Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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End. Pr. J. B. Morrison suicides. Messrs.
Chambers & McKee. tbe class men, form a
coke company. Remaining bodies taken
from the wrecked Willey building.
13 Tom Barry makes a bitter speech and
scores Powderly. Coke workers demand
uniform wages. Opinion of George Sbiras,
Jr., on Allegheny's charter dilemma.
IS Ax makers desert the K. of I. forming a,
branch of Barry's Brotherhood. SeTeral
sermons preached on the Wood street dis
aster. 1411. C. Frick becomes a partner of Carnegie
In the iron business. Striking coal miners
weaken. Flaws discovered in the marriage
license law.
15 $15,000 subscribed for the Exposition at a
pucL'c meeting. Rev. Joseph Krauskopf
lectures on "The Messiah and the Jews."
Abases of the jury system discussed by
judges. Annual report of the Manufac
turers' Natural Gas Company.
16 Powderly arrives and undoes the work done
by Tom Barry in three hours. W. T. Lewis
replies to serious charges. An old tax de
cision unearthed.
17 $25,000 subscribed to the Exposition fund. D
A. 3, K. of L., nledges fidelity to Powderly.
Inspector McAleese's bribery charges. The
man who bnnkoed John Lemon out of
$10,000 captured in Canada. Report of Pres
ident Campbell, of the Window Glass
Workers' Association.' Celebrated Irish
will case settled.
IS The legal fraternity discuss reforms in
present jury system. Close of interesting
annual meeting of D. A. 3, K. of L. West
inghouse applies for a patent on a multiple
main conductor. Joseph Fleming found
guilty of selling liquor illegally.
19 The Coroner's jury in the Wood street dis
aster fixes the blame. Huckensteln & Co.
and Building Inspector Frank charged with
negligence. Railroad companies inaugu
rate a war on ticket scalpers. Adam ma
ter's bead chopped off by Thomas Hallo-
wen at a uorK s run Doaraing -uouse.
SO Dr. Hostetter!s interests in the P.4L.E
R. R. sold to the Vanderbilts. Rev. Boyd
Vincent preaches bis farewell sermon.
Building Inspector Frank orders the re
moval of aangerons structures. Another
split among the colored people on Avery's
will. O. F. Scalfe takes issue with F. M.
Magee on street railways.
21 The grand jury specter rises again. Coal
miners decide to resent a reduction in
wages. British-Americans organize. The
new agreement of the South Penn road
22 Nearly (10,000 raised at an Exposition mass
meeting. A concealed check for $-10,000
discovered in the defunct F. t M. Bank.
An English manufacturer says $1,000,000
has been sent to the United States to de
feat the Senate tariff bill. Lively Demo
cratic caucus.
23 Annual reports of Pennsylvania Company.
A. A. Stevens predicts success for the pro
hibition amendment. The Camelries re
ceive a big steel rail order. Joseph Dim
mer put on trial for the murder of Officer
24 Frederick Turner, of the E, otL, rules
hat every local can be represented in the
big labor convention. Pittsburg stoves
shipped to Germany.
25 Arrangements made for erection of two
abattoirs in Allegheny. Francis Murphy
declares against prohibition. City Solicitor
Elpbinstone's opinion on Allegheny's new
charter. The birthday of Bobbie Burns
26 Death of a gipsy belle in the West End.
The municipal tax lien declared to be a ne
cessity. The Denny estate appeals from
the decision of the Board of Assessors.
27 Master Workman Rea elves the member
ship of the K. of L. Murderer Dimmey re
fused to attend services in the jaiL Homeo
paths oppose the proposed State Board
of Licensers and Examiners.
2S Trouble among K. of L. iron molders. Mill-
age for the year nxed at iz mills, lernnc
gnu powder Invented by a Southside chem
ist. 23 War among theW. C. T. TJ. leaders. Sec
ond annual dinner of the Pittsburg Press
Club a great success. A large order for
yokes lost by Oliver Bros. fc Phillips be
cause the K, of L. refused to do piece work.
80 The Standard Oil Company gobbles the
Amazon Oil Company. John Costello pro
poses to lease K. of L. coal property for 20
vears. The miners form a branch of the
If ational Progressive Union with a mem
bership of 3.0U0 in this section. Thousands
of people attend the dog show at the Grand
Central Rink.
SI Surprise caused by the unloading of South
Penn stock. Cokers give three days' notice
of a strike. Annual reunion ot the Rensse
laer Polytechnic Institute. Annual gather
ing of the Women's Christian Association.
1 Mrs. W. C. Erskine sues the Knights of M.
0. for illegal ejection. Cashier Sorg. of the
M. & M declares his innocence. Amalga
mated Association suspends the Vesuvius
lodge for admitting non-unionists. Alumni
of the Rensselaer Institute visit Pittsburg's
industries. Chief trans asks greater fa
cilities for the Fire Department.
2 Charged that Dr. Mabarneke, of the pen,
aided convicts to escape and accepted bribes.
New cable route out Wylie avenue pro
jected. Inspector McAleese and Assistant
Superintendent Roger O'Mara charged by
Dr. H. B. Orr with disorderly conduct.
3 Pen investigation ripens and Maharneke
says be can compromise other people. J oil v
social of the B. P. O. E. Probable strike o'f
wire drawers at Braddock. James Yates
badly hurt by a Penn avenue car; may not
4 Formal opening or" official Mabarneke trial.
Job pressmen's strike declared off. Alle
gheny Councils wrangle over the new
charters. H. C. Frick denies his cokers
have teen reduced.
5 Dr. Mabarneke suspended till full investi
gation made. Claimed Wcstingboube and
Edison must consolidate. Decided the
Expo, will be ready and open September L
ILii-e in freight rates out of Pittsburg.
Allegheny delighted at being made a legal
third-class city. Inspector McAleese and
Roger O'Mara fined $50 for disorderly con
duct. 6 Coldest day of the year. Banquet of vet
eran Masons. Slight reduction for coal
8 $100,000 English cash invested in Allegheny
City bonds. H. C. Frick signs the cokers'
scale. Coal Exchange members protest
against convict labor. Bonds closing in on
Mabarneke. Elks' benefit a big financial
9 Ex-Jndge Fetterman booming the Austra
lian ballot. Bessemer steel burned for the
Haworth gun failure.
10 TheBtate refuses penitentiary appropria
tion until satisfied everything is right. Ex
tensive cloak robbery at Boggs 4 Buhl's.
11 Andrew Carnegie says Southern iron can
not compete witn us. ueiie jjoyd, the rebel
spy, lectures. Representative Stewart calls
the Riverside investigation a faftce. Drug
gists meet to repeal the Blue Laws. Mayor
McCallin charges the city chiefs with prod
igality. 12 One hundred bogus butter sellers caught
up. Pittsburg to have a school of sciences.
Allegheny brewers organize to fight prohi
bition. Monthly meetiDg of the W. C. T. TJ.
13 Howl about gas shortage. President Gom-
fers issues call for mass meetings on elght
lour Question, the first to be held here
February 22.
14 Senator Gobin arraigns the pen. Two
million dollar Sewer Trust formed. Camp
fire of Post 128, G. A. It. Encampment
15 Ex-President Hayes addresses pnblic
schoolchildren. Failure of Grand Lake
Coal Company for $250,000. Constitutional
Amendment Committee raise $5,000.
16 Belva Lockwood will talk prohibition.
John C. Smith, doorkeeper of Criminal
Court, stricken with heart paralysis. Big
Westinghouse works projected at Wil
merding. Preparations for grand parade
on Washington's birthday.
17 Gripmen threaten to tie up if wages are not
advanced. Bank expert says F. & if. de
positors will lose all. Immense prohibition
mass meeting at Bijou.
IB Pittsburg butterine Belters organize to fight
the LiO. Local builders want an amal
gamation with the national association.
19 Local municipal elections result in universal
Republican victories. K. of L. celebrate
their twenty-fifth anniversary. Exposition
subscriptions to date (200,000. NewMasonic
hail for East End projected.
20 Legislative committee in- town. Peniten
tiary Board rattled. J. H. Dewees, Osceola
Coal Company, missing. Wholesale grocers
say the business tax is burdensome. Har
rison refuses a banquet at the Americas
Club. Slatterh's lawyer tells the Pardon
Board Coffey killed Meyer. Marriage of
Miss Miller and Dr. Benham.
