Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 16, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Cattle Higher at Ghicaso and Lower
Here, and Drovers Are
Sheep Alone Manasre to Improve on the
Prices of Last Week.
Wednesday. January 15, 1S30. J
Uarkets give no signs of improvement
this week over last. In fact, the general
tone is weaker, and so far as cattle and hogs
are concerned, prices are a shade lower than
they were a week ago. Sheep only managed
to hold their own and this was due to light
Receipts of cattle for the week footed up
about 115 carloads, an increase of 35 loads
OTer last week. The big run had a demor
alizing influence on trade and prices were
fully 15c lower all along the line than they were
a week ago. Light, smooth butcher cattle suf
fered least from tbe decline. Markets were
weak on Monday, and have been growing
weaker ever since.
While stock was mostly cleaned up to-day,
there is little doubt that this was accomplished
by shading prices. There were some five loads
of prime Ohio cattle in the offerings, which
were sold in a retail way at a range of SI "5
5 35. In carload lots the outside price ob
tained was $4 43. The same quality of cattle
would haTe brought J4 60 a week ago.
In Fnvor of Buyer.
The situation was in favor of buyers all along
the line, by reason of the large receipts, and
they made tbe most of their ODportunlty in
bearing markets. The demand for veal calves
has fallen off since last week, and, while sup
ples were not large, there were sufficient for
all the needs of local trade. Fresh cows
are slow and a shade lower than last week.
Drovers aro not verv jubilant over the situa
tion, as tbey claim that prices ere higher in
Chicago and lower here this week than last.
Both at East Liberty and Herr's Island this
week there was a largo run of inferior stock,
for which there is little demand in our mar
kets. Too much of Chicago's refuse is dumped
into Pittsburg stock yards. All low grade
cattle finds hard roads to travel when they
arrive here, aud shippers may as ell recognize
this fact at once.
facep, I.ntnbs and Hoca.
Tbe supply varied very little from last week,
but markets were active at higher prices. All
dealers report an advance on last week's rates,
somo putting the advance as great as 60c per
cwt. The facts would justify the statement of
a 25c advance.
Lambs failed to hold np In price with wethers
owing to unfavorable advices from New York,
and the fact that supplies of the farmer have
been very liberal for a week or two past. At
Herr's Island this week h lambs have been very
scarce and at a premium. But this was excep
tional, and will, no doubt, be remedied by next
The supply of hogs was large and markets
show cakening tendencies. At Chicago to-day
S3 73 was the outside price for selected packing
hogs, according to advices received by one of
our leading packers.
Prices at East Libertv are very little better.
The weather i not at all favorable to markets
in this line. Lard shows drooping tendencies
and heavy bogs are weak.
DlcCnll fc Co.' Review.
The supply of cattle liberal, weather being
bad, market ruled slow at a decline of fully 15
25c per cwt on all grades except prime heavy,
which were steady at last week's prices. We
give the following as ruling prices, and mar
ket closing slow- Prime, 1.300 to 1,600 fts,
$4 404 65: good, 1,200 to 1.400 fi, J3 904 25:
good butcher grades. 1,000 to 1,300 lis. S3 40
4: rough fat. 1.100 to 1,300 fts. S3 4033 75;
mixed lots, cows and heifers, $2 252 75; bulls
and fat cows, S23: fresh cows and springers
tery dull at S57 per head lover than last
The supplv of hogs was fair; weather bad,
market slow, except on good light, which are
selling readily at S3 754j3 80, while common
and heavy are almost unsaleable at S3 C0j?3 70.
We do not look for any improvement as long as
tbe weather keeps tbe way it is.
The supply of sheep Monday and Tnesdav
was light: market active at an advance of 20
30c per cwt from our last week's circular. To
da s receipts were light, with the market
steady at the following quotations' Prime Ohio
aud Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120
9s, S5 25e5 65: cood. 90 to 100 fts, S4 OOfJo 00;
lair to good mixed, 75 to 80 His, S3 704 25:
good vcarlings, 75 to SO fts, S4 755 2:; fair
to good, 60 to 60 Us, S4 Z54 CO: lambs. $5 50
6 75; veal calv. s, 110 to 120 lis, S5 506 50;
heavy calves, not wanted; selling at S2 50Q3 00.
Br Tclecraph.
Chicago-Cattle Receipts, 15,000head; ship
ments, 3,500 bead; market firm for fancy,
others slowand lower: beeves. S4705 25; steers,
S3 004 84; stockcrs and feeders. S2 253 10;
Texas cattle, SI 503 10. Hogs Receipts. 37.
000 head; shipments, 6,000 head; market fairly
active and 510c lower: mixed, S3 503 77;
heavr, S3 50g-3 80; light S3 503 80: skips. S3 OU
Q3 50 beep Receipts. 7,000 head; ship
ments. 1.500 head: market stronir; natives,
S3 O05 50; Western corn-fed, $5 25; Texans.
S3504 50.
ST. Locrs Cattle Receipts. 1,800 head;
shipments. 500 bead: market steady; good to
fancv native steers, 54 304 90. fair to good
do. S3 304 35; stockers and feeders. $1 90
2 90; range steers, S2 003 20. Hogs Receipts,
10,600 head; shipments, 300 head: market loner;
fair to choice heavy. S3 553 C5: packing
(Trades, S3 153 60: light fair to best S3 45
36a Sheep Receipts, 600 head; shipments,
40u head; market strong; fair to choice, S4 00
6 40; lambs, S5 25650.
Kaksak Crrr Cattle Receipts. 5.300 head;
shipments. 2.900 head; market 1015c lower;
nat.ves, S3 COS 50: cows, SI 752 60; stockcrs
and feeders, S2 403 00. Hoes Receipts 8,600
head; shipments, none; market 5E7Kc loner;
all grades, S3 52K3 65; bulk, S3 6y3 62K;
Sheep Receipts, 16.400 head; shipments,
L100 head: market steady; good to choice mut
tons. S3 5065 40; stockers and feeders, S3 0052
3 40.
Buffaw) Cattle full and irregular; receipts,
SS loads through, 15 sale. Sheep and lambs
Sheep strong and higher, lambs unchanged;
sheep, choice to extra, $5 856 00; good to
choice, S5 505 75: common to good. So O05 40.
Hogs strong and higher for light; receipts, II
loads throngb. 39 sale; medium and heavy,S3 SO;
mixed, $3 60; Yorkers, S3 853 80; roughs, S3 00
63 Zo.
New York, January 15. Dress goods and
cotton specialties receive the principal atten
tion at present, but there is steady movement
of staples. There was no new feature or inci
dent affecting the market, which continues
steady and of a still promising outlook.
Metal Murker.
New York Pig Iron steady. Copper Lake,
January, S14 60. Lead dull; domestic, S3 8
Tin quiet and easy, straits, $20 4a
Twejtty-sevex mortgages were completed
yesterday, the largest of which was for $6,000.
Only two were riven for purchase money.
THE TV ilkinsburg Oil and Gas Company is in
a quandary whether to resume drilling opera
tions on the Weinman farm or not, but it is
likely nothing more will be done.
THE Bndgcwater Gas Company has struck a
SOO-pound pressure gas well on the Wilson farm
near Lectsdale, and will only have to lay 100
jards of pipe to connect it with their mains.
Newlt elected directors of the Union Passen-
Ser Railway Company are: J. W. Dalzell W.
; Rhodes, F.C Hutchinson, F. M. Magee,Geo.
C. Wilson, A. C. McCallan aud W. L Mustin.
Directors of theFirstNationalBank.Beaver
Falls: H. C. Patterson, John Reeves, James
M. Mav, GeorgTW. Coates, H. W. Reeves,
Joseph "Wilsou. Henry Hice, Simon Harrold
and H. M. Jolly.
"Yoc may set it down as a fact that the
Equitable Insurance Company is not looking
tor a site near tbe Court House, nor anywhere
else in Pittsburg, just now." So said Henry A.
Weaver jesterday.
John II. Oakley 4 Co., Sproul A Lawrence
and Rea Brothers t Co.. have issued band
books of railroad securities. They are neatly
gotten up, are in convenient form and are
invaluable to investors for reference.
Assiqkek Jackson, of tbe Fidelity Title
and Trust Company, said yesterday that good
progress was being made on tbe books of the
suspended Lawrence Bank, but he was unable
to tell when a statement would be made.
The sale of the Fourth Avenue lots at the
Court House by W. A. Herroc fc Sons, to close
up the estate of the late C. L. Caldwell, did not
take place yesterday on account of tbe small
attendance of buyers. The property will now
M offered at private sale.
The Wheat Market Crippled by a Canard
A Big Order From Pormnl Pork
Featureless and Slightly Lower.
CHICAGO Only a light business was trans
acted In wheat to-day, and the market ruled
quiet Prices were slightly lower than yester
day's closing. Some few outside orders were re
ceived. The market opened easy and declined
about 56. due mainly to the reported clos
ing down of some mills in the Northwest, which
was denied later.
A Chicago exporting honse received a cable
to-day asking for tenders on 20.000 barrels of
flour for the Portuguese Government The
market recovered about lie from the early de
cline on the denial of the mills shutting down,
but again became easy and closed o lower
than yesterday.
There was verv little of interest to note in
corn, trading being of a light local character.
The feeling developed on the whole was easier,
though no material decline was established.
Operators were trading almost entirely in May
and July, the other futures being dull and
neglected. , . . ,
There continues a steady market for any
deliverv of oats, notwithstanding the fact that
the price of this future is at a point that leaves
no margin for carrying to longer futures.
Though steady, the market was dull and inam-
Trading in pork was only moderate, aboutthe
same as reported theprevious days of the week.
Prices were about 24c lower, closing stead v.
Onlv a moderate business was reported in
lard, and the feeling was steady. Prices were
without material change.
A light trade was reported in ribs, and the
feeling was easier. Prices averaged about 2Jc
The leading futures ranged as fouowg-
WnrAT-Mo. 2. January, 70J7(7
7: February. 7777fc; Slay, 81Jie8
MCOBN-No. 2, Jtnnary. 2S28Ka2SK
2Sir: Februarv. 29K3X2K29c; May,
aik fi3lVfi)aisfi)3?fc
UATS 2o. z, January, inj4SWy: cmui..
irr. WAli
TO '? Iiir,.. Mav. MSKa'CMAifKittie.
Mess pork, per bbL-January. Sa 509 60
9 4o9 45; February. $9 559 559 50&9 50;
May, S3 S7K39 S7K99 87K69 87K.
Lard, per 100 fts. January. $5 805 82K0
5 &035 bO. February, Jo S25 85; May, $6 0o
6 07J6 05(56 07H.
Short Ribs, per 100 tts. Jannarv. J4 0
4 701 65l 6a; February, S4 704 67H; May,
S4 9004 904 876 87K-
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
fltAariv n.nd nnch&nfred. No. 2 snrin wheat
7Cc: No. 3 sprine wheat 6568c, No. 2 red,
76ic, Ho. 'Z corn. aHC JN o. - oats, iB(a)4C.
No.2rye.41Kc N 0.2 barley, 5557c. No. 1 flax
seed. II 35. Prime timothy seed. $1 201 22.
Mess pork, per bbL S9 50. Lard, per 100 lbs.
So 805 82. Short ribs sides (loose), S4 65
4 75. Dry salted shoulders rboxea), unchanged;
xhort clear sides (boxed). S4 9o5 00. bngars
unchanged. Receipts Flour. 22,000 barrels:
wheat, 31,000 bushels: corn, 282.000 bushels; oats,
187,000 bushels; rye. 16.000 bushels: barley, 64,000
bu-hels. Shipments Fiour,22,000 barrels; wheat
13.000 bushels: com, 352,000 buhels: oats, 159.
000 bushels; rye. 12000 bushels: barley. 37,
000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was dull: fancv creamery. 26Z7c;
dairy, lS20c Eggs. 13K14c
New York Flour quiet Wheat Spot
firmer and dull: options advanced i on
delivery and to May, but declined Kc on
later months, closing steady; speculation
moderate. Rye steady; Western, 565Sc Barley
steady. Barley malt qniet Corn Jspot steady
and moderately active: options less active and
steady. Oats-Spot easier and less active;
options fairly active and weaker. Hay quiet
and steady. Hops quiet and steady. Cofiee
Options opened steady, 5015 points down,
closed barelv steady. 515 points down;
sales, 15.000 bags, including: March, 15.90
16.00c: April. 16 00c; May, 15.9016.00c;
September, 15.9015.95c; October, 15.850
15.95c; December, 15.90c; spot Rio, dull and
easier; fair cargoes, 19Jfc: No. 7. 17Kc Bugar
Raw firm and quiet; sales. 300 buds English
islands: St test at 5 1-lGc, and a cargo of cen
trifugals 96 test at 3Kc: c. and f. refined,
steady; fair refined steady and in fair demand.
Molasses New Orleans, easy. Rice quiet
Cottonseed oil firm. Rosin dull. Turpentine
quiet at 44H45c Eggs dull and easy. Cut
meats quiet; pickled bellies, 55c; middles
quiet; short clear, S5 25. Lard firm; good
export demand; sales, 1,550 tierces: western
steam, $6 20; options, sales, 5,000 tierces; Feb
ruary.S621bid; March. i 30: April. $6 35 bid:
Slav, S6 406 42. closing at S6 41: July, S6 50.
Butter Quiet and weak, except for fancv
creamerv; Elgin, 2828Kc; western dairy, S
16c; do creamery, 1226ic: do held.917c; do
factory, 516c. Cheese quiet; western. 810c.
Philadelphia Flour quiet Wheat
Options firm and higher; desirable milling
grades scarce and firm with fair demand; fair
to good milling wheat, 78085c: prime to choice
do, 8S92c; choice ungraded in grain depot 90c;
No. 2 red, Jannarv, Sl!Slc; February. 82
8ZJc: March, 83iS35ic; April. 84K85c. Corn
Options firm; carlou dull. No. 4 mixed, in
erain depot 23c; do on track. 28c. old; No. 2
high mixed, in Twentieth street elovator. 37JJc:
No 2 mixed, January. 3636c; February,
363SJc; March. 3737ic: April. 37K38c
Oats Carlots dull and a shade weaker; No. 3
white. 27Kc; No. 2 white, 28c, and two cars do
at 2bKc; do on track, 29c; futures dull and
weak; "No. 2 white, Jannarv, 2SV2SJc; Febru
ary. 2bK29Wc; March, 282J4c; April, 29
29Kc Butter dull ai d unsettled; Pennsylvania
creamery, extra, 2526c; do prints, extra, 32)
35c. Egis dull and weak; Pennsylvania firsts,
Mikiteapolis Local receipts of wheat for
the dav were 1S4 cars, with 59 cars shipped out
Outside parties were rather free buyers of No.
1 Northern early in tbe session. Grades under
N o. 1 Northern did not seem to be moving very
well. Prices obtained for the different varieties
were about in the same range as those of yes
terday. Closing quotations: No. 1 bard, Janu
ary and February, 79c; May, 83c; on track, 79c;
No. 1 Northern, January and February, 7?c;
May, 6080?c: on track. 77J7Sc; No. 2
Northern, January and February, 74c: May,
78c; on track, 747oc
St. Louis Flour dull and easy. Wheat
lower, trading slow and the close below yester
day: No. 2 red. cash. 77Kc: March cloed nt
79c bid; May, 8080Jic bid; June, 79e bid;
July, 7777Jc bid. Corn irregular: No.2 mixed,
cash, 25c; February closed at 28c bid; March,
2627c asked; May. 2SQ2SHc asked. Oats
higher and firm: No. 2, cash. 20JJc: May. 21c
bid at the close. Rye firm. Barley unchanged.
Provisions steady. Fork at S9 S710 00.
Milwaukee Flour dull and steadv. Wheat
quiet; No. 2 spring, on track. 7375c: May, 75c;
No. 1 Northern, 83c Corn quiet; No. 2. on
track, 27c Oatt dull; No. 2 white, on track,
22c. Rye quiet: No. J. in store. 45Vc. Bar
lev inactive; No. 2, in store. 44c Provisions
easier. Pork, SS 45. Lard, $5 SO. Cheese steady:
Cheddars, 99c
Toledo Cloversecd dull and steady; cash,
S3 CO; January. S3 45; March. S3 52.
Whisky Marker.
There is a good demand for finished goods,
and quotations are steady at SI 02. Stocks on
hand are not accumulating. Very old Is scarce
A Laborer' Death Results From a Blow
Struck With a Stone.
New YoEK,Jannary 15. A young Irish
man and two colored boys, named Jenkins,
got into a fight at the corner of Troy avenue
and Pacific street, in Brooklyn, to-day.
Patrick Hoffard, a laborer at work near by,
separated them, boxed their ears and told
them to go home. Then he went back to
work. A few minutes later the colored
boys crept up unnoticed behind him and
truck him on the back of the head with a
cobble stone Which one struck the blow
has not yet been determined.
Hoffard was taken in an ambulance to St.
Mary's Hospital where it was found that his
skull was fractured. At 9 o'clock this
morning he breathed his last His death
was caused by conenssion of the brain,
brought about by the blow upon his head.
The colored boys were arraigned for murder
this morning and were held without bail for
Snreeon Goodwin, ot Cincinnati, to Succeed
burgeon Eanl M. Carrloeton.
Orders were received from Washington on
Tuesday directing a number of changes in
the Marine Hospital service. Assistant
Surgeon Paul M. Carrington, who has been
in charge of tbe Pittsburg office for abont
two years, will go to Cleveland. Past As
sistant Surgeon Armstrong will more from
Cleveland to New Orleans to take the posi
tion there made vacant by death. The
Pittsburg office will be occupied by As
sistant Burgeon H. T. Goodwin, who comes
here irom Cincinnati. Dr. Carrington is a
young man, but bears a high reputation as a
surgeon. Curing his service here he has
made many friends who will be sorry to bid
him farewell. The changes will take place
in three or four days.
Danceroni Trifling.
It is not only foolish, but dangerous, to trifle
with constipation, indigestion, piles or liver de
rangement. Take the proper remedy as soon as
possible, and avoid all danger incident to delay.
Hamburg Figs areaspecificforthese affections.
25 cents. Doee, one fig. Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
" xysn
Little Danger of Losing Money by
Placing it on Mortgages.
Hustling McKeesport Bound to Make Her
Mark in the Business World.
The deal for the big church at the corner
of Smithfield street and Sixth avenue,
about which there has been no end of talk
the past few weeks, is off for good. Henry
Arnold, Chairman or the ChurcU Commit
tee having the business in charge, said so
yesterday evening. He added: "The propo
sition of the syndicate to lease the property
for 99 years could not be entertained. It
would be equivalent to a sale, and that
would vitiate our title. Beside, if we had
been disposed to accept, the offer was con
siderably under what we think the property
is worth. It is not on the market, and
never has been, but if we could get what we
hold it at we might let it go on a reasonable
lease. The congregation is under no pres
sure to part with the property,- and may
take a notion sometime to put up a business
block there themselves. "We have had no
other offer that we thought enough of to
take under consideration, and I think it
will be a long time before the property passes
ont of our bands."
It will be remembered by many that the late
Peter Dressier was an active agent in tbe erec
tion of this fine building. It cost about 8103,
000, but material and labor were considerably
dearer then than now.
There are two ways of looking at mortgages.
When placed to raise money for purposes of
speculation in which there is a large element of
risk they are dangerous. When given to im
prove or buy property that has a fixed value
they are safe In tbe latter case they indicate
enterprise and prosperity. Money raised on
mortgage to invest in Pittsburg real estate is
as secure as Dank stock. The market is so well
conditioned and so active that investments in
it nearly aln ays turns out well. In some cases,
where extravagant prices are paid, the profit is
smalt In no caie where average discretion is
esercised is there a possibility of serious loss.
One of tbe oldest mortgage brokers in the
city remarked yesterday: "I don't know of
anything safer than mortgages on real estate.
Values in this city and its environs have hard
ened so slowly, and there is such a good de
mand for lands and houses,' that I think they
are up to stay. 1 can see no signs of a reaction.
It's the healthiest market that I have ever
seen. It rests on a sound bottom. I see no
reason to be afraid of mortgages if judiciously
In regard to the scarcity of business property,
and tbe danger of going to the other extreme,
a member of tbe firm of vV,A. Herron & Sons
said yesterday: "There is danger of owners of
downtown business property overdoing tbe
market owing to the prevailing scarcity. Many
complaints have been made of owners renting
over the heads of present occupants, al
though they were willing to pay
in most cases what would be
deemed a fair price, because someone else
offered to pay a higher price in order to get a
place to tide over tbe present emergency, and
until more houses could be put up. Persons
who are now contracting to pay excessive rents
will do so only for a short time, as no legiti
mate business can afford to pay now the rent
of property valued five or ten years ahead. As
soon, therefore, as more bnsiness houses go up
aud the present demand cannot but stimu
late building people who are now agreeing to
pay exorbitant rates will seek new quarters
and leave the owners of their present quarters
without tenants.
'No doubt the enhancement of values and
the prospective increase of taxes warrant a
fair Increase of rents, but owners will act
wisely, and in their own interests, if they see
that only a fair and just rent is placed on their
houses, and pay no attention to persons making
fancy bids. A good, permanent tenant is worth
keeping, but ho must be treated fairly or he
won't stay."
McKeesport is keeping step with other Alle
gheny county towns in the march of improve
ment. A citizen of that borough was in the city
yesterday, and said that all kinds of business
there was unusually active. A large number of
fine buildings are going up, ot which tbe River,
view Park plan is getting its full share. This is
becoming the aristocratic part of town. The
main avenue leading to it has been graded and
paved. Xots on the principal streets are selling
at S70 to SS0 a foot front. The street railway is
being extended up the Yough side of town.
Industrial expansion is also a marked feature
of McKeesport. Work on tbe Monongahela
glass furnace plant is crogrosslng ramdly. The
Novelty Steel Wheel Company, at BisseU, Is in
shape to market is product. Several new en
terprises are talked of. All the difficulties in
the nay nt building the bridge across the
Monongahela to Dnquesne have been removed,
and the work on it will begin In a short time.
The Pittsburg Bulletin hits tbe nail squarely
on tbe head when it says: The man ti ho can
not get along in tbe Iron City during the year
of grace, 1890, cannot succeed elsewhere. And
the man who is divided in mind on the question
of going or of staying had better place tbe
solid n eight of good sense in tbe trembling
balance and stay right here. Brains, energy
and capital, invested between the Mononga
hela and the Allegheny, will yield dividends
surer than those accruing from the same goodly
trio invested west of the Father of Waters.
There is no city or State or Territory in tho
Far West whose immediate prospects are
brighter than those of Pittsburg.
Fair Trading In Stocks, Hat Prices Soft IJke
the Wrntbrr.
Business in the local stocks was good yester
day for a bad day. Tho sales were ISO shares.
Active stocks were Philadelphia Gas, Commer
cial National Bank, Pittsburg Traction, and
Switch and Signal.
The tendency ot prices was downward, and
most of the specialties were lower, though the
changes were in no case for more than frac
tions. Philadelphia Gas gave way. and the en
tire active list yielded in sympathy.
Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitts. P. 8.4 M. Ex 500 .... ....
Anchor bavlnrs Bant .... ....
Allegheny Hat. Bank. K4 ....
Commercial Na. Bank.
Exchange An. Dank 85
Keystone B'k or Pitts
M. SI. Nat. Bank 64 K
M ....
82 83
69 7J
II sonic Hunk 61 ....
Metropolitan N. Bank 103
Sure Deposit Co 65
Third Mat. Bank 1
Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill 39
Pitts. Gas Co.. Ill
Bridgewater Gas
Chartlers Vallev G.Co
I'eople's S. G. & P.Co 14
l'ennsvlvanla Gas Co.. 12H
Philadelphia Co 32
Pine Kun Gas
Wheeling Gas Co 8ft 18
Tuna Oil Co
Washington OH Co 73
Central Traction ZSf
Citizens' Traction 66
Pitts. Traction 46K
Pleasant Valley Z1&
N.Y. CGas Coal Co
LaJJorla Mining Co... H
Luster Mining Co 16
Silverton Mining Co - ....
YankeeGlrlMiningCo ....
Westlnghouse Electric 46)
Mon'gahela Water Co
C. S. ASlg. Co
V. 8. A big. Co. pfd
WestinfhouseAIrb'ke. ....
67 80
29 ....
43 40 -I1U
IS 14 15
"J2K "si "&X
20 1ft 18)4 19ft
78 90
MX 3Z 33
68 .... 68
47 468 ....
23X 23 23?
so wt 'so
"in ...1. f
47 .... 47
14 II 14
At tbe first call 800 shares of Philadelphia
Gas brought 82J. At tbe last call 20 shares of
Commercial National Back went at 95, 10 Pitts
burg Traction at 47. 100 Philadelphia Gas at 32,
and 60 Switch and Signal, 14.
Henry M. Long sold 20 shares TTnton Switch
at 14, bought 600 shares Pleasant Vallev at 23,
sold GO shares Electric at 47, and 600 shares
Philadelphia Gas at 32K-
Tbe total salet of stocks at New Tork yester
day were 304,783 shares, including Atchison,
7,760: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
S8.560I Louisville aud Nashville, 7,005; Missouri
Pacific, 10,800; Reading, Z7.02fcSt. Paul. 14,100;
Union Pacific 13,150; Western Union, 4,270.
FBllndclphla mocks.
Closing quotations of .Philadelphia stocks, fur
nlshed by Whitney ft Bteohenson. broken. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members Hew York stock Ex
change. ' Bid. Asked.
rennrrlTkBWMaUroaa. ,.,.-. HX 63
Heading - M,?"M
Buffalo, Plttsbnrg A Western 8X
Lehigh VaUey ES'
lhfirh Navlff&tlon 51
fljrtntrn Paciflo preierrea..
, 7H
Honey Plenty and In Fair Demand Bad
Wentfaer Con Down J3uilne.
There was no special change reported in the
local money market yesterday. Owing to bad
weather, perhaps, the demand for accommoda
tions was moderate. Bates were steady at 67.
Some railroad and other bonds have been sold
recently on the basis of 5 per cent premiums,
but it Is thought that very little of this business
is going on. Clerical work was fair. Ex
chances were S2,551,37 15 and balances S309,
05830. Jloney on call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 45K per cent, last loan 4,
closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper,
6V7. Sterling exchange quiit but steady at
S4 81J for 60-day biUs and fl SSJfor demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4s,reg 128
U. B. 4s. coiin 123
M.K. AT.Gen.Ss .63
Mutual Union SS....100
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .Ill
Northern Pae. lta..lHX
Northern Pac. Sdi..llJ
Northw't'n consols.H2Jf
Vnrthw'n deben'S..110
U. 8. , reg. 104
U. S. 4s, coop.... 104
racinewor'K lie
Loulslanastampedta 94
Missouri 6s 100
Tenn. new set. 6s. . 1G6
Oregon & Trans. 68.104
St. 1.. &I.M. Gen. Sa 85
St. l..iS. K. Gen.M.111!
Su fanl consols ....125
St. PL Chi & Pclst. lis
Tx. PCK.G.1T.KCM 38S
Tenn. new set. Ss....l01
xenn. new set. as.... vz
Canada So. 2ds S8M
Cen. Pacific, lsts.. ...109
Den. &K.G.,lsts...ll8
Den. &B.G. 4a 77
D.K.G.WtiLlsta. 98
union jrac. .!.... "v?
West Shore 1Mj
Erie, Mt Wji
U-ii. AT. Gen. 68.. 72
Government bonds have been dull and steady.
State bonds have been entirely neglected.
NewTobk Clearings, J117,833,758; balances,
Boston Clearings, $15,450,815; balances, SI,
572,856. Money, 12 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $12,449,735; bal
ances, SL6SS.218.
Baltimore Clearings, 82,487.777; balances,
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day
Is 44,000. Bar silver, 44d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f Giftc for
the account.
Chicago Clearings. JIO.920,000. New York
exchange, 2550c discount. Call loans, 6 per
cent; time, 78 per cent.
ST. Louis Clearings, $3,622,340; balances,
Do Their Level Beat to Hold Dp the OU
The oil market yesterday just about kept its
head out of water. It was quiet and slow as
a man who has a note to pay and don't know
where to borrow the money. The opening was
104; highest, 105; lowest, 104; closing, 104.
It opened a little off from the close of the
previous day, but a buying spurt by Henry
Fisber and others sent it up a little, after which
it sagged, recovered some of the lost ground,
and closed steady at near the highest point of
the day. Local trading amounted to perhaps
60,000 barrels. Other points were quiet.
There was nothing, visible or invisible, on the
surface or unaer it, to indicate a marked
change for either better or worse. The market
lias seldom been so expressionless, or the
brokers so much in doubt as to which way the
cat will jump.
Features of the BInxket.
Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 1C4J4I Lowest UM
Highest 105 IClosed 104
Average charters 29,608
Average shipments t - 65,861
Average runs 5X579
Refined, New York. 7.50c
Kenned, London. eXd.
Refined, Antwerp, l7ir.
Kenned. Liverpool. 6 1-lSd.
Refined, Bremen, 7m.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, $1 041 01;
calls, $1 0o.
Other Oil Mnrlcefa.
Bradford. Jannarv 15. Opened, $1 M
closed at $1 05; highest, $1 05; lowest, $1 04.
Oil City. January 15. Petroleum opened at
$104; highest, $1 0 lowest, $104; closed,
$1 04.
New Tore. January 15. Petroleum opened
steady at $1 04, and after yielding slightly in
first sales became strong and advanced to
SI 04. Tbe close was firm at $1 04. Stocc
Exchange: Opening, $1 04; highest, SI Wa;
lowest, SI 04; closing, II 04. Consolidated
Exchange: Opening, SI 04U: highest, $1 05H:
lowest, $1 04; closing, SI 05. Sales, 213,000
Real Estate Continues to Move at a Brisk
Jamison & Dickie sold for Robert Curry a
four-room house and lot, 25x100 feet, on Jnlms
street. East End, to Lizzie Wymerd for $1,200
cash; also for A. Allen a seven-room house on
Carver street, lot 26x100. to Thomas Steptoe
and James Berry for $2,700.
W. lTIamnett, Wilkinsburg and 404 Smith
field street, Plttsbure. sold to E. EL Weitzell
lots 60 and 61 in the Wilkins estate plan No. 1,
WilkinsDure. for $1,400.
Samuel W. Black & Co., S9 Fourth avenue,
sold No. 30 Townscnd street, city, being lot
24x100 to an alley, having erected thereon a
three-Story brick dwelling of 11 rooms, for $5,400
Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold for
tbeCPeople's Savings Bank to H. Dorfshaf6r
property on Prnn avenue. Nineteenth ward, lot
19x100 feet, for SL900; and for Robert Fey to H.
Wunderlich lot 22x100 feet at Dallas station,
Nineteenth ward, for $700.
Black fc Baud. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
William M. Garland for the Willock- heirs a
vacant lot. located 100 feet east of Hazelwood
avenue and between Gloster and Lytle streets.
Twenty-third ward, city, being 25x79 feet, for
Conleri nnd Rngnr the Only Prominent
Features of the Share Market Bean
Blnlto a Drive Gain
nt the Close.
New York, January 15. The stock market
to-day was dull, narrow and contracted, as
usual of late, but thete was a better distribu
tion of the business done, though tbe Coal
stocks were still most prominent in the regular
list, and Sugar among tho Trusts. The tone of
the market, however, showed a marked im
provement over that of the past few days,being
firm to strong after the first half hour, and the
day's business resulted In marking higher
prices for almost everything on the list of active
stocks. The bears were early on hand this
morning with a demonstration against the gen
eral list, which had the appearance of hammer
ing to cover upon, but the result of the drive
was only fractional losses, and tbe support
given was such that the attack was soon dis
continued. There were signs that the pressure was to be
changed from the coalers to the grangers, and
some selling of St. Paul was done upon a story
that the managers had charged a larger amount
to capital account than they should have done,
and the insinuation was made that if it had not
been for this kind of bookkeeping there would
have bc'U little or nothing for tbe preferred
BtocK. The decline in St. Paul, however, was
measured by the smallest fractions, and the
other grangers were equally well held. Chair
man walker's opinion upon tbe Union Pacific
Northwestern alliance was again made to do
duty against those stocks, but Nortliwestern
scarcely moved at all, and the success in Union
Pacific was on tbe same scale as that in St.
Paul. Bucar was firm from tbe outset, the
traders being prominent as buyers.
After tbe first drive the market settled down
to dullness and firmness, bat late in the day
when covering in tbe Coal stocks became
noticeable, the upward movement all around
became more pronounced and material ad
vances were scored alt over the list. The spe
cialties were all more prominent for strength
tl- ,n usual of late, and Oregon Short Line was
still weak, being tbe only stock to show a mate
rial loss at the close of business. The market
finally closed dull, but strong, and generally at
the best prices of tbe day, though in all but
two cases these were bnt fractionally better
than last evening's figures. Short Line is down
1 per cent, but Sugar rose 2, and Manhattan
Railroad bonds were dull again, the sales of
all issues being only 989,000, while the move
ments in the market were on a smaller scale,
even than during the past few days. The only
feature of the trading was the pronounced
strength in Wisconsin Central incomes, which
rose from 64 to 67, the other changes being gen.
erally for insignificant fractions.
The -Pott says: The disappointment has for
the time being turned the majority of the board
room speculators to tbe bear side, and in the
last few days the outstanding short interest,
especially in the Coal stocks, has been so great
ly increased that a sharp upward reaction is
likely to come at any time, and this is more
likely to happen in Reading than In any other
stock, even if it goes much lower. The nar
rowness of the market is still tbe subject of
unceasing comment on the part of those whose
business it is to make proflU on t of wide fluct
uations, caused by the manufacture of disturb
ing rumors and sudden unexpected and un
favorable developments.
The roiiowmg tame snows tne prices ot active
stocks on the New York Stock Excnange yester
day. Corrected dally for Thi DisrATCH by
WiimiKT & Stephineon, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stocc Excnange. 6 fourth ave
ing Bid.
38 a
66 K
S3 4
Open- High- Low.
ma-; est. est.
Am. Cotton OlITrnst. . 30X Vi XX
Am. Uotton Oil
Atctt., Top.iB.jr 30X 31 K 30
Canadian Pacific 77)4 77H 77)4.
Canada Southern 53!4 MM.. 53
Central of New Jeraey'122 122) 121X
Central faelfiL
Cbesaoeake & Ohio ... 2 26 26M
0.. Bar. & Qnlner. ....100H ZKH 105
C., Mil. A 3C Paul. C8M eSH 68
U. jiu.s St. P.. pr
U.. RockLAP 96 S6H W
C St. P., M. &U 2234 3234 MH
Us Northwestern Hi) 110 110
C.Jt Northwestern, pr.
C, C. C. 1 70K 70)4. TO
c. c. o. a i nr
Col. Coal a Iron 44 45 44
Col. & Hocking Val
Dei.. L. AW.... 155 135 1S
Del. ft Hudson.. 15U 150 149H
Denver & Bio G.. of... SOS SOU boii
E.T.. Va.Ga 9)4 )
fc. T.. Va. A Ga. 1st pf.
K 1.. Va. ftGa. Zd pr. SIX 21) 204f
Illinois central. HO'-i 1IM 1"
Lake Erie A Western.. E5 1734 "X
Lake Erie ft West. nr.
Late Shore AM. S UHX 1044 104)4
LonlsvllleANashvIlle. s'iJi 67X S6M
Michigan central
Mobile A Ohio
Mo.. Kan. ATexa SH W 9i
Missouri Pacific Kii 72V 71
New Stork Central 1. 196 10
N. Y.. L. . ft W 26 26)4 26
N. 1.. O. A St. Li
N. I., CiSUL. or.
N.i.. U. ABt.L.M pf
N, IftN. E 44H 44V 44
n. r o. w wx iK mi
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk Western. pr. 61 !
Nortnern aclnc pret, 73' j
Ohio A Mississippi...- 21)4
Oregon Improvement. .. .
Oregon Transcon 3.3V
PacificMall tin
Peo. Dee. ft Evans 18
Pblladel. A Reading.. 35
Cullman Palace Car... 191 a
Rlchmona ft VY. P. T.. 11
tin 6i4
73V 73 !i
21)4 -'
?,, 33V
18 17
36X 1)M
191, 191
St), 20
ruenmona A w.r.T.DI
St. P.. Minn, ft M.in.,113 113
St-L-fttian Fran
St, L. ft San JTran pr.. 33 33
ht.L. A San IT. 1st pf.. ...
Texas Paclfle 20H 21
Union l'aoinc WH, el
Western Union S3H S3$
Wheeling ft L. E,
Sugar Trust 53S 54.r4
National Lead Trnst.. 1934 20)4
Chicago Gas Trust.... 4514 46
Ex-divldend. -
26 5
By the upsetting of their boats in Donegal
Bay, Ireland, nine fishermen were drowned.
Several earthquake shocki have been feltin
various parts ot Austria. No one reported
James M. Fortner, charged with embezzling
810,000 as Treasurer ot Bidey county, Eas., has
been arrested at Memphis, Tenn.
The business portion of Flora, Miss., with
the exception of one small store, was all de
stroy ed by fire early yesterday morning.
A-tola Bros., foreign bankers, with honses
in Lmdon, Paris and Madrid, have been de
clared bankrupts. Their liabilities are 400,
000. An overheated electric light wire Is be
lieved to be responsible for a fire which dam
aged propertv to the amount of 50,000 at St.
Louis yesterday.
The Iowa Letnslatnre Is still at a deadlock;
as neither Republicans nor Democrats will con
cede a point. No business of any description
is being transacted.
Tbe King of tbe Belgians has received sev
eral communications, purporting to be from
revolutionary societies, warning him not to re
build the palace at Laeken.
The National Convention of Afro-American
Leagues Is in session at Chicago. Thomas For
tune, of New York, has been selected to pre
side over tbe deliberations.
The Chicago Signal Service Bureau gives
.notice of the approach of a cold wave from the
northwest, which, it is said, will reach Chicago
at the latest Friday morning.
Reports received Btate that the eastern
portion of the village of Carmi, 111., is ten feet
under water, driving out 25 families, who are
being cared for by tbe citizens.
An extensive robbery of Turkish priority
bonds and Mexican National Bank shares has
occurred. Tbe securities were stolen while in
transit from Paris to London.
Solomon Richardson, a colored porter, was
arrested on the charge of stealing the box con
taining $11,000 from tbe office of Wells-Fargo
Express Company at Dallas, Tex.
The Mississippi State Senate has passed the
bill requiring a voter either to own $500 worth
of taxable property or to be able to read and
write before he can vote for Mayor.
Ex-President Cleveland has declined to
take part in tho tariff discussion originated by
Gladstone and Blaine. He would be glad to
see Mills, of Texas, take a band, however.
"Bnd" Ouan, a Chicago gambler, has sued
C. C. Qulnton, a prominent cattle dealer of
Kansas City, for the recovery of $20,000 lost by
tbe former to the latter in a game of poker.
A train conveying miners was in collision
with a goods train near Chesterfield, England.
Seventy of tho miners were injured, some of
them quite seriously. The trains were badly
At Fordsvllle. Ky., black measles is raging
here in epidemic form. Mrs. Mitchell and two
children have died, and Mr. Mitchell is in a
critical condition. Over 100 cases are reported
in the neighborhood.
Yesterdav's boqd offerings were as follows:
Coupon 4s, SIW; registered 4s, Sl.725,800 at 126,
8200,000 at 126 ex-lnr., 85,000 at 12M; registered
49. $805,000 at 104. All the offerings at 126
and 104 were accepted.
Benrv Gulnup was yesterday arrested at
Fine. N. V., by Sheriff Metcalf, of Black River
Falls, charged with attempting to wreck a ves
tibuled tram on the Chicago and Northwestern
railroad nearly a year ago.
AtDubuqne, la., executions against half a
dozen saloons were placed in the bands of the
Sheriff, and a vigorous war against the liquor
traffic is being Inaugurated.
The Prussian Diet was opened yesterday.
The Emperor. In his speech openine tbe ses
sion, said it afforded the Emperor-King much
joy td announce that tbe foreign relations of
Germany were good in every quarter.
In notifying tbe Vatican of the recent edict
issued by the Brazilian Government regulating
the relations between Church and State, occa
sion is taken to assure the Pope of Brazil's de
sire to maintain the most friendly relations.
Thousands of boomers are now located in
the mile square at Fort Pierre. Dak,, preparing
to move on tbe Sioux Reservation as soon as
the proclamation Is issued. Tbe rush will equal
that at Oklahoma. Tbe excitement is intense.
At Chillicwback, B. C . George Rutherford
shot and killed Edward Hall and John Segers
and then killed himself. He was in a de
spondent state of mind, owbig to disinjioint
xnent in love affairs, and accused Hall and
Segers of tampering with his food.
The general condition of telegraphic service
thronch the countrv is reported even worse.
Fog and rain prevail in many sections, making
The wires very neavt ana intending wun tne
full working capacity. All messages are re
ceived at offices at New York subject to delay.
Postmaster General Wanamakcr has pre
sented Pro-ldent Harrison with, a seal-lined
overcoat which is said to be worth $500, but tbe
winter weather still refuses to come and it
looks as if the President will not .have an op
portunity to wear tbe Wanamaker garment
this year.
A telegram from the United States Consul
at Parrington, N. S., reports the schooner Ben
Hur wrecked at Blanche Point, N. 8. Nine of
her crew are missing, including Captain Thorn-
burn. The Ben Hnr was a new vessel of 100
tons, engaged in the halibut fishery. It is be
lieved the crew escaped.
There is much suffering at Wickliffe and
Clinton, Ky inconsequence of Sunday even
ing's cyclone. At the former place 27 honses
were destroyed or made uninhabitable, and at
the latter place upward of 60 bouses. Fifty
seven people at Wlckliffe and nearly 100 at
Clinton are m destitute circumstances.
It is said in certain London circles that the
Czar of Russia is insane, owing to the chronic
state of fear in which he lives. His bodily con
dition is said to be weak. He exhibits the
deepest feeling of despondency, and insists that
his death is drawing near. It is known, that he
is trying to alleviate his misery by tho use of
Thomas B. Barry, Grand Secretary of the
Brotherhood of United Labor, lectured at St.
Louis Tuesday night. In the course of his re
marks he charged Powderly with having stolen
$22,000 from the order. The remarks caused a
row, in which Mortimer D. Shaw drew a re
volver and chased Frank Witt, Secretary of
District Assembly No, 17, from the halL
The Pope has issued an encyclical which
Bets forth tbe principles which shall guide
Catholics in their relations toward the State,
which, the encyclical says, they must obey
when such a course docs not entail disobedience
to divine laws. In countries where the State
opposes Catholicism. Catholics must combat
the enemy, but must not tie the church to any
political party.
The flow from the great artesian well at
Woonsocket, Dak., has been brought under
subjection. A lake covering over 40 acres has
been formed in the lower partof the town on
some vacant lots, and a dense fog is constantly
rising from tho warm water. Numbers of barns
and Bldewalks are flooded. Half the pressure
is now turned on, and the water rnns throngb a
6-inch pipe and throws a solid stream 150 feet.
Artesian experts say the well 18 one pf the most
powerful in the world, ' "'
16, 1890.
Weather Adverse to Active Trade in
All Produce Lines.
Long Transit Corn is Coming to Onr Markets
in Bad Shape.
Office of PrrrsBUBG Dispatch, J
Wednesday. January 15, 1890.
Country Produce Jobbing- Prices.
Weather,ls adverse to trade and everything
in produce lines goes slow. Even poultry,
which has been scarce and firm for the past few
weeks, has been coming in freely of late from
tbe West, and has quieted down. Tbe egg
market is exceedingly dull. -Prices are no more
than nominal. Cold storage or pickled eggs
could hardly be given awav at this time. The
failure of old-fashioned winter weather to put
In an appearance has bad a depressing influ
ence on everythlne in produce lines.
' Butteh Creamery, Elgin, 2829c; Ohio do,
2627c; fresh dairy packed, 2223c; country
rolls. 20321c.
Beans Navy band-picxed beans, S2 0002 25;
medium. $1 752 00.
Beeswax 2s30c 18 ft for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, $0 006 0; common,
S3 504 00: crab cider, J8 00S 50 V barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c gillon,
CHESTNUTS 55 00o 50 f) bushel; walnuts,
6070c H bushel.
Cheese Ohio, Ullc; New York, UVc;
Llmbnrger, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, 11
13Kc: Imported Hweitzer, 23a
Eaos 1617c f dozen for strictly fresh.
Fkuits Apple, fancy, $2 503 00 f barrel;
cranberries, $8 509 609 barrel; Malaga grapes,
large barrel, 53 5010 00.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c;NaL
do, 4015c: mixed lots. S035c $) A.
Poultry Live chickens, 6065c a pair;
dressed, WgUe a pound; ducks 75S5c V Pair:
geese, SI 251 30 $ p dr: live turkeys, 1213c fl
ft; dressed turkeys, 1617 fl ft.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, H 20
i 40 p bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts.I4S5
4 60; clover, Alsike, 58 00; clover, white. $9; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 50: blue grass, extra clean,
14 fts, 81 251 30: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, !1 30;
orchard grass, 14 fts, SI 40; red top 14 fts, SI 25;
millet, 60 fts. SI 00; millet, 6070c ft bushel:
Hungarian grass, 50 fts 65c,- lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, $3 00 fl bushel of 14 fts.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4K
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, ti 00
3 60: fancy, S4 00500; Florida oranges. U 00
4 50; bananas, SI 50 firsts. SI 00 good seconds,
bunch; coCoanuts, SI 0001 50 $1 hundred; figs,
SJS9c S ft; dates, 5XiKc fl ft; new layer
figs, 1215Kc; new dates, 7c fl ft; pine
apnles, $4 50 f dozen.
vegetables Potatoes, from store, 6065c;
on track, 5055c; cabbages. S5 007 00 a hun
dred: Dntch cabbage, S13 00 f) hundred: celery,
40c fl dozen; Jersev sweet potatoes, H 00 a bar
rel: turnips, SI 001 25 a barrel; onions, S3 00
3 50 a barrel.
Buckwheat Flour 2ZJc V pound.
Sugar refineries are oversold and jobbers here
find it very difficult to get orders filled In a
reasonable time. Green coffee has advanced
Jc in New York within the past two days.
Packages are firm but unchanged. General
groceries bold on in the same old even tenor of
their way.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice
Bio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Bio,
18Kl9Kc; old Government Java, 272Sc: Mar
acaibo, 23K21Kos Mocha, 28K29Kc; Santos,
2024c; Caracas, 2224c: peaberry. Rio, 23
24c; L- Guayra, 23K'-Mc.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades, 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 3133c;Maracalbo, 272Sc; Santos, 21J
28Kc: peaberry, 2Sc; choice Rio, 25c; prime
Kin, 23Kc: good Kio. 22Kc; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 192Uc; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7CS0c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7Jc;
Ohio. 120, 8Kl; headlight, 1W, SJic; water
white. 10Kc; globe, 1414c; elame, H&c; car
nadine, like: royaliue, 14c; globe red oil, 11
HKc; purity 14c.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 4847o
gallon; summer, 4043c Lard oil, 70c
Syrups Corn syrup, ZS30c; choice sugar
syrup, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly pnme33s35c: new maple syrup. 90c.
N. O. molasses Fancy, new crop, 4850c;
choice, 47c; medium, SS13e: mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 31ic; bi-carb in
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 58c; sal
soda in kees, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles aur, full weight, 9c; stearlne, fl
set. 8Hc: parafflne, 11012c
Rice Head, Carolina, 657c: cboice, 6
6c; prime, 6k6c: Louisiana, 56Jc
Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 56c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don lavers. S2 90; California London layers,
2 75: Muscatels, S2 40: California Muscatels.
S2 25; Valencia. 7c; Ondara Valencia, 8
8c; sultana, 9Kc; currants, 65?c: Turkey
prunes, 4J5c; French prunes. 69c: Salon
ica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts. $1
100. SS 00: almonds, Lan., ft, Jk.: do. Ivica,19c;
do, shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap., 1415c; Sicily
filberts, lzc: Smyrna figs, 1213c: new dates. E
6c: Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron, ft
ft, 1920c: lemon peel, 18c ft; orange peel, 17c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; ap
ple, evaporated, 9c: apricots, California, evap
orated, 14K16c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2C2Sc; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted.l3Hc; cher
ries, unpltted, 506c; raspberries, evaporated,
25k2bc; blackberries, 73c; huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7c: granu
lated. 6c; confectioners A, 6c; BtandardA,
6c; soft white, ogoKc; yellow, choice, 6
6c: yellow, good. 5S5jc: yellow, fair, 6g)
6Jc; yellow, dark, 6c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), J5 50; medi
um, bait bbls (600), S3 25.
SALT-No. 1, ?) bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl, SI 05;
dairy, bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal. $3 bbl, SI 20;
Hlggms' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25: 2ds, SI 6ol 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. Si 001 50; Hid Co.
com. 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked do, 80c; string do. 6065c; mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7US0c:
pineapples, SI 301 40; Bahama do, ti 75;
damspn plums, 8oc; Greengage-, SI 25; egg
plnms. 2 00; California pears, S2 50; do green
gages, SI 85; do ege plums, SI 85: extra whito
cherries, S2 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10; straw
berries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40; toma
toes, 85H)c: salmon, 1 ft, SI 651 90, black
berries, 65c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c;
do green, 2-ft, SI 25I 50; corn beof, 2-ft cans,
$2 05; 14-S cans. S14 00; baked beans, SI 15 1 50;
lobster, 1-ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans
broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestic. lAn, $4 25
4 50; sardines, domestic Ks SS 757 00; sar
dines, imported, s, til owau ou; sardines, im
ported, s, SIS Ou; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 60.
Fisn -Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 838
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. HO: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32: extra No. 1 do, mess, S3S;
No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c fl ft; do medium, George's cod.
tic; do large, 7l: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks. 67Kc Herring
Round shore, S4 50 1 bbl.; split. SO 50; lake,
S2 75 f? 100-ft half bbl. White fish, SS 00 100
ft halt bbl. Lake trout, SS 60 1R half bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland haliont, 13c fl
ft. Pickerel, U bbl., S2 00; Ubbl.. SI 10: Poto
mac herring. So 00 f bbl., 82 o0per bbL
OATMEAL-SS 00SS 2i fl bbL
Grain. Floor and Feed.
There has not been a sale on call this week.
Curbstone sales are fairly active, but it is pre
sumable that they are affected by shading
quotations. Total receipts asbnlletlned, 21 cars.
By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars
of oats, 1 of corn, 2 of rye, 2 ot hay, 2 or flour, 1
of malt. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of corn,
2 of hay. By Plttsbnrg, Cincinnati and St.
Louis, 1 car of millfeed, 1 of oats, 1 of wheat.
By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of hay. Oats
are in short supply and markets are firm.'
Much of the com coming in of late Is in bad
shape, owing to warm, molsty weather. Re
ceipts from the far West are coming to markets
in a demoralized condition, and as a result
prices show drooping tendencies. At the Grain
Exchange to-day the great questions were as to
reporting sales of ungraded grain and the
proper place to hold the World'a Fair. Con
cerning the latter the drift of. opinion was In
tavor of Chicago, but a strong under-current
which did not find expression favored the
American metropolis, namely. New York. The
sentiment of the'Excbange, which took shape
in the form of a resolution concerning sales of
ungraded stuff, was that they should not be re
ported, as tbe effect was hurtful to markets.
Prices below are for carload lots on track,
WHEAT-NewNo. 2red,8586c;No. 3, 828
Corn No. 2 yellow. ear new, 3637c; high
mixed; new. 8435c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, old,
86037c: new, S435c; high mixed, shelled, 35
86c; new high mixed, shelled, S0Q31a
Oats No. 2 white. 27Ke28c; extra, No. 8,
28Uffc: mixed, 24K25c.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania, and Ohio, 6354e;
No. 1 Western, 6152c.
Barley Western, 4o65c; Canada bailey,
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
H 258 0; clear-winter, ti 004 25; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 603 75. Eye flour, S3 50
4 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, J15 OOQ
IS 00 fl ton; brown middlings, 812 0014 00;
winter wheat bran, 811 6012 CO; chop feed,
SI5 50016 00.
HAY-Baled timothy. No. L 811 5012 00:
No. 2 do, S8 0010 00; loose from wagon. 811 00
012 00. according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay,
87 003 00; Backing do, Jfl 6007 00.
Straw Oaw SS 7567 00; wheat and rye
straw. 88 00Q8 25, l
Sngar-cured hams, large, 9c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 9Jc; sugar-cured hams,
small, lojc; sngar-cured breakfast bacon,
8c; sngar-cured shoulders, 5$c; sugar-cured,
boneless shoulders. TJc; sugar-cured California
bams, 6e; sugar-cured dried oeef flats,9c; sugar
cured dried beef sets. 10c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. 12c; bacon shonlaers, 6c; bacon
clear sides, 7c: bacon clear bellies, 7Kc: dry
salt shoulders. 5c; dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy, $11 50; mess pork, familv,
812 00. Lard Refined, in tierces. 5c: half
barrels, 6c: 60-ft tnbs, 6c; 20ft pails, 6c; 50-ft
tin cans. 5c:3-ft tin pails, 6c; 5ft Un pails,
6c:10-fttin pails. 6Kc: 5-6 tin pails, 6c
Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c Fresh
pork links, 9c Boneless hams, lOKc Pigs'
feet, half-barrels, S4 00; quarter barrel, $2 15.
It is very rare that builders are able to get In
as much work In winter as this season. As a
resnlt demand for lumber is unexpectedly
good. Tbe failure of the snow crop in Western
Virginia and Michigan proves a hindrance to
logging, and higher prices the coming season
are not improbable as a result. At present tbe
prices of the past few months still hold good
ancLare as follows:
Clear hoards, per SI -.. tS2 00ssoo
Select common hoards, per M 30 CO
Common boards perM SO 00
Sheathing 18 0O
Pine frame lumber per M 22 0O3Z7 0O
shingles. So. L 18 in. per 31 5 00
Shingles, .No. 2, 13 In. per M 375
Lath :. iOO
Clear boards, per M. I .. 01 00
Surface boards 30 003SOO
Clear, K-inch beaded celling 2S 00
Partition boards, peril 33 00
Flooring. No.l 30 00
Flooring, No.z. 25 00
Yellow pine flooring 30 0040 00
Weather-boarding; moulded. No. 1.... 30 00
Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 25 03
Weather-boarding, -luch 2000
Ash, I to 4 in SW 00(355 00
Black walnut, green, logrun 45 00I&5O0O
ill ek walnut, dry, log run 6O0075 0O
Cherry 40 OOS80 00
Ureen white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 0012:5 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 22 0OB25 0O
Dry white oak boards, lln 20 00325 00
West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 0025 00
West Va. yellow pine, 1 inch 25 00330 00
West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 in IS O0S25 00
HlckoTy, Ito3fn lSOO&SOO
Hemlock building lumber, per M 14 00
Bank rails 14 00
Boat stnddin 14 00
Coal car plank IS 00
Ash S3) 03345 00
Walnut logrun, green 25 00045 00
Walnut log run. dry 35 0rva.MOO
White oak plank, preen 17 00319 00
White oaa plank, dry IS 00325 00
W hite oak boards, dry . 1S0OTS23 0O
West Vs. yellow pine, lln 21 avail 00
West Va. yellow pine, lf In 20 002S 00
Yellow poplar IS 0O&23 00
Hickory, & to 3 In 20 0003 00
Hemlock 9 0Olooo
Bunk rails 14 00
Boat studding. 14 00
Coal car Dlank lam
The Wisconsin State Grange, Patrons of
Husbandry, is boldiug its annual session.
Grand Master Carr, In his annual address, al
luded to the depressed condition of agricultural
interests at tbe present time. Farmers are
compelled, be said, to pay too much interest
and borrow too much money, and I e explained
that farmers are, forced to market their prod
ucts at low figures owlnc to the machinations
of trnsts and cliques. He insists that there
should be more farmers in Congress.
The stockholders of tbe Brownlow Mining
Company, of SL Louis, who, npon the repre
sentation of the President that the mine was
worthless, sold tbeir stock to Denver parties,
have discovered that a vein ot fine smelting ore,
yielding SSOO per carload, was concealed by the
former superintendent until their stock was
disposed of. An investigation will be had, and
suit brought to set aside the transfers of stock.
The Honse Committee on Coinage, Weights
and Measures called upon Secretary Windom
at the Treasury Department and discussed, in
formally, the question ot silver coinaee. The
Secretary informed the committee that he was
preparing a bill on the subject embodying the
features of the plan outlined in his annual re
port, which he expected to have ready for sub
mission to Congress by next Monday.
-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
'-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
'Carter's Little Liver Pills.
'-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
A purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
is now admitted by tbe medical authorities to
be a deficiency or undue waste of Cxidizabls
Phosphorus normally existing in tbe human
economy. Tho reniedv consists in the admin
istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being
at once assimilable and oxidlzable. WINCHES
aration of Phosphorus which combines these
characteristics in the highest degree. For
Consumption, Brcnchlils. Coughs, Night
Sweats, and Nervous Disesses, it is unequaled.
Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug
eists. SI per bottle. Send for circular.
my31-24-TT8Wk 162 William SL. N. Y.
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No in
ternal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema,
itch, erysipelas, all unsightly eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, etc.. leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great beallngand curative
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
your druggist for Swayse's Ointment. se24
JAS. 1. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. 8125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
131 and 123 Fourth av.,
Capital, $250,000.
Acts as Transfer Agent and Registrar for
Corporations. Correspondence solicited.
Bec'y and Treas.
The Boston, fire cost the insurance companies
interested 15,000,000.
Tbe Lynn firs cost the insurance companies
Interested S4,000,000
The total loss to the companies represented at
the J. W. Arrott Agency, in this city, amounted
to tbe sum of, including the "Monongahela
House," five hundred thousand dollars.. 500,000
The total SURPLUS of tbe companies repre
sented at this agoncy amounts to the sum
of S5.W2.098
Tbe total ASSETS of the companies repre
sented at this agency amounts to tbe sum
of. 118,808.505
These companies could have paid the entire
Boston and Lynn, etc., losses on the usual basis
of one hundred cents on tbe dollar and kept
right along without any annoyance whatever.
What and where will tbenext great loss ber
Insurance effected in tbe largest and strong
est Companies doing business, and at tbe lowest
rates consistent with safety. Apply at once to
J. W. Arrott, Insurance Offices,
Wholesale -:- house,
Embroidery and White Goods Department
direct Importation from the best manufacv
turers of St. Gall. In Swiss and Cambric Edg.
lngs, Flouncings, Skirt Widths and Allovers,
Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncings. Buyer
will find tbese goods attractive both in pries
and novelties of design. Full lines of New
Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE
PARTMENT Best makes Window 8hades ia
dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Cur.
tains. Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and
Brass Trimmings; Floor, Table and Stair OU1'
Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest variety from which to select,
TollDuNords, Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersuck.
era. Imperial Suitings. Heather 4 Renfrew
Dress Ginghams, Fine Zephyr Ginghams.
Wholesale Exclusively.
CUltBD by Peck's Pt. ii3
visible Tab
Ear .Cash
Whispers heard distinct
lesf&iL Write or can f 02
Instrated book FREE. Sold onlr by F HISCOX.
833 Brosdw&r. cor. 14th St., New York. Kosgentfc
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL,
Morgan fc Co., New York. Passports procured.
tfK TO 8100 JUDICIOl
in stock options or margins
stock options or margins In Wall St. leads to
STEVENSON 4 CO.. Broken,
no26-TTSn 50 New st. New York, v
Dealer in
Gold, Iron and Copper Stocks,
Michigan Gold Co.'s Stock a specialty.
The richest mines in the world."
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts.
pburg papers prove, is the oldest established.
ana most prominent puysician in tue city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDni lOand mental diseases, physical
1 1 L II V U U O decay, nervous debility. lack ot
energy, ambition and bope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im.
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak'
ness. dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un.
fitting tbe person for business, society and mar.
riage, permanently safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations bf tongue, moutb, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for lite, and blood,
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 Dl M A D V kidney and bladder derange
U ill lintl T J ments, weat back, gravel,
catarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experience
insnres scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free
Patients at a distance ad carefully treated as it
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. M. 8andayj
10 A. H. to 1 p. M. only. BR. WHITTIER, 814
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
Health is Wealth
Db. E. C. West's Nerve awb Beats
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for hysteria,
dizziness, convulsions, fits, nervous neuralgia,
headache, nervous prostration caused by tba
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental
depression, softening of the brain resulting in
Insanity and leading to misery, decay and
death, premature old age. barrenness, loss of
power in either sex, involuntary losses and
spermatorrhoea caused by overexertion or tha
brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each,
box contains one month's treatment. SI a box,
or six boxes for S3, sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by ut
for six boxes, accompanied with 5 00, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to
refund the money if the treatment does not ef
fect a cure. Guarantees issued only bvEmllG.
Stucky, Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701 and2401 Penn
ave. and cor. Wylie ave. and Fulton sL. Plttv
burg, Pa. se27-100-TTSSU
TTTrT A T .TSTSt In fill MArA.
Sailing scientific and con Hde ri
al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
.M. B. C. P. a, is the oldest and
most experienced specialist la
'thprftT. Consul tati mi f res and
BtAtl JrtTlflflOtl'!t flffl
-3J4 - D.1IVUI WM fcmw ! WU
hours 9 to4and7to 8P.M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 r.
X.Consult them personally, or write. Doctobs
Lake. 323 Penn avet, Pittsburg, Pa.
lOic'S Oofctcm. EOOU
mased of Cotton Root. TansT and
Peunvroval a recent discovery by an
'old physician. Is tuccatfitllu used
mnntnlnfnfK. Effectual. Price fL by malL.
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook'a..
Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitute,
or tnoloso 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILT COMPANY, No. 3 Fishes
Block, 131 Woodward aveDetrott, Mich.
J-3old in Pittsburg. Pa by Joseph Fleca
lug & Son, Diamond and Market sts. se28-2l
fiafe tad ilnyi nllmbls. Ladle i
. ux unutfUl nr mamon jrrana.
Ala red. neuiUo tozec, emld vita
Dine noma, tub no ouerv u
fpulslapMteboudbciM with jlnrwisp-
mti Ara ounpni Mmmxcnaia. Dcna
4b. (itunpf ) for pinlculsrf, testtmonlsls
an! Belief far Ladles," t Utttr. by
retnramiall. NmtPafW.
Buffering from the meets ot youthful errors, early
decay, wasamr weakness, lost manhood, etc, I wlu
send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full
particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A
splendid medical work: should be read by every
man who is nervous and debilitated. Address,
Vtot. F. C. FOWIiEK, Moodos,ConH.
RntiDT nxz. A victim
eaosuur Premature Dee
.UW4UWU. UW., U.TU, .t.vn... I.m.'.ij mw-hi..
ay, DM aiscorerea m nmpie means 01 aeji-cure, woica
he will tend (sealed) FREE to his fellow-aufferen.
Address, J. H. BEEVES, P.O. Box S30, Hew York dry.
For men! Check tha worst cases In throf x
uajo, aau cures id uto ustb. rnce 91 uu.
JWV1..1aMI& U4.QUf.KQW
,s ' ;
i. , szlKm2rj
.- jxr jtQ