r RRE -deserters; j jtfebnrg May Follow PMla- SBpMa'B Example and .? .rr. JMISH SOME PLATERS. i "rt SlW Association Scheming to Get a Club in Washington. KHESPORTISG HEWS OP THE DAY kdhe suits of the PhiladelphiaBrotherb.ood lab hare riven rise to the statement that ?ittsburc deserters from the JJrotherhood Swill also be prosecuted. The American As isoclaUon is trying to get a club in Wash- B.' . I It. l. J TU (melon, ana irouuie is upecicu. uuuu fEplau writes an interesting letter from En Igland. The amateur athletic rules have en greatly changed. ,Ihe fact that the officials of the Philadel phia Players League Club have instituted proceedings against -Myers ana Thompson and the officials of the Philadelphia Na tional League Clnb is creating considerable comment in baseball circles here and else where. It was stated on reliable authrity yesterday afternoon that the Philadelphia casewill -determine whether or not all play- ' l. !.. .-.. -.4 "D.u.4l.a.l...v.4 nMntvona VETS WUU JJATC JUlUjU UIWUIHUWVti ,vw .will oe prosecutea. xnu menus iun. suit may at any time be entered against Miller and Beckley. An official of the local Brotherhood steam said yesterday afternoon: "WTLIi PBOSECTTTE DESERTERS. "Most certainly we do not mean to allow tb these desertions pass to unnoticed. We can cet alone without deserters, but depend neon it we will not allow them to go unpunished if we have law on our side. If the case coes against 'Myers and Thompson we will proceed against Miller and Beetle j. Under any circumstances we mar prosecute Miller. I don't say that the Knew Leasne has onranlred a system to prose Rente deserters, but I do say that all of them wni.be attended to. Well," continued the officials, "onr team Is nearly complete. I don't think that Manager Hanlon will sign moretnan about two players in addition to those we have. He is after a trst-clxss pitcheraod I think we'll get him." k President Nimick is not In the least concerned " about the suitof the new League against Myers i and Thompson. During a conversation the rjiPresident said: "The suits will amount to nothing at all. Why the thing Is ridiculous landTll show how it is. If the law recognizes lithe validity xif the contracts it will mean that f every League player has in the first place vio lated an agreement with the National League. r THE LEAGUE'S rrEST CLAIM. "This then will mean that tosign another con V tract is illegal, so that the new League players fe.are in a very foolish position. If the contracts Rare not legally binding, then the -suits are still IDworthlesa, Whatever way we look at It the ;- 'players of the new League have a worthless case. Of course we are not arraia or any salts 'that mav be entered acainstanvof our players. Ibutwe may make things very uncomfortable tor somebody before we aretnrongn. we are ' ,belng gnlaea by tne law in me course we are ' pursulnc. and are moving very cautiously." Regarding the proposed trip of the team Mr. Nlraick said: "1 expect the trip will be a great one for the players. Of course I expect to have a manager when the tram starts on the trip, but I cannot say who he wil' be. lam in hopes , that one 01 our players will nave accepted tne r position before then. As soon as the new year ' is fairly here I think the team will start - South." The general opinion regarding the baseball sniis and counter suits seems to be that they are much to be regretted. They will engender the bitterest kind of feelings and cause enmi ties that will probably last a life time. It is not expected, however, that any legal fight will take place here. The opinion of the Pbiladel nhia court will probablv he accepted and acted Jupon by everybody interested in the matter in 'this city. THEI WAST WASfllKGTM. 'Association Magnates Desire a Ball Clnb at 5- the Capital. "WASHXKOTOir. December 29. The -Post, In its baseball column, says: The American As- injsodation is making a desperate effort to bol Ifster its depleted ranks, and since the desertion spot Brooklyn, Cincinnati and Baltimore and pjKansas City it has cast its covetons eyes on "tbe League club in this city.and has been doing '""' ev erything possible to place a club here. Last ;. Friday Messrs. Sharslg and Whitaker, of the Athletics, and Powers, of the Hochesters, were In tin city for the purpose of looking over the ground and endeavoring to induce persons to . invest in tne venture. L They have been appointed delegates to visit , , the cities where it is thought there is a pros f pect of locating a clnb. With this idea In view they came to Washington on Friday. ' They claim to lave positive assurance p that Washington would not be represented in 4 the Leagne next season, although the source t .of the information wasn't given. It was said, FShowever, to come from prominent members of tithe Leacne and from Whitaker especially, who tf- was emphatic in his declaration that unless f-Washington embraced the opportunity to come F intbe Association fold, they wouldn't be in BHthe baseball world next season. He argued C that Washington wouldmake an excellent 25 lucent town, and the members were so anxious tf!to get in that they would be willing tocon jjjjtributo enough players from the surplus of tfthelr clubs to give this city a first-class team. "-iThe delegates didn't go to see President Hewitt, for tbey said they didn't want him in the new clnb. They declared be was bluffing 2 ,when he announced that be proposed to re- .main in the League, and was doing so for the jfjpunKxe of forcing either the League to pay Mm a big price for his.Iranchise or to sell it to come clnb which is anxious to becomealeague member, probably Baltimore. ;. They further said they had the most positive jffiassurances from members of the League that Washington would not be represented next jgiseason, and that If necessary it would be Hjtdropped by the League it it could not be gotten Root in any other manner. They saw several Efparrles while here,and met with a vnry encour agingieception. The promise was given that K.1T it was possible an American Association team fewould be placed here, and the delegates re-B-tumed home thoroughly satisfied with the re Neult of their mission and labors, and confident Stthat Washington would be an Association dab next season. jf President Hewitt was indignant last night r when he was told of the visit of the Association t delegates, and he expressed his opinion of them ! .In a manner far the reverse of complimentary. lFrom Mr. Hewitt's conversation it is evident 4he doesn't propose to quietly rest under the ''imcutatlon that be has made the declarations .uc u, fcnuwui uieiu uo uo liua, aoa it is not altogether improbable that a letter will be sent -to'the Philadelphia people asking for an ex- piauattin m tneir invasion oi league territory. The' break made by Sbarsic Whitaker rfnd Powers may take considerable explaining 4e- Sxore u Katisuis tne xriroctors ui tuo ieagne tbattbelr action was not a direct violation of he National agreement. i BTILL CONFIDENT. Rrotlierlittail STnffnatea Not nt All T)la- KF faeartened liv the Desertions. Ciscaoo.Iix- December 29. Is the Brother- hoCdweakenlncT is a question f reauentlv asked during the past ten days in baseball circles The action of Tiernan, Zimmer. Thompson and myers in signing Xieatrue contracts, tne appllca- Mtion jor an injunction to restrain John Ward Mfrom.playlpg with the Brotherhood, the split in the Philadelphia Brotherhood club and the fail- wire oi tne linicago lirotnernood club to hold wku ivuuuivu wiDuiuismo cicatea toe im pression that the Brotherhood was eettinc shaky. The friends of the Leagne men inclined .tojejolce, while the players were doubtful and anxious. President Wcidenfeller. Secretary BtotipII andlFred Pf efferare sanfrrune. hnwpvpr thnnih Itbeyhaven't done anything about grounds here iyei.j-uur. v eiaenieuer nas Deen sick ana una- jble, to. attend to business, but Secretary Bmnell says'eterything is all right. ISXSbaye drawn on the different clubs for vnds&said he, "and each one has responded Tpmptlv .with its assessment. The Flayers' me'jsnot weakenine. To date the desert- "tll classes number 25, the Philadelphia ng suffered more than any of the tevenof Its players have signed a- "ue'eontracta, Pittsburgranksnext t of backsliders, Cleveland reports users and Boston two. After de- Jullders of all classes, some of tsign the Brotherhood agreement avers' TSfnis rltlmi tn ,va . IlyUlv. nder, contract, and is still doing feMinsi...-he contract line. -The latest con- ZeoJZZF&' wasBisgtons, win xtuatuo.-,' s- -, BUSTLING AT I0..- The Old Leagise Clh OBetaU StreSslSlisnlsc TJp Their Team. Boston, December aa The local Players' League clnb it poshing things ana H tb Ant to commence woik on new grounds. Already the Congress street grounds are in fine shape, and crowds visit there daily out of curiosity. President Soden says he is (till after one more eood battery, a short stop and a third baseman. He will make an extra effort to se cure Herman Long, the crack short stop of the Kansas City club. Clarkson has sent word from the coast recommending Crooks for second base. He is a member of the Columbus clnb, and would have to be purchased from them, according to the National Agreement of all the other clubs. "Pop" Smith may play second or even third base. There is a strong pressure being brought to bear on BUlyJSash, but it isn't likely that this player will break a contract Manager Selce has been out on the road hust ling. He says the team has enough youngsters now, and he is m favor of picking np nothing but seasoned timber, as tbe club will have work on hand to keep up with Brooklyn and Cincinnati Nothing has been heard for the last few days about putting a minor league team In this city. The whole scheme was for the purpose of bothering tbe Players' League and not intended as an investment in good faith. AMIDST A DISSOLUTION- IiO well. Troy and Worcester Withdraw from the Atlantic Association. rsFBCTAt. TZLXGEAX TO TUB Clf PATCH.l Baltimore, December 29. Manager Barnie to-day received a dispatch from the Secretary of the Lowell club, informing him of the fact that on Monday his club, together with the Worcester and Hartford clubs, would resign their membership of the Atlantic Asso ciation, thereby causing a dissolution of this institution, as it will leave but three members. The telegram says fur ther, that it was understood that Manager Barnie had endeavored to get the other clubs to pledge themselves that at the coming meet ing of the Atlantic Association, in January, that these three clubs would be thrown ont. Should the three clubs resign. It is under stood that Jersey City will be admitted, to make the fourth club, and In order to remain a member of the national agreement, Troy and Albany will no doubt be admitted. Manager Barnie denies that he has put up any job against these three clubs. NO FAITH IN BAENIE. He Is Believed to be Flaying Double With His Colleagues. rgFSCLlX. TILZa&UC TO THX DtSrATCB.! Woecesteb, Mas&, December 29. The action of the Worcester baseball management in casting its lot with the newly formed New England League, has caused considerable ex cltement m the remnant of the Atlantic As- J sociation. Secretary Braden, of the Atlantic Association, ttwlay telegraphed Secretary Pierce, of the Worcesters; as follows: "See by the morninc papers that yon have Joined the new Association is that so T" Mr. Pierce re plied: "Will explain our position when you do Bamie's and Burnham's" The Worcester men believe that Barnie has not joined the Atlantic Association in good faith, and that he is only using bis membership to bold his players until he can get a foothold in some otherstronger league. THE M'EEESPORT CLUB. Lots of Money to be Spent and a New Player Sinned. The McKeesport Baseball Association is de termined not to be outdone by any Tri-State League club for a good park, and has gone to great expense in leveling the park ground and will double tbe size of the grand stand, beside adding a press box and scorer's place. A third story apartment will be added for the man who will be in charge of the park, and the privileges will be disposed of. The Association expects to sign to-morrow J. P. Johns, of Allegheny, as third baseman. He is a good catcher. He played the last two sea sons with Saginaw, Mich., and made a fine record as a base runner, a hitter and a third baseman. The club will not select a manager for six weeks, and Torreyson will in the mean time complete the work of signing all men de sired to fill out the list. On the Fence. Bosto v, December 29. A private, letter was received here to-day from one of the Boston players in San Francisco, in which itwas seated that Nash and Hardie Bichardson were favor able to the Leagne, and were liable to accept the offers of the triumvirs inside of a week. A LETTER FBOM 8PLAN. The Fnmons Driver Talks Abont the Trotter In England. In a letter from England. John Splan, the driver, hat the following to say abont trotters and trotting in that country: What surprises me more than anything else is the interest the English people take in the American trotting horse. I bad always been told that they only cared for the gallopers. Such is not the case. I could have sold every trotting horse we brought to this country In less than one week, at prices that would have given Messrs. Barnum x Bailey a handsome profit, had they wished to dispose of them. I have never been asked about our runners, but am kept very busy answering all sorts of questions about the trotters. Everyone here knows Maud S and her record, and if she was on exhibition in London today, more people wonld go see her than tbey would if she was exhibited In New York City. If tbe America breeders would take as mnch pains and interest in introducing the trotter in this country as an ordinary "Yank" would hi introducing a mouse trap, they would have as good a market here for their horses as tbey have at home. The English are first-class judges as to soundness, eta, and great believers in pedi gree, so that in shipping horses to this country for sale there are a lew things absolutely nec essary to tbe success of the undertaking good feet and legs, no toeweights or boots. A good, strong, well-made and well-mannered horse, able to draw a fair-sized trap a 2-10 gait on a smooth road can be sold at fair prices any time. 1 have talked with a foreigner here who has bought American horses, and he told me that it was almost impossible to get a sound horse from Americi. I suggested to him that perhaps he bad always bought those that were unsound. He replied that ho had never been to onr country, but that a friend of bis had bought them for him, and written him that all our horses had faulty legs. He seemed quite surprised when I took him to the stable and showed him ten horses with records from 217 to 2:40. and every one with sound, clean legs, without spot or blemish. One of the best in formed gentlemen on the trotting horse ques tion that I have met here is Mr. J. Irvine Lup ton. He has written several "very valuable books on the horse, and in one of them pays a very high compliment to the American trotter, and believes that, with very little effort, not only the trotting horse for road purposes, but that trotting races will become popular in this country. BIG TURF BETTING. Why Pittsburg" Phil Patronizes Bookmaker Ike Thompson. Referring to the Eastern races a special cor respondent of" the Eoritman says: "Some of the transactions were immense for winter racing. The last two that I saw, as I struggled out of the ring with a trashed hat and a torn overcoat; were $3,600 to TOO against Rapine to win, and S1.3J0 to S200 Letretia a place, and as they ran that way backers won in both instances. "The layer of these two bets was Bookmaker 'Ike' Thompson, and tbe takers were 'Pitts burg Fhif of the larger transaction, and Fred Eshner (owner of Letretia) of tbe smaller. Thompson W. without doubt, the nerviest book maker now doinz business on the winter tracks. The heavier betters realize this, as I will show oy a narrative ox wnat '.ritisuarg r nil' said to mvafter tbe big bet noted. "The next bookmaker to Thompson had up fM KapiDe, a half-point more than "Phil" accepted with Thompson. After the young clanger bad made his bet I asked him why he did not take tbe half-point better odds of the other book maker. His reply was at -once characteristic and to tbe point. Said be: "Well, you see, that other fellow would have grinned and said. 'I'll take 50, young fellow,' while Thompson will take almost any size bet offered him la reason. I give him most of my play. "Of my own knowledge! know this to be a fact, for be it was who made tbe "swell" bet of $3,000 to $5,500 Belle d'Or last month, which I noted in your columns at tbe time. Only Thursday last he also bet H800 to 1,360 against Spalding in one bet, which he won, aad other instances might be cited of bis nerve. He Is a partner, I believe, of one George Dalton, a well-known speculator. "Tho young Pittsburger, noted as having re lieved Thompson of such a substantial amount on tbe last race of the last day of a winter race meetinc tells me It was his last bet of tbe year. Yesterday he went home to tho Smoky City for a two weeks' holiday visit, and oa January 4 next he sails for Europe 'in pnmpnny wKh Jockey Garrison utd two xatwd frisais." rmKiamBPy& UtiliSiX Tate AtMtear AtWetic UatM TssCftBl CIWBIM k tltt KtttMMl Sales New C4UIm fsr tbe TetKaBaera and &tker Athletes. NewYobk, December 28. It was not until an early hour this morning that thefeoardof Managers of the Amateur Athletic Union ceased its labors of revising tbe rules of tbe union. Many important changes were made. Among other things It has decided that a race shall be considered finished when any part of a contestant's body, except his hands or arms, shall touch the tape at the finish line. This had hitherto been the cause of much dispute. It was decided that the shot shall be a sphere and shall be put from above, but not behind the shoulder. A "put shall be counted foul If any part of the person of the contestant shall go outside the circle or on the board surround ing the circumferehce. Tbe referee shallhave power in any bnt final contests to disqualify a competitor on a foul who is at fault if in his opinion the foul is intentional, and be may al low tbe hindered competitor to compete in the next beat. In tbe final heat be shall hare tbe power to order a new race between such of the competi tors who may, in his opinion, be entitled to the privileee. Two more officials are added, to be assistants to tbe referee in detecting fouls. They will be called inspectors. A competitor three times in fault in making a false start snail be disqualified for that event The starter may also rule ont any competitor who may ad vance beyond the prescribed mark after the starter has given the word to get ready. Pro tests against any competitor may be entered by any responsible person, but if it cannot be im mediately decided before an event, then tbe competitor may be allowed to compete under protest and such protest shall be decided npon within 4S hours by the referee, unless it shall refer to tbe amateur standing of the contestant, in which case the referee must report the pro test in writing to the secretary of the union within 43 hours. Tbe tebe designating the finish shall be at right angles to the sides of the track and three feet above it. In hurdle races, tbe athlete in making a record must jump over every hurdle in its proper position. A fair Jump is defined to be one made without the assistance of weights, somersaults, diving or handsprings of any kind. In handicap jumping the scratch man shall be entitled to try last. A GAME 6L0TB t IGHT. Dick Keating Defeats Edward Corey After 23 Hard Rounds. Lafatxttk, Ind., December 29. One of the gamiest glove fights fought in Indiana began 'this morning at 7.-45 o'clock in a wooded pasture in Boone county, midway between Lebanon and Crawfordsville. Between 400 and COO per sons witnessed the battle, and some of the farm ers at the fight camped there last night to be in at the start. Tbe principals were Rich ard Keating, of this city, who has never lost a fight, and Edward Corey, of Crawfordsville, a novice who to-day proved himself a pugilist. The men were evenly matched in weight 155 pounds ahd height. Keating bad trained but little, being too confident, and Corey stripped in fine condition. In the first rounds Corey received several stinging upper cuts, but got in heavily on Keatlng's nbs, and won the first knock-down by a corker, landing on Keating's mouth. It was a hammer and tongs almost continuously from that time on. with Corey having the best of it. In round 15 Keating went to the grass three times by blows over tbe heart. Cantlous sparring followed, and in the twenty-tblrd round Keating touched Corey lightly on the nose with his left hand and swung his right just below the left ear. It was the decisive blow. Corey was knocked out clean and com pletely. The purse amounted to $350. Mny Fight Again. There may be another match arranged be tween MikeCnshlng and Austin Gibbons, tbe Paterson lad wbo is the present 125-pound champion. Jlrhmy Dumas, the well-known trainer, was seen to flash $500 on the tracl. yes terday and offer to backCushing against Gib bons for that amount. "Besides." said Jimmy, Til guarantee a purse of 11,500, maaing tbe total amonnt to battle for $2,500. If Gibbons' backer would like to make a new match, this is his chance. There will be more money In this fight than in the last one. and it will be run altogether differently. If the Paterson people are looking for a blgber game, why, then, they can look for it" New York Sun. Skipped With tbe Stakes. MASStLLON, O., December 29. A fight wl(h two-ounce gloves for a purse of 200 was ar ranged to take place at North Lawrence last night between Joe Gallagher, of Stnitbville. and Miller, of Akron. Pending the settlement of a-dispute aboutthe preliminaries-Gallagher got hold of the stake money and skipped Pitcher O'Brien Dying, Tbot, N. Y., December 29. Pitcher John O'Brien, of last season's Cleveland clnb. Is very low in this city with typhoid fever, and is not expected to live. Won't Go to Australia. John Teemer gives up the Australian trip for the Thayer championship race and will go into training at McKeesport in April, probably tooner. Sporting; Notes. Gus. Guerrero says he can beat McClelland In a ten-mile race. J. C. D. Philadelphia was third and Pitts burg was sixth. There Is talk of a ten-mile race beincr ar ranged between Splcer and McClelland. Dak McLatjoblik, the local amateur pedes trian, attended Hegelman during last week's race. Ed. Rexlly. tbe local wrestler, is waiting to hear from any ISO-pound catch-as-catch-can wrestler. The Cleveland six-day race last week was a failure. Moore says there were only about thirty spectators at the race en Christmas Day. L. & Hott, of New Castle, Pa., has sold to Charles Stopf, of Wampum, Pa a weanling filly by Prince Alfred, son of Almont. dam by Beaumont; second dam by Flying Wagner. It Is a most singular coincidence that the four most successful starters that this country has yet produced all have James for a front name. The four are Caldwell, Sheridan, Fer guson and McLaughlin. The opinion that the Leacne will reduce its circuit from ten to eight clubs Is steadily gain ing ground. It is believed that the Indian apolis players will wear New York uniforms, and that the Washington players will be par celed out among the other eight League teams. PAT Faebell called at the Illustrated Newt office yesterday and said that he waswillingto fight Arthur Upbam at 158 pounds for 11,000 and a purse of not less than 750. If Upbam cannot raise a purse Farrell will fight him for $2,000 a slue, Qucensberry rules, eight weeks from time of signing articles. N, Y. Sun. In tbe future, when tbe racing season of 1SS9 is alluded to, says an English paper, it will be called "the Duke of Portland's year." To win somethinglike 74,000 in stakes between April and the end of October is a great feat, and is all the more remarkable, as it is abont twice as much as when Lord Falmouth nearly carried all before blm in 1878. A hatch has been made In England in which Mr. Frederick James, or tbe Coach and Horses, Notting Hill Gate, backs his gray pnny Dolly to trot from tbe Middlesex side ot.Vauxhall Bridge, London, to St Peter's Church.Brighton, a distance nf 47 miles. In 4 hours 27 minutes, for 100 (open for 200) a side. The race comes off the first week in January. The last season Anderson, of Tennessee, had the -great pacer Argyle out he got Splan to drive him at Pittsburg, and Splan was sure of winning and de cided to lay up the first beat. He set sail for the second heat, and was well in the lead on tbe backstretcb when Argyle overreached him self and got mixed np. Splan was discharged when the pacer got distanced. Sportsman. The following list shows the Inroads made by the National League in tbe Brotherhood's ranks. Every plaver whose name is here ap pended was a member of the Brotherhood until the 9th of November: Glasscock, Denny, Buckley, Boyle, Hussie, .Sotnmers, Wilmot, Miller, Beckley, Bowders, Sunday, McKean, Beatin, Zimmer, Decker, Gleason, Clements, Schriver. Delebanty, Mulvev, Myers, Thomp son. Daly, Tiernan, Smith, Ganzel and Clark son. Hotoh BEOS,, of Shamokln, Pa., who are taking qnite a prominent position among East era racing owners, have purchased tbe black colt Burlington, foaled 1887, by Powhattan, out of imp. Invercanld, lrom Barney Riley for $7,000. As a yearling this colt cost &2S. The Messrs. Hough state that tbey never had any communication with Bergen about riding for them, but say that Garrison tendered them bis services, but his price was too high. They have signed Fred Day, the English jockey who was so severely injured at Jerome Park, but who has recovered. The American Association,-in order to equalize tbe strength of tbe teams Under the new regime, contemplates the idea of making somesortof a lottery scheme that is, placing tbe names of all tbe players in a wheel and taking chances Of drawing them out, A lucky manager can thus draw the. pennant winner. Before turning the wheel it would be jnst as well to bar President Von der Ahe. If his usual baseball luck should prevail be wonld be sure to draw a teas that would win the pen nant without plftyteg a- gajae. Tfce-ir very SJsixtaUttAsti wtk&ssd xrbsssssssssst Uui stsfssflta ta J rfF"isrff h stsssssi m vmOTv W9 nww IPJOTSBTGJO issisis&sszgnsss ' nf, -,-, Wxlliax O'Conxob, the cbawpioB ears man, thinks there are very few Bern quali fied to become strictly first-claM oarsmen. Oat, of the large number who attempt It the ma jority are physically, mentally and morally un sutted for It. He says: "A man may be a champion at any other of the athletic exercises or outdoor sports and not be suited for an oars man; for instance, take a champion ball player, he might bare only one arm and make tbe fineBt pitcher that -ever lived; or. again, take a sprinter, he must be well developed about the legs and not be otherwise physically developed, in order to make a champion runner; but a man to make a goon professional oarsman mast be physically developed throughout, and his mental faculties must be unclouded and first class." FIRST SOCIAL SESSION. The Elks Celebrated One ef Their Jeyoas Occasions Last Night Wit and Music Sandwiched. The Elks held a right Bocial session in their happy hunting grounds an Fourth ave nue last night. To be precise, Pittsburg Lodge2To.ll,B.P. 0. Elks, filled Odd fellows' Hall with mirth and merriment from 9 o'clock even unto the mystic chiming of the midnight hour. In the chair of state, beaming upon the assembled guests, sat Mr. James Collins, of New York Lodge No. 1, Chairman of the Session. Either and thither, attentive to the needs of everyone, flitted tbe members of the committee, Messrs. John Wamser, Joseph Stophlet, William Lee, John Kessler and-Peter Schwartz. On the right hand of tbe Chair, were grouped in picturesque disorder, tbe Grand Opera House Minstrels. The gaslight glinted upon their burnished Instruments, as they gracefully uplifted them, and with a skirl of melody, struck up the overture. While the notes, high or low. floated harmo niously from their brazen prisons an opportu nity occurred for a passing glance around the crowded halL High upon his throne tbe Chair man sat, while on either side tbe long room were arranged rows of guestslistening atten tively to the music. Aboutthe upper portion of the hall Elks by the dozen lounged for a moment, and then slipped mysteriously into secret chambers. The gaslight flared up brave ly, and made clear every face in the assemblage, while the sound of hurrying footsteps were deadened Ify the thick tcarpets below. If o sooner bad tbe last sounds of the overture died away, than Mr, Walter Mellis, terrifically got up as a constable, in a helmet three sizes too large for him, bounded like Harlequin upon the scene. Then commenced an indis criminate hauling-up-to-Justlce of the most in offensive persons, for the most unheard-of crimes. Blush bench and bar when ye learn bow Mr. City Solicitor Elphinstone was ruth lessly "pulled in," because he had sinned against the Chairman's draconic code, by sot removing his overcoat. The unfortunate legal luminary was not even allowed to plead in his own defense, and when it was divulged that he was a lawyer, his flno was raised from IS cents to25. Doctor Frank McDonald was mulcted in the sum of 10 cents for coming in a tall hat, and Mr. Hellenberg suffered a like fine "for ap pearing in a beastly state of sobriety." But the climax was reached when Policeman Mellis was himself arrested, and brought before the tribunal, notwithstanding his furious' menace or "having somebody's mooa witn nis ciud." "What were you doing, sirf" sternly asked Mr. Radamantbus Collins. "Attending to my duties, sir," meekly re ponded the now thoroughly cowed pseudo copper. "Then you are fined a quarter for at tending to your duties. Next case-!" and so the fun went on "as merry as a marriage bell." Presently came a perfectly appropriate inter lude in the shape of an invasion bf sandwiches. Music began again when tho audience had taken "the cockles oft their epigastric muscles;" and Mr. Leon J. Long, with banjo ac companiment, sang a funny song, about a cer tain worthy wbo by doingno work,and watching his opportunity, "is on tbe police force now." One of this worthy's feats was "arresting a cow for licking her calf." and he seemedto be addicted todroppiDgnlckels in certain slots at the city nau wuen ne wanted to step into office. Then James L. Galvin, Introduced as lately from Paris (only one man interpolated "Kentucky," and was promptly fined), played tbe barrel organ with skill and dexterity, following that entertain ment with a woeful ditty, all about a bullfrog. Then the national anthem, "Down Went Mc Ginty," was excellently rendered by a member of tbe Lewis Quartet. Eleven o'clock bad now arrived, so the toast of "The Absent Brothers" was drank with ac claim, after which Mr. Gus Miller, of Grand Opera House Band, gave a delightful cornet solo. Chairman Collins being asked to con tributor to the harmony, sang "Where the Shamrock Grows" with taste and feeling, and was fined 23 cents for not singing out of time. Nothing daunted, however, he recited that sweet old poem, "Caoch O'Leary and His Dog," In a manner that fairly touched the hearts of his bearers. Mr. Charles Mitchell, of baseball note, then sang another IrlsbLSong. and sang it in an in imitable style. One of the truths, conveyed by Mr. Mitchell was that "thelrish are" like to a wild-erowlng flower: tbe more you pluck them, the thicker they'll grow." But "sooner or later the dearest must part," and at last it became time for the Elks to leave the hall of merriment. A mighty ring was formed, and, joining hands, the whole frater nity in voices loud, and low. and deep, and shrill, sang that parting chorus of everV con vivial assembly, "from Indus to the Pole," Burns' glorious "Auld Lang Syne." HUNDREDS OF flOESES STOLEN By an Organized Band of Horse Thieves In Middle Tennessee. JSFECIAL TILKGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.' Chattanooga, December 29. "What amounts to a panic exists among the farmers of Davidson and adjoining counties of Middle Tennessee. .An organized band of horse thieves has been operating there for several months without let or hindrance. It is estimated that within the past six I weeks 200 horses have been stolen ana run into Kentucky fastnesses, where it is im possible to follow them or the thieves. Not one ot these animals has been recovered or is likely to be. It is supposed that the thieves have a regnlar underground route to Cincinnati, where the stolen horses are sold. General WV H. Jackson, of the famous Belle Meade farm, John Overton, and the Cockerills are talking of perfecting a iarmers' association to rout the robbers. Tflfil CHOPPED TBE PLDNDEE. How a Couplo of Showcase Thieves Bad tbe Luck to Escape. At 1:30 this mornidg two thieves attempted to carry away a showcase, containing about $25 worth of pants goods, from in front of the Hotel Hamilton. Officer Murphy gave chase, and the pair dropped the case in Barker's alley, and escaped. The case and goods belonged to K. Zober. Starved Himself to Dentb. MATsytLLE. Kr., December 29. Hammon Tolle, aged 70. a wealthy land owner of Lewis county, Kentucky, was taken sick with con gestion of the stomach six weeks ago. and, although a physician attended him almost constantly, he refused to take either medicine or food, and literally starved-to death. THE WBATHEK. For Wettern Pent tylvanla and West Virginia, fair until Wednesday, much colder; northwesterly uindf, with a cold leave. PrrrsBtrao, December 29, 1388. The United States Signal Service offlcerla this city furnishes the folio wicfi: Time. Tr. inw. Maximum temp.... 67 Minimum temp.... l Kanjre 28 SKUA. v.. 22:00 1C.. llOOF. M7. I so r. u.. s.-oor. x:. SlOOP. M. JT(CU vamp,., ,.,,, V Precipitation. 01 .60 Klver at tOOT. JU 8.7 ret, achangeofJ.Sla M tours. Klver Teleirra. rSrXCTAI. TZLKQSAMS TO THX DIPATeH.i MOBOAlrroWK Klver 6 feet S laches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 68 at 4 P. St BEOWifsyxixs River 8 feet and Milage Weather cloudy. Thers.osfte-tr P at 4 F. x. W AMBIT Btrer M0 Ht aad ttotteMrr. JljgL SMata svLilv?rif vs&i nMtwfrtea'J WW? MT-IEElTSMifGH Congress Liable. to Bt Knocked Oat When Straek bj the Grip. SUCS A THINS HAS OCCDESED, Forced Kecess-fAmoBg the Present Ses sion's Possibilities. HISTOfil LIKELT TO KEPEAT ITSELP. Philadelphia Reports Its First Death Resulting Jim iDflnenn. There is some speculation on the grippe's stopping the wheels of national legislation. Au old member of Congress says such a thing wouldn't be without a precedent. When the "Tyler grip" struck Congress that body had to adjourn, ' Philadelphia reports its first death resulting from the disease. ffBOM A STAT7 COBBE6POXDENT.-1 3VASHINGT.OH. December 29,The pre valence of the present epidemic of in fluenza, or "La Grippe," is the one topic ot conversation here, as elsewhere. It is alsp causing some uneasiness among members of Congress, particularly the leaders of the majority. That there is ground Jbr fear is shown by what is claimed to be a fact, that in this city alone, with 'a population of a few over 200,000, there are no fewer than 60, 000 cases of the malady. It doesn't appear to be of such virulence herein Washington as in the European capitals and in Boston, anofpossib'ly", ai is claimed by some, a "num ber of the cases' are nothing more than ordi nary colds and catarrhal affectiotiB. But even admitting this, the situation, as it affects Congress, is not much, improved. AH OLD MEMBEE'S MEMOET. An old member, who has kept himself pretty well posted on' the history oi Con gress, Said to-day: "I saw that on Saturday the-hearing before the Ways and 'Means Committee bad to be postponed on account of the representatives of the Sngar Trust beiug down with the grip. It is quite pos sible that the progress of legislation may be seriously blocked by the prevalence of this disease. The Republican majority would be considerably hampered if a few of their members were to contract the malady, and it may be that Congress itself may be com pelled to take a recess for this cause. The sticklers for precedence would be satisfied in this case, for if my memory serves me right, during tbe year 1837, when the 'Tvler grip' was so prevalent, a disease just like this, and imported from BussiaJn the same way, so many of the members of both the' House and Senate were taken down with it that Congress had to take a .recess in order to give them a chance to recover." CONQEESS CATJGHX BT IT. La Grippe has already begun its work on the'Kational Legislature. Senator Ingalls has it, and Congressman Ray, of Pennsyl vania, is confined to his room with what is believed to be influenza. There are. be side, several members in this city wbo are ill from some cause which they can't deter mine, and the probabilities are that some of them at least are in the grasp of la grippe. Not only the members of Congress, but the officers as well, are suffering from the disease. The veteran Doorkeeper of the Senate, Captain Bassett, is sneezing from the-effects of it, and Journal Clerk Smith, of the House, has gone to Fortress Monroe to get rid of it. It may- be that history will repeat itself, not only in the fact of a recur rence of the epidemic, but also in the effects it produces, and that Congress will be so at tenuated in its active membership that the only thing to do will be to. take -a holiday. THEOBIES OF PHYSICIANS. Prominent doctors here say that the rea son of the epidemic of diseases of the throat and mucous membrane iso-be found in the peculiar atmospheric conditions now preva lent in this country and abroad. One of them, Dr. Sanlord, said to-day that his at tention had been called to theiact that in years when mould was likely to accumulate cases ot diseases of the mucous membrane were sure to be frequent. ''The dampness of the past summer," said he, "was cer tainly conducive to the formation of mould, and the present epidemic of la grippe and other throat and catarrhal affections follows as a natural consequence, if the theory is a true one." The appearance of several cases of typhoid fever, as well as of the "grip," among em ployes of the Treasury Department build ing, has again called attention to the horri ble sanitary condition of that destroyer of health and life. Apparently every plan has been exhausted to secure perfect ventila tion, and without success. DRAUGHTS BAD AS POISON. 'The air is so foul it cannot be breathed without opening windows beside which men or women are forced to sit at desks, and to open windows creates such a rush ofair as to make the draught as dangerous as the poison. Twenty thousand dollars was ex pended by direction of the Forty-ninth Con gress for improved ventilation, but just where and how nobody knows. Added to the fpul air, there is at this time a general uncleanliness due to a lack of watchfulness on tbe patt of those whose duty it is to supervise the scrub-women, and altogether, the life of a Treasury building employe is such as to excite conspiracy and a revolutionary outbreak. A formal presentation of this state of affairs will probably be made very soon, to a committee of Congress for the fortieth time, but it will probably result in no greater acquisition of fresh air than at present, unless au order is made to cut the corridors on each floor through the rooms that tbey may penetrate the outer walls, and thus make an opening for the free circula tion ofair. IilQHTKKS. CLEVELAND'S THEN K0W. The CItr by the Lake Sore That It Has the I Influenza. Cleveland, December 23, Russian in fluenza is auite prevalent in-Clevelend. -Dr. Beckwitb, member of the State Board of Health, said there could be no doubt of the existence or many cases of the disease Here, and he will so report to the board. ' All classes of people seem to be affected, and some are compelled to take to their beds. No serious results are apprehended. HO SIGNS OP IMPB07EMENT. The Progress of tbe Influenza Contluaes Throughout All Europe. London, December 29. The epidemic of influenza continues in Paris, and there are no signs of an improvement. In Munich the disease is increasing. In Berlin it is accompanied by Dengue fever, not affecting the nose, larynx or windpipe, but attended by rheumatism and a rise of temperature to about 101 The symptoms disappear in three days. Many of the officers of the Berlin garrison 5 L Til (, " For Stoeplessnesw, I j& -Exhaustion, Nervoug- . ssfJsH nemt Headache. Jfala- i mAM rla, FwaJygfe, Neural. saaT s . ! ir.a iiiwMwwHuiaijiEiMrfftMjgaBtfgBfiJgfeii Sse ci sssvessl &4HI swova&essSffsnl. Saw military werkss-oa at Kmm4m ae ill with the disease. FII8T FiTAIi 01SI IX PHILlDILPm. A Bar Otes ftsB Foeaaseai TbhC 8m eeedetl tbe Brio. fWJCIAL TH.MSA1C TO XXX WSrATCH.l Philadelphia, December 29,The first death from influenza in Philadelphia was reported to-day. It was the case of aa 8-year-old boy named John McLonghtin. The immediate cause ot death, according to the physician's certificate, was pneumonia, but the doctor says pneumonia developed from the. grip. Dr,"W. "W. N. Naylor, of the Howard Hospital, had been steading tbe child for two days, and urior to that the case had been in the hands of Dr. Robert Coyle. There is a conflict of opinion between the, two physicians about the symp toms developed by the child when first at tacked. Dr. Coyne said to-night that he did not discover any of the symptoms of influenza. He thought tbe boy was suffer ing with tonsilitis. Dr. Naylor. on the other hand, is confident that the child was first stricken with the grip. "He had all the svmptoms of the grip," said Dr. Naylor: ''The severe headache, sore throat, pain in the back and watery eyes. The child was delicate and the cold, settled on its lnngs, developed pneumonia, and death followed. The best evidence to me that the child was first stricken with the grip is the fact that a brother and sister are now suffering with it. These cases, bow ever, are not dangerous. Then there are three cases next door. This is, so far as I know, tbe first death in the city that can be traced to the,influenza." WASHED IN GOODHUE. The Baltimore Health Board Issaes a Few PremoDhorjr Precautious. ISraCIAI. TZLZOBAVTO THX DISPATCH. J Baltimore, December29. Health Com missioner Stewart has Issued a statement with reference to the influenza epidemic Although the Board of Health would not yet be justified in pronouncing it epidemic in Baltimore, the note of warning is sound ed to all who are suffering from those symp toms who may be immediately exposed to the contagion. Fublio attention is .called to the fact that during the week ending December 21, 21 deaths from pneumonia were reported, and during tne present wees ua deatns from tne same source were reported. BACK IN SETENTU PLACE. Pittsburg Takes a Jotnp in the Clearing Honse List. Boston, December 29. The following table, compiled from dispatches from the managers of the leading Clearing Houses oi tne united states, snows tne gross ex changes at each point for the week ended December 28, 1889, with rates per cent of in crease or decrease, as compared with the amounts for the corresponding week in 1888: Inc. Dee. New York teo5.S92.9SS .... l.S Hoston . 80.363.213 8.8 .... Philadelphia 61.813,673 10.2 .... Chicago 49, COO. COO M.J .... Bt, Louis 16,701,769 4.2 .... San .Francisco 13,310,312 .... 13.1 Pittshurs 12,565,110 15.8 Hew Orleans. 11,943,495 9.S Baltimore 12,089.203 22.4 .... Cincinnati 9,793.000 0.8 .... KansasCltv. 7.736.237 .... l.S Louisville. S.305.:S3 14.8 .... Providence , 5,125.800 15.1 ilinuearjollj 4,459,534 12.2 Milwaukee 4,970,000 7.0 .. . Detroit 4,137,391 .... 2.5 St. Paul 3,6!8.KB 10.8 ... Umah 3,889,743 25.S Denver 3,360,432 22.1 Cleveland 4,243,545 30.6 Memphis., 3,088.964 22.0 .... Columbus 2,674,200 2S.S .... IndlsnsnoUs 1.518,632 .... 2.7 Richmond 1.807.007 11,4 .... Galveston 1,458,694 .... 25.4 Fort Worth 1,238,525 97.5 .... Peoria. 1,343,537 2.8 Duluth 1.541.005 .... 31 Harttord 1,508,266 .... 0.8 Ut. Joseph 1,123,949 ... Portland. Me. 984,023 7.8 .... Norfolk 1,091.623 2.7 .... New Haven 1,039,918 7.7 .... Spnnjrfleld 960,825 .... 0.0 Wilmington 629.577 .... 5.1 Worcester 975,433 15,2 .... Syracuse ., 709,302 is.i .... Lowell. 583,472 15.1 .... lies Molne3j..i,.wJ:...U. 522,764 12.6 .... GrandKaplds ............ 531,191 , 3.2 . .... Wichita.... .. 503,242 .... 19.6 Los Angeles 506,242 .... 10.2 Topeka.,. 889,147 13.2 .... Buffalo 3,833,543 Portland, Ore 1,622,061 Nashville 1,586,757 Sioux City 633,270 Birmingham 717.542 Seattle 702,542 .... .... Tacoma 622,735 .... t .. Montreal, Canada 6,878,917 .... .... HallXax 1,152,837 Total 1947,983,249 Tl Outside Hew rork 341,995,290 9.4 .... Not Included In totals. No Clearing Honse at this time last year. Making Fast Time. The Emma Jnch Opera Company left Pittsburg at midnight Saturday, on a special train for Salt Lake City. The rail road company' agreed to put them into the Mormon capital between i. and 5 o'clock to morrow afternoon. It will be quick" work. The companv is to play in Salt Lake Citv Tuesday and "Wednesday evening, and will leave there "Wednesday night for Los Angeles. CaL. where it Is billed for Fridav night. Sweat-Groan-Growt. What else Is to be exposed of the old fashioned way of rilarlrlng the hoes t Try tbe new way by using WOLFF'S IcieBlacMig and the dirty task becomes a deaaly pleasure. copttubht WoltfsAGMEBlacking REQUIRES INO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Snow. "Shoes can be washed dean, requiring dressing 'only once a Week for men, once a Month for women. It is also an Elegant Harness Dressing. WOLFF&RANDOLPH.PhllfldeinhJa. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. -fTTANTED POSITITON AS COPYIST-CAN VV give trdod reference If required. Address MATJlT A. SHAW, 305 Boblnsoo. street. Alle ghenr. dc30-25 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. A No. 181.1 NOBDINANOE-FORTHB CONSTRUC TION of steps on Park avenue, from Fifth avenue to Rowan avenue, 8ectlon 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Department of Public Works be and is bereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals, and tbe Department of Awards award a contract for the construction of wooden stairs or steps on line ot Parle avenue, from Fifth avenue extension to Rowan street or avenue, in the Twenty-first ward. 1 Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance bo and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 9 th clay of December, A. D. 1888 HXP. FORD. President of Select CoweH. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Beleec CoincU. WM. A. MAGES, President of Comtaon .Conncil pro tern. Attest: OlO. BOOI.H, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. December 11, 1888. Approved: WM.ifcOAlXIN,-Mayor. Attest: wTS.Ho- fry LM (rJ Jtt&SSttX&'ti&Ji iBHHIt WWiW f tris and Jtata L. A. 8614, sprisc ud axle worker, Knights of Xabw, basvsurremJered its char ter. , TheDitTitJW "Working- oa be ing asked Jor.tfc smm eeuld only assign as amsoathut tb ntnbenip had fallen away, and finally the Assembly had. lapsed. The Bf BH-phva at Braddock. Jrasets sad Edward Murphy conducted a tog temperance meeting in LeJghtoa'i Sink, in Braddock. yesterday afternoon. Many persons signed tbe pledge. Carpexer sad Jelaers Mtet Te-N!t. Local TJBioq 142, carpenters and joiners, will-hold its regular' meeting at 41 Fifth avenue this evening. Business of import ance will he. transacted. Te term a TJsJea. The wagoa and carriage workers will hold a meeting- this evening at "Solon Hall, Grant street, for the purpose of organizing a union. There are . many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, : ' butlike'j - all counterfeits, they laclrf , the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for t ' ' Ivory Soap , y and- " ' ' insist upon having it. - Tis-sold everywhere." noS-lOl.xws If yoUi have a COLD or COUGH, acste er leaaiBg te CONSUMPTION, SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE COD LTfXK OIX 1 AND HTPOPHOSFHnWS OF ZIXE AND SODA XS SXTJXB OTJILH X'OXt. IT. I This preparation contains the stlmula- ting properties of tbe Htjpophotphite I and fine Norwegian Cod Ziver OH. TJsed bv nhvsldans all tbs world over. It is as palatable aa mfue. Tnree times as efflca- I cious as piam voa iver vu. a. perceci 1 I Emulsion, better than all others made. For 1 I all forms otToMing XHstows, Bronchitis, , CONSUMPTIOir. Scrofula, & a Flesh Producer I there is nothing ute SHITS EM.LSIW. It is sold by all Druggists. Let no one br I profuse explanation or impudent entreaty I induce yon to accept a suDsatuu. OFFICIAI-PITTSBTJKG. A No. 180.1 N ORDDTANCE CHANGING THE name of Ward, street to "McKee Place," from McKee Place to Wakefield street. Section L Be it ordained and enacted by tho city of Pittsburg" id Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the name of "Ward street," from McKee Place to Wakefield street,.ba and is hereby changed to and shall be known as "JIcKee Place." Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be- and tne same is bereby re pealed, .so. far -as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 9th day ot December, A. D. 1889. HIP. FORD. President ot Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE. President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest:GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. December 11, 18S9. Approved: WM.McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7. rage 219. 23th day 6f December. A. D. 1SS8. de2S-98 JNo. 185. mO THE SELEfitAND COMMON CODN- I UlLB 01 tne city 01 i"ittsnnrg: I herewith submit to your honorable bodies a dedication, for publlo use. of Paul street, in tbe Thirty-second ward, together with a waiver of damages which may arise from tbe opening thereof, and ask that the same may be approved and accepted. Veryrespectiully, S.Ii.Boaoa, I, 8. L. Boggs,' of tbe city of Pittsburg, county ot Allegheny, and State of Pennsyl vania, do hereby dedicate to th'e public for street purposes the whole nf Paul street, in S. It Boggs' plan No. 2-in the Thirty-second ward of said city of Pittsburg; approved 20th of April, 1889. by E, M. Bigelow, Chief of Depart ment of Public Works, acknowledged 15th of May, 1889, and recorded in tbe Recorder's office !m:m r' y "v ' HAPPY NEW YEAR; INWNTOKY : : SAEI ST0GK TAKING f ; 3STOW Every Article Marked Down Regardless of Ctal r - -sat j,ilrT?'4sSssfclllsliaslsMsssMsssillsaisasssMsMssslsssssssM' i SHsa sbV sssf b M J sw Ra I M" sP k, Bft, y -n'Vf' fl Clothiers, Taifors, Hatters. Furnisiers ;, . 954 and 006 LIBERTY STREET. '.&i l ' - ' --ai sygreiAL1 1'lBUCTtKl et said eenntv of AlWhon. In PlaalBoofcfl Vol. 9, page 44. and I hereby waive aad"rlase Mid city from all damages" which iaayri uuiB or accrue 10 me dt ream oi ta oi of said street. " - Witness myhana and seal this 2Iat day ofj uciooer, ioe. a. ij, BOaas,MeLjg Attest: JAMES M. CHRISTY ' -al Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, coiintyiOsll Allegheny, ss.; StiSMEto Before me. a Notary Public in aadlferTsSM city, personally appeared tbe above named ." Ll. Hoggs wbo acknowledged tbe above iasersWl mem otueaicauou ana release tobe bis act SSMI ueea, ana aesirea tne same to be recorded!! inch. -je Witness my hand and Notarial seal th Ml car 01 r ovem oer. issy. .- JAMES M. CHRISTY! NotarVPnMt? In Councils December 9. 1889, read, accepie! ana approved. ABOM H.P.1TOBD, President of Select Couacffll Attest: GEO.SHEPPABD, Clerk of SeJeetl council, w. A- AiAur;i!t, president of Comg mon Council pro tern. Atteatr GEO. BOOTH,1? Clerk of Common Council. -imfiP Recorded in Ordinance Boot, vol. T, page JS51 December 27, 1889. de288l AfNo.179. H" ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE: , repaying of "Wylie avenue, from Fulto street to KirJtpatrlck street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsbnr, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and It Is bereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Department of Public Works be and" Is heretry authorized and directed to advertise nr nranfrtals for and thu Denartmnnt ofAwirflt to award a contract for repavlne of "Wylie '. avenue, irom jnuton street to rurrpatnoE street. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or-P dinance conflicting witn tho provisions of thlsV ordinance do anu tne same is nereoy repeaieavi so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. "is Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 9th day of December. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Con dL Attest: GEO. MHEPPARD, Clerk. of Belect Council. W. A. MAGEEL Presii? dent of Common Council pro tern. Attest:; OEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Connefl. ' Recorded In Ordinance Book. voL 7. pace 21&1 z&w aay 01 xiecem Der. a. u. ioou. aeio-ws No. 1S3.T K N ORDINANCE-GRAI N ORDINANCE-GRANTING REA fc - J. Co. the ricbt to erect an overbead bridza across Greenough street to Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. , ' Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by thef city of Pittsburg; in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it la hereby ordained and f , enactedbytneauthontyot the same. That Rear & Co. be authorized to erect an overhead "' bridge across Greenough street for tbe passage -. of merchandise to and from their building to , the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, said bridgaC to be IS feet or more above street grade and to be subject to tbe approval of the Chief of the Section S That any ordinance or part otif. ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions otZw this ordinance be and the same Is hereby re--Bl;" pealed so iar as tne same anects tnis ordinance's Ordained and enacted into a law in Councnrvg this 9th day of December, A. D. 18S9. J H. P. FORD. President ot Select ConnaO Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk: of Select! Council. W.A. MAGEE, President of ConS mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTHA Cleric ot Common Council. 1 - Mayor's office. December 13, 1S89. Approved? WM. McCAIJJN, Mayor. Attest s ROBERT, OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. ' Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page-ZU,' u 111 oar ot. iiecemnr, a. u. 100a. aeza-voj , AH ARTICLl -OJ-- MERITf Always commends itself, and a living? proof j of tnis tact is always louna in tne steady anoj increasing sales 01 our PURE EIGHT-YEAR-OLD, EXPOBT WHISKY. ASB OTJB PURE CALIFORNIA WIKESli The Genuine Products of the Grain , , , anaurapex Eieht-Year-Old Exnort Whisky la nut nn f "&.? in full quarts at $1, or six for $5. --,.'" California "Wines, including fins old v Claret, Port and Sherry, put np In full . , quarts. Claret, 75c, or $6 per dozen. -All other choice brands of these wines 60c each,- or 5 per dozen. . g" Representative medicine men prescribsjfc our Old Export Whisky and CaliforaiajM Wines every day. j. Since the late decision of the Supreme Court WE CAX NOW BEND GOODS C. O. D., aak before, but no goods will be shipped to minors i or persons of known intemperate habits. Sendjf for complete price list, mailed free to anyad-1 oress. au man oruers promptly attended, icvi Jna. Fleming l Snn DRUGGISTS, 412 Market Street- de29 PITTSBURG. : T ATEIsTTS) -a. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.! 311 Fifth avenne, above SmithfleId.neztLeMs omce. u o oeiay.j jutaouuiea m years... sexxw 3! M REDUCTION; OUST- kt .--. SST5SS . .'VtHSt " -""-T T" ,' SKTV J - -v &r ,&;-lkat ' -. rJBSLl JfcTSJMBBa .. Si.v,--, ..a. .-..ate