Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 10, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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So Say the Employers of Pxetty Type
writers and Amanuenses.
A Rich Tonng Pittsbnrrer Kot to be Caught
by Forei;n Kets.
If EW YOBK, February 9. "What has been
lor the past few years a boon to the average
business man, lawyer, minister and news
paper correspondent in fact to every per
son whose work requires extensive letter
writing is destined to meet with material
opposition, if indeed not complete extinc
tion. The pretty typewriter, one ot the es
sentials of an every day office, is the object,
and the employer's wife at home is the one
who is wacing war with a vengeance.
All these funny snaps, appearing from
day to day in the comic columns of the pa
pers, have resulted in a serious end for the
feminine typewriter. It was only during
the early part ot the week that a certain
broker's wife quietly informed her husband
that he must dispense with the services
of his stenographer and typewriter. The lat
ter was an exceptionally apt manipulator
of the machine, beside having a thorough
knowledge of shorthand, making her doubly
desirable in the capacity, but the poor girl
possessed more than the average share of
nature's charms, hence her removal. The
broker, sorry as he was to let her go, endeav
ored to arrange with a Fourth avenue trader
in Pittsburg to take her out West with him,
as he had signified a desire for an amanuen
sis. The Pittsburger agreed to do so. He
told his wife at the hotel when he returned
to dinner, and pictured to her what a great
load would be lifted off his shoulders by his
new acquisition. "Young, pretty and small
wages," added he, thinking his wife would
be charmed.
Fatal words! A flash of indignant scorn
snapped from bis lair lady's eyes, which
told him that he had better cancel the con
tract immediately or the placid domestic re
lations heretofore existing would soon be as
turbulent as a steaming teapot. He there
fore went straightway down to Wall street,
where he said to the pretty girl that "un
foreseen circumstances" had prevented his
carrying out his part of the contract. He
professed great annoyance at it, and apolo
gized prolusely.
This is only one instance I call to mind
of the intervention of the dutiful wife be
tween the husband and employe; but it's
odds thatnany a poor girl suffers injustice
at the hands of frail-minded wives because
the honest and willing worker is pretty.
In Broadway's panorama yesterday was
Mr. Edward jackman, one ot Pittsburg's
handsome and wealthy young men. He is
stopping at the Victoria, where he is a great
favorite among the guests. Down here
"Ned" is considered a gTeat catch by the
older female heads, who would fain put their
daughters in the matrimonial mart As is
well known in Pittsburg, Mr. Jackman was
the favored heir of his late father's munifi
cent bequests, and his wealth is estimated
at a half million, invested in Pittsburg and
Allegheny real estate, beside his holdings
of lucrative investments in bank stocks and
bonds. It is whispered that he is engaged
to a beautiful young East End lady, and
that the nuptials are not far distant. Mr.
Jackman is very fond of Kew York, and it
is intimated that he will reside here perma
nently after he has satisfactorily arranged
his Pittsburg business matters.
Young Charlie Clarke, of East Penn ave
nue, is here for the winter, engaged in culti
vating his musical talents. He is being in
structed by one of the most distinguished
musicians in 2 ew York.both in the vocal and
instrumental branches. I understand that
Mr. Clarke has developed a surprisingly
strong tenor voice, and no doubt he will
charmingly entertain home music lovers
upon his return in the spring. As a diversion
the young gentleman occasionally con
tributes a humorous gem to Judge, as he
has shown a literary taste aside from his
musical accomplishments. He will be re
membered by readers of The Dispatch as
"See Ess Sea." Mr. Arkell, the proprietor
of Judge, is his brother-in-law, and Russell
Harrison is a great intimate of Mr.
JNo city can pride itself with having
within its gates the greatest number of beg
gars; but New York, if she wishes to, could
carry off the palm lor the most decently
dressed and well appearing mendicants.
Late the other nighll was hurrying through
Park Bow, which is brilliantly lighted from
the glare of tne electric lights on the post
office, when good-looking, neatly, in fact
stylishly dressed stranger accosted me. As
he spoke I thought he sought information
about some street, but when I asked him to
repeat his question, he plaintively pleaded
for enough monev to get a bed with. I was
quite struck with his face and his man
ner of address; so I questioned him.
He said he came here from Toronto, Canada,
had looked in vain for a position, and was
without a. place to sleep. Of course it was
the old stereotyped formula; hv'. his arjpear-
ance indicated anything but poverty, and I
took enough interest in his narrative to ad
vance him the price ot a bed. He thanked
Jne very obsequionsly and trotted off into
the darkness toward the bridge.
The incident had almost been forgotten
when I was "struck" by this same gentle
man up on Broadway and Twenty-sixth
street this morning. I recognized him, and
alter he had made his little speech I looked
at him steadfastly, but silently. He evi
dently knew me as his outraged benefactor
of a few nights before, for he sneaked off
into the crowd. I asked a corner police
man if he knew him. He sajd he was a,
member of a gang of professional fellows
who manage to dress well upon the alms
solicited from the public "The better a
beggar is dressed now-a-days,"said he, "the
wore successful is he with the gullible pub
lic's purse. The repulsive, poverty-stricken
creatures are avoided, from the fact of their
Slttiy garments; but the dude solicitor is the
boy for the 'jelly.' "
The following tamiliar names are seen on
the registers of the prominent fcostelrics: A.
J. Moxham, Johnstown, and Wilson Mc
Candless, St. James; W. IClordon, Joseph
Craig, J. B. McFadden and wite, Albe
marle; William McConway, H. Buhl, Jr.
and wife, J. W. Dalzell, wife and daughter
Fifth Avenue. Lyman Kaine. '
Impaired Circulation.
Dr. Flint's Remedy, by exercising a regulative
influence over the action of the heart and the
general circulation, will check at once bleeding
from the lungs, and ttfll cure dropsy of those
organs. Descriptive treatise with each bottle;
or address Mack Drug Co., N. V. svnr
New Spring Dress Goods.
