IZX & reEW m PHE WmX WA;NTED I? By the Controllers and Charity Lt , Departments for the Tear. j IT uSI- (BOTH WILL SEED AliOUr $2,000,000. iChief EMot'Asb; for $5,000 Less Than the ' c, - Amount for 1889. f- HORBOW SATISFIED WITH 51,283,750 & " SExerybodv -wants it: the children err for i!t and the ladies who run charitv airs sim- ply demand it, and generally come out vic porious Id the general scramble for money, jfevena deacon in the TJ. P. church, demor Slized'by association with city politics and '-'(Jhe city's need, asks for money in the fol- liomng letter to tne Mayor: PrrrsBPBa, December 30, 1SS9, JUon. William C. McCaUin, Mayor: J Under orovMons of the city charter I Tiere- fwith render an estimate of money which will Rbe, required for securing impropriations for "the year 1890, iiot otherwise certified to you. The Item of judgments is not yet prepared by the Citv Attorn cv. and the amount that will be t-trequired for outstanding warrants cannot be i lurnisnca at present, out wiu ue.reponea as L'toon as possible. The amount here Riven will - hardly admit of any reduction, as they are all, t Tp,ntKne IR m nnrt ?5 inRAlntn annrnnria. i " irAB wHa ilkknHimanH o ra Avail Kvltiv AP ordinance: and as to the exceptions mentioned X do not think they can prudently be dimin ished. The item of S112.000 for appropriation No. 35 represents the amonnt which shonld be at present in the sinking fund for the redemption "of the municiD&l consolidated fund for the re demption of the municipal consolidated loan,N due lvM. out w men councils nave lauca to pro vide In the past, except that 7,000 was appro priated for the present year instead of 105,000 for which I asked. If the arrearages are not made np by at once providing the amount as I jdeslre to do, then the immediate future appro-t'j-riations for this purpose should not be less than ia,uuuper annum, i Respcctfnllv, E. S. Moiutow. Controller. THE BOODLE KEEDED. The sums asked for by the Controller are as follows: No.1, Interest and tax on loans S 715,800 No.2 salaries 70,250 Jio. 18, printing..... 17,500 Ka IB, contingent fund 15.(00 No. 2a city elections L200 .n. z:, n Dance tuna... u vm No. St. advertising tax list. 18.000 No. IXx. water loan sinking fund 90,000 Ha. Z7, landed street improvement sinking fund N o. 3). sinking fund No. SL, water loan sinking fund Ko 2.. No. 32. refunding Citv Hall and Fifth A venn e Market House bonds, sink ing 'una No. 32. fire department loan sinking 49.500 1,000 10,000 7,000 fund 10.000 No. St improvement bond sinking fupd 121.500 No. 35, municipal consolidated sinking fund 112.000 $1,283,750 The report will be sent to the Mayor this tnornlnr. As old Belisarias held out his hand for an obolus so Captain B. C. Elliot stands to day asking charity for others, with tones as TJVyitive as ever moved an audience to tears wjre witnessing "The Two Orphans." This is the plaintive appeal which the Chief sent yesterday to Mayor McCallin: Pcttsbubg. December 25. 1889. Hon. Dn,a McCallin, Mayor of the City: Dear Bib I have the honor to submit the full report of the receipts and expenditures of tne Department oi unarities ior tne ten months commencing February 1, 1889. and ending No- vemoer bu, isb. witn tne estimated expendi tures for ihe months of December, 1689, and January. 1890. Appropriation, 590,000: City Farm salaries. nn.3 ir.; iresn mear. ti,4 11; nocrana iced, 5i.7B7 9a? nrodnpe SI 704 21; rirnffn ffarml 3868 42; fish. $238 20: fuel (natural gas). $2,751 B5: lardware. JofiO 79: shoes darml. 496 19: medi cal supplies, instruments, trusses, etc., US 95: OTHER SUMS "WANTED. Repairs, 249 S3: sundries (farm). SL9Sr23: 'expense (farm), S738 37; groceries, 5.561 43; queensware, S1S8 53; drygoods, J1.C21 81; cloth- T ing (ready made), $01 80; tinware, 173 88; traveling expenses of officers returning indi gent insane to homcsS12662:milk-24fi6Q:iiiv J nlture, 1,217 32; bay and straw. $280 S4: cltr iltofllfice and district physicians' salaries, 87,108 38; iV" cash relief, $2,455 15; sundries relief. S97 16: " coal relief. L172 19: shoes relief, $536 07; jHondertaVinc 17 80: transportation, $1,056 98; ..drags (relief). 796 42: city office expense, W, r SSI 06: other poor districts (resident noor cared if or in other counties), 2S 09; children's account . ,,v uvatu, (Alluua lllDUiU,luua dllU JJUlilCSI, uo iv. insane account (uixmoni Hospital), t,i co: casn on nana, arawn Dy warrant lor relief. $126 31: total expenses for ten months. $68,063 04: estimated expenses for months of December, 1889. and January. 1890, $17,000; esti- mateu expenoirure lor year or 1Z months, (S5.063 04: estimated balance of appropriation at ciiu ui u&cai year, ti,too va CASH RECEIPTS. Transportation. $453 37; Board Dixmont, $69025; Board Citv Farm, 576150: sundries, $204 ah total receipts. $2,109 32. The department respectfully asks for an ap propriaiion for the expenses ot the year endlnc February 1, 189L of $85,000, being $5,000 less than the amonnt appropriated tor the preced ing year. Respect! ully submitted. B. a ElAIOT, Chief of the Department of Public Chanties. TKINITT CHURCH AFFAIRS wf. Humor of Rector IIIniweir Retlimntlnn f ..... Again Unde Pnbllc. Some confusion exists in regard to the affairs of Trinity P. E. Church in the minds of the public, and rejiorts are again current that the rector, Rev. Samuel Maxwell, has been requested to resign. A vestrj meeting was held last week at which the affairs of the ruinsh were very fully discussed. "While a vestryman brought up a motion to request of their rector his resignation for the good of the church solely, and upon no other grounds, the natnre of the debate upon the motion was such that it was not pressed to a final vote, and the entire matter is just where it was several years since. Dissatis faction with Eev. Mr. Maxwell is no new story in the church, and. while appearances have been carefully attended to. the rector of 1 Trinity has had some varied tastes to please feiucc auu uuriu uia incuujueucy. It is Stated that shonld not Mr. Marwell resign of his own volition, it will be impos- biujc iui iug vcotrj iaj lurce mm to retire from the rectorship. The feeling that his congregation is not entirely harmonious, it is thought, will have far more effect upon Mr. iilaxwell's actions than any reason he can present to his own mind growing out of the administration of his- dnties, which all concede to have been faithlul in the ex treme. The rector has many friends in the church who contend that tne conservatism of his KTiews, and his liberality on many questions have made his congregation feel sale under iis guidance. "With a large congregation and many duties devolving upon him. he kfhas uncomplainingly assumed burdens -which few rectors of such large churches pear. Several of the congregation are avowed in heir advocacy of a change and believe that ne will come in the near future. The Famous 81S Sale. To-day is the last of 1889. We will make t a memorable day in the clothinc trade. tCome in to-day and take vonr nice anil schoice of our entire stock'of fine clothinc. comprising suits and overcoats for 518, for either suit or overcoat You will have the :Jrom the finest line of clothinc in S&merica, such as fine Montagnac overcoats foHcape overcoats, regular uriee from S40 to $50fine dress suits, worth from $35 to $50; a uue uuaiucso buils, worm irom (ZO to All these elegant Miits or overcoats irilliiro to-dav for $18. This is a rhanr nf allifetime so don't miss it but come right in powday. P. C. C. C. kir.airant and .Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. IS. Bememberwecive you the Dick gof the entire stock of clothing in onr restore for $18 to-djr. 'tfHt, . Jn and dogskin walking glove. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. MftLBLErrLESSKESS, indigestion and pain are . . dn, la' wSV70rs that Parker's Ginger ton le will abate Cash naid Jor old gold And silver at AKfer's Hair Balsam aids thebalr growth. Hauch's, No. 295 FitttfaTe. ' " j IN THE COUNCILS. Sir. B. F. Jonea Unjuested lo Fill tbo Board or Appraiser on Free Bridges An Engine Honr Iot Bonsht. The meetings of "both branches of Pitts burg Councils yesterday sere rather tame. In Select Councils, a jgamber of petitions and ordinances were presented and referred for locating and grading-streets and other matters. One was to provide ior the open ing ot Forbes Street, from Shady avenue to the Homewood cemetery. The report of the Department of Public Safety for Kovember, showing $51,701 55 expended, was adopted. The report of the Department of Charities -for November, showing 510,457 67 expended and 5201 re ceived, was also adopted. Chief Brown and Morris Head, owing to the net work of wires in the streets, asked for an additional lineman, and the request was granted. A resolution from Chief Brown to pur chase from J. E. Glass for $2,700 an engine house lot in the Thirty-first ward, provoked a spirited discussion about the price and location, but it finall v passed with a vote of 22 to 2. Mr. Bobertson presented a scries of reso lutions requesting B. F. Jones to fill up the vacancies in the Appraisers board on lree bridges. The resolution was passed. H. C Howard complained that his bid to improve Grandview avenue was $500 lower than the others. Councils discovered lie had Inrnished only one bondsman, and his complaint was ignored, as h?did not fulfill the requirements as to sureties. A number of ordinances were passed, among them one locating Forbes street, from Boyd to Diamond streets. The location and grades of other streets -were also determined. A sewer will be put down on Twenty-eighth street, and private properties of Henry Phipps, Jr., "West Penn Hospital and Pennsylvania road. Chief Bigelow was re quested to put the sidewalks on Soho street, from Fifth avenue to Center avenue, in good repair. President Holliday, after many weeks of illness, presided in Common Council. A number of ordinances were presented. One ordinance provided that water mains shall be laid in new streets when any person or corporation pays to the city the'eost of lay ing the sime. and providing iurtber, that the amount paid shall be returned when the water rents received by the city from the main amount to 10 per cent of 'the cost of laying. A WATEK HAUL Tbe Hospital Satnrdnr Fnnd la Not more Than 8300. The Fidelity Title and Trust Company began yesterday to open the hospital Satur day and Sunday boxes, which had been dis tributed at various points through the city. The scheme was a failure. There was only one box that contained over $25, and many had less than $5 in them. The boxes have not all been collected vet, bnt will be to-day. Secretary C B. McVay said last evening that the people did not understand the scheme thoroughly. Some of the boxes con tained copies of The Dispatch and other newspapers, while nearly all of them con tained very small amounts. The total amount raised will scarcely exceed $500. Hit by a Train. Charles Carney, aged 56, stepped out of the way of a train in the Pittsburg and Lake Erie yards, yesterday, and was struck by a locomotive on another track. His ribs were broken and his arm dislocated. He was re moved to the Sonthside hospital. The Famous $18 Snle. To-day is the last of 1889. "We will make it a memorably day in the clothin? trade. Come in to-day and take your pick and choice of our entire stock of fine clothing, comprising suits and overcoats for $18, for either suit or overcoat. Ton will have the pick from the finest line of clothing iu America, such as fine Montagnac overcoats or cape overcoats, regular price from $40 to $50; fine dress suits, worth from $35 to $50; extra fine business suits, worth from $25 to $45. All these eletrant suits or overcoats will go to-day for flBr4- IWs tea Chance p( a" lifetime so don't miss it but come right in to-day. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. P. S. Bemember we give you the pick out of the entire stock of clothing in our great store for $18 to-day. Cheering New. Hamilton's Music House still open till 9 o'clock P. M., where you can secure those elegant first-class pianos at prices and terms to suit yon. Organs at $47 50, pianos at $190. A jjreat lot of holiday novelties in music cabinets, piano lamps, fine stools in plush, carved wood, cane-seat and bamboo, too numerous to mention. They must be said. We don't want to wrap tbem np and set them away for next holiday season. Come in this week and take your choicest prices marked away down. Small musical goods in endless variety. This department of our business is now an established fact. First-class goods and low prices always win. S. Hamilton, 91 and 93 Filth avenue. Grand Display of Gold Watches For New Year's presents at tbe jewelry house of Henry Terheyden, 530 Smithfield street. Haying ordered ont a very large stoclf of gold watches for the "Westinghouse Indus trial Watch Club to make their selections, I have quite a large number on hand which I will dispose of at very small margin. Fancv cases suitable for presentations, as well as plain ones for popular use. The movements are from first-class factories, viz.: Howard, Elgin, Waltham, Hampden. "Warranted accurate timekeepers. Hurry up before the New Tear, as I want to close tbem out be fore taking stock. d Pittsburg and Luke Erie Ur.llrond. On December 31 and January 1, tickets will be sold at excursion rates cood to return nntilJanuary3 inclusive, to all local points and to principal points on the N. Y.. P. & O., and Ii. S. & M. S. Kailroads. Everybody bear in mind that Hen dricks & Co., 68 Federal st., Allegbeny. will have their photograph gallery open all day New Year's. Good cabinets ?1 a doz. H. Sonnen berg's society gallery, No. 35 Fifth ave., .Pittsburg, will be open New Year's Day. Cabinets at reduced rates. Use elevator. Urllnr. Call and see us in our new store. Urliko & Son, Merchant Tailors, Tusu No. 47 Sixth ave., Lewis Block. TJrling. If yon want an elegantly-made suit and a large assortment of goods to select from, call at TJrling & Son's, Merchant Tailors, No. 47 Sixth ave., Lewis Block. tusu B.&B. Stores closed all day to-morrow (New "V, wu vfcu .uuiauay tiov Willi more live bargains than ever. Boggs & Buhl. OIcGlnty Molasses Cakes. Just the thing to please the little ones. New, sweet and delicious. Your grocer keeps them. Now Is Your Ciinnce. A reduction of 16 per cent is made on all terra cotta and bisque goods, artificial flowers and bronzes at Hauch'a, No. 295 Fifth ave. Those who use Frauenheim & Vilsack's celebrated nje and porter pronounce it ex cellent In flavor nnd viry beneficial in fts eflect Kept by all first-class dealers". Men's Bne neckwear at James H, Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. . HEW HOUSES. BUILT. The Unrnber of Buildings Erected in Pittsburg for '89 is 3,241. AFINBR STILE OF ARCHITECTURE. Materials Used of Good Quality and Excel lent Taste Shown. LIHT-COLORED FAINT IS A FEATURE Pittsburg is growing, and the evidences of the fact, as in any healthy youth, are shown in the growing panes which shine from tbe walls of tbe buildings put up within the year. Assistant Bnilding In spector J. A. A. Brown said yesterday: "I have not the slightest doubt that when the year's estimate is finished accurately it will show $900,000 advance over last year, the aggregate cost of the buildings ior 1889 reaching close on to $7,000,000. This is a very good showing, and I am glad to be able to record it, more especially as the builders for some years bad become careless in taking out the permits, and had to be chased up after tbe contracts were about half completed. No man who does his duty as a Building" In spector can judge of the material in either a brick or stone wall after it has been built, pointed and finished. I condemned several loads of brick to-day which were to have been put into a chimney, while if the chimney- had been built, faced with good brick and made to look pretty, it would be im