If HBpfflj HAGKJAKD'S'-a-KEATSBTf And LATEST HOTEL UBSATJRICS THEDISPATCBhattecurediL JubU- -, '? f,.'i UHtMifi m-aajtSft-CtHmenterl Shirt ,; KJarcand OtharVavorOt art on THi 'xzlirm JtmlnsJrJZJrFRrmn jtv nirn iR.ffATnrr noma, woich. ror - Mot Appear tn jlny Other 2taiburgl WTJtlCE." BAGGARlftl MAST n c-jjujrcr V3& IPIEOE, Jftxt Sunday. FORTY-POUKTH YEAH. HOLES. OR NO RULES SpeakerBeedWillGo on With - the Work of Congress. IIPIrfeoF THE MAJORITY force the Minority to Always Maintain a Quorum. (BEATS TO BE FILLED BY ARRESTS. President Harrison Shoots a Hograllis- fl take for a Deer. S-S HBVWILL EAT IT ON KEW YEAR'S DAI SThe Bepnblicans in the House of Bepre- jgentatives are prepared to go on with the work before them -without adopting any 'rules. Speaker Seed expects snch a line of notion. A close friend of his says so. A llong and hitter factional fight is predicted. I "flifl PvAriianf atiMt Yinnr Tr- inltfoVo fW Lr .-.-.-. r-. - b j -....,. 3 ore nome ana legitimate game. tsrXCUZ. TXXZfiBJLX TO THI DISrATCH.1 Washington. December 29. A Benub- r lican Congressman from New England, who .is on close terms of friendship with Speaker ?-"Beed, is authority for the statement that it is the -well understood -plan of the Bepubli--cans in the house to proceed with the 'work ' cf the session without adopting any rules at nil. The House is at present doing business under general parliamentary prac tice, and it is said that this method will be continued indefinitely' in order to avoid the struggle that would surely follow ? ,an atcempt to amend the rules of the last louse. Jt is also believed here that SpeakerBeed has determined to force the enactment of a federal election law ir spite of the opposition of the Democrats. THE KEPDBLICAN plan. The Republicans fear that it will be very i easy tor the large Democratic minority to event the passage of the election law and the adoption of new rules if they determine Pto do so and are given the slightest headway fat Jthe start The Republican plan, there lore, will be to cause the arrest of Demo crats in order to make them vote when a, . quorum is needed, and by ignoring them as completely as possible when a party meas iure is before the House. 'JJI'r. Beed and his fellow Bepnblicans Shave been told that theDemocrats will rebel (at stiph trtm0nl nnd Hint tlifi Rnntliprn t3nen especially will not submit, even if they t are obliged to breakdown all parliamentary K'tlaw and custom in order to make themselves rn'leard. BEADT rOB THE FEAT. be "Bepnblicans say that they are aware - that the Democrats will bitterly fight any jattempt to iorce the election bill and other rarrrmessures. nt aav that theVare ready Kimak"e the fight and letnheblobdy ehirt eery acain be raised in Congress. These Re- publicans know that a high tariff bill luu a a sbnjuj; ciecuuu law we uie only things that will save them from utter de- Ifeatatthe next election, and while they twill not raise the cry of the South against the,North until they are compelled to, they Tare perfectly willing to solidify themselves fin the North on such an issue. A MOST BITTEB TIGHT. f The Hew England Congressman already (.quoted, says that in his opinion this session 'will witness the most bitter and prolonged (sectional and party fight that has been on in iCongress since the amnesty law was passed, and that the prospects are that, no matter Vlow long the session may be, very little legislation will be enacted. The subjects of the tariff and the election law -will keep both Houses stirred up to the highest pitch of excitement, and little other 'business will have any show at all. This Congressman is very emphatic in his belief that in order to avoid participatinc the big fight, the Republicans will not make the attempt to adopt new rules. HIS LATEST MISTAKE. The President Shoots a Host While Out Dock Hnntlne Speculating ta Wash lctfon a to Wfiat Bo Took It For. FBOU A STAT1 COEEEEFONDENT J "Washington, December 29 The entire reporting portion of Washington, and that is yery large, is in a broad smile over the brief mention in the morning papers of the Capital, of the ludicrous mistake of the President of the United States, who has p jznade a conspicuous reputation as a sports- uiau, ju Buvubiu kdu. joining a nog in ' mistake for some other animal. Many in quiries into the matter have been made, but. with little success in retting at the facts. The first statement was that Mr.. Harrison mistook the hog for a coon, but one of the distinguished gentlemen who accompanied the Presidental party has leaked to his friends that the hog was a large and fat one, several times larger than any coon. and. ife more than that, that it was not up a tree. where coons always are before they are ready to he shot at The gentleman is positive in h.is assertion that the hog was not up a tree. A phascof the story that sounds more plausible is, the President thought the hog was a deer, and it is whispered that this version is preferred at the White House, but as no deer, either wild or tame, has been Keen or heard of for long years In the local ity where Air. Wooten's hoe "was iilcughtered to make a Presidents! holiday, ui is learea mat tins explanation 01 tne dilemma will not restore the President's rep futation among the sportsmen; and it is isaid that a committee of a sportsmen's club. lof.which the President has, been elected an honorary member, has been appointed to go to the hunting grounds which were the iBcroeof the porcine exploit, and sift the affair .to (be bottom. It is reported that Wooten. the colored man. who owned the pig, has been re quested to prepare the latter tor a New r'ear roast at the White House.as something lihjth'e nature of solid food is the only thing the President dares to "set up" when the Ijoke'is on him. ii . More Money for the Military. s . jEBLnr. uecemoer ;. me Hamburger Worretpondent says it has reason to believe rthaflfMWjmilitarr credits will be asked by Itse (jererament from tne ueicnsiag, tnie Eraperor Bucking a Lottery. EBbexct. December 29. -Emperor Will- 'itm h ratified the Bcbloss Freiheit lottery iseheme. Tien wIU be 200,000 tickets at 200 iks each.. ELjBYEK GBEMATED. A Fatally eC Ten and a VMltr Barned In Tkelr Beth Spectators Fonnd It1 Itapent'ble to Savo the IneMtes. Hancock, 'Mich., December 29. A calamity not surpassed in the annals of the country occurred at 3 o'clock this morning -at Hurontown. A family aamed Gross, consisting of the parents and eight children, with a visitor, were consumed in a burning dwelling. The elder Gross and wife re turned from a dance near by at 2 o'clock. At 230 a son, Ttoeodore, Jr., returned from the Huron stamp mills, where he was em ployed. He -went into the house and to bed". Shortly after lie was awakened by his J brother -Nicnolas,;wno Heard screams -coming from an adjoining room, occupied by their three sisters and three little brothers. They ran to the partition door and found the room a mass of flames. Smoke and fire were ascending the stairway and the boys escaped by jumping through a window. Thty reached the ground seriously cut by glass, and in a semi-nude condition. "One attempted to enter the house on the ground floor, where, the father, mother and two children slept, but was driven back by the fiames that enveloped the building. It was impossible lor the spectators, who quickly gathered, to save the inmates. They were compelled to stand by and hear their agonizing cries. in tne course oi tnree nonrs a searcning party went over the ruins and discovered the charred remains of the 11 bodies, dis tinguishable only by the size of the bones. They were gathered in s sleigh box and de posited in- the public hall. The victims were: Theodore Cross, aged 67; his wife, aged 44; Catharine, John, Toner, Mary, Lizzie, Joseph, .Michael, ienie all chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Cross, and Lena Erbst, of Lake Linden, a guest.. The ages of the young people range from 2 to 22 years. There is no reliable information as to how the fire started. Theodore Cross, Jr., says that it might have originated from the lamp that he supposed he extinguished be fore he went to bed. There are rumors that the dreadful calamity occurred through the carelessness ot the parents, who are alleged to have returned home intoxicated from the dance. COLD WATE COMING. A FnrloDi Blizzard la Reported From the Northwest Merry Sleigh Bells nt 6t. Taol A Gale on the I.ak. rSFECUI. TEUEGBAJI TO THE PlsrATCS.1 Chicago, December 29. The first cold wave of the winter is reported lrom all parts of the West and Northwest. In Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan a fu rious blizzard raged all day to-day, piling the snow- to great heights on the railroad tracks and delaying trains. In Illinois and Iowa the cold wave came upon the heels of a thunder storm J the temperature dropping at some points 30 in three hours. -The storm in Chicago was accompanied. by rain. The wind blew a hurricane all night, destroying signs and chimneys, and snapping hun dreds ot trees in the parks, and a heavy sea boomed on this shore all day, but it is not thought that any vessels were caught in the gale. One of the incidents of ta atom in this city was the blowing awaof nearly every newspaper left on the door steps. Warmer weather is reported irom the points where the present storm originated. A telegram from St. Paul says: Winter weather is reported as having set in gen erally throughout the Northwest. Heavy snow has fallen over a wide area, and trains will undoubtedly be delayed at many points. j -The general snow tall .which reached the twin cities early yesterday evening naa strengthened to a gale of the blinardy(per- suasion later, and raced luriousiv unm mnmln'. . T.O ... wlmBlimxm Mllil flfrfllrfMvf ))V J - '?'"'""''. , rr:T..?rrcsiTiir.irj i-riii IDO wsqos ai-ieiga wMvmvm aii -ubt wag i Doth cities wore a gala appearance, ciotnea in glistening white under'a cloudless sky. A dispatch irom San Antonio, Tex., says: The first genuine "notther" of tne season made itself Jelt this morning, and the weather has been growing colder ever since 6 a. m., the mercury falling 27 in 24 hours. COULDN'T XEP THE CH01E QUIET, So a Tonne Freacner Abruptly DUmUsea Ills Congre cation. JBrECm. tlLEOBUI TO TUB DISFJLTCH.I AtJBtTBN, 2T. X., December 29. When the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, was seen coming irom the church at 11:30 o'clock this morning half an honr alter the time for the morning service to commence many wondered at the cause of the short service. Those who were in the church speedily explained the matter. The pastor, "Rev. William H. Hubbard, had publicly rebuked the members of the choir lor laughing and otherwise misbehaving themselves while the service was in progress, and when they continued with their frivolity he suddenly paused in the midst of his ser mon, glanced toward the choir gallery, where the singers were amusing themselves, and abruptly dismissed the congregation. Mr. Hubbard was so overcome by his teel ings that tears stood in his eyes. The congregation or this church includes some of the wealthiest people in the city, and the incident has caused a great sensa tion in church circles. Mr. Hubbard is a young man, and has been pastor of the church about two years. He is a tireless worker, an eloquent preacher and a genial, whole-souled man. He conceived the idea of giving an oyster supper to all the boys in the city between the ages of 7 and 17, and this was done in his church two weeks ago, 1,400 boys being present Hismethod of dealing with the choir was stinging as well as effective. FEW HfeBREW ANARCHISTS. A Kevr York Sabbl Tells of 8120,000 Halted to Elevate the Fott. ISrZClAL TH.EOSAX TO THE SISFXTCE.1 New Yoke, December 29. TheBev. Dr. Kaufman -Kohler, Babbi of Bethel Syna gogue, said to-day that there is no fear of anarchistic principles-spreading among the Hebrews. He said that the leaders of all snch movements as this were men who had been born under the rule -of the Bussian Czar, and whose natures Lave become so sodden in ignorance aad oppression that they have not yet been ableio receive the broader sentiments inculcated by a residence in a free land. "It was with the jrpoe of educating these Tery people that the Hebrew Edu cational Fair was recently given in the American Inititute was suggested. The fair produced something like $120,000, and tbli money will be devoted to founding in dustrial and teehaical schools, and with belter proipreU before them, their minds will become pure and stroBgtr." nr jfken iakkk's cabi. hkh Anethtr Writer CtahM That Ho Wni Isntcrat eflha Morder. firXCUt TKLtORtM TO TUX DlSrATCR.1 WllEEMXO, December 29. The Regltter to-morrow will print another sensational letter bearing oa the Van B. Baker murder case. The letter is from a town in Eastern Ohio, and the writer details a conversation he had with a railroad man jatt after-the crime The railroader said he was in Holi day's Core when the double narder was committed and left the morning it was. dis covered, and added: "I know who did K, bat I'll cut my throat before I tell Baker did sot do it" The wetter will be worked mp by Baker's Honeys and peatatag srilifsnats mih are wfthield. t . ,, I ; . GBEETINS GLADSTONE. An AMreae to tko Grand Old Man Signed fcy SCaay Prentacnt American! Speaker '' BeedBefiuea'to Attach His Amogrnpb. -rSPXCXU. TXLSGBAJt TO TUX DISFJLICn.1 Botfalo, December 29. Exile John J, .JfcBridehas received from the Hon. Chaun--ceytjltf. Depew his autograph to atf address to the Hon. William E. G-ladstone, testifying to the sympathy of ther American people for Mr. Gladstone's effort in behalf of home rule in Ireland. This address has been signed by nearly all the Congressmen, many Senators and several Catholic prelates, including Cardinal Gib bons. President Harrison has also signed it. Mr. Depew writes: Mr. Gladstone lipids a place in the. venera tion and affection of the American people never occupied by any other foreigner except liafarettc. His ottltudo upon ttie Irish ques tion receives the almost unanimous approval ot tne citizens ot the United Btates. The ex ample of Mr. Gladstone's half century ot emi nent public service Is the pride ot all English speaking nations. His" successful efforts for the liberty and welfare of mankind are contri butions to the peace and prosperity of the peo ple of the world whicji have Riven him a per manent and conspicuous place in the history of the century- 'CnAtrscET M. Depew. Senator Ingalls wrote as follows: Gladstone is "of those great men who, with the peaceful weapons Of troth and justice, has revolutionized the-age In which be lives. JOHX ISGA1XS. Senator Sherman, ot- Ohio, wrote as fol lows: ' ' . Honor to Mr.tHadstone. "Ho has acted well bis part in every stage of his lone consplcn- puollo lira. ils name and tame, are cuer- name and fame, are cher- ished in every civilized land, and In none with .a higher and more kindly appreciation than in deli Ui the United States of America. Jomr sheeiian. Speaker Beed refused to sigd the address ,to Mr. Gladstone. A ffEGRO EXODUS. Hundreds of Colored People Xeaving Ala tana for Otber Southern State A Great Scheme for Unllroad" aad Planter. ISrECUt TXLXOB1X TO TBI B1SF ATCH.1 BntMtROHAU, Ala., December 29. Hundreds of negroes are leaving this region for Mississippi, Arkansas and Louis iana. The sudden exodus is largely due to the efforts of a few intelligent colored men who are supposed to be the paid agents of planters in tne Mississippi bottoms, or of a railroad company. These men mixed among the Ignorant negro laborers and distributed the following circular: A. chance .for the negro. A land which he will one day own and govern. Get away .from oppression anico where yon will be free. To colored workingmen: In the States jof Missis sippi. Arkansas and Louisiana there are thousands of acres ot rich lands still unoccu pied. There you can secure homes cheap, and make a living with but little work. But better still, our race is bow In the majority in many .sections of those States, and the time is com Inpwhenwe will outnumber tne 'unites there SOtol. Then we will drive them out and take possession of their property. The colored race will in a few years own and govern those States. Even now we are getting ready to 4 throwon the yoke of our oppressors, and the irreat day of perfect freedom for the negro is near at hand. Leave this locality, where yon are, mistreated and denied your civil rights by the whites. Go away from communities where men of your race are living and shot like docs, hy white men. and co where yon will soon be come one of thowners and rulers of the land. Ttese circulars bear no signature, and it is doubtless onlya scheme to secure labor ers lor southern plantations and passengers for the railroads, but many ignorant negroes believe every word of it, and are leaving as last as they can get money enougn to pur chase tickets. v -In. ii B AijiV 3ir. TKB-6WNESS JiYfi T0-G1), "- . Residents of the Oklahoma Country Slud at Too Previous Settlers. rsrzctiiiTxutoBJUt to TnsDisrxrca.1 Philadelphia, December 29. Ex-City Marshal John J. Leary, of Guthrie, in the Oklahoma country, has come to visit his mother at 838 North Twelfth street. He will remain during the holidays. Marshal Leary has had a varied experience in the West. He nas spent a large part of his time in California and the new State of Montana. He was one of the first to enter the Oklahoma country on the day when it was legally opened by the President's proclamation, and thinks that the stormiest davs ot the new country are yet to come. In conversation with a reporter Mr. Leary J said: I am goine back In a few weeks, because I want to be there for the spring elections. There will be trouble then, sure. The lesitimate set tlers are determined to rout out what tbey term the sooners." A "sooner" is any man who came into the district and occupied land before noon on the day on which the Presi dent's proclamation opened the country. They have virtually pre-empted the choicest tracts, and the people are determined that they shall be turned out. SNAPS FOB THE LEADERS. United Zmbor Agitators Who Have Dropped Into Eay Jobs, rSriCIAI. TrLTGEAM. TO the DisPATcn.1 ' New Yoee; December 29. Another of John McMackin's friends has been put into public office. John Kearney, who was made engineer at the Postoffice, was sum marily dismissed the other day and the col ored chieftain of the defunct United Labor party in the Eleventh District, Prank Fer rol, was put in his place. He received his commission yesterday. It is said that this place is worth $2,000. Ex-Master Workman James Excelsior Quinn, of 49, has got the place that was promised him. He is.a clerk under United States Internal Bevenue Collector Michael Kerwin. The list of labor agitators in this city who have dropped into nice places is not so large as has been supposed. A QUESTION TO BE SETTLED. Difference In Cost of Beef on the Hoof ana the Table. New Yoek, December 29. Two special Senate committees arrived here to-night and put up at the Hoffman House. One of the committees has been appointed to look jnto our trade with Canada, and it will give a hearing to certain parties. The other will examine witnesses regarding the exportation and consumption of beef. The committees will begin work at once. Senator Mabdersou, of the Meat Trans portation Committee, said that thev would endeavor to ascertain why beef costs so lit- tie on the hoof and so much to the con sumer. The witnesses to be examined will be taken from the men engaged in the ship ping and exportation of beef and beef prod ucts. failure-dp a carpet pirit. A Difference of $30,908 Between the Assets nnd Liabilities. Philadelphia, December 29. Alex ander Beck -& Son, carpet manufacturers, of this city, made an assignment yesterday, for the benefit of their creditors to .Charles A. Furbash, of T. A. Farbnsh & Co., woolen goods manufacturers. The assignees estimate the liabilities at 1130,000 and the assets at barely $100,000. The Town is Qalet Now. -Chableston, S. C., December .29. There are &e bw develop aicnte la thefBarn- welLlyscalag.- Tbe-tew ie oaiet night. aa were are Mare w segro troi bk, PITTSBURG, MONDAY, AN MGHT'-HOUE DAT Looked UfWWitri Ceosiderable Favor by Employers of labor. SOME WILLISQ -FOR SIX HWBS. President,,?oBpera. PleasslWitk the Oat look st tbe Prest Time. ' -' HE thinks: mir moth will be a go. EoFuHoHm Herd;Bst One.BIiCordantNtteFrom Anr Qa&rten President Gompers, of the Federation of Labor, talks lopefully oi the attempt io in augurate an ight-hone working daynext May. He doesn't know what branch Of trade-will be chosen to begin Tvlth. Thinks it will be the "building- trades. Mr. Gomp ers is receiving many letters from employers, favoring a shorter work-day. . tsrsciAi ttusotum to ths DisrArcn.1 New Yoee. December 20. The head- onarters of the American Federation of .Labor is visited daily by representatives of labor organuations seeking alliance with this new and powerful combination ot Jrork ingBeiu. The offices are in one.of thS old est buildings In Clinton place. Its front ,doors awTdilapidafed and broken, fiT-its floors art BOt over clean. An employment aeency for women, a tailor shop, and a magio hair restorer share the building with the American Federation of Labor. The President, Sam Gompers, is assisted -dally by a secretary who has been associated with him for many jrears. His eecretasyvJa, a Scotchman, and is popular with working men because he never agrees entirely is his views with anybody. , KOBE HELP NEEDED. President GompersVaid to-day, that he -believed that they woald need-to increase 'their clerical force after Janarjl. 'e'll ".need probably another man," he added, ."when the money begins to come in from the different organizations paying the 2 cents per member assessment determined .upon by our recent convention in Boston to maintain any of our members whom It may be necessary to order out on strike, after May 1, to get the eight-hgur wgrk-dayinto working shape." J? Mr. Gompers explained: "So-far I nave not heard a discordant note as to the want of wisdom in the organization's demand. Tor years I have been collecting sentiments and I opinions oi puoiic men. speakers, pouuuins and preachers, and they all seem to agree upon the wisdom of our demand. OurPr ecutlve Council have done all that was pos sible to'sound public opinion, and so farU the objections they have discovered have been the result of past prejudices and a de sire not to change the existing condition of things. LITTLE OPPOSITION- EXPECTED. "I am of the opinion, and so is every one of the Executive Council, that in a new country like the United States we will meet with little opposition in bringing about a shorter work day. I am. of the opinion that it is only the worklngm'en who now work long hours, and who are shaky as to the auccess of any effort to shorten the work day, that oppose bs. Why, I have found employers of thousands of men that are anx ious to .help forward any ebortening of the .hours of labor., if wooalvmake it -general. Une employer writes: um,wliliBg towort; T Bo-wero it set feT-the fact of the great comi JKUHUU UVW MIHVCNIi WiWIUIGJUMUaVL tUG year, in yery iew ousiaesses it is possioie to work continuously the whole year round. You just gd ahead and get your eight-hour workday into shipshape and everybody will think better oi the workincmen in the long run."' "There is a belief that the action of the convention on the eight-hour question-was a backdown from its .former position," was laid. SO A BACK DOWN. "I canot ee that anyone can consistently say that," Mr. Gompers replied. "The con vention in 1888, at St. Louis, decided to agi tate for an eight-hour work day. They laid down rules for agitation purpose only. Now that It is approaching near the culmination of the agitation, and the day set for the .realization of our hopes, we have set about making arrangements as to what shall be done toward making a complete success, of; our work It was settled by the conven tion -that the Executive Council shall pick out the trades that shall insist upon an eight-honr work day upon May 1, It is not to be supposed that with our present experi ence we would serve notice upon the whole country, through, the press, that we wanted an eight-hour woik day, and when May 1 came let all the workjngmen leave their em ployment, pell mell. It would result in an archy. We have been taught by experi ence tbatit Is much better to begin meekly. We are a meek and humble folk, anyway, and it ill becomes us to assume grand airs. It seems that when we do, confusion follows us. SOMETHING of the plait. "It is proposed that we start out with one business, and have that well worked into the eight-hour work day, and then start with another. It has been said that it was more than likely that the Executive Com mittee wonld pitch upon the building trades to begin with. I do not know for sure what the Executive Council -will do. In some cities now men in the building line work only eight hours and some nine hours, and generally, of all working men they have the shortest hoUrs. It is expected now to kind of level them up. Perhaps the Ex ecutive Council may settle upon the work-, ing men in the building line. There are many unions "Of them in the Federation; they haye little effect upon general trade, and would be a great card, if successful, to the Federation. Whatever we do, thepublio will b'e certain to suffer little." "What amount of opposition will other unions make?" was asked. ALL A.T SEA "SET. , "There we are alt at sea. It depends largely, I think, upon the attention the public gives ue in the next few months. We're-bound to experience the hostility of certain kinds of labor organizations. Idon't know but tlipt this may be a help to us. It certainly will, should the employers meet our demand in anything like the way I hope they will from their letters and talk. If there Is resistance, it may depend upon our leaders as to what hostility is engen dered. It is too much to expect that a change of so much real importance to the welfare of mankind should not be opposed." "It has been said that you have the most radical of workingaea among your mem bers." "Well, most ef the workingmen have some good reasons for, belonging to them, else they would rAt go on year after year paying their money. Ibo officers of the Federation do not know anything as to their individual opinions, whether or not it is to . turn Mr. Harrison out of the White House andjiut Mr. Bergius Sehevitach in as a dis penser of supplies. We shall simply insist upon their contract with us, that they shall -work for the eight-hoar workday. "We know what we wast, and we hope to get it. Unluckily in past moveaents, good or ltd, to help the workingtacn this kaowledge was lacking." . jx Aaetria Saeptetowi m a WelkoV. EosCi.'Deeesabera0. Is Aaatriaa Oar eratseafwill iifcw.i MaJTotsowwt ageata ia Italy weHiliat tow IwmpmM.- - DECEMBER 30, .1889. A LITTLE TOO SEAL. TkrHnnc Wi ef SeaHMa aa a 4r. Stajre Manager Mearse a Good . lieoklns? Toangr Mem j fcer or Hl Coasasy. I8rXCU.Ii TZUEd&AK TO THS DISPATCH. J . Bt. Iiouis, December 29. A thrilling bit of realism in the throat-cutting line .which was enacted on the stage of the People's Theater, last night, was precipi tated by a woman. J. J. Bafiael, the victim, played the part of Jack Tryzer, in "My Aunt Bridget." Mr. Bafiael, 'who "Is quite igood looking, came with the company about 15 weeks aeo. At that time Mrs. Monroe, wife of Manager Bobert Monroe, "Was also a member of the company, and played an opposite part to Jack Tryzer. Mrs. Monro, so the story goes, became so infatuated with Baffael that re marks were passed by other members of fho company. Mr. Monroe concluded to send his wife home, about .three weeks ago, and another lady was selected for the part. About two weeks ago Monroe gave Baffael notice that Bis services with the company were not neeaea longer man ia uikiu. Nothing that would indicate trouble was noticed by other members of the company, and Baffael played his part the same as "usual, until last night. After completing the Tepertoire, Bafiael walked back df the stage to the dressing room, wKen Monroe met him, and in a "sarcastic way reminded him that his time with the company was up. Some hot words were exchanged, and, Monroe, who seemed to be in readiness with1 an open knife, advanced on Bafiael and swept the blade across Baffael's face, evidently-trying for his throat The blade opened an ugly gash on the right-of Baffael' face, reaching, from under' the right ear down, to the chin. Baffael called for protection, and ran to the front part of the stage. Monroe ran outside, and jumping into a cab, was seen no more. Baffael was carried to the city disoensary and 26 stitches put in the ter rible gash. He wag taken back to the Laclede Hotel,, where several -actors re mained with him all night. A MOTHER'S ANXIETI. Hie Boca Not Know Whether Hhe Haa Recovered Her Mining Son or Xot The Neighbor Also Foil to Agree. tsracxix. xs&zoiuic to tux oiar AVcb.1 Gbeensbubg, December 29 A 'mys terious case is reported from Irwin. Ten months ago an 18-year-old son of William Decker, of Irwin, mysteriously disappeared, and while every effort was made by his family and friends, no clew of the lost boy rwas,found' until a few days ago, when the family receiyed word from Brinton that a young -man answering the description was ."picked up there. The boy was slightly demented, and could give no account of himself. "When the mother arrived she failed to recognize in the boy her son, but admitted that he resembled .him greatly. The mark on his chin and foot receiyed In childhood were there, but the boy, she said, looked much older than hers. She took him 1o' her home, but there the mystery deepened. Friends and neighbors are equally divided as to his identity- The case has created in tense excitement in that neighborhood, and hundreds of people have visited the Decker home to get a glimpse of the unfortunate boy. The boy has shown some traits charac teristic of the missing boy, vet a great many of the citizens of the town .who have known the Decker boy since childhood insist that he is not the missing lad,. while others are confident that he is. Tbe'Spoor mother,' wkosergriefBas been almost unnearaDie since ner son'snisappear ance, watches with the boy for hours in the hope that she may see in him her long lost child.- i WORK OP PfiBHISTOEIC MAN. Evidences of a Long-Forgotten Age Foasd In Centre Conntr. Altooxa, December 29. Just across Ihe line between Centre and Clearfield counties, and located in the former, is porbably the most remarkable prehistoric fortification in the "United States. It is seven or eight miles eastward from Hontzdale, and is located near the headwaters of the Moshannon, and burrows into the mountain side. A growth of timber indicates its antiquity. It is a semicircular Iwall, possibly 800 feet in di ameter, about eight feet high and built of Stone, evidently transpdrted irom a ledge fifteen miles distant. The outer surface is covered with a curious cement of a composi tion unknown to local chemists. The ma sonry is of a most artistic order, and indi cates an architecture belonging to some race and period wholly unknown to 'the present generation. Commencing near the ruined wall and running southward is a series of stone pil lars, evidently used as altars in some for gotten ace. They nnmber some six or eight in all, and despite the work of -vandals, are yet distinctly marked, some of them being from six to eight feet nigh. They are small stone pyramids, facing every possible approach to "the ruins, and were' evidently intended as defensive ram parts, behind which the builders might find shelter and protection. CIVIL SEBVICE EEFORlf. Hon. Sherman S. Rogers Thinks That -the Proapects Are Very Bright. v BUPPALO, December 29. Hon. Sherman S. Bogers, local member of the committee ot five appointed recently by the National Civil Service Beform League to examine into the management of the Federal civil service, to-day says: It was hardly contemplated that any import ant action would be taken by the committee until' the first part of the coming year. No conference has been held by the members yet, although a meeting will doubtless be held be fore a great while. I think Chairman Faulke, of Indiana, will come East some time in Janu ary and it is probable that wo will .assemble at that time. The general scheme of the move ment is for the purpose of I ornithine informa tion of every kind tending to show the people the beneficial character of civil service reform. We ulll certainly find some things which need correction, and we expect to find much to at test the fact that civil service reform is highly beneficial in its nature to the public at large. As soon as the people understand this It is our expectation that tbey will not allow the move ment to be crippled for means to sustain its action, but that they will provide it withtho sinews of war. AN ASSASSIN'S SCHEME. He Tarns Off the Gas to Lars His Victim to Death. New Tobk, December 29. Early this morning the gas in the sleeping room of Frederick W. Stedifeder was extingnished, and Stedifeder went down to the cellar to find out the cause. He saw a man there, who fired a shot at him. The bullet wounded him in the neck, partially dazing him, when the burglar effected his escape. Stedifeder'a wound is not dangerous. This afternoon the police arrested Albert Kaiser, a former employe of Stedifeder, who confessed that it was he who did the shoot ing. He said ne had hid himself in the cel lar and had turned off the gas, thinking that Stedifeder would come down to see what the matter was, when Maiser would shoot him. If Stedifeder failed to come down, Jlaiser intended to torn, the eas-ou again andsutto oate taeJ&uaily.. Maiser acknowledged that he eaterUined bitter hatred against Stedl Mmr sb aeeoaatot derogatory statements 1m 14 Mfc aiiMt Was. whife iaVUi tasplty. GRIPMEN IN A SffiRfc Some Eaaployes of .the Pittsburg Traction Eoad Discharged AS MEMBEES. OF LABOR USIONS.- Men Sroaght Prom Chicago te Help Oat ' ShoHiTa Strike Occur. SUPT. DATI8 TALKS FOE TIBOAD. He Claims the Men Tried to Coerce Others to Join Their Organization. The indications are good for a strike on theiPittsbnrg Traction Boad. Some eight or pine men were" discharged, ostensibly be cause they belonged to a labor union, and men have been brought from Chicago to take their places. Both gripmen and con ductors are eicited, and a strike is immi- -nent. From the indications last eyening a strike -among the g'ipmen and conductors em ployed on the Pittsburg Traction Company's J line will take place this morning. Five gripmen -ahd eight conductors were dis charged yesterday morning for joining the Knights of Labor. The company have brought 13 or 14 men from Chicago to run -their cars in the event of a strike taking place. They are experienced gripmen, and, with' the help of the officers of thecompany. President Elkins expects to continue run ning the cars as if nothing had taken place. Messrs. P. A B. Widener and W. L. El kins, of Philadelphia, who are the principal, owners of the line, arrived in the city from the East this morning. They will also lend executive-aid to defeat the attempts of the men to bring the others out! A meeting of all the conductors and grip men on the road was called yesterday to be held in Edmunds' Hall, on Liberty avenue, near Forty-fifth street. The men are organ ized into the Knights of Labor. Organizer John Hughes, of D. A. No. 3, formed the men into a local assembly last Thursday nignt a weec xney neia two meetings wnen the matter was conveyed to the officials of the company. The latter have been cognizant for months fhat an attempt was being made to organize, the men. They said nothing on the ground that it was none ot their business, and the men had a right to organize a union if they chose to do so. Chief Engineer and Su perintendent E. W. Davis says lie did not interfere until the men who were back ot the movement tried to force others into the organization. He then called a halt and discharged eight of them yesterday. IHaHES SOUITDED. The officials claim they found that all the new men they were trying to put on were sounded as to their union principles. If a man waa turned over to an experienced grip man to be taught the business, if he refused to go into the union, he was reported as being a man who could not be taught how to run a car. As a natural consequence the man -would not be hired. Mr. Davis says that it tne man would promise tne ex perienced gripman that he would go into 'the union, then he would bar taught the business, and reported to be a good man. Several of the men who joined say they understood that the- company proposed in creasing their hours of work after January 1 by making them rua another trip. They. .also stated jtbatvtneir object was to secure betttar,p.aefeS:uj -.shorter hours. The conductor and gripmen are paid f2" 25 per day each. The regular men run nine trips per day1, while others work 10 "swings" "or a "split" trick, On the latter they do half of their work in the morning and the other half at night One hour and 10 minutes is about the usual lime for mak ing a round trip. Chief Engineer Davis, of the company, said: "We did not care whether our men oreanizefl br not. but we did not want our men "forced into an organization they did not desire to join. We have about 60 gripmen and 'a larger number of conductors. MANY ABB SATISFIED. "A great many of them are satisfiedwith their positions, and do not want to join any -union. They get better treatment on this line than any other In the city. The con ductors and gripmen get 2 25 per day, while on the Penn avenue line the former get but $2. Our gripmen, also, are not re quired to purchase uniforms as they are on the other road. We allow the men a. lay over at Oakland to eat-their meals. We lave never had any trouble, and do not pro pose to have an. We promote the men as they become emcient, and tne majority or them are satisfied with the company. If a general strike takes place we will have enough men to run the cars. Our first duty is to accommodate tne public, and we propose do it We will start our cars at the usual time to-morrow morning, and will run on the regular schedule. I do not think we will have any trouble. All the officers of the company are able to run cars themselves, and we will take care of our patrons." The men who were discharged confessed that they were in the union movement. There arrived in the city yesterday morn ing, on the fast line from the West, 13 men who wore flannel shirts and workingmen's clothes. They were all clean shaven. They went to the Seventh Avenue Hotel and asked for special raiea for the party. The clerk asked them 'who they were. They told him that it made no difference who they were; they wanted rooms. It is decidedly an unusual thing for men wearing flannel shirts to stop at the Seventh Avenue. That hotel is patronized by millionaires, poli ticians who are in the push, drummers and honeymoon touristswho don't care anything about money. The 13 men were accommo dated with rooms. Each, man wanted a room alone, and they were given 13 rooms in a row, from 312 to SSi. A HTSTEEIOUS CROWD. The party was under the charge of a man whoso name appears oa the register as O. H. Burbridge. He had started to write his first initial as J, then changed his mind and wrote O. He is a large man. wearing a slouch hat, a woolen shirt and heavy dark mustache. The other men were registered as iollows,all by one hand; E. E. Ellsworth, J. Dolan, A. ii enerman, a. d. Raymond, O. Munsell, A. E. Clark, G. Johnson, T. Jones, L. Merritt, H. L. Wilson, William Mairtuns and W. Smith. The blank space for the addresswas left vacant opposite each name. During the forenoon a committee from tne gripmen on the Fifth avenue linesvlsited the hotel and attempted to interview sev eral of the mysterious strangers. They could not learn anything as to their mission. It was reported that the men had been broughifrom. Chicago to' take the places of gripmen who had been discharged from the service of the Pittsburg Traction Company's line. This coiapanyis owned by the'Wide-ner-Elkins syndicate, of Philadelphia, which also own the Northslde and West side cable lines ia Chicago. The strangers were approached during the afteraooa by several reporters, but they would yield aWoluWly no iBforaatlcm, not being williag to tell even whence they came. ONE EMPLOYE TALKS. A man in the employ of the Pittsburg Traction Company said yesterday afternoonr -"Nine of the gripmen joined the Knights oi Labor last week" and were discharged thie moraiag. Cars aave- bees, nuusiug ref a lariy all day. Tfee saeo oa this road meed W have union; bat H was broke up at the' tin tt the frik afceat tsvw yean age. The men on the QitiiesiyS are organized, and some of the men y na& joined them. I heard ". . pany had d brought newV. Chicago." ia the evenIne"5L tia 'eman who Later u registered as O. H. BS. 7"2 4L 'as asked 9 yj At..:- wtipnftA lift ttA Mtf r.ivc business, but he replied, ' i talking. Previona to trolL fJ v " t a. "3 UUk a o s he -left word to haver himself a 5,,-rty called at 5 o'clock this morning Qs'SA . t For some time past the emplov j-TPe Pittsburg Traction Company ha, r3C quietly effecting an organization wlW Abe Knights of Labor. The matter haV been kept quiet, but not sufficiently so to prevent the names of some of the newly organized men from becomine known, so leading to .their dismissaL ABOBy TEACTI0N E0ADS. Ths Preetarat of the Chicago Road Makes a Few Comments. W.LsXerkes, President of the Chicago traction roads, stretched his limbs on the platform at the jTnion depot last night while the limited was being made up. Speaking of the Chicago roads, ho said that they were in very good condition and yield-ing-a satisfactory return. He said that the Westside men were organized, hnt that the Northslde men were not. They had been organized in, the Knights of Labor previous to the strike, but had fallen apart at that time and never regained their strength. Eleven and a ialf hours constituted a day's work. His comnauv had subscribed 8150,000 to the World's Fair, 2 percent of wmcujkuBupaiuuaHD. xne rest was reauy when wanted. Mr. Yerkes knewnothing of the difficulty on the PittsburgTraction line, and was not aware that a party of 13 Chicago gripmen were then in Pittsburg. TEEEIBLB TUSSLE Of a Bacbeyo Farmer With an Infuriated Ball The Remarkable Manner In Which the Animal Was Finally Wonted. ISrSCtAI.TXLXOBJLUTO TKE DISrATCH.: Delphos, O., December 29. A farmer named Willis Moore, living near Evans ville, a small station 13 miles-north of here on the T., St L. & K. C. B. E., had a terri ble encounter with a mad bull, which came very near costing him his life, and can be best described in his own words: "I have always considered Old Joe, as X called him, perfectly gentle, and Friday morning, as L was passing through the lot, paid no Attention tohisapproach untilXwas struck by the animal and thrown violently to the cround. When I attempted to rise the bull was full upon me endeavoring to gore me, and to prevent this I threw myself upon my back, and at the same time grasp ing the apimal by the horns, endeavored to keep my body between them. In this way my feet and fees were badly trampledupon". Once iq my effort to change my position X was struck in the mouth by the animal's horns, breaking off all my front teenth. "I thought of my knife as having a long blade and with, it I would kill the brute by .stabbing him jnst back of the foreleis in the Tejjion or the heart, but in this X was foiled, for I could only free one hand at a time, be ing compelled to hold on with the other fo prevent being gored. I was losing strength rapidly, and Knew if help did not soon ar rive I must give up in despair. "I concluded to make one more effort. I took off my suspenders, fastened them in the ring in the aoimal's nose and then worked myself backward -until I reached the .'ence. where I fastened the animal, and thus se cured my freedom, but was only able to drag myself a short distance where I fainted and lay nntil my wife, being alarmed at my long stay, came and found me. I had three ribs broken beside being badly braised about the J legs and lac?, ,j.tnintin tne inturei. will BteeFcIea&rf "Old Joe. ". EBD OF TWO TEXAS OUTLAWS. A Sheriff's Fosse Fires on Then Until Both Drop Dead. isncxir. Txxxoitur to tub dispatch.: TJealda, Tex., December 29. News has been received here of a desperate en counter in the Bad Lands, the result of a re cent raid. Three years ago the O'Dell broth ers,Tom and William were outlawed. One of them was wanted for horse theft and the other for murder. They were occasionally heard of, but the several attempts to capture them resulted in nothing. The pursuers were generally outridden and maneuvered. A week ago the State rangers obtained information of the whereabouts of the O'Dells. Deputy Sheriff Thomas Perry summoned a posse of citizens. The party, numbering ten men, ran into the camp of the fueitives a little after sunrise. The horses of the O'Dells were staked some distance from the camp The brothers sprang to their arms, and met the demand for surrender with the sharp crack of their guns. The posse was comparatively well shel tered, but the criminals fought it out in the open. The combat lasted some minutes. Will O'Dell was the first to go down, with a bullet through the lungs. As he fell and rolled over he was struck in the head and instantly killed. His brother had an arm broken, but continued in some way to use his rifle with one hand until struck a half dozen times, when he turned to flee. A ball thssugh the shoulder and another which shattered his spine stopped him. He lived but a moment. E0MANCE of a mueder. An Italian Killed by tho Lover Whom He Had Supplanted. SnCXil, TIIIOBJLM TO THS DISPATCH.! Netv Yoek, December 29. For hoars to day a young Italian girl stood at a window on the fourth floor of the big tenement at 191 Mulberry street, and watched McCullum's undertaking shop across the way, and the curious crowd of Italians, men, women and children who bung about the door. In a backroom of the shop lay the body of Tin cenzo Perretto, the musician who was shot 'dead in the blaze ol Grand street lights last night. The girl at the window was his wife, having been married to him by a civil ceremony at the city hall, less than a month ago. According to the stones which Perretto's neighbors tell, it was on account of this girl that the feud between Perretto and Antonio San Marco, bis murderer, arose. San Marco, who is a stonecutter by trade, was betrothed to the girl over two years ago, and one night he DltJUgnt U15 menu, icu;v, aiuuuu ui tun. The girl transferred her affections to Per retto, who was much the better looking of the two men. The friends quarreled alter that.- San Marco was arraigned before Justice O'Beilly, at the Tombs Court, this morning. He looks like the typical Italian, his hair and mustache being blonde. Albert C. Hart testified that he saw Baa Marco shoot Perretto. " YERY 'MYSTERIOUS SUKBIB. A Mas Tetts His Name and JaMteslatoly Gets a Ballet. Atlanta, December 29. James E. Woodward died ia this eity this evening. Thursday night Woodward, who is a well kaowB business maa, ws walking oat -Marietta street when seeaebedy stepped in froat ef him aad asked if he was Jim Weed ward. He aBswered in the affirmative, aad the asan pushed a pistol to Woodward's breast and fired. Woodward walked to his sister's bouse, a mile or more away, and told the story as here give.. He treated the matter lightly and it was thesgkt he would get well, bat a relapse te-4ey breatakt death Tnepeliee have kept oaiet, hoping te eatek fasM sMfAjrtstMa THREE GENTS THE 6EAND OlDIM 'Warmly CongratnlatecT UpoalSeack; ing His Eightieth Birthdagi AMEBIOi, AUSTRALIA AHDlISDril Ail Bent Tokens ofBeara'Jto, thefGreevtl Liberal Leader. EMPEE0K WILLIAMBACEiXG AL0TTEU1 The fiermis Hllitary Streszth 1711 be Still 15551 Iriereased. Gladstone was 80 years old .'yesterday He celebrated the anniversary verv.riuietlv! but was the recipient of many congratula tory messages trom all parts of the;worIdi jur. sexton intimates mat tne yaeenwui get into trouble if she ever attempts'to.veto a home rule bill. "',. London, December 29. The,' eighUethj anniversary of Mr, Gladstone's birth abl sorbed so much attention as to make ofv this quiet Sabbath a day of national remem brance. Telegrams and letters of congfatu-j Iation and admiration poured into Hawaid- en from all quarters of England, but liter-3 ally from all parts of the world, manycon 'ing from Australia, America and, India! All the members of the Gladstone family branches were gathered at Hawardenlto meet and greet their eminent kinsman? The church attended by Mr. Gladstone was crowded at the morning service, and a' large throng remained outside, nnable to gain admittance. ": Mr. Gladstone took his usual part InrtHe service, reading the lessons, and said a few words of devout thankfulness for the bless ings of health and friendship. The scene was such as Shakespeare might haye had ia mind describing the ideal old age sur rounded by troops of friends, showing love? honor and obedience. Besides those who might have been expected to send conzratu-j lations as a matter of course personal friends and political admirers many con? tributed whose offering of remembrance at-J tracted more than ordinary attentions Amone those may be mentioned the Coun tess Tolstoi, the Speaker of the House fof Commons, and a number of prominent "Unionists. iH A remark by Mr. Sexton at his farewell banquet in Dublin ast night has caused some comment in political circles; In toast; ing the Queen a necessary ceremony which is generally gone over with as little grace as possible by the Nationalists on such-'oe-casions Mr. Sexton said that theNationaij ists will vote for the royal grants so longiaa Her Majesty does not refuse to sign, the measures enacted by the people. This may be taken in a double sense, as indicating loyalty to the Crown and as hinting at'a fear that the Queen mar some day abuse her prerogative by negativing the wiltfif the people as expressed through Parlia mentary enactment in favor of Irish selM rule. POLITICS ITiKDIA, The Mohammedans and Other Natives ProSI pese to Take a Haul. X'j Bombay, December 29. The.native Co53 gress at its final meeting confirmed the .reso lutions previously adopted and appointed committee to press its views utohitheiEn- glish people. The Mohammedan delegates asked foriime to consult their co-religionists on "certain; questions: it was decidedfto hold the next concrress in Bengal in 1890S There will be a reduced represenfationasj the congress just terminated was fonndltol be of unwieldy dimensions. The delegati separated with cheers lor the Queen. TT Mr. Bradlaugh, who has attended the se$3 sions of the congress, received a nnmberofl addresses at a reception given by himin the evening. There were about 6,000 persons present. Mr. Bradlaueh promised to bring up Indian matters in Parliament at the earliest possible moment. 1 EXPLORES STANLEI EI C0DET.V He Makes a Direct Charge of Treachery! Aenlnst Tlppoo Tib. Zanzibae, December 29. The Circuit Court has heard the evidence of,Mr.vSta3 ley and Lieutenant Bonny in the Em in Be lief committee action against Tlppoo 'Tib; They testified that Tippoo Tib 'broke his contract with a view of obtaining allth"e stores and ammunition belonging tathe ex pedition, and that Tippoo Tib's nephew, exej cuted some natives who were trying tore; -victual the expedition, thus causing the high rate oi mortality among Stanley s "'lot- lowers. Tbey also accuse Tinpoo Tib of providing 430 Manyemas in June. lBsa, witn ,tnaj ulterior object of deserting Stanley. The court ordered Tippoo Tib's agent to retaial the 10,000 damages claimed by theireli&fj committee. Surgeon Parke is improving.' iZ POPULAR. IN PORTUGAL, Vj(i The New King- Received by the People Wit. Manifestations of Joy. Lisbon, December 29. The ceremonies! attending the proclaiming of JDom Carlos! as King of Portugal was continued to-day The King and Queen, accompanied by&th .arcuauKe x.ugeae oi Aiuuia tuu0wr. liant suite, reviewed the garrison. Allf the foreign diplomatic, rep'esentatives present The people received the Kingj yueen witn every tosea ot sympainyji affection. -"$ In the eveniner a state banauet was I in the palace. Two hundred euestsCWa present. The Dowager Queen remained! BrtlniTAn Hnvinn tha rtn-o? 3 m'Kssssssssssk eewtwiuu uuuu, iuou;i BELGIUM WITHOUT COIL, The Strike Caases Even the Govern sae'lc Ran Short of Fsel. 'Jl London, December 29. There fofofewfi ous shortage of coal in Belgium, owingT tne laiwr wuuuies iq we uiiiuug .rejjioa Manufacturing interests are bezinaingT suffer and even the Government isl'uaablji to obtain its usual supply of fuel. 1 The singular spectacle is likelyjfGJbe witnessed of the government of a coslliws- ducing country sending abroad foritsteoeJ. supply. CUTTIKG DOWN THE POPUL'ATIWH ndsiijl Br. Peters, the Gerssaa AdvwtarertfjaMtJI Isf Sana of the Afrlcas Berlin, December 29. Dr Pet African explorer, in his letter datedlKea October 8, recently received, by his brotiwefl after stating that he had killed .jiTa coieiuiu) lays ue oau. aeieaiea tnou and captured their harvest. HeVexs kui vi buuuiuu nitu mo Duonui.( AjtB a aAHNfala IW I 0lfH' ' A TECHNICAL TKAlNIJfS 90s W1M k-s EaUfeaeaat Lltetai 6rewth ofSeclahW.1 London, December 2ft. ASS school is beisg founded at Liege VjJ saonks at which, 1,000 beys, caabe irainia wltkv such relJkiea i stents as, it is hoped, will eh k tttJaJsTsH m aeeuuieai asaosg tae laaastnal i :Fa1siisisiiW . -. - VJv ??t&i '..)i.J