THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1890. 3 A PROSPECT FOR FUM. Katural Gas Lighting to be Probed in the United States Court. A RUSH OF LICENSE APPLICAKTS. The Wjlie Avenue Gas Explosion Leads to Legal Contention. OTHER GENERAL NEWS OP THE COURTS The suit of R. H. Smith against the makers of artificial gas, for alleged use of his process for making an illuminant out of natural gas, now pending in the United States Court, and which Trill be tried in a lew days, will be of widespread interest, as ic comprehends as defendants about all the companies making, or supposed to be making, illuminating gas in the natural gas belt. Some time ago reference was made to the profits accruing to some gas makers, and then Mr. Smith stated that it wasn't any wonder they could make good dividends, and that their stock was 25 to 50 per cent above par, as they were celling their product on a profit of some 900 per cent. It Is intimated that some cm works are only operated in a sort of a way in order to cover their real dealings in natural gas. Thin was in answer to a question as to why these companies, notwithstanding the con. petition of electric light companies, still thrive like willows by the waterside. Should Mr. Smith make his suit good there w ill be a rattling among dry bones, and proba bly the outcome will be the manufacture of gis for beating purposes, as some say it can be made at a profit at the price the natural article now costs, and induce bealthy competi tion. There is one question, however, that has not been satisfactorily answered. Tit: Where do all the candles sola go. They still rate as an article of prime necessity among wholesale grocers, and statistics showed that last year's output was greater than that of any previons year, and yet bat a few seem to use them. They are said to be a staple article of diet among the Esquimaux, when they can get them, bat that tact does not explain candle consumption, as our trade in that direction is but little larger than it was before the days of Sir John Franklin. A RUSH FOR LICENSES. The Number of Applicants Will be Larger Than Lin Yenr. There was a rush to the Clerk of Courts' office yesterday by applicants to file their license petitions. Over 200 applications were filed yesterday. The cause of this rush was dne to the raot that the statement had been given out that to-day would be the last one for filing applications. This, however, is not true, as Saturday is the last day, and Clerk McGunnegle states that his office will lie kept open until 6 o'clock on that aay. in order to give everybody a chance. So far something over 1,000 applications have been hied, and the outlook is that last year's list, which numbered 1,350, wholesale and retail, will be beaten. Cleik McGunnegle states that the list will not be published before two weeks, as it will take that length of time to prepare it. AGAINST THBrK PARTIES. A Lawialt I the Outcome of That Wylie Avenue Explosion. Attorney John A. Wilson yesterday filed a precipe in a suit for damages in behalf of Mary McCoy and her husband, Robert McCoy: Bella Shallenberger and her husband, Frank Shal lenberger, and Frances &. Blanche and Eleanor Glass and Mrs. Mary A. Glass against the Philadelphia Company the Central Trac tion Company and th . city of Pittsburg. The damages claimed are for an explosion of nat ural gas that occurred some time ago. shatter ing the front of the bouse of the Glass f amilv, at the corner of Wylie avenue and Tunnel street. The gas bad accumulated in the base ment of the house and in the vault under the pavement, and exploded when the servant girl went to light the fires in the morning. The girl was badly injured and the house severely wrecked, the front being nearly blown out. A SUIT FOR DAMAGES. Another Step In the Proceedings Against Real Estate Agent Orr. W. D. Porter, Esq, yesterday entered suit on behalf of James Kelly and his daughter, Mary Kelly, against James L. Orr. the real estate agent, for damages. The dam ages are claimed tor injuries to Mary Kelly, which she claims were committed by Orr. The girl is but 16 years of age. A capias was issued for Oit'b arrest, the bail required being fixed at 7,000. Orr was convicted of the offense and sentenced to the penitentiary. He is now out on bail on a special allocatur issued by the Supreme Court, and his case is awaiting argu ment. SFKIXGS EDIKED. Damages Wonted From ibefJhurileri Valley Gnu Company. The cases of Nancy R. Collins and Mary J. Osborn against tbe Cbartiers Valley Gas Com pany are on trial before Judge Ewmg. The suits are for damages for the alleged destruc tion of tbe purity of the water from the springs of tbe plaintiffs' farms. The gas company, it is stated, bored for gas on land adjoining their farms. Tbe gas wells were not lined, and tbe salt water from them permeated the ground, and getting into the springs of the plaintiffs, rendered the water unfit for use. Eight other suits for damages for the same thing are await ing trial. To-Day' Trlnl Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 Huckenstein & Co. vs Kelly, Jones fe Co.; Cornelius vs Hombay; Evans Bros, vs Bunting; Huckenstein vs Nun nery Hill Incline Plane Company; Pitzer vs Philadelphia Company et al; St. Peter's Ger man Lutheran Church vs Chanters Valley Gas Company; Caughey vs McK. 4B.V, Ry. Co.; Beckar vs Jefferson Gas Company: Zanervs same; Kurtz vs same; Wurtzvssame; Sculley vs Sinner et aL Common Pleas No. 2 Miersch et al vs Mof fat: Heilman Bros, vs Retter et al; Heilman vs Houston; McQuillan vs Chartiers Valley Gas Company: Karns vs same; Wall vs same; Tindle vs same; Gray vs same; Smith vb same; Floyd vs same; Knoderer vs same. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Edward Abbott, A. W. Smith, George L Drum, H. a Brooks, J. E. Speck, Mary Lynch, Fred B. Voltz, John Strouch, Charles Lane, Joseph Schuga. Herman Schitz. William Kenneweg, A. Breathauer et aL Stewart Brown. Robert Mc Clure. Peter Peado. J. J. O'Brien. Patrick Me- Shane.Jobn McAndrews, John Kramer, An thony Clark, John Elle et al, Thomas McClel land, Thomas Allen. Who Owns tbe Deedf There was a peculiar case on trial before Judge Collier In Common Pleas Court No. 2 yesterday. The case was an action in ejectment by the executor of Finley Osborne. Br., against S. K. Kerr, vendee of Finley Osborne, Jr. Sam uel Walker deeded a certain property in Eliza beth to Finley Osborne, and the question now is whether the deed belonged to Finley Os borne, Sr., or Finley Osborne, Jr. B. C. Cbnsty. Eq.. represents the plaintiff and Messrs. J. Scott Ferguson aud Clarence Bur leigh, Esqs., tbe defendant Around the Court Home. AN order of Court was made yesterday in tbe divorce case of Mary Jones against John Jones, directing the defendant to pay his wife $30 for counsel fees and 8 a month for support John McCitk yesterday entered suit against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for $4,000 damages. He alleges that the company, in excavating at Turtle creek, dug away part of a lot belonging to him. In the suit of Mary B. Foster against S.S. Marvin fc Co. for damages for injury to tbe wall of her dwelling caused by Marvin t Co.'s wagon colliding with it a verdict was given yesterday for $190 for the plaintiff. George L. Dectm was placed on trial Yesterday in Criminal Court for the embezzle ment or $2,000 from H. Peckham. The parties reside at McKeesport and it is alleged that tbe money was given to Drumin. to pay off a judg ment which he failed to do. The case is still on trial. In tbe suit of John B. Shaffer, guardlanjof Elizabeth, & J., J. R,, B. E. and W. P. Wylie, minors, and Mary J. Orr. against the McKees port and Bellevernon Railroad Company, a ver dict wa given yesterday for $2,828 75 for the plaintiff. The case was an action for damages lor a right of way taken through the plaintiffs' property. Thomas Mohan yesterday entered suit against the Oliver & Roberts Wire Company Xor $4,000 damages. Moran states that he was employed at the mill a a laborer, and on Feb ruary 12, ISM, while Be was walking along a passage used by employes the ground caved In and he was scalded