21 Dr. Maharneke fired from the pen. Found
guilty of swearing only. McClure and Frey
vogle, gamblers, pardoned. National Sec
retary Dillon, of the A. F. G. W. TJ., mar
ried to Miss May Woolgar.
22 Mr. De Beck aged 68, receives fatal injuries
on the Penn traction. Jimmy Doran es
capes from jail. Prominent men sit down
on the idea of branding criminals. Prepa
rations to farm a coal pool. 20,000 people
parade in memory of Washington.
23 Inventor Reese experimenting with a cast
steel gun. Trades Council reports in favor
of high license. Father Canevln ignores
the amendment question. Crowds prepar
ing to descend upon Washington.
24 The German military against prohibition.
Fruitless talk about securing young man
agers for the Exposition.
25 Central Turner Hall enjoys its annual grand
ball. Meeting of the A. O. U. W. conven
tion. Chief Brown hits back at Mayor Mc
Callin. Disappearance of the Murdock
bunko testimony.
26 Pennsylvania railroad shops and round,
houses to be taken from the city to Walls.
Big cas gusher struck near Economy. A
-physician claim hospitals are run by
cliques. Booth & Flinn quarrymen strike.
Liquor men barred from the A. O. U. W.
27 Puddlersat the Republic Iron Works strike
because one was discharged. Ida Patterson
elopes with a fireman. Controller Morrow
goes to Harrisburg to boom his street
bill. Natl company formed to use the new
quick process.
25 Governor Foraker, In an interview, compli
ments iiarnson, out gives xourmanBDiasc
.Trouble at the Republic Iron Works settled.-
Mrs.- Smith dies of injuries sustained at a
natural gas explosion in Tarentum, Homer
Swaney and Hattle A. Linn married.
1 Elaborate spread by the Welsh In honor ot
St. David. Policy houses raided. LiO.
sue Aldermen Shaffer and Cassldy f or al
leged money due.
2 Pennsylvania boys in blue en route to
Washington. Mass meeting of corporations
oppose the 8-mill tax. J7H. Johnston, of
St. Louis, appointed General Manager of
the Exposition. Monongahela House
leased to Eastern hotel men.
3 The Standard Company said to be refining
excellent Lima olL The two Murpbys
speak to immense houses on prohibition.
4 R. G. Gross, on his death bed, confesses to
the murder of John Carter, at Clark's
railL Four million bushels ot coal sent
down the nver. Death of James DeBeck,
the grip victim; v.
5 Pittsburg society torn up over Virginia
Knox's Montercole revelations; she applies
for a divorce. The faith cure catches on
here. Annual reception of the Societa
Italians. Captain and Mark Wishart ar
rested for disorderly conduct. Emma
Bingler, singer, and William Wolf, mar
ried. 6 George Shorts and Mollis Sarver elope.
Allegheny death rate runs alarmingly hizh.
Eight million bushels of coal go down with
13 feet of water. Rotten building and loan
associations exposed.
7 Westmghouse's rival, Edison, loses his
Canadian patent. Liquor men f uliy organ
ized to light prohibition. Pitcher Ed Morris
arrested for gambling. W, D. Moore joins
the prohibition ranks.
8 Wishart fined for giving Martin a black
.eye. Chairman Weiss says liquor men have
organized only for protection. Police In
spector Stevens discharged.
9 New electric road will go up Squirrel Hill.
Convention of the Catholic Total Absti
nence Union. Bodies being removed from
Troy Hill Cemetery to make room for
houses. Joseph Dimmev granted a new
10 Alderman Cassldy charged by Penny, of
Murdoch bunko fame, "with false arrest.
Big Union Temperance meeting at the
Opera House. The Edgar Thomson
breaks the world's record, Costello sides
with Powderly against Barry.
11 Mills robbed of tons of brass by hoys.
Eleven counterfeiters sentenced by Judge
Acheson. Fire dealers arrested for selling
adulterated milk.
12 Banquet of Pittsburg Undertakers' Asso
ciation. Producers and dealers form a milk
", trust. Wells Fargo purchase the P. k W.
express business.
13 Incendiaries burn the Red Lion Hotel
stables. First electric piano played here.
Unknown body of a man found in Chartiers
14 Senator Colquitt speaks at Prohibition
meeting. Count Montercole visits Pitts
burg. Saloomsts raising big campaign fund.
Miss Annie Dickens and J. M. Shields mar
ried. Jewish Feast of Purim celebrated.
Numerous liquor remonstrances filed.
15 Carnegie will not join the Chicago mill
syndicate. Count Montercoleleaves quietly.
Sixty-eight remonstrances against liquor
licenses filed.
IS Welsh Presbyterian Church dedicated.
Numerous small suburban robberies alarm
the people. v
17 William Ragan dies of injuries received at
a gas explosion. Father Sheedy asks the
license court to cut down licenses.
IS License Court opens with Judge White on
the bench alone, 100 cases heard. White
very severe. Meeting of the State Session
of the Roval Arcanum. River navigation
opened. Wages voluntarily advanced in
the Edgar Thomson.
19 Charges in Harrisburg of misappropriation
ot western Penitentiary lunas. uniei
Brown asks License Court to prohibit sa
loons in the Owl district. Frank Aldrlch,
alleged bunko man. brought from Canada.
Edward Downing, of Allegheny, tried to
add his name to list of suicides.
20 Superb banquet of the Royal Arcanum.
Allegbenians start for Oklahoma.
21 Viewers find masonry defective at Lock
No. 7. John Rowell, of the Amalgamated
Association, in for burglary, released from
the pen.
22 The License Court becomes even more
severe; Judge White declares be will cut
licenses away down. W. J, Florence and
wife dined by Nobles ot the Mystic Shrine.
23 Veterans rejoicn over the passage of a law
giving them special preference.
24 Train held up by tramps on the Pittsburg
and Lake Erie railroad. German working
men ask Judge White to be lenient. First
speak-easy raid. James Heron, of Alle
gheny, mysteriously disappears. Street
railroads to be run by electricity.
25 Flint glass workers sav prohibition will
hurt their business. Coal mines closing
down. Charles Vockrodt a painter, dies
after a week of suffering from burns. Re
publican Executive Committee endorses
Ford foi the postoffice.
26 Ft. Pitt Foundry burned, loss 100,000. Hen
ry Warner, Superintendent of the work
house, says he nas a contempt for the K. ot
L. The city rapiaiy lighted with arc lamps.
AVife of John Thuring said to have plotted
his life for his insurance. New B.& O.
depot about finished.
27 License Court finishes with Pittsburg and
tackles Allegheny. Rev. Scully's church
disrupted. Cashier Voigbt indicted. ''
28 Close of Allegheny Select and Common
f'nnnfiile Hfoivopc' A c:ofi a tlrtYi uHtl hnv.
cott prohibitionists. Randall Club mu-
29 Effort to bribe Allegheny Councilmen fails.
Standard Oil Company burs Crafton oil
field. Felix R. Brnnot stricken with par
alysis. 30 Carnegie Library formally presented to
Braddock. The Chambers, mansion de
stroyed by fire in East End.
31 Carnegie still fighting the Pennsvlvania
Railroad. Spiritualists celebrate the dis
covery ot the modern faith. Youthful
burglars working Fourth avenue. Minis
ters preach against liquor.
1 Allegheny roads to be made electric.
James Hunter elected Chairman of Alle
gheny Council. Moving day. Roughen
and catchers in mills demand 50 per cent
advance. Opening of the ball season.
2 Carnegie still claims Pennsylvania freight
discrimination. Mrs. Amelia Ulmer, ot
Beltzboover. suicides. Banquet of the
Phi-Delta-Theta at the Monongahela
3 President Roberts ignores Carnegie. Ma
sonic Hall opened by the Masons.
4 Carnegie reiterates charges of discrimina
tion against P. R. R. Co. Pittsburg insti
tutions receive their appropriations. W.
T.Lewis, anti-Powderly, suspended from
K. of L. for 30 years. Glenwood Park
Hotel burned. The Scaife Lock buiif'ing,
Water street, destroyed.
5 Representative Wherry supports Carnegie
against the P. R. R. .
6 Jones 4 Laughlins' Steel Works turnout
2,350 tons in one week, breakingtbe record.
New athletic club in the East End. Fifty
thousand dollars expended on Monongahela
House improvements.
