wmmmtttfmgmjsssmmmmswmmmmmmissssssssssswmM ". -. - - 29. 1889. - - , - SECOND PART : IftTESIN'S HOMES Iwhere Our Senators and Rep resentatives liye. Ldon ;iOAMERaN's house. . . ..jr. Secretary Blaine's Residence fcHenry Clay's Old Lot. -SENATOR HENDERSOK'S CASTLE r' -Mm; mm i$m mm lfwoiuy ssy mm MP, 9e: tor Berry, of :J som. of North 6Vtoa - on : .r . '- ' PlTTSBtHtGr, - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1889 . - k -JtCOBBISPOXDEKCI OT TKI BISrXTCH.3 ' " "Washington, D. C., December 28. YEBY one of the noted houses of "Washington will be thrown open next week. On the let of January the pompons "Washington butler will jwtma nt ? n? frlnrinna livery and for three months there frill be nothing bnt receptions, teas, calling and dinner giving. Tear by year the number of states men owning honses in "Washington increases. During the present sea son only 125 Eepresent atives will live at hotels and there are now only 17 hotel Senators. Sena- Arkansas, and Ban Carolina, are stopping at the Metropolitan. Prye is at the Hamil- , ana iJloagett ana pious cm iue .uiunu, of Georgia, are at Hhe National. Brown ai the rooms which "were occnpied for years by Henry Clay and Alexander H. Stephens. He bas lived for the jlpast few years in the iNerthwest, bnt he i $87,600, which is less than the vain; of the ground and the improvements. Near by this is the home of the late Senator Yulee. which is one of the finest houses in "Wash ington, and which was decorated by the famous painter, Lafarge. This is for sale at 5100.000, and Senator Palmer, now Min ister to Spain, is asking $125,000 for his "Washington house. BUINED BY EBAIi ESTATE. Ex-Secretary of the Navy Bobeson was mined bv owning a big housn in "Washing ton, and "his mansion on Sixteenth street has been on the -market for a long time st somewhere between $75,000 and $100 000. "Within the last few days the "for sale" sign has been taken down, and I suppose the house has been sold. Just below this is the beautiful home of the late Senator Pendle ton, which will probably be for sale on ac count of the Senator's death, and across the street is the great red brlcK wnicn vr iuuum built, and in which Blaine wrote the greater part of his book. This has been sold for a .. a . -Wo-rt Unnr to Pendleton s is Senator Cameron's old bouse, which has enough rooms for a summer hotel, and which he old to Morgan, the New York banker, for $95,000. Morgan expected to cut a swell in it, bat he died the same year he bought it, and his widow now.oecupieslt. Sixteenth street is the wide avenue lead ins from the "White House north to the Wnrf.rr. It is one of the most iasnion- Me streets of "Washington, and lots upon Cook, of New York. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, is living near the V hue House. McMillan, of Michigan, has bought an $80,000 mansion on Vermont avenue, and George Gray, of Delaware, lives Just above the Shoreham, where blew art, of Nevada, boards. Pbank G. Gabeenteb. CAK'I TRAVEL TOGETHER Why CRIMINALHTPNOTiSM. Animal Magnetism a Valuable Aid to Successful Swindlers. J Clay and Alexander t . . - BL H. Stephens. He V" MSft gkjM lived for the Mm -SSrtSrJiiil SHijt h f5fr'c" V ' Hi''" " ' fe; km " Castle Sendenon. I !, Don Cameron' Proni Door. prefers to go back to his old nistonc :.-.... in tni lintel. Bhom and - UU.0 - ...- i ... i .Aboard" at the National and -Metropolitan! glMTtfifl " " Mii-prr -mom." f, '. nl Hie Metmnolitan. National and siSamllton hotels are smong tHtTroodJbnt not i - dear hotels oi w asningion. tl? -RTO. BOABD EILI3. r It costs more at the hotels nearer the "'"White House and Prank Hiseock, Gil !i JsPlerce, Piatt, or Connecticut; "Washburn, of ? '.Minnesota, and Squire, ot "Washingtjn, p-wbo are at the Arlington, nave uoaru uuu which run well up into the hunareas oi aoi- larsamonth. Prank Hiscockrattlesaround ?in the rooms so long miea wivn toe greatness of Charles bumner ana nis ironi Iwindows lookout upon the'White House Howard which his eyes are ambitiously v,..a s.nBtnr Parwell lives in Morton's vK!flai. The Shoreham. where the cheapest quarters are $1,200 a year, while Dixon, of yOihoae Island, stops at the Arno nat on oixieenui lt:c ou j. uui.,. -.. .--, h hlsoldonarters at the Portland, just f opposite Bob Schenck's residence. Bate, of Tennessee, ana ooe iJiacK-ourn, oi j"u "inckv. have comfortable quarters at the Eb- Mjybitt House. Nearly all the Senators Eeep house, ben sotor Hearst is boarding at "Welcker's, but he had bought the big bricK house near Blaine's which Secretary Fairchlld occu pied last year, and he is building a big ad- ?" m..A ..tflWainoM ftf Wahinivinn nnri neither expense nor care is being spared in ' the making of her house a beautiful one. J Senator Sawyer, who has for years lived iu ; the house which Jefferson Davis occupied when he was here in "Washington, has stopped payingrent and hasJbniH a magnifi cent brown stone mansion within a stone's throw of the Dupont circle. It is worth nt least S80.000 and Sawver's millions will I " -!keep it in fine style. There are fine houses all around it. EDSiraDS DON JOST KEEP. , t Ins block near by Senator Edmunds Shides his exclusiveness in his iron-barred fef donjon keep. His house is a red pressed brick with a coDper-piatea oay window, which has rivets as big around us a trade ollarl Edmunds office is on the ground .'floor near the butler's pantry and his par- Jors and librarv are above, 'xne nonse is worthabout $50,000. and the-lot on which it ' if built costthe Senator $14,000 Borne years ago. Jast above it is Blaine's barn-like palace, forwhich the rich retired merchant, Mr. it need a carpet ot bank notes in order to pay the sum demanded for them. At the head of it ex-Senator Henderson, of St. Iionis, has built a grand brown stone castle, and this is about ready for occupancy. It has turrets and towers, balconies and cozy nooks, and it must have cost, in the neigh borhood of $100,000 to build it It has a large lot about it on the side of the hill, and its windows give a view of all of "Washing ton and miles of the Potomac Yalley. Just above it is Joaquin Miller's log cabin. HISTORIC SIAXSIOSa. A nnmberof the Senators live in historic quarters. Senator Cameron paid $67,000 some years ago for the old Ogle Tayloe man sion on Lafavette Sauare. It is a three- story .brick ot a dirty yellow with an iron portico running along the second story above an English basement The front door is painted olive green and the' lower story con tains the office of tbe senator ana nis recep tion room. The parlors are on the second floor and the house is nicely furnished. In this house have been entertained all of the Presidents since the days of Andrew Jack son, and "Win6eld Scott and Martin "Van Buren have often pnt their legs under the mahoeany in its dining room. One day whenGeneral Scott was dining "here a vitf-' lent hailstorm occurred, smashing the win dows and bringing down lumps of ice the size of hickory nuts. ;These hailstones were brought into the table and Scott, as be dropped one of them into his wineglass, said: "Ladies, we will cool our champagne with celestial ice." ., . .Just below ihJshofePABeronVis the, home of Secretary Blaine He .rents the Knnu. bnt' he lifia'TeftirtUAhed and Tfoainted f It. ' you enter .thegrouhdoor from the 'mm i ir-.-"'." ,u"5" .. ' i .guveElccuuuuittttj 'and you find the parlors on th'eseo ond floor. The draw ing room is fur- ' nished in salmon i k.i. nni.ollna Legislator Tells ' While' Men Ride Alone. KewTorkTtmes.3 , A leading membewf the South Carolina Legislature, who was instrumental in secur ing the repeal of the civil rights law, gives theTollowing reasons therefor: "The law ira enacted in 1869. when the Fourteenth Amendment to the Pederal Constitution had not been interpreted, nd the Legis lators of the State went much further than i,.t .nif.Jn.nt in fmmintr their law. Among other things, it -provided that, whenever a common carrier, under any public license, charter, rule or regu lation, shall, by himself or another, will fully assign any special quarters or accom modation? whatever to any passenger or Eerson whom such common carrier- may ave undertaken to carry, shall be punished by a fine or not more than $1,000 or by im prisonment for not more than six months; also, that every offending party, besides l.rral nnnlitiment. shall forfeit his or its license or charter, and that, when the com plainant is a colored or a black person, the burden shall be on the defendant, party or parties, so having refused or denied such admission or accommodation, to show that the same was not done in violation of this "It will be seen that this act forbade the separation -of the two races into coaches even of equal accommodations. Such ac commodation is allowed by the Inter-State Commission, and commends itself to the common sense of all but fanatics. Tore tain such an aot on the statute book in de finnM nf nnhlie sentiment here wonld be to break down that respect which law should always demand at the bands ot the people. At the same time the Legislature passed a bill which required the railroads to provide separate coaches on all occasions. "Negroes have always enjoyed equal ac commodations in tne trains, ana uu mo tion has resulted 4n ordinary occasions. "When the cars are crowded, however, there should be this decision, and the Legislature expects the railroads to act judiciously, having Tegard to the will ot the people ana the decision of the Inter-State Commerce Commission. The clauses regarding res taurants and hotels were dead letter? from the beginning. The effect of the repeal is to relegate all these vexed questions to the operaMon of the fourteenth amendmont, that is all." FASCINATIHG A BJCH VICTIM By the Exercise of a Subtle and Domina ting Influence. HOLDING UPi TEA1K-BI MESMJSEI8M PLDCKINGAND SHEARIKG GEESE. to t, U V' U &-- A Habit Practiced Thnt is Profitable, bnt Qntte a Cruelty. American Agriculturist J A curious case came before an English court for adjudication recently. A poul terer was charged with cruelty to 48 live irresehr nlucking them of their feathers, and the owner of the geese was charged with procuring the commission of the offense. The proceedings were taken by the Society tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A witness swore that "alter the geese were plucke'd their skins turned a purple color, and they wemed to be in nam. Thev ,0u-rl sbnnc with their backs' up. and shrank when touched. The practice was shown by defendant to be very prevalent, and the society asked for a nominal finey to put a stop to it The de fendants said it was the custom of the dis trict to pluck the feathers every six weeks, and if they were stopped from doing so many people would discontinue keeping, geese, as fmuctnnoreniorieywartealliecfniy the sale orfe'athers than by the ireese.. The Court imposed a fine of 1 shillings upon the de fendants, ana express me nunc ' would be a warning to other people. Pluck ing live geese and ducks' prevails all oyer the United States. There is a species of large water fowl whose habitat in winter is the open lakes of the interior, and their feathersare so firmly set that they cannot be plucked. Shearing is resorted to, and many housewives have? beds made ot these feathers, which almost equal those of eider down, as the stiff, troublesome quill ends are absent Shear ing geese and ducks could be made to super sede plucking. THE WORLD'S FUEL SUPPLY. tWKlTlMt TOK THB PISrATCH.1 "What do yon think of hypnotism and crime?" . "I think there is an intimate relation be tween the two, In the sense that the former i. v.lnntile adfnnct to the latter." Tbe question was put to and answered by a lawyer of wide experience, keen penetra tion, habits of close observation in short, a student of human nature. He added: "There are various 'isms' hypnotism, mesmerism, magnetism and I make no at tempt to define the minute distinctions be tween them. I use the word hypnotism in its broadest sense, and mean by it that mys terious influence which some persons exer cise over others, solely by the force of a ' superior personality. "We see it in schools. I have known a man weignmg uw jjuuu to fail utterly in maintaining order among hispupils. He could not 'make them mind. There was bedlam about him constantly. Asn teaeber he was competent; as an ad ministrator he was a failure. I have, known a mere stripling to take the same school and become master of the situation within half a day. Every pupil, from weakling to giant, acknowledged ana re spected his power. How was it done? Physical fear did not enter into the prob lem. If this factor had been a controlling one the big man would have had the ad vantage. But it was the little man lit this case who was ruler, and his reign was absolute. There proceeded from him something that could not be weighed, measured or seen. Every pupil felt it, and it did not seem to occur tof one of them to dispute the sway or challenge the authority which pervaded the atmospnere. It must have been something like mag netism, for want of a better term. There was certainly AS IMPONDERABLE AOEHCT at work that asserted itself successfully, for, if a contest of strength had occurred, there were a dozen big fellows in the room, any one of whom could have picked the teacher up and thrown him out ot tnewwaow. Anything of that kind, however, was a moral or psychological impossibility the reason why I cannot reduce to a cold blooded, logical statement "We see some thing akin to the phenomenon in ministers, public orators, animal tamers, auctioneers, train robbers, swindlers and successful busi- kind. But he does it, and drives across the country with his money and his new ac quaintances. FORCE-AIDS MjrESSE. "Poree'now takes the place of finesse. The swindlers have no more time to "waste. When a suitable spot is reached, they rob their victim by the simple process of knock ingjiim over the head, or holding a Pwol In his face, and helping themselves to his cash. Then they drive rapidly away, and the farmer is subsequently found by the roadside in a dazed condition. ,.,,;, 'Ton would nrobably dispute that the jseheme could be worked as I have sketched it, if vou had not seensimllcr stories in the newspapers a.score of times. I tell you these fellows have remarkable gifts. When a victim gets beyond a certain point he is asplastio as potter's' clay. He is hypnotized. His will is not his own. It is under an in fluence that is subtle, intense and dominat- The lawyer had grown quite earnest, and spoke with such positive conviction that I AiA -nf wanfnva in Inlrn lSfltlfi with him. Later, however. I sought out a deteotlve. stated to him the lawyer's theory, and asked him what he thought of it The detective IKE AND HIS MOTHER Come Out of Their Mysterioas le tiremerit Into Public Life, MRS. PAETIHGTOH'S TRIP ABROAD. Her Perplexities, Predlcaments-and Predi lections' BEPOEE AHD AFTER 1ER KITDRN beamed upon his with concentrated kind- n "The sea Is what yowwaut," said he, lay ing his hand on her shoulder as if it were a tackle block. ..... "I should like to see better," said she, smiling upon him, "and my spectacles are hardly strong enough; but I am going to get me some parabolical glasses that are said to be very pernicious to the eyes." "I mean the sea s-e-a the ocean, ne renlied. enioving hermistake. "Now, why not go offwith me to the "West .Indies The GET "WEALTH FIEST: Prominent Politicians Prom- ittf Depths of Their Experience !. DISCU8S YODHG MEN 15 POLITICS.. aM rnnltarl Amrttftttf Aftl llM "It is all nonsense. What is the use of befuddling your mind with such stuff? The thing is plain enough. In the first place, these crooks are slick. In the next place, they know how to pick out a sucker. Then they talk his senses away, and get him so mixed up that he don't know his own name. After that they have the game in their own hands." And it strnok me, after thinking the mat ter over, that the detective's explanation was the lawyer's theory boiled down. "Wixlis.Kenyoh. 1 A LEARNED RESTAURATEUR. Be nessnien. . ,. . "All of which is very interesting and no doubt true to a considerable extent,' I re marked as soon as the lawyer came to a pause; "but whathasit to do with hypnotism and crime?" "Perhaps I branched off a little," he re plied smiling, "but "the connection is closer than you think. I have ited cases In which the power of one man is felt by an other, or others. "We all speak familiarly of the executive ability, the persuasion of oratory, the art of managing men, and the domination of a strong personality. Tmm are but other names for a foroe that is con stantly exercised in different formsand de- M. Thovasn's TI1e to Fame Things Baa Written. Paris DUpstch to thelonflon DallT Telegraph, Considerable fame has already been meted out to M. Harel, a Parnassian boniiace.who keeps an inn in Normandy, and whose pleasing poetical compositions have re ceived the "Hall mark" of the Prench Academy. Unknown, however, as yet, save to a small circle of literary people and students, is M. Eugene Thoyson, who has rexontlv diHtinirnished himself as a hagiological historian, having pro. duced a dook on oaiu u" which is a perfect mine of icon ographio erudition. By profession M. Thoyson is a restaurateur, and keeps a five storied establishment on the outer boule vards, therein humble hymeneal parties find all-round refreshment on their wedding morns, and dance in spacious salons pour noces to the sounds of the fiddle and the flute. M. Thoyson'a collateral pursuits, and his sound knowledge ot the classics both Greek andiatin-io not prevent him from keeping what is vulgularly described as an eye to 'number one," an no matter how immersed he may be in hagiological lore, he finds time to cater admirably for his numerous guets. M. Thoyson, besides his compendious and undoubtedly valuable volume on Saint Mathurin, has written various monographs on his native region of the Gatinais, in the northwest or Jfraace, ana mere lsnoining to prevent him from receiving in time a laureate's crown and money prize from the Academy, like the bardio boniface of La Belle Normandie. "Writers of sensational fiction could not do better ia the meantime than read M. Thoyson's works on the French saint, who was in his time a cham pion exorcisor of demons, it being'mttch to he nxrretted that he did not hand down the trade to posteritv. Public curiosity has 'WB1XTHK VOB TBX DISPATCH.! CHAPTEE L HE sudden disappear ance of Mrs. Partington from public view for a number of years excited considerable interest, first and last; and great curiosity was expressed as to where she had bid herself some invidious lr" person having set on foot a story that she had eloped but only to a very few was the secret of her where abouts imparted; which secret, me possessor was pledged, by herself, to keep "invulnerable." It was thus kept but it was hard to meet the frequent de mand for information regarding her from all sorts of people. Ike, too, was missing, which involved the matter in deeper mys tery. The fact was that Mrs. Partington had been threatened with "operation of mind," to. use her own phrase (meaning aberration), caused by the failure of the Nip and Tuck Bailroad, in which her two shares came to grief. ''It is a coincidence in my life," she said, "that cannot be digested, because I am not A Btory for the Marine. (cm foil 37le Doctor Recommends Change of Scene. beenjustly excited by the case of this self- made historian, ana no is Senator EdmundJ Donjon Keep. J Senator tiatrjer $ Chateau. eitef.'pavs him 11,000, a year and does not ru'elit more than four months out of the twelve. Mr. Lelter is here this winter and rhisTfamfly are making the money fly. - r. a erviM tht street from this is Senator Stew art' castle, for which the Chinese Legation jpay him a rent of C10.000 a yar, and which "the Nevada Benator says he owns butcantot afford to live in. I understand that he would like to sell it, and tbat his price is $125;O00 cash. One hundred thousand dol ":..' i a bip thine to par for a house. "But "Washington has dozens of such man sions and big transiers ;aro mane every Iweek. I ase advertised to-day the. residence rbl Stanley Matthews. . xne pnoe asxeu is tint, and the woodwork and mantels are oi pearl white. The dining room is on the ground floor and its walls are hung with crimson tapestry, and the chairs are up holstered in red leather. The sideboard is of old oak and the whole house is adorned with the pictures and bric-a-brac which Secretary Blaine picked up in Europe. This house and lot is worth now at least $100,000, and the lot would bring ?50,00U under the hammer, etiu it was once SOLD FOB X JACKASS, and it was Henry Clay who sold it. It is just across the street from the White House, and Clay had often refnsed to sell it One day, however, old Commodore Bogers came home from the Mediterranean with his na val vessel Jull of live stock which he picked up abroad. One of Clay's hobbies was stock farming, and Bogers' 'cargo included one fine Andalusian jackass. Clay saw it and wanted it The Commodore relused to sen, bnt at last said, laughingly: "You can have him for your lot opposite the "White House." "Done," said Clay, and the animal was shipped off to Kentucky. Commodore Bog ers built a big four-story brick on the ground, and this brick has been the scene of many a Washington festivity. In'it Blaine will entertain this winter, and in it Seward dined the diplomats when he was Secretary ot State. The "Wanamaker front door is also an historic one and this mansion has been a Cabinet bonse for a number of administra tions. It was in it that President Arthur called onTilliePrelinghnysen and gave rise to the report that there was to be soon a marriage in the "White House. It was in this tha't Mrs. "Whitney held her grand re ceptions, and the gorgeous paintings of her ballroom have given" place to the works of art purchased by the Postmaster General. This house will be open during the coming season, and it has been so refurnished that it will be grander man ever. the srxESX senator's hosie. Senator Matt Quay keeps house on I street, bevond Wanamaker's. Plumb, df Kansas, boardv Henry B. Payne occupies a rented house on Vermont avenue, and just next to him Allison, of Iowa, lives in the house which came to him through the death of his wife. "Senator Mitchell, ot Oregon, has rented a fine mansion on Connecticut avenue, and Dolph isliving in his old quar ters near the White House. Manderson, of Nebraska, has rented the big double brick which Pawell, ot Chicago, bad last season. He has taken it tor a term of years, and has furnished it to the Queen's taste. Hereto fore he had lived in flats, and he now has one of the best houses in Washington, and in the most fashionable part of the city. Just above him are two fine white stone -houses, which belong to' ' Congressman Bayne, of PittAnrg. These houses are worth about $30,000 apieee, and Tom Bayne .lives fi . tbe ..bigger of thea while the "smaller is rented to QtMMl.ABMfiG.Jtc' It U Estimnted by n Scientist to bo Abonl Six Trillion Tons. Time was when the carbon and hydrogen which form practically the whole of our sup ply of fnel and the principal part ot our food, were inorganic no more capable ot sustaining combustion or animal life (if we except certain microscopic forms which, decompose carbonic' acid) than granite or slate, writes E. P. Jackson in the. North American Seyiew. However prodigal man maybe In his use of earth's treasures, he can never annihilate one atom of her substance or transport it beyond her domain. In his "wasteful" consumption of fuel, he is only restoring its elements to their primeval co'ndition as con stituents chiefly of the serial and aqueous oceans which surround our globe. It fol lows, that the more rapid the couioustion, the richer becomes the atmosphere in its power to sustain and force vegetable growti. If it were possible for that period, so often predicted, to arrive, when the 6,000, 000,000,000 tons, more or less, of fossil fuel now stored up in the earth's foal bins shall have been consumed, tbe atmosphere will Smnlv have returned to its primeval condi tion, that which preceded the carboniferous period. The onlvessential difference, there fore, which will mark the two remote eeologic periods, the past and future,, will be due to whatever reduction will have taken place in the sun's energy. But whether that condition Is destined ever to return to earth or not, one thing is certain, it will- not be through human instrument ality. A BACRED PLANT IN ENGLAND. . The Mistletoe Baa a BUlory Banning- Back to the Drains. Mistletoe is one of those plants called parasites. The mistletoe is a gray, thread like plant, and you will sometimes see it about the streets for sale at Christmas time, for, like the holly, it is a Christmas plant, says a writer in "Little Men and "Women." There are many different kinds of mistle toe, but that which grows on the oak is the most famous In English history. In England, although the people think a great deal of having the mistletoe of the oak to deck their houses at Christmas, it is not allowed in the churches. Many, many hundred years ago the mistletoe was a sacred plant in England. The people did not worship tbe one true Rri biit thev believed in several evilspir- iu, and these spirits they worshiped and tried to please. Por these spirits they set apart the oak trees. The priests were called Druids, and they built their altars in oak groves. There they prayed and sang their hymns of praise. Dressed In long, white robes, these Druids marched in procession in the oak trees, and cut off the mistletoe with knives of gold. After saying a prayer over it, they cut it in snort pieces a" b , gift among the people, who kept it fully. grees,butthBtrueinwardneisor which is an unsolved mystery.;- v - - "Hdw, for Instaaeedo yon account tor w able-bodied men, riding in a passenger car, permitting themselves to be bulldozed and robbed by a stranger who, with nothingbut a revolver, a steady eye and a plentiful sup ply of nerve, manages .to convince the whole crowd that they are at his mercy?" I suggested that the robber's gun might have something to do with it HYPNOTIZING A TBAnr. "The gun no doubt plays a'part in the transaction," was the reply, "bnt it is not sufficient to account for the "paralytic stroke which projects itself into the nerves and muscles of the passengers. There are many against one notwithstanding which the one prevails, and the many hand over their money and valuables with alacrity. Com-mon-sense teaches that a prompt display ot courage and action would put the robber to flight, but common sense on such occasions seems to take wings. The whole crowd is Wnnntized. A subtle influence emanates from the quiet but determined man who has issued the command, 'hold up your hands' an influence that compels submission and annihilates, for thetime being, all power of resistance. "Then there is the bunco steerer. What is the secret of his success? I firmly believo that it is something very closely allied to tie hypnotic power. He persuades his victims to do the most idiotic things. He has, to be sure, an insinuating way, a glib tongne, and a plausible style of putting thinks; but these are not all. He also has a personality or the most positive character istics, and a will of controlling force. After a certain point is reached tbe victim is helpless. He violates every known rule of prudence, enters readily into 1 Year's core- Tbuj'TeGe Onttr thollablu Waihlnjton SUr.V Time was who poets and "the good" died Now they write "phUMopby;' and imI -iimi-'ihoHt 80. '"VV.C- '" ' 'i vohne. .tofcefc Awadatr'bot 80, otterv or gambling games, pays his losses cheerfully, and, even after his pockets have been emptied, thinks his robbers are very good fellows, who, under no circumstances, would do a dishonorable act. It generally tv-tii bnneoed man from 12 ia. 86 bonrs to gather his scattered wits, together and" come to tne conclusion mat someuouj um made a fool of him. Then he winders how it was done, and is amazed nt the temporary r.ai?cin nf volition that afflicted him. He has been hypnotized, but will never realize the fact. A GOOD JUDGE 07 CHABACXEB. "Of course not everybody can be operated upon, but the bunco steerer is an almost in-1 fallible judge of human naturef'and sel dom makes a mistake in selecting his sub ject. "Another case is that of the hard-fisted farmer, wbo has fought the battle of life for sixty years and been a winner all through. He has his hundreds of acres, his well-ap-r,Mntfi home, a comfortable balance in the Dank, and some outside investments. He has mingled with the world, kept abreast of the times in reading and general informa tion, has an unclouded brain and a keen minrt for business. Alone comes a stranger' who. perhaps, seeks advfee regarding the 1 purchase of some neighboring property, ine conversation runs on the value oi land, quality of soil, yield of crops, and kindred topics. It is said tbat an essential step in the process of hypnotism is to fix the at tention of the subjecton some bright object. I claim that a mental pictnre will serve .as well as a material one perhaps better under some circumstances. At all events the farmer soon becomes interested even fas cinated and eventually loses his power, ap parently, of resistiog any suggestion that his captor maymake. Soon another stranger comes along who isa confederate of the first one. He says ne is on a trio across me country, but he is in no partinular hurry, and is companionable. He tarries, and the three have a jolly time together. Perhaps an innocent game of cards is played; per haps a lottery scheme is exhibited; perhaps investments are discussed. These are mere matters of detail. The usual climax of the game is to induce the farmer fo withdraw his money from the bauk where t is on de posit, either to 'show that he is responsible",' or for the purpose of placing it in some other bank in a neighboring town. Strange to say, he gees nothing out of the way, in this proposition, though if in his right mind he would scout the idea that a total stranger could induce him to do aay thing of the uvpral tinKKshers or booksellers, Wom-trPlftn and with Mme.Devet.who keeps aJibrary atCGrenoble andis thechief. fictionistofDauphine. I There is nothing remarkable In the ' de velopment of literary genius in persons who either publish or deal in books, so that M. Thoyson ought more properly to be classed with M. Harel, with M. Longon once the slioemakerol thePlace de iaMadeleine, where his lather had a cobbler's stall, and who is a member of the institute in virtue of his remarkable works in local history and folk lore, and finally with M. Maquet, a lock smith of Marly, who has written a history ot the old signeura of that interesting place, the volume being ornamented with a pre face by M. Sardou, whose veneration for an 1 oieut history is well known. UNBLEACHED DRIED FRUITS. I Public Opinion on the Fractlco Has Been j Entirely Wrong. American Agriculturist.: The bleaching of evaporated dried fruits has become quite general. This is surpris ing, as no eood reason can be given for the practice. It always injures the natural Javorof the fruit. By bleaching all varieties look alike. If of natural color, the quality can be better judged. The chief, if not the only, argument in favor of bleaching fruit is, its superior whiteness, some dealers, cooks and consumers appearing to think more of color than of quality. By some means the New "Jfork Board of Health was led to give an opinion that bleaching was pot injurious, but that does not alter the fact that it does impair the natural flavor of fruits. When bleaching became a craze. one evaporator company evidently did it be cause others had, and the early boom in price for such white fruit led nearly all to do it Now that reason and common sense have begun to return on the subject, it is hoped that public opinion will cause the practice to ojease as suddenly as it began. as rich as Creosote, and though all I ever got from it were notices of assessments.it was a paying concern, for I always had to pay 'em: and to lose my stock in this way is a case of the most fragrant congratula- She Tan down here lika a melancholy old wooden clock, and kept running down until two reefs had to be taken in tbe back of her black bombazine gown, and nervous pros tration was so imminent that Dr. Clavicle, her phvsiclan, having exhausted all his specifics, decided, after an inspiring suck of his cane and a dubious shake of his watch seal, that change of clime and, scene was n.atarr to restore her status ouo. This, I v.- r irinrllv exnlained to her. meant tbat catalogued with it the abnormal oscendenoy could besub ksellers, likeM. ordinated to the natural idiosyncrasies, a Seven Pollies will sail in two weeks, and vod can silo awav as easv as rolling off a lor. if vou have ever tried that. There are other nasienzers eoinsr. and if we don't all give you ahigh old tL-.e then my name's not at reiton." Mrs. Partington was astonished, and she pondered the proposition, especially the part where her rolling off a log wis sug gested, at which figure she had silently de murred. "I don't like steamships," said she. ."Bless vou," he replied, "all the steam there is on the Seven Pollies is what comes from the cook's kettle." Why she is going to earrv 40 horses." "Well, Jbat Is commodious," said she, "and are they impaired into spans?" "They are generally impaired," he said, "before they get there." "Well, I do declare,"said she, "I feel predisposed to try it, and Isaao needs re coopering as well as myself. Come here, dear, and tell us how you would like to go to the "West Indies in a vessel with 40 horses detached?" Ike had come in as they were talking, and was amnsing himself by patting agood sized spotted turtle into the sailor's hat, and encouraging its efforts to escape over the side, tbe reptile tipping the hat over upon the floor with a ban?. MTinlTv " xrna Ki rpffnnnjtA to tba innnirv. HThe conversation was continued until she determined that it was best to accept the offer to join the" Seven Pollies, so well pro vided with horses, and enjoy a trip to the equator. Thus it was that on a certain pleasant morning, Mrs. Partington and Ike, tbe latter astride of a trunk, on behind the carriage, was driven down the wharf, beside which lay the good brig Seven Pollies, ready to cast off her fasts, and proceed to sea. Mrs. Partington's first thought was about the horses. . "There they are, auntie, ".said SI helping her to alight, "on the deck yonder." "Well, wby anrt tney nitcned on? The Honors and Financial ReTfards tolbjj Obtained. v" ! NOT A FIT PROFESSION P0R A PQORlOLip V4 IWmiTJJ TOB 1KB EUP1TCS.1 ' "j? ' "Does political life offer sufficient honcw and rewards to warrant a young man In en': gaging therein?" i t That was the question put to a large nuai. berof leading politicians of this, country recently, men who have had their ups and. downs, their victories anddefeaU, and whot know from personal experience whatthey are talking about, annexed bib wjcjt an swers: Smith M. Weed often called the Demo cratic sage, of Plattsburg, New Tork Thera is nothing so deceptive as politics. A young man who adopts politics as aprofes? sion is reckless and paving the way for aa impecunious existence. He is not a citizen wbo is going to assist in elevating and im- I proving tne community ia wmcn .uo ";, Lbut rather exnects to float on a tidal -t ...-. nf nnnnlorttv tn offica and the .i(. ... i ... .j - - emnlnments thereof. As a rule, in- w?i .sithv pnnilibrinm wonld be restored, and. ' f:jL.t. -...-. winlA laa tfe rtttalt. -SB lHTfiuri,,i?.."."-- t, - .a . .1 1 ..& mimw.mnm 4h.ll M .'i.nis was a seiner u uimo ws s.mw., and tbe conclusion reached that she mast go. But Where, was-the question? "Prog Bun," at Beanvllle, seemed to be the best place of any, as she had first opened her eves in that enchanting locality, and as the "Bun" boasted of bnt one scattering bouse, quiet was assured. It was at the "Bun' that Paul Partington had found her many . before P. P.. of the "Bloody Sev enth" of 1812, so called from the fact of its -.... tuning een a ficht. in which Paul bad won the chevron of corporal by his heroic exertion, in getting up company lunches on training days and of whom he was wont-to sav, to those who asked him where his amiable wife came from, i'she came by the "Bun. " This is preserved in Beanvllle as the only original joke ever perpetrated in the towp. Here at the "Bun," where she could hear the meetin' house bell at Beanvllle, she vegetated during two summer months, and here the few friends who knew where she was visited her, besides a country doctor, with a pair of saddle-bags, who came every day to pour the latest news into her ears, out of a paper three days old assuring her that news, lite oeeisieas, wii ("" a few days and pouring into her mouth the vile decoctions of drugs that dated from the days of Esculapius. avoiding, by not curing her, the chance of being struck by lightning as his old predecessor was, for which read the fable. She sat out under the "ambigu ous" trees, as she would call them, and Ike, by the same authoritv, fished for frogs and turtles in the "limping" waters that flowed "contagious." One day there came a visitor to the Bun, a young man a sailor mate of the brig Seven Pollies, of Bivertown, who was a relative of Mrs. Partington. It was Si i vy,i..i UyfcHnL wO' frf2l rft its i t I it I m i . . DISEOSING OF KICKERS' LETTER8. Complaints of DlualUfled Railway Patrons Pat to a Novel Cic. New York Bnn.i A newspaper man went to interview the sunerintendent of one of the elevated roads a few days ago with a lot of letters com plaining that the cars on tbe road were too cold. "You'll save me a lot of trouble if you'll let me have those letters," said .the superin tendent, reaching into his desk and taking out a package of documents. "How is that?" ""Why here is a bundle of complaints we have received about the cars being kept too jrarm. If you'll let me have yours I can send the cold letters to the hot writers and the hot letters, to the cold writers, and so make all the growlers answer each other." Jast Before Ho Kicked the Doc Mrt. Partington Ooet Aboard. Mrs. Partington and Her Haitor Cou-.n. Mr-Bart Miller (gunning down at Ashe Tille) You're the worst one I ever shot nvHrl "Whv don't vou eo iato the bushes and.hont instead of dancing around me like that?udsre," I Pelton, of Onion, Corner, who had runaway to sea vears betore, atter pusmnc ms jamtn, down through the barn floor scuttle into a potato bin, and, contrary to all predictions, had prospered and been forgiven as all pros perous people shonld be. He had not come to see Mrs. Partington on this occasion, but the one with whom she was stopping, rela tively nearer, and he was "surprised and pleased to see fxr there- .... "Hello, auntie," said he. shaking her hand as if it were a marlinspike, "mdn t expect to see vou here. How are ym? "I don't know, dear," she replied; "what with the spinfe in my back and the nec rology in my head, this tronble, and that, and the aches and pains, contemptuous, I am not'verywell myself. The doctor said I must go away to recover my equalabra ham, and heaven alone know what the end "Sorry yoa are so-poorly, auntie," saidhe, aa he threw nis giazea na amu a uii. He was no long-tatl-coated, soft-hatted ..ii.. nnti no rn nlm'nst never see. nowa days, bnt a real hearty bluejacket, with wide trousers and turned-over collar, and looked as fresh and breezy as. the ocean he, .oii.ri. hia nnes. honett face was an atone-. ment for past irregularity; and Mrs. Part-r, ingtoa "took tajhlm" at paee, reading. War through h pwerratis sfectwlea, whieb ''Because there's no need of it in the har bor, with a good wind; get them ont to sea and then we'll talk about it." "But how am I to get on board?" "Captain Davitt," said Si to a florid-looking man wbo came along, "this is our lady passenger. Mrs. Partington, who wants to know how she is going to get on board." "Quite easy, mam, quite easy; will get a chair and whip you in quicker'n scat. Here, Jack, bring the old wharfinger's chair quick; bend some ropes on it so that it may be hung on the horse crane." "Aye, aye, sir." Tbe seat was brought forward made of a barrel with the front cut out about half way down and a rough seat improvised. This had been occupied by the old wharfinger for ten years, every year promising to treat himself to a chair. ' This was attached to a tackle depending from a long crane on tbe wharf, and Mrs. Partington, with great trepidation, seated herself in the extempor ised vehicle. It occupied but a moment, the fall elevated the rude chair, the crame swung around, and the relic Corporal Paul was welcomed on the quarter deck of the Seven Pollies. There were other passen gers, whom Mrs. Partington scanned with scrutinizing spectacles, and then, accom panied by a very polite steward, she plnnged down the companionway to inspect uer accommouaiiuua ueiuw, luiufiujug kue servitor confidentially that she had never been more decomposed in her life than when she was suspended, as it were, by a single thread, exposed to such a publio ob servance, and bid him be sure that Ike was not left. The wind set in the shonlder of the sail, and the Seven Pollies pushed gallantly out into water that was mighty deep. " r- otiUiiiAuaii. i A BalBeii Hatter. deed, nine times out of ten he is caught In the ebb tide and is carried to shallows and 4tTinAtrtmint- Sneh is the fate of the aspiring professional political office seekerJ I believe that all young men should take an Interest In politics and go to the polls and vote. Rich men can indulge In politics at a pastime, and even then they are often sadly disappointed. In large cities, of course, there are a few men who can becomei professional politicians and eke out a rather unsatisfactory existence. If a young man: with the eloquence of Cicero, the diplomacy' of Bismarck and the brilliancy of Glad- , stone, should ask me whether he should adopt politics as a profession. I would, sjyi,, unless you are wealthy and independent, don't. A YOUNG MAN'S DTT. Dorman B. Eaton, the well-known civil service reform advocate Every young man shonld belong to some political party that haa principles that he can advocate and de fend. He should make it his duty ts a citt zen to understand the principles of each .,. onrt therehv tmn how to vote intelli gently. If civil service ever obtains and becomes a fixed institntion in our Bepublie, which I believe it will, then young men can study to go into the service of the Govern ment and not be afraid of being discharged whenever a new administration comes into power. The brightest young men in the country will coma to the front if civil service reform is carried out to the letter and the politicians who make it a business to deal outofiices will be relegated to obscurity. What the Bepublie needs is efficient men ia the Government service, not political sine cures, and until this change for the better occurs I do not see any chance for young men in politics. It will come some day? the people will ask forand then demand it senator J onn vj. Dpooner, u im, known as the little Bepublican giant As a general proposition I would advise all young men to become interested in politics. It brightens their faculties, makes them think forlhemselves, and in its way educates them as much as book learning. If a young man .refuses to vote and refuses to take an interest in the politics oi nis country, wuj, uo -, simply abdicates his right .Of xitixenship-t Professional, politics it ' precaHous,- rand shouldTba. avoided. Strictly speaking.'poU 'ties it not a profession, and success init if. often the result of circumstance and environ-' ment. Too many yonng men. with superior educations hold back and refuse to take an interest in politics. It is a sad mistake and. out of keeping with the spirit of a repnblie. Manv of them may argue that Dick, Tom and Harry, men with no reputations, no at tainments whatever, are occupying high political' offices, and for that reason hold back. If these men occupy mgu iea . is because the better educated young men stand back and refuse to go into politics. The tendency of the times is to put the most efficient men in office. .. AN UNCEBTAIN BUSINESS. J. Ex-Senator "Warner Miller, of New York? Yonng men should certainly take an in terest in politics, but it they hold office when young they become professionals, and when turned out have no way to support themselves. First, they should become in-a-a finaninallv. and then if thev wish, tto seek political advancement or ofilce they can do so without iear oi morauiw a. poor young man can afford to become a pro fessional politician. Politics is notapr; fession, and, generally speaking, the man whotries'tomakeit a prolession, unless ha is wealthy and can afford the experiment;. winds up disastrously. Taking an interest in politics and voting intelligently are du- i:. k. vnnntT men ai well as old OWO ta their country. "We have no political per and therefore young men should recognize-f m th harinnincr of their careers that a pro-- 'v fession or business is Jar preferable to i the Xt uncertainties of office-seeking and pohtleaiyj v- .s : -2 V lv 'iff Mkrberrv fa eood deal flustered) Madam, Iwaa perfectly, willing -to hold your baby r.u. uatnL hat now mat ne s..swanowea. my,leketl skoal like-tevkaaw whether ' you; Want fe bay or sell. Judgi. Colonel A. L. Conger, of Ohio, membergl Bepublican National Committee-pir aU"S nnn mn vmiM mccecd in political life a like Congressman "William McKinley and, senator ooaa Doeniuui v -- ---a rious delight in patting them on the snoul- ders and saying: "Go In, boys. You were. born to succeed in politics." Ahl but they two men named are exceptions, and werel .,,.,i ,,r th nnlitfoal ladder with suchirjR: petus that they have never stopped climbihi two eminent Ohioan and stng a polltacaia didactic threnody thatwouldlnstruct andbaj o mnriol for vnnnf nolitlcians to emulated They are not professional politicians, butsjj the people nave no iongrccuBuCT uioiuo'j tin.ni.tieri nhilitv that thev continue thesaf in office. The office has sought them; they have not been office seekers. Do not go into politics, young men, unless you are caught im n rni.litmm nf rjonnlar favor aad car ried with such Jorce that you feel assured H will nnntlnni. mn in office foT SOmB 794W1." Be independent, financially, if you thiak pulling yourself into political lavor ojmt bootstraps ot aemagogism. NOT A PAYING PB0FE33I0N. Congressman TV, L. Scott, of Erie Ce; talnly, allyoung men should take an into. t In nollties and know how to vote InteJlt gentlj. Those -who have tried the expe U ment of making politics a profession, wttk .ty, nninhla executions, have made sfgaal failures. The very existence andnatnrel? a republic require young men to take mepa or lesa interest in questions ee-neernia nnMimint and the politics thereof. Tatar thnnlil trr to keen, posted and not vet blindly. But In order to be thought wi: awake citizens it Ii not necessary to nffii.. nr in unest to tain a livelihood nnlitleian. There are other pursuits fw mnr allnrinir than politics, and far MM remunerative. The uncertainty of saeeMo in politics should discourage tnougnuui mnitfnna vonnirmen. OI course, there I exceptions to all rules, and the racMimll politician represents, peruap, ma ouo mKmii in many thousands who has attempted succeeded, . .rssB Rx.fienator Joseph McDonald.of IneHaiCI known as "Old Saddlebags" PpMiifJ are said to oe ungratetui, ou. puuuww more so and has no cold charity to oferTteJ h rfefeated. Even vHcQ a man is success 1 fntin nollties he finds It less remuueratlvSl ! Chan an v other nrofessiOH. The prefrstMaall 'politician; is quite an. anomaly ia .eaJTBgl -nnDiic. iBa nis career ia au utnmwnv I say aaviee w young jk w . -1,1 ;l, ' -y s-j " Mriif 8jEa!