Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 02, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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of an Older Formulated
fcy the Electric lighters.
-Details of a Promised Strike of Great
Scope and Bitterness.
"At 11 o'clock last night a small knot of
men assembled in a hall on Fifth avenue,
' and drew up a document which is probably
destined to inaugurate a lone and bitter
fight between one of the most financially
powerful corporations in the city and the
whole mass of organized labor throughout
3; the country. The document was as follows:
IPdq'rs ot Electbicai. Ukion 869$ 1
Ahebican Federation or Labor,
PlTTSBtrao, January 1, 189a )
All tt abets of this union, directly or in
directly connected with the Allegheny County
Light Company, and especially any member
working for any firm doing work for tbe Alle
gheny County Light Company, are hereby
ordered to cease work at once, as all the Alle
, cbeny County Light Company's men are on
strike. 'W.H.Jokkston,
C C Thomas, President
Though the document on its face conveys
no more than an order to some 300 men in
this city and county to cease work, it is
fraught with a greater consequence than it
would seem to carry. Immediately on being
perfected, committees were dispatched to
Allegheny, the East .End and Virgin alley
with copies for circulation among the mem
bers concerned.
When those deputed to notifv the Virgin
alley men went around the officer on dntv
at the bnilding imagining that an attack
was about to be made, sent word to Captain
TJnterbaum of the fact, bnt when the cap
tain and several officers appeared the com
mittees had gone out of sight.
Chairman of Council, John E. O'Shea,
and a member of tbe American Federation
ofXabor explained the position indicated
by the document. Said he : '
"This is the first official act of tbe joint
committees appointed to take charge of the
matter in connection with making the
strike against the Allegheny County Light
Company general.
"The original docnment will be mailed to
President Gompers, of the Federation, to
morrow morning, and he, on its receipt, will
attach his signature and lay it before the
Executive Board for action upon it. This
will consist in notifying every labor
organization in the country, and kin
dred bodies in sympathy with them, of
the fact that a strike has been called against
the company. Jnstas soon as notification
has been received from New York, it will
be-impossible for any union man to work
where a non-union lineman or electrician
is employed. If any are engaged
in putting wires into a building,
for example, every union man working in
that bnilding will walk out. Committees
have now gone to call out the men on the 11
o'clock turns, bnt they will not be required
to leave their work until to-morrow, so that
the public may not be inconvenienced to
night. The men employed by the Kevstone
Construction Company, will be called out
to-morrow, because it works for the
Allegheny County Light Company, and so
will the men employed in any and every
trade which directly or indirectly is con
rected with the operations of the Light
Company. The force of this movement will
not become apparent for a few days, but the
blow has now been struck, and the struggle
"To-morrow everv union man working for
the company will walk out, excepting per
haps a few, for there are blacksheep in every
"To see what position the company were
taking we sent out three men at different
times yesterday to the East End Light Com
panywhich is part of the same
company to ask for employment.
The East Ena people are wanting
men very badly so that the first of the
three men was at once employed. But a
second thought seemed to strike Superin
tendent Hoovler, -ior he asked the man
where he had worked last. The man re
plied that he had been working ior the
Allegheny County Light Company. Ah,
well,' said the Superintendent, 'I am
very sorry, but I cannot employ
you.' The other men were similarlv treated
and received in effect the sa me reply- Of
course, we didn't expect anything else, but
I think it is a very flagrant case of black
listing, and goes to show that the men on
tbe out may expect little consideration at
the hands or the company."
Last evening the multitudinous lamps of
the company were showing forth more fight
than usual, owing to the fact that they have
all been newly overhauled and cleaned since
the strike. As during the dav a report
since proved to be false, had Been circu
lated that the citv would be
in darkness last evening, a T)ru
ATCKTeporter called upon Superintendent
Naysmith at the Virgin alley power house.
Everything seemed to be in apple pie order,
and the whirr and burr and jar of the
moving machinery was as evident as usual.
A few special officers were in the vicinity
but otherwise things were unchanged.
"You seem to be getting on all right," re
marked the reporter.
"Yes," said Mr. Naysmith, "our en
gineers, firemen and dynamo men are all at
work, and show no disposition to leave us.
They are all members of he union, but are
too well pleased with their jobs to leave
them. If you like you can walk in and in
vestigate the feeling among the men for
yourself. "We have about 28 men working
here and 8 at the East End. From to-mor-Tow
we change the work time into 3 turns ot
8 hours each, instead of 2 turns of 12
lours each. The men will receive the same
wages for the 8 hour time as for the 12."
The Thomson-Houston Electric Companv
officials are watching the situation witn
great interest As already hinted in The
Dispatch, the Allegheny Countv Light
Company is charged with political "manipu
lation by several of the discharged men.
Messrs. Hughes and Gawthrope, local agents
of the Thomson-Houston interests, recently
published their intention of applying for a
charter for a plant to be erected within six
months, and they are keeping a close eye
on the present position. Tne Fort "Wayne
Jenney Company takes a like interest in the
war, and the General Manager is at present
in town and prepared to jump in when an
opportunitv arises. The latter company
''and the Thomson-Houston feel that their
interests are as one in circumventing the
Allegheny Company, and it is stated that
they have already secured several blocks of
stock in the latter company.
Traction Employe Decide to Stand Firm
A Striker Deserts the Bonks Forty Hew
Arrivals to Go On.
kv The striking employes of the Pittsburg
I v, Traction Company held another meeting
eariy mis morning at tne nail ot JLi. A. 2120,
corner of liberty avenue and Main street
; ji.tu.wwDw uu uuiu HttS still
in session and probably did not adjourn
t&uztil after S o'clock. The men reiterated
jKtfieir position regarding the trouble and
again pieugeu memseives to stand nrm.
Yesterday was the last day given the
strikers to return to their positions. It was
;iited by several of the conductors who are
working, that one of the striking gripmen
named Farmer had deserted the union
ranks and took a car out of the shed at
noon. "When one of them asked him what
he struck for, it is said he replied that he
did not know. . 5 .
Forty gripmen nd conductors arrived in
the city yesterday from Philadelphia and
were placed on "the cars. Several narrow
escapes at collisions occurred at the Smith
field street crossing dnring the afternoon.
Had it not been for the vigilance of Officer
P. J. Young at the corner some persons
might have been injured. About 3 o'clock
a funeral was going along Smithfield street
A car manned by a new gripman was
coming down the hill. The officer tried to
stop the car, but owing to the slippery con
dition of tbe rails the wheels slid along.
The car 'could not be stopped and broke
through the fnneral procession.
Chief Engineer l)avis, when seen by a
Dispatch reporter, said: "I expected a lit
tle trouble on account of the large number
of people out to-day, but everything passed
off nicely. "We have all the cars out, and
the new men are doing as well as could be
expected. A number of the strikers want to
get back, but their places have been filled.
We do not expect any further trouble."
It was rumored last night that suit was to
be entered against the superintendent for
snatching an employe's badge from him the
day of the strike. The gripman claims tbe
badge to be his property, having deposited
60 cents for it when he entered the service of
the company. The charge in the suit is to
be grand larceny.
Assistant Superintendent of Police Boger
O'Mara said last night that the strikers were
still conducting themselves like respectable
citizens, and they were giving no trouble to
the officers. The rumors, he said, about
conductors being assaulted were without
The new conductors of the cars are expe
riencing considerable annoyance from boys
and young men at Soho, who hoot at them.
The Wjlle Arcane Cable Can Will bo Ban
sins; To-Day Two Weeks.
Some of the discharged gripmen of the
Pittsburg Traction Company are consoling
themselves with the thought that they will
secure employment on the new "Wylie ave
nue traction road. They claim that the
road will require experienced men. This
company now has in its employ six ex
perienced gripmen. As the management of
the levers does not require a very extended
course of study, these six men will be able to
instruct the other drivers in time to supply
the company with all the gripmen required.
The cars for this road have arrived in the
city. Owing to rain they were not hauled
out to the Minersville power house yester
day. The company will commence business
with 16 cars. An officer of the road stated
yesterday that the road would be in opera
tion by the 16th of this month.
The Oakland Fire Not Accidental An In
dividual In Custody.
The three slight fires in Oakland Tuesday
night turned out upon investigation yester
day to be cases of incendiarism beyond much,
if any, donbt One occurred on Oakland
avenue, one on Atwood street, and one on
OaklantLsquare all three within a short
time ot each other. The Atwood street
honse was in course of erection for Mr. Mc
Clurg, and tbe house which was damaged
on Oakland square was one of a number
being built there for E. M. O'UeilL The
loss on the latter is supposed to be about'
$1,000, covered by insurance.
Yesterday a suspicious looking indi
vidual was sighted by Mr. C. H. Chance,
snnerintendent of the Oakland square build
ings, actually engaged in lighting a fire at
the rear of some new dwellings going up on
Boquet street The police were called and
the person was put under arrest He gave
his name as Thomas Brant but did not fur
nish a satisfactory account of himself. He
said he had never been in that neighbor
hood before; but two of the working
men identified him as hovering around
there the night before, previous to
tbe fire. It was shown that he
had procured a day's employment from Mr.
Bigge, a contractor engaged in building on
Atwood street that he had been discharged;
and that he made use of expressions in re
gard to the fire which strengthened the sus
picions against him. Brant does not belong
to this city.
The prisoner was lodged in the Four
teenth ward station, where he will await a
hearing. The Fire Marshal, it is to be pre
sumed, will take charge of the case to-day.
It was ascertained that the floor of Mr. Mc
Clurg's house had been saturated with oil
befor the fire was started, and in the Oak
land square house, also, there were evi
dences of incendiarism. The special watch
ntan who is employed there says that when
the fire started his dog chased somebody
from the premises and over 'the side of an
adjacent hill.
So Says John Coitello, of the K. of I, Con
cerning; Eight Hoars.
John Costello, a member of the Executive
Board of the Knights of Labor, went on to
Philadelphia last night to assist at a meeting
of the board. There will be up before it the
business referred from the Atlanta Gentral
Assembly, and which will include several
matters of local interest
Beferring to the eight-hour movement,
Mr. Costello said :
"I don't think the abrupt change from the
present working hours to the eight-hour
day, as proposed by the Boston convention,
is feasible. The Knights of Labor cannot
as a body co-operate with the American
Federation of Labor, because they believe
the eight-hour day can be obtained by more
conservative means. As individuals, though,
the Knights will give every assistance to any
trade that is prepared to make a crack for
the eight-hour day."
The Blanks In Clerk McGnnneale's Hands
Ready for Distribution.
Clerk of Courts McGunnegle has received
his supply of blank applications for liquor
licenses, and is now ready to distribute
them. Several have been taken out, but no
applications have been filed yet There is
no alteration in the form of the application.
Providing the court makes no changes in
the existing laws, and none have been indi
cated.the last day for filing will be February
8. No action has ever been taken by the
court on the request to change the time of
hearing tbe applicants. One new feature
will be the requiring of the attorneys'
names on the petitions to enable the court
officers to communicate with them direct if
any information is desired.
Conatablo Carney Arrested While Trying;
to Slake an Arrest.
Last night about 11:30 o'clock a fight oc
curred in Diamond alley, above Smithfield
street, and Constable John Carney, of the
Sixth ward, happening along about that
time, started in to make an arrest He suc
ceeded in arresting Charles Howard, who
was in the crowd, but it is said was not a
participant in the trouble, and took him to
Central station. Howard promptly put up
a forfeit for his appearance and was released.
Soon afterward Carney arrested another
man for complicity in the fight, but as the
prisoner proved that he had nothing to do
with the affair, Carney was placed under
arrest for acting in a disorderly manner.
Die Burglary at Braddoek.
The jewelry store of Charles Italie, in Brad
dock, was robbed yesterdayafternoon of $8,000
worth of goods. The thieves gained an en
trance through a rear door while the clerk
was at supper. The police have no clew to
the perpetrators.' t
A Description of the Beautiful Instru
ment in the Music Hall.
The Yerj Newest Ideas in Organ Bnilding
Embraced in the Flan.
"With tbe aid and by the courtesy of Mr.
W. J. Davis, Superintendent of the Phila
delphia branch of the Boosevelt Organ Com
pany, a representative of Th Dispatch
was accorded a view yesterday of the ex
quisite pipe organ placed In Carnegie "Music
Hall by the Generosity of Andrew Carnegie.
Mr. Davis reached Pittsburg within a day
fresh from the triumphs scored at the Chi
cago Auditorium by the $66,000 instrument
An organ of such size, however, would be
an elephant in Carnegie Halt
Mr. Carnegie maintained in an interview
recently publihed in The Dispatch that
the day ot the behemoth organ waspassing
away, and that the utmost requirements of
recital and chamber music would be sub
served by smaller, but thoroughly complete,
instruments whose chastened and refined
voicing would be calculated to please and
gratify the ear instead of ovei whelming the
senses. "With this unquestionably accepted
and indorsed view in mind Mr. Carnegie
told Mr. James B. Scott, who, in the entire
conduct of the Free Library scheme, has
been Mr. Carnegiejs almoner, alter ego,
that an appropriate organ was,
while an afterthought, a very necessary
matter to complete the interior of the Musfo
Hall, especially as no stage of the scenic
variety had ever been in contemplation.
One can see in the whole Free Library
and Music Hall evidences of an almost
loving attention to details and the elabora
tions that artistic taste seem to demand, out
side ot mere mechanical fidelity to the
architectural plans. So it would go without
saying that the kindly magician whose
means are being so lavishly expended in
the creation of a beautilul entity, would
UfCSUriUC 1JV l.lUlVrtfclU. H few OlWVl GApuoi,
onlv EtiDulatiui; that the orzan should
"harmonize" with the hall. This little bit
of Scotch humor has been the leading feat
ure in the plans as followed out to a suc
cessful conclusion.
Now Mr. Scott doesn't claim to be a
specialist npon musical matters, and he pre?
f erred securing the benefit or expert advice,
upon such an important subject By his
experience in the matter of the preparation
of specifications and his own pre-eminent
expertness in the handling ol instruments,
no better choice was possible than that of
Mr. C. C Mellor, the foremost organist of
the city.
Mr. Mellor was asked by Mn Scott to take
entire charge of the details of the instru
ment, and to decide upon the builder, the
style of the case, and what one might de
nominate "the internal economy" of the in
strument. Mr. Mellor replied that be would
do so with pleasure, and immediately fell to
work. The Boosevelt Organ Company was
pitched upon as the maker who would be
most likely to enter into tbe spirit of the
whole enterprise. Some correspondence
was indulged in, and a specification was
submitted to Mr. Mellor for approval. It
was not materially different from tbe organ
in the East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
erected by the same firm.
There was considerable revision, however,
as to character and disposition of the stops,
and especially in regard to voicing. As the
hall was not large, it was required of the
builders that the various stops be toned
down, with a view to producing music and
not noise. It sometimes happens that organs
' are so voiced as to make a great volume of
sound, which, when separated, may be
found more emphatic than beautiful. In
the matter of mechanical accessories extra
requirements were made; and in regard to
the case special stress was laid upon con
formity to the peculiar position occupied by
the organ and the physical aspect to be ob
tained in decorations and design.
The specification of the organ, as amended
and completed, is as follows:
Great Organ.
Pipea, Feet
Double open diapason 53 IS
Open diapason. 63 8
Gemshom 68 8
Violdicamba 58 8
Uaffel flute 68 8
Mixture (4 ranks) 232
Super octave (15th) 53 2
Octave quint (12th) 68 -Ri
Octave 68 4
HoUl flute .1 ES 4
Trumpet 53 8
Swell Organ.
Opendiapason 58 8
Stopped diapason 68 8
Salfcional 68 8
Spitz Ante 68 8
Bourdon 63 J8
Gemshom 5S 4
Flute liarmonlque..... 68 4
Flageolet 58 H
Cornet (3 ranks) 174
Cornopean... 68 8
Oboe 68 8
Voxhumana , 58 8
Cnoir Organ.
Gelgen, principal '. 58 8
Dolce.. 55 8
Concert flute 58 8
Flute d'amour 6S 4
Piccolo barmoniqne., 68 2
Clarionet 68 8
Fufrara 1 To be 68 4
Quintadina. added 68 8
Pedal Organ.
VIollncello S4 8
Bourdon 34 16
Opendiapason. 34 fi
Trombone 34 16
Mechanical Acceuortet.
Cbolr tremulant Bellows signal
Swell tremulant Motor pedal
Great to pedal Swell to pedal
Choir to pedal Swell to great
Choir to great Swell to choir
Swell octave coupler.
Pedal Moiements.
Three adjustable automatic pedals control
line tbe stops of the great organ, two ditto for
uuoir suips uu twu uitio ior swell stops, lull
organ combination controlling all stops in tbe
organ without disturbing existing combinations.
Great coupler to pedaLreverslble. Great conpler
to cboir. reversible. Balanced pedal for swell
organ and balanced pedal for great and choir
crescendo swell shades.
Great organ 11 stops with 812 pipes
Swell organ 12 stops with 812 pipes
Choir organ 6 stops witb 318 pities
Pedal organ 4 stops with 136 pipes
33 2,103
Mechanical stops 11
Combination pedal, 8.
The interior of the hall is in that tint
known as cafe au lait; anglice, coffee with
cream added. The superb case of the in
strument is in perfect harmony therewith.
The case is very wide, the shape of the
choral stage admitting of the devotion of
only nine feet in depth to tbe instrument,
thus necessitating the occupation of much
sidereal extent Forty feet in tbe width,
and uuder such circumstances great oppor
tunities were afforded for the obtaining of
artistio effects. That the case measures up
to and beyond the utmost requirements will
be admitted at a glance. It is rich withonl
j being obtrusive, and follows most graceful
curves, wnue narmomzing with tbe pointed
arches and general Grecian outlines of the
interior appointments of the hall.
The case rests upon the second tier of the
choral stage and the first eight feet of its
height are in symmetrical, almost severe,
panels of quartered oak, i. e. oak sawed in
such a manner as to develop the veins and
whorls. An oil finish with a great polish
brings out the beauties of the wood.
Dividing the panels are tbe columns upon
which rest the octagonal and swelling cap
itals which sustain the towers ol pipes.
Above the panels, vwlta 'the keyboards,
etc., in the exact center of the organ are the
pipes which are so arranged that no por
tions of woodwork or interior of the organ
are visible. The two central towers mask
ing In the keyboards are composed of seven
16-foot pipes drawn from the double open
diapason on the great The tints
of these large metal pipes are deep chocolate
relieved by broad skyblue bands worked out
with silver-gilt arabesques. The pipes be
tween the two main towers are from the
same stop and graduated in length to a
graceful curve. Their upper half is in cafe
au lait with gilt patterns, and the lower
portion is in pale bine with silver-gilt pat
terns. In the next two panels the colors are
just reversed, and the next two towers, one
on either side, are smaller, but in the same
design and colors. The next two panels are
formed of the big, square wooden pipes of
the pedal open diapason, painted chocolate
brown, and their months heavily gilt with
gold and silver bands. The two corner tow
ers are formed of pipes taken from the pedal
violoncello and alike in color to the other
towers. The sides are formed of smaller
wooden pipes handsomely decorated.
It is difficult to analyze so exquisite an
effect as the case taken as a whole produces.
There is nothing glaring or obstreperous in
the grouDing of colors or in the arrangement
of the pipes. The eye is rested by the quiet
tone ot the whole design, and although it
must be seen to be appreciated it cannot fail
toplease the most exacting eye. By follow
ing so broad a plan the entire end of the
hall is apparently and also literally occu
pied. xne interior or tne organ appeals to tue
mechanician. It is as highly finished as the
average piano, a remarkable thing so far as
organs go. it is evident that Boosevelt &
Co. have felt tht the organ was to be a
criterion of their manufacture.
In general terms the wind chests of the
great and choir organs are upon the same
level, 8 feet above the floor. Beneath these
are the two regulating bellows. The swell
orean is inclosed in a massive swell-box 20
feet above tbe floor, and is directly above
the center of the two other wind chests. AH
of the organs are hedged in by swell shades,
giving unlimited opportunity to the player
to produce crescendo and decrescendo
effects. The astonishing roominess of the
interior of the organ is worthy of note. In
most organs tuners are forced to become ex
pert acrobats in order to reach refractory
pipes or actions; but in tbe Carnegie organ
every portion ot it is easily accessible. The
entire stop action can be adjusted in com
binations at will, and in it are embodied
many improvements of au important char
Underneath tbe organ floor are two hnge
bellows operated by adjustable Boss water
motors. The air ii conveyed upward to
supplemental reservoirs beneath the wind
chests. The weights upon the latter
are so adjusted that the Pedal organ
is npon what is technically known as
a 6-inch wind, tne lireat upon a
4-inch, and the Swell upon a 3k-inch.
The explanation of this method lies In
filling a chemist's glass tube with water,
and the amount of displacement in inches
is the basis of the above measurement This
unequal wind power is a very desirable in
novation, as much freer voicing oi the pipes
is thereby permitted, resulting in a corre
sponding betterment of tone. Nearly all
organs of the present day are upon a three
inch wind.
Beverting to the mechanism, every pipe
in the organ has its own valve, and is there
fore independent Should a trifling disar
rangement take place, the closing of one
stop will allow of use of the particular
organ in which the accident happened, a
thins not possible under the usual methods
of organ unking. The entire interior action
is pneumatic and noiseless, as well as re
markably prompt in response to demand.
Many useful appliances are included in the
general interior details.
The three claviers are or the most exquis
ite finish, and are resplendent in ivory and
ebony. The recessed ends are a special
feature, allowing the closer placing of the
keyboards and the easier transference
of tbe hands of the organist from one Key
board to another.
It is also possible to obtain a view of the
pedal combinations without craning one's
neck to the danger point The action of the
keys is' wonderfully easy owing tof the
pneumatic attachments. The stop-knobs
and mechanical accessories are in a high
state of finish and the pedal clavier is a
handsome piece of work. The keyboards
invite the touch of the musical enthusiast
Timing has just been commenced by Mr.
Davis and his assistants and will be finished
next week. It is early to speak of the tone
of the instrument as it is not in shape to ex
periment witb, but from the liquid melodi
ousness of isolated stops it is sate to assume
that the ensemble of the orcan will be found
quite up to the hopes of Messrs. Carnegie,
Scott and Mellor, and the assurances of the
organ builders.
Bow a Soho Barber Treated Mrs.
Donnellr'a Little Boy.
Mrs. Mary Donnelly, who lives on Fifth
avenue, near Bobinson street,reported to the
police at the Fourteenth ward, station last
night that she had sent her little 6-year-old
son to the barber shop of Joseph Kelly, on
Fifth avenue, near Soho street, to get his
haircut Shortly afterward her son re
turned with his hair half cut and his head
soaked with carbon oil. Ho told his mother
that the barber had treated him that way
and had then driven him from the shop.
Mrs. Donnelly stated that she went to see
the barber, but he saw her approaching, and
fled. The police made a little investigation
and received from Kelly the admission that
he had treated the boy according to Mrs.
Donnelly's statement Mrs. Donnelly was
advised to make an information against tbe
barber this morning.
Tito Brothers of One ofthe Dead Men nt the
Morgan Comlnc for the Body.
Superintendent McKindley, at thepnblic
morgue, yesterday found a letter among the
effects of "William H. Angel, who was killed
on the trestle bridge at Shannopin on Tues
day, which bad been written by a brother
who is a minister at Bloomsburg, Pa. A
reference was also made in the letter to a
brother at Old Fore, Laokawanna county.
Mr. McKindley telegraphed both gentlemen
and received replies from both that they
would be here after the remains this morn
New Year Brsln With Railway and
Mining CasnBlllr.
John Tey, a married man, 49 years of age,
residing at Bennett station, was struck by a
train on the West Penn Bailroad yesterday
afternoon, while walking on the track. He
was seriously injured internally and had
his skull crushed. He was brought to the
"West Penn Hospital, where his condition is
considered very critical.
Another case brought to theJiospital was
Bobert Bobertson, a miner at McKeesport
who had his leg crushed in a mine yester
A Telegram From Beaver County Contains
Sad Information.
A telegram to Inspector McAleese from
Frisco, Beaver county, Pa., was received
yesterday, stating that Hamilton Aulton
and Chas. Voeghtjy, of Pittsburg, were
standing upon the track at that station yes
terday afternoon, when the former was struck
by a train and instantly killed.
Mr. Aulton was a puddler and has a
Ister living on Sixteenth street, Southside,
and another a resident of Allegheny.
Salvation Oil lias many competitors in the
market, but ho rivals. Price, 25 cent a bottle.
Aldermen Say They Did a Rushing
Business in This Line Last Tear.
One Man Who Wanted to Abstain
Beating Hl3 Better Half.
It was a Dispatch reporter's pleasant
assignment yesterday, to interview a num
ber of Aldermen on the number of "swear
offs," that each of them had administered
during the past year. Some oi the Alder
men did a rushing bnsiness in this line.
Notably, Alderman Porter, who performed
the remarkable feat of administering an
oath to S57 men for the year jnst closed.
Though such a shoal of penitents pledged
themselves to quit drinking, the ward ranks
high as a community. Some permanent
good has been done In this office, and a
corresponding elevation of the people has
In the past year thousands of men and
women have stood before our law adminis
trators and firmly resolved to lead the lives
of good citizens. Many of the men have
been trne to their oath. It is, however, a
sad reflection tof otice that a majority of
those who swore to eternally leave the wine
cup slone, soon fell by the wayside, and
painted the city and themselves a ruddier
color than ever before.
Our citizens have not only sworn off from
imbibing the jnieeof the luscious grape, but
they have sworn on on various other causes.
Fancy a handsome young girl dressed in
beantiful attire, with the bloom of maiden
hood yet suffusing her cheeks, stealthily
walking into a 'Squire's office, calling him
aside, and requesting him to swear her off
from ever taking snuff. Just think, snuff I
Yet it is a fact and many of tbe young girls
who "swear off" taking snuff are the daugh
ters of our respected citizens.
There are other causes than drink which
lead men to swear off. A man will stroll
into an Alderman s office and ask to be
sworn. He wants to take an oath against
ever beating or ill-using his wife. This oath
is more frequently broken than any other.
"When James comes home with his spirits as
full as an untapped barrel of Monongabela
rye, after helping to empty a tapped barrel,
and asks Matilda why his supper is not
ready, and she hints that he is drunk, he
forgets his oath, takes oft his shoe and intro
duces the hardest part to his better hairs
face. The inevitable result is he goes before
the 'Squire the next day, accompanied by
the constable, and after paying: $10 and costs
he renews his oath, only to break it again.
The first Alderman visited was 'Squire
McMasters. This very excellent adminis
trator of the law did not "swear off" many
in his ward. This may be taken as an evi
dence of the sobriety of that district Mr.
McGinnis, in the absence of the 'Squire,
" 'Squire McMasters 'swore off about 40
people from drink. There is lots of proof
that nine out of every ten broke their oath
before 24 hours had elapsed. Whether a man
is going to keep his oath is about as un
certain as life. The probability, however, is
that he will break it This, I am glad to say,
is not the case with every man. Some men
place a value on their oath, and under no
consideration will they break it, though the
fiercest temptation assails them. It a man
takes an oath against drink, and be has a
craving and insatiable desire to appease his
appetite by imbibing, but resists the tempta
tion and stands nnshaken in the storm, then
I say it is noble, it is a heroic achieve
ment, and the man who comes through the
furnace unscathed deserves the approbation
of his fellow men."
Alderman Beilly said: "Tes, I have
sworn off quite a number of men in the past
year, possibly"200. r This good Hew Year's
Day, two individuals walked into the office,
and: pledged themselves to forever leave
drink alone. Whether they intend to keep
their oath T cannot say. If they do, they
will do more than tbe majority of men do
who ask to be sworn off. My observation
has been that not onefifth keep the pledge.
Some of them walk into the office, swear
that they will not touch drink again, but
before they have gone a square they are
standing at a bar counter punishing a glass
of beer.
"Take the average man who wants to be
sworn. They are sorry looking indi
viduals. Their personal appearance is
an indication against their keeping their
word. Generally they are men with
sunken, restless eyes, haggard-looking faces,
with evidences of degradation portrayed on
their countenances. They sneak into the
office, look arouud, and if they see any man
whom they think is not officially connected
with the office they ask tbe 'Squire to be
pointed out. Having found out the 'Squire,
they watch an opportunity when he is not
busy, then accost him, communicate tbe in
telligence to him that they have a little pri
vate business to transact. They request, in a
shuffling manner, to be sworn off from
drink. If a man is sober I swear him.
Most of the "swear offs" tail, or forget to
bring the legal fee of 60 cents.
"Among the various cases I have had to
swear off during the past year were men to
take an oath against playing poker, and
women from chewing snuff. Though the
majority go back on their oath, there is a
small minority who keep it, and if 'for no
other reason than this I favor the practice of
a man swearing off."
'Squire Burns swore off 110 men last year.
He thinks the practice of swearing off a
good one if it redeems one man a year, and
saves a family. Some of the peo-
Sle he swore off were clerks,
ut the largest percentage of the "swear
offs" were mill men. The 'Squire did not
receive the lee in every case. He says that
few of the men keep their oath. He, how
ever, to prevent the oath being broken uses
great caution. He will not swear a man
under the influence of liquor or a man who
has lately been on a debauch. The 'Squire
thinks that some men, after a protracted de
bauch, get mad at drink and in the heat of
the moment resolve to quit
Alderman O'Donnell swore off about 250.
The majority were mill men, and a small
percentage kept their oath.
'Squire Doughty in the past year swore
off 90 men. One man entered bis office a
short time ago, and asked to be sworn off.
He was administered the oath, and fervently
swore that he would everlastingly abstain
from the cup. The first thing ne did after
tbe ceremony was to walk over to the saloon,
get drunk, go home, beat his wile, go out
tbe same night and never returned since.
This case is not often duplicated, but it
proves that there ore men who care no more
for their oath than they do for tossing up a
'Squire Porter said: "Ijast year I swore
off about 557 people from drink. Both
sexes were represented in this numbe'r.
Many people who swore off hoye kept their
oath, yet the greater preponderance fell
away. I have known men keep their oath
10 years and then break it."
Alderman Hyndman hag not done much
business in this line. He has not sworn
more than 50 men during the year.
'Squire Maneese has sworn off about 150
people during the year. He has made it a
practice never to swear a man off if the
slightest trace of drink was recognizable.
He has never made it a business lor mer
cenary profitbut takes the higher ground of
moral elevation in the community.
'Squire Succup "swore off' three
tims yesterday.
Dled From a Mine Accident.
Andrew Petris, who was crushed by a
cave-in at the Port Royal mines, Westmore
land county, on Tuesday, died at the West
renn Hospital yesteraay. , The coroner will
aoiu an inquest wis aemsg.
Tho Philadelphia Company Wiping Oat Its
Iadebtedneu .Improvements Contem
plated Far Next Tear.
The Philadelphia Company has cancelled
1500,000 worth of its bonds. This annuls
three-fourths of a million dollars' worth of
the bonds of the corporation, and limits the
possible issue of other bonds to 1,750,000.
The action was taken at a meeting of the
Board of Directors of the company, held on
Tuesday afternoon in tbe office of Geo'ge
Westinghouse, Jr. There was a full attend
ance of the directors. In view of the fact
that all of the alterations, extensions and
expenses of every nature during 1889, to-
ether with the amount required for divid
ends aggregating 9 per cent, were less than
the receipts; and that tbe company had sold
the Westinghouse building, it was voted to
cancel 500,000 of the company's bonds, iu
addition to the 250,000 cancelled in accord
ance with thesinking fund requirements of
the mortgages.
At the regular meeting of the board in
January, when the statements for the year
will be completed, it is contemplated to pre
pare a statement to be sent to the stockhold
ers with the dividend.
With reference to the extension of the
company's lines, for 1890, it has been de
cided, in view of the satisfactory operations
of the past year, to limit the extensions, in
cluding tbe new line to Bellevernon, to a
sum about equal to that expended on better
ments out of tbe earnings for 1889, thereby
maintaining the full capacity of the plant
without any further expenditure of capital.
Among the improvements contemplated
are the extension of the 36-inch line to Mur
rysville (requiring about three miles of
pipe), and the beginning of a 36-inch line
at Homestead, running part way fo Belle
vernon. The balance of the line to Belle
vernon will be completed by the relaying
of lines that can be spared alter the comple
tion of the 86-inch line to Murrysville.
The resignation of Mr. C. H. Jackson,
tendered on acconnt of the necessity for al
most continual absence from the city, was
accepted, and Mr. J. R. McGinley was
elected as his successor.
It will be remembered that the large and
magnificent building of the company was
sold seeral weeks ago for $600,000. Con
siderable speculation was indulged in at the
time as to the cause of the sale of the prop
erty. A number of rumors were afloat,
among them being one about the company
wanting to cancel its indebtedness. This,
it appears, was the reason for the sale.
The Fifth Annual New Year's Krceptlon to
Iho Employe of the Fennay.
The cheerful little building at No. 125
Sedgwick street, Allegheny, occupied by the
Pennsylvania Company Employes' Associa
tions reading rooms, was the scene yester
day afternoon of a fifth Dew Year's re
ception. The reception room was pro
fusely decorated with flowers, flags
and New Year's greeting emblems.
The parlor was arranged like a little theater
and in the hall above three long tables,
capable of seating 100 persons, were laden
with choice refreshments.
At 3 o'clock the guests commenced to ar
rive and were received by the Ladies' Aux
iliary to the association, consisting of Mrs.
William Pontefract, Mrs. John Sloan, Mrs.
William Jorden. Mrs. B. M. Bhodes, Mrs.
M. Jenkins, Mrs. B. Bicbards, Mrs. J.
Vickerman, Mrs, K. Kennedy, Mrs. W.
Ogden, Mrs. H. Hukill, Mrs. J. Owston,
Mrs. J. Glover, Mrs. J. Woodward, Mrs. W.
McFrederick, JJrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. J.
Fletcher, Mrs. T. Benner and Mrs. B.
Nearly400 railroad men were present At
3:30 o'clock the musical and literary exer
cises were begun. Prof. Theodore Salmm,
Miss Loi Craighead, Miss Emily Craighead
and MissLu Bhodes played solos and. duets
alternately on tbe piano, and were ire
quently interrupted by applause. Prof.
Weidraan sang some very pretty songs, and
Mr. Burk Taylor closed the programme by
several recitations. The cuests then ad
journed to the dining-room and partook
heartily ol a delicious spread.
Frank Meyer, of Lnwrencevllle, Fats a Bal
let Into Bis Stomaeb.
Frank Meyer, a single man, who lives fn
Iiawrenceville, started to walk up the West
Penn Bailroad track toward Sharpsburg
last evening about 6 o'clock. Several per
sons who saw him noticed that he walked as
if he were intoxicated.
Near Sumner station he took a revolver
from his pocket, and, while probably ex-,
amining it, caused it to be discharged, the
bullet penetrating his stomach. The report
was heard by a number ot people, who ran
to his rescue. He was picked up, still liv
ing, and carried to the home of a cousin
living in Sharpsburg, where his wound was
attended to. His condition is critical.
Whether or not it was an attempt at suicide
is unknown.
BLAiB'a Fnxa Great English gout and
rheumatic remedy. Sure, prompt and effect
ive. At druggists'. ttsu
American, Engllsb, French , and German
Dress Goods
Of the best makes, all included in this ereat
mark-down sale, which begins to-day. Don't
delay; you'll rue it if you do.
Jos. Hoene & Co. 's
Penn Avenue Stores.
Reductions in black goods. "
Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.
82 50 Quality Imported Broadcloths at
82 a Yard,
And $2 quality at $1 50 to-day in dress
goods department nothing reserved.
Jos. Hobke & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
January Sale.
50-cent surahs for 35 cents, $1 25 black
silk for fl. Kxabls & Shusteb,
iitt ' 35 Fifth ave.
Seo the 50-Incb All-Wool Striped Sailings
at 50 Cent.
Regular $1 00 goods, this is a "bargain
sale." Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Table Linens Reduced,
Napkins and towels rednced.
Kitabie & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.
Those who use Fraucnheim & Yilsack's
celebrated ale and porter pronounce it ex
cellent in flavor and very beneficial in its
effect. Kept by all first-class dealers.
January sale of dress goods. Greatest
bargains ever shown. Prices bound to move
them, Kxable & Suusteb,
mtt 35 Fifth ave.
Oar January Sale Begins To-Day Come
Soon as yon can dress goods and silks at
lower prices than ever known.
Jos, Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue -Stores.
Fsekch sateens, plain black, only 22
cents, regular 37J-cent qualitv.
Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.
Oar January Sale Begins To-Bay Corae
Soon as you can dress goods and silxs at
lower prices than everknown.
Jos. Hobne & Co's.
Penn Avenue Stores.
India Silks.
Beautiful line ot colors all reduced to 48
cents. Knable & Shusteb,
mix 35 Pifth ave.
Tbe Winter Tens,
Curry University, begins to-day.
Come with the erowdktn ICnihla &
1 Bhustar's. 35 Fifth: avenue, hit
Residents of the Southside Object to
Bridge Obstructionists.
Eapid Work Done bj the Knoiyille Incline
Eailway Companv,
A speck of war was visible for a time yes
terday afternoon on Bradford street, between
South Eleventh and South Twelfth streets,
over the attempt of the Pittsburg and
Knoxville Incline Bailway Company to
erect an iron bridgeway over the street at a
less elevation than that prescribed by the
ordinance of Councils granting them the
right of way from a point on Marlanna
street, near Sonth Twellth, to another point
on Carson street on a direct line.
The people living or owning property in
the vicinity, assembled in an excited crowd
when they saw what was being done, and
protested that the iron work obstructed the
street for vehicles. The men to whom they
complained, however, were employes of the
Penn Bridge Company, of Beaver Falls,
who have the contract for erecting the iron
portion of the new road and, of course, had
no authority other than to perform their
work according to the terms made with the
incline company, ftvr.
Some of the officials of the latter company
were on tbe ground for some time, and they
were appealed to, but the indignant people
had no more success with them than with
the hired workmen.
A new line of action was then decided
upon. Councilman Benz,of the Twenty-ninth
ward, was sent for. He soon reached the
place and added1 his voice with the others
against the position of the obnoxious bridge.
The incline officials held to their first posi
tion, and refused to change a line in their
plans or to suspend operations. The
work of erecting the heavy stringers
and accompanying iron work was
going steadilr on in the hands
of about 25 workmen. Mr. Benz saw that if
anything was to be done it mnst be done
speedily. He therefore at once notified
Chief Bigelow, of the Department of Public
Works, of the sitnation. Street Commis
sioner Hunter, of the Southside district, was
instructed to take charge of the street and
not permit the bridge to go up at a height
less than 14 feet in the clear at the
lower end of the bridge. Mr. Hnnter
repaired to the scene of war imme
diately and found that, at the lower
side of Bradford street, the bridge was 5K
leet in tne ciear, ann at tne opposite sius
the elevation was 11 feet He ordered
the work snspended according to the in
structions he had been given. No heed was
paid to his demand, even after an explana
tion of his authority m an officer of the
street department
The excited and indignant residents were
a little amazed at the display of contempt
for Mr. Hunter, supposing that with his
presence the work on the road would cease.
In this view they were not wholly in error,
for, although Mr. Hunter, single-handed,
could not compel obedience, he did it with
the assistance of asquad ot officers uuder
Captain Stewart
The work had progressed so far before the
people noticed what was being done that,
by the time Mr. Hunter did secure a cessa
tion through the potency of force, the pair
of heavy stringers had been suspended from
the iron framed trestle, on the upper aide of
the street, to the masonry on the other side,
and made secure at either end. The mis
chief was done.
The foreman of the bridge builders called
his men off the work at the command of
Captain Stewart, bnt did not leave tbe place.
At a late hour last night they were still
The objectors to the low bridge, among
B. & E.
A large range and choice in
Plain, Fancy and Vest Front Jackets,
AU reduced to (4, f 5 and S7.
PLUSH JACKETS. S3, $10 and S12.
FLUSH CLOAKS, now S15, CO and $25.
Finest Styles I Heaviest Cuts I
Your choice of Stylish Garments
at :8, 310, S 12 and $15.
One Hundred Dollars for Eighty.
n IN
$125 Garments for $100.
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
French; KEndrick JEn.f
Will be sold prior to Stock-taking at. from
one-half to two-thirds price.
Opposite City Halt '
them Councilman Benz, assert that the ordi
nance granting privileges to the Pittsburg
and Knoxville Company, stipulates that the
bridge crossine Bradiord street should be
not less than 14K ett '" the clear, and that
tbe incline company had not at any time
eiven any notification of their plans to Chief
Hamilton Anlion. of the Saatbslde, Slaets
Denth la Frisco, Beaver County.
The police officials yesterday received a
letter from J. M. Badeer, an official of Fris
co, Beaver county, stating that Hamilton
Aulton, of this city, had been struck by a
train and killed at that place yesterday
morning. The deceased, in company with
Charles Fickley, went to Frisco early in
the morning and Fickley had gone into a
saloon along the railroad when tbe accident
occurred to Aulton, who had remained out
side. The deceased lived on tbe Southsids
and was a puddler. A sister resides on the
Southside and a brother in Allegheny.
Kalfhts of tba Myillo Chain.
The George Washington Castle, A. O. K.
of M. C, No. 82, held its semi-annual
meeting in the Twelfth ward last night
The officers elected were : Senior Knight
Commander, John Heck; Senior Knight
Vice Commander, B. Lloydes; Senior First
Lieutenant, Gustav Stitzer; trustees, Ed
ward Kochenderfer and A. Work.
TnuESDAT, January at '
1 Jti
' j
-OUB- a --i'?
We tell yon about Dress GoodsTflrst
and foremost. .
25c a yard
35c a yard
75c a yard
$1 a yard .
I 35o a yard.
1 yarn.
1 vara.
a yard.
50 a yard.1
That's the way these January bargain
prices look, in these Dress Goods mark
downs. Come and see bow tbe goods look and
yon will be more amazed at these won
derful bargains in fine all-wool Dresa
tr aiwff T
Our entire stock of finest 60 to 58-lneh
Imported Broadcloths marked down.
$3 0 quality reduced to $2: $3 quality
reduced to $1 50 a yard, all the newest
shades. This is a bargain sale in dead
earnest We are bonnd to reduce stock
at once.
Thousands of yards all to be sold
now tbe goods marked down to 60c ara
in the center ot store the goods at 75o
and $1 are In separate lots, making it
easy to see and select
Recollect, we put on sale here, at 0o
a yard, about 100 pieces all-wool Dresa
Goods, 40 to 12-Inch Stripes. Plaids,
Checks; also a large lot of 60-inch wide
Suitings, at this name price of 60c, re
duced from 75c and- $1 these are on
front counter. In Dress Goods aisle.
About one hundred Imported English
Single Dress Patterns, in Cbeviot and
smooth weaves, reduced from $3 to $2 a
yard: these are the finest and most
stylish suiting dress fabrics Imported.
Not a yard o( trashy or undesirable
goods solid bargains. ','
We will tell yon about tbe SilkbaFI
rains aeain. also the Curtain Room
the Linens and Embroideries, thelWbvr
ter Underwear tls a whole store tof
bargains. Of course you expect to
come, but make it a point to comequick
as you can. whether you lire in' the city
or a hundred miles away. '.'
and FAHOY GOODS. fa.,
- Ja
Notwithstanding the fact that our holiday?
sales were tne lareesson iccuru nmnrM
plenisbed our stock by telegram orders and now!
K. .. Mnn.nT,u lima fnr thM. wfin mlal-M
SHOW CJ WW"DM' M.w -w. WW. .w WWMM-jf
pate mazing n ew x ear piswuu.
f sues
I $1 to SI 75
) si 25 to $3
W t
fwi& ';
-. -fs
i. ,' r
j: .
" rt.
uJi&.-fl A-Jfer ,-( . '1K9HUK7&)
. - .. -t ., - . t flUtVlSU -r r,- Ti
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