Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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PAGES 9 TO 12.
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Chronological Review of the Import
ant Events of the Tear 1889.
rlfiairs and Hen of Great Interest to On-
l " i lmt. r?A1llMlttfl1lH
vuiuuiy uencianvuo,
"With the last reluctant tones of the mid-
sight bells there passed into history the
i records of 18S9. Be these records good or
'bad, great or email, that each must answer
vtanto himself.
--L. J '"While looking forward with a firm hope
"-wlo the future, there is always a sad pleasure
, mn turning back over the leaves of the past,
j ,and no matter what the victories to come,
"ttheT ran never atone for the defeat of the
&H j "past. One year nearer to happiness, or per-
-' 'haps one .year nearer to shame, one year
nearer the coal of ambition, and alas, one
v year nearer death. "What a world of mourn-
: ful philosophy lies bnried in the bare rec-
," ordsof the world for but one fleeting year,
. ,, a fleeting moment in the cycles of destiny,
but a lifetime in the age of man.
The past year has seen wondrous strides
' J. in civilization; it has witnessed the triumph
r 2 of art, and calamities innumerable, one, the
ffi greatest that ever befell the human race.
Sfir What the coming year will show, but One
BS). alone can answer; let blind man rest con-
.1 The Legislature convenes and nothing oc-
' cars to mar the occasion. The Republican
elate goes through easily. Governor Bea-
' Ters alile message. Successful observations
of solar eclipse at Winnemucca, Me v. Em
peror William expresses a desire for peace
with all nations. President Cleveland's
brilliant reception. National Convention
of Colored Catholics at Washington.
3 Irish tenants evicted by troops make a gal
lant fight at Donegal. The Duke and
Duchess of Marlborough settle their quar
rel. Consul Atwood, the United States
representative at San Domingo, asks for
lease of bones of Columbus lor museum
purposes. The Senate takes up and dis
cusses the tariff bllL
8 Cbauncey M.Depew has his glass leg sawed
off. Wm. Lorman Roberts, the Baltimore
stockbroker, who cost his mother 250.000
by his escapades, dies. Report showing
marked improvement in railroad business.
Henry Walton, an English actor, files alien
against Boucicanlt and prevents the sale of
11 of his plays.
Evicted tenants in Ireland defend their
homes and blood is shed, 14 evictors being
injured. A gigantic confidence game
worked by which the sugar trust lost over
a million. General J. A. Williamson, of
Connecticut, falls heir to a fortune of half
a million dollars. Successful performance
for the first time in America of Wagner's
createst, 'Rheingold." in Hew York. En
gineers' strike on the Burlington road set
tled. 5 The Kaiser declared an incurable mental
invalid by an eminent physician. Lively
discussion In the Senate on the tariff bill.
Thomas Stone, a teamster at Fall River,
Mass,, bitten by a little dog dies from hy
drophobia. Governor Beaver declares in
favor of reopening the Soldiers Orphans'
Schools. Complete details of the mammoth
sugar swindle. The murderers of Pay
master McClure and Hugh Flanagan ar-
rested at Wilkesbarre.
6 Mrs. Parnell deeds the Ironside homestead
to her son Charles. Deadlock In the House
over proposed change in rules.
7 Sensational scenes in the injunction case of
theArbeiter Bund at Chicago. Bold brass
thieves steal 100,000 worth of metal from the
.Pennsylvania Company, at Altoona. Sulli
van and KHirain sum articles far a fifrhe.
8 New York Chinamen dodicato their new
house of worship. An attempt to blow np
- the Royal palace at Madrid with dynamite.
The deadlock in the House continues, and
f Senators Hiscock and Quay have a tilt.
Speech of Judge Cooley, of the Inter-State
Commerce Commission, at a banquet
in Boston.
9 Judge Barrett, of the New York Supremo
Court, decides that sugar trust is an Illegal
combination. Application for the pardon
of McClure and Freyvogle, convicted of
being gamblers. The State Senate stand
ing committees announced.
10 Speaker Boyer announces bis appoint
ments. Exciting scene in the Indiana Leg
islature. Lieutenant Governor Robertson
refused admission. A riot in the Hungar
ian diet. Marie Goode Harrison divorced
from Benjamin Harrison, nephew of the
President, at Indianapolis.
11 An attempt made in the House to abolish
the blue laws of this State. Governor
Gray, of Indiana, sends in his last message.
. Bradstreet reports trade generally dull.
Lord Salisbury says Sackville West's dis
missal was a violation of international law.
Successful trip of the dynamite gun cruiser
12 Liquor men demand that the Btate reim
burse them for losses if the Brooks law
? prevails. Mrs. Jane Ross, of Louisville,
robbed of a brlckhonse in a peculiar way.
13 Simon Cameron expresses a high opinion
of President-elect Harrison. A Buffalo
man bleeds the London Timet by offering
information on the Phoenix Park murder,
" which he fails to furnish after receiving
' Jmoney. HerrMost is denounced by his
former pupils as a rank traitor. Rev. Dr.
Talmage says one day's rest is necessary
each week.
It Prof. James Corkery. a South Ambov
school teacher, marries an 8-year-old pupil.
George Thorndill, of Syracuse, who sent a
barrel of anDles to Queen Victoria rwolree
-, letters of thanks and British gold.
.,15 A lively row at the meeting of tbeReicb-
'e A stag. Russell Harrison tells how he helped
fc.' to elect his pa. Coffey, not Coyle, killed
- Henry Meyers. More arms sent to Havtl.
- Judge Tuley rules that Chicago authorities
have no power to forbid meetings of An-
v archlsts.
v 15 Republican legislators in caucus decide to
.' . tot- tha nunnl a Jiuiiii lin r u -t n .9
let the people decide the question of pro
hibition. Account of spook wedding iff
New York. Exciting incidents in the
Parnell trial. Annual meeting window
Class manufacturers in Washington. Cor-
respondence between tbe United States and
Germany on the Samoan trouble.
"17 Darin asserts that Rossa is a coward. Big
dinner of the American Protective Tariff
League at New York. Lively discussions
on tariff revisions in the Senate. Large
Butler county oil deaL Prince Bismarck
scored by the English press.
IS Dramatic story of the death of General
Gordon, England's hero. Miss Harriet
Coffin arrested for annoying Krle Bellew.
Quay and Cameron oppose the tariff bill.
Tbe prohibitory Constitutional amendment
causes lively debate in the Legislature. The
bill admitting North Anil Rnnth rialm.
Washington, Montana and New Mexico
passes the House. Mrs. Harrison declares
"at wine will be served at the White
House, Sensational features in the Par
nell inquiry.
uennan lorces at Samoa shoot and tear
down the Stars and Stripes. Florence E.
Haifa becomes insane IwratiKn thn ann .
iCbief Justice Williams did not reciprocate
iber affection. Senator Brown, of Georgia.
HZnakes a protection t,aM, -DnAMr-n
dynamite eao $accessiully tested in New
30 The administration resents theBamnsn ot-
J rac- -an"lempttobnbeaMercermem-$f
her of the Legislature to aid liquor inter-T-yf
, "021 Mrs. Langtry scores a success a5 Lady
' JtfQX&etAinlsewYork. Finishing touches
pot on the Senate tariff bill. The French
"j. army increased to 3,000,000 men. A London
' V1 syndicate takes charge of the Mexican Cen-,-
tral Railroad. The deadlock in the West
i.i' Vlrrinla Legislature broken.
" 22 The Republican tariff bill passes the Sen
ate, marges oi onoeryanu aeais in the
Minnesota Legislature. Airs. Rawson, wife
of the Chicago millionaire, put on trial for
attempting to murder Lawyer Whitney.
P. L. Kimberly sues Charles D. Arms for
an Arizona rold mine valued at taOOamn
a23 The President given a half million dollars
to carry out the Samoan treaty. Captain
f T Brown vigorously defends his public school
flag bill in the Legislature. Dennis Tobln's
glory of outrages by moonlighters before
, the Parnell Commission. Ben Bntterworth
scores the Knights of Labor. Meeting of
Indiana Civil Service Reform Association
Bntf thA & rimlniatrcHrm 1, Mriftl
rtiTbe prohibitory amendment passes second
icwuug in mo duh oenaie. JosepnA.
