'C a-v s, mk; THE PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, JANC7ART 1, 1890., 11 X- " t JeSt iJWfc. Wgm' soldiers ordered to the scene; inquests be run over bodies recovered. 8 Dreadful day ainong tho dead; universal .fear of a pestilence. 6 Ten thousand Johnstown survivors ap pear ana register; tu glioma cap tured in the act ot robbing tbe dead. Fevers are threatening the . survivors of the flood atWoodvale and other points along the Conemauch. t 6 TemDorarv hosnltals made of all available 6; buildings of Johnstown Villagers along v the Lackawanna Valley terrorized by dan- t, gerous condition of dams above them. 17 A Hungarian shot down for robbing the i " dead; work of burying the dead hastened Vat Johnstown; unrecognizable masses of ,', humanity taken from the rains along Cone- w manph; wonderful work In extracting "& dead bodies from the debris; the dead ). buried in trenches along the hillside. 8 Typhoid fever breaks out in Johnstown. : Members of the Coroner's jury declare the - ..South Fork dam a death trap. Kev. Jacob T -.Horner, Baptist minister at KuoxvJIle, -i ' - Tenn., and family crnellv murdered. Dread- JjA ful details hourly arriving from the Cone- ,, maugh Valley. -' 9 Epidemic of suicides in New York. Six ; , s teen hundred bodies received at the morgues of Johnstown. Doctors estimate -.' - ' ithn total deaths were 10.000. 12 One hundred killed In a wreck near At- Tn)llli TwlYlri 113 Patrick A. Ward, a prominent Hoosler, , 14 Double lynching of murderers in New Al- ,oany. iwo dots &iueu in m mvo niuui WUmin-rton. 15 W. H. Coates. Steubenville, O., takes six poisons and dies. IS Two prominent St. Louis business men shoot each other to death; jealousy. 21 Fireworks factory burned in Boston; six killed, many injured. 22 Rowboat overturns in the Schuylkill, drown ing four young people. 23-J. N. Thome, Oil Exchange, aged 34. 24 Richard Fitzgerald, variety manager, aged 47. New York. 25 Fifty persons poisoned, some fatally, by drinking lemonade, in Ontario. Mrs. Sarah "Whitling hanged inPhlladelphla;Red-No3e Mike in Wilkesbarre. 25 Railroad wreck at Latrobe; twenty killed. JULY. 2 Cloud bursts in Titusville and Altoona. Train crashes through a bridge onjthe Nor- folk and Western, killing a score. 3 H. Probst murders his mother and suicides in Jersey City; insane. 4 A pleasure party of five drowned in Conno- . iquenessing. James Lanlgan, aged 7, dies ;- from drunkenness. The usual Fourth of '-S-- July accidents. a- 6 street strikers in uuiutn noting; o killed and 35 wounded. 7-Bakersfield, Cat, destroyed by fire; one killed. 8-Wreck at Walls station; three boys killed, .' 'four hurt 9 Dick Lewis, colored, kills two women and k. , nimscir.-it.Ko. o Artnur street; jealousy. Ifrr i -12 Three jail prisoners at Jacksonville, Ore., y rZ smothered in their cells. 213 Three men killed and two Injured while 3 cleaning Red Pond. J. J6 Artist Behr suicides for love in New York. - " 17 Wreck on the Lehigh Valley, and six killed ' and SO injured. ' IS Mrs. Gilchrist, Youngstown, drowns her self and three children; financial distress. 19 Cloud bursts in the valley of the Little Kanawha, and many people drowned. Ven detta in Alabama results in three lives lost. j, 21 Young Farmer Hoadlev. or Cleveland, mur ffc dtrs his wife and her father and suicides; .. ' jealousy. 23 Many brutal murders. " . '24 Terrible tale oi inhumanity in New Hamp ' ' sliire Almshouse. Two men killed and six wounded in a mining accident at Scranton. ' 2S Hurricane in Chicago; 14 killed and 20 In jured. 81 Herman Carmen, wealthy real estate man in Chicago, shoots himself through the brain, but lives. ATJGUsT. 6 A hunter near Youncstown, O., accident " ally shot by his 2-year-old baby. .,'. 7 Naptha launch explodes in Buffalo, killing j ? five people. 'B Handsome Alice Clark, a widow, cuts her " throat in Nat Goodwin's cottage before her little child. 10 Marshal James Hagcr ambushed and mur- ' dered in South Carolina. 11 John Lappan, of Lawrenceville, was boiled by hot steam before his fellow workmen's ejes. - 13 Another Whitechapel victim, Alice Mc Kenzie. 15 William Powers and Blanche Farrell killed in a wreck-on tne West Penn, and 27 well known Pittsburgers injured, 1C A Tennessee man shoots his wife, mother je 2 in-lawand himself. - 17 Race war in Richmond, Tex. Several town ' v S -y officials killed. 19 Fire in a New York tenement destroys nine -, lives. 20 Miller gasoline still in Allegheny explodes, killing the engineer. Loss 330,000. 23 Collis on on the Baltimore and Ohio at Parie- "urg kills 3 and wounds 12. SOAlidl.' of metal explodes in Carnegie's, '" - killing Nicholas Baner and Andrew Kchlerand injuring six others. Deputy - O'Hagan brutally murdered by moon shiners in West Virginia. SEPTEMBER. . " 1 Mrs. F. T. Jeannott, of Youngstown, ends . - her life with a razor; ill health. 2 Two deaths from hydrophobia in New Jer sey. 3 Handsome J. McCormack vitrioled on Broad ' street by an unknown young lady. 4 Several fearful suicides throughout the country. 6 Dynamite explosion at Jacksonville, Fla.; two men entirely disappear. 6 Electrical storm in Georgia; nine people killed. Explosion of a cartridge factory at Antwerp, Belpuin; 200 killed, 600 injured. S Fire in a paper warehouse in Albany, N. Y.; many leap 70 feet, and three are killed. 10 Another Whitechapel murder. 12 Fearful damage by the cyclone along the Eastern coast, many vessels damaged and lives lost. " IS Six persons killed by falling walls at Louis ville. LeConey.of Camden. N. J., murdered his niece, in order to avoid paying her wages. 16 Wreck on the Erie, near Elmira, kills two, injures 20. 17 Japan ravaged by floods, many thousands perish. , il9 Landslide in Quebec, 60 persons killed. -f22 W.S.Hopkins kills his wife and inother V In-law in Phillipsburg, and then attempts ','. suicide. -,24 An unknown woman deliberately starves "" herself to death beneath a Mt Veinon ' ' church. i27 Vestibule train on N. Y. C telescoped, 23 T killed. OCTOBER. 3 Steamboat explosion near Baton Rouge; SS lost. 6-Andrew Kern pf, of Charleston, W. VaM 'while drunk murders his son and handsome .-v daughter. 6-Foar men roasted to death in Winona, -. 'Miss.: restaurant fire. 8 Another New York lineman meets a fear ful death in New York. 10 Details of the Navasso riot; several whites killed by negroes. 11 Frightful death of the seventh New York lineman. 12 C E. McGregor murders J. M. Cody on the 'streets, of Warrentown, Ga.; both promi nent men, with a woman in the case. 15 A Cincinnati incline plane coach lets go. crushing five people. 16 Colliery explosion in England; 60 lives lost 20 Joe Hill man confesses murdering a peddler form 20. Three murders in West Vir ginia. 21 Seven seamen reach port out of 24 of the steamer .rJarumoor, lost September 5. 26 Rube Burrows and Bob Thornton, of Col- urauo. rouie w vigiiants, jailing two, and escaDe. f Douole lynching of two members of the r vMcCov iranir tawtrt Tiwlnn SlSix men killed in Kentucky over the How- A1U 1VUU, KOVESIBER. Building falls in Glasgow nnrrincrnicrlri. jand women. .Incline accident nnor RAdfr.. .av.i Skilled. SfSj-Heury Feldam, of Pittsburg, hangs him Tfr& self in Wheeling as the result or a nnu-tir.il aGHra ,fl- JSHaS! ' i ii'joke. r"$54"TSeTen men nrnt bT molten metal in j Lebanon. i7 A madman near New Orleans kills two " ,- -"men and fatally stabs two others. -8 Colonel Goodloe fatally stabs Collector Swope and is himself shot in return. 