Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 29, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 20, Image 20

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s-r.J.i-taBwirEirai.35; - "ars
x-yf. .
.uthor of "Uarda," "An Egyptian Princess," Etc.
(Copyrighted, 188a, by B. E. tfcUore.3
IBIAM went forthand
met her husband at the
path leading upward
to the ridge. When she
learned that Joshua was
restingon theridgewith
his father and the young fighting men, and
j.tini. vin. find that Hnr bad nledred
. . ... ... j, sr ir -l -u -.
nlmseltto wimaraw u. muies tuuuiu op-
point Joshua to be captain of the host, her '
rfknit brows darkened below ner loity prow,
and with stern severity she replied:
"Yon are mr lord, and it ill-beseems to
resist your will, even when you so far forget
what is due to your wife as to give way to
the man who once dared to lift his eyes to
'Hur eagerly broke in:
"But henceforth you are a stranger to
him; and even if I should give you a bill of
divorce he would no longer woo you."
" "Indeedl" said she with a forced smile.
"And it is to hint that you owe this an
nouncement?" "He has devoted himself body and soul
to the welfare of the people and renounces
the love ot woman," replied Hur.
But she exclaimed: "Benunciation is easy
when desire could bring nothing in its train
but rejection and disgrace. It is not he, who
in our day of greatest need sought help of
the Egyptians not hehut you who ought to
be our captain over the fighting men of Is
rael you alone who led the Hebrews to
their first victory at the storehouse ot Snc-
cotb, and whom the Lord Himself by His
servant Moses charged to lead the fighting
men of Israel!"
At this Hnr looked in some uneasiness at
this woman for whom a late bnt ardent love
had glowed up in him, and seeing her
bosom heave and her cheeks flush red, he
knew not wheth -to ascribe it to the fatigue
of climbing or the lofty ambition of her as
piring soul, which she had now transferred
to the person of her husband.
He was, indeed, glad to think that she
eared so much more for him than for the
younger and more heroic man, whose return
caused him some anxiety; still, he had
grown gray in tbe stern fulfilment of duty,
and what he thought it right to do no man
could hinder his doing. To the wife of his
lajoutb, whom he had buried many years
since, his merest sign naa neen a command,
and with Miriam he had as yet met with no
contradiction. That Joshua was the most
fit 'to command the fighting men was
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e 'somewhat, for he. too, found the as
cent hard: "Yonr high esteem "honors
'and pleases me; bnt although Hoses and
the elders have promoted me, you must re
member the Heap at Suceoth, and my tow.
I bear it in mind and shall abide by it."
She looked aside and said no more till
they bad reached tbe top.
The victorious youths hailed them from
the summit with loud acclamations. The joy
of meeting, tbe provisions they had won
from the foe, and the good drink which was
sparingly measured ont to revive those who
most needed it, raised the fallen courage of
the exhausted wanderers, and the thirsty
multitude shortened their rest on the ridge
to reach Dophfca all the sooner. They had
heard from Joshua that they would find
therenot only some ruined tanks bnt also a
hidden spring of whose existence he had
"been informed by the driver of the gang of
Their way now lay down hill. Haste
Is the watchword when thirsty souls know
that wells are within reach; and
,soou after sunset tbey arrived in (the valley
of turquoise mines, where they encamped at
the foot ot the hill on which the now ruined
"stronghold and storehouses of Dophka bad
lately stood. The well, hidden in a grove of
acacia sacred to Hathor, was very soon dis-
covered. Fires were quickly lighted. The
wavering hearts, which in the desert of Sin
had snnK almost to despair, now swelled
again with the love of life, with hope and
'thankful trust. The fine acacia trees indeed
weie. felled to open a way to the spring
"whose refreshing waters worked the won
drous change.
jrhn, n MiriRTYl had met on fhA n?r
but had only had time for a brief greeting.
Jaere, in the camp, tney were thrown to
gether once more.
It was already late, for the elders had
held long counsel as to tbe measures to be
taken for an unexpected attack on the
Amalekites. Nun and Joshua had joined
the assembly. The princely and reverend
old man's son had been gladly welcomed,
and his counsel, that they should form a
-vanguard ot tbe younger men aud a reserve
of the old warriors, was readily agreed to:
'tthey wtre also to send out small parties of
i apicxed men to spy out tbe enemy. Joshua
Jpifound hlmselr, in fact, intrusted with every
$ -thing appertaining to the conduct and safety
' of a considerable army. God Himself had
4 chosen him to be their captain,
a, and Hoses, by leaving him that warning
I word to be "steadfast and strong,'"had con
s' firmed him in the office. Hur, likewise,
who as yet held the post, was ready to resign
it to him; and of a surety that man would
I keep his word, although he had not yet de
f" dared his purpose before the eiders. At
- any rate Joshua was treated as though he
' were indeed theaptain, and he felt himself
their leader.
After the assembly of the elders had
, broken np, Hur had desired Joshua to ac
i company him to the tent, notwithstanding
1 the lateness of the hour; and tbe warrior
'hid consented, for indeed he desired to
' apeak fully to Miriam. He would fain
- prove to her in her husband's presence that
he had found the path which she had so
, 'zealously pointed ont to him.
8 We are always most prone to be angry
pwith those to whom we have done a wrong,
Viand a woman holds the gift of her love as so
great and precious that even tbe man she
' afterward rejects is to think of her with
gratitude" forever after. And Joshua had
boasted that he had ceased to care for her
whom be had once ardently desired, and
who had confessed her love for him yea.
even if she were offered to him. Are. and
he had proved his words, for he had been
content to wait with the others instead of
coming to meet her.
l-At last he came, and with
him her husband who was
eiiuready to make way for him. But she
wii 'still .hereto keep ber eyes open inbe-
airpt we too generous nor.
tie Jwttex man, to whose rate the had
-pp gp
I linked her own. and whose faithful devo
tion touched her deeply, should not be sup
planted by any other man in the high place
he filled by right; he most cling to it, if
only because the did not choose to be the
wife of any "inaa who could not assert him
self as the foremost of the HebrewB after
her own brothers.
