Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 31, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Light Supply "and Firmer Tone to
lire Stock in All Lines.
"Hogs Command Better Prices-Sheep and
, Lambs Are Steady.
lIght bux op cattle at liberti
Office orPiTTSBinto dispatch,!
Monday. December SO. ISS9. J
The volume of stock for markets was below
the'lverage, a result which is common for
tbejholiday sea&on. Tne supply lor this time
astjyear was much smaller. Ane time Has
me for balance sheets ana closing up tne
( r -Wears accounts. .Butchers ana arovers are
fc. i1 . .
Tj figuring up the results of the year's opera-
.".Ttions, and hence buy as lightly as possible. Be
sides this, the demand for poultry, oysters and
game is unusually strong at this season, and the
old reliable meats are forced to take a back
' seat.
Offering of cattle were 322 head, against S92
head last Monday. Ihe quality of offerings
.- was an Improvement on last week, and demand
was good at a slight advance.
Tbo Figures for Cntlle.
Prime heavy Western beeves, weichinc 1.500
to 1,600 pounds, were held at J5 505 65,
medium weights. 1,359 to 1,450 pounds, S5 1C
6 85; do 1,3)0 to 1.S00 pounds, S S55 00: price
liCbtneiRhts, 900 to 1,100 pounds, H 604 75:
common to fair thin aud rough steers. S3 500
4 25. Fresh cows were quoted at JSO50 per
head, and calves, which were scarce, at 56)c
per pound. Bulls, stags and dry cows were in
hort supply, and no quotations based on
actual sales n ere Riven.
Receipts- From Cmcago I. Zeicler.SJhead;
L. Gersen. 91; A. Froram, 65: R. Rothschild, 5a
From Olno Needy fc Smith, 18 head. From
Pennsjlvania-G.Fllnuer.6 head.Total322 head,
last week, 392 head; previous week, 4U9 head.
bherp and Lamb.
Supply was somewhat larger than last week,
but market wits firm at old rates. Following
was the range of prices- Best heavy Western
and native wethers, J5 O05 25; good to
choice medium weights, H T5i 90, fair to
mediui do, $1 251 65; common and mixed
lot. J3 04 00: lambs, 5S6c per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, 277 head.
From Ohio J. Landon, 07 From PennsI
vtnia E. D. hergeant, 123. F. Cruikshank. 1CS,
G. Hinner, 30: J. Wricnt, 39; Bingham 4 Co.,
ISO; . McClearj. 113. Total, 950, last week,
65o; previous week, 829
Boss in -"mall Supply.
Supply was light and markets active at 25c per
100 pounds, better, prices than a week ago. A
Diamond market butcher reported that $1 10
was paid for fancy selected hogs to-day which
last Monday would not have brought over
3 &5l Markets for Chicago and Ohio hugs
e quoted at (3 75S24 00; Pennsylvania at
3 f.).; 90.
Receipt: J. Zeider. 79. From Ohio J.
Langdon, 11; Needy & Smith. 4C6. From Pcnn
sjlvania V. Crnikhink 4; Bingham & Co., 14.
lotal, 574; last wek, 1 3sS9; previous week, 910.
liberty Live Stock.
At East Liberty the run of cattle was light,
consisting of about 70 loads. The run of tidy
butcher cattle nas vtry light, and on this grade
prices were 15 to 20c stronger than last Monday.
.There was an unusually large run of stackers,
and lor these markets were slow and weak.
There were no changes from last week's prices
on sheen and lambs orth v of note.
The Drice of hogs at Liberty was 15 to 25c
higher than a week ago. The best soldincur
.load lots at $4 00 and in a retail way 10 to 15c
higher. Advices received by one of cur lead
In? packers from Chicago this morning give
the outside prices there at $3 bo to 3 70. There
is a firmer tone to markets lor hogs and pro
visions than at any time for weeks past, and
it is plain that bottom has been touched.
The Condition of Bnsinea at the East Liberty
Mock Yards.
Office of PiTTsurmG Dispatch, i
Monday. December 3U, 1SS9.
CATTLE Receipts, 1,800 head: shipments,
1340 head, market active; prime, 54 254 50;
gotad,-S3 608 00; fiiir. ZZ C5S3"3; seTehtars of
cattle shipped to New York tolay.
("Hogs Re elpt. 5,8"J0 head: shipment. 4,200
head: market active; all grades, $3 S5i 00;
nine car. of hogs shipped to New Yorkto-da.
SHEEr -Receipts. 4,000 head: shipment', 2.400
head: market fair: extra. $5 10530: good,
$4 G04 90: fair. $3 604 25; common, fl 502 50;
lambs, H 00S 50.
By Telecraph.
New Yo-Rir.-Beeves-Receipts. 4210 head,
making 8,760 head for the week. Fresh ar
rivals included 117 carloads for export alivo
and dead. 103 carloads for borne trade 'laughter
rrs direct, and 35 carloads for the marker.
Trading was actire to an earlv finish, and
prices were a small fraction higher: native
steers sold at S3 70g5 25 per 100 pounds: bulls
" -Irycows at 82 log's 10. Exports to-dar
o-morrow will include 440 beeves ami 06S
ers of beet To-day's cable advices from
n and Liverpool quote American cattle
at lOSHc per pound for the
d weight, sinking the offal and
an refrigerated beef lower at
Tic per rionnd. Calves Receipts, 350
uaking LOoO for the week; firmer and c
uund higher with a gjod clearance, at
,43c per pound for grassers. S4c for Wet
em calves, and 58c for veals. Sheep Re
ceipt. 7,440 bead, making 20.930 head for the
week: higher and firmer for both sheep and
lambs, and the pens n ere cleared. Sheep sold
at S3 75o 90 per 100 pounds with selected extra
wethers at S6 00; limbs at $5 507 6U Hogs
Receipts. 8.250 head, making 32.900 for the
week. A carload of good Ohio hogs changed
hands alive at $4 15 per ino pounds, and the
marker closed firm at S3 S5l 15.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 10,000 head:
" shipments, 4.000 head; market steady to strong;
beeves. $3 305 00; stockcrs and feeders. $3 00
63 SO; cows, bulls and mixed, f 1 002 90: Texas
cattle, R )2 bO. Hogs Receipts. 18.000 head;
shipments. 5,000 head: market strong to aglOc
higher: mixed, $3 553 75: heavr, S3 6503 75;
light. S3 4503 75: stockers. S3 003 40. -beep
Receipts, 7.000 head; shipments, 2.000 head;
market slow ana steadv; natives, $3 005 55o;
Western corn led. S4 005 10: Texans, S3 00
4 25; limbs. $4 906 S5. The Droiert" Journal
f pccial cablegram from London auotes prices
for American s-eers a shade higher than one
week ago at ll12eper pound, estimated dead
weight for medium to extra.
Buffaix Cattle active and higher; rr.
ceints, 175 loads through. 115 for sale; export
steers, good to extra, S3 854 70; choice heavy
1 butchers' S3 75. Sheep and lambs Receipt'.
8 loads through. SO for sale; sheep firm; choice
to extra. S5 235 50: Iambs firm and higher;
choice to extra, S6 757 00; good to choice
SO 456 HO. Hogs fairly active and firm; re
ceipts. 29 loads through, 90 for sale; medium
and heavy, S3 75$3 85.
KANSAf rrT-i-Cattle Receipts. 1.300 head:
shlpmer' 2V)bead: good cattle 510c higher;
nativei i; cows. SI 60SB 50; stockers and
'-" -035U Hogs Receipts. 4.400head;
none; market 510c higher; all
03 55: bulk. S3 55. Sheep Re
head; shipments, none: market
-l to choice muttons, S4 004 75;
.. feeders, S3 004 4a
Cincinnati- Hogs active and higher: com
mon and I'glit, S3 103 70; packing and butcher-.
S3 603 70; teceipts, 3,950 bead; shipments.
Brazltinn Coffee.
.Rio de Janeiro. December 3a Coffee dull
aijd irregular; good second, 6,200 reis. Receipts
diring tbo week, 73.000 bags: purchases for
United .States 26,000; clearances for do. 21.000;
stock. 2IS.O0O bags.
Santos, December 30. Coffee Good aver
age, 6,250 reis per 10 kilos: receipts during the
week, 12,000 bags; purchases for the United
States none: clearances for do. 2,000: stock.
The Vl.ible Supply of Grain.
Hew York, Decemoer3a The visible supply
of -.gram on Saturday, December 28, as com
piled bvthe New York Produce Exchange, was
t s Mlows: Wheat. 33.971,648 bushels: decrease,
S0S.15t bushels. Corn, 8,099,901 bushels; In
crease, 2,242.944 bnnels. Oats, 5.153.203 bushels;
increase, 299.926 bushels. Rye, 1.252,889 bnsb
elsincrease, 1,259 bushels. Barley, 2,425,758
bushels; decreabe. 94,177 bushels.
"Si! -
't Grain In felcbt.
CmCAOO, December 3a The Board of Trade
report "on the visible supply of grain Is as fol
lows: Wheat, 33.972,000 bushels: decrease,
'SOkOOa Corn. 8,097.000; Increase. 2,204,03a Oats,
.SJloXOoa Rje, 1.232.000: Increase, 1,00a Bar
Igj,420.O00; decrease, 95,00a
li, . Illctnl Dlarxet.
VkwYork Pig iron steadv. Copper quiet
I steady; Lake. January, $14 8a Lead dull:
rstic.iS3 9a Tin firmer and fairly active:
.-t . . ,. ... r, r
ration un win relieve and cure paiu
Joining speed,
Price, 23 cents a bottle.
r Baskets by ike.
A Llsht Bnilnesx In Wheat and Prices
Barely Htearfy Corn towci Pork
Active and Firmer Lnrd
Somewhat Stronsrr.
Chicago Only a light business was trans
acted In wheat to-diy, and the market ruled
steady and rather firm. At times trade was
very fair, and again at others very light, mainly
local and no special new features The open
ing was a shade above Saturday's closing,
prices being advanced about He, then declined
fie ruled steady and closed the same as Satur
day. There were pretty fair offerings early on
the part of a local trader, but the wheat was
absorbed without effecting any decline. A
prominent trader was reported as buying mod.
Cable advices quoted steady and firm mar
kets The visible supply showed a decrease of
304.000 bushels, and had a strengthening effect
on the market. The points showing increases
were Chicago, Detroit, Dnluth, St. LiOuis, Min
neapolis and Toledo, and the points showing
a decrease were Baltimore. Boston, Buffalo,
Kansas City and New York. The receipts in
the Northwest were small. The change to
colder weather may have induced some buying
of futures, as the growing wheat is without
any protection from a cold snac
There was a large business transacted in corn,
and the feeling developed was weaker, trans
actions being of a loner range, especially the
near futures. Ihe principal wcakeniug ln
ftnences were the continued liberal receipts
and the more favorable weather for the grad
ing of the present arrivals. There appeared to
be a good manv scattering longs In December,
and on the selling of the same the price broke
badly, which had a depressing influence on the
other futures. The market opened at abont
Saturday's closing prices, was weak, declining
in all Hli4c December showine the most
weakness, ruled steady and closed llc lower
than Saturday.
Oats were traded in moderately, and a steadv
feeling prevailed. There was no particular
pressure to sell, andja fair demand from two
large operators.
A fairly active trade was reported in pork,
and the feeling was steadier. Prices were ad
vanced 57c, but settled back again 35c,
and closed comparatively steady.
Trading in lard was moderately active, and
the feeling was steadier, prices were ad
vanced 2Kc, but outside figures were not-fully
A moderate trade was reported in short ribs.
Prices were advanced 2X5c, but settled back
again 2JjC and closed steady.
The leading futures rangea as iouows-
TTiic; January.
Corn-No. Z December, SlK31K3030Uc;
Januarv. 30i30Ji29S291c; May. 3232K
Oats No. 2, December, 2020K2020r;
Jannarv. 20J$2C!20K20c; May. 22J
Mess Pore, per bbLJanuarv. SU 109 10
9 t)o8 07K: Februarv. S9 17iCfi9 22;g9 17K
9 20 .May, $9 5i'Wo5fii9 50g9 5a
Lard, per 100 6s. Jannary. to S2yQ5 S2
5 SuftS 80; Fe!riiarv. 5 iUS 87e5 85
65 !5: -Mav, S6 006 C5$6 00f?0 vl)i
Short Ribs, per 100 tts. January. 4 60
4 ii$K)4 60,0)4 62J4: February. S4 67K4 67U
4 b7i4 C7; May. S4 2K4 82M.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
nominally unchanged. No. 2soringwheat,77Jc:
No. 3 spring wheat, 67GSc; No. 2 red. 77c; No.
2 corn. 30c No. 2 oats, 20KOKc. No. 2 ry e. 44c
No.2 barley, 58660c. Nu.lflixseea.S135. Prime
timothy seed. SI 21. Mess pork, per bbL $8 50
9 12. Lard, per 100 lbs,, 55 &4i- Short ribs
sides (loose), SJ 304 7a Drj s ilied shoulders
(boxed), S4 124 25; short clear sides (boxed),
S4 90ffi4 95. Sugars-Cutloaf, 7K8c: granu
lated. 6c; standard "A," 6o. Receipts
Flour. 22.000 barrels: wheat. 33.000 bushel: corn.
417,000 buBhels; oats, 123,000 bushels; rye. 10,000
1in.li.1et lut.1.. OH IVW1 I...1..I. QU. ... !
iiusutm, uatlC.?, 4,VW UU-UC1D. OUlIUJCULS-
Flour, 18,000 barrels; wheat, 44,000 bushels: corn.
298.000 bu-hels; oats. 15aOO0 bushels; rye, 6.000
bushels: barley, saooo bushels.
On the Produce Excnange tMlay the butter
market was dull: fancy creamery. 2626c; fair
to gooa, 1720c; finest dairies, lfc20c. Eggs, 18
New York Flour Moderate bnsines, home
and export. Cornmeal dull. Wheat Spot
firmer and moderately active, options moder
ately active, HK up and steady. Rye
steady; Western, 6CQ59cj Canada, 56H59c
Barley dull. Barley malt dull. Corn Soot
weaker and fairly active: options fairly active,
MBiia lower and steady. Oats Spot firmer
and f ilrly active; options more active and Je
or Hay. steady and quiet Hops, quiet and
firm. Coffee Options onened steady at 5010
points down: closed firm on near, steady on late
months: sales 66750 bags, including Decem
ber, 15.G5fJ15.G0c; January. 155JQ15.70c; Febru
ary. 15.5015.70c; Marcb. 15.5015.70c; April.
15.G0S15.7oc; Mar. 15.651580c; June, 15.65
15.76c; July. 15.7015.D0c; August. 15.8015.95c:
September, I57ol5.95e; October, 15.75c: No-
ember, 15.75 15.80c; spot Rio quietand steady;
fair cargoes 19J5c lio. 7. 17c Sugar Raw
dnll and stead) acentrifugals 96 test, 6JJc: sales
1G0 hogsheads; English island muscavado 87
test, 4 Il-lGc; refined, quiet and easy. Molasses
Vew Orleaus steady. Rice quiet and steady.
Cottonseed oil steady. Tallow dnlL Kosln
steady. Turpentine steady aid quiet at44
44Vc Egrs quiet and lower; western, 2J
22Hc; receipt, 4,451 packages Pork steaciy.
Cutmeats firm: pickled bellies, 55c;
iilokled shoulders, 8c; pickled hams Sc
Lard stronger and in moderate deman i: sales,
1.142 tierces; western steam, S6 106 12. clos
ing at S6 10: options sales 8,250 t-.erces; Jan
uary. S6 00S 50, closing at So 12: February,
$6 18; March. SO 246 27. closing at $6 25 bid;
Mav, $G 35S 3i cloainc at SO 37 Wd. Butter
dull and weak; Elgin, 2829c; western dairv, 0
18c; do creamery, 1427c: do held. 1018c; do
factory. GfiUSc. Cheese quiet and casj; west
ern. S10C
PlilLADELPniA-FIourdoll and weak; West
eni and Pennsylvania, S2 602 75; do extras
S2 7J3 00: No. 2 winter family. S3 253 60;
Western winter clear, SI 004 20; do straight,
S4 254 4.5: winter patent, S4 504 -90: Minnesota
clear. S3 604 00; do straight.Sl 254 75; do pat
ent, ?4 c5Qo 15. Wheat quiet: choice milling
graues aro scarce ana very firmly held;
fair to good milling. 78685c; choice and fancy
Iongberry. 8S93Kc: No. 2 red, December. 80)
R81c: January 80Hc: February, 82S2jc;
March. 83gS3c Corn weak, andje low
er; car lots anil and weak; No. 4 high mixed on
track, 32c: No. 3 yellow in grain depot 85c;
steamer N". 2 high mixed. In Twentieth street
elevator. 30Kc; new No. 2 mixed for local trade,
37637c; old No. 2 mixed in Twentieth street
elevator, 40)c; No, 2 mixed December, 3&V
36c; January. 36; February, 36K36c;
March, 3637Uc. Oats Car lots lower; No.
3 hite, 30c: No. 2 white, 31c: do choice, S2c:
futures weak, and JiK lower: No. 2 white,
December, 30K31c; January, 29K30c; Feb
ruary. 29XSS0c; March. 3US(c Provisions
dull, but steady. Pork Mess, new, Jll SO
12 00; do prime me-s, new, Sll 00; dofamih,
$12 5013 Oa Hams i-mokod, 10K12c Lard
Western steam, S6 376 50 Butter inactive
and irregular; Pennsjlvania creamery extra.
2527c; do prints, extra, 3Sffl36c Eggs Fresh
tock scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts. 25
?26c Cheese quiet and steady; part skims, 7
hKc. Receipts Flour. 5,400 barrels: wheat,
6,200 bnshels: corn, 106,500 bushels; oats, 11,500
bushels Shipments Wheat, 1,600 bushels;
com, 18,800 bushels: oats, 3,900 bushels
Minneapolis The wheat receipts at Min
neapolis and Dulutb, for the past two days
show a tailing off of 196 cars from those of the
samo time the previous week, aggregating but
225 cars of winch Duluth received but 6 cars.
Shipments 63 cars The demand tor cash wheat
was fairly active at about the general range of
Saturdaj's prices though ina fewcases a shade
more was realized for choice lots Some good
milling wheat was taken for the outside mills,
but the bulk of it is packed np for home use by
local millers. Closing quntations:No, 1 hard,
December and January, 79Xc; Mav, SSJic: on
track, 80c; No. 1 Northern, December, 7BJc;
N o, 2 Northern. December, 74c: January 74kc:
May. 7Sc; on track, 7477c.
St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
The market was firm at the opening, sold He
higher, then receded and closed at about
Saturday's figure': No. 2 red, Mav. 81Jf82c,
closed at 81Jc asked; July. 77J(;c77JS&773c,
closed at TTJic Corn lower: No. 2 mixed, cash,
25Jic; December closed at 25Jic bid: January,
25?c: February. 26263c: May, 2Sffi2Sko
a'ked; July, 29Kc Oats quiet but feeling
strong; No. 2, cash, 19Jfc: May. 21Jc; January,
19c bid. Rye No. 2, hard, 42c bio. Flaxseed
steady at $1 SO. Provisions very quiet; advices
from controlling markets cansed a firmer
feeling, bnt did not lead to important trans
actions ClNCIlTNATI Flour slow, bnt steady: family
ti 703 20; fancy, S3 603 80. Wheat easier; No.
2 red, 7678c; receipt, 3.000 bushels; shipments,
4,200 bushels Corn barely steady; No. 2 mixed
30c Oats easier; No. 2 mixed, 2324c. Rye
stronger; No. 2. 4S50c Pork quiet at S9 6a
Lard firm at S5 705 7a Bulkmeata easv; hort
ribs. S4 75. Bacon steady; short clear, S6 25.
Butter slow, but steady: fancy creamery, 29
30c: choice dairv, 12014c. Linseed oil steady at
5759c. Sugar easy; hard refined, 6J7c;
New Orleans 66c Eggs easy at 15c Cheese
firm; prime to cboice Ohio flat, 910c
MiitTAUKEE Flour steady. Wheat quiet;
No. 2 spring on track, cash, 7375c; May,
76Kc; No. 1 Northern, 82c Com quiet; No.
8, on track. 28c Oate easy; No. 2 white, on
track. 22K623c Rye quiet; No. 1. in store.
45Jic Barley quiet; No. 2, in store. 47tc Pro
visions quiet. Pork. $9 ia Lard, 55 80. Cheese
steady; Cheddars 99c
Baitim oke Provisions unchanged. But
ter firm for best; creamery, 2326c Eggs
steadv; western. 2223c Coffee dull; Rio fair.
Toledo Cloversecd active, bat Jower: cash,
December and January, $3 40; February, S3 45.
S. W. Hill. Pittshurg Meat Supply
Company, corner of Church avenue and
Anderson street, Allegheny, Pa,, sold for
Nelson Morris & Co., tor the week endiDg
December 28. 1889, 87 carcasseibeer; aver
age weight, 634 pounds; average price, ?5 Bl
per 100 pounds.
Bealty Involving One Hundred
Thousand Dollars Cold Cash.
Tiewa of Experts on the Side Street Issue
and Keed of Easiness nouses.
The Ella Gordon property, on Perm
avenue, 44.x110 to nn alley, was sold yes
terday to Charles Lockhart for $70,000,
being a fraction over $1,500 a front foot. It
adjoins the Messier property, recently sold
to M. Seibert & Co. It is understood that
Mr. lockhart will tear down the old house
and erect a handsome business block oa the
lot early next spring.
It was reported yesterday evening th,at
Mr. J. J. Howley bad sold an East End resi
dence for S30.00O, but as he could not be found,
particulars are necessarily omitted.
The year is closing upon a condition of pros
perity in this country and this community
which has few parallels in the annals of trade.
In looking over the history of the past 12
months but little is seen to cause regret. There
were no disastrous failures. All of the great
industries were pushed to their utmost ca
pacity. Labor found full employment at fair
remuneration. Almost without exception tho
people employe as well as employer are
richer than they were 12 months ago.
But this, while a cheerful, is not the best
feature of the situation. The substantial basis
upon which everything of a business nature
rests causes hopeful anticipations for the com
ing year. There is every indication that the
industrial development of 1889 will be con
tinued during lb9a The home market for the
leading domestic products is still unsatisfied,
and this insures a prolongation of the present
remarkable activity. The new year, therefore,
should be hailed with confidence, not appre
hension. t
Words of warning may prevent a real estate
craze which would cripple or destroy the mar
ket. A Fourth avenue ageat remarked yester
day: '-Recent articles in The Dispatch in
regard to property on side streets and other
obscure localities were timely, and I tbink they
will have a good effect. People buy property
for what they can mako out of it. If its pro
ductive capacity has not been reached, they are
willing to pay a round figure for it, .but when it
is bringing all the rental occupants of such
property are able to pay, they will gauge their
offers on that basis. They know at once what
it is vorth to them, and will not give more.
Owners of such property, if they want to sell,
should avoid fancy prices. Bach property is
the last to feel the effects of a boom."
These remarks are correct in the main.
While property of the kind in question varies
in value less than that more eligibly situated,
still it is amenable- to the fluctuations of the
market. What The Dispatch desires to in
culcato is that owners of this description of
property by holding out for exorbitant prices,
as ts frequently the case, shut themselves out
of the market altogether. This works harm to
them, to the city, by obstructing improvements,
and to business generally. It Is unreasonable
to expect S1O.O0O for a 55,000 house and lot, no
matter where situated, but more particularly
if it be on a back street, and renting for all it
will ever bring.
The following was caught on the wing yes
terday. Two men talking on a street corner.
Said one: "I will sell you the buildings, rigging
and tour acres for $30,000." Remarked the
other: "That is a fair offer. 1 will think about
it." What were they talking about?
Early in the year it was predicted by some
that so many office buildings would be erected
as to make them a losing investment, but such
has not been the result. They are all occupied
and the demand is not supplied. Rooms in
buildings in course of erection are engaged
months ahead, as in tho case ol the National
Bank of Commerce and some others. Build
ings of this kind pay from 8 td 12 per cent,
showing that they aro a good investment.
There isroouufor more of them. . -
The following expresses the views of one of
the oldest real estate dealers in the city on a
subject of general importance: "The great
need of the city at present is not office build
ings, bufmore well-arranged and regulated
warehouses. The suggestion of The Dis
patch to take down old buildings and put up
new ones that will pay better is a good one; but
first we should have a larger number of com
modious business houses to increase the volume
of our trade. They are very scarce. We can't
bring outside trade here until we can offer bet
ter business houses to accommodate it. This
is a subject worth looking into by investors."
Glass manufacturers report trade only fair.