10 Death of Colonel Goodloe after fearfnl suf-.v-fering. French Canadians favor an ac v cession. gll Mysterious chemical explosion in Phlladel-j-9 I phla, kills three and wounds four. A score J of murders and suicides. W14 The Eversole and French factions meet at a V Hazard, Ky., two killed and others jL '"wounded. 6 Mary Nichols on trial for brutal treatment -. lof an Insane brother. j17 Smoking car upset in the P. R. R. yards. f .Joseph Brucker fatally injured, many others seriously. -Explosion at Spines steel mill, five men burned,two f atally.Millionaire Cunningham shot dead by poachers, i 22 James Smith, a New York letter carrier de - sertedby bis wife shoots his two small - children and attempts suicide. Natural gas explosion in Braddock. several persons 4. , collides with a scbuoner. 21 drowned. Mrs. g .iiaunan bouthworth kills Stephen Fetters, Ai New York. 23-rRev. F. Horenson. Council Bluffs, suicides; .uM4iuj. AviDssat v an lassie, Honolulu, Efalls into the sea and u devoured by sharks. ' 26 Eighty acres of Lynn. Mass-, destroyed by fire; loss, $8,000,000. .Natural gas starts a fire in Leecnbure: 17 families driven from home; loss 1150,000. Frank Tausey suicides in Braddock. Fearful murders in West Virginia. German bark runs ashore at Long Branch; 15 drowned. 28 Tremendous fires in Boston; J12.000.000 loss; a number of firemen killed. 29 Now believed the bark Gerroanla purposely wrecked, though the Cantain and nine of the crew were drowned. " SO Three tons of nitro-glvcerlne explode in Oil City; four killed. Tribune "building, Min neapolis, burns; a number of printers, an operator and Associated Press agent lost. DECBSIBEB. 1 Later new says 25 lives lost in the Minne apolis fire on account of lack of fire escapes, Typhoon sweeps over Oriental Islands, drowning an unknown number of sailors, 2 Six people burned in a tinder box fire, Philadelphia. 4 Deputy Marshal Willis and Pierce Morgan, moonshiner, shoot each other to death, Butler, Mo. 6 Explosion at Phillips, Nlniick & Co.; P. O'Brien killed: two,others injured. 6 Attempt to thaw frozen dynamite in Brad ford results in usual explosion: two killed and one injured. A family named Froat finally arrested for the famous Rahway murder mystery. 9 Lineman Clausen, New York, killed by electricity. Marion Crowel shoots his friend. Porter, in Dunbar, In a quarrel. 10 Opera House panic in Johnstown: 12 killed and 100 injured. 'Dynamite explosion in Butler; two men killed. H Eleven members of a Wyoming gang of robbers lynched. 14 Franklin IJ. Gowen suicides by shooting in a Philadelphia hotel, aged 54: no cause as signed and his friends puzzled. 16 Bewildered Polanders struck by a Delaware and Lackawanna train and three killed. Another score of murders and suicides throughout the country. 17 Emile Gnenther driven by torture to mur der his aged father at St Louis; now an im becile. 20 Max Mantwell mysteriously murdered in his own cellar in Chicago. 22 Millman Shelar, Niles, O., crazed by drink kills his wife, three children and himself with one razor. Petrolia in ashes for the third time. Horrible tale of cannibalism in the Solomon Islands. 25 Christmas darkened by deeds of blood in all sections. 26 J. W. Snyder, a jealous lover, shoots Anna Miller and her newly wed husband; she will recover. Race war in Georgia; one man shot and negroes retreated to a swamp. 23 Mold explodes in Dallas, Tex., burning nine men horribly, two fatally. Eight ne groes taken from a Barnwell. S. C, jail and riddled with bullets. Mrs. Louis Brooks murdered by her son in Brooklyn who couldn't bear to see her suffer. 29 Eleven people cremated in Hancock, Mich. 31 Wreck on the Panhandle,near Indianapolis; four killed, several injured. A POLITICAL REVIEW. PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF THE NErER. ENDING STRIFE FOR SUPREMACY. Struggles Between the Tvro Great Parties for the Possession of OflUces and Ilonora of the Federal Govern ment Handy References for the Student of Politic. The year past has been an importan' one politically in many respects and great changes hare occurred in both parties. The local fights hare been to Pittsburgers al most as vital as those of the nation, and a chronicle of each and all is well worth perusing. ' JANUARY. 1 Senator Blair says Blaine should boat the head of tneCablnet President-electHarnson gave a reception. Governor David B. Hill, of Ke w York, inaugurated. 2 Senator Delamater complimented by Colonel Quay for harmonious organization of Legislature. Ex-Legislator John B. Robinson criticises Governor Beaver for not signing the revenue bill ana makes charges. 3 Gov. Beaver laughs at Robinson's charges. Quay leaves for Florida for a rest Calvin S. Brice charged with being interested in the Haytien Republic. Senator Hiscock has a lengthy but unsatisfactory confab with President-elect Harrison. 4 Blaine makes his home in Washington. itomnson reiterates us cnarges against Governor Beaver. 5 Harrison worried by aspirants Tor Cabinet positions. Boulanger makes politics lively in Paris. 6 Senator Rutan's health fails. Blaine has Sunday callers. 7 M. Jacques decides to oppose General Bon langer at the election, President,Legitime, of Hayti, declares he was legally elected. 8 Both parties in the West Virginia Legisla ture inaugurate a fierce fight for su premacy. President-elect Harrison both ered by 'a. lot of applicants for Cabinet places. Hyppolite defeats Legitime in three engagements. 9 Governor Beaver appoints Quay's candi date, Samuel W. Pennypacker, for a Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Philadel phia. 10 Dakota Democrats visit Washington and ask that the Territory be divided and that Koutu Dakota be made a State. Major Mc Kinley declares be will not accept a Cabi net position. U Lord Salisbury asserts that Sackville West's dismissal was opposed to international law. 12 Heavy betting on Boulanger's election. Sackville West said be thought be was doing righ. 13 Simon Cameron indorses Harrison. The office ot Appraiser goes begging. 14 J. J. Metzger appointed Judge in the Ly coming affair. Bill introduced at Hams burg allowing brides to keep their ages se cret 15 Effort to doctor the Brooks law fails. Dud ley has a favorable ruling granted in In dianapolis. 16 Republican caucus at Harrisburg favors allowing people to vote on prohibition. 17 American Protective Tariff League ban quet New York. 18 Governor Beaver will sign the special elec tion bilk Springer's territorial bill passed tbe House. 19 Senator Brown makes a rattling Demo cratic speech in the House. 20 Liquor men attempt to bribe Representa tive Selr, and a row In Mercer county re sults. 21 Deadlock In West Virginia broken. Carr elected President of the West Virginia Senate. 22 Republican tariff bill, a substitute for the Mills bill, passed in the Senate by a strict party vote. Claimed $1,000,000 of English money sent here to defeat the tariff bill. 23 One hundred prohibition apostles to lec ture. Captain Brown vigorously defends bis school flag measure, which passes sec ond reading. 24 Moonshiners Indorse prohibition. 25 Bill making Allegheny a second class city declared unconstitutional by the Attorney General. Francis Murphy says prohibition will not prohibit Washington excited over German troubles in Samoa; wild rumors of war. 28 Cabinet slates dally made and broken. Bis marck's East Africa bill defeated. ! Boulanger elected by 54,432 majority. Re joicing over Blaine's accession to the Secre tary of Statesbip. The race for Governor agitating Harrisburg. 28 Kenna nominated in West Virginia. 29 A fight for leadership disturbs the local Prohibitionists. 30 Bill to vote on prohibition passed. 31 The Cabinet hanging npon Allison's accept ance. FEBRUARY. 1 Row over Allison's declination of Treasury. Attorney General Watson and Governor Forakcr indulge in a personal quarrel. Harrison must nil eight Cabinet positions. 2 B amson aspires to be an editor. Members at Harrisburg overdrawing too much money. 8 strenuous objections from Blaine against New for Treasury. Sir Julian Paunnetote appointed as successor to Sackville West 4 Beginning of tbe GofC Governorship con test in West Virginia. Brothers of the murdered J. M. Clayton claim politics at tbe bottom. Enthusiastic reception of President Cleveland in New York. 5 Windom and Rusk sure of their places. Noticeable lack of harmony in Prohibition convention at Harrisburg. Boulanger sat upon by deputies. 6 Hill banqueted and boomed for the Presi dency. Congress ignores the Nicaraguan venture. 7 Grangers' dressed meat bill defeated. 9 Civil Service Commissioner Edgerton fired for cursing civil service reform. 'Blaine certain of portfolio of state. U Kenna gives up the West Virginia fight Dan Lainont will retire to manage street car line. Congress may contest Brecken Tidce's seat 12 School banner passes third reading. Whit-'l ne; renovating tne navy. 13 fowderly Indorses prohibition. Capeller, of the Ohio Republican State Committee, to be investigated. Obio committees to in vestigate trusts recommend prosecution. Tbe electoral vote formally counted. Con gressional fight between Elliot and Smalls for a seat results in almost a riot 14 Windom named for the Treasury portfolio. The Randall faction asserts itself over tbe revenue measure. A new dairy commis sioner appointed to watch oleomargarine. 15 Grand jury refuses to Indict Dudley. Mills -. , inveigles against Alancataxia bill. 17 Stormy gathering ofProhibs at Harris burg. 18 Retiring Judge Edgerton scores Cleve land. Bayard's Samoan bluff laughed at 19 Ex-Attorney General Palmer will conduct the Prohibition campaign. 29-Preparations for fair count in June. Ex pose of the Sackville dismissal. California kicks for Cabinet portfolio. Passage of a bill admitting North Dakota, South Da kota, Montana and Washington. 21 Wanamaker explains about that little 1200,000. Benator Kenna wins in West Vir ginia. 22 Many Democrats look to Randall for a leader. Warrant sworn out for Dudley's arrest for writing tbe "blocks of five" let ter. Senator Wright will probably retire from soldiers' orphan management. 23 New French Cabinet appeals for patriotic snpport. Rosier roasted for attacking Sherman. 24 Ben packs up to go in and Grover packs up to go out Cassius M. Clay receives an ova tion oh visiting Congress. 26 Tanner to be Pension Commissioner. Bob Kennedy attacks Speaker Carlisle, and is snowed under. School flag bill defeated. Chairman Andrews denies he appropriated J45.000. . 28 Allegheny county must pay f 15,000 for pro hibition election. Cabinet conference, wor ries Harrison. MARCH. 1 Grangers at Harrisburg kick over the de feat of the dressed meat bill, claiming money was used. President Cleveland's friends loyal to the last John M. Thurston, ot Nebraska, chosen President of tbe Re publican League. 3 Senator Rlddleberger creates a scene, and Is fired from the floor. 4 Every politician In the country trailing around Washington at Harrison or Cleve land's heels. 5 A tremendous rush for office begins. Cleve land put up his legal sign at once. Cabinet announced. 6 Blaine's first official business is to restore a child to Its parents. 8 Harrison tired of shaking hands. 9 Wright syndicate of governing soldiers orphan schools must go. U Harrison announces for pure civil service. 13 Politicians say the President is too slow. Blaine buys valuable Washington prop erties. 14 Harrison nominates two men for the same office. Solons refuse to repeal butterine law. Street railway bill negatived in Har risburg. 17-Jobn C. New and Harrison agree that New can have bis own way. Wanamaker and hit Sunday school rather laughed at 19 Political activity declared not a cause for removal by the Cabinet New Jersey re- Seals local option law. laine and Wanamaker quarrel over the Turkish Minister, but the former wins. Quay says be will land the Pittsburg post olBce. The Frohsinn bid farewell to their old halt 22 John Gllleland slated for Allegheny post office. 23 Tanner elated over his appointment 24 Tanner's promises for a distribution to old soldiers creates comment Buss Harrison snubbed by Senators. 26 Clean sw,eep of Division Mail Superintend ents. 27 Major Armes pulls Beaver's nose. Bob Lincoln goes to England. 28 Senate refuses to confirm Halltead's ap pointment 31 Wanamaker talks against high license. APRIL. 1 Harrison tenders tbe Richmond postofflce to Mrs. Stonewall Jackson. Local elections in Ohio strongly Democratic 2 Chicago and St. Louis captured by the Democrats. Assistant Bussey takes a hand in the management Quay and Magee lock horns over tbe Pittsburg Postmastershlp. 4 Tanner called down by Secretary Noble. 5 Riot between Cleveland and Hill factions in AlDany; some may die. Street railway bill defeated. U Newmeyer succeeds Rutan on the Appro priations Committee. 13 Clarkson breaks the record in firing Demo crats. 20 Rutan rakes the Governor. 21 Prohibition defeated in Massachusetts. 22 Sherman and Quay on the outs. 24 Wherry scores Carnegie. Harrison harshly criticised by everybody. 26 The bill declaring Labor Day a legal holi day approved by the Governor. Appropria tions for penitentiary made by Legislature. MAY. 2 New postofflce to be investigated. 7 Judges' salary increase bill passes the .nouse. rranK jraimer appointed puoiic printer. 8 Governor Beaver's vetoes greeted with groans. 9 Pennsylvania Legislature adjourns. 10 John Jarrett appointed Consul to Birming ham. 14 Chairman Andrews visits Pittsburg to capture county committee. 16 Architect Malone rebuked by Ms superiors. 17 Beaver declares in favor of the amendment Hon. A L. Thomas installed Uovernor of Utah. J. R. Lynch, colored, appointed Fifth Auditor United States Treasury. 18 Ex-CongTessman Preston arrested for using Government franks. 19 William Flinn takes hold of Allegheny county politics. 21 Magee captures a majority of the County Committee. Indiana growls at Harrison. Whitelaw Reld installed Minister to Paris. Allen O. Myers fined and sentenced for 90 days. 23 Jarrett sworn in as Consul to Birmingham. Clarkson breaks bis own record, appointing 243 postmasters in one day. 24 Quay secures first batch of Philadelphia appointments. Charges of off ensive parti sanship against Postmaster Larkin. 25 General kick from Oklahoma against too much government 27 New York Democrats banquet Cleveland. Northern Presbyterian Assembly at New York declares for prohibition. 28 Adjutant General Drum retires. Jndge White addresses amendment meeting at Old City HalL British-Americans declare in favor of tbe amendment New postofflce placed in plumb. 29 President Harrison withdraws his nomina tions of Hayti Commissioners. JUNE. 1 Meeting of Republican County Committee. Quay and Magee lock horns over tbe new rules. 6 Impression prevails that the floods will pre vent a heavy vote on the amendment and cause its defeat Gov. Beaver universally condemned for his inaction in behalf of the sufferers. 8 Foraker announces himself for a third term. 12 Calvin S. Brice chosen Chairman of the National Democratic Committee. 18 Prohibition defeated by 189,00a 20 Postmaster McManes, of Philadelphia, sore at Quay. 22 Brice announced a candidate for the Senate. 26 Wm. Walter Phelps Minister to England. JULY. 6 Assistant Secretary Batchellor will resign from tbe Treasury; claims treachery among friends. 10 Don Cameron wants to return to the Sen ate. 11 Blaine quite ill at Bar Harbor. 15 Quay refuses to talk about Pennsylvania politics. 16 Enemies attempt to shelve Cleveland for Whitney. 19 Arbitration Committee favors Mahone. Blaine rebuffed by Harrison for too vigor ous foreign policy. 23 Congressman Bower for Speaker treated shabbily. Furlong to be appointed to spite Powaerly. 24 Tom Fnrlong slated in spite of Powderly. 2S James R. Garfield candidate for Congress. 29 Harrisburg knocks out tour soldiers' orphans' schools. 31 Quay for peace. Frank Hatton and Theo dore Roosevelt quarrel over tbe Bullivan Kilraiu fight AUGUST. 1 Lord Mayor, of Dublin, kicks because his letter from President Harrison was pri vately opened. Prohibitionist Fisk denies he flopped. 2 DePny WAnts to succeed Evarts. 6 Republican State Convention meets -in Harrisburg. Walter Lyon Temporary Chairman. 7 W. H. Andrews made State Chairman. 14 Petersburg Convention wants Mahone or nobody. 15 Judee Abbott nominated for Governor of Nw Jersey. 16 North Dakota passes anti-trust legislation. IS Labor protests against Senatorial indiffer ence at Harrisburg. 21 Clarkson obposes Harrison's Southern Solicy. . labone nominated for Governor. 26 Democratic Convention meets in Dayton. 27 Local Democratic Convention bolts and Jiigler temporarily floored. R. H. Johnston nominated for District Attorney. 28 Mayor Fitler booms Hastings for Governor. Campbell nominated for Governor of Ohio. SEPTEMBER. 8 Deputy Marshal Jacobs shot by a Demo crat in New Orleans. J4 Blsler named for State Treasurer. 5 Bussey after Tanner's place. 11 Tanner resigns. IS CoL 8 wittier, chief of the Bureau of Statis tics, resigns. 17 Ben Butler defends Tanner. Foraker calls Secretary Noble a nobody, 20 Teddy Roosevelt to be Senator from North Dakota, , 21 Berks county Republican Convention bolts; inu new U. UCHMM fMCUbeu ,, OCTOBER. 2 Blaine made President of the International American Congress. Prohibition wins in South Dakota, but loses elsewhere. 8 Pierre, made capital of South Dakota, goes mad with joy. 8 Allen O. Myers will srve his 15 days in lalL 10 John Field made postmaster of Phlladel . phla. Row at the W. C T. V. convention over politics. 12 Liberal victories throughout England. 14 Illegal oensions unearthed in Washington. 17 Amos J. Cummlngs to succeed Congress man Cox. 19 General G. B. Ranm succeeds Tanner. O. N. Kyle, Massachusetts, suicides on account of a political disappointment 21 Mabone-needs money and will get it from tbe Old Dominion Club. 24 Senator Sberman speaks to a tremendous crowd in Conclnnati. 25 Senator Sherman pleads for Foraker. 26 Foraker and Campbell pushing their inter ests in Ohio. SO Boodle ia Ohio elections. NOVEMBER. 1 Asa Jones roasts Foraker. 8 Hon. D. V. Baker, who first named Harri son for President goes back on him. 6 Bayer, ot Pennsylvania, elected; Foraker, of Ohio, defeated, and Mahone, of Virginia, defeated by 50,000. New York Democratic, New Jersey Democratic, Iowa Democratic, , Maryland Democratic Mississippi Demo cratic Mahone jailed for firing Into a mob. 7 Harrison blamed for Foraker' s defeat. 9 Political row over Vice President Morton's bar. St John addresses tbe W. C. T. U. convention. 12 President Harrison and United States Treasurer Huston on the "outs" on account of Federal appointments. 13-Regular W. C. T. TJ. will oppose Mrs. Fos . terinlowa. 15 Allen O. Meyers threatens to squeal. 19 Blaine encounters opposition in the Pan Americans. Prominent men in Washington hustling for the Speakership. 23 Harrison snubs Illinois office seekers. Henry George for Cleveland in '92. Mon tana Legislature unable to effect an organi zation. 24 Clarkson's report shows 20,000 postmasters appointed within tbe past year. 25 The Speakership contest now lies between Reed and McKinley. 27 Japan favorable to new American treaty. SO Reed selected Speaker. t DECEMBER. 2 Opening of the Fit ty-flrst Congress. Chap lain Milburn. the blind preacher, defeated 6n account or bis sympathy with the Con federacy, Secretary Windom wants 17, 000,000 more appropriated than last year. 3 President's message to Congress called a fair effort McKinley looked to as the party leader in the House. Gladstone boldly outlines his future policy at a Lib eral conference; Ireland tbe leading ques tion. The President's message suggests tariff reform, abolishment ot taxes on to bacco and liquor; restriction of trusts; pen sions for all dependent veterans; education for negroes; tree ballot, and subsidy for the merchant marine. Foraker says he was im posed on in that ballot box forgery. 4 Marquis contest Lampson, Republican, seat as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, alleging fraud. Second anniversary of Cleveland's free trade speech celebrated in Ohio. 7 The Foraker alleged election contract row still discussed in Ohio; popular belief rather favors Foraker. Delamater tbe Quay choice for Governor. 8 Congress will Investigate Ohio ballot box forgery. 11 Warrant issued for Dudley's arrest 12 Carnegie suggests Cleveland for a second term at Boston merchants' banquet 13 Meeting in Wilmington to discuss commer cial union attended by prominent politi cians. 15 Harrison says postmasters must serve out their terms. 16 J. R. Harrab, Beaver, appointed Marshal Western Pennsylvania district 17 Unexpected opposition to Brice's election to Senate. Senators opposed to confirming Brewer. 20 Trouble with the new Government in Brazil may result in recalling Dom Pedro. 21 Claimed Brice is a citizen of New York, and barred from Ohio politics. 22 Quay stands aloof from tbe Gubernatorial fight He will not oppose Hastings. Brice says he is a citizen of Ohio; peculiar ex planation why he doesn't vote. 23-;Major McKinley favors cutting down the tariff on sugar and tobacco. 24 Mrs. Harrison sets Washington by the ears by a breach of decorum. 27 The son of Allen Tburman opposes Brice as Ohio Senator on account ot his wealth. Pittsburgers talk protection in Washing ton. 29 Brazilian Government by na means suc cessful. Congress may ceaso tork on-ac-count of the influenza. 81 The rotation system will make some changes in Pennsylvania Congressmen. THE GRIM MESSENGER HAS VISITED MANY A HAPPY HOME THE PAST YEAR. A Tnle of Woe and Desolation Names of the Honored Ones Who Have Been Called Before Mortnary Record of Twelve Months. Death has come near to all the past year, and in so doing has taken away-many loved ones. The year has been notable for the many deaths of eminent men, both of local and national fame. JANUARY. 