Moore, agent of the Connecticut Mutual
Life Insurance Company, embezzles 1500,
000. America's reply to Germany. The
Lord Jilr.jnr of London tenders a banquet
t Minuter Phplna.
25-Tbe Attorney General declares the law
-' making Allegheny a city of the second class
cuuconsmuuoiiaj. Mrs. .Harrison, daughter
n-uuwimmw iioibxiBw aoT. osronir in-
idicaUong for war with Germany. fRev..
Boyd Vincent consecrated Bishop of the
Episcopal Diocese of Ohio.
SO British steel rail manufacturers organize.
Bismarck makes a plea for the East Africa
bill, hut is defeated. Emperor William
celebrates his birthday.
27 A Hungarian riot at Scottdale. The Ger
mans defeat the Arab forces at Zanzibar.
Over 3,000 Chicago Anarchists bold a ball.
The American side of the Samoan affair.
How liquor is obtained in Maine.
28 Representative Kauffman flies objections
to continuing soldiers orphans' schools
under present system. Charges made
that the Government has been bribed by
Alaska pirates. Harrison completes his
list of Cabinet appointments, but refuses
to make them public.
29 Moore, the million dollar embezzler, skips
to Canada. Street railway bills discussed
by the Legislature. State Convention of
K. of L. at Harnsburg. Senator Sherman
declares that war is useless.
SO Prince Bismarck and his son receive a
scathing scorching from Editor Stead, who
is coached by the Dowager Empress Vic
toria. The anderbilts gobble up the South
Penn Railroad and turn It over to the
Pennsy. The State Senate Basses the pro
hibition amendment resolntion. Congress
receives additional information on the
Samoan trouble.
31 Startling news from Samoa stirs npthe
Senate. Additional bills introduced in the
Legislature to secure legislation makmg
Allegheny a second-class city. Serious
strike of New York street car men,
1 Bismarck retracts and retreats In Samoa
question. Oklahoma bill rushed through.
Fatal children epidemic in Kentucky. Big
strike in Connellsville coke regions. Ger
man papers unanimous against war. Prince
Rudolf officially called a suicide. County
Clerk Sullivan, of Indiana, skips with
2 Claimed Rudolf was insane. Germans ab
sorbing territory in the Pacific, but nervous
over political changes. Gloomy prepara
tions for Queen's wedding anniversary.
Rubinstein and Von Bnlow quarrel over
their long hair. Some street cars in New
"iork moving again. Three-mlllion-dollar
tire in Buffalo.
3 Wholesale smuggling in New York. Ban
quet in Jersey City in memory of Tilden.
Another street car not in Mew York. The
usual woman, a countess, appears in the
Rudolph case. Anheuser-Busch, St, Louis,
paruauy uurnea; loss, ssu,uuu.
4 Germany proposes a conference on Samoa
in Berlin. Brooklyn street car strike col
lapsed. Soldiers' orphan schools to be in
vestigated. Also, Alleged Texas white out
rages. 6 Belle Starr, the cattle queeu, hanged for
horse stealing. Big mining cave-in near Car
bondale; heavy loss of property, butno lives.
Whitechapei murderer chased to Central
America. Miners and operators meet only
to quarrel In Indianapolis. Informer Beach
testifies against Parnell.
6 Murder of bophi Preston, missionary to
China. Rev. H. Y. Satterly, of New York,
elected Bishop of Michigan. Informer
Beach testifies in London that America is a
hot bed of Parnellism. Alex. Sullivan
scatters Le Caron's testimony.
7 Terrible tale of mania among soldiers' or
phans. Cashier of Manhattan Elevated
Railroad Company, New York, llies to
Canada with 70.000.
8 Bread riots in Rome; SO persons -dangerously
wounded. Red Nose Mike confesses
killing McClure and Flanagan by order of
secret Italian society.
8 Father Damien dying of leprosy on Mo
lokai Island. Rapid growth of the K. of L.
in the East. Ireland appeals for aid for
evicted families. Three million five hun
dred marks added to tho yearly allowance
of Kmpcror William. De Lesseps confesses
the Panama canal a failure.
10 White Cap victim in Eastern Pennsylva
nia suicides. London mass meeting de
nounces the Government. $500,000 Ore in
Chemist Wyeth'g place. In Philadelphia
Extensive. Chicago Anarchists denounce
U A niece of Susan B. Anthony drowned In
Leavenworth. Earthauake in Naples.
Strike of longshoremen in Boston.
12 The McAlIisterville school epidemic in
creases. Continuation of the malodorous
Church divorce trial at Columbus. Russia
opens upto Chinese immigrants. Ameer
approaching upon Czar's frontier. Lincoln's
memory honored in New York.
13 U. A. It Encampment at Erie adopt new
"orphan" rules to better provide for chil
dren. 14 Bill in Minnesota prohibiting trusts. Re
volt of ball-breeds in Dakota. Thomas R.
Bnggs, 82 years of age, sued by a Rhode
.island Tuaiaoninr breach or promise.
French Ministry bill to revise the Constitu
tion defeated. Solicitor Xor London Timet
testifies that many thousand pounds were
paid for Tarnell letters.
15 Smallpox at Columbus. United States
Bishops express e mpathy for Pope on ac
count of his bad treatment. Economltes
celebrate anniversary of their organization.
IS Correspondent Klein tells of Samoan
troubles. King Milan suffers a relapse.
17 Fourteen-story office building collapses: no
one killed. The Friend sugar swindlers ar
rested. Pope Leo'sjubileeletterapplauded
in America.
18 King Ottoof Bavaria hopelessly insane. Dis
appearance of Contreras, Secretary of the
British Legation. Chinese in New York
offer their temples lor the worship of Chris
tian outcast'.
13 Secretary Vilas gives his last Cabinet din
ner. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin warmly wel
comed at Indianapolis. O'Brien again in
jail. The Thurlow gun full of flaws.
20 Catholic pilgrims to tho holy lands to visit
the Holy Sepulchre. Baseball in Rome.
Kentucky negroes flogged by White Caps.
21 New French Cabinet iormed. Harrisburg
Senators rowing over butterine. Ives and
btaynor indicted. The ramie plant may
usurp King Cotton. Standard Oif Co. buy
more Lima territory- West Virginia miners
in extreme poverty. Informer Pigott breaks
22 Ives' clerk arrested. The Shermans attend
the funeral of General Sherman's sister in
Cincinnati. Mrs. Althouse, of Attica, drops
into her last trance. WesfVirginia not
proud of her three alleged Governors.
Washington's birthday generally observed.
Fuel famine in Cincmnatti.
23 German Emperor and Bismarck to visit
England. Harrison gets a hair cut before
going to Washington A pretty Irish peeress
riles to America with her father's hostler.
Mrs. Leslie sells out to W. J. ArkelU
24 Anthracite colliers out of work and mines
dally closing down. Canadians don't want
to annex or form a union. Bismarck de
clares himself most friendlv to Uncle Sara.
25 Tren."" dous ovations to Harrison's inaugu
ral; trains all along the line. John Money
forces Balfour to the wall. Five religious
enthusiasts baptized in Jersey ice water.
Canada preparing an extradition treaty.
26 The Harrison train reaches Washington
City. First Corean reception ever held in
Washington. Pigott has fled and the case
against Parnell falls through. America
furnished the important Parnell evidence.
Carried to him by a priest.
27 Soldiers orphan schools must close June 1.
Boston convicts refuse to work and
sentenced to solitary confinement. Times
conspirators acknowledge defeat. A pretty
western school teacher marries a Sioux
Indian. $25,000 reward offered by President
of the U. S. for the Arkansas ballot box
23 Gov. Fitzhugh says the South is the negro's
best friend. Masked murderers shoot
down Herman Umberger, a farmer near
Ligonier, and steal 13.000.