possible to detect the bad material except by shinning up the inside and punching I .1 A luh mI ClAA 1a4 Thlt l-l AM AWAW JIUtes luruuKU. UIUVU UU1J, uunciu. the builders have been coming into line and taking out permits in time, which enables us to keep an accurate record of the progress of the city." Just at this moment Councilman Evans, of the Twenty-seventh ward, entered the office, and corroborated Captain Brown's statement by getting out a permit for a building upon which ne bad been some time at work. THEEE BUILDINGS IN FOBTY TEARS. The building operations for the year 1889 reveal some very startling if not amusing facts. One bnilding has been put up in the Thirty-third ward, the third within 40 years. Those who will remember Con troller Morrow's sarcastic remarks about the Assessor's bill for doing the work be tween the Smithfield street and the Point bridges on one street will appreciate the reason why so few buildings have been erected in an almost exclusively manu facturing district ot very few blocks in extent. The- 'total number of buildings erected up to yesterday was 3,241 during the year, as against 2,676 for 1888. The appreciation in value, as noted above, lies notso much in the larger num ber ot places put up as in the superior .style of architecture, and the improvement in the material resulting from a close watch by the Building Inspectors. Another tact visible to the naked eye, as Inspector Hoffman puts it, is the general cleanliness of the buildings and the bright effect of tbe light-colored paint which some years ago would have been a waste ol money. Seven years ago a building painted white would be a curiosity during its brief career in that hue, while to-day the sun flashes down rays upon thousands of such houses all raised since the advent of natnral gas. THE EECOED BY MONTHS. In order to show the relation which one month bears to another in the building trade and the materials of which the new bonses are constructed, the following table has been compiled irom tbe records In the Building Inspector's office, the material of the buildings being placed at the top of each column: Iron Brick. Frame. Clad. Stone. Total. January,.... 41 128 3 .. 176 February... 15 72 2 SI March. S8 188 .. .. 27 April 171 182 .2 .. S55 May 182 ITS' 1 1 860 June 115 184 tl .. 250 July 157 190 S 5 357 August 125 217 2 1 315 September.. 112 218 8 3 831 October 91 187 2 7 289 Novembnr.. 59 145 15 2 221 December... 65 125 S 1 198 1,223 1,056 41 30 8,241 These tables include the building permits issued, including those of yesterday, and to tbis must be added one iron structure erected in May. The Building Inspectors state that the prospects for the coming year are even much better than those for the last vear were at this same time, and predict at least an $8,000,000 investment iu bnilding material to be added to the solid resources of Pittsburg. TBACHEBS EXAMINATIONS. The Committee on Permanent Certificates Have Selected Sntardnr. The Committee on Permanent Certificates hare fixed the first Saturday in February as the day upon which the examination of teach ers will beqin. It will continue as follows: February 1, physiology, composition and reading: February 8. music, spelling and ceog raphy; February 15, drawing aud general in formation; March 1, grammar and history: March 8, business forms and arithmetic Dls Queer Presentment. Ernest Eimmler, of Spring Garden, 'a superstitious German, had a presentment that he would die at 12 o'clock Sunday night "When the time came he was seized with violent twistings, bnt be still lives. The doctors stated that he fainted from the terrible strain on his mind. Teachers Elected. The teachers who have been selected for the new "Whittier school, on ML "Washing ton, to be opened next Monday, are: Miss Moreland, who will be in charge and who will rank as assistant principal; Misses Brisbin, Boyer, AVeir, Young and Sellers. New Year's Eve Service. A New Year's Eve service will be held in St. Andrew's Church, Ninth street, be ginning at 11:30 f. M., and closing at 1216. The music will be furnished by a male quartet. For a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. Pears' 8oap tbe purest and best ever made Those who use Prauenheim Ss Vilsack's celebrated ale and porter pronounce it ex cellent in flavor and very beneficial in its effect. Kept by all first-class dealers. Gns Fires, Gns Stoves, Gaa Banges, Etc O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. Silk handkerchiefs and mufflers at James H. Aiken & Co.'s. 100 Fifth ave. MEETINGS. ATTENTION, CODRT CITY OF PUTS . BURG No. 6194, A. O. F of America. Brethren, you will meet at your hall, 20 Fifth avenue, on WEDNESDAY, January L at 2 p. M , to attend the funeral of Brother Walter Green. Sister courts are respectfully Invited to attend. By order F. J. COCHRANE, Chairman. THOMAB KEEM. Bee de31-85 BARGAINS IN JEWELRY BOYS' watches, $3 and up; misses' solid silver watches, fo. GO and up; fine gold watches, dia monds, jewelry, silverware, clocks, spectacles, eta, at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave, Pittsburg! Watches and jewelry carefully repaired. de28JTTS p A BAI.PH, BOTLDHW3 CONTRACTOR, 41 seventh avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1344. se38-TTS COUPONS OF THIS FIRST MORTGAGE bonds of the Nortbside Bridge Company, due JANUARY L 1890, will be paid on and after that date on presentation at the office of Messrs. Robinson Bros., No. 415 Wood street. dea-60 b, u ORB, Treaawer. WPUES, JO"DUplaz- adv,erHemmh one doUar jwr tquare for 'ne insertion, CVusified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted. For Bale, 2b Zet, etc., ten cents per line or each inser tion, cmd none taken for less than fifty entt. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH Branch offices. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, .For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 6 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Adrertltements are to be prepaid except where advertiser slreadr nave accounts with Tub Uls- fAICH. riTTSOTHB. THOMAS McrA FrKKY, 35u9 Butler street. KMIL G. STUCKEY. Hth street and Jfenn are. E. C STUCKEY A CO., VYylle ave. and Kultonit. N. bTOKKLY, i'ittti Avenue Market House. BABTXND. i.Yt. WALLACE, tui Fenn avenue. OXBXAITD. UCALL1STEK4 SHElBLER,Stnav. AAlwoodit. sotrrnsrPB. JACOB SPOHN. No. SCarson street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEU, 59 Federal street. H. 3. McBRIDF, Market House, Allegheny. FEED H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F.JL EG0EU3 4 SON. Ohio and Chestnut sn. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENEY, Western and Irwin ares. G.W. HUGHES, FennsrlTanlaand Beaver ares. FEKBYM. GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny area. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. TV. W. FLOCEEE. Stationer.. No. 4 Grant are. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOB THE SOUTHSIDE AT 0. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRrPTlONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDIWON8, AND FOR THE SPECIAIiSOTJTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH BATURDAY. WANTED. JJInle IlelD. TTTANTFD-GOOD BUTCHER. APPLY AT YY MEAT MARKET, 4SU Butler St. desi-so -rTTANTF.D-EXl'ERlENCED DRUG CLEKK. VV Address SALIX, Dispatch office. ,del-84 ANTED-A GOOD BARBFR. X Q. STRERB. 183 Main st West End, cltr deSI-42 YTTANTED A GOOD BARBER. AFI'LY TO YV H. A. NIEDERGALL, Rochester, Fa. de3l-ss TTTANTED Fl IlST-f "LASS BARBER IN- W QUIRE at HARRY E. JONES', 2601 Penn ac Fen de31-75 ave, city. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A GOOD white barber. N. F. KAYBURN. Home stead, Pa. de31-61 W ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS for the Century Dictionary. CANVASSER B. WATTS & dc31-62JTUWT CO., 431 Wood st. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED QUARRY MAN: also brlckmakcr. GEO. S.MARTIN & CO., 603 Liberty st. dt31-30 WANTED-FIRS1-CLAS3 LOCK AND BOLT ...... J?.t.t?r .!r burglar work. Address THE MOSLER BANK SAFE CO., Cincinnati, Olio. de-24 WANTED-BOY TO ASSIST AT "Ori'lCE work and make himself generally useful; must be a good penman. Address L., Dispatcn offlce. deJl-28 WANTED -MAN TO RUN CLEAVING , , mills In store foundry. DbHAVEN A CO , LIM., corner Preble and Stanton ave., Alle gheny. deil-67 "TTTANTED-A CURTAIN UPHOLS1EREE vv none but those of good experience and J?S.rcesneeaaPP'T- O. MCCLINTOCKiCO., S3 Fifth nve de28-8l-D WANTED-SMART MAN WITH KM TO manage a new business In this State: no f ompetltlon: can make t200 a month. Addnss D. E. B Dispatch office. dell-27 YTTANTED-A BRIGHT YOUNG PRINTER i r can obtain a permanent and desirable posi tion as foreman. Address, stating wages ex pected, GOOD SIT, Dispatcn office. dttl-84 WANTED-TWO F1RST-CLAS3 CUTTERS and lead firlazlers for -stntnpH irTnatf atata experience; good wages: Bteadj- work. Address D1A1AE.U Uti L.ASS. Dispatch office. dtJl-W reierences ana S3H) casn capital requl MASON, Room 21, McUlntock bnlW lug. (4e3I-53 W ANTED-A F1KST-CLAB3 SALESMAN TO sell on commission a full line oft nfant turns and child's McKay sewed shoes. Aolress. witn reference, FOLMER & CO., Orwlgsbiirg WAST.5:5A SALESMAN FOR AUALTI MORE dry-goods Jobbing nouse with head quarters lu Pittsburg. Address (stating age, reference and experience) Y. X, .Dispatch office. ' de3i-4J WANIED-KELIABLK LOCAL ADTRAV LLINQ salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now: fast-selling ipeclaltles! don't delaT: salary from Start. BKiyTN BK03., Mnrterynifn, Kocnester. M.Y. jiel7-ro-TTS WAN1ED-BAD WRITERS, SMARTS FRAC tB0PU,?INE93 A SBORTHAND COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street (near brldgt). open x. M. to 9 F. M. ; good pennmanshlp guaranteed In a few lesbonsj private rooms for ladles dt!8-43-TTSSU WANTED-ASS1STANT BOOKKEEPER OR entry clerk by city house; address stating age. experience and salary expected; satisfactory irea irom surcessrm appii ., Box 117, Pittsburg P. O. cant. Addr p. B, de31-U7 WANTED - MEN - (60 SALARY, ?) EX-FE-NSES In advance allowed each month; steady employment at home or traveling; no so liciting; duties delivering and making collections; np postal cards. Address with sltmp. HAFEU& CO., Piqua, 0. de20-62-TTSSU WAN1ED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT hospital steward: must cone well recom mended, be a good nurse, and familiar with drugs; single man: for an Institution outside the city: salary 8360 per annum, with board and washing. Address V. Z Dispatch office. deZ7- WANTED.-200 MINERS - FIRST-CLASS men; to go to Lehlgb, Indian Territory; good wages and permanent employment; trans portation allowed on satisfactory terms. Address W. B. MUNSOiN, Vice-President Southwestern toil and Improvement Co., Dennlson. Tex, v da-69-D ' WANTED-SALESMEN AT P5 PER MONTH salarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; by simple only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for fall irtlcnlars and sample lease of goods free. STAN AKD blLiVERWAUK CO., BObton, Mass. 6C24-90-D WANTEO-AGENTS-GENERAL AND LO CAL agents to handle the new pat. Chem ical Ink Erasing pencil: greatest novelty ever produced: erases fnk In two seconds: no abrasion of paper; 200 to SO per cent proUt; sells at sight; territory absolutely free; salary to good men: samp'e j 35 cents by mall. For terms and lull artlcnlars address the manufacturers. THE lONROE ERASER CO., La Crosse, Wis. de29-21 YT7-ANTED-AN" ACTIVE, ENER(il!TIO TV youngman, between 23 and 30 years of age, to act as assistant manager of an Important Pitts burg enterprise: mnst be sober, have a good edu cation, as well as tact and address In approaching and dealing with men, and willing to devote Llm 6eir entirely to the Interests of the enterprise; the opening is sn unusual one, and offers the right man an opportunity to make a reputation; salary at first. 11,000 a year. Address A. M.. Dis patch office, Pittsburg, Pa. de29-37 W ANTED-A FEW HONEST AND INTELLI GENT persoasto take orders in this and surrounding towns on "Stanley in tbe Wilds of Africa, and How He Rescued Emln Pasha." The Intrepid hero has Just returned to civilization; eubllc interest In him Is at fever beat: this lathe tanleybook tbe people want; send SO cents for outfit and be the first In tbe field, or write Imme diately for full particulars, terms, etc.; agents are lust coining-monev: write onirk. kRank. LIN PUBLISHING CO., Box 920, Richmond, Va, de29-71-29,30,3l,JaZ4,6 TITAN TED AGENTS EVERFWHERE TO VV tell and evcrvbody to use Dr. O'Keefe's 23 ets. liver pills, cold or catarrh pills, cough pills, diarrhea pills, dvspepsla pills. rheuinstUm pills, headache pills, worm pills, skin eruption pills, kidney plus, neuralgia pills, leucorrbcea pills, menstrual pills, sore throat pills, croup pills, nervous debility pills, general debility nills. nerve pills, teething pills, piles pills, nou-ca- vilAitiU (Jilts, nuuujjlUg tuuKd Dills, eve nills. backache pills, 25 cts. each: Ian arge bottles 1 00 sent postage paid. DR. O'KEEFE i CO., Homeo pathic Chemists, 34 Fifth ave., Pittsbnrg, Pa. de31-7S Stole nnd Pomaie Heln. WANTED-i FARM HANDS, 20 LABORERS; man to attend to a horse and cow, 100 bouse frlrls, 20 for hotels, cooks and chambermaids, sundress, dlnlngroom girl, dishwasher. MEE UAN'S, MS U rant St. dc30-D Partners. "rrjANTED-PARTNER-LADY OKGENTLE- MAN With 1200. for Uffht offlpa hnslnesn? tin risk. Address D. R. P., Dispatch office. deSl-37 WANTED PARTNER -A RARE OPPOR TUNITY to invest S3, 000 or aio,000wlthor without services. In a large, well-established and very profitable mercantile business In this city. For particulars address LOCK BOX 779. Pitts burg, Pa. de22-l7 Boarding. ' WANTED-TNFUBNlSHFb ROOMS " AND board for gentleman, wlfcj and child 5 ) ears old, permanent as a heme; between now and April L B.V., Dispatch office. de3t-60-TTS TITANTED-HOOM AND BOARD-BVT AMAN VV and wife from New York; must be first- - i, ! ciass ana clean: renn avenue preferred.! Write, Buiiagwuii auu location, V) vvJUUSMVp Ifis yattu vmw, , - iML-fu WANTED. Situations. TTrANTEU-SlTUATlON BY HONEST, IX VV DUSTRIOUS simile man: Inside work pre ferred. Address HONEST, Dispatch office? deJ3-5 WANTED-FOS1TITON AS COFYIST-CAN give good reference If required. Address MAUD A. UUAW, 33S Koblnson street. Alle gheny. dc30-2S TTTANTEO-BY XOUNO MAN A FOS1TION VV of anv kind; not afraid of work, and There he will nave a cliance of promotion,' Address H, M Dispatch office. de3I-33 WANTED-FOSiriON BY AN EXfEltl ENCED traveling man to travel or wore In the city: good references. Address, before Jan, 1, N. D. U Dispatch office. deZS-Z7 w ANTED-FOSITION AS COFYIST. OK would do office wor. bv ladv who can far- nisn oesi or reierences. Aaaress ju, Q., No. IM Twenty-sixth street, Sonthside. desl-ro -TrrANTED-SITUATION IN DKUGSTOltE VV Seven years1 experience? graduate and registered manager In Pennsylvania: reference furnished. Address BOX 128, WlieeUng. W. Ya. de31-31 WANTFD-AGENOY FOB A MANUFAC TURINGS, or good paying specialties la the n-vr State of Washington: references rur nlshed. Address MAN'F. AGENT, Dlipaub of fice. de31-4S -TYr ANTED SITUATION DRUG CLERK. VV experienced man, thoroughly practical and reliable; registered In Pennsylvania ard Ohio. T. V.. care of Schwartz & Uictwrlght, 431 Wood St., Pittsburg, Fa. de31-74 w ANTED-SITUATION BY A THOROUGH LY nractlcal mechanical engineer. 40veanc of age. a member of Institution of Mechanical En gineers, London, who has had many years' expe rience as master mechanic both In this country and Enrope: desires similar situation; unexcep tionable references. Address M. L M. .. Dis patch office de2$7 Boarders and Lodgers. WANTED - OCCUPANTS FOB DOUBLE parlors, furnished suitable for physician or married conple; also newly furnished front bed room. CallNo. 23 MONTGOMERY AVE.. Alle gheny. dc31-3S FlnanciaV t WANTED-SMALL MOR1GAGE3-L J.WIL SON. 149 Fourth ave. no26-8 TrrANTED-MORTGAGES MON EY TO LOAN TV In sums to suit at Vi, S and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 1S4 Fourth ave Tel. 1C7. iplS-U-TTSSU YTTANTED-MORTGAGE3 ON CITY PEOF- VV ERTY. over S4.C00; Hi per cent; no tax. cer cent; no tax S2Fourth avenue. UIjKI A. UJIAVJWAW. mh2-a22-D WANTED-MOETGAGr2a-1.000,000TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4M, Sands per cent, iree oi crate tax no delav. REED B. CUXL.b4BUU. 131 1 ourth ave. myzi-eo WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON SIORT . GAGES In amounts to suit. In city or conn- try, at 4 to 8 pe SAMUEL AV.B: at. as to seenritv no delav. Lau& a, aj. . .. .. . n. t.r. '. 99 Fourth ave. deS-H-MTWTF YTTANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS V V of $3; 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at s and per cent. BLACK BAIRD, K Fourth avenue. se2l-d2S-i TTT ANTED-MORTG AGES-11, 000, 000TO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand c per cent, ana on larms in Allegheny and aal cent counties at (per cent. 1. AL PENNOCK and aala- NOCKTA bun, ltt t ourtn avenne. ap7-fll -TTTANTKD-TO lUAN (200.000 ON MORT V V GAtrES; flOO and upward at per cent; 4u,wuab vi per cem on residences or onsiness property; aiso in aaioiuing counties. S. H. r ncn c CU. la Fourth avenue. OC24-4-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-noo.000 TO LOAN on mortgages. In sums from o00 to 110,000, for S to 6 years on city property, at very low rates, write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 138 Filth ave. Telephone No. 17S4. nolS-47 miscellaneoniu WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) or Stewart Co. 's fine cabinet photos for fL at SO and 92 FEDERAL ST., Alle gheny mv2S-4-TT8u WANTED BrLLIARD TABLE-MUST BE IN pood repair; slze4Kx9: can't use comblna- iiod iaDie .aaaress, wiid uescnpuon ana rice, ji,Lmvxij, Ajspaicu omce. ai WANTED-EVERONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 98 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St.. All'y., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one doxen cab. photos, all for (S; all One work. mhlt-63 YTJANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING 10 VV days, anybody contemplating the purchase of Christmas gifts to call and exa .nine our great as sortment or diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silver ware, clocks and bronzes; our goods are entirely new and consist of all the latest novelties to be found in the Eastern markets: Just think of lt; you can buy a triple-plated sugar bowl, pickle castor, spoon holder, butter dish or cup at (1 each at M. J. HMIT'S. SU Smithfield st. deCMIS FOR SALE IMPROVED UEAL ESTATK Earn End Residence. FOR SALE-TWO FRAME HOUSES ON AT WOOD st , near Bates: each house contains S rooms; water, etc. in bouse: lots 45x100. BAR NETTACHAPL1N. 101 Fourth avenne. de31-49 FOR SALE A SMALL CASH PAYSIENT AND balance on long time will buy a line residence sitn in Villa Park plan, Brushton; our prices are very low, and now Is the time to invest. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield street. de29-52-TTSSU FOR SALE A VERY DESIRABLE DWELL ING, neat and new, 6 rooms, late Improve ments, finished attic; lot 60x150 ft. ; price low and terms almost as easv as rent: near the station at Shadvsldc. See V. A. HEREON & SONS, BO Fourth ave. del7-ol-Tu FOR SALE-THERE ARE TEN VERY DE SIRABLE nouses now in course of construc tion on Oakland square; to be finished complete ready for occupancy by April 1; five of these houses are already sold, leaving five still available to buyers; prices, 7,500, 3,000 and (10,000, accord Ing to sli and location, lots vary in size from 30x 100 to 92x150: Atwood St., now paved with asphalt from Filth ave to Oakland square, and traction road being laid. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. del2-4 FOB SALE-AT OAKLAND, ON FORBES ST, and Coltart square: only fS.300: tormsvery liberal, SS00 cash, easy payments thereafter: a chance to own a nome at little expense above a fair rent; new brick dwellings, modern style of architecture, 9 and 13 rooms, cement cellar, beater, steel range, open grates, tablnet mantels of choice woods, crsytal gas fixtures, electric gas lighting, electric bells, artistic papering and decorations of latest designs, stained glass, etc.: the plan Is most admirable; with abundant clos ets: Kitchen Is large and light, and complete in every detail; laundry and stationary washtubs and natural gas; street Improvements all made; sidewalks of asphalt: plumbing of the best char acter, with nnder-dralnage direct to the sewer: the location is choicest m Oakland, with fine views surrounding, with raptd transit by cable cars; only 15 mlnntes from Market st., for 5-cent rare. See W. A. HEREON i. SONS, No. SOFonrtbave., or D. K. BEAM, Superintendent, on the premises, de29-25 ATlezhenr Residences. FOR SALE-2 BRICK HOUSES, 8 ROOMS each: lots 20xl4Seach; houses well built and nearly new; SII.OOO Tor all. A. D. WILSON, U Federal St., Allegheny. de2M8-TTS FOR SALE-LOTS. CUT Lot i FOR 8ALE-A LOP 24X100 ON WEBSTER AVE., near cable cars. Inquire at 156 SOUTH AVE., Aiicgueuy. de31-3G Enut End 1-or. FOR SALE B ADM GROVE LOTS- THE cbotccst restricted property for private dwell ings In the East End; for convenience of access and prospective advancement In value nothing else on the market appro iches lt. Full in lor na tion from MELLON BROS., East End; or JOHN F. P. BAXTER, Agt..5i2 Smithfield street. de29-52-TTSSU AUnshenv Lots. TTlOtt BALE -FINE BUILDING LOTS ON D Fayette st., Allegheny. A. V, WILSON, 55 Federal st. de29-48-TTS TTiOR SALE-FOE A FEW DAYS-ONE OF THE J finest buildings sites In Allegheny: lot 60x140 feet; tall and see about It. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal st. , Allegheny. de29-47 Farm. FOB SALE FARM 120 ACRES-(90 PER acre; large 2-story brick dwelling, bank Darn, out buildings: all slate roof: limestone soil; one mile from station and river. ED. W1TTISH, 410 Qrant St., Pittsburg. de2g-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bimlness Chafaces. FOR SALE F1RST.CLASS BUTCHER STORE; good reason for selling; easy payments. In quire 10)JlFTHAyE:de-17 T70B SALE-DRUUBrOKE IN ALLEGHENY; jl. proprietor ucmres iu quit Dusioess; gooa lo cation. Address 1. R. S., Dlsnatch office. de21-7 FOR SALE -HALF and tinshon: good 1 INTEREST IN STOVE and tinshon: s small canll ood trade and doing good busl- ness- small capital. For Information address L. FIIZMIElt, ConuellsvlUe, Pa, de29-30 TJOR SALE AN ESTABLISHED RETAIL i grocery business in Allegheny; nestle In tbe city and a large trade, mostly cash. grocery business In Allegbeny; best location Ad- dress retail grocer, Dispatch office, de2-33-a FOB SALE-CIGAR STOKE DOING S1S0 PER week; also drugstores, grocery stores, con fectioneries, restaurant, -well located, with seven furnished rooms. 11,000: hair interest In paying business with salary, Sj00. PERLTVAL & CHAP MAN, 67 Fifth ave., second floor. de3l-ra TTIOR SALE-GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOB jl one or two active men witn some capital to step Into a paying wholesale produce commission business, profits tbis yearwm reach sio.ooo; engaged In other business reason for selling, ear will reach S10.000; owner seas reas on for selll n ir. Ad dress F. C DICKSON, 140 Monterey St., Alle gheny. delO-SO FOB BALE-GOOD FISH AND OYSTER depot, grocery stores, S3S0 to (10,000; cigar stores. (200 to SI, 600; light business clearing (75 weekly; drugstores, country stores, boarding houses, milk routes, conrectlonerlis. bakeries and other good business chances. SHEFARD & CO.. m ciuaave. Bcsinoaa Stand. TJiOR BA ij with wood and SONS, 89 IOR BALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY 49x80 FT., riui -aiorT DuuuiDii tmirn. Between and Bmlthdeld streets. W, A, HEREON & NTMmil WV I M-W rnnrui p. fuiTjnjra I f W". FOR SALE-H1SCEELANEOU6. " Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock. Etc T7OR SALE-TWO DRAUGHT HORSES. HAR- jl' jmjo anu wagon. MCO.UEWAN ft DOUG- LAS, 339 Fenn ave. (TCJ1-04 Machlaerr and Metals. F0.' it SALE ENGINES AND UOl I.ERS V KW J,JX? reotted: renalrln?nromptrr attended to. POSTER OU NDK AND,flACdlN ECO., H&L, below Suspension bridge; Allegheny, Fa. aulO-23 TJWB SALE (INK Srrti TTfVRIZI'l'hl'PAT. TTW- GINK. 2S.flm fit RPiniif1.hsnrf viparinas slcn uwi.wuK m yvrbauir engines anu Dipmen vaivcs. castings, etc VELTE & MCDONALD. Fenn avenne. lyM-si-rrs YiaIbM-mm AMrl .l a t! FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes andstyles In stock, (Tom 4 to 100 h. p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. Sto 25 h. p.: boilers aft sizes ana styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Fark way, Allegheny, Fa. OC25-80-D Mlacellnneons. TjIOR SALE HOr.HJAY OtFTS Rlir.TIl SIL- JD VEBstem-wlnitlng watches, fi, 8, I17.al M.J. BMIT'A SU Smithfield St. "-" de29-HS FOR SALE-HOLIDAY GIFTS-MISSES' AND children's rings, solid gold, 75c St 25. 175 M. J.SMIT, SUSnUtnfleldsu de29-HS FOR SALE HOLIDAY GIFTS LADIES' bracelets and bead necklaces. SI 23, R and S3 25. M. J. 8M1T, SU Smithfield St. deZMU F OR SALE HOLIDAY GIFTS LADIES' vest. Oueennr Victoria chains, roll nlate. at II, ft 50 and 223. M. . SMIT, 311 Smithfield sL. de29-ll5 FOR BALE A NATIONAL CASH REGISTER: nearly new: suitable for grocery or restau rant: sold cheap. Inquire of ARBUCKLES, wholesale merchants. de28-23 TJWR SALE THREE PAIRS GENUINE D1A X1 MOND earrings, weight. IX karats, abso lutely perfect and white, at flOO per pair: also 2 pairs weighing 2Jf karats, same quslltv, at S225:9 pairs weighing 1 1-18 karats each, at ?70 per pair; also 21 pairs weighing karat, at f2 50 per pair, and 17 pairs weighing-U to W karat, from S17 to S30 per pair.at M. J. SM1TS, 311 Smithfield st. . third door from Fourth ave. de29-U5 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDREDS OF new books, nicely bound In cloth gilt, atSte each; many flue books In elegant bindings; come and see them. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty St., near Ninth. nc3-33 PERSONAL-HE FELL IN LOVE WITH HIS wife, and well he might after she presented htm with one or M. J. Smlt's beautiful gold watches, which cost her but25. M. J. SMIT? 311 Smithfield St., third door from Fourth ave. ae29-115 PERSONAL HIS LOYE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by tbe wife Insisting, on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ol course, was done In a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed lo send all their wort hereafter to DICKbON, the Tailor. 6S Firth ave.. corner Wood st , second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns la their household, lelephone 1558. aujO-D LOST. T OST OR STRAYED-A MULE. A SUITABLE JLJ reward will be paid If returned to SHOEN BERGER, SPEER CO., cor. llfteenth and Etna sts. de3I-SS LOST-ON SATURDAY. DECEMBER H, A lady's open-faced silver watch, with gold chain attached. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving word at DISPATCH OFFICE. deJl-KJ LOST-ALL REGARD FOR FORMER PRICES and now offer L000 pairs Rhinestone and Vol taic diamond ear drops ana screw knots from SI to (3 25; all mounted in solid gold settings, and war ranted to retain their brilliancy. 41. J. SMIT, 311 Smithfield st.. third door from Fourth ave. N. B. Complete selection of lace pins, brooches, scarf pins, studs aud collar buttons mounted with Rhinestones and Voltaic diamonds, and make one of tbe most suitable gifts for the holidays. de29-115 FOUND. FOUND-SIX WEEKS AGO. ON WOOD ST.. a lady's gold pin. Inquire at 156 SOUTH AVE. Ally. de31-35 "POUND-THAT M. J. SMIT. 311 SMITHFIELD X st, has 500 ladles' gold watches, all stem winders and setters, which he Is selling from (9 to (45 each, and every watch is warranted for time and quality, and are suitable for holiday gifts. Remember thename and number, M. J.BMir. 311 Bmltbfleld at. dr'S-115 NOTICES. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO NAVI. J.1 GATORS on tbe Monongabela river that tbe southern channel span of tbe Smithfield street bridge will be closed for navigation during JANUARY by false works necessary for erection ofnew structure. G TJSTAV LLNDENTHAIi, deg-95 Chief Engineer. PROPOSALS. Office of ) controller of allegrent cotjntt. PrrTSHURO. pa, December 80, 1889 ) "VI OTICE TO BAKERS AND BUTCHEBS Jj Sealed proposals will be received at this office Until' p'clock m. Friday, January 3, 1S90, for snpplyinc Allegheny County Jail with bread and meat from January 15, 1890, until July 18, 1890.. Bread to be of good quality wheat bread. Proposals for meat will be: First, pood quality boiling beef, not to contain more than 23 per cent bone; second, to bo free from bone and fat and accompanied with such amount of soup bone as tbe Warden shall direct. The. board reserves the right to consider either proposition in tbe interest of the county. All supplies to be subject to the approval of tbe Warden, and be furnished in such quantities and at such times as he shall direct. For further Information inquire at the county jaiL The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOSIAH SPE KR, Controller and Secretary of Prison Board. de31-81 LEGAL NOTICES. TESTATE OP ANDREW JACKMAN, DE ill CEA.SED.-Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary under the last will and testament of Andrew Jackman, late of the city of Pittsburg: in Allegbeny county. Pa., de ceased, have been issued to me by the Register of said county. All persons owing the estate will please make payment thereof, and all per sons having claims against the estate will pre sent them properly probated tor payment. EDWARD F. JACKM AN, Executor, 638 Penn ave.. Pittsbnrg, Pa. no26-i3-Tu NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON TUESDAY. January 14, 1890, application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania by Percy F. Smith, J. J. McCormick, Wm. Mac runi, Geo. Glass and W. A Zaun, under the corporation act of 1874 and its supplements, for the charter of a corporation to be called "The Chartiers valley Electric Light Company." tbe character and object of which is supplyinglight, heat and power to the public by means of elec tricity, in Chartiers township. Allegheny coun ty. Pa, WJI. MACBUM, Bolicitor. delB-12-16,24,31 mm IN THE COURT OF QUARTER SES SIONS of Allegbeny county. Pennsylva nia. In re application for transfer of license No. 62. March Term, 1889. W. S. Anderson A Co. to Florence C. Miller. Notice is bereby given that on tbe Uth day of JANUARY, AD. 1890, at 10 o'clock. A. u., the application for the transfer of tbe above license. No. 62, to Florence C. Miller will be beard by tbe said Court, at which time persons opposing said transfer, as well as parties above named, will appear. D. K. McGUNNEGLE, Clerk. deSl-41 ELECTIONS. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-THE AN p NUAL meeting of the stockholders of the Mononeahela Navigation Company will be held on THURSDAY, January 9, 1890. at the offico of the company. No. 101 Grant street, Pitts burg, at 2 o'clock P. X., for tbe election of offl cers and managers of the company for tbe en suing year, and other business. W. BAKEWEUj, Secretary. de9-3-19.20,2L24,28.2S.31.ja2.4.5,7,9 TJILECTION-THE ANNUAXi MEETING JTJj of the stockholders of the Nonhside Bridge Co. for the election of a Board of Si rectors will be held at the office of Wm. B. Rodeers, Esq., No. 08 Diamond at nn TUES DAY, January 7. lS90,at the hour of 8.30 o'clock P. H. Transfer books closed from January 1 to January 9. JAS. H. LINDSAY, President. de31-60 The Arsenal Bank of PrrrsBURO, December 26. 1889. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION of twelve directors for this bank to serve for tbe ensuing year will beheld at tbe bank ing bouse, corner Butler and Forty-third streets, on WEDNESDAY, January 8, 1890, be tween the hours of 11 a. ii. and 1 p.m. de27-97-D W. a WILLIAMS. Cashier. Axiizohent National Bank. 4,. Pittsiiuro. Pa., December 13, 1SS9. TLECTION THE ELECTION FOR JLU RECTORS of this bank for tbe ensuing year will be held at the banking house. No. to tilth avenue, on TUESDAY, January 14, 1890, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 12 M. del-a2-D F. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier. First National Bank, Pittsburg. Pa. j Pittsbitro. JJecember. 14, 1889. ( ELECTJ.ON-THE ANNUAL ELECTION of nine directors for this bank, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at tbe Banking Honse, corner Wood st. nd Fifth avenue, TUESDAY, January 14, 1880, between the hours ot 11 A. M. and 1 o'clock p. x. del4-31-D J. D. SCULLY. OFFICE OS THE COLUMBIA OIL Co., - No. 5M Market bT.. Pitt3BUE(l December Z7. 1889. mHE ANNUAL MEETING OK )HI I stockholders of tbo Columbia Oil Co. will Be held on THURSDAY. January 9, 1889. at U o'clock A. M. for the election of directors and for the transaction of such business as may be KMtfited, A. P. McGBEW, Secretary., . 9P5P TOiliET. Cltr Residences. ma LET -A LARGE AND FIRST-CLASS A. house. 10 rooms, well Improved, rent low, on Boss nemr Third ave. See W. A. HEBRON UO&S, 80 Fourth ave,- de3M3 East End Residences. TO LET-HOUSEOFB1X BOOMS AND ATTIC, both Llnds of gas, etc.; late improvements; on Claybourn St., Shadyllde. S minute from sta tion: rent IIS per month. See W. A. HEURON SONS, SO Fourth ave. aezS-77-D Allegheny Residences. TO LET-SEE EWING 4BYEBS, NO. ED ERAL st. (for Allegheny houses). de29-d9-Tusu Arirrment. mo LET-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS flEC JL OND story front and bacg. stationary wash stand and use ofbath. 432 PEN NAVE, deto-14 Offices. Dealt Boom, etc TO LET-DESK BOOM IN VERY DESIRABLE office, central location, suitable for business or profession. Address BEAVER, Dispatch office. de27-S2-D TO LET-fBO PER YEAR A LARGE, WELL LIOHTED office wltb all modern conven iences: newly painted and papered; has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at HERMAN LA HAVINGS BANK. 43 Wood St. Jilscelliineouii. TO LET-NOTA 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE.BUT to let you know that yon can select the nicest goods suitable for holiday girts at M. J. SMTP'S, 311 DmlthBeld st , who U selling ladles' rings, solid gold, at (I SO, 2, (2 75, and warranted as repre sented. de23-lI5 OFFICIAtV-Pr -PITjTS; crrrn BURG. OFFICE OF THE FREASURES. I PlTTSBUBO, December 2. 1889. -J NOTICE-NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tuat tbe duplicates for the second as sessment of water rents (for new buildings completed since. April L 1S90,) have been placed in tny hand for collection, and payable at tbis oHlco during the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January 1, 1890, will be placed In the bands of W.B. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with S per cent added, for collection. J.F.DENNISTON. de333-B City Treasurer. AfNo.l80.j N ORDINANCE CHANGING THE name of Ward street to "McKee Place," Irom McKee Place to Wakefield street. Section L Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg lu Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same. That the name of "Ward street," from McKee Place to Wakefield street, be and Is hereby changed to and shall be known as "McKee Place." Section 3 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of tbis ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects tbis ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils tbis 9th day of December, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select ConnclL Attest: GEO. 8HEPPARD. CleTk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE. President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. December 11, 1S89. Approved: WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc CLEAR Y, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 219, 28tn day of December. A. D.1SS9. de!-98 A No. 181.J N ORDINANCE FOR THE CONSTRUC TION of steps on Park avenue, from Fifth avenue to Rowan avenne. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized aud directed to advertise for proposals, and tbe Department of Awards award a contract for the construction of wooden stairs or steps on Una of Park avenue, from Fifth avenue extension to Rowan street or avenue, in the Twenty-first ward. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflictlnc with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same & bereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils tbis 9th day of December, A. D. 18SS H P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select CounciL WM. A. MAGEE, President of Common Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. December 11, 1889. Approved: WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W.H.MC CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, pace 220, 27th day of December. A. D. 1889. de28-96 No. 184.J AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING TO THE Larimer Street Railway Company the right to use certain streets and. highways. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select aud Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Larimer Street Railway Company, its lessees, successors and assigns, shall hare the richt and shall be and la hereby authorized to lay, construct maintain, repair, use and oper ate its lines of track and railway,. together with necessary sidings, turn-out and switches, and to use and operate cars upon, over and along tbe following named streets and highways within the city of Pittsburg, to wit: Be ginning at the intersection of Col lins avenue and 'Penn avenue, thence along Collins avenue to Station street, thence alone Station street to Larimer avenue, thence along Larhner avenue to May flower street, thence along Mayflower street to Lincoln avenue, thence along Lincoln avenue to Shetland street, thence along Shetland street to Larimer avenue, thence along Larimer ave nue to Mayflower street, and thence continuing with double tracks along Larimer avenue to Station street, thence with doable tracks along station street to uoiuns avenue, ana tnence with double tracks along Collins avenue to the place of beginning, and also as a branch or ex tension of said railway alone Broad street from Collins avenue to Larimer arenue, and thence along Larimeravenue to the intersection there of with Station street. Section 2 The Larimer Street Railway Cora- Eany, its lessees, assessors and assigns, shall ave the right in, through, under, orer and along tbe streets and bichways covered by Its route as aforementioned, and the branches or extensions thereof, to construct, erect, main tain, repair and use cable, electrical or other devices for tbe application and sunnlv of motor power for tbe traction of cars; and itshall also have the right for that purpose to construct, maintain, repair and use conduits or subways in and beneath tbe surface of the streets and highways covered by its said route and tbe branches or extensions-thereof. All such de vices, and the form and size of rails used, and the width and cause of Its tracts, shall be sub ject to the approval of the Chief of the Depart ment of Public Works. Section 3 That tbe said railway company, be fore constructing any such conduits or sub ways, shall submit plans of tbe same to the Committee on Public Works of the Councils of the city of Pittsburg, and before the same are constructed said plans shall be approved by the said committee and the Chief of the Depart ment of Public Works. Anysncb subways so approved shall, daring their construction, be subject to tbe supervision and control of tbe Chief of tbe Department of Public Works, and be shall have tbe right to employ and placo suitable persons to supervise the same at the cost and expense of the said company; and In no event shall tbe city of Pittsburg be held liable for any damage to person or property that may occur in any manner or under any circumstances during the progress