1 Charles V. Woerd, promoter of American watchmaking at Hackett Cah, aged 70. Wm. Carr, President Mechanics' National Bank, Point Breeze . James il. Browne, at Oakland, ad7J. 2 Paul Baner, well-known Coney Island hotel keeper, or paresis. Mrs. Olivia, wife ol ex Governor uarcelon, Lewiston, Me. Mlebael Carne, aged 105. at Waterbury, Conn. Jolin Cowan, aged 75, Ninth ward, Allegheny. George McCandless. aged 77, Penn avenue. S-CbasO. White, theatrical manager, at De troit Major K. B. Eno at St. Lonls. Henry Becker. Allegheny, aired 74. 4 Kev. Summervllle, prominent minister and editor, at Dayton, O., aged 70. B. Frank Oil more, Esq., of Cbambersburg, aged 46. Jane Grey, wife of Thomas Grey, of C. G. Bussey & Co., at Home. N.Y. ' 5 Captain Grant the old-time boomer of Capitol Hill, Washington. Bam Jones, popular clerk at Seventh Avenue Hotel. 'Squire James Gregg, of Greenaburg. J. o. White. Jefferson, Greene connty, aged 8. Christian T. lbmsen, the Uouthslde glass manufacturer, at Denver, S David Cleland, Twentieth ward, aged 75. Lewis EUaman. Knoivllle borough, aged 65. Jamea Ucvenny, Sr., at McKeesnort aged 70, 7 Charles K. Downing. Conntv Rpr.nrrtr ai. tooaa. Bon. Jacob Hurler, at Tyrone, aged. 72. Kev. W. P. Braddock, 430 Orchard place. iiiuaueuiuunku, jamvvia lowninip. agea7tf. Bxmuel Patterson. Bewickley, aged 78. j Elizabeth Hamilton Clemens, at Marian station, aged 63. 9 B. F. Pratt a well-known society gentleman, suddenly, of apoplexy 10 Kobertlt SheilabarKer, son of Judge Shelta- barger, at Washington. Susanna, wife of Dr. H. Manchester, Penn avenue. Christian Meeld. at Protestant Home for Incurables, aged 70. 11-Colonel Hiram H. Boblnson, of Cincinnati, 12 William Astor. Wabash street aged 71. Colonel John M. Johnston, of Carlisle, Pa. Andrew Paxton, Chleago, 13. IS Mrs. Jay Gould. Mew York, aged 50. 14 Dr. A. B. McClure,.Bellaire. O. P. O. Little John, contractor, who built Baltimore and Ohio road over the mountains. 15-J. W. Daugherty, editor. Woodsfleld, O. IB-Daniel Cain, Spring alley, aged J(0 Charles B. Frank, newspaper man.'-itochcster. 17 Mrs. Kosalle Ann Booth, aged 65, sister to Ed win Ilootb, Mew York. IS Dr. Charles Ostcnln first discoverer of natu ral gas In Ohio, aged 82. George Zelgler, Car lisle, i'a., aged W, ' 19-Hon. 8. B. Wilson, Beaver, Pa. Dr. E. W, Brant Carlisle, Pa., aged 60. Jndge John Collet Lima, O.. aged 71. Kobcrt Seymour. Vice Consul of United States at Qacenstown. 20-Isaae Bell, ez-Unlted States Minister to tbe Netherlands, New York. 21-Mrs. Martha Stokcley, aged 78, Blnff street city. Merrick Low, aged 70, Erie, Pa. 22 Anne E. Bennett North avenue, Allegbenv. Hoq. Erastns Hussey, abolitionist aged 89, Kittle Creek. Mich. John C Parker, aged 64, Crawford County, a Crimean soldier and a member of the One Hundred and Sixtj-nlutb Pennsylvania Volunteers. 23-Dr. diaries Bliss, New York, aged 43. Thomas Curtln. aged 45. city. H. L. Sanford, Erie, Pa., sonofMyranH-Sanford. SeUnoDolaro, New York. 24 Congressman Burns or Missouri, aged 67. H. D. Dickenson, aged S3, Allegheny. Oliver Keese, County Treasurer Titusville, aged 69. K. A. Parks, New Castle. M. 1. Barry, Cork, Ireland. 25 Samuel H. Felton. President of the Pennsyl vania Steel Works, Philadelphia. Mrs. F. C Swad. the popular writer "Vay", Washing ton. I). C 26 Annie Stanley, Gipsy belle. West End. 27 Charles A. Waslibnrnr New rork, aged 6S. Austrian Consul General Hugo Fritsche, New York. 29 Sheldon Nobles, Iron founder. Canton, O., , aged 38. A. 8. Davis, Meadvllle; lawyer. FEBRUARY. 1-MIss Edith M. Ferguson, the clever artist at her home on Mt Washington. 2 Mary Baker, celebrated rider and snake charmer. Dr. Joseph LuitupromlncutMaion, at Butler, Pa. D. K. JHcrron, Center avenue. Frances Gra- ham, wife or W. M. McKelvy, Allegheny. Jndge William M. Menlck, Supreme Court District Columbia. Editor A. F. Frederick!, ol Votktb'att, 4 Mary H. Flske, writer. New York. S-Mlchael Hrennan, agsd 62, Pittsburg. Pa. 6 Dr. Emanuel Braden, Chambersburg. John Gtsb. Carlisle. Pa. 8 Sin. John Blgelow, wife of cs-Mlnlsterof 'France, in New York. O. H. Delamater, iwuuwv. jjviwjjawr uua n uriku, .Heir xvrjb. dlnal Pltra, Borne. Bear Admiral Chandler, Houg Kong. Edward CroU, Harrisburg; IS George A. Morrow, keeper of publlo morgue Dr. B. 8. Prowelt ot New Cumberland, Pa. Uev. Michael Stock, a well known priest of Scranton- llev. W. 8. Campbell, BeUalre. William Luebbe, Pltuburg. Baron De Cot egie. ex-Prtme Minister of Brazil. . .. 15-11. N. McTynlre, Bishop of M. E Church, Nashville. Lewis Barker, Washington, Pa. J. H. Holllngsworth, Youngstown, 0. 17 Kev.JJr. Thomas Starr, or Mt Pleasant. 18-J. D. Goodwin, founder of Franklin Keforma tory. Philadelphia. 19 Colonel Ewlng Brownfleld, President of Peo ple's Bank. Unlontown. 20 Captain Eecles Boblnson. 82 years of age. Judge MeManama, Frankfort Ky. 21 Millionaire Flood, Ban Francisco, Cal.. leaving 110,000,00a Ralph Bagaley, uncle of italph Bagaley. Jr. Dr. D. W. Bliss, President Gar field's physician. State Department Solicitor Francis Wharton. Washington, D. O. 22 S. Negley, son of General Negley, at Boise City. Idaho. 23-8ister Mary Cecilia Smith, Visitation Convent Baltimore. Henry McShane. bell founder, Baltimore. Ex-Mayor Martin Howell, New Brunswick, N. J. 24-Joseph H. Lenhart prominent in A. O. U.W., Meadvllle. J. C Hopper, Cashier of Farmers' Bank. Carlisle. . 25 -Cardinal Charles SocconI, Rome. Jury Com missioner JacobHison, Carlisle, Pa. 26-Mrs. Wm. M. Marcy. widow of Secretary of State. Paris, aged 84. E. Llzetta Walter, sis ter of P. Walter, Jr., Allegheny. 27-Dr. Francis Glrard. or this city, in Philadel phia from an overdose of opium. Dr. John Boyd, Unlontown. Ex-Senator J.W. John ston, Blchmond, Va. 28 Mrs. Caroline Garrett. Flndlay. O.. aged 94. Colonel E. c. McClure, Appointment Clerk, Washington. MARCH. 4 H. T. Willard, hotel man, St Louis. W. H. Klrby. father of General Klrby, Tiffin. O. Jobn Balrd, Washington, Pa. Miss Mary Booth, editor ol Jiarper'l. New York. S-Hon. C. A. Black, waynesburg. Harry Camp bell, of Park Bros. St C. Father Coen, labor agitator, Ireland. 8-Sarah, widow of late Captain Joseph Vander grlft, at Vernon, lnd. John Erlccson, the great Inventor, aged 66. 9 Congt essman Bio, Townshend, 111. Mrs. Ellen Fitzgerald, city, aged 80. Hon. U. It'Barrett, Clearfield. 10-ChailesG. Blair. Interesting son of city editor of the Pott. William Buente, member or the Poor Board, Allegheny. 11 Mrs. Margaret Craig, city, aged 82. Mrs. Bev, W. B. Hamilton, or Washington. Pa., in China. 12-Anna B wife of Colonel Samuel MeKelvy, Sewickley, aged70. 13 Pror. Charles F. McKay, ex-President of Georgia University. Baltimore. 14 Hon. Moses W. Field, Detroit Hon. Chimney Bradock, Rome. N. Y. Tamberllt, celebrated Italian tenor. IS J. M. Thompson, President of First National Bank, Washington, D. C. 18 J. J Fenton, city. Mrs. J. A. Burns, Alle gheny. Morton Cheesman, San Francisco. 18 Actor McUlnnls, Boston. Carleton Newman, formerly of Pittsburg. In San Francisco. N. "Wilkinson, Colonel of the Sixth West Vir ginia Volunteers, In Wheeling, aged 62. William Garrard, first manufacturer of steel in the United states, in New Brighton. 19-Mrs. Elizabeth S. Magee, mother or C. L. Magee, aged 76. Mrs. J.C Lappe, Allegheny. Bev. James Curley, oldest priest in United otaies, wasmngton, u. v, trailer uasaey, city. 2D Mrs. John Wills, aged 60. Sir Thomas Glad stone, brother or W 1111am Gladstone, aged 85. 21 Artiste Von Pettenkoren, Vienna. 24 United States Supreme Judge Stanley Mat thews, aged 65. Ex-Postmaster Inspector O. B. Barrett Philadelphia. , 23 D. L. Chambers, Ureensburg, aged 63. 24 John Scott president of tne Allegheny Val ley Kaliroad, aged 58. 25 Dr. John Wilson, ex-United States Consul, Philadelphia. Colonel Samuel MeKelvy, Se wickley. 28 Mary c. Dawson, widow of John Dawson, M. C, Oakland, aged 75. C. F. T. Steluway, brother of the piano man, Germany. 27 Mrs. Mary Bailey, city, aged 73. Mrs. Frances L. Hanna, Springfield, aged 74. John Bright the famons Commoner, aged 78. Mrs. Kocka feller, mother of John D. Bockafeller, at New York, aged 76. 28-BIchard Hiscock, father of Senator Hiscock, Syracuse, aged 91. Dr. John Bwlnbum, emi nent surgeon, Albany, N. Y. 30 Zacharlas Chaffee, formerly of Pittsburg, dies In Providence, It. I., aged 94. Daniel Burke, in Chicago, oldest man ot modern record. 31 John A. Duff, operatic manager at New York. APKIL. 1 Pror. K. Prosser, Allentown, aged 51. Prof, black Davis, Penn avenue, aged 63. Mai or M. A. Reno, United States Army, Washington. 2 Alex McCne, ex-Assistant Treasurer of the United States, Brooklyn. G. W. Hlller, city. JohnC. Smith, tlnstave, aged 80. 3 Aunt Mary, an historical n egress, at Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Elizabeth Wlnans, Baltimore. Wm. E. Murdoch, aged 27, Sewickley. 4-Peter Walter,, Jr.. Allegheny, aged 40. Mrs. Sargeant daughter of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Boston. 8 Pbllo Remington, aged 73, at New York: mem ber of Remington Klfle Company. James Cal lery. President or Pittsburg and Western Ball road Company, aged 56 years. S-Duchess of Cambridge. James I. Christy, as sistant doorkeeper of the Seuate, Washington, 7 James McTlgne, city, aged 69. 8 Dr. I. H. KUder. surgeon Smtthonlan Insti tute. Mrs. Theodore Thomas. New York. M. W. H.W. Hanna. K. of !., New Castle. 9Edlth McComb, East End. 10 Bear Admiral T. H. Patterson, aged 69, at Washington, D. C. 11 B. H. Grover, manager of Harris' Theater. 1Z Thos. M, Jones, or the firm or Jones&Langh lin, aged 59. Ex-Governor Farwelt or W ls consln, aged 70. Mrs. Johnston Mclntyre, Al legheny, aged 51. 13 John P. Usher, Secretary of Interior under Lincoln, atPhlladelDbla. Henry P. Schwartz, Allegheny, aged 78. 14 Ex-Congressman Chittenden, New York, aged 78. 15 Major Sydney F. Omohundro, Oakland, aged 16 Lewis Ulbach, French writer, Paris. George B. Bplane, druggist city, aged 47. 17 Brigadier General S. K. Dawson, New York. Wile or Bear Admiral John C. FeUnger, Wash ington, D. C. M Mother or E. L. Bean, proprietor or Ander son. Wellsvllle. O., aged SO. 19-B. K. Pierce, D. D.t Boston. 20 Postmaster Pearson.ofNew York. Dr. W. F. Wilson, famous occullst. William H. Kawle, eminent Jurist, Philadelphia. 21 'Squire Robert Deadline, Banksvllle. Ignatla Alos, Mexican Consul, Chicago. 22 John C. Park, a notable Whig orator, at Bos ton, aged 83. 23-Prlncess Eugenia, sister of the King, Stock holm. 24-Hon. Elijah M. Haines, Waukegan. 111. Hanna Burgess, colored, Unlontown, aged 93. Mi chael Flannery, Marlon station, aged 75. H. P. Spofford, historian, California. 27 Joseph M. Hammond, Etna, aged 62. Presi dent Barnard, Columbia College, aged 0, Banker Hlgglnson, Boston. 28 Kev. Father Kajetan. Sonthslde, aged 29. Thomas J. Byrne, train dispatcher, cltr. SO W. H. Barnum, Chairman National Commit tee, aged 60. Carl Boss, musical director, London. MAY. 1 Bev. Father Denny, ,of Pittsburg, dies in Al toona. 2 Captain . M. Yard, Trenton, aged 79. Mat thew Campbell, ot Sonthslde window glass firm, aged 65. , 3 Hugh McDonald, inventor, . Liberty street aged 60. T.J. McMullen, conductor P. C. 4 Hon". Harvey Teller. Erie, aged 87. Sister Cellstlne, or the order or St Joseph, Ebens burg. 5-George Neely, Marshall township, aged 73. J. M. Boberts, Commander Post 3, G. A. K, 10 John P. Saullsbury, ex-Secretary of State, at Washington, D. C. 12 Hon. H. A. Foster. Home. N. Y. 13 Mrs. Ann Sutton, East End. aged 81. 15 W. W. Harding, proprietor Philadelphia In quirer, Philadelphia, Pa. Harry Falrman, son of Captain Falrman. aged 2L city. Christopher Strabley, East End. 16 Allen Tborndyke Rice. Minister to Bussla, In New York. Major Samuel Harper, aged 52. Colonel F. Gerker, Philadelphia. 17 Joshua Clark, hermit at Saco, Me., aged 82. 19 Robert Bailey, Sr., aged 85. city. 2l-Captaln Wm. O'Hagan, formerly this city. In Australia. 22 Charles Clendennlng, West Deer township, aged 101. J. W. Fletcher. ex-Sergeant-at-Arms. Cbambersburg, aged 73. J. H. Emer son, writer, Denton, ild., aged 70. 24 Samuel Ford, drygoods merchant of New York, aged 86. Laura Brldgeman, deaf, dumb and blind from 2 years or axe, hero of Dickens' "American Notes." 25 Otto Hemald, aged 74. Kev. C W. Burebard, pastor McClure Avenue Presbyterian Chnrcb, aged 64. G. G. Jarrett Woodrllle, aged 63. Senator Thos. Byaa at Montreal. 28 Hon. P. W. Chandler, aged 73. at Boston. Moses Johnston, colored capitalist, at Men slngton, O., aged 103. 29 Mrs. B. w. Finney, wife of President First National Bank, axed 23. 30 Nathan Corwllb, or Chicago, aged 70. JUNE. 6 Adolphus Andreas, oldestMasonln New York, aged SO years. Leonard Swett, who nominated A lie Lincoln and Judge Gresham, died at Chi cago. ll-Peter C. Shidle, Atlantic City, prominent Mason of this city. O. H. Farley, aged 33, em ployed on the Chronlete Telegraph. 14-lialpn Simon, and Michael 1'earsoll, victims of the Bear Creek fire. William Semple, mer chant Allegheny, aged 62. 15-HeV. P. C. Oakley, Bondout N. Y.. aged 90. 16 Joseph Grove, hermit 60 years of age. In Texas. J. h. Lawes, Elmira, N. T., weight 64a 17 Lonls Krneger, insurance agent suicides. John Glbbs Gilbert comedian. lloitoD. Bev. William Homcr, aged 79. Abolitionist.. 18 Knrus Cook, jail chaplain. Boston, aged 84. 20 General A. C. Myers. Quartermaster or tho Conferato army, Washington, D. C. Father. Carroll, Chicago, aged 93. 21 J. C. Graham. Allegheny, aged 40. Hon. William Pratt Tnnkhaunock, aged 75. Mrs. P. Breckenrldge, Tarentnm. 22-J. B. Keed, Tarentuin. ' 25-Hon. J. W. Wallace, New Castle. Hon. F. E. Bryant Illinois. Mrs. It B. Hayes, aged 13. 28 General Simon. Cameron, after along illness. Colonel J. B. Morgan-, after whom Morgaoza was named, city. 27 Hon. Ji P. Verree, aged 73. 28 Miss Marie Mitchell, noted astronomer. Lynn, Mass. , 29-John T. Mclf. ennan, brother or Judge McKen nan. JULY. 1 A. B. Blhlman. lMamoud street caterer. T. C. Woolsev, ex-Prcsldent of Yale," aged 88, 1& Francis, Cincinnati.. -Charles Parkins, 'at - Parnassus. , j . . t--. -.'V.iJ. - ,. WlUUmMJon,lroaiBanufctBrr,aged8e. J 4 William Nelson, celebrated juggler. Leprosy discovered in Canada. 7 Saul Palmer, lawyer, Alleghenv. 9 Morris K. Graham, son of the County Be- eorder, Allegheny. 10-John K, Steel, aged 78, city. Chief Crowe, or .the Allegheny Fire Department aged 53. U-Mary Ann Dickson. EdgeWorth. aged 70. James McClurg-, Allegheny, aged 60. J. P. . Hay, Allegheny. 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Tleter, formerly of Braddock. Thos. Scott Sn, city, aged 78. 15Hon, A. N. Cole,' Wellsvllle, K". Y.. who claimed to be the father of the Republican garty. E. C. Jordan, proprietor of the Whits ulphur Springs. 16-Kev. Dr. Eaton, author, Franklin, Pa. IT-J. H. Zonlzer, contractor, city. 18 W. J. Snodgrass. coal operator. Bock Bun. , George W. Norton, retired banker, Louis ville. 19-Alex. Thomson, ion ofthe P. B. E. Vice Pres ident London, aged 19. Count Leo Schwab, Boston. 20-WllllamAiles, Auditor of the National Tube Works. 22 John P. Beynolds, Canton, O. n -George J. Nonlsh, formerly or Allegheny, at Grand Crossing, III. 24-Ellxabeth Lewis Wade, daughter of Bessie Bramble, Brooklyn, aged 17. 2S-Cbarlemsgne Tower. Philadelphia, aged 8L railroad director. Warren Fausendlesof nose Meed at Wllllamsport 2HJPn1.c- Ban newspaper writer, aged 52. 30-Dr. W. B. Boberts, torpedo man. Titusville. Pa. Zebedlah Lee, Orange township, O., aged 10L Hon. Samuel McElroy, WOklnsburg. Dr. W. H. Woolsey, President Bethany College. AUGUST. 2-Slr William Ewsrt M. P., London. Mrs. Eliza M. Nelson. East End. George Jamison, writer. Washington. 3-Commodore Fltzhugh, aged 60, Philadelphia. 6 Mrs. Catherine Jones, aged 78. Miss Mollis Call, labor leader, drowned at Kearn station. 6 Madam De Caurobert social leader. Paris. General PhUippovltch, conqueror of Bosnia, Prague. 7-J. N. Anderson, formerly proprietor or the Bt. Clair Hotel. Genersl Henry Du Pont or Du Pont powder fame, Wilmington. 9 A. C. Hoyer. Esq., Pittsburg, at Mt Clem ents. 12-Ellhu Stevens. Belle Grade, Me., aged W. W. J. Branded, agent of the Green line oil City. ' w 13 Pat Carney, Democratic politician .--a r Dr. Alex. B. Mott noted surgeon, ri.Uvhfkl Fred Leslie, comedian. London. "eyr IO" 14 'Squire Wm. McCulley Grace, Ch-,.., ...a . 70. Judge John Irwin; BeUeronSfiltdsi8'" 15-Prof. Ellas Lumss, New Hijh WMni Ee- beccaBldnor, Deckertown.ag.yXj 16-P. V. Keltz, the man who i, aileied to have mesmerized Christine HorwILee GeoTw KSl, ?vSSS.5!J5I?fn& ReT- Stephen Mat- R?diili7??iS ?TewH?Um nd President of w win?. DhJ-UT,.,N,orth Carolina, aged 73. Prlsfaged7i mUUoM philanthropist in 18?J" D1 husband or Bara Bernhart Paris. ,T5; n5tt Johnston, or Fifth avenue, at ??" Bden. James T. McClure, aged 81. zo-James yjennlston, expert negro bllllardlst Charleston, S. C. William J. Lantner, of Allegheny. In Switzerland. Mrs. Mary Scott Center avenne, aged 87. l Laura Goodwin Kerr, aged 6, daughter of Samuel F. Kerr, of tbe Leader. s Major J. s. Davis. Department Commander of m tbe Nebraska G. A. K. 25-Henry Shaw, philanthropist St Louis. 28 Mrs. Bennett Brownsville road, aged 65. Mrs. William Lewis; or Pennsylvania, wire or the American Consul at Tanglers. 27 Laura lie Clair, tbe Dlamona Queen actress. Denver. Col. William E. Kowe, civil engineer Poor Farm, cltr. 23 George FawcettBowe, actor, New York, aged 65 30 Mother of John L. Sullivan, Boston. K.A. Coleman,- politician. Sixth avenue. H. C Skelly, merchant McKeesport 31 David Dibert Johnstown. WeltyMeCullough. at Greensbnrg. aged 42. John Grass, Sioux chief; statesman aLd orator. 11 Judge H. H. Cummin. Cresson Springs, Pa., member Johnstown Flood Belief Commission, SEPTEMBER. 2-H. W. Armstrong, aged 75, Youngstown. John A. Green, writer, Ntw York. 4-B. H. Blnford, -The Baby Soldier," Monroe, La. 6 H. W. Jenet Tweed boodler. New York. 7-J. V. O'Brien, showman, aged 62, Philadel phia. Morris Werthelmer, Allegheny, aged 23. Bev. Father Bartman. Sharon, aged 70. 8-Kev. Fattier Brennan. Mamfleld. aged 33. . 9 Kev. Father Philip Hartman. Erie, aged 80. John E. Day. rormerty of Pittsburg, at Leb anon, C, aged 99. 10 S. 8. Cox, New York, the statesman, aged 65. Charles Joseph Savary, aged 44, Ottawa; a member of the Legion of Honor. 12 Captain James Reese, aged 69; East End in ventor. 13 H. H. Byers, brother of A. M. Byers, Mercer county. IS Hiram Pooler, river man. aged 58. Hon. W. H. Weal, uncle or Stonewall Jackson, Parkers burg, W. Va. 17 Hon. James McCsllum, prominent Mason. Pulaski. Tenn. . 19 J. W. Payson. Hyde Park, aged 74: author of the common school writing books. 20 -James Martin, Becordlng Secretary of L. A. 6660. Zl-Colonel William H. Sbaw, of the One Hun dred and Thlrty-rourtb Regiment Pennsyl vania Volunteers. Newcastle. 73 WlUle Collins, aged 65, novelist 25 Eliza Cook, poetess, London, aged 81. 27 Mark Burke, of Post 51. G. A. K. 28 Captain W. B. Jones, Manager Edgar Thomson Steel Works, aged 50. 29-General Samuel D. Sturgls, United States Ariry, St Paul. B. G. Ford, Superintendent or the Bell's Gap Ballroad, aged 40. OCTOBER. 1 Mrs. Judge Jones, of Duquesne Way, this city in Philadelphia. 2 Adam Trnutman, Sonthslde, aged 51. Ex Governor Martin, Kansas. X-P. Bolster. Jr., Allegheny, aged V. 4 General Asa P. Blunt Manchester, X. H., aged 62. 5 Sister Mary Clare, Sonthslde. B. V. Barker, S rimer, city. Ishop of diocese of Kansas, Thomas Hubbard Vail. - 7 Mrs. Letltla Gazzam. Allegheny, aged 82. Daniel O'Donogbne, M. YZ, London. 9 S. It. Becd, writer of Cincinnati, en route for Europe. 11 Judge Bobert Baley, Carrolton. O. 13 W. W. McNalr, London, the first white who ever penetrated Asia. IS Mrs. James Irwin, Allegheny. IS Mabel Locke, daughter of C. E. Locke. 17 Ex-Governor Jobn F. Hartranrt soldier and statesman, Norrlstbwn, aged 59. Louis Bitter, Beading, newspaper man. aged 76. 18-E. P. Darling. Wilkesbarre. 22-James Ford. Chief Clerk ofthe Police Bureau, aged 48. 23 F. M. Wilson, artist Allegheny. S Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson, city, aged 45. James Sweeney, city, aged 51. 26 Mrs. Julia Mellor, musician. 27-Otto Adolph Arnold, of tbe Pittsburg YoUu- blatt. 29 Dr. Wm. N. Herron, Allegheny. 30-Rob Dalzell, Fayetta Springs, aged 83; the father or Private Dalzell. 31-Jessle M. BoweU. aged 43. Mrs. Charlotte Kearns, E. E. Nellie Qulnon, aged 10. NOVEMBER. 1 Hiram A. Jones, Newburg. N. Y., aged 70, Republican politician. Judge Channcey Jos tin, Ann Arbor, aged 76, eccentric but es teemed. James Carson, Braddock, aged 70. 4-Helen Warren Kay. wife of Lieutenant Ma jor Kay, Eighteenth Beglment Nellie Brown, aged 14. daughter of Captain 8. S. Brown, Florence, Italy. 7 Epbralm A. Ellsworth, father of Colonel Ells worth, tbe first victim or the Civil War, Me chanlcsvllle, aged 8t . 9-State Treasurer Hart Harrisburg. II Mrs. Louise Rector, Chicago: she owned the house and room in which President Lincoln died. 12 John H. 8hoenberger. iron manufacturer, this city; In New York, aged 80. 13 Wlnfleld Scott Wilson, attorney, Allegheny. 14 Colonel A. D. Mann, Assistant Secretary of State under Pierce, Paris. Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith. Raleigh. IS Andrew Jackman, liveryman, aged7L 16 Mrs. Annie Moorehead. wife ot the late Jobn Moorehead, Oakland. Mrs. Maggie. Olmstead, a Johnstown victim, city. Captain A. J. Waj ner, aged 79, Centralis, I1L, Quartermaster of the Llbby prison. 17 Columbus Brown, river pilot aged 60, Frank lin, Pa. JO Edward Doty. Beaver Falls. 21 Walter McCabe. city, aged 46. member of tbe One Hundred and Thlrtv-nlnth Pennsylvania. Mrs. C. Kinney, mother or the poet Edmund Clarence Stedman. Newark, N. J aged 79. 23 William Wiseman, city, aged 90. J. H. Buth ven. New York, aged 68, noted chessplayer, song writer ana Abolition orator. 25 Rev. FatberMurpny. or Pittsburg, In Ireland. J. B. Emery, the oldest Grand Past Master or I. O. O. F., Baltimore, aged 83. Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton, Ex-Minister to Germany, Ber lin, aged 64. 27 Kev. Dr. Murray, oldest member or the Car lisle Presbytery, aged 74. 28 Mrs. H. Cobb, widow or Ex-Secretiry or the Treasury Cobb, Athens, Ga., aged 7L 29-Pror. Kobt. Patterson, city, aged 88. Martin Farquhar Topper., poefr and writer. London, agf184. Jas. Kelly, variety actor, N. Y. 30 James Taylor. Allegheny, aged 75. Mrs. Ann H. Wood. McKeesport aged SL DECEMBER. 1 Mary Jackson. Third avenue, aged 91. 2 8. F. Wllkesbn, editor, politician and railroad maimate. New York, aged 72. Rev. J. J. Pomeroy. Cbambersburg. Newton Packard, Greenville, aged 60. Isaac L. MUllken, ex Mayor of Chicago, aged 76. Jumper pentud, from Injuries received while Jumnlng in New Orleans. 3-Hon. Caleb E. Wrlght.Dovlestown. aged 79. 6 officer Louis Zoog. Sonthslde. A. B. BlsselL DISPATCU typographer. Jefferson Davis, southern leader. New Orleans: the country monrnsagreatman, 6Jobn J. Town send. President of the Union Club, New York. 7 Right Rev. Bishop Jobn Tulgg, Altoona, aged 69.. 8 lir. F. S. Dellsas. author. Consul and clergy man, Martin's Ferry. O. 9 W. N. Riddle. ramousPenn Bank cashier, in New York. W. E. Allen, professor, Wiscon sin University. 10 Oliver Johnson, abolitionist Brooklyn, aged 80. Mrs. Scott Lord, sister of Mrs. Harrison. Washington. Cantain John Darragb, aged 79; Rpv. H. E. Thompson, of ci:y. 11 Joseph Jilee, Liberty street merchant aged 66. James A. Gxayi piano manufacturer, Al bany, N. Y.. aged73. 12 Robert Browning, the celebrated poet In lta:y, ntlOF. M. Ex-Mayor 8. A. Steele, Youngs town, aged 62. E. N. Dickerson, vreat patent lawyer. New York. Bev. Joseph Ward, Pres ident Yankton Co li-Ur. K. W. HUbo v. -e Superintendent Pub- lio Schools. Lancaster, aged 59, 14 Cardinal Gangbauer, Vienna. Judge MorrelL NewYorx. i -IS Mrs. Margaret MedlB. mother of Joseph . ;MedUL edfcKHvCsntoB, o asedar. '. . . i 16-Dr. 8. Pancoast Philadelphia, sged 68. Wm, J. Puderv Bloomfield. aged 69. 17 Mrs. Jane MeWUllams, Mt Oliver, aged 80, John Duffy, nephew of Roger O'Mara. city. 18 W. S.' Harrison, nephew of the President, Chicago. B. F. Given,' river pilot aged. 67. city. Rev.W. Long. M. P. Church, city, aged 85. Mrs. Susan G.Tllden, New Lebanon, Hi Y. Wllbeim von Glesebreeht German hlstorx ian, Berlin. 20 George Marthens, printer, formerly of Pitts burg, Jersey City, aged 60. Alfred Cowles. of Chicago Tribune. Mrs. Susan Getze, Canton. O,, aged 96. 21 John Henry Wllhelm, Oakland. EUzaheta Blanch Connor, teacher. ColweU street city, 22 Hon. O. B. Hattlson, Utlca, N. Y.. aged 84. Benjamin H. Day. founder of tbe Sun, New York, aged SO. 23 H. W. Grady, gifted Southern orator and. journalist sged 33. E. T. Walte. son of the) late Chief Justice Walte. Asa B. Wood. Wash-, ington. Pa., aged 40. Jalrnes Putney, eml sent optician. Providence. 24-Ellis Wilcox. Springfield, BL, aged 100. 25 John O'Connor, favorite Irish comedian, city, aged3S. " 28-Colonel B. J. Stevens. United States Consul at Victoria, aged 65. W. 8. Jackson, proprietor or the Idlewood Hotel, aged 60. Mrs. Georga H. Thomas, widow or General Thomas, Wash ington. Herr Vonalwens. Vice President of Bavarian Chamber or Representatives, Berlin. 27-Prof. Jos. G. Fox; A. M. or Lafayette College, aged 67. 28 Ex-Empress orBrazfl,at Oporto. J. F. Swift glass manufacturer. Greensburg. Ex-Judgo Horace Wilder, or Ohio. J. C.Coolrldge.banxv president Boston, or "la grippe." 29 Pror. G. W. Sawln,Harvard,aged 29, Influenza. Sirs. Robert Tyler, daughter of the Tragedian, Cooper, and for three years Lady of the Whit House, Montgomery, Ala., aged 74. There are many white soaps, each V . ; represented to be -: -? j "just as good as the'Ivoryi They are not, . but like - , all counterfeits, - ; : they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. Tis sold everywhere. soS-lOlotrrs BROKERS-FINANCIAL. TTTHITNEY fc 8TEPHEJJB0N. VT FOURTH AVENTJEi Issue travelers' credits through Messrs, Drexel, Morgan dc Co, New York. Passports procured,- THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF PITTSBURG, NO. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. Incorporated January 24, 1867. Charter per. petual. Capital $503,000. Burglar-proof vaults for securities and valuables. Acts as Execu tor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee and all' other fiduciary capacities. DIRECTORS. A. Garrison, Edward Gregg; "Wm. Rea, Thos. Wiehtman, A. E. W. Painter, Chas. J. Clarke, A. P. Morrison, Felix K. Bronot, John H. RIckctson. OFFICERS. A. Garrison, President; Edward Gregg; First Vice President; Wm. Rea, Second Vice Presi, dent; Wm. T. Howe, Setfy and Treas.; Robt C Hoore.Asst Bec'y and Treas.; Henry A. Miller, Counsel, N o. 153 Fourth avenue. dei-itwr JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 45 SIXTH ST Pittsburs. mv2&Sl MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG. PA. As old residents know and back files of Pitts. burg papers prove, is the oldest established, and most prominent physician in tbe city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases, Srb.fPrNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDnilO and mental diseases. physical IM H n V U U Odecay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope. Impaired memory, disordered sight self distrust bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak, ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN JsTvJkg; blotches, falling bair, bones, pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange U nl IN rlh 1 1 ments, weak hack, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttler's life-long; extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment; on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hoars 9 A. it. to 8 P. v. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 p.m. only. DR. WHITTIER, 8li Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. deS-15rjsuwk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. full particulars In pamphlet tent free. The genuine Gray's Speclnc sold by druiglsts only la yellow wrapper. Price. H per package, or six for f3, or by malt on receint of nrlce. try address- nir THE GKAY MEDIUM K CO- liuiralo, M. r bold in Pittsburg byS. S. HOLLAND, corner Smlthfleld and Liberty stt. aplz-SS DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. M. R. C. P. 8, is the oldest and most experienced specialist la the city. Consultation free and r.-tattv conlldentlaL Office) , o t,j andTto 8 P.M.: Bunda). 2toP. itConsult them personally, or write. DOCTOBS Lake. 328 Penn aveu, Pittsburg, Pa. el243-swk ' ,'s Cotton. 3s?OO0 COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Root. TansTftfld Pennyroyal a recent discovery by aa 'old Dhvsician. Is success fuBu used! montUir-Safe, EffectuaU Price JL by mall. sealed. Laaies, asx your urucgiai. wr VJJ' Cotton Root Compound aid take no substitute, or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND tltY COMPANY, No. 3 Flsber Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit Mica, JO-Sold in Pittsburg. Pa.. lv Joseph Flea tag 4 son. Diamond and Market sta. se2fra TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wastmst weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will . send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home care. FREE ot charge. A splendid medical work: should be read by every man who Is rjervnns and denfntatra. Address, Pror.F.C.FeWLEX,MoodB,COBJU ocl6-43-Dauwk T A TYPE1 Q' BiN-bXIUE FILLS are tftft: XJUJLr XJHiiD superior to pennyroyal or saaaj; parucuutr, e vutrH a vu.f doxihi rftua.i jressc t& o- tcj9--ws r -s y , itl M ,5 'I I c, Ha. ,s. ft etK . . , 4 i i.?s SiTSW ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers