Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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iA Trial for Involuntary Manslaughter
Ends Pleasantly.
.Alderman Porter and His Constables Found
Guilty of Conspiracy.
Councilman Hisbet Ordered to Allow HIx Wife $25
a Month rending Trial
Thomas Tracy, charged with involuntary
manslaughter in the death of Ida Shannon,
trampled to dtath by a horse driven by the
defendant, was acquitted yesterday and left
the court room blessing Judge Single. Al
derman Forterand his constables were found
jjuilty orconspiracy and their bail was in
creased. Councilman Uisbet ordered to pay
an allowance to his wile.
The trial of Thomas Tracy, on a charge
ol involuntary manslaughter was held in
criminal court be!ore Judge Slagle yester
ternay. Attorneys Moore and Beardon de
tended Tracy and District Attorney Porter
conducted the prosecution. The crime for
which the defendant was indicted, was that
of being the cause of the death of Ida Shan
non, a little girl, 13 years of age, who met
her death October 7, by being run over and
trampled upon by a horse driven by Thomas
Tracy, on Elm street, Seventeenth ward.
The girl was playing on the Btreet when
Tracy came up the street riding onehorse and
leading another. The girl was struck by one
of tbe hordes, kuncked down and tramped upon.
Her injuries caused her death two days later.
At ihe Coroner's inquest Tracy was found
Kullty of gross criminal neglicence, and. asa re
sult, was indicted for involuntary man
slaughter. Mr. Shannon was sworn, and testified that
Ida Shannon was his daughter, and lived at Nto.
119 Elm street
Dr. W. J. Foster testified that he was called
Upon to attend the injured girt, who died from
ihe injuries received by being run over two
clays alter the accident.
Detective Fitzgerald testified to tba arrest of
Tracy and of tbe tatter's admission that he had
run over the girl.
Stenographer Donnelly testified to the cor
rectness of the report taken before the Coroner
by himself.
William Lowe, a witness to the accident, tes
tified that the horse which Tracy was riding
was galloping on Elm street and appeared to
be frightened when it approached Ida Shan
non, and that it jumped forward and fell upon
tbe cirl.
The defendant. Thomas Tracy, was sworn.
He said: I am 18 years of age and am a team
ster for James McKibben. On October 7 I
was riding a horse home and was leading an
other horse. On Kim street the horse I was
riding shied and struck a little girl. The horse
then fell and I fell beneath it My leg was se
verely injured by the fall, and 1 had to be sup
ported home."
Andrew Johnston, Michael McNally, James
McAteerand F. McKibben were sworn and
testified to tbe good character of the defendant
and to his care in driving and attending to
The testimony here closed. Tbe attorneys in
the case decided that an argument was not
necessary and requested Judge Slagle to charge
the jury.
Judge Slagle's charge was very brief. He
outlined manslaughter, and stated that tho de
fendant could not be cuilty of it Involuntary
manslaughter was then outlined, and the
Judge stated that if the jury thought the de
fendant guilty of criminal necligence a verdict
in accordance with the testimony should be
found. Tbe jury retired, and in a few minutes
returned with a verdict of not guilty. Tracy's
mother and a small galaxy of friends sur
rounded tbe acquitted man. and together they
left the Court House, a happy looking crowd.
When Mrs. Tracy reached the door she
waved ber handkerchief at Judge Slagle and
sid, "Judge, God bless you, and a happy New
The Jury Find (he LnTrrencevIlle Alderman
Rod Bis Constables Guilty as Charged
Porter Found Ball in 83,000.
The verdict of the jury in the conspiracy
cases against Alderman W. EL Porter and Con
stables Elijah Shephard, Thomas Packer and
Thomas Carney, was rendered yesterday morn
ing. The four defendants were all found guilty as
Indicted, and Packer and Carney were recom
mended to tbe extreme mercy of the court
Judge blaple thanked the jury for its diligent
attention. He then increased tbe bail of Al
derman Porter and Constable Shephard to
3.000 each. The Alderman found a bondsman
in the person of V. F. Eichenlaub, a furniture
dealer, but Shephard bad to go to jail. Packer
and Carney's bail was continued in the sum of
J1.SO0 each. Sentence will probably be pro
nounced Satnrday.
Alderman Porter was seen yesterday by a
Dispatch reporter after the result of his trial
was known. The Alderman was nervous and
agitated. He would sit down, and Uien sud
denly jump from his seat ana walk to the door.
He said:
"The verdict in my case is unjust I never
defrauded or conspired to fleece anybody out
of their money. It is most incomprehensible
how the jury could arrive at such a decision,
but the case is over and I suppose I shall sooner
or later stand the consequences of the verdict
Judce Slagle was manifestly fair throughout
the trial, and his ruling won my heartiest In
dorsement. It is not on accoant of him, how
ever, that I am found guiltv, but to the preju
dice existing against my office.
"I shall appeal for a new trial without a
doubt. If I do not get a new trial I will appeal
to the Supreme Court to upset the verdict of
the lower court"
-A Traveler Refused a bent Pnld for bv Him
Wants 85,000 Damages.
J. E. Eastwood yesterday entered suit
atrainst tbe Pullman Palace Car Company for
55,000 damages. Eastwood states that he pur
chased a ticket and berth on the car Wheeling
from Pittsburg to Washington City, good for
March 2, 1SS9.
He got on the train at McKeesport, but was
refused the berth, and could get no other ac
commodations on tbe train, and had to leave it
at Counellsulle. He was compelled to wait
several hours without shelter in a drizzling
ram for another train east and when he did
get one had to ride the whole journey sittlnc
in a seat in a coach. The result was a severe
illness, preventing him for a long time from
following his vocation of clerk.
Her Husband Ordered by Court to .Pay Her
825 a aiontfa.
In the divorce suit of Councilman Wm, W.
Hisbet against his wife, Virginia Nisbet, an
order was made by tbe Court yesterday direct
ing Nisbet to pay his wife f 100 for counsel fees
and an allowance of $23 per month for her sup
port This is pending the conclusion of the
divorce suit
Mrs. Margaret E. Maurer yesterday was
granted a divorce from Frederick Maurer. The
couple were married in March, 1S79. and in 1881
Mrs. Maurer left ber husband, she stated, be
cause of cruel and barbarous treatment At
one time he kept a saloon on Chestnut street,
Allegheny, and frequently beat her, put her
out of the house and threatened to kill her.
A Newspaper manager Sued for n Balance
of Compensation.
Henry Renter, President of the German
'Workingmen's Publishing Company, yesterday,
entered suit against J. J. Egli, recently Manager
of tho JLrbeUcr Z-itung, issued by the com
pany, to recover MOO.
It Is stated that Egli was given $3,171 88 for
expenses during the time he managed the
paper, from August to October. Of this be
turned in I1IS IS when he left Allowing all
his expenses he was still ftOO short It is
claimed, and the suit was brought to recover
that amount
To-TJay'a Trial Lists.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Mollie
Camp et aL, Annie Wallace et aL, W. Amann,
James Burns. W. H. Wilson, H. J. Baker, W.
'Pendleton, Margaret Wilson, Badge Andrews,
W. Hark, Archie Moorbeadl Daniel Peffer,
. alias Carney, Jerry Xiovitte, Frank My er et aL,
Marshall Moss, Thomas Lynch et aL,
Schulte ct aL, James Murray.
Chat of the Court Corridors.
The courts and county offices' will be closed
to-day for If ew Year's.
Joseph Gombej and wife yesterday entered
suit against Stephen Bauyasa for $5,000 dam
ages for slandering Mrs. Gombls. The parties
are residents of Etna. A capias was issued for
the arrest of Bauyasz.
The charter of the Duquesne Printing and
Publishing Company was filed yesterday. The
capital stock is $20,000, divided into 400 shares
at 50 per share. The directors are George P.
Letcne, Albert E. Klncald, Charles Little,
Samuel H. Bennett and William G. Bennett
A chaster was filed In the Recorders office
yesterday for the Pittsburg Glass Novelty Com
pany. Tho capital stock is $50,000. divided Into
800 shares at $62 50 per share. The directors
are William H. Maxwell, Wflllam J. Reed,
Fred G. Barber, James Balph and Walter R.
In Judge Collier's branch ot the Criminal
Court yesterday George McColgan was con
victed of assault on Miss Sarah McNally. Tbe
parties are residents of Fonr Mile Run. Tbe
jury is out in the case of William Richards,
tried for felonious assault on Antonio Balvini,
an Italian living on Grant street
Mr Justice Brewer will take his seat upon
the Supreme Bench on the reassembling of tbe
court on January 6.
The total production of the mills at Fall
River. Mass.. for 1SS9. with the week ending
last Saturday, was 8,600,000 pieces, or 225,000
less than 1SSS.
M. Naquet, Boalangist, whose election to
the French Chamber of Deputies was recently
declared invalid by that body, has issued a
manifesto in which he says he will again seek
election in the Fifth arrondlssement of Paris.
Captain Edward Harlan, of Marshall, 111.,
who ran for Congress in that Congressional dis
trict in the last election, has been appointed a
special agent of tbe Treasury Department, to
take the place made vacant by the resignation
oi jonnuceves.
At a meeting of the Chicago Council last
night the bond of Frederick H. Marsh, tbe
new Chief of Police, was approved, and a reso
lution, in the nature of an introduction to him
to suppress gambling in the city, was passed by
a vote of 65 to 6.
While four boys between the ages Of 6 and
8 years were playing under the-edge of a sand
bank in tbe eastern portion of Jackson, Tenn..
the bank caved in. bnrvine tbe little fellows
under about ten feet of sand. Life was extinct
before they could be got out
While four little boys, aged between 6 and
8 years, were playing last evening under tho
edge of a sand bank in the eastern part of Jack
son, Tenn., the bank caved in. burying them
under about ten feet of sand. Before they
could be rescued life was extinct
Governor Jackson, of Maryland, in his
message to the Legislature, which meets to
day, will recommend a general law for a tax on
the gross receipts of foreign corporations and
tbe repeal of all laws exempting from taxation
corporations other than religious and charita
ble. A dispatch from St Petersburg states .that
another Nihilist plot to assassinate tbe Czar
has been discovered at tbe Imperial Palace.
Among those implicated were a number of tbe
inmates or tbe palace, several of whom were
arrested in tbe passages. One of tbe conspira
tors, while resistlne arrest, was killed by an
officer of the guard.
The Dublin Freemarftjournal says that Mr.
Parnell has instructed Mr. Lewis, his counsel,
to obtain for him at tbe earliest possible
moment tbe citation to appearand defend him
self In tbe suit for divorce brought by Captain
O'Shea against bis wife, in which Mr. Parnell is
named as a co-respondent Mr. Parnell, the
paper says, desires to settle this issue as
quickly as possible.
Tbe funeral services over the remans of Rob
ert Browning took place at Westminster A'ibey,
London, yesterday. Tbe body was placed in a
polished pine coffin, on which was a small brass
plate bearing the dates ot the birth and death
of the poet. Wreaths from Lord Tennyson and
Miss Browning were placed on the top of the
coffin. Wreaths were sent by many other per
sons, including Henry Irving,. Mr. Bancroft,
Sir John Millais, Mr. Alma-Tadema and Sir
Theodore Martin.
While four men were engaged in weighing
iron at the Ontario rolling mills yesterday a
gearing of the scales, which were euaranteed
to stand a weight of 15 tons, suddenly gave
war. and caused 7 tons of metal to fall on the
men. Two of them, George Head and William
McGuire, were instantly killed. William J.
Coutler and Richard Heath were badly but not
fatally wounded. The scales were thoroushly
overhauled the night previous and -found, to be
apparently all right
The trustees of the bondholders of tbe
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, under
the act of 1SS4 and the mortgage of 1848, yester
day filed bills in the Circuit Court for Wash
ington county, Md., and tbe Supreme Court of
the District of Columbia, in eauity, asking for
the appointment of a receiver to take charge of
the canal, to borrow money to repair it and
operate it The trustees say that it is mis
take to believe that the day for successful
canals is past They do not want any more
political management of the canal, though.
Punch Not Allowed nt a Banquet Given to
x Judge Brewer.
Leavenwobth, Kas., December 31.
At a banqnet given to Judge Brewer last
night by leading citizens of Leavenworth in
honor of his elevation to the Supreme Conrt
of the United States, the committee of ar
rangements for the banqnet had prepared
to provide its guests with a milk punch. In
some way this fact reached the ears ol the
police commissioners, and the proprietors of J
the hotel were warned Dy commissioner
Lowe that if any liquors were served they
would be arrested on such information.
The banquet committee gave orJersto pay
no heed to this threat Commissioners Lowe
and Abernetny heard of this and declared
that il tbe punch was served the police
would certainly enter the place during the
banquet and confiscate the liquors. Bather
than have any disturbance, the committee
consented to forego the punch, and the only
beverages at the feast were tea, coffee and
Hebe they come with umbrella and grip
sack; down goes tbe name on the register of
the Hturtevant House, corner Broadway and
Twenty-ninth St. N. Y., with a zest, glad to get
under the roof of so hospitable hotel.
Anfrcchr.tbo Great Artist and Photographer,
Will personally superintend nil sittings at
his Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg,
New Year's Day. All welcome. Bring
children. Use elevator.
A Happy New Ycnr to All.
Aulrecht, the famous photographer, wishes
his 53,110 patrons of '89 a happy New Year,
and hopes a continuance of their patronage
in future.
for (ure nF ,
y Ugeyl
JL CcLTS obtained the only gold medal
awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi
tion with all the world., Highest possible
A Frightful and Fatal Wreck for Which No
Cause U Assigned.
INDIANA OLIS, December 31. A fright
ful and fatal wreck occurred at Kokomo
this morning on the Panhandle Railway,
one mile north of the depot. Train No. 13,
northbound, Conductor Thomas Lamb, left
the junction at 2:15 a. m., schedule time.
When about a mile north it met Train No.
14, southbound, in care of Conductor V. D.
Noland. It was rnnnlng about 50 miles an
hour. The two trains crashed together, to
tally demolishing the engines and burning
the baggage car and coaches of the south
bound train which tnmDled on top of the
engines. The injured were confined to the
engine and express and baggage cars.
George Cummings, engineer of No. 14,
died immediately alter being extri
cated. Tom McGullough, engineer of
No. 13. died at the Clinton House.
