Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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" 9ftfi
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For Business Men Becanse of
the BrightCProspects.
Confidently Expected In Almost Every
Department of Trade.
Jew xork and Pittsburg business men
lunanimous in the opinion tbat the
coming.yeat will be a most excellent one
general business. Prom all parts of the
' the news is of the most encouraging
' 'irracuLi. telxgbax to the DisriTonv!
New Yobk, December 28. From every
Sbranch of the wholesale drygoods trade -
from, jobbers, importers and the commission
nouses comes the prophecy mat tbe Dust
iness next year will be one of the largest and
most successful in the history of the trade.
Che business of the past year's generally
arded as being very fair and satisfactory.
t all hands are unanimous in the opinion
tfthat in the coming season business will be
tter still.
John Claflin, the head of the house of H.
, Claflin & Co.. said: "The prospects of
be wholesale drygoods Business for the corn-
ling rear are favorable in the extreme. Just
a at present merchants hare very little stock:
ton hand, and goods are about sold up. Many
or us will commence the new year with
sclean floors, ready for brand new goods.
The warm weather has been a little unfav
orable, but people are rich and able .to buy
gfreelv. We have all done a big fall busi-
guess. I think, and we look lorward to an
Heven better spring business. The main fact
;is that throughout the country we have had
- magnificent ctods. and tbat these, in most
cases, have brought good prices. Thecot
ton crop, for instance, has been one of the
(largest ever raised, and the growers, have re-
bceived big prices lor their cotton, too.
"In one or two spots the cotton crop has
"been poor, but on the whole, the crop is a
magnificent one. This is a great thing for
fjtne ooutn. irops in me oonin nave Deen
better, comparatively, than in the West and
-(Northwest, though here the crops have been
abundant You must remember that the
benefit of a big crop in the way of putting
money in circulation conies not in The year
in which the crop is raised, but in the fol
lowing year. This is just what will happen
.now. x loot lor a decidedly better year
jthan the present one, prosperous as the pres
, ent year has been."
a bankeb's opinion.
SW. L. Strong, of W. L. Strong & Co..
tTand the President of the Central National
Sank, said: "There is only one opinion in
jibe trade regarding prospects for 1890. Un
less all the indications fall, we are going to
have an exceedingly good year. anda better
fjyear than the present one. There seems to
ibe lots ot money in tne country. The crops
""this year are known to be very large, and
that will cause purchases, of course. "We
all did a big business this fall, and we are
Tsoing to do a bigger business, I think, in
' the season to come. I don'twant to particn-
Elarize about any one branch of the business.
. but, generally speacing, the indications are
all favorable, and extremelvso fora wonder.
r..ii a i.n.:nA.. ......-...- t
iuiivuw uiuiucaa uub JC41.
MrTwalter btanton of Converse, Stanton
& Cullen. said: "With the sinzle exception
ottbe weather here, all the indications are
i favorable for an active business next sea
son, in the nrst hands in the trade every-
thing is sold up. There isjittleold stock
Sfaggonjiandjand-jwa are in good bape to be
flnuln prices. In fact, I look for a moder
ate, advance in prices in many lines of
goods. The past year has been a good one,
with some exceptions, the most prominent
among these being the bad weather in some
places. One very important feature of
therpast year and one of the present busi-
V ness is the fact tbat its prosperity has
been characterized Ty no artificial
", boom or wild speculation. There has not
, t.been anything that could really be called
gj' speculation. It has been a good, honest
P""". year, and next year, thoueh it will be more
w;Mproperous, I think, will be an honest year,
fe ttoo. The lact is, that the mills running
y vrnow in this country cannot supply the de
t jnand for goods here. With the advance in
. the price of woollens, our mills have just
.all they can do. it is a fact that a great
manv would-be buyers who went ahroad
Lathis .summer did not make any purchases.
finding that they could do much better at
Jhome, Xiots of people who usually buv
abroad are buying at home this year. I
think prices will be a little higher in some
!Mr. Whyland, of Thurber, Whyland &
Co., takes a very encouraging view of the
grocery trade, -Business in that line, be
said, had been better this winter than usual,
and there was every prospect that a good
holiday trade would be followed bv rood
winter business.
J"In fact." he said, "we have every resum
to anticipate a good ahd a steadily increas
ing trade for at least two or three years to
-' The export trade, for whidh his firm had
J been ncbting lor a dozen vears, was grad
ually increasing, he said, and American
dealers seemed to be getting a permanent
foothold in that department. He Inn tori for
an increase in the South American trade
from the Pan-American Contrress. and the
increased intimacy between this country and
the Spanish-American Bepublics that will
result from it
V -air. vaiiace, oi jbrancis tt-Leceettfis
Co., said: "It is early yet to talk about
trade tor next year, but it has been steadily
increasine yearly for three or fonr years
f back, and we see no reason why this increase
suouia not continue, we are making our
plans for the year in the idea that bnsiness
will be better than ever. The nrosnprt far
'1890 is what you might call very encourag
Austin. JSichols & Co. also thoneht the
outlook for next ye.ir encouraging, and
agreed with their associates in the trade
that the business of New York in this line
was constantly improving, in spite of theJ
fact tbat the operation oi the inter-State
commerce law had cut off a considerable
portion of Western trade that lormerlv came
tojNew York.
Mr. Edward J. Berwind. President of the
Colorado Coal and Irou Company, said of
ttielanthiacite coal trade that it depended
somewhat on the temperature. This, how
ever, applied only to the demands for con
sumption in homes. "The manufacturing
'demands for anthracite promise to be very
Urge,' said .Mr. Berwind: more so
han in years past The Teport from
alljtbe manufacturing districts support
OfisX opinion, and as for bituminous,
tbereils scarcely a doubt that the demands
fotfl890 will exceed that of any year in the
History of the country. The nulm.irishio
'veryTaclive; they are in full operation all
mr,9the country: and all th .nn.inni
... 1u.li.rin t.a Mn.:HM.J .2!. T
am'-" alsostronglv inclined to the opinion
that prices for bituminous coal will be ad
vanced. The supply is small. Transporta'
llon'facilities for bituminous coal are not by
? Yany means equal to the demand. The out-
put could be increased, but little or nothing
couldjbe gained as lone as transportation
'facilities'are not at hand.
uMr-JJerwind referred to the prospects for
gtheiron and steel trade, "liolh iron and
steel, said ne, win command Detter
prices The mills will be run on lull ca
pacity. Tbe large kP and general prosperity-encourage
construction not only of
railroads, but also of manufactories and
iblherlarge buildings. Then again, audit
Europe will not be a coapttitor for the sale
of iron products In this country lor the next
three or four years. There is a-Scarcity of
labor abroad, and"alreadythe prices for
iron products on the other side of the ocean
are higher than .here.-Foreign iron is there
fore shut out, and home manufacturers are
to have the field to themselves."
The holding of tne International Con
gress, the revolution in Brazil, and the
well-known recent activity in mercantile
circles concerned with South America,
make the subject of the South American
trade of this country just -now aTery inter
esting one. The interviews presented below
represent the candid views of some of the
most intelligent and representative men in
this country having dealings with South
America. They speak of tbe subject broadly,
as statesmen as well as business men. They
predict -a very prosperous year to come.
Mr. Charle's B. Flint, of tbeirm ot Flint
& Co., and also treasurer of the New York
Commercial Company, limited, said: "The
outlook is favorable for the increase of bnsi
ness -between the United States and the
countries to the soufa of us. While In my
opinion the International American Con
ference will not bring about at once the
realization of the hopes and anticipations of
the most sanguine, our trade with our
Southern neighbors will be benefited by the
conference. The attention or t he-merchants
and consumers of South America has been
directed to the manufacturing facilities o?
this country, not so much through the com
munications which have "been sent by the
foreign delegates to their Governments, but
under an arrangement with the Central and
South American Cable Company and the
Associated Press. Cable advices have been
sent from day to day giving a: record of Jhe
visits ot the delegates to the industrial cen
ters of this country, which have been gen
erally published in the Latin-American
"Undoubtedly Spanish-American orders
for many articles will continue to be sent
to Europe, from the fact that they
can be executed there to advantage, but
there are many other articles which
can be supplied to better advantage from
tbe United States, particularly labor-saving
machines, including agricultural imple
ments, which have been generally devel
oped to a higher order of perfection in this
country, owing to the common necessity
which we have with the States to the south
in saving labor. Our cotton Roods are also
iree from sizing, wnicb fact is coming to be
appreciated by the consumers to the south.
Some plaa will undoubtedly be adopted on
the recommendations of the conference to
protect honest goods by American trade J
marks, which will result to the benefit of
onr manufacturers and to the advantage ot
the consumers.
"The common statement that it is impos
sible to extend our business with South
America until we admit South American
produce free of duty is in general incorrect,
inasmuch as 80 per cent ot the produce com
ing from the countries represented in the
International Conference is admitted into
the United States free of duty, leaving less
than 20 per cent with, which to trade for
reciprocity. It would unquestionably ma
terially extend our trade with South Amer
ica if we admitted Argentine and Chilian
wools and Brazilian sugar free, in consider
ation of theirreducin? the. dnty on some of
our manufactured products. A reciprocity
treaty with Mexico would also extend trade
with our nearest neighbor."
General Traffic Manager Nathan Guilford
of the New York Central Bailroad, who is
considered one of the best judges, hadn't
any specific ideas to express, but he said
that the outlook for 1890 was very flattering.
"The railroads will have all they can do,"
he said, "for tbe first half of tbe year at
least There will be no occasion for rate
troubles, and I think there will be even
fewer than during the present year. The
corn rate might with propriety be restored 1
to the old basis or 25 cents a hundred
pounds, for there is not the same objection
that the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad of
fered, when it claimed tbat it couldn't get
the business, it is now blocked, and I be
lieve that there wouldn't be any substantial
set-back if the eastbooud rates were raised.
General Manager J. D. Iayng, of the
West Shore Bailroad, said: "I have noticed
that a big corn crop is always followed by a
year of prosperity in all departments' of
commerce. It happened in about 1870, I
think, and many other times, tbe dates of
which I don't remember. It ts ihe best in
dication that I know or. Coal men say that
the output will be very large, New York,
as compared with otberports? Young man,
how long have you lived in New York ?
Don'tyou know that the business of the en
tire country centers right here.? New York
is the only port which pretends to do any-
miug iiu a uig snipping uusmess, export
mnr? imrmrt nlilnv"
and import alike..1
A Universal Opinion That an Era of Pros
perity Has Dawned Interview!
With a Nnmber of Bepre
entntlTfl Mm.
Interviews with a number of our leading
bnsiness men have developed the following
facts concerning the outlook for Pittsburg's
industries the coming year;
John Scully, cashier -of theFirstNational
Bank, said: '"The outlook for the coming
year is all that could be desired. Banking
business in Pittsburg was never in better
shape. "When iron booms asit Js"now doing
banks prosper. As an evidence of the pros
perity of iron industries, the amount of
Lake Superior ores consumed by our fur
naces 4the past year aggregated 3,000,000
tons, and orders are already placed to insure
a much greater amount for the year to
Charles Dean, cashier of the Union Na
tional Bank, gave his views as follows: "The
yearnow closing is the best we ever had, and
the outlook is jnst as good for the year to
come. Iron and steel industries were never
in better shape than now. These being the
main industries of our city, banks prosper
when they prosper. Glass and coal have
not been so highly famed of Jate. Our mild
weather lias lengthened the navigation
season far beyond the average time and
Southern markets are unusually well stocked
with coal for this time of the year. Glass
is depressed, for the reason that every cross
roads where natural gas has been discussed,
new plants are springing up."
a good nrDiCAtfloir;
John B. Larkin, Postmaster, said: "In
my department business has increased fully
GO per cent the past five years, and the past
month shows an increase over any previous
month. In 1885, when I took charge of this
office, the receipU in the money order de
partment were J13J.000. This year the re
ceipts have been $209,000. 'Every month
since I took chaige shows a gain, and all
signs point to still greater growth in the
fnfnra " T -
J. J. Porter, of Ihe1 '.firnn'ipf 'Porter &
Donaldson, representing one of the largest
wholesale millinery establishments of the
city, reports as follows:
"In an experience of 17 yearsItI bave
known no time when the business outlook
for Pittsburg was as bright as it isy to-day.
In our department there isno 'boom, but
something better, a healthy prosperity
which is not followed by tbe reaction inci
dent to booms.
, "Prices are firm, stocks are unusually well
cleaned up, outlook iss;ood and I feel as
sure as I can be of anything in tbe 'future,
that we are going to have in 1890, such a
vear of prosperity as this city bus -never
W. E. Schmerlz, who has been at the
front in the jobbing shoe industry .of this
city for a generation, said: "The condi
tions are all'here for a prosperous year in
our line and all lines of trade. I have
found tbat prosperity in iron is uniformly
the forerunner of prosperity in all other in
dustries. -The conditions arc nil here for a
year of unprecedented prosperity. All I
fear is that a speculative movement may
start which will spoil everything. "So far
trade is in a healthy state, nbd allsigos
point to a year ahead or great actfvity.""
Major Dehniston.ifCity 'TresHref?jaid:
"As to this city's prospects for 'thecoming
year, I think they were never better, or in
tact as good. We have had era's of specu
lates when things loosed brighter to the
inexperienced, but there has sot been, in
my mesaory, a time when the conditions for
a healthy prosperity weie so marked as
they are to-day. Capitalists are cautious
and conservative, and it requires the very
best inducements to call for the money,
which is plenty enouch for any good
Harry Stewart, Director or the ITeehold
Bank, said: "I believe that the coming
year will be the most prosperous year this
city has ever known. The banking business
is in splendid shape. Ihave been a resi
dent of Pittsburg since the close of the war,
and have no hesitation in saying that we
are now in the midst of the most prosperous
era I have known. The elements of pros
perity are more substantial and trustworthy
than ever before in my time"
William Campbell, who represents the
Fifth avenue drygoods firm of Campbell &
Dick, said: "Weather has been adverse to
trade in woolens and fnrs lor the past two
months. Bat, in spite of this, trade for the
past three month has been a fnll average,
and we bave pin ced orders for the fnture in
the faith that as all our industries are pros
perous and labor is lolly employed we are
going to'have a good year in 1890."
The Wlznrd of Wall Street Talks in a
Very Optimistic Mnpner Everything
Feinta to aAot Pro-
peroDi Tear.
rsrxcuz. tjxegbajc to inx distjltcii.i
New Yobk, December 28 Jay Gould
was at his desk in the Western Union build
ing, and he looked out over his gold-bowed
glasses as he began in response to tbe re
porter's request to give his opinion as to the
commercial outlook for 1890,
"I feel," said Mr. Gould, "that next year
ought to be a prosperous one. The reason
for that opinion is that tbe crops throughout
the country as a whole have been .exception
ally good. This is giving an active bnsiness
to the transportation companies, and they in
turn buy and consume supplies liberally,
and this affects all the general ramifications
of business. In my recent trip through the
West and Southwest I saw a marked
improvement everywhere ever the
situation as it was in the spring. Tbe
money situation, which is an important
factor, will probably right itself early in
the new year. It has been materially af
fected by the action of the Government in
calling in it funds just at the'most stringent
period of the year. A great deal of money,
probably 100,000,000, will be released in
January by the payment of dividends and
this will be invested in securities. One
result, and the natural one, of the high
rates for money is that money has been at
tracted to New York.
"Speaking of the coal trade there is every
assurance that the outlook in the bitumin
ous regions is good. Tbe anthracite people
seem to have got their prices so much higher
relatively above bituminous that the con
sumption of anthracite has been curtailed
to a point a good deal below the capacity
to produce. Probably a lower scale
of prices, something more near tbe
relative prices for bituminous, would
again restore tbe consumption of
anthracite to the old figures. The iron in
terest is quite prosperous, and that has be
come one of the great elements of produc
tion of the country. So that, on the whole
and after looking the situation over, I can
not but take a very hopeful outlook -at the
future, especially as the prices for commodi
ties, stocks and bonds and raw materials are
on a low basis."
XW Sattufled at Philadelphia.
Phix.atjsi.fhia, December 28. Busi
ness men and financiers report an excellent
outlook for trade during the coming year.
Thomas Cochran, President of the Guar
antee Trust and Safe Deposit Company,
looks forward wi th confidence to- the ensu
ing 12 months. J. W. Townsend, Second
Vice President, of the Cambria Iron Com
pany, thinks that business in tbe .coming
season will be bright and active.
A Most Flattering Outlook.
St. Louis, Deoember 28. A review of
the St Louis business situation, upon which
estimate is based for the coming year shows
a most flattering outlook. The leaders in
all lines of trade are unanimous in the be
lief that the ensuing 12 months will show an
increase over the heavy trade and traffic
of 1889.
Anxiety Aboot the Tariff
Chicago, December 28. Chicago busi
ness men are not 'very willing to give their
views on business prospects. In most cases
this reluctance must undoubtedly be looked
upon as the result of dissatislaction with
the existing condition of affairs relative to
the tariff issue.
'Looking for a Bis Business.
Boston, December 28. The business
men of New England are happy in the an
ticipation of a successful year of trade in
1890, and are preparing for a bigger busi
ness than ever before, with only one excep
tion. v
Trnslins to It a Woman Remarries and
Finds She Has Two Hasbandi.
Chicago, December 28. Mrs. Julia Dix
called at the Court House to-day to see
Judge Shepard. She had with her one of
the Superior Court forms for divorce, which
she said had been filled in the handwriting
of Lawyer Charles J. Seattle and purported
to divorce her from Charles A. Dix. The
correctness of the instrument was attested
by B. Heber Beattie, said to be a son of
Charles J. Beattie, and attached to it was a
notary seal.
Mrs. Dix married a msji named Bennett
the day her case was tried by Judge Shep
ard, which was, she says, also the day on
which Beattie gave her the, purported de
cree. Though the case was heard by Judge
Shepard no divorce has ever been granted.
Mrs. Bennett is about to become a mother,
and on learning that she was not divorced
her grief was great She said she paid
Beattie $35 or the alleged decree. The bill
charged Dix with desertion and drunken
ness, and the document cives his wife, a
divorce for cruelty. Judge Shepard may
make an investigation, bnt since the Ap
pellate Court's decision Beattie cannot be
punished for such offenses.
This is the third time he has been de
tected giving fraudulent divorces, and the
publication 'of one instance has twice dis
covered others.
His Chinese Victim Accuse Him ofForglnff
Promissory Notes.
New Yobk, December 28. Chu Pong,
the smart young Chinaman who -disappeared
mysteriously a few days ago, and
who is said to have swindled his Chinese
brethren and various confiding Ameri
cans out of sums of money aggregat
ing $30,000, was arraigned at the Tombs
this morning and accused by Wong Lee and
Clrti Poy, both merchants, of forging their
names to promissory notes for 51,500 and
$750 respectively in favor of Sing Tnew, a
fictitious Secretary of the Chinese Belief
Society. A small sum of money in cash
was found upon him together with a cer
tified check on the Bowery Bank (or 52.700,
dated February 4, 1889, and drawn and in
dorsed by the Kwong Hong Long Company.
The First Genuine Bllxz-ird.
Sx. Cloud, Jfixx., December 28. The
first genuine blizzard of the season struck
the citv this afternoon. The storm beeranat
1 o'clock, and is" still rasrintr with unabated
"fury. 'iMach sflow'hsE already fallenl and
trains win undoubtedly be blocked,
A Determined Agitation Maintained
in the German Empire.
Is Not Ixpeeted to, Meet tbe Approval of the
By the Great European Fwers for Borne Time In the
FatnreYat Least
Prince Bismarck is ill, and unable to take
part in the debate in the Belchstag on the
measure expelling' the Socialists. It is be
lieved that the bill will not pass. Germany,
Italy and England will not recognize the
the Brazilian Bepublic until it is sanctioned
'by an election.
BEBLnr, December 28 Copyrighted.
Prince Bismarck is Under the weather, but
he is apparently not one of the victims of
influenza. His condition does not occasion
any alarm,'but he is ill enough to compel
lim to give up .almost entirely the effort to
transact official business and to prevent his
presence at court on New Year's Day. His
doctors oppose his desire to reappear in tbe
Beichstag and take part in the debate pn
the Socialist law or the military credits, or
any subject likely-to irritate him.
In respggiding to compliments at the
diplomatio reception on New Year's Day,
the Emperor will, make a short pacifio
declaration, the. presumption being that the
royal and imperial word on this occasion
gives a ray of ahope for Europe for the year.
On Christmas Eve there were assembled
in the new palace only the Prince and
Princess Leopold of Prussia. The Duke
and Duchess of Saxe-Meiniagen are at
Potsdam, but the illness of Princess Peo
dora, their only child, prevented their at
tending the family party. Each one of the
Emperor's five sons had a large Christmas
tree all for nimself placed on a table in the
Schell hall, the tree of the Emperor and
Empress being on another table in the cen
ter of the hall.
The whole Bismarck family celebrated
Christmas at Priedrichsrhue. Count Her
bert has the influenza slightly, but it did
not prevent his presence at the family
'A'o-nignt tne impress Augusta gave a
special reception to Mr- Phelps, the United
States Minister, in the presence of her full
court The Empress in the course of a
cordial conversation with Mr. Phelps ex
pressed herself her life-long interest in
American affairs and her great desire that
the people of the United States should use
their immense resources always in the inter
est of the peace of the world.
a notable social event.
All society is now intensely interested in
the coming lancv-dress ball, whioh the Em
peror is to give at the Sehloss, where everyone
of the guests must appear in an Oriental
costume. Another notable social event will
be tbe ball at the Opera House on February
12. This is patronized by tbe Imperial
family. Tbe nominal price of tickets is 20
marks, but the price has risen so that tickets
are now selling at J20 marks.
An exceedingly interesting discussion is
carried on in private life every where,and not
without much heat, over a case Just made
by a queer proceeding of the Emperor in re
mitting a fine of 400 marks inflicted upon
an editor by the -courts. Dr. Bachler, the
editor of the Staattburger Zcitunp, a Con
servative sheet libeled Herr Singer. It at
tacked him very vigorously, because he
posed publicly as a Socialist and a friend of
.the people, while Jn fact, he is the head of a
factory for slaking women's cloaks and
similar garments in which the sweating sys
tem is practiced at the expense of many
girls employed by him.
Singer appealed to tbe courts, the editor
was condemned and paid hiafine in August
This fine was returned by the Emperor on
Monday last Such a use of the royal
prerogative naturally surprises people.
Hitherto the exercise of royal clemency ha3
been restricted to state cases. For the Em
peror to thus interfere and stand between
Justice and an accused person in a mere case
of private interest in an ordinary violation
of one man's right by another man is so
lain a substitution ot royal caprice for the
aw of the land that everybody can under
stand it, and therefore everybody is pro
foundly moved by it
The journals cannot ignore the subjeot,
but they are obliged to touch it with greatest
caution for fear of prosecution. The Liber
als of all shades discuss it in private, how
ever, and it is a universal theme. The Na
tionalists intensely regret the incident, as it
plays into the hands of the Progressionists
and the Socialists on the eve of an election,
with a clear-demonstration of a gross abuse
of power.
This incident will confirm the National
Liberals in their inclination to refuse to
vote as it stands the expulsion clause of the
Socialist bill. This party now proposes as
a compromise that it will vote for the ex
pulsion clause if tbe- application of that
clause is limited to Socialists proved to be
engaged in a conspiracy against tbe State,
and if it shallnot apply to mere advocacy
of socialism in tbe press or on the rostrum.
It is improbable that Prince Bismarck
will accept this compromise and the imme
diate political future will take shape from
this as a starting point. The liberal spirit
of the National Liberal party, quickened by
the Bachler incident, will make it impossi
ble for that party to yield on this expulsion
clause. Without this party it cannot be
carried. Prince Bismarck will, therefore,
withdraw the bill and dissolve the Beichs
An exchange of views with tbe English
Government regarding the decree of the Pro
visional Government in Brazil concerning
naturalization has caused Prince Bismarck
to abandon the intention to take any imme
diate action. The Chancellor favored irom
the first absolute non-interference and a re
fusal to recognize the change in Brazil as
valid until it should be ratified by an elec
tion of tbe people; but he was willing to act
in concert with England and Italy in any
measures necessary to protect the financial
and commercial interests and personal rights
ot the subjects of each, power..
Becent dispatches from Bio Janeiro have
influenced the three, powers to agree in
ignoring the naturalization decree and,
other irregular acts ot the revolutionary
leaders. The general conviction grows here
that the new government is merely a
military juntorihlch is unstable and will
be swept away even before the date to
which it has postponed the elections. The
semi-official press locates the revolution as
the workof a group of ambitious politicians,
imposing themselves upon the country "by
sheer audacity and regard it as impossible
that anv constituted power can hold rela
tions with a handful of adventurers calling
themselves a government
The fear of a republican rising in Portu
gal cobsequent upon an extension there of
the ferment originating in Brazil is much
less since the character of 'the movement in
Bio Janeiro has been revealed. Advices
received here from Lisbon indicate, in fact,
that the republican propaganda there has
been "paralyzed by the despotic doings in
Bio Janeiro, and that 'there is a strong pop
ular reaction in favorof the monarch.
ThetEircutive Committee of the German
deputies in the Bohemian Diet have issued
a declaration accepting the proposal of the
Government to hold a conference on German-Bohemian
affairs. The committee will
Bend delegates to the conference which will
endeavor .to ,arrBgejia adMtndlg b-
tween the- German and the Czechs. There
will be ia the conference five Germans and
five Czechs. The conference will sit ia
Vienna January 15, and Count Taffeewlll
Aai Tea FsHesgera Were Bashed JMo
Eternity Horrible Accident oa the
Chesapeake ami Ohio Kead
Only One Doctor There.
CHABLESTpir, W. Va., Deeeaber 28.
The train which was wrecked near White
Sulphur Springs, this morning, was the
west-bound vestibule, which left New York
at 3:30 P. K. yesterday and was due at Cin
cinnati at B:10 p. if. to-day. The train was
behind time and running 40 to 50 miles per
hour. The conductor says it was only run-,
ning 35 miles, but' others say 40
or 50. The wreck occurred on
the fill over Jarey's Bun, which is 190 feet
high, said to be the highest fill in the
United States. All of the killed were in
the smoking car, which was telescoped by
another car. Every person in the car was
killed except the conductor, who had his
leg-broken and was seriously injured. He
will probably recover.
The complete list of killed is:
Hals Morrison; Charleston, mail agent aged
28, a most worthy young man, top of bead and
lace crushed.
J. W. Thomas, newsboy, Lexington, Ky left
lee broken above and below the knee, and
neaa injured.
O. B. Barksdale, Froffltt Va baggage mas
ter, bead trashed.
3. H. West, Howardsvllle, Va., engineer, neck
E. Wilsox, Caldwell. Kan., head mashed.
Nelson Heath (colored), Claremont, W.Va.,
head mashed.
H. Paltkna. Grant county, B. Dak., both legs
broken and head crushed.
Edward Bboww (colored), Allegheny, Va.,
right leg broken and head mashed.
KiddebKidd, Hannibal. Mo., too visible in
juries; mouth fnll of mnd; died of strangnla
tion; member of K. of P., and remains will
be sent home by No. 1 to-night by order of H.
w. Fuller. General Manager of the road.
UHEtows maw, described as white, tall and
slender, fair complexion, gray eyes, sandy
mustache, dressed in dark brown plaid.
Dr. W. P. Caldwell, the only physician
in White Sulphur, repaired to the scene
of the accident, and did all in his power to
alleviate the suffering, but could only aid
one person at a time. After some time a
nnmber of doctors from along tbe line ar
rived and worked long and faithfullyamong
the suffering. Ladies of the vicinity
turned out en masse, and too much can
not be said in praise of their noble efforts.
Owing to the fact tbat cars on the vestibule
train were heated by steam, fire did not
break out The cause of accident is not
known. It is reported that the rails spread.
Other reports say that the rail was worn out
and the ties rotten.
Among the injured were several of the
"Karl Gardner Company." One will prob
ably die. One noteworthy feature was that
no ladies nor children were injured.
Hearing Held la 18 Caeec Ynterdny, and
It Wasn't a Good Day, Either.
Alderman Carlisle held hearings in 18
cases yesterday i which the defendants'
were charged witbyselling liquor illegally,
or for engaging in worldly employment on
In tbe morning Hit. Wilhelmina Eierst,
of 2210 Fenn avenue, was fined $50 and costs
for selling liquor illegally. Tbe same pen
alty was Imposed upon Mrs. Herron, who
lives in the rear of 2943 Penn avenue, and
Mrs. O'Brien, near Thirty-fourth street on
Penn avenue. Christ Baidenbocker, of 2744
ienn avenue, and Mrs. Snyder, of 76 James
street, were fined (25 and costs for engaging
in worldly labor on Sunday.
In the afternoon Mrs. Anna Jackson, of
No. 48 Thirteenth street, charged with sell
ing beer and whisky without license, was
sned for the penalty and judgment given
against her for (50. Three cases ot selling on
Sunday, in which the alderman withheld
the names, were continued until next Satur
day. L Six cases of engaging in worldly em
ployment were heard, but as tt was the de
fendants' first offense the names and circum
stances were refused by the magistrate.
Three informations were made by Captain
Wishart against persons for selling liquor
without a'license, but no arrests were made.
Democratic Resolution! Insisting; Upon the
Supremacy of tbe CancaIao.
Jackson, Miss., December 28. The
city campaign has reached a white heat and
is growing hotter. There was an immense
democratic meeting last night at which
speeches were made by Hon. E. Barksdale,
State Attorney General Miller, the Hon.
Bobert Powell, of Anton, and others. A
report was adopted by a rising vote, ending
as follows: "Mr. Chairman, wehave no res
olution to offer and no threats to make. We
are determined that white people shall con
tinue to rule the city of Jackson."
The committee of 100 to-day promulgated
an address which refers to threats of vio
lence made by tbe opposition. It charges
that if these threats mean anything
it is the purpose to commit mur
der. The committee avows its purpose.
to see if murder is committed or attempted,
that the perpetrators are dealt with as the
law directs. Hanging, the address says,
would be mild punishment for the originat
ors of this diabolical scheme.
A Hard Bail of Hair Foaod In Iti Stomach
After Being Killed.
Hartfobd, December 28. David L.
Gaines, of this city, an express driver, ex
hibits a curiosity in the shape of a hard ball
of hair, 10x11 inches in size, which was
taken ont of the stomach of a calf tbat was
killed last week. It was not exactly globu
ular, but a little longer one way than the
other. It is symmetrically made, the
hair all turning in the one, direction,
and at each end of the solid compact mass
is a round depression, a perfectly formed
wnorl, more perfectly circular than that of
a sea shell. The ball was too big to have
been swallowed entire, and was taken evi
dently a few hairs at a time, the creature
obtaining them by licking itsef. The
small unnoticed mouthiuls of hair had, by
the muscular action ot the stomach, in the
course of weeks, been continually turned
oyer and over, and symmetrically shaped
until it had made the curious hard mass
described. It would have killed the calf if
a butcher hadn't.
Old Growers In New Jersey Mover Saw Any
tlilDiT Like It.
hBeiVIDKBE, N. J., December 28. Peach
trees are! in nearly full bloom in several
orohards in Hunterdon county. The own
ers are old peach growers, and they say they
never before saw tne like in December.
Pear trees in different parts of the coun
try begin fo show strong indications of
Thxbe were 1,842 foreigners landed in this
country yesterday.
Tbe Women' Tribune is to be transplanted
from Nebraska to Washington.
Hodgson's hosiery mill, Meredith, N. TL,
was burned yesterday. Loss, $100,000.
JrnoE Kiwabbeh, a veteran journalist,
and a prominent figure in Georgia politics for
years, died yesterday.
Miss Sbsah L. Btanwood is dead in tbe
Angustahome of J. G. Blaine. ShowasMre.
Blaine's sister, and 70 years old.
The InmanLlne steamerClty ot Berlin, from'
New York for Liverpool, which arrived yester
day mormne. renorts casslne two laree icebergs
,ln the track of trans-Atlantic steamers.
York, is to receive a 160,090 silver service from
tee Vaaderbllts for bis gratuitous oftcet is
hWIm West BberaJkaiboa Ucaltl.
Tbe Woraser Glue Co.'s Warehouse
Completely Destroyed by Fire.
Caose' Ascribed is a 8parr From a
Isaac . Vmsex'Says the Wtrekoase Wilt be Is
mdiately Seooilt
Eire at a late hour last night destroyed
the warehouse of the Wormser Glass Com-,
pany at Eaugblin station, on the Baltimore
and Ohioentailiug a loss'of $15,000. Jsaao
E. Wormser attributes the fire to a locomo
tive spark. The warehouse was but half in
sured, but will be rebuilt Last night was
the third fire for the firm.
Tbe warehouse of the Wormser Glass
Company, at Langhliu station on the B.
& O., Bailroad, was completely destroyed
by fire last night, entailing a loss of over
S15.000. There irno cause for the fire as
signed. About 9 o'clock flames were dis
covered in the southwest corner of the build
ing and atf alsrm was sent in from box 93.
The department had considerable diffi
culty in getting water when they arrived.
The water plugs were completely choked up
with, mud, and it was fully 15 minutes be
fore water could be thrown. By this time
the entire building was in flames, and the
factory adjoining was in danger. The fire
men finally got to work, but could not save
the building. It was a two-story frame
structure stored full of manufactured ware,
and it was Burned to the ground.
The fire lasted until after 1 o'clock this
morning, owing to the heated mass of glass,
which kept the ruins at white heat. It was
an unhandy fire to fight on this account
being so hot that the firemen could not work
to any advantage' whatever.
Mr. Isaac E. Wormser. a member of the
firm, was seen after the fire was over. His
own account of the fire and its supposed
origin follows:
"The fire broke Out in a part pf the build
ing in which there has been no fire for at
least ten days. ' I cannot tell whether it was
of an incendiary origin or not I do know
that we had a warehouse burned down be
fore by reason of the close proximity of
the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad. A spark
fell batween tbe station and the building
and ignited a lot of greasy rags, and the de
struction of the building followed.
me. -wobmseb's theory.
"A heavy freight train passed here about
15 minutes before thefire broke out to-night,
and this one may have been caused in the
same way. The railroad company is not as
carefni as they might be. They run their
trains at a terrific rate of speed, and I am
in constant fearof the thickly flying sparks.
The lower pari of the building might have
been saved to-night if there had been water.
It was no fault of the firemen, however;
they did good work. Onr loss will not ex
ceed $15,000."
'How about your insurance?"
"We do not carry more than $6,000 or
$7,000 on that building. This is the third
time we have been burned out inside of
three years, and each time our loss has been
more than double onr insurance."
"How will thefire effect your trade?"
"It will hurt us greatly. We had quite a
number of large orders that were to be
shipped immediately after January 1. The
goods were in the warehouse, and of course
we cannot fill the orders. I took an order
to-day for a thousand gross of jars that were
to be shipped January 5. Those goods were
also in the warehouse."
Mr. Wormser said they would rebuild at
once. The firm has been manufacturing
specialties in glassware since 1855, and until
about three years ago never bad a fire. This
warehouse first burned, and after it was re
built the factory was destroyed. Last
night's fire makes the second destruction ot
tbe warehouse. The factory was rebuilt of
iron, and tbe new warehouse will be made
of the same material.
It was reported last night that the firm
had some trouble with their gatherers with
in the last week.
An Allegbeolan Arrested by Orders From
Philadelphia Detectives.
Assistant Superintendent O'Mara yester
day received a letter from B. G. Linden,
Superintendent of Pinkerton's Detective
Agency in Philadelphia, requesting tbe ar
rest of Morgan A. Korris, who is wanted in
Philadelphia on the charge of embezzling
The letter was accompanied by a warrant.
which was given to Detective Demmel.
Tbe latter succeeded in locating Korris and
arrested him in Allegheny yesterday after
noon. Norris was taken to Central station
and will give bail tor his appearance in
Philadelphia, which he is privileged to do.
Local Steel Slaaofactnrers Preparing Bide
Pittsburg steel manufacturers are prepar
ing to bid for the boiler and sheeting plates,
armor plate and framing iron to be used in
the construction of the United States gun
boats Nos. 6 and 6, and a practice vessel of
800 tons. The materials used in the con
struction of the new cruisers lately built
have been mostly fnrnisbed from this city,
and there is an improbability of other sec
tions underbidding local makers. Among
those preparing bids are Jones & Laugblin
and tne Spang Steel and Iron Company.
Bids are- to be opened in Washington on
January 22.
Fatal Fire la a Colored Man's Stable on
Arthur Street.
At 1 o'clock this morning fire broke out
in tbe large stable belonging to George
Holmes, at No. 58 Arthur street Holmes
is a colored man engaged in the scavenger
business. He has several wagonsand keeps
halt a dozen horses. It being Sunday morn
ing, the horses were all in. When tbe fire
men arrived the stable was almost entirely
ablaze. None of tbe horses were gotten out,
but were burned, with two wagons and a
large amount ot hay. The loss is over
$1,000. The cause Of the fire is unknown.
Bnlldinc Permits of Yesterday.
A building permit was taken out yester
day by James Herd man, of Wood street,
who intends to make additions and altera
tions to tbe'amount of $2,850. Mrs. Cregen
took out a permit for a two-story frame
house on Mifflin street. Seventeenth ward, to
cost ?000.
Fell From a Building-.
John Biddle, a resident of Sharpsburg,
fell from a building at that place yesterday
afternoon while making some repairs on tbe
roof. His thigh was fractured, and he sus
tained severe braises and cuts about his
head. Drs. Bobinson and Black were called
to attend him.
It Wns n Good Hem St.
Tbe managers of the Newsboy's Home are
considerably elated over thelsucceH oi their
benefit at the Bijou Theater. They have
made about fl,S90 and '.the -iBdeWedaew oa
thehoBewlllaow.be mM off aadtheaH
I will be reitted u' lefarmWrsd.
f ,rt -v
""--"r -
aftekmel Laacfe, After BrnUnt Iwnty
Tors hi the IaCrnmry, U B-Ucev-ered
fcy Hie Wealthy Sua
A Harpy Meettac. '
CrxcnrxATr, December 28. Twenty
years ago this month Michael Langdoa's wife
died ia this city, leaving him alone.
Two years before he lost two children, and
his only- son went West to seek a fortune.
When his wife died Michael was indeed
friendless. He bad no money, was too old
to work, and in addition his eye-sight be
gan to fail. He, did not know his son's ad
dress in the far West, and, old and poor, he
was forced to choose the only road left open
to him the poor house. Ever si nee the old
man has been as Inmate ot the City Infirm
ary. He ia aged, infirm and almost blind,
and the poor old man counted with pleasure
the days to come when death, would relieve
him of his sickness and misery. He had
given up all hope of ever seeing his son
again, aadt believing him dead, the old man
was resigned to his fate.
Last Monday there .arrived in this city a
well-dressed, middle-aged gentleman a
typical Westerner whose every air and
manner stamped him as a wealthy and pros
perous Western merchant The Cincinnati
of to-day was new to him, but he went
around inquiring for IjtB father, Michael
Langdon. To those who3u,estioned him he
said he had gone West to make a fortune,
and, having made it, he came back to take
care of his aged parents if they were alive.
The police, to whom he applied, could not
Ideate his father, and a search of the death
records conveyed Lhi first intelligence
of his mother's death. There was nothing
to show that his father was dead. So with
a friend the search was continued, and
finally the poor house records were con
sulted. There it was, name, date and place,
and to add to the man's happiness a tele
phone call to the infirmary at Hartwell told
him that his father was still alive. He was
not long in getting there, and the meeting
that lollowed can be well imagined. Atany
rate the wealthy son secured a new outfit for
the father, took him from the infirmary
Christmas morning, and to-night started
with him for the West, where the old man's
remaining days will be spent in peace,
quiet and luxury.
Lockport Glass Blowers ts Go to; Work
To'Horrow at Tfclr GM Wacet A
Strike Tbat rt t Have
Lasted Ferever.
Lockpobt, N. Y., December 28. The
Lockport Glass .Works will resume opera
tions on Monday. The furnaces have been
started, and all the blowers will return at the
old standard scale of wages. Ia the struggle
to reduce the wages the Glass Blowers'
Union has scored a victory. The shut-down
took place just five weeks ago in this city,
and was the result of a general agreement by
the.GIass Manufacturers' Association of the
Eastern division to reduce the wages of tbe
blowers on the ground t hat the condition of
the market did not guarantee the prices
paid. The real condition of the Manufac
turers' Association precluded the success of
of such a move.
The glass manufacturers of tbe United
States are divided into two divisions, the
Eastern and Western. The Eastern divi
sion resolved on the shut-down,
which has cost .it dear. While the
manufacturers east of the Alleghenles
have been idle, the Western men have been
running night and day, flooding the mar
kets and supplying the trade the Eastern
men look after.
Tbe members of the Western Glassblow
ers' Union have been remitting money to
support their brothers in the East,msintain
ing them in their struggle to retain their
wages. If necessary the men could stay
out forever, unless "their demand was ac
ceded to. They also required that only two
apprentices be allowed to one manufactory
until their time was out.
The smaller manufacturers could not very
well contend against these odds, when it is
considered that the large furnaces in Penn
sylvania could in four months blow enough
to furnish all the trade, and totally cut
them ofl.
Military Jealousy Causes Two Warriors to
FIcht Wllfa Army Sabers.
rirzciAi. Tiuaiuji to thx pisfjltch.i
New Yobs', December 28. A duel was
fought in the basement connected with
Major Michael O'Dey'a liquor shop in
Cortland street. Belleville, N. J., on
Christmas morning between Major O'Dey
and Captain James Biordon, a former
British officer. Between the Major and the
Captain a military jealousy has existed for
a long time, and some wags' about the place
finally succeeded in bringing them together
in a duel with swords as weapons. The
story was not made public until to-day.
The disputants went to the deserted bowl
ing alley in the basement ot the building
and there engaged in what might
have been mortal combat. They fought
savagely with army- sabers. Not
withstanding the bravado, it was
obvious that they were expert swordsmen
and that the result of the fight would de
pend upon their- endurance. Major
O'Dey was finally disarmed by a skill
ful thrust, and he might have been killed
had not Colonel O'Connor and other wit
nesses interfered. O'Dey was found to have
sustained a badly wounded arm. Other
wise the men were uninjured. Since tbe
facts have leaked out it is intimated that
arrests will follow.
An Offer of 810 Made for Their 8100,090
Worth of Costaraes.
New Yobk, December 28. The mem
bers of the famous Boyal Chinese
Swin Tein Lok Theatrical Company
are still in town. They are on their
uppers, and are living on Chi
nese free lunches until something
turns up. Jnst now it looks as if they were
destined to grow thin until life becomes a
burden, and a good wind comes
along and blows them gently out of
existence. They have established a Chinese
s"Biaito" in front of their quarters at
4 Matt street, and their ordinary clothing
has grown so shabby that they have taken
to wearing some of their costumes to keep
up appearances.
Not long ago the manager fried to obtain
a loan on their $100,000 worth of costumes,
but an offer of $10 was spurned and the
actors are still here.
Coal Going- Oar.
Barges of coal bave been accumulating
ia the harbor for a week, and a fleet of them
will probably go out to-day. Tbe Acorn
will take out a tow for Tfaos. Fawcett &
Sons., the To m Dodsworth for S. 8. Crump
the Dick Fulton for O'Neill & Co., the
John Moreniorth for the Advance Coal
For New Yenrs Preseais,
Having ordered out a very large stock of
gold watches for the Westinghouse Indus
trial Watch Club to make their selections,
I have quite a large number on hand which
I will dispose of at a very small margin.
Fancy cases suitable tor presentations, as
well at plain ones for popular use. The
movements are fwm first-clnes factories, viz
Howard, Elgin,
Waltbaa, Hampden.
Warraates aocwate tisM-keepen. Come
(qakk, sfere-tfce sew veer, as I waetto
OMsW HsMBssi GiK VVVsrvS tsXlBg srwt78
il a
A Brooklyn Woman larderefey lef
lost Quiet, AffectioBafeiBof.
So Ha Got a Revolver and BasteaesMar
Death Without Warning
His Mind Uabalaaeed ty Canstaat Attendance
Sick Hotter. ,
A Brooklyn boy nursed his sick mother1
for several days and nights, finally,
through lack of rest, be lost his mind, got a-"
pistol, and, shot his mother, he says, to re-"-',
lieye her of pain. He then shot himself.
The woman is dead and her son will die.
BBOOKXra, K. Y., December 28. Th
family of Lonis Brooks, of 113 Union
avenue, consisted, until this afternoon, of
himself, his wife Hannah, their two sons,
and one daughter. All were Germans,
and had come over here whea
the children were young. The daughter
and elder son married some time ago.
Frank, the other boy, was 21 on Friday. Ha
stayed at home a great deal and devoted
himself to his mother and to music Ha
played the mandolin, the xylophone, the ao
cordeon and the violin.
The father and both sons were barbers,
and among them they had, shops. One of
these was on the first floor ot the Union
Avenue House, near Grand street. The
family lived ithe rooms in the rear, ana,
while they were not rich, they were in very
comfortable circumstances. Frank, with '
the help of Ernst Leiddeck, conducted the
shop at the home, while his father and
brother conducted the others in streets near
by in the Eastern district
The1 mother of the family was 61 years
old. Last Tuesday night she was taken sick
with inflammation of the left lung. Frank
nursed her, and from the time she went to
bed he was np all tbe while. He did not
sleep Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday night. She was not seriously
ill, but Frank thought she was and
he became greatly worried, about
her. To-day noon she grew mel
ancholy, and calling her daughter Emma
and Frank to her'bedside, she told them she
thought she should die. That upset Frank
and made hint more nervous than ever. He
could not bear to listen to her, and left the
room and went out to the shop. Mrs. Brooks
kept on talking of death and told Emma
what disposition she wanted made of he
The daughter listened patiently and
soothed her mother as best she could and
then went to the kitchen. About 3 o'clock
she began toorepare an early supper. At
320 o'clockFrank, who had been walking
around in a distracted manner, left the shop
and was gone about ten minutes. After ha
had returned his sister got ready to go out
tor awniie.
The mother asked Emma not to be gone
long, for she said she might die soon, and she
did not want her to be away. Emma promised'
to be back soon. That was at 4 o'clock;
After she had been gone a few minutes, '
Frank went out again. He was absent about
15 minutes. When he returned he walked
up and down the shop, with his head hang
ing down on his breast. He seemed in
tensely nervous, and Mr. Leiddeck says he
wondered what was tbe trouble.
About 420 o'clock Frank went to his"
mother's room. A moment later Leiddeck
heard two pistol shots. He rusbed-into the
bedroom and saw Frank lying on the floor,.'
the blood gushing from a wound on the
right side of his head, and a pistol on the
floor by him. Mrs. Brooks was in bed.
There was a wound over her right ear and
she was dead.
Leiddeck shrieked and ran to a store oa
the corner and got a man to go- back with
him- When they returned) Frank was ia
a chair in the shop, but unconscious. An
ambulance was summoned, and he was
taken to St. Catherine's Hospital. The
surgeons said he could not recover.
The ballet had taken an upward course,
and was lodged near the upper part of tbe
skulL They made no attempt to remove it.
Coroner Lindsay tried to get him to talk,
but all he could say was tbat be had shot
his mother because she was in such pain.
The daughter kept her promise and hur
ried back, but only to find her mother dead.
just as the mother had said she feared she
would be. The daughter swooned. "Oh,
why did this happen i" she exclaimed
afterward. "No one loved my mother
more than Frank. He had cared
for her night and day, and his worrimeni
must have made him craxy. Ab, he wor
shiped the very ground she walked on, and
it must bave been because he thought her ia
agony that be did this."
Tne father and elder son had reached the
house in the meantime, and were almost
insane when they saw what had been done. .
Both said that Frank had never owned a '
pistol; that, in fact, he had never used one,' -and
that he must bave bought the weapon
used to-uay on one oi tne two trips be made
from the shop during the afternoon.
vine lace oi tne dead woman was some-"-?
what marked with lines of suffering, bntj
otherwise was placid. Death had evidently
come to ner instantly, ana perhaps she nad
not seen tbe weapon with which she was
Leiddeck, who was the only other person
in the place at tbe time, says he heard no
sounds before tbe pistol reports, and he
thinks Frank said nothing to hi
mother before be fired at her.
The police did not detain Leiddeck
as a witness. It has not been, ?1
tearnea yet wnere young irooKs oougnt toe
pistol. There were no papers -found to shaw
that bo contemplated the deed, and tromLM
he appreciates what he did. ' " '
Sone Say of Coniamptlon. Others Beeaa
of Blighted Affection.
rrecci.i. TXLxaxAit to tbx DisrATca.1-
New Tobk, December 28 "Victorlml
Morosini Schilling is a sufferer in the state
ly home of her father. Some say she it '
dying- of consumption, others th
she is, pining away from blight-J
ed affection. All tha invincibility
of love, all tne futility of parental stern
ness, were condensed into that pretty 1
romance of onlv a few Years im. v
August Schilling, the coachman, ran .away
with and married the lovely daughter,,'
Broker G. P. Morosini.
w nen pretty vutoria and August were);
married, everybody expected au eventual
reconciliation. But it never came, Ont
day August, who was still a conductor on i
streetcar, came home for dinner. Hiswift
said that she wonld go out in tbe afternoonM
to a dentist's. That was tbe last Auguetj
saw oi nis wne.
Academy of Haste Visitor Csih
Trick Bird end Is Arrested.
Among tbe audience at tbe Academy
Music, last night, was a man named'WlIK
lam T. Stewart, who lives at No. 50
bard street. Daring the performance i
biro's are set loose and fly' sbout tbrnigkjj
tne meaier. -
One ot these birds was captured by'gt
art, who held on tightly to his'pria?al
lately refaiiasr- to ?ive it..n"B:v.JW i
arrested aal placed ia the CeatfaflatatioSJ
xae pira waa returned to its owafr. ?V1
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