sgK6BaF5Jx',r8sssp3SiKEf . 'tyis3!awMiasaBaiMWiiii'i will wgy"S3pia'"'"!',""Ty'ow'p' s s? Li R m I i liifiKTCHEISTMAS. STie'HoIiday Seasoa inlorope One fif I jEnjoyment and Happiness. iflOW BOIALTI AMUSES ITSELF. ichanges ef Presents and Decoration of Largo Christmas Trees &AEB TflEIE PEIKOIML DIYER8I0X8. 'Xonlratn Etn lBuesuits laocch to Last them i. a Llfctime. Christmas in Europe was celebrated in the utual liYely manner. The royal familiei -enjoyed the day by decorating trees for their little ones and distributing presents among the poor. The Pope's gifts to the needy amounted to 10,000. IBT C1BLX TO TEX DISrATCH. Lokdok, December 28. Copyright London is just resuming its normal condi tion after its two days' holiday. As Britons consider the anniversary of the birth of Christ purely a spiritual occasion, that closes saloons and. opens churches, thus rnsiaqg it necessary for a temporal holiday to follow, with the churches closed and sa loons open, of course all of the Iiondoners who could get out of town for the two days did so, and an estimate of the number of people who purchased tickets at the various metropolitan railroad stations makes the fig ure 300,000. Tkiw were still & few millions left how- crer, and to these there was plenty of amusement afforded. Barnum led every thing, of course, more than 30,000 people visiting the Olympia on Thursday, where a new programme was given and the Circus Maximal added to Kiralfy'a "Nero." Ten or 20,000 people were also turned away from Barnnm's Crystal Palace, which enter tained the next highest number ef amuse ment seekers to the American show, 23,253 men, women and children being accommo dated there, and 13,000 Tisiting MmcTus caud's wax works. XOTS OF OTHEE TITS. There were scores of other amusements as wellatCovent Garden, Drury Lane and Her Majesty's Theaters. Christmas panto mimes were performed to the full seating and standing capacity of each house, and thousands were turned away from Tarious theaters. The pantomimes were unusually brilliant this year, "Jack and the Bean stalk," at Drury Lane, in particular being one of the most magnificent spectacles ever produced on the stage, though it is far out done br Kiralfy's creat perform ance at the Ofympia. "Cinderella" was given both at Covent Garden and Her Majesty's, at the former theater a live lion riding about the ring on a Horse and jumping from its back through a hoop, in the best circus manner. Drury Lane, how ever, discounted this performance by intro ducing a new strong man, Carl Abs, who lifted a full-sized horse four inches off the stage. It is probable the lion trick will have to be abandoned at Covent Garden, as the new performer is just arriving at maturity, and is likely to develop the inherent ferocity of his nature at any moment JL TBEE FOE EACH PBINCE. The German Emperor has regained his iiormal health. Christmas Eve he wit nessed "Hamlet" at Herr Bernay's Theater, said gracious words to the actors and ..,. 4 etrAT3 TirMpntR- From the , ineaier ne weui uumc, uU .,. -.- --. Reform, put on an unkingly but comfortable jacket helped deewaie Cfiristaaas trees, and had fnu with the children. Each of the five little princes had a tree all to hitnseir, and the value of the presents thereon was1 regulated according to the age ef the proud possessor. The Pnneess Stephanie, widow of Eu dolph oi Austria, left the room in which she had been confined for a week with in fluenza, to superintend similar functions. The Christmas tree ot ber 6-year-old daughter was three times the owner's height gor geously adorned,and splendidly illuminated; but th'e present which caused the little Princess the greatest delight and astonished and charmed the crown-up royalties as well, was a lovely doll furnished with a phono graph, whieh on Christmas Day recited a poem by the Archduchess Valerie, and made a number of little speeches. PKESENXS FOB THK POOB. The other members of the Austrian royal family, the Emperor included, were busy early "in the week sending out presents to the charitable institutions and poor citizens of Vienna. The Archduke Charles Louis and his wife, with their royal hands, liehted a huge Christmas tree in the best parlor of their great palace, distributed the presents, and said kind words to several hundred poor children gathered Irom all parts of the city. The same evening Mme. Carnot also entertainea, at the Elysee, a big crowd of children. ' The Prince of "Wales distributed dm! to bis cottagers and laborers at Sandringham, and the Queen forwarded presents to the school children round about Osborne, but did not like most of her fellow-monarchs, enhance the gracionsness oi the gifts by personally presenting them. CHARITY OF THE POPE. v The Pope celebratedthe festive season in charasteriitio fashion by civing from his private purse nearly 50,000 irancs to the poor of Borne. The royal family of Italy have not had a particularly merry week. King Humbert Is suffering from the worries of State busi ness, his bair is white, and he has some throat trouble of which the surgeons are not allowed to talk. Queen Margaret has been a martyr to the toothache, and the heir to the Italian throne, the Prince of Naples, never a healthy lsd, has been kept to his studies so closely that he has had to be taken oat of the hands of tutors to save his brain and perhaps his life. Tbe RerolTcr Arcnment. From the Kew Tork Moaning Journal. They do things in very summary lashion (considering that this is the winter season) up in Harlem. A local tough in ft restau rant yesterday said tne beefsteak served him was as tough as himself, and drew his revolver to emphasize the remark The waiter said 'twas a lie, and, pulling hi eun, shot the tough through the sh oulder. Exit tough to the hospital and waiter to prison. All in file minutes and all on peaceful Christmas Day. Hebe to-day and there to-morrow. Such Is the life of many men and women. Mathews & Pierson, of the Bturtevaat House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth st,N.Y., endeavor to ren der happy all within their care. The Iiarare Naraber of Clocks Sold at Hauch's, So. 295 Fifth ave. the last tea days show that our prices are the lowest i'6 aciarifesPH ate Iter Akm ot Alet!. It relieves the depressiest thel-efrom. Aufbecht's aMMtjrJJS'(a photographer cannot be. excelled anywhere, consequently the laree natronaee which ho enjoys at S16 I Market street Pittsburg. A 25 pee cent reduction on our remain ing stock of table cloths and nankins in sets. HuGup & Hacks. Z. Wahtweight &t Co. easily rank all others as producing superior beer, ale and porter. Families -supplied direct Tele phone 5525. "VTBn Those who use Frauenheim & VHsack's celebrated ale and porter prononnce it ex cellent in flavor and very beneficial in its effect Kept by all first-class dealers. Dress Salts. For a good fitting dress suit or overcoat, no to Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street Kovr I Vestr Chance. A reduction of 15 per cent is made on all terra cotta and bisque goods, artificial flowers and bronzes at Hauch's, No, 295 Fifth ave. The Baby Smiles "When Aufrecht takes its picture, at 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Cabinets f 1 per dor. S PURE d DICE'S CREAM gAKiNg Its superior excellence proven In millions of homes for more tbana quarter of a century. It Is used by the United State Government. Indorsed by the beads of tbe great universities as tbe Strongest, Purest and most Healthful' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Lime of Alum. Sold only in cans. PBICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. my5-83-TTgeosn M fMNTESS and ITEAD NOISES T, , " Ions., Whispers heuddStmct HOTELS. Mttrittj4tHHHflMMMKfu.flflflflflHH HOTEL BON AIR, Smnmerrtlle Heights, Augusta, Ga. This now and elegant hotelAwlth accommoda tions for soo guests, wQl open Its doors for winter tourists Dec. 1st 1889. In Its construction, noth ing that will contribute to the comfort of Its patrons has been omitted; It 13 unsurpassed in all its appointments and general tone. Otis ele vator; steam heat; open fireplaces in bed rooms; electric bells; telegraph office; elegant parlors and dining room; pure mountain spring water; tooths en suite, with private and public baths; steam laundry; excellent livery, with picturesque 'drives and walks, are some ot its attractions. The Hotel Bon Air will be under the superior management of Mr. C. A. Linsley, of Massachu settsjate proprietor of the Glennam Hotel, Fifth Avenue, NewTorlc, and the "Antlers,'' Colorado Springs. A handsomly Illustrated book contain ing full Information will be sent on application tollr. linsley, Augusta, Ga. noir-9S-eo su "CSfHssiflr VisssfissssssssBkr Latest improved Spectacles and Eje-Glassefc; Will fit any nose with ease and comfort Tlio largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and ArtlHcial Ejes. KOBNBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No 0 Fifth avenue, near Wood street Telephone No. 16S8. de2g HOLIDAY PRESENTS. distinct ly. Successful when all remedies fad. Write or ctll for uiumuea uooi iimt. ooia onir or a. M1SUU2 8S3 Brotdwir, cor. Itth St., Hew York. No scents. nol3-61-rrssawk TEWABD. $ioo;oa The above reward will bo paid for the arrest and conviction, or for Information that will lead to the arrest and conviction, of the person or persons who. Out tbe wires of this company on tbe Sutpension Bridge. December 28th. The ALLEGHENY CO. LIGHT-CO.. Penn ave. and Ninth St. de2&53 SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES And Eye Glasses, J5 and upward. J. DIAMOND, Optician, no2.10S-TT8n 22 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. HERBERT WALKER ARTIFIHIA! FYF 4ft MAKER, 7fiitutir' 65 NINTH ST. Office hours for inserting eyes, 1 to 3 p. u. Saturdays, 1 to 8 p. m. de3-23-sn 0" jiwM&r' Medicine m m Jfc JfcKJp imuT Tor Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Fain In the Stomach, Slek Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlvcness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed bleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous andTrembllngSensatlons, Ac THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTx MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and t hev tHH be acknowledged to be a Wonderful Medicine. "Worth a guinea a box." BEECHAITS PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIOt-repdoewinworkwonders upon the Tltal Organs, Strength ening tha muscular System; restoring iong-lost Complexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the KOSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the huinaa frame. These are "facts" admitted by thousands, in all classes of society; and oneof the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BIICEAM'S PILLS EATZ TUB LAB3I3I SAL Cf AJU PA.TEII HEDICIHa nt IHS W02LD. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St Helens-, Lancashire, Englaad. Sold by Druggist generally. .BVF. ALLEN & CO., 365 and 307 Canal St., New Tork, Bole Agents for the United States, rAo Inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, ., WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. JtW ABVKRTf SSjMEim. There never wasa. time in the world when-things were made so well as now some things. There never was a time when things were sold so ac ceptably some things. Take the Kabo corset for instance of both. If it breaks its "bones" in a year you go to the store where you bought it and get your money back. If it kinks its "bones" and rolls up, as most of- the cor sets do on women of certain forms, you get your money back. If it slips or 'shifts its "bones," you get your money back If it doesn't suit you, after wearing a week or two, back you go to the store and get your money. There's a primer on Cor sets for you at the stre. Chicago CobSet Co.,Chlcago and Now York. HOLIDAYGOODS Artistic, for those who love the beautiful and at prices that will please you. BEAUTIFUL PIANO LAMPS, The Handsomest .chamber "sets in the city. CHINA DINNEE v '-AND- TEA SETS at prices that will indnee you to hay at once. We invite all to visit our Sales rooms, 1 211 WOOD STREET, Opposite St. Charles, and 102 and 104 THIRD AYE., and see oar Stock. -- IP. MUCH CO k i delS-wrsu j sw AwrssmsnaurM. ) Mnzer's, :;01d .'' i Honesty. ' The (Hieweraof, OLD HONESTY , , TOBACCO will soon find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter thaa other tobaccos, and will please "joo. Ask your dealer for It and insist on getting it. Genuine baa a red H tin tag on every plug. mh2-3S3n 6u & !- Ot m'' n ViV. I MLf VH. GUN WA is a Chinese Physician, Owing to existing laws he cannot practice medicine in America. So he has prepared a tine of Chinese herb and vegetable specifics which, instead of simply relievine symptoms, strike at the VERY BOOT OP DISEASE, and perform cures that are nothincf less than mar velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. He charges but a small sum for bis remedies, which, though gentle and harmless to take, are certain and unerring In their effects. They SPEEDILY CURE all blood, nervous and comic diseases. Young, middle-aged or old men, suffering, quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL HEALTH. GUN WA is a FRIEND TO THE AFFLICTED. If you cannot call, write him, in perfect confidence. Send for history of his life, and his circular on Cancer. Tnmors, Tape Worm, Rheumatism. Catarrh, Female Weak ness, or Pile.. Inclose 4c stamps for reply. Office hours, 9 A. it. to 12 jr.; I to 5 and 7 to 9 040 Fenn Ave., Flttslrara:, Pa, ocS-wsu AHAgPYNWYART0Ml fi "T WMP:( "iJt- . , - . J ft - . J The Year Just uosmg Has been Irade &: -AT- f. PICKERING'i ssssssssssssssssi Increase in a Most Remarkable ManH It hS gfowa M Bteadily in public favor that we maybe pardoned for feeling some? what prei"ever the fact that our success has been wonderful, our business phenomenal? But that we shan't alkw success to turn our heads, nor make us unmindful of the fact that ' . 9 HOUSEHOLD :-: GOODft Suitable for the High-Toned Mansion ft w -: 'f t 'jC - -oa the- Laborer's Humble Cottage, ' Can be found in O'ur Store and at Prices that leave no doubt o! our ability toundersell ali and every other Cash or Credit House in Pittsburg. It isn't to be supposed for sTmo ment that' because we have had sncha great business that our stock is not complete ia every particular; our assortments laree and comprehensive. Kew shipments come iu everyday, including, all the novelties in Furniture and Housefumishing Goods, to re. place goodVsold. Thus are we enabled at all times to offer Choice from the Grandest Stock la Tows. WE SELL ANYTHING IN OUR STORE EITHER FOR CASH OR ON EASY TERMS, And as we have told yon before offer special terms to newly married couples. Easy Chairs, Lounges and Parlor Suits, Rattan Cfiairs and Bookers, Secretaries, Clocks, Bronzes, Hall Stands? Chiffoniers, Mirrors, Joiatng jseas, jzaseis, Mat mocks, j. j Foot Bests, Shaving Stands, Desks, Bookcases' Biaeooaras, Extension Tames, jftctures, caotnets, -; Fire Screens, Children's Bockers, Writing Desks, Carpets, Curtains, Bugs, Mats, Etc., Etc 7 Together with Ladies' Cloaks, Wraps, Newmarkets, p Dolmans and Men's Overcoats, s .41 1 fii . . trW r Jt mh4 sm - j1m 1s9F i T7e positively guarantee onr Easy Ternis of Payment Prices to be as Low- asjrhat you'll pay cash elsewhere, while Oar Cash Prices range from 10 to 20 per cent under,the Cash Houses.- , " , $ We've got lots of Goods Suitable for New Year's Gifts, ariJEJiir Terms are the Most Liberal and Easiest. r' . Be snre you come to see us. Onr sole address is: - - PICKERINGS J OID RELIABLE HOUSE, Corner Tenth Street and Penn Avenue. -a, de29 S " ilr -nsVH .. "ALL'S -WELL THAT ENDS WELL." .. KAUFMANNS'-WILL- RING DOWN -THE -CURTAIN-OF -THE -OLD -YEAR1 BT A GRAND BARGAIN TABLEAU MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING TO-MORROW and TUESDAY. For these two days we skaU offer the following truly excel- -s lent values in Men's Suits and Overcoats. . o First-class dark Cassimere Suits or heavy mixed Overcoats, well ' made and cut in fashion, and well worth from $7 to $g, AT ONILY $5. Handsome Worsted Business Suits, in sack and frock styles, also several hundred elegant Chinchilla and Cassimere Overcoats, never sold heretofore below $10, AT ONLY $7 50. Extra fine Sawyer Cassimere Suits, in the most fashionable patterns, and genuine English Melton Overcoats, in various shades, were intended , retailed for $16, AT ONLY $10. Very fine Scotch Cheviot and Wide Wale Dress Suits, together with a line of genuine English Chinchilla and Melton Top Coats, regu lar $20 garments, AT ONLY $12. - - Over 500 finest custom made imported Dress Suits (Wide Wales, Scotches, Silk Mixtures, etc.), in Sack, Cutaway, Frock and Prince4 Albert styles, and about the same number of fine silk lined English Melton, Cheviot, Kersey and Beaver Overcoats, regular price $21, '$22", $23 and $24, AT ONLY $15. IN BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS we have prepared a most magnificent New Year's treat for the parents of Pittsburg. Whether they need Kilt, Short or Long Pant Suits, they can confidently rely on paying less money for them than the same make andquality of goods was ever sold for before. And, in spite of these reduced prices, we shall give a handsome m SLED GRATIS WITH EVERY SUIT. r3 OTTR; STORE k CLOSING CLIMAX IN FUR GOODS. 1,200 MUFFS,' in Hare, Coney, Seal, Nutria, Hac 'cbon. Fox, Lynx, Sable, Beaver, -Monkey; Marten, Persian and Astrakhan, f From -25c up. .900 MEN'S FUR CAPS, KAUFMANNS -in Muskrat, French and Oregon Seal; College, Driving and Jockey , styles; silk-lined, first-class goods in every respect, From 69c up. 500 BOAS, "'full length, perfect goods in every rway, in Hare, Coney, Natural and Dyed Raccoon, Russian Sable, Black Lynx, White Angora, etc., From 98c up. 150 CAPES, ; ,in the very latest and most popular .styles, in .Persian Lamb, Astrakhan, Hare, Coney and Seal, r " From $3 up. 300 Children's Fur Sets "in Beaver, Persian Lamb, Natural ?"Cojjn, Gray Fox, Lynx; Nutria, etc., x a,: r From 50c up. 1 lliPf MskStifflM' fg Asmm wmmk ?'xm?MM wjmz JWWflil IFJKf ' y ?mm i 111 M Ml jMW 400 MEN'S SEAL CAPS Genuine Alaska Seal Caps, in Windsor, Jockey College, Jockey Driving, Turban, Detroit and ' JtJos . ton styles, From $2 50 up. 100 Pairs of Fur Gloves and Gauntlets, in Russian Dog, Beaver, Otter and y Seal; every pair guaranteed as rep resented Dy us, From $1 98 up. The Entire Balance of our stock of Coachmen's Capes, Carriage and Sleighing Robes, Fox, Bear, Wolf and Tiger Rugs, Foot Muffs, Seal Ear Muffs, etc., now offered at cost. HOLIDAY GOODS AT HALF PRICE r$ i- u ,t o' What's left of our stock of Toilet and Manicure Sets, Shaving and Smoking Sets, Albums and Writing Tablets, Silver Mounted Brushes andCombs, Whisk Broom and v ' , Key Holders, Foot Stools, Silver Mounted Hand and Fplding Mirrors, Fancy Clocks - and Picture Frames, domestic and imported Dolls, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Stationery 1 Boxes and Perfumery Novelties, etc, will be closed out to-morrow and Tuesday at about 50c on the dollar. i , , " BT A BRILLIANT BARGAIN FINALE XN4 SHOES, HATS and UNDERWEAR TO-MORROW and TUESDAY. , 1 4.... WE SHALL BEGIN WITH r 8 A 1 1 : OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT. : A good Shoe bargain is always worth coming for, and thosewe shall offer to-morrow"and Tuesday should attract economical purchasers for miles around. We -want you to know that we not only have the largest and handsomest Shoe parlors in the city, but, when it comes to goods and prices, vhave- no competition worthy the name. , ' !' We shall also offer some astonishingly good" values in Men's Bpotst, and Rubber Footwear. Trade having- been somewhat slow on these goods this season we've made big, bold gashes in the prices. Call,see; be convinced. ' FINE AND STYLISH DERBTS, including the celebrated Dunlap, Knox, Youman, Miller, Cookseyand Christy shapes, the very goods that are the go and rage at present; will be sold at a mere fraction of their former prices. In Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps we show, as every mother well knows, the largest and prettiest assortment in the cfty, and' to-morrow and Tuesday we sHall offer any style for about half its 'actualvalue. i-jJjCrtg A$ -. Heavy Underwear at Almost Any Price. The damaging influence exerted on the sale of Heavy Underwear by the backward season can only be off-set by greatly reduced prices. y 1 o-morrow and i uesday win lurnisn an. example ot tne victory ot our j low prices over the weather. Over 500 dozen Men's fine domestic and ; imported Camel's Hairr Scotch Wool, Shetland Wool, Lamb's Wool; -' uasnmere aia scarlet unoersnirts ana urawers win De soia ar. just ,50c on the dollar. v WITjL'BB OIFIElsr COST JSTSTW -3TE JLK'S TTJEiL 12 O'CLOCK, TOCOST. KAUFMANNS' 'K r . ' "- T " -& m . - liii 1 B . . .SLMl tt a Tiirnvr a ivnrs i :? dHM' KtfFiTrihi ,TdM- "M " 3- .;i,i' -..' .r. "- ,' ,1 , Ji.T&J&u .sTjM . ', . "Tt " ' S - . '&a .LiusJJsJ a. A. , .''Si. .. :m.JS & JSrL .-&,. :A . ,m 1 ' 1 m ii iiiiib in 1 1 hm iiwmmiwwBi irmr jnrrririTMiMwmrianwankiM tt1 t mars lymrnMBMyw-mtiw- . ,twh.m' . mm FIFTH AVENUE, and WHOEESALE and , .RETAIL. .1