T? "75 FREFGHJ DEPOT. pie Valley Eoad to Build One -x on Pike Street. ;' mm'SSi OF LAND BOUGHT. lEemarkable crease in the Lines Traffic Last Tear. ffiH-ADDITIONAL TRACK PROMISED. !- 'The Allegheny Valley Bailroad Company 3ms purchased all the property lying be- fjtween Eleventh and Twelfth streets, on tPenn avenue. For several years past the company has been on the alert to buy any property that was offered for sale, or could be bought in this square. ADont two momns aso the company acquired the two last 'houses which adjoins their general office on Pike street. "With the property that the Valley people have acquired by the purchase of the square, 'the company intends to tear down the ihbuses, and utilixe the ground for a freight depot and vard facilities. A number of .toe Jhouses are being pulled down now. Some nfithem, however, will not be vacated belore iA.pril 1. The Allegheny company cannot SritRrfrrewithanvof the bouses which are now occupied until the term expire. The Allegheny Company expects to nave Ube property cleared away by the latter part Ot .April, xney will immcui:ijr kv " a-nrV then find bnild a new freieht depot. ,rAll the land which will not be covered by l fth denot will be nsed for tracks. The tfaepot will be principally used for the ac- commoaauon oi nne ircigub, &uwi a uij goods, vegetables, flour, etc The reason the Vallev is bringing its depot nearer the heart of the city is to catch the trade which goes north. VAXTJABLE PBOPEETT. The property which the Valley purchased -between Eleventh and Twelfth streets is worth $150,000. The cost ot bnuding a ifrelght depot, which wili contain every con--remende lor the various roods which leave ! .Pittsburg for northern points and the iay "fing of tracks, will approximate $150,000 more. The Valley is going to erect a hand-.- icnmndennt. Erervthinir will be done by ithe company to cater to -the convenience of ttbe mercantile putuic ah me nne ireicni which has hitherto been shipped from Six--,teenth street by the Valley will be trans ferred to the Eleventh street depot after it is ibuilt All heavy freight, manufactured iron and steel, will still be shipped from the (Sixteenth street depot All live stock will lb shipped from the new depot The Valley does a large freight business in live stock. - iMr. David McCargo, Superintendent of lthe Allegheny Valley Bailroad, was seen at 3his 'home last night by a Dispatch re sporter. He said. "The Valley company jhas bought the square between Eleventh Biana xweiua streets jur me purjju&c ui 'freight facilities. "We have been for a long '" lim nact hnmnered hv an insufficient jfreight depot BtTTTNC FOE TEAKS. 'Tor several years we have been buying up the property between Eleventh and 'Twelfth streets for the pnrposeol extending our yard facilities. It was not, however, until two months ago before we completed the purchase of the square. After tearing allthe houses down, which cannot be done until the 1st of April, we will commence at ionce to build our depot "We expect to jcomplete the tracks by the beginning of : iluly, when we will transfer all the light freight to tne .rsieventn street depot. 4,Tli freight hnsinpss on the Vnllev mart -ifor the past year has been unparalleled. I Wrr- v-r i ji-j 1.4 "freight as we did during the autumn vmonths. Business on the road is remarka- '",ble, and the outlook is just as bright as the . !,past we have excellent yard facilities 1UOW. ve io&u anu iransier on our ivards an immense amount of freight for the? Fort "Wayne and the Pennsylvania railroads. Though we have the advantage of splendid vara facilities, yet we have ''hitherto been at a disadvantage for light freight by our depot being located in an in 'convenient spot It has been the policy of the Valley to cater to the wants or the pub lic, and we mean to pursue that policy. "We have boueht this property to come up to the itimes. The Fort Wayne bring their depot to the heart of the city, and we are going to go the same. SHIPPEES BENEFITED. . "The public do not see the accommoda tion we offer them, nor do the v justly appre- isCciate our motive for building a new depot on such valuable property, shippers of drygoods, flour, leather, iruit, potatees and lOtner smau articles win oe anie u leave ':-;tbeir goods for transit at the depot at a t j cheaper rate than they are able to do now f by bringing them to Sixteenth street Those who do extensive shipping will reel the benefits when the yearly balance sheet is i made out "The Allegheny Valley Bailroad is now 15 doing an immense business, both in passen- iftger ana ireignt. we nave yeipieniy oi ta- cilities lor running our cars without any de I lav. If the business increases at the same ratepn the future as it has done in the past, and if it becomes necessary, we will increase ";-our running facilities by building an addi tional line. With one engine we can haul 15 passenger cars, while the Pennsylvania jcan'onlv haul eight cars across their road. L2-tt-T .-1 l L....1 m a r st-i -t cTCKui&riy .uu a iv w ireiKUfc cars along tne roaa. :xnougn we nave only a single track, yet our grade makes our facili ties double." THE MAI0E TO EEYIEW THEM. .The Hlberntnns Will Parade on St. Patrick's Day. fA county meeting of the Ancient Order ofEibernians was held at Hibemia Hall, yesterday, -with James F. Scott in the chair. Iltfwas decided to parade on St Patrick's KDay and Patrick Fallon was elected Grand larsnaL hit. .canon appointed tionn is. onnelly and Luke Burns Assistant Mar shals; Thomas Murray, Chief ot Staff, and Matthew Cavanagh, Adjutant General. A committee of arrangements was ap pointed consisting of C. Horgan, Major John Coyne, Thomas Murray, John Mad den, P.;M. Connelly, Thomas Cnrley, Peter JVard, P. A. Biccards, John Golden, Michael McCarthy, James Coan and Frank Gorman. The parade will move at 10 A. M.?;jAs:the parade passes City Hall it will previewed by the Mayor and citr officials andir,.will also be reviewed by the Grand Marshal before the line is broken at Hiber nian'Hall. 10 .UUKEA'UO ilia MAX hAKevrXorker Named as Campbell's Foul- ,t ble Successor, egardingthe Presidency of the "Window (Glass "Workers' Association there is reason fiojnppsse that Granville Morenns, of 2Tew iort ijiiy, will occupy mat position. 5fAVone time it was thought that Patrick iCleary.ithe local candidate, would have got tth'ereyarid that he has not, is said by .those fwUpTprofess to be acquainted with the inside nrorkings ot the organization, to be due to RhlElyisits which Mr. Campbell lately paid JtoTthe' various preceptories. v. A HaBsise Xlectrlc Wire. lAlbert Sonnely was driving in Second avenue yesterday afternoon, and when or IposIteXaughlin station, the top of his Ibuggy was torn oft" by a cross-wire of the .GecondKAvenue Electric Bailroad. which hatfdronpeddowiL Mr. Donnely escaped yjgftgopifig hia head. ' ."tj- - ' 7,apwr icvrA w, t isKr&cjrvrg -yi' liiifsiuaivfif imuri.v. Wnt Sod Peslo RrJotchHt Over the Com lag Abolition of a Nalsnace A New Sr wer Not Needed. A little more patience on the part of the West End people, and they will be rewarded bv the removal of the dam In the mouth of Saw Hill run. It is reported authoratively that J. "W. Friend & Co., proprietors of the Eagle Boiling Mills, on whose property the mill is located, have finally agreed to take out part of the dam. This will be a welcome boon for the "West End. It is said that five ieet of the dam vill be cut away; the work to be done April li The citizens have been fighting the dam for the last five years. Every summer the sewers emptying into the run have become choked up, and would overflow at every freshet The cellars of the houses; were flooded, and consequently the health of the entire "West End was affected. A great deal of the sickness was charged directly to the condition of the sewers. The citirens pro tested against allowing the dam to remain, as it raised the bottom of the run on a level with and in some instances, higher than the mouths of the sewers. A year ago last summer the citizens held a meeting and directed a committee to in stitute legal proceedings against J. "W. Friend & Co. to compel them to remove the dam. The citizens lost the suit the Court saying that in the first place the sewers should not empty into the run, as it runs through private property, and in the second place J. w. Friend & Co. could not be com pelled to remove the dam because it is" pri vate property. The citizens then gave up the fight for awhile. Later a suggestion was made to have a large sewer constructed to empty into the river instead of into the ran. The matter was discussed considerably, and the people j were about to ask. the Thirty-sixth ward Conncilmen to have an ordinance passed in Councils providing for the sewer, when it was learned that Friend & Co. were going to remove a part of the dam. It is now stated by some that Friend & Co. were scared into removing the dam by the proposition to bnild a new sewer, as it would have gone through or near to the firm's property, and their expenses on a new sewer would be much greater than the cost of the taking out of the dam. This theory is hardly correct though. Those who seem to know say that the'dam is to go because it is injuring the property of Friend & Co., on "West Carson street A call was made at the honse of J. "W. Friend yester day afternoon, but he is out of the city. Councilman Evan Jones, of the Thirty sixty ward, when asked about the proposed new sewer, said: "I don't think an attempt to get the sewer will be made now. It would cost no less than $35,000, and if a satisfactory remedy to our regulsr summer difficulty results from the removal of the dam we will not need a new sewer. I should not'like to undertake to have the ordinance passed." As soon as the dam is taken out the Street Commissioners will have the bottom of the run loosened up and cleaned out thoroughly. This will lower the bed below the mouths of the sewers. The citizens of the "West End are Tery jubilant over the prospects of hav ing what they have always considered a nuisance wiped out BEATING THE EECOEDj A Sacramento Engine Coyer One Mile In 45 Seconds. The best time ever recorded in the history of railroading was made in a late run over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe system between Bakersfield and Xathrop.. a dis tance of 220 miles, the distance being ac complished in 2433 minutes. Deducting, however, 35 minutes lost in stoppages, the actual running time was 222 minutes. This is the greatest speed ever made in a continuous run for such a distance with one engine. The engine was of the Stevens type, and built in 1885. Her drivers are 5 feet 10 inches, and she burned 3J tons of coal during the run. The greatest speed attained was one mile in 45 seconds, the fastest on record by H4 seconds. The best time made for a stretch .was 10f miles in 8 minutes, or at a little more than 45.7 seconds per mile. The train was made up of two official's coaches, and ran as a special, pass ing nine trains on the rnn, indicating some nice work by the dispatchers. A SOGIOE DISSATISFIED. He Asks tbe Coroner to InYciiIente a Child's Death on Peon ATenne. Br. Stanb, of Penu avenue, was called yesterday to attend the child of Charles Cowling, who lives in the rear of No. 2927 Penn avenue. The Doctor, who lives only a square from the home of Dowling, imme diately answered the summons. "When he entered tbe room the child was dead. Last Tuesday the Doctor was asked to prescribe for the same child. He told a Dispatch reporter that he prescribed a two-ounce bottle of medicine, which would last only two days. He said he heard no more about tbe case until yesterday. Dr. Staub refused to issue a death certificate, and informed Coroner McDowell ot the death, recommending an inquest THE TAEENTDJI MDRDEE. Police of the Two Cities Not Expecting the Arrest of tbe Criminals. The local police had no new information yesterday relating to the Tarentum murder. County Detective Eanghorst was away from home nearly all day yesterday, and could not be lound. The police of Pittsburg and Allegheny have no faith in the alleged clews he is said t be following, and do not believe that he will ever catch any of the murderers. One of the police officials said last evening: "Those men will never be turned up un less one of them confesses or they are caught trying to dispose ,of one of tbe watches or the pin stolen from Budert's store. Both are very slim chances." CITIES EEFEESENTED. A Gang of Six From Varloni Places Bent TJp for 90 Days. Officer .Bichardson, of Allegheny, yester day morning just berore daybreak, found six men in a box car on the Ft "Wayne tracks near Ohio avenue. They were ar rested, and at a hearing yesterday morning Mavor Pearson sent three of them to the workhouse for 90 days each. Three others, who gave an account of themselves and ap peared to be men who worked when they could, were discharged. The six men covered a great deal of terri tory by the cities from which they claimed to hail. One was from "Washington, another from Philadelphia, a third from .New York, two lrom Cleveland and the sixth from Covington, Ky. WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING.' Some Who Trarel, Some Who Do Not, and Others Who Talk. Francis Murphy, of temperance fame, was a passenger to Indianapolis last night. He goestbence to Waverley. la., and will return to Pittsburg by the first of February, when he will hold a series of temperance meetings. Architect Sauer is preparing plans for the new flats of the White estate, to ba bmlt in McKeesport; adjoining tho Bank of McKees port, which will cost SO, Ooa Ex-Congressman Boswell G. Horr, of East Saclnaw, Mien., was at the Seventh Ave nue Hotel yesterday morning. Mr. E. E. Bonneville left yesterday rooming to enter on duty In the St Georee Hotel, Eransvllle, Ind. Mayor Pearson and Chief of Police Klrschlerwill go a hunting In Washington county to-day. fc "W. H. Crosby, of tbe Anderson Hotel, went to Cleveland last evening on a risltof a few days. P. Harris, the theatrical proprietor of Baltimore, is at the Hotel Andersen. T. "W. Barnsdall, a. promiaeat oil of Bradford, to at tee Hotel Jwsw. Nearly All the Dealers Bajiig From the Chautauqua Company, THERE IS EOT AP0UND1N BIGHT. The latter Company Will Tnt lit lee Ma chines and Hake It FfilCES WILL DATE TO BE ADYANCED Ice dealers of Allegheny county ore he coming alarmed at the prospect of the ice harvest this winter. There are only three companies in this city who have any ice on hand, and two of them are expected to run out within a very short time. The other company has enough of the cool product 'in its sheds to run it until next summer; but the question is what will they do for the next year's supply. The mild, open winter has precluded any possibility of getting ice in this part of the country. One" of the companies will put in ice machines and" try to manufacture enough for consumption. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chautauqua Lake Ice Company will be held to-morrow afternoon to take action about the threatened famine. It is the in tention of the company to purchase two ma chines and make the ice in their warehouse, on Pike street Some time ago The Dis patch announced theTact that the company was considering this matter and would not put in the machines. At that time the officials, oi the company thought they wonld not have to go to this expense, but they now find that thev must do. so. They have been talking of putting in nine machines al together, but will start witn two. xnetwo machines will cost about $75,000. In taking this step the company is con sidering its chances of losing on the invest ment They are afraid ot the fact that after putting in the machines, the ice crops next winter might be so large that there would be no necessity to manufacture ice. In this case the machines would lie idle on their hands, and the compauy would have to wait foranothermild winter before they could use the machinery. If the machines are put in the price of ice will go up several points, and the consumers will have to pay higher rates for the congealed article. ? HE TVENT TO BED EAEIiT. A Dispatch reporter tried to " see "Presi dent Scott f (he Chautauqua Company, at his home on Bebecca street last night. .Mr. Scott retired to his couch at 8 o'clock, and would not be disturbed. Mr. Bobert "Wood side, one of the directors was seen.. To the reporter Mr. "Woodside said: "Jjast year we got about 52,000 tons of Ice from Lake Chautauqua. The last of this will run out about next week. "We still have considerable ice in our storehouses at Iiakeville and Bavenna, O.. and other places. "We also have two large sheds full at Pine Creek, but this is cooling ice, and cannot be sold to private families for con sumption. "We got 20,000 tons last year from Conneant, and I think the present sup ply will last until about July X 'VEvery ice dealer In the city, with the exception of Messrs. Bichmond & Bruce, have been buying ice from us for weeks to supply their customers. The consumption so far this winter beats all records of previ ous years. "We are now selling to our cus tomers seven or eight cars per day, which is a phenomenal sale in winter.- The day previous to Christmas we delivered 78 tons in Allegheny and 22 tons to private families in the East Edd. "The company does not care to increase the price, and will not do so unless we have to put in the machines. To put in enough machines to supply all the ice we want would cost us about $1,500,000, This is almost too much money to invest-in some thing that may be a dead weight on our hands next season. HO MACnrNES HEBE. "There are no ice companies' in. Pittsburg now using tne macnines. jiobi ot tne brewers have machines in their establish ments, but the product of these can only be used for cooling. If we decide to put in the machines we will start with two of them. These will cost $75,000, and we will be able to manufacture about 40 tons of ice per day. "We have so far refused to advance" the price as we are in the business to -stay. The pres ent low rates enables the company to declare a fair dividend, and the stockholders are satisfied with this. "We are now delivering to consumers 100 pounds twice a week for 50 cents per cwt In 1874 and up until 1880 the price was $1 60 per cwt. . 'In Philadelphia and New York the com panies are worse off than they are in this city. The price in those cities has gone up considerably, but there is not mnch dan ger of such an effect in this city. I think, however, that we will have a cold spell yet, and there will be a good crop of ice to harvest Messrs. Brnce and Bichmond are receiving their ice from Silver Lake, N. T., while the other dealers have no other place to get it but fro hi us." James Stratton, of the firm of Culver & Stratton, manufacturers oP ice machines at Akron, O., was in the city last week. He 1 had just returned from a tour of the coun try. In an interview with a Dispatch re porter he said: , ' IN THE ICE FIELDS. "The consumption of ice all over the country for this season of the year is some thing enormous. The chief fields for natural ice is the Kennebec region in Maine, Hud son river, tbe Upper Schuylkill and Lehigh regions. The quantity of the cut on the Hudson river is about 2,000.000 tons per year and Penobscot 1,000,000 tons." "The artificial production of ice consists simply in transfering the heat of the water to some other body. Water at 60 Fahren heit contains an excess of heat beyond that of an equal weight of ice at 32 Fahrenheit, amounting to 170.65 heat units for each pound. Then fire to reduce the water lrom 'the first temperature to the second,' will necessitate tbe abstraction of that amount of heat from it To re duce one ton of water will require the removal of 62,720 heat units. It then will still be water. To convert it into ice, it is further necessary to abstract the latent heat, which would be 319,536 heat -units, bring the total to 382,256 heat units. It would require the evaporating of '424.60 of anhydrous ammonia for' these results. "Artificial ice can be "made for 75 cents per ton. The ice palace in St Paul this year was abandoned' on account of there being no ice in the Northwest The Chau tauqua distributes about 75 per cent of the total amount of ice demanded in this city. The price is sure to go up." Mr. Stratton reports that there is no ice in any of the favored regions, and he pre dicts a shortage and higher prices. HIS FAEEWELL T70EDS. Dr. Grose Baptized Four People Before Leaving Tor Dakota. Beva. Howard B. Grose, of the Fourth Avenue Baptist Church, had four additions to.his congregation last night, and, as usual on such occasions, the gathering was very large. The sermon of the evening was very appropriately upon "Baptism," and a quiet, logical definition of the position of the church on the subject was fully appreciated by those-present The sermon last evening was the farewell words of the doctor to his congregation be fore leaving for Dakota. He expects to start to-day, as tbe second term pf the South Dakota University, of which' he is now President will begin on Tnnrday. A gen eral handshaking was indulged in. An Old Blw On the Head. Coroner McDowell will to-morrow begin an Investigation into the death pf .Ajelko Lorenzo, of Braddoek. Xoreazo was hit on 'the head with a s-to&e'by George Conlson,at the Carrie Furnaoe, en July 9, 1889, He died at Braddoek ea Friday eTwkg. HFTtKBPGK "HMaSKWS?5.!J9 -"cjswsa -WA.S'IT!tIKCIHMiIlSI? Helmet' Ties Brtsajs 8t the Str f His. Life A Walkers Slave Who Has At mined Wealth. The stable belonging to George Holmes, colored, who resides at the corner of Wylie avenue and Arthur street was. burned yes terday morning, aryl 'five horses belonging to Holmes perished. There was no fire about the place, and Holmes stated that it was 'without doubt the work of an incen diary. Holmes is a stone contractor, and em ploys a large number of laborers. Among them were two boys, both colored, named Andrew Kane, and "William Kivel, who had a dispute a few days ago with Holmes about pay, and threatened to get even with him. The former is nineteen and the latter sixteen years of age. They were arrested ou suspicion yesterday afternoon by special Officer Bagler, and lodged in the Eleventh ward station house. A Dispatch man called at Holmes' residence last evening, but he was ill and refused to talk. His wife stated that they had not made informations sgalnst any one as they had no evidenceon which to convict except the threats which the boys had recently uttered. Friends oj the prisoners stated last evening that they could prove tceir innocence. The burning of the stable disclosed a story of Holmes' private life which is slight ly removed beyond the boundaries of the or dinary. He is about 45 years of age, and beneath his ebony skin flows the unadulter ated blood of an African Prince. He en dured the chains of slavery in the sunny South for several years, but after the late unpleasantness he turned his face toward the north star, and when he reached Pitts bun: decided to make it his future resi dence. He was married, and became the father of ten children who are now able to take care of themselves. He saved a few hundred dol lars from the money he, earned by doing odd jobs, end .bought a piece of property where he now lives. About six years ago his first wife died, and about a year later Holm.es began to cast his .eyes across the street to where a handsome and intelligent quadroon lady lived, who also owned considerable property in tbe neighborhood. She was the daughter of a Mississippi planter and by his death a few years before had come into possession of $30,000 in cash. Holmes finally became bolder, and crossing the street one day proposed to tbe Missis siphi heiress that they pool issues and seal the consolidation with a marriage certificate. The lady, who, by the way, is well educated, was so impressed with Holmes' elo quence that she finally consented to accept his terms, and in a few days they were one. Since then Holmes has been adding to the wealth he thus acquired, and beside owning 11 houses in the locality around the corner of "Wylie avenue and Arthur street, he has a stone quarry, 8 farm and several score of horses and' mules. Ostensibly he is a stone con tractor, although he is engaged most of the time in. looking after his property through out the city. A TALK BETWEEN TBAIKS. Congressman Mason Posses Through the City and Says a Little. Congressman "W. E. Mason, of Illinois, was a passenger on the Fast Line from "Chi cago to "Washington last flight Mr. Mason, as he expressed it, "sits on the fence," which fact may account for his reticence on political affairs. In the course of a short conversation he said: "I suppose we may expect something in the nature of tariff revision in the course of the session. I cannot define very particu larly the intentions of the Bepublican party in this direction. "While, as you say, a section of your citizens expect great things in the event of the duty of tinplate being raised to the 1864 rate, I must say that it wonld be better for the country if it were reinced. But I am only giving you my opinion, remember. Mr. Beed is regarded as a very good Speaker. His decisions are. judicious and" quick, and there does sot seem to be any semblance of partisanship in his rulings. Mrv-McKiplev makes a very capital Chairman of the "Ways and Means, the only fault I can find with him being that he is too strongly protectionist I haven't nny doubt that Chicago will have the "World's Fair. That is the way we look at it down there. There is no other city so adapted to an affair of such magni tude and possessed of such facilities. The matter will be brought up in Congress early in January, and an appropriation asked for. I do not think that any less sum than $20,000,000 will suffice to put the undertak ing under way. Chicago will be content if Congress wilL vote her $10,000,000. She will provide the other $10,000,000 herself. The St Louis people are working hard, but we have the call, I believe. The only drawback to "Washington is in the fact that Congress would be asked to provide the en tire cost, which is out of the question. BALANCING ACCOUNTS. A Good Sermon Preached by Eer. E. K. Donehoo to Bis Flock. Bev. E. B. Donehoo, pastor of the Eighth Presbyterian Church, preached yesterday morning on "Balancing Accounts." He said as the business men were in the habit of balancing their accounts at stated times, and especially at the close of tbe year, Christians should also stop and examine themselves to see where they stand. Those in "charge of national banks must always have their books in such condition that the Government Bank Inspector can step in at any time and find the accounts all right Christians should guard their lives with the same care, so that whenever death's messenger Tomes to examine their accounts the balance will be on the right side. Mr. Donehoo then gave an account of the work he has done during the past year. He has preached over 100 sermons, one of which be delivered in London. He received 10 new members inti the church, baptized 13 infants, celebrated 14 marriages and at tended 19 funerals. 6TEAH HEATING IN OARS. Sir. SfcCargo Experimenting With a New System Not Perlect Yet. Superintendent' McCargo, of the Alle gheny yalley Bailroad, traveled .on., the Buffalo Express last evening to investigate how his new system of heating would work. His plan is to heat the cars by means of steam drawn from the boilers and circulated throughout the train. The temperature and pressure can be regulated in each car by the brakeman. The weak point, in this system has been in the coupling, but Mr. lcCargo claims to have overcome the diffi culty by the use of the Gould coupler. He admits that tbe plan Is only successful as long as the engine is connected. Should a "breakdown occur, so as to occasion thesuse of an engine not fitted with connections, the heat would be shut off. It will still be necessary to carry stoves for cases of emer gency. A PLEASANT MEETING. Twenty.Three Persons Signed W. C. T, u. Pledges. TheWomen's Christian Temperance Union No. 2 held one of the most pleasant meet ings last night ever held in Moorebead's building. There were 23 signers of pledges, and qnite a large number of witnesses who bore testimony to the value of such pledges. The ladies announced that their fourth an nual reception would be held on New Year's Day, to which all the friends of morality and temperance were idvited to drink a cup of coffee to the health, wealth and prosper ity of tbe Union, and more particularly to Its efficacy in suppressing the rum curse among the people. The reception will last from 150 to 4SH)"P. M. on Wednesday. In the evening an entertainment will he given under the direction of Mrs. Sturgeon at Moorebead's Hall, where some of. the beet available teleat of Ha eity will provide Uw amaesMBt; wmsm That Leaked Through a Dep . K sHre Fro a Philadelphia. Main. A 'WAGON SMASHED TO PIECES. The Gas Company Forced By the Owners - to EitiDgnisltthe Flames. SCIENTIFIC THEORIES KNOCKED OUT A fire in Mason's .coal, mine, about half a mile back of Brushton, was extinguished last week after burning nearly three weeks and threatening the' entire-coal deposit at that place, which comprises nearly a dozen' mines, of which the Mason mine is the largest "While the damage done by the fire was not very serious and all's well that ends well, the fire was caused in so' singular a manner and extinguished under such aus pices as to make the case of more than pass ing interest In laying its 36-inch gas main from East Liberty to the Murrysviile gas field, the Philadelphia Natural Gas Company passed directly over the main shaft of the Mason mine near Brushton. It was known to the company's engineers that such was the case, but the adherence to their strip of land upon which pipe can be laid by virtue of proprietary interest compelled them to pass over the mine. Measurements had been taken, and it was found that at least 40 feet ot supposedly solid rock lay between The company's engineers made a careful examination of the lay of the land, and satisfied themselves that there was no pos sibility of gas leakage affecting the, mine. A lONOSTANDIHO THEOHT. In common with many .experts.who have stndied natural gas problems, the company's engineers have for years contended that natural gas when freed by leakage or break age of pipes had an upward tendency, and thatjn traversing coal property in proximity to mines, the leaking or freed gas could not even be drawn into a mine with tbe aid ot thesystem of air pumps which is now gen erally made use ot in mine ventilation. As the. Mason mine had no ventilating pump and was separated from the pipe-line by over 40 feet of rock, it was deemed per fectly safe to' lay the pipe, and it was ac cordingly done. Nearly a month since a miner pushed a wagon into amair chamber in the mine di rectly beneath' the pipes-line. There was a lantern npon'the'front of the wagon. An explosion took place, and the wagon was blown to pieces. The miner was blown quite a distance, bnt was not hurt very seriously. He managed' to make his way to another level, and all tbe men got ont safely. Fire had been generated, however, and it was ibtjnd that it could not be easily extin guished. XS INTESTIGATJON -MADE. An engineer who makes a specialty of mines, and who has studied natural gas in connection with the matter, was called in ancf asked for an opinion. He attributed the explosion and fire to the presence of natural gas, and laid the responsibility upon the Philadelphia company, main taining that natural gas when freed went downwards into the earth, and said he believed it possible for natural gas to even penetrate stone or rock. The Philadelphia Company treated this view of the matter with derision, but being threatened with a damage suit by the mine owner, made an investigation. The pipe line was exhumed. and a crack in a joint an eighth of an inch wide and three feet long, was discovered. As the interior pressure in the main was 60 pounds to tbe square inch, the Philadelphia Company admitted the apparent marvel that natural gas, in defiance of former theories, could penetrate through the fissures of 40 feet thick of rock. The Philadelphia Company employed men and methods to put ont the fire, and after much use of sulphur, soda and water, tlte fire, was extinguished... -Had it not bee's. promptly handled the entire vein of coal might have been rninea,' ana a aoztn mines rendered worthless. Thti District Mine In spector was through the mine yesterday, and although the interior of the mine was found to be of a temperature of- over a hun dred degrees, the flames had been quenched. Several pillars of coal have been destroyed, but false work will be put-in and the mine made thoroughly safe. The mining en gineer who established the hitherto derided theory that natural gas worked downward instead of upward feels that he bas made a contribution to the popular knowledge upon the subject THE EACE OF HAM. Two Whjte Men Who Wanted the Whole Bog or None. Detectives Shore, Bobinson and Conlson, while patrolling Market street last night ;about 8 o'clock, noticed two men carrying each a couple of hams and acting rather suspiciously. The two men were halted, .and in explanation of their possession of the hams said they bad been given to them by Mr. Anderson at the Monongahela House. The story was not well told and the two men were arrested, after which an investiga tion proved that the hams and a number of other articles bad been stolen from the store room at the hotel. Mr. Anderson will enter informations .against the two men,, who- are- registered as 'Edward Stein and Joseph Bichelieu, this morning. BELT) IN HOC. Henry Drexler Wants, to Know Why He Is Detained. XenryvDrexler, of Sandusky street, Alle gheny, who was arrested on Christmas Eve for making attacks on women on the streets, is still in the Allegheny lockup. The day alter his arrest he was given a hearing and was sentenced to pay a fine of 550 and costs or to serve 90 days in the workhouse. The Allegheny police do not know why he is de tained at City Hall, but think .it is because tho Mayor expects to makei a court case of it " Drexler has a wife and-three small chil dren. His wife visited '-him once at the lockup, but since Christmas Day has neither gone to see aim nor sent any noraw mm. Drexler is.in low spirits and claims that ha has no idea why he Is detained. A WIPE BEATEB. Leonard Connors Arrested on Complaint Mndo by rils Wire. Yesterday morning a woman went to the Allegheny Mayor's Office with a complaint against her husband, Leonard Connors, and asked Chief Kirschler to place him under arrest She said he bad beaten and abused her, and she exhibited alarge sized lump on her head. Officer Blank was sent to her home on Fountain street and arrested Con nors. A Hired Girl Missing. The proprietors of tbe Hamilton Hotel notified the police last night to arrest Bertha "Woods, a servant-wbo' had been discharged Saturday, but who returned last night to get her clothes. She is 'accused of taking some dresses ot other servant girls in the building. The accused has not been ar rested as yet LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. - Incidents ef a Day la Two Cillri Condensed for Keady Reading.' Tbe ri D. Reed Company, Limited, the new commission Crm, of McKeespotf,, organized with a capital of 920,000, will erect a large lr6n bnildini? st onca on tha pronna leased from tha '.Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It will be a three-story bunding 80x136 feet in dlaieasione. Thx f HBsral of Mrs. Maty- Floyd, the aged MthM of Mrs: Mary Armstrong, ot TtiSni Mr, wtM hM Sway ffrraa. U2tt TtJ V&'-Z' 'A'-iSKW It WtM Take Mr. BHHw AhMt Three- XoMfc Chu TJ tin Baslaesli. The United States Marshal will probably be relieved within a few days, aad Mr. Harrahf.of Beaver county, will step in and put another aekh ia the stick, which Sen ator M. S. Quay is supposed to keep for recording the number of appointments he secares. "Of eonrse, Mr. Dravo will feel rather discouraged," said a politician yes terday, "but at the same time the eternal fitness of things requires the appointment to be-justasitis." Marshall Miller said when questioned on the subject, that he did not think tbe office would be turned over in a very great hurry, such as the superintendence ot the Govern ment building, was transferred. He Said there were 46 counties in the district which the marshal of "Western Pennsylvania takes charge of. The receipts from the office are from f4,000 to 55.000. per annum. There are five deputies, although incase of emergency, the number could be increased indefinitely, and the amount made by each would be about $1,500 per annum. It would take probably three months for the outgoing marshal to settle bis accounts, as the busi ness is conducted on a fee basts, and $100, 000 per annum passes through his bands., "Of course," the marshal said, "the whole business will be turned over in 16 minutes. but I am held accountable for all funds which have passed through my hands, and.not alone that, but matters which are yet in dis pute. 8o I am compelled to remain liable for the full amount of my bonded indebtedness, although I derive no benefit from the Gov ernment. The marshal has to work for three months, if not more, to find out how he stands as a private citizen after wrestling witn a national appointment for fouryears." SOME FIGURES ON TIN Showing 'Hpvr Of nch Thla'Coastry looses Annually by Importations. The amount of tin plate, all of which was imported and consumed in the .United States up to June of this year amounted to 728,000,000 pounds. To make this amount ottin plate there were used the following materials: One million two hundred and ten thousand tons ot Iron' ore, 430.000-tons of limestone, 2,100.000 tons of coal, 430.000 tons of pig iron. 7,000,000 bushels of charcoal, 7,000,000 pounds of lead, 36,000,000 pounds of tin. 14,000,000 pounds of tallow, 43,000,000 pounds of sulphuric acid, and about 14,000,000 feet of lumber. The value of the labor expended in the various processes through Which the manu facture of the finished article runs, or from the ore mine to the polishing and cdunting operations, is estimated at 17,000,000. The amount paid to England last year for tin plate reaches the sum of $23,700,000. Tin Slate is at present sold at a lower price in Tew York than in South "Wales; the rates being in New York, per box of 108 pounds, $3 41; in South "Wales, $3 66. At the lowest computation it costs 51 34 to carry a box of tin plate from South "Wales to New York. This amount deducted from $4 75, the present rate for I. C. Bessemer, coke finished plate, shows that the' plate is act ually beiDg sold for less price in New York than in England. AN0THEE POOL TAPPED. The Jennings fc Roth Oil WelfProdBcIng 135 Barrels. The Jennings & Both well, on the Dr. Davis farm, located in Marshall township, reached the sand last night and is flowing at the rate of 125 barrels a day and promises to increase when drilled in. It is a pleasant surprise to the owners ot the farm, as a well was drilled on another part of the farm about two years ago which made only a showing of oiL Grand Display of Gold Watches For New Year's presents at the jewelry honse of Henry Terheyden, 530 Smithfield street Having ordered out a very large stock of gold watches for the "Westinghouse Indus trial Watch Club to make their selections, I have quite a large number on hand which I will dispose of at .very small margin. Fancy cases suitable representations,, as well as plain ones for popular use.. The movements are from first-class factories, viz.: Howard, Elgin, "Waltham, Hampden. "Warranted acenrate timekeepers. Hurry up belore the .New Year, as I want-to close them out be fore taking stock. d Draught Horses and Fit Mnlrs. Anyone wishing to purchase a hors? or mule will do well to call at 52 Second ave nue before purchasing. The stables and mule pens are full of choice horses and mules, all sizes. Fine driving, general purpose and heavy draught horses of tbe best quality. Pit and draught mules all sizes and the heaviest weights, and will be sold at lower prices than any place in the city, as this stock is bought direct from tbe farmers, therefore giving the purchasers the benefit of buying from first hands. Aenheim Lite Stock Co., Liar., . 52 Second avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Holiday Excursion Rates. The Baltimore and Ohio B. B. Co., in pursuance of its usual liberal policy wil sell excursion tickets at reduced rates dur ing the holiday season. Tickets will be sold to and from all stations on its lines east of tbe Ohio river from December 21 to Jan uary 1, inclusive, good for return trip until January 4, inclusive. Tickets will be sold from Pittsburg to all stations west of the Ohio river, including Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, Decem ber 24, 25, 31 and January 1, good to return until January 3. msu John' S. Sc A. Hordoch. Owing to the bright weather that has pre vailed during the past week, we can offer superb flowers for New Year's, and only ask that orders be handed in early. For the Cotillon this evening we have some fine roses, in variety, violets, valley, etc Our telephone number is 239. JOHN B. & A MXTBSOCH, 503 Smithfield street Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad. On December and January 1,'' tickets will be sold at excursion rates good to return until January 3 inclusive, to all local points and to principal points on the N. Y., P. & O., and L. S. &M. S. Bailroads. H. Sonnenbebg, photographer, 35 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Use elevator; and 52 Federal street, Allegheny. Cabinet pho tos at reduced 'rates. Life size crayon por traits a specialty. Mihs Special after-Christmas' sales here now, with bargains and cut prices the leading idea. Boo os & Buhl. Everybody bear in mind that Hen drioks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, will have their photograph gallery open all day New Year's. Good cabinets l a doz, Usees of Lutz's beer are always well pleased. Kept by all first-class dealers, or will be supplied direct Office cor. Chest nut st and Spring Garden, ave., Allegheny. McGlnty's Christmas Dinner . "Was composed chiefly of Marvin's new and famous McGinty cakes, just out Get a pound from your grocer. Those who use Frauenheim & Vilsack's celebrated ale and porter pronounce it ex cellent in flavor and very beneficial In its effect TCept by all first-class dealers. SrxK handkerchiefs and mufflers at Jasses H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. . B V Orer 86,860 Cabinet Photo's for Xbws; "Were made at Aufrecht's Elite Galfery, 516 Market st, and but few disappointa-eats..-' The I.nrge Namber nf Clocks '- Sold at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. the tt ten flays show that burprices are te lowest 8ILX Mells aad Walking JAxiiX. Abmk Co., 1W Firth are. TW I AMAL't ?.: ... - . . J-Wa. flsisssa Brewer. The Allegheny polie last night brenght to tbe leekup, from his bom 9 oa Syria? GMetat. svmm. a big, broad-SBesWered German, whs- gave hit name aa Gottlieb Bie&Ier. H wg taken ia charge as beiag Ibmm, and was placed fa a cell. Eiehfer worked ia the Lioa Brewery. About six week ago he became ianwe, asL waa eoaveyod . to the lockup. All night kg he worked la his cell, throwiag imagin ary beer kegs from his cellar up through aa imaginary trap doer. It seemed to be hard work, for the perspiration ran down his face. He was dreadfully ia earnest, and was un wiliiag to stop work to talk with the turn key. Next day he. was sent to Dixmont, and after a short detention there, he seemed to have recovered, and was released. He has since been, working in a malt house. Immediately after he was placed ia his cell last nightbe beeas to fix it to suit himself. A heavy plank along one side of the cell U Intended to be a bed. This he tore loose andthrew upon the floor. The noise attracted the turnkey, who hurried in to see what was the matter. Gottlieb said be bad to get that plank away in order to reach the cellar where the beer was. He waa told to. fix the.bed as he found It and he went at it with intense earnestness. "When the job was finished, he exclaimed with gusto, "That's the stuff!" He was asked how the beer business was. It was good. "Was he selling mnch. "More as we can mate," he answered. He promised Mr. Kalmeyer that he. would' tap a keg for, him, by and by, but said he had so many kegs down below that he did not know whether he could get them all up. All night he worked in his cell, pushing his plank this way and. that and rolling beer kegs up aad down. GEAKD 0FFI0EKS "VISIT. Social Meetings. Held by the American Protestant Association. The annual visitation of the grand officers of the American Protestant Association to this city was closed" on Saturday night On Thursday Grand Master Thomas T. Seal and Grand Secretary "William Crozier, of Philadelphia, arrived in the city, and that night met the members of the "Western dis trict at the hall of Sons of Joshua Lodge, Main and Butler streets. Friday night the Northwestern district met at the hall of John Huss Lodge, East street, Allegheny, and on Saturday night the meeting.of the Southwestern district was held in the hall of.Gustavns Adolphus- Lodge, Carson street, Southside. All the meetings were very largely at tended, and the work of the order was care fully examined, and where irregularities had crept in tbey were corrected. The meetings were largely social, prominent men In the order making addresses, etc. The A. P., A. is. growing rapidly in Alle gheny county. During the last half year six new lodges have been organized, and 400 new members have been admitted to the order. DIPHTHERIA PATIENTS. SssTtrers from That Disease at Mercy Hos pital Bellered to Be ReeoTerlnr . James Evens, the diphtheria patient who was picked up in a coke works on Second avenue, by the police, on last Monday night, refused admission into some of tbe hospi tals, and finally accepted at Mercy Hospital on Tuesday morning, is in a much improved condition," The hospital physicians are of the opinion, that he will recover completely. Charles Adams, another man afflicted with the same disease,, who walked into the institution and, demanded to be cared for, will also recover. Mercy Hospital is much crowded by typhoid fever patients. WKAKstomacb,Beecham'sPlils act like mag Pxabs' Soap secures a DeauUf ol complexion B. tfcB. The cleaning-up prices here this week in the 'different departments have continued the rush experienced before Christmas. ThVbarealns offered are leUincr. - - ,jt' -fcOGG3 a- BCK,' Kid and dogskin walking gloves. James H. aikes & Co., 100 Fifth ave. D Cask paid for - old gold and silver at Hauch's, JTo295Fifth ave. Men's' underwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.i d ImpuritiEB in the Liver. When the Liver is crowded or clotted' with a mass of Impurities, its action be comes alow and difficult. Pleurisy, Headache, Pain in Bide, Tired Feeling and General Weakness ensues, result ing, if unchecked, in BROKEN DOWN BYBTKMB. When you have these symptoms, try a few doses ot the genuine DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated Liver Pills. Price, 25 cents.- Sold by all druggists, and prepared only by Fleming Bros Pittsburg; Pa. Beware of counterfeits made in Bt. Louis. ijlO-KWT NEW YEAR GIFTS , -nr-DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS. Notwithstanding the fact that our holiday sales were tbe largest on record we hare re plenished our stock by telegram orders and now show a very complete line for those who antici pate making New Year presents. E.P. ROBERTS I SDNS, t COB. FIFTH AVE. AND MARKET ST. deZ7-D ; ' . ) N ." . '. V raw SH s- ) Ff BncHi: KEnHrick, .: CriT, THE CHINA STORK, ,i :. .-!., jr e s. . .... .VS -If -. ?? " -' .; SIS asOTHFlELD STWCBT, . ';- eWHHeciyxH. . ? & aufcfe'-. ' i . ' S?! fti wath VatrtlE? gSWUfJ wmmnmrm -t- IclXxetea,eel S WW belC . trijMtea-Mr. BfcCreery Bays MN leacatea. ' - The 28 hexes which were l4iIaW pablio and conspicuous places throBghew the city Saturday, la which besevoJJHj citizens could drop their mite for ! tte: fit of tbe Homeopathic, the West PesVaaeV the Allegheny General hospiukjwlnlg opened to-day. It is an entirely new sebum", in Pittsburg, and the managers of thlffig urday and Sunday Association are anxioasly awaiting to hear the result. "Willianifafa? Creery, Chairman of the Saturday aud'SaS day Association, when asked aboutftlM scheme last evening saldr -J jl nave not jearnea vet wnat nnnii are likely to have, and of course we will'not1 know until to-morrow. The people will have to be educated up to it. however. likV they are in other cities. Here 99ontofioffl' never think of a hospital, or how the pa tients are kltpH inr nnlpajt tha-r srAtaVAj sick themselves. The people seem to thlnhd that a hospital is something which, after it? is built, is self-sustainincr. All of -theso'i hospitals are ia debt, and we hare takear una means u collect money to ueiray ez nensea of th freo wards. Xn Ktnr VniV $54,000 was raised In one day by this planj uu iii .uiTcrpooi oi3,uuv were couecteais tne same space or time. Over in E gland the nobility and aristocrat take charge of tbe boxes. It cost $lQan hour to take care of tbe free patients la year, and we must make up" the deficieni some way. "When a poorman is injured or onrnea, ana people asg. wnat was done with him. someone will reply. 'Ob: he's cone, to tne Hospital, and they never thins: whom"; going to pay for keeping him there." -&. -.' Dispatch reporters who watchedthar ; boxes noticed many people dropping money-lie into the receptacles. The amounts were nagK large, not higher than a quarter on an averr, age. but it is safe to say that when the -Fi-V." detity treasurer counts the fundsi ; to-day a- good round sum wiltf ?' have been contributed. Few persons whoa were able passed by the boxes, though -MrX jacureery leels tnat not .many shekels wUJ be gathered this time. The collections! the various churches yesterday were large,"? and this will swell the sum. ' Some dissatisfaction was expressed yester-' day when it became known that only three. -, hospitals -will receive the benefits. It wail snnnosed penerxllv that all the hniniLiT.'4v ' wouia oe neipea. JDS. HDRNEfi'Eni PENN AVENUE STORES.1' Pittsbubo. Monday; Dec 3tlB3a The enormous redactions in prices .; made throughout our Cloak Deoart mflntmnstnecesAa.rilTTii&trnthtaannthiiV'H' exceptionally busy day. ends reduced with a Tissr ta TnliTn.-iHnt.' tho public Tho reductions are bonsfrf) MML 3nflHK (sflRI - JS&b iiue, sua some ox lag largest we nari, . v-. evermadx. Complete lines of garmenar -''' reduced to price, that most command as f--'; ' immediate sale and a complete clearance '. ' ol medium and neary-weight winter goods. AH this1 season's, new, stylish ' and fashionable, In fancy and plain cloths. Long Coats, Ulsters, Peasant Cloaks, Newmarkets, Short Coats. Jackets, eta. eta. All at reduced prices.. S2S coats now only $18. $20 coats now only S1Q. 112 coats now only fa. -.,, And proportionate reductions Imtf, higher and lower price garments. Our stock of seal plush coats, acketg ' and wraps was never more completeT' 'A and values never better. ' $ In genuine Alaska seal goods our stock i jjj Is the largest and most complete, and our establishment is the recognised- -f headquarters for this most popular of-it Furs in Western Pennsylvania. Th'o5 stock is constantly replenished with new'.-j goods, and every garment selected with -.-I the utmost care. Good wear guaran teed, and the best value obtainable for the money. Ever since Christmas Day our center aisle has been thronged with eager buy ers; the attraction being an enormous f reduction in Mufts, Collars, Boas,Capes,' eta. In leading fashionable furs. Hun dreds still left to select from, but they cannot last more than a day or two bow.1 considering the prices at which tbey are' offered. W Muffs Ztfti Reduced to IB each. This will give some' idea of tho extent of the reduction made. New Year's Day Is at hand, and : WewS Year's gifts must "be bought. Wo c supply them. Our stocks of goods i ISUit-M I able for the occasion are still large i complete. V sandt Handkerchiefs for ladles, gentlemeai and children. ' -4J Gloves for ladles; gentlemen audJ children. Gents' Smoking Jackets,. Dressings Gowns. Umbrellas, W alkisg Canes. Tles, Scarfs, Suspenders, eta, etc. Blankets. Comforters. Quflta, , Bof Pillows, Headrests, eta, alt at abet attractive prices. Special attention is Invited to osrj exceptionally elegant stock, of i Black Bilks, in which we now oner unusuaii bargains. - AtSl. SI 60. $2 and 2 60, our Black Gros Grain. Dress Bilks cannot-be equaled in value. For the party season wo have' md - more.than tbe usual preparations.' Thefy latest and most fashionable weaves; iat all silk, silk, and wool and all wool? fabrics in endless variety, fn an tho most! delicate evening shades; also s number1,-. of exclusive designs in brocades, and. :' high novelties, an Inspection of which IS -' : cordially Invited, y ' '"II you tint to-day; Monday, tho 80tH '.INbIbIbbbbbbbV . ,-T rVW3st-al , tt , .wiin rwaasasaassasi -r BBaaBBBBBBBrsa gains In our Cloak Department. CoaaMtl early and secure the best. JOS. HDRNE i W, t wo-$ix:PsmrATX. j mm HLtj,H anv-1. 3hEKf. '1 IjnBMSll- .Tsag;-- ms '. laK' 1 7 sZu-M ' f' :'ijM mm r.Sr.JB3&BS mimzm . Si SB '"' -Sn 1S. A A .V. -... - i. , -AiJ' &rd&3tfrc-. fc. ! lV,"