7 Hubbard's ax factory burned; (500,000 loss.
George Harper dies after living one week
with bullet in his brain. Annie Lorenz,
Allegheny, suicides. Window Glass Work
ers favor protection.
8 Meeting of Socialists.
9 Movement to change moving day. Monon
gahela fire escape deaths declared acci
dental. 10 Tilt between Harry Darlington and Judge
White. Sensation at Sam Small's lecture
caused by a saloonkeeper Interfering.
Randall Club musicale. Senator Rutan
seriously ill.
U Archbishop Ryan writes against prohibi
tion. Electric road projected for Castle
Shannon. New Allegheny Councils meet
12 City cable railways need pay no taxes.
13 Penitentiary management exonerated.
Colored people torm the Assembly of the
Iron Ring. Chapel of Webster Avenue
Convent dedicated. The Milk Trurt a
14 Twenty-six glass blowers reach Jeannette.
B. &0. employes object to the Relief Asso
ciation. Feast of the Passover celebrated by
the Hebrews. Palm Sunday observed.
15 Favorable coal rise in the river. Five hun
dred men strike at Duquesne. Citizens favor
widening Diamond street.
16 Ford plate glass works sold for $1,500,000 to
Pittsburg Plato Glass Company. Marriage
of Miss Alice Jones to W. W. WUlock.
17 Express on the P.4L.E wrecked, many
hurt. Young Men's Tariff Club reception.
William Draper on tri-1 for the Tom's Run
murder. Beautiful tributes by the G. A. R.
to Sydney Omobundro.
18 Quarterly meeting of D. A. 3, K. ot L.
19 Window glass workers refuse to aceept
President Campbell's resignatiin. Com
memorative union services in St. Andrew's
Church. M. L. Malone succeeds Patter
son, i
20 Trades Assembly condemns Duquesne Iron
and Steel Company. Cartwright wins the
great pedestrian match. Father Cosgrove
condemns dancing.
21 Easier Sunday generally observed. Judge
White grants but 93 licenses in the city.
Milk Producers' Union join the K. of L.
Zi Opening of the gay season.
23 Refused saloon keepers protest. Randall
Club reception. British-Americans cele
brate the memory of St. George.
24 Fight between two East End hired men;
Charles Wilson fatally in jured by Andrew
Heiser. Elaborate grocers' banquet. St.
Paul's Cathedral tea party. Miss Stella
Herbst and R. M. Taylor married at Se
wicklev. 25 Rev. J. K. Milhurn, Grace Lutheran
Church, requested to resign. Lizzie 8leetz
and O. H. Groetzinger married.
25-Odd Fellows celebrate their seventieth
American anniversary. Daisy Hutchinson
declared sane. The new Government build
ing a trifle out ot plumb. Thomas Hol
loway on trial for murder of Slater.
27 Third annual Ajnerieus Club banquet
Holloway accepts verdict of murder in see
ond degree. Elaborate arrangements for
the Washlncton Centennial.
28 Glass tanks pronounced successful;, Firet
Universalis! Church organized in Pitts
burg; Rev. W. G. Williams, pastor.
29 John Sheaffer, employe of P. R.R., sui
cides while walking with, a' young lady.
George Kennan, Siberian' explorer, lec
tures, i
80 Second day of the Washington celebration.
Robert R. Singer and Miss Harriet Graff
married. Last day of the old saloon busi
ness. Five thnusana miners threaten to
quit work. Encampment No. 1, U. V. L.
1 More English glass blowers arrived at
Jeannette. Corner stone of Cumberland,
Presbyterian Church laid. J. D. Sbott,of
Columbus, O., robbed of $2,700.
2 Foreign brewers cut prices under Pittsburg
beer. Faith cure belief growing. A Beth
any Home. Opening of GUmofe Jubilee
Concerts. Mayor McCallin opposed to
grade crossing bilL Miss Mitchell charges
Michael Gibbens with abduction.
3 Little Maggie Burke prosecuted for steal
ing 12.000.
4 Judge White sustained by the Bar Associa
tion. Central Trades Council to inquire Into
the Jeannette affair.
6 Speak-easles raided.
6 Judge White comes back at Mr. Sbiras.
H. W. Oliver elected President or the Pitts-bun-
and Western. Umberirer's murderers
captured by a Pittsburg detective.
7 Machinery hall contract let for SISO.OuO.
West Penn Hospital gets $50,000 appropria
tion. 8 Bogus $5 blUs in circulation. Milk Trust
9 Judge White refuses all rehearing-. Pitts
burg newspaper men on a jaunt. Romantic
opera, "Lion of Pern," produced at Grand
Opera House by the authors. Dr. E. A.
Wood and Leonard Wales, with the Boston
10 Pennsylvania Railroad promises to rectify
discriminations. Warmcastle appointed
Collector of Internal Revenue. John Bru
bacb, of Allegheny, suicides; despondency.
U Homestead steel workers ask for 30 per cent
advance. Ex-Congressman Barr enters suit
against the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company
charging directors with fraud. Forty
deputy sheriffs guard the Duquesne Steel
Works against the strikers. First outdoor
meeting of Prohibitionists in favor of the
amendment. Annual meeting of pattern
maters. ,,
12 Ford answers Barrs charges against Pitts
burg Plate Glass Company. Boston Ideals
skin to evade the L. and O. St. James'
Catholic Church, Wilkinsburg, dedicated.
Semi-centennial of German Methodism.
13-City Councils object to Judge White's strin
gent license rulings. Superintendent Starr
on trial for manslaughter.
14 Miners' strike ends with a 73 cent com
promise. P. R. R. employes object to
company officers in their relief association.
15 Centr.il Trades Council pushing Jeannette
investigation. Center avenue pond threat
ens neighbors. Mozart Club annual mu
sicale. 16 Germans combine to fight the amendment.
One thousand five hundred tube workers
quit the National Tnbe Works. Strike of
the Solar Iron Works employes. H. J.
Cook, Allegheny, arrested in London, Ont,,
for robbing Fortersville bank.
17 National Tube Works concedes demands
and resumes. Alumni of Princeton and
Allegheny College bold annual feasts. Pro
ducers' Association gain control of 6,000,000
barrels of oil and go in the market. .
18 Municipal elections result in home rule
victories. Judge Stowe dismisses license
19 Laborers denounce Carnegie's sliding scale.
20 Railroads reduce rates on iron ore. Jean
nette window glass tank a great success.
Marriage of Jennie B. Kennedy to Joseph
Borland, Philadelphia, in the East End.
21 Grand opening of the May Festival. Edison-Westinghouse
fight opens in court.
22 Archbishop Ryan here to settle the Ursu
line difficulty. Home for Young Women.
Allegheny, opened.
23 ArchbishoD Rvan visits' churches and
schools. John Carter placed on trial for
24 Representatives of L. A. 800 and Trades
Council agree upon public investigation re
garding the Jeannette case. Edlson-West-mgbouse
case submitted to the court.
25 Ugly charges made against Homeopathic
Hospital physicians. Diamond street Ordi
nance recommended to Councils by Survey
Committee. Carter murder case submitted
to jury. Close of Mar Festival.
26 Controversy over charges made against
the Homeopathic Hospital. Pennsylvania
State Board of Health meets at Hotel An
27 Erastus Wimac addresses the Chamber of
Commerce. Carnegie employes given ten
aays to sign the scale. Governor Beaver
vetoes appropriations for Catholic hospitals.
Councils refuse to investigate charges
-against the heads of departments.
23 Exposition mass meeting at Old City Hall.
29 Iron workers' proposal rejected by manu
facturers. Mobile asks Carnegie to build
steel works on the Gulf. John L. Sullivan
visits Pittsburg.
30 Opening of St. Mark's Guild House. Bazaar
held for the benefit of Bloomfleld -Library
Association. General observance of Mem
orial Day. Ascension Day observed by the
Catholics. Anniversary of Home for Agea
Women at Wilkinsburg.
31 Committee of freight agents cut rates on
iron and steel.
I General suspension of business caused by
'the flood. Funds started by different news-
Jiapers for the relief of Johnstown. Meet
ng of Connty Committee. Fight over the
rules between Quay and Magee.
2 Chamber of Commerce take charge of all
Johnstown, subscriptions. Government
building management's progress declared
satisfactory at postoffice headquarters.
Chamber of Commerce.receives $50,000 from
New York.
3 Amalgamated committee complete their
work'on sliding scales. Chamber ot Com
merce sends $35,000 in cash and an unlim
ited supply of provisions to Johnstown.
Battery B ordered away from Johnstown by
General Hastings. Veterans meet in Pitts
bunr to aid the sufferers.
4 Many of survivors brought to Pittsburg tor
shelter.' Amertcus Club leaves for Johns
town with a Afresh supply of provisions.
Local fiscal losses will amount to $500,000.
Western Union wires taxed to their utmost.
All the hospitals filled. Fourteenth Annual
Convention of the Amalgamated Associa
tion donates $2,000 to the flood sufferers.
Marriage of Miss Hattle Clark and Henry
Mulholland. James B. Scott, of Pittsburg,
appointed dictator. Marriage of Miss
Anna Graham to Dr. Walker Beam. Wed
ding ot George B. Gordon, Esq., of this
city, to Miss Mary Boorum, of Brooklyn,
N. Y.
5 Members of South Fork Fishing Club de
fend the dam. All contributions received
for Conemaugh sufferers to be deposited in
city banks. Pennsylvania Railroad loses
$1,000,000 by the flood.
6 Three thousand six hundred coffins sent to
Johnstown. Ladles (5001 of Pittsburg and
Allegheny labor at the bedsides ot the suf
fering survivors. Eighty thousand dollars
cash received by Treasurer Thompson.
President Campbell replies to his assail
ants In the Jeannette glassblower's case.
State Board of Health establish an office in
Pittsburg. Relief fund increases to 360.001
so far. Scarcity of laborers in the streets.
No workmen available. Garden City sends
110,000 to Chamber of Commerce Commit
tee. Annual outing of the Almagated As
sociation at Rock Point.
10 South Fork Fishing Club dissolves.
11 Pittsburg river water all right. Marriage
of D. T. Watson and Miss Margaret Wal
ker. 12 The gathering of the Lutheran Synod,
Southsiders'demand rapid transit.
13 Secret and social lodges turn in to aid
Johnstown sufferers.
14 Brotherhood of Local Engineers asked to
join the Amalgamated Association.
15 Pittsburg Relief Committee disbands.
Banquet to John Jarrett. New directory
shows an increase of 16,653.
16 Kate Fields opposed to prohibition. Law
yers' picnic. Lizzie Coates, aged 15, drowned
In the Allegheny.
17 iron Workers' scale completed. Duncan
Ross in town.
18 Liquor men celebrate their victory. Amal
gamated Association takes In laborers.
19 Rush for flood pictures. Fbipps offers
Allegheny a conservatory.
20 Prohibitionists fall to agree on a permanent
21 Walter Lvon appointed District Attorney.
William Weihe elected President of the
Amalgamated. Graduating exercises at St.
22 Harrv Flann, bookkeeper in the Marine
Bank, jailed for embezzling $35,000. Meet
ing of the Sovereigns of Industry. Un
known man leaps from the Sixth street
bridge and drowns. Meeting of the Na
tional Plumbers' Association. Voighr, the
bank wrecker, sentenced to six years in the
23 Sensational developments in the Flann
case., Lawyers say South Fork Club is not
24 Fifth avenue Masonic Temple dedicated.
Diamond alley ordinance passes Common
25 Plumbers' Convention meet. Charles H.
Harrow. V. S. N., marries Mss H. R. Ham
ilton, Allegheny. Contract let for Alle
gheny's Conservatory. Brace Bros, awarded
$400 damages for the famous boycott.
26 Opening of the new Frohslnn quarters on
Penn avenue.
25 The-Supreme Court reverses Judge White;
good citizens may proenre license. Excite
ment over the announcement. The Pro
ducers' Association sold to the Standard.
29 Firms rapidly signing the Amalgamated
Scale. President Gompers talks on eight
hours. Six thousand people attend the
Slassworkers' picnic,
ottlers expect their licenses. The Dora
Steplin mystery deepening. Arch Street
MTE. Church dedicated.
i Defendants In the Brace Bros, boycott file
exceptions to the -master's finding. -Agent
Beaver in town. Building-Inspector Frank
retires. Diamond alley ordinance passed.
2 Immense eight-hour mass meeting. Anni
versary of Little Round Top. Night school
examination finished.
3 Wholesalers and retailers receive their li
censes. '
4 immense picnic in Wilkinsburg. The city
6 Dlstriot Attorney Lyon .to investigate the
Jeannette case. Picnic of the County De
mocracy. New bridge projected over the
Allegheny. Test .of an electric motor in
vented by Plttsburgers.
6 Arrest of Johnston, the insane V. B. A. de
serter. 7 G. A. R. will distribute its own funds.
Three boys drowned in the Monongahela.
Colored camp-meeting at Wilkinsburg.
Major Armes thanks Plttsburgers for the
medal sent for pulling Beaver's nose.
8 Window Glass Convention in Pittsburg.
Flint Glass Convention inBellalre. John
Yeldell, colored minister, arretted for a.
Southern murder.
9 Typhoid fever raging in Allegheny. Sav
eralvcases of sunstroke. Thermometer 93.
Drummers' excursion down the river. Ed
S. Giles and Rose E. Unnlevy married.
10 Non-union men reach Homestead. Great
excitement. Annual meeting of the alumni
of St Vincent's.
H H. C. Frick purchases Leisenrings big
plants. Rioting at Homestead and several
men hurt President Campbell's window
glass report causes a sensation. TheTrav-
elers' Club in trouble, a collector skips.
12 Return of the Pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Wishart arrests the Sundav slot machines.
Silver anniversary of Rev. W. H. McMillan
and wife. Pittsburg Relief fund reaches
13 Peace at Homestead,a compromise effectedt
Squirrel HlU street contract let The Cour
requested to amend retail licenses, but re
fuse. The Spiritualistic Church chartered.
The St James Hotel robbed of $1,600. Two
hundred thousand Exposition bonds will be
14 South Carolina officers after Yeldell.
Work commenced at Walls for the P.R. R.
15 Third annual reunion of the Elks. Intense
excitement over the Yeldell affair. Formal
16 Smallpox cases in the pest house.
17 Yeldell makes a bitter fight in court Rush
for vaccination quills. Westinghouse sues
companies using the alternating current
IS Eighteenth Regiment leaves for Rippey
came Uniontown. Iron advancing.
19 Sellers McKee purchased the Birmingham
20 John Jarrett and Russell Harrison act like
two farmers in London. Judge Slagle
rules oleomargarine must go. English syn
dicate bid for Pittsburg breweries. Typhoid
raging in Allegheny. 3 udge Ewing declines
liquor reheanngs.
21 The usual Sunday drowning. Armv pay
station to be opened here. Charles Scott
shot by James Lehr in camp near Con.
22 Diamond streetveto killed.
23 Murderer Lehr a lunatic. Pittsburg Ladies'
Committee suspend sewing for Johnstown.
Miss Dina Israel and Mr. Levy Katten mar
ried. 24 Girl's gymnasium added to a female col
lege. New cable laid on Fifth avenue.
Slate roofers receive a charter.
25 John Daly, aged 63, dies on Homeopathic
operating table. Valley campmeetlng
28 Green bottle blowers ask the green glass
men to aid them in the East Plasterers
object to incapable boys and go on a strike.
Murray Vemer, of the Citizens' Traction,
presonted with a silver set by 400 em
ployes. 27 All spaces taken at the Exposition. Four
thousand people attend the picnic of St
Paul's Church. John Snyder, of Johns
town, suicides.
28 The South Fork Club sued for $50,000 for a
drummers life. Episcopal Bishop White
bead Dreaches in a Presbvterian nnlnlt.
29 Pennsylvania Railroad puts on 5,000 new
cars. Italian riot in Fallowfield township;
two killed and several wounded. Banquet
to Superintendent Patton, of the B. & O.
Allegheny typhoid increasing. Successful
collection for YeldelL
30 Yeldell mnst be returned to South Carolina.
Ten thousand cokers object to a cut in
wages. Newell's road bouse sold.
81 James Walton & Ca's miners strike for
more wages.
1 Horace B. Phillips suffers a mental relapse
in rnuaaeipma. Jiiiixir tests iali. H3e
wickley Athletic Club tournament Flemon
taken South. One-fourth of the cokers
2 Contractor Jones sues the Fifth Avenue
Traction for $30,000 alleged dne him.
3 Druggist Kae-cher fights the L.&0. Nine
thousand ovens idle.
4 Clerk Franklin, of the Albemarle, skips
with tlie-guests' money. Eugene Roll
hawse elopes with Miss Wolff and marries
her. Strike at the Carrie Furnace.
5 Bender, Bander and Stoner arrested for
blackmailing speak-easies. Twelve thou
sand ovens now idle. Armed Hungarians
shed blood at Jimtown. Catholic Total
Abstinence members from the East in
Pittsburg. Miss Bertha Watt and Frank
W. Morrow married.
6 Inspector Whitehouse pulls more conspir
acy detectives.
7 Randall fete enjoyed by 8,000. Frank Rich
mond burled from his wagon and killed
by a cable car.
8 Coke strikers win. Allegheny Councils de-
clde to pave with asphalt Tarentum camp
opens. Duquesne Greys and Battery B
leave for Mt Gretna.
9 Explosion of the SO-inch main of the Mon
ongahela Gas Company on the Southside;
John Connors and Miller killed, and 12 In
jured. Treasury Department said to be un
willing to prosecute in the Jeannette case.
10 Allegheny wants a Government building.
Flint glass houses resume at midnipht.
1150 Chinamen arrested in an opium joint
12 Bander, Doyle, Bender. Kelly, Stoner,
Brocket Dougherty, Gallagher and Nagle
on trial for conspiracy.
13 Christian Endeavor picnic on the river.
More non-union trouble at tne Exposition.
14 Brown reorganizes the Are department
Alderman uallen arrested for conspiracy.
Eight thousand people at butchers' picnic
at Ross' Grove.
15 Labor men censure the Government for not
appointing a factory inspector. Albert
Menjou and Miss Nora Joyce married.
16 The Smitbfleld street bridge viaduct tocost
$200,000. Three Carrie Furnace strikers re
manded to court Work resumed on the
Weldin building.
17 Ninth street bridge to be torn down and
an iron one erected for the electric road.
18 Window glass workers refuse to join the
Labor Trust
19 Flinn sued by contractor McKnight for
balance due on Johnstown contract Mi
croscopical Society on ajaunt to Buffalo.
Big re-union of the carpenters and joiners
20 Carbon setters strike leaves the city In
darkness. Boiler in Gangwisch's brewery
explodes, Andrew Snyder killed, three
21 Wm. Lee shoots John T. Natcher con
tractor. Miller refinery still burning.
22 Chamber of. Commerce prefers Washington
for the World's Fair. Wholesale sales
men excurt np the Monongahela. River
men will dredge the harbor. Rev. Maas re
fuses to bury John Hoof man with the Jr.
O. U. A. M. badge on his breast
23 William McCreery asked General Beaver to
return that Johnstown loan of $125,000. The
First Cumberland Presbyterian Church ue
serts to the Congtegatlonal denomination.
The Great Western Band joins the K. of
L. John Natcher dead.
24 Trades Council condemns the Great West
ern Band. Coke advanced 25 cents. Will
iam Williams, of the Southside patrol, ac
cused of robbing prisoners.
25 Reopening of the Butler Street M. E.
unurcn; tne usners, opposed to green
bands, strike.
26 Sixteenth annual meeting of the Daughters
of Liberty. Colored Odd Fellows picnic at
Aliqulppa. Gathering of the County
Teachers' Institute: 600 present Anti
Cruelty Society takes up the Law and
Order's child spy case.
27 Ellen Weiser, McKeesport suicides by
drowning. Italian testa at Silver Lake,
Hibernians parade and picnic.
28 Dixmont annex finish. Alderman Porter
charged with extortion. Pittsburg and
Allegheny diocese made one. J. R. John
ston chosen for State Treasurer on the
Prohibition ticket
29 J. D. Weeks appointed on the census.
Spiritualists hold a picnic at Belleme.
80 Allegbenians object to the rebuilding of
the Miller refinery. Funeral of William
81 Westinghouse secures the contract to light
Allegheny. John Lewis and William
Fagan, two more victims of the steel acci
dent, die.
1 Eighty-seven musicians dropped from the
2 Rev. Hammond, Baptist minister, resigns
rather than give up smoking. William
- Thaw gives hundreds of thousands to edu
cation, religion and charity.
3 A window factory starts up, breaking the
4 Exposition formally opened. Small coke
groducers organizing against the Frick
ompany. John Brenneman fleeced out of
$450 by a green goods man.
6 A labor movement to boycott Chinese.
Wm. A. Smith shoots his wife while sleep
ing; jealousy. Crowds growing at the Expo
sition. Select Knights plcnio at Silver
Lake; 3,000 people attend.
6 Tramp's badly injure two brakemen at Wall
station. Thos. Drennlng, white, Ella Mc
Cullougb. colored, married.
7 F. S. Tarbell sues the Pittsbure Railroad,
for $50,000 for bis wife ana three children
lost on the day express.
8 Sonthsiders raising money, for a park.
PitUbure visited bv Dlaruo of flies. Cor.
.v ner stone of the Catholic-. Church at Char-
WVHi huu VI wuvy A uoutB,;, . ;
9 Governor Beaver writes McCreery he does
not intend to return that $125,000.
10 Frank Hill, J-A. Bobbs and May Sullivan
arrested; a full expose follows.
11 Council No. 124, Jr. O. U. A. M.. celebrates
its tenth anniversary yith a banquet.
13 Gaudaur wins over Teemer: crookedness
was charged. An 8-month-old child of
Mlnhanl ffomner diss of ossification.
14 Second week of the successful. Exposition.
Judge White acknowledges his license mis
takesAn Italian stabs his brother over a
S,me of cards,
iss Kate Smith, crazed by religious ex
citement sent to Dixmont
17 W. J. Armstrong, a Pittsburger, escapes
from a New Jersey asylum.
17 Homeopathic Convention opened. Twentv.
five per cent paid the depositors of the F.
& M. Bank. Scotch night at the Exposition.
18 Forty-eight old firemen dropped as incom
petents. May Sullivan's startlingexposures;
an aeienuants nem lor court. jr. ureeiy
and Miss C. McCandless, daughter of Judge
McCandless, married in Butler.
21 Trades Council asks President Marvin to re
sign from the presidency of the Exposition
Society; he refuses.
22 Enterprise Hardware Company's works de
stroyed, Allegheny. Corner stone laid for
the Southside Polish Church.
23 Dynamite scare in Allentown exploded. La
bor leaders object to Marvin on account ot
his non-union factory. Ada May Blakely
and Alfred J. Whltaker married.
24 Second Annual Convention ot the League
ot Republican Clubs.
25 United Glass Company attempts to gobble
Pittsburg concerns. Catherine Stoney and
Dr. Harry Phillips married. Cptaln W. R.
Jones and five workmen enveloped in flames
at the Edgar Thomson Steel Works; An
drew Kalloney died Instantly.
26 Twelfth ward hill sliding. Houses ont of
27 westinghouse electric building damaged
$40,000 by fire.
28 Black Diamond Furnace breaks all records.
Window glass manufacturers signing the
workers' scale.
29 Braddock mourns over the death of W. R.
Jones. More G. W. musicians expelled
from the union. The McCleary Rod and
Gun Club raided.
SO Collector Warmcastle appoints 60 new men.
Federated union meeting of railroad fire
men, brakemen and switchmen.
1 Annual session of the National Board of
Steam Navigation; A. C. Cheney, presi
dent; General Negley, chairman of the
Executive Committee. Forty thousand old
sniuiers in line to Conor urana Army Day.
Fifth anniversary of tho Randall Clnb.
2 A. B.Day and Miss Catherine Speer elope.
Tin plate again manufactured in Pittsburg.
Miss Louise Farley and H. 8. Kellog mar
ried. 3 Exposition attendance breaks the. record.
Miss Millie Wood and Louis Speer married.
Harriet Hayes and E. E Stewart married.
Captain Lew Brown and Miss Lizzie Peebles
4 Marvin quarreling with the Trades Council.
Whltecaps on the Southside.
6 Westinghouse appeals from Justice Brad
ley's decision; non-suiting his case against
6 A handsomely dressed babe strangled and
thrown into the river.
7 Fire at the Oliver Iron and Steel Company,
Southside, loss $80,000. Annual Convention
of the Catholic Total Abstainence Union,
Rer. Father Conevin, President Machine
moulders demand an increase ot 10 per
cent supreme Court Judges don silk
8 Hebrew Society started with a membership
of 500, who long to return to Jerusalem.
Mrs. Joljn Dalzell gives a reception. Ed
ward Shaw and Miss Belle Miller married.
9 Alarming shortage of gas. Gathering of the
Pittsburg Conference of the M. E. Church.
Trial of Rev. Danks. George E. Goddard
and Miss Maud Scott married. Aldermanlo
secrets exposed in court defendants scored
by Judge White.
10 English Lutherans assemble. Rev. J. A.
Helss in the chair. Opening of the Mc
Keesport and Bellevernon Railroad cele
brated. Miss Nettie Card and Daniel A.
Moore married.
-Andrew Carnegie renews his magnificent
library offer to Pittsburg. Colonel Dank
guilty. Fred AUendorf, the embezzler, cap-
tureu in uniariu.
12 Onera House musicians withdraw from the
union. Ten million bushels of coal in Pitts
burg harbor. Twenty-fifth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zug.
13 A dozen speak-easies raided.
15 Convention of American Boiler Makers at
the Anderson.
16 Dimmey convicted of murder In the second
17 Patrol wagon collides with a runaway,
killing a horse and injuring Foreman Mc
.A.I1 d re W9a
18 Plttsburgers rather favor Chicago for the
World's Fair. Police pull dime museums.
19 Dimmey gets 12 years. Exposition winds
up in a blaze of glory.
20 Bold robbery on tho Southside. A. glass
worker almost murdered on the street
21 Glass strike at the O'Hara works. The
Americus Club will help Foraker.
22 Troy Hill Cemetery to be sold for building
sites. Lively testimony in the Bauder gang
23 Handsome addition to the West Penn Hos
pital. New Hnmane Society started.
Machine molders winning their strike.
24 The Canal Commission meets; the project
indorsed. Prohibitionists open the cam
paign at Lafayette HalL Bobbs breaks
down and admits his guilt in the May Sulli
van case. Bauder gang found guilty.
25 Southsiders demand safety gates.
26 Districts 149 and 143. glasswprkers, consoli
date. Bobbs gets nve years, Harrington
three years.
27 People object to the removal of bodies from
the Troy Hill Cemetery.
23 New incline plane projected up Mt Oliver.
Balloting for a new President of L. A. 300.
29 Mt Oliver electric road ready to start J. B.
vandergriit and Miss Diana Montague mar
ried. Miss Annie Renshaw and Rev. H.
Stiles married.
30 Inventor Rlcketts wants $2,000,000 damages
from Westinghouse for allezed lnfrinee-
ment of patent Carnegie t Co. build eight
open-hearth furnaces at Homestead. Thos.
Garrison, near Mansfield, dies of Injuries he
received in a drunken row.
31 Jos. Fricke organizing the Anarchists. Belle
Tomer and Will McCutcheon married.
Halloween celebrated by the boys.
1 Knights of St George organize a Johns
town lodge. Remains ot Captain Jones
placed in a bronze casket
2 Mrs. Bchenley gives 300 acres for a Pitts-
burg park. Spiritualist Slade gives a won
derful seance. Miss Paulson's body found.
Lee found guilty of murder in the second
3 Tanners organize. Coroner McDowell the
victim ot a smoothbore ticket
4 Property around Schenley Park increases
In value 250 per cent Window glass prices
increase generally. Supreme Court decides
in favor of Druggist Fleming.
5 Dick Johnston and Coroner McDowell
elected. Pan-American delegationed. The
Nun of Kenmare in the city. Sewickley
ladies present the Dalzell Republican Club
with a banner.
6 Anarchists issue a lurid circular.
7 Pan-Americans received at the Exposi
tion. Miss Katfl Drexel becomes a nun.
8 Departure of the Pan-Americans. Pitts
burg Library Association meet to prevent
tbe sale of their building.
9 Mass meeting of Anarchists in honor ot the
Chicago leaders. Lee gets 12 years for tbe
murder of Natcher.
10 Baron Lindenauer deserts his wife. Miss
Drexel purchases property to enlarge
Mercy Convent.
U Turbulent scenes at the Nun of Kenmare's
12 Library Hall Association try to raise $50,-
vw. uaiien,oianeese anu uougniy on tnai lor
v conspiracy. The Western and 'Atlantic
Pipe Line gobble.
13 Homer McGaw fired from tbe K. of L.,
charged with slander. Warmcastle to run
for Mayor. Artificial eggs on the market
14 Martin Joyce claims he has found a silver
mine near ConnellsviUe. Claims for dam
ages filing against the widening of Diamond
15 Superb organ for Masonic Hall.
16 Beck's run schindery raises a howl. Ma
neesc, Callen and Doughty convicted.
Pridoy defeats McClelland.
17 St 'Martin's German Catholic Church,
West End, dedicated.
18 W. H. Smith on trial for murder.
19 Palatial Chapel of Free Masons' Hall dedi
cated. Alderman Cassldy renovates tbe
Fist ward. ,
20 Pittsburg Driving Park dissolved. Annual
Catholic tea oarty a great success. Miss
Catherine McCandless and John G. Jen
nings married, Butler, Pa. Rev. L N. Hays
21 Failure of tbe Lawreace Bank drags down
the Vulcan Iron Works. Great excitement
in Lawrenceville. Dr. McGlycn lectures in
Braddock .to a large house. H. L Gourley
distressingly injured. Miss Elnora Gcck
enheimer and Arthur Einstein married.
22 District Attorney Lyon sues Chambers &
McKee, James Campbell and William
Slicker for violation of tbe contract labor
law. The will of J. H. Shoenberger gives
$1,000,000 to Pittsburg churches. Arrest of
Wood, the alleged ballot box forger. Law
rence Hank liabilities estimated at about
$500,000. Smith found guilty ot murdering
his wife; first degree.
24 German mass meeting favors eight hours.
George Stewart found dead in the Woods'
Run sewer. Maj. Johnston of the Exposition
returns from Paris with some valuable
25 Cashier Hoerr returns and denies crooked
ness. W. M. McKelvey chosen assignee.
Elopement ot Essie Momhall and Joseph
E. Schwab. Council takes steps for a river
26 Non partisan W. C. T. 17. arrange for a
State convention. Catholic priests pleased
at Baptist ministers praise in Baltimore.
Carrie P-Lysleand W. G. Stewart married.
Hiss Fannie Bird and Hon. Henry Dor
ranee, ui uaiuuiBig. Bn.
27 I. K.' Verner. of Pittsburg, gets into
trouble Witt Banker Walworth and his
beautiful -wife. He Is sued for J20.000.
anle,1iS,e,r:!larKed ltb embezzlement,
gives J2.000 bail. Sliss Nellie Wood and
.Mr. Thomas M. McKee married. Bills
filed to test the 3 mills tax.
28 Thanksgiving celebrated. Immense labor
demonstration. Armstrong monument
dedicated. Hearing of President Young
and Cashier Hoerr fixed for Wednesday.
29 Lawrence Bank depositors want a receiver;
Scarcity ot gas in portions of the city.
Bander and Doyle three years to the work
house. Dougherty two years, Nagle one
year, Bender six months.
SO-J. M. Kelly resigns from the Trades Coun
cil. Musical row between Rosa Schaar
sebmidt and the great Levy ends in favor
of Madam Linde. Callahan's snit against
Powderly enda in smoke. Lawrence de
positors protest in Harrisburg against As
signee McKelvy. James L. Orr convicted.
1 Thirteen colored Baptists immersed In the
freezing river. John Czerny suicides in
Allegheny after complaining of not getting
a pension. Musical union committee to
fight tbe theatres. 11th anniversary of so
ciety for Improvement of tbe poor held in
St. Peter's P. E. church.
2 Auditor-General McCamant grants Law
rence depositors petition for a receiver.
Concluding session of the Allegheny County
Presbyterian ministers. Armstrong memo
rial association meets and dissolves.
3 Black Diamond Co. to erect works at Brad
dock. Lawrence depositors fight bitterly
in court for a receivership. Elder W. G.
Johnston creates: excitement at the Pitts
burg Presbytery by opposing a revision of
the creed.
6 Wrapping paper companies form a trust
Lawrence bank may pay out The
Monongahela House gutted by a mysterious
fire; insurance $195,000. loss about $100,000.
Mrs. Cusick investigating the St Ursuline.
Barrel factory at the workhouse closed.
Randall Club election F. J. Weixel. Presi
dent Gen. Hastings talks to the Young
Men's Tariff Club.
6 Speculators buying Lawrence Bank claims
at 50 cents on the dollar. McGaw rein
stated by his old assembly; a quarrel as to
its legality. General Alger In his tour of
inspection cordially received by tbe G. A.
R. Brewers expend $L225.000 in improve
ments. Local window glass combination
assured. Monongahela House fire; loss
now put at $60,000.
7 Blshnp Phelan becomes the local bead of
the church owing to the death of Bishop
Tuigg. Fifth Avenue Market, House
leased for 50 years by Eighteenth Regiment
anu uattery a. smitn sentencecr to do
banged for wife murder. Eighteen-year-old
Joe McDonald, Allegheny, suicides.
8 Insane man's freaks frightens Zion congre
gation. Moorhead W. C. T. U. meetings
disturbed bv mob of bovs.
9 Southside Medical Society after quacks.
Miners' organizations unite.
10 Harrison passes through.
12 Pennsylvania Railroad purchasing South
side property. Pittsburg postoffice business
increases 50 per cent in 15 years. Long &
Co.'s property sold at Sheriff's sale. Phila
delphia Gas Company sells to the Westing
house Airbrake Company, their magnifi
cent building for $600,000. Miss. Margaret
McKee and K. Mitchell married. Owners
of the Willey building sued for 840,000 for
13 Popular concerts projected in the Exposi
tion buildings. Carnegie's boom for Cleve
land considered only a compliment here.
National Bank will succeed the defunct
Lawrence. Expulsion of J. M. Kelly
from the Trades Council.
1 Fort Wayne to lay another double track
between Allegheny and Conway. There
will be a total of 15,000 arrests by the end of
the year.
15 Hibernians disagree and march in three
sections instead of one. Old scores re
vived between American and Erin boards.
St Agnes' Church, Soho, dedicated.
16 Carbon setters of Allegheny Light Com
pany strike on account of non-union men
being employed. Assignee McKelvy re
signs. Superb furnishing of the new
Duquesne Club.
17 Postmaster McKean's commission awaiting
him. Joseph Dietz falls down an elevator
and Is killed. P. R. R. buying Oak alley
property. Fidelity Trust Company chosen
assignee of Lawrence bank.
18 All hospitals to be enlarged. Favorable
comment upon McKean's appointment
Meeting to consider change in moving day.
McKean surely postmaster, and will be
19 James Campbell, President of L. A. 800, has
a private bearing at the Treasury. Rev. H.
B. Grose offered Presidency of South Da
kota College. Randall club will boom
Governor Campbell's inauguration. Scboen
berger's mill to start after two years' idle
ness. J. C. Doty and Miss Maggie Shaw
20 Attorney General Miller says some mistake
Is possible in the tiresome Jeannette case.
W. B. Cbaffey. operator, suicides in Alle
gheny; financial troubles. Warehouse
men's Assembly surrenders its charter.
21 P. B, R. still tackling Oak alley property.
Oakland wants a branch postoffice. Des
perate fight between Cookey Roberts and
Officer John Roach.
22 Soroelocal complications may ensue because
of that A.JF.'of L. resolution.
23 Mrs. Paul'Rudert brutal! v shot by masked
murderer in Tarentum. The town wild, but
the assassin escapes! Westinghouse says
the adverse airbrake decision will not Injure
him. Row in Allegheny Councils as to who
will manage the Carnegie Free Library.
Great interest in the 72-hour walking match
for $1,000 in prizes.
24 Dr. Charles Ashbnrner, geologist and
scientist, East End, died, aged 35. Patrick
Masterson found dead in a well. Tarentum's
cold-blooded murderer still ac large.
25 Monongahela House lease purchased by the
proprietors from lessees for $26,000. Christ
mas purchases in numbers and value and
church observances the greatest ever
26 Fire at the Casino Museum, slight damage
and a dreadful panic prevented by the ac
tors. Effort to put workhouse prisoners on
the county roads. Some local merchants
throw cold water on the ship canal.
27 Pottery combine perfected. Perkins' de
tectives engaged on tbe Tarentum murder.
28 Alleged that young children are employed
in Pittsburg mills. A Pittsburger working
on a model ship that will fairly fly over tbe
ocean. Testimony all In in the Porter con.
spiracy case. Hegelman wins the foot race.
29 Gripmen on the Fifth avenue traction dis
charged as members of unions. Chicago
gripmen on hand. Ice' becomes scarce.
Diphtheria patients recover and less alarm
is felt Saw Mill dam mnst go.
31 The Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sixth
avenue and Smitbfleld, to come down and a
bnsiness block will occupy its place. Alder
man Porter and ran? found cuiltr as in
dicted. Preparations to celebrate New
Year's Day in churches and hospitals and
on the street Traction company running
That Overwhelmed Johnstown-Figures of
Avrfol DestrnclfoD, Now Historical,
Almost Beyond Belief Tbe
Casualties That Mnr
tbe Year's Pages.
From the tamest crime to the most
appalling accident, all seems to be forgotten
when the dreadful Johnstown disaster is
thought of. Tbe year closed is historical in
more ways than one, Dut it is nnaying in
view of the 10,000 dead at Johnstown.
1 The 7-year-old child of Hugh Dykes, of
New York, dies from the effect of whisky
administered bj its father while intoxi-
2 Smallpox breaks out In tbe Onondago
County Penitentiary, New York.
3 Fourteen passengers in a train blockaded
by snow near Petersburg, Ga., frozen to
4 More cases of smallpox develop In the
Onondago penitentiary.
5 Three men are killed by dropping 600 feet
into a mine at West Leisenring by tbe
breaking of a rope. , , , ,
6 The Pans C, Brown sinks in the Mississippi
and eight lives are lost A boiler explosion
in Charleston. W. Va.: six men killed.
7 Dr. J. H. Nyer, an old dentist of Hazleton,
and his wife kill themselves.
8 Mrs. Marcaretta Schneider brutally mur
dered In Baltimore. , , ,
9 A cyclone strikes a Reading silk mill and
the building falls, entombing 200 persons,
most of wbom were girls. Two stacks of
tbe Sunbury nail mill blown down and two
men are killed and a number injured.
10 Thirty bodies taken from tbe wrecked silk
mill at Reading.
H Dr. O. C. Meyer, of Stevens' Point, Whv
shot dead by his father-in-law.
12 A series of murders in England. Patrick
McConnell hurled downstairs and fatally
injured byMr. Hogan, for kissing his wife.
Bov. Benjamin Rains, of Hartzel, Ala,,
brutally murdered.
II Wreck near Akron, O.; 8 killed and 12 In.
jured mostly by Ore.
15 R. A. Bain, politican, suicides, Erie, Pa.;
160. M. Everett, New Castle, sleeps with a
bowl ot ether near his head and never
awakens. General J. R. McConnell, shot
by Hon. James McManes, Kansas, jeal
ously. 18 Wreck on the Nypano, near Kent, O,; one
killed, several, including three trampev
19 Tram near FJmwooa, Mich, jarejg the
track kilUoe lientonant-QovsraerJ- A.
McDonald m4 two etfeea.'; Twoajii HeH
well cub Adam Slater's throat at
29 Mrs. Minnie Hall and four childrenHcTe-J
mated in Missouri. James Howell arrest
lor tbe crime.
-Ex-Senator Charles Brooks, a prominent
.nepuDiican oi .Boston, oiowsont nis Drains;
nnanciai troubles. Hurricane os New 1
gland and several barges sink wither
loss of life. .
22 F. W. BldweU, prominent Chicagoanl c
his throat
25 Superstitious Hungarians bury a bab
aiive near i-ottstown.
27 Christian StochaL his wife, son and grand
daughter shot in bed by a 19-year-old-' ac
on. John M. Clayton assassinated ii
1 Explosion of boiler of steamer TwoBrothera.?'
Engineer Wilson and Fireman Cochrane 4
3 Cyclone on Irish coast: many flshmg smacks''
swamped. Train crashes through bridge at
Brussels; 20 killed and 50 Injured. Otto
Keyser, Philadelphia, kills a wife, a young''
lady and self.
4 High winds in Omaha destroy buildings,-'
killing fire people. Epidemic of minor ac-'
cidenta and mnrriers. . i
5 One man killed and many injured In New
York street car riot
6 George E. Frazer, son of Juifge Frazer, of
HA flnrmM aralia TnA X1rtn and T.A
Hamilton, of Greenville. Pa.
13 Prominent West Virginians arrested for
incendiarism and double murder. Terrible'
results of recent earthnnntcn in rTntn. Rfra
Losses In San Jose $2,000,000. r -
4-quiciae or Mrs. Clara Nossie. MillralB.
16 Three hundred people killed and iOOO in
jured by earthquakes at Costa Rica. JosenhV
Beheneeleke, of Iowa, 19 years old. kills
three persons and then suicides in a family
17 Fearful triple murder and suicide in
Tecumseb. Mich.; family exterminated.
Bayard objects to standing army.
18 Cyclone in Georgia destroys property and
injures many people. Gas explosion in'
Hartford hotel; SO people burned in ruins.
20 Two Minnesota children devoured by
22 Mrs. Mary Donahoo, of Pittsburg, leaped
from an Erie train, and received fatal in
24 Women horribly abused and injured by In
diana White Caps. Train near Williams''
port leaves the track; 15 injured. Conductor
Dale fatally. Jennie Lang; of the South
side, probably fatally burned while at play.
25 Explosion in Wilkesbarre squib factory;,
ten girls killed, many injured. Mrs. rn
McCauley, of Chicago, suffocates her two
children and suicides; probably insane.
27 Awful case of hydrophobia in Ohio. Eight'
killed and 40 Injured by broken bridge near "
8t George, Ontario.
23 J. a Close, a Washington (Pa.) glass
blower suicides; poverty. Adam Arnold,
city, suicides for love of a girt Nellie Mc
Gibbon, aged 2, killed by cable car at Soho.
1 A family of nine perish In a swamp near!
Chattanooga. -
2 Mike Quinlan, a 12-year-old boy, delib;
craieir juiuaugMier in .new iorK.
6 J.D.Wrede stuck in quicksand and smothers
to death in Charleston, S. C. Street duel j
(n Ta-.a wttnlt. In th rl..!.. KTlJL '
.U Alaa A.dU.W .U M..VO UBA.Ua. .1iUO
children poisoned by a crazy Kentucky
7 German drug clerk mvsterlouslv butchered
with a hatchet Mitchell Peebles and en.'
tire family, of Kentucky, killed for their
10 Fire wealthy French tourists massacred by
reds in the National Park. Body of Jacob
Sorg. Allegheny, found in the river, bound
band and foot
11 A son of General William Cullom murdered
by Tennessee mountaineers. Two killed
and 11 injured by boiler explosion in Cleve
land rolling mill.
12 Masked burglars horribly torture old man
Tilly, ot McClellandtown, and secure his
13 Adam TanlT, Erie, kills wife and self; jeal
ousy. 14 West Point Boiler tyorks, .Twenty-thlrd
street explode, killing 4 men and wounding
12. Six miners entombed at MtCarmel.
15 Barkey, the Wooster hydrophobia victim,
recovered. Five Mt. Carmel miners saved,
one lost
16 Two men fatally injured by gas explosion
near Greensburg.
17 Twelve Havtian prisoners butchered. John -
Weir falls from steamer Sam Miller and i.-'
rick. ,
19 Four railroaders killed in a Canadiancol
20 Mrs. Lnebkechner, of New York, poisons
three children because she is too poor to ,
keep them.
22 "Diver" Bill mysteriously shot on the ,
23 Budd Lee murdered by Charles Allen in
"Yellow Row."
24 Two women killed by dynamite in Indiana.
Feuds and bloodshed in Kentucky. '
25 Thomas Wood decoys and murders his step
mother in Charleston, W. Va. A Youngs
town, O., mother caught by a train, but
saved her babe first
26--W. H. Harvey, of Guelph, Ont, becomes
insane ana murders his wife ana two -
28 Steamer runs down a sloop: two men
drowned. John Maeder, of Allegheny, cuts .'
his throat and falls into tbe river.
29 Train on Wabash and Western crashes t
through a bridge; two killed and many..
30 Two French steamers collide; 18 lives lost
Dispatches from Samoa report 90 sailors
lost with the men-of-war.
1 Five gallon murdered bv natives of the
Moosley Island. Baltimore and Ohio'
bridge burned; tram crashes through and
two trainmen killed.
S Mrs. Minnie Plesick reads of a suicide and
4 Peter Deitz, Oakland, kills his boy and cats.?!
his own throat ?'
7 A captain, wife, two children and one sea-, V
man lost in sight or shore at muaoeipnia.
Killing of BfllMoran, Wec Vireinia, con
firmed. Bridget Kelly roasted to death at
Stanbenvilla. Emuemie of suicides.
14 Many bodies cast np bv tbe waves at Samoa.",
Dr. ueorge ii. uues, new xorz. suicio.es.
16 Three Jamaicans murdered in Mobile for,
their monev.
18 Sidney Walters, formerly of Pittsburg, sui-"
cides in Chicago. ,.
19 A child falls from the dome of the Ohio
20 Frank Hancock kills four of hh children
and then hangs himself, in New York; jeal
ousy. 21 A family of six killed In North Carolina for
$700. J
23 Hungarian murder in Scranton.
24 Pretty Emma Raph burned alive in Syra-,
cuse. Ten murders in Oklahoma. An 8-year-
old boy, of Canton, deliberately murders aV
o-year-oiu cousin. y
Z Awensy persons kuieu ui uruu num.
accident near Ontario, Canada.
SO Jacob Wildersmith, coal merchant Alia-.
gheny, hangs himself.
5 Engineer killed in Dakota collision: his J
sweetheart aiea witn gnei. suuora. un
wiped out by a cyclone; 25 killed, 160'-
wnnnded. 1
7 jvilliam Hopkins has his heart torn ont inj
a Southside mill. ';S
8 Railroad accident in.'Kalamazoo, Mich..kiUsJ
six street car passengers. MM
U William McNail, wife and three children
Killed oy a wind storm at uiugeway. rt. x:;
five victims ot tne storm in Allegheny. -x
14 Steamer Alaska wrecked: 30 men mlsslne
15 Mexican desperados kill a railroader atToS
peka and rob tbe express car. TS
16 Two trains collide on tbe Pittsbnrt,Vlr7!
gtnia and Charlestonelghtr tden injured,
one fatally. f 1"V?
17 Three prominent citizens of Arkansas shot'
in a race war. -- r .
19 Leader ot tbe Kansas riots, Neelv, riddled
with bullets.
22 Dr. Cronln'sbody found ina Chicago sewer.
Steamers Cynthia and Polynesia collide;
elirht lost
23 Rot. C. E. Clark's home, at Norfolk, W. ,
Va,, burned: five members of his family? i
24 Wreckers throw a passenger train fromaV,
iiigu emoaxu&ui6u& near ouuiTau,-uu.,,uw
neonle ininred. -
26-Rev. ttG. Schorr, of St Paul's Episcopal!
Church. Baltimore, blows his brains oat;
despondency. jis
28 Clements and Chase counties. Kan-sweptj
by cyclone; several people killed. M.J.H
Lyon shoots D. L. Morlev in cold blood at?
Columbia, a C. A Nev York woman lief
rie&rf In h (inma fnr a. week because herh
son is too drunk to notify the undertaker.-;;
s enrsstian Yoder. in Somerset tourr, leuiaj
tale of terrible punishment inflicted upon
him br masked robbers. Steamer Arma-5
nla tnat- nr Halluu Island: eleht neooloS
drnwrmrl Mrs. Weiman. of ilirv street.?
Southside, shoots herelr. Frank Riffertjyfi
a night watchman, murdered in New YorsJ
for 80 cents. Member of NewYom Thlr
tffon miib commits suicide. .'?
SO Building blown down at Danville, Vs.: six!
men killed. Johnstown destroyed, 6,000
people pensn; bouiq fort asm ourstas
sweeping u uB.uta ,.
1 First delegation ot Pittsburg newspaper!
men reacucu- juuiuwwq; nunurBuajox.B
bodies recovered from tbe receding waters-
dreadful tales of suffering all alone thai
Conemaneh. Devastations wrought by the
flood in Western Pennsylvania. n
2 Woman arrested in Brooklyn for. maVl
practice and murder in city hospltaK.'l
Three"-thousand coffins ordered tojohns-j
tewBjworxot MesuzyiBg the dead befMl
5 -i yj , 7. TOKl -.