'srss! -XT grg-g'- prrTSBtTRG-" - DISPATCH, WEBNESDAY, JANTTART IS,1 1890. r ' HE DID HOT EESIGN. Mr. Martin is Going Away and Mr. Bindley Will Act for Him. EXPOSITION PLANS FOE THE YEAE. Bummer Concerts in Digh Faror With Directors and Managers. CLEYELAKD TO EMDLATE PITTSBURG President Marvin, of the Exposition Society, has turned over the affairs of his office to Vice President Bindley, and will leave this evening for a two months' absence from the city. He had intended resigning as head of the society, but was prevailed upon to continue as President. The resig nation was to have been made to the Board of Directors yesterday, but after talking the matter over Mr. Marvin concluded to stick. With the understanding that Mr. Bindley would do the work for the next two months, or longer if necessary, he concluded to con tinue as President He will spend the time in Florida trying to recuperate his strength. His arduous duties for the past year have necessitated his taking a rest. If, possible he will extend bis vacation to three months. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the society was held yesterday for the purpose of reorganizing. The formality of electing the following named officers was then gone through with: President, S. S. Marvin; Vice President, John Bindley; Treasurer, A. F. Keating. The other officers were not elected. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the society was called for this afternoon. The object is to consider details for the Ex position during the coming year. Among them is the matter of popular concerts. It has been almost decided to have several weeks of musi-i during the latter part of June. On July 4 a crand independence and military instrumental concert will be held. Outside of this the whole matter was left to the Executive Committee. Manager Johnston will ascertain the cost of giving the concerts. It was also decided to open the Exposition for the season of 1890 on "Wednesday, September 3, and close it on Saturday, October 18. COMMITTEES APPOINTED. The following committees were appointed yesterday. Executive D. C. "Biplev, Chairman; H. Bnhl, Jr., and Robert Pit cairn. Finance. John Bindley, Chairman; A. F. Keating and "William McCreery. Property A. P. Burchfield, Chairman; H. J. Heinz and "W. B. Lupton. Auditing D. C. Herbst, M. Bosenbau m and TJ. J. Unger. Manager Johnston was directed to get np a prospectus of the Exposition and have it printed as early as possible. After the meeting President Marvin was seen and in regard to his giving the reins to Mr. Bind ley, said: "I wanted Mr. Bindley to be elected president, as I need a rest and must get it I would like to see him president of the so ciety, as he will have considerable wort; to do. I am in such a condition that it is necessary to stop and take a rest I will leave to-morrow evening for Philadelphia to attend a meeting of the Elood Commis sion. Then I will come home and, in com dany with Mrs. Marvin, will leave Fridav evening: for Florida. I will be away six weeks or two months, and have turned the affairs ot the president's office over to Mr. Bindley. He will officiate in my absence. On account of having to do the work X would like to have seen him elected presi dent in my stead. "We decided at the meeting this after noon to make th coming Eipositi n one of the greatest ever held in this country. It will be the effort of our lives. Everything in the way of science, art, inaustry, etc., will be there, and it m ill truly be an expo sition of Pitt&burg product's. At the meet ing of the ExecntI 'e Committee to-morrow the summer concert scheme will be arranged. All the details will be perfected. I cannot now say who we will get, as it may interfere with our arrangements. We have a num of first-class concert people in sight, and if we had the fact printed that we were afie 4h.tH ...A., n...!.. vn.. Lki a. .1. . 4th of July we will hsve something to astonish tne folks ss well as the people." CLEVELAND "WAUTS A SHOW. Manager Johnston, of the Western P i sylvania Exposition Society, returned yes terday morning from Cleveland, O., when on Monday afternoon he met by invitatio i the gentlemen who are booming tne Expo sition now almost certain to be held in the Forest City as a permanent feature. "The Cleveland business men whom I met," said Mr. Johnston, "are enthusiasts upon the Exposition idea. They want one and want it badly. There were nearly 50 of Cleveland's most influential and active merchants and capitalists present at the meeting. They did not ask for my opinion as to whether an exposition would be feasi ble, but asked a multitude of questions as to the essential matters of management of the Pittsburg enterprise. About the first ques tion asked was as to how much would be re quired as a fund upon which to commence operations. "I told them that it would not be safe to start with less than 5400,000 actually in sight, ii they wanted to avoid the myriad harrassments which beset the Pittsburg Ex position Society. Tney seemed to think the amount named could be very easily raised, and went on to cover many smaller matters relating to the enterprise." Mr. Johnston said that he informed them as accurately as possible upon the minor details. As to the plane upon which the Exposition in Cleveland should be run Mr. Johnston said: "I strongly advised the promoters to con sider no plans which were not comprehen sive and promising the highest grade ot re sults. It's a pet theory of mine that one exposition helps another. The first suppo sition would doubtless be that a rival expo sition at Cleveland would menace the suc cess of the Pittsburg affair, but I do not think that the idea will hold water. It has been my experience that if all the large cities of the nation would hold success. ul expositions it would have the eflect of arousing the interest and appreciation ol the people in smaller towns. THE PEOPLE "WHO PAT. "A very large share of the usual exposi tion receipts are drawn from the class of people to whom the exposition is a new idea. It is an educator, and if the exposi tion is creditably maintained and of a high class, one visit leaves a pleasant impression ot time profitably spent, and a series of visits results. "As to the question of rivalry between Pittsburg's big show and the Cleveland en terprise I do not think that there is anv pos sibility of such a thing. Cleveland' is a rich city and its tributary population would be a large class upon which to draw for sup port. So it is with Pittsburg. Her sub urban population within easy reach is an inexhaustible mine of possible receipts. All that is necessary is to pro vide the attraction which will be magnetic enough to draw out the people and they will attend. The fact that Cleveland is to have an exposition should simplv be a stimulus to Pittsburg's business men. "They have come up to the scratch nobly in the early days ot the enterprise, and now is not the time to lay back upon our oars; not that anyone intends so doing. On the contrary, every merchant or business man in this city aeem's and is thoroughly alive to the benefits of the Exposition. The future plans of the directors are of vital importance, as they comprehend large extensions and the pro vision of a magnificent affair. "As to the immediate plans, the estimates of Murphy & Hamilton for the transforma tion of the building into a concert hall are not yetin hand. I expect that at the meet ing of the Executive Committee the estimate will be presented in full and carefully dis cussed. I have prepared an estimate of the musical requirements and their cost, but prefer not to mention it until the details are discussed by the committee. The directors are heartily in favor of the popular concert idea, and will undoubtedly boom the plan alter dne consideration. Should it be de cided to close the negotiations for an orches tra which have already been commenced, I shall leave for New York "Wednesdav even ing, and pnsh matters as much as possible. I think the popular concerts are resting on the keynote of popular approval." NOT MUCH HARM YET. Frnlt Mar Brentbo the Gate of Spring and Bask In Summer Glow Trees Not Iajnrcd Much by the Wnrra Weather. "As the day lengthens cold strengthens," is an adage quite ancient, and it is giving much comfort to a great many people here abouts nowadays. According to the almanac the days began to lengthen some time since to an extent that is appreciable to the observ ant In the hands of those who know how to utilize it, the fruit crop of Allegheny county is the most important one it produces except poultry, and that strange as it may seem, is generally neglected. With the exception of peaches, fruits do about as well in this section as in any other in the same latitude, and tbey cost less labor and care than any other. In fact, next to coupon clipping, no labor pays the farmer better than raising fruit, but some have not caught on yet Just now this winter, unprecedented in the lives of all under 63 years of age, is giv ing fruit growers much uneasiness lest the bnds develop to an extent that they will be hopelessly killed, but hope is expressed by them that all except the earliest varieties may yet be safe.and as the weather begins to show" faint signs of winterishness they cling to the hope that sap may not have begun to run to an extent to cause trouble. Reports as to the forwardness ot bloom varv greatly, some stating that they have seen peach trees in bloom, while others say the bloom exists only in imagination, and challenge pro duction ot an authenticated case where the flower has been produced, except, possibly, under undulv stimulating influences. Some inquirv was made on the subject yesterday. K. Q. Bigham opines that if some buds are so lorward as to be destroyed, there are other eyes that are not developed, and these may produce a crop. He holds that all the eyes on the stem of a fruit tree are not pro lific in the same year, that some come to maturity one year, and others the next and that the delayed buds or eyes may develop in a season like the present and a light crop be produced, though the normal eyes be killed. Given these premises, Judge Etring was asked jvhat he thought of the prospect for a fruit crop in this section, and he said he did not think all fruit was killed, though early varieties might be. As to the "aftermath," the term may as well be applied to fruit as to grass, His Honor thought it would not amount to much. He had seen a small crop of grapes once alter the regular bloom had been killed by irost, but he said it was a poor one. W. D. Moore, Esq., said he did not think any great damage had been done yet Mr. Moore is regarded as specially qualified to talk on subjects of this kind. Inquiry was made at the store of John & B, A. Murdoch, and a gentleman stated that so far no damage of consequence had been done. "But" said the inquirer, "some people say tbey have seen peach trees in bloom." ''Have vou seen them?" was the Yankee like answer. The inqti'rer replied that he had not ".Neither havs I, nor anyone els, except under exceptional circumstances," said the florist. "No, there has been no harm done yeT." As GOOD AS GOLD. Tito Hundred Lois Near Denver. Col,, Free. Desiring to attract universal attention, we have adopted this novel and expensive method of placing our property before the people. The lots we are giving away are in Plainfield, a new suburban addition on the Fort Worth and Denver Bailroad, only a few minutes' ride from the Union depot at Denver, CoL These lots are 25x125 feet, wide streets, and nice park reserved- We keep every other . lot for the present, and will not sell. Every lot that is given away will be worth $100 in les than 16 mouths. We give only one lot to each persoi, and require no contract to improve. If yo?. desire one of these lots send us your lull name and address, with 4 cents for postage, and we will mail you deed atone;. Address Plai A aid Addition Com pvny. Castle Bock, Col. More Bargains at S. Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth At-. For those who failed to buy a piano during the holidays we have yet' some excellent bargains among our large stock. We have three pianos at $200, four at 225, three at $220, three at $275. At these prices we give in a fine outfit of stool, scarf and book. These are very low prices for the quality of the goods, but we want to sell them before we take stock February 1, and therefore make you these great inducements. Re member these are bright new instruments received since Christmas. We also have a very large stock of organs Estey, Story & Ciark, and others. Think of it, a fine Estey organ, with all the new automatic improvements, for $60, stool and book in. We have also a very large stock of first class small goods. Look in at our show window and see the prices marked on the articles, from 5c up. We are bound to sell to you if you want anything in the musical line. " " S. Hamilton, 91 and 93 Fifth ave. Newly Dtarrled Couples! Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soap can be used for. Benders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to wear. Full pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Bnngolns for IheJUea Nickvear. 75 dozen silk scarfs, great value, 25c and GOc tecks, puffs and four-in-hands. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. THE PEOPLE'S (STORE, Fifth Avenue Black FailleFrancaise silks, elegantqual ities, reduced to 95 cents and $1 20. Don't tail to see these. CAMPBELL & DICK. Auction bale Jnpnnese Goods. Balance of annual holiday display. Large selection. Goods delivered. No. 10 Sixth street uear Suspension bridge. WM. Haslage & Sow. Take no chances with health. Insist upon having the purest drinks. D. Lutz & Sons' ale, porter and beer are made of the choicest materials. Office and brewery cor. Chestnut street and Spring Garden ave., Allegheny. 1TWP Peabson is truly the leading photogra pher ot the two cities judging of the amount of people that visit his galleries daily. His cabinet photos are the best made in this part of the country is the reason of his success. A bio tray, center stores, of bargain trim mines at 25c and 50c, reduced from $1 50 to $2 5025 and 50c. Jos. HORNE & Co.'s Penu Avenue Stores. The old established firm of Z. Wajn wright & Co. are maintaining their high po sition in public favor as brewers of the best and purest ale and porter. All best dealers keep them. ' vrsti The Iron City Brewing Co. (formerly P. & V.), are experiencing a constant increase in the demand for their ale and porter. Kept by all dealers. Highest prices paid for ladies' or genU" cast-off clothing at De Haan'i Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by maiL tvbu THEIR SWORN REPLY. Discharged Gripmen Take .Exception to Col. Elkins' Statement. THEY COME BACK IN STRONG TERMS Claiming the Colonel is Opposed to Hiring: Organized Labor, OUTGROWTH OP THE TKACTI0N STRIKE District Master Workman Boss replies to the statements made by Colonel Elkins about the traction road strike. The dis charged men also have made affidavits, which explain themselves. The statement and affidavits follow: To the 1'nblic: I have noticed in Monday morning's paper President Elkins' explanation of the present unpleasantness on the Pittsburg Traction Road, and am somewhat surprised at his state ments. He states that because of these men whom he dicharged attending meetings ot the labor organization they did not appear for work at the proper time in the moraines. Now, the fact is, these meetings were only held every two weeks, and the attendance at a meeting every two weeks cannot be the cause for a man's being late to work every morning. As to the amount he pays his men X know but very little, but know positively it had nothing to do with the present difficulty. For that matter, however, be pays less for the hours than the Citizens' Traction Company. Ho works his men 12 and 18 hours; the other road only 11 hours. He speaks of thesenien dictating how ho shall run his road. No questions bad ever been raised between the men and the management as to the running ot the rnad or anything else. Now, as to the main question, Mr. Elkins states he never asked wben ho employed a man whether he belonged to a labor organizat on. The exact contrary to this is true. Mr. Klklns never em ployed a man without asking that qnestion, and when be was in formed that the party did belong to an organization he was very promptly informed that Colonel Elkins had no use for him. Mr. Elkins and Mr. Davis, Superintend ent, informed every man discharged that it was because he was a member of tne Knights of Labor. The following affidavits entirely re fute every statemeut made by President Elkins. The gentleman states he has hereto fore said nothiug publicly in regard to this affair. This is true. It took him some time to fix up his story. I. N. Ross, District Master Workman. Pittsbubg, January 14. WHAT JONES SAYS. The following are the affidavits: Valentine Jones savs: On Sunday. December 29, 1839. Mr. Davis, the Superintendent, got on my car and asked me if I belonged to the K. of L. lsald, no, sir, 1 did belong, but am suspended: he then said: Well, don't yon loin and we will take care of yon. and he cot otf the car. On Monday morning Mr. Cavanaugb, boss grlpman, got on my car and said: Joues. what's the reason yon didn't Join Die K. of L ? 1 said Just because I couldn't. He said we will run this road non union, it always bas been and always will be, Mr. Elkins' orders are to run 1$ oars, and If we can't run 15 run lu, and If need be run one car, and if vou cannot run one car. without a union man being on It. then put them all In the stnble and let them stand. V. U. Jonks. 1). L. Moon makes the following statement: I was not discharged, but came out In defense of those who were discharged. But as to the state ment made by Colonel blklns. In relation to not having any objections to meu because tbey belong to a labor organization, is simply ridiculous. Mr. Elkins asked me wben I was hired, after my recommendation was accepted, whether 1 be longed to a labor organization or not. 1 replied, no, sir. He siid, you can't work here if you do. D. L. .NOON. D. S. Beck said that Superintendent Davis to'd him he would have to give up tbe organization or leave the employ of the company. D. S. Beck. Thomas Cllsham I was on; of th; first men that handled tbe grip on the .Fifth avenue line, was hired In .Philadelphia in tbe malnofflce on Walnut street below Vlftfi. was asked bv 1". A. Ii. Weldner whether I belonged jo tbe Knights of Labor, to which 1 replied 1 did not. Then I was informed If 1 did I would not be hired and sent to Pittsburg. On Saturday, December 28, I reported sick, and in tbe afternoon about 5 o'clock 1 went to tbe office ana reported for Sunday. I was in formed everything was all right, to ro to work Sunday morning. On Sunday when I reported Superintendent Davis informed me that hecsuld run the road without me. Yon fellows think by forming an organization you can run this road, and I'm going to show you that you can't. Ha said he was not opposed to the organization, but tbe Colonel (?) meaning Klklns, was, and he was sorry that 1 bad anything to do with this organi zation. I made application for a recommendation and received tbe following! A GOOD RECOMMENDATION. oakland ofticx. ) Pittsbubg TeactiokCo. January 2, 1893. J Tbe hearer, Thos. Cllsham, has been In our em ploy for the past 16 months as grlnman. While with us was a sober. Industrious and steady man. . V. Davis, Superintendent. T. Clisuam. Harry Steward states that he went to the dis patcher's office, at the power house, on the Pitts burg Traction road on Sunday, tbe 29th day of December, 1889, and I was about three hoars late. I said to McDowell I guess I can get off to-day, as I have missed. He says, yes. I guess you can. Mr. Davis wants to see yon. Mr. Davis came In and said, I'm very sorry. Steward, but we will have to dispense with your services. We hare a combina tion here and it works to suit us and we don't like to break It op. I remarked that I was sorry to lose my position. He said he was sorry, too, but 4r you fellows had come to me the night after you Joined tb.s organization and told me about it I would have fixed It all right, I tald to him that 1 was not sorry for connecting myself with this or ganization, and be said In a very z ruff way, "You ain't, "and I said, no, slr.and I left the office. Harry A. steward. 'C W. Itemler cays on Sunday, December 29, 1839. I took car No. 18 from Oakland to relieve the regular man for dinner, and on my return tie dispatcher called me Into the power house and told me Superintendent Davis wanted to ses me. 1 went into the office and Davis sild, "I've been informed tbat you belong to the Knlgbts or Labor. " I saH, well, there Is no use lying about It, 1 have Join -A the Knights. Mr. Davis then said, well iteraley, I'm very sorry, we've tried to keep you out of this, and if vou want to stay here J'ou w ill haTe to pull out of this organization or eave the employ of the company. I then walked out orthe office. A few days later Imade application for a recom mendation and received the tollowlng: OAKLAND OFFICK. PITTSBUBG TRACTION CO., ) PITTSBURG, Pa., Januarys, 1690. J The bearer, "Charles Bernlev, worked for tbls company as grlpmau for the past 14 months; he Is a sober, stead v and Industrious man. He was aiscuargeu during tne recent striice. U. w. Davii-, Superintendent. Charley V. Kemley. Pittsbubg, January 14, 1230. City op Pittsburg, ... cousty of allegheny, $" Personally appeared before me, an Alderman In and for the city of Pittsburg, county of Alle gheny, and state or Pennsylvania, V. v . Kemley, Valentine Jones, D L. loon, Harry Steward, Thomas Cllsham aud David S. Beck, whs, being duly sworn according to law, do depose and say that tbe facts set forth In the foregoing affidavits are true and correct to the best or their knowl edge and belief. Sworn an i subscribed to before me this 14th day of January, A. D. 1S9J. JOHN Gbifp, Alderman. It is a pleasure to the proprietors of the Sturtevant House, Broadway add Twenty ninth st, N. Y to receive a travel-worn guest as he arrives from the North, South, East or West and to give him ever; needed attention. GREATEST REDUCTION IN FURS, At The People's Store. Sable capes reduced from $10 to $30. Sable capes reduced from $37 to $25. Sable capes reduced from $50 to $38. Lynx, lox and other fine turs, formerly $28 and $30, marked down to $20 a set. Beal sable sets, collar and muff, reduced from $60 to $15, and from $40 to $30. Mink sets lrom $36 to $25; from $25 to $19, and the $16 kind reduced tq $13. Special bargains in monkey muffs, $2 90 and $3 90. Hare muffs 25c, 49c and 68 cents. Campbell & Dick. A 50 Per Cent Mark, Down In Corsets. A complete line of French woven corsets, drab and white, reduced from $1 to 50e. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Ayenue Stores. TAKE the babies to Pearson, the leading photographer, for their cabinet photos. He is the best in tbe two cities. Galleries 96 Fifth ave, aud 43 Federal st. Allegheny. A SO Pr Cent BIarbDovrn In Corsets. A complete line of French woven corsets, drab and white, reduced from $1 to 50c, Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Store. The Iron City Brewing Co. (formerly F. & Y.), are experiencing a constant increase in the demand for their ale and porter. Kept by all dealers. MODisplay advertisements one dollar per square Jar one tnterthm. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, 3b Let, eta, ten cents per line for each inser tion. and hone taken for less than fifty xnts. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRA.NCH OFFICES. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET, WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAIiSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH 8ATURDAY. BBANCH OFFICES AME ALSO ESTAB LISHED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, WHERE WANT, FOB BALE. TO LET. AND OTHEK TRANSIENT ADVEKTISEMENTS WILL BE HECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOB IN SERTION NEXT MORNING: Advertlsementsarc to be prepatd except where advertisers already have accounts withTHiDls f ATCU. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKET. 21th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCK.EY ACO., Wylie ave. and Fultoait. N. &TOJUCLY. Fifth Avenue Market House. ZAST END. i. W. WALLACE, eiziPenn avenue. OAKXtAKD, MCALLISTER SHEUJLER,Sthav. AtwOOdlU SOUTRSIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. I Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ' ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 69 Federal street. H. J. McBKIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FREDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. 3. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. T LOCKER. Stationer. No. Grant ave. WANTED. SUnle HclD. "TITANTED-A GOOD WAGON BLACKSMITH V V at 388 OHIO STREET, Allegheny, Pa. J&1S-89 WANTED WATCHMAKER IMMEDIATE LY. 22 JACKSON BUILDING, 26 Sixth SL Jal5-25 WANTED-A BOY TO LEARN THE BARBER trade, iz NORTH DIAMOND ST., Alle gheny. Jal5-ll WANTED-F1RST-CLASS BARBER: WAGES 6 per week. M. F. RAYBURN, Home stead, Pa. jal5-9S WANTED IMMEDIATELY 2 GOOD butchers at JOS. L. EBNER'S, Main St., Braddock. Jal5-97 WANTED-FIKST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER and typewriter. Address KELLER. Dis patch office. Jil-3 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to sell real estate. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. Jal5-05 WANTED -A FIRST-CLASS CANVASSER for the Century Dictionary. H. WATTS & CO., 431 Wood street. Ja9-82-MWThF WANTEH AN EXPERIENCED! FITTER for our cloak department. DANZIGER 3s CO., Sixth st. and Penn ave. Jal5-35 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CAN VASSKR for real estate for sale. V. II. LOVE, No. S3 F.ourth avenue. JalS-93 WANTED IMMEDIATELY RIVETERS and caulkers for steadv employment at BEEVES BEOS'. BOILER WORKS, Niles, O. J&I2-73 ANTED-COACH TRIMMER FOR HEAVY work, coaches, landans. etc.; stendy work to rUbt man. MEETS & RIDDLE, Coach Bulld rs, Ravenna, O. JalS-29 WANTED-BOY 14 TO 1 YEARS OLD TO run errands and make himself generally useful about the store; must be quick and bripht. E. GROETZ1NGER. JH-52 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN IN GROCERY store: must be willing to work: one who has some experience preferred. Address GRO CER, Dispatch office. JalS-lt WANTED BILL CLERK: YOUNG MAN preferred: must write a Dlaln hand and have some experience In office work. Address MOR TON, Dispatch office. alS-38 WANTED-GOOD GROCERY CLEBK FOR short while; mast be able to handle line city trads. AddreBS. stating reference. Immediately. GROCER ALLEGHENY, Dlspatcb office. Jal5-31 WANTED DETECTIVES IN EVERY LO CALITY to act as private detective under our Instructions: particulars free. CENTRAL DETECTIVE BUREAU. Box 195, Topeka, Kan. jal2-50 -TXJANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO YV sell on commission a full line of Infant turns and child's McKay sewed shoes. Address, with reference, FOLMER & CO., Orwlcsburg. Pa. de2S-40-D WANTED-A CHANCE TO MAKEMONEYt Salary and expenses paid, or commission if preferred; salesmen wanted everywhere: no experience needed. Address, statlnjr age. H W. FOSTER & CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y de25-5-WS WANTED-F1RST-CLAS3 HAMMERSMAN. familiar with all kinds of straight and shape work; also competent steel roller on nine-inch mill: steady work and best wages guaranteed. bPAULDING, JENNINGS & CO., Jersey City, N.J. Jal4-' WANTED-S0 GOOD MINERS TO OPEN OF new coal mines for tbe Cboctaw Coal and Kallwav Company, McAleste'-. Indian Territory; wagMfZoO per day and 4 2-3 cents per bushel; vein 3 ft. 6 In. thick. Address EDWIN LUDLOW, Superintendent of Mines. jal3-23 WANTE-'J-SALESMEN AT S75 PER MONTH ralarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated wars, watches, etc. ; by sample only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-ALL BRICKLAYERS AND CON TRACTORS to know that the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL -BENEFIT AS SOCIATION, at 93 Fourth ave.. near Wood, Is the authorized Central Labor Exchange for the B. and M. L U. ; no charge to employers or mem bers. OC11-8U-WFSU WANTED AGENTS EVERYWHERE TO sell "Stanley's Ihrilllng Adventures in Africa;" onlv reliable edition; published In few da)s: greatest seller of the year; agents wishing to make money rapidly should apply at once for territory. P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond street, P. O. box 684. Jal5-W WANTED-SALESMEN ATVONCE-A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers in our line In the world: liberal balary paid; permanent position: monev advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For full 'terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO.. Chicago, HI., or Cincinnati, O. no9-77-WTSn WANTED - A MAN OF EXCEPTIONAL ability and push to take charge of a work In Washington co. and one in Ohio, which will yield from 51.800 to t,000per year; salary of 190 per month guaranteed to the right man; must be of excellent address, full of business and have tiuu io invent: oniv tnoroucniv competent men need apply. Give age and occupation, and ad- aress ituuM la, Eisner Duuaing. Ja!5-13 Female Help. WANTED LADl" AGENTS TO COIN money: wonderlul new rubber nndergar ment: sells Itself; proof free. Address LITTLE & CO., 21S Clark St., Chicago, 111. JalO-M WANTED TWO WELL EDUCATED ladles of excellent address, age 22 to 33 years for light and pleasant work: teacher pre ferred: salary SiO to $12 per week; give age and referi-nce. Address ROOM 45, Eisner building. JaIS-13 VTrANTED-NEAT RELIABLE WOMAN FOR TV general housework in family or four; must keep lower part or house clean and In order with out help or direction, and must be good washer and lroner; satisfactory reference required. 277 WESTERN AVENUE, near Grant, Allegheny. Ial5-4-wr Male and Female flelu. -TIT-ANTED A LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO VV solicit in towns between Pittsburg and Wheeling: salary or commission; permanent posi tion. Call at or address. No. S SIXTH AVE. Ja5-wsu WANTED AGENTS-LADIES OR GENTLE MEN, for the security overshoe fastener; light, profitable and pleasant work; send stamp for particulars. W. J. BRYAN, Tltusvllle, Pa. Jall-2 WANTED-AT ONCE, 4 MEN FOR HOTEL work, 2 assistant waiters, pantry man, farm hands, hotel chambermaids, second cook, dishwashers, cooks, cnambermaids. houseglrls, nurse girl. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant St. Jal5-D Partners. WANTED-PARTNER-A MAN UNDER 30 years of age can get a chance to enter the plumbfng business with 15,000. providing he is a sufficiently good accountant. Address BUSI NESS. Dispatch office. Jall-66 WANTED-PARTNER WHO CAN INVEST 110.000, with or without services, in bench and light floor manufacturing with a man or 40 years' experience, having several new inventions which alone will pay a handsome revenue on in vestment. Address LEGl'lIMAlE, Dispatch office Jal5-3S Situations. -TTTANTED-SITUATION BY A GIRL-GEN-W ERALhouseworkpreferred. Address BOX 45, Midway, Washington Co., Pa. Jal5-90 -rrTANTED-POSITlON BY A YOUNG MAN W in some Christian family; will work for board and lodging. Address A. B., Dispatch office JaI5-39 WANTED-POS1TION-AN INTELLIGENT man: good accountant and speaking En glish and German desires a position at salesman or shipping clerk; best references. Address B. A. X., Dispatch office. taU-91 Boarding. -TTT-ANTED-BOAED IN A PRIVATE FAMILX Jl. 2 young gentleman; write for particulars. X x. Z.i Dispatch office. 1H5-13 WANTED. Horses. Vehicle. Live Stock, dee. WANTED-TO HIRE FOB TWO WEEKS, A one-horse covered wagon for delivery. In quire at A. EDLIS & CO.'S, 502 Liberty st. jal5-19 Financial. w ANTED-SMALL MORTGAGES I. J.WIL- son, 149 Fourth ave, noa-zi WANTED REAL ESTATE IN ALL PABrs of tbe cities; lor rent or for sale. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. Jal5-89-MWB WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over $1,000; 4f per cent: no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., KFourth avenue. m,h2-a2Z-D WANTED- IMMEDIATELY BIOKIGAGES onjjlty property from M,rootooo,000; rate 4H to 6 per cent. I. M. PENNOCK & SOM. 105 Fourth ave. Ja9-70-EOD -rjrjANTED-MORTGAGiaJ-fl.OOO.OOOTOLOAN IT in large and small amounts at . a anas per cent, free of State tax: no delay. . ULsCtU U. tuiijufitu., ui f ourca arc KLjZl-tO w ANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT GAGES In amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at i)( to S per cent, as to security: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. de8-i4-MTwrr TT ANTED TO LOAN S500.000. IS AMOUNTS VV of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J4 percent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAUtD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D "TT7-ANTED MORTGAGES tl, COO, C00TO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand Spcrcent. and on I arms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK SON, 105 Fourth avenue. p7-fU "TJANTED-TO nOAN taw.000 ON MORT VV GAGES: tlOO and upward at 8 per cent; V T UAtoJa: 1UU ana upwara as d per cent; WO, 000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business property; also in adlolnlng counties. 8. H, PREN CD. 115 Fourth avenue. OC2I-4-D CiU, P.roj VI "ITJANTED-MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE VV In large or small amonnts; money ready when title is, all right) no stelav: reasonable charges. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. Jal-71-ws WANTED-REAL ESTATE OF ALL KINDS to sell; reasonablecharges: property adver tised free of charge; no sale, no charges: have plenty ol purchasers. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler, office open evenings. Telephone 5514. Jal-7l-ws Bllcellnneonn. WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT tbey can get the latest novelties In signs at PASTORIUS & JACOBS', 411 bmithfield st. de25-uwr WANTED-FUPILS-MlbS EVA F. BRAN NOCK, teacher of piano, organ, violin, guitar and voice building; terms reasonable. Ill Center ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. JaI4-34-wsu WANTED WILL GIVE FREE BITE AND free gas to manufactories at Jeannette, on main line of Pennsylvania Railroad. Address EAST JEANNETTE LAND CO.,Greensburg, Pa. JaS-19 T WANTED ALL APPLICANTS FOR liquor license to baVe their bonds properly executed before THOS. MCCAFFREY. Notary Public, 3509 Butler st. Telephone S514. Office open evenings. deI8-4-w TJTANTED-UNTIL APRIL 1-F1NE CABIN -VV El's: tl per doi., of young and old. at aU- FRECHT'S "ELITE" GALLERY. SIS Market street. Piitsburg. Come soon for sittings and avoid the rush. Ja5-54-WThStt WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading 'photographer, of 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., All'y., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for S3; all fine work. mb.13-63 FOR SALE I3IPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. FOR BALE-PRICE SS.400 SMALLMAN ST.. near Twenty-ninth st,, 3 brick houses with lot 24x100 that rent for SS84 per year. BALTEN SPEKGERA WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. Jal5-7-WThs FOR SALE-GRANT ST.. NEAR CATHE DRAL. 79 feet on Grant st. bv 117 ft. to an alley, with 4 3-story brick buildings: Investors please note location. J. C. REILLY, 77 Dia mond St. Jal3-H OR SALE-MARION ST., BRICK HOUSE? 9 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range, hot and cold water, both gases; house In excellent repair and a bargain" COOPER PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. Jal4-74 FORSALE-I3.200-RENTALS S120 PER YEAR, substantial property In Lawrencevllle, S and S-room dwellings: good lot: fronting paved street and alley: property In prime order. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 311 Wood St. Jal5-23 FOR SALE-MADISON AVE., NEAUTHIRTY THIRD street. Jnst at the terminus of the Wylie ave. cable line, a 2-story frame dwelling of 6 rooms and attic newly papered, etc. : lot 48x100. BLACK &BAIRD, 9S Fourth ave. 2E-8G. Jal5-32 FOR BALE-3 NEW DWELLINGS ON S. 8. that will pay 10 percent, and by building on rear of lot (whichls 50x140) will pay t5 per cent; call at once, as It must be sold. BALTENSPEtt GER A WILLIAMS, 151 Fourth ave. Jal5-7-wrhS FOR SALE 11,600 MIDDLE STREET 2 squares from new cable road. Thirteenth ward, a 2-story irame of 5 rooms and attic: newly ?apered; front yard: small cash payment, balance o suit. BLACK & BA1BD, BS Fourth ave. 2Z-35. jal5-32 FOBSALE-J6,000POR THAT WINEBIDDLE ave.Mwelllng. near Liberty st.. containing 8 large rooms, bathroom, w. c. furnace, natural gas, laundry, etc., all conveniences, front and rear porches; lot 50x195. BLACK BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. 4A-102. Jal5-33 F iOR SALE-110,500 ON TAYLOR ST.. SES TF.F.NTH ward, at terms to suit: Ict45fc,xl37 feet, corner property. 5 almost new brick dwell ings in flrst-class repair, now renting for SI. 008 per annum; will net over 8 per cent. THOS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler St. del4-14-WSSU FOR 3ALE-I16,000-ON FORTY-FIFTH Sr.. above Butler; lot 60x108; 8 brick dwellings In flrst-class repair, nat. gas. sewered, street and alley paved: rent for 11.53s ner vear; No. 1 invest ment; real estate Is best security for your spare cash. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St. de28-42-ws FOR SALE-COLWELL STREET, NEAR MIL LER, a 2-story pressed brick dwelling of 6 rooms and finished attic, hall, bathroom, w. c, slate mantels, both gases, china closets, flne pan try, front porch; lot 22 In front. 47 In rear. SSdeep: terms easy. BLACK A BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. 2E-84 jal5-33 East End Residences. FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN AN ELEGANT location on Hiland ave.: corner property; house of 10 rooms: everymodern convenience. CHARLES SOMERS CO., ZU Wood St. jal5-23 FOR SALK-FOR 13.000. IN THE MIDST OF East Liberty, on Howe St., new house of S rooms: lot 2ixlM ft. Full Information from W. A. HERRON SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. Ja2-54-WS FOR SALE-?2,600 A GOOD BRICK HOUSE detached, & large rooms, hall, side entrance, vard, nice street, paved, shaded, convenient to cable. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood St. Jal5-23 FOR SALE-I5.200-ON HOWE ST., SHADY SIDE. 2 squares from Fifth ave. cable line, a good house. 7 rooms, location good. Full in formation from W. A. HEREON &SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. Ja2-60-W8 XTHIRSALE-HSOO-TERMS TO SUIT. FOR A JO Mevran ave., Oakland, dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, bathroom, w. c, hard wood staircase, slid ing doors, china closets, front and back porches, nice lot. BLACK BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-90 Jal5-33 1710R SALE-SPECIAL BARGAIN, ON SOUTH ' Hiland ave., a modern brick house of 8 rooms, all conveniences: cost owner (8,500: will sell for (7,500; small pavment down, balance on long time. D. P. THOMAS CO., No. 408 Grant St. Ja3-2-MWT OR BALE-A GREAT BARGAIN-ONLY $3,750: (500 cash, remainder (3 per mo.: a neat new house of 6 rooms, attic; late Improvements: lot 30x153 feet; only 3 minutes from Shadvslde station, see W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 i ourth avenue. Ja8-41-ws FOR SALE-HERHON AVE., 2 MINUTES from Wylie ave. cable line, house of 8 large rooms, large porch, hall in center of house: this Is a splendid Investment and will enhance rapid ly: the location Is tbe best In the city: large lot, eoxlM: price low to quick buyer. COOPER PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. lal4-74 FORSALE-S5.C00-FOR10-ROOM DWELLING within 5 minutes walk of Roup station and Fifth ave cable road; hall, front and rear stair case, bath, w. c, h. and c water, natural gas, slate mantels, rooms finished In oak and cherry, front and back porch; lot 33X140. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. 3A-122 Jal5-34 FOR SALE-A NICE NEW QUEEN ANNE house and corner lot 50x120 feet, near Shady side and Ben Venue. 7 rooms, 2 finished attic rooms, reception hall, bath, w. c, porch front and rear, good sewerage; everything in prime order: a bargain to a nrompt purchaser: Im mediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO . 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal4-50 FOR SALE-PRICES LOW, TERMS EASY rrom (6,300 onward, elegant new houses, wcll built, latest style, 9 and II rooms, latest Improve ments, handsomely finished, complete to gas lighting bv clcctrl'lty, street and sewer Improve ments made, location very desirable, on Forbes st. and Col tart square. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja2-54-ws FOR SALE-SHADYSIDE-WITH1N 3 MIN UTES' walk of the station, a new Queen Anne frame of 8 rooms, slate mantels, both gases, bath, hot and c. water, electric light, porch with balcony: in fact one of tbe most complete dwell ings In the East End. with beautiful grounds: Brlce low: H cash: bal. to suit. BLACK & A1BD, 95 Fourth ave. 4A. ia9-7 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-ONLY H5M-K1RKPATBICK ave., Allegheny, neat briik dwelling, 7 rooms, ball, marble vestibule, finished attics, bath, w. c, range, marble mantels, inside shut ters, electric bells, both gases: lot 22x135. COOP ER PETTY. 107 Fourth ave. ja!4-74 FOR SALE-MONTEREY ST.-AT A BAR GAIN, brick dwelling 8 rooms, wide hall, vestibule, bath, w. c, range, h. and c. water, front and back stairs, gases, china closet and. closets laall the rooms; all In excellent repair; lot 20x110 to Morgan St. COOPER 4 PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. JaH-71 TRWR SALE-SOUTH AVE., AT A SACRIFICE, 1? fine 2-story brick house, 8 rooms, wide ball, front and back stairs, china-closet, marble man tels, bath, w. c gases, rooms large and ceilings high: a substantially built house and well fin ished; lot 30x127; must be sold soon: call early and secure this great bargain. COOPER & PETTY, 107 Fourth ave. Jsll-74 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. FOR BALE-ON NORTH AVE... BEAUTIFUL park view: house 8 rooms: all modern Im provements. For particular: call on A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal st., Allegheny. Jal5-87 -T7OR SALE-(8.000 CHOICE CORNER PROP X1 ERTY, Race street, Allegheny; brick resi dence. 7 rooms: all modern conveniences. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. Jal5--J3 FOR SALE-(3,600-SECOND WARD. ALLLE GHEN Y, S-room brick house, ball, nat. gas, etc: cor. property: car line passes door. BAL TENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. JalS-S-wr 1710R SALE-FRANKLIN ST., ALLEGHENY, 9-room brick house, hall, bithroora. both gases, range, etc. ; lot 24x130: at a bargain. BAL TENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. jal5-8-wr FOR BALE-(3).C00 NORTH AVE. RESI DENCE of 12 rooms: beautiful sltnatlonipne of the lew flne properties on this street in the market. CHARLES bOMERS & CO., Wood st. Jal5-23 FOR SALE I NEW BRICK HOUSES. SIX rooms each, on Sweeny st.. near to Sedge wlck st.. Sixth ward. Allegheny: pice S.1.30O each. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Alle gheny. Jal3-4 FOR SALE MUST BE SOLD IO CLOSE AN estate: Franklin St.. Allegheny, good brick house of 7 rooms, hall. bath, and all the modern Improvements: lot 24x130 to Decatur St. COOPER & PETTY, 107-Fourth ave. JM4-74 FOR SALE ALLEGHENY RESIDENCE, close to parks: 13 rooms, baihroom, etc.; all conveniences: elegantly finished: we offer this bargain for 99,500: terms easy: Immediate posses sion. W. W. MCNEILL BRO., 105 Fourth ave. JalS-C-WT Suburban Residences. FOR BALE-A FINE CRAFXON HOME Noble street, near Craft ave., or 11 elegant rooms, both gases, flue French plate mirrors and cabinets, slate mantels: complete with all the latest Improved conveniences: lot 100x150 feet: a very low price for this beautiful place. BLACK & BAIRD. S5 Fourth ave. 21-192. jal5-32 FOR SALE LOT.-. City Lots. FOB SALE-FORBES ST. LOT. NEAR CRAIG st., 27x177, convenient to cable cars and over looking bchenley Park. Oakland. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-217. Jal5-32 TTIOR SALE-DESUIABLE PIKE STREET JD property, sit. between Twelfth and Thirteenth sM., having a frontage of GO feet and running back 100 feet to Mulberry alley. STKAUB & MOR RIS, 106 Third ave., cor. Wood st. jal5-10 East End Lots. FOR SALE-LOT 21X110, COR. CRAIG AND Bayard sts.: nice 2-stnry brick dwelling thereon: price (5.000; one of very finest locations In East End for either dwelling or store. C. L. McCUTCHEON, 104 Fourth ave. Ja4-81-MWT . Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE-BUILDING LOTS ON IRWIN ave.. Allegheny, near the parks. A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal st Ial5-8S-WTS FOR SALE-10 LOTS ON STRAWBERRY LANE and Orchard lane, near street cars and pro posed cable line, Allegheny: very desirable for building; price low; easy terms. WM. A. SIPE. 93 Diamond street. JaU-93-uws FORSALE-ON JACKSON ST., ALLEGHENY, well located: lot 80x170 ft.; partially Im proved: can be fully Improved or snbdivided to a profitable advantage. See W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Ja2-52-W Farms. FOR BALE-FARM. SO ACRES, NEW HOUSE and barn, flne fruit, near railroad and city; choice place: a bargain; on easy payments. ED. WITTISH. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. JalS-D FOR SALE-FARMS. FARMS. FARMS-50 acres: lies well; good house, 6 rooms: barn, orchard, cistern, etc: homelike place, i miles from Beaver: price (4,200: send for farm and ex change list; also 11 acres, 5-room honse, barn and fruit: easy payments: joins Rochester: 105 acres, 2 miles from Rochester, 6-room house, barn, orchard; onlv (4,500 (500 down, (160 yearly pay ments. N. F. HURsr, Real Estate Agent, Rochester. Pa. Ja9-71-EOD Miscellaneous. FOE SALE-REAL ESTATE IN BOTH CITIES 1,000 bouses and lots: call or send for new list Just out. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler st. Telephone 5514. Office open evenings. de31-52-WT FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE-BARGAINS IN houses and lots for homes and Investments; over 1,000 properties to select from: now Is the time to buy; real estate Is the best security In the country, and tbe safest place to put yonr monev. Before buying be sure to call on THOS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler st. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. de8-HS-wssn FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. FOR SALE-ATA SACRIFICE-VALUABLE cor. property on Fifth ave. beyond Court House; best business corner on the ave.: don't in vest until yon have examined this. BALTEN SPERGEK WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth aye. Jal5-7-WThS Business Chnnces. FOB SALE-A SMALL MANUFACTURING business In tbe city: to a live man with (1.000; tbls is an excellent chance to get into a good busi ness. Particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jall-SMrws FOR SALE A POSITIVE BARGAIN-THE entire furnishment, with lease as long as de sired, ofalO-room boarding horse on one of the best downtown streets: furniture nearly new; now have 21 boarders: rent of house (50 per month; price onlv (550. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. J .113-14 FOR SALE-GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR one or two active men with some capital to step Into a paying wholesale produce commission business, profits tbls year will reach (10. 000; owner engaged in other business reason for selling. Ad dress F. C. DlCKsON. 140 Monterey St., Alle. gheny. delo-50 FUR SALE-BABBER SHOP, GOOD 5 AND 10 cent store, fish and oyster depot, grocery stores (350 to (10.000. cigar stores (250 to (L800, drug stores, country stores, boarding bouses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries, leed store, cigar factorr and other good business chances. SHEP ARD & CO., M Fifth ave. al FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND IBOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACHINECO..LIM., below Suspension bridge. Allegheny. Pa. Jal-I2 FOR SALE-BECK'S PAT. AUTOMATIC engine for electric light and railway service; engines and boilers la every size and style; saw mills and woodworking machinery. 11AKME3' MACHINE DEPOT, 97 First ave.. Pittsburg. JaS-38-D FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.;allreiUtcd;goodasnew, at lowest prices; portable engines, s to 25 b. p. ; boilers aU sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG.23Park way, Allegheny, Fa. OC25-S0-D FOR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES. NEW and second band;wlre and manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. au5-l7-MWJ Horses, Vehicles. Live Stock, Etc FOR SALE-A COACn TOP SPRING WAGON, good as new. or would exchange for horse. Can be seen at ACME LAUNDRY, Sharpsnurg. Ja9-87 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-PATENT-OR WILL TAKE ROY ALTY: glassjarsand bottles, tan be made cheap. GUSTAVbTAUS, TompkinsvUle, staten Island. N. Y. Jal5-94 PERSONAL. PERSONAL NEW BOOKS-HUNDREDS OF new books, nicely bound in cloth gilt, at 25c each: many fine boots In elegant bindings: come and see them. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty st., near Ninth. nc3-33 PERSONAL HIS LOVE .SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently tbey had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing appareL and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner: In order to prevent tbe trouble tney agreed to send all their work bersarter to DICKSON, the Tailor, M Fifth aye., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace And happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. au30-D OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. -VTOTICEItiHEREBY GIVKNTHATTHE JLi report of Viewers -on tbe cradins and paving of Sapphire alley, from Isabella street to Liberty avenue, has been approved by Coun cils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. B1GELOW. Chief of Department of Public Work. Pittsburg, Pa., January 6, 1890. jaG-29 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on tbe construction of a sewer on Kirkwood street, from Hiland ave nue to Beatty street, bas been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chie'tof Department of Pnblic Works. Pittsburg, Pa., January 6. 189a ja6-29 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Control, ler nmil 2 o'clock F.X., on FRIDAY, January 17, 1S90, lor certain printing and binding f or use of the Bureau of Health. Specifications for tbe work can be seen at the office of said Bureau, No. 7 Seventh street. Bonds in double theamount'of the contract must accompany each proposal, said bonds to bo probated before tbe Mayor or City Cleric The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, jall-63 Chief Departmentof PnbllcSafety. JIANOa, ORGAN& And all manner of Small Instruments ' HAMILTON'S, Fifth avenue. delO-s TO LET. Alleshenr Residences. rTK) LET-ON ARCH ST.. .NEAR OHIO ST., JL flne brick house ot 9 rooms and all modern conveniences: fnrnlhed or unfurnished; rent (SCO. E WIf- G B YERS, 83 Federal st. Jal5-100-WFSn TO LET ONLY (IS SO PER MONTH-HOUSE Srooms; gas, nat. gas and water In the honse: on McCIure ave. st terminus of Union Line cars. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. Jal5-S3-ws TO LET (25; 6 R0O31 HOUSE WITH 254 acres ground: handsome location: paved street: Allegheny: close to streetand steam cars: shade, frnlt, garden. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood st. Jal-22 Arnrtments. rTK) LET-(J6: SUIT OF FOUR ROOMS: ELE JL OANT new hnlldlng: nice situation; Ohio St., Allegheny. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. Jal4-K TJnslness Viands. TO LET-A MODERN BUDVT 4-STORY WOOD st. store: well located. C. H. LOVE. 83 Fourth ave JaH-51 TO LET-A P.OOSI. 21X81, FIRST FLOOR, suitable for storage or wareroom. Inquire at 117 BKCON D AVE. JalZ-7-D TO LET. FINELY FITTED UP STOREROOM; choice location: Ohio st., Allegheny. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Wood St. J3I4-22 TO LET-CORNEtt BUILDING: FIRST-CLASS location. Liberty st.; second and third floors, each 20x100 feet: good frontentrancc: well lighted; elevator. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood sL Jal4-22 TO LET-IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IF DE SIRED -No. 532 Grant street, almost oppo site tbe Cathedral: a large store room and dwell ing or 11 rooms: will rent tbe store room separate If desired, bee W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. lal2-82-Mwr- O LET-SUirABLE FOB ANY BUSINESS Suite of first floorlarge offices, wlthcommodlous flre-proof vault, steam heat, etc., at 419 Wood street. In GermanlaSavlnira Hank huilrllnr.7 will be remodeled as tenant may desire. Apply on premises to THOS. D. KELLER. la4-93-ws TO LET-FIFTH AVENUE STOREROOM -The business office of '1 he Dispatch will be moved April I to tbe lately purchased property, corner Saiitlifleld and Diamond sts., and tbe greater part of Nos. 97 and 99 Fifth avenue, here tofore known as tbe Dispatch hnlldlng. will in consequence be for lease during a term of years. This will be found perhaps thecholcest location in the whole cltyforalargc retail business. Full Sartlcnlars may be obtained from the BDblN ESS IANAGER OF UHE DISPATCH at the Fifth ave. office. Ja9-117 BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby (riven that the firm of C'aspans Neeb, of Fairfield county, O., bas been dissolved by mutual consent, S. Casparis retiring. All debts due tbe said firm will be paid to Frank C. Neeb, who will also pay all claims against said firm. 8. CASPARIS. F. C. NEEa Jn retiring from the firm of Casparis & Neeb I herewith recommend Frank C. Neeb to my friends and the patrons of the late firm. January 6. 1890. S. CASPARIS. jal5-98 jySSOLTJTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between J. I. Homers, W. H. Williams and W. H. B. Bulger, under tbe firm name of Somers, Brother & Co., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent and agreement. All debts owing to the said part nership are to be received by said W.H.Will iams and W. H. B. Bulger, aud all demands on the said partnership are to be presented to the said Williams and Bulger for pavment. J. L. SOMERS, W. H. WILLIAMS. VV.H. B. BULGER. Having purchased the interest therein of J. L. Somers we will continue the wholesale pro duce, fruit and commlsion business of Somers, Brother & Co., under the firm name of Will iams & Bulger, at N o. 639 Liberty avenue, Pitts burg. The financial resources and general man agement of the old firm will continue practi cally nnchanged, and tbe policy which secured for and baa retained to it a leading position in the prodnce trade of this city will be closely adhered to. W. H. WILLIAMS, W.H.B. BULGER. In severing my connection with the above gentlemen, and withdrawing the name "Somers, Brother & Co." from the produce commission business, I desire to thank the many friends and customers of the house, through whoso liberality and constancy during 14 years of busy existence, it was enabled to achieve a marvel ous success. Assured tbat they will perpetuate the policy of promptitude, conservatism and equal justice, upon which the house Is founded, I cheerfully ask for my successors the con tinued confidence and generous favors of old patrons and the public generally. Respectfully, J. L. SOMERS. Pittsburg. Pa.. Jan. 14. 189a JaI5-2t-wrrsa AMUSEMENTS. 0 LD CITY HALL- SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18. MESSRS. HENRY E. ABBEY AND MAURICE URAU beg to announce the one and only concert by the two great artists, PABLO DE SARASATE, Violin, EUGEN D'ALBERTTPiano, J.SSiSt(l 1)V MME. BERTHE MARX. Pianiste. Seats now on sale at KleVrs'. Prices. $2, $1 0 and SL gteinway's Pianos Used. jal4-30 B JJOU THEATER To-night. HERMANN'S TRANSATLANTIQUE VAUUKV1LLJS3. Matinees Wednesdav and Saturday. Jan. 20 Carleton Opera Company. ja!3-S GRAND OPERA HOUHis TO-NIGHT. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. HANLON'S "NEW FANTASMA." Next Week-"A BRASS MONKEY." jal3-12 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. ST. FELIX SISTERS In their Musical Comedy, A ROYAL HAND. Week Jan. 20 "The Fugitive." jal2-MWF H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tnesday, Thursday and Satmday. PETER RICE'S ALL-AMERICAN VAUDEVILLE SYNDICATE. jal2-19-D M AX O'RELL -AT-OLD CITY HALL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. Auspices Press Club. Tickets at Kiebers'. ja!5-12 OLD CITY HALL Market street The distincnisbed veteran and orator, (HON. JAMES) CORPORAL TANNER, late Commissioner of Pensions. FRIDAY EVE., JANUARX 17. 1890. Admission, SO cents. jalO-29-WTSu TTTORLD'S MUSEUM Allegheny City. YV Week beginning January 13, 1890. Mar cus Goodwill!; the Murray Triplets; Smith, the Anatomical Wonder; Baldwin, the Armless Artist; the Parisian Cycloramic Transpai en eies. Next week Tiny Don Cameron, the smallest mortal ever seen. ja!3-2 INSURANCE STATEMENTS. STATEMENT OF THE TEUTONIA ANCE COMPANY, of Allegheny, tbe year ending December 3L 1339. ASSETS. INSUE Pa., for Bonds and mortgages Interest due and accrued Real estate National bank stock Bills receivable Premiums In course of collection.. Cash In bank and office (202,773 25 4,032 12 4. 098 28 7,500 00 200 00 2,594 15 87817 (222,07o97 .. (125.000 00 ,.. 2,5.10 01) GS 95 ... 30.133 32 ... 64,290 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Unpaid losses Duo other companies Reinsurance reserve Net surplus on all liabilities (2 075 97 RECEIPTS. Gross premiums $ 42,172 71 Interest : 11,554 04 Rent 424 50 54,151 25 EXPENDITURES. Fire loss of 1833 ( 1.525 00 Fire loss of 1889 14,923 80 S 18,448 SO Returned premiums 4,133 98 Reinsurance , 675 95 Rents, tax and other expenses 2.77231 Commissions 8,541 05 Salaries 4,099 92 Dividends Nos. 32 and 33 10,000 00 144,677 01 Receipts in excess of disbursements ( 9,474 24 Risks in force December 31, 18M. (4,579.436. C. W. GFRW1G. Secretary. AT.UOHE3TY. January 7. 1890. JalO-59-Mwr WE SEND MONEY TO ALL PARTS OF the world and sell tickets for all ocean steamship lines at lowest rates. MAX SCHAMBERG 4 CO 627 Smithfield st, Pittsburg. Established I860. deJO-wsu QUtTABLE HOLIDAY GIFTS ALL IO kinds of birds and pet animals, parrots, pigeons and ponltry: gold fish and fixtures: seed and gravel for birds; Cue dogs, birds and animals mounted to order at ESPICH'S BIRD BTORE, 640 Smithfield it, aeax Seventh ave. de36-wsu AUCTION BALES. OTTICX OT THB CONTBOIiXB, 7. AiAioHnrr corrair, PirrsBtXBO.PA. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Iu accordance with a decree of the Court ot Quarter Sessions, made lltb, day of November, 1&S9, No. 23 September Sessions, 1SS9. Miscel laneous, the Commissioners of Allegheny county were empowered to sell certain real estate in the city of Pittsburg, Pa. In pursu ance of said decree the Commissioners will sell ou tbe premises, at public outcry, to the highest and best bidders, on February 8, 1890. at 2 o'clock T. ST., tbe following described pieces of property, to wit: First All that certain piece of ground situated ou tbe southwest corner of Diamond st with a frontage of 75 feet on said Diamond street, beginning at the corner of Diamond street and a 20-foot alley and running back, westwardly along said aUey, preserving the same width a distance of one hundred (115) and fifteen feet, on which is erected a two-story brick; house. Second All that certain piece or ground known as tbe University property, situated on tbe corner of Diamond and Ross streets, having a frontage on Ross street of one hundred (115) and fifteen feet and on Diamond street of one (100) hundred feet, having erected thereon two, tbree-story brick houses. Tbe terms of sale are in each case 81,000 to bo paid on day of sale. The remaipder of one fourth the amount of purchase money on the delivery of the deeds. The balance in four equal annual payments, with Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable semi annually, on the whole amount unpaid, on tba first days of July and January ot each year. The whole to be secured by close bond and' mortgage, with Insurance and scL fa. clause. Also, sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. FRIDAY. 7th day of February, 1890, for a twenty-year lease of tha University property. The bidders will state tbe sum annually to be paid for the full period iamed, which sum is to be paid semi-annually at the office of tbe County Treasurer on tha first days of July and January of each year. The lessee will be required to sign an article with the Commissioners to pay all taxes, water rents and assessments on said property, to carry insurance on the buildings m a sum equal to what bas been carried by the county on said bnildings in tbe interest of tbe lessor. To give) bond for the faithf nl uerformance of the agree ment in the sum of $4,000, with a clause in the agreement empowering the Commissioners to annul tbe lease nn default at any time by the lessee to fully comply witn all the conditions of tbe lease. Proposals will be marked proposals for lease and be accompanied with a bidders' bond in the sum of 1,000V The Commissioners reserving; the right to reject any and ail bids. JOSIAH SPEER, jaS-SS-w County Controller. , AiljoBrneil Auininistrator's- Sale. We will offer those elegant lots. Nos. 114 and 116 Fourth avenue, adjoining the Dollar Savings Bank, being 45x85 feet, at pnbiio sale at the COUNTY COURT HOUSE. In Sheriff's Salesroom, JANUARY 15, AT U O'CLOCK AM., To settle the estate of C L. Caldwell, decM, by order of the administrator. W. A HERRON fc SONS, 80 Fourth avenue, JaS-aT-TWr Agents. DIVIDENDS. Mascfactoeees ass Merchants' "l . Insurance company. I Office 417 Wood street f PrrrsBTfRO. PA., January 10. 189a J DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THUS company have this day declared a saml-' annual ulvidend of SI SO per share, payable on. demand. "WM. T.ADAIR. Secretary. jal2-42 The Ben Franklet Insurance Com-) . AJUi jat VISA- I GHENY, PA. ary8.1S90. J OF DIRECT- PAXY OF THE CTTT OF ALLEGHENY, . ALLEGHENY, J.inuar TMVIDEND THE BOARD XJ ORSof tbi company have this dav de clared a semi-annual dividend of THREE PER CENT (tl 60 per share), pavable on demand, ja9 75-D WM. A. FORD. Secretary. OFFICE OF The Pittsburg Insurance Co.. 400 Wood street, corner Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. January v TMVIDEND NO. 61-THE DIRECTORS J havetbisdaydeclaredadivldend of FOUR DOLLARS per share, payable forthwith. ja8-23-D HILL1S McKOWN. Secretary. Office Armenia Insurance Co. 1 No. 65 Fourth Avenue, v Pittsbubg, January 9, 1890. ) -pvlVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC J TORS have declared a dividend of THREE DOLLARS per share, pavable on de mand. W. D. McGILL, Secretary. jaU-2os Office Western Insurance Co.. Pittsbubg, Jannarv 14, 1S90L J DIVIDEND No. 75 THE BOARD OF Directors have this dav declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT, or ONE DOL-, LAR AND FIFTY CENTS, upen each share of the capital stock, payable on and after the 17th inst. WM. P. HERBERT. jalo-9-D Secretary. DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF MAN AGERS of the Monongahela Navigation Company have this day declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT in cash and FOUR PER CENT In capital stock, payable to the stock holders or their legal representatives at the office of the Treasurer, DO Diamond street, on or after the 20th inst. W. BAKE WELL, Treasurer. Ptttsbubq. January 8. 1890. jalO-31 LEGAL NOTICES. SAMUEL A. AMMON, Attorney-at-Law, 117 Diamond street. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE of Joseph Kimniel, deceased. Notice Is hereby given tbat letters testamentary on the estate of Joseph Kimniel, deceased, have been, granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tbe same will make them known without delay. MARIA A. KIM MEL, S. & HOLLAND, Executors, corner Smithfield street and Liberty avenue, Pitts burg. Pa. Jal5-93-w . PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS-SEALED PROPOSALSr will be received by tbe borough of Brad dock, at the office of the Boronzh Clerk, No. 730 Braddock avenue.up to MONDAY, January 20, 1890. at 7:30 p. 3f.. for the furnishing and lay ing of 680 feet of 15 inch sewer pipe. For fur ther particolars inquire of tbe Borough En gineer, No. 730 Braddock avenue, second floor. The Borough Council reserves the right to re -ject any and all bids. H. C. SHALLENBERGER. Jal5-1 Burgess. ENTIRELY NEW. ? NOW OPEN. ,' S GOOD NEWS TO CONTRACTORS OP BRIDGES ON ALL MASON WORK, The Empire Stone Company bas shipped the Ant carload of white sandstone on January 2, 1890, from SchweibinX to Allegheny. jal0-59-s APRIL i, i8ga House hunting made easy at No. 95 FOUEXH AYENUE. Largest and best equipped RENT DEPARTMENT in the citv. List revised daily, and free to aB : upon application. . "- BLACK&BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. ja4-28 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of FOURTH AVE. LOTS at SHERIFFS SALESROOM, COURP HOUSE TO DAY at U O'CLOCK, A. 1L -Size 45x85 feet. Must be sold to close the estate. y. A. HERRON & SONS, Acts. , jaI5-3 And made payable in monthly or quarterly in stallments, making It pos sible for any. who will try. Money MM J to own a home with little to Buy a Home ris&. lor insTUii oi ueam of the borrower the mort gage or debt is paid. See . W. A HERRON 4 SONS. SO Fourth avenue. JaU-lS-wa JIToKNIGHT 4 VICTORY, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Dealers in Gas Fixtures, LAMPS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, HOSE, ETtt Special attention given to Natural GisFittin. ' 418 SilllHFIELD ST., PITTSBURG. PA .Telephone 769. ja7-69-n- if J ?- 3H ,-"