Never had tbis much-venerated woman,
who for her part believed, too, in her own
gift ot prophecy, felt so bitter, so sore and
indignant She did not own it to herself,
bnt it was as though the hatred which
Hoses had fired in her soul against the
Egyptians, and which no longer had an
outlet, needed some fresh object, and was
now turned against the only man she ever
had loved. JBut a true woman can make a
show oi friendship in word and demeanor to
any one, excepting those she scorns, and
Miriam received her belated guest with
haughty bnt gracious condescension, and
begged him to give her further
details as to his captivity and re
lease. Bnt she called him by his
old name ot Hosea,' and when he perceived
that this was evidently intentional, ne
asked her whether she had forgotten that it
was she herself who, as the messenger of
the Most High, had bidden him henceforth
to call himself Joshua. To this she replied
and her features assumed a sharper grav
ity of expression that her memory was
good, but she would fain forget the time he
referred to. He himself had rejected the
name bestowed on him by the Lord, inas
much as he had preferred to seek the favor
of the Egyptian King rather than the help
promised him by God. She, faithful to her
old habits, should continue to call him
The simple-hearted soldier was not pre
pared for such a hostile tone; however, he
preserved a fittingly calm demeanor, and
replied with composure that he would bnt
rarely give her the opportunity of calling
him by any name. Those who were his1
friends fonnd no difficulty in learning to
call him Joshua.
To this Miriam answered that she like
wise would be willing to do so if her hus
band agreed and he himself insisted on it,,
for a man's name was bnt as a garment. "With
offices and dignities it was another matter.
When Joshua then declared that he had
always believed that it was God Himself
who had called him by the voice of His
prophetess, herseir, to be captain of the
hosts cf Israel, and that fie conceded to no
man, save only Hoses, the right to deprive
him of that office, Hur agreed with hinuand
offered him his hand.
At this Miriam threw off the self-control
she had hitherto preserved, and exclaimed
with vehement defiance:
"In this I am not of your mind. You
evaded the call of the Most High! Can yon
deny it? And inasmuch as the Almighty
fonnd yon at Pharaoh's footstool, instead of
at the head of His people, He deprived
yon of the office to which He had
raised yon. He, Himself, the Mightiest
of Captains, commanded the wind and
Waves, and they swallowed up the enemy. I
sang a hymn of praise to the Lord, and the
people joined in my thanksgiving. And on
that same day God called another man than
you to be chief ot the .Hebrew Host, and ne,
as you know, is my husband. And al
though Hur indeed has never learnt the arts
of war, yet the Lord surely guides his arm;
and who is it that giveth the victory bnt the
Lord Almighty? My husband, I tell you
once again my hnsband alone is the cap
tain, and though in his excess of generosity
he forgets it, yet he will assert his right to
his office when he remembers whose hand it
was that chose him; and L his wife, lift up
my voice to bring it to his mind."
On this Joshua turned to go, to put an
end to this nnpleasant discussion, hut Hur,
very wroth at his wife's interference between
men, held him fa"st, assuring him that he
should abide by his renunciation. The
wind might blow away a woman's words of
displeasure; it must rest with Hoses "to de
clare whom the Lord had chosen to be cap
tain of His people.
As he spoke Hur looked in his wife's face
with stern dignity, as warning her to re-
fleet; and this seemed to have had the de
sired effect. Miriam turned first pale and
then deep scarlet, and she, too, detained
their guest as though she desired to make
amends, beckoning him with a trembling
hand to come closer to her.
"Yet one thing I must say," she began
with a deep breath, "that you may not mis
understand me. I call every man my friend
who devotes himself to the cause of
Israel, and Hur has told me
how much you propose to sacrifice
to our people. It was your confidence in
Pharaoh's clemency which came between us,
and I know bow to value yonr deep and
decisive breach with the Egyptians. Still,
I only trnly understood the greatness of
your deed when I learnt that it was not only
life-long habit, but another and stronger tie
that bound you to the toe."
"What is the aim of such a speech?"
Joshua broke in, feeling quite sure that she
was laying some fresh arrow to the bow
string intended to wound him. Bnt she
paid no heed to the interruption, and went
on with a defiant sparkle in her eye which
belied the moderation of her tongne:
"After the guidance of the Lord
had saved ns from the foe, the sea
cast up on shore the fairest wo
man we bad seen for many a day. I bound
up the wounds inflicted on her, by a Hebrew
woman, and she then confessed -that she. was
full ofjove for you, and with her dying
breath spake of you. as the idol of her
At this Joshua, deeply incensed, ex
claimed: 'If this were all the trnth, O wife of Hur,
then my father would have told me an un
truth. Eor, as I learnt from him, it was in
the presence of those only who love me
that the hapless woman made the last
confession; not before you. And she was
wise to mistrnst your presence, for you
would never have understood her!"
He saw a suspicions smile
Elay on Miriam's lips, but he
eeded it not and went on: "Your wit is
oh, ten times 'keener than that poor child's
ever was. Bnt in your heart, which once
was open to such great things, there is no
room for love. It will grow old and cease
to beat before it has learned what love ist
Yea, in spite of your flashing eyes I tell you
this: you are indeed more than a woman;
you are a prophetess, and I cannot boast of
snch crace. X am no more than a man, and
understand the use of thesword better than
looking into futurity, and nevertheless X
can foretell one thing: you will cherish the
hatred of me which burns in your soul. You
will even light up the flame in your hus
band's bean and strive to fan it 'with the
utmost zeal, and I know why! The fiery
ambition which possesses you will not suffer
you to be happy as the wife of a man who
must stand second to any other. You re
fate to call me by the name you yourself
gave me. But if hatred and pride
do not altogether choke the one feelinir
which unites us, namely, our love for our
people, the day will come when of your own
free will yon will approach me and call me
Joshua, unhidden, out of the fullness ot
your heart."
With these words he bowed his head in
brief farewell to Miriam and her husband,
and disappeared in the darkness.
Hur loosed after him glooaaily, and spoke
not a word till the footsteps of ttteir depart
ing guest had died away in the silence of
the night. Till this hoar he had always
looked up to bis wife with tender admira
tion, but now the wrath he had restrained
with difficulty knew no bounds. With two
long strides he came close to her; she was
even paler than he, as she stood gating into
the fire like one distraagbt. His voice had
lost its rich metallic ring, aad soanded
harsh and thin as he said: "I was so bold m
toGodth etbsr wmms, aad mt tbel.i
Twd6ity!" f - "
"Repeat?" She pawed with white lips,
and as she looked up at him a defiant glance
sparkled in h black eyes. He seised her
hand with so firm a grfpthat ithart ber,
and went ea as he had begun: "Yes, you
sake me repeat of it. Shasee oa me if I
suffer this hoar of degradation to be followed
by such an aaotherl"
She tried to wrench her hand free but he
would not surrender it and went on: "I
wooed and won you to be the pride of my
house. X believed I. was sowing honor, I
have reaped dishonor for what deeper dis
grace may befall a man than that the wife
should have the mastery and dare to wound
the heart of his friend, whom hospitality
should protect, with hostile words. A
woman, snoh as you are not, a simple, right
minded wife, who could look back on her
husband's past life and think not merely of
how he may gain promotion because she de
sires to share his greatness such a wife
would not need to.be reminded that Hnr,
the man who is your husband, has earned
dignities and honors enough in the course
of a long life to be able to lay down some
portion of them without losing by it Not
he who is chief in command, but he who
does most from self-sacrificing love of na
ture, is tbe greatest in Jehovah's sight.
You crave to stand aloof and be honored by
the crowd as tbe chosen handmaid of Goof.
I do not forbid it so long as you
do not forget what your duty as a
wife and mistress requires of you. To me.
indeed, yon also owe love, for you promised
to love me on the day when we irere wed:
howbeit, the human heart can only give
what it has to give: and Joshua is right
when he says that the love which glows and
gives warmth is far from yonr cold soul."
He turned his back on her and withdrew
into the darkness of the tent; she remained
standing by tbe fire, the flickering blaze
lighting up her beantiful pallid features.
She sether teeth tightly and clenched her
hands over her .heaving bosom as she gazed
after her husband. He had stood before her
in the consciousness of hit dignity, gray
haired, tall And reverend, a worthy and
princely leader of the people. Each of his
words had pierced her heart like a spear
thrust. The power of truth had weighed
his speech, and had held up a mirror to
Hinam which showed her an image from
which she started in horror. Now she
longed to hasten after him, and beseech him
to give her again the love with which he
had hitherto surrounded her; she, alone in
the world, had gratefully acknowledged
that she felt that she could fully return the
precious boon, for she longed, ab, how ar
dently, to hear one kind and forgiving word
from his lips. Her own heart seemed to her
as a cornfield blighted by malignant mildew;
withered, dried np and ruined, where all
had been so fresh and blossoming.
God had scorned her most precious offer
ing, it was impossible to doubt the fact
His presence no longer uplifted her bouI in
visions of glory, and she could hardly call
herself His prophetess1 any longer. This
sacrifice had led her, who Was truthful, to
falsehood; conscious of always desiring the
right, she had hitherto lived at peace with
herself; now she suffered tortures of unrest
Since that momentous step, nothing she
cared for had smiled on her, who had been
so full of hope. She who had never seen
the woman for whom she need make way,
had been sent from the presence of a poor
dying stranger. She had always felt kindly
to everyone who loved her race and the
sacred cause of her people, and now she had
insulted one oftheir best and noblest cham
pions with bitter wrath. The poorest serf's
wife could win the husband who loved her
to a closer union, and the had only estranged
She had come to his hearth seeking only
shelter from the cold, but she had found un
expected warmth, and his generosity and
love had fallen on her aching soul like balm.
He conld not, indeed, give her back what
she had lost, bnt he was a welcome substi
tute. And he now believed her incapable
of a tender emotion; still, the must have
loveto live, and no sacrifice Would be too
great to win his back again.
But pride was no leas a condition of her
existence, and each time she made np her
mind to humble herself and open her heart
to her husband? a fear of degradation
checked her;' and there she stood, as
though spell-bound, till the brands at
her feet fell over and died out, and dark
ness surrounded her.
Then a strange fear fell upon her.
Two bats, which had come forth from the
mines to flutter around the fire, flew close to
heriace with a ghostly stir. Everything
prompted her to retire to the tent, to go back
to ner nusoana; ana witn suaaen decision
she went into the spacious room, lighted by
a lamp. But Hur was not there, and a slave
girl who met her told her that he had said
he would remain with his son and grandson
till it was time to depart
A sense of bitter woe fell upon her; she
lay down to rest, more desolate and ashamed
than she had ever felt since her childhood.
A few hours later the camp
was astir, and when, in tbe
gray light of dawn, her husband entered the
tent with a brief greeting, her pride once
more uplifted its head and her reply was
cold and demure. '
He was not alone; his son TJrl followed
him in. He looked graver, too, than usual,
for the men of Judah had assembled at an
early hour and besought hinr not to sur
render the captaincy in favor of a rnanof
another tribe than theirs.
This had come upon him as a surprise.
He could only refer them to Moses, and the
hope that their leader's decision might be
given against himself grew keener as his
young wife's resolute glance again roused
his spirit to opposition.
With refreshed body and revived hearts
the Hebrews set forth again early on the
following morning; and by this time tbe lit
tle spring, which they had even dug deeper
to promote its flow, was for the time ex
hausted. They cared the less that it refused
to yield any water to carry on their journey,
because they expected to find tome wells at
The tun mounted the cloudless sky in
rouiant majesty. 19 splendor exerted its
stirring influence on the hearts of men
even, and the rocks and yellow
sandy soil shone as brightly as the blue
vault above. The pare aromatic air
df the desert, cooled by the hours of dark
ness? was so light that it was apleasure to
breathe, and walking was enjoyment
"The men showed firmer confidence, the
women's eyes flashed more brightly than for
tome time past, for the. Lord had shown
once more that He was mindful of His
people in thelrneed; aad lathers and mothers
looked proudly on their sons who had over
powered tbe enemy. In every tribe some
one had been welcomed home who bad been
given up for lost, and it was a joyful duty
to heal the injuries insisted by the hard
labor of the mines. Moreover, Joshua's
deliveramee was tamte ef rejoicing,
not aloae among fck tn. stcala
exceptant these ef the tribe ef JTad, be was
bow called by that new name, wish fall be
lief in the comforting promise conveyed by
it The young men who, aader him, bad
put the Egyptians to rout, told in their
tribes what sort- of man Joshua was; how
he thought of everything, and put every
one in the very place where he could do
best. The mere light of his eye aa it fell on
a man fired his warlike ardor; the foe quaked
only to hear him shout the battle cry.
The children picked np .the golden fruits
of the colocynth, which fell from the now
withered gourds above as it tney dropped
from heaven, and brought them to their
parents. But they were as bitter as gall to
eat, and a morose old man of the tribe of
Zebulon, who kept some of the stout rinds
to serve to hold salve, said: "Thus will
this day be. It has a fair seeming; but
when the sun is high and we lack water we
shall know its bitterness!"
And his prophecy was only too soon ful
filled; for the path, after leaving the region
of sand, went on through rocky cliffs like
walls of red brick and gray stone, up and
up, now at an easy slope and now very steep;,
the sun, too, mounted higher and higher,
and the heat increased affthe hours went o'n.
Never had its arrows fallen more cruelly on
the pilgrims, striking pitilessly on their un
protected heads and necks. Here an old
man and there a young one sank to the
ground under its fierce glow, or
tnflaail IrtwtrmvA I lira nn a riwinV
'supported by his neighbors and
clasping his hand to his brow, ine blistered
skin peeled off their faces and hands, and
there was not one whose tongue and gums
were not dried by tie beat, or whose newly
found courage it did not quell.
The beasts toiled sullenly forward with
drooping heads and heavy feet, or rolled
rebellionsly in the sand till tbe herdsman's
thong compelled them to collect their
-strength" for a fresh effort.
At noon the .Israelites were allowed to
halt, but there was not a hand breadth of
shade to give them the reprieve they sought;
and those who threw themselves down, on
the ground found fresh torment instead of
rest. Thus the hapless "wretches of their
own accord set forth again soon for the wells
of Alush.
Until this day, as soon as the sun had
passed the meridian and begun to sink to
ward the west, the heat had abated, and a
fresher breeze had fanned their brows before
tbe rail of dusk, but here tbe rocks for
hours gave out the heat they had absorbed
from the noontide sun, till at length a
faintly cooler, breath came up from the sea
on the west At the same time the van.
guard, which, by Joshua's advice, marched
foremost, halted, and the whole multitude
einywboit , zjkMrai wriu:
came to a standstill. Men, women and chil
dren all fixed their eyes and pointed with
hands, sticks and crooks to the same spot
lor there, before them, a strange and novel
spectacle attracted their gaze. A shout of
amazement and delight broke from their
parched' and weary lips which had long
ceased to stir for speech; rft rapidly spread
from one division to the next, irom tribe to
tribe, to the lepers that closed the train and
the vanguard beyond. One and another
elbowed his neighbor and whispered a name
familiar to them all that of the Holy
Mountain where the Lord had promised
to Moses that He would lead His people
into a good and pleasant land, flowing with,
milk and honey. Non6 had told the weary
multitude that this was the place, and yet
they knew that they beheld Horeb and the
peak of Sinai, the most sacred summit of
this mass of granite.
Although but a mountain, vet was it the
throne of the Almighty God of their fathers!
Al thlinnnp ttlA wttnin mamnaA Kill aaamail
like the burning bush out pf whioh He had
there spoken to His chosen servant, to be
steeped in fire. Its seven-peaked
crown towered .from afar, high above the
hills and vales that surrounded it, burning
like an enormous ruby lighted up by a
blaze of glory in tbe clouds.
Per a little while the pilgrims had for
gotten thirst and exhaustion in watching
the inspiring spectacle. But ere long their
high enthusiasm was turned to the deepest
discouragement for when night fell, and
after a short march they reached the wells
of Alush. it was discovered that the desert
tribe which had encamped, here yester
day had choked the spring, which
at best was but brackish, with
stones and rubbish.
All the water they had carried with them
had been used before reaching Dophka, and
the exhausted spring at the :mines had not
sufficed to fill the skins. Thirst, which at
first had only dried their gums, now began
to burn their vitals. Their scorched throats
could not swallow the solid food of which
tney nad abundance, un every side there
was nothing to be seen but heart-broken
looks, and pitiable or disgraceful scenes.
Men and women storming, cursing, weep
ing, and groaning, or else sunk in morose
despair. Some, whose wailing infants
clamored for water, had gathered round-the
choked wall and were lighting lor a spot on
the ground where they hoped to collect a
few drops of the precious fluid in a sherd.
And the beasts lowed and bleated so
miserably that it cut their drivers to the
heart like a reproach.
Very few cared to exert themselves to
pitch a tent The night was so warm, and
tbe sooner they went forward the better,
for Moses had promised to join them
again at a spot but a few hours
further on. He alone could help
them; it was his bounden duty to save man
and beast from perishing of drought
If the God who had promised them such
great things left them to perish in the
wilderness with all their little ones, then
the man in whose guidance, they had put
their trust was a aeclver, and tbe God whose
power and mercy he was never weary of
preaching to them was falser and feebler
than the Idols with heads ot men and beasts
whom they had worshiped in Egypt. Blas
phemy and curses were mingled with
threats, and when Aaron came forth to
comfort the thirsty pilgrims with wards of
hope, "many a clenched fist Was shaken at
Soon after midnight Joshua, after hold
ing council withrthe elders.bid the trumpets
sound to call the fighting men together.
He set them in ranks under the starlit sky,
appointed a leader to each division, and im
pressed on each the hearing of the word of
command he was to obey.
They came at the call, half perishing
with thirst: but the fresh efforts to whicn
their captain exhorted them wonderfully
revived their fainting energies; as well as
the hope of victory and a precions, reward,
a plot of land, namely, at the foot of the
Holy Mountain, rich in wells and palms.
Among the youths came Ephraim, giving
life to tbe others by his own vigor. And
now, when the Captain, to whom God had
already proved that He thought him worthy
of the help which his naroo promised, ad
dressed the men, bidding them put their
trust in the Lord Almighty, it had quite a
different effect from that produced by Aaron.
whose admonitions theylhad hearkadto
every day since the;
it? !fel2 iL i. j. J
Bj"? .4
rrvarw p
IWW 't jPwHK swsrFWTVa
parebed with ftfcsif "Kail teth CpihI
Yob are oar leader; we will felkw bom
Them he went ea, gravely and decisively,
to explain to them that he wm prepared to
show to the utmost such obedieaee at he re
quired of them. He was ready to inarch as
the last man in the lowest plaee, if it should
be Moses' will. '
The stars were still bright in a cloudless
sky when a cow-hora called the Hebrews to
1 set forth again. A runner had already been
plight, and Epnralra ha flown after him as
soon as ne was iree toooso. jsuttnrougn
out tbe morning's march Joshua kept his
troops 'in strict order, as though an on
slaught was to be expected. Meanwhile he
took advantage of every minute to teach the
fighting men and their leaders something
for the coming struggle, to note their be
havior, and close up their ranks. He thus
kept them on the alert till the stars began
to pale. '
Pew indeed were the murmurs or com
plaints among the fighting men. but rebel'
lion, curses and threats were all the more
rife among those who bore no weapons.
Long before dawn the cry was heard,1 more
and more often, of "Down with Mooes I We
will stone him when we find himl"
And indeed their knees were failing them
for weariness, and the misery of their
wives and children was visible to every eye.
They struggled on for less than an honr,
when suddenly a loud shout of joy rang out,
spreading from the foremost In tbe van to
the last man in the long train. No one had
been told in so many words to what it owed
its origin, but everyone knew it must mean
that they had come upon fresh water. Tnea
Ephraim came flying back with the glad
tidings, and what a miracle it worked on
the exhausted wanderers I
They pulled themselves up as though
they had already emptied the brim
ming jar at a deep draught aad strag
gled forward, at double speed. The
ranks of fighting men now no longer hin
dered them, but hailed those oftheir tribe
who hastened past them with glad greet
ings. Soon, however, the hurrying tide stopped
of its own accord; for at the spot where re
freshment was to be found the foremost
came to a standstill and behind them the
whole multitude were checked more
effectually than by moats and walls. The
toiling pilgrims had become a vast, dis
orderly crowd, filling the whole valley. At
last men and women turned back carrying
well-filled water jars in their hands or on
their heads, beckoning joyfully to their
friends with words at encouragement and
! making their way through the throng to
their own families; bnt the precious fluid
was snatched away from many before it
could be conveyed to its destination.
Joshna and his troop bad made their way
to the immediate vicinity of the wells, to
keep order among the thirsty people. How
ever, for some little time there was nothing
for it but patience, while the mighty men
of the tribe of Judah. who. with Hur at
their head, had been the first to reach ihe
nf w nlAA hol mwb .nJ p(-mwa wE,(.
levers hastily made out of tbe franks of
acacia trees to clear away the nuge bould
ers which strewed the path,and open up the
way to the spring which leapt forth from
several rifts in tbe rock.
At first it had flowed among a chaos of
moss-grown blocks of granite; but presently
theysucceeded In directing the flow of the
precious fluid, and in checking the water by
forming a sort of tank, where even the cattle
conld drink. Tbbse who had filled their
jars had caught the water in its overflow
from the hastily contrived dam. Now the
men whose duty it was to watch the camp
kept the throng off, so as to give the water
time to settle and clear in the larze new
basin, which it filled with amazing rapidity.
In sight actually of the blessing for which
they had so loudly clamored, it was easy
now to have patience. They had found the
treasure; all that was necessary was to hus
band it. Not a word of discontent or com
plaint or reviling was now to be heard;
many, indeed, looked abashed and ashamed
on this new mercy from the Most High.
Lond and jubilant voices were heard
fat and wide, shouting and talking; hut
the man of God who knew every rock and
valley, every pasture and spring of the
hjlls of Horeb better than any one, and who
had again been the instrument of such
great blessing to his people, had retired into
a neighboring ravine, as if seeking refnge
there from the thanks and acclamations
which rose louder end spread lurther every
moment seeking peace and silence above
all things for his deeply agitated spirit
Presently hymns of thanksgiving to the
Lord were to be heard from tbe Hebrew
multitude, who, refreshed and revived, and
overflowing with gratitude, were pitching
their camp with as much hope and confi
dence as ever they had known. The sound
of song, of happy laughter, 'jests and en
couraging cries, formed an accompaniment
to the workot putting op tents, and the en
campment was rapidly effected, as rapidly as
if it had been raised from the earth by a
magic speii.
The eyes of the young men flashed with
martial ardor, and many a beast shea its
blood to make a feast
Mothers, after doing their part by the
hearth and in the teat, led their little ones
to the spring to show them tbe spot where
Moses with his staff bad pointed out the
spring babbling thrbngh the rift in the
frauite. Many men likewise stood with
ands and eyes raised to heaven round the
place Where Jehovah had shown such grace
to His people, and among them
were not a few of those mur
murers who had picked up stones
wherewith tostonetheservantofGod. None
doubted that they here beheld the result of
a great miracle. The elders impressed on
tha little onesthat they should never forget
this day or tbis water, and an old grand
mother was wetting her grandchildren's
brows at the brink of the pool to insure di
vine protection for them for the rest oftheir
Hope, thankfulness and the glow of trust
prevailed on all hands: even the fear of tbe
hostile Amalekites had vanished, for what
ill could come to him who put his trust in
the mercy ot to omnipotent a Protector.
Joy was absent from one tent alone, and
that tbe finest ot them tbe tent of the head
of the tribe or Judah. Miriam sat among her
women after distributing tbe midday meal in
silence to tbe meq overflowing with grateful
Baring the hours of the evening watch
the warriors all marched past her, and from
rank to rank the cry re-echoed of "Hail to
Joshua!" And those, who repeated the
watchword, "Steadfast and strong," did so
in honor of the mas. she once had loved,
but now hated as the confessed to
herself. None hut tbe men of his own
tribe had honored her husband with
a special cry. Was this their gratitude
for the generosity which had led him to ab
dicate tbe post, to which, he alone had the
right, Tn favor of a younger man? Itout
her to thir. heart to sae her hashand to d
muJi Kn Ua..J Lj. a. MAvn Ia iA I
$? Har owdd-tat ftftutaii liiljr wad-
&U &
!Hesrfat.sMals4 tft steers Mm BsV
rabBitec feat was a feoff m. AltttkWsW
midnight site sent herserring-womeato bed,
and lay down herself to wait till ber has
band should reinra.to confess to him all that
had troubled and angered her, and what she
Hi est desired.
She thought that it would be easy to keep
awake whea she was in such anguish of
mind; bat the great fatfgaet aad straia of
the last few days and nights had told upon
'her, and, in the midst of a prayer for hu
mility aud the lore of her husband, $e
was overcome by sleep. At last, at the hour
of the first morning watch, when day was
just beginning to break, she was startled
from her slumbers by the sound of thr
trumpets giving warning of immediate
danger. ,
She rose quickly, and, glancing at her
husband's couch, saw that it was empty : still
it had been used, and on the sandy soil for
mats were spread only in the living room.
sne saw the traces or iiurs footsteps by
her owd bedside. He must have stood close
by her, and perhaps, while she slept, have
gazed tenderly down oa her face.
This was indeed the trnth; her old
slave woman told her so unasked. Por after
she had-rousd Hup, she had seen him care
fully shading the lamp while he looked oa
Miriam's face, aad bent over her for sobm
minutes, as though he would have kissed
This was good hearing, and rejoiced the
lonely wife so greatly that she forgot her
usual calm dignity and pressed her lips to
the wrinkled brow of tbe little bent old
woman, who had dene service of yore to her
parents. Then she hastily bade her maids
to braid her hair and diess her in a holiday
robe of light blue which Hur had given her
and hastened forth to take leave ot him.
Meanwhile the troops had formed in order.
The tents were being struck, and Miriam
sought lor husband for a long time in vain;
At last iha found him, but he was deeply
engaged in talk with Joshua, and, as she
canght sight of the Captain, the prophetess
shuddered with a sudden chill, nor could
she persuade herself to address the men.
A hard battle must; be fought, for, as the
spies reported, the Amalekites had been
joined bVother desert-tribes. Nevertheless,
the Israelites were still almost twice their
number; but how far inferior in warlike
skill were Joshua's troops to their oppon
ents, inured to battle and ambush. The foe
came up from the south, from the oasis at
the foot of the Sacred Mountain which was
tbe primeval home oftheir race, their foster
mother, their beloved, their all, and to
them well worth shedding the last drop for.
Joshua, now the captain, recognid by
Moses and all the people as leader of the
Hebrew fighting-men, led bis newly-formed
army to the widest portion of the valley,
as this allowed him to take the utmost
advantage of their superior numbers.
The camp was removed by hit orders,
and pitched in a 'narrower place at the
northern end of the valley of Bephidim, in
which the struggle must be fought out, as
this made it easier to defend the tents. He
left the command of the camp and of the
men told off to protect it to the prudent care
of his father.
He had wished to leave Moset and all ihe
elders of the tribes safe within the precincts
of the camp, bnt their great leader had gone
1 forward with Hur and Aaron, and climbed
a peak of granite where they could look
down upon the fight Thus the fighting
men could see Moses and his two compan
ions on-the cliff which commanded the top
of tha valley, and feel assured that the
servant of the Lord would not cease
to beseech Him to spare them and
give them the victory. But every
.simple man in that host, and every
woman and old man in the camp, in that
hour of peril turned to the God of their
fathett, and the rallying cry chosen by
Joshua, "Jehovah, our Befnge," bound the
hearts of tbe warriors to tbe ruler of the
battle, and reminded the most faint-hearted
and unskilled among the fighting-men that
he could not take a step nor deal a blow,
but the Lord would mark it
The trumpets and cow-horns of the He
brew host rang out louder and louder, for
the Amalekites were pouring dewn on the
level ground which was to be the field of
It was a strange scene for such a struggle,
such as no experienced captain would ever
willingly have chosen, for it was shut in on
both sides by steep gray cliffs of granite
toVering up to heaven. If the foe should
win, the camp, too, must be lost, and any
benefit to be derived from knowledge of war
fare must here be displayed within the
smallest conceivable space. To circumvent
the enemy or surprise him in flank seemed
quite impossible; but even the rocks were
turned to account by theleader, for wherever
it was possible ,he had made his best sling
ers and archers climb up them to no great
height, and instructed them to watch for a
sign at which they should mingle in the
Attnenrst glance uosnua perceived that
he had rfot overrated the foe, for those who
began the battle were bearded men, with
clearly cut, manly faces, out of which their
black eyes glowed at the enemy with wild
and bloodthirsty hatred. And every man,
like their leader himself, a gray-haired
man of many scars, was spare and supple of
limb. They wielded the curved saber, the
javelin of heavy sharpened wood, and tbe
lance ornamented with a tuft ot camel's
hair, like practiced warriors, and the war
cry rang ont lond, cruel and death-defying
from the, deep hearts of these men, who felt
that they must die or see their dearett pos
session in the hands of the enemy.
At the first onslaught Joshua led forward
tbe men whom be had armed with the large
Egyptian shields and lances.' and these.
-fired by their valiant leader, made a good
stand, particularly as toe narrow dehle into
the field of battle hindered their wild op
ponents from taking full advantage of their
superior numbers. But when the men on
foot presently withdrew, and a troop of war
riors or dromedaries rushed down on the He
brews, many of them were scared at the
strange signt oi tnese creatures known
to them only by description. They cast
away their shields and fled with loud out
cries, and wherever a gap was made tbe
riders drove in their dromedaries and thrust
down at the foe with their long sharp javelins.-
At this the herdsmen, unused to such
attaok. thought only of saving themselves.
and many turned to fly,"for sudden terror
seized them as they taw the flaming eyes,
and heard the shrill, malignant cry of the
enraged Amalekite women, who had rushed
into the fightto add fuel to their husbands'
r courage and terrify the enemy. They held
ou to the humped brutes by leathern straps
banging down from tbe saddle, which tbey
clutched in their left hands, and allowed
themselves to be dragged whithersoever the
riders went Hatred seemed to have
steeled each female heart against
fear of death, compassion and
womanly feeling; and the hideous cry
of these Megaeras broke the spirit of many
a orave .tie Drew.
But no sooner did their, captain see tbem
give way than he took advantage of tbe dis
aster, and bid them retire and allow the sav
age lpe to enter the valley; for he said to
himself that tbe superior numbers of his
men could be turned to better account as
soon as they had the opportunity of press
ing on the foe from both flanks as well as in
front, and wbea the sllngers and archers
could take their part in tbe fight ,
Ephraim and the bravest of his com
rades, who remained with him as run
ners, were now sent' back to the northern
end ot the valley, to tell the leaders of
the ranks posted there what Joshua pro
posed, and to order them to advance.
The swift-footed shepherd lads vanished
as nimbly as gazelles: aad it toon was seen
that their captain had hit on the right plan:
for no- sooner had the Amalekites reached
tbe middle or the valley than the Hebrews
fell upon them from all sides; several who
were bravely rushing forward fell in the
sand as they brandished tbo sword or spear,
hit bvs round pebble or a sharp arrow
fronting or bow.
ifiosw, BMMWMM. Kept kit piae oa tbe
..IMP aaLL. ..
Asm aii Hw. pr. ttwtwe ,ke waishif
sac Dwue Mta, jsn
t fuwral pmttmVm, ewtM take ,pt ealy'l
Ft wsi JsrwtrF astntt ovni ai vr strvTVStuwu tt bwv
Not a
a sword raiatd or dropped among friend
or foee, tieaped his keen eye; bat
when the fray had fairly began,
aad tbe eaptsJn, with wise forethought,
had opened a way for the eaeaiy- in tbe
id4 of hit own fighting men, Hur ex
claimed to the gray-headed man of Godr
"My wife, your sister's lolty spirit has in
deed discerned the trnth. The soatof Nun.
belies-the call of the Most High. What is
this? We are ihe superior force, and yet the
eaemy makes his way unhindered into the
very heart ol our host- As the waters of the
Bed Sea stood aeide at the word of the Lord,
so da oar ranks. aad, as it would seem, by
their leader's bidding,"
"Only to swallow up Aaalekas tbe waves
of the. sea swallowed up the Egyptians,"
was Motes' reply.
Then ha lifted up his hands to heaven
aad cried:
"Look down, Jehovah, oa Thy people,
who are in fresh straits. Strengthen the
arm and give sight to the eyes of him whom
Tbouhsst chosen to be Thy sword. Send
him the succor Thou didst promise him
when Thoa didst name him Joshua instead
of Hosea! And if Thou dost no more suffer
him to prove" himself steadfast and strong
at beseems the Captain of Thy choice, then
do Thou, with" the hosts of heaven, set Thy
self at tbe-head of Thy people that they may
put their eaemiea to flight!"
Thus the man of God besought tbe Lord
with hands lifted on high, and ceased not to
entreat Jehovah and cry lo Him whose
mighty will ruled his people, and presently
Aaron whispered to him that the foe" was
hard beset, and that the courage of the
Israelites was proving itself nobly. Joshua
was now here and now there, and the ranks
ot the enemy were visibly thinner,
while those of the Hebrews
seemed to multiply. And Hur confirmed this
report, and added that the untiring zeal and
heroic contempt of death of the son ofi Nun
were beyond all praise. He had, as at that
moment, felled one ot the wildest of the
Amalekites with his battle-axe. .
Atthis Moses breathed more freely. His
arms fell by bis side, and he eagerly
watched the course of the fight, which was
surging and raging, fossing'and waving at
his feet
The sun had by this time reached its
noon, aad shone down on the combatants
with scorching fires. The gary granite walls
of the valley glowed with intenser heat
every hour, and the sweat had long since
stood on the brows of the three men on the
rock. What, then.-mustthe heat be below,
adding to tbe labor of struggling and
wrestling? How sorely must the wounds
ache of the bleeding wretches lying there in
the sand!
Moses felt it all as though he himself were
suffering it, for his immovably steadfast
soul was rich in compassion, and he bore
this people, who were of his own flesh and
blood, and for whom he lived and labored,
in his heart as a father does his child. The
wounds inflicted on his brethren painedhim:
yet his heart beat high with proud gladness
as ne beheld now those whose cowardly sub
jection had but a short while since so greatly
fired his wrath had learned the arts of attack
and defense. Now one band of young He
brews afteranotberrushed on the enemy with
lond cries of "Jehovah, our Befnge!"
In Joshua's proud, heroic form he saw the
posterity of Israel as he dreamed and hoped
it might be, and he now no longer doubted
that the Lord had indeed called Joshua to
be tbe Captain of his people. Barely had
his large commanding look flashed more'
brightly than at this moment
But what was that?
A cry of horror broke from Aaron's lips,
and Hur started to his feet and gazed
anxiously toward the north; for from the
spot where the people's tents were pitched
cam'e a fresh battle cry, mingling with loud
and lamentable shrieks, not, as it seemed,
from the men alone, but from women and
children. The enemy had surprised the
A troop of tbe Amalekites had been de
tached from the main body and had made
their way around by a mountain defile
known only to themselves, and had fallen
uponHur's camp with overwhelming im
petuosity. Hebrews and Amalekites were
rolling on the blood-stained mats, while
Miriam and her women were bound hand
and feet and were being threatened with
death by fire.
Joshua, with i detachment of men, rushed
to the rescue, and Miriam awoke to con
sciousness to find Ephraim cutting the cords
which bound her and to see herself sur
rounded by tha brave, fighting men of her
nation. Near her was Joshua, whose wounds
were being dressed by his father. This task
she felt should have been hers and hers
alone; and deep grief and burning shame
came over her as she remembered how great
ly she had sinned against this man. She
knew not how she could repay him, on
whom she had brought such deep sorrow, all
she owed him. Her whole heart longed to
hear tome word of forgiveness from his lips,
and she went toward him on her knees
across the blood-stained ground; but the
prophetess' eloquent lips were dumb; the
conld not find the right word, till suddenly
the imploring cry rose loud from her op
pressed breast: "Joshua! O Joshua! I have
sinned against you indeed, and will repent
of it all my life long, but do hot scorn
my thanks. Ho dot repel sae from you, and,
if you can, forgive me!"
She could not have uttered another word;
but then and this again she never fonrot
rhis eyes had overflowed with scalding tears,
ana ne aau raueu ner j real me grouna witn
irresistible strength, and yet with a hand as
gentle as a mother's when her child has had
a fall, and from his lips came mild and
friendly words, promising full forgiveness.
The men pressure of his hand was enough
to show her that ho was no longer wroth
with her, as she heard his assurance that
the name of Joshua could not fall more
sweetly on his ear from any lips than from
Then with tha cry "Jehovah, our
Befnge!" he turned from her; but his clear
shout, and the enthusiastic battle-cry of his
followers rang in her ears long after.
In other parts of the field the battle still
raged fiercely. The fight around the camp
bad already lasted above an hour, and
Moses had not ceased to beseech the Lord,
with hands uplifted to heaven, when the
Amalekites made a great tush forward. At
this the leader of his people collected all
his strength for a new appeal to the Al
mightypbut he was much exhausted, bis
knees shook and his weary arms fell by his
sides. But his spirit had all its fire and his
heart all its fervent desire not to cease from
entreating Him who is the Buler. of battles.
The leader of his people must not be idle
during the struggle, and his weapon was
prayer. Like a. child which will not cease
from besee'chlng its mother till she has
granted him that which it unselfishly de
mands for its brethren, Moses importuned
the Almighty, who had hitherto shown
Himself to be a Father to him and tbe
Hebrew folk, aad saving them as by a
miracle from the greatest perils.
But bis frame was faint, so he called on
his companions, and they pushed forward a
block of stone on which be might sit while
he besieged the heart of the Lord with more
and yet more prayers. There he sat; and
when'his weary limbs refused their service
his soul still answered to his call, and treat
up as in a fl-iine to the Buler of the des
tinies of man. But his arms grew more and
more feeble, nd dropped at lasf as if
weighed down by heavy masses of lead, al
though it bid for yean been-his habit to
raise tbem heavenwards when he cried fer
vently to God on high.
This his comrades knew,and they thought
they had perceived that, as olten as their
great chiefs hands sank, tbe sons of Amalek.
gaiaed some new advantage; Then they
diligently held up his arms, the one oa tbe
right hand aal the other on the left; aad al
though the mighty man could no longer ap
peal to Heaven in intelligible werdcand hi
giant's frame swayed to aad fro, aad more
Z -?if iT
man oaoe ae it at tfloBgn vn ttotte on
which he sat, tha valley below him aad the
wheh world were ia movement, still hit eyes
and hands were raised on high.
Not tor an instant did he cease oslring on
the Most Hub Jill, on a sodden, from the
Caatp then came mp glad shouts of victory,
whieli eiwed loudly from the reekywa.lt ef
UMfOtft." JotlkM W MttlMMd to ItM field
of aattta, aad a tbe head of hit mops
rasbed a tha twmy with irrultttMi Ituy?
-Ml - t, AW a a- x
" ""
ew aspect Tbe deeuios, is!5ws)jftll
oabtfni. Moses, supported on either iid7
ared not cesua tn nniiit his heartaadRhUl
hands, but at last, at last, the final struggle;
was over. The ranks of tha AmaiKitet
gave way, and presently they fled.lbrpkea
and panic-stricken, to tbe northern pattUby
which they had entered the valleyj-nd
even from thence the cry came up.'froaafa
a flinnaanil Iim.I.) i)T.L..c .n.TIrHi.f"
"Vlctnrvl "Vietnrvt" -' 3&
At this the man of God let hitarasTfalll
from the supporting shoulders of hisTcom?
panions, stood up, tall and strong,ryi5g
with renewed and wonderfully revivedj
energy: "I thank .Thee, my God andjlflrdll
Jehovah, our Befnge I Thy people are" sAvedfSj
But then his sight grew dark from.exhaas5
tion. 'iJgjP8!
"Hail to Joshua! Hail to the cnnnnerorll
re-echoed from cliff to cliff long afterTthat
last of the troop was lost to sightSf Batl
more clearly still did the words r?ogin!the
warrior's heart in which Moses had thanked!
bim, for they bad been: "verily as the!
tword of the Most High, steadfast and!
strong, hast thou fought the fight So loncrR
as the Lord is thy Helper and Jehovah our
Refnge- vr tip.pA fir nn enemies!" -
Wherever Joshua went he was hailed withi
glad acclamations; but he failed to find his 9
father, for Nun had accented Hurs blddihsr.
and it was outside his tent that the son em
braced the old man, radiant with thankful
pride. And the belated guest waswel
comed by Miriam and her husband in a way ;
, which gladdened his heart; Hur gave'him "'
his hand with hearty frankness, while iha
bowed reverently before him, and her eyes
beamed with joy and gratitude.
Before he sat down, Her 'led him aside) ,
ordered a slave who had just slaughtered a
calf to divide it in two parts, and, pointing
to it, said: 'rw
Yon have done great things for the people
and for me, son of Nun, and my life is 'too
short for the gratitude yon have laid on me and
on-my wife. If yon, can forget the bitter words
which troubled our peace at Sophkx and you
say you have forgotten tbem let us henceforth
dwell in unity as brothers in one cause, and
stand up for each other In Joy and sorrow, in
peril and in need. .The captaincy henceforth
belongs to yon alone, Joshna, and to none oth
er; and the people all rejoice thereat, and, most
of all, so do X and my wife. And if you share
my desire that we should henceforth live in the
bonds of brotherhood, come with me. and after
tbe custom of oar fathers we will walk together
between the two halves of this slaughtered
And Joshua gladly did his bidding. Mi
riam was the first to join in the loud ap
proval which old Nun began, and she did so
with ardent vehemence; lor it was sne who,
whose love she had now quite won back, had
suggested to bim to invite Joshua ia this
treaty of brotherhood which was now rati
fied. All this had cost her no pang, for the
two vows to which she had pledged herself
after that the son ot Nun, whom she-now
was ready to call Joshua, had saved her from
the hand oftne foe were about to be fulfilled,
and the felt that it was in a happy hour that
she bad made them. '-
The feeling, new to her, that she was a
woman even as other women are, gave toberj
whole person a gentleness which had hithefg
to been foreign to her. and this won her.tbe?
love of her husband, whose full worth shall
bad learnt during the bitter time whence
had opened his heart to her.
The rest of Joshua's active life, and how
her conquered a new home for his people, is
a well-known tale.
The whole force pf his body and soul ha
devoted to tbe Hebrew folk; but his nephew
Ephraim, as a powerful prince ot his tribe,
well worthy of the honor he achieved,,
founded a house in Israel. Through him"
old Nun saw great-grandchildren growing
up who promised enduring posterity to his
noble race. '
And there, in the land of promise, many
hundred years later, was another Joshua'
born who'bronght to all mankind the gifts
which the son of Nun vainly sought for tha
children of Israel love, mercy and re
demption! THE EXD.
Tie Dread Disease Cared by Ttut; IB
Jnlce of tha FrnlC
rroin the Milwaukee Wisconsin. J
Becently the Chicago Tribune printed that
important announcement that the juice .ofr
the pineapple is a cure wr aipntnena, and
asserted further that the fact Is nothing new
that the Creoles of the South have long
known of the value of pineapple juice in
the treatment of the dread disease. Since the
publication of the first announcement the
Tribune has printed the evidence of a num
ber of its readers who have tried pineapple
juice in the treatment of diphtheria. One
man says he administered the juice to his
7-year-old boy, who was in great distress for
breath, and fqjir hours thereafter the patient
began to cough up the diphtheritic mem
brane. Another says he used the juice in
the case of his 6-year-old daughter, who was
dangerously ill with diphtheria. He says
he induced the little sufferer to take the
juice through a medicine tube, and within
two or three hours she began coughing up
small bits of the membrane.
As the diphtheritic membrane which,
grows in the ainpassagesisof afungoid char
acter physicians have all along recognized
ihe fact that it some acid conld be applied
that would disintegrate the membrane with
out attacking the mucous surfaces the dis
ease could be readily controlled. It would;:
be gratifying but not surprising if the sin,
pie juice of tbe pineapple should become
established as a specific for the cure of diph
theria. It would simply be confirmation of
the theory that nature has a cure for
every ill.
In the application of pineapple juice for
diphtheria, parents should ot course consult
the family physician. No progressive doctor1' -"
will slight new discoveries in any field ofj'"
medicine, and experiment with the alleged f.. '.
cure should be supplemental to tbe regular "
course of treatment prescribed by the lessons
of medical experience. ' " '
Tbe claim to cure all diseases, may at first
glance seem very absurd; but after reading our
pamphlet giving a history ot the Microbe
Killer, explaining the germ theory of disease,
and reading our testimonial, which prove con
clusively there is no disease it will not cure,
the trnth of our assertion becomes clear. No
'person suffering from any blood, chronic or
contagious aiseasa snouiu let a oay pass witn-- c
ont getting and reading this interesting book, jj
wmen wiu do given swar or muira iree. iigg
gentlemen connected with this company arol
wen-Known onsinewmsn ox mis city. Agents y
waniea everywnere. uareu
The Wm- Badam Microbe Killer Co,,
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
ima aaysiatiiii mm t
of Lime and
la endorsed adpwertbed by leading 1
physlcteBaDeeaBse both the Miter OU I
aad Jiwrtwrtllii are the recognized
agents la the cure ot CenmimvlioH. It Is
t codcrft4JFieH Producer. It U tha
ax Wy for oonavmrm,
StjrtrfUtt, BraefcHic, Wiwtiar WK
. Ohrettic Qasttrhsj ati Otitv
IT, ""
tstttVr w y
isssssssssssat -.( Bv
laf . ' , ,,i. , .. . ,1 , .il-, . kliLk M,.,I.2M
Htiini-"'-iriimimw -m MJ:r .t1 '