.B.SCOTT'SVIEWS Plie-Ghairman-of the Carnegie Srce Library Commission S1NAPEACTICALWAY leSArgues Strongly for Permanent Control of the Project. GS?AVE RESPOKSIBILITIES CITED. I The Carnegie Free Library is so fast ap proaching completion that public interest may well be said to be very keen in refer ence to the eventual acceptance by the city of Allegheny of Mr. Carnegie's superb gift, and the manner in which it is destined to "controlled. The action of the Allegheny City Property Committee on last Saturday evening has stirred tip a great deal of dis cission of the various phases of the future of the library. Some surprise has been manifested that the control ot a gift of such kcope and such character should be made Ihe subject of an unseemly wrangle at least the views ot leading Alleghenians so style the committee discussion. Others say that bad Mr. Carnegie supposed that ward poli tics and flings at aristocracy would be Jugged into a matter so widely removed from ordinary councilmanic business he might have hesitated before depositing in the lap of Allegheny a gift which could be made the subject of the bear-garden politics which might be reasonably supposed to ap pertain to the appointment of a hog em pounder. There were absolutely no limitations or con ditions imposed by Mr. Carnegie in the cre ation of his magnificent library, and it was undoubtedly his hope and belief that dis cretion and good sense would characterize the acceptance of the gilt and its permanent control. A Dispatch representative, who made a tour yesterday among Allegheny's Best citizens, fonnd that without a single "jeeeption there was great disappointment expressed that any member of Councils hould stand upon political niceties or ex ediences, or be tenacious of hard-won pc itical prestige in any matter that apper tained to the library. The feeling was that 'ie whole matter should be placed upon a lusiness plane as far removed from the inrly-burly of politics as was the institu tion itself. That an improper spirit had al ready cropped out seemed to be universally admitted. OJTE CITIZEX'S OPZSIOK. A man who can write seven figures after bis name gave utterance to the opinion that in no city of America could be found a more complete and beautifully appointed library than that which Mr.Carnegie was now nearly ready to call upon the Allegheny public to admire and enjoy. Lavishly ap pointed, with absolutely nothing neglected which could conbuce either to exterior or Interior, with the original estimates long since and most generously exceeded, the free library -is unique and exquisitely beautiful to the last degree. The million Sire in auestion said that when Mr. Car negie came to the city with such a real and genuine benefaction, it would be a most crave and irreparable mistake if the catho licity of the donor's views were not met more than half way by the citizens' repre nfatives in Council. "Ii the city of Al echeny,' concluded the speacer, "cannot fiord to receive that gift and maintain it pon the 'broadest-minded and most non--ohtical plane, the solid citizens of Alle beny want'fo know it V Another Alleghenian' said that he hoped icerclv that those gentlemen in Councils ho were, jocularly speaking, "clothed in a ittle brief authority," would paue before insisting upon attaching political signifi cance to matters in connection with the free library. The institution was intended essentially for the people, and not as a rally ing ground for politicians or a citadel tor the use of political factions in or out of Councils. "It's at a critical stage in its history, is this free librarv." said this gen peman, "and there should be nothing done which the light of experience will show to have been a mistake. I'm afraid to speak toy mind in regard to the phase which has shown to the people that the relentless spoilsmen intend to swoop upon our beauti ful library, for I might say something which would offend some one. But all I feel like saying is to echo Punch's famous advice to voung people contemplating matrimony, which was 'Don't.' " fcTHE CHAIESIA- OF THE COMMISSION. Vjlany efforts have been recently made to obtain 'from Mr. James B. Scott, Chairman of the Carnegie Free Library Building Com mission, his views upon the snbject of the permanent control of the magnificent library and music hall, which have grown to their present exquisite proportions and admirable completeness under his experienced eye. As chairman of the commission, and charged with the expenditure of any sums necessary to make the enterprise a successful entirety, Mr. Scott has worked incessantly to obtain the best results from the expenditures of the committee. During the entire time of build ing ' Mr. Scott has at least once a day. and frequently oftener, visited the building. Many modifications of the original plans bare been made by him, and when the orig inal gift ot 5250,000 was consumed, Mr.Scott was -made the disburser of Mr. Carnegie's further liberality in the completion of de tails and the elaboration of designs. fjlX then, anyone should be considered qualified to speak ex cathedra upon the sub feet Mr. Scott can be considered the man. He was seen vesterday at his office, and re quested to give The Dispatch the benefit ol iisjviews. ."Js'ow, really," remarked Mr. Scott, "I am very reluctant to say anything upon this batter. Sustaining the peculiar relations to the whole enterprise that I do, I have felt the utmost disinclination to appearing fi&print." r'Bu't, Mr. Scott," remonstrated the re porter, "now is the very time to acquaint Jheipublic with the views of those who have en the benefaction of Mr. Carnegie ripen and expand." 4'Mr. Scott seemed to be taken with this Eppeal tor his views, and squared himself for s statement in detail as follows: Well, since yon pat it In tliat light, I suppose Itmust be led like a lamb to the slaughter. I gay remark, by the way, that I was more than Upased with the temperate editorial in The IJlbr'ATCU jn comment upon the recent meet ing u the AUecbeny City Property Committee. I awakened, I assure yon, an amonnt of crit icism 3Dd an expression of views which cannot fan to bare a salutary effect upon tbe future of tbe enterprise. SCOPE OF THE COMMISSION. have read with creat interest tbe discussion tdjrecardto the ultimate control of the tree library and Music Hall, but bare taken no part inltatall. Jly relations are simply with tbe BuHdlng Commission, and our 4ntles will end jrtjiT the completion of tbe edifice. In abont a Bipntb. at which time we will be entirely re Mered, of All connection with tbe noble gif t of Mpjoarnefne to Allegheny. I bave no greater interest In tbe project tban any other citizen, utgjsTncercly hope that Councils will evolve ira&fman which will be broad and comproben- jEBSbd effective of tbe best results to tbe tronitticnltyin ceneral. I am not In sympathy ijWaUtfUs;l denunciations leveled at Conn- WaEnjdJJodles, because I recognize that they Ctmtlemen ot intelligence and ability gdJH"5j outbide. flSfhjMtinn which, I think, may be well SCH to ue t oondln the rct that tbe most iWrtnjnacim nt of a libnry involves expe- iguiU qualifications differing entirely Wjtluve developed in the ordinary channels iiaijne-s or occupation. The value of such tfiennoo'is to be cnicfly trained by contlnu- iSt-gMfjtenure OI duties. This, to inv mind, euitlbjghjldst distinct argument in favor of a tentfnuons'directoraie; one jh t subject to the B WL mm mutations of political life, and so far as natu ral conditions will allow, a permanency in every sense of tbe word. Every large library in the United States has been begun in charge of a special board of trustees even to tbe case of tbe city ot Boston wbicb erected its tree library out of public funds and yet appointed a special board of trustees in order to hedge it in from tbe con tingencies of kaleidescopicai politics. In tbis way tbo experience gained by one set of men was in no danger of being lost to tbo public through a change, even thonch men of highest attainments should otherwise bave come in'as successors to the permanent members. INQUIRED TVITII A PURPOSE. There bavo been a large number of Inquiries made as to the future conditions under which the library would exist and be managed. It was not mere curiosity In most cases, as inti mations bave been expressed that should the tutnro management of tbe library bo placed in the bands of a permanent board valnable con tributions, botb of books and objets d'art, would rind their way to- tbe beautitnl rooms inviting such occupancy and provided for Just such benefactions. One gentleman cime to me recently and asked when the art gallery would bo ready for tbe reception of several pictures belonging to blm one of them valued at 310,000. He said tbat be was desirous of as certaining, also, what wonld be the character of tbe control ot the Institution as regarded permanency, and stated that inqulrv to bo tbe principal object of his visit. This infor mation, ot course, could not be given him, but witbin 24 hours, since reading tbe published accounts of the most recent developments, the gentleman in question has receded from bis implied offer of his art treasures, for ho sent me word tbat be had changed his mind. To speak Dlalnly. I feel tbat no committee of con trol, subject to change or fluctuation ot mem bershiphowever worthy tbe latter can com mand the gifts and confidence of tbe commu nity as conld a permanent board. There is a great deal of space for gifts from generous cit izens in those magnificent buildings, and it wonld be too bad, indeed, to bave tbe hand of public-spirited liberality stayed for any reason under the sun. SOME MODEST SUGGESTIONS. If Councils are desirous of retaining the management of the institution in tbe b.tds of those who are the present elected members of those bodies, I think it would be better for them to designate byname a special committee who would not only begin the great work mapped ont,but continue in office permanently, or during good behavior, without regard to the expiration of their terms as Conncilmen. This would secure the advantages of tbat ex perience wbicb grows more valnable with age and continuity of service. Personally, I do not know tbe name of a single citizen who wishes to become a member of such a board, while I am and bave been made aware of a verv deep and widespread interest in tbe matter of the future of tbis Droiect. wnicb assumes so much prominence in view of the magnificent gift of Mr. Carnegie as a home for tbe library. Opportunity involves responsibility. Aside from the "mere police control of the property, there comes immediately to tbe front upon tbe acceptance of tbe gift, the very serious and necessary duty of stocking the shelves of the large library and reading rooms with not less than 100,000 volumes. Owing to tbe scope and character of such a collection itls evident tbat this calls for an expenditnre of at least 8150,000. THE CITT MUST COME FOB'WABD. To leave tbe shelves unfilled or to be remiss or laggard in the duty of filling tbem would be a disgrace to the city and an insult to its mag nanimous and generous benefactor. In tbe matter of books and tbo filling of the catalogue in such a caret nl manner as to fur nish digestible pabulum for all manner of book worms, I think tbat at least 100,000 volumes should be provided within three years. It Is, therefore, very plain tbat it means tbat 50,000 should be expended each year by tbe Board or Commission. This work must be supervised and conducted by the directory with tbe aid and advice of a thoroughly competent and educated librarian. The early years of this enterprise will give cast and character to all its luture history. This is a very serious and responsible task, which I hope has been duly considered in its importance by tbe gentlemen whose duty it is to determine what tba character of tbe control of tbe library shall be. I bave been surprised to notice tbat in alt this discussion there bas been no mention of an intention to' appoint upon or invite into the permanent committee or board any member of tbe Allegheny Board of bchool Control. This seems a serious omission, and an oversight that should be remedied, as tbe Board of School Control bas considerable to do with the educa tion of the younger generation of Alleghenians, the very class the free library will shed its light upon. Tbe -omission is tbe more singular as tbe Board of School Control bas always had sole charge and supervision of tbe present city library of Allegheny Citj. A HEGIKA TO MARILAND. Two Braddock Tonne People Who Sought n Concrnlnl Slarrvinp Clime. Mr. "Will E. Itinard and Miss Ada Ar gyle, two highly connected young people of Braddock, were joined in marriage at Cum berland, Md.. yesterday by the Bev. J. C. Moffatt, a Presbyterian minister. Cards had been issued last week which announced that the young couple would be joined heart and hand on to-morrow night. The prospective groom had not yet at tained his majority, and when it came to procuring a license his mother objected. Accordingly on Saturday he told hiB bride-to-be to get ready to leave on the early train on Sunday morning; that they would hapten to Cumberland, be married and come back and show the oik that love cannot be out done. They returned to Braddock last night and are now laughing in their sleeves over the fact "that those who attempt to fool with young hearts that beat as one" will get the worst ot it, CARNEGIE'S HOMESTEAD WORKS. The Scn'e Will be Increased 10.04 Over Iinst Tear's. A conference was held yesterday at the Fifth avenue offices between W L. Abbott, H. M. Curry and Otis H. Childs, as reDre senting the Homestead branch of the Car negie interests, and William Weihe, "Will iam Martin and "W. T. Roberts on the part oi the. Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. The meeting was for the purpose of deciding the rate at which the workers in the Homestead mills should be paid during the next three months. As a result of the increased value of the pro duct during the last six months the rate of wages will be advanced from to-morrow 16.04 over the rate in vogue during that time. THE ALLEGHENY HIGH SCHOOL Contract Awarded Iiat Evening The Jan itor' Salary Raised. The High School Committee of the Alle gheny Board of School Control held a meeting last night and awarded the contract fur building bookcases in the rooms of the principal, and City Superintendent, to Mees & Voel, for 275. The salary of the janitor of the building was increased $300 on account of the extra time he is com pelled to put in at the building when com mittees meet A. petition was laid before the committee by a professor of elocution who asked permission to use one of the rooms twice a week to hear his class, but his request was not granted. The Scaffolding- Gave Wny. John Neifigan, yesterday, while engaged in painting the interior of Father Sheedy's new school at Fenn avenue and Second street, was precipitated to the ground through the breaking ol the scaffolding, sustaining severe injuries to his right side and arm. He was able to walk home after awhile. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOISG. Some Who Travel, Some Who Do Not, and Others Who Talk. Emile Iiow, a civil engineer nnd formerly Mexican correspondent of The Dis patch, now of Cedar Bluff. Va., Is spending tbe holidays at bis old home In Glenwood, Twenty-third ward. He is engaged nt present In building a branch road of the Norfolk and Western, through tbe Cumberland and Blue Ridge Mountains. It is a branch running from Roanoke through to Kentucky. Tbe railroad company is after tbe coal and iron ore with wbicb the mountains along tbe line abound. George Shaffer, of the Forbes School, bas made a record for himself. Ot tbe 90 pupils of the school who went up for tbe pre liminary examination for admission to tbeHigh School, only one scored 100 per cent of the mat ter snnmitter', and tbat was in geography. George's teacher was Miss Jennie 0, Simpson. . t- p sitVf FEW OARS MANNED AND0PEEATED Statements From the Strikers and the Company Officials. FURTHER TIE-UPS ARE PREDICTED The gripmen and conductors of the Pitts burg Traction Company who are members of li. A. 2126,lKn5ghts of Labor, struck yester day afternoon. About three-quarters of the men employed on the. cars went out. The cars were abandoned at Oakland, The com pany suffered a temporary inconvenience, but had cars enough running within a very short time to accommodate all its patrons. The strike took place about 3 o'clock, when the union men received the following notice from T. N. Boss, Master Workman ot D. A. No. 3. dlstwct assembly no. 3, Kxights op Labor, Pittsburq, December SO. Beothee By the authority vested in your committee through the action of X. A. 2128, K of L., you are ordered In. defense of your brothers wrongfully discharged for connection with this order, and for your own protection to leave your car at Oakland nntil your rights are respected and situations guaranteed througb faithful duty and obedience of the general roles governing the road. L N. Boss, District Master Workman Knights of Labor. Chris DkLowrt. Master Workman L. A. 2126, K. of L. The first man to leaves his car was Louis Burke, gripman of No. 2. He was going to East Liberty at the time, and Upon arriving at the Oakland powerhouse threw down the brake lever, ana jumped out of the cab window. His action was greeted with cheers by the discharged men who "were standing opposite the power house. The next car also stopped at Oakland. The first car to pass Burke on its way to the city did not stop, but the one following it did. Within half an hour there was a string of east and west bound cars standing on both tracks. The gripmen and conductors con- greg ited in front of their boarding houses near Oakland avenue and waited develop ments. THE STEIKE TJHTOBESEKN. The strike at that hour was wholly unex pected by the officials ot the company. They had expected the men to leave their cars early in the morning. Not having done so, it was thought that the blow wonld be struck this morning. At the time the men "tied up," Chief Engineer Davis was in the city. He was telephoned" for by his assistantSuperintendent Edward McDow ell, who also notified Detective Burbridge, at the Seventh Avenue Hotel, to bring his men out. The new men who were brought here by thecompiny from Chicago were hurried out to the power house, and put on the cars. Some of them had not been over the road before, but with the assistance of experi enced conductors they were enabled to "jump in" at once and run the cars with saicty. One of the strikers called at The Dispatch office last night, and said two grips had been broken by the new men, but the officials deny this. Tbe first car into the city after the strike was inaugurated met with an accident at tbe foot ot Soho hill. The gripman lost the rope as he was going around the curve, and the car stuck until pushed into town by the car follow ing it. As each car came up to the power house and the crew jumped out, there was a wild shout of enthusiasm from the strikers. Those who did not leave their cars were ap pealed to, but upon refusing to "go out" they were left alone. Assistant Superintendent of Police Roger O'Mara, who had been on tbe ground since 6 o'clock in the morning, had a number of officers with him to preserve tbe peace, but there was no attempt at disorder! Soger made several of his characteristic speeches to the strikers, advising them to keep within bounds. The men respected his wishes, and it was soon found that there was no necessity for the police. Inspector Whitehouse, of the Second district, was also on hand with a number of his men. A patrol box stands on the corner of Oakland and Fifth avennes,op posite the power house. The Assistant Su perintendent had tbe wires so arranged that be could call any number of police within a few minntes. AiT OBDEBLT STRIKE. In speaking of the strikers afterward, Mr. O'Mara said: "X have been engaged in nearly all the strikes in this city within the past few years, but I never saw a more orderly lot of men. There is no attempt made by the officers to keep them from con versing with the men who refused to go out. They have not done anything bordering on violence, and I do not see much necessity for police protection. The strikers under stand that we are here to prevent disorder, and we will preserve the peace if we have to run in every man connected with the road." At 4.30 o'clock the company had all the cars manned again, and running as usual. Chief Engineer Davis said they averaged 26 cars daily, and had 24 of them out at sup per timelaet night He said they would have the other two running this morning. The strikers were greatly incensed at the action of one of the gripmen named James Duddy, who came here trom Philadelphia, A committee of them stated to The Dis patch representative that Duddy was the first man to talc about the organization. They stated that he induced other men to join the organization, and when they did so and