BLAINE SOT WANTED. 'The Threatened.'lntetfe'rence ofPresi- dent Harrison's Premier IN THE NGLAKD-POJITUGAL MIX irouses Opposition Amonj the Tories, tnt Kot by Their Organs. SEEIOUS-CHABGES AGAINST PAENJSLL, Bronthtbj One Wh W tone a Recipient ef His $ , favor aid Bonaty. SoftnSal and England positively refuse Prefer their difficulty to arbitration. The announcement that Blaine will take a hand the matter hat caused a sensation in Sneland. Captain O'Shea, so long a yJeneficiary of Parnell, has brought serious barges against the Irish leader. Uiauswne "celebrates to-day, his 81st birthday. rT CABLE TO THX DISPATCH.' Lgndon. December 28-Copyright. PThe" difficulty between 'England and Portu tgal is still acute. There have been lively Mnterchanges of dispatches, but the news ot fihe disputants are as widely divergent as lever. Portusral says in effect, that she will Juot surrender, nor will she consent to refer Hhe matter to arbitration. Iord Salisbury is also averse to arbitration, as England lost xeiagoa JJay oy tnai meiuou, uiu ua uu , .friends among the possible arbitrators. "'iBalisbury insists that, as a preliminary to t 'frontier neeotiations. Hajor Serra Pinto's recent actions shsll be disavowed oy tne "Lisbon Government If that be done, the difficult? may be amicably arranged, on the give-and-take basis. For the moment, the' Portuguese Government is stiff-necked", and 'England is assembling a formidable squad ron at Gibraltar, ready for a descent upon Lisbon whenever the word shall be given. The announcement that Mr. Blaine is pre pared to take a hand in the game of coerc ing Portugal has cansed a sensation here. Opinion is much divided on the desirability nt An irlo-American co-operation. On tbe whole, Tories resent the idea, on the ground that the Government, having a chance of earning cheap glory, should not dim its lus tier by admitting a foreign partner at the jlast moment. ' "s Curiously enough, two newspapers whose political opinions are at opposite poles wel come Mr. Blaine's entrance Into the Euro pean arena, the Tory Evening Standard be cause the points at lsne are of a character in which every commercial power is con cerned, and the Radical Pall Mall Gazette because the ultimate ideal to which En glishmen should work is the establishment Stefan Anglo-American flag on all the seas, -""," j .""'"',.:.v.:::i,.-:::jV' ' iminas me worm w uie xvcuuum, uyw "nire rernrd the English-speaking race as i one entity, with common interests anda com mon object, is good. A BOOS TO HDMANITI. Farli Attempting to Herniate Cab Fares by alcana of Electricity. rST CABLE TO TUX DWrATCH.1 London, December 28. Paris is about (trying an experiment that if successful will prove a boon to humanity. An attempt is to be made to regulate cat) lares automatic , ally, so as to leave the cocher out of the 'question as to the amount to be paid. Seven " cabs have this week been furnished with seven different and rival methods of ascer- v", tainine the amounts of the different lares. They vary little in design, the experiment being to ascertain which will work with the reatest accuracy and least cost. As the jaisetager enters the cab he sets tree an elec tric current which at once registers on a dUl his present liability, half a franc, for " taking tbe vehicle. As tbe cab proceeds the dial registers 25 centimes for each kilo nieter of the journey, so that the passenger can tell at any moment tbe number of miles 5:lie has gone and the exact iare he owes. The seven systems arc to be on trial for a imonthj at the end ot wntcn time one win oe aa'donted by the Government, and every cab Mid Paris provided with it. fas'" enrrrnm tiuiDPomv tiai citu BLUUSXUIU AUU1XIU11 VJ OAUEJ. ITbe Wiltshire Estates ol. a Notorious Mar quis In the Market. ET CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, December 28. The splendid Wiltshire property of the Marquis of isAileibury, with which goes by the name of Hhe Bavernake Forest estates, is now up for feale. It comprises, beside tbe beautiful mansion and forest, 40,000 acres of corn ,l&nd and pasture. Ailesbnry's char acter is too well known to neetl recapitula tion. He is nearly always pressed for ready money, for his noble heritage has oeen wasted in drunkenness and vice ot tbe worst description. The Marchioness of Ailpfthnrp 5s Tlnllv T.stpr fnrmerlv a trine?.. & hall singer, by whom he has several chil- .jjt-ren. ?J il :ii. j-a-..- il. . iv- Ai xAicsuurj uicawi me ujufii m uie Mme in ; the costume of a costermoneer. and the ?- jHouse of Lords isin continued dread that he ma carry oat mc inreai ne once made, to 'take his seat in that august body, thhs at tired. He is a patron of 21 church livinps. tand is debarred from all English race tracks :or dunonesty. ! MOEB SAME THAN 1I0NEI. A Canrntn TknlrM nf fcm.fl Thhmm. TTThh.. . - --..... .Hww. uuan.a dubHU.B .u.k lb Marry n Princess. fBT CABLE TO THB DISFATCH.1 London, December 28. The Princess .Maud of "Wales, It was said the other day, was to cave married a .Russian Prince, bnt tbe report does not seem to have been par ticularly well founded. Yesterday it was asserted that she is to be married to tbe only brother of tbe German. Empress, a young Lieutenant in the German army, with a fortune something like 50 a year, who goes by the name of Duke Ernest of Schlesine- '.tiaisiein-EianaerDurg.Augnstenburg. To fcdsy that announcement is also authorita Stively denied. This was anlv to be ex. f, pec ted. If the daughters of the Prince of Wales Bare not exactly brilliant, tbey are not de tyoid of common sense and shrewdness, and certainly no well regulated young woman would care to oe allied with a man who had ob better came to offer her than that ot the German princeling. GLADSTOKP'S BlETflDAI T0-DAI. The Grand Old Mnn Celebrating the 81st S' Anniverani-y af RU RlrtV. U IBT CABLZ TO THX DISFATCB. jLondon, December 28. To-morrow Gladstone -celebrates his 81st birthday, and f&lready congratulations and presents are fgonrlng In at Hawsrden, where the postoffiee authorities have made arrangements to keen Sr'theitelegraph and postoffice open all day for aneireceipt w congratulations, xoe usual 'Gladstone oananet win be civen at Chester p'by the party leaders Monday evening. ' - .xoe ursnu vuu juan is in splendid vjiealtb, and is already preparing lor the Par oliamentary campaign, having taken Lord ToIlemac&e oouse in of. jamei square for fthe'season. Fatality at n Ball Ftshr. fBT CABLX TO TBI PI8FATCII.1 L'Ld'ifDOir, December 28. A bullfight at Caaix, one day this week, resulted as more gbullfighU ought to. An espsda wa not rqnick enough In giving the bull tbe coup de Ytrrace. and the animal killed him in the presence of 6,000 spectators, before another lespafla was able to come to his rescue. . JUENED ON JAMELL . Captntn O'Sfaea Rrlnss a Serlm Charge AssalaM Bb SM Frlead ni Frotecter Considered u. Tory Scbeas to Harsa the Irtafe leader. rnx cable to rax DISPATCH.' London, December 2a Captain O'Shea, who; after enjoying Mr. JParnell's friend ship tor years, turned' and gave evidence against him before the 'special commission, has filed a petition for divorce on tbe ground of his wife's intimacy with the Irish leader. Tbe specific charges cover the period from early in 1886 until O'-Shea betrayed his friends in the witness box, and the delay in bringing the action is, to say the least, curious, TJntil a court of law shall have decided" the matter, the friends of Parnell will refnse to credit O'Shea's charges. Mr. Parnell's position in Captain O'Shea's family has been known to the world for years past. He lived with them as one of the family and as their most trusted adviser and friend; he Irequently helped Captain O'Shea with his purse, and acte.l as media tor in many troubles. There was never the slightest attempt t concealment. When O'Shea was in Parliament, for instance, he and Parnell always drove home together to tbe fotmer's preltv suburban bouse atNorth bank, Eltham. Everybody in the, district knew Mr. Parnell, who was fond of driving out with Mrs. O'Shea and her children. Mr. Parnell frequently escorted Mrs. O'Shea in pnblic, and always with Captain O'Shea's full knowledge and consent. 2fot infrequently Tory newspapers have hinted that Parnell's position in another man's family was anomalous, and less than six moDuis agu u .lury uowB(iajrci u"e iiu to make an humble apology to Mr. Parnell for a scurrilous paragraph on the same lines. Captain O'Shea always derided these suggestions of evil, and never wearied of telling people that Parnell looked upon his wile as an elder sister, and mmseii as a brother. O'Sbes, therefore, can't plead Ig norance of what the world is saying, and he will have to explain why, with such knowl edge in his possession, he continued to re ceive Mr. Parnell as a member ol his house hold. Pew persons here doubt that O'Shea is acting in the interests ot those same Tory politicians who, having failed to defame Parnell by the aid of Blehard Pigott, are now endeavoring to besmirch his moral character by means of Henry O'Shea. ED1S0NASABDDDHIST. Tbe Wizard Claimed by That Faith Since April, 1878. tBT CABLE TO TBS DISPATCH. London, December 28. General Secre tary W. B. Aid, of the British section of the Theosophieal Society, has blossomed out this week with the statement that Edison is an esoteric Buddhist He says that the 'Wizard was admitted in April, 1878, and in acknowledging nis diploma of membership, said he should treasure the document, and that, as he has not withdrawn from the society, he is true to the faith. Will Tills be Rend or Not? The Pittsburg Combination Clothing Co., the largest clothing manufacturers, an nounce a big sale. We admit that there is no profit in these sales, but they serve us as a means of advertising, and meanwhile rid us of onr surplus stock.' We will positively sacrifice without reserve our entire stock of superfine quality clothing at the uniform pnee for each suit of clothes or overcoat of $18. Monday. Dec. 30, 1889, Irom 9a. ar. until 6 p. M. we will sacrifice ten thousand dol lars' worth of these fine goods at the uni form price of $18 for a suit or overcoat. Beal French Montegnac overcoats, goods cost $8 75 per yard in the piece, usually sold at 540 to $50,"blue, black, graj? or brown, some Quilted satin to buttonhole, others plain silk or satin lined, will be sold to morrow at $18. German imported Chinchilla overcoats, bine, black, brown, pearl, gray, drab and fancy colors, such, as are usually fonnd only in flnexustom tailoring estab lishments. All magnificently lined and trimmed and worth from $30 to,$40 will be sold to-morrow at $18. Beal Care's melton overcoats and cape coats, all colors and pat terns, also the same styles made from the Berkeley kersey overcoatings, the real im ported article, all finished and trimmed re gardless of expense and usually sold at $40 to $50, will be sold to-morrow at $18. Elegant full dress (swallow tail) coats and vests; vests and sleeves lined with white satin; coats silk and. satin lined, satin or plain facing; made from imported doeskin broadcloth, wbrth $50; will be sold to-morrow at $18. Superb Prince Albert frock coats and vests, silk and satin lined; made from im ported corkscrews, diagonals and worsteds; all ,the latest ideas in bindings and cuts fully carried out; no .finer garments in the world; usually sold at $40 to $50; will be sold to-morrow, at $18. Superfine business suits, sacKs anu rour-Dutton cutaway coats; low-cut vests; wide or medium trousers in Bannockburn or Blarney cheviots; fancy stripes and plaids; fancy cassimeres and En glish worsteds; usually sold at $35 to S45; will be sold to-morrow for $18. Mail orders will receive prompt .attention when accom panied bv money order or cash. P. U. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts,, opp. new Court House. GRAKD DISPLAY OF GOLD WATCHES For New Year'a Presents, AT THE JEWELET HOUSE OP HENBY TEE HETDEN, 530 SMITHTrEI-D ST. Having ordered out avery large stock of gold watches for the "Westinghouse Indus trial Watch Club to make their selections, I have quite a large number on hand which I will dispose or at a very small margin. Fancy cases suitable for presentations, as well as plain ones for popular use. The movements are from first-class factories, viz: Howard, Elgin, Waltham, Hampden. Warranted accurate time-keepers. Come quick, before the new year, as I want to ciubc tueju uub ueiore laaung siocK. Everybody Invited To Hendri6ks & Co.'s photograph gallery next wees, ob a eaerat street, Allegheny. Rheumatism Is believed to be caused by excess ot lactic add In the blood, wring to the failure of thekldnejs and liver to properly remove It. The acid at tacks the flbrons tissues, particularly In fhe joints, and causes the local manifestations of tbe disease, pains and aches in the back and shoulders, and in the joints at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists. Thousands of people have fonnd In Hood's Sarsapanlia a positive and permanent core for rheumatism. This medicine by its purifying and vitalizing action, neutralizes the, acidity of the blood, and also builds up and strengthens (he whole body, "I have taken Hood's SarsaparilU and tonnd it excellent for rheumatism and dyspepsia. I suffered for many long ears, bnt my complete recovery is due to Hood's Sarsaparilla. I rec ommend It to every one because of its wonder ful properties as a blood medicine." John KoxHAN, S5 Chatham street, Cleveland, Ohio. Heed's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. SI; six for (5. Prepared onlyby a L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar DR. I. S. WAUGAMAN, DENTIST, 311 Smithfleld stredt Gold fillings. ...fl 00 and up White alloy fillings 1 00 r SUrer fillings ,... 79 Amalgam fillings " GO Extracting teetb... 25 Administering gas 60 Fine gold filling and gold crown work a spe cialty. TEETH, J5, 8 sad 110. Work guaranteed equal to a-ayln the city, ( .. de297 itt HRBaF'-- . ' "JUL THBraTSBDBaS - .vMOfilT 1 WHOLE TOWN. The Finest Harbor on tbe Atlantic Gobbled ' by an SasRab Syndicate. nrSCIAI. TELZGKAM TO THX "DISrATCH.1 Atjousta, GA-, December 28. It is re ported here that Port Koyal, S. C, which has the finest harbor on the Atlantic coast, has been told to an English syndicate. It is generally known that English capi talists have been for several years negotiate ting for the purchase or this town, but for some unknown reason the sale was never consummated. A cablegram was received here by Super intendent Hugh Dempsey, of the Southern Express Company, from Mr. James Flynn, the' head of the English capitalists, and irom tbe message, Dempsey says he has every reason to believe that the sale has been closed and payment arranged for, The syndicate intends developing the natural resources which this destined great city POSSl lean lesses. The price paid connot oe earned. Trllns. Call and see us in our new store. TJeuno & Son, Merchant Tailors, xusu No. 47 Sixth ave., Lewis Block. Marrias-s Licenses Granted Yesterday. want. Besldanea, J William Forderer..... flttstmrg; ( Kale JJlehonte Sbarpsbnrg- f Alfred H. Johnson McKecsport tDeilderla Carlson McKecsport (Michael 11 cilahon....j Allegheny Johanna Mai on ey mttstraric i Michael Snprifc McKeesport Anna Moharrsk , McKeesport (John W. Eran .....Altegneny (Annie Kahey Allegheny ( Anfrast Scliad. ...Allegneny ..Allegheny (i Katbarlna Kettler, ( Franc Lanth. ,.Flttsbarr I Mary A. Sch Mary A. tichmltt tftfsbnrg I John Qnlnn .AllpzhenT Anna M. Klehmond Allegheny (John B. Bernlcb Plttsbnrg I WUhelralna &auman Pittsburg ( Thomas J. Mars... .... ..Tlttsburs; lEraMockbee l'UUburg MAKKrED. SHAW SOLD On .NovemDer 2L ISSSLat the residence of the Bev. George W. McDon ald. AllSS MART DOLD And GEOEOE B. MO CLKLAND BUAW. DFED. ALEXAKDEROn Saturday, at 2 o'clock P. st, at the home other parents. Corry, Pa., Mks. Hannah G, wife of R. B. Alexander, aped 23 years, 9 months and 24 days. Funeral Monday, December 30, at 2 o'clock P.. " BAAKE At McKeeport on Saturday. De cember 28. 1889, FXSSINAND BAAKE, aged 77 years. Funeral on Monpat. December SO, 1889. Johnstown paper please copy. CAEN AH AN Monday. December 23, 1SS9. at, 11:10 F.H., Harry Geobok Clotbztb, brother of W.J-A M. and. T. B. Carnahan, aged 18 years, 11 months, 23 days. Funeral took place from the home of his mother, corner Morgan and Webster street, at, Weditesdat the 25th Inst. SELL On Thursday. December 28. 1889, at 1130 A t Babbaka tnajj. widow of the late Jacob Dell, aged 57 years 1 month 5 days. Funeral from her late residence, corner Main and Grace streets, Sharpsburg, on StmDAT, December 29, at 3 P. V. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 DONALDSON At West Ellzabstn, Mrs. M abtha Donaldson, In the 68th year of her age. Funeral Monday at S P. it. from her late residence. 2 FLOOKER On Saturday, December 28. 1SS9, at 8 o'clock a x., Asms Bay, wife of Alex ander Flocker. Funeral services from her late residence, Evergreen road, onSuxDAY, December 29, at 2 o'clock P. K. GRACEY On Thursday. December 2ft. 18S9, itlA.K, John Gbacey, In his Sstb year. Funeral on Sunday, December 29. 1SS9. at 2 P. X., from tbe residence of William McMur ray. 630 Euclid avenpe. Nineteenth ward. East End. Friends and members of Royal Lodge No. 13, Sons of Joshua, tbrpngbout tbe Key stone district aro Invited to attend. 3 KERB On Friday, December 27, 18S9. at 5 p. ir at tbe residence of John Arbockle. Brooklyn. IS. Y Miss Aitwa L. Kebb. Funeral services at the family residence, 68 Union avenue, Allegheny City, on Monday' afternoon atlo'clock. Interment private at a later bonr. 2 LASHER On Saturday morning, Decem ber 28, 1889, aUA.JL.MAKY P. LASHBB. wife of William C. Lasher, aed 27 years. Funeral Monday horning at 9 o'clock, from 2109 Liberty avenue. McSHANE On Friday, December 27, 1889. at 10 JO a JL, Hugh- McSbane, aped 27 years. Funeral from his late residence, near Etna, on Sunday, December 29, at 3 p. H. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 MCQRAW At his residence. No. 29 Ander son street, Allegheny City, on Friday De cember 27,, 1889, at S.iS P. K., JOHN A. Mo Gbaw, of J.A.McGraw & JBroL, in the 41th year of his age. Funeral services on Monday, December SO, at 2 o'clock p. if. Interment private at a later hour. 2 McCOMBES On Saturday, December 2s, at 7:15 P. M., Kezia, widow of the late James Mc Combes, Sr., and mother of O. R. West, In the SOth year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence, 12 Whig alley, Allegheny, on Monday at 10 a m. Funeral at a later honr. 2 MoCONNELL On Saturday morning, De cember 28, 1889, at 6 o'clock, GEOEOE. son of tbe late George and Agnes McConnell, nee Mc Roberts, in the 19th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his uncle, G. W. Bittrldge, No. 400 River avenue, Allegheny, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. PARKE On Friday evening, December 27, 1SS9, Frederick H., son ot Allen M. and tbo late Lizzie S. Parke, aged 3 years and 4 months. Funeral on Sunday, at 1:30 p. m., from tbe residence of his father. No. 23 Sharon avenue, Twenty-seventh ward, city. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. SWIFT At 3 o'clock A. jl, at Wheeling, Geobob b. Swift: BPRODL On Friday, December 27. 1889, at 3 a.m., Adlla Spboui aged 69 years and 4 months. Services on Sunday. December 29, 1889, at 11 A. m., at residence of Edward Thomas, 2700 Shelley street. Twenty -seventh ward, city. In terment at Rochester at 3 p. if. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. TINDLE On Thursday, December 28, 1889, at 1206 f. m., Alexander Tindle, in the 82d year ot his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 88 Klrk patrick avenue, Allegheny, on Sunday, the 29 th Inst., at 2.30 p. x. ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold 4 Co, 14m.,) UNDERTAKER AND BMBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Fennareaue. Tele, phone connection. mylO-b9-xwTSu JAMES M. FULLERTOli, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap27-2-'5VFSu Don't Do It From the "Medical Review?' "tfpou the first symptoms of Liver Complaint tbe mis guided sufferer applies blue pill, calomel and other mineral poisons, in the delusive bdpe of obtaining rener, wnereas these powerful purga tives but aggravate tbe disease and debilitate the constitution. Dr. Tnttbashad the courage to Ignore this killing practice of the old school. His remedies, drawn from tbe vegetable king dom, are almost miraculous in renovating tbe broken down body. The letters of cured pa tients in tbe Doctor's possession are a tribute of gratitude to bis genius and skill which bnt tew can exhibit. His Liver Pills are sent all over tbe world. They can be found in every town and banilet in tbe United States." Tutt's Liver Pills, Act Mildly But Thoroughly, de23-TT3Su SCOTT'S GREAT DISCOVERY! What I Can Do With It. I can cure an ordinary case of ulceration with one application, bad cases in two Or three. Cure guaranteed to be permanent. I never fail. Cure sensitive and painful teetb, with exposed nerves or pulps, without pain. Can save you tbe trou ble of going to the dentists by the month for treatment. Will not discolor your teeth as other dentists do. I Invite troublesome' cases where otberdentlsts have failed. I wUl cure yon. To be had eely at Dr. O. a Scott'sDental Offices, 624 Pean ave opposite Borne deH-St-TTSSU IPISP2T0H.1 -' -J NEW ABYSRHglMEXTS. -)(- ipflfiM Business conducted now as it was before -the Holidays. Regular stock? put back on the floors. Come and see us. P. C. Schoeneck, 711IJBEJBTT ST. OPP. WOOD BTBEET. de29-wsu JL HIMMELRICH'S SHOE HOUSE 430 to 436MARKET STREET. WILL BE CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL .de29-wTSu IF PRICES WILL DO IT We shall not carry a Cloat or Wrap over until next season. While we are not mak ing as loud a noise as some other houses, we are getting tbe trade because our patrons know what we advertise we do. No high promises, bat solid tacts, that the ladies can rely upon. PLUSH GARMENTS. Seal Plush Jaokets were $12, now Seal Plush Jaokets -were $8 75. Seal Flush Wraps were 89. 816, now $16, now Seal Flush Wraps were $22, now 814. Seal Flush Saoques were $30, now 820. Seal Flush Saoques were 838, now 825. Every garment guaranteed perfectin every particular; all made upon the same princi ple as the real sehlskin carments. with extra fine quilted satin and silk linings, chamois skju pockets, etc. LADIES' NEWMARKETS, Fine Twill Newmarkets were 812, now 86 75. Fine Jacquard ITewmarkets were 815, nbw 87 98. Fine Beaver Newmarkets were 818, now 810. Fine Imported Cloth Newmarkets were $20, now $12. Extra Fine Slreotoire Newmarkets were $26, now $16. Also an assorted lot of ladies' very fine long garments, different sizes and in all colors, that we bought very late in the season, worth 30; we are closing them out now for $16. CHILDREN'S COATS,. From 4 to 12 years, at prices that will aot pay lor the material in them. SPECIAL ADVICE Some of these goods we have only a lim ited quantity of. If yon want to secure a bargain, come at once. Also some startling prices in cold-weather TJNDERWEAB AND HOSIERY for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, SPECIAL. Odds and ends in Holiday Goods, Dolls, Toys, Books and Games, clos ing out regardless' of cost or value. DANZIQER'S Sixth St and Penn Ave, de23 MwM TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from $1 up. Amalcan, 60c: stiver, 75c; white alloy,!. ' Gold Crowns a specialty. fitLS. M.MOOLARZW, Carat taritfciiM tM Twtk awrti. jeSB-TTSB , , WP DEOEMBm t .V- i i, ; NKW ABTERTDJEMZims, - ' STAR WAISTS, 50c. ALLBIZE& We put onJale Monday morning a lot of fine Star Percale Waists at 50c; formerly sold at 75c, n, 125, St 60. 0.ges3tol3, All good pat ters. O G FRENCH BIBBED WOOL H03E, 45c Sizes 6. 7. 7X. 8, 8K. ; black only. Ton never bought them for less than 75c to IL Only a small lot. MEN'S ENGLISH STRIPED MERINO K HOSE,S5c They would be a bargain at 50c Sizes, 8, 10, 10. U. Also a black cashmere at 35c, which Is iess than they cost to make. - MISSES AND CHILDBKN'S CLOAKS. J5. 2 to 12 years; beautiful goods; they formerly sold as high as $15. .HOLIDAY FANCY ARTICLES AT HALF PRICE. 83J per cent discount on all Leather Goods, Mufflers, Fancy Knitted Goods, eta HANDERCHIEFS REDUCED. We have made a big reduction in price. No old or soiled ones, but our very best aid clean est goods. The above are only samples of the great re dactions we are making dally in all our depart ments. Come every day. We promise to save you lots of money. A.G.CAMPBELL&SONS 710 Penn aveflye, 710. . PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth streets. de29-TUFSU THIS PRETTY PIANO EXTENSION FLOOR UMP COMPLEX WITH SILK MNGED PMSOL SHADE. REDUCED TO $9 OO. Then we have .them Tanging np to 55, with plenty in between. TEBRLFIC CUT in prices of Table Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Hall Lights and Chandeliers, Dinner, Tea and Chamber Bets, 2Tish and Game Sets, China, Glass and Queensware, Gas Fixtures, Bronzes and Clocks, Eich Cut Glass Brio-a-Brac, Pedestals, .Easels, Sconces, Onyz Top Tables, Placques, Richly Decorated Plates, After Dinner Coffees. All away below farmer prices. THE J. P. SMITH lamp, Glass & China Co,, 935 Penn Avenue. Bet. Ninth and Tenth Streets. P. S. yfe bare an endless assortment of Decorated Chamber Sets, prices lower that elsewhere. all grades, at de29-WTSu r77iL PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait t8 GO; see them Before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet. S3 and f20 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERi 0C18-83-JCWTSO , if r JEW M m MARK - DOWN - SALE ! Our Immense Stock must be reduced, cold weather or no cold weather. The Prices we shall name will do it quickly. CM fiftlfO Perfect fitting Newmarkets, $5. 56, $7 60 and $8 75 just half price. uLU A (lO. Pine Stockinette Newmarkets, ?8 BO; worth f 18. Seal Plush Jackets, 58 to $13 45; worth from 512 to $20. Seal Flush Sacques, best linings, $13 SO, $15 75, $18 75 to $25; worth from ?5 to $15 more. llPkTTC i.200 fine Tailor-made Jaekets, from $2 50 to $9 75; worth from $5 to J A U ft U I O. $18. Nothing like it eyer offered. HII Ouf Misses' and Children's Cloaks at Equally Reduced Prices BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR. One lot Ladies' Bibbed Vests, long sleevei,29c, worth 50c. One lot Pine Merino Vests, 40c, worth 62c One lot Natural Wool Vests, 62c, worth 88c. Misses' and Children's TJpderwearall reduced. MUFFS! MUFFS I The warm weather of last week cansed an overstock in this department. The prices we will make this week will cause them to go off lively. Come soon if you want a bar gain. 1,500 to select from, SPECIAL BARaAIlTS TET IEtti "bjoicLerries., "Wl-i-i-be (3-ood.s., ToxoIb.oxL Laces, Eto. V Look at our Bargain Tables, loaded down with. Panoy Goods. The prices now are 25c, EOc, 7Sc, $1. One-half and less than one-hall what they were a west ago. Special Bargains in KID GLOVES, MTTTENS, NUBIAS, GrATTERS, LEGGINGS, Etc. A lot oi fine INITIAL HANDKEBCKIEPS, perfectly clew, 106 and. 13cech. They will not last long at these prices. r Kp?erl)aymp 510, 512,514 MARKET ST. R88'fl3TO .jwrtSe -- "dSi MEW ABTKRTfSBMBNTS.1 BIG DO m fe ueiM This Is just what our present Overcoat Sale offers you in allow ing 12& per cent cash discount from the regular prices of all Over coats 12 o out of every dollar of the price returned to and saved by the purchaser. We do not adver tise "Overcoats for $10, worth 816" (?), but our 810 garments, as well as all others, are equal to any offered elsewhere at the same price, and these 810 Overcoats are now only 88 75, making our prices by far the lowest. All our other prices are proportionately the same. If you are desirous of buy ing an Overcoat for the least mon ey and without getting any of the usual low-price inferiorities, you will take advantage of this oppor tunity. In SUITS and BATS for MEN", BOYS and CHILDREN we are also offering some big bargains well -worth your inspection. Also in STTiTC MUFFLERS, HANDKFIR CHIEFS, GLOVES, etc, eta Strassburger & Joseph Mors, ClotMen aiii Halters, - 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. deZMvrsro" BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street. A'HAPPT NEW TEAR TO OUR CUSTOMERS. Our hearty thanks -for the immense pa tronage extended to us during this holiday season. That tbe honest aud earnest en deavor on our part to lira up not only to the letter, but the spirit of our motto, "LOW PRICES," has been appreciated by the pnblic, the multitudes that have visited our store, bears more than ample testimony. LOOK AT OUB BARGAINS FOR THIS "WEEK. 44-piece decorated tea set, only $3 39. Holland window curtains, with fixtures, in different shades, only 25c. 10-piece decorated "toilet set, only $2 SO. i 108-piece decorated dinner set, only 8 SO. 126-piece decorated dinner set, cheap at 52a, only $ix Decorated china mustache cups and sau cers only 10c. S-bottle silver-plated castor, only 1. 8x10 picture frames, 25c Children's nursery chairs, 60s and 51. Plain glass tumblers, only 2c. Thousands of dolls from So to $5. Vases, assorted styles, from So to $3. Also-a full line of tinware, crockery ware, wobden ware, and everything you need in house furnishing goods. Great bargains on our 5c and 10s counters, H. G. HAYDEN & CO. dc29-wsu H. H. DURBIN & CO., BS FIFTH AVEHUE, Rich Jewelry and Pracloas Stonst. noa-TTSSu AND 27 FIFTH AVEJUE. 0lr tit V w. Forgret We shall devote to the most thorough oale ever known. the warm weather all our neighbors are, "like ourselves, over stocked with winter selves, will try to unload their surplus stock at any price. We therefore recognize the fact? that extraordinary efforts will be required. ; vv e need tne room; need the business to We shall try for Me JNot bale. Our first one was in themonthl of September, 1888; we quote from our a'dls vertisement of that sale, explaining why wej chose that name: v 'i WE CALL THEM FORGET because we know that such bargains hayel never oeen ottered betore at one time by arijgj nouse in the United btates; we call them . FORGET because all of our customers who are lucky enough to secure any of them will always re member us,, and watch for similar opportuni ties offered by us in. the future; we call them FORGET because we intend to month, not soon to be Day by day we ot stock; day by day "Forget Me Not bargains will appear in th'e daily Dispatch, Post, .Leader and .Press. WatClMhe Daily Papers.?, -- -- FLEISHMAN CO.'S New Department Stores, 504-506-508 Market EMPLOYERS Call on, or write to BENSWANGER Pitlsburjr, Penns., and secure a Poller of Insurance in the EMPLOYEES' LIABILITY ' ASSURANCE COBP. OP LONDON, ENG., protecting you against accidents to joui Employes and defending yon in case of suit SNAPNO. 12. ' Ladies' solid pold watches, Elcin stem winding movement, cases encrusted with genuine j diamonds. $40 00; ladies' solid cold watches. American movements, richly engraved cases, 5 00.V ladles' rolid gold watches, stem winders and setters, Geneva movements, t3 CO, 111 SO, $15 WJ and $17 60, all warranted lor time and quality. " Ms Gents' solid gold watches. American movements, $19 00 to M0 COL Gents' cold filled watchsaygj JSlEin, waitnam or prmcneia, irom su ou v azu Boys' watches, sofid silver. M 75. ffl 50. $8 vO. Ladies' Chatelaine watches from $3 50 to 85 00. jEC. S2&1T?, 934 T. B. All thelatest novelties In silverware, inr unrlstmas presents -vx- NEW YEAE WE STILL HAVE A STOCK OF GOODS ON HAND LEFT OVER RROM OUR CHRISTMAS STQCK AND YOU CAN TUALLY HAVE THEM AS WE HAVE NOT THE OVER.- A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT SUGH A CUTTING IN PRICES WITNESSED. A oona nae reauction goods. CASH or HOPPER BROS, & Gm THE z LEADING : HOUSE : FURNISHERM 307 "WOOHD STBEE1 WW, TXTJtD Rvjj 4 l L '.2 '9-1 i. Me Ndii i- ff the month of January! and sweeping Clearance! goods, and all, like ourj we need tne money; we? keep our clerks at workj the third time a "Fprgetg . .&. 'r ME TrV tt nriiikp IX I I 1 1- &.'.' ME NOTS Jr- I ME NOTS make this a memorable forgotten." shall take an inventory! our" advertisement, of Chronicle-Telegraphf -- -- v$ r Street, Pittsburg, Pa de29. OF LABOR1 & ZAHN, Agents, No. 60 Fourth avenue; JI in Conrt for same ca use. no23-6-rn3ai uu, cases wairauieu lor m jean- wear. ,sg "fa Liberty St, Cor. Smithfield. clocks and jewelry of every description snltabla u8iTTSsaiK PRESENK LARGE AND VARIES AT YOUR OWN PRIGEf ROOM TO CARRY THEM' YOU NEVER BEEOR 01 zu per cent om CREDIT. '301 A3KP 70U1KX AV. V T i 1 Jt Ju 't. M; d&