Double width Henrietta cloths in the most
fashionable new spriug shades.
1 case, 40 inches wide, at 65c.
1 case, 46 inches wide, at 51.
Jos. Hobxe & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Nat n Storage Wnrebonie.
The People's Store proprietors are sellers
of merchandise. If they can't sell their
goods at a profit they must go at a loss. "We
carry over no goods. See bargains in em
broideries, stockings, carpets, and in fact all
along the line. Cam r bell & Dick.
5G-1KCH all-wool,small stripes and invisi
ble check suitings, extra value, at SI a yard.
Penn Avenue Stores.
A Woman Receive Pension n a Widow,
Not Knowing She- Had Been Di
vorced A Strance Story
of a Lcsnl Problem.
Cixcinnati, February 9. Assistant
United States Attorney Harry Probasco has
gone to Garden, O., to investigate a case of
fraudulent pension that rests upon a very
curious .circumstance. Sometime ago a pen
sion wasgranted to Nancy Smith because she
was the widow of a soldier. Not long ago the
District Attorney was informed that Nancy
Smith was not the widow of the soldier
in question, but bad been divorced from
him many years before his death. Mrs.
Smith was at once questioned, but she de
nied absolutely that she had been divorced
from her husband. The records were
searched and "the decree of divorce was
found, and she was confronted with it. She
said that her husband was a worthless fel
low, and was wasting her properly in dissi
pation. She consulted with lawyers, and
they, in someway, enabled her to administer
the" property as a single woman. She
thought it might be possible that they had
obtained a divorce lor her without her
She remembered testifying in court to the
character of her husband and to his treat
ment of her, but of any talk of divorce she
had no recollection. As proof of this she
says she lived on with the man who she sup
posed to be her husband, keeping him as
straight as possible and treating him in
every way as her husband. This case is
probably without a parallel in the records of
pension'cases. The Question is whether the
Government will be able to prosecute its
case and obtain the money which has al
ready been paid out if the woman's story is
found credible.
4 StriUeoftlie Yard fllenon the Now York
Central Railroad.
rsFzcxu. tiliokam to the dispatch.!
Suspension Bbidoe, N. Y., February
9. The yard men ot the New York Central
at Suspension Bridge struck this morning
and have been out all day. They number
between 40 and 50 and their grievance is
that they do not receivi the same pay on
Sunday as in the other large yards of the
company. All yard employes af Canan
daigua, Auburn, Niagara Falls, Batavia,
Tonawanda, Buffalo and Rochester, who
work on Sunday, receive two days' pay.
This has been refused them. The men
stated their grievance to Freight Agent F.
K. Paddock at the bridge, but he neglected
to mention it to the officials of the road.
This morning the men refused to go to work
and there has been nothing done m the
yards to-day. There is a feeling of dissatis
faction all along the line and the recent
action of the engineers at Buffalo has had
the effect to stimulate this feeling. It would
not be surprising if a strike of large dimen
sions would be precipitated soon on the
The Congregation of St. Andrew Too Largo
fortbe Chnrcb.
The congregation of Bt. Andrew's Cath
olic Church, in ManchesterAHegheny, is
about to be divided. Negotiations are now
going on for the purchase of the "Little
Jim" Church, on Bebecca street. The
people residing in the neighborhood of this
church will worship in the newly-constructed
edifice as soon as it is fitted up.
The Catholics residing in the lower end
of Manchester will continue to worship at
St. Andrew's. Father Carroll will con
tinue as pastor of the lower church, but it
is not yet known whi the pastor of the new
congregation will be.
Tho Eedcmplorl.t Fntbern Begin Work on
(lie Went Enders.
A two weeks' mission was begun yester
day in St. James' Church in the "West End.
It is being conducted by the Hedemptorist
priest. Two of them are Fathers Trimple
and "Wynne, who were at St Paul's Cathe
dral about a year ago.
The first week will be for the women and
the services will be at the usual missio-i
hours. Next week the services will be for
men only. A large crowd attended the
services yesterday. In tht evening it was
almost impossible to get a seat in the
Unndsome Alice Roberts SnQocntcd by Gas
In Her Room.
New Yoek, February 9. Alice Eob
erts, a handsome actress 23 years of age, and
a singer at Koster & Bial's Music Hall,
was found dead this motning in her room,
244 Sixth avenue, suffocated by gas. She
came from Chelsea, Mass., where her parents
New All-Woo! Sprlnc Dress Goods Opened
1 case 50-inch Jacquard checks at 90c
1 case 50-inob stripes and plaids at 75c.
1 case small stripes and invisible checks,
56 inches wide, 51 a yard.
Penn Avenue Stores.
The use of the Iron City Brewing Co.'s
aleandbeeris conducive to health and gives
the highest satisfaction. Unrivaled for
family use. Telephone 1186.
New All-Wool Spring Dress Goods Opened
1 case 50-inch Jacquard checks at 90c.
1 case 50-inch stripes and plaids at 75c.
1 case email stripes and invisible checks,
56 inches wide, $1 yard. ,
Penn Avenue Stores.
Big Drive In Black Cotton Hose.
See the fast black, long-leg, seamless
stockings for ladies that we have put down
to 21 cents a pair. Nothing like them in
the laud. They are regular 35 cents goods.
You can be sure that The People's Store
is the only place where they do these things.
Campbell & Dick.
Have You Had
The grippe? is the question of the day. If the
Influenza or any other disease or overwork, have
put you into a weak, debilitated condition, you
should immediately take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It tones every part of tbe body. Invigorates the
liver, creates an appetite and entirely over
comes that tired feeling.
Renew. d My Grip.