by steam escaping from the mill. He was permanently Injured, his foot and leg being crippled. Henev Holdship. secretary and treasurer of the Pittsburg Pipe Line Company, yester day presented a petition to Judge Stowe, ask ing for a dissolution of the corporation. The petition states that it was decided to dissolve the company at a meeting of the stockholders December 2, 1SS3. All fees, debts, etc, have been paid, and the surplus distributed among the stockholders. Judge Stowe granted a rnle for the dissolution to be made absolute If no exceptions are filed. THE LIBRARY DEDICATION. The Balldlng Will be Completed Within n Week. The Carnegie Library Building will be ready in about a week. None of the pictures have arrived, as the gallery is not yet completed. Three days more, however, will suffice lor that work. Superintendent Hamilton, of the parks, will have charge of the floral matters, and an elegant display is to be made on the formal opening day, when President Harrison is pres ent All the clergymen of the two cities are to be invited, and the committee have decided to ask Bishop Whitehead, of the Episcopal Church, to open the ceremonies with prayer, and Bishop Phelan, of the Catholic Church, to pronounce the benediction. Up to a late hour last evening; Mr. James B. Scott had as yet received no intelligence from Washington concerning President Harrison's intentions for next week, whether or not the troubles existing in the families of two of the Cabinet officers will have any effect upon his movements is unknown, and will not be known, possibly, for several days yet. CODLDH'T MAKE TERMS. The Schenley Pnrk Leasee 4re Not Will ing to Give Up Their Farm. The Committee on Parks met in the City At torney's office yesterday afternoon to arrange with the present tenants for the vacation of the farms included in Schenley Park. The tenants were present, and their leaseholds are as follows: John Smitt, lease runs 13 years: Andrew Zender, one year; J. Snyder, one year: Louis Bier, six years. The proceeding of the committee were con ducted secretlr, but it is understood an at tempt wag made to make terms with tenants to secure the vacation of their leases by April L The arrangement was not made, however, and an offer was made by the city which the ten ants will have time to consider between this and Saturday afternoon, when the committee will meet again. EITERS ON A RAMPAGE. Some of the Upper Locks Overflowed With Wntrn The Monongahela river rose considerably yes terday and was still on the rise. There was very little done in the way of shipments, and if there had been anything to ship it is doubtful whether it could have been sent out. Several of the stations down the river were compelled to cease work, as the height of the water made it impossible to load the barge. Locks Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are overflowed. The river was 18 feet at Morganza, W. Va.. Rice's landing had 20K feet and Brownsville 21 feet. The coal men feel very blue over the con tinued dullness of the trade, and there seems to be no hope for any improvement in the near future. HIS EAPID RIDE. William Weiksell Sails Through the Air HnnglnK to a Trolley Wire. William Weiksell. the motor man on the elec tric road on the Southside, had a strange ride the other day. He was trying to fix his trolley, near the top of tbe hill, when be slipped and fell off the roof of the car. He clung to tbe gum hose connecting the trolley with the car. It broke loose at the car end and started down tbe steep line. The trolley with Weiksell bang ing to It flew down the hill at a terribly rapid rate for a quarter of a mile. He clung fast until the level was reached, when he dropped off, terribly pale, but uninjured. CROUP. Some Reading That Will Prove Interesting to Young Mothers. HOW TO GUARD AGAINST THE DISEASE, Croup is the terror of young mothers, especially daring tbe winter months, as it is then most prevalent. To post them con cerning the cause, first symptoms, treatment and how to prevent it, is the object of this article. The origin of croup is .a common cold; -children that are subject to it take cold very easily, and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptom of croup is hoarseness; it is a peculiar hoarseness, easily recognized and once heard always remembered. Usually a day or two before the attack the child becomes hoarse and gradually shows symptoms of having taken cold, and this is where the mistake is usually made, the mother thinking her child has jnst taken cold gives it no especial attention until awakened in the night by the violent cough ing of the child, finds it has the croup, and remembers it has had a cold or been hoarse for a day or two. Such circumstances often occnr, and in many cases the mother has nothing in the house that will relieve it, and may be several miles from a physician or drugstore. Yon can well imagine the sitnation and her distress. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse or shows symptoms of having taken cold; if Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is freely given from that time on, all tendency to croup will dis appear and all danger be avoided. The remedy prevents fully 10,000 cases of cronp every year. It is the main reliance with many mothers throughout the Western States and Territories; they have learned its valne and how to use it, andin those families cronp is seldom known because it is always prevented. For sale by E. G. Srncky, Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth sts., Penn ave. and cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton st; Jlarkell Bros., cor. Penn and Frankstown aves.; Theo. E. Ihrig, 3610 Fifth ave.; Carl Hartwig, Fortv tbird and Butler sts., Pittsburg, and in Allegheny by E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Fed eral St.; Thomas R. Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.; F. H. Eggers, 172 Ohio st, and F. H. Eggers & Son, 199 Ohio st and 11 Smithfield st. ws Notice. On or about the 17th of February onr representative will be in Pittsburg with a choice spring and summer showingof yonng children's garments, infants' outfitting and ladies' fine French underwear, all of which we feel sure are novelties exclusively our own. Due notice will be given of date and hotel. Respectfully, Edward A. Morrison & Son, 893 Broadway, New York. Newlr Married Couples I Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soaD can. be nsed for. Benders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to wear. Fnll pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Entire satisfaction can come only when the best is nsed. In making beer the Iron Citv Brewing Company employ the choicest ingredients and their patrons are always pleased. All dealers keep their celebrated Iron City, Pittsburg and Pilsner brands. Cashmere Ombre Tbe New Fabric In our wash dress goods department Jos. Hoene & Co., Penn avenue. Z. WAnrwBlOHT & Co.'s ale and oer are ever in demand by those who appreciate the results of skillful brewing of the finest materials. Give them a trial, Families supplied direct 'Phone 5525. WStt Cashmere Ombre The New Fabric In our wash dress goods department Jos. Horne & Co., Penn avenue. Hnrk-Sl a Pair. Will we crowd our pants department to day? Certainly we will, bv tellinrr i nan pairs of men's pants in light and dark shades at $1 a pair, to-day only. P. C. C. C. cor. Grant and Diamond its., opp. the new Court House. Cashmere Ombre The New Fabric In onr washdress goods department Jo Horne & Co., Penn avenue. English linen collars at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave- THE BET0ESDA. The Committee on Site Have a Place In View and Tory Will Bar. The managers of the Bethesda Home met yesterday in the Hamilton building. The re port of the Committee on 8ite was received. Mr. Yost, the solicitor for the institution, dis covered several small details that had to be ar ranged. It was decided that the board and not the members of the Home would elect the President and Secretary. The annnal meeting was fixed for the Tuesday following the first Monday of January and 20 members will con stitute a quorum. The report of the Committee on Site was then taken up. They have decided on a place that is in every way desirable for the purpose of their institution, and asked for instructions to purchase it at a given figure. Tbey fear the price would be put up on them If the locality would be made known. Dunne a discussion as to raising the money to buy the place, Mrs. Moreland stated that the impression had gone abroad that the Home was only for fallen women. This she said was a mistake, as it is intended to shelter women who come here for employment and have no means to pay for a temporary home. The Committee on Site were then instructed to buy the prop erty they had in view. AMATEUR COOKING. The tirant School Paplls Will Graduate on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon the cooking class of the Grant School will have graduating exer cises, and the pupils will show specimens of their skill in the culinary art. Prizes will be presented to the best bread makers and others proficient in the production of food from the raw material. Major Moreland, the City Attor ney, will present the prizes and give one of his characteristically eloquent addresses. The bread question is one which will claim the principal attention, and the Biblical idea of when a man asks for bread and receives a stone will be fully exemplified. The bread, of course, will not be judged by weight. An Italian Protest. Alderman O'Donnell Is withholding his de cision in a case brought before him which possesses atleast a novel feature in the method of collecting rents. An Italian woman claims tobave been, with her children, locked out of the bouse which she had rented, and that in her absence 50 was taken from her trunk. Mr. Taylor, the landlor d, claims that there was (13 due him for rent, and that be took this way of getting it. A large crowd of Italians gathered around the premises when this became known, and vigorously protested against the treatment of their countrywoman. The Office Paid Well. Tbe receipts of the Mayor's office for tbe fiscal year ending January 31, 1S90, as shown by the Mayor's books yesterday were 49,072 25. Tbe of fice did much better tban was anticipated by the framers of the appropriation ordinances last year, as they only expected it to vield 33,000, or 14,072 23 less tban it really did yield. Hope Nearly Abandoned. As the Supreme Court has taken no action in the case of Alderman porter and Elijah Shep bard. and Mr. Marshall, their counsel, thought it no me to wait longer. Deputy Sheriff Smith took the men to Riverside. Counsel express hope that the Supreme Court may yet take action. A Change of Baie. The chief train dispatcher of the P. fc L E. R. R. will soon be located in the station at the south end ot the Smithfield street bridge. Workmen yesterday began making tbe neces sary changes in the building. Dispatcher Dietrich will remain at tbe Cbartiers office. Syrup of Figs. Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California figs, combined with the me dicinal virtues of plants knonn to be most ben eficial to the human system, acts gently, on tbe kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleans ing the system, dispelling colds aud headaches, and curing habitual constipation. For the Smnll Sam Of $2 50 boys, ages 4 to 14, can be fitted ont with stylish all-wool suits. They are cheviots and cassimeres in neat checks, stripes and fancv patterns and sold regular ly at 54, $5 and'?6. Our price to-day $2 SO. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Entire satisfaction can come only when the best is nsed. In making beer the Iron City Brewing Company employ the choicest ingredients and their patrons are always pleased. All dealers keep their celebrated Iron City, Pittsburg and Pilsner brands. Cashmere Ombre Tbe New Fabrlo In our wash dress goods denartment. Jos. Horne& Co., Penn avenue. Beware of Pneumonia. Use at once Baker's Pnre Cod Liver Oil or Baker's Emulsion. Tbe genuine only. Of druggists. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at Se Haan's Big 6, "Wylie ave. Call or send by mail. WSU Sonnenberg's Society Gallery, No. 35 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, is now open. Cabi nets better and cheaper than any in the city. Z. WArNWRiGHT & Co.'s ale and beer are ever in demand bv those who appreciate the results of skillful brewing of the finest materials. Give them a trial. Families supplied direct 'Phone 6525. wsu Grand Spring Opening of Dress Trimmings To-Dnjr. Onr own exclnsive importations of Ger man and French novelties. ,.., Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Hark SI n Pnlr. Will we crowd onr pants department to day? Certainly we will, by selling 1,000 pairs of men's pants in light and dark shades st SI a pair, to-day only. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Conrt House. New neckwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. Genuine Scotch Plaids at 25c. In new Tartan plaids. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. ELECTIONS. plttsbtjeg and castle shannon Railroad Company, General office. Caksov Stcttt. I SonTHSIDE. PITTSBUKO. February a. lRfld ELECTION THE ANNUAL "MEETING of tbe stockholders of this company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 18. 1K!0, between the hours of 2 and 4 P. M., for the purpose of electing a Preident and 10 Di rectors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. , . m E. J. REAMER, fc4r60-D Secretary and Treasurer. PROPOSALS. QEALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED tj for the erection of a school building for the Peebles Sub-School District Pittsburg, at Gleenwood, Twenty-third ward. Plans and specifications can be examined at the office of T. D. Evans, Architect Rooms 814 and 815, Lewis Building, where the bids can be left All bids must be In on or before Thursday noon. February 6, 1890. and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 3a27-6-27.ia.31,fe8.i5 J.?.pJ?r,S,IjS-TO HtON MANU FACTURERS. Office ot U. S. Light ouse Engineer. Fifth and sixth- Districts, Baltimore, Md., January 20, 189a Proposals will be received at this office uniil 12 o'clock, M..ot WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of February 1890, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the completion and de livery of the metal-work or the Shark's Fin Bhoal and Greenbury Point Shoal Light Houses, Maryland. Plans, specifications, forms ot proposals, and otherinformation may ie obtained on application to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. J. C. MALLERY. Captain of Engineers. U. S. A., Light-House Engineer. a27-14-MWF And made payable In monthly or quarterly in stallments, making it pos sible for any, who will try, to own a home with little risk, for In event of death of tbe borrower the mort gage or debt Is paid. See W. A. HERRON A BONS, 80 Fourth avenue. JaU-lS-w Money Farnisiiea to Buy a Home Display advertisements one dollar 'per ignore for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, eta, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty Tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. THE DISPATOH HAS OPENED A BBANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTfiSlDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET, - WHEKE ADVERTISE MENTS, NEWS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FORGENERALXDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAL SOUTHSIDK ISSUE PUB LISHED EACH SATURDAY. BRANCH OFFICES AKE ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, WHERE WANT, FOR SALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP"TO 9 P. M. FOB IN SERTION NEXT .MORNING! Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TBI DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3SM Butler street. EMILG. STUCKEY, 24th street and Pennave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylie aye. and Fultonst N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. '" east xirn, J. W. WALLACE. 121Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER ft SHE1BLER, 5th av. At wood It. BOUTUStDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1T07 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. XAERCHER, 69 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. SOGERS. 172 Ohlojtreet. F. H. EGGERS ft SON. Ohio and Chestnut ts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKRYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER. Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. aiale Hcln. WANTED-A BARBER OB A BOY WHO has had some experience. Apply to CHAS. REBEL, 263 Lacock St., Allegheny. IeS-73 WANTF.D-TWO FIRST-CLASS REAL ES TATE salesmen: salary and commission. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. fe5-21 WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR STENOG RAPHER, typewriter and general office work; state salary and experience. Address G. W. & CO. Dispatch office. fei-S) -TTJ-ANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EX YV PEItlENCE in draughting to insist In drawing room. Apply COR. S. TWENTxVFIRST AND MARY STS.. city. feS-19 WANTEB-A NUMBER OF MACHINISTS, machine bands and fitters: only good, capa ble parties need apply, at SOUTH TWENTY FIRST AND MAEYSTS. feS-68 WANTED-AN INTELLIGENT MAN OF good address for a position now vacant; reference and personal application at once. P. WARD. Room 2, 10381'enn ave. fe5-Q3 WANTED-A MAN TO TAKE CARE OF horses and cows and do family driving: good wajres will be paid to a capable man: must have recommendations. Address H. R., Dispatch office. , fe4-53 WANTED-A COMPETENT MAN TO RUN gas works furnace with natural gas, and understands scrubber, condenser aud exhausts; must be able to start up furnace with eas. Ad dress GAS. Dispatch office. ie5-Z7 WA.NTED-AGENT3 SHOULD WRITE FOR Illustrated circular and terms for two weeks trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes clean by hoi steam wlthoutrubblng: easily sold; profitable. J. WORTH, 54 Beekman st, New York City. nolO-94-wseu WANTED-SALESMEN AT S75 PER MONTH salarv and expenses, to sell a line ofsllver plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Eartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN Al'.L) SILVEKWAKK CO., Boston, Mass, se24-90-D -rTANTED-MAN-AS AGENT OF OUK PAT. YV ENT safes: size 28x18x18 Inches: $35 retail; all sizes as low; new styles; new patterns, new lock; new factory; not governed by Safe Pool; every safe warranted; rare chance: permanent business; our terms and catalogues will convince you; agents clear $300 to $500 per month. Write for exclusive territory. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. Ja2-78-ws WANTED -AGENTS -RELIABLE MEN, experienced or not may find a rare opening for permanent and lucrative employment; suc cessful industrial men. hustlers, win find this a olden opportunity: policies lssu-d for $100 to 10. 10: Immediate full benefit: no lapses. Apply forenoons to VERMONT LI FE INSUR AN UK CO., Fifth ave. and Wood st.' (Eisner buildlnar). Pitts burg, Pa. WM. H. GILL, General Agent for Western Pennsylvania. fe2-71-wsu Female Help. TTANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL rj nouseworit. Apply Joseph, ulattner, cor. Allegheny ave. and Rebecca St., Allegheny. fe5-70 Ulale nnd .Female' Heln. WANTED-AT ONCE 4 BELL BOYS, 10 FARM hands, 6 dairymen, 60 cooks, 20 chamber maids, 100 bouse girls, 4 colored girls for hotels and boarding houses, dining room girls. MEE HAN'S, 545 Grant st fe3-D XTTANTED-AGENTS-LADIES AND GEN VV TLEMEN to sell the Perfection Embroidery and Tufting Machine; retails at $i; a new article that every lady will buy: so simple a child can use It and make beautiful raised work and embroidery on plush, velvet etc; also handsome Turkish rugs, rag carpets, and many other useful articles; agents are making $10 and $15 a day telling this wonderfnl invention. I'llLE E SXAJSILU 322 Hart st, Brooklyn, N. fe5-22 Sltnntlons. WANTED-POSITION BY YOUNG MAN: speaks German and English, understands care of horse and cow; good reference. Address P. O., 75 River ave., Allegheny. fe5-33 WANTED-A SITUATION BY AN INTEL LIGENT young man, age 24, in private family; thoroughly understands the care of horses and cows and quite handy with tools. Ad dress B. O. W., Dispatch office. fe5-40 Pnrmers. WANTED-PABTNER WITH ABOUT$4,000or $5,000 In a good manufacturing business; enormous profits. Address H. A. D., Dispatch office. re5-4l Financial. -VTTANTED-SMALL MOR1GAGES-L J.WIL YV SON, 149 Fourth ave. no26-23 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over $4,000; 4 ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 82Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D ANTED-MORTGAGES-ON PITTSHURG. Allegheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st fel-78-MWS WANTED-MORTG AG ES-300 1 0 t5U0,000-TO loin on morgages, H. 5 and 6 percent. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. Telephone No. 97.1. feI-90-Jiws WANTJED-MORTGAGl!3-I1.000,C00TOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4. 5 and 6 per cent, iree oi oiaie tax: no ueiay. Ktf.u a. LOYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. my21.60 WANTED HOUSES TO RENT WE HAVE good applicants for houses, large and small. In all parts of both cities and suburbs. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel-22-ws "TfTANTED-TO LOAN $500,000. IN AMOUNTS V of 3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H percent, free or tax; also smaller amounts at S and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIltD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-D WA NTED-MORTG AGES-IL 000, C00TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4, Sand CDcrcent and on larms In Alleebenvand uni. cent counties at 6 per cent -. .. . . . . .F r.f..r7...TV x. ai. rnnuua &. oua, iiu rourtn avenue. , ap7-141 "TTANTKD-TO A.OAN .(200.000 ON MORT- V GAGES; flOO and upward at 6 per cent; ,500, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business froperty; also In adlolning counties. S. H, REN CM. 123 Fourth avenne. oc21-4-D TS7-ANTED-MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE vr in large or small amounts: money ready when title Is all right: no delay; reasonable charges. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 8509 Butler st. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. Ja4-71-wB BHseelloneons. WANTED-A SECOND-HAND BRICK YARD crab; give price. W. F. CASEY, 9 Fountain st, city. te5-59 -TTJANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT YV they can get the latest novelties In signs at PASTOKICS & JACOBS', 4U Smithfield st. . deS-MWT WANTED-TOBUY2STO 35-ACRE TARSI, not over 20 miles from city; can pay 12,600 cash. STEVENSON'S AGENCY. 100 Fifth ave. le5-49 -TTJANTED-WILL GIVE FREE SITE AND YV free gas to manufactories at Jeannette. on main line of Pennsylvania Railroad. Address IiACl.JAACllAUA. LHU CO.,GreensDurg, Pa. JaS-19 TTJANTED-UNTIL APRIL 1-F1NE CABIN- i t.ia; f i peruuj., oi yonng ana old. at AU' FRECHT'S ELITE" GALLERY, 518 Markel street Plitsburg. Come soon for sittings anc Market slttlntr and avoid the rush. JaS-54-uwThsn WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 96 Filth ave. and 43 Federal st. All'y.fS making a life slie crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen -cab. photos, all for S3; all fine work. mhlS-63 TVTANTED-REAL ESTATE OK ALL KINDS Yv to sell; reasonablecharges: property adver tised free of charge; no sale, no charges: have plenty ol purchasers. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler. Office open evenings. Telephone 6514. Ja471-ws LOST. LOST-SMALL PUG DOG, DEC. 2-HKWARD. if returned to 303 S.HIGHLAND AVE., East Liberty. fej-is LOST HORSESHOE SCARF PIN WITH 10 diamonds and one emerald in setting, be tween Diamond and Wood sts., Sixth st, bridge or Federal st, Allegheny ; a liberal reward will be paid U returned top. H, BBUENINU. 228 Second ve. re4-4 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. FOR SALE-HTOO-A NEAT AND COMPLETE brick house, eight rooms; Bluff near Chestnut t.. Sixth ward, easy terms. W. A. HERRON 4 BONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe2-54-MWF FOR SALE-GIST ST.. 12.000, NEAT BRICK house of 4 large and well finished rooms: nat. RIS?11 Rod sewerage; easy terms. COOPER PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. fe2-114-MTWTS FOR SALE-CHOICE INVESTMENT AT A bargain: 3 new dwellings in good renting lo cality: total rents. N36 per vear: 10 per cent net. BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. fel-74-MWS FOR SALE-NEAR FIFTH AVE. MARKET , house,,newtwo-storybrickhouse; 8 large rooms, good finished attic, both gases; double parlors, cemented cellar, sewerage, etc.; lot 20x90 to alley. COOPER ft PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. fel-12-MWS Enst End Iteitldencea. "IT'ORbALE-HARRlSONAVE.-NEWFBAME, X' Brooms, hall, porches, etc.: nicely papered: all In first-class repair. BALTENSPEKGER 4. WILL IAMS, 154 Fourth ave. fe5-48-WT FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE , flOO CASH AND S2S a month until paid for; good brick house ? 6 rooms near Oakland: price only (2,500. W.A. HEKKON 4 SONS, No. SO Fourth ave. fel-28-ws FOR SALE-S5.000-On EMERSON ST., NEAR Shady avenue. East End. a neat house 8 Shady avenue. East End, a neat house 8 rooms; lot 59x137 ft, : a desirable property at a low tot 09X137 ii. : a aesiranie pi See W. A. HERRON 4 St price, ave. UKS SS, 80 Fourth Ja2S-8-WS FOR SALE AT OAKLAND, LOCATED ON Atwood street, which Is paved new brick house, latest style, lust being finished: 8 rooms, all the modern conveniences. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel-28-WTS FOR SALE-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE, one acre of ground, large and commodious house 12 rooms, late Improvements, shade and or namental trees, on Craft avenue, surrounded by elegant residences; price low.- Bee W. A. HER RON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel-30-ws FOR SALE-ROUP STREET, 9.000, ELEGANT new brick, 12 large rooms, reception ball, slate mantels, tile hearths, bard wood finish throughout; all conveniences necessary to make a beautiful home, and will be sold at a bargain. COOPER 4 PETTY, 107 Fourth avenue. fel-12-MW8 FOR SALE-OAKLAND SQUARE; WE CAN offer for a few days one of the finest dwell ings in this square, situated on the west side of the square and has a commanding view; Intend ing purchasers shonld examine and actqnlck. BAXTER. THOMPSON & CO., 16S Fourth aye. fe5-69-WFSu FOR SALE-$7,5(!0-SHADY AVE. (LANE), on line Fifth ave. cable road: substantial two story brick dwelling, eight rooms, ball, bay win dow, bath, laundry, gas, water, etc.; lot 40x113 to a street with good stable on rear; this Is now renting for $650 per annum, making an excellent investment. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. fe4-7 FOR SALE-SI.250-E. E.. WITHIN ONE square of Filth or Highland avenues, substan tial seven room cottace style dwelling, hall, water, etc., with lot abont 100x100 feet: this Is postlvely a bargain, the lot alone being worth the price asked Tor entire property, and will be worth lrom$5,500to$8,000wlthln two years. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fe4-6S-4.5,6,8 FIR SALE-YOU ARE INTERESTED IN this $3,500 for $7,000 new nine-room Queen Anne brlcK dwelling; on asphalt paved street: flagstone sidewalk: limit 60feet from curb line; first floor finished In hard wood and balance to correspond: plumbing the best; porches; laundry and every modern convenience. Including chan deliers, range and electric light: lot4Jxl50: terms $1,000 cash and very easy for balance: cable cars, with 5c fare: neighborhood unsurpassed. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. fe4-8 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-$15O0-BRICK. HOUSE 4 ROOMS, hall. etc. : lot 16x100 feet, on Ma rket st. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st, Allegheny. fel-61-MWS FOR SALE-ON RIUWEL.L ST., FINE LOT 29x123 feet with frame house 7 rwms, bath, gas and water, for $8,000. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fel-61-MWS FOR SALE NICE 1NVESTMENT-5-ROOSI frame In Second ward. Allegheny: rents for tlSnerinon lot 5mti54 to t. hai.tkkspfpkkh & WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. fe5-48-WT FOR SALE-ON REBECCA ST., HOUSE 7 rooms, bath, gas and water; and house 4 rooms and attic: lot 20x100 feet; only 85,000. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal st, Allegheny. fel-61-nws FOR SALE-ON BEECH ST., CLOSE TO parks, house 2 stories, mansard; has 9 rooms, hall. bath. waBhstands, laundry, etc.: price $12, 000. A. D. ILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. fel-l-Mws FOR SALE.-FINE DOUBLE BRICK RESI DENCE, Iot54xl70rt, Washington St., Alle gheny, near the parks: an elegant home at moder ate price. W. W. MCNEILL 4 BRO.. 105 Fourth ave. fel-80-TWTSsu FOR SALE-$2,950-MCNAUGHER ST., COR. Olive street Allegheny, a frame dwelling of 5 rooms, water, etc, all newly papered and painted; terms reasonable BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3B-88 fe2-107-W FOR SALE-SOUTH AVENUE, NEARRIDGE, a brick dwelling or 7 rooms, finished attic bathroom, both gases, lot 33x127, with space on rearfncinsrSt. Clair St.. for 2 houses; price, $7,500. BLACK & BAIRD, 15 Fourth ave. 3B-87 fe2-107-W POI1 1 SALE-ON -NORTH AVE., NEAR SAN .DUSKY street, lot 20x110 ft to an alley, 3 Btory brick dwelling 10 rooms, all conveniences: house stands back trom street. Permits to see the house from W. A. HERRON A SONS. SO Fourth ave. fel-83-ws FOR SALE-CLIFTON PARK, BECOND ward. Allegheny, frame dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, rail stairway, large lront porch; corner lot 50x150; will sell awav below value to close an es tate. BALTENSPBBGER 4; WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. fel-74-MWS ORSALE-A HNK RESIDENCE ON8HEB MAN avenue, Allegheny, fronting on the parks; good Jot side entrance, 9 rooms, hath, lavatory, natural eas and other modern appli ances; will be sold at a bargain. J AS. W. DRAPE a w, ia ourin ave., rittsDurg. re5-15 FOR SALE-A POSITIVE BARGAIN IN A Boyle st property; corner lot 20x90; good substantial brick house of 7 rooms, hall, bath and large finished attic, wl'h all modern con veniences; possession April 1: price below market value; terms easr. eral street EWING & BYERS. 93 Fed- fe2-63-wsu FOB SALE-FINE BRICK RESIDENCE AND large lot Locust street Allegheny: 10 spacious rooms, and luxurious and modern throughout; natural gas. lavatory and other mod ern appliances; lot 30x130 feet to an alley: wide side entrance. Particulars Trom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe4-62 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE-EAST STREET, near Intersection or East stand Madison ave., Allegheny City, at auction. 4 nice frame houses of 3 rooms each: lot fronts about 71 feet on East st and 71 on Madison ave. ; can be bought at a bargain, as the property must be solditerms easy; sale Saturday, Feb. 8, 1890. at 3 P. M., on the prem ises. ALLES & BAILEY, Auctioneers, 184 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. Ja25-55-25,30,fe3,5,7,8 Snbnrhnn Residences. FOR 8ALE-ONLY M,50O-A VERY DESIRA BLE home at Wllklnsburg; lot 100x200 feet; a good house of 8 rooms, finished attic, well Im proved. W. A. HERRON & SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. fe5-53-5,8.10,13 FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN TO close an estate, well located. In the heart ofBellevue. P. Ft. W. & C. It R.; a desirable house of 9 rooms and large lot; see at once. W.A. HERRON & BONS. 80 Fourth ave. Ja28-84-wS FOR SALE-,2,200 WILL ENABLE YOU TO purchase a good home near Wllklnsburg; four rooms, ball, pantry, porches, nat. gas for ill.: and fruit, shade trees: lot Z'txno feet BAXTEK, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave fe4-97-WP FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD-A VERY DE SIRABLE home at a reasonable price: well located: good house 12 rooms, late Improvements; one acre of ground, fruit and ornamental trees. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. feS-53-5.8,10,13 FOR SALE-WILKINSBUKG-4 MINUTES' from station. 2 new frame houses, 7 rooms, halt bath, laundry, finished attic, electric light natural gas, water, hot and cold, first-class throughout: lots 33x132 each: price 4,700 each. A. W. DUFF. 414 Grant St., Pittsburg. a29-56-ws FOR SALE-EMSWORTH BTATION-1 ACRE of ground, with two-slor.. fra'ne dwelling. 8 rooms; art fire places, hard-wood mnnteU first floor: slate mantels second floor: laundry, with cemented cellar; nat. gas for fuel and Illumin ating: front and side porches; we can offer this propertv for a short time at a price that will sell It. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO.. 182 Fourth ave. le2-99-wsu I70B SALE-AT A SACRIFICE TO CLOSE AN : estate quickly, a complete and beautiful home, consisting of one and a half acres of around, upon which Is located a two-story brick house of six rooms and cellar, with all necessary outbuildings, conveniences and abundance of fruit; also, 20 acres of land, covered with a fine growth of young and old timber: both prop erties are located at Youmrstown, Westmoreland county. Pennsylvania, and offered at only S950 cash. DR. MERSHON, 1607 Penn avenne, Pitts burg. fe5-45 FOR SALE-THAT LARGE DOUBLE BRICK dwelling and fine lot adlolning Sharpsburg, between Sumner and GuysuU stations, conveni ent to the residence and grounds or the late Win. Darlington, deceased, to be sold on Monday aft ernoon, February 17, at 3 o'clock, on tbe premises; 8 spacious rooms In the dwelling, wide hallway, finished attic rooms, bath, hot and cold water, lavatory, natural gas, dry cellar under the whole bouse, porches front and rear: beautlfnl lot I08x 275 feet; girt on either side by full grown poplar trees, shrubbery, etc. ; a most desirable property and win be sold at a great bargain. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fel-94-MWTS FOU SALE LOTS. East End Lore. FOB SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON west side of Summerlea street 41x100: our price on this Is very low, and will sell quick. BAXTER. THOMPSON & CO., 12 Fourth ave. fe2-102-nw FOR SALE-EAST END BUILDING SITE ON Fifth ave. cable line; location nn.urpassed: fashionable neighborhood; terms reasonable. Call on M. E. HARRISON, 131 rifth ave. (Room20 Ilnzelwood Lots. FOR 8ALE-HAZELWOOD LOTS IN J. H. , WILLUCK plan, 24x100; these lots are con venient to B. ft O. B. R. and electric road ; call at office and see plan. BLACK BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. 2D-30O feO-109-r FOR SALE-LOT. Farm. FOR SALE FARM, 1X6 ACRES, NEAR Walls station, adjacent to improvement, and a good chance for speculation. W. H. MUNCEY 4 CO., 125 Fifth avenue. feMT FOR SALE-FARM OF 21 ACRES, LOCATED near Allison Park, Pittsburg and Western K. R.: 4 minutes' from station. For terms, call on ALGEO BROTHERS, 204 Federal St., Alle gheny. Ja26-40-D FOR SALE-FARM 20 ACRES. NEW FRAME bouse 6 rooms, new stable, very choice gar den place, near Evergreen station and Etna: best ia uuriei; J"lce low; wouia exenange lor city property. X.U. . W1TT18H. 410 Grant st. feJ-D T7AOR SALE-FARMS - 50 ACHES, CHICKEN ible: lavs well: all in JP or dairy, house and stable; lays well; grass; 2 miles from station; 18 miles from Pltts nrg; (2,000. Send for big new farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Broker, Roches ter, Fa. ja2y-77-Hwrsu Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE IN BOTH CITIES 1,000 houses and lots: call or send for new list Jnst out. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. sSOOBntler st. Telephone 5514. Office open evenings. de31-52-WT FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnslnesn Chances. FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE-CENTRALLY located, at 3.50. or will invoice; a bargain to the right party. Address L. K., Dispatch office. FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE DOING GOOD bnslness, with horse, wagon, bnggy: low rent at Invoice: owner In other business. GRO CERY, Dispatch office. fe5-47 FOR SALE A SALOON AND BILLIARD room, well furnished; Well located In center of town, at No. 13 S. Main St., Mansfield. Ohio. Address to JOE MARZETTS. Ja31-10-D FOR SALE-CHEAP; $12S-BAKERY AND confectionery stock and fixtures; 3 show cases and glass casing; good location. AddressBAKER, Lock Box 27, Homestead, Pa. fe5-71 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORES. $M0, $600. $800, $1,000, and others ranging In price to 110,000; barber shop. 5 and 10 cent'store, fish and oyster depot, drugstores, country stores, cigar stores, boarding bouses, confectioneries, bakeries, reei store and other business chances. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. ja30 Bnslness Stands. TpOR SALE SIXTH AVENUE BUSINESS nronertv. cor. Cherrv allev IOC Z8MX90 It., with an L 81x52 ft. on Cherry alley, on Cherrv allev. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO FourthUvenne. fel-30-WS FOR SALE-ELEGANT BUSINESS PROP ERTY. 43x160 ft., extending through from First ave. to 'Second ave., with large (buildings now rented to pay a good interest on the price asked: we ask investigation by investors, w. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel-63-ws FOR SALE-S12, 000 WILL BUY BRICK STORE and dwelling, large ball, and brick dwelling, 4 rooms, and large frame building now nsed as a brewery, situated cor. Market and Juniata sts., Allegheny: this property makes a good Invest ment. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fel-61-MWB FOR SALE-ON ACCOUNT OF FAILING health of proprietor, one of the best-established hotels in Atlantic City, N. J.; 125 rooms; furnished; centrally located; 150 feet ocean front. For particulars apply to ISRAEL G. ADAMS, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. s fe4-7f i FOR SALE-NO. 4917 PENN AYR-FIRST-CLASS, increasing locality tor any kind of business: lot 20x100, with new brick bufldlngjust finished In first-class style; containing storeroom, bait vestibule, bath, hot and cold water, and five large rooms: possession at once: price $8,750, cash. bal. to suit THUS. mCUAriKLl, 3HU uutieret Ja25-19-wBsn FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. oVc FOR SALE-BAY MARE: CHEAP; HALF BRED Norman; seven years old: good, true worker: large size: also, engine and boiler com plete, at 36 ALLEGHENY AVENUE, near Re becca street Allegheny. fe5-44 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO.. LIM.. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. fe3-32 FOR SALE-BECK'S PAT. AUTOMATIC engine for electric light and railway service; engines and boilers In every size nd style; saw mills and woodworking machinery. HARMES' MACHINE DEPOT, 97 First ave.. Pittsburg. jag-33-p FOR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.;allrefitted;goodasnew, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J .S. YO UNO, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC25-80-D FOR SALE-HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second hand;wlre and manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. au5-17-MWV Miscellaneous. TOR SALE PRIVATE SALE WEDNESDAY J and Thursday, from II to 4 o'clock: house- bold furniture, all new, CRAIG ST., two doors irom center ave. iei-0 FOR SALE-FINE PARLOR FURNITURE, marble top table, clocks, dining room table, chairs and general bonsehold goods, sold every afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. L. H. VOGEL, Webster avenue, corner Roberts street. fe5-43 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND HARNESS; WE have a few more sets of harness taken In trade for new ones, at a bargain; also a few blankets, robes and covers at prices that will pay you to bnv. A. C. GRANT, successor to 8. Chamberlain, Fourth avenue and Ferry street. re5-48-wr PERSONAL. OERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS BOOKS1 X 25,000; all Dargalns. FRANK BACON CO., en Diamond st, Just above Smithfield: libraries purchased. leMS PERSONAL-BOOKS! WE HAVE MANY quaint and out-of-the-way books not to be had anywhere else. Have you seen. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE. COO Liberty St. Ja29 X. TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family jar occa sioned by tbe wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ol course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. au30-D STRAYED. STUAYFJJ DARK BROWN (SABLE) MALE Scotch collie pup. three months old. Finder will receive reward by returning to premises. 8. E. CORNER FIFTH AVE. AND HALKET STREET. Oakland, E. E. le5-30 BUSINESS CHANGES. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J partnership lately subsisting between Geo. H. Noll and' Ubaa. H. Hetzel, of Alle gheny, Pa., under the firm name of Geo. H. Noll A Co.,was dissolved on tbe31st day of Jan uary,1890. by mutual consent AU debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by Geo. H. Noll, and all demands on the said partner ship are to be presented to him for payment GEO. H. NOLL, CHAS. H. HETZEL, The business will be carried on at the old stand, corner of Marlon avenue and P., Ft W. & C. R. It, Allegheny, by George H. Noll, to whom I cheerfully recommend our old patrons. J64-33 C. H. HETZEL. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF JOHN H. WILHELM DE CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of John H. Wilhelm have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against tbe same should mane them known without delay. MARYH.:WILHELM, Administrator. orCAS SIDY fc RICHARDSON, Attorneys, ISS Fourth avenue. ja29-52-w FRANK W. SMITH, Attorney at Law. ' ESTATE OF BENJAMIN F. BIBER. DE CEASED Letters of administration on tbe estate of Benjamin F. Biber, late of the city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, Penn sylvania, deceased, have been granted to Godfrey E. Biber, of the said city, county and State, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. GODFREY K. BIBER, Administrator. 05 Market st, Pitts burg; fe52-w W. C. EBSKINE, Attorney. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE-IN THE ES AlATE OF JAMES McADoO, deceased. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Allegheny County! will sell on the premises, on SATURDAY, February 8, 1S80. at 11 o'clock A. M., all tbe real estate of James McAdoo, de ceased,consisting of Kacre of grouud,situate in Patton township, said county, adjoining lands of Annanias Wilson and others, on which is erected a frame dwelling; house. A LLES t BAILEY, A. a MILLER, jaZM5-W Auctioneers. Administrator. BAMUELA. AMMON, Attorney-at-Law, 117 Diamond street. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE E8TATE of Joseph Kimniel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Joseph Kimmel, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to wbom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. MARIA A. KIM MEL, 8. a HOLLAND, Executors, corner Smithfield street and Liberty avenue, Pitts burg, Fa. Ja&M-w- TO LET. Cltr Reiddeneea. TO LET-A TWO-STORT BRICK DWELLING on Bluff st., third door from Marlon St.. C rooms, attic and cellar, water and gas. Inquire of O. W. HELMOLD, oUSmlthfleld st, Jai-37 TO LET-A LARGETHHEE-STOBY PRESSED brick house on Franklin St.: eight rooms, bathroom, ranire. hatitnil raid water, natural sras:. rent40 per month. J. F., Dispatch office. fc5-24 T LET-A NEAT FRAME COTTAGE ON Mount Washington, rnntilnlni eight Dboms: supplied with cltv water and natural gas. In quire of A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO- lOand 12 Wood st. Ji3I-S6 East End Besiaeuees. TO LET-NEW BRICK HOUSE, t BOOMS, ball, attic, gas, hot and cold water, slate mantels. Inside shutters, etc.; elegant location. Liberty ave.. near Matilda st; $25. D. BEHEN & SON; 4112 Penn ave. fe4-29 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE, S ROOMS, HALL, ballroom, bathroom. Inside w. c, marble mantels. Inside siiutters, all conveniences, etc.; Center ave.. East End, near Roup it; rent $600. D. BEHEN 4 SON, 4112 Penn ave. fe4-29 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-SEE EWING & BYERS, 93 FED ERAL st, for Allegheny houses; call or send for printed list fe2-i-iJ,4,5.6,7,8,9,10,ll, lA13,14.1S,16,17,18,l,20,22.2i26,2i,mbl TO LET-BRICK HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. BATH, w. c. laundry; all modern lmproyements; second door from North ave.. Second ward, Allegheny: rent $450 per annum: no water rent; will sell carpets. Inquire NO. 37 WJtST DIA MOND, Allegheny. fe-2S Suburban Residences. TO LET AT EDGEWORTH STATION. ON the P. F. W. C R. R.. for one or several years, a beautiful new eight-roomed house: also finished room? in attic; ail modern conveniences: bath roomilaundrv and gas of both kinds, in quire at LEADER OFFICE. Ja23-10O Arrtments. Tn LET FOUR nESTEAKr.K RdnlN trim llcht honsekeenlnr. Firth ktp.. 91 Tnlnntpai walk from nostofflce: reference rennlred; CV1 ner month. Address FLAT, Dispatch office, f eS-31 Th LET FINE APARTMENTS IN NEW houses and different locfltlnnv? nut. trnm bath, range, halls carpeted, sepirate door bell, etc Call for printed list free, DIXON & CO., 112 Fourth ave. fe5-8S Atlantic City Property. TO LET-OR FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., hotels, cottages and bath houses: lots for sale In all parts of city: also South Atlantic City. ISRAEL G. ADAMS & CO.. Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N.J. "' fe4-7S Offices. Desk Room. JSc TO LET-FINE SUITE OF OFFICES IN THE Jones building. No. 67 Fourth avenue. Ap ply to HOWARD JONES, Real Estate, 135 Fourth ave., city. Telephone 1523. Ja27-48 TO LET-FIFTH AVENUE OFFICES IN THE Chronicle-Telegraph building, near Wood street: among the most desirable in the city. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. fel-30-WS TO LET -SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison Building, corner Third ave. and Wood st. ; all well-lighted front rooms. Inquire of A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood St. JaJt-96 TO LET-SUITABLE FOR ANY BUSINESS Suite of first floor large offices, with commodious fire-proof vault steam heat etc., at 419 Wood street In Germanla Savings Bank, building: will b remodeled as tenant may desire. Apply on premises to THOS. D. KELLER. Ia4-i-ws rjW LET AN ELEGANT OFFICE IN THE X new Dispatch building, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street: elevator: Janitor service; electric light and steam beating Included in rent which is numerate; situation central. Apuy to J. L,. CLARK, Superintendent, Room ! ja29-63 Ts LET OFFICES IN THE OK.RMANIA Savings Bank bnlldlnsr. corner nt Wnfwt nd Diamond streets, sinzlv or in suits of no or more, with all modern conveniences, elevator, janitor service, etc, etc.; tbe handsomb furniture, carpets, etc.. in some of tbe offices can be pur chased by the incoming tenant at a reasonable price. For terms apply at THE BANK. fet-M Business Stands. rpO LET 4-STORY WAREHOUSE WITH MAN SARD, cellar and sub-cellar. C.H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. jei-w TO LET-NO. 404 WOODSTREET.AGOODMOD ERN built house in good location. C. H. LOVE. No. 93 Fourth avenue. fel-3 TO LET-WAREHOUSE, 128 SECOND AVE.. 24x96, 3-story and basement: elevator and engine: 2 complete offices, tt. is. PX.ITX, Fourth feJ-42 ana urani st TO LET-FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS HOUSE, No. 628 Smithfield sc, one of the best loca tions in the city. See W. A. HERRON SONS, N o. 80 Fourth ave. fel-19-HWF TO LET-OR FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS store building in one of tbe best locations ior a country store in unio. Address KEPNER, New Garden, Col. CO., Ohio. Ja24-7-MWT JESSE TOLET WILKINSBURG FLOURING MILL to a good man with some capital; a first class opening. Apply to N. 1. LUDW1CK. Wll klnsburg, Pa., or A. W. DUFF, 414 Grant st Ja29-5-wg TO LET-FROM APRIL 1-A LARGE WELL furnished hall, centrally located in Alle gheny, Monday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Sunday. J. W. PRESCOTT, Box 135. Pitts burg. - fej-17 TO LET THE KEYSTONE BANK WILL move into their new building about Marc 1. consequently the rooms now occupied In the Petroleum Exchange building will be to let In quire at the BANK. Ja29-94 TO LET-FIFTH AVENUE STOBEBOOM Tbe business office of Tbe Dispatch will be moved April 1 to the lately purchased property, corner SnlthHeld and Diamond sts., and tbe greater part of Nos. 97 and 99 Fifth avenue, here tofore known as the Dispatch building, will In consequence be for lease during a term of years. This will be found perhaps the choicest location In the whole city for a large retail business. Full particulars mav be obtained from the BUSINESS SlANAGER OF IHE DISPATCH at the Firth ave. officer ja9-U7 AMUSEMENTS. EXTRA. GRAND -OPERA HOUSE. RUDOLPH ARONSON COMIC OPERA COMPANY. BY SPECIAL REQUEST. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL COMIC OPERAS, "ERMINIE," Will be presented by the original cast and staged in the same complete manner as char acterized the New York Casino production, AT THE Wednesday Matinee and Eyenini Only. This is positively the last opportunity of wit nessing this beautiful opera. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY PERFORMANCE Of "DRUM MAJOR." fe4-9 B IJOU THEATER To-night THE FAKIR. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. February 10 "Held by the Enemy." f e3-13 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE VAIDIS SISTERS' NOVELTY COMPANY. fe3-lo-D WORLD'S MUSEUM- ALLEGHENY CITY. This week Annie O'Brien, the giantess; one pound baby; a host of other new novelties and an excellent stage show. February 10 Crazy Quilt Competition. March 3 Big Foot Fanny Mills. fe3-13 ART EXHIBITION SCHOOL OFDESIGN for Women, Penn buildlne. The public exhibition opens on Tuesday, February i. con tinuing every day during tbe week, from 10 A. M. till 5 P. M. The spring term begins on Tuesday. February 11, 1S90. A. VY. HENDER BON. Principal. fe2-lU TO LET. A number of very comfortable and pleasant houses in one of the most attractive places abont tbe city. Very pretty 3-room brick cottages. Very pretty 4-room brick cottages, Handsome S-room houses. Handsome 7-room houses. At from (7 to S16 per month. FOR SALE, PRETTY HOMES. 4 rooms, S rooms, 7 rooms, with splendid lota, handsomely Improved, in thebeautifulborougb of Knoxvllle, on terms to suit everybody. We will sell this season 800 of tbe most beautiful building Iota in Allegheny county. Tbere are no others to compare with them at double tbe price. Upon tbe completion of tbe new Knoxvllle Incline Plane and Street Railway, bringing them within 20 minutes of Fifth avenue, these lots will double In valne. Those who buy early are certain to realize a handsome profit Knoxville Land Improvement Co., 85 Knox avenne, Knoxvllle Borough. feMQ-WMU AUCTIOS SALES. A TJCTION DON'T MISS THE AUCTION HALE EVERY AFTERNOON AND TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY MORNINGS. DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, CLOAKS AND WRAPS, ALSO LEASE AND FIXTURES, -AT 155 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny, Pa. &31.S7 AUCTION SALE-ELEGANT CONCERT Grand piano forte, household goods. WEDNESDAY MORNING, February Sat 10 o'clock, at the residence. 278 Shady Lane.E. EL, city; One parlor furniture, fancy chairs, hand some marble clock, portieres, curtains. lambre quins, cornices, French plate mirror, fine rugs, pictures, vases and ornaments,centertables,hall rack, body brussels carpets on rooms, balls and stairs, handsome walnut chamber furniture, toiletware,beddlng,rockers,bronzeclock,shades, looking glasses, cabinet sideboard, silver tea set very fine dishes and glassware, dining chairs, extension table, silverware, refrigerator, kitchen utensils, laundry furnishments, etc, etc Sale positive, as owner is leaving city. House open after S o'clock: on morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., Auct'rs. fe2-93 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Xl report of Viewers of tbe damages caused by grading Sapphire alley, from Isabella street to Liberty avenue, has been approved by Coun cils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is Sled in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10)days from date E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa, January 31, 1S9Q. ja31-S9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on ihe opening of Frankstown avenue, from Fifth avenue to citv line; Formosa alley, from Fifth avenue to city Une: Clawsou street from Grazier street to north line of the Pennsylvania Railroad prop erty, and Ivy street from Fltthavenne to Howe street have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. PlTTSBURO. Pa., January 32. 189a ja3I-29 OTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the grading, paving and curbing of Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth street to South Twenty-fifth, street; grading and paving Lotus alley, from Fifty-second street to Stanton avenue, and grading Kent alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street have been approved by Councils which action will be SnaL unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. PrrrSBrntG, Pa, January 31, 1890. ja31-Z9 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on tbe construction of sewers on Herron avenue, from Anderson street to Center avenue: wallingford street from Bidwell street to Barton street; Fif ty-ttrst street from Butler street to Allegheny riven Gum street from 63 feet south of Cliff street to Webster avenue, and sewer on private property of Margaret Hardie et al, crossing Brooks, Bates and Zulema streets, from Ward street to Cunliffe run sewer, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, nnless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dep't of Public Works. PrrTSBTmo. PA January 3L 1890. ja31-29 HOUSE HUNTERS CALL ON BLACK k BAIRD, 95 Fourth Avenue, Or the following Druggists for the Largest Rent List in the City ISSUED WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. PITTSBURG 8. 8. Holland, corner Liberty and Smithfield streets; C. F. Nourse No. 190 Center avenue; J. M. Blackburn, No. 383 Fifth avenue; Louis H. VogeL Webster and Roberts streets; Ercll G. Stucky & CCv, Wylie avenue and Fnlton street EAST END Markell Bros., cor. Penn and Frankstown avenues; R. D. Brent No. 3703 Filth avenue, Oakland; J. R. McCreary, cor. Homewood ave. and Grazier st, Homewood. SOUTHSIDE Jacob Spobn, No. 2 Carson street; Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson street LAWRENCEVILLE-D. a Blaekbum, No. - 3313 Penn avenne; Totten & Bender, No. 4301 Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY Charles L. Walther, No. 64 Chestnnt street: J. P. Urben, cor. Franklin and Fulton streets; W. 8. Hlxenbaugb, cor. Manhattan and Rebecca streets; E. Hoi den ex Co., No.63 Federal, cor. Lacock street; Geo. E. Foster, cor. Washington avenue and Fremont street; Joseph F. Neely, No. 371 Rebecca street. H. J. McBride, cor. Fede ral and Ohio streets. SEWICKLEY, PA-C. G. Woods, cor. Broad and Beaver streets. BLACK & BAIRD, JJ22-18.W 95 FOURTH AVENUE. FOR SALE ! AT $5,000 EACH, ' ON PENN AVENUE, Nineteenth Ward, ' TWENTY-ONE NEW BRICK DWELLINGS, 7 rooms, ball and bath in each, finished in best of style; each house with lot 20x100 feet Easy payments. Possession at once. Penn avenue cable cars pass door; 5c to town ox East Liberty. Full Information of THOS. MCCAFFREY,' . 3509 BUTLER STREET. Xel-SS-wssu SEND FOR" PRICE LIST OF EAST END PROPERTY -TO- JAMISON fc DICKIE, 96 Fourth ave. and cor. Penn and Shady aves:, E. E- We make a specialty of East End real estate. and our list comprises a large assortment ox dwellings and building lots In the Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-flrst and Twenty-second wards, raneinc in price from fl.000 to 5100,000. from tbe humblest cottage to the most palatial residence. Either cable road passes the door of our East End office. The fare Is now only S cents, and would-be buyers are requested to go direct to the East End office, cor. Penn and Shady aves., where a carriage is In waiting and a corps ot intelligent salesmen are ready to show property. We have a very choice selection of building lots on all the prominent streets and several large tracts for subdivision that offer real in ducements to buyers. JAMISON t DICKIE. fel-83-XOD QUITABLE HOLIDAY GIFTS ALL animals monnted to order at ESPICH'S BIRD biukc, hi) onutnueia ot, near oeventn ave. de4-28-wsu PIANO!, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instrument AT HAMILTON'S, delO-s Fifth avians. M K. ;CU