In value; offered at a bargain. THUS, LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avenue. fel2-58 FOR SALE-THE WELL KNOWN "GILL Car and Car Wheel Works,1' located on Preble ave.. Ninth ward, Allegheny, fronting on Ohio river, containing 2i acres, having connections wltn Fort Wayne and Chicago and Pittsburg and Western Railroads; Includes all the buildings, foundries, machine shops, etc. erected thereon; will sell or give a lease for a term or years. For further particulars Inquire HENRY A. W EAVEB A CO., 92 Fourth ave. fe!2-2S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Lire Stock, dfcc FOR SALE FrVE IRISH BETTER PUPS, full bred; will sell at a reasonable price. H. GEO. HALE. JR., Penn ave.and Sixth st fe 1265- wr F OR SALE-TWO HORSES. TWO WAGONS, one buggy, grocery shelving and counters. scales etc. Address C. R. BUSHFIELD, 175 Federal st, Allegheny. feli-72 FOR SALE-ONE BAY COLT. THREE-QUARTER Clydesdale, 5 year. 1,400 lbs: one gray horse, three-quarter Lincolnshire, 7 years, 1,350 lbs: one brown colt three-auarterHambletonlan. A years, fine driving mare: tbey are sound, guar anteed good workers; anyone having use for them should call at once, as they are for sale here by a country merchant retiring, and belong to no dealer; rhances are rare to get horses, good con dition, hardened to work as they arc at a fair figure. At P. LIND'S Stables 336 and 383 Forbes avenue, city. fel4-79-vsu Machinery and Metals. FORSALE-200 TONS T RAILS IN LOTS TO ult purchaser. 25,30 and 35 lb. Address P. O. BOX 940, Pittsburg. felt-53 F OR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW JP and refitted: repairing promply attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO.. LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. fe3-32 FOR SALE-BECK'S PAT. AUTOMATIC engine for electric light and railway service; engines and boilers In every size and style: saw mills and woodworking machinery. HARMES' MACHINE DEPOT, SfFlrstave.. Pittsburg. J 18-38-D TJMJR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND 1: boilers; aU sizes and styles la stock, from 4 to 100 h, p. ;all ,refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engine. 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way, Allegheny. Pa. OC25-80-D FOR SALE TWO OPEN STEEL FURNACES, with or without gas producers; hydraulic crane with pumps, 24 in. 3 high: billet mill with 8 standofhonsen;rall and scrap shears, engines, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Laccck and Sandusky ts Allegheny, Pa. auo-17-MWT STIscenaueoas. F OR SALE-A HARP, CHEAP-INQUIRE AT UB.J. DtMjo.; -4v vaiQ at., AiicjEneur. fe)3-41 FOR BALE-12 ELEGANT CABINETS OR ONE large 8x10 photo of yourself for (1 at AU FREGHT'S Elite Gallery, 516 Market street Come early; bring baby. fel3-S9 FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT WALNUT OF FICE counter with partitions and glass tops. Call at 419 Wood st. Germanla Saving Bank building. THOS. D. KELLER. fell-55 PERSONAL. PERSONALr-12 ELEGANT CABINETS OB one large 8x10 photo of yourself for (1 at AUFRECUT'S Elite Gallery, 516 Market street. Come early; bring baby. felS-39 PERSONAL-BOOKS! WE HAVE MANY quaint and out-of-the-way boot: not to be had anywhere else. Have you lun, LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 900 Liberty st Ja29 PERSONAL -BOOKS-25,000. BARGAINS IN useful and instructive reading: books, rare, Sualnt and curious, at FRAN K BACON A CO. 'S, I Diamond street Just above Smltbfleld. Libra ries purchased. fea-150 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently tbey had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent tbe trouble they agreed to send alt their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth -ave., corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1553. auao-D LOST. LOST-20 PER CENT BY NOT HAVING MY painting done at PASTORIUB A JACOBS', 411 Smlthfield st, and 69 South Twenty-second st. city. fel3,-MWP POLITICAL. HKATiaiTAKTERS Republican Executive committee. Aixeoheny. Pa.. Feb. & 1890. SQ.S THI 1THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF THE . city of Allegheny will assemble at their respective polling places In each ward on FRI DAY, the 14th Inst, between tbe hours of land 7 o'clock, p. m and there to vote by ballot for one person for candidate for Mayor at tbe ap proaching municipal election, the person re ceiving the greatest number of votes to be the nominee of the party, the election to be con ducted strictly In accordance with rnles as adopted by tbls committee and acts of Assem blyeovernlng tbe same. The following persons having conformed with the rules will be voted for: JAMES G. -WYMAN, WILLIAM A. CRUIKSHANK, WILLIAM BADER. The committee will assemble in Common Council Chambers on SATURDAY EVENING, 15th Inst, to canvass the returns and declare the nominee. A, J. PENTECOST, H. KENNEDY. Chairman, Becretary. ZeU-68-wr TO VET. Citv Residence. TO LET-S20-RO BERTS STREET, NEAR CEN TRAL Traction line comfortable 5-room brick. CHABLES BOMERS 4 CO. 113 Wood. Tele phone 1773. ' lel4- TO LET-ONLY (14 PER MO. A NEAT BRICK honse,3lx rooms, bath and range, 201 Ply mouth St., Thirty-fifth ward: a bargain. W. A. HEBRON A SONS. 60 Fourth avenue. fe8-64-WT8 TO LET-BEAUTIFUL NEW DWELLINGS, eight rooms and bath each, elegantly finished with every possible convenience: ready bv April 1: Bluff, near Magee st. HENRY A. DAVIS, 414 Grant st. feJ2-15 T O LET A NEAT FRAME COTTAGE ON Mount Washington, containing eight rooms: supplied with city water and natural gas. In quire of A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood st J 131-06 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-ON PENN AVE.. NEAR REBECCA st, brick house of seven rooms, bathroom, natural gas, etc.; (27 50 per month. THUS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth aye. feH-81 lave FR TO LET-NO. 69 FREMONT ST., ALLE GHENY, very desirable house ol 10 rooms; all the latest conveniences; location first-class. See W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave fel2-62-WF Suburban Residences. TO LET-823-AVALON, CLOSETO STATION nlceS-room house, fine condition: large lot. CHARLES SOMERS A X'O., 313 Wood st. Tele phone 1773. fel4-80 mo LET-8I5-BRU3HTON, CLOSE TO 8TA- nun, gooa nonse k room porches, stable, large lot f TION. good house 6 rooms, finished attic ITUlt UllABUtO BOMERS A CO, 313 Wood. Tel. 1773. fel4-80 TO LET AT BULTON DOUBLE BRICK dwelling of 6 and 7 rooms: will rent separate ly or will connect to use as boarding or eating house: good location: near station: rent (12 50 or (25 a month. I. M. PENN OCK A BON, 105 Fourth ave. fel2-49-WFsn TO LET AT EDGEWORTH STATION. ON the P. F. W. A C. R. R.. for one or several years, a beautiful new eight-roomed house; also finished rooms in attic; all modern conveniences; bath room; laundry and gas of both kinds. In quire at LEADER OFFICE. j a2100 TO LET HOME AVENUE, BELLEVUE, A few minutes' walk from station, modern residence of 16 rooms, large halls, etc, and all modern conveniences, fine lawn, large grounds, with fine walks, fruit and shade trees; to desir able tenant very moderate rent. BAXTER. THOMPSON A CO., 162 Fourth ave, above new postoffice. fel4-6 Apartments. TO LET-A FIRST-CLA8S FURNISHED front parlor; both gases, etc. ; for one or two Sentlemen; rent very reasonable to right party, i THIRD AVE. ' fel4-52 TO LET-FRONT AND BACK PARLOR. suitable for physician's office or bedroom and parlor; both gases. NO. 67 SANDUSKY STREET, Allegheny. fel4-2 Atlantlo City Property, TO LET-OR FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., hotels, cottages and bath houses: lots for sale In all parts of city: also South Atlantic City. ISRAEL G. ADAMS A CO., Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. fe4-78 Offices. Desk Room. Arc TO LET-ONLY (H PER MO. FOR STOREROOM and five dwelling rooms; very cheap. Y. A. HERRON A SONS, SO JFourth avenue. feS-64-WTS TO LET-ELEGANT OFFICES IN THE NEW Fidelity building. 