"Hood's Sarsaparilla has renewed my grip. I
am 63 years of age and was all run down and
discouraged. 1 have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla
and on looking myself over find that I am much
better, in fact quite a chap. Of course the incd
cine will not discount my years, but it conies
nearer to it than anything else." CiIAS. B,
Long, Bbrewrbury, Mass., Jan. 3, 189a
N. B. Be sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1: six for $3. Prepared
only by C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Beecliiam's PWls
For Bilious and Nsrrous Disorders.
"Worth a Guinea a Box "bat sold
for 25 cents,
Her Position Seventh on the List in the
x Clearing Uouie Report.
Boston, February 9. The following
table, compiled from dispatches from the
managers of the Clearing Houses in the
cities named, shows the gross exchanges
for the past wees: with rates per cent of in
crease or decrease, as against the amounts
for the corresponding week in 18S9.
inc. Dee.
NowYort S7M.14S.15S 1.4
lloston 118,868 179 7.1
Philadelphia 71.714.249 7.7
Chicago 67.172.000 10.8
Bt. Louis 22, 2,240 11.9
Baltimore 15,638.461 54.8 ....
Pittsburg 14.691,070 1.9 ....
New Orleans. 13,291,179 .... 7.2
ban Francisco 14.026.671 .... 1.2
Cincinnati 12,216, too
Louisville. 10.145.710
Kansas CUT. 9.S15.3S5
Milwaukee 6,100,000
Providence S.1S7.700
Omaha 4,444,762
Detroit 6. 039,076
Cleveland 4,433,851
Denver 4,942,642
St. i'aul 4,171,923
Minneapolis 3,870,565
Memphis..... 3,553,43
lndlanaDOlis 2.395.293
Columbus -2,227,150
Duluth 2.148.174
Galveston..., 1,857,701
Klchmond 1.856,329
Hartford 2,327,224
l'coria. 1,643.816
bt. Joseph 1,533,012
Springfield 1,215, 779
New Haven 1,412,340
Washington 1,616,103
Portland. Mc. 1,290,783
11. J
23 6
11 V11TC31U .. 4,Vl, w
891. 31)6
Sioux City ,
Grand Rapids
Los Angeles
lies Moines. ,
New Bedford
Lexington, Ky....,
Montreal, Canada
UrO 1,164.874
Birmingham 1.184.242
Seattle 1,035.831
Totals 11,183,872,068
Outside A ewVorK 429,725,910
Partly approximated.
lot Included In totals,
this time last vear.
No Clearing House at
Mary Anderson to be bned.
Lojtoow, February 8. A dispatch :ust re
ceived by a personal friend of Mary Anderson
says that Messrs. Abbey, Schoeffel and Grau
have written their attorneys in this city, Olin,
Rives fc Montgomery, to demand substantial
damages from Miss Anderson for breaking ber
contract and terminating a successful season
last year through no fault ot theirs and when
the profits were large. They aver that Miss"
Anderson agreed to return and play in New
York next fall. Unless these damages are paid
the attorneys are instructed to bring suit.
Sold for a Ridiculously Low Sum.
Chicago. February 9. To-day the report
was denied that the Grand Pacific Hotel is to
bo torn down, but its peculiar sale for tho seem
ingly ridiculous price ot $10,000 Is confirmed.
Use Bonford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. W. H. Fisher, LeSueur, Minn., says: "I
find it verv serviceable in nervous debility,
sexual weakness brain fas. excessive use of
tobacco, as a drink in fevers, ana in some
urinary troubles. It is a grand good remedy in
all cases where I have used it."
ANDERSON On Saturday, February 8. 1890,
at 11:13 r. x., Patrick axsebsox, in his 23d
Funeral from Mercy Hospital on Monday,
February 10, at S p. M. Friends of the deceased
are respectfully invited to attend.
BLUM On Saturday. February 8, 1890, at
10:30 A. II., G. H. BLUM, aged 66 years 8
Funeral from bis lato residence, corner Lib
erty avenue and Kdmond street. Sixteenth
ward, on Tuesd at at 2 P. jr. Friends of tho
family are respectfully invited to attend. 3
BIRNEY Suddenly, on Friday, February 7,
John T., only son of Thomas Birney.
Funeral services at the resides, e of the
father, 12 Stockton avenue, Allegheny, on
MONI&.Y, February 10, at 2 p.m. Interment
private. 2
COATES A the residence of his son. Ed
ward Coates, little Beaver township. Lawrence
county, on Friday, February 7, 1S90, at noon,
Jonx Coates. aged 87 years.
Funeral on Monday upon the arrival of No.
10 Western train at Union Depot, dne at 2:10 P.
X. Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend. 2
DEBOLD On Sunday. February 9, at 11:30,
at tlie residence of his parents, Rooinson town
ship, Allegheny county, Edwaed Dkeold, in
the 35th year of his age.
Funeral notice hereafter.
DODDS At bis residence. No. 80 Arbuckle
street, Allegheny, at 730 p. M., Saturday, Feb
ruary 8, 1890. WnxiAJt W. Dodds, in the 38th
year oi nis age.
Funeral private.
Wheeling papers please copy.
DOUGLAS On Saturday, February 8. 1890,
at 6 P. M., Margaret, widow of the late Rob
ert Douglas, aged S9 j cars and 5 months.
Funeral from her late residence. Chanters
township, on Tuesday. February 11, at 1030
A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend. 3
EATON On Sunday. 9th inst, at 11:10 A. K
Josephine W., wife of F. H. Eaton, in her
63th year.
Services on Tuesday, 11th inst, from her
late residence. No. 429 North Highland avenue.
at 230 p. m. Interment private. 2
HAYS On Sundar afternoon. February 9.
18J0, at i o'clock, Mrs. Flora B.. wifo of
CaptalnS. B. Hajt, Harden station, Pittsburg,
Virginia and Charleston road.
KERR Tuesday, February 4, IS90, at 405 P.
M.. at Green Cove Springs, Fla.. Mrs. Assie
E. Kerb, widow or Rev. David R. Kerr, D. D
in the (SSth year of her age.
Funeral on Monday, February 10, at 1
o'clock p. jl. from tho residence of W. W.
Kerr, 6S Union avenue, Allegheny. Interment
private. . 2d
MATTHEWS On Monday, at 7 A. M.,
James H. M attiiews, son of W. B. and Sarah
Matthews, aged 18 years 10 months and 7 days.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
NUSSEK On Sunday, at 7:50 A. M., ELLA
May, wife of Christ Nusser, aged 31 years and
6 months.
Funeral from ber late residence. No. 22 Bogas
avenue. Thirty-second ward, on Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family
aro respectfully invited to attend. 2
OLDSHUE On Saturday morning at 1050
o'clock. Dr. J. A. Oldshce, in his Sid year.
Funeral from his late residence. No. 4520
Fif til avenue, on TUESDAY morning at 8:15.
Services at St. Paul's Cathedral at 930.
Interment private. 3
SNYDER On Sunday, February 9. at 6 A.
M.. at bis residence, Mr. Henry Snyder, in
bis 50th year.
The relatives and friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend the funeral ser
vices to be held at. his late residence, 5006 Fifth
avenue, at 4 t.u., Tuesday, February II,
1E90. Interment at Philadelphia.
New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St
Louis, Cincinnati, O., and Cleveland papers
piease copy, 2
WALLACE On Sunday, February 9, 1890, at
4 P. M.. James A. infant son of Thomas and
Pauline Wallace, aged 13 months 2 days.
Funeral will take place from parents' resi
dence, No. 22I8 Sarah street, Boutbside, Mon
day, at 230 p. m. Friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend. .
(Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co Lira.,)
Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tele
phone connection. mylO-lS-MWTSu
Telepbono 429.
Established 1810.
FLORISTS Telephone 230.
Specialties Soperb Floraf Decorations, ex
quisitely beautiful fresh flowers. Floral em
blems and Tropical Plants In ereat variety.
Estimates furnished. Ja24-iTWT
ASSETS - . t9j&7L8963S.
Insurance Co. of North America.
losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM U
JON ES. 81 h ourth avenue. ia3)-s2-D
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
811 Fifth avenue, above Emttb. Held; next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
We have replenished our stock of Sterling
Silver Goods and can show a beautiful assort
ment suitable for "Wedding Presents. We also
have a nice assortment of
Onyx Top Tables, Marble Statuary and Fine
Mantel and Cabinet Ornaments.
of all onr Winter Goods, to make room for
Spring Goods. We shall give
that will interest close cash buyers.
100 SmlPInsk Coats, $12 SO
150. Muffs, 37c,
'Wool Underwear
of all kinds, at prices that must get them into
the hands of the wearers. t
138 Federal and 46 South Diamond
Streets, Allegheny, Pa.
The changes for our new
department have all
been made
IT 1 '
Wednesday, February 12.
We respectfully invite you to
come in and inspect the stock.'
A Special Bargain
will be made to start the depart
ment Come in on Wednesday or
later in the week if you can.
The above cut represents our new
Hat named in honor of the. Pitts
burg globe-trotter. Aside from its
name, it is one of the most sensi
ble, stylish and comfortable Hats
we have ever introduced. Can be
worn either for dress or traveling.
will be on sale Saturday, February
89, 40 and 41 Water st., cor. West.
Facilities for storing all kinds of merchandise
m large or small quantities.
Separate and private apartments for house
hold goods.
Telephone 1828. fcfw6-MWF
Baisins, Prunes, Nuts, Evapor
ated Peaches, Apricots,
New Orleans Mo-
Sixth Avenue.
The Money Saving Stores
for the People.
Leading and Largest
Millinery House
Western Pennsylvania,
DO YOU KNOW that our
popular House Furnishing de
partment has assisted thous
ands of our patrons in reduc
ing their household expenses?
And are you all aware that we
are selling China, Glassware,
Tinware, Kitchen Furnishing
Goods, Crockery, Cutlery, and
the best makes of Silver Plated
Ware better and cheaper than
you ever bought before. If '
you are unacquainted with
these facts, which we want all
to know, come here any day
and look through our BIG
what we are doing. We buy
our goods in immense quanti
ties right from the manufac
turers and consequently put all
intermediate profits in our pat
ron's pockets. These are the
inducements we hold out to
you to trade with us. See our
Sixth street window for facts
and figures.
Perhaps no other store in
either city ever offered so won
derful an assortment of Ladies',
Misses' and Children's Muslin
Underwear, Aprons, Embroide
ries and Laces at such remark
ably Low Prices as we present
to our patrons to-day.
Thousands more of
big White Aprons at
sale for" to-morrow.
24c on
quickly if you want them; they
are the best value ever shown
in this city. And another lot
of those pretty Aprons at 49c
Ladies, come and see what
25c, 49c, 74c and 99c will do
for you in Muslin Underwear
in our big store.
Our grand Handkerchief
Sale, with its startling low
prices, will keep our sales peo
ple hustling and delight our
many patrons. Look in our
Sixth street window and note
NOTE. We are now show
ing advance styles in Spring
Hats and Bonnets.
Sixth Street'and Penn' Ave.
This week see, our window
Mail orders receive prompt attention.
Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing
Clothes Lines. Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc
WORKS East street, Allegheny City, Pa,
ttsburg. Telephone No. 1570. oc22 69-HWa
INS. CO., 417 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Capital $350.000 00
Assets, January 1, 1S80. .". 370,211 70
Directors Charles W. Batcholor, Presidt rt;
John W. Chairant. Vice President: A. E. W.
Painter, Robert Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil
son. JoseDh Walton. Wm." G. Park. A. M. Br.
ers, James J. Donnel, George E. Painter, John
nT.y "tm iSslssislsK'
One of our firm (the Cloak
buyer) went to New York last week
and did something that required
nerve, at this season of the year.
Bought for cash the'entire stock
of one of the best manufacturers in
America, of fine Alaska Seal Skin
Coats and Jackets. Extraordinary
grand bargain. We would repeat
if it were the month of May in place
of February, if another such a
chance was presented.
Go on sale at once that will eclipse
anything hitherto offered.
The following is a detailed list
of the property:
One Seal Jacket, length 25, bust
36, price 75.
One Seal Jacket, length 27, bust
36, price 85.
One Seal Jacket, length 25, bust
34, price gioo.
One Seal Jacket, length 25, bust
36, price J5ioo.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
34, price $100.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
36, price 100. (Persian lamb', V
front and back.)
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
34, price $100.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
36, price jSioo.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
34, price $125.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
34, price 125.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
36, price 125.
One Seal Jacket, length 27, bust
36, price 125.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
34, price 125.
One Seal Jacket, length 26, bust
36, price $125.
One Seal Jacket, length 33, bust
34, price $125.
One Seal Jacket, length 33, bust
36, price 125-
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
34, price $135.
One Seal Jacket, length 30, bust
36, price S150.
One Seal Coat, length 33, bust
34 price $100.
One Seal Coat, length 33, bust
38, price gioo.
One Seal Coat, length 35, bust
34, price gioo.
One Seal Coat, length 35, bust
34, price 100. -
One Seal Coat, length 37, bust
34, price 100.
One Seal Coat, length 34, bust
32, price $125.
One Seal Coat, length 34, bust
34, price 125.
One Seal Coat, length 34, bust
36, price $125.
One Seal Coat, length 36, bust
36, price S125.
One Seal Coat, length 36, bust
38, price $125.
One Seal Coat, length 36, bust
36, price 125.
One Seal Coat, length 36, bust
34, price 125.
One Seal Coat, length 38, bust
34, price 125.
One Seal Coat, length 38, bust
34, price S125.
One Seal Coat, length 38, bust
36, price S125.
One ' Seal Coat, length 38, bust
36, price $125.
One Seal Coat, length 40, Bust
34, price 125.
One Seal Coat, length 40, bust
34, price 135.
1 Seal Coat, length 40. bust 36, price 8135.
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 36, price S135.
1 Seal Coat, length 33, bust 36, price ?150.
1 Seal Coat, length 35, bust 36, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 34, price 150.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 34, price 5150.
1 Seal Coat, length 37, bust 34, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 37, bust 38, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 34, bust 36, price 5150.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 34, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, leneth 36, bust 34, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 36, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 38, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 38, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 34, price S150.
l seal uoat, lengtn as, Dust 34, prioe 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 3G, price 8150.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 36, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 38, price 5150.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 42, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 34, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 34, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 36, price 8150
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 36, price $150.
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 40, price $150.
i &eai uoat, lengin m, oust 34, price $175.
1 Seal-Coat, length 36, bust 34, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 36, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 36, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 36, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 37, bust 34, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 37, bust 38, price 8175.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 36, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 36, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 36, bust 34, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 36. bust 34, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 37, bust 40, price $175.
1 Seal Cost, length 38, bust 36, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 38, bust 38, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 39, bust 46, price $175.
1 Seal Coat, length 40, bust 44, price $175.
You will notice by Derusinsr the above
that all can be fit the goods are the finest
and best while they are not half price. As
this is not necessary to sell Seal Skins, if
they are prime quality and correct shapes,
as these are; but these Seal Skins are $25 to
$75 each, and a few of them $100 less than
their usual retail value.
Do you wish to get the bargain of your
lifetime? If so, see these Seals.
'115, 117, 119. 121
Federal Street,Alleglieny
City of Pittsburg, ss:
T)k."UUm McCallln, Mayor of the city of
-i H.ba?y- iaJ.sani u,Is my proclamation, tht
on the third Tuesday ot February, A.D. 1660.
J. i1ibii8i.n,(la'of the month, the Freemen
2 1 KI(N?ty being qualified to vote tor members
or the House ot Representatives will meet at
their respective places of holdirig elections in
the several wards and elect by ballot one dt
,enJ0 aerTe M Mayor of said citv for the term
ot three years, one citizen to serve as City Con
troller of said city for tbe term of three years,
one citizen to serve as City Treasurer oi said
c"yfor,tJe term of three years, also members
oi the Select and Common Councilor the citv
as indicated below.
uw-S't0!0 of the Flr3t to11 Pittsburg,
First district, to meet at Rees' boiler yard!
r.n av,enue-, between 8econd and Third
streets Second district to meet at public school
J,"Je Second avenue. Third district to meet
auto. 1 Engine House, Fourth avenue. And
elect one Common Councilman lor said ward
lor a term oi two years.
Tho electors of the Second ward. Pittsburg
irst district, to meet at Archibald & Brother's
livery stable. 130 Third avenne. Second district
to meet at tbe Poor Board afficp I'nnnh
Jiue. Third district to meet at nnhiln .h.,i.
house. Diamond street. And elect one Select
councilman for said ward for a. term
years ana one Common Councilman for a term
of two years.
iiw8.iei,?!torso th8TnIrl ward, Pittsburg,
f 5v if?,ct to meet at Municipal Hafll
Kmithneld street Hecond district to meet at
public schoolhouse. Grant street. And elect
one Lommon Councilman for said ward for a
term of two years.
ttH.6?!8?!001 the Fourth ward, Pittsbnrg.
First district, to meet at public schoolhouse.
Penn avenue. Second district to meet at L.
Woodson's short, h RvT,th .,.. Thr.j .aiT
trict to meet at Alderman K, McKenna's office.
.W Penn avenue. And elect one Select Coun
cilman for said ward for a term of four years,
and one Common Councilman for a term of two
c!Th.eJfletora of the Fifth ward. Pittsburgh
First distrkt, to meet at tbe effice of Peter
Hermes, No. 208 Fifth avenue. Second district
to meet at John Urban's meat store, Wylie
avenue. Third district to meet at the public
schoolhouse, Webster avenue. And elect one
belect Councilman for said ward lor a term of
lour yeats, and one Common Councilman for a
term of two years.
The electors of the Sixth ward, Pittsburg,
First district to meet at 'Squire Nolan's office,
u Forbes avenue. Second district to meet at
the house of Adam Erenwein, 135 Forbes ave
nue. Third district to meet at the new school
house, corner of Stevenson and Forbes arenue.
ourth district to meet at south half of
p.aS!!cCD001 building. Firth district to meet
at 606 Fifth avenue. ISixth dinricttohneet at
the bouse of Casper SeItzraan,Van'Braam and
fc-dnf streets. Seventh district to meet at the
PUUIIC 8CDOOlhOUSe Sennrul nvpnno inH alnxt:
two Common Councilmen for said ward for a
term of two years.
T.TH.eJ.e,Iectors ot the Seventh ward, Pittsburg.
irst district to meet at the house of Frederick
Pastre, No. 53 Federal street Second district
to meet at the nubile shnnlhrmno PrinHin
s.reet Fourth district to meet at Thomas
Byrne's, corner or Elm street and Wylie ave
nue, and elect one Common Councilman for
said ward for a term of two years.
Tho electors of the Eighth ward. Pittsburg,
First district to meet at the People's Skating
Kink, corner of Bedford avenue and Fulton
itr,!eI;S.econa '"strict to meet at Alderman
John W. Bell's office. Wylie avenue. Third dis
trict to meet at Club House, Centeravenue.
porth districtto meet at 35 Caldwell street
riith district to meet at the livery stable of
Jeremy Bros.. 71 Fulton street and elect two
Common Councilmen for said ward for a term
of two years.
The electors of the Ninth ward, Pittsburg,
First district to meet at Alderman O'Don
neil's office, Penn avenue.' Second district to
meet at Hemphill's foundry. Thirteenth and
Pike streets. Third district to meet at public
schoolhouse. Penn avenue. And elect one Se
lect Councilman for said ward for a term of
four years, and one Common Councilman for
said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of tbe Tenth ward. Pittsburg,
First district to meet at 'Squire Barns' office.
Penn avenue. Second district to meet at Gal
lagher's, corner Nineteenth street and Penn
avenue. And elect one Select Councilman for
said ward for a term of fonr years and one
Common Councilman for said ward for a term
of two years.
The electors of the Eleventh ward, Pittsburg,
First district, to meet at the house of John O.
Kober, No. 513 Fifth avenue. Second district
to meet at public schoolhouse, corner Granville
and Enoch streets. Third district to meet at
house of Daniel Jackson, No. 215 Bedford ave
nue. Fourth district to meet at tenement
bonse of E. Oxoard. on Wvlln irenni. Fifth
district to meet at station house, Center ave-
jiuo. oja.ui uiiriciio meet at eureka nail, on
Arthur street, and elect two Common Council
men for said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Twelfth ward, Pittsbnrg.
First district to meet at the house of Jnlius
Qarbe, 2030 Penn avenue. Second districtto
meet at the house of Joeph Newell. 2500 Penn
avenue. Third district to meet at Twelfth
ward police station. Fourth district to meet at
Thomas McCaffrey's, corner Twenty-ninth and
Smallman streets. Fifth district to meet at
Springfield schoolhousa. Sixth district to meet
at John Emmerich's, corner Twenty-eighth and
Penn avenue, ana elect two Common Council
men for said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of tbe Thirteenth ward, Pitts
burg, First district to meet at offico of Jeremy
Bros.' liverv stable, corner of Center inntm
and alley. Second district to meet at
the Thirteenth Warn Building and Loan Asso
ciation's office, Somers street Third district
to meet at public schoolhouse. Thirty-third
street. Fourth district to meet at public school
house, Centeravenue. Fifth district to meet
at the office of Alderman Patterson, Kirkpat-
ick sutii, near y yuv uveuue. Alia elect one
Select Councilman for said ward for a term of
fonr years, and one Common Councilman for
said ward for a term of two vears.
Tbe electors of the Fourteenth ward. Pitts
bnrg, First district to meet at market house.
Fifth avenue. Second district to meet at Mrs.
Hacno's Fifth avenue. Third district to meet
at tho Fourteenth ward engine house. Neville
street. Fourth district to meet at the Bellefield
gublic schoolhouse. Fifth district to meet at
olio schoolhouse. Sixth district to meet at
Soho schoolhouse. Seventh district to meet at
house of Mrs. L. Boyd, corner of Ward street
and Craft avenue. And elect one Select Coun
cilman for said ward for a term of fonr years,
and three Common Councilmen for said ward
for a term of two years.
The electors ot tbe Fifteenth ward, Pitts
burg. First district, to meet at meat shop, cor
ner Thirty-third and Penn avenue. Second
district to meet at .Lawrence srhoolbonse.
Third dbtrict to meet athonseof John Allen,
corner Thirty-seventh and Butler streets.
Fourth district to meet at schoolhouse. corner
of Thirty-seventh and Charlotte street And
elect one Select Councilman for said ward fora
term of four years, and one Common Council
man for said ward for a term of two years.
Tbe electors of tbe Sixteenth ward, Pitts
burg, First district to meet at Howard school
house. Second district, to meet at Frauen-
holt's, corner Thirty-ninth street and Penn ave
nue. Thirddi3tricr.tr meet at barber shop of
John Sieyers, No.4518 Penh avenne. Fourth
district t meet at public schoolhouse, Blcom
fleld. Finn district to meet at G.H. Blume's
house, corner Liberty and Elm streets. And
elect one Common Councilman for said ward
for a term of two years.
Tbe electors of the Seventeenth ward. Pitts
burg. First district, to meet at Washington
schoolhouse. Fortieth street Second district,
to meet at tbe livery stable of M. F. Leslie &
Bro Forty-third street near Butler. Third
district to meet at Gangwlch's, corner of
Forty-seventh ana Butler streets. Fourth dis
trict to meet at Bayard schoolhouse, Hatfield
street Fif th district to meet at the office of
8. J. Cox, corner of Forty-fourth and Larimer
streets. Sixth district to meet at Mrs. Dough
erty's store, corner of Forty-fonrth and Grant
streets. Seventh district to meet at A, M.
Crononminnls' store, corner Forty-second
street and Penn avenue. And elect three Com
mon Councilmen for said ward for a term of
two years
Tbe electors of the Eighteenth wan. Pitts
burg, First district, to meet at McCabe &
ujnie'3 iivervstame. second district to meet
at Geo. Schaffer's house, Butler street Third
district to meet at No. 5119 Butler street And
elect one Select Councilman for said ward for
a term of lour years, ana one Common Coun
cilman for said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Nineteenth ward, Pitts
burg, First district, to meet at the Highland
public schoolhouse. Second district to meet at
carpenter shop of John Getty, on Broad street
between Collins and Sheridan avenues. Third
district to meet at tbe store of Jacob Richard.
No. 41 Franlutown avenue. Fourth district to
meet at the bouse of A. J. Batchelor. Highland
avenue. Filth district to meet at the new
public schoolhouse. And elect one Select
Councilman for said waril for a term of four
years, and one Common Councilman for said
ward for a term of two years.
The electors of tbe Twentieth ward. Pitts
burg. First district to meet at tbe office or J. B.
Hyndman. Second district to meet at the pub
lic schoolhouse, Ellsworth avenue. Third dis
trict to meet at Shakespeare Hotel. Fourth
district to meet at Sbadyside station. Filth
district to meet at schoolhouse. Sixth district
to meet at James Scaright's carpenter shop on
Highland avenue. Aud elect one Common
Councilman for said ward for a term of two
The Hectors of the Twenty-first ward. Pitts
burg. First Uiitrirt. to meet at public school
bouse. Second district to meet at house of N.
Brandeustine, Lincoln, avenue. Third district
tu meet in room No. 2, public schoolhouse.
Fourth district to meet at the house of Johu
Koenigsimen. Fifth district to meet at the
office of James P. Dahlem. Sixth district to
meet at tbe barber shop of Andrew Kessler,
No. 119 Larimer avenue. Seventh districtto
meet in room No. 1. public schoolhouse. Eighth
District to meet at Schade's store. Brilliant sta
tion. Aud elect one Select Councilman for
said ward for a term of four years and two
Common Councilmen for said ward for a term
of two years.
Tho electors of tbe Twonty-second ward,
Pittsburg. First district to meet at Colfax
schoolhouse. Second district to meet at Ster-
rett 5 8ChonlhonsA- Third rfistrlet to mpet at
Bower's, Fifth avenue. Fourth districtto meet
at public schoolhouse. And elect one Select
Councilman for said ward for a term of four
years and one Common Councilman for said
ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Twenty-third ward, Pitts
burg, First district to meet at public school
house, Glenfleld avenne. Second district to
meet at Peebles schoolhouse. Second avenue.
Third district to meet at new schoolhouse on
Second avenue. And elect cue Select Coun
cilman for said ward for a term of fonr years
and one Common Councilman for said ward for
a term of two years.
Tho electors of the Twenty-fourth ward,
Pittsburg. First districtto meet at the office
of Alderman W. J. Brenuan, 2722 Carson street
Second district to meet at public schoolhouse.
on Carson, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first
streets. 1. nixu district to meet as puouc school
house, corner of Jane and Twenty-seventh
streets. And elect one Select Councilman for
said ward for a term of four years, and one
Common Councilman for the said ward for s
term of two years.
The electors of the Twenty-fifth ward. Pitts
burg, First district, to meet at Alderman A.
Flach's office, Carson street Second district
to meet at tbe house of R. J. Speelman. No.
2318 Sarah street Third district to meet at the
house of Jacob Nehron, corner Sarah and
Twenty-nfth streets. The electors of tbs
Fourth district to meet at tbe public school
house, corner Sarah and Twenty-fifth streets.
And elect one Common Councilman for the
said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Twenty-sixth ward, Pitts
burg. First district to meet at John Hughes'
tin shop, Sidney street near Eighteenth street
Second district to meet at the house of Jacob
Aulenbacher, Jr., corner of Eighteenth and
Sarah streets. Third district to meet at Odd
Fellows' Hall. Eighteenth street Fonrth dis
trict to meet at the house of John Mannsmann,
corner of Twentieth and Jane streets; Fifth
district to meet at the public schoolhouse. Sa
rah street And elect two Common Council-
men for said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of tho Twenty-seventh ward.
Pittsburg, First district to meet at tbe house
of Joseph Streicker, Windom street Second
district to meet at Alderman B. A. Hartman's
office. Pius street Third district to meet at
public schoolhouse. And elect one Common
Councilman ,f or said ward for a term of two
The electors of tha Twenty-eighth ward,
Pittsbnrg. First district to meet in E.Rohr
kaste's kitchen. Second district to meet ac
1311 Washington street Third district to meet
at Birmingham schoolhouse. Fourteenth street
Fourth district to meet at No. 1117 Carson
street, being back of BashdorPs cigar store--And
elect one Select Councilman for said ward
for a term of four years, and one Common
Councilman for said ward for a term ot two
Tbe electors of tbe Twenty-ninth ward.
Pittsburg. First district, to meet at Bedford
schoolhouse, Bingham street Second district:
to meet at Alderman J. SI. Shaffer's office.
Twelfth street Third district to meet atL.
Beinbaner & Son's office, corner Bradford and
Twelfth streets. And elect one Common
Councilman for said ward for a term of two
Tbe electors of the Thirtieth ward, Pitts
bnrg, First district to meet at the bonso of J.
W. Boyd, No. 103 Carson street Second dis
trict to meet at tbe house of Matthew Keep,
corner of Fifth street and Cavitt way. Third
district to meet at Knox schoolhouse. Manor
street and elect one Common Councilman for
said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Thirty-first ward. Pitts
bnrg, First district to meet at Mrs. Ruckard's
store. Washington arenue. Second district to
meet at the premises of H. Heinrich. corner ot
Washington avenue and Allen avenne, and
elect one Select Councilman for said warn fora
term of four years, and one Common Council
man for said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Thirty-second ward, Pitts
bnrg, First district to meet at the bouso of
Christ Wilbert Second district to meet at the
store of William Slater, corner of Virginia
avenue and Kearsage street Third district to
meet at small bouse of Philip Hoffman, corner
of Boggs avenue and Wyomingstreet Fourth
district to meet at the public schoolhouse.
And elect one Common Councilman for said
ward for a term of two years.
The electors of tbe Thirty-third ward, Pitts
bnrg, to meet at the public schoolhouse. And
elect ono Common Councilman for said ward
for a term of two years.
The electors of the Thirty-fourth ward. Pitts
burg, to meet at tbe house of Mrs. Creighton,
Carson street near Point bridge. Second dis
trict to meet .at tbe public schoolhouse. And
elect one Belect Councilman for said ward for
a term of four years and one Common Council
man for said ward for a term of two years.
The electors of the Thirty-fifth ward. Pitts
burg, First district to meet at public school
house, Sarah street? Second district to meet
at the old stone tavern, Washington pike. And
elect one Select Councilman for said ward
for a term of four years, and one Common
Councilman for said ward for a term of two
The electors of the Thirty-sixth ward. Pitts
burg, First district to meet at basement of the
German Evangelical Church. Second district
to meet at public schoolhouse. Main street
Third district to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall.
Stenbenville pike. And elect one Common
Councilman for said ward for a term of two
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed tbe seal of tbe citv of Pitts
Dure, this 3d day of February A. D. 1890.
fe4-2 MAYOR.
No. 218.1
alley, from Meadow street to Everett
Section I Be it ordained and-enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That
Braden alley, from Meadow street to Everett
street be aud tbe same is hereby located as
follows, to-wiu Tbe center line shall begin on
the center line of Meadow street at a dis
tance of 317.37 leet west from the center
Una of Ashley street: tbenre deflecting to tha
left 90 in a southwesterly direction and
parallel to Ashley street a distance of 270 feet
to tho center line of Carver street: thence de
flecting to the left 90 in an easterly direction
and along tbe said line of Carver street 18.06
feet to a point distance 331.31 feet west from
the center line of Ashley street: thence de
flecting to the right 90 41' 80" in a south
westerly direction and parallel to Larimer ave
nue, a distance ot 270.03 feet to the center Una
of Mayflower street; tbenco deflecting to the
left 90 41' 30" in an easterly direction and
along said line 47.44 feet to a point distant
westerly from tbe center line of Ashley street
287.06 feet: thence deflecting to the right 91
and in a southwesterly direction a distance of
4S9.SU feet to tho east line of Everett street in
tersecting the slid line at an angle of 56 .04'
and distance 4 i.47 feet west from the intersec
tion of the saidlino with the east line of Luna
street and the said Braden alley shall be of a
width of twenty (20) feet
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be. and the same Is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 13th day of January. A. U. 1890.
H. P. FoRD. President of Select Councfl.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. G. L. HOLUDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. January 20, 1890. Approved:
WM. MoCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. MO
CLEARY. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 217.
5th day of February, A. D.1S90. fe7-13
rNo. 220.1
grade of Water street, from Smithfleld
street to Grant street
Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the
grade of the north curb of Water street, from
SmithSeld street to Grant street be and tha
same is hereby established as follows, viz:
Beginning at the east curb line of Smitbfleld
street at an elevation of 46.70 feet: thence tail
ing at the rata of L33 feet per 100 feet for a dis
tance 01 n feet to the east bnlldlng lino of
Smithfleld street at an elevation of 40.6 feet;
thence rising at the rate of 1.174 feet per 100
feet for a distance of 271.67 feet to the east
building line of Cherry alley at an elevation ot
49.79 feet; thence rising at the rate of 0.5 feet
per 10O feet for a distance of 119.67 feet to a
point at an elevation of 50.39 feet; thence fall
ing at the rate of 1 foot per 100 feet for a dis
tance of 132 feat to the w est curb line of Grant
street at an elevation ot 49.07 feet
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as the sime affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 13th dav of February, A. D. 1&90.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Conned. U. L. HOLUDAY, President ot Com
mon Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Cleric ot
Common Council.
Mayor's office. January 20, 1890. Approved:
WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W.H. Mo
CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In ordinance book. vol. 7. nags 219.
5th day of February. A. D. 1S0O. f e7-13
report of Viewers nf the damages caused
by grading Sapphire alley, f roni Isabella utreet
to Liberty avenue, has been approved by Conn,
cils. wnich action will be final, unies an appeal
Is filed in the Court of Common Plas within
ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW.
Cbicrof Department of Public Works.
PmSBUBO,PjL, January 31, 1890. ja31-2
ICont'inued on Eighth Ibge.
., dfajaJi-.i,.-. .Tafc&AiMia