CENTS 3. IO 1 m r o a o n o o z o 3 m in (0 t to iO- Jk 1 04 IVOfiS FREE TRADE. feeorge A. Macbeth Wants ITo Duty on Saw Materials OB THE GOODS HE HAKES. iPerfectly Willing to Compete With Foreign Manufacturers. HIS AEGUMEHTS MET BY BATHE, KpvBefnted hr Eepresentatives of the GIis3 Workers. rP WOOL ISDDSTEI 05 DECE HEXT lassware and earthenware industries ird 4y the tails' cub-committee of "Ways and Means Committee yes Mr. George A. Macbeth, of Pitts same out flat-footed for free trade in jiia . isiness, the manufacture oflamp glass. He wants free material or free trade, he Isays. Bepresentatives of class blowers or iranizations1 refute his arguments. Mr. &Bayne and Mr. Macbeth had a lively and interesting tilt. ' "Washin gton, December 31. Although the. "Ways and Means Committee had as signed to-day to the hearing of persons in terested in the manufacture of glass and earthenware, the committee first listened to 'an argument from Robert M. Thompson, of fjfew York, in favor of the free importa tion of copper ore, intended for exportation as refined copper. , Ik L. Bodine, of New Jersey, impressed upon the committee the necessity of restor ing the rates of duty which prevailed prior it J to SS3 on cylinder window glass and bot flies, green and French. Since the act of 1883 foreign glass had been taking the place of American glass, although there existed in the United States -furnaces enough to pro duce glass for the whole country. ., POTTEEIES SOT PBOTECTED. Ex-Congressman J. Hart Brewer, of .Trenton, representing the potteries, said all their trouble grew out of the system of ad valorem duties. The pottery industry had 'sever been adequately protected. It had maintained its market, not because of the duty, but because of its locality and be- cause of certain styles which had been produced, and which had pleased the ' public taste. It was his honest opinion that if something was not done to jcheck the importation of German goods, ' Bohemian wares would have the market of ithe United States -within five years, and the American potters wonld have to succumb or 3fcould have to reduce the wages of labor very materially. The only reason the for- geign manufacturers did pot sell all the j. goods used in the United States was that they were"not able at the present time to produce them. A PITTSBTJBG PBEE TRADES. The committee listened to an argument f-om George A. Macbeth, of Pittsburg, who lis a manufacturer of lamp glass. He stated that he manufactured 200 styles of lamp glass, and ot that 200 styles only 20 were 'competed with by foreign producers. One of the principal articles used in his business, 'was soda ash, which now bore a duty of "23 per cent, and he favored the reduction " of the duty on that article. He would take the duty received from soda ash last year ,iand buy the soda ash manufactory of Syra cuse four times over. He bought foreign soda ash, though he could get the domestic ash cheaper. He thought of going into the business of matins soda ash, and believed 'that he could manufacture it at the rate of CO cents a hundred pounds. The present price was 1 45, The location of the factory was an essential feature in the manufacture of soda ash. WEEBE1HE COST "WOrnD 7AX.Ii. .'"In reply to a question by the Chairman, Mr. Macbeth stated that he had to get some thing not yet found to enable him to make soda ash at the price stated. Another in gredient which entered into his manufacture was carbonate of potash, which bore a duty of 20 per cent. There was not enough of 'that . article in this country to .supply his factory alone. The increase of duty, he argued, would not cut off the importation of " foreign glassware or crockery. It would 4inake the people who wanted that identical kind of ware pay more for it than now, but pit would not prevent its importation. The T foreign and domestic producers would com- Spete as much as ever. The only effect (would be to increase the price of the 180 kinds oflamp glass for which he had no competition. He wished to have duties Remitted on soda ash, carbonate of potash jana ieau. M BATKE QUESTIONS HIM. if Mr. Bayne If the Germans came into j competition with you, with their lower rate Jof wages, could you compete with them on your ISO varieties of lamp shades outside of this country? J-Mr. Macbeth Give me free material, or ree trade, such as England has, and give me the propef products of my labor, and I gefy any competition en the face of the earth. Mr. Bayne And pay your workman the wages you now pay him? fMr. Macbeth I will pay him more. Mr Bayne How much do you pay your - working men, on the average?" f?Mr. Macbeth About 4 CO a day. jjMt. Bayne Do you claim that you could jiffy your men $4 60 a day if the Germans could manufacture exactly the same kind of ctiimney, and employ the same amount of labor at say 52 25 a day? OMr, Macbeth Yes, Bir. t HE COULD COMPETE. j.Mr. Bayne Ton cculd, nnder this con dition, compete with the German manu facturer? ftl&T. Macbeth Yes, sir. $Mr. Bayne--On the hypothesis that American workingmen are more efficient and skillful and better organized than the German worKingmen, you conclude you could compete? ptr. Macbeth Yes, sir. ,Mr. Bayne Did you contemplate at any time moving your works to Germany? MJMacbetb-Yes, sir. MrBavne T)id nn v,...rf.. vm fnlkMsnd inefficiency..- of the German! She Graciously Welcomes Fresh Young 1890, and Points With Maternal Pride to the Splendid Record Placed to the Credit of 1889. - mfmi s j If III i 1 1 1 ' BBBBBpncaBasBSBBssBsnssEnnBEBEBBBSssssBBflBBBasBSrBBBBBBBnBssssBEasEBSBSSBBBssBSBBsanBBBBaanBsBasBnBss Mr. Macbeth I was going there to exam ine into it. Mr. Bayne Suppose you had found the German workmen to be inefficient? Mr. Macbeth I would have taken my workmen from here. Mr. Bayne Would you have paid the wages yon pay here? Mr. Macbeth No, sir. Mr. Bayne What would you have paid them? Mr. Macbeth What I could get them for. wouldn't leave pittsbueo. Mr. Bayne expressed his doubt as to any workman leaving Pittsburg to work in Germany at lower wages. Mr. Macbeth said that his leading idea in going to Germany was cheapness of ma terial and plant x Mr. Bayne Was labor an clement? Mr,- Macbeth Of. course, labor .was an element. " ''2?' In reply to a question by Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Macbeth expressed his belief that not a man, woman or child in this country paid labor more than he could help. Laughter. If he had free trade in his raw materials lit would be perfectly willing to have free trade in his product. Speaking of the Lead Trust, Mr. Macbeth said that he was not opposed to trusts. Those were business con cerns. The United States Government was a partner in the Lead Trust. Mr. Bayne inquired whether the Govern ment was a partner in the Sugar Trust, and received an affirmative answer, as he did also to his next question, as to whether the trust put up the price of a product. EFrECT OP TRUSTS. Mr. Flower Do'trustR increase the price of an article more than a corporation ? Mr. Macbeth That depends. Laughter. The Chairman inquired whether the con sumer of lamp chimneys would be benefited by allowing Mr. Macbeth's raw material, as well as the finished product, to be admitted free. As chimneys were now sold at 30 cents, how much would they sell for if the duty were taken off? Mr. Macbeth The difference would be 3 or i cents a dozen. Mr. Gear That is to the retailer. Wonla the woman who goes to the store to buy a chimney get it for less? Mr. Macbeth My individual opinion is that I doubt it. Laughter. oames uiiianaer. oi -rnusaeipnia, said that lamp chimneys largely used in this country were manufactured here and were sold for less than the imported chimnevs. The imported chimney was used principally on special lamps, and was bought by people of means. DIFFEBS PEOM MACBETH. The witness did not agree with Mr. Mac beth, that the workingmen of Germany were less efficient than those of the United States in the industry which he represented. He did not want free raw material in the glass industry. Every article which needed pro tection should be protected, but the glass manufacturer should not be compelled to pay a higher duty on his raw material than was imposed on the finished article. He ad vocated the increase of duty on various grades of glass. If his raw material, as well as the finished article, was admitted free, he could not pay his workingmen the present wages and compete with the foreign goods. William F, Smith, a manufacturer of ereen and plate bottles at Alton, 111., said that from 80 to 85 per cent of the finished product was represented by labor. In regard to the question of the comparative efficiency of the German and American workingmen, Mr. Smith said that the former were the more careful, and therefore more slow. PrSTEST -WORMEIT IS THE WORLD. The United States had the finest working men in the world, said Mr. Smith, but American push and the extra aggressive ness of the American workman were shown in his work. Therefore, at times quality was sacrificed to speed. William J. Smith, of Pittsburg, Presi dent of the Flint Glass Blowers' Union, controverted a statement made by Mr. Mac beth, that of the 44 hours a week which the blowers worked nine hours were waste time. He denied other statements made bv Mr. Macbeth, and declared that while he was an American and an American workman, he was forced to admit that some of the chimneys brought from foreign countries were not inferior to those produced in the United States. D. C. Bipley, of Pittsburg, President of the American Flint and Lime Glass Asso ciation, advocated a protective duty on cut glass. He presented several specimens ot Belgian glass, and averred that they could be laid down here at a less price than they could be merely cut for in this country. -f. -u. June representing the Urvstal Plate Glass Company, of St. Lonls, favored the retention of the present duty on press glass. He only wished that a provision should be inserted in the law to make it more explicit. The committee then adjourned until MISS PITTSBURGH Thursday, when the representatives of the wool industry will be heard. CHEAPENING SUGAE. The Different Wnjs of jjeiseclna the Coi of Sweetening to be Comldored Turee Planr Propoed The Dliadrantagea of Each. tTROK A STAFF COBEESPONDSVT.J Washington, December 31. On Satur day the Ways and Means Committee will commence the consideration of the question as to how best to reduce the duty on sugar from its commercial standpoint, by hearing the representatives of the Sugar Trust. The planters' side of the story will be presented on the following Monday. There are sev eral proposition before the committee for the settlement of the question, and the methods proposed vary considerably. One suggestion is to place 'sugar on the j free list at once, and dispose of it altogether. Another is to reduce the present duties one half, while a third includes that proposi tion, and then proposes to give a bounty to the planters. The question is one full of embarrassing situations. There are the sorghum and beet sugar industries to be taken into considera tion, each of them backed by strong publio sympathies. Then there is the recognized fact that sugar is every day becoming more and more a necessity rather than a luxury, and the consequent sentiment in parts of the country not interested in its production, that it should be as free as the kindred articles, tea and coffee. OF GENERAL INTEREST. Of course Louisiana is the State most greatly interested in whatever action maybe taken by Congress, bnt the Kansas torghum raisers and the California beet producers are equally as desirous to see the present duties maintained as are the Louisianisns. As soon as the Congressional delegation from the Pelican State is reunited after the recess they will hold a meeting, at which doubt less the Kansas and California members will be invited to attend, to consider the position they shall take on the matter. One of the members of the delegation who will be present at the meeting, and who therefore does not desire to be quoted, said to-day: 1 expect that all the sugar men in Congress will be united against the proposed bounty sys tem. You see. if it were adopted, Congress could only appropriate the necessary money to pay the bounties for one year. That action would not be binding on any succeeding Con gress, and It would not be long before that por tion of tbe law would be repealed. It would be an unpopular thing to keep on the statutes. Then tbere Is no cood reason why a bounty shonld be paid to the producers of sugar and not to tbe producers of iron or coal, and tbe operation ot the proposed law would be nnjnst to mat extent. AS TO THE EFFECTS. You ask ma what would be the effect of the different propositions made for the settlement of this question. In a general way I will tell you. m the nrst place, Mr. Fithian proposes to put sugar on the free list. If that were adopted, it wonld paralyze Louisiana. Fully three-eighths of tbe interests of tbe State are In tbe sugar business. Under the present duties tbo sugar men find it bard work to make both ends meet. Take all the dnties away, and their business wonld be destroyed. Their investments in tbo shape of plant and ma chinery would be valueless, and tbey them selves wonld be ruined. Tbe taxes on other property would be raised to compensate for the depreciation of theirs, and consequently every citizen in tbe Btata would be made to suffer, , The hill introduced by Mr, Drown, Of In. dlana, proposes to reduce the present specific duties to a 25 per cent ad valorem dnty, and give 1 cent per pound bounty to tbe planters. The value of sugar fluctuates considerably, ac cording to tbe state of the market, but the bounty remains fixed. The result would be a very complicated condition of affairs, and the pian is naraiy iiueiy to ds aaoptea. Anotnor suggestion is to cut the present duties down to oue-balf and give 1 cent per pound bountv to the planters. The average duty now is 2.75 per pound, so that this plan would practically leave matters lust about where tbey now stand through the whole schedule. I am afraid that this last pian Isthe one which the Ways and Means Committee will be tbe most likely to adopt, and then it will take the hardest kind of fighting to have tne appropriation for the bounties made every year. KEW T0BK WANTS A MINT. Either That City or Philadelphia In Lino for a New Bclldlncr. tsrxcru. txlzqbax to tus dispatch.! Washington, December 31. It is ex pected here that the news of the intention of Philadelphia to ask Congress for a new mint will arouse some feeling in Now Sork, where a good many people have maintained for years that a mint ought to be estab lished. It is very certain that in the one city or the other there will be a new build ing before long. The old one consumes some $40,000 a year in mere patch work. It is old-fuhioned and inconvenient, and ill-adapted for Its re I qofarementf, - HAPPY $EW YEAR. ,, DATITPUNCTUEED IT, TBAT O'SnEA-PARNELL SCANDAL IS TJTTEKLY I'OUNDATIONLESS. What Rev. E. R. Donehoo Knew of It In June Tuo Irish Leader and His Scroll-Saw A Society Unter Who Hn Other Diver sion at Home. "That O'Shca divorce case is, in my opin ion, a base conspiracy against Parnell," said Bev. E. B. Donehoo, of the Eighth Presby terian Church, to a Dispatch reporter lar,t evening; "and I'll tell you why I think so: From the standpoint of a little inside knowl edge, which I picked up quite by accident while in London last June, this whole effort to make the Irish leader appear as co respondent in Captain O'Shea's suit for a divorre irom ls wife, ie?mjjo me not only eatleufyruSlwS tuaatrihU farcical iff" the extreme. "You want to know what my inside knowledge or information of the case is, and how I came by it? All right; I'll tell you. While I was wandering around the great city upon other errands last summer, I naturally heard a great deal of gossip about the great Times trial, which was then iu progress. I had several friends in London, among them .Michael Savitt, who had made itt, , who had made fnendof thelnsh my acquaintance here as a home rule cause. "One day, while strolling down the Strand, I met'and recognized Davitt. We had not talked long together, when I called the attention of this well known Irish patriot to a bit of ugly scandal about Parnell, which, as I had learned, was being indus triously doled out in a quiet way by the enemies of Ireland's home rnle cause. It was the preliminary gossip of this same O'Shea scrape. " AN ENTIRELY EXPLODED BUBBLE. "Why!" said Davitt, emphatically, yet with evident disgust, "I have personally investigated all that stuff, and with the heartiest co-operation of Captain O'Shea himself, who was even more interested thau I in having it all cleared up, one way or the other. Now you know I have not always worked in the heartiest sympathy with Par nell; he's a cold-blooded man, not halt en thusiastic enough in this cause of ours. Sol thought if there was the slightest shadow of foundation for that O'Shea scandal, we radical iriends of Ireland wanted to find it out as soon as possible, and dump our ac knowledged leader overboard, so as to pro ceed at least with clean hands in any event. " 'But it's all a barefaced lie, invented d the Times or its friends!' exclaimed Davitt: 'and I only wonder now, since I have s3tis- 'n 1 -1 .U.. -x r At t. ucu uiyaeii iu tuait euect Jruui a uiuiuuu investigation, that I didn't know it without investigating. Why, my very knowledge of the man gives the lie to such a scandal. If ever there was a woman-hater, a man wno avoiaea society and all its environ ments from choice, Parnell was and is such a man. He was a good friend of the O'Sbeas, it's true, and, spent considerable time at their home lor the Captain's companionship, however, not fnr XIV. n'Rh.i'. Al !. ll ,!, i t. for Mrs. O'Shea's. Oh, it's all boshl Par nell simply couldn't be a party to such a f caudal; and, more than that, I now know that it isn't, and hasn't been. PABNELL AT HIS SCBOLL-SAW. " 'Why, do you know how this patriot and leader of ours spends the bulk of his time?' concluded DaTtit. 