&- T &ri the,xtlr,s 'record", l wtfP' "- -Mv ' HAQQASD'S GREATEST 3.' 1 jk- . ( 1 t A comnlele Chronmoateal IZceora' of H i B And SATESTJTO VEL U BEATRICE flSS3 ipUI OepuMfcJiedtn TO-MORKQ rPSir TBE DISPATCH has teeuredit. fublii iDJJsejLTCH. itictu be exhaustive ancm ttf it Appear in Ann Other flttsbvrgm 'ttofpierpapef I eoj uaou jar reference. -K J Tar-lllt X ? e.1 a "WMF i"r t- A i A , ' ls-WViiS 2.. . P0BTT-1X)TIRTH YEAR msor-HREs BUCK, OItlo's x-Goyernor Hits Hal- jPstead Between tlie Bibs. rt tf GOBB W BAB TO OFFICE, IMorton, Blaine, Sherman and Many Others Would Be Delegated TO PMT.4E LIFE. flSE. Mr. Foster Speaks Yery Flatteringly cf Calrin S. Brica. .HEfFULLT EXPECTS AN EHPTI HOKOE "k Ex-Governor Cbarlesroster,;f. Ohio, re- t plies to Marat Halstead's attacks on him for wanting the complimentary "vote lor UnitcdBtates'Senator in that-8tatc He alsayslhe wouldn't spend .a dollar, to bribe anvone. .air. -taster mints reaitn no par i officeholding, and declare Halstead Is ot now and never was a safe connselor, his L "mistakes being too frequent. tjrECLU. TlilORJUt TO THX DtSrATCS.! JJebaita, O., Iecember 30. The local afternoon Republican daily paper to-day contains the following. Wbile-Jtfurat Hal- stead has been busily engagedjn his old and congenial employment of abasing prom- inent Republicans, in the gnise or friendly rj reproof and criticism, Hon Charles Foster Jtf .has for the past fortnight been in ihe Bast. 'He was called to "Washington to complete his work with Ihe Eionz Commission, and to Hew York .... . ... ..on private business, only returning to 'ostoria last night. "We net him "by ap- pointment at Newark, this morning, and'he read what the Cincinnati Commercial Ga zette has had to say about nim this week, hurriedly and for the first time. He -expressed his surprise at the onslaught, and . gave xts, in substance, the following inter ..view: . TOSTEBSTr.ATCS FOBOTTttSETJ. ''I have not read as carefully as I would like the-fievere attacks of the Commercial 'Gazette upon my candidacy for the compli mentary vote of the Republican members of the General Assembly for United States iSenator. However, I may sufficiently un derstand the comments of the Commercial ,azttti to facilitate the substance. 32Xr. Halstead professes to have no per- scnal feelingof nnkindnessto sue, and seems to regret that his duty as the editor of a 'great party organ requires him to perform .4theunplessant'task of giving reasons to the Republican members as to why I should ottos eomrjlimented with iliptr trntA Something in the role of a Eepublican nardian, angel. - HJO-SIEAD'S ADM1SSIOKB. "Well,Mr.Halstead says of me personally all I could ask in- some respects, rather more 'than I could ask. He admits mv '. 'J ability, my qualifications, and cheerfully jijjgjjacknowledges that my services entitle me u uiu expxcssion 01 connaencc nn der ordinary conditions, bnt that the conditions are extraordinary, viz: I am a man of wealth, and was the discoverer, .maker, friend and partner of Briee. I.only wish I lld as much wealth as he represents, and if I had I do not think he would seri ously oppose me on that ground. He doesn't intimate that what I have has not been honestly acquired." "He is only wild as to your campaign contributions, it seems?" ATAVATS MEAlfT 'WEIX. "Yes, there is a vein of reproach running through his editorials because I have been a liberal contributor for party purposes. I plead guilty, and will go a step further, and agres that I know that these contribu tions have not always been wisely made, but in this connection I desire to say that my contributions have all gone t for legitimate party purposes. None of them have ever gone to bribe anyone, nor would I use a dollar to corrupt anyone for the best office in the world. Public office would be of no value or pleasure to me whatever if not fairly and honor ably acquired. I have feared at times . that some of my contributions were mis placed, but have preferred that the doubt should be in favor of the possible advantage of the party. Even Halstead will agree that our hindsight is better than our fore sight." HALSTEAD AS A CONTB1BUTOB. "Perhaps he never makes contributions for political purposes," said we, joining in the Governor's laugh. "Be that as it may, it seems hardly becoming in a great party organ to reproach a member of its party for making contributions for party purposes. I think those who know what I have done in this respect will agree , tuai x nave Deen as nearly unseinsn as any . jOoe could possibly be. I have been n Tin. v.: .!.." puuucau vuuiuuuujr lor -tj years, in sun ., jhine and in storm I have not hesitated to 'do my share in contributing to the cause in any way, giving my personal services when ever called upon. "But then, you're rich, you know." "I hardly think Mr. Halitead can mean that he says," rejoined Mr. Poster, "when Ihe proposes to exclude men of means from Bparty honors. Does he mean that Vice President Morton, Secretary Blaine. Sen- fatbr Sherman, and scores of others of our ablest and best men are to be excluded from litlcal -preferences because thev have more .of this world's goods than the maioritv of men? If men acquire property honorably, must that be a bar to political advancement? Chis kind of reasoning is simply childish." KVhat about his speculations about Col- Konel-Bricc and yourself?" ' J J?BAISE TOE ME. BBICE. . "As to my connection with Mr. Brice. I jihave known him for the past 20 years. From first acquaintance with him I have admired him. I thourht I saw in jim'the elements of a successful career. Itnsno noubt true that years ago I may , h liarertDrlered him valuable services. anaseiwno snow xne mow tnat l nave ex- itendeaa'helping hand to many men, not gall ol whomlhave turned out so well as Mr. .Acocless to my friendship for him r- -S- ..m-- "What iboat-your partnership?" ,rWe are not liMlnesflfjsartners, and have not been for ytrs, J ro to his house or office, unbidden, and as fteely as I would to my own. His growth, not only in wealth, but in that kind'of -cjlture which makes men, nselel, Is phesoaaenal. It affords me pleasure to say for him that he is a high sdnded, Intelligent man. It belittles nim "So say that anyone discovered hisfl. TJnaiaa, except by rare intelligence, resistless iiergy, indomitable will, true manhood, he fcis achieved an en viat!e"posltion among tip ablest body of business 1MB ou earth. "My personal feel ing toward him is to wish him well In all 'his undertakings." L SiX EXACTLY HIS CHOICE. "Yon don't care to see him elected Sena tor, though?'.' 'No; beyond say personal regard for him, I do not care who the Democrats elect United States Senator. J know nothing of his canvass except whatTjee in the papers. Nor do I think it makes much difference to our politics whether he or some other Demo crat be chosen." "Your personal friendship for Mr. Brice seems a great bugbear in some quarters." "So it appears. Beduced to a few words, Mr. Halstead's position seems io be that he would be perfectly willing to see me com. plimented hut for my association with Mr. Brice. 'If I asa worthy of such distinction, I can't see why my yery proper friendship for Brice should be a bar to giving the honor to me. In 1883 the Republican mem 'ber cowardly refused to vote for any Ke ("publican United States Senator This waa due largely to the same influence that attacks me now. Then I had taken too advanced ground on the liquor question and the party would be injured it I was jcom plimented In the lieht of what has since passed, can any one see any special wisdom in following Mr. Halstead's advice on that" occasion ?'r .NOT A SAFE COTJlfSKLOE. Dld you everknow Bepubllcans to profit by it?" "Weil, Mr. Halstead never has been a safe counselor," said the ex-Governor, "or at least, not to my knowledge. He is not a afe counselor now. He Is a brilliant writer, and hut for the serious blun ders he makes so repeatedly, iris paper might with truth be called the test party newspaper in the country. T would like the complimentary vole of the Bepubllcans of Ohio for United States Senator," said he, in conclusion, "and If bet ter reasons for withholding it are not given than the ones by Mr. Halstead, I shall con fidently expect it.1' DUDLEY'S SUITS IGKOBED. The Kew York Supreme Court Intimates That Be Mustn't Expect Favor. Nevt Yobk, December 30. Judge Xaw- rence, of the Supreme Court, handed down a short opinion in Chambers to-dav. in which he says in effect that Colonel Dudley, I wuu u buiuk jiitii a uuzeu Tier xors news papers for alleged .libel (the publication of the "Blocks of Five" letters) cannot ex pect favors frora the Court when he persist ently refuses to obey its orders. This de cision was handed down inrDudley's action against the Press Publishing Company ( World), and denies a motion by the plain tiff to vacate an order for substituted ser vices on him of an order for his examination before trial to enable the defendant to pre pare an answer. T ., Jadfrfyjiih4i3it-hTfagfng this action in this CoartMXadlVhu.ihtn&T 'himielf to its jurisdiction, and now seeks to vacate its order, uut as he keeps with out the territorial limits of the State, and refuses to obey the order of the Court, he cannot, in the opinion of the Court, be heard affirmatively in opposition to the order. COOK COUNTY B00DLK 6UIT& The Famous Chicago Cases to be Aired In Court Atnlu. Chicago, December 30. A score of suits, involving large sums, and pending against Cook county since the days when the "boodle ring" of Commissioners was sent to State's prison, are about to come to trial un der rather queer conditions. The County uoard to-day received a communication from Edward Terhune, County Attorney elect, which in substance accuses the retir ing County Attorney, C. B. Bliss, of refus ing to give any information as to the "boodle cases" in question. Mr. Terhune's commu nication also leaves it to be inferred that Mr. Bliss has taken the documentary evi dence pertaining to those cases from the County Attorney s office. It is further charged that Mr. Bliss is about to enter into partnership with the at torney representing the chief "boodle" claimants. Mr. Bliss, in an interview to night, denies thst he has made way with the papers. He asserts there never was any documentary evidence left in his possession. H0ESE EACING E0UNDLT DENOUNCED, Elizabeth Clergymen Condemn the Sport for lis Gambling Attachment. (SPECIAL TZXEOBJDI TO THI DISrATCH.1 Elizabeth, N. J., December 30. Sev eral clergymen of Elisabeth, particularly Bev. Dr. Kempshall, of the First Presby terian Church, and Bev. Father Gessner, of St. Patrick's Church, have severely con demned the race tracks located near this city, whicn they declare are demoralizing to the youth of the community by the betting craze which they have developed. Father Gessner said he knew some fam ilies who were actually in distress fc- want of the necessaries of life, when the money that ought to provide for their sustenance was lost bv the husband or son at the race course. He fiercely denounced the sport, which he termed a species of gamblingruin ous in the end to all who followed it up, and warned hjs flock to keep awav from the temptation. A FAILURE AT WAEBEJf. One of ihe Lending Dry Goods Merchants Forced to Assign. ISrXCIAI. TZLXOEJLX TO THE DISPATCH.; YoxrsGSTOvrs, December 30. C. C. Clawson, prominent merchant of Warren, who has been engaged in the dry goods busi ness there for the past eight years, to-day made an assignment. The failure was a decided surprise, as it was supposed he was doing a successful business. A. B. Billiman and Lncr Silliman. rrii. tivs of Clawson, hold mortgages on the stock for 512,000. which will probably con sume the assets, leaving nothing for the other creditors. ALL 3HE PBIS0KEES ESCAPE. A Dozen Convlcta Get Safely Out or a Mexi can JatL Labedo, Tex., December 30. About 4 o'clock this morning all the prisoners in the New Laredo, Mex., jailmade a breat for liberty and escaped. There were 12 in all, six oi whom were serving sentences of from J to 20 years. The remaining six -were charged, five with theft, and one with mur der. The prisoners all succeeded in reaching the American side pf the river, bejond the jurisdiction of Mexico. , -. ALMOST SMUGGLING. ,'lswartnt of China anh Gln-nrara JPrsteit Airt Pree AppraWrratnt-ForV ' '.eigra Gooi't Kald io ho Admitted ,.nt,Ttoa Low. Kates. hfxciai. til-gbAm-to tbx sispatch.i t JSkw Yobk, December 30. Seyeral im porters of china and glassware have com' ibinedforthe purpose of Inducing the Gov ernment to do something about the appraise ment of goods at this port It is said that the domestic pottery interest is also .represented in the combination, the story being that some importing concerns, who are not named, have managed to get for- eign ware appraised at considerably less than its value, as compared with the 1 pur chase price of the articles abroad. The im porters in thd combination are represented by P. H. Eeonarduld J. M. Young,! of 18 and 37 Murray street respectively. Mr. Tnnft- Mid tjWtiltr- " 1 bpliere tbat a Rood deal ol china and class- ware u imported at less tnanitsvaiae, ana tnat it seriously affects tbe business of ttjose firms who pay duties according to the purchase prices; but I would notf or a moment assert that my business, rivals are combined In a ring to defraud the Government, or do an; other Illegal or unfair thine. The attention of the Government has neencalled to the matter, but such Investigation as followed was so imper fect that we consider the mitter as if nothing whatever had been done. 4usthat 'further move, if any, will be M httSte matter,. ,5tr. Young didn't, state, fiat it js4telieved tnat an effort will be made to have a consular agent appointed for the Carlsbad region of Germany. Much of the imported ware comes from that place, and the consular in voices are made out at Prague, which is tar away. An officer of the Government iu the district would have better opportunities for determining the actual value of consign ments passing through -bis hands. $ EBIGHT JBAFFifl PifiALTKD (By a Strike of Tralumen on. Two Indians .' ' Kallrtmd. Tebbb HAUTiDecTmbt30. The strike 'on the Eya&eyille aad, Terra Haute, and Evapsville andIndiaaapolis, both in the Mackey system', paralyzed freight traffic on those Toads to-day. Masted of Transports,-, tion Hurd,' who recently came off the Wabash at, Decatur,,is5Hed a circular that trainmen 'wno loitered about salodns.would be discharged.- Since ihen.eight-conductors have been relieved, without charges being preferred. This morning a committee of one each from the firemen, engineers; -conductors, brakemen and switchmen sent a message to Mr. Mackey Asking that the men be reinstated until" charges are pre ferred against them, andlhat Hurd be sus pended pending the investigation of charges against him, Mr. Mackey declined and the men are out, The men say it is the purpose to get rid of conductors who belong to the Brotherhood organization, which, like the Order of Hail way Conductors, "permits strikes such as recently occurred oti these roads, the result of which was an increase of wages. There is every indication to-night of a stubborn contest. BROKE DOWN AND CONFESSED. AYobbs Man Says fee Committed Arson nta Rich Mun'i Inattention. rsrrCTAL czlxoilBc to tub bisfJltcix.i Mohticello, 1?Y., Decembef '30. At Livingston Manor, Saturday, John Hi Law rence, principal merchant and country prod uce dealer at Emmonsvllle, and Marcus J. Hilt, a young farmer of good family, were arraigned before Justice Parks on the charge of arson. Lawrence's store, with most.pf its contents, was destroyed "by fire on the night of JTovember-lThe property ..was heavily insured, 'atid tbisand other circumstances gave Tlse'ttft&e -suspicion ''that Xawrence and Hitt had a cuiliy knowledge of the origin of the fire. Some remarks let fall by Hitt's wife confirmed these suspicions, and Some remarks let fall by ne was arrestee "When in custody Hitt broke down and confessed that at the instigation of Law rence he had soaked oat straw in kerosene, and had fired the store in three different places. Lawrence was to cancel a debt of $36, and permit him to take what goods he chose to select, Mrs. Hitt corroborated her husband's statements. FIEEMEN BADLI BUENED. They Start a Blaze for Fan and a Score Are Injured. Havana, December 30. Last evening thousands of people assembled on the grounds of the Club Almerdares to witness a firemen's exhibition, the object of which was to raise funds for the fire department. For the purpose of the exhibition a two story wooden building, had been erected which was to be set on fire. After the torch had been applied and the firemen had taken their places in different parts of the burning structure it was discovered that the water supply prepared for the occasion had been tampered with by some miscreant Not having sufficient water with which to fight the flames, the firemen were obliged to escape from the building as quickly as pos sible, some being compelled to throw them selves from the roof. Twenty-two of them were injured, three so seriously that thev cannot recover. DECOIED FE0M HOME BI FANATICS. Two Girls Who Will Cnnio Bloodshed If They Don't Bebnve. rSrlCIAl. TM.EOKAM IO TUB EISPATCU.1 Loyingion, III., December 30. The Pentecost Band, a rival, in a noisy religions sense, of the Salvation Army, has been in town for several weeks. Several young per sons have become converts. Last Saturday May Whiteman and Edna Million were de coyed from home by two of the gospel sol diers. A posse brought back the girls, but this morning Miss Million returned to her lover, who is camping somewhere in the woods. Unless the missing girl is found there will be bloodshed. A PBICE UPON TflElB HEADS. Soma Carolina' Governor Oflera Renrnrda for the Arrest of Lyqcbrn. Columbia, s. C December 30. In view of the lynching of eight negroes at Barnwell on Saturday last, Governor Bfchardson to night issued a proclamation, ottering a re ward of 200 for the apprehension and con viction oi each and every one of the guilty parties concerned in the killing of the negroes referred to. BUN DOWN AND KILLED. An Irwin Lady, Aged 89, Meets Death Upon t the Track. IBFZCU. TILIQBAM TO Till PtSPATCn.1 Geeensudbg, December 30. Mrs. Mary Callaghan, an old lady residing at Irwin, "was run down by the Pacific Express last night and instantly killed. She was walk ing on the track in the cut east of that place when killed. She was abont 86 years old and leaves a family of grown-up children. Found Drowned In the Ohio. tSPXCUI. TKLBOBAM TO TBI niSPATClt.1 "Beaveb, December SO. The body of an unknown man, was fonnd In the river near Industry last night. In one of the pockets was a piece' of paper bearing ihe address, Monroe Snyder, Mt, Carmel, Northumber land county. A, Verdict of, "Jound drowned' was returned by the Coroner. r MTTSBUEG'S .'TRADE- . It Continues Increasing ' Without Stiaalatioa From Tear io Tear, J i- GRQW,Tfl NOTED pOMlg85 TO 1890, And lite Pretrretti JMeita jet Specula- 'tire, tat Terr BakUtiaU , rtfOW F0K TIE EEIK CANAL .pfojECT, T Add Bill! Greater Xf (.meats of ProfsJ sad De- velopmenc . -t Much has been said in i'ef PitjsburgU increasing prosperity. The weekly Rearing house footings have testified thereto, in fig ures. But ihe broadest idea of hat this thrifty cosamunitv has actuallv-.eoWed is L conveyed in a little addition anieoatparison oi me rouna nuaoers. y Said a journalist, now deceasedVot con siderable experience and unusual acumen, "It you wish to interest the-averacataan, or yvokiah father, nf this ia&&rinlifitvv&ff in tvhat-veu riieBJaSBtterfciSfJre it." "Tberman itPqnesWoa w,as a eynltfbuta very close observer, and though he may have slandered his age it is beyond question that even the best of us attach more importance to material prosperity than did tome of the sages of olden timeaad rightlyteo, for the world has learned that njankisdB gen eral is more apt to keep the path cf recti tude when it is strews with roses tfcsnwhen thorns rob the masses, of their Jfoece as they tread -that path. Squalor and ctisae go hand is hand, 'and the police records will testify that 1889, the most prosperous in the history of Pittsburg, averaged very well on the score of morality and the full force of the stimulus given by prosper ity has not yet been felt, though the year has been remarked as the one pre-eminently when working- people made unusual .effort to become owners of the houses, that sheltered them. Anarchy can get no foot hold of consequence in a country where the masses own the land and the .masses la this vicinity nave Deen rescuing in tnat Direc tion for some years past IX HAS BEES HajSD.BKFOEJL-s The Dispatch has kept trace off the growth of this city, both in expansions, to area and in business and from time to time, remarked upon the substantial character.of that growth. It was hot expected that it would forge ahead like the mush room cities of the 'West Built on paper but even Chicago. " has not kept -pace in substantial business growth. The Dispatch noted editorially in 1887, that the growth of our trade, ifjiich then exceeded that of Cincinnati, and re marked that it would not be many years until it run up to a vear. Since then there has been nothing io take I bacfc,and at present we com pare not wtta Cin cinnati, but Baltimore. Search the Records and see if anywhere else even in this'laund ing country you can find -progress equal to" that of Pittsburg in the list 23 years. , Oar trade is now nearly eight times what it was in 1866, and it is over two. and (Joe-half times what it wasin 1873, in the day of in flation and wild speculation whea v&ry dollar was counted double. $ That there is nothing bombastic in tte com parisons it iahnt necessary to call at-sWloij to tne lacunas me increase oi lateyesrsHcannot be imputed catiesaoi exhibits. was measured by a fall of exchanges from J JUW',T' si, mSoSo Vs" Then began an era of .speculation which by 1883, between inflated values bf iron and wild petroleum speculation, run them up to $497,000,000, The basis not be ing substantial there was another reaction which, in three years, reduced the trade of the city $88,000,000. Then, tatural gas drew the attention of the world to the manu facturing advantages of Pittslurg, and in 1887 we increased onr trade '102,000,000. In 1888 we added $70,000,000 to it, and tramps became a mere remembrance. Last year we did still better, increasing our busi ness $73,000,000. ALTOGETHER IEGITEIATE. There has been a period of four years in which in this city we have bad no specula tion worth talking of, the trade being of the cold expressed variety, and here is the per centage in round numbers: 1886, 14 per cent; 1887, 25 per cent; 1888, 14 per cent, and in 1889, 13 per cent, or since 1885 well up to 50 per cent. Dunng these years the advance is to be credited mainly to the unrivaled position of the city and its nat ural advantages as a manufacturing center, and to the awakening of its population to that fact, kept before the world in season and out of season by the press. The following figures show 24 years' growth, commercially, and that means everything in this connection, though it does not tell of territorial expansion. The Clearing House was established in the year first mentioned. Exchanges. Balances. 1888 S 63,731.242 17 120850,179 68 1867 97,157,656 03 21.03,633 31 1868 115,296.621 83 23,654,130 74 1869 t 156.880.910 90 29.882,017 41 1K70. 178,409,905 51 81.067,296 99 18J1. 215.201,413 69 34.341,435 19 1872 281859.477 OS 42.494.590 94 1873 i . 295.754,858 83 41,605,069 84 JgZf -SI'548-600 75 S9.W4303 fM 1875 233.160,448 36 41,168.203 W JB'O , Z21,703,UIO 43 44,617.207 14 1877 223,569.232 09 42.772,655 16 1878 1S9.771.695 27 37,128.770 30 1ST9 , j. 217.982,649 43 44009,316 73 1880 297,fe04,747 21 62.214.180 37 16S1 380,170,879 10 78 698,625 87 1882 483,610.704 63 81352,605 66 1883 '497,653.962 43 91,807,082 38 1884 463.316,1X19 68 90.X45.3oO fcS 1SS5 .356.171,592 53 73.717,695 74 18S6 , 409,153,867 10 74,753005 24 1887 61LU0.701 3s 63,685.875 25 lf88 681,680.644 69 105.953,036 55 18S9 654,7C0,627 41 125,658.362 69 A few days estimated. ONLr PAKIIAIiLTr EEALIZED. What of the future? We have only awakened to our importance as a distribut ing center. Our great, natural highway cannot be closed against us by monopoly. We are awakened to the advantages a canal to Lake Erie wool d give us, and if neither State nor United States come to our help and to that of the -country at large, we will have it anvhow. We have shown to the world what natural gas will do, added to push and natural advantages, in the way of cheap raw material and facilities for handling it, and if natural gas plays out we can "show the world and the rest of mankind" that we can make artifical gas as cheap as the natural product is now fur nished. Why should we despair? The whole world is before us where to choose just as it was before Adam and Eve, if we have the nerve to contend for its markets. In manu facturing supremacy the great leverage that lifts ns to success is the cheapness of fuel snd the contiguity of raw material, and the former we have and the latter we may have at an expenditure which the profits of Pittsburg manufacturers for one year will buy, and why not have jt? It has been the dream of enthusiasts that before the close of the century Pi ttsburg wUI do f 1,000,000,000 worth of business in a year, and as that is demonstrated to be a bagatelle not worth contending for, why not put the figure at $2,000,000,000 ? rc is fnxHnr ora beach It can be reached if that eaaal be built bnt it will -sot be if' General AMtfcy be put in command again, aad the pojfulaee as PITTSl3tfR&K TUESDAY, "DECEMBER 31, 1889. in times past,, bank on natural advantages. These cannot be taken from Pittsburg, but they can be greatly neutralised, and as we have gotten the momentum up, let us keep the ball rolling and sa y "That canal must and shall be -dug, If Pittsburg digs it her self," trusting to the spirit of the age which recognizes a good thing when it sees it, to come to her rescue. We must have that canal. We can't do without it, and neither can the great North west. The South, with its natural resources and the outlet of the Mississippi and its almost innumerable Gulf and Atlantic ports, will in time get up a world trade, in which, it is true, Pittsburg may share, but at a disadvantage, but the great North west belongs to her, and if ahe do not secure a market for her manu factures and her fuel it will be her own fault, and "now is the accepted time, now is the day bf salvationl" What are $10, 000,000 to the continued supremacy of the, Iron City? Less than 1 per cent on its an nual earnings. ON THE QUf YIYE. Interest la an Emlfirntlon Squabble at Fever neat A Btlxed-Up Contest for An- thorlty.ln a Muddled Matter A Stand 00". israelii TXtlOKUf TO TUB CISPATCn.1 Ne-vt YOBtf, December 30. Everbody about the custom house and Castle Garden is watching to see whst becomes of the Gard ner family, and wondering whether he will be called to arms in the quarrel between the collector and the Board of Emigration. The emigration commissioners stick to their de cision that John E. Gardner, his wife and six children shall be shipped back as pau pers to Europe ou the Bed Star steamship Pennland, which sails in a few .days. Col lector Ehrhardt has decided that Gardner and his family must be landed. Gardner himself wrote to the Collector to-day from Ward's Island, and Collector Ehrhardt sent a brief replv. telling him that he and his family could remain in the country, and that nobody could restrain, them of their liberty. Just at this moment Mr. Edward Kemp, of the importing firm of Lanman & Kemp, was ushered in to seethe Collector. He had come on the Gardner case. Mr. .Kemp was positive that the Emigration Commissioners had not treated Gardner and his family rightly, and offered to send Gardner $100, or any amount outright, i.hat would insure the Gardners against the charge that they were paupers and liable to become a charge on the public. This was not considered a satis factory method of procedure. Mr. Kemp thereupon asked Collector Erhardt to give him Gardner's letter. -The request was granted. Mr. Kemp went immediately to bis law yersfvCoudert Brothers, and requested Mr. Frederick B, Coudert to make the letter the basis for an application for a writ of habeas corpus. , C0UKT ABC0 YALLEY CUTS A SWELL. His Startlfns; Ajpearanc Is Washington In a JStTr Parade Uniform. nrXClAL TZIOCdBAX TO TBX OMrATCS.1 WjASHniOTOir, December 30. T,he Ger man Minister to the United States, who has just returned to the capital after a pro longed absence, is thus described by the well-known authority on etiquette and lead ing society -writer -of Washington, De B. B.K." Count Arco Valley, the tall and arrowy Ger man Minister, Is onco more in Wasbingtorf.and will contribute his attractive nresence and showy court dress to. tba gorgeous itate cere monials during tho official season now at hand. Tbo Count created a. sensation among this fash- 1UUU1Q 1UDU BUU VTUU1UU, DU1CUI1B 3LUIX UO humbler pedestrians of all grades moving along Pennsylvania avenue, to-day. His tali itocm. -was. r4dWlVs"Ws:Sa a Hen bine overcoat. His left eye sported a'diti. of glisc. arid his right band wielded a showy cane. Iu, his left he held one end of n artistically woven strips ot leather; at.tti a'ajher; about rive feet distant In the rear, (the strap toot a bifurcated form, each branch terminating In a bright silver collar which en veloped the front of the elongated dorsal por tion of the anatomy bf two Imported German dach hounds. Ihe towering vertical ngnre of the Uonnt and the horizontal length of the short-legged animals braced at his heels formed a striking contrast LEAVING ALL Tfj THE L0ED. A Preacher Who Will Not Doctor HIa Dying Child. ISPICIU. TELXOBAM TO THB DISPATCH, t Attleboeo, Mass., December 30. The little daughter of Bev. Mr. Penny, whose faith in the Lord is so strong that he will allow no medicine to pass his child's lips, is steadily sinking. The mother has succumbed to the father's Influence, and will take her cure from the Lord or not at all. There are likely to be some very startling developments in this case. Penny has taken this stand In defiance of protest and entreaty, and it isgoing to be hard work to do anything for the child's re lief, unless he is removed in some way from the scene. People talk very strongly of the matter, and it would not be at all strange it a sensation of the most unpleas ant sort grew out of their indignation. The selectmen have turned the case over to the Overseers nf the Poor, and the latter say they have no jurisdiction. ThePennys are not paupers. There appears to" be misunder standing of the situation on the part of District Attorney Khowles, who ordered this course. M0URKED FOB A MEAN MAN. A Scranton Woman Leorni of Her Has band's -Bigamous Marriage. rSFXCIAL TELEOBjUI TO TUB DI8PATCII.1 WlXKESBABBE, December 30. Mrs. Sarah E. Jones left Scranton for Trenton this morning, a broken-hearted woman. A year ago she married an iron worker named George Jones. The husband, being unable to get work, went to Chicago, and from there to Dulutb, Minn. Two months later a letter was received purporting to be signed by the Superintendent of the hospital, stating" tb at Jones had died in that institution and that his body was interred there. Mrs. Jones went into mourning, and to support herself went to work in a knitting mill. A Scranton business man visiting in Trenton learned that Jones was living there under the name of George Wilson. He bad married a widow in comfortable circum stances. The Scranton wife was apprised of the true state of affairs, and at' once made preparations to go to Trenton. Before going she prooured a warrant for her false bus- hand. MB. MANNING'S SUCCESSOR. Easy to Find a Dion Beeaose He Doesn't Have to Live In Albany. rsrXCIAL TELXOnAM TO TH dispatch.: Aibany, N, Y., December 30. Governor Hill to-day appointed Alex C. Eustace, of Etmira, to be Civil Service Commissioner in place of James H. Manning, who resigned because he thought that the Governor had reflected tin his father's memory when the Timet was made the State paper instead of Jbe Argiu.- ' A Civil Service Commissionership is worth only 82,000 a year, but there is not much work to it, and the Commissioner does not have to live in Albany. UBS. ADDJE MARQUIS DEAD. Desslse of (tie Wlfo of Ohio's Lleateaaat Gavernor-Elect. fcEttETONiAniE, December 30. Mrs. Addle Marquis' wife of Lieutenant Governor-elect Marquis, died last eveulng at the family home Jn.thls city.. She was formerly a resldent'of Cincinnati. GE1P IN A IILD FORM Admitted by the New Tork 'Board of Health to be Epidemic There. ITS SPREAD CAN'T BE CHECKED. Ko Fatalities Are let Anticipated From the Disease in itself. CANADA HAS A MORE' SETEBE ATTACK", And. One latil Cue is Sorted as far West as Kansas City. The grip is admittedly epidemic In New Tork City. The Board of Health says It can take no steps to prevent its spread. It is a mild form. No fatalities are anticipated except from some other disease the grip mar bring on. The police of the city are particu larly susceptible. Canada has it in a severe form. Kansas City reports one fatal case. SMCtAL TZUQBAV TO THI SISFATCB.1 New Tobk, December 30. It is now ad mitted by the Board ofHealth that the grip is epidemic In this town, but no measures to prevent itr spread will be taken. It has spread" already lar beyond the possibility ot checking it. Moreover, it is said to be spreading at the estimated rate of 8 to 10 per cent, increase daily. Mr. Joseph D. Bryant, of the Board of Health, said to-day that physicians had not been directed to report cases of grip to the board, because, in the first place, there were as many cases of pneumonia and contagious diseases now re ported as the department could deal with, and because the grip was notin itself fatal. If it were, no effective means could be adopted to curb it Dr. Bryant had never beard of a case of grip proving fatal. People who get the grip may contract pneumonia immediately afterward, and pneumonia is just now very prevalent. Jk. PNEUMONIA -WTHD. A northeast wind is known to the Health Department of this town as the. pneumonia wind. Northeast winds have prevailed for several weeks. There, were 32 deaths by pneumonia to-day and 39 yesterday. This is about two and a half times- the normal number for this season, though it is not many in 1,600,000. Very many of these cases haver-been complicated by the grip, Dri Bryant would not commit himself upon the question whether the prevailing influenza was the genuine Russian grip or not. He said it was sufficient to say that an influenza bad become epidemic In this town, which, though not dangerous in itself, ag gravated certain other diseases and chronic tendencies to a dangerous degree, and opened an easy road to pneumonia and other lung troubles ordinarily fatal. The Board ot Health; declined to advise the public in the matter, other than to ad vise people to be careful not to take cold, but to stay in doors the moment they sus pected, the grip,-and to Bend for a physician at once. Every case must be treated by , itself, and with A proper consideration for the general temperament and physical con dition of the patient at the time. 1TKE TX3 PABENT A Jersey City physician who- has treated a large number of? cases of Influenza, suc cessfully, and is himself in bed with it now, said to-day that Jersey City doctors were trnnntllvu Afrrpd tlintthii infln.nMBmif- J?t.Jiiervwfw klRarediW tbe- European variety, uufipeiswfHeveraA-or ine.tp0t aai gerous features of the parent disease. He said that some cases in his practice had ap proached very close to the Bussian type,, but none filled entirely the conditions men tioned in the .European medical journals. Many physicians in this city, however, dis agree in part with this view. They call it the real Bussian grip, admitting that it differs slightly from that on the other side, a difference due, they think, to different climatic conditions here. A number of prominent physicians are in correspondence with city officials upon the subject. One of these -writes that he has now under his care 11 cases of severe influenza, eight of whom are of the neurotio-form. and unquestionably the gennine Bussian grip. HOW TO TELl IT. The symptoms are: Severe headache, suf fused eyes, chills, a temperature or about 101 degrees, pains in the- back and limbs, a cough, and a moderate catarrh. In one up town case reported, the patient had a tem perature or iuii degrees and saw every thing yellow. It is stated by all physicians that the grip is not fatal. At the Board of Health it is asserted that, by itself, it cannot be fatal. In making this statement Dr. Bryant is in excellent company. Grip does not last ordinarily longer than 36 hours. At the most it runs its course in two days. But people; with Bright's disease are in danger if they get it. It has q peculiarly irritating effect, also, upon patients with weak hearts aud lungs. After the grip has run its course comes the greatest danger to the great mass of or dinarily healthy people. It leaves the pa tient with a tremendous cold in the head and chest. Bronchitis is generally present to a greater or less extent. It is not safe to go out of the house for several days. The penalty is a severer bronchitis or pneu monia. WHAT THB DITPEBEHOE 13. "How is it," was asked to-day of a prom inent physician who holds that New York has the Bussian type of grip, "that so many are said to bandying of the grip abroad and so few die of it in this country, if it is the same disease?" "Ihe reason is very simple," was 'the re ply. "1 do not believe that anyone in Eu rope has died ot the grip, pure and simple. But in certain countries in Europe the dis ease has become more than prevalent. It has become universal. Practically every body has it. The peoplo who have died are tho diseased, the feeble, the old and the careless. Of course, since everybody has caught it,, and when all the deaths as cabled over here, all charged to the grip, it makes a tremendous showing." There are about SO cases of grin in Belle, yue Hospital. There are about 75 cases of pneumonia there. Bellevua is more than crowded. The doctors turned away about 40 cases of lesser diseases, such as rheuma tism, to-day, because there was no room. POLICEMEN ALL VICTIMS. Betnrns sent to Superintendent Murray to-day showed that 295 policemen are laid up, against 270 on Sunday. Surgeons re port that two-thirds of the sickness is due to the grip. Captain Qarland, of the Madison station, 5 sergeants and 12 roundsmen are among the victim, which foot up nearly 10 per cent of the entire force. Judge La combe, of the United States Circuit Court, was unable to come to court to-day in con sequence of a severe cold with symptoms of the grip. Assistant United States District Attorney Daniel O'Connel is also laid up. United States Commissioner Shields and Assistant United States Attornev Eose have got colds, but are able to work." TfiB GENUINE AETICLE IN CANADA. Montreal Physicians Report Severe Cases of the Bread Rossiaa Malady. Montreal, December 30. Inquiries made by officials of the Board of Health, en Saturday failed to discover a single case of Jnflaenxa in Montreal. To-day Beaxlyfevsry Btedical practitioner la, the city reports hav ing' soke cases under, trestraeBt, Lsadfisg -JM- VOA doctors agree that ihe disease is thl.'f jiiuucum wuicn nas ueea epiuemic sia and the rest of Europe. The h . i :i i -. !j . i r ji a i appeared here, is extremely painfu fnfct 1 symptoms being Mrereheadachwr, and t 54(ftnadIailS Are Both WHHn2andrAnX- dhATlr hfk Ifttna tend himV AMflMnAnlaHl VI " . ! im' chills and fever. The disease appears to have paid a sudden visit to the City Saturday night, and the doctors and druggists have been busy ever since. A FATAL CASE AT KAN8AB 01TT.' A Youth of IS, Attacked by luflaenxa, Falls a Victim. Kansas Citt, December 30. The first fatal case of influenza In this city occurred Saturday night. It was that of William "Walker, aged 18 years. Assistant City Physician B. S. Bicards, attended the patient aud he pronounced the disease as in fluenza, which developed into aodte pneu monia. A special from Emporia, Kan., states that there are at least 200 cases of la grippe in that city. Several- railroad men are pros trated. At Leavenworth there are also a number of well-defined cases. There are 100 esses at Selina, Kan., whole families being afflicted. STILL SPREADING IN GERMAN I. A Great Increase la All Maladies Attendant Upon the DIarnse. BEBI.XN, December 30. The statistics show a great increase in all maladies attend ant upon the influenza. For the-third week in December .there were 37 deaths from laryngitis, 122 from inflammation of the lungs and So, from pleurisv. Dahn, the author, is ill at Breslau. Half the police ot Mayence are affected. There are thousands of cases at Stuttgart, at Augsburg and at Cologne. There is no abatement on the severity of the disease at Vienna, where there have been many deaths from pneumonia. The Archduke Karl Ludwig and his grandson have each bad the disease. IN PLACES NEAB HOME. The Grip fetus a Hold la Several Neighbor ing Towns. rSFXCIAL. TXUtOBAM TO TBX DISPATCH.! Tiffin,. December 30 Scarlet fever is nrevailing to an alarming extent in this city. Several deaths have occurred. A large number of cases are reported and a number of school children who were ex posed to it are down with it. La grippe has reached this city and about a dozen cases are reported but not serious. A dispatch from Massillon reports seven pronounced cases nnder treatment,while in fluenza of a milder type prevails largely. Cumberland, Md.t reports 389 persons suffering from the "grip." So far no deaths have occurred. AID FOB THE POOR OF FABIS. Bothscbltd Gives 108,600 Franca for the Relief of 8aflrera Pabis, December 'SO. M. Bothschild has presented 100,000 francs to the munici pality to be devoted to the relief of the poor of Paris afflicted with influenza. The weather is now fine. There were 342 deaths in Paris to-day from all causes against 414 yesterday. There were 22 deaths in the Bue Bruot alone to-day. The First Policeman Tnken. New Tobk, December 30. The death ot Patrolman Timothy J. Golden to-day is said to have been, the,first fatal case of "la grippe" on the police force here. He was taken ill on Saturday. ZZiZ? A k'WITITPEN&f Mayor Grant Hequeata Street Coraali stoDer Coleman's Removal The Lat ter Sends the Mayor HIa y Resignation at About the Same Time. rsrSCTAL TZLKOttAX TO TBX DISrATCO.1 New Tobk, December 30. The threat ened letter of Mayor Grant asking for the removal of Street Commissioner James S. Coleman was written to-day and sent to the Board of Health. Commissioner Coleman did not come to his office this afternoon, but the news that the Mayor had written a letter testifying to his unfitness for the office reached him, and thereupon he sat down and wrote his resignation. He says in part: From the reports in to-day's papers of the proceedings oi the Board of Estimate and Appointment at the Mayor's office on Satur day, I see that you made use of expressions in relation to myself, after I had finished the Dnsl ness that called me before the board and had left your office, which, common courtesy would require that yon should have said while I was present, or have communicated to me by official fetter. You are reported to have said that you were boIok to write a letter to the Board of Health recommending my removal. If such be your intention, I wish to inform you that yon are putting yourself to unnecessary and nn-called-for trouble in this matter. You, as well ns the gentlemen who have pre ceded you in office as the Chief Maelstrate of this city for the past eight years, are well Aware ot my feelings in relation to the position I now hold. I accepted it reluctantly and only at tne urgent request of Mr. Grace. His successor, Mr. Edson, was not only pleased with my work, but did me the bonor of kindly offering to take the Initiative in my advancement to a higher position in the city government If I would con sent to it. Then followed Mr. Grace In his second term. Sly first term of office expired while Mr. Hewitt, who was nomin ated by Tammany Hall and elected by the United Democracy, was Mayor. He without solicitation on my part; reappointed me 'or a second term, at the request, as I have been informed, of some of tne most prom lnentlcitlzens of New York, many of them hav ing been members of Tammany Hall since the days of Governor Marcy. I have performed the duties of my office conscientiously, eco nomically and as effectively as I could with tne means at mv aisposai, considering tne nu merous embarrassments with whicn I have had to contend and to which I have often called your attention, particularly In my last annnal reuort. rms nas oeen attested ov tne oeome. the pros, the reduced death- rate, and the su- penor cleanliness oi iai ciiy generally. That the streets, especially in the lower por tion of the city, are not as clean as we should like to have them, cannot, with fairness, be attributed to negligence on the part of the De partment of Street Cleaning. However, as vonr oonositlon to me has become so marked as to make it embarrassing for me to longer con tinue in office under your administration. Ire quest that yon will, at an early a date as pos sible, name a successor for my position as Com missioner of Street Cleaning, which I hereby resign." BOTTEN QAILBOAD TIES Sold to Have Caused the Wreck at White Snlpnor SprloKs. Chabijsston, W.Ta., December 30. Twenty-six persons, passengers on the Chesapeake and Ohio train wrecked at White Sulphur Springs Saturday, have signed a paper stating that in their opinion, alter examination, tne cause of the wreck was rotten ties, a defective rail and a too high rate of speed. However, this may be, the road is known to be in a bad condition. It is learned from one who recently passed over the road that at not as many points be tween Huntington and Bichmond are new ties being hauled in. Tho bridge which gave way under a freight train a few weeks ago at Gnyandotte had been for two years pronounced by the company engineer as un safe. More Trouble In Kentucky. Louisville, December 30. The Ken tucky Legislature organized to-day by the election ottneomciais cnosen ny democratic caucus Dsturday. Governor Buckners message shows ttie.deralcatlon of Treasurer Tatefebefl&OM. THBEE CENTS! THEY LIKE raCEE'SH iocs to be Annexed, if Onlv v: THIS GOYEEKMEST WILL COffSEHT; A, Dominion Representative Urges Union M tu8 cest Jietnoa or ?.?,, SETTLING THE FISHERIES DISPUTE A Tanlce Captain's Sarcastic fonarts AboatitMB Violation of Treaties. fB Testifying before the Senate Committeel yesterday a Massachusetts sea captain'pn3j posed retaliation as the best method of setjE tling the Canadian fisheries dispute. Erastus Wiman talked ior commercial unions ancli Mr. Glenn, an ex-member of the Dominion Parliament, argued that annexation wonldl be better. j New Yobk, December 30. Captain PeJjj J. Bapson, of Gloucester, Mass., wastla first witness called before the Senate CdmgB mittee on Canadian Affairs which met hereB to-diy. The witness explained that he hTdS given the subject of the fisheries in Canadian! waters careful study. As the representati va( of the National Fishermen's Association.rTe-j described the difficulty that American fisherW men had to secure bail nnder the relations, j now existing. Mr. Bapson claimed that thojj treaty pf 1818, allowing the people-of tiioS United States to proceed inland in the ns eries, was entirely useless, inasmuch asajj portion of the rights under it have been,surjJ rendered and those-that remain are uselesuj Pishing vessels, the witness maintained! should be allowed the same comme'rcial? privileges as regularly registered vessels Senator Pugh asked upon what grounds the Gloucester fishermen based their claims to commercial rights. d OCE BIGHTS UNDER THB TBEATTiJw "The rights allowed them by legislation replied the witness. "I claim, that the'laWy. of the United States granting AmericanjreS sels the right to trade on the high seas shqubu demand respect from Great. Britain. Great! Britain is under obligations to us, andUf; our Government cannot carry out Its lawwD sar we have no government." &fk Senator Hoar stated that Great -Britain I always Conceded to the United States the commercial rights of fishing vessels. Sena! ; tor Pugh, on the other band, declared th'aC 1 Great Britain always acted in harmony with; Canada on the question whenever the mat : ter came in the shape of treaty or law. 'Her' Ministers might favor the Americans inlin? dividual cases, but that was all. Our State Department should take steps at once to di cide the matter finally, one way or another! When asked bv Senator Dolnh for a ren7 edy, the witness said that the only remedy. nefnewot just at present was retaliation. P.ETJXIATIOir A EEMEDT. "Deny commercial rights to Canada.at? rogate the treaty rather than permit lttoi exist. Make your laws for Americas fish-9 ennan. Do as was done in Andrew Jackj son's time. Have your legislation by Con gress, and have an executive strong enonghj and brave enough to carry out these Iawsjgt Put their vessels here nnder tbe samer strictions as ours are there, and tbe Amert?. icau will securer his rights." S? Mr. Erastus Wiman followed. His opin ion was that the Canadians showed a .desire for closer intercourse and should be 'recog nized, if nor commercially wbytheafpoliti- - .realty. Tt)e Sfacdonsid adflnftrattoagfc tne cause or toepresenc patiitieJSinpta? fisheries question, the wlineaTtSgiTEtJyri:. JSnglisn bonanolder, rairraaaa'-anU?otIier. speculators would, according to Mr; -Ww man's views, be vastly benefited bytiiaj annexation of Canada to the United! States. Trade in England of every de4 sen ption would increase by such an annex? ation. "A political union with Canada! would increase the property valueof Hnnnri. n hn n.l.rt flrt " . . Xf. W , n. nn'V uutfuM a uuuuiwiui na4tf.Ji. it tww.. reply to a question. WHT maOIT IS DESIEED. Speaking of annexation, Chairman?Hoarj took occasion to remark tnat in his opinion and that of his colleagues the movement; in that direction should be made hrCaoal dians, for no one in tbe United States tbonght of political annexation by forcejorj use of power. jSm Mr. Wiman thought great richnessjlay north of the United States border to be had? for the asking, and 300 miles of fisKerw coast that might be thrown open to Amerijj cans if Americans would but have it so. H Francis Wayland Glenn, a former resEJ dent of Canada, and a member of the D5j minion Parliament for South TorontoYow nine years previous to 1886, was also vi ness before the commission. "CdnadawiUj come here," be said, pointedly, "unless .thai people ot the United States themselves pre3 vent her. She sees milk and honey beyond! the St. Lawrence, and she wants to sharelibj it." vJM Mr. Glenn, in support of his statements?! said Canada had adopted the free school! system, decimal educations and elections methods of the United States, and was mora eager to adopt American business princip pies than she was those of England. VmI CAHADIAX3 WANT TO COME I.'H Cadada also wanted free access to Amerfll can markets, he held in fact, she wouldj declare her independence of English powerj apd annex with tbe United Sutes.Thej witness did not favor tbe commercialuidnj of which Mr. Wiman talked. Indeedflhaj thought that gentleman was a represents tire of capital' which, in the long run,. maw ruin Canada. $38JI Many leading Canadians, the speakeri ing English magazines, Canadians jieaAI American publications, and more Canad ian youths are educated, hesaid, in Americas? colleges than in British univenitiesiSHs thought that Sir John Macdonald, was la politician and not a statesman. Mr.WJ TTinn witnps xa!d. iolri the Canadian ih' their only antidote for annexation was.coi , - rrr . mercial nnion. Mr. Wiman wasVwrongA lilt was aesirawe mat me unueabuieai should secure annexation the duties "shonUtj be left as they are. 'M nvnnu uf m juiu-uuem The Steamship Fenoloud Reacaaa a'Bsah'al Captain and C'reir. tSrXClALTXlXOKAK TOTM DlSTATCaVT New Yobk, December 30. ThofiteSsj? ship Pennland, which arrived to-day Antwerp, alter a. long voyage against strong westerly gales, brought to this portVWel Captain and crew of five menijofjpttfrt British barkentlne Jnan, of Salcorabeflwkfl were rescued in mid-oceau from their iinkligl vessel. Captain Cove, cf the Juan,repertsl that his vessel, which was of 130 toss fcwra den, left St. Johns, NewfouodlaadjkfprJ Glasgow, November 30, with a, cargTgflistq oiL The wind was strong from tho sewMSi west, and the weather was clearthojsjlfl wltK airt inAtsr strtnalfst TAnarnrTMif 1 gale sprang up from the south westTs7bsf rrsu uudvsui, (uvn sruwwas 4vVvWrBir TJB lay to nnder close-reefed topsailSbatlwli OTA starboard bulwarks were stove, andfthteSJj snd gaiiaut ran siariBo. There was another gale on the again forced the Juan to take Itj sMfi serious mishap occurred until thelm bark was then about l.COO mileaSSp Johns. The rough featheKwyl lasted mrougooui tne voyage gtejrj'm At noon the Juan shipped aJjhSwvvl which swept the decks and carries otmS Seaman O. Pierres, who was lostTfiJ land came in sight niter threef dSTsj perate ae vices to seep anoat. JJ ;! gssi J'-t'Sfe! ! J- 4. - "Lk L'j y.- ZA, iZ& .A. aBSBBBsBss'i