They expect sales to fall off during the period
of yearly settlements. Orders for green glass
ware grow Uss and only a medium traue is be
ing done. There is a fair demand for window
glass, without new developments. Prescrip
tion glass is dull. Jobbers are deferring pur
chases of chimneys until the now year, but it is
expected they will bay more liberally then.
There are no new features to the trade. Bales
of tableware are meager and but llttlo is being
done in any line Preparations for the next
season engage the cbief attention of manufac
turers. The condition of the glass trade in the
Ohio valley and the West is a reflex of what
obtains here.
A prominent lumber dealer, whose office is
on Fifth avenue, remarked yesterday: "One of
the most profitable trades a young man can
learn is to become a good sawyer. The trade
cannot all be learned from theory, nor yet all
from practice. It requires a mechanical, a
good theoretical knowledge of the vanous
kinds of timber and machinery, and long ex
perience and hard work. Good sawyers are
the scarcest of all mechanics and are In de
mand in all sections. They are hard to find
when neeaed because they do not have to
tramp the country over to find a job."
Stock Active for Monday, and Prices Show
Snine Improvement.
Considerable spirit was developed in tbo
stock market yesterday, and sales ere unex
pectedly large for Monday, and practically the
end of the year, footing np 345 shares, of which
200 were Philadelphia Gas.
With one or two exceptions prices were firm,
and some of the favorites were higher. Phila
delphia Gas was one of the strong features.
Luster was sold at 48, and closed with 44 bid.
New York and Cleveland Gas was wanted at
35, but was held at 37. The weakest spot in the
market was Wheeling Gas, which was bid
down to 20.
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitt5b';P..S.AM.Er. 435 -470 .... 470
Commercial Si. Bank. W 93 9GX SIX
Finn Avenue Bank.... HX .... 45
Keystone B'k of Pitts. C9
Masonic Bank 81
.Enterprise savings.... So
Third ti&U Hank 183
Chirtlers Valley U. Co. 40 45f
Mauufaturer'a tas Co UX
Ohio Valley So
Pennsylvania Uas Co 13X
Philadelphia Co 29) SIX 23H 29X
Columbia OH Co 2 IX
V, heeling basCo 20 23
Central Traction SIX .... KH .j.
Cltlrens' Traction em 69 .... x 69
PUU. TraUIon 47 47K 47 474
Pleasant Valley w S3 23)2 .... ....
Pitts.. A. A Man 253
P.AConnHsvllleR. K. 10 18
Pitts. A Lake Erie 65 .... 65
P., V. A a K. ft. Co.... 41Jf 48
Pitts. A W. K. K. Co 13 .... lijf
N. V. A CI. U. C. Co 35 37
anion Bridge 17
La .Noria .Mining Co ....
Luster Mining Co 42 43 44$ 4S
Sllverton Mining Co. .. 1 ....
ankeeGlrlsllnlngCo zx ....
Westlnghouse Electric 47J 47H .... 47
Unions. A Signal Co 18
"WestlnghouseAlrb'ke. llOJf 112
At the first call 100 shares Pittsburg, Mc
Keeiportand Youghlogheny Railroad brought
60, S1.000 Junction Railroad 6s ex.. 117KES
Philadelphia Gas 2 10 Klectric 47, 30 tas
ter 48. After call 60 shares Philadelphia Gas
went &t 2tr5i.
At the last call 100 shares of Philadelphia
Gas sold at 2 and 51,000 Junction 6s at 11
Henry M. Loug sold 60 shares Westlnghouse
Electrio at 4 and 60 shares Pleasant Valley
Railway at 2o '
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 218,029 share", Including: Atchison,
4.250: Delaware, Lactawanua and Western, 23.
340: Erie. 6.125: Lake Shore- 7.175: TVnlV,n
and Nashville, 8,700; Allssoun Pacific, 12,824; J
Northwestern. 6,265: Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 5.405; New England, 9,080: Reading. 38,
100: Richmond and West Point, 3,149; St. Paul,
19,301; Union Pacific, 15,40a
Local Bnnkcn Continue to So a Land
Offlco Business.
The week opened at the banks with a fair
demand for loans, and a supply of cash equal
to all anticipated requirements. There was no
chango in rates, which were steady at 67per
cent for call and time accommodations. Cler
ical business was of large proportions. The
exchanges were 2,432,895 47, and the balances
8304,333 98.
.Money on call at New YorK yesterday was
tight, ranging from 4 to 40 per cent; last loan, 4;
closed offered at 4 Prime mercantile paper,
5J4Q7K. Sterling exchange quiet and weak
at S 79 for KWay bills and S4 83 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
s, re uoHjM. K. A T. Gen. 5s
U. 8.4a. coup 1274
Mutual Union ss.... 101
u. B.4fs, reg u
U. S. 4SS. coup.... 103
Paclflcesor'95. us
LouUl&naitampeats 94V
Missouri 6s 102
Tenn. new set. es... 109 'i
lenn. new set. 5s. ...lOJSj
Twin. iinrt M 7i
N. J. C. Int. Cert... 113
Northern 1'ac lsts. .117)4
Northern Pac. 2(13.. 112
Northw't'n consols. 144
Northw'n deben's..lll
Oregon S. Trans. ds.va'A
b.L. &I.M. Gen. 5s 83
St. L.&S.F. Gen.iUllZ
Si. Paul consols ....123V
St.PL CM.Sl'c.lsU.117
'Canada So. 2ds B6W
Oen. FacHclsts 113
Ken. K. Ch, Ista...II8
Den. 4 KG. 4a 79
D.&B.G.West,lsts. 93
Erie, Ids 100i
Tx., PcL. G.Tr.Rj. SO
ix.,rc.K.u.xr.iic;i J7
union rac. iu.ii3
West Bhore 105K
M. K. AT. Gen. 63.. 72)
New Tobk Clearings, 570,918,391; balances,
Boston Clearings, $48,864,781; balances, &,
127,398. Money, 4 per cent.
Baltimore Clearings, 52,383,523: balances.
PHrx.ASEl.PHrA Clearings, S9.942.018; bal
ances, SL.bO0.SO4.
Chicago Money firm at 66 for call and
6J8 for time loans. Qlearings, Sll.895,000. New
iork exchange, 2550c premium.
Petroleum Pulls Cp a Trifle,-bnt fs Still
Dull and Narrow.
The oil market yesterday showed a small im
provement over the worst days of last week,
but it was featureless and narrow, with light
trading all round.
The opening was WS. highest 103, lowest
102JS, closing 10SJ4. Pittsburg and Oil City did
most of the buying. Bui the support was In
sufficient, and the market sagged off and closed
at next to the lowest point of the day.
There was very little news, important or
otherwise. It was rumored that the Standard
would show its band early next month, and a
break is looked for by some. Saturday's clear
ances were 20,000 barrels.
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oamey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 1C3W Lowest...
Highest 1033Oloed(...
Average runs
Average ahipxnents
Average ciiarccrs. ........
Kenned, New York. 7.50c
itennei1, London. Cd.
Keflned, Antwerp, lHf.
Kenned. Liverpool. 6 l-ied.
Itcfliied. Bremen, 7.10m
A. B. JdcQrew quotes: Puts; $1 02 calls,
Other Oil Markets.
On. Crrr. Decemher 30 Petroleum opened
at SI 03K; highest, $1 05 lowest, H 03; closed,
Brabkord, Decemher 30. Opened at$l 03W;
cl0Bed.$l 03; highest, Si 03; lowest, J102J.
TrrnsTXLi.E, December 30 Opened atSl 03W;
highest, Jl 03K: lowest, Jl 03; closed, SI 03.
Hkw York. DecemberSU Petroleum opened
steady at SI 03&dcclined to Jl 02, then rallied
and moved np to $1 03 anil closed atSl 05V.
lowest, II 02; closing. Sf03. Consolidated Ex
change: Opening, fl 03J4: highest, SI 03; low
est, Jl 02; closing, Jl 03. Total salet. 243,
000 barrels.
People Sllll Coins Around nnd Picking
Them Up Latest Deals.
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
one acre of ground adjoining the Thornton
place plan, at Coraopolls, having erected
thereon a brick machine shop, for 3,600. The
purchasers will make arrangements imme
diately for the manufacturing of steel.
Black & Baird,95 Fourth avenue, sold to J.
M. Stewart lot No. 31 in the X Walter Hay
plan of Valley View place, situate on Rebecca
street, near Penn avenue, being 20x100 feet, for
W25, on the easy payment plan. XJies.ais&.
placed a mdftgaceof JC60O for one year, at 8
per cent, on aa Oakland property.
Simuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth a.venue,
sold a property-on Reed street, near Oyerhill,
Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, size 20x96 feet to aa
alley, for a price approximating $1,650.
A Big Jump in Unlet for Money Throw a
.Wet Blanket Over Speculation in
Rnllrond Shares Tho Trusts
New York, December 30. The string
ency in the local money market was again
the controlling factor in the stock market
to-day. nnd weakness and demoralization
were the features in the early trading,
though a partial recovery late gave a better
tone to the market.
The unusual,and,of Cknrse.unexpected action
of the governors of the Bahk of Eueland this
morning in raising their rate of discount from
5 to 6 per cent, when the regular meeting day
is Thursday, and a reduction has been ex
pected for some time, caused considerable de
moralization among the foreign holders of
American securities, and while the London
figures came materially lower this morning
this was supplemented by liberal selling for
foreign account at the opening of business
here. The tightness of money here was inten
sified, and the rates on call were 25 per cent
and later touched -JO before a reaction was had.
The rate fell away rapidly to 13, and after all
borrowers were accommodated it fell to 4 at
the close. The action of the Treasury Depart
ment in offering to prepay the January interest
without rebate had more than anything else to
do with the easing up of the money rate, but
the further decline in sterling exchange was
also an influential factor.
The selling of the foreigners at the opening,
supplemented by free short siles by the bears
and traders, the latter beinc btanshly Inclined
for the time beinc:. caused a complete demoral
ization of quotations, and first prices were
from H to 1 percent lower than Saturday's
closing figures, Louisville and Nashville, Erie
and Jersey Central showing the largest de
clines. The pressure to sell created marked
activity, and lurther small fractional declines
were made on a large business during the first
hour. The concessions in prices brought out
some good buying, hon ever, aud some or the
Croups of stocks were well supported, the
Grangers and Gould stocks with Louisville
anu jNasnviiie ueinc especially conspicuous.
The resistance to the decline with the cessa
tion of the London selling after that time
caused a let-up in tbo pressure from the bears
also, and notwithstanding the steadily mount
ing rates for money, prices began to recover,
after tne first rush was oyer. Dullness and
firmness then became the only features of the
market. Union Pacific furnishing the only im-
Sortant movement, and the usual stagnation
ad settled, down upon the market before
noon. The list la almost invariably lower,
though the declines in the afternoon are frac
tional only, not one important net loss being
recorded. The Trusts were quiet and without
Railroad bonds showed a little more anima
tion and sympathized with the weakness in the
share list, being heavy to weak throughout the
session, though as usual the final figures show
few important changes. .
The -Post says: The enormous balance of
trade in favor of the United States and against
Europe in consequence of our heavy exports
in the last four months were already preparing
the way for imports of gold, but the high rates
for money in the market last week, and pros
pect of their possible oontlnuancefor a week
yet, were an incentive to move- capital from
London to New York immediately for the sake
oi me interest, aua tuis caused a reauction 01
H per cent in the rates for sterling exchaoge
this forenoon, putting it down to the gold Im
porting rate. It was undoubtedly in anticipa
tion of this and for the purpose of preventing
the export of gold from London to this country
that the unusual action of the governors of the
Bank of England was taken in advancing the
rate on Monday, Instead of the regular day on
While money was ranging from 20 to 80 per
cent per annum on the Stock Exchango this
forenoon it was knowu that checks to the
amount of near $3,000,000 for the payment of
the January interest on the Government debt
bad been forwarded from Washington, and
though it was supposed that abont $0,000,000 of
this would come at once into the New York
banks the Assistant Treasury bad no authority
to pay them nntll January 1, which would
practically give no relief to the money market
before Thursday or Friday; so that altogether
it was avery severe pinch.
The following tame snows tne prices ot active
stocks on the New York Btock Excnange j ester
day. Corrected dailv for Tur Dispatch.' by
WHirxiTASiEPnzsaoar, oldest Wtuburg mem-
bers jof New loti Btocr Kxcnange, 57 lrourtn ave
nue:' Clos-
In r.
Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 30
Am. Cotton oil
AtCB., lop. B. F KJi
Canadian Pacldo 72
Canada Southern 53
Central of New Jeraey.119
Central Pacific
Cttesaoeake Ohio.... a
C Bur. A Outlier. ,...1C8
C. Mil. & at. raul.... 63
Hlgh- IOw. In it
est. est. Uli!.
30 30 XX
25 J4
68 Hi
v., mils at. jr.. pi...
C. KoctL&P
C, St. L. & l'UU
c, st. l. & pitts. pr.
1. St. P.. M. AO
C. st. p..M. st o.. nr. ....
C & Northwestern 110
CAM orth western, BT. .. .
C, U. C. 1 70
a. a. c. & l. nr nc
Col. Coal s Iron 37H
Col. & HoeklnE Val
Del- L. Jb V..... 13o
110 lKITi
37 H
144 S
Del. & Hudson M
Denver&ltlo U 13
F.T.. Vs. 40a - 9
E.T..Va. AGa.lst pf. ....
K. a.. Vs. AGs. 2d pr. .. .
Illinois Central.
Late Erie & Western.. 17
Lake Erie West. nr.. C2
Late Snore AM. S 107)4
Lonisvllle&MashTllle. bin
Michigan Central 9CH
Mobile Ohio
Mo.. Kan. Js Texas.... 11
Missouri Pacific 69J
Mew iforx Central 108
Ji. Y u E.&V 25
N.Y.,t.E.&W.prer.. 62
a. x.. c ist. u
a. ., c & st. i,. nr.
M.Y.. U. A Bt.ii. M nr ....
H. Y&N. IE 42W
a. r.. o. & w w8
Norfolk a Western
Norfolk: Western. nf. Wlj
Northern Pact He 29V
Nortnern Paciac prefc J3
UMoAMlsslsslnpt..lt. ..
Oregon Improvemein. 42
Oregon Tranecon...... 3JM
Pacificttall 33M
Peo. Dee. A Kvans IS
Phlladel. A Heading. 37X
Pullman Palace Car.. 187
KIcbmonaA W.P. r. 10i
Richmond A W.P.T.pr "B-i
St. P.. Minn. A Mau..I12
St. 1 A San Fran 1H'4
St. L. A San Jnran pf.. 33 .
St.L. A San If. 1st pf.
Texas Pacific 20
Union 1'aolDo eiii
Wabash nrefbrred...,
Western union
Wheeling A L, ....,
Sugar Trust
National Lead Trust.
Chicago Gas Trust...
Philadelphia Htocks.
Closlne quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stcohenoon, brokers. No. 37
Fourth avenue.
Aiemoera e lore otocsjis-
Pennsylvania Ballroad ZV&
15 8-16
Jll' I
neaumg ia$
Bunalo, Pittsburg i Western Hi
Lehigh Vallev.
, 82S
. SO
. 29!,
Lehigh Navigation
Northern Pacific
Nortnern Pacmc preierrea
Busincsi Notes.
Fourth avenue was very quiet yesterday.
closing np accounts occupying the time of
brokers of every sort and degree.
The WilkinsburgOil Company Is still work
ing on well No. 2, on the Weinman farm. Well
No. 1 is plugged as securely as ever.
Pittsbubq occupies the seventh placo
among the Clearing House cities, leading Bal
timore, Cincinnati and New Orleans.
The Reading Railroad reports that its coal
shipment for the week ending December 28
was 95,000 tons, of which 27.000 tons were sent
to Port Richmond and 6,000 tons were sent to
Port Liberty.
Secretary Window yesterday telegraphed
instructions to the various sub-treasurers to
pay, npon presentation, the checks fpr Interest
on the 4 per cent loan, due January 1, and on
the Pacific railroad bonds, amounting to nearly
The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over Its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie
for the week ending December 21 was 34U,633
tons, of which 225,326 tons were coal and 121
327 tons coke. Ihe total tonnage for the year
thus far has been 15,097,915 tons compared with
15.423,603 tons in the corresponding period of
1SSS. a decrease of 330,688 tons.
Tiie amount of metal produced by F fur
nace, of the Edgar Thomson works, the past
week has averaged 326 tuns every 24 hours.
The yield has for some days reached as high
as 346 tons. The two new furnaces which are
fast approaching completion will do much bet
ter. A decade ago a daily yield of 150 tons was
considered immense. It will not be long until
400 tons will be the daily product of a single
furnace at Braddock.
A Mnlatlo Prisoner Who Passed for Same
Time as a White RInn.
Wilmington, Del., December 30.
Early Monday morning last, a police officer
arrested a well-dressed man who reached
this city, at 4 o'clocK, irom Norfolk, and
who was behaving in a mysterious manner.
He wore a large slouch hat, and had on a
long, lalse black beard. He said his name
was Cbristman, but he refused to give any.
account oi himselr, andthe only charge upon
which he could be held was that of carrying
concealed deadly weapons, a small pistol
being fonnd in his pocket. He was locked
up in the City Hall, and to-day he was
recognized by a deputy sheriff from Hamp
ton, Va., as William H. Bonaparte, who
broke jail there on October 31. He had
been sentenced to five years ior abdncting a
little white girl.
Bonaparte is a light mulatto, and was
taken lor a white man by the police
here. He was at one time assistant editor
of the Boston Adiocate, and stumped the
Southern States for the Republicans. He
is said to be highly educated and a polished
Hovr South Carolina Negroes Will Celebrnto
Emnnclpatloa Day.
Columbia, S. C, December 30. Wednes
day next is the twenty-seventh anniversary
of the proclamation of emancipation, and
after just a quarter of a century of actual
freedom, the colored people of this State
will celebrate the event by opening to the
world the first fair of the "Colored Agricul
tural and Mechanical Society of South
Carolina." The white society of the same
name has tendered its extensive grounds and
buildings in Columbia lor the use of the
colored fair, and all of the railroads have
iveu iuc gaum ram auu facilities as uj mo
State fair held here annually.
Several colored preachers formed this so
ciety last fall and nave worked it up. They
claim that the negro should develop him
self and demonstrate what progress he is
making before be meddles with politics or
tries to run a government. The fair opens
on January 1 aud continues for four days.
Another Example ol It i Being Sprung Upon
This City.
Captain James Meredith, of Chicago, is
in the city, as an agent of the "World's Fair
propaganda of that pushing city. He has a
novel contrivance intended to boom his
town's claims. It is a small paper stamp,
the size of a postage stamp, gammed on one
side and on the other bearing a red seal like
a circular saw. In white letters on the seal
are the words, "1892. World's Exposition,
The stamps are printed in sheets, perfor
ated like a sheet of postage stamps. They
are gummed on the outside of envelopes.
Captain Meredith Is distributing them to all
the merchants and business men of this
city who favor Chicago, that they may send
them out with their correspondence, and
thus Indicate to the country at large that
Pittsburg is with Chicago.
Keep Them In the Nursery.
Hamburg Figs should be kept in the nursery,
where they are particularly useful in case of
constipation or indigestion, as ttiev are liked
by children and are prompt ana efficacious in
action. 23 cents. Dose, one fig. Mack Drug
Co., N. Y. TTSU
401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fonrth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $50,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. tis
Blair's Pills Great English goat and.
rheumatlo remedy, bore, prompt and effect
ire. At druggists'. ttsu
Produce Commission' Men Report the
Usual JUonday Quiet.
Cereal Eeceipts Too Liberal for Want3 of
Oar Markets.
oyricE oPFiTTSBimo dispatch, j
ilONDAT. December 30. 1889.
Country Produce Jobblnff Prices.
Monday seldom develops any-new features In
produce lines. To-day-was no exception to the
rule. Trade was reported quiet by commission
men. Poultry is in excellent demand, bntowlng
to delays on railroads offerings were very bright
np to noon. A trade In this line is looked for
to-morrow. The New Year's turkey promises
to be more expensive than that enjoyed at
Christmas. Outside of poultry everything in
produce lines is qniot The time has como
when retail dealers are disposed to carry light
stocks, in view of settlements. After tho now
year a more active trade Is looked for, when re
tailers will be forced to renew their stocks.
Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 3031c; Ohio do,
27K9-8c: fresh dairy packed, 2426c; country
rolls, 2324c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 30;
medium. J2 102 20. '
Beeswax 2830a $ ft for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, $8 507 0; common,
$3 504 00; crab clder,S 00S8 60 l barrel; cider
vinegar, 1012c fl gallon.
Chestsuts 85 005 50 f) bushel; walnuts,
G070c fl bushel.
Cheese Ohio, llUKc; New York, llc;
Limbureer, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, Il
13$c; iraported,Swcitzer, 23K-
JSGOS 2125c j3 duzen for strictly fresh.
FnuiTS Apple-, fancy, S2 60(33 CO fJ barrel;
California pears, $3 6004 00 a box; cranberries.
$110012 00 fl barrel; Malaga grapes, large
Dirrei. o w.
GAME Squirrels 75cSl ?1 dozen; quail, $1 75
f) dozen: nr lino chicKons. 4 gc5 00 53 dozen:
pheasants, 15 005 60 fl dozen; rabbits,3035c a
pair; venison saddle, 1012c fl pound; venison
carcas. 79c ffl pound.
FEATiiEKS-.lixtra live eeeie, 5G60c; No. L
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3C35c f) ft.
Poultrt Live chickens, 50(S65c a pair;
dressed. Se a round: ducks, 65S75c fl pair;
geese, $1 251 30 f pair; live turkeys, 1213c f?
ft; dressed turkeys, 16018c fl ft.
SEEDS-Clover, choice. 62 fts to bush el, 120
4 40 f bushel; clover, largo English. 02 , S4 35
4 00. clover, Alikc. tS 00- clover, white, $9; timo
thy, choice. 45 Iks. $1 60; blue grass, extra clean,
14 fts. SI 2S1 30; blue grass, fancy, 14 lis, Jl Su;
orchard grass, 14 ft-., SI 40: red top, 14 tt. $1 25;
millet, 50 fts. 81 00; millet, G070c f bushel;
Hungarian grass, 50f!. (ioc, lawn gras. mix
ture of fine grases, $3 00 f? bushel of 14 fts.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, $2 00
225; lancy, S4 0OS5 00; Florida oranges, $3 00
3 50; Jamaica oranges. S3 004 00 f) btrrel;
bananas, $1 CO firsts. $1 00 good seconds, f)
bunch; cocoanuts, $4 0004 60 ft hundred; figs,
8K9o f) ft; dates ,6S6c $ ft; new jayer
figs, 1215e; new dates, 7&c fl ft.
Veoltables Potatoes, from store, 6o60c:
on track, 45o0c; cabbages, J7 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c f dozen: Jerseys, $4 004 25;
turnips, SI 001 60 a barrel; onions, SI 75 a bar
rel. Buckwheat Flour 22c fl pound.-
Sugars are very weak and another drop is
likely to come soon. Raw sugars were Jc lower
in Cuba on Saturday than any time this season.
A number of refineries have of late shut down
because of the downward drift of markets.
Green coffee Is off He, but packages are un
changed. All groceries are quiet, as Is therule
at this season of the year. When the bills of
1889 are settled a more active trade is looked
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice
Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; lowgradeRio,
18X19Kc; old Government Java, 272b'c; Mar
acaibo, 23)i24Kc; Mocha, 28J29K Santo,
20K24c; Caracas. 2224c; peaberry, Rio, 23
24c: La Guayra, 23K2Ja.
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades. 2SSj-3c: old Government Java,
bulk, 31KT3c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos.
24K28Kc; peaberry, 28c; choice Rio, 23c;
prime Rio 23Jc: good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21c.
Spicks (whole) Cloves, 1920c: allspice, 10c;
cassia. 8c: nenner. 17c: nntme!?. 70iS!80c.
FETROLEUJI (JMinora' Drlce3) HPH"f flO"
Ohio; lSOTBHC.Tie'.iaifgiit; 160, 8c: water
white. 10Wc: "lobe. 144S14Kc:elalne. 14Kc: car
natline, llc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil, 11
lljc, purity 14c.
.Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4&g47c
$ gallon: summer, 40J3c. Lard oil, 70c.
Syrups Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar
syrup, 3Sc; prime sugar syrup, S0S3c:
strictly prime, 3335r; new maple syrup. 90c.
N. O. MOLASSLS Fancy, new cVop. 4S50c;
choice, 47c: medium. 3813c; mixed, i042c
Soda Bl-catb in kegs, 33c; bi carh in JJ,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc: do granulated, 2c
Candles h war, full weight, 9c; stearine, $
set. 8Kc; paraffine, ll12c-
Rice Head, Carolina, &j!7c: choice, fc
6c;.prime, 5g6c; Louisiaua, 5(c.
bTAECH Pearl, 2?c; cornstarch, 5 6c; gloss
starch. 47c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don lajers, S3 90; California Loudon layers,
$2 75; Muscatels 52 40; California Muscatels,
82 25; Valencia,7c; Ondara Valencla,8K8Jic;
sultana, OKc: curr an ts,5K5c; Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes, 69c; Salnnica
prunes, in 2-B packages, 8KC: cocoanuts, Tl 100,
to 00; almonds Lan., ft ft, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., I415c; Sicily
nioerts, lie: Smyrna ngs, izwuao; new dates,
6SKc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; cit
ron, $) fi, 1920c; lemon peel, 18c $1 B: orange
peei. lie
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c: apricots, California, evap
orate!, 1416c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, nn
pared, 19e21c; cherries, pitted,13K14Kc; cher
ries unpitted. 56o; raspberries evaporated,
23K26Kc; blackberries, 78c: huckleberries,
bUGARS Cubes, 7Kc; powdered, 7Kc; granu
lated, 6c; confectioners' A, 6KC! standard A.
GJfJc; soft white, 6bKc; yellow, choice, 5
ofie; ellow, good. 6oc; yeliow, fair, 5
5Kc; yellow, dark,5Jic
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), ?5 50; medi
um, half bbls (000). J3 25.
Salt No. L f) bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. f? bbl, SI 05;
dairy, ff bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal. bbl, 81 20:
Higglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, 83 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches 82 000
2 25; 2ds, 81 6ol 80: extra peaches 82 4t2 CO;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, 81 00 ISO; Hid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cherries. 90cSl; Limi beans,
81 20; soaked do, 80c; string do 6065c: mar-,
rowf at peas, 81 101 15; soaked peas, 7080c;
pineapples 81 301 40; Bahama do, 82 75;
damson plums, 95c; Greengages. 81 25;
4 Reengages! 81 85; 'do egg plums, 8185; ex'tra
egg plums, 52 00; California pears. flov;ao
white cherries. S2 40: raspberries. 95cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, 81 301 40;
tomatoes, b590c; salmon, 1-ft, 81 65l 90;
blackberries, 6oc; succotash, 2 ft cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-ft, 81 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft
cans 82 05; 14 ft cans. 811; baked beans, 81 45
150: lobstei, 1 ft. SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled, 81 oO; sardines, domestic Yfi,
84 254 60; sardines, domestic Ks 86 757 vO;
sardines.' imported, js 8115012E0; sardines,
imported. s, 818; sardines, mustard, 83 SO;
sardines, spiced, 83 60.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 836 f)
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess 840; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, mess,
836: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Hc 9 ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocKs 67c Herring
Round shore, 84 60 fl bbl.; split, 86 60: lake,
82 75ffll00-fthalfbbl. White fish, 86 00 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 fl half bbl. Fin
nan haddock. 10a fl ft. Iceland hallbnt, 13c ft
ft. Pickerel. K bbl. 82 00; V bbl. 81 10; Poto
mac herring; 85 00 fl bbl, 82 50 per bbL
Oatjieal 86 004JG 25 fl bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at tbo'Graln Exchange,
66 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayno and Chicago,
8 cars of oats, 4 of corn, 8 of hay.l otmiddlmgs, 4
of ftonr. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis.
8 cars of rye, 5 of bran, 7 of corn. 5 of oats, 2 of
middlings, I of hay, 3 of wheat, 1 of feed. By
Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of oats, 1 of corn.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of hay, 5 of
flour, 1 of bran, 1 of corn, 3 of rye. All cereals
give signs of weakness, new corn being weak
est. Supplies are too liberal for the wants of
our markets, and the situation is in favor of
cash buyers all along the line. Only the best
grades nnd customers at quotations.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
WHEAT-NewNo,2 red,8586c; No. 8,82
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, new. 3637c; high
mixed, ear, old, 3940t; new, S435c: No. 2 yel
low, shelled, old, 3940c; new. 3435c: high
mixed, shelled, 40Q41c; new blgh mtxed.shclled,
Oats-No. 2 white. 2929c; extra. No. 8,
2828c; mixed, 2627.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 63543i
No. 1 Western. 61052c,
Barley Western, 4565c; Canaaa barley,
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
soring patents 85 0005 50: winter strafohtit
84 2i J 50( clear winter, Jl 004 25; straight
XXXX bakers',' S3 503 751 Kye flour, S3 50
4 75.
Millveeo Middlings, fine white, SI5 00
1500 fl ton: blown middlings. JU0OQ14OO;
winter wheat bran, Sll 2511 50; cnop feed,
S15 50015 00.
HAT-Baled timothy, No. L SH 5012 00;
No. 2 do, S8 0010 00; loose from wagou, Sll 00
012 00. according to quality: No. 2 prairie bay,
57 008 00: packing do. $6 507 00.
Straw Owa. to 757 00; wheat and rye
straw, SO 000 25.
Provisions. -
Sugar-cured hams large, 9c; sugar-cured
bams, medium, 9c; sugar-cured bams, small,
10c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c; sugar
cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, TJic; sugar-cured California bam.,
6c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
ronnds. 12c; bacon shoulders. &c: bacon clear
sides. 7c; bacon clear bellies, 7Jc: dry salt
shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess
pork, heavy, Sll 50; mess pork, family, $12 00.
Lard Refined, in tierces, cic; half-barrels,
6c; 60ft tubs, 6c; 20-ft pails. 6c; 50-ft tin cans.
5c; 3-ft tin pails. 6c; 5-ft tin pails, 6c; 10-ft
tin palls, 6Jic; 5-ft tin pailc. 6c. bmoked
sausage, loug. 6c: largo, 5c. Fresh pork links,
9c Boneless bams, 10c Figs' feet, half bar
rel, S4 00; quarter barrel, $2 15.
Droned Menu.
The following prices are furnished by Armour
& Co. on dressedmeats: Beef carcasses, 430 to 550
fts, 5c; 6o0 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6S6?ic.
Sheep. 8c fa ft. Lambs. 9e fl ft. Hogs. 5sc.
Fresh pork loins, 7c.
The dissolution of the Western Passenger
Association will be followed by a war of rates.
The French dispatch boat Bouvet is ahore
near Zanzibar. It is expected that she will be a
total wreck.
The St Louis Academy of Music, in conrse
of erection, fell in a heap yesterday morning.
Nobody was killed, and only ono workman was
slightly bruised.
A Papal consistory was held at Rome yes
terday. The Pope delivered an allocution, in
which no emphasized his censure of the Gov
ernment's Ecclesiastical trusts bill, and con
demned the deposition of the Bishop of Alta
mura, Italy.
Mrs, Charles F. Sautler, wife of a Williams
burg (N.Y.) druggist, has left her husband
ana three cnildren for tho sake of a compara
tive straneer, Herman E. Sturcke. Hbe took
with her all her jewelry and 52,000, which she
uiBwiruui me oanK.
The article by Mr. Gladstone, favor
Ing a revival of the practico of confession in
England, was written 45 years ago. Mr. Glad
none has requested the editor who inst
published it as representing the author's pres
ent views to explain bis unauthorized action.
On a dispatch from the chief of police Sat
urday to Inspector Byrnes, ot New York, tha
latter's detectives arrested James F. Latham
yesterday afternoon on a cnarge of forgery.
At the Tombs Court the latter was remanded
to await the action or the Governor oi Illinois.
As Allen Banderson, a Well-to-do farmer,
with his wife and two children, were on tha
way to Muncie, InuV, In a wagon yesterday, a
tree fell across the road on the vehicle, in
stantly killing tho father and one of the chil
dren. The mother and other child were un
harmed. Intelligence has been received at Paris
from Obock, a French settlement on Taj n rah
Bay. on the east coast of Africa, that two
French missionaries who were traveling from
Zellah to Harrar, under the escort of eigtit
Greeks, w ere attacked by natives and all the
party were murdered.
An incendiary Are In Henry Sherry & Co.'i
lumber yard, at Vesper, Wis., Sunday, de
stroyed 1,500,000 feet ot lumber, valued at
$25,1011. The loss is partially covered by insur
ance. About 2U rods of sidetrack belonging to
the Wisconsin, Pitisville andSuperior Railroad
Company was ruined, and three Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Paul flat cars were burned.
Sara Bernhardt came near moeting with a
serious accident during the initial performance
of "Joan d'Arc" Sunday night. The funeral
pyre used in the nlay became ignited and cre
ated great excitement on the stage. Bernhardt
fainted, but was uninjured by the llre.altbongh
two of the scene shifters were seriously burned
while extinguishing the flames.
Henry C. MoIIer, a wealthy Hoboken man,
committed suicide Sunday night by blowing
out his brains with a revolver. He was SO
years old, married and had two children. He
lived on the income of the fortune left by hi3
father. Christian Jloller, the sugar refiner,
who committed suicide seven years ago. It is
supposed MoIIer was temporarily insane.
A desperado named Jacob Gregory, at a
country, dance in McDonald county, Missouri,
became Involved in an altercation with Nor
man Hagar, at whom he fired a shot in tha
darkness. The bullet missed Hagar and struck
Adolubus Griffiths near the heart. Griffiths.
who was a highly respected young man, spoke
""l" ffv words. -Bf-f oxa , ha ASuL. X
T mountetlhis-norss and made good his
kuu it last uvuuuubs ww siiii ai. large.
A doublo murder was committed at Mount
Sterling, Crawford county. Wis., Sunday morn
ing. Jerry O'Neil and his wife were fatally
shot while in bed. the former in the breast and
the latter In the stomach, by an unknown as
sailant. The victims were well-to-do and in
offensive people. They were about 50 years of
age. The snots awoke two daughters, who slept
near the old folks. Their cries summoned tho
rest of the family, who were in the second
story, but the murderer had escaped.
SICK UEADACHEC3rler,s Llttle Llr ralj
'-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
WCK HEAUACHECarter,s ,, Llyerms
A purely Vegetablo
Comnound that exneli
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. 8125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co, New York. Passports procured.
i n stock options or margins in Wall st. leads to
W 6 III til. IBW
STEVENSON & CO.. Brokers,
no26-o-rsu 50 New st. New York.
Dealer in
Gold, Iron and Copper Stocks.
Mich'gan Gold Co.'s Stock a specialty.
"The richest mines In the world."
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New-York and Chicago.
SIXTH STn Pittsburg.
1 KS- a . Jl
of axjXi pstTTC3rl3-isa?a. a
llofli Piifler.
Special attractions now open fn useful,
goods specially suited for tha ,.
Holiday Me.f
Dealers are invited to inspect ihVstoeuj
which is complete, and at prices which 'e
not fail to impress the buyer. .,
are; interne ltalast'
andfltlnclnjci ml
alchtl worst bf
erstcMcw1' ltmw
Biowea to eouoa
ITniimn Pit i r minora Torn 4d
5fjff"'" very .ore. SWAYJIE'S OLNT.J
MEAT atopa the ltcblns and bleeding, heal
us. jhwii, nuu.u wgninKircrattTU U19
lauro. owAisaii.-rTVXSTUiaiaD7arc;M,0riaal!dfc)
imu(., jhicr wm ft pax; 3 oozes, SJ-
Aaihni iraers. DB. SWVras t SOV rniii-lplila. p.
riTTsnrtri-i o
As old residents know and bar
- m - .. v.. u-f Vk
burg papers prove. Is the old
aud most prominent physician
voting special attention to all c
IM t. fl V U U Odecay, nervous
energy, ambition and hope, imj
disordered sight, self distru.
dizziness sleeplessness, pimplet
poverished blood, failing power
ness. dyspepsia, constmation. & '
t L(l
fitting the person for business, . 1 y
nage, permanently, safely and -: te
Dl nnn AMHCIIM dvp
uuuuu niiuoixm sta
blotches, falling hair, lsoncs, pair
swellings Ulcerations oi tongue pno n
j"i. S- oi
ulcers, oia sores, are cured ior,n.e
poisons thoroughly eradicated fn
U R I N A R Y ments, weak tl a,
tarrhal discharges: innamniat-oi.
n -
"t a-
painfnl symptoms receive searching
prompt relief and- real cures
Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extansl
ence, insures scientific and rellaWu
on common sense principles, icnai
ratients at a distance as careir,
here. OHce hours 9 a. 3L toe
10 A. if. to 1 P. Jr. only. DR. "V
Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa.
O-'t-H frt SCX33IWCEI C3F
AScientlflcand Standard Popular M. fa,
theErrorsof Yonth, PrematnreDt
and Physical Debility, Impurities
Resulting from Folly, Vice, li
cesses or Overtaxation, Enerva id
ting the victim for Work, Busln -
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful nretenders. P
Igreat work. It contains 300 pagi u a!
JAntltnl-t ""Wl rinOJOTnu, iui t r-
only 81 by mail, postpaid, con i i i..a;a t
wrapper. Illustrative Prospected l-i. i vc'i."
apniynow. Tho distinguished at ' li
Parker. JL D., received the GOL fl ' -it W
ELED MEDAL from iha Naliont. i "a. A
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY ot E VOiJS
corps of Assistant Physicians ..j w , in
sulted, confidentially, by mill o o m.
the office of THE.PEABODY iJI' 1
STITUTE, No. 4 BuTfinch St., Boron M..,
s 'A'
wnom an oraers ior hooks or leti nr.
should be directed as above, aul-
Health is Wealth
Dr. e. a West's Nerve
Tbeatmet. a guaranteed specitt
dizziness, convulsions, tits, ncrvo
1 headache, nervous prostration c
i use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefu
depression, softening of the brair
insanity and leading to misery,
dcatb. premature old age. barrel
nnwer in eitnpr sat. involnntan
I spermatorrhoea caused by over-ex
Drain, seu-aouse or orer-inuu;r.
box contains one month's treatme;
or six boxes for 5, sent by mail p
ceipt oi price.
To euro any case. With each order r r jd &y asf
f or six boxes, accompanied with :) nWL,
send the purchaser our written i -a t to,
refund the moneyif the treatmen c a -f-fectaenre.
Guarantees issued ocl ti ftia J,
Stucky, Druggist. Sole Agent, 1701 "tc
ave. aud cor. Wylie ave. and Fult "trv
burg, Px seT l'f '
quiring scientiflc i
tial tteatmentl Dr.
most experienced
the city. Consulta
strictly confldcni .
tnim a tnU and 7 to S P. II.: Snnna
M.Consult them personally, or wrl'
LAKE. 328 Penn ave Pittsburg. P-jel2-45-DWk
oci3s?8 Oottou
1 nMnnlll 1
si uumruui
.Comoosed of Cotton Koo. srsTnai
Pennyroyal a recent dis-o-rf- . 'i
Jiold physician. U sueeo ,r i .B
trmntMu Safe. Effectual. Price "i. by malt J
sealed. Ladles,-ask your dmzgH 'w tjeWp
Cotton Root Compound and take il us oeiirf
or inclosa 2 stamps for sealed part i i , , 7
dress POND LILY COMPaSV. .s I htme'i
TOnrlr 1ST "Woodward ave Detroit, 'i
" .-So!d In Pittsburg. Pa-.bvJr
ing & Hon, Diamond and Market st"
Safe and ilway. reEll. I il ' f L
In mmL metaHlff boxes, ml
blue rUbna. Tke no tb -
pUU la pirtrtwrtl bozei il A i
oen in dMrenin romlv a.
tni "Jlclief far Xadlo,"
MtMHiiilL lfmma Pod-
CUketaCba'lCnBlna ,rMV,Ti.
r" 119,
ftzxxsr Pare -
of yosUifal In- trnt.
ewisui Prematnre Decay, SerToaBh
!:' t.i, -a .ian mt VR bi hit follaw-init
XdttrMS,J.H.EEEvXS,P.O.Box8,Nv afcOS.;
od( -i
For men! Checks tho worst cases it
days, and cure In Ave days. Price SHOO.
1a5-29-TTSStt 4124Iarkets;
BuITenns irom tne euecw vl juuuuu. cnun,
Aafv wcHnifWKafrTiP. Iffltt TTiAnhOOd.'ettf.1
.rt vninfthtA tntfttiiEA fsnftld) contklnte- fr
nartlcntars for homo cm. FREE otjCharje.wA
:nuniM nAriirfti tmrV shnnld he n?adJlTrj Trt
rwi wlw) is bcttohji and debfUtfttecS. "Yrttlres
ProC V. C. VO WLK, fflCoodBaHCij
in k
How Lost! How fl
1 JuU ,
u i a1! I.
i" hi j
..14 tnel II
2 ir.i
ii n.C4
1 ".h
1 I t WJV
I Ej
a ttrw
K ft
"' r