1 General Siegle's son arrested, charged with
forging pensioners checks. Report that
Pigott suicided in Madrid aroused great ex
citement. Gladstone makes a magnificent
speech in favor of Ireland. House passes a
joint resolution advocating commercial
union with Canada.
2 Maggie Mitchell applies for a divorce.
Robert Garrett improving in health. The
seventy-ninth anniversary of the Pope.
tev Castle authorities, under orders of
John A. Logan, Jr., evict 12 families in H e w
8 Rain pours on thousands miserable people
in Washington. Morton becomes a favorite.
German and American seamen quarrel at
4 Harrison inaugurated in the rain. London
dispatches comment unfavorably npon him
and his record. Bishop Ryan criticises
Bishop Coxe for his opposition to Catholics.
A Canadian wants to anuex New England.
6 Reading Iron Companysuspends; 2,000 men
out oi work, now i ors ana rennsyivania
dairymen form a trust. Rochester brewers
refuse to sell to English syndicate. Panic
in Paris over collapse of the copper syndi
cate. 6 General Badeau sues his publishers for
$22,500. The Mahoning Mntual Insurance
Company fails for 81,000,000. Germans win
a battle over the Arabs. The inaugura 1
ball shows a surplus of $70,000.
7 Parnell fears prejudiced judges. England's
new navy to cost 100.000,000.
8 Unfounded rumot of American vessels snnk
in Samoan waters. Montercole raising Ned
in New York. Ninetieth anniversary of
Simon Cameron's birth. Albert Netter,
banker of Cincinnati, flies with $30,000.
0 Memorial services in honor of Emperor
William. Thousands of settlers on the
edges of the South Dakota land. Diph
theria raging dangerously In Fianklm.
Governor Hill to marry a Miss Hotchkisa.
Detals of Chinese riots say no Americans
10 Legltime's forces butcher an entire Tillage.
M;. Langtry and Gebhard secretly married
a week ago, Bagley, Camden's famous
. marrying preacher, whips a groom' elder
brothfcE Mrs. Clara Nye. Farmloirton. Me
goes to jail charged with horse stealing.
Los Angeles gold fever increasing, thou
sands flock to the spot. Boomers preparing
to descend on Oklahoma.
U Governor Beaver must have funds but dis
owns the revenue bill. Blaine demands the
release of an American citizen in Russia.
Bishop Foley asks the Catholics to abolish
sectarianism in schools. Ex-Senator Pal
mer made Minister "to Spain. Chinese
driven from Milwaukee.
12 Cleveland, Bayard, Lamont and Falrchlld
sail for a jaunt to Cuba. Decided Beaver
Falls dam be re-built. A New York China
man baptized in hot tea.
13 New Hampshire defeats prohibition. Su
preme Court decides Wilson still Governor
of WeBt Virginia. Edltur Dawson assassi
nated in Charleston, S. C. Negroes form an
exodus from North Carolina to Arkansas.
Parnell receives a rousing reception in Lon
don. Senate reports favorably to Australian
ballot bill. ,
14 Steel trust formed In Chicago, capital 820,
000,000. J. F. Adams, a Georgia forger, de
liberately starves to death. Oklahoma
boomers telegraph the President to open
up. A. million-dollar fire bear Helena,
15 Tired tenderf eet back from Lower Callfor-"
nia. Sing Sing convicts going Insane on
account of no work. Three negroes hanged
at Little Rock.
16 Kensington elections boom Gladstone. Vic
toria becoming peevish. Samoa peacetnl.
Portions of Scranton cave in. Cleveland
speaks at a banquet of Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick in New York. One thousand
unemployed parade in London. Mary An
derson's intellect collapses.
16 Opium smugglers seized in San Francisco.
Australia demands Samoa be independent.
Tascott's would-be capturers disappointed
again. Heavy storm on Atlantic coast.
Alary Anderson worse. London Times at-
tacks Henry George. Ex-King Milan bids
bis subjects adieu.
18 Presidental appointments crawl along
slowly. Proven Captain Beaucbamp, oys
terman, of Baltimore, offered to pay men to
throw loafers overboard. London Anarch
ists celebrate the anniversary of the Paris
IB Oklahoma boomers and soldiers collide:
some broken heads. Catholic pilgrims
welcomed at Rome. Grade crossings bill
passed. Chief Justice Fuller's daughter
20 Board- of Pardons refuses Murderess
Whiteling's plea for mercy. Tom King
again Second Vice President of the B.4 0.
McClellandtown gang again busy.
21 Germany increases her military strength.
Revenue bill passes the House. Mrs.
Whlteling respited one month. Houses
washed away by heavy waves at Atlantic
22 Gunboats sent to watch American interests
in Alaska. Vigilantes organize to sup
press Fayette robbers. Bismarck explains
and apologizes. Daughter of J. D. Rocka
feller marnes a poor man.
23 An American mesmerist startles London.
Salvation Army storms New York. Mrs.
Cleveland still a social favorite. Count
Montercole sails for Europe.
24 Emm Pasha defeats 6,000 Dervishes.
Tramps overrun Franklin., Stampede of
negroes from South Carolina to Arkansas.
25 Mrs. Lucy Parsons wants to see revolution.
Harriet BeecherStowe becomes intellectu
ally weak.
26 James Roman, of Kentucky, leaves $30,000
to former slaves and forgets his relatives.
General Sowders, an eight times murderer,
landed in a Kentucky jail. Ex-Governor
Hartranft charged in Harrisburg with
27 Mind reader Bishop paralyzed and divorced
the same day. Cleveland and party back,
from Cuba. Canadian flsh pirates captured
in Erie. Victoria visits Queen Cnrlstiana.
The President opens Oklahoma. Margaret
uameronana j. w. ciarK, otJMewark,!. J.,
29 A Denver banker coolly robbed of $2L000in
daylight. English capitalists buying Amer
ican tin mines. Three American and three
German men-of-war sunk in cyclone at
Samoa. Order for Boulanger's arrest.
30 English growls at royalty's expenditures.
Father McFadden indicted for murder in
Dublin. Burial of John Bright; Jack Ash
ton defeats Lannon.
31 Opening of the Eiffel tower. Ohio visited
by a cyclone. Ascertained that there are 43
K. of L. members of the Legislature. A
New York man marries an insane girl for
her money and is arrested.
1 Wonderful meteor falls in Oregon.
neet xor oamoa.
2 Stanley heard from in the center of th
L Dark Continent. Carnegie confirmed as a
delegate to the Coneress of AnrerlCaTfNa
tions. Sir Charles Russell opens defense of
Parnell. Boulanger fled.
8 France in an uproar over Boulanger's dis
appearance. Germany sends a new fleet to
Samoa. Booth slightly touched with paral
ysis. Fifteen million white fish freed In
Lake Erie.
4 A sister of Congressman Mahoney attempts
suicide. Booth recovering. Towns wiped
ont by Dakota prairie tires.
6 Boulanger deserted by his followers. Maggie
Mitchell granted a divorce. Incipient earth
quakes in Canajoharie, N. Y. President
Harrison issues thanksgiving proclamation.
6 Attempt to close Sunday saloons in England
fails. John G. Thompson, Ohio mall clerk,
disappears. Emperor William's narrow es
cape from drowning. Savannah scourged
by fire.
7 Randall suffers from gout. Cashier Pratt,
of Minnesota, skips to Canada with 100,000.
Norfolk, Va., flooded and devasted by fire.
Famine at Panama. Latter Day Saints con
vene in St Joseph.
8 Virginia swept by storm.
9 Major Armes refuses to apologize. A couple
bound for Oklahoma married on the train.
A Norristown farmer bunkoed out of $4,000.
10 Postmaster Wanamaker banqueted at the
Manufacturers' Club, Philadelphia. Rocke
feller gives his daughter a $1,000,000 wed
ding present Mahoningtown terrorized by
burglars. A Dominican war vessel fires on
the United States flag. Failure of the fifth
leather film in Boston In two days. Four
teen evictions on the Alfred estates, Eng
land. Congress of the Loyal Legion, Cin
cinnati. Treasurer Lodge, of East Liver
pool, O., short $10,000 in accounts.
12 Legislative Committee examines Riverside.
New York, wires must come down. Ar
rival of 26 glass blowers. Bir Charles Rus
sell finishes bis great speech. An Ohio
youth finds a buried box of gold. Mad dog
panic in Franklin. Several bit Stanley
safely jumps from a height of 285 feet
breaking the record. Steamer Denmark"
found abaudoned in mid ocean. No news
of the passengers.
13 Lamar, Col., surrenders to outlaws. Ath
erton and Ella Wheeler quarrel.
14 Captain Reed, of Eleventh United States
Infantry, suicides at Plattsburg.
15 Storms along the Eastern coast disable
many sloops. Roach reinstates Captain
Schaak. Riot in a Mt Pleasant Church:
uuc j7uui,duiu 0uuvu. uiuui&i victory at
Rochester: Tories mouring.
16 General Slgel resigns as pension agent at
New York.
17 Boomers ready to occupy Oklahoma. Minn
eapolis car strikers riot Work on Hudson
River Tunnel resumed. Project for ship
canal from Lake Erie to Ohio river. Mayor
Grant cuts New York wires and poles.
IS Truant boomers enter Oklahoma, First
and second mates of the "Solitaire' arrest
ed for murder on high sea. Canadian
Parliament subsidizes steamship lines.
13 Several squares destroyed by ttre in New
York; many buried In the ruins. Remaics
of Miles StandUh recovered. Canastota
Glass Works In Ohio burned, Military
ordered to Oklahoma.
20 Another Boston leather firm fails forfcOO.
uw. iuurcmii uuu unamoeriaim quarrel
ing. Clans Spreckels fights the bugar
21 General street car riot in Minneapolis.
The passengers and crew of the Denmark
rescued and landea in Philadelphia.
22 Twenty thousand boomers occupy Okla
homa. McKeanand Potter counties swept
by fire. '
23 Captain Armes calls General Hastings a
liar and a coward. Standard buys StLoul
Gas Trust Yellow fever appears in
24 Government officials In Oklahoma charged
with fraud. Suicide of the next to the last
member f the Suicide Club, at Bridf eport.
Conn. Freemasons' Jubilee in New York.
25 Hoodwinked boomers flee from Oklahoma.
American capital invested in Persia. Har
risburg killing labor legislation.
26 Cleveland sells bis stable. Canada writhe
ing over the Behring Sea troubles. Jackson
knocks ont Cardiff. Tannerissnes 581 pen
sion certificates in one day.
27 The sixty-seventh anniversary of General
Grant's birth celebrated by a banquet Ger
many demands land compensation.
28 Glorious success of Washington Centennial
everywhere. American tbeosophs meet in
Chicago. Cliff dwellers found in Mexico.
MLdellandtonn robbers jailed, St Paul
street car men strike.
SO-Peunsylvania Legislature enjoying itself in
New York. Parnell on the stand.
- MAY.
1 Washington Centennial ends In a blaze of
glory. Ben Butler says Farragut was the
hero of New Orleans and Porter ran away.
Four more McClellandtown outlaws ar
rested. Taylor sentenced to hang for Mo
Causland's murder.
2 Three strikers shot In Reading coal riots.
Two-thousand Indiana miners strike. Fonr
fui exposure of crultlea in Chicago insane
8 Sensation in Harrisburg over -Mr. Bblras'
'intended impeachment of Judge White.
Sir Julian Panaeefota nraanta nia . enulon.
rials. Mind-reader Bishop i married: again.
Arguments begun on tho appeal in the
Sharon divorce case A St Louis man
about to be bnried, revives.
4 William O'Brien sues Lord Salisbury for
libel. Jay Gould and Bishop Potter lock
horns over a discussion on riches- The
Standard controls white lead companies.
Governor Beaver signs municipal lien bill.
5 Disappearance of Dr. P, H. Cronln, Chi
cago. Harry Bishop, an old-time minstrel,
suicides. P. J. Armstrong, of the In man
Line, suicides. George Francis Train roasts
the Centennial celebration. The Parnell
fund reaches $163,200. The Paris Exposi
tion opens
7 Pig Iron war between North and South.
--Butler proves Porter a coward.
8 Twenty-eighth annual convention of Y. M.
C.A. in Philadelphia, Miss Drexel will
enter a convent
8 City of Paris breaks the record.
10 Father Damien dies from leprosy. Spokane
wins the Derby.
11 Barnaul's circus wrecked at Willlamsport
Three Bald Knobbers banged in Missouri.
The Southern negroes object to Harrison's
cold treatment. Edison robbed of 200,000
by his counsel in the sale of hisphonograpli.
President Harrison goes fishing. Jeff
Davis replies to General Wolsley.
12 Jacob Scbwinefurtb. Rockford, III., claims
to be Cbristattracttng thousands of follow
ers. New cruiser Charleston beats the
world's record. Three hundred colored
converts baptized at Richmond.
13 Irving Bishop dies In New York, aced 4L
14 Catholic Knights of America hold annual
convention at Chattanooga.
15 Solicitor George A. Jenks' resignation ac
cepted. Lord Lonsdale returns from the
Arctic regions. Council of countries to
govern Samoa. Inter State Commission in
vestigate the Standard rebates. Legislature
passes minor cigarette law.
16 Southern Presbyterian Assembly convenes
in Chattanooga, Northern Assembly inNow
York. Independent refiners charge rail
roads with discrimination.
17 Villard wins his conspiracy fight and gains
control of the Oregon Transcontinental.
18 Germany concedes all points in Samoa ques
tions. Mrs. Maybrick arrested in London
charged with poisoning her husband. Suls
bach wins against Carnegie for non-completion
of Davenport and St Paul Railroad;
$1,500,000 involved.
19 W. J. Arkell's residence, Canajoharie,
burned. Fanny Davenport marries Me-
bnrn McDowell. Cornerstone laid for
Catholic De La Salle Institute. Chicago.
Ten more steamer Alaskan survivors
20 Pennsylvania Odd Fellows Encampment at
York, Pa. Five thousand dollars reward
offered for Cronm's murderers. Mrs. Fol
Bom marries H. E. Perrine, Jackson, Mich.
23 The Chicago Police detail plans for the
capture of Cronln murderers. Electric
Sugar Refiners replaced on trial. Northern
and Southern Presbyteries united. Gen
eral Assembly of the United Presbyte
rians meets at Springfield, O. Dr. Mc
Kenzle sues London Timet for damages.
24 Dr. Cronin's blood stains discovered in
Carlson's cottage. Failure of the Mer
chants' National Bank of New Haven; de
ficit $100,000.
25 Le Caron reveals some Crouin secrets.
George A. Jessup, cashier scranton City
Bank, arrested for embezzlement of
$150,000; bank fails. Dan Coughlin arrested
as Cronm suspect Three American ladies
arrested at Nice on charges preferred by a
French dressmaker: blackmail. Northern
and southern Presbyterian Assemblies
agree not to discriminate against the col
ored race.
28 Discovered that Dr. Cronin was ordered
murdered by Clan-na-Uael. Funeral of the
murdered man. United States troops called
out to suppress Oklahoma riots.
27 Scranton City Bank deficit found to be
$300,000. Chargo.of murder entered against
Coughlin by Chicago police. P. 0uuiran
arrested as suspect
28 Woodruff, Bullivan and Coughlin Indicted
for Cronin murder. Clan-na-Gael formally
repudiates charges. McClellandtown burg
lars Indicted. Fight between Hocking Val
ley miners. Cardinal'Gibbons opposed to
Srohibition because it does not prohibit
arter convicted of murder in the second
degree. Mrs. Maybrick placed on trial for
murder. Minister McLean's farewell ad
dress to the French President The Rev.
Dr. Crosby, pastor of Fourth Avenue Pres
byterian Church, New York, buncoed on
Broadway. Boyd C. Caldwell and others
convicted in the United States Court at
29 Alexander Sullivan accused by Dr. Cronin's
friends of embezzling $82,000; McGeehan ar
rested as suspect Sir Richard Webster,
Attorney General, banqueted by London
solicitors. The Pope reported dead. House
hold effects of J. G. Blaine, Jr.. sold at New
York. President Harrison sets aside 1,900
- aeres-osar-jStone--river: Site selected for
the National Zoo-near Washington.
30 President Harrison attends Decoration Day
services at Brooklyn. Rev. Dr. Leonard, of
St John's Church, of New York, elected
Assistant Bishop of Ohio. Alexander Sul
livan shadowed by detectives as a suspect
State Board of Health condemn Dr. Camp
bell, of Latrobe, for certifying to death of a
child, the shipment of whose body to a dis
tant point causes an epidemic. Allegheny
street railways to alter their motive power.
Grand jury indicts Somerset burglars for
assault and battery with Intent to kill. An
English syndicate gains control of Southern
lumber interests. More arrests made in the
Cronin case.
81 The city of Johnstown devastated. Fire
and water claim 5,000 victims in the Cone
maugh Valley. The South Fork dam bursts
and sweeps all before it Middle and West
ern Pennsylvania visited by terrible floods.
Railroad travel suspended. Universal
mourning. Somerset burglars sentenced
ten years to the penitentiary. Boodler Mc
Garngle returns from Canada and pleads
guilty in a Chicago court Iceberg 40 miles
iong pressing toward the ocean.
1 Meetings called in all large cities through
out the country for the purpose of aiding
Johnstown. Committees from every branch
pt business actively at work in behalf of the
survivors. Physicians leave the city In a
body for Johnstown. Reservoir at Cuba,
N. Y., bursts. Floods sweep Maryland and
Virginia. 'Meeting of Good Templars at
Chicago. Five railroad officials indicted in
Chicago under Interstate Commerce Act
2 An American vessel fired upon off Capo
Hayti. Adjutant General Hastings arrives
at Johnstown. PresideutEarrison says the
Btate Board of Health should act immed
iately. Allegheny county members of
Legislature volunteer their services
for an extra session.
3 Inquest held In the Cronin case. Governor
Beaver issues a proclamation appealing to
the people of tho entire country.
4 Mass meetings held in different cities
throughout the country; subscriptions to
sufferers generously made at all points; in
surance companies question their liability
for damages sustained by the flood; Presi
dent Harrison makes an appeal for aid of
the Johnstown sufferers at the Washington
mass meeting. Willlamsport in a destitute
condition; repeated appeals for assistance.
6 Thieves and marauders infest Johnstown;
England sends assistance to Johnstown;
money from Maine to California floats into
the Chamber of Commerce; employes of the
(iautlcr Steel Works receive one month's
wages from relief fund; relief committee
organizeu at jonnstonn; delegations from
Ohio towns pass through en route to Johns
town with tralnloads of provisions; the
President consults with Attorney General
Miller and the Government will furnish all
possible1 aid to Johnstown; another appeal
fur laborers and money comes from Johns
town. 6 Governor Beaver refuses to call an extra
session: New Hampshire .Legislature ap
propriates $10,000 for Concrtiaugh sufferers;
Brooklyn navy yard sends out the monitors;
Cambria Iron Works take fire at Johns
town, adding renewed terror to the scenes.
Millionaire Farwell bunkoed out of $10,000
in Chicago.
7 Dillon gives sensational evidence against
Alexander Sullivan in the Cronln case.
President Harrison commutes the sentence
of two Southern murderers. City of Seattle,
Washington Territory, destroyed by fire.
Pennsylvania Railroad opens its lines to the
East All saloons in the Conemaugh Val
ley closed. Volunteers leave Johnstown in
droves. Lock Haven appeals for aid.
8 Whit Snnday generally observed. Gover
norBeaver visits Johnstown.
10 Chicago retracts her $20,000 gift. Corner
stone to the monument of Confederate
dead in Petersburg.
11 The State takes charge in Johnstown.
Alexander Sullivan charged with the mur
der of Dr. Cronin. Johnstown nnder mar
tial law, A Boston man withstands 1,500
volts electric shock,
13 Beaver borrows one million dollars. Buffa--loo
Bill's benefit nets $2,000 for Johnstown.
O'Donovan Rowa'S libel 'suit against the
Catholic News dismissed.
13 A bomb thrown at Gladstone in Cornwall.
14 Samoan treaty signed.
15 Gorge at the Johnstown bridge divided.
woourun, tno cronln snspect, confesses.
Ensign George Ormsby dismissed from the
Navy. Pontiao wins at Coney Island. More
rumors of trouble with Russia. Grand
Dnke'Paul, of Russia, betrothed to Princess
Alexandra, of Greece. Twenty lepers in
16 Woodruff, of Cronln fame, makes another
confession, implicating Sullivan, Three
leper loose In Ontario. Cambria iron offi
cials tell of past protests against the dam.
17 Tue flood unfavorable to prohibition.
Bnrke. Cronln suspect, captured in Canada.
Cambria Iron,Corapany resumes.
18 Carnegie entertain Gladstone in London.
Raceland win the suburban.
lft-Five, thousand laborers strike at, Johns
town.- Burk4lndicted for c the vCronin
murder. Johnstown rapidly" rebuilding.
Hanover wins at Sheepshead.
20 Rhode Island goes wet- Popular uprising
In Venezuela.
21 Mrs. R. B. Hayes stricken with paralysis.
Blinols miners starving. Loafers fired
from Johnstown.
22 Snlt3 against the South Fork Club. Johns
town citizens protest against paying
taxes this year. Turners' Conven
tion in Cincinnati. Beaver refuses to
respite.Mrs. Whltllng. Sunday services in
Johnstown very affecting. ,
24 Twenty-four dwellings burned at Johns
town. Turners' banquet in Cincinnati.
Burke extradited.
25 Bold bank robbery in Denver. Secrets of
the, Clan-na-Gael revealed. Portable bouses
received in Johnstown with disgust
26 McDow swears he killed Dawson In self-defense.
27 Cloud burst at Akron, O. Death of Char
lotte Patti in Paris.
2s Yale beats Harvard in a boat race. Treas
urer Wright, of the order of Tonti, $10,000
short in bis accounts.
29 British taxpayers grumble at royalty's ex
travagance. Dahlgren-Drexell marriage.
New York. Seven now indicted for Cro
nin murder. Johnstown in despair. Ger
many wants to divide Switzerland with
France and Italy. McDow acquitted of
30 Cathedral of St Peter amlBt. Paul conse
crated In Providence. Eastern sports
traveling West with Sullivan and Kilrain.
Father Davies, of Cambria City, claims
8,000 lives lost
1 Trinity Chnrcb, New York City, must pay
51,000 for importing a minister. The Shah
arrives in London.
2 Sullivan and Kilrain on the ground. Su
preme Court license decision criticised.
Convention of the Mnslc Teachers' Na
tional Association, New York. Davitt says
tho Clan-na-Gael is all right
3 Dynamiter Phillips resigns. Dervishes de
feated at Arquln. Wrecked Samoan sailors
arrive in New York. Seven indicted for tire
Cronin murder. McDow acquitted of the
murder of Captain Davsoo.
4 The glorious Fourth celebrated, Johns
town victims need ready money. The two
Dakotas. Montana and Washington become
5 The Persian Minister leaves forborne.
Fight with tramps near Reading, two men
killed. Governor Lowry offers '$1,000 for
the arrest of Sullivan or Kilrain.
6 Ten thousand Braidwood miners in need.
Coroner's jury holds the -South Fork" re
sponsible Alleged discovery of the elixir
of lite. General Sherman's son ordained a
deacon, Philadelphia.
7 Tools, money and workmen disappear from
8 Sullivan wins in 75 rounds. The military to
withdraw from Johnstown.
9 France to build several war ships. Dr. J.
M. Waters, New York, experiments with
poisonand finally shoots himself. General
Cameron's will probated. His estate worth
$1,700,000. Rabbi Frank, New York, at
tempts suicide; aespondency. -10
Experts claim electricity will kill. A
Jamestown, N. Y., farmer tortured and
11 Handsome Mrs. Brady, of New York, in
dicted as a common scold. Sullivan ar
rested and released.
12 Indignation meeting at Johnstown. People
clamoring for money. Harrison at Deer
13 Completion of the Conkllng Monument
Anarchists celebrate the fall of the bastile.
The Cleveland Iron and Steel Works bought
by an English syndicate.
14 Wanamaker and the W. U. quarrel over
rates. Bud McCoy, aged 9, of Hatfield-Mc-Coy.
stabs an enemy.
15 Sullivan on a spree. The Southern de
tective Norns after the principals. Salva
tion Army jailed In Quincy. Mass.
16 Powderly openly favors eight hours. An
American fleet of American Bteamers to be
built at a cost of 810,000,000.
17 Bill Jones, who shot at Uulteau, jailed in
Washington on account of a drunken row.
Mrs. Barry takes the first K. of ,L. charter
to France. Supreme Court decides against
sarah Aitnea mil. Aerial navigation com
pany organized in Boston.
18 Campbell's Airship seen at sea. Prof.Hogan
probably drowned.
19 Creek Indians want $400,000 to winter on.
20 A Chicago Arm claims the patent on rolling
molten metal. Wealthy Widow McCaul
disappears from Bridgewater. Kilrain
claims ha was drugged.
21 Disorderly Sunday In Johnstown.
22 The Propaganda at Rome laugbsat the idea
of an American Pope. Cattle Queen Kate
Maxwell lynched in Wyoming. An Austra
lian -District Assembly K. of L. formed.
Johnstown left in the hands of tho "Red
23 Late fires in China destroyed 87,000 dwell
ings and 1,200 people perish. Twenty thou
sand dollars cash paid Sullivan.
24 John Carter, murderer, lynched In West
Virginia. Laboucbere says royjityis ex
travagant Lewis Bros.,drygoods merchants
of Philadelphia assign with $4,200,000 liabili
ties. ,
25-James Garfield andMlssNewell.of Chicago,
to do marrieu.
26 The Indian Commissioners barely saved
from massacre. Royalty receives its grants.
The Yorktown ready for her trial trip.
Mary Anderson about recovered. Pennsyl
vania rates cut universally.
27 Earl of Fife and Queen Victoria's grand
daughter married. John J arret t denies
that famous interview. Golden wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone. Prof. Oldrieve, of
Boston, successfully walks on the water.
Clara Barton gives a social tea in James
town. Americans ashamed of their exhi
bitions in Paris. The body of murdered
Colonel Jones, of Cincinnati, found in a
man-hole: bis servant Bligh, confesses.
28 Cincinnati police close saloons on Sunday;
several rows ensue. Row in Washington
over wells drilled within the limits. Sub
sides asked to aid merchant marine.
26 SweetPotatoTrustformed. Vick's children
taken care of by Conservatives. Umpire
Goldsmith nearly, kiljed in Baltimore.
Cokers' organization perfected.
SO An alleged Messiah in Georgia drives hun
dreds crazy. Burke extradited to Chicago.
A Boston boot and shoo firm fails for a
million. The sealer Black Diamond cap
tured. A wife beater publicly whipped in
81 Sullivan arrested by Inspector Byrnes: Kil
rain hiding. After smoldering fire years
a cuim oank near onamoKin explodes.
Excitement overtbe Browo-Seqnard elixir.
Throe hundred sewing machine girls strike
In Wilkesbarre. General Siegel's second
son arrested for stealing.
1 North and South unite in dedlcatluga mon
ument to the Pilgrim Fathers. Hon. John
Porter and Miss Davis married in Mead
villo. Cannibalism discovered among the
Indians in Ontario.
2 The Shah visits Buffalo Bill's show in Paris.
Canadian papers become warlike.
8 Emperor of Germany Inspects English war
ships. Pretty Clara Reader, of Schuylkill
Haven, robbed of her golden hair in day
light The total amount of Johnstown re
lief, $3,800,000. Law and Order wins In Cin
cinnati. 4 Captain of the Black Diamond escape with
his vessel . A coustn of Dr. Cronln attempts
to shoot Burke. Twoyonng train robbers
hold no a Kansas City train. The census
wheel set in motion.
5 Yeldell arraigned for murder in South Car
olina. Still finding bodies in Johnstown.
6 Harry Myers kills James McCormickat
7 EbanS. Allen charged with forging 700
shares of street railroad stock. The
Thetis rescues 8 ont of a whaling crew
of 83. Mrs, Maybrick sentenced to death.
8 A prophecy that the Church of Rome must
be anglicised. White House cooks strike.
9 Yeldell in a South Carolina court Attempt
to overthrow Kalakaua's Government
10 Scripp'a delegation received cordially in
London. Yeldell acquitted. Elixir of life
all the rage. Blaine and Harrison on an
H Armour refuses to sell to a British syndi
cate. Jack the Peeper captured in Eliza
beth. 12 The new cruiser Atlanta successfully
13 Meeting of the Grand Lodge of tho Sons of
St John, Wilkesbarre. Boulanger con
victed of treason. Monument projected to
John Brown. Imposing funeral of Judge
Cummin at Willlamsport
14 Notorious Terry assaults Justice Field and
isshotdown bra. U.S. Marshal, Lathrop,
Cal. Sullivan. Kilrain and other prominent
sports indicted at Purvis, Miss. Boulanger
convicted of embezzlement and treason.
Prairie fires In Montana.
15 Collapse of the Brown-Sequard elixir.
Henry George banqneted In Philadelphia.
. Reunion of the One Hundred and Second
Regiment Butler.
16 Ebon 8. Allen, forger, gets 14 years.
17 Boulanger exiled. Oklahoma claim jump
ers bounced. Mysterious attempts to burn
Danbury, Conn. Sullivan gets one year In
the penitentiary and appeals. The Pope a
virtual prisoner. No more money to be
paid ont at Johnstown for the present
18 Colonizing Mormon elders thrashed in
West Virginia. Sullivan reprieved for six
19 General Nicholas Marchler, of Buffalo, bet
$100 he would kill a man before nign.t and
is murdered himself in five minutes,
19 Caftle fever in Westmoreland county.
20 The wife of Mike McDonalda Chicago
politician, elopes with a French priest
Annual session of the Grand Lodge K. of
P., in Lancaster.
21 Thirty thousand dock laborers strike at
Livereeol. Keystone Furnace Cobbbabv sat-
jpends-Two more Maiet Mwed by Ameri-
acas K8H WMW.fc
22 Mri Maybrick's death sentence commuted
to penal servitude for life.
23 New England iron manufacturers petition
for free coal and iron ore to compete with
natural ga.. Four New York femicides:
hanged in the Tombs. Barnum's show
wrecked In Watcrtown, N. Y.
24 Forty thousand men strike in London. Mrs.
Frances Jerome, of the Yellow Cross So
ciety, assaulted and robbed in Johnstown.
Legitime abandons Havtl.
25 Graham shoots the Niagara rapids in his
barrel. Three persons drowned by the
bursting of a reservoir at Snrine Lake. R.
I. King Humbert excommunicated by the
28 Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton attacks her
husband and stabs her nurse in Atlantic
City. The Cronln suspects arrzlgned for
27 Grangers picnic at Williams' Grove, Pa.
La Blanche whips Dempscy.
28 NnrseMary Donnelly recovering. Eightieth
anniversary of Oliver Wendell Holmes'
birth. Alger chosen Commander-in-Chief
of the G, A. R. at the Milwaukee encamp
ment 29 G. A. R. at Milwaukee indorse Tanner.
Nael guillotined in Nora Scotia.
30 All London laborers called out American
Bar Association in Chicago ends in a ban
quet 31 Jubilee Plunger issues a book, "How I Lost
51,250,000." Archbishop Corrigan denounces
the King of Italy for his treatment of tho
Pope. Holzhay, the notorious Wisconsin
highwayman, captured.
1 Graham goes over Niagara Falls and lives.
War of races in Gretna, La.; many
shot: militia ordered out Ten Thousand
coal heavers join the London strike.
2 Another lineman killed by electricity in
New York.
3 Mrs. Ray Hamilton's conspiracy exposed.
Difficulty in securing a Cronin jury. Neff
g anted a new trial at Waynesburg.
ungarian riot pear Mt Pleasant; one
man murdered.
5Uelebratiou of the founding of Old Log
College, now Princeton College, attended
by 20,000 people; President Harrison and
Wanamaker make speeches. Jennie S.
Chamberlain and Captain Leyland married
in London.
6 Nagle testifies he believed bis life in danger
from Judge Terry. Citizens of Johns
town raise $ly600 with which to sue
the South Fork. Ray Hamilton testi
fies how he was duped by a bogus child.
7 Mrs. Mane Nevins Blaine very ill. Labor
ers win the London strike. Edison almost
worshiped in Paris.
8 Johns Hopkins University in financial
trouble. Enormous tidal wave sweeps
Rockaway Beach, many buildings swept
9 Seafle beats O'Connor on the Thames.
10 Veterans gathering at Gettysburg. t
U Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg. The,
Pennsylvania Reserves addressed byEx
'Govemor Cur tin who first called tbem out
Gereral Pearson addresses the One-Hundred
and Fif ty-flf tli at Gettysburg.
12 Universal mourning for Sunset Cox.
1J s-worn losses at Johnstown exceed $8,000,
14 Millionaire Gesswein shot In his office by
inventor Deyhl. ires confesses of hl3
methods on the stand. Langtry divorced.
Chicago Exposition damaged by fire.
Strange services in aFoxburg church in
honor of the memory of Wm. Fox.
15 Mormons establish a mission in New York '
City to capture emigrants.
16 Marshal Nagle released.
17 Mysterious shower of stones in West Vir
ginia. IS Senator Rosenberg's son, of New Jersey,
suicides; religious despondency. The blue
and the gray unite at Chattanooga to form
the Cblckamauga Association.
19 Forest fires in Oregon. Mrs. Hamilton
sentenced to two years in State's prison.
Reunion of canal men in Apollo. Rosecrans
made chairman of the Chickamauga As
sociation. 20 The Brotherhood baseball scheme booming.
23 An Austrian appropriates $100,000, and Is
naDDeain new zone.
24 George Francis Train arrested for a debt
25 The Chinese Lees deilare war against the
Wongs on account of complications in China.
Cumberland celebrates her centennial.
Smokeless powder adopted in, foreign
28 Boulanger badly defeated in the French
elections. Emmons Blaine and Miss Anita
McCormick married at Richfield Springs,
V7 Fred Douglass insulted by steamship cap
tains, who refuse -to take him to Hayti.
Edison made Commander of the French
Legion of Honor in Paris. Scott explains
the illiuus coal troubles. Open polygamy
in Utah, stopped.
28 Bogua, medical colleges in .Boston sell
diplomas for $60. Marie Blaine wants a
30 Fred Douglass and party sail. Matt Quay
. celebrates his 66th birthday. State workers
' leave Johnstown.
2 Evidence closing in a'round Le Coney.
3 William CEndlcattand MIssThoron mar
ried. 4 Powderly receives an ovation in St Louis.
6 Father Boyle sentenced to hang for crim
inal assault, Raleigh. N. C.
6 Count Thomas Edison returns. Captain
Nattery, & St Louis millionaire, brutally
beaten a mysterious affair. Pan-Americans
welcomed everywhere.
7 Slattery. the victim of conspiracy.
' 820,000 Knights Templar parade in Washing
ton. A mother and her cniid swopt over
board from the City of Paris. Comedian
Bishop dies while acting In the Lyceum,
New York. Still finding bodies at Johns
town almost daily.
9 The Minnie Swift lost in a collision, six
drowned. Knights Templar received at the
White House.
10 Grover Cleveland and Proctor Knott eulo
gize Sunset Cox.
U The Czar and Kaiser embrace. Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Ambrose, of St Louis, cele
brate their wedding anniversary by drink
ing themselves to death.
12 Conspiracy discovered to buy the Cronin
13 Brooklyn Tabernacle destroyed by fire.
Sault Ste. Marie destroyed by fire.
14 G. P. Morris, social leader, suicides in New
York. Conference of the K. of L. and the
A. F. of L. results in barmony. Scientific
exnedition sails for Africa,
15 Alex Sullivan connected with the Cronln
jury conspiracy.
lis jo
obnstown people ask about that delayed
21 Frank J. Bowman, a St Louis lawyer, shot
by an ex-bank president in a financial
22 Cronln jury at last secured. Johnstown
sufferers to receive a portion of the money.
23 Another Johnstown victim suicides. Em
mett Wells sues his wife to recover his lost
24 The great Cronin trial opened. Ericsson
successfully tests his new explosive.
25 Navasso rioters charged with murder.
26 The Tariff Club banquets C.L. Magee. P.
T. Barnnm makes a fait in London.
27 Mexico refuses American beef. Reception
to Clara Barton in Washington. D. C.
28 Arthur elected President of the Brother
hood Engineers. A rash footpad shot in
Greensbnrg. Talmage breaks ground for
his new church.
29 TheTalmages sail for Europe.
30 The Murat-Colwell engagement declared
off. The Prince wants too much money.
31 Cashier Cresson, of Conshohocken, flies to
Canada with '$50,000. Wanamaker and the
Western Union Telegraph Company com
promise. Burke in a bad box.
1 Bnrke of the
Harrison issues
Clan-na-Gael, confesses,
bis first Thanksgiving
2 The Sultan gives young William and his
wife a rojai reception. Hatzfela weds
Clara Huntington.
8 Manniugton, W. Va., crazed by an oil ex
citement Stanley with Emln Pasha.
4 Ball Players'- Brotherhood issues its pros-
6 The W. U. start to lay their new cable.
R, Boeson, of Toledo, bank cashier, skips
witu :uu.uuu. .marriage oi secretary uayaru
and Miss May Clymer, New York.
9 One million people witness the Lord
Mayor's parade in London. Bakers' strike
In London a failure. Two thousand clerks
employed onthe census.
10 One hundred years of Catholicism in
America celebrated in Baltimore. Eminent
divines present
H Cardinal Gibbons nrges the union of clergy
and laltr.
12-Gatberlng of the K. of L, in Atlanta,
13 Miss Eva Inuersoll and W. H. Brown mar
ried. The Catholics will remove tho ban
frjm all secret societies except Masons.
Catholic University at Washington dedi
cated. 14 O'Donovan Rossa organize another band
to free Ireland, The K. of I and Grangers
become friendly. George Binney, Insnr
ance agent, Boston, a defaulter for $200,000.
15 Revolution in Brazil. Dom Pedro retires.
10 Emperor William returns to Germany.
London bakers unexpectedly win. Brazil
proclaimed a Republic
17 Dom Pedro sails for LisUbn. Baltimore
Catholics favor high license.
19 All quiet In Brazil. Banquet of the New1
York Chamber of Commerce. The World's
Fair boomed. K. of L. opposed to a radi
cal eigni-unur movement.
20 General Assembly K. of L.. Atlanta, ad
journedV Sir Henry James charges Pat
- rickKgaawitconnectioo with the fhesfiix
Park sutfdec Jeff Davis seriously ill-
21-Callgkftv of SeottdsJe, pushing i UU'suit
HIWWs MT BHwriyis
23 Yale defeats Harvard in the great foot balL
match. Oliver Drake, aged 75, Ella- French, -i,1
aged 19, married at Newark, , ,
21 Green aiass strikers In the East remal ,V
firm- ,
25 Letters from Stanley tell how a dangerous
conspiracy was quelled. ,
28 National Sil ,-er Convention assembles at St
Louis; Gen. A. J. Warner, chairman. .
27 Ben Butler sued for slander by a client
$250,000 damage. Extensive preparation
for closing arguments in the Cronin case.
28 Edison gives Westingbouse a black eye in
Canada. Johnstown returns sad thanks
givings. Several heavy failures and fear
of a panic in Greene county.
29 Insurance rates advanced in consequence
of fire, Neff, on his second trial, acquitted
of the murder of McCausland. y
80 Sir Morell Mackenzie scores English
physicians for their Ignorance of leprosy
and other fatal diseases. Jndge Wing opens
bis plea for the Cronln defense. Portugal , "
threatens to follow t example of Brazil.
U. b. Court refuses to naturalize Mormon
aliens. '
1 Stanley near Zanzibar. Judge Thurmau'S '
daughter, Mrs. Cowles, divorced but one
week, marries a poor clerk in San Diego
Cal. Secretary Tracy calls the United State
navy twelfth rate.-
2 Lewis S. Cox, manufacturer, and a drug
firm of Philadelphia, fall for nearly $1,000,
000. One failure folldws another at Waynes
burg on account of that cattle bubble burst
Baseball Brotherhood raising a reserve
3 Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Ft Wayne,
Ind., refuses to allow a saloon keeper to bo
buried from its doors. Washington, Chi
cago, New York and Bt Louis lobbying for
the World's Fair. Western grangers' or
ganizations meet and vote favorably to the
K. of L. Washington Presbytery discusses
a revision of the Confession of lraitb.
4 Judge Brewer, of Kansas, appointed Asso
ciaie Judge of the Supreme Court
5 Cashier Silcott skips from Washington
with $72,000, leaving Senators to mourn.
Combination of K. of L. and farmers form
a body of 400,000 men. Emln Pacha hurt
6 Carter, the Johnstown murderer, convicted
of murder in the first degree. Henry Watts,
prominent cbnrch member, lona, Ont,
elopes with hi3 wife's sister. Dr. Talmage
writes from Rome.
7 Miss Caldwell refuses to buy Prince Marat
Archbishop Corrigan denies the Vatican
will establish an American bank.
8 Forty thousand pass in review before Jeff
Davis' dead body. U. S. Marshal White
says the great dead should be burled in
Potters field and a Wheeling lawyer slaps
his face.
9 President Harrison and Patti open Chi
cago's great auditorium. New York Pres
bytery proposes to renounce belief in dam
nation of heathen and unbaptized children.
10 William Riddle buried In Westmoreland
connty. Beaver preparing a statement and
explanation of his connection with Johns
town. H Bad scenes in Johnstown. The opera house
a man trap. Burial of Bishop Tuigg in Al
toona. Imposing funeral of Jefferson
Davis in New Orleans. Disappearance of
Banker Joseph Ditman, Philadelphia.
12 No love lost between the A. F. of L. and K.
of L., as shown at the Boston convention.
Hastings declares there is no combination
on foot to boom anyone for Governor.
13 The Cronln case In the jury's hands. Fed
eration of Labor convention at Boston will
use the ballot box when necessary. Mar
ried men join the Economltes, and give up
their wires. A. F. of L. at Boston resolves
to stand for eight hours. They indorse the
Players' Brotherhood.
14 Europe suffering from the Influenza.
15 Juror Culver withdraws bis opposition.
IB Beggs, of Cronin murder fame, goes free;
Kunze. three years to the pen, and Cough
lin. O'Sulllvan and Bnrke, a -life sentence.
Influenza reaches the East
17 F. B. Gowen held policies, aggregating
$200,000, which will be paid his family.
18 State Canal Commission meets in Rochester.
Rev. Beale, Johnstown, vindicated on
charges of dishonesty. State's ' Attor
ney Longenecker calls Juror culler
a fool or a rascal.
19 Beaver Valley merchants think the United
States should aid the State in bnilding the
big canal. Uncle Sam must pay Vr the
Silcott defalcations. Poverty and anger
among the Northumberland miner must
be allayed by outside aid. Pan-Americans
living aronnd New York.
20 W. C. T. U. at war; Mrs. Watson, of Pitts
barg. made President of the seceding non-
J artisan faction,
nflnenza still raging in Europe; some cases
fatal. One hundred miles of electric wires
cut in a week. Prominent Chinese skips
with $20,000 and a beautiful New York girl.
Cleveland addresses Cornell alumni Malle
toa chosen King.
23 Two thousand cases of inflnenza in Phila
dephla; all physicians puzzled.
21 Hetzel and Francis, convicted with Frank
Baer of mill burning, sent to the pen. Ma-,
jor Burke, of Louisiana, safe in Honduras
with $250,000 State funds.
25 A. green Christmas generally observed. The
temperatnre the warmest for SO years. Im
pressive burial of H. W. Grady at Atlanta,
26 Trouble In Brazil; a newspaper suppressed
for miking frank statements of the politi
cal management. Electric killing machines
tested and found satisfactory In New York.
27 Oil actually saves a shipwrecked steamer
off Cape Trafalgar. A Connecticut Enoch
Arden returns, buys bis wife and her hus
band presents and joyfully skips. Influenza
becoming fatal.
28 One death in Chicago from influenza. Glad
stone celebrates his 8lst birthday. Claimed
Edison is a Buddhist Determined Social
ists agitating in the German Empire.
29 Harrison shoots a hog while duck hunting.
First cold wave coming. Stanley charges
inly Tippoo Tib with treachery. No fears
of a monetary reaction from present pros-
31 Burial of Poet Browning from Westmin
ster. Plot to kill the Czar fails. King of
Corea will abdicate.
Steps That Mark the Advance ot a Great
City t Ain Even Higher Niche In the
Eyes of the World A Year
That Will be Pleasantly
It is always a pleasing thing to read of
the success of one's own, and the records
oY Allegheny connty for the past year are
those of which, all may be proud. "With an
old year closing in a wave of prosperity, the
new can offer nothing but encouragement.
I The Economltes celebrate New Year in
quaint style. Chief Elliot's report Annual
report of pustofSce (bows big gains. Over
800 newsboys enjoy the annual banquet at
Grand Central Rink.
" Gigantic union of temperance organizations
of Western Pennsylvania formed. Tom
Barry talks about K. of L. officials, charg
ing some crookedness. Two Penn avenue
cable cars wrecked and gripmen injured.
3 Allegheny Councils consider charter legis
lation. Coke workers ask for a sliding,
scale. Andrew Carnegie purchases Henry
Pblpps' Interests in the great iron firm for
4 A remarkable romance of a son's revenge
on his father, who deserted him 2B years be
fore In Ireland and came to Pittsburg. Su
fierlntendent Starr, of the Ft Wayne road,
ndlcted for negligence and involuntary
0 The bequests of Mrs. Jane Holmes to local
public charities through a clause In the will
are doubled, making the total amount 5600,
000. Tom Barry gives some inside knowl
edge as to the workings of the K. of L, A
syndicate gobbles tbe Pittsburg, Allegheny
and Manchester Street Passenger Railway.
Hattle Lewis wins the bicycle race at the
Grand Central Rink. Details ot tbe cele
brated Cleveland far robbery.
6 Druggists close their establishments owing
to the war on them by the L. fc O. Society.
J. F. Nicholson gives up the contract for
raising money to build an exposition.
7 Tom Barry prevented from holding a meet
ing in it. oi u. nail, a he supreme Court
decides tbe natural gas suits In favor of the
companies. Allegheny citizens meet and
protest against a ebange of government
Al Davis, an East End restaurant keeper,
murdered at bis home. Wm. Cart's will
filed. He leaves $1,250,000 to relatives.
8 The County Controller reduces constable
fees. Tom Barry organizes anew branch ot
his Brotherhood. The State Board of Char
ities finds fault with the Humane Society's
9 The unfinished seven-ttory brick building
.of a L. Willey. 37 Diamond street blows
down, wrecking ten other buildings, and
killing 16 and injuring 85 persons; Dr.
James L.Reed, the veteran homeopathic
pbyBidan. among the number killed; thrill
ing incidents of the great disaster. The
Westingbouse Electric Company finishes a
contract for lighting tho Hoosac tunnel.
10 Work of clearing away tbe wreck on Dia
mond street commences; Coroner McDowell
begins an inquest on tbe bodies. Annual
meeting of the Monongabela Navigational
Company. W. C. T. U. adonis a nirrJft r,i.T
A .,, vnAa . k- 's. ... r.T.fk
U-P-pegrta roBtew'deWaewfla tJe'Ewtl
inimHBtRjit n f - 'Euma
h' T- iSCsst .SJ a iSZ. t.