121 and 123 Fourth ave. Apply to FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO. fe8-50 TO LET TO PHYSICIAN. FRONT PARLOR on first floor, with use of an adlolnlng room during office hours. Call at 51 EAST DIAMOND, Allegheny. , fel4-69 TO LET-SINGLE AND CONNECTING room In the Garrison Building, corner Third ave. and Wood St. : ail well-lighted front rooms. Inquire or A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood St. J a SI -06 TO LET-OFFICES IN THE HAMILTON Building, 91 and S3 Fifth ave.: suites with fireproof floors, partitions and vaults, and every modern convenience: offices from (150 and up ward. Call AT OFFICE on first floor. fell-86 TO LET AN ELEGANT OFFICE IN THE new Dispatch building, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street; elevator. Janitor service, electric light and steam heating included in rent which Is moderate: situation central. Apply jo J. L. CLABK, Superintendent Boom 28. felJ-4 TO LET OFFICES-ALL SIZES, IN WEST INGHOUSE building, handsomest and best equipped office building in Western Pennsyl vania; good location: thoroughly fire-proof; elec tric light: three elevators: superior service. In quire of JOHN F. MILLER, at building. fel2-53-uwrsu Business Stands. rTtO LET-MANUFACTURING OR BUSINESS JL house, four stories, elevator. No. 88 Water, near Market st. Bee W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fe6-97-6,8,ll,lt TO LET-THE STOREROOM NOW OCCUPIED by O. C Taylor as a grocery store, corner Beaver avenue and Sheffield st For particular see A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st. fel4-6S-14,15,lS,20,22 mO LET-OR FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS JL. store building in one of the best locations for a country store in Ohio. Address JESSE KEi'NER, New Garden, Col. co., Ohio. ja24-7-Jtwr rTW LET-A FINE HOTEL OF 27 ROOMS JL in a lively town near Pittsburg; steady boarders support house; good run of transient custom; rent only 00. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe3-82 TO LET-LIBERTY, NEAR SIXTH ST., ELE GANT business location two floors, large, well-lighted, front and-alde entrance; use of ele vator. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 813 Wood. Telephone 1773. feH-90 TO LET-THE KEYSTONE BANK WILL move Into their new building about March 1, consequently the rooms now occupied in the Petroleum Exchange building will be to let In quire at the BAN K. ja23-94 TO LET-FIFTH AVENUE STOREBOOM The business office of Tbe Dispatch will be moved April 1 to the lately purchased property, corner Sailthfield and Diamond sts., and tbe greater part of No. 97 and 99 Firth avenue here tofore known as the Dispatch building, will In consequence be for lease during a term of years. This will be found perhaps the choicest location in the whole city for a large retail business. Full artlculars may be obtained from the BUSINESS 1ANAGER OF 1HE DISPATCH at the Fifth ave. office." la9-U7 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by tbe Committee on Borough Property, of Wilklnsbnrg. Pa., until 4 p. at., WEDNESDAY. February 28, 1880, for the building of two hose bouses and one hook and ladder truck house. Flans and specifications can be seen at Brown & Hackett's store, Wood st, Wilklnsbnrg: One hose house to be located on the southwest corner of the public scbool lot. First ward. One hose house to be located on tbe corner of Rebecca and Hay sts Third The hook and ladder truck house to be located on the borough lot Sontb st. Second ward. The proposals to be addressed to tbe Committee on Borough Property.care of Brown &. Hackett. The Committee reserve the right to reject any or all olds. feM-66-MThr Norfolk and Westebn Railroad Co., Roanoke, Va- February 4. 1890, ( PROPOSALS FOR FOUNDATIONS AND masonry Proposals for the foundations and masonry of the Ohio river bridge, near Ceredo, on the Ohio extension, will be received until 12 o'clock M., WEDNESDAY. February 26,1890. Tbe special attention of masonry contractors is called to this work, which will aggregate about twelve thousand (12,000) cubic yards, in five piers and one abutment Intending bidders will be expected to make foil examination of this work, and their propo sition most ha accompanied with satisfactory evidence of their ability to construct the same. No proposition wlU be entertained unless written upon the forms provided for that pur pose. General plans and specifications can be examined and other information obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Roanoke, Va. Tbe company reserves the right to reject any or aU bids. W. "VV. COE, fe7-62 Chief .Engineer. Norfolk and Western Railroad Co., i Roanoke, Va., February 4, 1S90. PROPOSALS FOR CROSS TIES-PRO-SALS for the furnishing and delivery of tbe cross ties required in the construction of the Ohio Extension, extending; from Klkhoru, We-t Virginia, to Ironton, Ohio, a distance of about one hundred and nicety-five (195) miles, approximately, three thousand per mile, will be received until 12 o'clock M., WEDNESDAY, February 26. 1890. Intending bidders will be expected to examine the timber adjaoent to the line of railroad, and their proposition must be accompanied by sat isfactory evidence of tbelr ability to do the work bid for. No proposition will be enter tained unless made out upon tbe forms pro vided for that purpose. Specifications can be examined, and other information cbtalned, at the office of the Chief .Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. The company reserves the right to reject any or all propositions. w. W. COE. fe7-fll Chief Engineer." Norfolk and Western Railroad Co.,i Roanoke, Va., February 4, 1890. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING AND MASONRY Proposals for the grading and masonry of tbe Ohio Extension, extending from Elkhorn, West Virginia, to Ironton, Ohio, a distance of one hundred and ninety-five (195) miles, will be received until 12 o'clock K., WEDNESDAY, February 26. 189a Intending Udders will be expected to make thorough examination of the work for which tbey submit proposals, and their proposals must'be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of their ability to construct the work bid for. No proposition will be entertained nnless writ ten upon forms provided for that purpose. Profiles and general plans and specifications can be examined, ana other information ob tained at the office of Chlet Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia, The company reserve the right to rejact any or aU bids.' W. w; COE. 17-60 cyk iawer. AUCTION BALES. ADJOURNED SALE OF COUNTY BUILDINGS, DIAMOND STREET, TO SATURDAY, FEB. 15, At 2 o'clock P. K-. on tbe premises (1st), 73x115 ft. Diamond st, adjoining Panhandle Railway, with buildings formerly nsed as Criminal Court. Trezsurer's,Protbnnatary'8,Commissioner'jand Clerk of Courts offices. (2d) 100 ft on Diamond st by 125 ft on Ross St., with buildings lately used as Common Pleas Courts, Sheriff's, Regis ter's andRecorder's offices. Terms of sale One-fourth on confirmation of sale; balance one, two, three and four years, secured by bond and mortgage on tbe premises, with 4 per cent per annum on deferred pay ments. JOSIAH SPEER, Controller. fl-f.MrlEEf- icomWera. DANIEL MCVILLIAMS, SConunl3s ne- A, J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer. fe9-107 A? T AUCTION! Furniture, carpets, notions, shoes and dry goods, FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. H.at 10 O'CLOCK, At 'the auction rooms, 311 Market st Fine chamber suits, in walnut, oak and cherry, mir ror door wardroDe, folding beds, bookcases, sideboards, mirrors, TURKISH PARLOR SUITS, Upholstered In Encllsh rugs, leather couch, fine plush parlor suits, lounges, easy chairs and rockers, extension tables, dining chairs, velvet, Brussels and ingrain carpets, rugs, etc. The goods must be sold, HENRY AUCTION CO., fel3-28 Auctioneers. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Furniture for sale at auction on premises, corner FOURTH AVE. and GRANT BT on WEDNESDAY, February 19. 1890. Sale begins- at iu o'clock a. m . for particulars, inquire ol HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM, fel2-71 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE 169 LIBERTY STREET, Allegheny, THURSDAY. Feb. 13, 1890. on the premises, at 3 o'clock p. JL, a two-story brick dwelling of seven rooms and finished attic, bath, w. c. both gases, water, etc.; lot 20x13x60 to Virgin alley; excellent neighbor hood and location for residence or investment; terms one-third cash, balance to suit BLACK. A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. fe9-110 AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Six Nights and usual Matinees. Commencing MONDAY, Feb, 17. H. E. DIXEY, -ra-THE 7 AGES Direct from Its run of 150 NIGHTS 150 At the Standard Theater, New York. Mr. Dixey will be supported by Rice's Com pany of Players. . SEATS NOW ON SALE. Scale of Prices Parquet and first three rows Parquet Circle.: II 60 Balance Parquet Circle 1 00 First three rows Dress Circle 75 Balance Dress Circle 50 Gallery t 25 fell pRAND ENTERTAINMENT AND FAIR AT CARNEGIE HALL, FEBRUARY 14 AND 15, 1390. . For benefit Ladles' Society Allegheny General Hospital. Open from 3 to 10 P. M. each day. Supper served both days in reading room from 6 to a P.M. Afternoon tea from 3 to 6. , . FRIDAY EVENING : Instrumental and Vocal Concert Fancy Dances by Children, SATURDAY EVENING : Grand Organ and Piano RecitaL Chorns under the direction of. MR. J. P. McCOLLUM. MRS. EMMA BINGLEK WOLF. SOLOIST. felS-7 BIJOU THEATER. WEEK FEBROARY IT. MARGARET MATHER. MARGARET MATHER, REPERTOIRE: Monday Night ,GRETCHEN Tuesday Night ROMEO AND JULIET Wednesday Matinee HONEYMOON Wednesday Nieht ROMEO AND JULIET Thursday Night ROMEO AND JULIET Friday Night LEAH Saturday Matinee ROMEO AND JULIET Saturday Night AS YOU UKE IT Sole of seats now open. f eli-53 pi RAND OPERA HOUSE To-night, Matinee Saturday. STUART ROBSON, THE HENRIETTA. Next week Dixey, in The Seven Ages. fe!3 TT ARRK3' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evenine. WILBUR OPERA CO. and SUSIE KIR WIN. Friday "BOHEMIAN GIRL." Week Feb. 17 Peck's Bad Boy. fe!4 GEORGE KENNAN.THE SD3ERIAN Hero, at Old City Hall. Feb. 18 and 19, under the auspices of tbe Press Club. Subject 'CAMP LIFE IN EASTERN SIBERIA.' "RUSSIAN POLITICAL EXILES." Tickets on sale Saturday, at Kieber's. fel4-8 TIJOU THEATER To-night; HELD BY THE ENEMY. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. February 17 Margaret Mather In Repertoire, felO-8 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. HYDE'S BIG SPECIALTY COMPANY. fe9-5 RESORTS. rpHE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY. JL On tbe beach. North Carolina ave.; unob structed ocean view; salt water baths in the house; elevator: open on tbe 15ib inst. fe9-114 E. ROBERTS & SON a LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! In that beautiful 4 MARION PLACE ELAN, Twenty-third ward, city. Only one minute from Second Avenue Electric Road and two minutes from Marion station, B. 40.R.E. Will sell you a lot 25x150 for 300; 35 or 110 down and SI per week. Call at once and secure yourself one. Reed B. "Coyle & Co., fel4-86-rsu 131 FOURTH AVE. REDUCED PRICE For a few days only. 19,250 For that new Queen Anne brick on Amber st, BAUM GROVE PLAN. Reception hall, parlor, library, dining room and kitcben on first floor; five bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; fine billiard room on third, all modern conveniences; furnace in cel lar. Call soon for keys and farther particulars. Black 8c Baird, 95 FOURTH AVE. fel4-88-Wsu TO-LET OFFICES. GERMANIA BAYTNGS BANK BUILDING, Wood and Diamond streets. At Low Beat Singly or In suites. All modern conveniences, elevator, janitor servlee, etc, ate. 'For tera aly attbe Bask; feH-71 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. rNo. 230.1 AN ORDINANCE-LOCATING HORT03T street, from Wylie avenue to a point ISO feet northwardly from Center avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it la hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same. That Horton street, from Wylie avenue to a point . 180 feet northwardly from Center avenue, bo and tbe same is hereby located as follow to wn: The center line shall begin on the south building line of Wylie avenue at a distance of 240.75 feet east from the east building line o Morgan street; thence deflecting to the right 93 25 30" in a southerly direction a distance of 51Z0O feet more or less to tbe south line of Sreen street, distant about ISO feet northwardly from Center avenue, and the said HortonstreeC shall be of a width of forty (40) feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part ot ordinance conflicting with the provisions of. this ordinance be. and tbe same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th day ot February. A. D. 1800. H. P. FORD, President of Select CoucciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CsuncU. G. L. HOLLIDAY, President ot Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. January 3, 1890. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 2Se, 12th day of February. A. D. 189a f el4-5 N0.225J AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Emily street; from a point 270 feet east of Craft avenne to a connection with the sewer in Cunliff e run. Section 1 Re It ordained and enacted by the) city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cil assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be, and Is hereby, authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with the actrof Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pitta, burgrelating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for tbe construction of a Bipe sewer 15 inches in diameter on Em y street, from a point 270 feet east of Craft avenue to a connection with ths sewer In Cunliffe run, the contract therefor to be let in tbe manner di rected by the said acts of Assembly and ordi nances. The coat and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with, the provisions of an act of Assembly of the) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act .relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 18th day ot May, A. D. 1SS9. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 27th dav of January. A. D. 1890. H. P. FORD, President of Select ConncfL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. G. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, February 3, 1890. Approved! WM. MCCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 253; utn nay oi February, a. v. ism. jei-o . T OLET- AN ENTIRE FLOOR, Consisting of 6 rooms and 2 ante-rooms, wit& vaults, elevator, heat, light and janitor service. RENT VERY LOW. ' On Wood, near Fifth avenue. Sea W. A. HERRON & SONS. 0 Fourth avenne. rrio LET FOURTH AVE. OFFICES Between Wood and Smltbfleld streets; rents low; singly or in suits; elevator, heat and, janitor service. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, f 80 Fourth avenue. TIOLET SECOND-STORY BUSINESS ROOM. 30160 FEET, Corner Smltbfleld and Fourth avenue. Beo W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. rpo LET NEW brick houses;. Eight rooms, late style, with modern conven iences, ON PAVED STREETS, OAKLAND. Send for free list W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mOIEI I ON FIRST FLOOR. Suitable for business room or office. 3 large connecting rooms. See W. A. HERRON & BONS. 80 Fourth avenue. rro LET On North Highland Ave., A DESIRABLE NEW BRICK DWELLING Ten rooms, modern conveniences. Large lot See W. A. HERRON St. SONS, f e!4 92-1TWT 80 Fourth avenue. 22 SOLD IN THE LAST 15 MONTHS. Only 6 Houses Unsold LK COLTART SQUARE, OAKLAND. Price $8,300. Easy payments. Only S50Q down, remainder on long time. Brick bouses, new, latest style, 9 complete rooms, elegantly finished and tastefully papered: besides bath, pantry, laundry, latest conveniences, even to gas-lighting by electricity; street and sewer im provements made: location desirable. In tha midst of the finest residences of Oakland: S minutes from tbe Fifth avenue cable line; only 15 minutes' ride from Market street A RARE CHANCE TO BUY SO COM. PLETEAHOME. CHEAPER THAN PAYING RENT. For particulars see VT. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. Or U. K. BEAM, Superintendent, on tha premises. feU-81-11,11,17,20 TO LET, Sealed proposals are Invited for renting Willow GroYe Coal Landing, at New Orleans, La. This well known proper ty, ha vine a large river front and abont FORTY ACRES of ground, is offered for rent with its equip, ments and appliances for ONE TO THREE YEARS. This landing, so familiar to all coal and river men, offers tbe best known - HARBOR FACILITIES at New Orleans for holding coaL and sealed proposals are invited tor its occupancy, as above) stated. Address, up to February 24, 1890. fittslinrg & Sontliern Coal Coipanj. No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburg. fel243-KOD BETTER THASREHTIH& BOY A HOUSE ON EASY TERMS ATLES8; EXPENSE THAN RENT. New brick house, latest style, handsomely finished, thoroughly convenienced, only 8500 cash, remainder on Ion? time; price only $0,300. Neat new house, $500 cash, remainder la monthly Installments of S25, if desired; six-room, finished attic, late improvements; price only 13,700; lot 30x150 feet Complete new brick house, nine rooms, well finished, hardwood mantels, tile hearths and vestibules, large pantry, bathroom, laundry, front and back stairway. S500 cash, remainder on long time; price only $7,000; corner lot 40x121 feet. All well located in East End. Also others. Send for list Just Issued. Bee W.A.HERR0H&S0HS, 80 FOURTH AVENUE. f13-59-XwT a m 3 -