were discharged, he went back on them. When Duddy arrived at Oakland he asked lor police protection, and Special Officer McTighe was put in the car with bim. In addition to the 14 men from Chicago the com pany called upon some of tbeofficials to take out the cars. Chief Engineer Davis said he wonld run a car himself if it became neces say, hut his services were (required at the powerhouse. CAUSES OF THE STRIKE. The cause of the strike was printed in yesterday's Dispatch. The men joined L. A 2126, and some of them were discharged. After holding a consultation with Master Workman DeLowry, ot the Traction As sembly, Mr. Boss decided to call the others out to make tbe. company re-instate the men. This the officials claim they will not do. The order to the men was not issued until after the reinstatement ot the men was denied by the labor officials. One of the gripmen, a latj jolly-faced lit tle fellow, who was taking in everything in a good humored war, and who was among those discharged an Sunday, said yesterday: "I do not know what I was discharged for unless the company thought I was getting too fat and they were carrying too much flesh or nothing. I took my car to the power house Saturday night, and the next thing I heard was that I had been fired. Yes, I was one of the men who got into the union; butl do not think the company has any right to tell me what I shall do after I aru off dnty. It I want to attend a meeting of the Knights ot Labor I think that is-niy business as long as I do not go there on the company's time. If the officials of this road have the authority to say I shall or shall not belong to any labor organization they may as well say what church a man mast attend. The only thing that would prevent them from doing this is the (act that we never get time to attend church. It would be awfnlly funny to hear Colonel Elkins say: 'Say, there, Ho. 15, you go to the Methodist Church to-morrow, or von will he dis charged.' "There is no use kicking about tbe mat ter. We are out now and from the 'present indications I think we will stay out The Central Traction Company will be ready for business within a fewweeks and there will be more jobs than we can filL That com pany is now looking for experienced men and I do not think any of our, boys will starve. They will all catch on there in time, as it will require experienced men to hold a job on that road. I think yon will A TBS CHOrtROtffiEE The Fifth Avenue Lino Grlpmen Out on Strike. see a number of accidents here within the next few days." EJ-OIHEEB DAVIS STATEMENT. ' President Elkins, ot the company, did not appear at the power house vesterday af ternoon. In his absence Chief Engineer Davis said last night: "We now have all the cars we want run ning, and will have more than enough men in tbe morning. One of the strikers who was called off his car this afternoon told me a few minutes ago that he would be on hand to-morrow to take out his car. He asked me if his job was still open. As he is a good marf and, I think, was led into the strike, I concluded to take him back. All the men We had here are good, sober, sensible fellows, and I am sorry that they'' took the foolish step. "Within one hour after the strike we had crews for all the cars. As far as we Are con cerned the strike is a thing of the past, and was ill advised. I do not see what the men hoped to gain by going into it. They know we pay better wages than any road in the State and the treatment given our employes has never been complained of. If tbe men want to throw up a good thing that is theirbusiness. They will find that we can get along just as vrell without them." "Harry," the boy who swings a lantern at the corner of Ffth avenue and Smithfield street, "went out" last night. He waited nntil the last car 'went down town and then said he was going to quit He stuck to his place all day and evening warning pedes trians and drivers of vehicles to get out of the way of the cars, all the time listening to the jibes of persons about being a "black sheep." He said, as he walked away last night, that he would not swing another lantern until the company reinstated the strikers. Pedestrians have come to look upon "Harry" as a fixture at the corner, t and his face will be missed this morning. District Master Workman Boss received a telegram last night from C. D. Wheeler, Becording Secretary of D. A. 24, at Chica go, to the effect that 250 traction employes left that city Sunday night 1or Pittsburg. It was presumed that they are going to work on the Fifth avenue line, and the Master Workman was told to keep a look out for them. As soon as the intelligence was re ceived it was communicated to the strikers whd went to the various depots to watch for the new men. A MIDNIQHT MEETING. A meeting of the strikers, under the aus pices of L. A 2126, was called for 12 o'clock last night It was held in Knights of Labor Hall, on Fifth avenue. District Master Workman Boss and Mr. DeLowry were present Speeches were made bvthe officials, and the men advised to stand firm. Atl o'clock the meeting was still in seision. CAEEIAGE W0RKEE3 OEUANIZING. They Diet Last Night and Will Affiliate With tbe Federation. In, response to tbe call for the meeting, there was a full attendance of wagon and carriage workers, including blacksmiths, painters and trimmers, at Solon Hall, Grant street, last evening. The meeting was called to take steps to form an organization with a view to pre senting a claim for tbe redress of certain grievances which tbe men assert they are warranted in putting forward. To do this with success, they propose coming together and uniting lor the common object The average rate of wages to carriage workers is stated as $2 25 per day, and it is said that more or lfss discrimination with regard to amounts paid in certain shops is in vogue. Some ten years ago the carriage workers were organized in the Knights of Labor, but they allowed the assembly to lapse. The proposed union will affiliate with the Ameri can Federation of Labor. DEAD ISFAKT F0DKD. Woods' Bun Children Slake a Ghastly Dis covery. A number of children playingona vacant lot on Yiolet alley, Thirty-sixth ward, yes terday morning, found the body of a child prematurely born. While they were exam ining it, Samuel T.jUiddle, father of one ot the children, put in an appearance. He took tbe dead child and threw it in a vault. The matter was reported to the police, and Captain Stewart ordered Biddle's arrest After he had been locked up he stated he had only thrown it away te hide it from the children and he was released aeain. The dead body was found again and taken to Foley's undertaking rooms. The coroner will investigate the matter this morning. THE1E MINES PAT. The IUster Dllnloff Compnny Increases Its Cnpirnl Stock le $150,000. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Luster Mining Company was held yes terday at their office, on Fourth avenue. Tbe capital stock was increased to $150,000. The mines of the company are gold-producing and located in Mexico. The stockholders are principally Pitts burgers. Captain Dorrington, Becorder Graham, Mr. Speer, of the Freehold Bank, and others are interested. Tbe stock of the company has gone up from $10 to $40 per share. Stole His Professional Tools. About 11 o'clock last night sneak thieves entered tbe office of Dr. J. A Jacobs, No. 20 Webster avenue, and stole n case of surgi cal instruments valued at $30. The police were notified. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Bendy Ueadlnu. John Zeiqworth, employed by the King Glass Company on South Eighteenth street, got into a dispute with a fellow workman yes terday, and was struck on the head with a heavy lantern globe. Ho had tbree ugly cashes cut in his scalp, but was not dangerously In jured. William Logan, a coal beaver on the Pittsburg and Western Railroad, was caught under a locomotive in tbo yard last night, and had his foot and ankle mashed. He was re moved to tbe General Hospital, where the foot was amputated. Uoktuactok, Drake, of tbe McKeesport and Bellevernon Railroad, bas contracted with tbe Bellevernon Planing Mill lor the construc tion of three neat little station houses at Belle vue, Elkhorn and Lock No, 3. Makt Fitzgkrald died suddenly at her home, in the rear ot No. 21 Penn avenue, at 1:30 yenerday afternoon. She was 39 years of ace. Tbe Coroner will hold an inquest this morning. xiie ooumsiue aieuicai society, iu its meel-vl ing last night, discussed some peculiar cases of tuberculosis, heart disease and cancer of the liven that came under the notice of Dr. Mun dorf. THE Allegheny Park Committee met last night, approved bills to the amount of $1,632 53, and appropriated 150 to bny material to repair we pavement on w estern avenue uonung tne park. Soke of the guests of the Grand Central Hotel, East End, were robbed Saturday night by fhieves, wbo broke into their rooms. Watches, clothes and Jewelry were taken. The Board of Viewers yesterday held meet ings on tbe grounds on the grading and paving ot Larkius alley, and a sewer ou Harcum's alley. The big new Blythe Coal works at "Bellever non will be put in operation within two weeks. The plant will (rive employment to 200 miners. A tire started in tbe factory of Oliver Bros. & Phillips' Alleeheny mills abont 6 o'clock last evening. The damage amonnted to about $500. Mb. William E. Henabd and Miss Ade laide SI. Argjle. of Braddock, wore married at Cumberland. Md., on Sunday. L. H. Leber has secured the contract to build the automatic gauge telephone line for the National Tube Company. The work on the two new lap weld furnaces for the 'National Tnbe Works at McKeesport will begin at once. The whole of the Joseph "Waltont Co. river mines will be operating to-day at the 3 cent rate. The Dnqnesne Tuba Works will add another lap weld furnace'to Its plant lathe early Sfring. THE-iaffiEir PLANS. The Sub-Co&mittee Eeports Against Society Federation. A GREATER IDEA BORNE JN MIND. Fall Details of the Academy of Science and Arts Formulated. THE EEPOET PSESEKTED LAST BIGHT At last night's meeting of the sub-committee appointed by the various scientific and artistic societies of thisTcity and Alle gheny, to.Jbrmulate a plan .for an Academy of Science and Art, beneath whose roof all the societies of that' nature would meet 'fraternally and with identical interests, the report of the sub-committee was received and recommended to be sent to each society of the nature included in the plans, whether represented in the sub-committee or not The gentlemen of the sub-committee who were present at the meeting held last night in the parlors of the Piftsburg Club were as follows: Messrs. C O. Mellor, George A Macbeth, Charles Davis, John D. Shafer, and Dr. W." J. Holland. This committee had as its original mission the task of forming a plan of union for the various societies. Be cent developments in regard to matters of much import in connection with the plans of a Pittsburg Free Library building at once placed all previous plans upon a much broader jjlane, and tbe sub-committee found itself-chfged -with a much more important task than the formation of a single plan of union. FEDEBATIOIT INPEASIBIiE. The report of the sub-committee shows very clearly the change of base taken after mature deliberation. It is briei but very significant: We, the sub-committee, report First 1 hat in-our opinion a scheme o( fed eration, pnre and simple, is not practicable. Hecorid That we recommend the formation of an Academy of Science and Art'whicb shall bave, as one of its objects, the task of providing a home for the societies represented in this conference. Third Tbat we submit tbe following plan of organization ot an Academy of Science and Art for consideration. George a. Macbeth, W. J. Holland, C. C. Mellor. Charles Davis, JohnD.Shafer, Sub-Committee. Pittsburg, December 28, 18S9. The bylaws submitted for the proposed "Academy of Science and Art, ot Pitts burg," are very cogent and comprehensive, and snow careiul and profound considera tion and thorough familiarity with the sub ject upon tne part ot the committee, and attention of details bred of long-experience. 1 OBJECTS FULLY STATED. Among the aims set forth are: . The cultivation, study and encouragement of the various sciences and arts'by meetings for tbe resdmg and discussion of papers relating to scientific and artistic research, and by tbe pub lication of such papers; by the collection of objects of scientiQc and artistic interest and by tbe f irmation and maintenance of libraries devoted to tbe various arts and sciences; and, when t shall be deemed possible, and the pecu niary leans sball bave been nrovlded, by tbe forma ion and maintenance of a botanical and zooloracal garden, by the extending and mak ing u? ful a Knowledge of the sciences and arts throui ii the agency of popular lectnres, and by rende ing the various collections of tbe acad emy a icessible to the general public: and for the fo nation of sections devoted to the study of sor e special brancb of science and art, and also i r tbe purpose of offering a common home o the societies within Allegheny county. Aft r a nnmber of provisions, such as the creati m of a council consisting of the five stated officers and 12 members with various terms it office; defining active and honorary memo rship; limiting honorary membership to 23; lefining the duties of the stated officers; these ne of theconncil as to the physical charg of the academy and the decisions as tosoc :ties applying for membership and locartoiu ffixing an admission or member ship feaof $10 with the same sum as a yearly contribution; providing that non-attendance for four successive 'meetings' without written excuse shall forieit a councillorship; pro viding for commuted or life membership of $100 eacht providing that the contribution of $1,0000 the academy shall constitute anj peisona patron with: singular privi leges; protidinc a membership ticket which will securej (1) Admission to the libraries and. collection of the academy, together with such friends as he may personally accom pany; (2) admission to tne lectures deliv ered under the auspices of the academy; (3; admission to meetings of any sections that may be established; (4) the right to vote at the annual election, or at any meeting. STATtS OP THE SOCIETIES. Chapter eighth is of great interest in the neat way in which federation is practically achieved without sacrificing the antonomy of each society. The provisions are:. That any of the societies who may accept a home in the building controlled by ths academy may each preserve its own organiza sion, elect its own officers, assess and collect its own dues, disburse its own funds, administer its own affairs according to Us rules and resnla tion, except asm connection with the academy bylaw. By special provision no member of any so cieties, norla memberof the academy, shall be privileged to attend the meetings of any other society, except by invitation; nor shall a so ciety member, not a member of the academy, be allowed topayfisits thereto, except on in vitation of a member of the academy. The academy is. by chapter seventh, authorized to accept in trusty and also to create special funds for specific purposes, which shall be distinctly named. All money which may accrue in the process of changing an investment of a trust fund to be invested again without delay for the same trust by the Council. There are many minor details which are inconsequential except in relation to the general administration of the academy. It was moved last night and carried that the members present lay the report of the special committee before their several so cieties and endeavor to secure their approval of the submitted law and report back to an adjourned meetinc to beheld in the parlors ot the Pittsburg Librarv on January thirty first, 1890, at 750 p. m. ' A SITE IN SIGHT. The sub-committee has for several weeks beenactively canvassing the merits of sev eral places large enough to afford a tempo rary home for the various societies includfd in the Original plan of federation, but now recommended to be united under the roof of the Academy of Science and Art A num ber of places have been visited and inspected and tbe committee has the refusal of at least two eligible sites. The university buildings belonging to the county are now under consideration. Mr. Charles Davis recently called upon County Commissioner McKee to make inquiries as to the possibility ot securing the buildings, which from the size of the rooms, etc., are admirably adapted to the purposes of the academy. Mr. McKee stated that the County Commissioners had made up their minds that the only disposition possible under the circumstances was the selling of the buildings at public auction to tbe high est bidder, and that the academy might perhaps be able to raise enough to figure in the sale as the highest bidder. The matter has been reported to the committee. A 11EAYI SURPLUS. Tbo Filubura- Trlepliono Company Doing- a Thriving; Bnslnru. The Central District and Printing Tele phone Company, of Pittsburg, report for the year ended a total surplus of 5480,351 48. The assets of $1,116,220 38 are thus made up: Licenses and trauchfses. 450,000; con struction and equipments, $652,302 31; sup plies and instruments in stock, $8,885 10; accounts recoverable, $13,065 87j real estate, $90,976 10. There were paid in dividends during the year $50,000, while tbe surplus in addition amounted to $120,392 34. MEN's'undetwearrat James H. Aiken & Co.'s;iOO'Fifih ate. " , - is AN OflTAIIO iDYL. How a Young- Man Recd a Yobbs; Lady and Fonad a Bride A Romance With a. Christmas Sequel. A gentleman from Chicago was waiting in the Fort Wayne station in Allegheny last evening to board the limited for the city which expects to get the World's Fair. His name isL. A.Earseman, and he had stopped in Allegheny to visit friends on his way home from Philadelphia, where he Jiad at tended a wedding around which a halo of romance had cast its interesting charm. A fascinating1 young lady from Philadel phia named Jea'nnette Hill was spending the summer just past at Charlotte, N. Y on Lake Ontario, and before she bad been there many weeks she became an adept at handling- a sail, and frequently went out on the lake for exercise and recreation. There was a young man from Cincinnati summering at the same place, who was known as J. C. Cummings, who also en joyed himself on the lake during the after noons. He was of a very retiring disposi tion, and, although a young man of excel lent qualities, he made few friends. One afternoon toward the latter part of August Miss Hill went down to the beach, and started out for a sail. Mr. Cummings was of the same mind, and about the same time started out on tbe lake a few hundred feet behind the boat in which Miss Hill was sailing. They had not gone far before a squall was seen coming up the lake, and In a few moments the wind had struck her boat. Before she was able to right it tbe sails and ropes had become tangled. Cummings saw the predicament she was in, and instantly steered his boat toward hers with the hope of assisting her, but just as he was about to run up alongside of the one in which she was standing, die skiff veered aronnd and he struck it and Bhips. Miss Hill was knocked into"' tbe lake. Cummings gallantly jumped to her rescue, and the boats floated away from tbem. He grasped her around the waist and struck out for the shore. He bad not gone far before Miss Hill in formed her preserver that she could swim. This was a surprising statement, but Cum mings told her to place her hands on his shoulders and he would try to reach the beach. The water was very shallow opposite tbat part of the beach toward which they were drifting, and when tbey reached the second bar they were able to stand on the sand and rest a few moments. In the meanwhile darkness had spread its face over the waters, but the electric lights on the shore illuminated the crowds which were promenading along the water's edge. Mr. Cummings and Miss Hill started toward the shore again and soon reached the first pier. Bismg again they made the last trip, and before a week had passed cupid had clasped their hands and two hearts had vowed to beat as one. STILL IN THE DAKK. Detective Lansborst Han't Captured the Tnrentum Murderers. There were no new developments in the Mrs. Paul Budert murder case yesterday. The detectives are still actively engaged chasing the clues, and County Detective Langhorst said last evening that he still had hopes of one of the men being captured soon. He said he had heard nothing of im portance yesterday. Coroner McDowell had nothing new to offer. He is waiting on the police and de tective to complete their search before con cluding the inquest. will take hee homb. An Unfortnnale Girl Who Was Crazed by a Dog Bite. Miss Bridget McSwiggan, confined in the city farm insane department, will soon be sent to her home in Allegheny county, Maryland. She was a servant in an Alle gheny family, and wa3 picked up on the streets in an exhausted condition a few weeks ago. The unfortunate gill's malady dates frcm the bite of a dog, received when she was 15 years old. She becomes hysterical at times, but there are no signs of hydrophobia. Strnck In the Eye. While opening a barrel in a Fourth ave nue store Monday, a piece of iron buried it self in the pupil of one of tbe eyes of George Brown, a salesman of Schimmell & Co. The iron was removed, but it is feared that he will lose the eve. A Famous Iowa Medicine. Mr. Frank Fnville, a druggist at Dolge ville, K. Y., says he would not go to the trouble and expense of sending to Iowa for medicines if hedid not believe them to be superior to any he could procure nearer home. Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, manufactured by Chamberlain &Co.,Des Moines, la., is famous for its cures of coughs, colds and croup. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time than any other treatment; besides it leaves the system in a strong and healthycondition. For sale at 60 cents per bottle by E. G. Stnckey, Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth sts., Penn ave. and cor. Wylie avc. and Fulton sts.; also by Merkell Bros., cor. Penn and Frankstowp aves.. Tbeo. . Ibrig, 3610 Filth ave., Carl Hartwis, Butler st, Pitts burg, and in Allegheny City by E. E. Heck, 73 and 174 Federal st, Thos. B. Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves.. Fred H. JSggers,1 172 Ohio street, and F. H. Eggers & Son, Ohio and Chestnut streets. ttsu Cheering News. Hamilton's Music House still open till 9 o'clock P. M., where yon can secure those elegant, first class pianos at prices and terms to suit you. Organs at $47 60, pianos at $190. A great lot ot holiday novelties in music cabinets, piano lamps, fine stools in plush, carved wood, cane-seat and bamboo, too numerous to mention. They must be sold. We don't want to wrap them up and set them away for next holiday season. Confe in this week and take your choice at prices marked away down. Small musical goods in endless variety. This department of our business is now an established fact First-class goods and low prices always win. , S. Hamilton, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. The Fnmona 818 tfntr. To-day is the last of 1889. We will make it a memorable day in the clothing trade. Come in to-day and tike your pick and choice of our entire stock of fine clothing, comprising suits and overcoats for $18, for either suit or overcoat You will have the pick from tbe finest line of clothing in America, such as fine Montagnac overcoats or cape overcoats, regular price from $40 to $50; fine dress suits, worth from$35.to'$50; extra fine business suits, worth from $25 to $45. All these elegant suits or overcoats will go to-day for 18. This is a chance of ailifetime so don't miss it, but come right in to-dav. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. P. S. Eemeniberwe give1 you the pick out of the entire stock of clothing in our great store for $18 to-day. Those who use Frauenheim & Vilsack's celebrated ale and porter prononnce it ex cellent in flavor and very beneficial in its effect. Kept by all first-class dealers. ., . Urllntf. By our cash system we save you from 15 per cent to 20 per cent. TJblino & Son, Merchant Tailors, Tusa 47 Sixth aye., Lewis Block. MeGlntj'n Cbrlitmas Dinner Was composed chiefly of Marvin's new and famous McGinty cakes, just out Get a pound from yourgrocer. Gas Flre, Gn Stove, On Ranees, Etc OVKeefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. No Sew Yeab's table should be without a bottle of Angostura Bitters. Cash: paid for old gold and ''silver at Hauch's, if o. 295 Fifth ave. -sr COBOSffl, BEPOEp Deaths From Violent Causes in tbe ' .. Past Three Tears, M'DOWELL'S SUIfSJBLE SUGGESTION Interesting Statistics Relating to His Term of Incumbency. 754 DEATHS IN THE PAST TEAE The Coroner will hand in his report for the three years of his. incumbency to-day. Last night his assistants (Grant Miller and Hark Donley) were working upon the figures until midnight, and the following exhibit will show the deaths from violent causes, classified in the various depart ments: The coroner makes a nnmber of recom mendations which will be of great use to life insurance agents, as well as a caution to the employers of labor. Generally re viewing the list of accidents, Coroner Mc Dowell says that the management is gener ally defective in manufacturing and mining and other concerns With regard to the pro tection to life. The construction of build ings, he says, is rather better now than it was a few years ago, but the Willey build ing disaster, where 16 people were killed, and the flimsey work shown by the investi gations oi the J! ire .Bureau when in active service, are proofs sufficient that more care is needed, in the erection of new structures. TO EXCLUDE inexperienced men. Another point made by the Coroner in his report is a demand to exclnde inexperienced elevator men who are put in charge of the lives of thousands of people daily. The same point la made upon the qualifications of stationary engineers who are promoted in business honses from beinz office bovs and watchmen to the position of running the furnaces and the engines withont knowing tbe difference between a water gauge and a thermometer. A bill, framed by the Coro ner, will be presented at the next Legislature to provide that none but competent men be employed as stationary engineers, fire men or other employes with responsibility imposed. The addition of a nurse and some furtherassistants to the staff of tbe jail em ployes is also recommended in view of the recent number of deaths in that institution. A bridge is recommended for foot passen gers at Boup station, where so manv deaths have occurred during the year that the bend bas been christened by the railroad men as a slaughterhouse. A STJBPBISINO TOTAL. The official returns for three years are as follows, showing 2,194 deaths coming from unexpected causes. The statements are taken from the official books, and astonishing as they may seem, are literally correct, lack of space alone preventing a still further de scription of details: In 1887 the number of deaths coming un der the Coroner's notice reached 745, of which 185 were caused by railroads, in- eluding switches, private lines and street cars; murders and homicides, 19; suicides, 43; alcoholism, 21; boiler explosions, 2; the oil can route, 29; heart disease, 75; burns. scalds, etc., oj drowning, 90; miscellaneous. 276. There was a slight falling off in the list of mortalities the next year, 1838 showing np only 705 Coroner's cases, divided ur as fol lows: Bailroads, including street cars, 158; murders and homicides, 24; suicides, which seemed to be on the boom tbat year, 60, at the rate of five per month.' A TEMPERANCE XEAE. This appears to be a sort of temperance year, for the deaths from alcoholism were only ten, less than one per mouth, an argu ment which may be utilized by the appli cants for license next month. The blowing np Drocess was limited to theatrical demon strations, as tbe boiler explosions only num bered two victims. Oil can and did exter minate ?A, Uvea., t that-j-earw.whiiel ourns, scams, ctcLmaue an even dozen, victims. Notwithstanding an acknowledged aversion to water on the' part of a great many of its victims, there were 61 people who took it to excess, forgetting the fact that if they had imbibed beer they would have beerr taken to the Central station, while taking water in quantities sent them to the morgue. Tbe miscellaneous cases for the year number 364. IN THE TEAR 1889. For the present year the total number of Coroner's cases up to the 30th inst. is 764, showing tbe general advance made by the city in all kinds of business. Of these murders and homicides number 18; rail roads, including traction and street cars, 192; drownings, 70; snicides, 41; alcoholism took in 23 victims, about 60 per cent less thin last year, but whether owing to Capt- B. & E. A FEW" OF MANY BARBAINS FOB YOUNG LADIES. A large range and choice in Plain, Fancy and Vest Front Jackets, All reduced to fi, fo and 57. PLTJSH JACKETS, S8, HO and fli PLTJSH CLOAKS, now $15, 120 and $25. ' CHILDREN'S GARMENTS I Finest Styles I Heaviest Cuts ! NEWMARKETS AND LONG WRAPS I Your choice of Stylish Garments at $8, $10, $12 and $15. Embracing GARMENTS SOLD FROM $12 TO $35. EXTRA GRADES One Hundred Dollars for Eighty." EXTRA GRADES SEAL WALKING COATS I , $125 Garments for $100. BIBER & EASTON, 505 and 507 MARKET STREET. de29-TTSSn NEW YEAR GIFTS -IX-DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS. " Notwithstanding tbe fact tbat our holiday sales were the largest on record we bave re plenished our stock by telegram orders and now show a verv complete Irno for those who antici pate making New Year presents. E. P. RDBERTB k SONS, I COB. FIFTH AVE. AND MARKET ST. de27-B, tiia'Wishart's exertions ora deterioration uterus iuamy oi arms supplied, it is (im possible to state; boiler explosions," 11 J woman, oil cans and hastened fires, 32; aean uisease, e-j; me Johnstown flood, 3: miaceiiaucous, 4SU. Amontr the mWllanAn,,. jAt.a : eluded those occasinn. t- (.. -tWMt building disaster on January 9, 1889, when' Charles McKenwn. WlMU r Xr Bicbard Carrol. Samuel Stringer Georza' .TnmpH TiOtftn "Rpirl TTinma .Tv-.-- 'Sr.t. H. Hilit Jr., flame AfcGough, Samnelj xrowD, ueorpe iuaBon. jonn l Kogersox . ALLEGHENY'S FINANCES. Ths Dollar Savins Bank, at FItubs Gets the New Rrnewnt Boads. The Allegheny Finance Committee metv last night and opened the bids for the netrS 4 per cent renewal bonds. There were somefe half a dozen of them, the best being that of -'t the Dollar Savings Bank, of this city, , which bid 51 05 3-10 for 5100,000 worth.' That bid was accepted, and the balance of the bonds. 517,000, were- taken care of by theSiuking Fund Commission. They met and authorized the Controller to issue a warrant for the purchase of 517.000 worth of 4 per cent renewal bonds with it that rn.tnp.An Jannanr 1 The Finance Committee also awarded a-.','7.- contract for license plates to A. & J. Mc-.1' BTenna. s.f 4 The City Solicitor handed in an opinionifett deciding that the General Hospital is liable" 'M' ... for their citjr tax, which they objected pay- -V ing because it was due before tbey possessed me property. ,. , i v ALL TEE WAT FK01L BOSTON. "( ' A Conntrxman Hon a Largs Time and Pays Wj$ . Heavily for lb f ,. 8. E. Weimer, a resident of Boston, Alls-. ,v gheny county, came to the city yesterday ' with 5370. He was picked up in the afterv i noon by Officer Welsh on Wood street. He. was in a sad state of intoxication, and try- " . ing to dispose of two or three watches worth about 51 apiece, which he said had cost inm 525. He was locked up, but was released last even in it, and left stating that he had lost about 5250 while an overdoseof gin hadvi ' -possession of him. .f e-SSfW JDS.. HDRNE I ED:'S -t - PENN AVENUE STORES. su PrrrsutrBO. Tuesday, Dec 3L 1888;' The enormous redactions In prices made throughout our Cloak Depart mentmnstnece8sarilymake this another exceptionally busy day. Nd trifling reductions, no odds and ends reduced with a view to misleading ths public Tbe reductions are bona fide, and some Of tbe largest we have evermadn. Complete lines of garments reduced to prices that must command an Immediate sale and a complete clearance of medium and heavy-weight winter coods. All this season's, new, stylish and fashionable, ia fancy and plair cloths. Long Coats, Ulsters, , Peasant Cloaks, Newmarkets, , Bhort Coats. Jackets, eta, etc. All at reduced prices; S25 coats now only $13. -. i $20 coau now only $10. $12 coats now only $3. And proportionate reductions higher and lower price garments. Our stock of seal plush coats, jackets ' and wraps was never more completer. V yjf - " and values never better. , - - l 3 ' In genuine Alaska seal goods our stock- Is tbe largest and most complete and J our establishment is the recoralzed ", headquarters for this most popular of ' Fnrs In Western Pennsylvania. The i stock is constantly replenished with new ., goods, and every earment selected with "& tbe ntmost care. Good wear guaran- ,." teed, and the best value obtainable for the money. . a Ever since Christmas Day our center aisle bas been thronged with eager buy ers, tbe attraction being an enormous reduction in Mulls. Collars, Boas, Capes, etc, in leading fashionable fnrs. Hun dreds still left to select from, but tbey cannot last more than a day or two now,; considering tbe prices at which they are offered. $6 Muffs ).i(fl Beduced to $3 each. This will give. some. A , idea of the extent of the reductions " made ' New Year's Day Is at hand, and New ' t Year's gifts mnst be bought We can supply them. Oar stocks' of Roods suit able for tbe occasion are still large and. complete. Handkerchiefs for ladies, gentlemen and children. ; Gloves for ladies, gentlemen and ' ' children. . Gents' Smoking Jacxets, Dressing Gowns Umbrellas, W alklng Canes, Ties, Scarf f, Suspender", etc., etc Blankets, Comforters, QnilU, Sofaj Pillows, Headrests, etc, all at mostt. attractive prices. Special attention is invited to onr& o-rrimrlnnallv plftmnt Rtnfifi: nt Rljw-b-W' Silks, In which wo now offer unuioalrJl bargains. At SI, $150, $2 and $2 50, oar Black- .i Gros Grain Dress Silks cannot bo equaled in value. t i . For tbe party season we have made X. ! more than tbe usual preparations. Tbo ,,?., latest ana most lasniouaoie weaves im ; u ' all silk, sltk and wool and all wool delicate evenine shades; also a number ' ot exclusive designs in brocades and '7 high novelties, an Inspection of which is" - cordially invited. t SPECIAL Ones more let us remind you that to-day, Monday, the 90th December, will bo a creat day for bar gains in- our CloakDepartment. Coma eatiy ana secure the best. JOB. HDRNE k car 6o9-62ITenn Ave. rcrV ht ' yM&. ' kmz i Vj MjtMS iYl ZjSwm iW $ W; VSCsVV. W&w- mk$ "''SHH' W&Bfgfip M ? '7JH9I I iP 'zf VHOsMHPHHHSBillslHJHNHiNHi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers