THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 189a. B THE YALUE OF LOYE. A Husband Wants Damages for the Alienation of Affections. TriE WIFE SATS SHE WAS ABUSED. Commissioners Place the County Tax Bate I at Three Hills. A'EEDUCriOS OP 25 MKCEliTOYEE 18S9 The suit of James Juris against Thomas Shanton ior damages for alienation of his wife's affection is on trial before Jndge Col lier. The parties to the suit are residents of the Twelfth ward. Jarvis, the alleged in jured husband, is about 40 years of age, and is a cnpola tender. Shauton is a few years younger and iia puddler. Jarvis and his wife were married 18 years ago, Mrs. Jarvis row being 38 years old. They lived in dif ferent places in Lawrenceville, finally mov ing to Twenty-eighth street. Shanton, it is claimed, came to board at his house and insinuated himself into the good graces ot Mrs. Jarvis, finally winning her from her husband. Mr. and .Mrs. Jar vis separated, and, it was alleged, Mrs. Jarvis and Shauton went to live together. Jarvis is represented by Attorney Joseph Crown, and Shanton by Montooth Bros, and Buchanan. Jarvis was placed on the stand, and testified in pnrsnance ot his allegations. Be stated that on a conple ot occasions he caught Shanton with his arm aronnd Mrs. Jams. He separated from his wife about two years ago, after which he understood she went to live with Shanton. The 17-year-old son of Jarvis, who lives with him, testified to having seen his mother and Shanton In affectionate positions. Other witnesses testified to having seen Shauton at the honse where Mrs. Jarvis was living after she had separated from her husband. Mrs. Jarvis was placed on the stand and de nied, the charges or infidelity. She said she bad not gone to live with Shanton, bnt took up her residence with a married couple. Shauton only came to her house every day on his way to work to get his dinner bucket packed, he living nearby, and she tending to that matter for him. Her separation from her husband was the result of bis cruelty. The case was continued until to-day. The de fense state theV will show that Mrs. Jarvis was not an unfaithful wife, and that Jarvis himself alienated her affections from him by his abusive treatment. Shauton, the defendant, was taken to jail, where he has been for about six weeks, having been arrested on a capias, and being unable to procure the necessary amount of bail A C0UKTITAIOF3MILLS. The Commissioners Slake a Reduction of 35 Fer Cent Over Last Year's Rate. The County Commissioners yesterday fixed the rate of millage for the taxation for county purposes for the year 1890. The millage was fixed at 3 mills, a reduction of 23 per cent from the .millage of last year, when the rate was 4 mills. Of the 3 mills levied 2 are to meet the current expenses of the county, and 1 mill for the liquidation of the county's debt. What the receipts will be for this year cannot yet be com puted, as the total taxable valuation of the county has not been figured out, all the assess ors' boois not having been closed. The valua tion last year was between $260,000,000 and $270, 000.000, and it will be increased this J ear, but how much is not known. It cannot be estimated for the reason that the Commissioners are not sure what position the courts will take on the question of the taxation of the various institutions, such as parochial schools, etc, several different decis ions bearing on the matter. Controller Speer, in his statement to the Commissioners, estimated the expenditures of the county for the year at 1,155 000, which, de ducting the estimated amonntof receiDts, left $321,289 92 to be raited by taxation. The Com missioners, in their levy, leave a good margin in the matter of the current expenses and make sure of a good reduction in the county's debt. A levy of three-fourths of a mill was also made in the poor districts, which included the boroughs and townships, for poor purposes. This is the amount asked by the Poor Direc tors and is a decrease from last year, when the levy was eight-tenths of a milL To-Day' Trial Lists. Common Fleas No. 1 Davis vs Jefferson Gas Co.; Neucbatel Asphalt Co. vs Young Ladies' Academy etal; Ltntner et al vs Spang et al: Lowry vsHoag; Fleming vs Scott etal: Hoff stadt vs Volght; Foley Bros, vs Scanlan; Black 4 Baird vs Redpatb; Reifer vs Kunkle; Latmer vs (Jroetzinger et al; Blaszack vs Cox; Hatfield vs Pittsburg Steel Casting Company; Living stone vs Reading Fire Insurance Companv. Common Pleas No. 2 Phillip vs Craft; Old vs Mansfield A Co. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John M. Andrews, Patrick McShane, J. K. Shannahan, William McCallister et al, Michael Haney, Albert Sadleo. William Sayer, Frederick Doepke, Mollle Campbell. $500 for Two Horses. Snit was entered yesterday in behalt of Will iam T. Wilson against the Logan Ferry Com pany and William Farnett, lessee. The allega tions are that the ferrv is located in Spriogaale township, and on tbe 9th of last September the plaintiff sent two horses across the ferrv. The boat was not well enough guarded on tbe sides, and the horses fell off and were drowned. It is further alleged that at the time of tbe accident a 14-year-old boy was in charge of the ferry, and he was incompetent. Five hundred dollars damages are asked for. In Seed of Cases. Tbe work in Criminal Court has been pushed so vigorously that although there still remain three weeks of the December term the list has very nearly been completed. Court had to close yesterday because of lack of cases. County Detective Langhnrst, however, pre pared a l'st for to-day, and expects to have enooch isses to keep tbe court going. On tbe 19th Inst, Ju3c.e Slagle will bear a number of cases that have been appealed from aldermen's decisions. Damages for a Life. ! The case of Mrs. Margaret Kunkle and her four children against the Pittsburg, Chartiers and Yougblogbeny Railroad Company for dam aces for tbe death of her husband, George Kunkle, is on trial before Judge Magee. Kunkle was a brakeman, and while riding on the front of an engine was jolted off by the en gine jumping the track, the engine going over him and cutting him to pieces. Aronnd the Conn Hone. Josephine Semple plead guilty to the charges of selling liquor without license and on Sunday. She will be sentenced on Saturday. Wit M. Peice. tbe attorney, yesterday filed bis answer in the snit brought against him by William Mojle. charging him as assignee with the fraudulent administration of assets. AN order of court was made yesterday allow ing the discontinuance of the divorce suit of Marie J. RInehard against Maximilian Rine hard. Tbe parties want to settle the matter. Commissionee H. D. Gamble took testi mony yesterday in the case of Hasland 4 Pit-' todE vs the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company. Ths suit is for tbe alleged infnngement on a patent for polishing glass. The case is an Im portant one to glass manufacturers. A 2COLLK pros was allowed to be entered in the case of Daniel Jordan, who was prosecuted by Constable Peter Carr for selling oleomargarine. It was developed that Jordan had been prose cuted twice before Alderman Carlisle for the same offense, and ou the civil suit he was fined $100 and costs, while in tbe criminal suit be bad been held for court. On hearing this Jndge Slagle allowed the nolle pros to be entered. It's funny bow much location counts in the success or failure of a hotel. Tbe Sturtevant House is fortunate indeed in its location, Broadway and Twenty-ninth st-N. Y. Rooms, $1 and upward. American and European plan. A Groat Offer. For to-day's sale we offer an elegant lot of men's overcoats at f3 apiece. They are manufactured from very choice melton ma terial in the following seven shades of pearl, Cray, black, brown, tan, Oxford and blue. They are advance styles of our early spring Jine, and we offer this low price for to-day only. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new i Court House. jj. & n. The new 4-4 Pongee draperies at 15e cen ter counter main store. BOGGS&BUHL. See tbe New Window of Dress Trimmings. All the latest novelties now in stock. Jos. HOESB & Co. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. , BHE is yonrsl You nse "O. K." The Cashier's Experience". Mr. J. F. Masters, Cashier forEmmitt & Cos Bank. "Waverly, Ohio, says: "I con sider Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy the best I have ever used. After usingseveral other kinds without benefit I tried it and it quickly cured me, after years of suffering with an obstinate coughand throat trouble." CO-cent bottles for sale by E. G. Stuckey, Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth sts., Penn ave., and cor. "SVylie ave. and Pulton st; Markell Bros., cor. Penn ave. and Frank ston aves.; Theo. H. Ihrig, 3610 Fifth ave.; Carl Hartwig, Forty-third and Butler sts., Pittsburg, and in Allegheny by E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal st; Thomas. R, Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; F. H. Eggers, 172 Ohio st, and P. H. Eggers & Son, 199 Ohio St., and 11 Smithfield st. wso S9 to Washington, D. C., Via Pennsylvania Rail rand. Special excursion train will leave Union station, Pittsburg, at 8 A. si., on Thurs dav, February 13, composed of day coaches and Pullman parlor cars. Tickets at the rate of f9 for the round trip will be sold for this train, which will also be valid lor passage on night trains at 7:15 or 8-10 r. M. Night trains have through Pullman sleeping cars. The tickets are good to return within ten davs from date of sale, and permit of stop over at Baltimore in either direction within the limit, Newly Blarrled Couples! Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soat can be used for. Benders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to wear. Pnll pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Excursion to Washlna-ton City. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will rnn their next excursion on Thursday, February 20, at rate of $9 round trip. Tickets good for 10 davs and good to visit Baltimore. Trains leave at 8 A. M. and 920 P. M. Par lor cars on day train and sleeping can on night train. Removal Prlcen on Mnslln Underwear. "We can save you 0 per cent on these goods. That's a big saving, bat we can do it Come and see. A. 6. Campbell & Sons, 710 Penn ave. Sbe the new bengalines silk depart ment 50o a vard. Jos. Hobxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B.d:B. The new 4-4 Pongee curtain materials or draperies handsome printings, almost aa nice aa silks, at 15c are having a great sale this week. Boogs & Buhl. Baker' Fare Cod Liver OH. (Known over 40 years.) Also Baker's Emul sion for throat and lung troubles. All drug gists. Blue-bloods use "O. K." waterproof. The use of the Iron City Brewing Co.'s ale and beer is conducive to health and gives the highest satisfaction. Unrivaled for family use. Telephone 1186. Spot him girls, he uses "O. K." MEETTJlG- IO. O. F.-MEMBERS OF ZOCCO LODGE . No. 385. L O. O. F., are requested to meet at their hall. No. 81 fourth are., ori WEDNES DAY. FEBRUARY 12. at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend tbe funeral of our late brother, Thomas Beck. Members of sister lodges are respect fully invited to attend. By order J. A. HARRIS, N. G. WILLIAM LOCKHART, Secretary. fe!2-17 SONS OF ST. GEORGE. THE MEMBERS of Lincoln Standard Lodge No. 13 are re quested to meet at their hall, comer Twenty second and Penn avenue, on Wednesday, Feb ruary 12. 1890, at 1 o'clock sharp to attend fun eral of late Brother Thomas Beck, Sr. Mem bers of bister Lodges are invited. By order GEORGE WILKINS. W. P. RICHARD MUSE, Secretary. Pittsbubp. Pa.. February 10. 1890. IeIl-45 POLITICAL. Headquarters - ) Republican Executive Committee. V Alleohest. Pa-. Feb. & 1890. rfHE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF THE JL city of Allegheny will assemble at their respective polling places in each ward on FRI DAY, tbe Hth Inst, between tUoiours of 4 and 7 o'clock, P. it., and there to vote by ballot for one person for candidate forMayor at the ap proaching muntcipal election, the person re ceiving tbe greatest number of votes to be tbe nominee of tbe party, the election to be con ducted strictly in accordance with rnles as adopted by this committee and acts of Assem bly governing the same. The following persons having conformed with the rules will be voted for: JAMES G. WYMAN, WILLIAM A. CRUIKSHANK, WILLIAM BADER The committee will assemble In Common Council Chambers on 8ATDRDAY EVENING, 15th inst, to canvass tbe returns and declare tbe nominee. A. J. PENTECOST. H. KENNEDY. Chairman. Secretary. felI-52-wr BUSINESS CHAriGES. NOTICE THE FIRM OF PETERS AND Wadlow, conducted under the style of tbe Allegheny Fish and Oyster Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent Fred Peters will continue tbe business at tbe old stand nnder the old firm name, and will settle all claims and make all collections. FRED PETERS. GEO. WADLOW. Februaby 1L 1890. f el2-77 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of W. H. Holmes & Son is dissolved as of the date of January 1, 1890, by the retire ment of Charles 8. Holmes. The business will be carried on by W. H. Holmes under the old firm name of W. H. Holmes t Son. All ac counts will be Settled by W. H. Holmes at No. 120 Water st WM. H. HOLMES, CHARLES a HOLMES. Ptttsbubg, Pa-, February 5. 189a f e6-24 DISSOLUTION NOTICE-THE FIRM OF West dcMcFarland, doing a general dry goods business. No. 6111 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa., has this day been dissolved. George R. West retiring from the firm ana CalwellMc Farland being admitted as a member. Tbe firm will hereafter be known asMcFarland fc Bro. GEORGE R. WEST. WM. McFARLAND. In retiring from tbe above firm I thank our many friends for their patronage during the past years and hope the continuance ot the same for the new firm. GEORGE R. WEST. fel2-52 AMUSE31ENTS. pRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. STUART ROBSON, THE HENRIETTA. Next week Dlxey, In Tbe Seven Ages. felO-7 TUOU THEATER To-night, HELD BY THE ENEMY". Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. February 17 Margaret Mather In Repertoire, felO-8 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY lo-nlght Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. HYDE'S BIG SPECIALTY COMPANY. fe9-5 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. WILBUR OPERA CO. and SUSIE KJHWIN. Wednesday. "NANON." Thursday. "MASCOTTE" Week Feb. 17 Peck's Bad Boy. fel3 GEORGE KENNAN. THE SIBERIAN Hero, at Old City Hall, February 18 and 19, under tbe auspices of the Press Club. Subject, "Camp Life in Eastern Siberia," "Russian Political Exiles." Tickets on sale Saturday at Klebeni'. fel2-4 Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul! Railway company, Office of tiie Commercial agent, V Room 505 Lewis Building. Pittsbubo, February U, 1890. J TAKING EFFECT FEBRUARY St 1890, the following rates will be in effect From Cblcaga 111., to St Paul. Minneapolis tnd Minnesota Transfer, to apply ou shipments from points east of Illinois and Indiana State line: 12 3 4 5 6 80 22 17 15 13 Official Classification. 10 This cancels notice of February 8. JAB. M. TAYLOR, Com'! Agent. 1M4-0U fDitptay adrertUemenU one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise menu on this page such ax Wanted, JbrSale, To Let, eft, ten eentt per line Jar each inser tion, and none taken for leu than fifty tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOB THE SOUTHS1DE AT NO. 1220 CAKSON 8TItEET. WHEKE ADVERTISE MENTS, NEWS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAL SOUTHSIDE ISSUE PUB LISHED EACH SATUEDAY. BRANCH OFFICES ARE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, WHERE WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET, AN1K OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO S P. M. FOR IN SERTION NEXT MORNING: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tax Dls fATCU. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SVS Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKET. Sith street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and Fulton it. N. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market Honse. XAST IND. 1. W. WALLACE, ail Penn avenne. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER A SHE1BLE1,SU av. Alwoodit SOUTHSIDX, JACOB SPOHN. No. J Canon nreet, H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY:. A. J. KAERCHER, 69 Federal street H. J. McKRIDF, Market House, Allegheny. FREDH EGGERS. "B2 Ohio street F. H. EUGEKb 3c SON, Ohio and Chesrnnt its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENEY, Western and Irwlnaves. G. W. HUGHES. Peonivlvanlaand Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LI.VALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOORER. Stationer. No. Grant ave. WANTED. ainle Hcln. WANTFl-BARBER-NO. 217 OHIO ST., AL LEGHENYC1TY. feIl-73 WANTED SLATE MANTEL CUTTER AND sandrubber at P11TSBURG MANTEL WORKS, East Liberty. felJ-68 WANTED IMMEDIATELY-GOOD LEAD Klailers and cntters. P1TGIN & CASTOR, Sbadjr and Penn ave., E. E. fe!2-89 WASTE D-DRIVER FOR LAUNDRY wacon. Appl v to J. SMITH A SON, corner Chestnut and Gibbon streets, city. rel2-75 WANTED-3GOOD AGENTS, SALARY AND commission to sneb call 10 to WHEELER & WILSON. MFG. Co., 6 Sixth tt fe!2-4S WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH SOME experience In oyster counter atNewell's Restaurant 101 Fifth ave. DAVID LAUBER, Propr. iel2-7 -TTTANTED A NO. 1 MAN TO SUPERINTEND V V trunk and satchel department: none but thoroughly experienced men need apply. At KAUFMANN'S. feU-M WAN TED-TWO OR THREE CHAIN MAKERS on block chain. Address or ap ply to THE YALE AND TOWNE MFG. CO., Stamford, Conn. fe!2-83 -TTrANTED-CATHOLIC MAN FROM fflTOJS TV years old: fairly edncated and energetic. P. W. ROWE. 18 Tannehlll St.. Pittsburg. Cat'. from 7 to 9 a. m., or write for particulars. feI2-2S WANTED-F1RST-CLASS CUTTER ONE who has had experience In fine tailoring; state where last employed and salary expected. Address MERCHANT TAILOR, Dispatch office. relCW-HW -TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY, ACTIVE' W ysung man to manage an office, talary (900 per year, good references and $350 cash capital re quired Call BOOM 21 McCllntock Building. 11 Market st fel2-88 WANTED-DETEOTIVES-AMAN NEEDED in every locality to act as private detective nnder our Instructions: experience not necessarv; Sartlculars free. CENTKAL DETECTIVE B0 EAU, Box 195, Topeka, Kan. fe&-13 WANTEDAGENTS SHOULD WHITE FO I Illustrated circular and terms for tvo weeks' trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam wltboutrnbblng: easily old; profitable. J. WORTH, M Beekman bL, New York City. nolO-94-WBS I WANTEDSALESMEN AT 75 PER MONTiZ salarvand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for mil artlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN AHD SILVERWARE CO , Boston, Mass. se24-90-D TfTTANTED-MAN-AS AGENT OF OUR PAT W ENT safes; size 28x18x18 Inches: $35 retail; all sizes as low; new styles; new patterns new lock; new factory; not governed by Safe Poo-; every safe warranted; rare chance: permanent business; our terms an: catalogues will convince you; agents clear $300 to 500 per month. Write for exclusive territory. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. Ja29-7S-ws TTTANTED - AGENTS - RELIABLE MEN. VV experienced or not may find a rare opening for permanent and lucrative employment; suc cessful Industrial men, bustlers, win find this a S olden opportunity; policies lssusd for $100 to $10, )0; immediate full benefit: no lapses. Apply forenoons to VERMONTHFEINSURANCE CO.. Firth ave. and Wood st. (Eisner bnlldlnz). Pitts burg, Pa. WM. H. GILL, General Agent for Western Pennsylvania. fe2-71-wsu Female Help. WANTED-A LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS for business position. Apply at W1LLCOX A GIBBS S. M. CO., U Sixth St., second floor. fell-i7 WANTED-EXPERT LADY STENOGRA PHER and typewriter Address, stating experience and salary expected, M. Q., Dispatch office. , felJ-Sl WANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply JOSEPH BLATNER, corner Allegheny ave. and Rebecca st, Alle gheny. fell-85 WANTED-MILLINEH STRICTLY FIRST CLASS In every respect. Address, with references, MRS. J. W. GRUBB,C1 East Klchst., Columbus, O. fell-to TTTANTED AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE VV KEEPER for a public Institution outside the city: wages $200 per annum with board and washing: mutt come well recommended. Address PENN, Dispatch office. feU-ll -TTTANTED-A PROTESTANT WOMAN OF V middle age. Intelligent and kind, to take care of children and assist lu light housework in a private family; a good borne and liberal wage9 to a suitable person. Address (giving reference) to HOUSEKEEPER, Dispatch office. fe9-17-uw WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SEAM STRESS and dressmaker ror a public Insti tution outside the city: one competent to Instruct; middle-aged single woman: xaast come well recommended; wages $2S0 per annum, with board and washing. Address PENN, Dispatch office. fel2-41 WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED SINGLE woman who has had experience In making boys' clothing and competent to Instruct boys In tbe work for a public institution outside tbe city; wages $260 per annum with board and washing; must come well recommended. Address PENN, Dispatch office. fei:-M 3Iale nnd female DTelD. WANTED-A COOK, MALE OR FEMALE, for hotel: short distance lroin city. In quire at No. 932 LIBERTY STREET. fel2-S8 WANTED-FARM HANDS, DURYMEN, drivers, 60 cooks. 20 cnambermatds, nurse, dining room, kitchen. laundry and pantry girls, colored girls, woman for kitchen work, 4 general work. MEEHAN'S, M5 Grant st felO-D Sltnntlons. WANTED-A POSITION BY A FIRST CLASS mechanic Address MECHANIC, Dispatch office. felz-S2 WANTED TYPEWRITING TO DO AT home: use Remington machine. Address WRITER, Dispatch office. feS-39 TTTANTED-A POSITION AS BUTLER OR VV Janitor, can take care of large receptions with success, can come well recommended. Ad dress M. J. W.. S7 Sidney st. Sonthslde. fel2-4S WANTED-A HEALTHY, BOBEB AND IN TELLIGENT young man or 24 would like to secure a responsible situation; can give most excellent references; w.lling to work on trial for a reasonable period. Address WORKMAN, Dis patch office. feli-74 Financial. WANTKD-SMALL MORI GAGES-L J.WIL SON, 1 Fourth are. U026-23 WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN on bond and mortgage. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent S2 Fourth ave. lell-2 -TTTANTED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PROP- TV ektx, over stooo; per cent; no tax. U.nttl A. IIIAtLA 1 4 CO., 2 Fourth avenue. , mhZ-aSz-D WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OR suburban Improved real estate. In large or small amounts, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. feS-68-HWB WANTED-MORTGAGES-$1.000,OOOTOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4K. Sand per cent, iree oi state tax; no Qtiay. msr.Li h. COYLE A CO.. 131 Fourth ave. rayH-60 WANTED-HduSES TO RENT-WE HAVE good applicants for houses, Urge and small, fn all parts of both cities and suburbs. W. A. HEREON ft SON B, 80 Fourth ave. fel-23-WS -TTTANTED-TO ixAN S500,000l IN AMOUNTS W of $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)f percent free of tax: also smaller amounts at 6 and S per cent BLACK & BAIRD, S5iourth avenne. se21-d26-i TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-tt 000, OCOTO LOAN VV on city and suburban properties at i)i, Sand t per cent and on larms In Allegheny and aqja cent counties at per cent. I. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, lOi Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 w ANTED-TO A.OAN tIOQ,000 ON MOBT- UAtrbs; fiou ana npirsra at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at 4 per cent on residences or basin property: also In adlolnlng counties. S. FRENCH, la Fourth avenue. oc2l-4- ousiness S. H. OC2I-4-D WANTED-MOBTUAGES ON HEAL ESTATE In large or small amounts; money ready when title is all right! no dftlsy; reasonable charges. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 2509 Butler st Office open evenings. Telephone tut. Ja4-71-wa WANTED. aUcceUaneonB. WANTED-AT TAFT'S PHILA. DENTAL ROOMS, to get everybody to get best set teeth forss. a good set for S3. le9-80 WANTED-A SECOND-HANDDRILLPRESS capable of drilling a one-Inch bole. Ad dress DRILL, Dispatch office. fe-t WANTED-A GOOD LOCATION TO OPEN A drugstore; state rental, location, site of building and all particulars. Address D. D. D., Dispatch office. fe-21 TTTANTED WILL GIVE FREE SITE AND Vv free gas to manufactories at Jeannette, on main line of Pennsylvania Railroad. Address EAST JEANNETTE LAND CO.,Greensburg, Pa. JaS-I TTTANTED-UNTTL APRIL 1-FINE CABIN V V ETS; $1 perdoa., of young and old. at AU FRECHTS "ELITE'1 GALLERY. 618 Market street Plitsburg. Come soon for sittings and avoid the rush. JaS-S-MWThBu WANTED-REAL ESTATE OF ALL KINDS to sell; reasonable charges; property adver tised free of charge; no sale, no charges: have Blenty ot purchasers. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 atler. Office open evenings. Telephone 6514. Ja-71-W WANTED EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 86 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st. All'y., Is making a life size crayon portrait beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for $8; all fine work. mhlS- FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residence. FOR SALE-NO. 18 THIRD AVE.. BRICK house; eight rooms; low price. GEO. JOHN STON, Agent 82 Fourth are. fell-2 FOR SALE-PENN AVE, CORNER. 60 FEET front; cbeap at $45,000. CHARLES SOMEKS CO., 313 Wood St. Telephone 1773. Ie 12-80 FOR SALE-GIST ST., $2,000, NEAT BRICK honse of four rooms: nat gas, etc ; easy terms. COOPER A PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. fell-61-WT FOR SALE-NO. IS SECOND AVE., BRICK house. 9 rooms; all modern Improvements. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 82 Fourth ave. fell-2 FOR BALE-THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY corner of Penn ave. and Fourth st; lot 60x 157 feet II Inches. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 82 Fourth avenue. fell-2 fJiOR SALE-DO YOU WANT A 10 PER CENT. X1 investment? three dwellings In good renting localltv: total rents $53 per mon.; large lot BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 1S4 Fourth ave. fel2-40 TTIOR SALE-MARION ST., BRICK HOUSE, J nine rooms, halt vestibule, bath, range, hot and cold water, both gases: house In excellent re pair and a bargain. COOPER ft PETTY. 107 Fourth ave. fell-61-WT FIR SALE-CHEAP-ONLY $3.400-BR1CK of six rooms: finished attic, hall, vestibule, marble mantels, good dry cellar, sewerage; side entrance: lot 20x98. COOPER ft PETTY. 107 Fourth ave. fell-st-wr FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE-THE ENTIRE furnlshment of an eight-room dwelling on Wylle ave., near Federal st, with lease: flrst rlass roomers paying more than rent of same. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st iell-93 FOR SALE-GIST STREET, CORNER PROP ERTY, lot 20x90, with two-story frame, seven rooms, and three three-story bricks; rents tsoo a year: all for $5,000, for a few days only. BAXTER, THOMPSON ft CO. , 162 Fourth ave fel2-55-wrsu FOR 8ALE-$5.160, OVER 9 PER OEM, LOT 25x150, Forty-first street Seventeenth ward, 2 bricks. 1 frame. 4 rooms and attic each, one square off cable road, two sauares off prospective park. Address owner, F. K. HAFFEY. 131 Irwin ave.. AU'y. fell-90-U,12,13,14,lS,l.18 FOR SALE-NO. 88 FORBES AVE., NEAR MA GEE street only $7,000: a lot JoXxlTOftto Gibbon street with a good brick house of 6 rooms on Forbes ave. and a large double house on Gibbon st. of 8 rooms: this Is a bargain. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel2-81-MWT FOR SALE-CITY PROPERTY 10 PER CENT Investment 12 two-story brick houses, all In splendid order: 6 houses entirely new; renting for over $2,000. and never Idle; property sure to en hance in value: price $20,000: will accept mortgage ror $12,000. Inquire MORRIS ft FLEMING, 110 Fourth ave. t ' fel2-28-MWrSn FOR SALE-$12.riOO-MAlN STREET. NEa.R Penn avenue, two elegant new and substan tial two-storv, mansard roof, bay windows, brick dwellings, of 8 rooms each; bath, range, gas and water, inside w. c. and shatters, tile hearths, slate mantels and In fact all modern conveni ences: lot 40x132, CUSU1NG ft FOX. 4319 Butler street. fe9-73-wssu East End Resdaences. FOR SALE FINE NINE-BOOM BRICK. AND stone dwelling in Oakland, near Fifth ave.. onlv $10,000; nearly new. STEVENSON'S AGENCY, 100 Fifth av-j. fe!2-7 FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE , $100 CASH AND $25 a month until paid tor; good brick house of 8 rooms near Oakland: price only $2,600. W.A. HEREON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel-2J-W8 FOR SALK-$S,e00-FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, a nice new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing In Oakland, convenient to cable line, con taining 8 rooms, bath, range, laundry, 2 inside w. c.'s; a complete borne; good location. BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fe-M FOR SALE A .HANDSOME RESIDENCE, one acre of ground, large and commodious, bouse 12 rooms, late Improvements, shade and or namental trees, on Craft avenue, surrounded by elegant residences; price low. see W. A. HER RON ft SONS, SO Fourth avenue. fel-30-WS FOR SALE-$7,000 WILL PURCHASE A NEW and handsome nine-room frame nous, with reception hall, bath, stationary tubs. Inside w. e. and both gases, Twentieth ward. East End, lot 42x133; only two minutes' walk to Fifth avenue cable ears. JAMISON ft DICKIE, 94 Fourth avenue, and orner Penn and Shady arenues, E. E. fe8-62-MWj FOR SALE-ON THE COR. OF TWO GOOD sts. In the E. E., two mlnnte i' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars, lot 89x120 t sewered alley, new frame bouse, reception hal., six rooms and two finished rooms In attic, bathroom, basement laundry, cemented cellar.solld bard wood mantel! and staircase, sliding doors, electrl: bells, tile hearths, etc: possession at once; only $8,750. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. fel2-S8 FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-IF BOLD AT once, on a good street (sewered) in the E. E.. about 3 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. ; lot 84x130, elegant frame house of 8 rooms (4 rooms to a floor), oath room, laundry and large pantry, ele gant china closet cupboards for every room, lav atory under front stairs, large front, side and back porches, nicely papered throughout slate mantels, natural gas, etc.. In short complete In every respect, and In an elegant neighborhood; Sood reasons for sellinc: only $8,600. THOS. L1G ETT, No. 114 Fourth are. fel2-58 ATteshenr Residences. FOB 8ALE-A COZY EIGHT-ROOM FRAME house. No. 104 Ridge ave., Allegheny. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 62 Fourth ave fell-2 FOR SALE ON LINCOLN AVE.. ALLE GHENY City, a fine residence with a good sized lot HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO.,92 Fourth ave. felS-28 -TJiOR SALE-NO. 173 THIRD AVE.-THREE-X1 STORY brick bnlldlng. near new post office: lot tux80 feet. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 82 Fourth ave. fell-2 FOR SALE-GOOD EIGHT-ROOM FRAME dwelling, Second ward, Allegheny, $3,200; seven-room frame In East End for $2,800. STEV ENSON'S AGEN CY, 100 Fifth ave. fel2-37 FOR SALE NO. 39 CHARTIERS ST., ALLE GHENY, 8-room brick house; lot 100 feet front: this property will be sold at a bargain to close up an estate GEO. JOHNbTON, Agent 62 Fourth ave. fell-2 FOR SALE-ON -NORTH AVE., NEAR SAN DUSKY street lot 20x110 ft to an alley. 3 story brick dwelling 10 rooms, all conveniences; house stands back from street. Permits to see the house from W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. fel-63-ws FOR 8ALE-AT A BARGAIN, BRICK RESI DENCE, near parks, Allegheny, 10 rooms, 2 finished attics, bath, laundry, etc.: all conven iences; elegantly finished; $9,500: easy terms; possession at once; non-residence of owner reason for selling. W. Vi. MCNEILL ft BRO., 103 Fourth ave. . fe-l21-Tuwsu FOR SALE IRWIN AVE.. ALLEGHENY, faclug the parks, a 2-story and finished attic dwelling of 11 rooms, bath, stationary washstand. marble mantels, both gases, furnace, plate glass windows, cemented cellar: all modern conveni ences: lot 40x220: with carriage house and stable BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. fe9-94 Suburban Residences. P IOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINE SUBURB AN homes at Ingram: delightful locations and easy terms. GEo. JOHNSTON, Agent 82 Fonrth avenue., Pittsburg. . fell-2 FOR SALE-WILKINSBURG- 4 MINUTE8' from station. 2 new frame bouses, 7 rooms, hall, bsth, laundry, finished attic, electric light natural gas, water, hot and cold, first-class throughout: lots 33x132 each: price $4,700 each. A. wfuUFF. 414 Grant St., Pittsburg. a29-S6-W8 FOR 8ALE-FEANKLIN STREET, W1LK1NS BUKG. new two-story frame, seven rooms and finished attic: wired for electric light; bath, china closets, large pantries, nst gas. front and rear porches; lot 33x122 feet; this Is a bargain. BAXTER. THOMPSON ft CO., 162 Fourth ave. tei2-S5-wrsu FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban Lota. FOR BALE AT I. GRAM - SEVERAL bnlldlnglpts convenient to station. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, a ronnn ave. fell-2 FOR SALE 1DLEWOOD STATION, FOR $3,500, five acres of good land; will subdivide to good advantage; only a short distance from the station. See W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, NO. 80 Fonrth ave. fe4-g2-4,8,8,12,l FOR SALE ELEGANT LOTS AT AVALON, Ft Wayne road; big bargain If sold by Feb ruary IS; lovely homeatmsworth;abargaln; new 5-room honse at Befiectorvllle, three-quarters acre of ground, three miles from city. J. B. ZIM MERMAN, 101 Fonrth are. fes-47 TjIOR SALE BEST AND CHEAPEST BUILD JL! ING lots on the Allegheny side, at Etna sta tion; fare, SKc; easy reach of two railroads, street cars, schools and churches; natural gas; new houses going ud continually nrlivs nnlr half what neighbors ask; $100 to $300: terms, $1 to $2 per Week; no interest or taxes: plans and photos at office. MAGAW tUUlT, LIAl., J43 Fourth ave. fe8-78-wrsu Alleahcnv Lota. FORSALE-ALLEGHENY BUILDING LOTS only MOO; location good; call or send lor minted list tree. rr. A. uekbon ft BOMS. N. so Fourth ave. fB12-80-W FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lota. TTOB SALE-147LOTS ON WYLIE, WEBSTER. P and Bedford aves.. Thlrteentb ward, city. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent 62 Fourth ave. East End Lota. FOR SALE-COR. EDWIN AND ELWOOD 'sts., lot 60x120 to 20-ft. sewered alley: only $1,000; terms to suit purchaser. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fonrth ave. fel2-58 TjOB SALE-ON SOUTH HIGHLAND AYE.: X1 lots 40 and 60X120 to sewered alley, elegant neighborhood: terms easy. THOS. LIGGETT, No. U4 Fourth ave fel2-46 "Ek; BALE-ON ROUP ST., NEAR HOWE J? st; lot 40x100 to 20-ft alley: sewered st. : lot sets well aboro grade; only $2,400. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. feI2-56 FOIt SALE-ON BARTON ST., BETWEEN Ellsworth and Center aves.: beautiful build ing lots. 80x150: street paved and sewered; terms easy. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fonrth ave. ' feli-56 FOR SALE-5-ELEGANT LARGE BUILD ING lot Friendship Park plan, corner two choice streets, 65x133, at $65 per front foot CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood St. Tele phone 1773. fell-83 FOR SALE FINE BUILDING LOTS ON BO QUETst, Oakland; size 25x175: only $1,500, terms to suit: street paved and sewered; electric cars pass the lots. REED B. COYLE ft CO.. 131 Fourth ave. fe8-73-MW8 FOR SALE-LOTS IN VILLA PARK ON 50460 foot streets with new sidewalks 4 feet wide; streets all graded: lots 40 to 60 feet by 140 to 250 In depth; convenient to Brusbton station and ad joining Wllklnsbnrg; prices very low. Call or send for plan and prices to HOWARD BROWN, Agent 512 Smithfield st re9-9l-jrwrs Farms. FOR SALE-FARM OF 21 ACRES, LOCATED near Allison Park, Pittsburg and Western R. R.: 4 minutes' from station. For terms, call on ALGEO BROTHERS, 204 Federal St.. Alle-, gbeny. Ja26-40-D TJKIR SALE FAR M-440 ACRES, WITH EVERY J? convenience: tbe best Improved and finest stock farm In Trumbull county, Ohio; reason for selling, old age and wealth: price low: easy terms. ED. WirriSH. 410 Grant st, Pittsburg. fe8-D Miscellaneous. TJIOR SALE-REAL ESTATE IN BOTH CITIES X1 1,000 houses and lots; call or send for new list Just out. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler st Telephone 5514. Office open evenings. de31-S2-WT FOR SALE-SEN U FOR NEW LIST, JUST Issued, for Allegheny residences: we offer for sale some of the most desirable In the market W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fell-6S-w FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnalness Chances. FOR BALE TRIMMING AND NOTION store; good bargain. Inquire 203 WYLIE AVE. fel2-14 FOR SALE-DRUG STORE DOING A GOOD business; best of reasons for selling. For par ticulars address A. C. Dispatch office. fe!2-29 F: R SALE-A SMALL, WELL EQUIPPED nrlntlnr office. For Dartlculars anntv to FIDELITY T11LE AND TRUST CO.. 121 and 123 Fourtn ave reS-50 FOR SALE-ONLY $450 FOR CONFECTION ERY on good st. near center of city: call soon. BALTENSPERGER ft WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. . feU-40 FOR SALE-A FEED STORE DOING A GOOD business. 803 and 805 Main St., Braddock, Pa., selling out to quit the business. Apply to JOHN KOU1H, proprietor. fee-43-D FOR SALE-ONE-HALF OWNERSHIP IN city manufacturing business; investment of $5. 000 very profitable CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773 felz-90 FORSALE-HATANDFURNISHING STORE, Beaver Falls, Pa. For full particulars ad dress GEO. A. CUBBISON, Beaver Falls, Pa. P. 8. -Must he sold by Feb. 25. 1890. fe!2-27 FOR SALE-PLUMBING SHOP IN A GOOD town or 15,000 inhabitants having water works, natural and Illuminating gas. inquire of J. L. McSUANE, 19 Seventh ave., Pittsburg. Pa. fe9-12 FOR SALE-OILllERBITORY-ONE-HALF interest 800-acre lease with well completed, located In North Sewlckley township, Beaver count7, Brush creek. Address J. J.. 38 Ninth street city. felf-19 FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED MILLINERY and ladles and gents' furnishing store and fix tures In a thriving town In Ohio, not far from Pittsburg. Call or address J. D. BERND ft CO., 815, 817 Liberty st fell-50 TTKJR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST PAYING JD barber shops In Allegheny City: must be sold before April 1; particulars will be given only to parties desirous or purchasing, at the leading barber snpplv honse, A. EDL1S ft CO., 602, 504.509, 608, 510 Liberty st fclJ-70 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES, $400, $800, $300, $1,000, $3,000,$5,00a.$IQ,000;5andl0-centEtore drugstores, country stores, cigar stores, boarding bouses, confectioneries, bakeries, feed store, milk depot and other bnslness chances. SHEPARD ft CO.. 54 Fifth ave. fel2 TTIOR SALE-DRUGSTORE DOING A GOOD JD business, situated In a small town about seven miles from tbe city; the store will be sold At once at a bargain. For particulars, etc.. apply to SWARTZftt'HESSNlGHT, Drug Brokers, 431' Wood St., Pittsburg. fel2-l8-wrhs FOR SALE-LEADING BAKERY, CONFEC TIONERY and restaurant; dally sales about $45: handsome rooms In best location in this city; elegant fixtures and large stock confectionery, etc.: price $2,500; making moneyfast. C H. FOLSOM. Lima, Ohio. fe9-3S-W8u FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS GENERAL store in Allegheny, 40 minutes' walk from postoffice doing a good business, mostly cash, with an excellent rnn of custom; stock fresh; rent low; good stable In rear; good reasons for selling. Address BUB1NESS, Dispatch office fel2-22 Bnalness stands. FOR SALE-120 FEET FRONTING ON Market near Water st city. GEO, JOHNS TON, Agent 62 Fourth ave fell-2 FOR SALE-THOSE BUILDINGS CORNER Duquesne way and Seventh St., opposite Ho tel Boyer: lot 47xG0 feet GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent 62 Fourth ave fell-2 FOR SALE-COR TWELFTH ST. AND DIA MOND, Sonthslde, bouse of seven rooms and storeroom: lot 24x72 reel. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 82 Fonrth ave fell-2 FOR BALE SIXTH AVENUE BUSINESS property, cor. Cherry aller: lot 26),x90 ft, with an L 61x52 ft. on Cherry alley. See W. A. FOR BALE-ONLY $3.000-BU31NES3 PROP ERTY on paved and sewered st In Allegheny: ood stand for grocery: a bargain. BALTEN PfiRGER ft WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. fel2-40 F 'OR SALE-FINE THREE-STORY PRESS brick storeroom: nine dwelling rooms, all In peneci oraer, corner rraerai St., Aliegneny, $18,000. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 113 Wood St. Telephone 1773. fel2-00 FORSALE VALUABLEHOTELPROPERTY, Including real estate: large house perfectly equipped; finely situated In business center: li censed: very profitable; $35,000. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood st Telephone 1773. felZ-90 FOR SALE-PENN AVE. BUSINESS STAND, new two-storv brick, with fine plate glass front and five dwelling rooms: this prooertvls well located, suitable for bakery, grocery ordrug- store: lot 1 24x100 to alley. BAXTER, THOMPSON ft CO., 162 Fourth ave. fel2-55-wrsu FOR 8ALE-ELEGANT BUSINESS PROP ERTY. 48x160 ft., extending through from First aveto Second ave., with large buildings now rented to pay a good lnteres. on the price asked; we ask Investigation by Investors. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth are. fel-03-ws FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF FAILING health of proprietor, one of the best-established hotels in Atlantic City, N. J.; 125 rooms; furnished: centrally located; iJOfeet ocean front For particulars apply to ISRAEL G. ADAMS, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N.J. fe9-113 OR SALE-VALUABLE BUILDING PROP ERTY, corner Liberty ave. and Thirteenth st. lot 50 ft on Liberty ave by 100 ft on Thirteenth by 50 ft. on Spring alley: choice business property. Price and terms see ALLES A BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave Telephone 167. fe7-l-7,8,9.i2,ts FOB SALE-AN ELEGANT BUSINESS SITE on a paved and sewered st In East End, near Penn ave.; lot 20x95 to 40 ft st; frame honse of 6 rooms, which can easily be changed Into store at very small expense, and bonnd to Increase in value; offered at a bargain. THOS. LIGGETT, Ho. 114 Fourth avenue fel2-56 FOB SALE-NO. 4917 PENN AVE.-FIRST-CLASS, Increasing locality lor any kind of business: lot 20x100, with neW trick building Just finished In first-class style; containing storeroom, hall, vestibule bath, hot and cold water, and five large rooms: possession at once: price $6,750, H cash, bat to suit THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st Ja25-19-wssu FOB SALE-THE WELL KNOWN "GILL Car and Car Wheel Works," located on Preble are.. Ninth ward, Allegheny, fronting on Ohio river, containing lit acres, having connections wltn Fort Wayne and Chicago and Pittsburg and Western Railroads; Includes all the buildings, foundries, machine shops, etc.. erected thereon: will sell or give a lease for a term of years. For further particulars Inquire HENRY A. W EAVEB ft CO., 92 Fourth ave. fei:-25 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOCb. Machinery stud Metal. FOR BALE-BANGE-81X.HOLE MONITOR, good as new; been used but one month, cost $34, will sell for $15. Call at 109 PAGE ST., Alle gheny. fe!2.23 T7OR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW X' and refitted : repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny. Pa. fe3-32 FOB BALE-BECK'8 PAT. AUTOMATIC engine for electric light and railway service; engines and boilers In every size and style; saw mills and woodworking machinery. HARMES' MACHINE DEPOT, STFlrstave.. Pittsburg. JA8-3S-D FOB BALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND bolltrs: all sizes and styles la stock, from 4 to 100b. p.;alirefltted;goodasnew, at lowest prices: portable engines, 8 to 25 b. p. : boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YODNG.23 Park way, Allegheny. Pa. uc-80-D T7)B SALE-TWO OPEN STEEL FURNACES, 1. wltb or without gas producers; hydraulic crane with pumps, 24 in. I high; billet mill with S stand of housen; rail and strsp shears, engines, etc THOMAS OABLIN'B SONS, Ltcock and sandnsky sts,, Allegheny, Pa. au5-l7-jrwr FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicle. Live Stock, dee. FOR SALE-FIVE IRISH SETTER PUPS, full bred; will sell at a reasonable price. H. GEO. HALE. JR., Penn ave. and Sixth st fe 12-65-w Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-A STOCK OF HARDWARE. TIN WARE, stoves and a set of tinner's tools: food reason for selling. Address G. W. BARTON, arentnm. Pa. fed-80 T7WR SALE-AN ELEGANT WALNUT OF V FIUE counter with partitions and glass tops. Call at 419 Wood it,. Gerraanla Saving Bank building. THOS. D. KELLER. fell -15 Tf LET. CItv Renldenees. TO LET-ONLY $14 PER MO. A NEAT BRICK house six rooms, bath and range 201 Ply month st , Thirty-fifth ward: a bargain. W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. feS-64-WF3 TO LET BEAUTIFUL NEW DWELLINGS, eight rooms and bath eacb, elegantly finished with every possible convenience: ready by April 1; Bluff, near Magee st HENRY A. DAVIS. 414 Grant st. feJ2-15 TO LET A NEAT FRA51E COTTAGE ON Slount Washington, containing eight rooms; supplied wltb city water and natural gas. In quire of A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.." 10 and 12 Wood st. Ja31-G0 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE, $1- J. W. LOWRY, Eldge St., near Thirty-third, Pittsburg. fe9-5t-wssu TO LET-HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS. ON Esplanade St., Allegheny. GEO. JOHN STON, Agent, S2 Fourth ave fell-2 TO LET NO. 33 CHARTIERS ST-- BRICK house of eight rooms. large lot; rent $30 per montb. GEO. JOHNsTON,Agent62Fonrihave. fell-2 TO LET-NO. 17MONTEREX ST.. VERY FINE finished bouse of ten rooms; all modern Im provements. GEO. JOHNBTON, Agent, G Fourth ave. fell-2 TO LET-NO. 104 RIDGE AVE., FRAME bouse six rooms and basement bathroom. In side w. c, natural gas: rent $25 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 62 Fourth ave. fell-2 TO LET-NO. 69 FREMONT ST., ALLE GHENY, very desirable house ot 10 rooms; all the latest conveniences; location first-class. See W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave fel2-62-wr TO LET-NO. 101 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY. 7 rooms, beside bath and laundry, with late conveniences; In first-class order: rent free to April I. See W. A. HERRON ft ONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel2-63-IIWB gutmrbnn Residence. TO LET-AT INGRAM STATION. HOUSE OF ten rooms; natural gas. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. fell-2 TO LET-AT HULTON-DOUBLE BRICK dwelling ofs and 7 rooms: will rent separate ly or will connect to nse as boarding or eating house: good location: near station: rent $12 60 or $?5 a montb. I. AL PENN OCK ft SON. Ju5 Fourth ave. - fel2-49-wrsu TO LET AT EDGEWORTH STATION. ON the P. F. W. ft C. H. R , ror one or several J ears, a beautiful new eight-roomed house: also nished rooms In attic; all modern conveniences; bath room;Iaundrv and gas of both kinds. In quire at LEADER OFFICE. Ja23-lC0 Artrtmeuta. TO LET NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM ON Station st near Highland, E. E.: oneortwo ladles preferred. Address I. E., Dispatch office fell-50 Atlantic City Property. TO LET-OR FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., hotels, cottages and bath bouses: lots for sale In all parts of city: also Booth Atlantic City. ISRAEL G. ADAMS ft CO., Real Estate Agents, RealEstateand Law Building, Atlantic City, N.J. fe4-76 Offices, Desk Room. Ace. TO LET-ELEGANT OFFICES IN THE NEW Fidelity building, 121 and 123 Fonrth ave. Apply to FIDELITY TITLE AND TRU8T CO. fe8-50 TO LET-FINE SUITE OF OFFICES IN THE Jones building. No. 67 Fourth avenue. Ap ply to HOWARD JONES. Heal Estate 135 Fourth ave.. city. Telephone, 1523. Ja27-M TO LET-FIFTH AVENUE OFFICES IN THE Cbronlcle-'lelegraph building, near Wood street: among the most desirable In the city. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel-30-W8 TO LET-SEVERAL VERY FINE OFFICE rooms In Dalzell building, corner Duquesne way and Seventh st : pleasant-location and low rent. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 62 Fourth ave. fell-2 TO LET -SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In tbe Garrison Building, corner Third ave. and Wood st.; all well-lighted front rooms. Inquire or A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood St. Ja31-96 TO LET-OFFICES IN THE HAMILTON Building, 91 and 93 Fifth ave. ; suites with fireproof floors, partitions and vaults, and every modern convenience; offices from $150 and up ward. Call AT OFFICE on first floor. fell-86 TO LET-OFFICES-ALL SIZES, IN WEST INGHOUSE building, handsomest and best equipped office building In Western Pennsvl vanla; good location: thoroughly fire-proof; elec tric light: tnree elevators: superior service. In quire of JOHN F. MILLER, at building. fel2-53-Hwrsu TO LET-OFFICES IN THE GERMAN1A Savings Bank building, corner of Wood and Diamond streets, singly or In suits of two or more with all modern conveniences, elevator, Janitor service etc., etc.: the handsome furniture, carpets, etc.. In some of the offices can be pur chased by the Incoming tenant at a reasonable price For terms apply at THE BANK, fel-68 Bnalness Stands. TO LET-ONLY $25 PER MO. FORSTOREROOM and five dwelling rooms; very cheap. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. feS-4-WT3 TO LET-OK FOR SALE-A FIRSr-CLASS store building in one of the best locations for a country store in Ohio. Address JEbSE KEPNER, New Garden, Col. co., Ohio. Ja24-7-Mwr TOLEr-WILKINSBURG-FLOURING MILL to a good man wltb some capital; a first classopening. Apply to N. J. LUDWICK, Wll klnsbnrg, Pa., or A. W. DUFF, 414 Grant St. Ja29-C8-wa TO LET A FINE HOTEL OF 27 ROOMS In a lively town near Pittsburg; steady boarders support house; good run of transient custom; rent only $500. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth aTje. fcS-82 TO LET-THE KEYSTONE BANK WILL move Into their new building about March 1, consequently the rooms now occupied In the Petroleum Exchange building will be to let In quire at the BANK. Ja29-94 TO LEr-BAKEY STAND, WITH SODA fountain, counter, oven and shelving, all complete; rent low; will rent with dwelling or slv rooms lfdeslred: on Second avenue In the best part or Hazelwood. See W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourtb avenue. feS-93-wrhs TO LET TWO 4-STORY WAREHOUSES, 112 and 114 Wood t., at corner ol Second ive., 48x90 feet wltb two elevators. Inquire of W. J. THOMPSON, on premises, or A. ft D. H. CHAM BEK3, Sonthslde: would rent the first two floors, with good dry cellars, separately. feS-97-JIws TO LET FIFTH AVENUE STOREROOM The business office of The Dispatch will be moved April 1 to tbe lately purchased property, corner Snltbfleld and Diamond sts., and tbe greater part of Nos. 97 and 99 Firth avenue here tofore known as the Dispatch building, will in consequence he for lease during a term of years. This will be found perhaps the choicest location In the whole city for a large retail business, h nil particulars may be obtained from the BUblNESS MANAGER OF THE DISPATCH at the Fifth ave. office. Ja9-U7 PERSONAL. TJERSON AL-BOOKSI ii HAVE MANY XT quaint and out-of-the-way books not to be had anywhere else Have you stu. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 900 Liberty st la29 ERsONAL-BOOKS-15,000. BARGAINS IN usefnl and instructive reading: boots, rare quaint inu curious, at x.bajil jijuv. iciAf.'S, 86 Diamond street Just above Smithfield. Libra ries purchased. fes-150 PERSONAL MUTUAL EESERVE FUND Life Association Members of this associa tion who are not controlled by the executive officers nlease send address to HENRY C. ANDREWS, Counselor, No. 2 Wall St., New York. fell-a8 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by tbe wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; in order to prevent the tronble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Firtb are, corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. and0-D LOST. LOST-TWO PHOTOGRAPHS, NEAR ALLE GHENY Market. Finder will please return to HENDRICKS ft CO., 68 Federal st, Allegheny. fe!2-78 LOST-SMALL DIAMOND FLY SCARF-PIN. with small ruby In center and brown dia mond in body: liberal reward to finder. THORN, Dispatch office. fe!2-69 KOTlCEs. -VTOTIOE-ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1 1890, a large doc followed tbe understated to No. I4S Forty-first street Seventeenth ward, Pittsburg. On proof of ownership and pay ment of costs tbe nroDer rjartr can hum aaid . " mrm.. . rt -ryrir V. r .- ." qog. inuaiAO xrjAUjx. fel242 ELECTIONS. PITTSBURG AND CASTXB SHANNON I Railroad compaxy. I General office, Carson Street, r Bouthside, Pittsburg, February 8, lBOa J ELECTION -THE ANNUAL TUEETINQ of the stockholders of this company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 18, 18a0, between tbe hours of 2 and 4 P. M., for the purpose of electing a President and 10 Di rectors to serve durine the ensuing year, and for tbe transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. E. J. REAMER, feV90-T SeeretaryandTreftsurer. PROPOSALS. TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. JN Sealed proposals will be received by the committee for the bnlldlnz of two 12-room brick school buildings in tbe borough of Mc Keesport Plans and specifications are now in tbe hands of Dr. Taylor, No. 619 Walnut street AH bids to be in by March S, noon. Tbe board reserves tbe rlcbtto reiectanyor all bids. W. V. . TAYLOR, R. L. BIGGS. W. H. SIMMS. fell-31 Building Committee Norfolk and Western Raixboas Co., I Roanoke. Va.. February 4, 1880, PROPOSALS FOR FOUNDATIONS AND masonry Proposals for the foundations and masonry of the Ohio river bridge, near Ceredo, on the Ohio extension, will be received until 12 o'clock JL, WEDNESDAY. February 26, 1890. The special attention of masonry contractors is called to this work, which will aggregate about twelve tbousand (12,000) cubic yards, in five piers and one abutment Intending bidders will be expected to make full examination of tbls work, and their propo sition must be accompanied with satisfactory evidence of tbelr ability to construct the same. No proposition will be entertained unless written npon the forms provided for that pur- Eose. General plans and specifications can e examined ana other information obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Roanoke, Va. The company reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. W. W. COE. fe7-62 Chief Engineer. Norfolk and Western Railroad Co. I Roanoke. Va, February 4, 1SP0. ( PROPOSALS FOR CROSS TIES PRO SALS for the furnishing and delivery of the cross ties required in the construction of tbe Obiq Extension, extending from Elkhoro, West Virginia, to Ironton, Ohio, a distance of about one hundred and nicety-fire (19S) miles, approximately, three thousand per mile, will be received untlI.12o'clockJt, WEDNESDAY, February 28. 1890. Intending bidders will be expected to examine the timber adjacent to the line of railroad, and their proposition must be accompanied by sat isfactory evidence of tbeir ability to do the work bid for. No proposition will be enter tained unless made out upon tbe forms pro vided for that purpose Specifications can be examined, and other information cbtained, at tbe office of tbe Chief Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. The company reserves the right to reject any or all propositions. W. W. COE, fe7-61 Chief Engineer. Norfolk and Western- Railroad Co.,1 Roanoke, Va., February 4, 1880. r PROPOSALS FOR GRADING AND MASONRY Proposals for the grading and masonry of tbe Ohio Extension, extending from Elkhorn. West Virginia, tolrooton, Ohio, a distance of one bnndred and ninety-five (195) miles, will be received nntil 12 o'clock if.. WEDNESDAY, February 28. 1890. Intending bidders will be expected to make thorough examination of tbe work for which they submit proposals, and their proposals must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of their ability to construct the work bid for. No proposition will be entertained nnless writ ten upon forms provided for tbat purpose Profiles and general plans and specifications can be examined, and other information ob tained at the office of Cblet Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. The company reserves tbe right to reject any or all bide W. W, COE. fe7 60 Chief Engineer. LEGAL NOTICEa. ESTATE OF JOHN H. WILHELM DE CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of John H. Wilhelm have been granted to tbe under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. MARY H. WILHELM, Administrator, or CA8 SIDY & RICHARDSON, Attorneys, 135 Fourtb avenue ja292-W FRANK W. 8MITH. Attorney at Law. ESTATE OF BENJAMIN K. BIBER. DE CEASED Letters of administration on the estate of Benjamin F. Biber. late of the city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, Penn sylvinia, deceased, have been granted to Godfrey K. Biber, of the said city, county and State, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. GODFREY K. BIBER, Administrator. 05 Market st, Pitts burg. fe5-52-w SAMUEL A. AMMON.Attorney-aVLaw, U7 Diamond street. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-ESTATE of Joseph Kimmel, deceased. Notice is hereby given tbat letters testamentary on ithe estate of Joseph Kimmel, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment aQd tbose having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. MARIA A. KIM MEL, S. S. HOLLAND, Executors, corner Smithfield street and Liberty avenue, Pitts- burg. Pa. )aio-3-w TO LET. A number of very comfortable and pleasant bonsesln one of the most attractive places about the city. Very pretty 3-rootn brick cottages, Very pretty 4-room brick cottages, Handsome 5-room bouses. Handsome 7-room house. At from S7 to $16 per month. FOR SALE, PRETTY HOMES. 4 rooms, 5 rooms, 7 rooms, with splendid lots, handsomely improved, in tbebeautlfulborough of Knoxvllle, on terms to suit everybody. We will sell tbls season 300 of tbe most beautiful building lots in Allegheny connty. There are no others to compare with them at double tbe price. Upon the completion of the new Knoxville Incline Plane and Street Railway, bringing them within 20 minutes of Fifth avenue, these lots will donble in value. Those who buy early are certain to realize a handsome profit Knoxville Land Improvement Co., 85 Knox avenne, Knoxville Borough. fel-10-wssu TO . LET. Sealed proposals are invited for renting Willo w Groye Coal Landing, at New Orleans. La. This well known proper ty, having a large river front and about FORTY ACRES of ground, is offered for rent wltb lis equip ments and appliances' for ONE TO THREE YEARS. This landing, so familiar to all coat and river men, offers the best known HARBOR FACILITIES at New Orleans for holding coal, and sealed proposal! are invited for its occupancy, as above stated. Address, up to February 24, 1890. PittSuini & Southern Coal Coipny. No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburg. fe!2-43-E0D BETTER THAHRENTIHG BUY A HOUSE ON EASY TERMS A.TLES3 EXPENSE 1HAN RENT. New brick bouse latest style handsomely finished, thoroughly convenienced, onlv 500 cash, remainder on Iomr time; price only 8,300. Neat new bouse, 500 cash, remainder in monthly installments of $25, It desired; six-room, finished attie late improvements; price only $3,700; lot 30x150 feet. Complete new brick bouse, nine rooms, well finished, hardwood mantels, tile hearths and vestibules, large pantry; bathroom, laundry, front and back stairway. (503 cash, remainder on long time; price only $7,000; corner lot 40x121 feet. All well located in East End. Also others. Send for list Just issued. f.A. HERROH&SOHS, 80 FOURTH AVENUE. felZ9-MW7 CASHlERS,BOOKKEEPERS. FOREMEN, eta, can easily earn large commissions and will be furnished sample watches, etc., by ap plying to B. F DU BOIS 4 SON sole proprie tors of Du Bois Watch Club, S01 Wood street Pittsburg. John H. Campbell is no longer In our employ and all of our agents who have been employed by Mm will do better by dealing directly with us. fel2-31 QUITABLE SPRING OIFTa ALL Q kinds 6f birds and pet animals, parrots, pigeons and poultry: gold fish and fixtures; seed and gravel for Birds: fine dogs, birds and animals mounted to order at ESPICH'S BIRD STORE, 640 Hattbfleld st, sear Seventh are. ae-38-ww AUCTION BALES. PUBLIC SALE -OF A VALUABLE FARM IN THE LIGONIER VALLEY. Wednesday, March 5, 1890, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. Situated f our miles nurtb of Llgonler and six miles east of Derry station, coital ning 150 acrev more or less, having tbcreon, on one end alarge brick bouse of seven rooms and a frame barn 43, x72feet; on the other end a frame bouse of six rooms and a frame stable One good-bearing; apple orchard, having about 50 acres, underlaid with a 9-foot vein of coal, bank open. Limestone in abundance of which there are about five acres within a foot of the surface, easily quar ried. 110 acres clear land in a. good tillable con dition, easilv worked; the balance good timber land; farm is all well watered. This farm is bounded on the north by land of Widow Blalr.on the east of Irvin Ross, on tbe sooth of Daniel Mnrphv, on the west ot Famuel iilatr. Terms One-third down and the balance fax two equal annual payment. For further par ticulars inquire of G. A. BLAIR, Jeannette, Pa., or IL B. BLAIR, ' 174 Napoleon street Johnstown. Px. Executors of the estate of Alex. Blair, deceased. fel2.1S-12,28 - ADJOURNED SALE OF ; CDUNTY BUILDINGS, DIAMOND STREET, TO SATURDAY, FEB. 15, At 2 o'clock p. M.. on the premises (1st), 75x115 ft. Diamond st. adjoining Panhandle Rail sray, with bmldlngs formerly used as Criminal Court Treasure r's.Prothonatarv's,Commissionersand' Clerk of Courts: offices. (2d) 100 ft. on Diamond st. by 125 ft on Ross s. with buildings lately, used as Common Pleas Courts, Sheriffs, Regis ter's and Recorder's offices. Terms of sale One-fourtb on confirmation of sale; balance one. two, three and four years, secured by bond and mortgage on tbe premises; with I per cent tier annum on deferred pay ments. JOSIAH SPEER, Controller. R.E. MERCER, J conntv G. Y. MCKEE. JcommSersL DANIELMOWILLIAMS. , Commiss ners. A. J. PENTECOST. Auctioneer. fe9-107 ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Furniture for sale at auction on premises, corner FOURTH AVE. and GRANT ST, on WEDNESDAY, February 19. 189a Sale begins at 10 o'clock A. M. For particulars, inquire of HENRY AUCTION CO, LIM, feI2-71 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE 169 LIBERTY STREET. Allegheny, THURSDAY, Feb. 13, 1890. on the premises, at 3 o'clock P. M., a two-story brick dwelling of seven rooms and finished attie bath, w. c, both gases, water, etc.: lot 20x48x60 to Virgin alley: excellent neighbor hood and location for residence or Investment; terms one-third cash, balance to salt BLACK. & BAIRD, 95 Fonrth avenne. fe9-U0 HOUSE HUNTERS CALL ON BLACK I BAIRD, r 95 Fourth Avenue, Or the following Druggists, forther" Largest Rent List in the Citjf ISSUED WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY.. PITTSBURG a S. Holland, corner liberty . and Smithfield streets; C. F. Sourse, No. 190 Center avenue: J. M. Blackburn. N a 383 Fifth avenue; Louis H. Voget Webster and Roberts streets; Ercil G. Stocky dr Co, Wylle avenue and Fulton street EAST END Markell Bros., cor. Penn and Frankstown avenues; R. D. Brent No. 3703 Fifth avenue. Oakland; J. R. McCreary, cor. Homewood ave. and Grazier st, Homewood. SOUTHSIDE Jacob Spobn, No. 2 Carson street; Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson street LAWRENCEVILLE D. S. Blackburn, No. 3343 Penn avenue; Totten & Bender, No. 4301 Penn avenue. - ALLEGHENY Charles L. Walther, No. M Chestnut street: J. P. Urben, cor. Franklin' and Fulton streets; W..S. Uixenbaugb, cor. Manhattan and Rebecca streets; E. Hol den & Co, No.63 Federal, con Lacock street; Geo. EtFoster, cor. Washington avenne and Fremont street; Joseph F. Neely. No. 371 Rebecca street H. J. McBride, cor. Fede ral and Ohio streets. SEWICKLEY, PA.-C. G. Wood?, cor. Broa4 and Beaver streets. BLACK & BAIRD, JS22-18-W 95 FOURTH AVENUE. FOR SALE ! AT S5.0C0 EACH, ON PENN AVENUE, Nineteenth Ward, TWENTY-ONE NEW BRICK DWELLINGS 7 rooms, ball and bath in each, finished in best of style: each house with lot 20x100 feet Easy payments. Possession at once. Penn avenue cable cars pass door; So to town or East Liberty. Houses newly gilt papered throughout Get keys of agent, at 61C9 Penn avenne. thos. McCaffrey, " 3509 BUTLER STREET. iel-55-waan RARE BARGAIN. East End Residence, $7,000, Worth $8,500. One of tbe best built and equipped Queen Anne pressed-brick dwellings ever offered. Nine rooms, furnished in hardwood; slate man tels, beautiful chandeliers, electric light both, gase, and all tbe latest Improved conveniences; extensive veranda, walks, large lot etc.; fine asphalt paved street, flagstone sidewalk; per fect sewerage; neighborhood unsurpassed; car fare only 5 cents. Fnll particulars and a trip to the place will convince you. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 FOURTH AVENUE. le9-lll-Su'W FOR SALE. Dry Goods Store" In a live manufacturing town of 7.000 inhabi tants, two railroad, fn tne midst or tno largest coal and lumber fields in Pennsylvania. Stock all new and bought at lowest prices; will Invoice about $12,000: business last year over $10,000. Good profits and easy competition. Bright prospects for the town, A chance in a lifetime to bare a good business already built up. Address at once, DRYGOODS, Dispatch, office. fe7-22 - PIANOS, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instruments. AT HAMILTON'S, delO-D Fifth avenue. WE SEND MONEY TO ALL PARTS OF tbe world and sell tickets for all ocean, steamship lines at lowest rates. MAX SCHAMBERG t CO, EZ7 Saithfield st, Pittsburr. . - Established 1868, deSO-wsa -, v J e-