of such work. Section 4 Tbe rights granted by this ordin ance are expressly given upon condition that the said Street Railway Company shall pave so much of all streets or highways as lie between its lines nf track and one foot outside thereof with block stone, aspbaltum or other equally good material", to be approved by the Chief of tbe Department of Public Works, and tbe said company, itslessees. successors or assigns shall, at all times, maintain and keep the same in Sections The said railway company shall commence t" build and erect its plant within nine months and complete lt within two years from tbe date of the passage of this ordinance, otherwise the rights and crivilezes herp.hr granted shall he forfeited. Section 6 That said railway company, its lessees, successors and assigns, shall be subject to all reasonable regulations with regard to Eubllc convenience and safety which are now or ereaftermay be imposed. by any general ordi nance of tbe city of Pittsburg, and within thirty (SO) davs after the passage of this ordi nance the said company shall file Its written ac ceptance agreeing to all the terms thereof with its corporate seal affixed thereto, duly attested by the officers of tbe said company, and in case of failure to do so this ordinance shall become void. Section 7 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils thlsSthdavof December, A D. 1889. H. PFORD, President of Select Coun cil, Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select ConnclL WM. A. MAGEE, President Of Common Council pro tern. Attestr GEO. BOOTH, CleTk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, December 13, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. JIo CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, pags 222, 27th day of December. A D. 1889. de28-B8 Continued Sixth and Eighth Panes. SIXTH AVENUE DYE WOHKb, M. MAY SONS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS ' And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. JeU-na WXTH AYE,, PitWburg.'Pa. RF.AI ESTATE,- ' for sale: ELEGANT SUBURBAN RESIDENCE! 7 ' SS Onn of the, finest ulaces In-tbeLCOunty- acres,with beautlfuf resldenco ofgl0o2j rooms. Grounds beautifully iaia out, wim,a stables and outbuildings. AU in perfectgbriq dltion. Magnificent view. House is aoout wii yards from Smelds Station, near SEWICKXEY. Will be sold-WITHOUT RESERVE'TO,THE HIGHEST BIDDER at the Allegheny.County Hh.HfP nfltu nn MONDAY. Januarvf0518S9' at 10 a. M. Also a lot of IX acres adjoining above at same time. 13f3M 'Title will bo Insured for tbo punJiaseriby tbe Fidelity Title and Trust Co. Tenns.'half cash, balance on long time." vl INQUIRE OF BamuEl W. Black k mm 89 FOURTH AVENUE. del7-23-TUFj FOR SALE. SQUIRREL HILL, NEAR SCHENLEY PARK, 30 acres land, having a frontage of over 2.8S61 ipet on a gooa street. "-' 21 acres land, street frontage 1,400 feet.' 6 acres, fronting on two streets. 4 acres and 24torv frame dweliincr of 5 rooms.1 15 acres land near tbe Squirrel Hill Electriol roaa ana r orDes street. IRA M. BURCHFIELD, 158 Fourth'ave. de3i-TTSS AUCTION eiALES. 4RAND CLOSING OCT, AT AUCTION. Of tbe receiver's sola of FINE DRY GOODS. At the rooms. No. 311 Market street. Every? thintr DufuD must positively eo to tbs hizhesa bidder. Tbe stock embraces the finest and best and most unique goods in the aty. and every one a bargain to the bidder, and could not be duplicated for twice tbe money. Our orders from receiver are to close out this week! nosltivelr. Sale every morning, afternoon and evening until au are cone. HENRY AUCTION" CO de29-120 Auctioneers ORPHANS' COURT SALE:J ALLEGHENY CITY DWELLING. 2 No. 73 Lincoln Avenue. We will offer for sale on the premises! TUESDAY. JANUARY 7. 1890, AX 2J0J O'CLOCK. P. M.. That elegant residence property of the hiatal Charles-L. uaiaweiL lot 30X14U leer to an aiier.i with stable on rear of lot. A bargain Is offered in this, as the administrator desires to settlol the estate. Information and keys to examine! tne property irom 4 W. A HERRON4 SONS. de-28-o7-TTS No. SO Fourth avevl - ORPHANS' COURT SALE.1 Nos. Hi aud US Fourth avenue. At Public Sale, ON THE PREMISES, TUESDAY. JANUARY 7. 1890, AT UJ O'CLOCK A. to. Lot 45x85 feet adjoining the Dollar Savings Bank property. This is one of the largest and most eligibly situated lots for a business blocks now for sale in tbis neighborhood, and welml vite investors to be on band, as the admmlsj tratnr desires to close tbe estate. Terms mads known at sale. Infnrnmion from W. A. HERRON 4 SON&i de2S-57-TTS No. 80 Fourth avSI A DMINISTRATOR'S household goods and SALE OF FINE carpets, which. wjil be sold TUESDAY MORNING, December!! at tbe rooms, 3U Market st. Chamber suites,'! wardrobes, fine bedding, curtains, handsome nan cnanueiier, center laoins. coai vases, rugsyj pictures, roiamg oea, Dea loange, coucn oea-i steads, bureaus, washstanils. mattresses.1 springs, parlor suite, ornaments, velvet andl body brassels carpets and rur, secretary,1! china closet, sideboard., easy chairs, rockers. dining chair , china, glass and silverware, lann-J ary ana Kiicnen iurnunment, eta, etc HENRY AUCTION CO. LIMZl de29119 Auctioneers AMUteEJlENTS. SCOTCH MUSIC SCOTCH HUMOf SCOTCH SONG. The Warerly Society will give a grandlcbar acteristi: National Scotch Concert in the old Citv Hall, Pittsburg, on January 3. at 8 r.jStjJl and bare employed the celebrated ttfi BALMORAL CHOIRS QUEEN VICTORIA'S FAVORTHT SCOTCH SINGERS AND HUilORISTM Admission, 60c Reserved seats. Sir Tickets! and programmes may be bad from McilorJAl Hoene. 77 Filth avenue. i , de25-l-26,28,oD,311ial2,a "DIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday; W. A Bradv. Jr. in AFTER DARKS Jan. 6-Bronson Howard's 'SHENANDOAH.3 de30-13 -I RAND OPERA HOUSJS VT To-night, matinees New Year's Dayfaaa baturuay, a wnvna vJ A HOLE IN THE GROUND. Next week Primrose & West's Minstrels de30-19 TT ARRIS' THEATER- JL liTery Afternoon and .Evening. n. a. WIJULI ' : In bis latest success. OUT IN THE STREET?. Week January 6-REUBEN GLUE.;jtfde3 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY-To-nicht and Matinees TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDA1 HARRY KERNELL'S NEW COMPANY New Year's Day Holiday Matinee,1Nlcht .w. ...WW. w ORLD'S MUSEUM habby Scott rManageii OIU .ULliA. -"sflPssij Genuinel Cbantaslque Pantomime Ccjglal theater; also many other attractions. Admia-J sion 10c. aesu-iM DAKC1NG ACADEMIES. PROF. BROOKS' DANCING ACADEMY,! jl riioeny avenne ana aiztu street. ; The second term for beginners will commencS ior ladies and gentlemen TU.UK3DAX. Janu-1 ary 2, at SJo'cIock p. 11. For misses andtoaw ter SATURDAY. January 1 at 3 o'clock! New dances taueht will be the Military! Schnttlscbe Quadrille. Le Reve. Cadet Waltzl and L'Eclair, tbe last named just receiy from the author. Sec circulars at music stores. de29-701 ttE"OUTs. THOMASVILlE, GA3 Piney Woods Hotehj Season opens December 1 1889. -v x J1.A.BOWER, Proprletoal Wit E. DA VIES, Manager, Tnomasvfu7GC or F. A BUDLONG, Windsor Hotel, NIY.CiqJ OCLS-tfM OLD POINT COMFORfff VA, HYGEIA HOTJ One- minute's walk from Fortress Monroa.1 where dally inspections, drills, guard mounting ana uress paraae la&e piace. x as gceniei tractions are unrivaled. Mnsic afternoon and evening. Climate mild.1 yet bracing and Invigorating'. Tbe mostde liirbtrul winter resort m tbe United States. Tnrlisb, Russian. Electric and HOTrSS Baths. Send for illustrative descriptive pampnie r. i. riKtm deH-B-TTSSn Manage rJ WaLTSK J. OSBOCBKE. -ttlCHABD BARBO Wsg T ARROWS & OSBOURNE- D JOB PRINTERS. SO Diamond stn- Telephone No. 812. au31-GV "piANOn. ORGANS And all manner of Small Instrumewtl rumeMsWff nueJlV AT HAMILTON'S. del0-o Fifth avenuej you married r If not,sendvnnradd' THE AMERICAN CORRESPOJf CLUB; Box 63, Clarkshurg, WAVa nJIBMi. JllHss, BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsVlBSSSSSSfSS 'SSSSSSSWM&jjSmnlfSirsSsMW&SMSsW sijt&-ni
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers