jHEirMsf mm 77- iTlie Sty Anthem to the Babe of Bethlehem Treated by Talmage. HE PKEACHER'S. BETEOUT TEXT rielis a Serrion on the Listing Significance v- ''Of That Song. FimKS THEME FOE CHEI8THAS BYJs , rsrxcui. to tsx cistatcb.! -Beyboot, December 21 The Eev. T. )e"VV:itiE'ailmce. D. D.. of Brooklyn, who islhererith his Tiartv. preached to-dav to a Kroufiigjt 'friends on "The Sky Anthem." mjijextras Lute 11. 14: -uiory to uoa in fiielh'ifihest, and on earth peace, good trill tpwarcl men," on -which he delivered the following discourse: U, last i have what X longed for, a Christ inas Eve in the Holy Land. This is the ftfmVof year that Christ landed. He was a December Christ. This is the chill air Ithrdugh which he descended. I look Tip Ethrough these Christmas skies, and 1 see no iloosened star hastening southward to halt labove Bethlehem, bat all the stars suggest gthe.Star of Bethlehem. - No more need that janV", of them rnn alone the sky it downward. In qmetnde they ikneel at the feet of Him who, though once fan exile, is now enthroned forever. Fresh BUD from Bethlehem, I am fnll of the scenes (suggested by a -visit to that Tillage. Ton '. know that whole region of Bethlehem is fa mous ic Bible story. There were the war ing harvests oi Boar, in which Bnth gleaned for herself and weeping Naomi. There David the warrior was thirsty, and three men of unheard of self-denial broke through the Philistine army to get mm a drink, it was to tbat region tnat Joseph anamary ciune to have tbeir names enrolled in the census. Xhst is wnat the benpture means when it tavs thev came to be taxed.' for people did not in those days rush after the 6 assessors of tax any more than they sow do. tthe.be he -was bokn. The villae? inn was crowded with the strange who had come -up by the command Ibf government to have their names in the frAanm. an 4ft ttt Tnennli nni? fnir van) J obliged to lodge in the stables. Yon bave 5 seen some 01 tnose large stone onuuings, in the center of -which the camels were kept, ' -while rnnning ont from this center in all directions there were rooms, in one of which KTesus was born. Had His parents been more showily appareled I have no doubt they Swould hare found more comfortable enter- Sftainment. That nieh tin the fields the shen- 'jherds, with crook and kindled fires, were watching their hocks, when hart! to the sound of voices strangely sweet. Can it be that the maidens of Bethlehem have come out to serenade the fc-weary shepherds? But now a light stoops xnpon them lice the morning, so that the flocks arise, shaking their snowy fleece and f bleating to their drowsy yonng. The heavens Bare filled with armies of light, and the earth (quakes under the harmony as, echoed back Blrom clond to cloud, it rings over the mid ETuight hills: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men! It ' seems that the crown of royalty and do- 'minion and power which Christ left behind Jnim was hung on the sky in sight of xtethle lliem. Who knows but that that crown may have been mistaken by the wisemen for the star rnnning and pointing downward? Ik.. Mr subject, in the first place, impresses Bine with the fact that indigence is not always Eicnincam oi aegraaation. When princes are born, heralds announce it, and cannon (thunder it, and flags wave it, and illumina tions set cities on fire with the tidings. ,'! JOY OVER LESSEE PBHTCES. - ',Some of us in England or America re- Pm'ember the time of rejoicing when the ' Prince of Wales was born. Ton can re member the gladness throughout Christen' adomat the nativity in the palace at M adrid. TJnl"wheu our glorious -Prince was born. tJiere-vraa-no rejoicing on earth. Poor and fecrowine poorer, yet the heavenly recocni- jtion that Christmas night shows the truth of i-tbe proposition that indigence is not always f significant of degradation. In all ages there have been ereat hearts jfthrobbing under rags, tender sympathies un- Ul AVUU t.AI..W, few 1U WG IjUMU, JL tt- rian marble in the quarry, and in every sta table of privation wonders of excellence that Shave been the joy of the heavenly host All itbe great deliverers or literature and ot na Itions were born in homes without afilnence, land from their own privation learned to speak land fight lor the oppressed. Many a man Shas held np his pine knot light from the wilderness until all nations and generations shave seen it, and off of his hard crust of gpenury has broken the bread or knowledge land religion for the starving millions of the prace. Poetry, and science, and literature, lana commerce, ana laws, and consu ltations, and liberty, like Christ, were "born in a manger. All the ereat thoughts rwhieh have decided the destiny of nations (started in obsenre corners, and had Herod s jlwho wanted to slay them, and Iscariots jtwho qetrayed them, and rabbles that crn icified them, and sepnlcbers that connfied ifthem until tbey burst forth in glorious '.resurrection. Strong character, like the rhododendron, is an Alpine plant, that i'grows fastest in the storm. ! I BEATING DOES THEM GOOD.. , 'Men are like wheat, worth all the more afor being flailed. Some of the most useful people would never have come to positions "fof usefulness had they not been ground and "hammered in the foundry of disaster. When l see Moses coming up from the ark of bul- irusbes to be the greatest lawgiver of the (ages, and Amos from tending the herds to pnake Israel tremble with his prophecies, jaau jjavm irom me sneepcote to sway the poet's pen and the king's scepter, and Peter yjfrom the fishing net to be the great preacher fat the Pentecost. I find the proof of the JJtrnth of my proposition that indigence is not ..always sitrnincam oi aegraaation. cSLfily subject also impresses me with the thought that it is while at our useful occn. Ipations that we have the divine manifests- .,.. Man thn.a iti.tihud. ......a At.... ..!1 Eunto Bethlehem and risked tbeir flocks Samone the wolves, they would not have heard the song ot the angels. In other words, that man sees most of God and (Heaven who minds his own business. We Jail have our posts of duty, and standing (there God appears to us. we are all sheo- (herds and shepherdesses, and we have our flocks of cares and annoyances and anxieties, and we must tend them. We sometimes hear verv'pood nennle say: "If I had a month or a vear or two to do nothing but attend to religions things, I wonld be a great deal better than lam now." ion are mistaken. Generally the best peo ple are the busy people. Eliaha was plow ing in the field when the prophetic mantle fell on him. 3Iatthew was attending to his custom honse duties when Christ commanded bim to tollow. James and John were mend inglthcir nets when Christ called them to be fishers of men. : wasted no slothful ones. 1 they been snoring in the sun Christ would . not have called their indolence into th5Spostleship. Gideon was at work with thTfiail on the threshing floor when he saw tSeTangel. Saul was with rreat fatiirne hunting up the lost asses when he found the crowniot Israel. The" prodigal son would nevephave reformed and wanted to have re iuraejlto his father's house if he had not firet'gone into business, though it was swine feedingri'airot pneeontof a hundred times will Fa lax v man become a Christian. Those Wlwhave nothing to do are in very unfavor- awelcircnmitances lor the receiving of di rTaeSHi'anifestations. It is not when von arejinlldleness, bat when yon are, like the Jiel&ienes. Bucpucua, wahuutug jour noCKS, tHSrthT?glory descends ancj there Is joy amoagthe angels o! God oyer your soul penitent ana lorgiven. sSMrmWect siso strikes otf the delusion that. the 'religion of Christ is dolorous and grief Jafsjiajf. The mutio that broke ,,?- -es - . TkhfJS fJdBiht Wwm'wm sot a dirge, bat an . anthem. It shook joy over the hills. -It not only dropped upon the shepherds, bat it sprang npward among the thrones. Hhe rote of a Savior's righteous ness is not black. The Christian life is not made np of weeping and cross bearing and war waging. Through tbe revelation of that Christmas night I find that' religion is not a groan, but a song. In a world of sin and sick bed and sepulchers, we must have trouble; but in the darkest night the heavens part with angelic song. Ton day, like Paul, be shipwrecked, bat I exhort you to be of good cheer, or yon shall .all escape sale to the land. NOT LIKE A CLOAK. Beligion does not show itself in the elon gation of the face and the cnt of the garb. The Pharisee who puts his religion into his phylactery has none left for his heart. Pretfnlness and complaining-do not belong to the family of Christian graces which move into the heart when the devil moves out. Christianity does not frown upon amusements and recreations. It is not a cynic, it is not a shrew, it chokes.no laugh ter, it quenches no light, it defaces no art. Among the happy, it is the happiest. It is just as much at home on tbe playground as it is in the church. It is just as graceful in the charade as it is in the psalm book. It sings just as well in Surrey' gardens as it prays in St Paul's. Christ died that we might live. Christ walked that we might ride. Christ wept that we might laugh. Again, my subject impresses me with the fact that glorious endings sometimes have very humblebeginnings." The slraw pallet was the starting point, but the shout in the midnight sky revealed what wonld be the glorious consummation. Christ on Mary's lap, Christ on the throne, of universal do minionwhat an humble starting t What a glorious ending 1 GraceTiegins on a small scale in the heart. Yon see only men as trees walking. The grace" of God in the heart is a feeble spark, and Christ has to keep both hands over it lest it be blown out. W bat an bumble beginning l THE CLIMAX OF CONTRASTS. But look at that same man when he has entered heaven. No crown able to express his royalty. Ho palace able to express his wealth. Ko scepter able to express his power and his dominion. Drinking from the fountain that drips from the everlasting Bock. Among the harpers harping with their harps. On a sea of glass mingled with fire. Before the throne of God, to go no more ont forever. The spark of grace that Christ had to keep both hands over lest it come to extinction, having flamed np into honor and glory and immortality. What humble starting 1 What glorious consummation 1 The New Testament .Church was on a small scale. Fishermen watched it Against the uprising walls crashed internal en ginery. The world said anathema. Ten thousand people .rejoiced atevery seeming detest, and said: "Aha! ahat so we wonld have it" Martyrs on fire cried: "How long, O Lord, how long?" Very humble starting, but see the difference at the con summation, when Christ with his almighty arm has struck off the last chain of human bondage, and Himalaya shall be Mount Zion; and Pyrenees, Moriah; and oceans, the walking place of Him who trod the wave cliffs of stormed Tiberias,, and, island shall call to island, sea to sea, continent to continent, and, the song of the world's re demption rising, . the heavens, like a great sounding board, shall strike back the sbont of salvation to the' earth until it rebounds again to the throne of God, and all heaven, rising on their thrones, beat time with their soepters. Ob, what an humble beginning' What a glorions ending! Throne linked to a manger, heavenly mansions to a stable. IT -WOEKS BOTH WATS. My subject also impresses me with the effect of Christ's mission upward and down ward. Glory to God, peace to man. "When God sent His son into the world, angels dis covered something new in God, something they had never seen before. Not power, not wisdom, not love. Tbey knew all that be fore. But when God sent His son into this world then the angels saw the spirit of self denial in God, the spirit of sell sacrifice in God. It is easier to love an angel on his throne than a thiet on the cross, a seraph in bis worship than an adulteress in her crime. When tbe angels saw God the God who would not allow the most insignificant angel in heaven to be hurtgiv tip His son, His son, .His onlyi ohiyson, they saw something that they had never thought of before, and I do not wonder that when Christ started ont on that pilgrimage the angels in heaven clapped their wings in triumph and called on all the hosts of heaven to help them cele brate it, and sang so loud 'that the Bethle hem shepherds heard it : 'Glory to God in the highest" But it was also to be a mission of peace to man. Infinite holin.essr-abcumulated depravity. How could they ever come to gether? Tbe Gospel bridges over the dis tance.. It brings God to us. Tt takes us to God. God in us, and we in God. . Atone ment! Atonement! Justice satisfied, sins forgiven, eternal life secured, heaven built on a manger. -, But it was also to be the pacification of all individual and. international animosi ties. What a sound this word of peace had in the Roman empire that boasted of the number of people it had massacred, that prided itself on the number of the slain, that rejoiced at the trembling provinces. THEY ALL SWOEE ALLEGIANCE. Sicily and Corsica and Sardinia and Macedonia and Egypt "had bowed to her ysword and crouched at tbe cry of her war eagles. She gave her chief honor to Scipio and Pabius and Csesar all men of blood. What contempt they must have had there for tbe penniless, unarmed Christ in the, garb of a Nazarene, starting; out to con quer all nations. There never was a place on eartn wnere tnat word peace sounded so offensively to the ears of tbe multitude as in the Bom an empire. Tbey did not want peace. The greatest music tbey ever heard was the clanking chains of tbeir .captives. If all the blood that has been shed in battle could be gathered together it would upbear a navy. The club that struck Abel to the earth has its echo in the butcheries of all ages. Edmund Bnrke, who gave no wild statistics, faid that there had been spent in slaughter $35,000,000,000, or what wonld be equal to that; but he had not seen into onr times, when in onr own day, in America, we expended (3,000,000,000 in civil war. Oh, if we could now take onr position on some high point and se the world's armies march past! What a spectacle it would be! There go the hosts of Israel through a score of Bed seas one of water, the rest of blood. There go Cyrus and his army, with infuriate yell rejoicing over the fall of the gates of iiabylon. There goes Alexander, leading forth his hosts and conquering all the world but himself, the earth reeling with the bat tle gash of Arbela and Persepolis. There goes Ferdinand Cortes, leaving his butch ered enemies on the table lands once fragrant with vanilla and covered over with groves of flowering cacao. SBIGHTEB THAN ALL THESE LIGHTS. There goes the great Frenchman, leading his army down through Bgypt like one of its plagues, and up through Jtussia like one or its own icy blasts. Yonder is the grave trench under the shadow ot Sevastopol. There are tbe ruins of Delhi-and Allahabad, and yonder are the inhuman Sepoys and tbe brave regiments under Havelock aveng ing the insultea flag of Britain; while cut right through the heart of my native land is a trench in which there lie one million Northern and Southern "dead. Oh,-tbe tears! Oh, the blood! Oh, the long marches! Oh, the hospital wounds! Oh, the martyrdom! Ob, the death But brighter than the'light which flashed on all these swords and shields and musketry is the lighf'that fell ion Bethlehem, and londer than the bray of the trumpets, and the neighing of the chargers, sad the crash of the walls, and the groaning, of the -dying armies, is the song that unrolls this moment from the sky, sweet as though all "the bells of heaven rungs jubileefPeacVML earth, good will toward aen." ,Oh, when will the day come God hasten it! when the swords shall be turned into plowshares, and the fortresses shall he remodeled 'into churches, and the men of blood battling for renown shall become good soldfen for Jem Christ, and the cannon aowstrikiag down whole columns ef death shall Adrtfre victories of the truth. ITU tiddt tbe KWe mM mtm! v'Kas'-Ti"-' -'.i - : j e.-Tfs-s-f we ana apt m tfcirt ef the tew people (hat. now iababit it Only a very few, compared with the populations to come. And what a small part cultivated. Do you know it has been authentically estimated that three fourths of Europe is yet all barrenness, and that 991-1000 part of the globe is nnculti. yated. . j ALL TO BE TRANSFORMED. This is all to be cultivated, all Inhabited and all gospelized. Ob, what tears of repent ance when nations begin to weep! Oh, what supplications when continents begin to pray! Ob, what rejoicing when hemispheres begin to sing! Churches will worship on the places, where this very hour smokes the blood of hnmaa sacrifice, and wandering through the snake-infested jungles ot Africa Christ's heel will, bruise the serpent's head. Ob. when the trumpet of salvation, shall be sounded everywhere and the na tions .are redeemed, a light will fall upon every town brighter than that which fell .upon Bethlehem, and more overwhelm ing than the song that fell on the pasture fields where the flocks fed, there will be a song louder than the voice of tbe storm lift ed oceans, ''Glory to God in the highest," and'fronrall nations and kindred and people and tongues will come the response, "And on earth peace, good will toward men!" On this. Christmas Eve I bring you good tidings of great joy. Pardon (or all sin, comfort for all trouble and life for the dead. Shall we now take this Christ into our hearts? The time is passing. TJiis is the closing of tbe Tear. How the time speeds "by. Put your hand on your heart one, two, three. Three times less It will beat Life is passing like gazelles over the plain. Sorrows hover like petrels over the sea. Death swoops like a vulture from the mountains. Misery rolls up to onr ears like waves. Heavenly songs fall to ns like stars. HIS CHBXSTVAS GREETING. 1 wish you -a merrv Christmas, not with worldly dissipations, but merry with gospel gladness, merry with hope ofreunion in the skies with all your loved ones who have pre ceded yon. In that grandest and best sense a merry Christmas. And'God grant that in our final moment we may have as bright a vision as did the dying girl when she: said: "Mother" pointing with her thin, white hand through the window "Mother, what is that beauti ful land out yonder bevond the mountains, tbe high mountains?" "Oh," said the mother, "my darling, there are no mount ains within sight of our home." "Oh, yes," she said, "don't you see them that beauti ful land beyond the mountains out there, jnst beyond the high mountains ?" The mother looked down into the face of her dying child and said: "My dear, I think that must be heaven that you see." "Well, then," she said, "father, you come, and with your strong arms carry me over those mountains intotbat beautiful land beyond the high mountains." "No," said the weeping father, "my darling, I can't go with you." "Well," she said, clapping her hands, "never mind, never mind: I see yonder a shining one coming. He is coming now, in His strong arms to carry me over the mountains to the beautifnl land over the mountains, over the high mountains!" I1RKETSJ Butter aed Eggs Blew and Shade Lower Than Last Week. y -a MM sr toa; 'tKV-,yi$S,r : WOWH BMfMfn . 1-'?C. POULTEX JIIJMA'PPLSS WEAK. Tke eeireral Bri'ft'.of -Cereals is Toward Lower'Trices. SDGAES PAfiL AGAIK-COFFEE FIRM CHARLES DICKENS' CATERER. A French Walter Who Served Two Noted ngllh Novelists. ' New York Bun. One would not naturally expect to find in the French quarter a person who had been at all intimate with Thackeray and Dickens, bnt in Bleecker street there is a good looking Ganl to whom both of these celebrated men often confided what was their particular vanity in the way of food as well as drink, -Although apparently not old enough to have been on such terms of intimacy with the two great writers, Francois Bnppert, who keeps a cafe in the street named, used to be a waiter in a restaurant frequented by them, and, as such, received the confidences indicated in regard I to the favorite dishes and drinks of each. He does not keep particularly thrilling stories on tap in regard to either, bnt he is fond of describing Thackeray's broken nose and giant-like proportions and Dickens thunder ana lightning waistcoats. While he talks to you M. Bnppert brings both men much nearer, but alter one has quitted the cafe no very tangible impression remains of his revelations. This may be due to va rious causes which M. Bnppert keeps on tap in lien of stories about his former patrons. M0Y1NG TOWARD CONSOLIDATION. The. Attempt to Unite All Athletic Clnba Meeting With Favor. rSPZCtiL TXXXGlLiX TO THE DISPATCH.! Kstv Tobk, December 29. The import ant circular issued last week, by the Ama teur AthleticTJhion, in which was embodied a comprehensive plan looking to the amal gamation of all athletic clubs in the country under one central head, has caused a great deal ot discussion, and is meeting with favorable consideration. The idea is to form tbe different athletio clubs into groups, each group to constitute an association of clubs of the Amateur Athletio Union, each with a distinctive name and managerial organization, and each with representation in the union. OPVTCK OF PITTSBUBQ DISPATCH,! SATOTtDAT. December 28, 1889. J Coantrr Prodnce Jobbing Prices. Butter and eggs are slow and prices are a shade lower; Weatber for some time past has been iavorable to a largeyield of ben fruit. It does not often occur that eggs are as low at this season of the year Poultry continues very firm. Stock has notheen as well cleaned op this season as it is now. Supplies in all poultry lines are below demand. Apples are weaker and potatoes stronger. Demand for tropical fruits is steadily improving, and stuff moves freely at advanced rates. Tbe quietness that always follows holidays Is fully on, and active markets are not looked for by produce commis sion men until the turn of the new year. ." Butteb Creamery, Blgln, 2930c; Ohio do, 27X9-Sc: fresh dairy packed. 2t28c; country rolls, 232tc , ,. Beans Navy band-picked beans, (2 Z52 30; medium, $2 102 20. Beeswax 2830c 3R ft for choice; low grade, 18620c. , Cider Sand refined,- K 607 60; common, $3 604 j00; crab elder,?8.008 60 barrel; elder vinegar, 1012c 51 gallon. Chestnuts J5 005 60 $1 bushel; walnuts, 6070o bushel. Cheese Ohio, llHKc; New York, liKc; Iilmburger, 8llc; domestic Sweitzer, 11 13Kc: imported Sweitzer, 23 Kaas 2125c $1 dozen for strictly fresh. Feotts Apple, iancy, S2 60(83 00fl barrel; California pears, S3 604 00 a box; cranberries. sil0Og!12'fl ft barrel; Malaga grapes, large barrel. S8 OIL Game Squlrrels.75cSl ft dozen: quail, $175 ft dozen; prairie chickens, H 605 00 ft dozen; pheasants,, $5 OOQS 60 ft dozen: rabbits,S0S5c a pair; venison saddle, 1012c $) pound; venison carcass, 790 ft pound. Feathers Extra live eeese, S060c; No. 1, do, 4045c; mixed lots, 8035c ft S. PooXTKT Live cniclfens, BO&BSo a pair; dressed. 89c a pound; dncks, 6o75c p pair; ireese, SI ii&Sl 30 $1 pair: live turkeys, 1213cft A; dressed turkeys,. lG18c $3 ft. i Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, S420 4 40 ft bushel; cloverjarge English. 62 fts, SI 33 4 60. clover, Alsike. 18 00: clover, white, 9; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 50; bine grass, extra clean, 14 fts. 1 2ol 30; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, 10; orchard srrass, 14 fts. SI 40: red top, 14 fts. f 1 23; millet. 60 fts, 81 00: millet, 6070c ft bushel; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, 65c, lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, S3 00 f) bushel of 14 fts. TALJxmCountry, i city rendered, fii 5c Tropical Fedtts Lemons, common, S2 00 225; tancy, J4C0S5 00; Florida oranses, 3 TO 3'50i Jamaica oranges, S3 004 00 ) barrel; bananas, SI 60 firsts, SI 00 good seconds, ft bunch; cocoanuts, S4 0004 JO ft hundred; flga, 8K9c ft &; dates .,5W6Ks $ ft; new layer figs, 1215c;new dates. 7Xc $ ft. Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 65060c j on track, 45050c; cabbages, J7 008 00 a hun dred; celery, 40c ft dozen: Jerseys, S4 004 25; turnips, SI 0001 60 a barrel; onions, SI 75 a bar rel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUB 2J2C ft pound. Hmm. tISMsMa'M: winter wheat bran, Sll 3691169; oaep fW, 10 OU0J.U uu. , Sat Baled timothy, No. 1, 111 5fl12 98; No. 2 do, S8 00010 00; loose from wagon, HI 08 012 00. according to quality: No. 2 prairie bay, $7 0038 00: packing do.'97 2S07 60. Straw Oats, S6 7&700; wheat and rye straw, J6 008 25. Frerlatant. The only change in'prorlslons Is a drop of Kc on hams, ' Sngar-cnred hams, large, 9c; sugar-cared hams, medium, Se; sngar-cnred hams, snail, 10c; sngar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c; sngar cnred shoulders, 5c; sugarAmred boneless shoulders, TJc; sngar-cnred California hams, 6c; sngar-cnred dried beet flats, 9c; sngar-cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders. 6c: bacon clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7mc: dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry talt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, beavy, $11 60; mess port, family, $12 00. Lard Refined, in tierces, 6c; half-barrels, 6c: 00ft tubs. Ric: 20-ft Bails. W&: 50-ft tin cans. 6c; 8-ft tin pails, -6Kc; 6-ft tin pails, 6Ke; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin. pails, 6c Brooked sausage. Ions, 5c: large, 6c. Fresh pork links. Be Boneless hams, lOJe. Pigs' feet, half bar rel, 4 00; quarter barrel, S2 15. e-r e53T5'3Sa3S6rf? nnrtTiriimTi'? ieames or mm Pittsburg's Exemption from . lonej ,StriBgBcy That tbe HAS DEPRESSED OTHER CENTIRS. fSL .'V..V- htitt wafMn .- Am tfewst k to hind It no on doaMs. what la the Standard dotecT ,T1m week's eieawMM were probably the SMHMt oa record, Mag less than 1,060.000 barrels. Trne, there were only Are .days, bnt aeotber wonld hare nade only a slight differ ence. All the support the'ssarket hae la from tbe inside In tbe nature ot scalplnc. and this Is becomine monotoeoBa. If something cannot be done to interest tbe outside public there seon will be na market at all. 3b- Slgng ot Progress in" tlw Manmfetue of IroH and Steel.. I0LIDA1 GOODS WELL CLEAHBD UP limned Meats. ' Tho following prices are furnished by Armour & Co. on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts, 5c; 660 to 650 lbs, 6c; 650 to 760 fts, 6KS6KC Sheep. 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs. 6c. Fresh pork loins, 7c MAEKETS BY WIBE. Groceries. 1- Onr quotations on sngar are .again lowered, in accordance with stubborn facts. Coffees are quiet bnt firm at quotations. Bolls still bate tbe Innings on coffee options in Eastern mar kets. Packages are unchanged, bnt any change will be for better prices. Gbeek Coffee Fancy Bio, 23321c; choice Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 0c; lowgradeBIo, 18tf019J4c; old Government Java, 272Sc; JSlar acalbo, 23i24$c; Mocha, 2SK2c; Santos, 0K2ic; Caracas. 2224c; peaberry, Bio, 23 24c: La Gnayra, 23'24c, Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades. 2529Jfc; old Government Java, bulk, 81K33c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos, 24K28Kc; peaberry, 28c; choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23Kc; Rood Rio, 22c; ordinary, 21a SPICES (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c, PETBOLEtra (jobbers' prices) 110 test, TVc; Ohio. 120 8fc: headlight, 160, 83c: water white, 10J$c: globe, 1414ic; elalne. 14c; car nadme, llc; rojaltne, 14c; globe red oil, 110 llKc purity 14c AlrNERS' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4647c Vgallon;summer,-4043c. Lard oil, 70c sunrps eornsywp; 2880c; choice 'tugaV syrnp, 8338c; prime sngar syrup, 8033ct strictly prime. S335c; new maple syrup. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, hew crop, 4S50c; choice, 47c: medium, 3843c; mixed, i0ac 80DA Bi-carb in kegs. S3?iCj bl-carb in K. &c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 6Jf8c; sal soda in keirs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Htar, full weight. 9e:steirtne.i set.8Kc;parafflne,ll12c " rues-neaa, uaroiina, trnwic: choice. 6Ji Wheat Moving; Slowlr, bnt Price Brace. UpCorn and Oala a Shade Better Pork Favora Well era Lard Rather Mixed. Chicago The volume of trading in wheat was light to-day, and while pneeswere gener ally kept within the range of yesterday, the closing was a higher. There were to special features to note, and there was nothing special in the character of the trading. The opening was a trifle stronger than yesterday's closing, and prices advanced Kc later eased off c, then rnled stronger.' Cable advices generally quiet and steady markets, and some private cables reported a strongor feeling. Advices from the Northwest reported things In cood condition and farmers' deliveries very light. Not much change Is expected In tbe visible supply,' either a small Increase or small decrease being probable. A moderate trade was transacted in corn and the feeling was somewhat firmer, trading being at slightly blgher prices. There were no new features presented and values were gov erned to a great extent by local influences. Offerings were not as beavy as on several days past, while a good demand existed from shorts, under which the market rnled firm. A promi nent local trader was credited with selling Jan uary and February and baying May, June and July. The market opened at abont yesterday's closing prices, was firm and gradually advanced 5V eased off a little and closed 4lo bet ter than yesterday. Oats steadier, bnt with a lighter volume of business. Tbere was moderate selling by par ties who bought yesterday, and also a fair de mand to cover shorts, and prices were bid' np Kc Trading tbe last hour was light and an easier feeling prevailed. The market for pork was rather quiet, but tbe feeling was steady with prices a little more favorable to sellers. Rather, more steadiness prevailed in lard, but trading was moderate. Prices steady. Short Ribs Trading was only fairly active. Early, prices were.a trifle easier, bnt toward the close the market was'steadler and prices slightly hlcber. Tbe leading rutures rancea as follows: WHBAI No. 2, December. 77Jg77K775$3 January, viifflwgiijwisc; "lay, ozis i3GVc: 328 MEAT ON THE HOOF. The Condition of Business at theEut Liberty Stock Yards. OFFICE OF PlTTSBtTEO DISPATCH, I Satubday, December 28, IS89. Cattle Receipts, 1,920 head; shipments, 1,340 bead: market closed firm, with fair pros pects for Monday: four cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoas-Receipts, 1.600 head; shipments. 1600 head; market active; all grades, S3 904 00; two cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 2,000 head; shipments, 2,000 bead; market slow at unchanged prices. ' By Telesrapb. Buffalo Cattle firm and a shade higher for good grades; receipts, 125 loads through, 25 for sale. Sheep and lambs active, firm and higher; receipts. 4 loads through, 10 on sale; sheep choice to extra, $5 005 25: good to choice. 34 754 90; common to cuod, $4 404 65; lambs choice to extra, $6 757 00; good to choice, $6 406 65; common to good, S6 00 6 25. Hogs active and higher; receipts, 12 loads through. 41 on sale: mixed and heavy, $3 700 3 S5; Yorkers, S3 954 00; pigs, S3 853'95. CHICAGO Cattle Receipts. 2.000 head: market steady to strong; beeves, 2 905 00; stackers and feeders,. $2 003 00; cows, bulls and mired. 1 2033 00: Texas cattle, si BDtna 7A. Hoes Receipts. 11.000 head; market steady to 6c higher; mixed, S3 503 70: heavy. S3 4503 70: light, S3 503 70; skips, 3,803 40.' cheep-Receipts, 2,500 head; market strong; natives off 610c; Western corn-fed, $5,10; Texans. S3 40 4 00; lambs. S4 75fr jV St. Loms-attle-Rcceipts. 7U0 head; ship ments, 300 bead; market strong; good to fancy natlre steers, 14 255,0U: lair to good, S3 80 ($4 30; stackers and feeders. S3 003 20; ranee, .steers. II 903 00. Bogs Receipts, 1,200 bead; 5uinucuUi ow ueoui uiarjiet sieaay: zair to choice, S3 453 60; packing, S3 403 55; light, fair to best, $3403 60. Sheep Receipts and shlpments'nonc; market Aim; fair to choice. S3 404W; lambs, Jl 6085 81 Buitin Stocks. Atcn.4T0D..lrt7. 7 Atch. ATop. K.K.pf Uii Boston Aiuany...zi7 Boston & Maine; ....?05 C U. Q. 106X Clun. Ban. A Cleve. 24H Kutern B. H. 122 Flint fere at. n ; Flint fere M. era. 92 Mexican Uen. com.. 18 Mex.Clitmtff.bds. 70 S..I. aAewSni... Al UidOolonT..... 173 Kntland nreflcrred.. 50 Wls.uentnu.com... tH AllouezMgCo J.2S Cslumet Becla..tU Catalpa 10 rrantun. mi Hnron........ ........ 3 Osceola. fewabie ....... ... Qalnex...... ....... Bell 'Xeiepnone.... Boston Land Water Fower.,.., Tamsraek. , Sin Diego Santa Fe copper,. .21 . S . en ,.CD4 . SH .. 6K .150 .31 . 1H PWIaaclpWa Hteeka. Clodus; quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fnr nlihed by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 7 Fourth avenue. Members New Yorfc Stock x-dunce. B!d. Penntrlvaai Ballread, . SzJi Keaamp , 1S3 Lehigh Valley an Lenten .NaylsaMon... .... Northern 1'aclACi... ..... SOf .Noraiero racmcDreterrea. UH Aiied. a 1!1J-18' SB Pittsbtjso leef Co., wholesale stents for Swift's Caieego dressed beef sola for week ending De.,26, 129carcssee of beef. Average weight per careaes, 650 poaKfrr ay erafe ptioe yr f4. 6.3ev i " ' .'S ' ' . I " . " ' 63ic; prime. 6K6c: Louisiana. 66Vc Btaboh Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 4Jf7c . Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, S2'90: California -London layers, $2 75; Muscatels, S2 40; California Muscatels, S2 26;Valencia,7Hci Ondara Valencia,SV8Jje; sultana, 9c:currautB,55Vc; Turkey prunes, 4K5c; French prunes, 69$c: Salonlca prunes. In 2-& packages, 8Kc: cocoanuts, f) 100, SS 00; almonds, Lan., $ ft, 20c; do, Ivica, 19o-. do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1415c; Sicily uiuena, u omyrna urs, iijiisc; new aates; 68Kc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. ll15c; cit ron, fy It, 1920c; lemon peel, 18c' 5 A; orange, peel, 17c. Deied Fbtjits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c, ap ples, oraporated, 9c: apricots, California, evap orated, 1416c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, uh pared, 1921c: cherries, pitted,13gl4c; cher ries, unpitted, ,56c: raspberries, evaporated 25X26ic; blackberries, 78c: huckleberries; 10312c. 8UOAES Cubes, 7ic; powdered, 7Jc; granu lated, 6?ic; confectioners' A, ec; standard A, 6?c; soft white, 6K6Jic; yellow, choice, 6' 6?ic; yellow, good. 6K5e; yellow, fair, 6Kc; yellow, dark,6ic. riCKXES Medium, bbls (1,200), S5 60; medi um, half bbls (600). S3 25. oalt jno. l, i ddi, woe; jno. l ex. w bbL si Ob; dairy, V bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, f) bbl, SI 20: Higglns' Eureka, 4-bn sacks, $2 80; Higglns' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goons Standard peaches, S2 00' 2 25; 2ds, $1 6ol SO; extra -peaches, S3 402 60; Pie Peaches. 95c: finest corn. SI 00O1 SO; Hid Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries; 90cSl; Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 80c; string do 6065c: mar rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7080c; pineapples SI 301 40; Bahama do, $2 75; damson plnms, 95c; Greengages. SI 25; egg plums. 82 00; California pears, $2 50; do greengages, SI 85; do "egg plums, SI 85; extra., white cherries, $2 40; raspberries, 85cJl 10' strawberries, S110; gooseberries, SI 301 40; tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 65l 90; blackberries, 65c; succotash, 2 ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2-ft, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans, S2 05; 14-ft cans, S14; baked beans, SI 45 1 60; lobstei, 1-ft. SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestic lis, S4 254 60; sardines, domestic s. S6 757 00; sardines. Imported, $e, Sll 6012 60; sardines, Importea. lis, SIS; sardines; mustard, S3 SO; sardines, spiced. S3 SO. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 836 bbL; extra No. 1 do, meBs. S40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, SSZ; extra No. luo, mess;' oo; na. 2 snore macaerei, vn. tioonsn Wlioio pollock, 4c V &; .do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c;. do George's cod in blocxs, 6KS7KC Herring' Round shore, 84 60 bbL; split, S6 50; lake, $2 75 W 100-tt half bbL White flsh. 86 00 W 100 ft half bbL Lake trout, 85 60 V half bbL Fin nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut; 13c ft. Pickerel, H hbl. $2 OOfjibbl. SI 10; Poto mac herring. 85 00 S bbl, 82 SO per K bbL Oatmeal-56 006 25 fl bbL Tilic c r. t-STt-'" -r IU1U1 1,IL .. JBDDarT. aUVaUMIVM .February. 29J3029J30c; May, 3l32i OATS-No. 2, January, 20K2rAi2020c; February, 2OK02Oc; May, 21j2221 22c Mass Pobk, per bbL January, SB 009 05 9 009 05; February. S910S9 17K9 109 17: May. 89 459 4709 42H9 OH- Labs, per 100 fts. January. 85 77K6 80 6 VXi 80: February, So 82J5 82l582; May, S5 97K6 0005 976 00. Bhokt Rrsa, per 100 fts. January. 84 alU m 604 57K4 60; February. S4 62Vm 62 64 604 62; May. 84 804 82K4 804 K- Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. Na 2 snrlnz wheat. 77c: No. .8 spring wheat, none; No. 2 red. 77c; So. 2 com. oijc. no. joau, sue xto.2 rye. hc No.2 barley,6860c Nclflaxseed, 81 35. Prime timothy seed.none. Messpork,perbbLS840895. Lard, per 100 lbs,, 85 77. Short ribs sides (loose). 84 604 65. Cry salted shoulders rboxea),84 12. Sugars Cutloaf unchanged. Receipts Flour. 21,000 barrels: wheat, ,4LO0O bushels: com. 533,000 bushels; oats, 165,000 bush els; rye. 13,000 bushels: barley. 65.000 bnsbels. Bbipments Flour, '3X000 barrels; wheat, 12,000 baahelltoom: 329,000 bdshelsjoaU, 159,000 bush els; rye, 6.000 bushels; barley, 23,000 bushels. On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the' butter market was unchanged, Eggsl819c. New York Flour dull and unchanged. Commeal quiet and steady: yellow. Western, 82 252 65. Wheat Spot ulet and firmer: options moderately active, HK np and steady Rye steady; Western and Canada 6657c: sales 16,000 bushels. No. 1 Milwaukee to arrive at 69&62c Barley dull: Western, 6065c; Canada, 6973c Barley; malt quiet; Canada, 77c Corn Spot firmer with lighter offerings; demand chiefly for exports: options firmer anddulL Oats Snot dull and steady: . options quiet and firmer. Hay quiet, steady; snipping, 4ugguc; eooa to cnotco eo8oc Hops strong, quiet. Coffee Options opened barely steady; unchanged 6 points down; closed barely steady, &10 points down: sales, 33.250 bags, Including December, 15.7615.S0c: Janu ary. 15.6515770c; February. 15.7015.80c; March, 15.8015.95c; April, 15.90c: Mav. 16.85 16.00cunne. 15.95c: July. 15.9aia00c:'Angusr. 16.0016.10c: September, 16.0016.15c: October iawa(iaiuc: j.xoTeniDer, io.uuc; spoi itio steaay, ulet, fair cargoes, 19c. No. 7. 17c near Raw dull; refined steady and quiet. Molasses Foreign nominal; New Orleans fair ly active; open kettle, cood to fancy, 8847c Rice steady and quiet; domestic, 46c; Japan, 35c 'Cotton steadier and quiet. Tallow quiet. Koslri quletand steady: strained, common to good. 81 201 25. Turpentine steady and quiet. Eggs steady; western, 2Sy, 28c; receipts, L478 packages. Pork easier and quiet; mes3, inspected, 810 2510 50; do, unin spected,. 810 O0S10 25: extra prime. 89 5009 75. Cutmeats firm: pickled bellies, 535Wc; pickled shoulders, 4c; pickled hams, 8m8c; middles quiet; short clear, $5 40. Lard lower; large deliveries on contracts; sales, 600 tierces; western steam, to,iv. cioiing at to uo: options, sales, 9.600 tierces; January, 86 006 05, closing at 83 00: February, 86 136 15. closing at SS 15 bid: March. 86 21, closing at 86 22; May, $3 35, closing at 86 84. Bntter easy and quiet; Elgin, 2829c; western dairy, 918c; do creamery, U 27c; do held at 1018c: do factory, 718c Cheese quiet; western, 810c Philadelphia Flour weak. Wheat firm; fair to good milling. 7885c; choice and fancy longberry, 8893Kc: No. 2 red, December. 80m 81c: January. &KSlc: February, 8282ic; iuarcn, cwjojc, iorn opoi ana December a shade easier; later months firm and steady; carlots weak; No. 3, 8435Kc: steamer, fn export elevator, S6c; No. 2 do, 37c; No. 2 high mixed. In grain depot, 38c; No, 2 mixed De cember. 86&37c: January. 37S7Vr February. 737Kc; March, 37W;37c. Oats Car lots steaay; no. a white, hojsc:.no. 2 white. 31Jic; futures quiet bnt steady: No. 2 white. Decem ber, 30JJ31Kc; January, 3030c; February, OFFICE OF PlTTSBDBG DISPATCH,! Batdbdat, December 28, 18S9.. J A representative' of oneot our leading, banking institutions said to-day: (There has been no stringency in the money market here the past few months to be compared with that in' other leading centers of trade. In fact we did not feel .the closeness of the money market until November. TJp to that month money was abundant here for all safe investments. In the summer I met at the seashore one of the most prominent financiers of the country, who was surprised to hear thai Pittsburg had no practical knowledge of the stringency complained of at Chicago, St. Louis and in fact, all the leading trade centers. "The closeness of money did not reach here till in November, and even yet there is plenty to be bad for any good investments. Our first realization o tightness was when Eastern capi talists began to call in loans from parties here whom they had. been carrying.. All the past year until the past two months there has been an accumulation of capital here greater than I have. ever known, and no city in tbe country1 has felt the late stringency as lightly as Pitts bnrg." ." Protrress In Iron Sinking. An Illustration of progress ih our Iron in dustries, an article in Barpcrf Monthly of 1880, on Pittsburg called attention to the fact as something wonderful and unprecedented, that f uraace B, of tbe Kdgar Thomson works, turned out 184 tons of metal daily. One of the furnaces now in operation at those same works Is producing upward of 600 tons every 24 hours, and tbe two new furnaces which are expected to be In operation between now and May will yield even larger results. A decade ago the rule was to have two castings a day. Now there is a casting every six hours, and tbe amount of metal yielded each" casting, would have been regarded as a big day's work for onr largest furnaces ten years ago. With a consumption by onr furnaces and mills of 3,000,000 tons of Lake Superior ores last year and a prospect that this will be increased 60 per cent tbe coming year, it must be evident that our iron and steel industries are having a boom. Heavy Drysoods Slow. William Campbell, the Fifth avenue dry- goods merchant, said In a recent Interview: 'October's drygoods trade here was beyond any month for years in volume If it had, kept np the months of November and December, all previous records would bave been broken. But weatber during those months has been adverse to trade, particularly in woolens, furs and such goods as are in demand when mercury travels down to zero. Our drygoods merchants will be forced to carry over a more than usual amount of heavy goods or do some sacrificing. What ever the weather; may be the remaining months of winter, it is now too late to dispose of wool ens without cutting, and I look, for liberal con cessions on this line of goods between now and February. "But notwithstanding the light demand for winter goods, trade for the past three months has been np to the corresponding perioa of last year. The great activity of October and tbe good demand for light and fancy goods lets ns out, and prospects for the year to come are very bright. "Labor Is well employed,andiron and steel In dustries are so generally prosperous that a good fear In onr line is almost certainly before ns. n this faith our firm bas already placed orders for a full line of foreign goods.'' Holiday Goods. All dealers in holiday 'goods report an ex traordinary trade. A Fifth avenue dealer in toys said to-day: "-My sales this' week hare been much beyond any former Christmas week In volume, but profits have been greater in other years. It is with onr trade as with all others of late -years, that competition has be- I come so sharp as to require an Immense amount of goods to be bandied In order to win. Tbe time has passed when dealers in toys can make bie profits. My trade this week will reach $25, 000.. rTbiajsmenntrould have furnished a com fortable year's income in the good old days of yore." ANOTHER BIG WEEK Features of the Marker. Corrected dally by John M. Oasuey ft Cow, 46 Sixth street, members of the Pltteborg Petro learn Exchange. Opened .I03tf (Lowest I03K Highest .......lG33!cioed igj ,XamIs. Average runs. ...,.. ... S&.61& Average shipments ,. 70.857 Average charters. , ,. 2&S07 Kenned Mew Xork. 7.80c Kenned, London. SO. ' Refined, Antwerp, KKt. Keflned Liverpool. l-Ud. Keflned. Bremen, 7.10m. A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, d 02; calls,. Si Wl 04J. Other eil Markets. On CtTT. December 28. Petroleum opened at SI 033; highest, 81 03; lowest, 81 03Jfc closed, 81 03. Bkadj-obd. December 28. Opened at 81 03; closed. 81 03; highest, 81 05: lowest. 8103. TmraviLLts, December28. Opened at 81 03; highest. 81 03: lowest, 81 ft3J: closed. 81 03. New Yoke. December2S. Petroleum opened steady at 81 03K and sagged oft to 81 03. closing steady at 81 031f. Stocc Exchacge-.Open-lag, 81 03: highest 81 03K: lowest, 81 63k; closing, 81 U3& Consolidated Exchange: Open ing. 81 03K: highest. 81 03: lowest. 81 03J; closing, 81 03Jg. Total sales. 84,000 barrels. EVERYTHING LETS GO. Bean Pnt on Their War Paint and Moke a Raid on the Share List Lower Sfock Prices All Round. NetvYoek, December 23. The stock mar ket to-day unexpectedly showed more anima tion than daring the same hours on any previ ous day this week, bnt the increased activity was bad at the expense of values, the bears pressing the active stocks for sale throughout the session. This pressure was specially se vere against the coalers, tbe reports in regard to the coal trade being particularly discourag ing, bnt tbe impression made upon those stocks was not so great as upon some of the others, where a smaller amount of stock: bad to be sola to make a decline , Sugar Refineries, Missouri Pacific, St. Paul and Louisville and Nashville were all conspicu ously weak, whilo there waanotr a strong spot to be found in the list. Tbere was also some attempt to get Erie down and the stock did sell at its lowest price for months, tbe attack being accompanied by the old story of a new bona issue. The monetary situation received special attention at tbe hands ot tbe bears, and the most pesslmlttie' utterances were spread through the street in this regard, especially as far as next weel: Is concerned. For the time being the, general expectation Is to see a marked decline during. the ensuing week; Tbe opening was rather heavy, and first prices were generally from JJ to per cent lower than la jt evening's figures, and the early dealings were marked by special pressure npon Sugar, Union Pacific, St. Paul and Wisconsin Central. Thete was a let-up toward 11 o'clock, but no recovery, and after that time the attack was renewed with vigor, and Lackawanna, Reading, Louisville and Nashville and some others felt the brnnt of the pressure. The decline continued without Interruption until the close of business, which was fairly active and weak at the lowest prices of thef ses sion. The list is invariably lower. Sugar is down 1. Louisville and Nashville, Missouri Pacific and St. Paul li per cent each, and Reading and Chicago Gas Trust 1 per cent each. Railroad bonds were quiet, and sympathized closely with tbe decline iirstocks, though the movement in tbe downward action was not as pronounced as in the stock market. The sales of all Issues reached 420,000, which was well r nd widely distributed. Tbe rouowinr tame snows tne prices ot active stocks on the .New York Stock Kxcnang-e yester day. Corrected dally for Tun Dispatch by WlUTSST&BTErntNBOjr. oldest Fltuburjr mem bers otn ew xora Stock Xxcnange. (7 youth avenue: Clos ing Bid. SS 120 SI 106X ie&F- . '.lrm bigislLEADS-THEACE The old teorn out Potash, Mercury ani'S tapqriUa mixtures all left far oeMiwK' J S.aa NEVER FAILS TO COKE BLOOBJ POISON. -1C I have seen Swift's Specific used, and knowf of many cases of the worst form of blood? dls-'J eases wmcu nave uetsu curcu uy iu m juiunua?, proprietors to be gentlemen of tbe highest type! and utmost reliability. I recommend itaail great blood remedy, uneqnaled by anything! know Of. M. B. WH ARTONa Pastor First Baptist Church, Montgomery.Ui Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases malle I free. 8-wtvt Sfbcoto Company; Drawer M Atlanta. Ox anI2-55-xwrrfl if WHOLESALE -:-H0EJSl iK-'K WOOD AND LIBERTY STS.C Special attractions now opes In'njeMj goods speciai.y suited for the - Holiday Me. '3 Dealers are invited to inspect'the stool which is complete, and at prices which' caM not fail to impress the bnyer. noiy-DrjJ T. MX ZH Grain, Floor and Feed. Receipts as bulletinedattiieGraln Exchange, 64 cars- By Pittsburg, Ft, Wayne and Chicago, 10 cars of corn, 2 of middlings, 1 of feed, 2 of hay, 6 of flour, 4 of oats. By Pittsburg. Cincin nati and St. Louis, S cars of corn, 2 of bran, 3 of bay, 7 of oats, 1 of wheat, I of millfeed, 1 ot rye. By Baltimore and Ohio, 5 cars of hay. 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of oats, 1 of corn, lot rye. Tbe only sale on call was a car of No. 2 y. e. corn, 37c, 10 days, P. R. R. Total receipts for the week .were 228 cars, agalnst265 last week and 174 for. the previous week. The general cereal' situation Is weak, with new corn and oats weakest. Supplies are too liberal for markets to absorb, and hence the situation is1 in favor ot, buyers' except for very choice stuff. Prices below are for carload lots on track. WtfKAT-NewJTo.2 xed,S586c; Na 8,82 83c . . Cobw No. 2 yellow. iear, new, 386370; hleh mixed, ear, 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, old, 4l42c; new, S503e:lilghmlxea 'shelled, 40 4lc .. . . Oats-iNo. z white, ai fra, -No. 3, c: mixed. -Nn. 1 FennsvlT&Bla and Ohio. Se54e: . , Clf..b EIAXO ... 4 BASLxr Western,. 4a966c; Caaaaa barley, Fwnm-JekMiie prlcee-Faacy winter and spring attest, K 0665 34; winter atrakhr, tizSeiM; clear winter.' 84 98 25; tinSghl. XXXJC bakers'. 88 S06 75. Rye fteur, 18 flOsJ1 47& , ; JtBAWM MlMHssjw, toa wW, StfNf OnCionl .Z.T VI.',. ,, svis- 'ri ....-.- owaww, juarcu, ou(ou4& tiggs rresu stock scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts. 25 26c. ? Minneapolis The day's receipts were bnt ,147 cars. here, showintr anite a tailing nfr In arrivals. Shipments 38 cars. The demand tor cash, whlcb was in account at tbe start with buyers and sellers about Kc apart in their views. Later, with some shading by both sides, the offerings moved.falrly welL The receipts of poor wheat are decreasing some. Reports from tbe country sbo ired tbe farm movement to be light lor the part week, partly due to tbe holidays. Closing quotations: No. 1 hard, De cember and January, 79c; May, 83c: on track. 80c; No. 1 Northern, December and Jan nary, 76c; May, 81&c; on trick, 78c; No, 2 Northern December and January 74c; May, 78c; on track, 7477c. St. Lotus Flour quiet, dull and steady. Wheat Higher; market opened firm under lieht receipts, firm cables' and advances else where; tbere was a set-back and' a subsequent nuiy ana tne close was ?eWn- aoove yester day. No. 2 Ted, cash. VIU0DU A. " mUi iULl,U, IV'gU, U1UOOU b QUO bid; May, 8iX08W,closed,at 81KcbidiJuly. 72c. Corn stroneer and better: No. 2 mixed. cash. 25c; January, 2592oc. closed at 25o bid; February, 2826Hc. closed at-26Kobia: May, 28k28jic, closed at2SK28o bii Oats hieber; No. 2, cash, 10K May. 2121Kc; January, 19Xcbld. Rye lower: No. 2, 43 43)c Barley No disposition to trade. JlrLWAUKEE Flour dull and steady. Wheat Ann: No. 2 spring on track, cash, 73 75c: May, 76c; No. 1 Northern, 82c Corn quiet; No. 8, on track, 28c Oatz steady; No. 2 white, on track, 22K22c Rye better; No. 1. In store. 4oc bid. Barley, steady; Na 2. In store. 47c Provisions quiet. Pork; 89 77. Cheese steady; Cheddar, 9c Toledo Cloverseed dull and lower: cash and December, 83 45. Metal Market, Nkw Yobk Pig Iron quiet; Americas, SIS 6019 60. Copper 'steady; Sake. January, 314 25. Lead nominal; domestic, S3 90.- Tin doll but firm; Straits, 821. In Baalae. Notwithstanding tbe Interrop- tlon of a Holiday A Review of the Financial and OH Markets. The holiday interruption had no percep tible effect upon the volume of trade last week. What was lost by it was made up later on. According to the Clearing House report a reliable authority the week's business exceeded, that of the corresponding time last year by nearly a million and three-quarters. This prosperity bids fair to last throughout the winter. There were no changes in conditions or values of a radical -nature. Real estate maintained its customary activity, with a large number of small transactions, and some large ones, to show for it Stocks and petroleum were quiet, but quotations' underwent no particular change, except in the case of Luster Mining Company, which made a remarkable jump. Permits for 30 new buildings were issued, which, it is estimated, will cost 859,672, Sales of stocks Saturday were 160 shares, all but 10 of which were Philadelphia Gas. It was a shade weaker. Luster was bid np to 44, but there was none for sale. Passenger railway shares, except Pittsburg, Allegheny and Man chester, were, if anything, a trifle easier. Pleas ant Valley was passed over in the bidding. Tbe weaker feeling was dne to the absence of busi ness, and had very little bearing npon actual values. There was the usual Saturday craze for bank stocks, but bidders all fell short of the mark. Tbere were no sales; Such changes as were noticed were in the direction of a higher level. All other Investment securities were firm. The speculative feellngls good, bnt it is restrained by tizbt money. After the completion ' ot the January statements there will, it is thought, be a good market for local securities. Tbey are in mgn iavor wita investors. BA5KEES IN CL0TJ3E. They Report a Raising Basloess ier & Boll day Week. , Business at the local banks was up to high water mark Saturday, the demand for loans being brlskand checking anddeposi ting heavy. Money was easy and rates unchanged at 87 for call and.time accommodations. The Clearing House report was highly satis? factoiv, showing; a large volume of general trade.' The exchanges for the week exceeded those for the corresponding time last year by $1,692,132 73. This leaves no ground for com plaint. The report is worth a careful perusaL Here it is: " Yesterday's exchanges.,.!.. S 1,893,483 83 Yesterday's balances..... 279.448 97. Week's exchanges..... 12,565, 1C9 84 Week's balances.'..' , 1,723,536 S3 Dally average exchanges 2,513,021 87 Exchanges week ofisas.. 10.672,977 11 Balances week of 1888... ...,...,.... 2-O46.018 69 Gain oyer week of 1S88...,,. .......... 1,682,132 73 Money on call at New Tors: Saturday was tight,rangingfrom4tol0percent; laat.ioan, 4; closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper. Opening. Am. Cotton Oil Trust. Atcn.. Ton.ftn.F..... Canadian faclfla ..... 72fc Canada bonthern S8 uentrai or aew jersey.izi Central faelst Chesapeake ft Ohio..- 28 C Bur. A OoUiCT. ....107 C Mn. a St. rani.... 70M a. JU1. St. "r Df C KocKL F 97H C., St. fc. & Vltts a, st. u. &fitts. vt.- 40 c st. r.. n. t u C. St. 111. O.. pL .... C X. Northwestern. .... HI C.JtMorthwestern,pr. .... O...C. Ct I...-..... 71 c c. asL, or. .... o$x CoL Coal A iron 33M Col. 3b Rocking- Val .... Dei.. L. & W. 1MX Del. 3s Hudson. K.T.. Vs. Oa .... B.T..VS, Us. 1st pf. .... K. T.. Vs. 3b Oa. M pr. .... Illinois Central. ... ..118 Lake Erie jt Western.. .... Lake trie & West. pr.. .... Late Shore A M. 3. ..-103 Loalsvuie&MashvllJe. t& Mlchlrsn Uentrai 974 Mobile Ohio , Mo.. Kan. S Texas. ... II Mlssonn laelac 71J Mew yoUentraL;...108H h. X..b.E.3CVt 26 S. V.. C. ASt-Li f. t.. u. ft st. x. pr. S.1C.. U. 4St.li. Mpr .... M.IftM. IE 43J, . Y O. ft VT 19M Korfolks Western Norfolk Western. pf. 60 Northern raclflc 31 Mortnern i"aeiflo prer. 74f Ohio MlssUsIppl..., .... Oregon Improvement. .... Oregon Transeon 34K PaciaeMall MX Peo. ileo. ftKvans..,.. .... Phlladel. ft Ueadlnc. 33M Pulhnan Palace Car...lSs Blehmona ft W. 1'. T.. 21 Klchmond ft W.l'.T.nf 77M St. P.. Minn, ft Man.. .. St. .U ft San Frsn St. L. ft San JTran pf.. 39 Texas faolllc ?0H Hljrh-est. Lowest. 33 337. in ail 120! 12 AND 514 SMITH FIELD STREET,' nanjBTji5G. jpa. Transact a General Sauting Mm Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Lettersl of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer-1 ai xciuta, IN STERTiTNQ, Available In ail patts of the world. Also lseueij ureaits ; IN DOLLARS - ! For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, Wettl xnoies, noutu ana uentraa America. . , ap7-91-KTVTJ TrilDELITrTriXE AND TRUST CO., J2 121 and 123 Fourth ave. Capital S5OO.00a Fnll paid. ITJ8TJKES TITLES TO KBAI. KSTAl Acts in all fldnciarvcanaeitleft. TlnalM in villi able investment ecurities. Bents boxes In itda superior vault from So per annum upward. Receives deposits and loans only on-mort JOHN R. JACKHOW. Pmh1 --fl JAMES J. DONNEli, Vice PreSV" v. a. mo v ax. secy aniTreas. an3CK-M BROKEUS FINANCIAL. a FOURTH. AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits throntrh Messrs. Dmuli Morgan t Coi, New Yort. Passports procuredvi JJ4.L 107 70t S7K & 69)4 111 Ai" 38X H0 nii 98 as 1363," USX Union faelhe. Wabasn Wabash preferred... Western Union Whcelinc ft I. ..,., Sngar Trust. National iead Trust.. Chicago lias Trnst.... - BSJi KM 67H 73 19 42! US 108 85! ii" . 71' MX 31 36K 188K 21 77X 204 mi. tVH mi 19 42? 117X 107K S4H WH 70 108 26 37 188 20K 761, 20 7K SOJJ' an IS. 1I3X WH 14 3934 33 vsx 110J4 141 70 7Jt 38 19 138X 144.H 9 17 21 117 17 an 84X 74 11. KH 3H 10714 26 1SX 70 , 38 X 19 1 6UX na 21)4 42 33 sa 18 37X 188 i 1CH 15X S3. 205f 67K 16 5fg THE SAFE DEPOSIT OF PITTSBURG, NO. 83 FOURTH. AVENU& Incorporated January St 1867. Charter rmrS petnal. Capital SoOCLOOa Burelar-proof vanltal for securities and valuables. Acts as Execul tor. Administrator, uuardlan, Trnstee and other fiduciary capacities. DIRECTORS. A. Garrison, Edward Gregg; Win. Rea. Thos. Wlehtman, A. E. W. Painter, Chas. J. Clarke, A. P. Morrison. Felix K. Brnnot, ' . : John H. Rlcketson. OFFICERS. A. Garrison. President: Edward Greirs- Ulniil Vice President; Wm. Rea. Second Vice Prestrl dent: Wm. T. Howe, Setfyand Treas.;Robt; Ca jnourevsai. oecy anu xreaa.; xienry A. MUlerVi, uuuiiaoi, 'u. iMuusUi areauuf u&-JiwJyi JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKEHiJ AND BEOKERa Btocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago, 43 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. ravZTMli MEDICAL. closed at 77c bid: March, i9Jgc, closed at 80c , Akmotjr & Co., of this city, report the following sales of dressed beet for the week ending leeber 28 : 161 oaroams, averafe iralffct tw iota, afff prie 6 at, 7K. Sterling exchange quiet and weak s-l so ior WKLay puis and H 83 for demand. Closing Bend Qaotntloas. U.S. 4s,reg...., 126M.K. &T. Gen.5 P...,....12."4 U. B. 4. coun U.B.4HS, reft... .....103 U. 8. 4)43. conp.... 101 Paellleas of '96..... us boslslanaitamped(s 94)4 Missouri Ss.. ....... 103 Tenn, new set. 6S....109J4 Tenn, new set. M....iaj)4 Tenn. new set. 3s.,.. 7414 On. Psclflc lsts. ,.113 lien, ft K. O., 1U..;H7 lien, ft R. . 4s 73 S U. ft B.Q. West, lsts. j' Krle,Ms 101 ..4T.QeH;4s.-. 73)4 .65 .100), .112)i .117 When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she' was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Cbildrenhe gaveathem Castorla 3DS-77-irwTSa Mutual Union 6s. N. J. C. Int. Cert., Northern fae. lsts. Northern rao. Ms. .112)4 nQruvi'D coHiois.ifa Northw'a deben-s..lll Oregon ft Trans. Ss.103 St. U 41. M. Oea. 6s W 8t..U.ft 8. t. Gen.M. I12M St. Paal consols ....ISO St. H, Chi ft Fc.Ibu. 118 rx.. Pc.L. U.Tr.Hx. sou Tx.,Pe.K.lT.KcM 38 . union rac. UM.,.nii3K Watt Shore m THE .WORSE TIT. , A Bay's Trmc hi OH BwiMitoe H AUtt yi8,VM Barrets. The oil saarket suffered from la grippe, or serae other malady;, Saturday, which tools all the life oat of It. - Batiaees waa the dallest e ti week. It k dpa-btfirt If W,09 Barrels at' oil efceaged haada. TWojwaiiHCwae MB klghett Has lowest adenKtlJ, She reage beia, ot a Ml .Witkta sMsMtvow Vmst ey INtte yLl UsA ftf tassft &isJ T ss ls ssrv flsV nssss- WW, 4SffsMsirV ' H INSURANCE. HISTORY. The Boston fire cost the Insurance companies interested 15,000,000. Tbe Lynn flre cost the insurance companies interested 14,000,000 The total loss to the companies represented at the J.. W. Arrott Agency, in this city, amounted to the sum of, Inclndlnp tbe "Monongahela House," five hundred thousand dollars. .(300,000 Tbe total SURPLUS of tbe companies repre sented at this agency amounts to the sum of 85,914098 The totai-ASS-h-TH of the companies repre sented at this- agency amounts to tbe sum of. Htt,S08,505 These companies could hare paid the entire Boston and Lynn, eta, losses on the usual "basis of one hundred cents on tbe dollar and kept, right along without any annoyance whatever. What and where will tbe next great loss bet ARE YOlf INSURED? Insurance effected in tbe largest and strong est Companies doing business, and at tbe lowest rates consistent with safety. Apply at once to J, W. Arrott, Insurance Offices, AT STANDARD BUILDING. 1 AND 688 WOOD STKEEf, PITTSBURG. ' ae25irw ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & GO., CHICAGO, DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG. PA. As old residents know and back files of PittsSl bnrg papers prove. Is the oldest established.-? and most prominent physician In tbe city, de-i young special attention to an enronio aiseases.M SSSNO FEEUNTILCURlffl Mcmni IO and mental diseases. physical1) 1 1 L II V U U Odecay, nervous debility. lack of 4 energy, amDition ana nope, impairea memory, disordered sight self distrust, bashfulnes,f aizzinesa, sleeplessness, pimpies, eruptions, invc poverished blood, failing powers, organlo weak-? ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un- fitting the person for business, society and rcarJ nace. permanently, safely and privately cured.' BLOOD ANDSKIN JJSrUWa oiotcues, ianmg nair, nones, pains, Rianauiarj swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throats ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, andbloodj poisons thoroughly eradicatedfrom tbe systems 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derangeS Ullllinil I , ments, weac cacjc, gravel, ca-H tarrbal discharges. Inflammation and others painful symptoms receive searching treatmesvl Tiromnt relief and real cures. - Dr. Whlttler's llte-lonz: extensive expertM ence, insures scientific and reliable treatmeatj on common-sense principles, ioiuuitauon lreevw Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If i here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. v. Sanday. 10 A, JC to 1 P. K. only. DR. WHITHER, 8143 f enn avenue. ttsDurg, trx. ,ct.s de8-l&ssnwK GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES '! NERVOUS O Bt .KT-Y.1 LUSI VIUUK. LOSS OF memory; roll particulars Is pamphlet sent iree. ine genuine urayraj Bpecino sold by drusKlsti only la yellow wranoer. Price, fi-nerl nacksee. or six for S3, or by maUa -- "r .. . 1 .-. m nn i.p.in, ni nr,i-. nv .niinM.H, fir TBE GKAT MEUluLSE CO, Bniralo.- tEitM Sold lnflttsbnrg by 3. 3. UOI.L.A.N1J. corn wS Gmlthfleldand Liberty its. apl2-M( DOCTORS ikm SPECIALISTS la all cases r qulrlnc scientific and confide! tiai ireatmenti ur. a. &. iiaeswi JLR.C.P.Sl3the oldest: aadl most experienced speclaUKll tbe city. Consultation free as41 strictly confidential. maoti t,nT a to 4 and? to 8P:K.r Sundays, 2 to 4K.-1 jcConsult them personally, or write. Docieasnj xjLXS, ssi renn ave;, irinsDurg, x-a. jeia-lS-DWt SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This ie now conceded to be the best In tbe market, w witnessed by the fact that we secured the DIPLOMA "FOR EXCELLENCE at tke Pare Food Exposition, held in Phlladel' PCLENLT IN MANUFACTURE, x superior in quality; Ii Aadvrltkthe bright appelate lavor of fretif lywaeleibeet PARIS EXFOSinONf 1888. The GOLD MEDAL has been awarded to f . ARMOUR & CO., Chicago, For their exhibit of , BEEF EXTBArCTS. .'a Ootto-o. compound n iDoaed of Cotton Soot. Tasaar.M Pennyroyal & recent dkebisti airi --oia pnysician. a nKosssnwtf'i monUUy-Safe, Effectual. Price- fL by' aestiea. Laaies. ass vourr aruranss ier 1 t.couoa Hoot uompouna aaa use ne 1 'or IncJcee a stamps for sealed parties Ureas' PONfJ LILY COMPANY. Nou S .Block, 131 woodward aye Detroit. Jev t Js-Sold. in-Pittsburg. Pa hv Josef",) las a. oon, jjiamona ana iaarxet sw. TO WEAKJ1! Baerlag frea tke effects of yocAM eNi decay, wasaat weatneae, lost maaaee, sesa a vaioaowtreajiso iseaiea; 0 BMUcnlan for bMae enre.FlEB 1 slemdld m sstosJ work t shoaM be res 1 was wno is bsj iiiiis ssa w J '". "V .ii .. ,f l-- . -.i-ti fcdAiwi- i. t''ili!-. Utfi'J.'A'is. MlL 1?