'I'll tell you how: Hot ID the society of any woman; not in any society at all; bnt with a scroll-saw that he keeps down at that surburban home of his. Yes with a scroll-saw I sawing out little devices and knick-knacks, when some of the rest of us think occasionally, that he should be about his country's business. That's one of the points whereon I have differed with him so radically at times--because,with this Durning issue still before us, be should still seem, even at intervals, so conservatively phlegmatic, so cold-blooded as to fall back on that scroll-saw diversion of hist But he must have some relief trom the weight of responsibility that is put upon him, I sup pose. Still, you may rely upon it that his relief does not, cannot, come in any scan dalous form I know it!" "So you see," added Bev. Mr. Donehoo, "I had occasion to draw out as early as June last sometime before O'Shea had turned against Parnell and united his forces with those of the London Times the fact that the conspirators were at work upon an utterly groundless foundation to rnin his character, if possible. Such a conspiracy should not, cannot, succeed. Davitt knew what he was talking about, and he always tells the truth." A Prisoner's New Year's Gift. Spbingfield, III., December 31. Gov ernor Fifer has commuted the sentence of Baureisen, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Eailroad dynamite conspirator. Baureisen will be prison January 2, released from Joliet SBtf A SWINDLE STOPPED. The Philadelphia Traction Company" Un earths a Conspiracy to Blalct It for Damages Witnesses Hired to Slake Good a Claim tSTECIAI. TBLEOHAJI TO TUX DISPATCH. " Philadelphia, December 3L The Philadelphia Traction Company, which has been mulcted in some very large sumsforin- juries to passengers on its lines, has just suc ceeded in running down a nest of conspira tors who had planned to get a large sum of money from the company on a fraudulent claim. Julius C. Moncayo, his wife, Maggie A., and Malcolm Buxbaum, a stenographer and bookkeeper, were arrested last night on a charge of conspiracy and subornation of perjury, on complaint of the traction com pany. This afternoon Magistrate Durham gayj5ihe trio, hearing, and held them In 52,500 each to answer at court. The traction company furnished bail for the woman so that she could go home to her children, but the men were committed in default. Mon cayo and Buxbaum are cigarmakers. It was in evidence that Moncayo and Buxbaum demanded (he payment of $10, 000 from the traction company for alleged injuries to the wife of the former by the sudden starting of a car. The company m- J yestigated and then declined to pay the fn,0ney. A suit for 810,000 damages was thereupon brought by Moncayo. This suit is still pending, and is set for trial next month. Clara McOrann, of Camden, swore at the hearing to-day that the Moncayos had offered her (100, 6r a new suit of clothes from head to foot, if she would falsely swear in tbe civil suit that she was on the car and witnessed the accident. She also testified that Mrs. Moncayo took her to the depot and explained what she should swear to in court. Also, that she was present on one occasion when the Moncayos offered a painter named Smith a reward if he would swear he saw the accident. Also, that she was present when Mr. Moncayo gave Bux baum $3 and asked him to put $7 to it, and purchase another witness, uptown, whom no one would know, and promised .him a "divvy" out of the damages in addition to the $10. Buxbaum admitted the allegation of con spiracy to a certain extent, but declared that he intended to withdraw, and had returned to Moncayo the money received to pay wit nesses. Also, that he informed tbe trac tion company of the, conspiracy. A num ber of papers found on the men were identi fied. One of these was a letter, in which Buxbaum offered to betray Moncayo to the traction company if rewarded for doing so. This had not been sent. After the hearing Mrs. Moncayo made a full confession, acknowledging the alleged injury was en tirely fictitious. , ' A DEBEETEE AND SWINDLER. Ono of Ttanrber's Clerks Can slit nnd Jailed by His Fnlber-ln-Lavr. IEPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TBS DISPATCH.1 Denveb, December 31. Thomas Lith gow, a purchasing clerk in Thurber's im porting house oi teas and coffees at New York, is at present confined at the county jail, on the charge of desertion and swind ine. Several months ago Lithgow, while en route from Washington to Chicago, met Mrs. M. C. Phillips a"hd daughter, of Salt Lake City. He appeared oomo weeks later at the Phillips mansion, where he was most cordially welcomed. Through his handsome appearance and affable manners he was soon engaged to Miss Frances Phillips. The marriage was the social event of the year. Before departing the groom called on his father-in-law and borrowed $3,000. Lith gow claimed to be a wealthy San Domingo planter. When the bridal couple got to New York they put up at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Meanwhile Mr. Phillips thought he would make a tour of inspection on his own hook. He arrived in New York as soon as the young couple, and put up at the same hotel with them. Lithgow said he was to meet his brokers in a few days, in order to settle some financial business. Making some ex cuse, Lithgow absented himself, and alter breaking open his wife's baggage, took the valuables and left for Syracuse. His wife and father-in-law returned to Denver, to which city a decoy dispatch brought the swindler. HE. BANDALIi HUGH BETTER. Ont of Bed and Able to Attend to His Corre spondence. Washington-, December 31. A rumor was current at the Capitol this morning that Mr. Bandall's condition was much worse. Inquiry at his house was answered by an emphatic denial from his family. Mr. Bandall was much better, and was out of bed attending to Ms'eorresfondence. CONFIDENT c BOTH BEICE AND THOMAS QOIJE OFVICTOUY. J. o & Beginning of tbe Final Straggle qj Ohio Senatorial Honors Plenfy ?&, the Hostlers on the Gonod A Lack-of Flgares. i- Jsrxctu. teliohxk to thi cispatcb.1 Columbus, December 31.--The boodlers" are here in force. Among them are a num ber who figured prominently in the contest of six years ago and assisted In the over throw of the late George H. Pendleton. These men, along with their records, which are of an unsavory character, have valuable experience in tne businessot Senatorial auc tioneering, and, as a matter of course, are indispensable to the present canvass. While a majority of them are keeping shady on the Senatorial question, and in same instances actually try to make it ap pear that they are here in the interest of some of the "complimentary candidates," it is no secret to those who have taken the trouble to investigate, that these slick bood lers are at work for the man from New York, who wants to represent Ohio in the United States Senate. They are here for business, and. the opposition might as well understand if. THET WILL BE USEFUL. The intention is to use them in driving the deals with members who wish to increase their lost accounts early in the new year. The speculation as to the result of the con test is on the increase, and there is no eud of talk abont deals and combinations. There is no question that the Brlce men are considerably" wrought up over the bold and defiant claims set forth by the Thomas contingent. They have not denied the pub lished statement that the Springfield candi date will have thirty votes at the start. Hon. Walter B. -Bitchie, of Lima, is in charge of, the Brice headquarters in Qf the absence of Hon. J. B. Townsend. He is assisted by Hon. George W. Hull, Prosecutor Matter, Hon. John O'Conner and Editor W. B. Mehaffey. A -visit to the headquarters by your correspondent failed to secure an esti mate of Brice's strength. The managers expect to capture the nomination for their favorite, but declined to give the names of the Legislators upon they rely for support or indicate the probable vote on the first ballot. MAKES IT MOBE INTERESTING. "The confidence of the Thomas men," said one of the gentlemen, "makes the can vass more comfortable for them and more interesting for us. We shall continue in the contest, and as a matter of course, ex pect to and have reason to believe we will succeed." While indications still point to the final triumph of the Brice boomers, there are some who assert that theycan see a decided change of sentiment within the last week. As an illustration of this, the substance of a talk with Bepresentative Counts of Shelby, is given. He receives dozens of letters daily from Democrats in his Congressional district and elsewhere. Up to a week ago these were substantially unanimous tor Brice. Within the past week, says Mr. Counts, there has been a decided change. There is no diminution in the number of letters received, but more than one-halt of those now arriving manifest a very bitter feeling toward the New Yorker. Some favor Thomas, others McMahon, and the tenor of many are unmistakably anything to beat Brice. BEICE COMING IN PEBSON. There is a report that the 'Thomas men have entered Brice's stronghold in the Northwest- and are preparing interviews against him in the hope of gaining some strength from that quarter. This will be met by the: Brice bureau, promptly. While there-ace-qui tea number of workers here for Brice to-night his principal manager has been detained and Brice will not arrive before Thursday. Lu x. .Heal, who has been loosed upon as a strong compromise candidate, is here, and in an interview states he would not think of entering the contest so long as Mr. Thomas is in the fight, as he is under obligations to him, and has" promised him his support. If Thomas were outlof the way Neal would enter for the prize. As to the relative strength of Brice and Thomas Mr. Neal professes not to be informed. DELAMATEE AND HASTINGS THEEE. A Banquet at Which Two Gubernatorial Candidates Were Gaests. rSPICXlI. TELEOUAM TO THE DISPATCH. West Chesteb, December 31. The oc casion for which extensive preparations have been mating for some weeks, culmin ated this evening in the second annual banquet of the West Chester Pioneer Corps No. I, and a brilliantly good time was enjoyed by both hosts and guesta. Adjutant General Hastings and Senator Dalamater were among the gnests, and during the evening were called upon for some remarks. Both responded in their happiest moods. They did not touch upon the Gubernatorial qnestion, but they did say nice things of the Pioneers, and referred to their political work as an organization. During their re marks tbey were loudly applauded, and no body could tell which one received the heartiest ovation. General Hastings captured the colored vote this alternoon, by getting shaved at the shop of George Fry, a colored artist, and when the job was done he deltly tipped the barber a silyer dollar. In another Con ner of the same room he planked down thirty-five cents for a "shine" and thus scored two points on Delamater so far as heard from. CADGHT DI A PIKCUSMOS. A Bowery Olasenm Freak Has a Girl's Ab- d actor Sent to the Island. rSFXCIAI. TXLIGRAH TO TBI DISFATCIM New Yoke, December 3L Levi Golden, a mechanic, brought 14-year-old Katie Burns here from Newark, yesterday, to show her the town. Louis Beck, the "Human Pincushion" In a Bowery museum, met the couple in the Bowery, and at once concluded that something was wrong with them. He followed them to several beer saloons and disorderly houses, and organized himself into a society for the prevention of vice gen erally. He finally had the conple arrested. To-day Golden was arraigned for abduc tion, and was sent to the Island for six months. i CODSIN BEN TO BE KETAiKED. Mr. Blaine Remembers a Favor Dona Him by President Cleveland. tsrxcnv tzlzo hoc to tux DurATcn.i Washington, December 3L It is defi- nitelv decided that Beniamin Folsom is to be retained by the present administration as Consul at Sneffield, England. It may be recalled that when leading Democrats urged the appointment by President Cleveland, to tbe postmastership of Augusta, Me., of a man personally obnoxious to Mr. Blaine, the latter protested, and his protest was heeded. The good nature manifested toward Mr. Folsom is in recognition of that obligation. A Grip Victim Hboots Himself; Boston, December 31. George P. Smith, 63 years old, a watchman at the Massachu setts State prison, suicided with a revolver this morning, while temporarily Insane trom an attack of la grippe. Ullca's First Grip Vlctta. Utica, N. Y., December 8L Michael Hopkins, a prominent drygeods merchant, died here to-day. He was the first victim of la gnppe in this city. , A WAR ON COLOMBIA Boldly Declared by an Importing' Firm of tne City of Sew lorlr. HEY WILtf FIGHT FOR EIGHTS, And Not Surrender Quite as Peaceably aa Some Others Have Done. A VESSEL ASMED ASD SENT SOUTH' With Instructions t Fire on tio Goaboat Molests Her. That, A New York importing firm has declared war jon the United States of Colombia. It has fitted out one of its vessels, sent to Colon, with arms and ammunition, In- structed to forcibly resist any attempts to seize her. The law has been thus taken in' their own hands. Complications may ensue. New Yoek, December 31. The firm of L. Scheff & Co., importers, at 165 Duane street, has declared war against the United States oi Colombia. At least, tbey have sent an armed vessel to Colon and the coast of Panama, with instructions to make forcible resistance if the gunboat La Popa, which recently seized several trading vessels, should attempt to interfere with her. Matters have been brought to this crisis by the high-banded action of the Colombian authorities with reference to the American trade along the San Bias coast. Merchants in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore have a trade amounting to several millions annually with the Indians of the Isthmus, 100 to 200 miles south of Colon. A great variety of miscellaneous goods is sent them in exchange for cocoanuts, ivory nuts, tortoise shells, rubber, etc. A TBADIKG UCEXSE 2TEESES. A law of the United States of Colombia, enacted in 1883, makes the ports ot the Isthmus free. Duties are imposed only at Carthagens and certain other so-called habilitated ports on the South American j coast. The law requires vessels which de- sire to trade at the small ports along the J a Isthmus to enter tbe port of Colon first, and, 'J for statistical purposes, to take out a li- ; cense. The cost of the trading license is A about $50. M American trade has been increasing of m late vears along this coast, and has been driving out tbe slow Spaniards of ' Carthagens and other places. These Span- ; ish merchants have influence with the local , or national authorities, and they hit upon a plan to retrieve their waning fortunes. They J resurrected a long-obsolete law, passed more 1 than a half century ago, which they con- strued to require all coast-trading .vessels to go first to Carthagens, there discharge their cargo, and pay heavy duties, and then reload and retrace their courso to the San Bias or other trading points along the Isthmus. N , death to oitb teade. 1 Such a requirement would, of course, " mean death to American trade. No notice of any change was given the American traders, and the seizure of a vessel was the first knowledge they gained of what was on foot. The first ship seized was the schooner Pearl, belonging to James Herron, of 14 Water street, this city. The Pearl was cap tured by the La Popa. on the San Bias coast, on October 2. She was taken to Carthagens and held subject to confiscation for smuggling. In her case it was thought to be not improbable that she had neglected to take out a license at Colon. La Popa is not a very formidable gun boat. She is more properly an armed steam yacht of about 100 tons. It is said she was formerly a pleasure boat owned by Wash ington E. Connor, of this city, and that he sold ber to the Colombian Government to be used as a coast cruiser. The Julian could probably have resisted capture successfully, and Mr. Foster, her chief owner, is very sorry she did not. INDIANS EAGEB TO FIGHT. The Indians with whom the ship was trading were even more indignant at the seizure than the officers. There were on board a quantity of big, long-bladed knives, used to cut bunches of bananas from the trees. The Indians begged the Captain to lend them these weapons, saying they would board the gunboat and kill everybody on board. There werq enough of the half breeds to have carried out the threat if they had attempted it. But the Captain of the Julian preferred to submit. The gunboat carried a hawser aboard the schooner, and set out to tow ber to Cartha gens. Before starting the captain and some men irom the gunboat rame aboard and pro posed to carry away the sails of the Julian, so that she could not possibly escape. The crew rebelled at this, and threatened to massacre the first man wh'o attempted to lower a sail. The attempt was not made. STH.I. IN CAPTIVTXT. The Julian was towed to Carthagens, and there she now lies, with her captain and crew prisoners, in charge of keepers aboard her. Her cargo, which is perishable, is rap idly decaying, and there is no prospect of the release or the vessel or her cargo. On learning of the action of the Colom bian authorities, Foster & Co. sent the schooner Edith B. Coombs, under the American flag, to bring home the perish able goods from San Bias which the Julian would have taken. The Coombs went to Colon for her license, and she is held there by the authorities, for what reason Foster & Co. are unable to learn. The facts were laid before the State De partment at Washington, several days ago, and application was made for the active in terference of the Government. When the ' embargo was placed on the Coombs, Mr. Foster telegraphed to Mr. Blaine as fol lows: New Yobs, December 3L To the Honorable Secretary of SUte, 'Wssblag- toD.,0. c: Asplnwall authorities retina to dUpitCh. American schooner Edith B. Coombs to seenra our goods lying on San Bias coast. Not a trading vessel, but chartered to transport one property home. Delay very expensive. Kindly wire us what to Instruct master of vessel. FOSTZE & CO. No reply has yet been received from the State Department. THE LA.YT IN THEIK HANDS. L. Scheff & Co. have promptly taken the law into their own hands, without bothering with the slow processes of the State Depart ment at Washinston. On Saturday last thev dispatched the schooner George W. f Whitford to Colon, and thence to the San kBIas coast. The whitford is equipped with two small cannon, rifles and revolvers and plenty of ammunition. She carries a ' -K" picked crew of eight men, and her owners regard her as fully able to cope with the gunboat, as ordinarily manned. The Cap tain, William Foster, is instructed to pro ceed first to Colon, to procure the usual trading license, and thence to the San B'as coast, and to resist to any extent any at tempt at capture, after the usual require ments have been complied with. The WhiU ford carries the usual miscellaneous cargo, and sails under the American flag. A QTTESTION OP EIGHT. An interesting point arises as to the right of a vessel to go to sea thus equipped, and with such a declared purpose. The mani fest of the Whitford. filed at the Custom House on Friday, makes no mention of hex arms and equipment. There is a blank tot '. 'such a purpose on the clearance papersbnt ICantinutd on Seventh age. $& -41 fcj M .'-v . '.tP 3 ..'."'. r--. i&J '. . , -SJi , ."S.