Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 29, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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wq Year's-Leading Features
Pointed Out.
Ifru.: -;..,. n.ntiiii Diiitf Cnttin Dn.
iween smun ana siavm.
. - i
Jn a Tew days old 1889 Kill hare taken its
coarse down ihe burial aisle of the past to
jolnalongline of predecessors. No class
o society will be without its memories of
joys and regrets regarding the departing
year, and none ot us -will be altogether free
of hope for the year that has come to take "the
- moribund one's place. However, I don't
think that any class of people have more to
occupy their mind in the way of reflections
than those who, day in and day out, follow
the ragaries of sporting events. "Nothing is
more uncertain in human affairs, and, I may
add, nothing seems to prompt more hope.
Doubtless, when Tuesday night arrives
hundreds Trill take a retrospect, and quite
easily perceive where and how they were
wrong, and will be more than ever con
vinced of the truth and appropriateness of
Barnes' view of it when he says: -
'The test laid schemes o' mice and men
Gang, aft a-gley.
An' lea' e us naught but grief an' pain,
r For promised joy."
However, there is some consolation in the fact
that our past mistakes and errors can be used
as beacons for future guidance into safer paths,
both in business transactions and otherwise.
During the year just now about to leave us the
sporting world has had much to' be surprised
at, much to disappoint it and considerable even
to wonder at. Since the 1st of January
heralded 18S9 manv erentfnt thincs have oc
curred, and the year will co on record as being
fruitful of several landmarks in the life's
journey of thousands of people. It may not be
uninteresting to make a somewhat brief
retrospect of the year, and note the leading
features of the various branches of sports, to
gether with some of their lessons. This may be
a kind of new departure, but I think it will be
The Baseball Feature.
Undoubtedly the national game has com
manded more public attention during the year
than all the other branches of sport put to
gether. Ordinarily baseball affairs are watched
by.the public with great earnestness and curi
osity, but the exciting and sensational features
otthls year have drawn the attention of almost
every newspaper reader in the country toward
them.- The year lSS9will figure in the annals
of baseball history as remarkably eventful.
Of course we all know that the chief of many
bic events in the baseball world has been the
revolt of the players, I use the word revolt
because 1 think that those who in future write
Impartial histories of the game will call it a
revolt. Well, the revolt may have good or it
mayhavo bad effects on the moral status of
the game. I am inclined to think that its effects
will be bad; not because of any
thing the players may do particularly,
but because of what everybody connected with
baseball must do to protect themselves. The
dying year has Introduced to us a real free
booter's system as far as baseball is concerted;
each of the rival parties will just catch where
they can and kep whenever they have the
power, irrespective of justice or fair play. In
this respect the old year has not been .friendly
to our national game. However, as far as the
popularity of the game has been concerned, it
is a fact that it was never in its history as pop
ular with the American people as it has been
in J8S9. There has been more money invested
in it; it has been patronized more than ever;
there has been a higher standard of players and
more of them, and they have received more
money than tiny ever did before. All this
should cause us o be thankful to our old and
departing acquaintance, if not absolute friend,
ISS& More tnanthisithe year has seen the
great, national gam of this country thorouchly
Inaucnxated in EncUnd. This is an exceed
ingly interesting feature, bnt it belongs to '80
or its successors to sen that the seed sown shall
take firm root and yield the fruit that it ought
to yield. Altogether there have been many
features In baseball during the year which af
ford pleasurable reflections, but the revolt, I
fear, almost outweighs all of them. It may
end well, and as we know "All's well that ends
., . .The Trotting Feature.
No branch of sport has had a more eventful
year than that of trotting: indeed I may say
that no branch has come near trotting In creat
ing wonder and astonishmentin 1SS9. Vithout
doubt it has been the most remarkable year in
the history of trotting in this conntxy, or any
where else for that matter. There was never
so much money in the business and there cer
tainly never was in the known history of the
world so many extraordinarily fast horses.
Just think of it, yon people who take any inter
est in good horses, nearly 800 trotters anil, I
think, more than 2U0 pacers have entered tho
230 list daring the year. And among this re
markable numDer a large percentage have
gotten below the 220 mark. The astounding
achievements of Axtell and Sunol are almost
fresh in onr minds yet, but certainly tbey will
be recorded as wonderful. The performances
Ot these horses and others have attracted the
attention of all the civilized world to America,
and as a result we find American trotting
stock being old to all parts of the globe. Most
certainly 1SS9 has been cood to the patrons and
admirers of trotting races and trotting horses.
There may be a slight exception taken here.
No donbt many people will think that as far as
trotting 'is concerned there is nothing to be
tbankfnl for in Pittsburg. Surely there is not,
and the future does not seem to have anything
encouraglnc in store. But it must not be for
gotten that the year offered many opportuni
ties to local trottingpatrons to retain their race
meetincs. These opportunities were not rightly
laid hold of and they passed by.
The Sculling Feature.
The year has also produced many interesting
events in the sculling world, both amateur and
professional. Of cours t, it has seen America's
amateur champion, Psotta defeated by a
Britisher, bnt still amateur sculling has had a
prosperous year. Generally speaking, there
has been an increasing interest in professional
rowing, except in and about Pittsburg and one
or two other places. As far as Pittsburg is
concerned it will be a long time ere profes
sional; sculling is popular. The Teemer
Gandaur boat race of 18S9, will long be remem
bered. B owever, in an international sense,
rowing has had An important year. Its events,
however, have been mixed with joy and sadness.
The death of Henry feearle, the young champion
of the world, darkens all tho brighter features
of the Sport. However, tne year has established
the fact that in sculling Australia is in the van.
"WeuUso. find a condition of things at the close
of the year that is rarely seen. The sudden
death of the champion leaves the title in dis
pute, and several aspirants deem themselves
capable of capturing it. That it will be rowed
for there is no doubt, bnt the manner or
method of contesting for it is problematical.
Hbwever, I still contend that O'Connor has
done thetright thine. If in tho new year the
regatta is proceeded with, and O'Connor refuses
to contest for tne championship in any rough
and tumble way,I cannot see why any champion
ship title can be at stake at alL Of course
the winner of the regatta can row
O'Connor for the title, but if all
the aspirants are afraid of O'Connor why
the best thing they can do is to row among
themselves until they find who is the best man
in their company. Sir. Thayer nor anybody has
a rigbvto put up a purse of money and say that
the winner of it is the champion sculler ot the
world. -A jnan tannot be forced to row under
regatta conditions for a title so great, and
O'Connor would probably do well to stick to'tbo
conditions of bis challenge. If those' who re
cuse to accent his challenge hare a little re
gatta among inemseives, ail ngnt, nut tne win
ner wnn!tand couldn't reasonably be acknowl-
K. ner
edveu tne cnampiou oi tne woria. nut tnongn
tag 'year has seen the sadden departure of
.fBirle, next year may xeeJStansbury ascend to
isuu. l nave an laea mat retansuury una
iCm?onnor will row a match for the world's title.
f The Pugilistic Feature
S-'vThbse who find pleasure in patronizing or
ubaciang an interest in affairs pugilistic have
ibadlplenty to entertain them during 1S89. True
Sthere have not been any really remarkable bat
EtlesfeOT contest that is remarkable for tho
Ipagilistlc qualities 'displayed, bnt nevertheless
StfierelhaV, - een some important encounters.
Mil tcWoIufties ot talk the question -of who was
?tne,reai cuauwn waa ueciaeo. ror a lime
a.unreasonamy claimed the title, and his
ft-nmlut with Sullivan '"down ..South" entirely
tfehoved that Kllraln had unreasonably been
claiming the title of championiugilist of the
tworld.. That contest, tbougb in many respects
ItnUiklUiat anybody who knows anything about
IBUgUUfliM smiJUM ctbi uuu uiabran. lor xw
It was important, however, because Sullivan
was expected to collapse In a 6udden and mis
erable way. He had for a long lime been liv
ing in debauchery and dissipation, and good
authorities thought that no human constitu
tion could recover from the effects' of such
debaucbery.asjie had indulged in. He sur
prised everybody, howeven by lis tolerably
good condition on-the day of battle, and though
he was not in first-class condition by any means,
he was in good enough 'form to easily
defeat Kllraln. The battle had
another feature, the effects of which
are still being felt. I refer to the interference
of the law with the principals. Each of the
pugilists has been sentenced to imprisonment
for participating in the fight Kllraln is now
undergoing his and Sullivan has appealed. The
result of this has had a subduing effect on pub
lic prize fights, so much so that fights of national
note are almost impossible except under the
auspices of a club and then tbey have to be
with soft cloves. This is a very Important
feature in the history of American pugilism.
To me it seems that the time will not belong
In coming when it will be uext'tp impossible to
have a bona fide prize fight ot any importance.
It may safely be said that 1SS9 has
seen the glove system of fighting thoroughly
.established. Of course, I am aware that
glove contests have been popular for some
time, but what I mean is that championship
contests in America must .be decided with
gloves. At present there seems no other course
that Is, safe' course open. This will revolu
tionize pugilism. The lesser weights and lesser
lights have not had an exceedingly remarkable
time. The most important event in these
classes has been the defeat of Jack Dempsey
by George La Blanche. That was a surprise to
almost everybody who' takes an interest in
prize ring matters. The contest will go on
record as an Important one, and I think the
true account of ' it will show that Demp
sey did not show up as the scien
tific terror that his ardent admirers deemed
him. The lightweight championship is still
somewhat in doubt. Carroll claims it, but he
has never won it by fighting for it Bnt the
most interesting feature of pugilism during,
the year has been the performances of the
Australians, particularly Jackson and Slavin.
They have shown Up in victorious form, it not
in first-class form. Australia and its admirers
have certainly been in great luck during the
year, and it has bestowed ra them the lion's
share of glory and money. However, it is
questionable whether the Australian cham
pions will sustain their victorious reputations
during next vear. At the end of the next 12
months we may find that they have not been
near first class.
Smith nnd Slavin.
Certainly one of the 'most disgraceful con
tests known in the annals of tne prize ring was
that between Jem Smith, champion .of En
gland, and Slavin, the Australian. Whatever'
may have been the facts of the Savers and
Heenan battle at Farnborough, or of the Car
ney and McAullffe battle down East, these
affairs were n!ld In the extreme when com
pared with the affair of last Monday in Bel
gium. Of course it is not fair to assail the en
tire spirit of British fatrplay, because a few
paid blackguards were smuggled to the battle
cene to rob, kill or do anything else that
would prevent Smith's losing. No country
has a monopoly of. good men or
blackguards. The Pelican Club spoke,the true
feeling of British opinion on the matter when
it stated that Slavin was the legitimate cham
pion of England, and also presented him with
a handsome purse. It seems to me certain that
Smith left England with the full conviction of
what Was going to happen, and if this is so he
ought to be stamped as the veriest cur that
ever entered a ring. His movements in the
ring showed that there was a prearranged pro
gramme to carry out, and it was certainly car
ried beautifully and cowardly into effect. We
certainly have heard the last of Smith. But
while he played a most despicablo part
I cannot help thinking that the referee
acted very strangely. I dont believe
scorning referees without the facts are exceed
ingly plain and conclu-dve. Tve been there
before." A referee has a very peculiar position
now and again, and he often is in a position to
see things quite differently from the great bulk
of onlookers; beside, his responsibility often
checks impulsiveness and prompts caution. It
is, therefore, only fair, te grant a referee more
than the usual latitude in coming to a con
clusion. However, the facts, or at least the re
ports pi the fight, are shown so clearly that the
entire disgraceful proceedings had been pre
arranged, and that Smith violated the rules so
often, that it does seem singular that the referee
aid not at .once give Slavin the fight But the
small amount of fighting there was showed
conclusively that Slavin Is almost equal to two
Smiths. The Englishman is completely done.
There was a time when he was a good man, but
his physical condition is against him. He is no
longer a pugilist and as the art or his power to
indulge in the art has left him so has-hls man
hood, and he now stoops to disreputable
methoas to prevent his own defeat The
reason, therefore, that be should adjourn into
obscurity is all the greater. Slavin is a better
man than many people thought him to be.
although be cannot find anything like his
true measure in his affair with Smith. The
Australian, however, has some amount of
reason for saving that he is at least as-good as
Jackson. I don't think that the latter could
have made any shorter work of Smith in a
prize ring than did Slavin, but even if ho could
that would be no comparison. Slavin has shown
that he is a pugilist -of good merit more than
once, and it would seem the best way out of a
controversy for Slavin and Jackson to meet
and settle the question of their superiority.
Were they to meet now Iconfess that I would
be somewhat at a-loss to chose my favorite.
Slavin is certainly a very Intelligent and pow
erful man, and that goes a long way
with me. He has transacted his business in
England in the shrewdest of ways, and depend
upon it, will prove game whenever he Is needed
to do so. However, Jackson has yet bis real
first-class man in the prize ring to meet That
he is a clever and powerf ul man I admit but
there is every reason to think that Slavin will
test him very welL I expect to hear that they
are matched to fight oaepf these days: that is,
if the prospects of good business does not
cause Parson" Daviea to keep Jackson away
from possible or probable defeat for a few
months longer.
Brotherhood vs. League.
Nothing very startling or sensational has oc
curred during the week In the conflict between
the players and the League magnates. One of
the most prominent events has been the filing
of the suit against JonnM. Ward by the New
York National League clnb. The case comes
up for Argument on January 6, according to
present arrangements, and, ot course, the at
tention of the entire baseball world will be cen
tered on the matter. I would not for a moment
presume to say what the result will be; to me
law is a very, very uncertain piece
ot machinery. Oue never knows
which way the wheel Is going to
turn. Bnt I will always hold that every player
who signed a League contract last year did so
with the full understanding that bis services
could be claimed next year, if needed. Whether
or not the law will decide for the fulfillment of
this understanding is another matter. But if
the Court decides against the League, nothing
will be left for I: to do but tight to the bitter
end. and lam inclined to think that such will
be the case. Mr. Ward, judging from his pub
lic utterances, has not the least concern about
the outcome of the case; he Is certain that
it will go against the League. It snch
should be the result it probably won't
be a pity, because matters have gone
so far that a life and death struggle between
a certain number of slayers and the old League
must take place sooner or latter. Better have
it over now. Besides, were the injunction ap
plied for granted it would be very
unpleasant for the bitter opponents of
the' League to be playing -ball for it; we
couldn't expect earnestness and good will
to obtain. X, therefore, thoroughly believe
that taking everything into consideration, it
will be better for tbe national game If the in
juntion asked for is not granted. I may add
that if Is not baseball magnates will then seethe
necessity of preparing contracts that will be
upheld by law. The defections, or I may
say, the withdrawal of Messrs. Taggart and
Whitall from tbe Philadelphia Brotherhood
clnb has been another-prominent happening;
it has been prominent because it has been so
much talked about, but really there seems lit
tle significance attached to it Every day' we
hear of this or that tusiness man withdrawing
from some new enterprise with which be may
have connected .himself, and it Is quite easy to
understand that the two gentlemen named did
not sufficiently weigh the anxiety and worry
consequent on becoming" directly interested in
a bascoall enterprise. I wouldn't be surprised
to find that many more of tne new Brother
hood stockholders should weary of their un
dertaking, because tbey will encounter many
things of which they have little idea at present
But these withdrawals do not necessarily mean
that tbe undertaking is a bad one; not at all.
Fred Carroll's Case.
Recently there has been much said regard
ing what Fred Carroll will and' will not' do.
Doubtless he has been, made say many things
of which he never dreamed; that is, newspaper
reports have quoted him as saying what he
never even thought of. A lew days ago I read
a letter from Carroll. It was in reply to tele
grams sent from this city by tbe old clnb
officials. The letter was a gentlemanly and
plain one. In It Carroll distinctly stated
that he would do nothing until he came East
He di-sired to know clearly all about the outs
and ins of tbe situation, and to obtain this
knowledge he wonld come East much sooner
than usual. - He also said that he would then
be prepared to talk business, how this ongbt
to allay all conjectures regarding bis intentions
or alleged reports of his signing a Brotherhood
contract There are indeed manv players in a
position similar to Carroll, and I am inclined
to think that next April will find them at their
old stands. Now partiality does not prompt
this Cassandra notion; I am simply led to this
conclusion by the actions ot a large number of
players already. In many respects a hack
neyed quotation might be paraphrased to read:
"Oh frallity, thy name is ballplayer."
The Association's Prospects. (
' After ail there seeM-to be llf 'in the Asso
ciation yet; It B jpadaalry rielag Into prom
inence again, and Its staach supporters are
now claiming that it will appear on the field
just like a giant refreshed with new -wine. I
hope It may, Tbe Indications ate, however,
that It will be short of what it has been, be
cause I fall to see how sacidtles'as Toledo
and Rochester can anything like replace Cin
cinnati and Brooklyn. Bdt' cities like the
former are better than a complete 'collapse of
the Association, and if it can survive its pres
ent adversity It may develops into the best or
ganization in .the country. There are more
uncertainties in baseball now thaniBere ever
were, and anybody or any organization might
be knocked out on any -day... There Is one
thing, however, which the Association must
never do; that is, break tbe national agree
ment .If .it desires to weather the present
storm, its only hope at least Its chief hope
lies in its full recognition of the national agree
ment Without that bulwark of psoteo
tion Its chances of success would be
very small, indeed. If it does fully
recognize the national agreement it will
be bo much the worse for the new League, be
cause there will then be -no dealings whatever
between the two. Further.lf the Association
maintains its existence I fear that many of its
star players who have promised to join the new
organization will 'not make their promises
good. This will also be a very severe blow for
tbe new League, and It strengthens the opin
ion that the old League-under any circum
stances will have as good .and probably better
teams next year than any rival organization.
Tho 72-Honr Bnce.
There Is not much of the artistic in what
sometimes is called a "six-day wobble,!' but I
am free to admit that there is sometimes much
to admire. Almost all of us nave a respect
and often an admiration f bra game and plucky
man, no matter In what branch' of sports we
find him. Thorough-going pluck covers many
faults. Well, I think that everybody who
looked at the race In the London Theater dur
ing tbe week wonld be satisfied, that two more
determined and plucky fellows ' than
Hegelman and Golden never went on
a track. It is this remarkable will
power and courage to endure all pain
and battle against nature thatis tbe feature of
a six-day race, and 1 confess that this feature
was prominent in the recent race. These "wob
bles" have developed into a great business since
Edward P. Weston's time,' and it is safe to say
that bad .Edward been on the little theater
track during the week be would have been
badly left" Tbe race wal a good and honor
able one, and I am, therefore, at liberty to say
a word of praise about Manager Davis, with
out doubt deserves credit for making a success
of this class of sporting events in dull times
like these.
The Hrt of Betting.
The Bishop of Peterborough Is evidently a
man of serve, and if his theology is correct,
and I have held that it is for a long time, men
who make bets are not the sinners that many
people make, them out to be. I give tbe
Bishop's statement made recently at a public
meeting in England. I give it without com
ment: "there is no sin In racing or.betting any
more than there Is sin in drinking; excessive
betting is sin just as excessive drinking is sin."
Without denying that gambling may be injuri
ous, the Bishop ot Peterborough proceeded to
give a definition of betting; which it would be
difficult to improve upon. "What," asked his
lordship, "is betting T It is simply the -buying
of chances. A man either pays or promises to
pay a certain sum of money uoon the cbanee ot
a certain event happenipg whether it is a
horse running axace, a card ot -a. -.certain color
turning up, or the rising or falling of stocks,
does not matter. If a man says. Twill bet you
5 shillings that it will not rain 'to-morrow,' I
tninKii wouiacaKe a iongiimo so prove irom
the Bible that that man was guilty
oi a crime."
Some Great Entries for the Spring Sleeting
or West Side Track.
Nasuvtli-e, December 28. The stake list to
close January 15 next, ot the Westslde Park
Club, for tbe spring meeting, was issued to
day: There are seven stakes in all. as follows: Ivy
Leaf stakes, for 2-year-olas, 11.000 added, four
furlongs: trial stakesfor 2-year-olds. $1,000
added, five furlongs: Nevada stakes, for 8-y ear
old fillies. 1,000 added, one mile; the' Duncan
Hotel stakes, for all ages, $1,000 added by Sun
can Hotel, one mile: Maxwell Bouse handicap,
51.000 added by Maxwell House, for 3-year-olds
and upward, nine furlongs. The $2,000 sweep
stake, for 3-year-olds, $2,000 added, nine fur
longs, to be run at the spring meeting of 189L
Tbe brood mares sweepstakes, for 2-year-olds,
with $1,000 added, four furlongs, to be run at
the spring -meeting in 1S92. In the $2,000 to be
run next snrins there are snch fivers as.Riler.
Kitty Cheatham, Prince Fonso Pow Wow, J
The brood mares sweepstakes to be first run
next spring has 47 eligible starters. The meeting
begins April 28 and closes May 3, lasting seven
days. ' s
Myen' Manager Hakes a Very Plain Propo
sition to Everybody.
Bloomington, III., December 28. Lee
Cheney, manager of Billy Myers, the light
weight to-day gives out a proposition addressed
to Bud Benaud, New Orleans, in reply to that
gentleman's telegram stating that he had a
man whom he desired to match against Myers,
and believed him to -be Andy Bowen. Cheney
"I will match Billy Myers against Andy
Bowen for $2,500 a side and -for the
world's championship, Bowen to weigh less
than 135 pounds at tbe ringside, the fight to
take place in Texas any time lifter March 25
next. I am willing to accept as referee Fitz
patrick. who refereed the Sulllvan-Eilraln
light, or Al Smith, of New 'York, or two sure
men. If this proposition suits yon cover onr
deposit of $500 now In the bands of Captain
Cooke, of New York, and send articles to be
signed. Let the rules be Qneensberry or Lon
don: two-ounce gloves preferred, but this
point waived and accept bare fists." ,.
Clifton Entries.-,
NEW Toek, December 21 The entries for
Monday at Clifton are:
First race, live 'furlongs, selllng-Oiceola IIS,
Guardsman, Ssluds, Douran, Cnpld Ul, Foster,
Flrcbnll fillv. Moonstone, Wanderer the second,
Kqaalltv. Eeatlct, Verona 1M, Jacobus 97, Tony
Faitor. Grade 90.
Second race, seven snd one-half furlongs
Teddy Foley 140, King of Norfolk. Talcon 150.
Brown Charlie 135, Groomsman- 145, Dalesman
130, Trlfler 125, Melodrama 125, Consignee 117. Wat
ter, Jim Murphy 110. Gounod 105, Annie M102,
SDarllng-95, FarinIeH82.
Third race, one mile, selllne Richmond 112.
Bralt 106. Kedllght 100. Umpire. Antocrat Peri
cles 97. Qneen Bess. Halrsprihg 94. Facial B S3.
Fourth race, handicap, one mile and a sixteenth
-Barrister 115, Belwood 114. Eleve 109, Puzzle 108,
Van 105. Trank Ward 105. Glory 104, She 103,
Wahsatch 1C8, tJaml) 101, Philip D 101, Iceberg 94,
Specialty 9X.
Firth race, one mile and a Quarter Gallni Dan,
"Wahoo, Brac-a-Ban, St. Faria11z,Vlctrlx.Theora
109, Fllot 102, PhUip D 103, Blchland, Blpton 93,
Miss Cody 90.
Sixth race, handicap, for 3-year-olds, six and a
hair farlongs-Ban Lassie 115, Elizabeth 115, John
Atwood 113. Issaqaenna uily. Faustina 112, Gra
mercy 110, Owen Golden 109, Sophist, Fall Mall
107. Sne Finney gelding 105, Floretta 102, Owen
Gnttenbnrg Winners.
. New Tosk, Decembet2$. To-day's races at
Outtenburg resulted as follows;
First race, six fnrlongs German first. Buck
stone second. Boodle third. . Time, 134. Betting
Herman, 7 to 2 and 7 to &; Bnckstone, S to I and
even; Boodle, 10 to 1 and S to 1;
Second race, three-quarters of a mile Kenwood
iirit, Isaaquenna filly second; Flambeau third.
Betting Kenwood, S to t and ont; Issaqnenna
Ally, 5 to land 6 to 5; Flambeau. 10 to 1 and 2 to 1.
Tlme.l:17. '
Third race, seven furlongs Lottery first, Bhakes
peare second. Velvet third. Time, 1:30. Bet
ting: Lottery S to t and 1 to 2, Shakespeare 3) to 1
and 8 to 1. Velvet 15 to I snd t to L
Fourth race, one mile and a quarter Wyn wood
first, Wilfred second. Van third. Betting: Wyn
woodiotoland 3 to I, Wilfred 5 to 2 and 4 to 3,'
"Van S to 1 anas to 5. Time. 2:10Jj.
Fifth race, one mile lima B flrt, Carnegie sec
ond, Oregon third. Time, 1:44. Betting: lima B 12
to 1 and S to 1, Carnegie X to 1 and 1 to 2, Oregon 2
to 5 and ont.
Sixth race Cupid flrat, Landteer second. Pom
mery Sec third. Time, 1:31. Betting: Cupid S to
1, Landseer 6 to 5, Pommery Sec 12 to 1.
Pittsburg Won.
Geeensbuko, Pa., December 28. The
Pittsburg alumni was an easy winner in the
football game with the Oreensburg eleven, at
tho fair grounds here this afternoon. Only two
baits were played. Pittsburg won by a score of
2! toO.
The great drawback with the Oreensburgs
was their Inexperience and an evident fear of
the Pittsburg heavy-weights. Pittsburg got
'the ball In the kick-off and in thn first R0V
iminutes Pittsburg secured a toUeh down and
'kicked a goal, ana in the second half theyse
enred a touch down but were thrown off. They
.captured the ball, however,, and with ease de
feated their opponents." ' ;- '
Cercorae f-sr Plttsharr.
Manager Hanlon is fsperted to have signed
Corcoran, of tbe New Haven club; The youth'
is Tommy, eons$arad'a ''wrosteisg young oldvinclu'dlng.Rey Del', Bea, will be broaght
fielder,. .... ; &f. frfi'f V l&AHW.WH?ty;&fttmf
Salliran and Jackson to Figit in
America., - . ,. .
Smith's British Friends Tors Their Backs
on their Cbampioa. v
Authentic reports now show that Jackson
and Sullivan are sow matched to fight "in
America. Smith is in greatdisgrace among
his English friends. The Pittsburgers win
. the football match at Greensburg. ' -
New Yobk, December 28. It is now
settled that John L. Sullivan and Peter
Jackson will battle before the California
Athletio Club early next spring. A per
sonal friend of Sullivan's who doesnot care
to have his name used told a Dispatch repor
ter to-day that the match had been made, and
all that will be necessary now to make it com
plete is to have the men sign tho articles.
Of' course Sullivan and Barnltt deny that
there was any mention of a match belugmade
during tbe lntefviewwith Major Mclaughlin,
but it was for that reason that McLaughlin
called on Sullivan. The latter expressed his
willingness to fight Jackson, but denied it be
cause he did not wish it made, publlo until
after he had straightened out bis trouble with
the Mississippi authorities. The following
cable to the Police Gazette -confirms the fact
that the match is made:
"The Pelican club at a meeting on December
28 decided to offer a purse of 1,000 for a'glove
fight between Frank P. Slavin and Peter Jack,
son, but It is doubtful if a match will be made,
as Jackson sails for America on January 15,and
Charles E. Davis has been notified by President
Fulda that Jackson most hold himself In read
iness to meet John L. Sullivan at tbe Califor
nia Athletic Club, in May, for a purse of 810.
000." Sullivan in the meantime intends to' remain
in this city until after New Year's Day, when
he will return to Boston and prepare
for his tour with a variety show, which
will take in the Western States as far as
Omaha, and then work its way to New Orleans,
where Sullivan will leave for Mississippi to at
tend his trial, which takes place about Febru
This ought to end all talk about the meeting'
of Sullivan and Slavin. At present Slavin has
made the must definite challenge, that Is to
fight Sullivan for S5.000 a side. Jackson has
not done this and If Sullivan Ignores the bona
fide challenge anybody can conjecture about
"business" and so forth. It really would seem
better if Sullivan, to decide who ought to own
tbe world's championship, would tackle the
man who is most honest in putting up for a
fight Irrespective of.a club contest.!
The English Pugilist and Bis Friends Are
Entirely Discarded.
London, December 28. Copyright. The
most thoroughly ostracised man in London to
day Is Jem Smith. He and his seconds and the
ruffians who accompanied Mm to Bruges' re
turned to England the day after the fight, an
noying all the respectable people with, whom
they came into contact by their blackguardism.
The Pelicans have given notice of a motion at
their next meeting that Smith be expelled from
the club, and It is, of course, cer
tain to be adopted. Smith's influential
patrons have all cut him. and the
whilom champion now dare not show his
face in the West End.but reserves his company
for a few of tbe bullies who still condescend to
drink with him at obsoure groggerles. Even his
backer. Mr. Abington, alias Baird, who found
Smith's stake ana paid the price of tbe ruf
fian's hire, has seen fit to make some attempt
to retrieve his own damaged reputation; and
has written a letter expressing his admiration
ofSlavln's nluck.atthe same time declaring
1- his Intention of civincthe 500 whicb he nut
Fup for Smith to Slavin. This seemsa'trifle late J
from the man 'who, oy lifting one finger, could
nave stoppea an tne rumamsm. cut tne real:
explanation is that the Pelicans are to con
sider tbe feasibility of expelling Abington,
which would brand him forever In the sporting
world, and bv taking this generous action now
L Abington thinks ho may stave 'this off. It is
uupeumero uyaii uuo sportsmen uiatuewiu
not succeed.
Slavin has declined to accept the 500. The
Pelican Club's action in awarding tbe cham
pionship of England to Slavin has raised some
discussion, though every right-minded .man
sympathises with the Australian. The referee
called the Brnges fight a draw and thus tbe
championship has not been wrested from Smith
bv the rules which govern prize fighting. Pos
sibly it does not matter, as no first-class match
will ever be arranged again for Smith by sports
of standing. But nevertheless the Pelicans
are setting a dangerous precedent when they
commence over-riding a referee's decisions. .
Young George Dixon Wants to Tight tho
Bantam Champion.
Boston, December 28, Sporting men are
naturally immensely tickled over George
Dixon's signal triumph over Eugene Horn
backer last night, and he is already hailed as
the champion bantam weight, It Dixon and
Cal McCarthy meet there will be plenty of
money laid on the young colored lad. This
morning a prominent sporting man placed $500
with Captain A. W. Cooke, of the Police News,
as a forfeit to bind a match with Cal 'McCarthy
for either $3,000 to $5,000 or $10,000 a side. There
upon Captain Cooke sent this dispatch to Joe
Early, AicCarthy's backer:
"Five hundred dollars is this day placed in
mv hands In behalf of George lUxonl I will
post It with the New York Sun, New York
Clipper. Boston Herald or Boston Globe, and
match Dixon to battle Cal McCarthy to a finish
for the bantam-weight championship ot Amer
ica and either 3,000 or $5,000 a side, the men to
battle with two-ounce gloves. You can choose
your stakeholder and forward articles."
Western Sporting News.
USAnFbancisco. December 28. Pete McCoy
the well-known middle-weight pugilist,- has
been matched to .fight Tom Cleary, ot Oakland,
formerly of Newburg,N. Y., for a purse of
$800, given by the Golden Gate Athletio Clnb.
The battle will take place In January.
The match between Ike Weir and -Billy
Murphy has been postponed. Murphy is still
suffering from. the dnck shot Joe Acton fired.
at him while hunting.
Mike Conley, the Ithaca giant, is he re, and
issued a challenge to meet any heavy-weight on
the Pacific Slope. It Is expected Paddy Ryan
will meet him in a glove fight.
Dannie Needham. who def ea ted Paddy Smith
so easily, can be hacked against any light
weight. He Is matched- to meet Billy Mahan
for a purse of $800.
Joe McAnllffe, the 'Frisco giant, is eager to
meet Jake Kllraln. He claims that be can be
backed for 110,000, ft snch a match is arranged.
Ulade a Draw of It.
Lrax, Mass., December 28. At the rooms
of the Lynn Athletic Club last evenlngMicbael
Carney, of Lynn, and James O'Leary, ot Chi
cago, light weights, fought a ten-round glove
contest, Qneensberry rules, to a draw. There
was, hot fighting in tbe second round, but
honors were easy. In the third Carney, In giv
ing an upper cut, tripped over bis own feet and
fell and tbe referee allowed a knock-down.
There was close ln-fighting in ' the ' sixth and
O'Lsary won first blood. In the seventh and
eighth O'Leary weakened Carney by neck
blows. The tenth round was fiercely fought,
Carney getting the better of it, until the time
expired, and the fight was stopped and declared
a draw. The fighters will meet again.
"iHoro Old League Men.
Cleveland, December 28. W. "W.Veach.
the hard-hitting first baseman of tbe'San Fran
cisco team in .the California League, has been
signed by tbe Cleveland League club. Itiaju
mored that tbe terms of another Cleveland
Brotherhood player have been accepted by.the
local League club. Officials will neither con
firm nor deny the report.
ZHovIbc tbe Thoresghbres.
Nashville, Ten2? December ,28. A. Ss.
tell, manager for Tbeo. Winters, left here last
night for California after "arranging to have
"Winters' horses, including El Rio Bev. Joe
Courtney, Don Jose and others, shipped here in
(U.O ........ ,.,., .... AW. H ., J. .. ....... V W f W...-
The Baseball Writer- Hves Sesse Fetotevs
Abeat Best en The iWd Leaaoe aa
Top There FHtrtf d
Ctevetaiw WeiV Each
Keep Two. Oaks.
Boston, December 27. Some tlrae, ago the
Brotherhood team of this city were standing
on tip-toe and shouting! "We are the people
for next year: the' League people won't b In
It" It Is now the trlumvtrs'-Soden, Billings
and Conant turn to shout; they have recently
nailed some great ball players and they, tooj
can shout: ""We'll be there when the flowers
bloom In the spring," Clarkson andGanzel
make as fine abattery as there Is In the coun
try, but there are - many more good men.
"Chollie" Smith, whois a Puritan by birth and
a ball player by profession, will scoop up hard,
hits from the shortstop's position; he will also
fan the gentle atmosphere with as much ease
as his illustrious friend, Jimmy Galvln,
of tbe Pittsburg Brotherhood team.
Big Mike Lehane, of Buffalo, tbe
great home-run hitter or the International
Association, has signed a League contract.
He will cover first base Instead of Dan
Brouthers. Lehane is well liked here. A few
years ago he made his first appearance on the
Boston grounds, and he made a record that
any man might well feel proud of. He ap
peared here with tbe Buffales,- when they were
members of tbe International -Association.
Radbonrn pitched for Boston and Lehane
found him a perfect berry, making four "crack
ing bits, including "a. terrific homer" away
over the left field fence. Another crack out
fielder has been bought from the Hamilton
team. His name Is Brbdle; and from all
accounts he is a dickey "with the old
wagon tongn& The ' addition of
these men gives Bostorf the nucleus or a first
class nine to battle for League championship
honors. However, I can't say that any League
clnb is as strong as thepresent Brooklyn team,
and it won't please League admirers to see tbe
champions of the American, Association walk
In and carry off the League championship.
Cincinnati, too, is a Very formidable nine, and
the Leaguo moguls of the old League cities
must do some tall bustlingif they expect to heat
out tbe two ex-Assoclatlon teams. But It Is a
long time between now and-the -1st of April,
and heaven only knows what may turnup by
that time.
A few short weeks ago, after1 Cincinnati and
Brooklyn joined hands with the League, the
Brotherhood leaders were having things their
own way, so far as signing then Association
stars was concerned. The boot is now on the
other foot, and lately some of the men who
signed Brotherhood contracts some time ago,
are now signing with the old League as fast as
tbe Association stars were signing with the
Players' League some time ago. The Brother
hood wasn't thoroughly organized for a revolt;
if they were tbey would have remained loyal to
each other. I called tbe turn: I felt positive
that some of the numbskulls, like. Glasscock,
who were continually shouting "slavery."
would be the first to weaken. The
players should have been Insured
work for at least three years;
as it is now the Brotherhood backers can quit
at any time, and if .Pittsburg and Cleveland
shonld throw up tbe sponge what wmld be
come of the players? And- where could the
Brotherhood secure a foothold after refusing
St. Louis an admittance, a city where there
would be no comnetitionf Mark these words:
Pittsburg and Cleveland will .never support
two teams. I wodldn't want to 'gamble that
any city in the country can support two teams
witn an admittance zee or. ou cents.
Chicago has a great team, and as there are
many wageworkers and socialists in the.
Windy City,, I am inclined to think that
tbey will draw better than any other
team in tbe Players' League,- Every organiza
tion has to make a record before tbey can ex-i
pect the support of tbe .people, and it all de
pends on how the players behave the next
season. If tbey obey Ward they will come out
with flying colors In the end. if the backers are
thoroughbreds and don't weaken easy; but if
the players engage in any "Garrison finishes,"
a la since is.euy, tne Dacxers, as wen as tne tem
perate players, will get disgusted, while tbe
League organs will pitch in and rip the pfayers
up the spinal column. Von der Ahe is a queer
kind of a man, but has money and would add
strength to the Brotherhood's cause; so for
that reason they may regret that tbe St. Louis
Dutchman was not allowed to enter a team in
tbe Players' League.
There is. even now, a rumor in different local
ities that Von der Abe will be taken in later
on. He would have been taken in at the last
meeting, bnt the, Brotherhood people were
afraid that he would demana some of tbe men
that had been stolen away from him; and In
case these men were not given up, Von der Abe
would demand some of tb'e.best Brotherhood
players to take their places on the Browns.
Von der Ahe is no cbumpihe can tell a chicken
from a ham sandwich if. he does occasionally
wear spectacles
, Young Daley, of the Bostons; is now doing
fins work-Jn California. I always sald'be was
a good one, Chaeles. J. F6let.
He Defeats Golden' and lOtBera fn the Big
72-Honr Race Herty a 'Good
Third and -Connors a
Close Fourth'.
The 72-hour race ended.last night and Hegel
man was the winner.. . He got' J4S0, and prob
ably never a man worked, harder for a prize
than did Hegelman. He has had a journey
all week that might have made any ordin
ary man tired ot life. Golden has been
following him like a sbadow.and let nobody say
tbattbese poor struggling creatures have been
wrecking their constitutions for fun There
is no fun in men like Hegelman and Golden
and tbe race they have madegives the absolute
lie to tbe statement that contests, of the kind
cannot be honest The race ended has been
one of tbe keenest known in Pittsburg.
Hegelman won only because be had more speed
than Golden. Tbe latter, had stamina but at
important times he .could not command the
speed that Hegelman did.
If Hegelman had bad any sympathy for the
management hecould have made tbe finish more
exciting, but the fact that be left tbe track at
11:12 shows that he was in the race for himself.
The management, however,-Is on the safe side.
Hertv secured third place' and Connors fourth.
Glick got fifth, and he deserved it., He really
beat an old timer .like Sam Day, who quit
miserably. Day won tlOOby defeating a feared
man like Nnremac, but a novice like
Glick defeated Day in' the race. The crowd at
the race was great, and last evening particu
larly the attendance was extraordinary:
Next "Wednesday, New Year's Day, there
will be a 12-honrrace fn which Moore. Hart
and Guerrero and other" contestants of tbe re-c-ntrace
except Hegelman and Golden can
enter. The strangers, have just arrived from
Cleveland. Guerrero has some money to bet,"
that he can beat any man in the, world in a 12
hour race. He wants to Tun somebody a 10
mlie race.
Following is the score at the finish of the
race :
The tableshows allowances for the shortage
ot the track: j
Miles. Laps. Miles. Y'ds
Daniel J. Herty
Peter Hegelman
George. 1J. Noremac .'
Peter Golden: .'...
Bam Day :...,.i
George Connors
ohnGUek V.-..V"
New Orleans Raeesy
New Orleans thirteenth, winter meeting;
partly cloudy and 'warm;, good attendance;
track fast.
Plrst race, selling, six furlongs, eight started
.Balance 101, $34 to 11, Zeke Hardy IDS, 115, Bertha
105, S3, Crlspino . lus, vatcue JOS, ss, itegaraiess
106. S2, Harry Ireland 101. S3, to ts, Dubme 117, tz.
.Duhmetooklead when the dram tapped and at
the half was leading by four lengths? Vatelle sec
ond, followed by Crlspino, Harry Ireland, Hardy,
Berths, Begardlesi and Balance as named. On
the lower turn Balance came fast, .entering the
straight first, and came "in an easy winner by a
length, Bertha second, Begardless third, Harry
Ireland. Crispt, Duhme, Zeke, Hardy and Vatelle
in tbe order named. Time. 1-.I5X.
Second race, felling, eleven-sixteenths of a mile
Boofiaclc 98, S3 to 1: Tommy B,'l02, 7: Secret ica,
2: Believe 109: 3 tor2: Vice Begent 112, 6: Sam Jones
112.10. When tbe flag fell Bootjack was slightly
ahead. Secret second, vice Begent third. In this
order they entered the stretch. Tommy it then
came through the buneh, winning by two lengths,
Bootlack second, a head in front of Vice Rejrent
third! Secret, Believe,' Sam Jones" same order.
Time. 1:09X.
Third race, selling, five furlongi. Blxstarters:
"Winnie Davis 97. S3 to 1; Little Bess 97, 5: Passion
103, 4: Llllie Lochlel 103, 5; Colonel Cox 107, 8 to S;
Fremont 113. SO At tbe start Winnie Davis led,
holding nrstplace to tbe'tbree-fonrths pole, where
Colonel Cox showed In front, Davis second, Lo
chlel third. Winnie Davis won by a length.
Colonel Cox second, two lengths ahead of Passion
third. Lochlel, Little Bess and Fremont in order
named. Time, 1:20.
Fourth race, free handicap, seven fnrlongs, five
starters Cora h IDS. even rooneyt Buckler 100, 6;
Koto 95. 2: Eeclase SO, 15: Cashier K. Beclnsd was
first sway. Buckler second,' Cashier third. At the
half Cashier went to the front,-Koko. Keclnse,
Cora L and Bucller same order. . Cashier held bis
lead to the finish, winning by a nose, Cora L sec
ond, a nose in front of Kokothlrd,Keclu80 fourth,
Bnckler fifth. Time, 1:30.
Baclng Tuesday.
Basset! Wlthtthe League.
ISDiAirAPpLis.;December28. Charley Bas
sett, the great second . baseman of the Hooslers,
to-day signed a League' contract to play in this
city for the next three, years. The amount of
salary is not stated, bnt it is said, to be a good
round advance overlast year's figures, Bassett
a rwtA In th. MV-l4A nffrht &.nri W&S In tfnntnl-
tation nearly all day with .President tfrusii Be
! of kvej44 ssature w tw eoattaet,
'"" -w .-j . -...fr. ... --.......-
8 7
3 7
- 4
M 7
s e
IS 6
Clwiflg Perfbrn&B.oe of the Emma
Jtck Opera Coapaay in
Pennsylvania Si-ate Hasic leaders' Asm
eiatios Heetlsg.
The closing performance of the Jncb
opera engagement at the Grand Opera
House was attended . by one of the largest
and most brilliant audiences of the week.
"Weber's mysteriously romantic ''Der ITrel
schuefz" was the bill.' Ihe opera has not
been given " in Bittsbnrg for" manv'years,
and being quite unfamiliar to most of the
hearers, it took hard work on the part of
the performers to warm np the house. In
their way, also, lay the prime obstacle of
the impossible and incomprehensible plot
and the generally poor book; poor "Weber
had very bad luck with his librettists. Bnt
with the gradual unfolding of the lovely
melodic gems and stirring dramatic passages
with which the great founder of the German
romantic opera has disguised this absurd
book, the andience also began to unbend
and show signs oi enjoyment. -
The workrof the pridcipals last night was
pretty much. upon the same lines as laid in
prior performances. Hiss Jnch's1 Agathe
(as the role shonld be named),-like her
Marguerite and Mignon, was an impersona
tion touching very highstaridard. Through
out the week Hiss Jnoh has - shown the re
sults of faithful study and self-development, as
compared with her former operatic appearances
here. A considerably greater attention to de
tails, bringing out tho finer nuances, both of
character and ot music, has marked her work
this season. She sings better too; certain vocal
faults, such as ber old habit of sliding at
the high tones instead of striking them, have
been nearly or quite obliterated, and. her voice
has been so developed, in the lower register es
pecially, as to give it greater evenness and re
sonance .without diminishing In the least Its
rare purity and sympathetic quality. Miss
Jnch stands to-day better equipped for her
life work than ever before and quite ready
to challenge comparisons with most of the
prima donne of tne day.
Mr. vettannisneanis wees witn an aamva-
oiy nnisnea ana enective rendition oi uatpar,
a role that calls for special qualities as distinct
f ronn XiOthario on the one band as irom Me
phiitophelet on the other. . The versatility thus
shown is not tbe least of Mr. Vetta's good
points; It accomplishes a complete change ot
character both as actor arid singer. Miss Susie
Leonbart deserves especial mention for her
sprightly action and very pretty singing in the
part of Annie; she scored a well-merited popu
lar hit. Max or Jludolph as this troupe's
version has it was not made by
Mr. Klvin Hlnger. the hero he should
have been; bis acting bad its moments of
strength and he sang with occasional intensity,
but there were frequent aberrations that much
lowered the average of his performance. The
minor roles were satisfactorily .filled out.
''Freischuetz" gives the chorus a better chance
than others of the repertoire; tbe chance was
seized to prove that that chorus has some tone
to It after all. Indeed the choristers aid very
well. The orchestra an element of much
larger Importance In this pre-Wagnerlan work
than In other operas of Its period
did altogether admirably; quite the smoothest
and most, spirited work of tbe week. "One
would like to hear Mr. Neuendorf's careful
reading and broad conception carried out by a
well-drilled band of two or three times the
number; but considering the resources, little
fault could be found with last night's handling
or the score. The scenery and properties, upon
which In this opera so much depends, were
clearly Inadequate to the requirements. The'
"Wolfs Glen" was rather amusing than awe
inspiring; tbe antics' ot the supernal shapes
were thoroughly laughable.
Mr. Locke-leayes here with his troupe for the
far West, carrying fewer operas and a more
compact company. Miss Bellini is left behind
in order to take in, that excellent artist Mme.
JanuschowskL. Mr. Neuendorfs wife, who is
now In the West. Mr. Locke Is clearly doing
.all he. can with tbe means at his command to
give opera In a really artistic fashion; be de
serves success and, doubtless, on the Pacific
Slope, where he is at home, he will reap his re
ward. As already reported in The Dispatch, the.
Pennsylvania Btate Musia Teachers' Associa
tion resolved to bold next year's meeting in
Pittsburg whicb was just what tbey ought to
resolve. The following special telegram from
Philadelphia, covers tbe events of the closing
day of the very snccesstul first meeting:
There was no business transacted by the'
Pennsylvania Btate Mnsio Teachers' Associa
tion, this morning, tbe session being taken np
with a concert of vocal and instrumental
music, in which the following talent partici
pated; Soprano, Mrs. Helen Boice Hnnslcker;
pianist, Mr. Charles H. Jarvis; violinist,
Mr. William BtolL Jr., and violoncellist,
Mr. Rudolph Henulg. The programme
contained solos, duets and trios, and all
were rendered in a highly acceptable man
ner. In tbe afternoon, in the lecture
room of Association Hall, Mr, Richard Zeck
wer, accompanied by experiments, delivered a
lecture on acoustics, and this was followed by
an essay on "Fundamental Principles ot Voice
Culture," by Mr. P. 8. Law, at tbe close of
which the association proceeded to the election
of officers, with tbe following result .Presi
dent, William Wolsieffer; Secretary and Treas
urer, Fred S. Law; Programme Committee,
Messrs, J. H. Gittlngs, Pittsburg; W. W. Gil
Christ and A. C. Taylor, of Philadelphia; Ex
ecutive Committee, Miss M. Virginia Peck,
Frederick Maxon and Prof. H. A. Clarke, and
Auditing Committee, Daniel Batcbellor, Henry
G. Thunder and Beveridge Webster, of Pltts--burg.
The convention closed this evening with
a concert
Sarasate and D' Albert will be at Old City
Hall on Saturday evening, January 18, Instead
of tbe 13th- as first intended. Mrs. Bertha
Marx, a well bespoke pianist, will form a pleas
ing addition to the programme, though she is
not welcome to displace many numbers tbatthe
others ought to play. Some flowery beef-eater
gets off the following rhapsody about Sarasate,
which, wonld be gush about anyone else than
the graceful, glowing Spaniard:
"The other night Sarasate fascinated a
crowded audience at St. James' Hall, London,
and excited snch a clamor of enthusiastic ap
plause as is seldom heard In London concert
rooms." This graceful Southerner, with the
warm light of warmer climes glowing In his
kindly eyes,- with his small slight figure, supple
as a wand of willow, and his mobile changing
countenance full ot intellectual force and ex
pression what is the moving spring of his.
marvelous geniusf Notfame for his enormous
refutation is treated by- him with the-
merriest insouciance. Not love of money,
for he has private means of his own which are
sufficient to satisfy any man of a reason-'
able mind. Not desire for honors, decorations,
or courtly flatteries he cannot boast of being
"Dr." Sarasate; he is Sarasate pur et simple
Sarasate e 11 suo Viollno Sarasate and bis
dainty companion, his obedient, docile friend
and confidante, the little Instrument to fragile
In make, so light to carry, so apparently noth
ing to look at, and yet which in his hands be
comes a pleading angel, a repentant fairy, a
rapturous skylark, a sobbing child, a sighing
wind, a storm on the ocean, a cry of love, a kiss
of parting anything- and everything In the
whole ranga of human emotions that can be ex
pressed byound.
'Sarasate can scarcely be called a performer
on tbe instrument; it may be said of him as it
was said ot Pagamni, that he la himself a hu
man violin. At any rate, he makes his instru
ment a part of him, and he holds his bow as If
it were a slender lily he had gathered en pas
sant to play with. .The action of It is very like
that of a slight flower swaying in the wind, and
yet with what concentrated nervous energy and
passion it is wieldedl Sarasate himself sways
to and fro with tbe rise and fall, the ebb and
flow of the music he performs."
From a circular inclosed by Mrs. Jeannette
M. Thurber to The Dispatch, tbe following
extract is printed in the interest of tbe gifted
but poor students, whom the National Coaser-.
vatory Is, expressly designed to assist:
The Semi-Annnal Entrance Examinations of
the National Conservatory of Music or America,
Kew York, will be held as followvylz:
Singing Classes January 8, 1S90, from 8 A. M. to
UM.:2to5F. M.;fromsp. n.tolOP.M.
Piano Classes January -7, from A. M. to 12 v.,
and 2 to 5 P. K.
Violin and Cello Classes-January 8, frosL2 to s,
and S to 10 P.M. .
Chorns January S, 8 to 10 r. M. ,.
Orchestra January 11, 8 to 10 p. v.
The object of tne conservatory Is to place the
best obtainable musical education within the reach
of all. . ... -
Tbe institution is open to those of every raee.
creed and color, upon the one condition that tbey
? Ire proof of susjcientnatural talent to- Justify,
he examiners In admitting them,,
'the snecessfnl candidates will enloy the tultloa
of tbe best teachers that, can he engaged, snd.
.riar arrsdnatlon..wlll he afforded' OBaortunltlet
Of making known their accomplishments snd taw.
waring figageaeass, 'uecMtMHsi m
J sasss la watt atreaawtaaces may wanaaVIa-'i
steaetMB tfi.uy srsu oi sse urncues ot hcuui
MM la tfMCosssrysssfywlll Degtvea free.,
fheeearseeaiBrSnsstHltiear'ln singing, oaeratio
.snd MlseollsBSsasv-soWsggto, stage deaertaestt,
elocattea, Jeswiar and Italian plaao,vlolla,eello,
haraioflT.ceontsvpofntind composition, history of
marie, cMatewssaaK-oseliestrs and chorttsv
Cratekets. stwt Quavers.
Anew opsra Is being composed for 1883;.
during the ColnsaVas, celebration at Genoa.
The opera is to be entitled "Cristotoro Co
lombo.?' One of tho last persons decorated by the now
ex-Emperor of Brazil was the composer Carlos
Gomes, who received .tka Imperial Order of the
Rose in recognition of tbe great success, at Rio
de Janeiro, of. his opera "Lo Sehlavo."
A coNCKHTWtii be given by the well-known
"Balmoral Choir; from Scotland, at Old City
Hall next Friday evening. Tbe work of the i
choir is highly spoken ot by reliable critics, the
artistic performance of old folk songs forming
a special f ea tare of. thelrappearances.
Carl FoehbS, the veteran basso, died last
Sunday at bis home lq San Francisco. His
'death was unexpected.1 as be sang m the "Bar
ber of Sevillel'-only" last Friday night. He was
born In Mulhelffl-on-the-Rhlne, Angus 7, 1810.
- and was one of, the greatest bass singers of his
Mxe. Teresa Cabbxsa, who Is the wife of
Signer Tagliapietra, the famous baritone of
the Jnch Comjs&ny, has had great success In
recent concerts, at Berlin. One of the critics
compared her .to other pianists of her sex "as
BruennbHde among; a lotot bread-and-butter
school missesl"
A series of Lortxings operas is to be short
ly given at the- enterprising Hamburg Stadt
Theaterwhl6h" wilt include the following
works of the genial popular composer, viz:
"Hans Sachs," -Casanova," "Czar una Zim
merman," "Undine," "Der Waffenscbmied,-"
"Die beiden Schutien" and "Der Wild
Schutz." "
Misa Fwjbekck Sjothsos sang the other,
day for Conductor "Neuendorf, of the Jnch
troupe, who speaks of ber voice and talent with
quite exceptional praise. Miss Smlthson ex
pects shortly to go taNewYorkto continue
her studies. Prior to ber departure a comnli-
mentary benefit "will be tendered to her at New
Turner iall, r-orDes street, on tho 23d of Janu
ary. Ms&JoHirD. Bam-e. nee Miss Casslday.
who is well remembered as leading soprano at
Trinity Church Some years ago, is now In the
city again, open for church and other musical
engagements. There Is considerable talk of
Airs. iSalfe's being chosen as soprano at the
Second Presbvrerian Chnrch. to succeed Ttfn.
iVilliamA. MCCutcheon (recently Miss Bella
xomerj wno nas last resigned ner position
The Lotus Glee Club, of Boston, presented a
very attractive' programme In the i". M. C. 4.
series of entertainments at Old City Hall last
Friday night. An uncommon feature was the
singing bf Mr. George E. Devoll, alto, who
formed one ot the quartet and also contributed
Jensen's "ilurmnring.Zephyrs" as a solo num
ber. Though Pittsburg has manv bov choirs.
geuulne male altos are scarce as hen's teeth
DuEnro the holiday fortnight Boston, New
York. Philadelphia and a dozen or so" other
cities have heard Christmas tide performances
of "The Messiah." Why cannot the Mozart
Club again pick up the thread of this beautiful
customT This oratorio at this particular season
has such peculiar fitness aa to add greatly to its
effect: indeed. It requires performance under
some such circumstances to remind people of
what is truly the proper sphere of the oratorio.
Mb. Wilson, of the Boston Traveller, is re
sponsible for this: "We hear with affright that
Lillian Russell will attempt legitimate opera
this spring; Tha Bohemian Girl,' 'Martha,'
FraDiavolo' and 'Faust' axe the works she
flatters most; perhaps on .Easter week. If Miss
Russell's venture be a success, we shall hear'
Dlgby Bell in 'Israel in Egypt,' and De Wolff.
Hopper In tbe 'Redemption.' We would not
do Miss Russell, who really knows bow to sing,
any injustice, only we bad hoped to assist at
the final burial ojf Balf el's waif.''
"There was a. time when letters and civiliza
tion had but begun to dawn upon the world.
In that day musle 'was not unknown; on the
contrary, it was SO far from, being a mere serv
ant and handmaid of common and light amuse
ment that the great and noble art of poetry
was essentially -wedded to that ot music; so
that there was no poet who. was not a musician;
there was no verse spoken in the early ages of
.the world bat that musia was adapted as Its
vehicle, showing thereby the Universal con
sciousness that in that way the straightest and
most effectual road would-be found to the heart
and affections of man,'', Thus writes Mr. Glad
stone, wno evidently does not believe that
music is the "younfcest Of the arts." Musical
Courlet, - - l
-Tha Trade Council Meets and Kesolates
TJbsb Basebtill.
The last meeting of thepresent Trades Coun
cil was held Jast'hight. Joseph L. Evans pre
sided. Noa business or any consequence was
transacted s3;'c'ep"t the following resolution,
which was "presented by .Secretary Ward, and
Whebeas, An organization has been formed
in this country under the title an heading bf
the Flayers' Brotherhood, of North America;
Whereas, Said Players' League- has cast o2
the whips of the slave drivers and asserted
themselves as true, American citizens and. not
In favor of slavery? therefore be it
Resolved, That tbe Central Trades Council
of Western Pennsylvania indorse the action of
the members of the Players' Brotherhood, and
lend our moral support in furtherance ot their
objects, which are clearly defined under the
head' of unionism, and in union there 13
Resolved, That a cosy of these resolutions be
given to tbe press for publication; also
Resolved, That a copy be sent to the officers
of the Players' League.
The new Central Trades Conncil foe next
year will meet and organize January 1L
Tbe Plttiburtrer Defeats O'Grndr, the Mans
flrld UxbiweliiBt Terror.
John O'Grady.and Ed Reilly wrestled a
catch-as-catcb-can match out on Penn avenue
last night for $100 a side. The contest was ihe
two best of three falls. Reilly won after a des
perate struggle.
Jim Dunkerlv was referee. The first fall was
gained by Reilly by a half-Nelson and an arm
upthe back. 'The fall was made In 17 minutes.
Reilly, who is a Penn avenue man, gained
the second fall by a leg clutch and neck grip.
This won tbe match. Reilly is considered one
of the most promising lightweights in the
country. '
A Snoellne: Tournament,
Dayton, O., December 28. Thomas H. Kel
lar, representing: the. Eastern and Western
teams that are making atour of the country in
trap shooting contests, is 'here to arrange for
the opening match otthe series of the one to
e shot on the Dayton grounds January 27 next
Killed, by a Car.
Edward McLaughlin, aged.-40 years, em
ployed as a laborer fn the glue works at
Springdale, was -killed yesterday while at
work. McLaughlin was in the Act of push
ing a car along a track, and was caught, be
tween the car and a platform, being crushed
to death in an instant. An inquest will be
held on Monday.
For Wttttrn Fenn
yhaniaand West Vir
ginia, light raxn,vsarm
er, southerly Kindt.
" Ptxtsbubq, December"2g, 1988.
The United States Signal iSernce oJtoeria-
thls city furnishes the following:
Time. Xn
StesA, j,,.t..,.....a
am x. .....,....&
ll60P M oaaa.aaa
2:80 r. v.-.u;........GZ
Biwfi Mstswaaasaa -"
IMaximam temp.... si
junimnsi iap.... aa
Ksnre .... 18
Mean teas. ts
Precipitation....... 0
Sisop. m. ...:... .,... I
Blver l:r. k;. ?. Toe, change of 0.9 In W
hoars. .' "
.a, a? :e nsr a? s
f TV r.srVM. SUUriter a Patents.
1 Iftfah avswM, above 8aHJd.extLsaar
bos" (No sMaja ' Bafsjlitsld yswtv
sraEsffw- ;1i.',,U .I'.., .., &,
IivHssSiIa u '
Always commends itself, and a living ,pfM(Tl
01 mis laci is tuwsys louuu in me steaay umi
increasing saies.oi onr a
The Genuine Products of tho Grain; Jl- 'v
and Grape. ; ,',
Eight-Year-Old Export Whisky is put vpY
in lull quarts at SI, or six for $&' . 4-h
California "Wines, including fine "old
Claret, Port and 8herry, put up in . lull'"
quarts. . Claret, 76c, or f6 per dozen. . 'All
other choice brands of these wines 50c each,
or $5 per dozen. . ,v
Representative medicine men prescribe
onr Old Export "Whisky and California ,
"Wines every day". ' '- ?
BInce the lata decision of the Supreme Court
before, bnt no goods will ber shipped to minors
or persons ot known intemperate habits. Send -for
complete price list, mailed free to anyad--
I dress. All mail orders promptly attended to.
Jna. Fleming & Sort
412 Market Street,
TW- 5-
- J '1 1 Jet
Two Minds with but a Single Thought';
Business matters were not running as smooth
as they might, so to avoid buying a new suit. '
DICKSON, the well known Tailor, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street, second floor,
came to their rescne, and their old clothes now
look like new. Charges moderate; excellent
workmanship. Telephone 1558. da29-Bu
11.000. with services, in a sood-nsvlnr
mannfartarlnx business. Address A. E. L.. Dls-.
patch office. deS-121
CHABU, boose t rooms, natural gas, water:
nice location, paved street: near street ears, Alle
gheny. CUABLES SUMEK3 CO.. 312 Wood
St. Telephone 1773. dezMIS
you onr handsome property list January 1;
describing cozy homes; choice building lots; good,
Investments. CHARLES SOHEKS & CO.; Ill
Wood st. Telephonefim. deS-US-
In tbe heart of Allegheny at abralnour
Instructions are to sell now or withdraw in Janu
ary? Investigate this before the close of the year.
CUABLTW SOiIEKS'4 CO., 313 Wood it. Tele
phone 1773. de29-HS
J little home. East End. close to P. B. B. sta
tions improving localltr: lot SxllO feet to alley;
houseof nice rooms: wlUexehinie for acre prop
erty convenient to elty. CHA KLES SUM EK3
CO.. 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. de9-113 '
cable. 10 minutes' ride of business crater; of
city, two-story mansard brick. 7 rooms, hall,
marble mantels, water, both gases, side entrance
good lot extending to alley; a safe Inve'mrnt,at
onr price to-dir, fi0. UHABLEi S011EE3 A
CO., 313 Wood st. deO-llt.
i" EKTY:
UrMt. ifraat. alu. ... U, ...,..,. .w,4
Kejrley ana convenient to uiiana avenues; nana
some residences building on every nandtasph-';
stantlal fonndatlon for Increased valusttooi;133 -feet
frontage at ftt per foot. CHABLES S0MEK3
& CO., 313 Wood st. deS-USi
Jk ,,& . WIWM ...(.V., ...WBO .u WMU.W..aU-.
HHENY NlcenewhonscSrooms, water, iras;
lot 26x140 feet to alley: (2.GU0; also samei streets S
room house: lot 40x13): f 1.600; look at these prop
ertles, if interested in lower Allezbeny: they are'
both cheap. CHAKLES SOMEBS & CO.. 313
Wood St. Telephone 1773. deSMIS
homes, beautiful building lots; choice In
vestments in the two cities and throughout tho,
suburbs, as shown by our handsome property
lists, readvfor distribution January 1: we -nam
your address ror it. CHABLES SOMEBS A CO.,
313 Wood St. Telephone 1773. de2S-H8
handsome residence location: elaborate nhb-
11c improvements to be made during 1890: will
greatly enhance valuations: elevated situation;
extended view: sunlight and pure air; block
atone pavement: cable to center of city In 12 min
utes: GO feet frontaire by 100 In depth to alley st S33
per front foot. CHABLES SOMEBS & CO.; 313
Wood st. de3-llS .-
one minute from cable: modern Queen Anne -'
residence, 9 rooms, vestibule, hall, bstb. Inside ,
w. c-Ianndry, wardrobes, pantry. range, marble;
washstands, slate mantels, tile hearths. Una
chandeliers, perfect plamblng snd tewersire, '.
sliding doais, inside shatters, electric befls.1.
""" "- IVvS- -.-''""
ft CO.. 313 Wood St.
JD TIES, conveniently located In Allegheny.
are not plenty: wehave a few to offer, and. can
assure prospective buyers that values will be no
lower during 1600.
SECOND WARD Dwelling or Sjoorns; supplied
with water and gas: lotmxUO: S1.S0O.
TENTH WAKO-J-room dwelling; water -and '
gas: prime oraerr lot 20x90; 11.450. . " -.
THIRD WARD-Two-story frame dwelling;'
substantial house of 4 large rooms. eaehUxU:
9-foot ceilings; finished sttlc: water , and 'gas
both floors: side entrance: lot SOxSO: IZSOO.
de29-llS -j5C!--
Of the receiver's sale - .-.
At the rooms. No. 311 Market street: Every
thing put up must positively go to tbe highest
bidder. The stock embraces the finest, and
best' and most unique goods In tbe city, and
every one a bargain to tbe bidder, and could
not be duplicated for twice the money. Onr
orders from receiver are to close ont this week
Sale every morning, afternoon and evening
until all are gone. .
de29-120 Auctioneers.
household goods and carpets, which will
be sold TUESDAY'lloRNlNG. December 3L.
at the rooms, 311 Market st. Chamber suites, '
wardrobes, fine beddlntr. curtains, handsome.
ball chandelier, center tables, coal vases, rugs -
nlAna'j fnlrllnis k4 V. 1...u wnsh TMgta.s&
;tbui e iwtuiuf, astSUs UCU jijmjjsp, mVm VVH
sieaus. oureaus, washstands, nuiuiisw,'
springs, parlor suits, ornaments, velvets
bodv hrnsssla carantjt anrl ram. secretary
china floset; sideboard, easy chairs, rockeraj
dining chair;, china, glass and silverware; la aa- -
dry and kitchen famishment, eta, etc. . Mfc ,t
XExxr -auction; co., lmj
-& iaov
iygpl - -j
-iii&J&.!-2,v V:. . 'j-. .,2v .f . ' -v-. rv-.'v