Kokomo, with his head crashed and cannot
live. Basrairemaster J. Kerlinwas injured
jive. OBgKsgciaiiswru.JicuiunMiujiiicu
in back and head and was taken to Galves-
ton. where he died at 9 o'clock. Thomas
Harber also was hurt seriously. These men
all live at Loeansport Adams Express
Messenger Giant was seriously thougn not
fatally hurt about the body. Two men
named Woods and Webb were badly hurt
in tbe general mix up, but not fatally.
A number of passengers in the coacfies
were shaken up, but the Pullmans escaped,
the passengers not being hurt The cause
of the wreck is a mystery, as the engineers
of both trains are unable to testify, but the
general opinion is the northbound engineer
was trying to make a "sneak" to the side
track at Jewel, four miles north, to pass No,
14, which was slightly behind time.
A High Stnte of Morality Shown by the
Central Station Docket.
The swearing off process for the New Year
has already commenced, judging from the
light docket at Central station yesterday
morning. There were but two cases, one of
which was out on forfeit and the other an
elaborate and assertive drank, who paid
over $940 for the privilege of making a
nuisance generally of himself.
This beats the record for five years in the
Central station as the smallest day's busi
ness aud receipts.
What else is to bo
expected of the
old fashioned way
of blacking the
shoes? Try the
new way by using
Acme Blacking
and the dirty task
becomes a cleanly
Sheds Water or Snow. Shoes can be washed
clean, requiring dressing only once a Week
for men, once a Month for women.
It is also an Elegant Harness Dressing.
A Few of the Many Symptoms
of Catarrh, the Forerun
ner of Consumption.
So you experience ringing or buzzing noises
in your cars?
Are you troubled with a hacking cough aud
general debility!
Does your voice have a husky, thick sound
and a nasal sort of twang?
Is your breath frequently offensive from some
unaccountable cause?
Have you a dull, oppressive headache, gener
ally located over the eyes?
Do you have to hawk and cough frequently
in the effort to clear your throat?
Are you losing your sense of smell and hear
ing, and is your sense of taste becoming dulled?
Does your nose always feel stopped up,
forcing you to breathe through your mouth?
Are you annoyed by a constant desire to
hawk and spit out an endless quantity of
Is yoar throat filled with phlegm in the morn
ing, which can only be discharged after violent
coughing, and a hawking, and spitting?
Are jou troubled with a discharge from the
head into the'throat sometimes watery and ex
cessive: sometimes mucus, tbick, sticking to
whatever it touches; sometimes bloody, and
nearly always putrid and offensive?
The Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute is per
manently located at 323 Penn avenue for the
cure of this disease. Mr. Hartman speaks:
Mr. John "V. Hartman.
"I was afraid of consumption. I bad a con
stant hawking and spitting. I coughed and
felt a soreness aud pain in my lungs. Mv
throat became sore and ulcerated, breath
short 1 lost Sesh, and had night sweats and
many other symptons. It gives me pleasure
to add my testimony to tho hundreds already
published, to my complete euro by these physi
cians. "I now weigh more than ever before and feel
well and strong.
"JOHN V. HARTMAN, 1214 Main street,
Remember tbe place. The Catarrh and
Dvspepsla Institute, S23 Tenn ave.
Consnltationireetoall. Patients treated suc
cessfully at home by correspondence. Office
hours, 10 a. it. to 4 p. St., and 6 to 8 p. if. Sun
days, 12 to 1 P. M. de23-M WT
a m
Skins on Fire
Agonizing, Hchlng, burning, and bleoding
Eeiema in Its worst stages. A raw sore
from head to fast Hslrgone. Doctors and
hospitals fill. Tried everything.
Cured byCuticura
I am cared of a loathsome disease, eczema, la its
worst stage- 1 tried different doctors and been
thrnntrh tliA hnn1tnl. bnt all to nnnurnoie. The
disease covered my whole body, from the top of
mv head to the soles of my feet. My hair all came
ont leaving me a complete raw sore. After try.
lnr vfrvthlnir.
, I heard of your Cuticura Kem-
m1 L-l . -"j---',... . - . -.., T--..-....... .
D1S ana slier nuux wra; wiiuesoi uuiiuuiu
1 find myselfcured at the cost of about 8. 1 would I
not do wunout tue uuvvua ju&aijuijls xu auj
ISAAC H. OKUMAN, Wurtsboro. N. Y.
Burning and Itching .
I was sick In tbe fall of 1833 with a burning and
itching so bad that in three weeks I was covered
Kwltharash, and coald not sleep nights or work
doctors thought it might be salt
,henm feczemai. and said thev had- never seen
rheum (eczema), and said tber
anything like it before. I received no help from
any of them, or from any medicine that I could
get hold of until I tried your CCT1COBA 1SEM-
Knnza. Aftpr thren weeks1 use I -w&a able to work.
and kept getting better, until 1 am now entirely
cured. V.E. OSMEB, Taftsville, Vt
I have nsed the CtmctrKA Rehedixs success
fully for my baby, who was afflicted with eczema,
and had such intense Itching that he sot no rest
day or night Ihe itching is gone, and my baby
Is cured, and is now a healtby, rosy-cheeked boy.
Cuticura Resolvent
The Sew Blood and Skin Farmer and greatest of
Humor uures, internally, ana uuticcba, tne
Keat tikln Cure, and UUTICDrU. Soap, an exquls
1 Skin Heautlfler, externally. Instantly relieve
and speedily cure agonizing,
itching, burning.
bleeding, scaly, crusted, and
diseases and
humors of tbe skin, scalp, and
blood, with loss of
hair, from pimples to scrofula.
Sola everywhere. Price, CtrncuitA, SOc. : Soap.
25c : Kesolvist, tl. Prepared bv tha Potter
Drug and Cuemicai. Corporation, Boston.
S"Send for "How to Cure SKIn Diseases," 64
pages, SO illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
niiJl'LES, black-beads, red, rough, chapped
I I m and oily skin prevented by C'OTiCDRAbOAP.
and nams. back ache, weak kldnevs.
rheumatism. andctiest palm relieved
AKTI-PaIK Blaster. 25 Cents.
923 AND 925 PENN AVE,
Neab Ninth Steeet.
Cloaks and Clothing,
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars from
Chicago to San Francisco and the
Paciflo Coast.
For the accommodation of purchasers of Second-
Class Tickets and others, the CHICAGO, ItOCK
nlnK excursions In Pullman Tonrlst Sleenins Cam
(personally conducted). Evebt Second Thcesdat,
from Chicago to Oregon and California via Denver.
Every comfort and convenience assured at a Brest
reduction from regular urst-class rates.
Address, for lull particulars,
v JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen.Tkt.&PassAgt
-BT. JOHN. Gen. Manager, Chicago.
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time)) Klttannlng Ac, 6.55 a, m.; KlaganEx.,
C1II7. 8-43 a. m.. ilutton Ac, 10:11) a. m.; Valley
Camp Ac, 3I-05 jp. m.; Oil city and Dnliols Ex-
Sres,I:00 p.m. ;Bulttn Ac., 3:00p.m.: Klttannlng
e., 4:00p.m.; llraebnrn EiL, 5:00 p.m.: Klttaan
lng Ac, 6.30 p. m.; liraetmm Ac, 6:20p.m. : Hal
ton Ac, 7S0 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally,
S:."jO n. m.: Hulton Ac. 9:45 n.m.: Braehuru Ac.
. 11:30 p. m. Church trains braeburu, 12:40 p. m.
and 8:3a p. m. rnumau Sleeping carl Between
Fittsburg and Vnffalo. J AS. 1. ANDEKSO.N.
U, T. Axt.: I1AVUI ilCCAUGO. Gen. Bust.
Have determined to clear out their magnificent stock of Ladies, Misses and Chil
dren's Cloaks, Wraps, etc., irrespective of coat or value; will not particularize.
Suffice it to say, that all and every style of weave, material, cut and fashion, are
here, and if the lowest of low cut prices are factors in the quick disposition ot
merchandize (aud, we think they are), then it won't take many days to empty the
shelves andacks in cloak rooms. ELEGANT SELECTION.
151 and 153 FEDERAL
JZvery Fair Warranted.
Laird's HE Shoes
515 Wood Street,
Bet . Fifth and Sixth avenues.
GeoAMacbeth&Co.Pittsburgha I
JANUARY' l; . JL81&
, . 1
And Read these Wonderful
Prices for Ladies' and
Gents Fancy
Ladies' Felt Slippers at $ 60
Ladies' Clofh Felt Lined Slippers at. . 75
Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers at 75
Ladies' Fancy Velvet Slippers at,.... 1 00
Gents' Fancy Velvet Slippers at 75
Gents' Fancy Velvet Slippers at...... 1 00
Gents' Eusset Morocco Slippers at.... 1 00
Gents' Fine Morocco Upper Slippery at. 1 25
Also, a large stock of Ladies'
and Gents' Cloth and
Glove Kid, Congress
and Ties at from
$1 up, at
Corner of Sandusky street
Turn This Over.
Shop around all you like to
compare our Trousers to Or
der at $5, $6 50 and $8.
Good work and prices
lower than any other house
are the points of the cojnpass
with us in the Clothing we
make. Take a look at our
ready-made. Handle the
goods and learn how true the
workmanship is. We dis
criminate against poor quality
invariably and poor work.
You will find our Clothing
like usual custom-made in
style, fit an'l excellence.
Good as it is prices go to the
lowest peg. We' have made
special prices this day on
Overcpats and Suits to fetch
a big trade.
& Brown
Sixth street and Penn avenue.
Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Qlasses;
Will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The
largest and best stock ot Optical Instruments
and Artificial Eyes.
KORNBLUM, Theoretical and
Practical Optician.
'No 50 Fifth avenue, near Wood street.
Telephone No. 16SS. de2&8
PariB Exposition, 1889:
3 Grand Prizes 5 Gold Medals.
Ask for Yellow Wrapper.
7rVir Sale EeervtcTiere.
Walter j. Osbotjene. kichabdBaheows.
90 Diamond street.
Telephone No. 812. au31-6-rrs
400 and 408 Market street,
Bet. Diamond and Fourth ave.
" fleg5-MWF
- vi
t i ii
the liberal share
stowed upon us
successes to our eventlul career. We have
brought thousands
our glorious banner
bility, and the recent enlargement of ounja
building makes ours
handsomest ana most centrally located, but ,
also the largest Outfitting Establishment inj
Western Pennsylvania.
Enjoying better facilities than ever for ca-
tering to our large and critical clientage, we
shall be prepared to carry on our vast busi-,
ness on even smaller
and thus not only
competitors, but undersell them to a greater)
extent than heretofore.
ino- the ensuing vear and invite a careful
perusal of the same
paper readers, feeling confident that they
ni. , i , i" i
win out serve tneir
ing this invitation.
And, now, we shall conclude by wishl
ing one, all and everybody
and many returns of the day.
Fifth Avenge and
after November 10, 1889. trains leave Union
station, Flttshurg, as follows. Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited or Fullmin Ves
tibule dally at 7:15 a.m.
Aiiannc .txpresa aauy iur we xiw . i.
Man train, oauy, except sunaaj, o:ua. m
day. malL 8:40 a. m
liar expressually st 8:0
Mall express dallr at 1:1
Philadelphia express da
:00 a.m.
1:00 p. m.
phla express dally- at 4:S0 p. m.
Eastern express dally at 7
my at t:ni
j p. m.
fast i.ine aauj at snu p. m.
Oreensburirexpress5:l0p. m. week days.
Derrr express 11 :O0 a. m. week dars.
All turough -trains connect at Jersey City wltb.
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" ror jsrooEiyu, a. i.,
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through N.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
St. Louis. Chlcaeo and Cincinnati Express,
. .. - W t.IA. M
4.UU 1U.
Mail train, dally
Western Express, daily
Pacific Express, dally
. 8:I0d. in.
. 7;45 a. m.
.12:43 p. m.
. 9:30 d. m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally,
fTi. n.ilv-.
ll:S3p. m.
-rTr-r.v.vi.---iT.. .. . v. m.v
For Unlontown, 6.30 and 8:35 a. m. and 4.25 p.
m., without change ol cars; 12:S0p. m., connect
ing at Ureensburg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:45 am.. 14:10, 5:35 and 8:10p.m.
From FEDEUAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for illalrsvllle... 6:45 a. m.
Express, lor BlairsvUle. connecting for
Bntler , ;;:" 1 f!!f p m-
Bntler Accom 8:20 a.m., 2:25 and 5:45 p. m.
BnrinEdaleAccom9:00,ll:50a.m.3:30and 6:20 p. m.
Freenort Accom 4:15, 8:20 and 11:40 p. m.
On Sunday. 12:35 and 9:30 p.m.
North Apollo Accom 11:00 a. m. and 6.00 p.m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation... 8:3) a. m.
BlairsvUle Accommodation t110!)?- "
Express, connecting from Butler I0;35a. m.
Mall Train ..V"V:p'n1,
Bntler Affcom 9:10a. m.,4M0and7:Z5p.ia.
BlairsvUle AceommodaUon..i..v........?;s? p. m.
FreeportAccom.7:40a.m., 1.25,i:25andll:10p.m.
Onlsnnday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Sprlncdale Accom.S.37, 11:48a. m., 3:45. 6.45 era.
North Apollo Accom. ....8:40 a. ,m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leave Union station, Pittsburg, as foU
suuinwui r xivn nAtunAj.
For Monongsheia City, West BrowneTllto and
Uniontown, 10:40 a.m. orMpnongahola City and
West Brownsville. 7:05 and .10:40 . m. and 4:41 p.
m. On Sunday 1:01 p.m. For Monongahtla City,
5111p.m., weekdays. ,
Dravosbnrg Ac. weekdays. 3)p.m. '
West Elizabeth Acoo-nmodatlon. 8:20 a. m., 2.0O,
6:20 and 11:13p.m. Sunday, 9:40 p.m.
Ticket offlccs-torner Fourth avenue and Try
street and Union station. tt.,,t
CUAS.E.PUOH. J;5-Y')0Ev.
General Manager. Gen'IPass'r Agent.
.VTIftlfll.lP &VI1
Schedule menecirioveinoer i, x.
ForWasnington. D. C, Baltimore, Pnuauei.
pbla and New York, iw. m- "" VEWi S,
For CnmberUnd. 8:00 a. m., JtaTO, ?:?'P..
ibla and NewTork, '8:00 a. m. ana iau i p.
For Connellsvllle. W:40 and '8:00 a. m tlrtO, ta
and 90 p. m. For Uniontown. - j,!'
tl:0O and J4.-03 p. ro. For Mt. Pleasant, W:4a
800a. m, ami Sa and 4.00 p. m. For Wash
ington, Pa., OSandtfla. m., 3:3 5:30 and
?Ao p. m. For heeling-., 1&J:f, ' ff"JSs
7:30 p in. For Ontlnnatland St. Louis, "78.
pa:mf!NraewarrkM Zf ?
Baltimore and Washington, 6:20 s-a, wp.
m. From Columbus, UoewJL"?,.
8:25 a.m., "9:00 p.m. From Wheeling, saa,
oilfepcSrf-wBaltlmore, Washing
ton, Clnclnnatland Chicago.
Connellsvllle accommodaUon at $8:35 . m.
IfJltfinurg Transfer Company will call for
arid check baggage from hotels and residences
5p5n orders leit it B. 4 O. t eket office, corner
Fifth ave. and Wood St., or 401 and 639 Smithfield
tl CHAs'o. SCULU Gen. Pass. Ascnt. J.T.
O'DKLL. General Manager.
i9, until further notice, ttalnajUl "" "?!
on every day, excepi onnaay.
: Lea-
Eastern standard
:20 a. m., 7:10 a.m.,
m.. 1:40 p. ra.. 1:40 p.
too a.m.. 9:30. nu, iiaua. m.
m 3:10 p. m., coup, m., ii. ",","i"i,;i
S:1o p. m. ArUngn-6:40 -m., ea) a. m., 7:10
a. m., 8.00 a. m., 10C0 a. m., Ia.. 2:)t,',?a
Jifflp.m., a0p.m.. 6:50 p. ro 7:10 p. m.. 10-J4
p7m. Sunday trains. teavfigl'lttsbnrg-lO a.m;.
l2Sup. m. JUO p. n. 9:3Cp. m. Arllngtou-:lt
AHN. Uupt.
the -world and sell ticket for all ocean:
steamship Hues at lowest rates.
ateamsuip eMAX S0HAMBERa 4 CO..
27 SmitafteM K., PHtttartr.
Bi4NiBedl89. . .deM-wsa
January 1, 1890.
Many thanks to the goodfl
people ot Jrittsburef for
ft. w 'ja
ot their patronage be
during the past twelvej
has indeed linked!
many additional
of new recruits under!
of economy and relia-si
not only the leadingpi
opens most ausW
piciously for us.y
margin than before;!
continue to undersell alltl
rnnhnnp rnr ."Tlailxr.iy
i.uiiiiuuv, vua '-'"''y'5
Card of Reason" dur-ri
by all thinking news -
own interests in accept- J
Smithfield Street
From Pittsburg Union Station.
ennsulvania Lines.
Trains Bun by Central Time.
Leave for Cincinnati and St, Louis, a I as a. m.
d 7:30 a. m d 9:00 and d 11:15 p.m. Dennlson, 2:45
p. m. Chicago, d 1:15 a. m. and 12.05 p. m.
Wheeling. 7:30 a.m.. 12:05, 6:10 p. m Steuben
vllle, 6.55 a. m. Washington, 5.55, 8:35 a. m.. 1:58,
3:30, 4:45, 4:55 p. m. Bnlger, 10:10 a. m. Burgetts
town, B 11:35 a. m.t 635 p. m. Mansfield, 7:15,
9.3011.09 a. m.. 1:05, 6:30, d 8:30, 9:50 p. m. Mc-'
Donalds, d 4 15. d 10:45 p. m. ...
Tbaixs ABRITIfrom the West, d 2:10, a Sana.
m., 3.05, d 5.55 p. m. Dennlson, 9:30 a. m. Steu
benvHle, 5:05 p. m. Wheeling, 2:10, 8:4S a. m..
3.05, 5:55 p. m. Burgettstown, 7:15 a. m., S 9:05
a. m. Washington. 6:55, 7:50. 8:40, 1025 a. m.,
2:35. 6:25 n. m. Mansfield, 5:33, 8:30, 11:40 a. m.,
12:45, 3.5a. 9:40 and S 6:20 p. m. Bnlger, li p. m.
McDonalds, d 8:35 a. m., d 9:09 p. m.
Crestline. 5:43 a.m., Cleveland. 6:10a m. ;12:45 d 11:05
p.m.. and7:25a.m.. vlaP.,Ft.W.AO.By.:New
Castle and Youngstown, 7.-03 a. m.. 12:20, 3:43 p.
m ; Youngstown and Nlles. d 12:20 p. m.:Med
vllle, Erie and Ashtabula. 7.05 a. m.. 12:3) p. m.:
Nlles and "Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: Uaulllon, 4:10
p.m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 6:10 a. m.. 12:45.
3:30 p.m.: Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m.: Beaver
Falls S 8:20 a. m.; Leetsdale, 3 JOa. m.
DIPABT FROM AtLiOHEXT-Kochester, 6:30 a,
m.: Beaver Falls, 8:15. 11:09 a.m.: Enou, 3.00 p.
. I ..Muriate. 5:00. 9.00. 10:00. 11:45 a. m. : 1:15. 2:30.
4:30. 4:45. 5.30. 6.15. 7:30, 9:00 p. m.: Conway. .1031
. n., irairo&Kss ii:ja.m.:
' n. Vtd 4.JA w b Da..b K1.!!.
Beaver '.
l.ttn w, . r.trift!f t, 3:30n. m.
Tuibis Aiumn: 0 nion station from Chicago, ex.
eept Monday. 1:50, d 6:00, d 6:M a. m. , d 5:55 and
d 0:50 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, d 6:33 a.
m r..i; and s?.v n. m.: Crestline. 2110 T. m.r
Youngstown and New Castle, 9:10 a. m.. 1:25, 6:50,
.. - ull.. VftllnifltASm fl t01n TM
novifianr1 A fi!?ul . in.. 2:25. 7'0Od. m.:
and Bellalre. 9:00 a. m.. 2 .25, 7.-0O p m.: Erie anaii -
i.htihni, i.'vl 10.15 n. m.: Maajillon. 10:GOa.m.:v-
Nlles and Jamestown, 9:10 a. m.: Beaver Falls,., jj
7:J0a. m., 1:10 p. m.; Beaver Falls, a t2S p. m.izp .
Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. v!l-
AnnivE ALLiouxirr. from non. 8.0O a. nuT"L
Conway . 40 a.m;Kochester,.40a.m.:JJeaverraiis,'e
Tin. m. .3.90 n. in.; Leetsdale. 4.30. 5..0. fi.LV.-w
6 60, 7.45 a. m.. 12.0O, 1143. 1.45, 3.30, 4.30. 6.30, 9.0O
p.m.; Fair Oaks. S 8-55 a.m.: Beaver Falls. S 4
12 30 p. m.: Leetsdale, 3 o.uo p. m.: ceaver raus,s
R ft IS n- m. A
d, dally; S, Sunday only; other trains, except
CJMl'ANY Schedule la effect November 17,
1S9. Central time. DtFAKT-For Cleveland,
3:00. "8:00 a. m., 'nsj, 'lau. 9:30p. m. For Cin
cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. .-og a. m., '1:33,
9:30 n.m. For Buffalo. 80 a.m.. 40. B:30d.
m. For Salamanca, "SiOV a. m., 4:3) p. m. For
Youngstown and Newcastle, 6:00, S-.W, 10:13 a.
m 1:33, '4:20, J0 p. m. Kor Beaver fill J,
5-00. 7:30, 8.-0O, 10:13a.m., 1:15, SJO, 'tja,ia.
Sain. m. For Chartlers. tsoa, 15:31 a.m., 3:35,
6:53.7:15,70. 8:05. 8:30. 30, 10:15 a.m12a55,niL.
112:43, 1:40, 3:30. 3:30, 14:30, 5:05, S:2 '8:10, '10.33
p. m. ,
AmTW Vmtt, fTI.v.l.nA. VI - Til.. 12:29. '
5:4a 7:53pm. From Cincinnati, Chicago and?.
St. Loots, 12:30, lOi p. m. From Bnffalov 6 W
a. mM '1230. 10 p. m. From Haiamanra, -"'.,,
75 p. m. From Youngstown and New Castle.
6:23. 9:20a. m.. 12:21 1:40. 106. 10 p. m. rrom
Beaver Falls, 3:25, t:X, 70, a. m., 12ao,
ISO. 8:4a 1:55, lOp. m. . . , 1
d n -v iHifi r.. T.f.n.S.Id. 8:30a. m.. SuGL'
55 p.m. y'orEsseaandBcecbmont, SJO a.UL,j
P.f ?& Y. trains from Mansfield, Essen
Beechmont,7:oa.m., 11:59 ?.
u ,IT fc-v rr It 11EPAUT FOr HCWZ
venV faao'a. m.'. '30 p. ui. For West NewtonS
13:30. 9:30a.m.. 3:30.6:3) p.m. '.
AEBITB-From New Haven :3 a.m.'S
p. m. From West Newton, 6:13, r8d0 a. m.t ljZ
Fir McKeesport, Elizabeth. Monongahela Cttj
and BeUe Vernon, 8:30, VO, U:1S am., flaj
FroPm1Bene Vernoii. Monongahela Citr. El
beth and McKeesport, 7:45 a. m., VJO, lido. I
ualiV. flundays only. WIU run one, bo
tate on Sunday. I Will run two nonrs law or c
Sty Ticket Office, 630 Smithfield Street.
Trains (Ct'l Stan dtlme)
Leave. Arrtraa
Dar Ex., Akron.Toledo, Kane
Uuiler Accommodation
Cblrago Express (dally).. ....
New Castle ft Clarion Accom.
Untl. ArAtn ........
6:40 a m
9.00 a m
77 pm
tta L
125 p m
1190 V W
Oll p
(uo asoal
First class fare to Chicago, tlO 39. Bceond CliM,i
k co. luUa JJaa wwptac m n